EPIC Minecraft Survival: Building Ancient Horse Stables

Video Information

Well what’s going on everybody how you doing thanks for stopping in hope you’re having a great day welcome to a brand new video hope you’re all doing well let’s hop in the game let’s say what’s up to everybody we have a lot of building to do today going to the YouTube and boom

And hello what’s up guys how are you welcome in we actually have uh quite a bit of stuff to build today we’re going to replicate this or somewhat replicate these horse stables and bring them down into the ancient city pretty excited it’s going to be a good

One welcome in hope you guys are having a great day minks what’s good Arthur what’s good hello Pam Neo Jordy Wolfie looks like we’ll have to get off the boat here break it and hop in on the other side I should I could just take the Rockets but it’s kind of a nice

Little boat ride welcome in how are you guys doing how are you welcome welcome welcome oh Haven thanks for the Super Chat wow thank you very much uh I’m going to turn down the music just a tad here there we go just want to make sure I can hear what you guys are

Saying boom all right we’re going to go back to the ancient city for just a tad bit we’re approaching 8,000 days which is insane so I’m trying to speed up the process of building just a little bit dude Haven thank you so much for that Super Chat that’s um that’s very

Generous of you I really do appreciate that let’s head in uh thank you guys for leaving a like on the stream I do appreciate that as well it does uh does help out the stream quite a bit if you smash the like button it sends the stream out to people that haven’t uh

Seen it before and maybe they’d like to be a part of the community as well U so thank you if you do always good when you’re live well dude thanks thanks for stopping in you guys rock let’s go in here okay so we’ll just take that out we

Have been oh oops on the twitch streams if you guys have been there uh you’ll know that we’ve been working on the the portal so I’ll show you I kind of I don’t know I’ll just give you a little bit of a glimpse boom right there that’s

The portal right there you’ll have to go see that on the twitch streams um we’ll be restarting that tomorrow morning and episode 56 we’re going to get that out as quickly as POS possible I I’m working on it man I I don’t know when it’s going

To happen but we’re working on it let’s grab some oak logs and some Spruce logs let’s grab a Barrel how many barrels do we have let’s grab two barrels let’s walk through if you guys haven’t seen this is the ancient city project that we’ve been working on for a couple weeks now almost the month I’d say building a lot of stuff down here man let’s head into the train

Station drop off some of this quartz Bam Bam Bam this is all blocks of quartz okay we will uh have to replace those so what we did on the last stream was build this Barn right here thank you guys for showing up to that if you did I do

Appreciate yall this was fun um slowly been getting everything decorated a little bit I have seen a couple villagers actually move oh there’s no that’s a cow never mind what’s up cow um recently on some of the twitch streams we have been Excavating some of this uh

On the other side of all of this skull is water so this is just like a ocean obviously all the way up here is lava as well so we just kind of ran into the elements here but uh we also have been getting everything bright and uh ready

To go for more construction back here too but what we’re going to focus on is all the way back here let’s go behind the nightclub I still haven’t done this path yet which we probably should but this is going to get torn down back here wait who’s back

Here oh never mind there must be oh there’s villagers on the other side of that wall I see where we’re focusing on right now is right here so I think we’re going to take this Tower down I’m going to put some horse stables right here and uh

Then we’re going to have like not a racetrack but an area for them to kind of go back and forth to get their legs moving this is going to be a little bit different than the past horse stable designs that we’ve made before we do anything though I was thinking about

Maybe getting some of the glowberries on the ceiling so let’s do that first real quick let’s fly through the portal and we’ll go over here welcome in everybody oh you know what I’m going to do the crisp I’m do the crisp right here right now let’s go here and hold on there it

Is welcome in guys I do appreciate y’all for stopping by well that was a weird one okay we’ll get to building in just a moment we got some Shenanigans what’s up LS what’s up Frank finally made it to a stream well welcome in it’s good to have you here

It’s good to have everybody here I almost walked away without the the the glowberries yeah all right we got one we’re going have to spend a little bit of time Oop There we go we’re going to spend a little bit of time just kind of flying up and around we’re going to go

Okay that was bad all right let’s try to get better at this there we go that was a lot okay we’re doing it these will be lit let’s go here there we go oh all we need is like half of these to get lit up otherwise I’ll come back through with the bone

Meal three out of 108 out of I’m seeing a unanimous 11 out of 10 I love that good to see the support out of you Guys nice getting up here was crucial okay let’s get this we did get quite a few maybe going up is a good idea might be creepers up here let’s be careful okay nothing yet gotcha gotcha okay that’s going that’s that’s going to be a lot that’ll be a lot of light

That’s good let’s take this out we’re going to take this guy out here well let’s frame the house first well we’re already taking this out I guess you know what let’s take it out I kind of want to come back here with some bone meal

And bone meal this up I love how there’s no mobs really spawning over here because it’s all kind of in the deep dark still love it okay okay well I fell I guess we’re getting sent back to the framing okay so I have an idea let’s

Get a big area built up right here we’ll go maybe start it out right here go one one two 3 2 3 1 1 2 3 1 1 2 3 1 okay we can even go over more no two three I feel like we shouldn’t go that much let’s do

This maybe it’ll be a square one two three boom one two three boom one two three boom so that’s kind of squarish Boom one two three boom one two three boom one two 3 boom okay it doesn’t have to be a square but it’s going to be we’ll do Square in the

Center it’ll be a little bit taller than it is wide we’ll go up one 2 3 4 One Two Three let’s try this one wait let’s go to not this album I guess we can do that too I was actually going to go to this guy right here

And just chill somebody tried to false copyright claim stream beats which is insane I don’t get that there people out there just false copyright claiming everything let’s put this back there we go yeah welcome in everybody it’s good to have you guys here happy Sunday to

You if you’re not watching this live I hope you’re having a great day one two three boom bo boom one two three one two three B wait one two 3 one that’s not red this will be a nice frame get all the wood stripped get a roof on get the horses

Down here we’re going to have to carry the horses through the nether actually and uh get them all the way here no way unless we want to just ride them all the way through the Mesa we could do that does take a while to get all the way over here though let’s strip

These I was going with the music for a second that was crazy sleepy what’s good Angel what’s good Haven what’s good minks what’s good Ricky how you doing if you’re paying attention put a 21 in the chat y man I am a little bit thirsty I’m a I’m a little parched I’m

Going to take a sip hold up bear with me here goth leaf with the dub with the dub okay let’s go this way still Sunday for people and you’re a Canadian but you live in London currently 9:14 p.m. hey if it’s late for you I hope you get some good

Rest and uh thanks for coming here to chill for a little bit might be in the way let’s do this that’s I was using the barrels what’s happening right there we still need to make a path right here that’s why this is gone this is where a path

Will be going but I don’t have one yet I want to get the stable right here first let’s get the like a nice nice place for the horses and then be able to get this moving thinking no deep slate on this build at all some of this in some of this in we’re

Going to use Spruce on the roof maybe use bricks right here for the edge of the roof let’s go grab those right Now we got one two three four five there’s some slavage brick walls some ferns to go Blaze what’s good big monster what’s good Venus what’s good thank you for stopping in get some slavage there we go ha we’re back I might have to take this out this whole area right here might

Have to go it’s just uh it is in the way it’s just in the way only one glow Berry has been lit so far oh never mind we got one up there lit yes that cave is going to look good okay let’s go this way with the

Stairs first and then I should have brought a stone cutter with me I think there’s one over there somewhere I can go grab that or I can get a new one let’s go this Way I’m going to do this right here I could build up this middle part a little bit too actually I might do that that’d be cool let’s do that four more levels or Technic would it be five no yeah four no that would be five five more

Levels we have to get three logs here and three logs there I need scaffolding too I’m using all the scaffolding for the portal right now Bo boom get some lanterns over here too for the sides and there we go Angel coie what’s good Yelp what’s Good Sam what’s good thank you for stopping

In everybody hope you’re having a great night I’m going to have to get more campfires here as Well dude Haven thank you not sure what these do it’s I mean you’re it’s thank you it’s a super chat it’s just uh showing generosity so I appreciate you thank you very much let’s get the lanterns Spruce logs can go back up let’s get a uh a brick staircase we’ll go get scaffolding

Later there we go this is how we get things done thank you though I really do appreciate that I left a heart there for you I’ll get you in the book of super Chatters um l when we are back in the Overworld or not in the over I keep

Saying Overworld like we’re in the nether we’re back home is what I should say we got these let’s get that there we go one 2 three four five six seven right here maybe okay that’s long let’s go this way inway here okay So what I’ll have to do is get rid of this we’re going to go down one I was trying to think what we should do about the leveling here but we’ll get rid of the stairs we’re just going to keep going a slab at a time up on this roof

Slabs only on this side slabs only one two 3 the logs at one 2 3 4 1 2 3 boom Okay I guess what I okay maybe that’s what is a little weird here maybe I should be bringing it Forward by One there we go that way I can do this that is helpful okay perfect m let’s go this way snowed today nice yeah we’ve had snow on the ground for a little bit it actually was kind of warm today so most of the snow looks like it

Is melted I still see some snow in my neighbor’s yard but yeah it snowed earlier it’s been getting a little chilly let’s get these go back and get the lantern so we can have some light up here this going to be an interesting roof this certainly will be an

Interesting roof let’s go this way let’s get that there we go one 2 three 4 one two three one two got it well that was a lot okay we still need some up here slavage Slavage I don’t even hold up hold up a second there partner just not working okay let’s do this let’s just go up by the stairs first upside down stair upside down stair let’s do regular brick into a stair boom boom we got a tall stable that’s beautiful let’s fix the edge of this

Roof and then we can come back get the spruce logs up here get the lights up here too let’s get this guy in and Boop why is it not letting me jump up what’s happening Well something crazy is going On I don’t know what’s happening I can’t figure this out 1 2 3 4 5 six s can’t figure this out everything is uh everything is going wrong right now beautiful thanks let’s get some lanterns get some light up on this okay let’s go here no some composters for the walls might

Be pretty cool let’s try that oh all of the lanterns I know where they are I know where those guys are we have the campfires here though we should grab all of those and and these Spruce trap doors walk through the town real quick I pretty sure I have all of my lanterns

Over this way we have a bunch of villagers here now man all I need them to do is start making their way this way a little bit it’s starting to happen a bit Ah this guy what are you doing buddy just went the wrong way soon it will be the right way though

I see I know what I was I think I know what I was talking oh my God I did go the right way I was trying to go this way though there we go and we’re back stack a lanterns should do and we back Lantern up here Lantern up

Here we get these campfires Up on the Roof Jeremiah what’s good hope you’re having a great Day oh I didn’t move that all the way over actually should have moved it over more this way that’s why we need more Spruce logs don’t know maybe I should just go in here yeah let’s just go boom boom we have this one and all the way in there

Okay Spruce logs where you at okie dokie got you right here not that many left we should be good though I think we have two big pillars these guys right here 1 2 3 let’s get this let’s get this Pillar okie dokie 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 n that’s wrong boom got to get you out of here buddy you’re in the wrong spot get you there boom boom boom boom one Two one not working okay let’s get up here one two 3 4 We got you right here we got bam and one two three oky doie so that should work get out of your bud I can go up on the roof over here let’s go over here Lantern Lantern Lantern okay I’m going to use I’m definitely using

Oak or we could use jungle I like I’ve been liking the jungle we have a lot of Oak over there yeah let’s use jungle for the roof again we did that the other day for the build and I’m I’m still liking that idea let’s go get another stone

Cutter let’s just bring it over here we’re very far away from the nearest one might as well just get a new one Lewis how you doing Frank they both how did they both they both just answered that was pretty cool um let’s grab just this one Guy jungle wood so this is going good up here get the stone cutter on top of the barrel stairs one two three let’s go up with the stairs here one more brick block brick stairs and there we go Not bad as for the walls I was thinking maybe right here we just use composters it’s going to be a little bit weird for the horses to get in and out from this door so I think this will just be specifically mine well that was an accident right there I’m cool with that

Though right here is cool I like that got one two one two three that’s all the composters I have actually right now okay at least we know what we’re doing up there I do not have the jungle wood with me we could have it with me though let’s start moving this Out we got 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 nine actually would be with that where is the brick wall going to go we have one one two boom one two three boom I do like that it could go out one more though one two

3 it have to go out four more there we go okay not bad at all horses are going to have a good time in here we’re going to have to go get more campfire though for sure this is not going to be uh we’re going to yeah we’re going to

Use them all all of them have to make some Spruce trap doors for the roof I know I have a like have a very scatterbrained process when I when I build I have plant in your room and it’s bending oh dude just give it some water maybe give it some sunlight give it

Something research what type of plant it is and see what it see what it needs um dude also I just was uh watching the new fortnite trailer for chapter 5 I’m probably going to play a little bit of that definitely going to check it out let’s get all this campfire sound out of

Here let’s just get up Here I can’t do that let’s do this Perfection hey uh benovsky thanks for becoming a member I appreciate that welcome in thank you very much uh all members actually do have access to the World download and also the subscriber server so feel free to hop in there if you’d

Like in the Discord there’s a server whel list you can put your uh username in there if you’d like to thanks for becoming a member I really do appreciate that thanks for the support very kind of you all right so we will do I don’t know about in

Here let’s do it we’re just going to use a lot of the fence gates a lot of them we just used a bunch of these just for one side we go here and we will go here I bet this will just be honestly we do need this to probably hold it

Up let’s do this though do we have any like one two three Bo there we go that’ll help the middle Spruce trap doors it’s what we need one two three right there 1 2 3 4 5 oh not bad not bad we get that in oh dude what hey benovsky

Dude thank you so much wow my goodness dude thank you for the uh thank you for the 10 gifted memberships hey guys if you get a gifted I can’t speak if you get a gifted membership say thanks and feel free to join the subscriber server remember the

Link is in the Discord um wow thank you so much appr apprciate that dude I wonder if we want to use all these end rods this would be kind of fun you know what wait a second more Spruce and jungle almost forgot them all one two

Well yeah let’s just do this for a second and then we can put all this brick back for the most part actually we should grab more of these oh wait never mind we need more brick stairs that was I was just jumping the gun there Spruce trap doors just let’s just make

More looks like we have these not bad okay more campfires I don’t know if that’s enough though that might actually not be enough I will use more chains probably so we’ll take those with me it just depends we get more composters get nine composters let’s try this let’s try this again right here

Bam 24 that might not be enough actually let’s make some slavage am I seeing that again is this wait am I reading that right did that happen again Beni if you just did if you just gifted 10 more if you just gifted 10 more thank

You so much I don’t know uh if I’m just thank you so much wow I appreciate the generosity dude thank you very much welcome in today I really hope you’re having a good day let’s get some of this going thank thank you thank you thank you hey remember guys if you get a

Gifted sub say thanks feel free to join the subscriber server if you if you get a gifted membership you have access to the gifted uh to the membership server as well um it’s access through the Discord there’s a server whist Channel you just have to have your Twitch hooked

Up to your not your Twitch your YouTube account hooked up to your Discord account um so if you can do that you can join if you want to do that you certainly can oh my God hey thank you for the generosity this that’s insane thank you thank you let’s get this roof

Done thank you thank you um also yeah anybody that gets gifted you have you have access to the emotes on the channel as well so there’s different emotes that are usually available on the twitch Channel they are now available for YouTube members as well so you can comment with them or

Just use them on the live streams that’s totally up to you uh but thank you we get some more of those in Let’s do This gotcha Gotcha we got one we got two this is going to take a little bit of time to get all these trap doors up Here um yeah just one more time thank you for the generosity that’s that’s insane I really do appreciate that I I’ll get you in the book we actually have a book uh for the memberships and everything like that so I will uh I’ll get you in the Book Thank you thank you so many trap doors so little Time okay right here one two one two three boom plant plant plant plant plant plant plant lots of plants should have brought more we are not going to use chains right here that’s just not going to Work we’re not going to use end rods either let’s get a lantern at least in this middle Part yeah that’ll help out a Lot I’m going to put the composters Back okay hold up we one looks like we actually might have to take out that build a little bit sooner than I thought go in here we go Bam Bam Bam and Bam very close to the tower dude I just had to do a I just had

To do a triple take at the chat there that yo benovsky that’s that’s oh my God thank you so much for the generosity that’s insane thank you so much um yeah guys if you get a gifted sub remember to say thanks or a gifted membership remember to say thanks wow I

Think I’m just like speechless right now that’s whoa dude thank you so much one more campfire or a lot more Here jeez yeah guys yeah the least you can do is say thanks if you get a gifted membership join the sub server I’m urging you we actually have a holiday uh stream that’s going to be coming up soon uh it’s a big event that uh takes place

In the sub server U or the membership server whichever one you want to I call it it is uh going to be happening about the week it’s going to be the weekend before Christmas so if you guys want to hop in and build on the giant Holiday

Island feel free dude I am thirsty man I’ve been I don’t know why I’m just extra thirsty some good water yeah man that’s I’m just I don’t even know what to say thank you other than thank you just yeah just wow I hope you’re having a good holiday hope you’re having a great

Weekend thank you remember guys um if you get a gifted sub say thanks gifted membership one 2 3 bam okay this will be a little bit of an area down here for them to run around okay yeah this build has got to go let’s go here bam

Bam yeah it’ll take a little bit of time oh I forgot about this guy boom Haven hey thank you for becoming a member appreciate that wow strawberry what’s good Amber what’s good thank you for guys are popping in look at all those red cubes in the chat now that’s

Awesome welcome in the red welcome in red cubes good to see all my red cubes in the chat how many hertz is the monitor I think like 44 I I don’t remember I’m not sure I’m probably wrong when I say that you know what let’s try diar

Walls that’s going to pop a lot let’s let’s let’s keep doing that I like that 1 2 3 4 One Two 3 four whoa Evan dude Evan’s in here adding way more red cubes to the chat dude thank you for the generos my goodness thank you for the gifted memberships um chat’s feral

Tonight yeah sometimes chat be like that thank you so much dude wow um that’s insane I’m just going to I’m going to take out these stairs they’re just going to be in the way thank you so much yeah guys remember uh if you are not in the Discord feel

Free to join the Discord the link is usually Down Below in the description of the stream or all of my videos um join the Discord if you want to there is uh a channel in the Discord that uh allows you to have access to the subscriber server or the membership server

Whichever one you want to call it that’s what I’ve been talking about for like the past 5 minutes cuz there’s so many red cubes in the chat now if you just got your Red Cube feel free to join the sub server man welcome welcome welcome red cubes

Can’t join Discord well I am sorry about that unfortunately it’s we just have a little bit of a vetting process uh cuz we were having an issue we had some issues in the past with people coming onto the server and griefing but uh we have a lot of process in place now for

Griefers so if you’re worried about that there is no worry to be had thank you so much I I just don’t I don’t know what else to say other than thank you it’s that’s insane extremely generous uh let’s go more trap doors I Guess so much fire that’s that fire CF fires make a lot of noise we’re out of the spruce wow okay get this path done just a tad bit at least with the oak let’s go this way Bam Bam got it boom boom um Evan you as well I’ll be I’ll be

Getting everybody anybody that’s um donating I I do have a a book of generosity or or not generos book of generosity book of appreciation that or the Hall of appreciation there’s like 10 different books but uh get you guys down there later um if I’m about to forget then

Just uh remind me I usually try to do that before the end of the stream one two three four five let’s break that down there we go no there we go Gotcha not bad oh yeah thank you for clarifying that Ricky yeah if you are getting a gifted membership right now if you join the sub server you you don’t get kicked if you ever if you do not choose to continue your gifted sub um so if you don’t want to continue your membership

That’s that’s totally fine you just have to join the server during your time um as a member otherwise uh you won’t be able to just physically get access to that channel in the Discord in the first place so um just you have 30 days to do it so it’s no rush you you

Have 30 days but if you want in the sub server that’s how you get in we have brick walls right here to put up Oops I meant to do that okie dokie let’s get these guys up Yeah the sub server is Java Edition as well I should clarify that if you play on Bedrock I am I am sorry uh I I only I only play on Java version so the sub server is or the member server I got to get used to saying member server when I’m on the

YouTube streams it is only Java I am sorry about that sorry to all my Bedrock players or console players Have to go get more let’s get this on the Roof Yeah it’s not going to work let’s go back around whoa there we go can you play Bedrock one day I mean I certainly could uh right now just this this world is on Java and since it is on Java just going to be playing on Java for a while um o

Almost took all almost took that all the way out um I do like Bedrock though I used to play I’ve played I think overall I’ve played a lot more Bedrock than I have played Java and uh Bedrock is awesome too but in order to use all the shaders

And stuff that I like to play with I just I do have to use Java Edition uh but oh guys give me just one second here uh I need to refill my water I’m just I’m super thirsty so I’m going to refill my water I’ll be back in like 30 seconds

Bear with me here here speak amongst yourselves also if you’re paying attention put a 21 in the chat And we are back with more water let’s head back into the the YouTube let’s go back here what’s good taking a sip there we Go insane it’s just insane thank you everybody that was good appreciate your patience um sometimes I just need some water Get that build boom not too bad there we’re going to have to get some jungle slabs and it looks like we’re going to need more composters too we can hop in here yeah I guess we would just want to get the composters like that we got 1 2 3 4 5 six

7 then we just get the slabs with more composters as well let’s actually put all the slabs up first and then we will go put the composters in actually wait that might be enough that might be enough let’s go double check here got 1 2 3 four 5 six

We’ll probably have to get on the inside to see if there’s going to be if that’s enough nice okay I like that get the jungle trap doors right here or the spruce trap doors up here whichever one looks better maybe some Oak trap doors would look Good let’s go this way not too bad some reason I thought I could make that I did okay never mind I have any bricks on me I do not go here Bam Bam Bam got it we got one two three four three more composters not bad at all okay let’s get

This one jungle slab right there we have the oak planks ready to go get the brick stairs I should probably eat huh how did I choose the name um I mean there was just like I don’t know it was crazy man usually I don’t tell too many people

This but uh I I was scuba diving and uh there’s there’s this bottle and uh there’s this note inside and I picked it up and I uh the note told me that that should be my name kind of crazy probably hard to believe I don’t know you probably shouldn’t believe it but

Uh that’s the story no I’m just kidding it that’s a it’s actually my grandma’s middle name Um so yeah just paying just paying homage let’s go this way get more Spruce there we go Spruce fencing couple more logs a lot of more logs let’s get this bam yeah I might actually have to go back home and grab more Spruce logs from our Spruce Farm might have to happen

Okay we knew we’d be using a lot of those we just didn’t know how many let’s get the spruce in not bad not bad at All got you sir got you got you have to get these horses down in here pretty soon we should use Oak right there instead let’s get this back in got the bricks diorite I don’t know if I’m use any more campfires let’s do this go one two wait boom boom boom boom bo

Bo Boom got it okay so that might definitely not be enough still one two three got it we will have to take a look 1 two 3 1 two 3 1 two 3 1 two 3 we’ll have to get some trap doors up here still got to get them got this one two three let’s just there we we go not too bad 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 okay that’s what we got shouldn’t really need any more oh we

Have I made more composters so we could use them just didn’t just didn’t one two three we need Oak fences Let’s go here we got 1 two 3 four lots of trap Doors gotcha one 2 3 6 7 8 9 10 can I reach that no that’s so that’s a weird angle I shouldn’t even try we got one one two like the interior very spacious yeah the horses are going to have a little bit of room to walk around in here they also have a lot of

Room in here to walk around so um there should be there’s going to be plenty of room there’s only going to be about three maybe four horses down here anyways so I’m not going to spend too much time riding horses down in the ancient city I just want the horses to

Have a spot to call around uh we do have a lot of spruce though I I think we’re I think it’s time to start getting some Oak up in here wow okay that was an accident not a great call on my part let’s go back up this way do I have any

Spruce stairs no let’s make Some okay not bad One two three one two one do I have a lantern yes m M have to do this to the second level as well just do that and that let’s go up here gotcha gotcha oh Spruce trap door probably should go here oops whoa there I didn’t even jeez that was some loud thunder this is supposed to be a relaxing stream what’s going on

Dude we’re all the way down in the ancient city and the Thunder’s coming come on Pokemon tur twig what’s good thank you for stopping in Jade what’s good uh tez Vicki what’s good soat what’s good hi everybody Jade how you doing uh Clementine how you doing Evan good to

See you hope you’re doing well thank you for stopping in something do after end just something to do after the End Dragon is just continue on and set goals for yourself anything that you’ve never done before like Farms or testing your building skills true yeah anytime I

Don’t know what to do next I just like I think about what I haven’t built yet in the world so I would I would very much uh agree to that hold up a second let’s go around to the back hold up that’ll add more color to the roof so will this we made

It all righty going to need more bricks in there did not realize that we didn’t have those well what’s what the heck’s going on I didn’t I how can we hear that how can we even hear that I’m not trying to hear that oh we got to go over to this

Side we got Thunder for days one 2 3 4 6 7 8 nope missed it I missed the last one too on that exact back Spruce trapo let’s get the uh the over detailing done right there come back with some Birch buttons maybe let’s get this gotcha

Now we really do need the oak or the Birch which everyone wants to pull through gotcha and gotcha okay let’s get Birch buttons and Oak fences first let’s see if we have them what Shader pack am I using complimentary reimagine shaders is what I use on this world up

Frank um okay hold up one moment thank you Ricky for plugging all the the answers I do appreciate that we’ll get that there we have 64 buttons plus this guy then the oak fencing right here plus the chains plus the end rods we’re back in business

Oh my god dude when is the thunder going to stop thunder I’m trying not to sleep though on purpose because we’re getting so close to 8,000 days that uh sleeping will get me there maybe over the limit of me like like it might get me there before I get this

Even done so I am trying not to sleep and the Thunder is making me want to sleep cuz it’s loud I wonder how we how can we even hear that we’re all the way down at like we’re almost at Bedrock lightning in the Thunder let’s do this we got one two 3

4 5 six one 2 3 4 5 6 let’s get this guy in one two three four hold up there buddy we got one we got two we got three we got Four that ain’t bad at all not bad partner okay cool probably get a trap door right here probably get a oak fencing right in the middle we’ll get Oak fencing like this too all the way around the sides cool now we just need Oak fence Gates let’s try this out boom boom boom and boom Got one we got two we got three we got four I’m just going to use the gates to get into I don’t even really need anything I’ll probably put a lantern right here and a gate right here probably put a lantern right here too there we go Nice one two 3 4 not bad uh we’ll go one right here and one right here here for a little bit more light boom wait boom and boom or a little bit more nice okay go one 1 two three got those we need more Spruce trap doors where the heck are they there they

Are we got one two we got three we got one two boom boom got you in we got 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 two boom wait we got that not bad one two three four where the spruce stairs still have some let’s get these back over

Here wait a second buddy no there we go make sure this place is structurally Sound got you and then we’ll go there we go we got one Yeah just wrap those Spruce trap doors around one two not too bad dude no end rods for you until you stop dying well I mean it’s a good strategy we just go there and we’ll wrap this guy up okay not too bad let’s get one Lantern even though we already have

Them let’s get more lanterns do I have the spruce fences right there I do let’s get oh no did I use all of the oak logs no I did not let’s do this one 2 3 4 Could get more right here let’s do on these sides we’ll get like some cauldrons for some Water let’s get the buttons everywhere cool I’ll come back for some more aelia bushes to put those up we’ll go one two on the outside probably need a couple let’s try this how many oak fences do I have three 1 two three four five six 7 8 one two 3 four oops no no no no no no no four okay we got that do I have more trap doors yes we do of course we do boom boom boom all right I’m just going to trapo up the sides make them look a little beefed up here we got Boom

Boom 1 two three boom Birch buttons are the way I’ll go back and grab more let’s do the top though real Quick let’s do that okay cuz up at the top we can just use some Oak fences like that yeah to the other side do I have a lantern to put here yes I Do oh I forgot about this hold up two brick planks did I put all that back we’ll have to grab It Let’s use a little bit of well this will be nice let’s use the this as Well just get like 31 of them oh I forgot the Birch buttons of course it is what it is let’s uh let’s get these on first We got one two three one two three wait Boom okay One two three 4 Five how much Spruce do I have quite a bit okay One two 3 one two 3 Not bad probably need a little bit more than just the grass but I like that this path is now almost a path let’s take down these bricks we need more ah wait let’s get some Birch buttons first Birch buttons first I got to go this way put boom boom not Bad look at all those just not growing they’re not glowing Okie do might want to put some of that back Birch buttons it is Lex what’s good thank you for stopping in hope you’re doing well let’s go this way okay this is just not a block goes undone here let’s see

Here boom boom boom boom do I have any Oak oh no I forgot about this totally forgot all right we have the oak to put up there too there’s four Oak fences to put in four Oak fences did I use them all and the chains get the cauldrons four Oak

Fences get the chains right here and the cauldrons on the inside as well 2 3 4 five 6 chain chain chain chain chain chain and chain probably don’t need any more of this let’s double check well actually no let’s do this get some grass we do have Oak fence

Perfect that’s all I wanted boom boom boom and boom we win we have won yo I keep forgetting to actually say uh thank you guys for popping in today thank you for leaving a like on the stream if you have uh liked the stream it does help out quite a bit uh sending

The stream to new people that haven’t seen it before and yeah just thank you guys I appreciate you for being here and thank you for obliterating absolutely destroying that like button yo hey I just said I just had to do a double take right there benovsky thank you for for

The gifted memberships again oh my god dude thank you appreciate that wow dude thank you very much I appreciate the generosity let’s go this way don’t don’t think he sees it well no guys the uh the chat is just also chat’s also a little bit behind for me so if I

Uh if I look at it usually just about 10 15 seconds behind and then uh I also just need to be able to see it if I’m focused on the build I’m not going to see it right away but thank you I got to get this guy out of the

Way not everything can be a acknowledged immediately but uh D dude nonetheless thank you like seriously everything uh all all of the uh all the gifted all of the generosity it means so much I have no words other than just that thank you so much let’s get all this out

Remember guys if you get a gifted sub say thanks look at all these red cubes in the chat this is looking like a twitch chat right now welcome in look at all these members that’s crazy I don’t think there’s ever been a a stream where so many members are here at

Once uh remember guys if you get a gifted sub say thanks to your sub gifter feel free to join the member server but yeah the stream’s going to be a little behind it’s it’s okay if uh it takes me like 30 seconds or so to to see

Something um we don’t need like 10 people telling me to look I do appreciate yall though just got to give it just got to give it like 10 more seconds Naomi what’s good Red Cube gang dude there’s a lot of red cubes in the chat that’s that’s what

I was saying I I looked over and like whoa the beginning of the stream or at the other streams I guess just cuz today’s been absolutely insane never really um yeah just I’m just literally don’t have words still it’s insane appreciate that remember guys we do have a sub server member server hop

In everybody will be green soon Oh you mean green names I was like wait green I see what you’re saying now Philip hey thanks for the kind words appreciate that is this the world is this world included in the downloads yes this so episode 50 I dropped the World download for this hardcore

World so actually everybody that is uh everybody that gets a gifted membership as well or if you’re just a member in general if you’re here you actually do have access to this world download it’s in the Discord as well so feel free to join the Discord everything literally

All access to everything in this community is just going to be uh available through the Discord let’s just get this in 1 2 3 4 boom last one okay metal what’s good dude dude I just thank you for everything this is crazy I’m trying I’m trying to get this build

Done this nice little stable here and uh just being extra distracted this is uh it’s funny just cuz like I’m trying to find the words to say to just express my gratitude and I literally can only say thanks I don’t know what else to say I need to head out of here though

I’m going to grab some clay pots and head back with some aelia bushes maybe flowering aelia Bushes named all the cats not all of the Cats I think about half the cats remain unnamed let’s grab a couple of these no let’s just get these wait did I use all of the clay pots no we might have to go home to grab them what are these jazz songs I’m just

Playing stream beats right now just by Harris heler just just a dmca copyright free music that you can play on stream look at these guys up here just getting what are you doing guys why are you here why am I down here do I have any clay

Pots dude all of the clay pots are being used okay well let’s go home and grab them then can I get stuck here no let’s go over here then we glow Berry up you ask how whole you are you’ll be uh 46 sorry 47 I’ll be 86 next

Fall been playing Minecraft for 32 years I just went right past the boat and used a rocket I don’t know why I did that benovsky oh my God I keep having to do a triple take that’s insane thank you for the this thank you so much dude thank you for everything um guys

Remember if you get to give hey looks like Lex Got A Gifted one guys if you get to get the sub in join the join the member server got access to the world downloads it’s all in the Discord thank you benovsky the shout out dude shout out I actually might have to

Make a new book um for you today because the books that I’ve made only go up to 30 gifted memberships um so I actually I think I’m going to have to make a new book today let’s go here let’s go back in anyone watch Etho yeah dude Etho Etho

Was one of the first Minecraft channels that I ever laid eyes upon such a classic Channel happy that it’s still going to clay pots is what I came here for let’s grab some of these and some of this right here wow I need some food more carrots

Please sound really young yeah I have Benjamin Button Disease but uh no on my on my birth certificate it says 87 next fall been playing Minecraft for 32 going on 33 years I had a had early access to the pre-release of the pre-release of the the game dude Evan Yo Evan thank you for the 10 dude thank you

For the thank you thank you for the memberships guys I’m going to say it again if you get a gifted membership say thanks to your gifted member shipper how however you say it gifted member the member gifter what’s the best way to say that that is it member

Gifter I I I don’t know the best way to say that at all dude thank you so much also yeah thanks M uh yeah try to keep your ages out no ages in chat oh are you talking to me Benjamin Button disease dude Ben I if you guys haven’t seen Benjamin Button I

Re I went rewatch that movie I actually like that movie is good I like that movie I liked it I was I cuz I couldn’t I was like I remember this movie being all right and I went back and watched it I was like this is good I need to make

Some Rockets here huh no I don’t we’ll just keep these with me though membership gifter that might be the best way to do it what’s Benjamin Button disease it’s a it’s a pretty gnarly disease where when you when you’re born you’re 807 specifically the movie is so unsettling

For you it is a little unsettling um okay I don’t need any more of the I should probably bring some grass though let’s bring one Two and we came here for the clay pots grass and clay pots thank you guys dude seriously Evan and um benovsky thank you guys um seriously for everything I I’m like still at a loss of words it’s insane you guys got me smiling cheek to cheek right now um

Thank you guys so much it’s it’s insane and uh yeah just it’s it’s cool you guys are you’re allowing a lot of people to get into the sub server remember guys I know I keep telling you to get in but we do have a big holiday

Event happening in about 2 3 weeks right before the right before Christmas it’s the weekend before Christmas so it’s about 3 weekends from now or two would it be two weekends from now let me see actually when’s Christmas would’ be next weekend next weekend yeah so two

Weekends from now about uh 13 days away we are going to be having the holiday event it’s going to be two Saturdays from now I need to go back this way past the auto sorting system and we go this way First Watch wax fraud you thought the name was wax frog

Well that’s most certainly uh not my name that’s that is my distant cousin’s name but uh do I prefer cats or dogs I like them both a lot there’s there’s cool things about both I I don’t know I have I have I have

One of both I have a dog and a cat and I love them both I like snuggle with both of them equal amounts it’s cool because I think dogs are awesome because they’re always there for you and they love you unconditionally and cats are cool because you like have to earn their love

You have to like you have to earn the the chance to bond with them it’s a lot harder to bond with a cat so that that I do appreciate a lot more dogs will just pretty much bond with anybody but uh I do I think just I think

I do love dogs more just because I uh I like the the pretty much I like the attention that dogs give dogs are always there to give you attention no matter What red what’s good how you doing thank you for stopping in hope we’re doing well today Let’s get this here okay we don’t need anymore let’s get the aelas on the left side tea and coffee yeah it’s needed much needed got the Stables here not bad might come through this side replace these with moss get the rest of this bone Meal boom gotcha boom that’s going to be difficult I’m going to have to take this guy out too oh man you know what this back Alleyway does not have any Cobblestone one two 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 all right now we can go to the other side

Gotcha boom and boom and boom and boom last one right there okay not bad let’s go get the grass on this side my dog’s name is Arlo my kitten’s name is pepper turn all this into a pathway pretty soon bu bum bum 1 2 3 one 2 3

Four that’s all I got wow okay I thought we for sure oh I needed four more exactly I thought for sure that would be enough e boom nice I think coming back here with bone meal right now might be the move should empty these out

I get some more stairs in here if I can find more stairs we got them nice okay we got those back in let’s get these clay pots back around I need to bring the horses over there also I also don’t have hay to put in there completely forgot about hay put this

Back I need more chains then wow okay more chains Lantern can chill here Birch buttons can go back in here for the moment Oak more Oak right here let’s go grab some bone meal put these torches away take two stacks please and thank you actually forgot about that backside let’s grab some of

This turn that into slavage we don’t have any more Granite o okay actually did forget about that part let’s make more jungle fencing one two going need a lot let’s go back in this way just go here we have two boats for two jungle boats that we’ve acquired for some reason we got

These let’s go back here we already used a lot of that actually so we’re just going to have to go back and grab the stone brick slabs from the portal area right now keep these here we’re going have to go get more Spruce my goodness running

Low okay so we have this Spruce trap doors would be the answer to the next question I should keep those land turns out as well hold up a second here buddy there we go gotcha okay over here we go got it bam boom gotcha Boom boom got this over Here got this right here this will be good yo I just had to do a quadruple take this is benovsky this is I have zero words other than ABS just thank you so much thank you for the Super Chat holy moly shout out benas I don’t know if

You’ve ever joined the twitch streams but feel free to stop by anytime we do stream every single day on Twitch um if you’d like to stop by definitely feel free that’s um and that goes for anybody man i’ been trying to tell everybody we do stream there a lot more often thank

You guys for being here man that’s uh yeah thank you so much much it’s crazy very very very Unexpected thank you so much let have this right here to go in to this Guy let’s go grab some water and we’ll drop by here for a moment so over here I do have some slabs there we go we don’t have Granite we got to go home and get some Granite then I completely forgot about the granite um yeah we just have to go do

That I also forgot about all these boom boom boom ah I missed that was a weird one can I grab that no 1 2 3 4 one two and boom boom boom everything’s gone Have to come back here with the Moss itself so I do have the water Though what do we have right here yeah anytime there’s a little bit of an area where a boat can get caught we take it away I think there’s actually one down here no this is actually just where the dirt was we go 1 2 3 and boom and now everything is solved proo

Solved let’s go this way I have more diorite yes okay let’s try this not bad not bad one two not bad at all what if we actually just brought some Oak fencing right back down there let’s get four cauldrons and all that Oak fence or we can use the spruce

Fence Spruce fence would look cool we do already have it let’s get jungle fencing there we go let’s take this out let’s go around this Side two and three and one uh I see we have to take out everything in the middle that’s fine boom boom got you here got you there all righty all righty We’ll come back for more can’t believe we need the granite still all right let’s fix this path right here this one needs to get Fixed boom okay get more Oak let’s go here just misplacing everything probably not going to put any of the stone brick slabs down here cuz we might not really need them yeah like this is not really needing not really needing them that much so that path is done we just need

To get the grass back Down let’s do some gr oh wait we need this as well okay we’ll get that worked out didn’t even see that I don’t know why I don’t know how I missed that let’s go back over here we got one two three four 5 6 7 nice okay so let’s grab a

Little bit more Moss a wee bit more Moss benovsky again dude I I’m you’re going to I’m going to lose the ability to to speak thank you so much I appreciate the kindness that’s it’s absolutely insane thank you so much get that in we’ll get these guys

Back this guy back too this goes in we need to go get Granite guess we just maybe we should just grab it now uh yeah let’s go get the granite Granite we need some more whoa that could have been bad that could have been real

Bad Al see what’s good dude so many red cubes in the chat today this is just insane except for Ricky I see you there green Cube um okay so we’re back out my dog is barking barking at something let’s go over Here I just need granite let’s get like one two three stacks of it turn these into the walls not bad down we go we need more amethyst too actually let’s grab some amethyst while we’re here we also need quarts dude we just need more quartz always

If I can get like 20 of them right now that’d be Perfect no commentary stream the only the only the only way I would ever do that is if like I just if I was sick if I just wanted to stream if I had some stuff to do still on the world and I wanted to stream I would put like a lay

I would put like a like a layer on the Stream that would say I’m sick today not talking this is a no commentary stream feel free to say what’s up I wouldn’t be able to respond sometimes I get a sometimes I get a little sick you know how you know it

Happens but uh usually when I’m sick I just take the day off just try to rest otherwise you’re just going to prolong your sickness 12 clusters let’s get this we got one these are all large nice regular cluster well I think that might have been all of them except for this guy

What’s up I see you only 16 not that bad but uh oh never mind we got one right here probably just going to keep popping out as I’m chilling here doesn’t take them that long to grow but 17’s good for now we’ll take these back downstairs thank you guys for popping in

Though I do appreciate yall thank you for leaving a like on the stream I know I say it a little bit too often probably but it it really does help so thank you guys if you if you’ve obliterated destroyed the like button thank you thank you thank you appreciate y’all you have 11

Pets right now I only have two pets there was at one point in time when I did actually have 11 cats uh exactly the uh I I had a cat that uh got out one night came back it was before we were able to uh cuz we was she was a stray

Cat then she escaped came back to our house uh ended up having a bunch of kittens we had 11 cats at one time we we gave them all away they all got they all got home but uh it was crazy I just remember there being a time when there was 11

Cats one of the cats had narcolepsy I’m not even kidding that’s not a joke I we had a cat his name was George he had narcolepsy he would he would just he’d fall he’d fall asleep just sitting there so funny dude that it was the cute he was the cutest cat

Let’s go back this way a little Bit 11 cats I mean yes they they were kittens we gave them all we we ended up giving them all away after about maybe 6 Months 8 months when is when probably to it took a little bit of time to to give 11 of them away but after a solid amount

Of time they ended up getting homes okay I was going to say what happened to the water did you guys see that that was some weird lag right there going grab all the goodies from the side okay I accidentally made a tree well that’s fine it is what it

Is I’m going to make a little area for the horses over here with these spruce fencing once I get the lighting up on the path let’s grab all these goodies though first let’s go over here one 2 3 boom and and Boom love to get a little bit more grass one two three boom and boom let’s go over here we got one two three Bo wait boom and boom not bad let’s go over here one two 3 boom and boom get the corner right here three we got you and you up against the

Wall that’s pretty cool but then over here let’s go here we got one two three and one two with that in nice okay perfect now we can start thinking about the little track over here maybe let’s just use some Spruce fencing I’m going to use this area so let’s uh let’s try this Had to re-plug just had to re-plug in my mic there so I just smacked it out just lifted my hand up and smacked my mic cable right out if you can hear me okay just put a one in the chat I just want to make sure everything’s okay thank you

Guys sorry about that um yeah I should be careful man I really got to be careful oh we need four cauldrons too for the water we’ll get those filled up we could just fill these up we got Granite right here we got boom boom more Granite thank you for the ones mic check Let’s go this way we back in here I don’t think I’m going to use any more of this let’s put you back all the way over Here I am going to use this torch is going to have to go back diorite is going to have to go back too how much diorite did I take hold on a second is the diorite up here no not at all yes it’s right here We’ll use more we’ll just take this with us all right let’s go grab the fencing if we have we do have Spruce fencing all right let’s head out I think I have a little bit more stuff in the barrel a little bit of more stuff yeah there it is We’ll go one two 3 four 5 six seven eight 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 we’ll go 10 11 10 11 101 so if we all right so if we’re going to start here we go Bam Bam Bam so I guess right here is the only place we’ll get that connected with some fence gates it’s going to be a little strange though we’ll go yeah we have some a little bit of a track here one we’ll go bam and we’ll go bam one two 3 four five

Okay hold up a second we got 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 let’s do this keep it moving get the hoe out let’s get some Moss take it back glad I got the bone meal with me right now there we go

Let’s go here we’ll go 1 2 3 4 5 more fencing this is where we going to make the turns glad I brought more Spruce down except maybe I didn’t maybe I just didn’t oh I do have some right here get the Moss Out we do have more grass to put

Down boom okay more fencing this might be enough actually this might just be the perfect amount okay horses are going to have to deal with this little area being cool and they’ll like that little tree overhang we got this way going here we got boom boom boom and this is the Finish

Line to around the corner right here as well as this that’s the Finish Line right here boom okay we’ll get this right here we got one two 3 or okay let’s do let’s do these instead got you okie dokie we’re going to go back around one two 3 or

No we made it though and then halfway would be like right here so we have one two three four five six seven eight nine 10 11 12 13 14 16 17 so we’ll go 1 five 6 7 8 9 right in the middle these guys are going to try to get in Okie do let’s get these cauldrons in with the water and then I’m going to come back with the clay pots oh the aelia bushes inside is as well are going to be nice let’s get this in fly back actually let’s just go get the let’s get the water in a

Minute inside we got 1 2 3 1 2 3 more bushes for all the horses let just go this way one two three four five nice okay we have four left as well we got one two three let’s just hop immediately this way okay we got boom

Got this out over here not too bad we’ll just go here the horses have a little bit of area to hang but that’s it so we’ll have these taken out this is going to be the giving them a little bit of space to Sprint around

In I like this also a nice little use of the space that we have something used over here let’s get the grass in we got one 2 three four Bo where’s the grass at think that might have been it on this side oh wait no there was some grass

That was needed all the way over Here okay got that in all right now we can go back around didn’t even see this glad I did though bum going to have to take the grass over here as well I might need more yo hey thank you guys again for leaving a like on the stream it does

Does help out a bunch seriously thank you very much appreciate that appreciate the three hundo Let’s uh take this Bo boom we are going to need more than just this one two back we go okay one 2 3 4 one two we’ll come back here with some

Moss we need more Grass more Moss back there this way though is going to be the water let’s just grab a bunch of it four actually we only need three let’s grab a fourth one so we have the other ones do we have the Moss I think we have

The stuff all the way over here actually we got the stuff Let’s get you oh I forgot we had all those here all the clay pots we’ll get those on the inside Just wanted to go all the way down here the corner make gets a little bit of love there we go we got one two that should be it that should have been all of them we got you filled up you filled up the horses have a place to drink now this is perect

Let’s do this I don’t know if I’m going to do anything else we could just get some stuff against the walls like the campfires would be pretty cool n we don’t need to do that yet let’s get these inside just the ferns horses are going to horses love ferns everybody knows

That everybody knows horses love Ferns we got this right here this right here boom and boom gotcha gotcha and gotcha and gotcha not bad not bad Okay let’s get W right there let’s get that on the other side too you’re done sir you are done let’s go this way can confirm horses love ferns they do they sure do they sure do let’s get these put Back put all these back too okay I’m just making sure maybe get some ferns down here I just want everything to be looking all right let’s get on each side of these just some ferns we got one two we don’t want the horses to feel like we’re like leaving some

Decorations out you know I want I want them to to feel loved we go over here we got boom ready let’s go next to the tree boom boom ready ready love it let’s just go here then we got one boom gotcha gotcha okay let us get out of here

Now we can bring the horses in let’s take all of the oh wait we can do this actually beautiful nice okay let’s go back put all the oak back put all the spruce back so um yeah for the question yes so I actually do content creation full

Time I love creating content and um plan on doing it for a very very long time let’s get this in right here more Oak this way look at all these guys just getting stuck stop doing that guys uh I going to get the spruce trap doors from over here still maybe

Whoa forgot that this was closed up we need to go back here vanilla with strawberry topping dude that reminds me today for we almost got for breakfast dessert it was a uh it’s a cheesecake stuffed pancake with strawberry topping it dude I’ll say it again cheese cake stuffed pancake with

Strawberry top oh my God it was it looked I didn’t we didn’t have any but it looked so good next we are getting that next time I wanted the blueberry pancake so bad I was like I I don’t know if I I don’t know if I can have cheesecake stuffed pancakes that sounds

Crazy that’s an that’s that sounds like something that will drive a human insane All right we got all the campfires here we still have some grass to put back let’s take these a little bit of moss to put over there too got 10 right there and we should have enough Moss to fix all of this yes yes we do well hold

On hold on a second here partner yeah let’s just go back through this we got to set this up still we got to get the horses in what else is over here here though oh nothing we cleared it up that’s good that’s good so we still have these we

Can get this back we have the grass Moss is ready to go we have the lanterns ready to go get the diorite ready to go too beautiful hop back so here’s what I’m going to do real quick I think I need to go trade some

Emeralds a lot of them a good amount of them a fair amount of them let’s trade these up here though let’s get that back little bit of moss in here never hurt nobody little bit deep slate over here never hurt nobody either okay so we have all of that ready to go

Let’s uh get the diorite over here I guess no we keep that let’s go put that Back got it wait there we go boom okay lanterns can chill I need end rods I actually forgot about that we I think I might have more back back at the house to grab but just fly up here real quick no I almost made it sounds me mix cream cheese powder

Sugar strawberries use a French sourdough thick bread stuff like the filling oh my God that sounds so good that sounds so good I’m going to make some you know what I’m going to do some bacon tonight for dinner that’s so I’m going to do not bacon but baking with an

In I guess we could bake some bacon what does baked bacon sound like T is it is you got to like you got to like baked bacon would that even be good obviously it’s still going to taste like bacon but baked bacon fre bwood what’s good how you doing

Whoa there we go let’s get this over here I need to sell some iron let’s go this Way emeralds please thank you Sir so much more XP to grab makes it crispier without any grease well that’s pretty nice but I feel like if I’m going to I don’t eat bacon often but if I’m going to eat some bacon I kind of want that greasy bacon that’s just me though

Let’s go back to the masonry grab a couple of blocks of quartz just a couple of Them thank you sir for everything you Do thank you Wait thank you thank you for the quartz thank you for the quartz eggs and toast is a classic meal no matter what time of day you can always have eggs and toast and it’s going to be good same with pancakes dude pancakes are good all day every

Day I’m going to run out of a little bit of the I’m actually not going to have enough people to trade with thank you for that we got that guy not trading some guy just keeps taking his Stuff there’s one guy that needs to be traded with and I know where he is he’s just wandering around doing his thing where’d you go buddy is this you right here give me your stuff thank you very much to the ancient city I don’t know what I’m making for

Dinner honestly we might make like enchiladas I think I think we’re making enchiladas lasagna sounds good I don’t know why I’m thinking about lasagna but I think we’re doing enchiladas we could do lasag lasagna Ladas di first time you fell in a cave no where’s this at yeah we’re going to have to turn this into stairs this into bricks and this into chisel we need just three of each whoa oh it was already open let me in all right well guys I actually do

Have to call it uh kind of an early stream we’re going to have to go home right about now um so thank you guys for being here I do appreciate it I actually have to get a little bit of stuff edited for episode 56 tonight so I need to give

Myself time to do that and uh if I stream any longer I’m just going to be eating into my sleep time and everything else like that so guys look at this look at this giant stable we built today this is crazy I thank you so much for being

Here guys thank you all of the support today was crazy uh that was nuts so I have to get uh I have benovsky and Evan to get into the books I’m going to get you guys in there um thank you actually benovsky I need to make a whole new book

For you so by the time the next stream starts uh there’s going to be a brand new book and I’ll show you guys that thank you guys for being here I do appreciate y’all like this the support this stream was insane everybody that got a gifted membership feel free to

Join the subscriber server it’s in the Discord the link for that and um anybody that donated just extra support just thank you thank you thank you appreciate y’all man it’s it’s nuts you you guys rock you guys Dwayne thank you for everything uh let’s get to the offline

Screen here and you guys have a good rest of your day thank you everybody I appreciate y’all have a good rest of your night

This video, titled ‘Building Ancient City Horse Stables in Hardcore Minecraft – Survival Let’s Play 1.20’, was uploaded by WaxFraud on 2023-12-04 00:52:45. It has garnered 10965 views and 587 likes. The duration of the video is 02:41:31 or 9691 seconds.

Hello! Welcome to my live stream! Today we are building horse stables in the ancient city in my hardcore 1.20 let’s play world! Thank you so much for joining today! I appreciate you all for the support!

Follow me if you want to! – Discord: https://t.co/gSuIZHRDUR – Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/waxfraud – Twitter: https://twitter.com/waxfraud – Instagram: https://instagram.com/waxfraud

Support me on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/waxfraud?fan_

– Merch: https://www.etsy.com/listing/99171372

The seed for this world on Minecraft Java version 1.19.2 is [-8850548917418553236]

The coordinates for my starter house are X = -600 , Z = 500

#minecraft #hardcore #letsplay

  • Guard Your Realm: Vulcan Anticheat Tips | Minecraft 1.8-1.20 Hindi Tutorial

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  • Experience the Thrill of Minewind Minecraft Server

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  • End Fortress Hunt & Ranch Owner’s Home! – Chill Survival – #16

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  • Ultimate Minecraft Party Supplies!

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  • Minecraft Xray Hack Tutorial

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  • 100 Days Surviving Minecraft 1.20 Movie

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  • The Ultimate Friendship Story

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  • Unbelievable! ZEEL H GAMER dominates ALL games! 🔥🎮

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  • ManaRush

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  • HomiezClub SMP Vanilla Whitelist Java

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  • Minesory!

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  • Minecraft Memes – Real crafty creeper tactics

    Wow, this meme is scoring higher than my grades in high school! Read More

  • Minecraft Battle of the Sexes: Boys vs Girls! #lit #minecraft #memes

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  • CSGO甩手舞 ft. 方块人

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  • Join Minewind Minecraft Server for Thrilling Survival Adventures!

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  • BoraLo’s Sneaky Minecraft Mod Pack V3

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  • Unbelievable Secrets of Minecraft Bedwars 😱🔥

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  • Troy’s Wild Minecraft Adventure

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  • Viral Parrot Hack in Minecraft! 😯🔥 #shorts

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  • Jerry Summons Herobrine in Curved Portal!! #Shorts

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  • Ultimate Bedwar’s Tournament on Infinity SMP

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  • Shocking Truth Revealed: SSD Bhai 99 Can’t be a Dad! 😱🙈

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  • INSANE MINECRAFT glitch: blocks break around me!

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  • DazzerPLays – VIP in F7 DUNGEONS! Bones galore! Skyblock Giveaway?

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  • Insane survival tactics in minecraft w/@Tecno72!

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  • ObsidianMC

    ObsidianMCObsidianMC is an emerging Minecraft Network that provides a delightful experience for its vibrant community. Join us to explore our incredible gamemodes! Gamemodes: – Practice – Prison – Parkour – Bedwars & many more… WHAT KIND OF play.obsidianmc.club Read More

  • Safe Survival SMP Semi-Vanilla 1.20.6

    Join Safe Survival Server! Server IP: mc.safesurvival.net Discord: https://discord.gg/Rt6CwDa Come join our SMP server with land claims, KeepInventory, sethome, and /tpa commands. Explore spawn with random teleports, shops, and more! Join our community and chat on Discord about builds, server updates, and more. See you there! Read More

  • Spirits-Network | JAVA & BEDROCK

    Spirit Network is a Java and Bedrock Compatible server focused on Fun and layed back Minecraft play. We have a HUB that will let you choose the Minecraft experience you want! So Join Today !! Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Icy path chillin’ with Frosty 🥶

    Minecraft Memes - Icy path chillin' with Frosty 🥶Why did the creeper start wearing a scarf? Because it heard winter was coming and wanted to stay frosty! 🥶 Score of 10, baby! Read More

  • Kickin’ It in Minecraft: Hit Everything in Sight!

    Kickin' It in Minecraft: Hit Everything in Sight! In Minecraft, I kick everything for a hit, Every block, every mob, I don’t quit. With a swift kick, I break it all down, In this game, I wear the crown. Join me on Discord, for more fun, Instagram for photos, we’ve just begun. Editing is my own craft, Collaboration with eryksonek, a blast. Support this channel, for bonuses galore, Minecraft facts and rhymes, I’ll always explore. Stay tuned for more content, that’s a promise, In this gaming world, I’ll always be honest. Read More

  • “Spicy Tips for Mob Making” 🔥 #minecraft #meme

    "Spicy Tips for Mob Making" 🔥 #minecraft #meme “Step 1: Give them a cool name like ‘The Fluffy Butt Brigade.’ Step 2: Feed them lots of virtual snacks. Step 3: Watch as they wreak havoc on your virtual world. Congratulations, you’ve successfully made a new mob in Minecraft!” #MinecraftLogic #VirtualChaos Read More

  • The Irish Gamer’s Wood Challenge Day 6

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  • 2024’s Ultimate Minecraft Duping Trick

    2024's Ultimate Minecraft Duping Trick Minecraft Duplication Glitch Unveiled in 2024 In the ever-evolving world of Minecraft, players are constantly discovering new tricks and glitches to enhance their gameplay. The year 2024 has brought forth a new multiplayer duplication glitch in Minecraft Java 1.20.6 that has the community buzzing with excitement. How Does It Work? To execute this duplication glitch, players need to utilize UI Utils and the /printer command on the server. These tools work in tandem to create a seamless duping process that can significantly boost a player’s inventory in a short amount of time. Step-by-Step Guide: Install UI Utils for Minecraft… Read More

  • “Mushin Aigen reveals secret to catching rare Ignis” #moddedminecraft

    "Mushin Aigen reveals secret to catching rare Ignis" #moddedminecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘How To Catch An Ignis #moddedminecraft #minecraft #vtuber #malevtuber’, was uploaded by Mushin Aigen on 2024-05-06 23:23:46. It has garnered 427 views and 8 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:58 or 58 seconds. I use Ars Nouveau’s magic to capture and cage a boss enemy for later farming. Original Broadcast Details Title: DawnCraft: Ignis Catcher (With LardLarry) Category: Minecraft Date: March 14, 2024 Platform: Twitch Title: DawnCraft: Ignis Catcher Part 2 (With LardLarry) Category: Minecraft Date: March 21, 2024 Platform: Twitch Read More

  • Ultimate Redwood Ashlands Gameplay Reveal!

    Ultimate Redwood Ashlands Gameplay Reveal!Video Information This video, titled ‘BMC4 – #9: Redwood Ashlands’, was uploaded by The Chill Gaming Zone on 2024-02-24 10:00:26. It has garnered 15 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 01:03:04 or 3784 seconds. Because not much has a greater chill factor than Minecraft, right? Right. Modded Minecraft because vanilla is just that, even with the massive updates, it can still be a little vanilla. Join me as I navigate Better Minecraft 4 (BMC4) in hour-long videos posted every Saturday, and Sunday at 10:00 GMT. No commentary, just vibes. Extra tags, please ignore; modded minecraft, modded… Read More

  • Unbelievable Mining Challenge Win + FREE Giveaway!! #HypixelSkyblock

    Unbelievable Mining Challenge Win + FREE Giveaway!! #HypixelSkyblockVideo Information This video, titled ‘Mining Challenge + BIG Giveaway | Hypixel Skyblock #minecraft #shorts #hypixel #hypixelskyblock’, was uploaded by 60Block on 2024-03-06 17:56:41. It has garnered 423 views and 10 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:37 or 37 seconds. Read More