EPIC Minecraft Twilight Adventure! SDMP #26

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cap we’re at comedy club we’ll be ready to go in a minute thanks Captain Sparkles actually hold on slash fake name uh Justin oh hold on set Justin but lag all right I’m going to head over to the wait I need to clear some blocks out of my inventory real quick um no one will be able to tell the difference actually between the two of us we sound very similar and our skins look very similar and um all in up is there an iron golem that died here that’s really sad actually so anyway guys welcome back to the stdm pp um make sure that you like the video and subscribe to the channel and follow at twitch.tv/ Kevin sparkles in order to tune into things when they’re live and stuff and and everything so um all right is there anything I need to bring on our expedition to maybe find a gas hat or a um or the Twilight Forest or um I can’t I can’t give into the Twilight Forest can I I can’t give into the Twilight Forest God that would be so incredibly off brand of me to give in to the Twilight Forest after everything that I have said about the Twilight Forest I just I just can’t I just can’t do that I simply cannot okay I’m just like leaving some clear space in the old inventory and we’ll be good okay let’s go over to the comedy club and I oh wait is is that Captain Sparkles over there running to no it’s not okay it’s not but let me go over to the comedy club and find Captain Sparkles so we can go on our adventure to see if maybe we’ll be able to get bird that is there another gimbus oh oh that’s that’s where the pummeling was happening ow why is he mad he sounds like gimbus but he’s very angry and gimbus is nice why is this guy so mad you sound like gimbus but you don’t look like gimbus and you’re mean don’t Sully Gus’s name it’s you’re right it’s Angus I don’t like Angus Angus is not cool Luc up thank you for the sub impassive killjoy thank you for the sub very much appreciated I thought Weston was going into the uh Twilight Forest but no just dying in his front lawn what is this over here by the way huh wow that’s crazy um the wait he’s he’s back in the where was The Comedy Club was it wait where was it again I don’t oh was down here it was down here I just walked right by the uh yeah welcome welcome everyone what we’re we’re in the hey there’s oh hey it’s sparkles hey Justin what’s up dude what hey what’s up Justin um you know good you ready to go and find those gests yeah I’m I’m I’m so excited to go uh go find some gas uh with my Captain Sparkles best friend Justin but lag yeah this is going to be great this is like an episode of The Twilight Z dude this Tripp me out oh well the Twilight Forest was also in discussion so that that lines up wa the Twilight Forest Zone how did you get here Flamingo can somebody give me a glass of milk um I have glass panes Flamingo would you like me to just kill you and put you out of your misery dude you could give me milk milk will cure me I think killing you would be quicker option it would be I don’t know where there are any cows oh that works oh no okay there we go he’s saved he saved I can’t believe Captain Sparkles would do that Captain Sparkles Reby thank you for subing good thank you for subbing to Captain Sparkles yeah thank you Reby for for subbing to Captain Sparkles yeah this is uh um we should put down the the chest and then we can put the stuff there’s there’s an end chest there’s an Ender Chest in The Green Room you guys can just throw it all in there yeah that’s not how that works but um well he wouldn’t be able to answer oh is that just put it all in your Ender Chest so he can’t you lose things you put in the Ender Chest hold I got to go try this I’m saying he wouldn’t be able to access hit our Ender Chest so Justin think of the I mean Captain Sparkles uh I can’t believe I have to instruct Captain Sparkles how to play Minecraft um hey Captain Sparkles think of the Ender Chest as cloud cloud storage the Cur has room I can walk I’m a boy I haven’t been in the oh God are you allowed to come in here well he’s not a big fan of it but uh it’s very uncomfortable for me to be in here yeah I understand not the right color this is a this is a this is a work in progress still so we’re uh going to maybe add like a little dresser here you know the the thing is uh schlatt said that the sleep deprived people were getting on at 600 p.m. Eastern they did not get on at 600 p.m. Eastern they got on at like 4:30 Eastern so you know I I vouch I vouch for that that was said yeah so uh but but you know we we’re doing all right but okay so the way the Ender Chest work yeah so C Sparkles I I I yeah I know it’s weird you’ve been playing Minecraft for so long and that you don’t know this but um Let Me Justin but lag tell you how how it works so think of the ender chest is like Cloud stor storage right so if you if you put a file of yours in the cloud you don’t like you’re not usually uploading that so that everybody can access that file it’s just for you so the ender chest is like your own Google Drive well you know I’m Captain Sparkles and I’m very old so is this like sending a carrier pigeon what do you mean by that is this is this more like sending a Carri carrier pige I I don’t know what the internet is well so the whatever you put in there will only be accessible by you in any Ender Chest ah I see so it’s like the old Bank vaults yes the bank vaults that you could access from anywhere in the world wow a magic bank vault mhm okay this makes sense I’m going to go put all of my gold and silver uh pull in the Ender Chest that’s actually a good idea to put it all the end chest I was going to say hide it in the in the lining of my house but that works too oh you could you could do that as well if you wanted to do like a Pablo Escobar or something just be careful that the rats don’t eat it that’s true um you ready to the only thing I’m missing yeah the only thing I’m missing is my bow but I’m going to head over there to go that bows are good for gests usually it’s recommended yeah I I I would say that’s one of the better things to have if you’re going to go kill a guest actually you know what um I would take a bow too so that I could repair my bow if that’s cool oh yes yes what what kind of bow do you need Justin butle um just a normal bow oh wait there are fancy bows aren’t there I’ve never done one of those M hi Kelly uh we actually have some in my or our Museum that Kelly and I have been putting together we have some uh some like we have like an Ender bow we have a goblin bow whoow yeah we got some cool stuff uh but I think they’re almost broken otherwise I’d let you I’d let you use it um yeah I got to hold on let me check what the bow options are wow there are quite a few of them it’s a decent amount like five or six I think okay is the neptunium bow good that’s what I have yeah I I like it uh I might have a spare actually I can get here c u let me let me go look and see what I have I’ll just um I’ll try to fancify my my neptunium bow one sec I didn’t think about that where is that I know I put that somewhere I had the yeah and then I could bring I could go over here this will be excellent now Justin might go to my house would be very I forgot my lapis God dang it might be confused why I’m I mean Captain Sparkles might go to Captain Sparkle’s house and be confused why I’m not there but I’ll Simply Be enchanting I Justin but lag will simply [Music] be huh well that’s just Nifty how do you make that an elephant Minecart that’s so cool that’s so cool how do you make an elephant mine cart I wonder what other mine carts you can make okay what is this show Unbreaking three h could try it well that’s just disgusting that’s just disgusting why would it do that who would do that who would just do that who would just do that who would you are you kidding me right now are you are you kidding are you power three are you kidding are you kidding why would you do that I don’t get it flame oh my God this is a it’s a true disaster here do you think there are any power five books in here hello which one would it be in ah power oh yeah okay okay okay yeah we’re fine we’re fine you know what I can just I can just build the bow manually and everything will be good there are a few power fives in there that’ll work just that’ll work just fine right there what what was it we need oh oh but we need Infinity oh God I don’t have Infinity do you think they have Infinity there they probably have Infinity I bet they’ve got Infinity down there unless it doesn’t work on the fancy they’re probably wondering where I am they’re probably worried they probably think I got floated up into the air I’m never going to come down um Power freak uh where’s Infinity punch flame Arrow effects what is special what is oh mending that’s special wait what um is infinity not a thing I wonder if you can’t fish up Infinity in the water there’s no Infinity in here huh what’s up Justin lagy C Sparkles I was just looking for uh infinity but um yeah oh uh Justin but lag I I think I had an Infinity book that I put in here oh did you there was no chest that was oh there’s a chest with a bunch of stuff I I see there’s an INF yeah the Blue Book yeah oh the blue the blue book oh yeah the Blue Book sick thank you this is excellent um I Justin but lag will put this on wow that is very expensive hi Mr Blue well hi there does anybody have maybe a uh maybe a camera and some paper really quick I what do you need Budd to borrow that real quick from you yeah go for it what you doing well what’s the well I discovered some slander and I’m currently trying to repair the slander that has been done against me what what is the slander well if you want to come with me I’m going to go and try to fix it right now is it nearby well it’s right next to my Mr Blue wisdom shop somebody is scalping and trying to resell my Mr Blue coins what the heck that sounds terrible that’s awful I think I’m I think they’re open to I think I’m going to take some litigious action as well because well they’re saying that it’s Mr Blue approved but it’s not actually Mr Blue approved you see that oh not even true not even a Mr Blue approve at all oh look at that c or uh Justin oh but you never did oh but they actually you see um they did a little asterisk there that said not actually Mr Blue approved so legally I think that absolves them cuz you got to read the fine print Mr Blue they just got you on parody laws dude they got you on parody laws parody sucks yeah it was like aoke Mr Blue Mr Blue you uh you you have 48 hours to take this okay Mr Blue took that very personally it looks like oh what happens at the end of 48 Hours what does happen in 48 hours oh God okay uh I’ve never heard so little be so threatening well anyways he got punched earlier by a gobby and he got really upset oh yeah it’s sound there’s a guy over there who sounds like gimbus but he’s mad yeah I think that’s who Weston was getting killed by repeatedly yep uh Justin I’m assuming you don’t need this bow anymore right uh no actually I just need to probably get a lot of levels to be able to put Unbreaking three on this new neptunium bow that’s very fancy cool well I’m going to go back to my place real quick and do some stuff so just let me know when you’re ready to go okay I will be ready to go in probably hopefully not too long I’ll meet you at at your place uh Captain Sparkles all right I will be I’ll be at my place Captain Justin yeah please call me by my correct name thank you okay H how much will it cost for me Justin but lag to what why why is it like that I don’t know why I don’t understand why it’s like that okay well I’m going to have to do this for a few is there something about the no there’s something with the neptunium bow that’s actually crazy and I don’t understand what’s going on with it but I’ll be be there in a moment Jack fp4 thank you for the 37 month thank you for subscribing to me uh Justin but lag for 37 months that is very exciting sorry excuse me I had to burp uh major Grouch with 59 months very cool very swick I have a feeling that I’ve probably already got to Level 36 it’s um just taking some time to trickle in um yeah oh you think someone combined a bunch of books to get the power five book uh-huh uh-huh I didn’t think about that that was an oversight on my part when the power five book cost a lot to put on I was thinking that it was because there was something special about the neptunium bows but I should have been smart and instead realized that it was because someone put a lot of combinations into that power five book in fact they probably put like 16 power one books into that power five book yes rectum Impaler it is me the real Justin but lag it is little known fact but that is me um wonder if I could walk over there and you know just walk over there really quick and uh say hi to Captain Sparkles um just slowly got to make sure we don’t we got to make sure we don’t lose any of the uh experience it’s having a hard time it’s having a hard time getting up the stairs that’s a problem H that’s a bit of a oh there we go come on you got to come up the stairs with me let’s go get it get up those stairs get up you can do it I believe in you come on get up those stairs I think Justin’s finally almost ready hey yeah it’s me Justin I am almost ready I’m just waiting for uh just waiting for this to go through no take your time Justin but lag it’s only the captain sparkle stream that you’re holding up um sorry I got a I I I jumped the gun a little bit uh just sorry what I’ll be there Lev did you need I could uh it it it was it was around um 36 oh I could have done it for you I have 44 oh yeah but then I would have felt like I was freeloading off of my pal Captain Sparkles that’s true Justin but lag is Justin but lag is a known freeloader I unfortunately am it’s what I am known for um oh you’re welcome on that by the way here I got this i got this now oh no I left so much behind it’s following you oh it was actually 34 and not 36 I I did it correctly but then uh I was dumb so a classic Justin but lag blunder yeah it it really was but it’s okay Justin okay um I Justin but lag am ready are are you I’m ready just m oh sorry sorry Justin I I walked away from my computer for a second to get a a Coke of cola the the favorite drink of Captain sparkle a Coke of cola yeah Coke of cola um but yeah let’s uh let’s let’s go to the nether dude let’s go get some gas okay cool oh God they’re going I have to hold on guys I they’re saying I have to hit the na before I get a whoop so I got to hit well you got to move out of the portal they you have to what before you what I had I had to hit the na before I got a whooping before you got a whooping wouldn’t know that well sounds like does know that my my chat just told me that Justin I mean you’re you’re hip on the memes what does what does it mean to have to hit the na before you get a whooping it means something about the gats yeah actually I think that I think that is what it means thank you for letting me know um no problem so all right Captain Sparkles the Minecraft expert where do you think we should go for the [Laughter] guests uh you know I I think we should go this way show us your wise wisdoms yeah let’s go this way and and find some gas sounds good sounds good my my my Sparkle you know Sparkle on is what I always say and my Sparkle my Sparkle on intuition is telling me there should be gas up this way okay cool cool now you guys um you brought your Vex swords right yes okay cool you’re going to want to be careful of that gas but that is a gas right there well you see the problem with what you just did is that if he did drop the gas helmet it would be in the lava I uh sorry I you know I captain sparkle is you’re supposed to know these things I I I woke up I woke up so early today you know and and I you know I’m just I’m getting up there you know I just I you know I forgot a little bit okay oh oh to be oh to be young again yeah I Justin but lag him very young um well uh let’s surely there are gests in this interesting looking biome yeah the i i i i Captain Sparkles think that they are up this way Captain Sparkles don’t hit it again do you sneeze more when you get old yes you do actually oh no I don’t have a lot to look forward to I see a gas okay all right here we go I’m going in on it guys oh he’s a fancy one oh no oh okay did we get it did we get it he dropped some cookies he dropped cookie wait why am I drowning he’s dead what disconnect before you die oh my God I killed the guest and I’m still drowning good thing Justin’s back yay oh thank goodness I’m so glad that Captain Sparkles knew how to handle that bug uh I think what oh I C we can’t uh it it’s uh sorry um cap is that some kind of joke that the oh no my name is uh Captain Sparkles um okay that was weird it must have just glitched out that’s awes it must have yeah I think it was on your end yeah that’s true yeah I I I got a pretty crappy computer uh yeah anyways so it did drop cookies but no helmet no I think it’s cuz he was a fancy gas that that’s that’s why well which way do we go cap I mean you’ve been leading us we just keep going forever we just keep going forever sounds good to me yeah um we could like go through this tunnel over here that happens to exist I I always trust random tunnels that I find in cave me too actually oh God he’s so fast he’s so Swift That’s oh wait oh sorry there’s uh this this path continues okay we can just keep going yeah hey um did you know that you can walk through Lava with with that armor and be fine oh yeah I I swim in here all the time oh okay yeah I know the the last time the last time we played together in here I know I was very uh I was very very bad at Minecraft but I’ve I’ve gotten much better now I I didn’t I didn’t see it any such way oh yeah no okay dude have you grown more confident absolutely more confident I I don’t know if I can die anymore and even if I do I have like a charm of keeping so I won’t lose my my some of my stuff wow that’s pretty cool well as they say bye huh um excellent work excellent work my full set by accident but it’s okay oh so you don’t want to touch that I gotta yeah I’m good I’m good okay well I’ll just um I’m not going to die I’m never dying again in Minecraft you won’t be able to find I’m never going to die again thank you I brought that lava down for you thank you guys I’m never dying no Waffle House witch I’m never dying again what’s up busy mancer what a name know what buy is no familiar with [ __ ] Captain nope hey what hey what the hell what the hell damn it you can just swim there’s another stack over there or you could just dig up you got some options can you hear us don’t look at it don’t look like I was like a lost puppy there you can get over here why did he do that cuz watch what I’m going to do watch this oh I get it I get it it’s low enough you’re going to yeah you’re you’re not familiar with this move Captain this is a this is a little past your time check this out you don’t have to take that [ __ ] Captain you you really don’t it’s okay I’m I am known to be the resident pin cushion punching bag no you I feel bad I take it I take it back I take it back no you’re good good job no no I take it back what is this I haven’t been here before huh this is the uh flesh B oh this is the visceral Heap oh that’s that yeah okay okay this where you can get blood and stuff usually I don’t think there’s any around here cuz of the lava but you get like like Buckets of Blood yum H not a lot of gas what we need to find is a big Soul Sand Valley but as you may recall those are those are the worst to find well I do have a Nature’s Compass we can just go yeah just remember like those Soul Sand valleys um that we’ve you know tried to find before and they’ve been not good I have found I’ve found like one or two really good ones that were like huge uh I don’t know if this one coming up would be one but could be worth checking my Nature’s Compass is really being weird right now for some reason mine tell me to go this way I don’t think we should go back the way we came though I think that would be a mistake I I agree well we can just I think we just keep [Applause] going we just keep going and surely we will find a Soul Sand Valley eventually he’s cooking look at him go oh you spry that’s what they tell me that’s what they tell me has anyone ever called you spry yeah all the time actually spry young man all right just making sure I have the rock on oh shoot I should have brought mine damn it’s okay I’m doing the mining here so you know it’s all good got I’m not bald I don’t know why everyone’s saying I’m bald I’m not I’m not bald oh good no one has called him a spry young man oh I I had a feeling yeah I wasn’t going to break the news to him I wasn’t break the news to hi hi Cara thank you for raiding it’s uh very cool to have you raiding us here on this day I get raided in person he does yeah we got a guest appearance thank you um okay how about we uh I got I got a warp fungus on a stick oh wait I don’t have it anymore I put it in my chest you need a saddle too I guess we could just build across here how about all I need to practice speed bridging for MCC which is on Saturday so I’m going to try that and then when it inevitably fails and I fall into the lava I’ll have to just swim the rest of the way and you guys Bridge Okay and we’ll laugh at you a little bit too here we go God damn it little bit guys I’m going to lose sky battle it’s really embarrassing oh this is going to take a really long time to get across here Cara stop giving me crap for not being good at speed bridging okay I have running shoes on the running shoes make it more difficult because you’re going fast so it messes with your momentum and the standard Rhythm that you would normally encounter when doing speed bridging if it weren’t for the running shoes I would have made it at least seven blocks okay wonder if they beat me oh I’m still beating them so take that take that I’m still faster there we go oh God it’s good thing I’m fire resistant that hopefully wouldn’t happen in sky battle um wonder if there’s a closer Soul Sand Valley from here 499 blocks in that direction okay let’s head over there that’ll be a good Soul Sand Valley I know it that was that was good hey guys okay so it says there’s a Soul Sand Valley 500 blocks over there we should go to that cool let’s do it okay um maybe up would be better okay I can do that just so we don’t have to keep swimming across lava you know thank you God time is need what’s up buddy welcome poolish key and D what the freak is this sorry there might have been some um what do you do to oh it’s axe okay sorry there might have been some lava that that went pouring down there that’s my bad whoa oh was like making noises hey you guys oh so that’s how you speed hey uh this stuff like makes noises oh yeah it’s like squishy you can also if you have shears you can get this hair too you like harvesting hair oh I do it all the time yeah anytime I see like uh like a like a family of four like just out eating dinner or something you know a family of four specifically well I’ll try to just like I’ll try to grab some hair if I can just from one of them it doesn’t matter who as long as I just get a little bit of hair okay car is saying that she harvests hair from me occasionally which is news and concerning oh I didn’t mean to do that that’s you know I feel like if you got a haircut and you like save some of the hair you could probably sell it on eBay for like at least a couple thousand dollars and someone would buy it just any hair or my hair well your hair specifically I don’t know about that does this give anybody uh the the Trypophobia thing oh yeah I get Trypophobia from this do you Kelly where is she oh I was like I don’t know I’m going to find you guys you do you get do you get Trypophobia from this a little bit I mean it does definitely make me feel uncomfortable imagining like big like gaping holes in my flesh you know like like bot flies you know uhhuh but uh you know it I was asking I was asking Kelly the second in time because it was cuz I asked you I I don’t get Trypophobia I don’t think I understand people that probably look at that and go oh God it’s pretty bad it’s rough oh wow there’s like blood waterfalls is that what you were talking about yeah you can pick them up with the bucket but you can’t swim in it oh really like it’s just yeah you just don’t go anywhere it’s like nothing it’s just deck preparation huh [Music] that’s awful someone in my chat just said who up gaping the hole what is that what’s wrong with you goatsy yeah who the hell do you think you are saying that in my chat hey do you think I can do you think I can win MCC on Saturday yes uh well your speed bridging was pretty good so yeah and that was like I was I was at a disadvantage there because of the running shoes so just think if it was at like normal Pace I would be really good what is MCC are you going to win some money well no you you win a um a gold coin actually if you win a gold coin yeah I see blue fire over there there yeah we are uh how close are we uh 200 blocks away we’re getting close all right let’s hit oh actually no wait we might be here oh this is it I think actually here we are oh they’re mad at us oh no what do we do oh it’s fine gas okay yeah yeah yeah now okay okay cool wait you guys needed bones that I bet there might be bones in this okay hey real quick real quick make sure the bone Arc has that if look at all the bone the bone Arc is done did you say yeah we’re done with the bone Arc oh if only You’ found this earlier that would have been great yeah it’s all right though so if you’re shooting the ghast with the bow make sure to switch to fortune 3 like your sword you like shoot and as soon as the arrow goes switch to your sword you know oh for looting for looting yeah I got you I got you I got you maybe you already knew that but I was just making sure I I did not know that okay I’m going to just not I’m not going to shoot the gas My Sword I brought does not have looting yet oh that is unfortunate it’s the the last enchantment I got to do it’s going to cost 38 or 39 XP there are uh not a lot of gas around here it doesn’t look like what gives what the heck man cap I think you I think you let us astray Captain Sparkles took me and my friend to this really weird place in a it was like a really dark place and he said there’d be gas here but then when we got here there weren’t any hello aiming brother car what is going on nothing uhhuh do you guys like snakes yes I’m I’m I’m I’m not opposed to a snake there is a snake on me right now there’s a snake on you what kind of snake there’s a snake on me right now okay let me let me try to yeah I’m going to try this gas with a snake on you I’ll do my best all right did it drop the thing it didn’t it didn’t drop the thing no I did get a pus bubble though that’s that’s pretty good it’s not down there dang I think it’s like a 1% chance but that means it should happen almost every time I think nice speed bridging thank you I’m trying I got to practice for MCC that would be pretty epic okay come on where what are you looking for a ghast cuz the Ghasts they can drop a fancy thing that bird boy is looking for oh mhm I’m trying to be helpful to other people here I have pledged myself to be of service wow that’s so nice mhm unlike this skeleton terrible what’s that looks like like a pirate sh kiss can Sparkles not pronounce Gat right I think Captain SP say I just got licked on my eyeball by a snake H yeah when the snake has a yacht good boy good [Music] aim good aim it’s like you’re training him to lick my eyeball how does it how does it feel being licked by a snake on your eyeball um I don’t know it feels like getting something in your eye I guess um you know if this if this is getting a little too slow paced and you you do want to go into the Twilight Forest it is understandable I mean I’m down for whatever Captain you just lead the way well I don’t have any obsidian so I can’t actually make a portal here um you know so that’s the only issue there uh h I mean you guys might have to just Vex home I I I don’t have my Vex sword on me oh oh no dude yeah oh no I can only we had the sword where you can like stand on somebody and then you could have vexed home oh the The Taming sword yeah oh does that work does it actually reallyit that’s crazy I should it that’s like when have you guys ever you stand you were ready have you guys ever wondered how in like you know super hero shows how the person who can go invisible like supposedly can turn the people touching them invisible but how do they know where the invisible like the person stops and like where the ground begins or something how do they not just turn the whole planet into invisible oh true uh that’s actually a good point um why would you back away instead of [ __ ] answering you away I thought you were going to answer the question he sent it he sent his goons after me cuz I didn’t know what to say yeah I do control the pigs in the nether no uh I actually I would imagine they’re just like you just killed the child there’s got to be some I did yeah I’ve done it a few times what did the child do to you reminded me of my innocence wow that that poor child not really I guess I guess I guess they just kind of decide like it’s like a physical thing you know yeah they just decide yeah okay that makes sense I’m only going to make I’m only going to make this much this much of you invisible now you know what I mean uh-huh um well guys there’s there aren’t there sure aren’t a lot of gas around here so this this kind of sucks this has been a good trip I thought we’d find at least like I don’t know two or three more they are usually supposed to be in Soul Sand valleys um except not this one I guess well uh I guess if you guys want to Vex home I can just uh I can just start walking if you’re if you’re sure long I can just go yeah I don’t mind I don’t want to make you guys sit here in the nether I I can I can get back you could always just use an ender chest and die you bring an Ender Chest end chest on me no I didn’t didn’t bring the back sword you didn’t bring the Ender Chest well I didn’t realize we were going that far I thought we were going to stay near the highway highway oh yeah you know what we could just kill you hold your stuff and take it back I no it’s okay you don’t want to die Po and it doesn’t matter no it’s all right I’ll just walk back I’ll I’ll walk back you prefer to walk back than dying yeah I I’ll walk back I’ll walk back it’s not it’s not a big deal it’s not a big deal I’ll be back in like 5 minutes it really won’t take that long okay I can promise I can promise both of you guys just just Vex home and I’ll meet you back there in just a few minutes I promise I’ll speedrun it all right who do we think is at spawn Rift okay Rift is probably at spawn okay fingers crossed and Rift is five can I loan him Vex how would I do that oh hello Hi how are you in my house yeah no thanks for being uh at home it was very helpful yeah no problem much appreciate have a nice day I see there’s not really a way to loan the Vex sword when you have to like use it in order to get home so it’s kind of it’s kind of only one person gets to use it at a at a particular time I don’t know how multiple people would get to use it at the same time not even going to explain what do you mean explain what it’s pretty normal to just appear in somebody’s house out of nowhere um I think it’d be weird to not actually know and have to explain it and assume that they don’t realize what’s happening um mail it yeah I don’t I don’t think he has a mailbox in the nether either so um yeah yeah so um let me repair that Vex sword by the way that’s probably a good thing for me to do and um then we’ll wait for Justin to get back home uh major Grouch thanks for 59 months much appreciated and Rise snake with one year let’s go and dyslexic Domino’s Pizza with a sub very epic and very cool okay oh you think I was assuming in saying that he didn’t bring a mailbox with him that is you know what I probably should have not assumed you know what they say when you assume you make bad choices that’s what they say h should I take a look in the is the Twilight Forest portal still actually over here is that actually a thing or did it get relocated somewhere else it probably got relocated somewhere else didn’t it it definitely did get relocated somewhere else oh wow look at these huh would you look at that that’s so cool I hadn’t seen this before huh I like that dude I’ve got a logo on this thing I’ve got a logo the others don’t have a logo I have a logo did you guys know that that is a c and an S it’s not just an s oh there’s the Twilight Forest portal the Twilight foral you might even say um yeah that’s so cool I suppose you know we could just I guess we could just run really far away in the Twilight Forest and then you can always Vex sword back if we were you know hypothetically going to go into the Twilight foral I’m a I’m a bad friend because I I left and she did not I thought that we were both going to leave but but we but we [Applause] didn’t H I am a very bad friend I I could actually you know I could make another that’s a good idea I could make another one and teleport back but then but but then I would be stuck in the nether then I would be stuck in the Nether um H I would have to wait for the cool down what’s the what does it cost or actually wait why does it uh what does it cost to make it again or I could grab his oh it’s a diamond and the vecto plasm let me see let me see let’s see so maybe I can find his sword if I just rumage through his house real quick and then that would be uh that would be a way to do it holy freak that was a reverberation cat meow uh um you would think the Vex sword would be in this chest with all the other swords but apparently it’s not where is the inventory organization happening okay I’m glad that that’s stored in there wait the C Sparkles Ruby oh that’s very cute um yeah so what happened to the Vex sword uh is there like another area is Lark photoshopped into this image it looks very out of place I bet the sword is in his backpack or something I swear dude I swear Mar cat plier M panada you don’t know how you met me you don’t know why you can’t turn around and Say Goodbye all I know is when I’m with you I make you free and swim through your veins like a fish in the sea maybe it’s um yeah maybe there’s storage down here oh wow look at this Museum coming together no wonder there’s a lot of lag in the spawn there is a lot of Sonic fan art here do we think that ah it’s all postcards and and not a lot of oh wait maybe there’s a chest down oh huh okay H I wonder if his Vex sword is in his Ender Chest whoa dude oh my God look at this place wow I still don’t see the Vex sword but wow this is cool is it in here is uh I swear to God his Vex sword is on his person oh my god he has so much netherite scrap wow he has a lot of diamond blocks and rubies he is rich is I don’t think the Vex sword’s on the wall That’s not the Vex sword wait is that the Vex that’s not the Vex sword I don’t think is it I don’t think it is no that’s the ice sword what in the world is this by the way the Iron Chef it’s literally oh no that’s not the name of the thing but wait Jesus you have a Wither effect and burn fire resistance strength oh wow I think is crazy okay seriously the the Vex sword is not in here hey Justin are you sure you don’t have the Vex sword on you he’s going to be like what why would you even be asking right so hold on he has freaking Yeti armor but he says he hasn’t been far in the Twilight Forest but he has Yeti armor did somebody give him the yeti armor cuz that the yeti is pretty far in it broken oh bruh we could have mended it we’ve got we’ve got the sword we’ve got the dummy we could have mended it I thought he didn’t have it on him oh my goodness it broke accident huh I don’t know how it works okay well anyway dang he’s got so many basements his basements have basements yo dog I heard you like basements so does it instead of just like disappearing and breaking it it just like does it say broken is it like a is it like a uh whatam weall it tinker’s construct where you can repair it afterwards or I don’t know uh Caleb bro with three months uh sorry I’m not consistent with my monthly sub I usually watch the vods over on YouTube that’s totally fine you can check out uh the vods more if you subscribe to youtube.com/ Captain Sparkles 2 but of course if you want to tune in live then you can check out twitch.tv/ Sparkles very very cool stuff that’s you know what that’s what I am I’m a I’m the best of friend I am such a friend I’m one of the best of them and I’m going to make a new one and I’m going to hand deliver it over uh just in the nick of time for him to obviously be back so okay so it’s you do iron sword and then it’s like this and then like this right boom boom okay Vex sword got it I am speed I know recipes and then I mean I’ll even do that I’ll even do this I mean I got those books for cheap to be fair so you know what there we go there we go I do I made this I made this for you here we go and then where is he there he is K never got credited so don’t worry she can’t get check my IMDb though hey buddy hello oh you said it right you usually go IMD hey Justin come here turn around what oh f no way [ __ ] hello what’s up that was an elegant elegant yeah yeah thank you thank you C no problem yeah oh no problem at all oh God I was muted laughing at you that whole time sorry I thought you were silently judging me that might have been better you could have been you could have been audibly judging me I almost made it back look the Highway’s right there I had a feel I I was worried that by the time I did that like you were going to be at the portal but it looks like I saved you a bit of time at least you did you did thank you very much I appreciate it okay should we all teleport to Rift SK at the exact same time yes count count us down I may not be able to I it might have a thing where it lets you do it again if you teleport to the nether but I might also not come with you guys I don’t know my sword doesn’t show a cool down but we’ll we see um okay just try it and then if you if you go invisible I’ll do it too uh okay that sounds good all right I’m going to go in three two 1 yeah no it didn’t it didn’t do okay but you guys can leave me behind that’s fine we’ll wait 5 minutes hey what’s great about that is it used the durability even if it didn’t work you came you came all this way to help me out and give me the sword so I’m going to get you out of here oh you should have brought the the tamer thing we could have had someone oh I could have pigy yeah I don’t have that thing oh [ __ ] we have one in our Museum yeah ah I should have uh I should have should have known It’s s right Captain it’s okay you didn’t know don’t worry it’s not your fault all right look at that which wait now what the highway is where where is the highway nobody knows I mean J what’s up you know I I could just wait 5 minutes and then be fine like we could just talk for 5 minutes you know yeah all right I I I can I can I can manage with that um so uh so how’s it going guys uh uh good did you did you feel the the earthquake we had this morning I didn’t actually um I Heard heard that there was one but I was like man I I missed out it was a very small one so I barely felt it but I did wake up to it it was It was kind of nice it was kind of nice oh it actually woke you up uh I mean I I’m a I’m a light sleeper sometimes so I’m sorry no it’s okay you know I’m just burdened with it it’s fine you know what’s actually kind of crazy though I have um okay there was this one time apparently we were too boring and C was just like I’m going to leave now oh she doesn’t want to hear it’s okay oh no she came back look who came crawling back sorry I just wanted to see what was what was there it’s like a crack in what crack in yeah hold on what I hold on a crack in it it is it is a C the heck what do you mean it’s just a seems like d didn’t like oh it just looks like a the underground but it’s kind of rude to the underground to call it that wait does the Vex SW work here now or is it just it uh it shows that it’s not on a cool down but I have a feeling it’s just um it’s just a dimension kind of bug thing I’m let’s wait if we go back to the nether I want to see if it shows normally again so no crack there CRA dancing her day oh God now I don’t I just don’t actually know when it’s available to use again uh but that’s that’s great we’ll just um we’ll talk for another 3 minutes and then I’m sure it will be fine so so anyway there was this one time where I woke up in the middle of the night like kind of a weird uncharacteristic time uh and within like 3 seconds of my waking up an earthquake hits and it’s like I it’s like my body predicted it or something and got me up in advance it’s crazy o that was the uh that was the kingdom falling you felt it you felt it happen oh my god um something like that yes probably yeah probably from the dream uh I want to well I don’t really want to talk about dream uh I I want to ask you uh what what’s your favorite restaurant out here in La man um I probably wouldn’t name it uh uh because you know I I don’t I don’t know yeah don’t do so that’s that’s fair that’s fair yeah maybe fast f chain then or like a like um not a particular fast food I mean uh Howland Rays is pretty good Howland rays o have you never had Howen Rays I haven’t and you know what I need to order something to eat off Postmates can I order how and Rays you may be able to it is a ra it is a hot chicken place it is quite tasty oh yeah yeah yeah oh the deliver is unavailable what oh no wow is it um do they have like an exclusive with another applic maybe like maybe their door Dash or something I don’t know it just says delivery is unavailable to me and I want to cry is it far away or they just have something against you uh I can’t tell they might just they might just have me block cuz I know that I’ll eat all their all their all their chicken have you ever had pin what he doesn’t know what that is you got to call it poutine oh poutine yeah is that not is ptin not the proper pronunciation well technically in English it is but uh in French it’s pen so I’m just used to saying it psin yeah p h it’s like he says it just like I Puss and Boots PS and Boots um yeah I I think I’ve had that I’m pretty sure I’ve had it before it’s like the gravy and fries and stuff right you have cheese curds on on it not like a different cheese it has to be cheese curds okay yeah I don’t know it’s good it’s good I love it are you are you from Canadia yeah I’m from Canadia okay got it that hence the French [Music] thing I have never been to Montreal I’ve been to um Toronto once yeah you’re not missing out Montreal’s awful heck dude really good here I’m just I’m just kidding Montreal is actually pretty cool you’ve been to you’ve been to Seattle before right I have I’ve been to Seattle I’ve been to Vancouver and that’s about it do you do you like Seattle it’s a bit like kind of overcast and you know rainy a bit sometimes so I don’t know that I want to live there um but it’s it’s nice I uh I would imagine Montreal is kind of like I I just describe it as a better Seattle cuz I really didn’t like Seattle when I went so it’s just it’s like Seattle artsy we have like a lot of like nice graffiti but it gets cold right cuz I was in Toronto in February and it was the first time I’d ever been to a place where it is really cold and I wasn’t going to snowboard and I was like this is I don’t like this I don’t like having to prep to go outside when I’m not going skiing are you native Californian yes oo so have you you exp has never experienced snow February well I mean I I’ve been snowboarding quite many times it’s just you know I don’t when I’m going to a place where it is below zero Celsius uh it’s it’s because I’m going snowboarding and in that case I’m like I’m ready for this if I just want to go get some food or I want to grab something from my car yeah I don’t want have to like prep myself and work up to it well I used to work and I had to drive to my 9 to5 and basically uh I had to sh like practically shovel the snow off my car cuz it was so much snow when we had snow like a a ridiculous amount so cheese curs what Jedi e iura says cheese curds and then a heart in my it’s actually pronounced JD JD yeah okay well I say I’m I’m going to just call him Jedi still well that would be that would be very upsetting to them probably you think so yeah probably all right fine uh no I’m just kidding I’m I’m still going to do it um I don’t know why they said she okay dude so you’ve never had pin before and you’ve never been to Montreal wait where in Canada have you been as you said to in Toronto Tonto yeah that’s it a dude I have not done a full tour ofada Haven gone anywhere else wait you’ve only been to Montreal and you’re you’re giving me crap the only the I’ve been to more cities than you you hypocrite have you ever been to London Captain Sparkles I have you ever been to France yes you ever seen these Underpants I knew it was going to go that way I knew it oh God I’m so good at predicting but you have been to France I’ve been to Paris yeah have you been to Japan no I’ll go at some point you know why I’ve been to London and Paris what mine con London and Paris I didn’t go for a trip I didn’t sight see I did go the Lou um but that was uh for M con that’s just what they call the bathroom over there isn’t it what isn’t that just what they call a bathroom over there uh M the Lou oh the the the Lory well just the Lou oh oh no it’s the Lou the Lou sorry that’s in the UK more so than uh in Paris I think but you know it was really cool I was very proud of myself so this was in I think Paris was in 2012 and I didn’t have a phone with like a data plan and so I like had to I had to look and just try to memorize how I needed to do the subway and getting to the lou from Paris Disneyland and I just like I get off of the subway stop when I when I get to you know the downtown and where the Lou is and I just like I just like knew where I just like sensed where to go and then I ended up there impeccable sense of direction yeah you you had a GPS built into you dude pretty much pretty much you using those m C coordinates I don’t know man people I I do actually have a good sense of direction it’s kind of weird sometimes do do you uh do you ever try to press F3 in real life when you’re lost dude uh sometimes yeah okay okay just curious just curious mhm I yeah you need to you need to definitely go to Montreal I think you I think you’d like it for for a weekend as long as it’s not when it’s cold out if cap ever came to Montreal we could take him to the Big Orange cap there’s a huge orange like an actual orange huh building it’s it’s shaped like an orange where you go and you buy dinner and you just sit outside and you just eat it and it’s a huge do they serve oranges they have like an orange uh drink called an orange gilp which is U okay it’s like an orange julius yes yeah it’s a it’s a ripoff Orange Julius yeah it’s called the the what is it called kelly the uh girl I thinko the Jibo okay yeah by the way I think my sword’s good to go cool let’s go let’s all Rift over this uh well not Rift let’s Rift over to Rift yeah let’s Rift to Rift okay hi Rift hey hey thanks for being here again what a nice house I’m sorting my chest Mr Beast $10,000 every day you survive rift’s house wow do you turn into a gobby is that why it’s like that yeah if you stay here too long you do oh God we better go we should yeah you better how we get out better byebye what’s up here here okay whoa she’s got a big pet goat with a huge tongue did you see that yeah I brought those no where what I have some wait in the house it’s OJ oh oh God I thought it was upside down and it had prolapse dude that’s that’s awful that’s awful that’s evil that’s just disgusting he just said that he thought that the tongue was a prolapse what excuse me that’s [ __ ] great that’s funny um so uh were you wanting to I saw you had a bunch of stuff from the Twilight Forest are you sure you didn’t go in very far bird bird gave me some stuff so all I’ve done is I’ve killed the Lich and I’ve killed the the snake and uh there was a Yeti that I killed one time but that was about it the yeti is pretty far along I didn’t even like Bird’s given me a bunch of stuff to progress far but I I I haven’t done any of it in order where are uh those trophies right over here okay cuz I need uh I need to have them in my I need the Nago one and uh the well no but I that they’re all dead and I don’t no no no no we we should do the thing that you need because I’ve done them all I don’t even know hold on do you know the order by heart ah God does it go Naga Lich underground maze dude ghast Tower Yeti ice queen uh Giant and then the freaking Thorn place oh minitar I forgot minitar uh Minotaur is in there somewhere I think before Oh the Hydra the underground God Minotaur is underground I was close on some but I forgot uh yeah minitar and Hydra um shoot this thing that you need what what’s that no no you basically get the the the like trophies they have the um they’ve got yeah the gold the gold things with the head on come over here it’s right down here lag nation’s getting a little quirky yeah we’re getting a little little silly here slur uh I have here oh oh the yeti trophy that is oh the Naga yes that is the right one yeah yeah yeah yeah why didn’t that give me the thing I think maybe you have it already oh maybe I picked it up Ear I do need the Lich one as well though Justin has the L Justin where’s your Lich I think it’s in the museum let’s go look oh God whoa is this Sands sand from undertale yeah this is a this is what we needed the bones for that’s pretty cool yeah we put the a bunch of swords in here so can see what yeah are you going to do armor as well it’d be cool thinking about it uh haven’t decided where we’d put it though so here’s here’s okay here it is nice okay yeah now that gets me to where you guys are cool okay so what everever comes after the I did the underground thing already oh you did I killed the Minotaur I killed the Minotaur I killed the the Lich and I killed the Naga okay so I would need the Minotaur head then you guys that’s the I have one okay and then the next one after that is the Hydra in order to get the uh achievement or whatever you you don’t hold the head you you have to hold or you have to like drink the magic stroganov or something oh wait I might have some I’m the the meef strogen off yeah yeah yeah I never [Music] remember me neither oh this is I didn’t know about this whole underground thing here huh yeah I’ve been trying to build something here you go this should be it there you go okay okay yeah you’re right you’re so right now this allows us to go into the yeah fire swamp mhm so if we’re going to go we’re all set now Adventure yeah we should be we should be good to go let me you got the magic map I do not have a fresh magic map yet no I think I need to get some Tor did I need to hold the the head for it I don’t know if I unlocked anything when I fought it go grab the one out of the museum real quick but I don’t think you have to do anything with the Ed don’t they look like they’re upside down oh what do you mean oh I guess yeah yeah that kind of looks like Wheels look like up like an upside down Panda and he’s got yeah like a prolapse hanging out of his out of his ass um I’ll never let you live that down man well my lizard didn’t either when I was 5 years old you’re you’re you’re what you’re a lizard my lizard you had a lizard when you were five that had a prolapse yeah that’s awful I told my mom and she’s like it’s probably nothing and and it was he died yeah I have I touched everything I should be okay now yeah okay but yeah cap do you have the stuff that we could make a magic map with or do you want me to go oh I don’t like I mean I have paper but um okay I I have paper I but I need torch berries and glowstone dust I have I do have some glowstone if you need that only Tor hey yeah if you have the dust uh I’ll I’ll I’ll take that off your hands okay you guys need dust sure yes pleas wow Sand’s undertale that’s so cool oh shoot okay okay there we go I like how my house just looks like big stairs when you’re approaching it from this way um glow stone how much is needed for the magic map it can’t be more than eight right how do you make the magic meip again it is uh that and oh it’s literally just one yes I am sure that my lizard was a he indeed I come to you bearing gifts cool we have everything we need now we’ll just have to kill some Ravens when we get in there and we’ll be good okay cool all right let’s uh let’s go [Music] why did you go this way I can’t go that way okay I’m going to go the other way I don’t have the Fancy Shoes of double jumping what nothing but lag is so um it’s going to be so cool when we all have elytras later on what’s that hell yeah uh it you can fly oh wait that’s right we’re not allowed to go to the end yet are we no I don’t think anyone’s been there we go wow I didn’t realize they made a chunk error in the Twilight Forest that’s what [Laughter] dedication I guess it’s pretty easy to find the Portal then yeah yeah um well now we just start walking until we get like five six hundred blocks away and then we should be good so oh you think that’s it only like 5600 okay cool um I don’t think I can go in the underground or this Forest without getting blinded or something think we yeah I don’t think we’ve done this part yet Justin the forest yeah we well I don’t can we do that do we have to kill a boss first in order to I don’t remember what order that that one is in again is it after the Hydra it might be after the Hydra and then after you do that then you do your gas if we’re going to the fireplace do I need to have like full heat resistant no no no you’re you’re chilling as long as you’ve eaten the meef okay y okay um so we just walk I don’t know what the Hydra looks like I’m excited to kill a Hydra that’ll be fun it’s it’s a kind of dragony guy yeah well yeah I know I know what a H it it’s fun it’s fun cap it’s a freek myth character I get Howen rays but I did order I did order some Dave’s Hot Chicken and okay I haven’t actually had Dave’s but I’ve I’ve heard that it’s it’s good um so I’m sure it’s fine yeah D is like I get you know two sliders and a little cup of mac and cheese can’t go wrong uh-huh how far have we gone so far not very far at all oh ye of little faith I should have brought I should have brought the flippers wait um here hold on do do you want to oh God all the lady pads are going to make boating annoying we can swim yeah man I’m just going to commit commit swim fast yeah commit come on don’t choke homemade mac and cheese would be a good idea for Papa’s kitchen actually it’s honestly craft mac and cheese is pretty top tier yeah my buddy my buddy Ryan’s favorite food of all time and and he lives by this is craft mac and cheese that was left in the fridge overnight still he’ll say that’s his favorite yeah he’s very particular about it very particular about it um okay surely that’s 59 okay great um I did a math incorrectly you did a math yeah yeah I would eat uh I would eat craft mac and cheese with um a little lemon pepper on it was an excellent addition um yeah we we spiced it up that was only when I was with my dad though my mom was like no no I will not serve you craft macaroni and cheese so it was up to my dad for Captain Crunch and mac and cheese on on Dad weekends your mom was like uh super like you know eat your veggies type [ __ ] stuff sorry she was like pretty she was pretty like not that strict about it but you know was more of a hey it’s it’s every 3 weeks that that you’re with your dad so it doesn’t you know if I get Captain Crunch and mac and cheese for a night or two it’s not a big deal versus it happening you know every night with my mom who I lived with more let’s just through this maze do you think they’ve killed the Naga here yeah I think they did Sor we have not gone far enough no but we’re getting there this is about where uh I was when I untouched Untouched by Man Hands you know okay you ever have Annie’s mac and cheese I think I’ve had it once before Annie’s is pretty good it’s like just healthier I guess I don’t know but you dude my number one is Vita shells and cheese I think I’ve had that before uh that was like actually I think when um when things were looking like uh it was going to be the end of the world in like March 2020 I think that was one of the things I I got quite a lot of um when the shelves were bare oh my God yeah yeah shell and cheese man throw little hot dogs in there a little sausage that sounds good hot dogs is mac and cheese with hot dogs is Del bag of flour when that happened did it end up being used at all we used it all oh nice funny we’re going to we’re going to need some flow guys oh there so that that is the final thing um yeah can’t go in there for a long time actually so we’re getting close to where I think do you want to like activate your map now or yeah I just got to find a raven oh okay yeah but we’re we’re where we should be to make it it’s really hard it’s it’s a lot dimmer with the shaders here so you’re going to have to spot the Raven oh yeah well I have the same shaders as you on now so oh okay do you also have the do you have the cap pack on still I took the cap pack off unable you don’t support the Villager chess what the heck I I do it’s just we can’t go into the sorry man yeah there won’t be any Ravens there is Kelly still with us that’s actually insulting you want to put okay look I’ll tell you what why don’t you like the Villager chests do you still have it on of course I do all right you know what stay there don’t don’t do a thing where’s it at again resource packs yep okay yeah and let me find it CAT pack move it over and we’ll move it [Music] down okay oh god there are people joining my stream like why are you in the Twilight Forest what are you doing what are you doing you’re violating your policy is do you have a policy against this slightly but I’m doing it for socialization in Good Times see there you go he’s doing it he’s doing it for his buddies guys I swear I would never actually like come in here willingly I’m being coerced by the gobbies a disgusting oh my God that was so dramatic stupid gobby um where are the Ravens at Man by the way cheeriest rock thank you for the uh 17 months and french fry King with r with two months and T-Rex little arms 500 bits just popping over from Zen’s chat to say hi friends hello is that what you thought was a raven I I thought it was a raven cuz of the shaders huh I don’t problems you’re the one that wears glasses yeah but I could tell that it wasn’t a a raven you didn’t even see it I did you can’t see three three feet in front of you brother e what are these things um these so we’re on top of a we’re on top of a mound of bad guys right now and so they’re they’re trying to attack us trying to keep all their Treasures for themselves pretty much yeah oh a raven is a real one this time it was a raven this time oh congrats all right let make a quick crafting table Bam Bam Bam ma’am bam wham wham bam thank you ma’am this this and this one two buckle my shoe cap who who’s your uh who’s your who are your your top five sexiest Sonic the Hedgehog females um probably Amy that’s number one that’s the only one I know what you don’t know Rouge dude Rouge the Bat oh yeah no Amy’s still above that all right all right but you know I actually I don’t even know if I could name five Sonic females then why’ you ask I was just curious what you’d say do you Sonic um so where are we going now you know the way right I’m going a little bit further I want to get past the snow area because I’ve been here and then we can’t go in the snow that’s the problem really I can I will have a very bad time if we go into the snow oh jeez yeah all right I’m just going to activate it now okay so we can go you know what the Hydra looks like I don’t you want to give it to me yeah okay hopefully it’ll be un Zapped oh um cool so I reckon we should go this it’s not on there but yeah we’ll go around we’ll go around for sure okay I thought that was a gobby and it was just Kelly not that I not that I think Kelly looks like a gobby I mean you know she’s a excuse you know no I’m you’re you’re a very beautiful woman it’s just not in a weird way but C help me out here man he thought you looked like a gobby I didn’t think no okay I’m used to it I guess oh jeez okay well Cap’s going to lead us to this Hydra and it’s going to be careful of the uh creepers god um that screw yeah I don’t well hopefully we’ll find it it’s usually a lot easier when you have an elytra too bad schlat has a ban on anyone going to the end he’s got travel B on it he’d probably give us levitation for 999 hours 99,999 seconds oh God more people are coming in he’s in the Twilight Forest what is he doing I need a disclaimer on my stream I’m I’m here I’m under duress I’m not here willingly under duress what you you this was it was the gobes he wanted to come here everyone go after him he wanted to come he wanted to be a part of it is this the fiery bom but I’m not seeing uh I’m not seeing a a Hydra on the map in a fire area it’s in a fire area but there is no Hydra on the map here unfortunately a I guess it isn’t big enough Halloween [Music] H where’ he go he’s back behind us hello sorry I saw a big thick log and I just had to look at it yeah don’t don’t tell the captain I have ADHD why does it matter okay mils for Life what what excuse you what people just be saying anything in I don’t know it’s very inapo came and said mils for life I know well wait do you not support mils I love milk um oh you’re going around that way okay um oh I think I I think I see something over in this direction yeah let’s check it out check it out DS for life okay yeah that’s good I can get down with DS for life is that what you are uh I would I’d classify myself as a d okay just Sil okay yeah yeah this this is it this is it Hydra confirmed over here unless someone’s already been hopefully not if we get all the way over here and there is no Hydra is going to be highly reminiscent of when we went to those Soul Sand valleys in the Nether and there were no bones it will be oh my god well you know cap you never uh you never really let me down you know every time you lead me somewhere we always find what we’re looking for so okay I’m glad that that’s how it’s come across yeah uh I mean if this is the first time though I will be very upset and I I don’t know if I would want to keep in contact with you on the server damn if there is no Hydra um then you never need to speak with me again okay even though this is it was my idea no you never need to speak with me again if there is no Hydra is this all black sand no just black grass I guess it’s cool can’t be a dill if never it is so it’s so dark I like can’t even see it’s like it’s like this place is stuck in a Perpetual state of Twilight okay guys thank goodness I don’t have to leave let’s go see C us down I would I would never let you down cap never lets us down so how do we kill this thing whoa you shoot it in the face all right cap that didn’t do anything yeah you might have to get in there and then and then there’s you know it’s just it’s a it’s a process Hello whoa um I’m going to try to brighten my shaders real quick one sec uh sorry good um supposed to be brighter than this but it’s not not working well oh maybe wait no oh God please don’t crash that would be awkward man you guys are really uh you’re really taking him down hey Justin come over here so I can get a great thumbnail shot of this yeah there we go excellent work and he’s breathing fire that’s perfect that’s excellent I’m so focused dude I’m so locked in US Marines are [ __ ] compared to me it’s the brick wall he’s lost a head what’s the matter liberal you got soft hands little liberal he’s got oh he’s got soft hands little liberal here little liberal yeah nice job yeah you did it hold the head you guys are so good at games we did it all right make sure you drink of blood drink of blood yeah he’s got Hydra chops okay is there a head that we get from that I grabbed it oo you want to see it yeah I would love to see that let’s go look at that boo guys there’s a lot of diamonds up here oh look look ah classic cap straight for the diamonds yeah pretty much don’t worry I’ll share some with you guys I know you need them oh it’s okay dude do you want me to put in my bag so you don’t it yeah definitely want to keep the the Hydra head safe that’s cool we did it let’s drink a blood oh I can’t drink a blood well didn’t well we picked it up so we have to drink the blood if we I don’t remember I’ve tried to tune it out maybe you don’t drink the blood it’s it’s a crafting ingredient for some fiery stuff actually to be fair um yeah I think that does it got some Hydra chops drink it like homelander with breast milk what why why would you say that what is that what what is wrong with my chat dude your chat has uh some interesting ideas wait do you not did you not see it the first season no I haven’t seen uh the boys ever oh you haven’t seen it at all you just know of homelander but you’ve never watched no yeah I I i’ the only thing I know about uh thank you for the three Cobblestone cats appreciate it um the only thing I know about the boys is that uh there’s like a guy in the first season that runs really fast and he runs through some guy’s girlfriend and she turns into like just slush and it’s really that is I’m pretty sure that is like the first episode that kind of drives the entire storyline is because yeah because the the hero Hero’s bad yeah pretty much all right where where to next Captain Sparkles um you know guys I think I think I might have gotten I I’m getting my hives are flaring up from my exposure to the Twilight Forest um I I I see okay so but I think that the next thing would be either your like the underground maze thing or your gas something like that I think okay so there there’s there should be a gas thing let me see so the did the underground one yeah we did it together remember yeah the Minotaur mazes are there are four of them that surrounded this area but um yeah the next one is your gas so that’s actually it’s like that Forest um that is right next to the start the portal you need to find another one of those which would be a dark green forest and then you got to go in it and then go into an underground brick thing where it’s a really annoying maze that you have to go through and then at the end of it you fight this group group of mini mini men okay yeah I see so we’re gonna have to fight some miniature men got you okay cool yeah I mean or I can you know another day after my hives have gone down again then maybe I can do a quick rejoin but I mean it is fun having you you know it’s it’s it is fun going on going on adventures I’ve never done this before so you know this is all new to me I’m like a I’m like a baby with with bright you know un unsullied eyes just yeah I know that’s that’s why this has been such a thing that everybody else on the server has gone into so much and been like holy freak this is so cool and I’ve been the old jaded Grandpa who’s like yeah I’ve been here 50 times I’ve been doing this since 2014 yeah maybe even earlier I don’t remember when the first Twilight forest was um but it’s been a while so well I won’t keep you hostage that’s nice of you because other people have sometimes no I’ll let you spread your spread your legs and fly away I’m going to spread my sword and fly away okay okay dude okay it’s been it’s been fun if you guys keep doing it cool but otherwise I’ll join you again in the future sounds wonderful okay I might actually I might actually head home we we’ll see okay sounds good byebye byebye he didn’t no didn’t see didn’t see nothing yeah I I see it no oh hey again hey thanks forell continuing to be here hello yeah I’m still here you it’s very convenient that you’re still here um so thank you okay good you’re welcome that’s so convenient that she’s always there like just super convenient um okay so uh right oh everybody well it’s been a it’s been a fun oh shoot you’re right you’re right I should give a gift I should give a gift for always being there for me um I’ll give a I’ll give a hydrop you’re so right that’s rude of me actually very rude like he can because all of a sudden he just appears hey you know I was just thinking I feel bad cuz you’ve always been here for me so I just want to make sure to give you something so thank you for always being here for me what the heck thank you yeah no problem no problem okay bye um cool how’s it going doing SW excellent glad to hear it what about you pretty good just finished um doing slay a dragon and um I got allergic to the Twilight Forest so I had to leave and and now I’m going to go okay wait you slate a Dragon Slayer Dragon three heads in all like a like a Hydra like a Hydra yeah like a Hydro Dragon oh mhm hadn’t done it in a couple years you know every now and again I guess you got to slay a dragon you just you just do for for the for the practice at this point you just do for yeah I have a tournament on Saturday so I got to be fresh for my PVP oh I see I see well you can always you know use uh use enhancers in case to make up for the lack of training you’ve done you know always some beta block ERS and some beta blockers some some gorilla power gorilla power you’ll have to link me the gorilla power I haven’t heard of that one yeah gorilla power I I I I know a couple people who who who can hook you up with some horse tranquilizers you know they definitely help that sounds like it would actually hurt Performance Based on the name oh oh if if if only you knew you know they they give you that kick they give you that kick that you need so like it doesn’t make you fall to sleep immediately oh no have you ever seen a horse yeah they’re pretty big you usually need a lot of dosage to make them fall asleep precisely and humans aren’t as big as Horses so imag really quickly no no it it cancels it out you know it’s like so much tranquil Tran Equalization that it it it it pushes through the barrier and wakes you up again I’m not sure that science is really sciencing there um but I’ll do some more research and then let you know just just consider it consider it you know I have I have a friend I have a friend he’s he’s he’s uh he’s from Bulgaria and do you have an affiliate code I have an affiliate code yeah it’s not like it’s not like a website like you just give him a note and and and he knows you and then he gives you the discount you know can write down a note yeah cool yeah all right yeah sweet awesome I’ll let you know about that um maybe before the tournament yep cool sounds good cool oh hey guys hey hey all right I’ll see you later y cool uh didn’t know that if you have a huge amount of tranquilizer that it actually gives you energy and wakes you up that’s really interesting compelling science but I can’t argue with it I I don’t know enough to argue with it so I won’t argue with it um yeah well uh thanks for tuning in everybody I hope you’ve enjoyed this wonderful time um make sure to like the video subscribe to Captain Sparkles 2 Follow at twitch.tv/ Captain Sparkles for more of course and um that’s yeah playlist for more scmp of course so um I will will see you all in the next time farewell

This video, titled ‘Twilight – Minecraft SDMP #26’, was uploaded by CaptainSparklez 2 on 2024-05-08 00:00:28. It has garnered 29291 views and 1170 likes. The duration of the video is 01:48:27 or 6507 seconds.

Hello and welcome to the Swimming Drake Multiplayer server featuring Multiple Sleep Deprived Players. Thanks to Apex Hosting for sponsoring! Use code “CaptainSparklez” to get 25% off your own server’s first month: https://apexhost.gg/CaptainSparklez SDMP Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLli4oThJ08ZwuiLkP2vN7lCGFNT9lcMLH

My Links: ● My gear (code CaptainSparklez): https://logi.gg/captainsparklez ● My clothing line: https://qualitycontent.com/ ● Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/captainsparklez ● Tiktok: https://www.tiktok.com/@realcaptainsparklez ● Twitter: http://twitter.com/CaptainSparklez ● Instagram: http://instagram.com/jordanmaron

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    Scary GYM TEACHER Summons JayJay & Mikey in MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Why Scary GYM TEACHER Called JJ and Mikey at Night in Minecraft? – Maizen’, was uploaded by JayJay & Mikey – Maizen on 2024-04-07 18:02:41. It has garnered 37938 views and 420 likes. The duration of the video is 00:30:27 or 1827 seconds. Why Scary GYM TEACHER Called JJ and Mikey at Night in Minecraft? – Maizen This video is an unofficial work and is neither created or approved by Maizen Sisters. Maizen – @maizenofficial Read More

  • Saving the Economy in Minecraft SMP?!

    Saving the Economy in Minecraft SMP?!Video Information This video, titled ‘This Is How We Saved The Economy In This Minecraft SMP’, was uploaded by _ItsWater on 2024-06-14 09:08:43. It has garnered 835 views and 71 likes. The duration of the video is 00:13:28 or 808 seconds. In this video me and my friends plays in a public Minecraft SMP to save the server from a player who is actually duping and selling duped items and making the value of currency in the server 0. So make sure to subscribe as we are so close to 1k. Enjoy The Video!! HaxMC IP (BEDROCK/PE) play.haxmc.fun port:19132 JAVA… Read More

  • Unbelievable! A never-ending loop in Minecraft #68 ⛏

    Unbelievable! A never-ending loop in Minecraft #68 ⛏Video Information This video, titled ‘Irgendwie wiederholt sich etwas ⛏ Minecraft #68’, was uploaded by Kitsuyoi on 2023-12-26 12:00:25. It has garnered 6 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:43:01 or 2581 seconds. It’s the first episode with a great PNG figure from the great @ArapyDea with great emotions, woohoo ///////////////////////////////////////// What is “Minecraft” actually? Minecraft is a super great sandbox game where you can create basically anything. From simple earth huts to functioning redstone computers so you can play Minecraft again in the game itself. The official Minecraft website: https://www.minecraft.net/de-de /////////////////////////////////////////// If you want to… Read More

  • Unstoppable HERO crushes all mobs in Minecraft! #YTshorts

    Unstoppable HERO crushes all mobs in Minecraft! #YTshortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘all mob vs all mob #minecraft #ytshorts #shorts’, was uploaded by HERO REVIEW on 2024-05-25 01:42:52. It has garnered 2 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:09 or 9 seconds. Read More

  • DANGER in Minecraft Beta #3

    DANGER in Minecraft Beta #3Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Beta #3’, was uploaded by Luke West on 2024-02-29 11:59:26. It has garnered 815 views and 53 likes. The duration of the video is 02:11:11 or 7871 seconds. Read More

  • Insane Building & Blockbuster stream with Angxl

    Insane Building & Blockbuster stream with AngxlVideo Information This video, titled ‘Avell Productions Studio Stream w/Angxl | Building, Blockbuster, and more!’, was uploaded by Avell on 2024-05-17 21:39:57. It has garnered 37 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 03:43:13 or 13393 seconds. Ignore these #MCTV #Minecraft #Chill #blockbuster Hope you guys enjoy the experience Discord: https://discord.gg/y9ga4BnmW5 Collab Partners!: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCiXF_Jb51j9h60p5-EvFV9g Read More

  • Unbelievable HyPixel BedWars gameplay with Jay King!

    Unbelievable HyPixel BedWars gameplay with Jay King!Video Information This video, titled ‘🔴 HYPIXEL BEDWARS 🔴 w/viewers’, was uploaded by Jay King on 2024-03-26 12:19:00. It has garnered 26 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 00:58:01 or 3481 seconds. watch my latest video 😀 #minecraft #minecraftpvp #livestream #bedwars #hypixel pvp bot, bot pvp servers, bot practice server minecraft, best bot pvp practice servers, cracked bot pvp servers 1.8.9, bot pvp server, pvp bot server, minecraft pvp bot, best bot pvp practice servers, Im gonna put keywords like minemanner, minemanners pvp song, iusehuzuni, i use huzuni, ricefarmer11, rice farmer 11, rice farmer11, ricefarmer, ricefarmer… Read More

  • Secrets Behind Pyramid Build Revealed! 🤯 #minecraft

    Secrets Behind Pyramid Build Revealed! 🤯 #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘How pyramid actually made🧐 (Minecraft edit)🥷#minecraft #shorts #minecraftshorts’, was uploaded by Block wave gamer on 2024-04-21 02:30:18. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. minecraft viral shorts minecraft edit not hardox minecraft dream minecraft facts minecraft smarty minecraft speedrun minecraft … Read More

  • BrollCraft

    BrollCraftYo! Szukasz serwera Survival z pluginami/ekonomią, to dobrze trafiłeś, 25.02 zakończyła się I Edycja, II Edycja serwera planowana jest na 21.03. Nie może ciebie zabraknąć! Wszelkie info na DC 🙂 nl2.chsrv.pl:52068 Read More

  • CityRP Roleplay Economy Quests Government Crime

    CityRP – Try Something New CityRP is a new server that has opened recently, offering a unique city roleplay experience with a vibrant economy, political systems, custom foods, quests, and a friendly playerbase. Features: Jobs and Quests: Complete quests to advance your abilities and unlock new recipes or locations. Economy and Business: Start your own business by buying or renting properties to open up a shop or service. Crime and Police: Choose to follow the law or go into a life of crime with gangs and a police force. Government and Politics: Become a citizen of Azalea Isles, vote, and… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Bro, am I the only one seeing these OG texture faces for 8 years?

    Why did the creeper break up with his girlfriend? Because she kept blowing up at him! Read More