EPIC Minecraft Vanila Adventure – World 01 – Episode 35

Video Information

Good morning might City welome back I need a haircut but more important I need a coffee hello brm hello stick good night Darion oh my God slept too much too long too good oh Lord hi Dan good morning hi D good morning I got to have a talk to this woman of

Yours too by the way you let her know she’s in trouble big big trouble keep forgetting to tell you guys she’s been in trouble for a while hi Danon sure she’s always in trouble also but she’s in trouble with me specifically I keep forgetting but I remembered cuz I got lots of sleep

But she she in big trouble she’s in big trouble I’m mad I’m real mad good morning she’s not in that TR that much trouble but she’s still kind of in trouble a little bit big big trouble she’s going to remember what it’s for too when I yell at her she’s going to

Remember what did I do what did I do this time what did I do hey yo KY don’t want some music for us Bud that works so you let her know she’s in trouble how you doing this morning Darion Dan sticky good night boy hello B exclamation point YT

Live guys want to help us out there again today get us some watch hours oh yeah we’re chopping trees I forgot that sounds like a crazy person because there’s no music in the vods 13 days Brother 13 days i’ go by like nothing and how long are you going over there

For uh sour cow I see you on the YouTube already thank you bud thank you bud sacrifice There Is No Escape oh it’s a little bit then it’s a little bit that 3 weeks is going to go by a lot faster than this next 13 days [Laughter] though hey there’s C cow up dude good evening good time zone talking to God of War speaking of

God of War see God of War got some DLC Ragnarok Valhalla I don’t think it’s really going to be anything much though it looks like it’s just like a challenge map kind of thing where you’re meant to die over and over and over right yeah yeah yeah I remember

That doesn’t light work outside the UK that’s poopy though huh you’re going to have to defect become a spy for the Americans or [Laughter] something shouldn’t say that they might be listening I think we’re good might City Labs would never say anything definitely not listening hurt my neck getting

Old can’t even turn my head anymore I didn’t send out a Instagram I should do that huh hey Instagram let me do a quick insta I didn’t even send it a tweet today forgot I I’ll do a might rare there go so stop doing that the song is so extra it’s crazy jump

Bams Papas and me Me welcome to another morning Minecraft Friday too I crap I got to remember to take out the garbage next coffee that’s still a couple hours it’s garbage day Alexa good morning good morning on this day in 1980 the Bravo network first premiered on television to celebrate I

Recommend taking a queue from some real housewives and throwing a drink on someone just kidding jeez I was about to say geez how B to say though say what the hell what the hell no don’t do That throw down my thirsty Instagram me close down hi Lizzy over on YouTube good morning the microwave left what’s the microwave laugh sound like sounds like a phone on silent oh yeah the stupid beep at the end right rip DME bag Daryl too by the way that’s

Today do [ __ ] that’s today next year will be 20 years since Dy bag Daryl died and was murdered on stage it’s been 19 years today December 8th 2004 oh it’s weird that Panter even came on huh reminded me rip Dag it’s so crazy that even happened it’s even crazier in 19

Years let solo it up with dime back there some smart music it’s too early for that here’s some smart music Imagine fing this aggressive this is break your headboard kind of [ __ ] I have Smart music for you I put on I got I got a song in the smut list for

You next song up going to be some smut this is this is some smut music Sierra added it’s a good song too though it’s definitely too early for [Laughter] this just woke up we have morning wood already chopping trees oh boy hi Mystic turns on the red lights stop it jeez

Can’t help it though you have Moon Lighting in your bedroom yeah I bet you do you bet you do I know you do such a good song you sleep with your listen your neighbors know what’s going on over there okay all right bro hurry up and the game

Of the year is Spider-Man too come On it’s a good song though song is sexy and it’s heavy as and it’s heavy AF oh I love this part too wrong with some bad almond in the morning huh been wrong with some bad almond almond we’re working on today choing the trees uh in the spawn

Area we’re at the spawn chunks clearing the spawn chunks essentially uh getting a pre for the iron Farm so we don’t want we don’t want to waste too many of the the these trees cuz it’s just good material for building later so we’re going to take down the big trees the on that are 2x two the ones that are 2 by two will take

Down and then the rest will just burn up see I got farm right now iron farm with the ons alone with the Ws aveng 7 fall is pretty cheesy too huh depends on what our futures hold [Laughter] I like a veg B it’s pretty cheesy

See how do I live without the ones I love pretty JY how you guys doing today what you guys think of the game awards I have I just looked through the list uh Allan W 2 and crazy this going to be half the game I should should play at some

Point me of awards that I won uh I’m pretty happy with it I’m I’m really proud of cyber Punk cyber Punk one best ongoing game which I didn’t think it was going to win but absolutely welld deserved who was who’s it up against I know I know a certain group of people that

Are that are pretty pissed you’re going to find out uh game of the year we called this forever ago nothing was going to be balers gate best game Direction Allan Wake best narrative Allen wake best art Direction Allan [ __ ] wake uh Final Fantasy 16 best music

Score which it was a pretty crazy score actually best audio design high- five Rush never never heard of that one myself best performance Ballers Gate 3 uh games for impact tesi I don’t know how to say that best ongoing game cyberpunk 2077 beat out MMO Apex Legends and Esports

Game uh it beat out fortnite and uh gench and impact get cyberpunk baby I’m really proud of that uh because they definitely deserve it best ongoing game is definitely cyberpunk for how much they fix the game uh and just they just even just released uh the 2.1 update which was a huge update

So I think Super welld deserved for cyber Punk there beat out fortnite for best ongoing game especially with fortnite doing fortnite doing the flipping OG season or whatever it was it’s pretty crazy I thought fortnite was going to win that for sure but as a cyber Punk player I’m so happy cyberp Punk

Won and I think was the right call too he Elizabeth you got a name change color the color name color of your name was changed so I’m pretty happy with that which tell like $15 I know when that’s going to be probably just like the next like Steam

Sale such a good game it’s such a good game right now too uh I’m playing it I’m KY and like I can’t wait to get to it and play it play more today I definitely get it on sale no reason to not get it on sale but hi

Mir the new oh the new Lego fortnite looks pretty cool yeah what what I mean like fortnite has been doing some cool stuff um I don’t play fortnite myself but obviously I I you know I follow the news the OG fortnite and uh the Lego stuff that they’ve been doing like the

Fortnite has been doing some good things and to see cyberp Punk beat them out for best ongoing game was great cuz I think well deserved again with 2.0 update Phantom Liberty alone Phantom Liberty alone like I think could have been nominated for game of the year if it was a new

Game um it wouldn’t have won bers Gate 3 was still going to win but like that’s how good Phantom Liberty was and how good the 2.0 update was Mary Mary I saying it right now cybron is 30 bucks right now I mean is it oh they put on sale cuz the game

Work oh yeah there you go well 40 bucks for me but yeah 30 bucks American yeah there you go must be a game award sale or something M what did I say myrr I don’t think I’ve ever said myrr before I think I did say myrr though didn’t I Mar I meant Give me time Chad I rolled 64 good luck cuz Minecraft number good luck cuz Minecraft oh got to lck on that one chat it’s December 8th dudes what are we doing what what are we doing oh ads are starting in 40 seconds too what I’m doing is going to self-promote if

You got Prime please go ahead and use it so you get rid of them stinky ads if not thank you for watching the ads I really appreciate that we get lots of money from those too uh consider gifting the gift of ad free viewing your favorite

People in chat gift a sub or two or five or 10 or something help support the stream keep the stream the dream alive the lights out of Might all that good stuff appreciate you don’t worry about it try to get down that m city mayor get that Health

Down all right there I’ll shut up a bit it see that wasn’t so bad also five gifty will get you named after a pickaxe if you haven’t got a name on it Yet there comes the ads ads are starting in a second hi Pika plays welcome back good to see you again coming back again for another day huh oh new absolutely nothing slept pretty good though slept good nonuel what’s up good morning BR with 6700 a demro wow demro right there

Though D is right there could you not could you get in my way oh my Lord oh my lord it’s night in the Philippines the night huh well good time zone good time zone to you as we like to say here oh Jesus 6:30 a.m. where I’m

It which means somehow we’ve been alive for half an hour already out of nowhere out now yo what’s up Spark f for 7 months eh God you love to see it before you know trust me before you know it that 7 months is going to turn in s

Years we’re going to Blink and be like oh my God my follow age is seven years what happened to my life where did my life go what happened what happened Matt although my name won’t be Matt by then cuz we gone through like seven or eight name Chang

You my name will be tree beard by that time yeah what’s up fair Shadow good morning hello over on YouTube as well thanks to uh for helping out uh for those that cannot subscribe do bits don’t have a prime or anything like that if you guys want to

Help out in a freeway exclamation point YT live somebody in the chat please be could for me uh if you guys want to get a lert going on over there if you’re on PC if you can put me up in another tab or something uh watch the Youtube

Stream that’d be greatly appreciated get some watch hours so we can get partner there and eventually U monetize that and stuff thank you n you should be sleeping I wish I should say me too but I can’t slept a lot yesterday to get a couple more trees actually looking at this now

Only got a couple of more thre do what is this this song is crazy cool you got the screamy screams going on early this morning we try to sleep again yeah I get that I I woke up on time today though which is good didn’t wake up early I actually

Woke up to my alarm like what my my alarm’s going off hello which felt good cuz uh I slept a little bit too much yesterday so I thought for sure I was going to get up early today this is Minecraft yeah Minecraft bub please share the stream here friends

You make sure you do it get your mom and your dad in Here song is bring know the the chin mat was this a song that hello little piggy at it the other day it was hey no no worries man thank you for you know how much I love them people

Just stop in say hello uh thank you for taking the time dude appreciate you don’t forget I do have another stream after dark Channel we call it uh exclamation point KY or I’ll do it for you you want to hang out with us play some uh some other games and stuff uh I

Should be live on that later on today in like five and a half hours probably it’s the time I usually go live on it which not really usually but in in at about that time today be there watch cyber Punk be there I like you cup

Cooker lady cupcake and I got to work on our cyber Punk drops later unless you got them unless you cheated on me with another cyber Punk streamer to get the drums how dare I have a son now I have no children waiting for me baby thank

You thank you no I’m single I live alone a sad lonely old man with no family I am not Don his name Don from Fast and Furious I got family oh d right right Dom with them not Don uh the current project is this is the spawn chunks so we’re clearing out the

Trees in the spawn chunks so we got the perimeter for the CH spawn chunks all set up we just don’t want to waste all all the wood I’m taking down the big trees so we have a couple left over and then the small treeses we’re

Just going to burn them up but we don’t want to waste too much wood D yeah D said done I’m just kidding I got family I got family don’t worry don’t worry about me lady cupcake over on the YouTube thank you guys for farming the watch hours

Over there uh I think we’re almost at our first 500 there too where are we at uh well from the streams yeah from the streams we’re at 438 hours we just started going live on there which is not bad I write them down so uh yeah the first was that the first

Day no the first day was uh the 25th so since the 25th we’ve been grinding out days we had we were grinding them out on Matt Mike Craft on an alternate YouTube channel and I decided that I only want to run the one YouTube uh for vods for shorts for Minecraft for everything

That’s why this is red so this was the first day we started grinding hours on mattm game YouTube so only since the 25th we’ve gotten now 438 hours which is actually more than we grinded out on Matt mik craft in total which is actually a lot longer so it’s pretty

Good so now what 438 hours what are we at total though there 438 hours of just live stream stuff and we broke through that 1K uh oh it hasn’t updated yet hasn’t updated fully yet it takes forever for the watch hours update so we’re we’re probably around

That around that uh we we only got a couple videos up we literally only have two videos up that don’t have many views so that’s around that 438 hours coming up on 500 uh that’s another reason why I want to start doing variety or trying to figure out what I

Want to do for variety on this too so we can actually get some videos and let’s plays and stuff uploaded there for people to watch them which I think we are starting uh probably tomorrow I was going to do it today uh but didn’t have time to make

Thumbnail so I think we’re going to start Batman Arkham Asylum tomorrow on this channel after Minecraft start getting some of the let’s play stuff going actually speaking of that I should do a test recording make sure everything’s Gucci today make sure you guys aren’t skipping fot and

Stuff I did I was really we were just talking about it uh actually really crazy I did not expect that I thought fortnite was going to win it uh but I think cyber very welld deserved I was really happy to see that actually especially as somebody who’s

Currently playing cyber Punk and did you know people can make fun of fortnite all they want but fortnite has been doing good things especially recently with the uh the OG fortnite season and the Lego of and all that they’ve added so fortnite’s even kind of on like another high right now

Itself oh you thought genin was going to get it huh a now you don’t get money they should give it to you anyway so I was really happy to see cyber pun because I think cyber HK deserved it too it’s such an amazing game right now it’s uh F like I said Phantom

Liberty if Phantom Liberty wasn’t DLC and it was a new game I I think that would have been nominated for Game of the Year Phantom Liberty is really cool it would not have one game of the year but I think it would have been deserving of a nomination nothing was going to be

Nothing was going to be Ballers game I’m really I’m even more happy that Starfield didn’t win best RPG cuz I don’t even think that deserve to get nominated I guess there was nothing else Memphis Bay far oh yeah yeah I’ve seen that I don’t know

Him or like a story behind him my real name is Matt yeah I was really happy with the list I was really happy with the the game awards list of like what one we got to play Allan Wake too I’m going to have to play that game at some

Point cuz that like that cleaned up yesterday and I’m like too cleaned up uh and I’ve heard it was a really good game I know we’re going to stream tomorrow same time rewind clock 47 minutes ago this time I should be starting uh yeah speaking of that a slight tweak

In the start time chat since we’re going to be add I’m going to be adding an hour to the stream though we’re going to be adding an hour but that means I got to start the stream a half an hour early so a little little tiny tweak in the schedule okay don’t

Yell at me you you barely even notice it especially since we’re streaming an extra hour we currently stream for 4 hours we’re going to be streaming for 5 so can get some more games for you guys like Allen wake and stuff how long is Allen wake actually also question do you have to

Play the first Allen wake to understand the second Allen wake can I just play Allen wake too yeah that’s a that’s this is a perfect game for mattm my game as well uh no English please English I need to be able to moderate the chat and I only understand English not against any

Other language or anything but I have to be able to moderate the chat so English please uh this is a perfect game for my my game 25 hours or less I’m not going to say anything listen it’s only half hour okay and I’m adding time you got to apologize it’s all

Good no need to apologize uh I think so I’m not sure how I got to get nightbot working over on YouTube also cuz I don’t think our custom bot be very easy to set up for YouTube I got to get YouTube set up over there for moderation stuff uh you should

Be able to say [ __ ] stuff no you you cannot say that word no no don’t do not go there you can say [ __ ] [ __ ] and [ __ ] and stuff but no you can’t say the NW you psycho Jesus Christ Uh I’m going to have to time you out for that by the way I think it’s a 10-minute timeout over there on YouTube there’s no way to purge commands over there so have to give you a 10-minute Bo Jesus Jesus figed that would go without saying you’re all good forget it even

Happened when you come back yeah I didn’t think I’d have to say not that word it’s more than a swear word is that a pig what is this guy doing up here how’d you even get up here Dam spawned up there I guess spawn over There is Allan Wake on sale wait is Alan W 2 not available on PC Alan 2 is not aail wait where is Alan W available what Microsoft Windows but where is it available at oh on Epic oh it’s an epic exclusive huh the dust off my epic account what’s up P FR

Nach I might as well just let this song go for the next 30 seconds we let it go this Long good morning my friends welcome back once again away little kid we got something blink and then Memphis mayfire coming up next thank you key for the awesome songs morning I almost died oh my God oh my God oh my God play plan it over you let me see I

Should be able to set that up right now right I should get nightbot set up over on YouTube real quick uh which one is it though this one I always get confused because the Google account names are different that’s it okay join Channel have to go over here and added nightbot

To the mod list ohar he is Dan got to get you as a moderator over there I added Dan there too for the YouTube months um spam protection should be good I guess CU we got nightbot there now Alexa tell me a joke why did the grapefruits go skinny

Dipping cuz they were big and purple they found it appealing okay dude okay dude why why grapefruit Alexa tell me a joke i’ tell you an umbrella joke but it might go over your head really really hey chat put some hearts in the chat we just hit the first stack of

People on the twitch stream 6 to four it’s a good lucky Minecraft number it was terrible right Alexa tell me a joke what’s the difference between a hippo and a Zippo they have bigger dicks one is very heavy the other’s a little lighter that’s what I said it’s exactly what I

Said same thing right same answer Samurai Alexa would you rather would you rather every shirt you ever wear to be kind of itchy or only be able to use one ply toilet paper I only use one ply toilet paper I use a b day anyway so I use a

Bedet I only use very little toilet paper as it is so easy answer for me hey Darion Darion here we got some smut music coming on next by Bryce Savage key’s in the mood for some SM I think KY behave yourself you behave yourself keffy I’m going to rewind this Memphis

Mayfire song though I like this song The American Dreams go it’s a good one and I wasn’t listening yeah I’ll go with the toilet paper screw being Hy all the time I love Memphis mire so much it’s the H the the guitar The Voice the drums the

Basse like all of it is so good to me just such my style Gambit time I’m going all in right now first one baby boom damn it I really got to stop doing all in ah I have no idea how to say your name um

Zaro Zar am I close hi hello Hi how are you I’m butchering your name I apologize but good to see you over there on the YouTube Lady cupcake thank you for welcoming new community members appreciate you uh speaking of YouTube exclamation point YT chat I mean

YT live if you guys want to help out with uh getting YouTube Partner just need your eyes man uh if you’re on mobile I would stay on Twitch I’d rather you stay on Twitch obviously but if you’re able to open up in a second tab please uh check out the YouTube

Live we’ve been averaging about 10 viewers over there and we’ve been getting about 30 or 40 watch hours per day which is significant uh we need 4,000 watch hours total so if we’re getting 30 40 50 60 per day which we’ve been getting we’ll have YouTube full YouTube partner in a

Couple of months so don’t think that your view doesn’t matter if you’re just lurking over there for the three 4 Hour Stream 5 Hour stream that we’re doing uh it really does help a lot be because of you that we get partner in a couple of

Months so if you’re able to and you want to support in freeway that’d be great Hi D good morning no this is not multiplayer no this is a single player world single player hardcore survival we’re dying far I know I’m being like real Annoying with the YouTube stuff but once we get

You AR I never have to mention it again so here Minecraft education nice dude which we’ll be pushing YouTube Partner till we get YouTube partner and it’s done for good and we never have to worry about it again because it will just be in it oh now we got some smart music to

Listen to YouTube you guys don’t have music we got music over here on Twitch CU we’re able to mute it in the VOD and stuff so we don’t get in trouble so if I get weird on YouTube it’s because there’s no music but I hear music in my ears and twitch chat can

Hear also hear music please make a m player no thank you she is just what oh point where did Darion go her smut music is on wa it’s some ice 9 kills coming up next thank you very much KY for playing the music for might City radio all day long oh my noted

Noted might as look at this one too I guess might as well get this one how you doing de bro how’d you sleep H we have beaten the dragon yep yeah we have our like end we have our Shuler box and stuff too and the dragon

Has been beaten we’ve been to the end cities got our elytra and all that stuff can’t get that without beating the dragon see a dragon has been done we don’t have much else done besides that though we have a perimeter ready to be dug out for the creeper Farm we have a

Villager trading Hall set up for repairs and all the enchantments and stuff that we would need we’re currently clearing this area of trees for an iron farm so we have a couple of projects going on and we have just a temporary storage house so we don’t have a crazy amount

Done but the basics are done we have like our tools we grinded out a bunch of netherite we have nine beacons set up too so we grinded out nine Withers so we do have a lot done but also not too much done in the actual World

Itself a’t bed for a couple more minutes hey am I single like single player or you mean like single in real life no I’m single yeah yes to both yes to both no I won’t date your mom even though moms are cool just saying okay maybe I’ll date your mom I’m

Sorry that’s mean I don’t mean that to come off as mean mommy sorry Mommy sorry Mommy sorry sorry sorry I’ll shut up this I’ll be quiet has anybody played Allen wake series oh this is about uh Jaws yeah this is about Jaws wait is it rocking the boat You’ think it’s about Js

I can’t really lay in bed for an extra couple minutes but shower is what I do be like okay time to get to the shower now like after waking up like another minute and just stand there with the hot water single life for the win yeah ain’t nothing wrong being

Single I’m not against relationships either you know if the right person comes along the right person comes along I’m not against it but yeah I’m happy I’m happy single I’m alone but I’m not lonely the Jurassic Park game looks amazing wait which Jurassic Park game which Jurassic Park game did they

Now set of game ORS or something you should throw it uh throw it in the Discord so I can watch it later so I remember too there a line from heat oh is it really uh I don’t think I know that movie at all I collect them

On I sometimes get lonely but I feel like anybody does people get lonely while they’re in a Relationship uh thank you D bro oh it’s a survival game huh 15 minutes of [ __ ] got sh thank you D bro I don’t want to watch now cuz like music and stuff but uh I’ll watch it later from the Discord it’s not made by the people that

Made Arc though is it cuz that’ll be up that’ll be upsetting who’s the devs of the game no it’s survive we so Arc who’s making it going to skim Thro it here oh we don’t really get any gameplay from it though looks like Jurassic Parks survival.com who’s the devs of it

Saber is that who the devs are oh God dang it oh it’s a Konami game well it’s published by Konami vendi uh Savage entertainment okay so not really made by like a big Studio or anything looks like it’s their their first real like game game oh really a new Crazy

Taxi they are making a Minecraft movie yeah unless we were all just collectively sharing the same dream which could have happened Matrix so many trees yep not so many left though only a couple left I hate when I have dreams like that dude I hate when I have dreams like that

They just feel so real when you wake up and like wait that’s actually kind of ridiculous that doesn’t make any sense because that doesn’t happen I don’t even know car burn this Forest down we’re going to be what’s what’s your problem relax Mr impatient you’re really going to hate it

When we start digging out the perimeter aren’t you not waste the material you going relax what’s the rush uh I’m not full carnivore and I’ve been quite a bad boy for like the last month I do when I’m like doing my normal what I call carnivore diet it’s like 95%

Carnivore uh and it’s not just meat it’s animal products so like eggs milk cheese and uh I do eat carrots and sweet potatoes that’s the only like non-animal products that I eat is sweet potatoes and carrots but I’ve not been doing that I’ve been having Doritos like every third

Day so I’ve not been good I’ve not been a good boy at it but I’ll be getting back to it oh it feels way better way more energy I don’t know if I was on a high carb diet or not but I mean I’m I’m assuming

That it was just because so easy to be on a high carb diet yeah oh yeah it’s just and you feel a difference very quickly too like after like on day two you start noticing a difference and anybody that I’ve met so far that has like has tried doing carnivore like only

Animal products has noticed the same thing like dude I notice the difference immediately cuz it’s not like it’s not low carb either if you’re only eating meat it’s low carb but like there’s lots of carbs that I have like so I’m not technically like on like it’s not keto or low low

Carb because there’s like lots of carbon milk and cheese and stuff so it’s not it’s not a ketogenic diet by any means it’s not even really low it’s lower carb I guess but just make sure you’re getting all your vitamins and your minerals and stuff cuz I do take supplements too I

Take a vitamin C vitamin D I take a uh cod liver oil supplement Just Like a Pill whatever uh I take fish oil supplement multivitamin that’s pretty much it well still just make sure you’re getting all your vitamins and your minerals too though I am not a nutritionist my eny

It’s it’s my experience with it I find I have too much energy but I’m kind of a high energy person anyway even when I have low energy I feel like I have too much energy but it’s very noticeable when I’m doing carnivore it’s not a very hard di to transition to

Really unless you like carb products like potatoes and like stuff uh it is a pretty boring diet though it’s very boring not too much Variety in it this is the only problem with it but for me that don’t matter I just like food so I could eat the same thing every

Day and I’ll get bored I’m Falling we only got a couple more trees before we start burning stuff down maybe three four more trees I think that’s it I’m Falling right here on the edge might as well grab it where else do I got one there’s two right there I think hey how I let that happen all right cuz I cut it out I think it’s just these two left I think I mean that’s said that happens

Too though right collected that happens too I’ve just been uh I’ve been working really hard like on YouTube and twitch stuff so I’ve kind of put diet and workout stuff to the side a little bit not fully I’m not overeating I’m still like within my calorie count most

Days uh and I still do c el little bit of cardio but I haven’t been going hard at the gym figuring out uh YouTube stuff and so I’ve just been like working really hard so I’m pretty confident I’ll be getting back on like the hard grind once

I get this like even with like my whiteboard and all that stuff with my schedule on it this close to being happy with with everything and then I can start uh start my like workout routine again but I’ve been I’ve been trying to do just a half an hour on the treadmill

Just so I don’t get into the habit of like not working out every day but I could most certainly be doing more uh and I plan to I just focusing on some other important things with the stream and YouTube and stuff so all right let’s see chat any other

Duay one right here I think was there well I’m seeing things okay I’m going to need a bunch of these trees are way too annoying to take down especially how many are left so we are definitely burning them I’m going to go get a bunch of uh flint and steel me me me

Me no that’s not we’re not we’re not clearing that one that we’re just clearing the surface of that one those are the spawn chunks this where like our iron farm and like things that need to go in the spawn chunk are going to go I just I don’t want the trees there as

All so that one is not a perimeter dick hey first sub of the day got to love our alert too isn’t an alert sexy there uh first sub of the day doing 350 damage to the mayor uh you can do every bit does a damage of Health every dollar Dono does 100 Health become the mayor by doing the last bit of damage to him collecti one welcome back brother man put some hearts in the chat thank you thank you thank you man keeping the stream and the dream alive yeah yeah we’re not we’re not clearing that we’re not even really

Flattening it or anything we’ll flatten the areas that we need to FL okay as we go but yeah we might have to fill in some water but cuz we do got a little bit of water over there but I can’t even think of anything we would put it in spawn chunks besides

The iron firm so collectiable welcome back Lucky 13 baby the it’s totally going with the music right now for to grab uh some steaks here too yeah boy we got some uh some some wood and Spruce logs to last us a bit Yeah Boy uh I’m going to have to put them

Somewhere else for now I guess we can put them over here right let’s do that you figure we got a more the amount of time we spent over there huh why us a bed either way though I don’t know what we have for iron should be more than enough

Really should be more than an over really d really dude really what what are you talking about what’s up what’ I do you said really dude I did why why is that funny though I can’t use a fortune on this Fortune pick work on this oh yeah yeah do that’s like guaranteed to

Work as I guaranteed to work that with inside tou with your Fein [Applause] inside chop this down too so we can fly back for now on instead of running woo woo woo coming over baby tonight Billy Talent like this song too big red gun turn up a little bit chat also gamma

Time gamma time in the twitch chat for anybody wants a gam Gam oh demro with a big win the jackpot roll 5x baby you’re almost in first place too by the way you’re catching up to Bram so fast all right let’s make a mess yeah yeah yeah yeah

Ow we’re going to need a lot of iron for this a big yeah yeah yeah yeah better run bamby get in your Forest only you going for you were just telling me a second ago to burn it down now now he’s guilting me about burning down the

Forest when he just had so much impatience like burn it down already back oh keffy you’re doing good today with the m City radio stuff KY just let you know dude okay good job KY my boy Billy Town some Audio Slave you love to see it you love to hear it I

Guess I Didn’t Start the Fire H good morning this is a nice really just chill song I want to listen to oh Chris Cornell baby sing it to me and also mothering Tom marel Woo my God burn it down to the ground wo oh this sexy isn’t it I love this solo so this is why I would love to have a Stratocaster CU I do like this tone and sound and stuff too and you can only get that from a strat baby there like typical Fender

Stratocaster sound right here what up just chilling listening to some tunes playing some Minecraft how you doing man oh we got some we got some smut music coming on next the bad almond driving all chilling and making forest fires duh such a good sign I can’t play it here

Though well I can’t play the YouTube video what’s the name of the song Sorry should be available on Spotify I can play it Monster yeah you need to license for Monster cat or you get dmca though we don’t have a monster cast license I just need I I can’t click the

Link I need the name spotify’s on the other computer the artist and the the song of the name be good rainbow road by nanobe on for this after this one uh rainbow I don’t remember this song will I remember this song I got it on the Queue let

Probably especially if you recognize it I should probably recognize it you’re saying I should I should oh my God sumon and build go us the play it okay do like this bad alens a poop this a good song actually that’s cool what’s this Rainbow Road s I immediately recognize [Laughter] it remember this

One oh yeah we used to play this a bunch didn’t we for sure was this Bacon’s intro sound oh it might have been s yeah think you’re right at oh you’re yeah you’re definitely right right you’re definitely right yeah this is a throwback for sure one Rainbow Road rainbow boobies I don’t

Know why I said that I got boobies on the M apparently I didn’t mean to say that at all place the B the history but you do the thing to the thing to the Bobbies oh yeah ziron dude I haven’t heard ziron song in forever either rainbow rainbow

Boobies oh yeah at so we can find that real quick was it oops road you used to have some good classic monster cat songs all the uh well we used to do uh what you call it a lot around here pegboard nerds I think John was in the pegboard nerds a lot too

Actually I know we were we were like we were pumped every time like pegboard nerds puted a new song oh yeah oh yeah oh this is a hype song though this is a real hype song I should throw it in our you our playlist for starting ah the old days

Man what’s up my ho lemon the old days dude f it this fits uh with like ky’s Vibe though I’m throwing this in the our playlist the intro it’s kind of like cyber punky Alexa would you rather would you rather walk around work or school for the whole day without

Realizing there is a giant brown stain on the back of your pants or realize the deadline for that important paper project was yesterday and you are nowhere near done uh the second one I want to walk around poop stains yeah the project who wants to walk

Around with [ __ ] in their ass all day that’s so embarrassing God Roa that’s a quick way to get your name nickname at at your workplace or school as skidmark and thanks for reminding me of this song I forgot how hype this song actually was actually fits with like the

KY intro Vibe too with like turbo killer and all that stuff too it’s a little more happy happy than like a cyber Punk song but still like like that sort of like sound is definitely a cyber Punky like cynthy you know then plus you get like the eight bit in

There too it’s a good song man good mountain m city all see it works it’s a great intro Z we know it’s not being used anymore let me know Up that’s great yeah this is definitely going on the intro list that’s a killer song it’s nice and long too A lot of my intro songs are like 3 minutes this is like a good four minute song oh that’s that’s a throwback and a half that

One chat in like 10 minutes I got to take out the garbage okay well 12 minutes 11 minutes uh I’m going to make a coffee too it’s garbage day and I forgot to take up the garbage still won’t be a long break like 5 minutes maybe get away from me dingleberries it

And we’re going to have to go get some more iron which is not a problem we have a couple places we can get it from real quick we don’t need much but we’ll grab a little bit stockpile it a little all right let’s go

H I hate when you get you in the hand and like you scratch it as hard as you can like nothing helps got [ __ ] bite it ah how we looking anyway that’s right just just a little bit here what up B just a we a little bit we

Got some iron right here we can probably get oh this is a gravel Mountain that’s a gravel Mountain dude good to know that’s there actually I D over there and the you ow [ __ ] so dramatic this song Do r do D your dad is dead just

REO turn out the lights they’re on too bright take a trash another 7even minutes we’ll do that start bre included in the ad break hey Memphis mayfire let’s go of course it’s turning night time soon they start flying uh I think we are going to do that thing I’m testing it out just

Slightly a bit today Den bru starting a half an hour early Minecraft for three hours and then two hours of variety I think we’re going to do that I think it’s a good plan I was going to fully do it today but I couldn’t get the thumbnails made I

Had some issues with my Photoshop and how I wanted to do it uh I’m going to look into the price of Allen wake too it’s probably be Batman to start Allen wake 2 is not a bad idea since it’s just won a bunch of awards and stuff right now and it’s a new

Game uh but still going to be the same thing that we’ve talked about and what I plan to do for mattm game which is games that are like 25 hours or less that way we’re because we’re only doing them for two hours a day I don’t want to do like

A Grand Theft Auto that’s like 100 hours cuz we just be on it forever so M my game variety is games that are like 25 hours or less and a lot of them are only going to be like 10 hour games too but like I want to Max I

Want to put a cap on it at by 25 hours uh like the Batman games I think are like 10 11 hours you know so we can get excited for actually playing them and if you want to watch me play Batman and start to finish the story will take

A couple of days but you know what time to be there Etc so still doing that I’m just not going to record them offline I’ll stream them I think is a good idea I think it’s a good plan uh I do have to schedule some stuff on the YouTube too

Though if I’m going to want to separate the Minecraft streams which I do so I got to figure out how I’m going to do that as well there’s a couple Logistics things I still got to look at but shouldn’t be very difficult to start it I might even be able to start it

Tomorrow YouTube’s a little weird how how you have to like schedule streams so uh I’m pretty sure I have that figured out though CU I do want the Minecraft like YouTube stream to be a Minecraft YouTube stream and then the Batman W be a Batman one but then upload the let’s play properly

After uh I’m even doing a test recording now you guys should not have seen any buffering or anything at all in the last last hour right everything’s been good hi myth stream should be buttery smooth really how you doing myth how you sleep how you doing pretty golden carrot and they can stay

There just another inventory item I’m doing pretty good Manny I SLE pretty good myself yeah YouTube is weird how you have to like uh schedule streams so like right now this is the schedule stream if I were to end the stream and then go live

Again it will pick this one up so in theory I think how it’s going to work is I’ll set up the Minecraft stream when we’re done Minecraft I’ll end the YouTube stream but I’ll have another scheduled stream but it has like the Batman uh the Batman thumbnail and stuff

And then if I go live on that one that’s scheduled it should just pick right up on Batman it should just be couple of clicks and shouldn’t be an issue so I’ll try to set that up today and we can maybe start Batman tomorrow or I might I might look at another game

But we’ll see variety game number one that’s I mean there’s a couple of logistic things that I got to start look at but gamma time yeah a gets health damn it didn’t want to do that what’s the plan for today we’re burning down some trees right

Now clearing up the uh spawn area just chilling listening to some music hang there with my friendos around the stre uh also we’re going to take a break after this gamble here oh I want a triple how about that all right ads are starting right now

Please do subscribe if you got a prime or maybe gift the sub or two or five uh to your favorite people in chat so get ads other than that exclamation point YT live uh hang out on the YouTube uh I’m just going to make a fresh coffee and I

Have to take out the G cuz uh garbage thing so I will be right back hang on hang tight uh I’ll see you in two seconds give me like five minutes up so not two seconds five minutes oh my God the country thank goodness I missed it oh this one’s not so bad

Though hello Ronaldo over on YouTube good to see you this is a pretty good country sign actually is this the eximus list no is this a Christmas song this is just Zack Brown Band I was going to say it sounds like a Christmas song I would have heard like on Christmas vacation or

Something going to make this day a little better than the last where have I heard that song as you can see we got Guns and Roses now make this t a little better than the last I guess we should get this going huh make this day a little better than the Le [Applause]

We definitely don’t need that many more but that’ll do us maybe it’s the tune I feel like that is on a Christmas movie though it definitely was a Christmas Vibe wasn’t it way goes Tonight ow Jesus I’m going to kill myself don’t do it we need this World Way my way uh yeah so this is the spawn chunks and we’re just looking to get out uh get all the trees the area clear we’re not like even I might flatten it at some point just to have it flattened but right now we’re just like we’ll probably flatten it as

We go like we’ll probably put the iron farm right here since it’s already pretty flat but this is the spawn chunk we’re not like clearing it down to layer zero or nothing like that just getting rid of the trees and stuff lots of floaties over this side for some reason

Yo KY thanks for the awesome playlist man thanks for playing the tunes where us today more Evan Essence though just make sure our playlist was still oh I remember this song what is this guy doing uh we are clearing out the spawn chunks so we have a perimeter of 256 by

256 marked out this is known as the spawn chunks these are always loaded in the world forever so no matter where you are in the world the spawn chunks are loaded uh so if we have an iron farm here we build an iron farm no matter

What no matter where we are in the world or how far we are away from that farm it’s always going to be working so right now we’re just burning trees so we’re clearing the area little area prep basically if you want to look at it thatway tree abuse yeah but don’t worry

We saved like three chest full of trees we saved three chest full we spent like two streams chopping them down but now the rest must go but now the must must go what did I just say now the rest must go whatever helps you sleep at night matter

Hey Fair Shadow you added this album right I do believe I remember correctly just the other day you did I remember dude if you could stop being un fire now that would be great thank you that’s my stapler it’s my stapler over there that’s my stap System of a Down everybody everybody everybody

Living now everybody everybody everybody sucks everybody everybody everybody living now everybody everybody [ __ ] woohoo inside of me choke and check and out of me might need a little bit more more trees left than I thought that there was yeah what’s up quanum good morning my friend

How are you how your sleep what’s up how you doing good afternoon good evening I think for you got a question for me all right let’s hear it but to go all in red or black it’s going to be black it’s going to be black let me know

See I know what the universe told me yeah what up Viper oh you have tree consent nope music does go hard doesn’t it music do go hard D for folks on YouTube you don’t get music we hear music on Twitch but not YouTube so you don’t think I’m going that crazy oh fing

Rain you bastard I’m working here oh I guess we go got to go get some more anyway I no music on YouTube uh because we will lose any monetization options uh subject to dmca strikes and stuff like that we can play it here live on twitch because we if you were to make

A clip right now yeah copyright basically yeah if you were to make a clip here on Twitch there would be no music in the clip the vods don’t have any music in them so yeah copyright uh but it’s kind of a good option to have as well like if you don’t

Like our music choice you can go watch on the YouTube and there’s no music there so you can play your own music if you like so it’s also nice to have that option Alexa would you rather would you rather never be able to use a touch screen or never be able to

Use a keyboard and mouse a touch screen the the question was would you rather not be able to use a touchcreen or keyboard and mouse I would say touchcreen yeah you’re in big trouble you’re in absolute big trouble I’ve betrayed betrayed Kate and I can’t believe it I was shocked

Shocked that you would betray me like that could not believe it talking about words that I can’t say and things that are weird for me because I’m East Coast Canadian uh I meant to tell you this like a week ago probably week and a half

Ago maybe even two weeks ago now I don’t remember but just happened to be FaceTiming Sierra and like hey I remembered a thing that you’re probably not going to know guarantee you’re not going to know it actually do you know what a Scribbler is she looks at me dead in the face and

She says yeah it’s a notebook and I was like completely shocked like you know what a Scribbler that’s amazing like nobody in chat knew what it is you knew it was I can’t believe it she was dead ass no emotion in her face whatsoever when I asked

Her uh and then she started hysterically laughing and said that you told her in a private message if Matthew ask you what a Scribbler is tell him it’s a notebook and then I went I was impressed and now disappointed betrayed the Betrayal how could you do this to

Me how could you do this to me just the principle of the thing I didn’t I asked her I just kept forgetting kept forgetting to yell at [Laughter] you I think I asked her the next day was when I remember to ask her where a Scribbler

Was I just kept forgetting to yell at you top 10 and anime butrs of 2023 I I was so deflated I so impressed cuz I was like you know wow I was like that’s either a lucky guess or like I’m just impressed Sierra that’s incredible you actually

Know what a Scribbler is good job and then she started laughing I was like what are you laughing at she cake told me she said if Matt tells you asks you what a Scribbler is tell’s a notebook literally like my shoulders went down like damn it that’s top that’s the top betrayal of

2023 for sure any competition dude a shot I was shot she played it off so well though yeah know that’s what she said she’s like okay all right cuz she asked me that too I was wondering why she was saying that I was like okayy we’re talking about like

Talking about you and like random things that you might not talk about so this was one that I I came up with that I thought you were not going to get for sure but no yeah she was like she played it off so well until she couldn’t anymore and started

Aling but like when I asked her just like straight face dude straight face notebook I can believe it it’s going to be black Again betral bro betrayal black am all right hey you’re in big trouble betray me like that get your back you want your back is a b the Christmas car oh no no no why would you be troubled by that you going no it’s something I kept forgetting to yell at you

For I’ve been waiting for you to come in or Raid me or something I keep forting the emot no no just betrayal just the ultimate betrayal how dare how dare I don’t like how light you guys are playing this often either is serious serious business right

Now you would be proud of see her though you’d be proud of her she she didn’t shouldn’t make it known at all just dead ass Dead face should tell you to got him hi silly good to see you not a pyromaniac more of a Forester controlled Burns listen we chopped we chopped down

Like three CH three double chests full of wood before we started do this okay it’s just part of the problem process it’s just part of the process don’t judge me definitely good thing we made more how do I convince my breast friend my breast friend how do I convince my best

Friend to go get breakfast with me after I kept her up all night say hey I kept you up all night let me treat you to food let me make you a big fat fatty and feed you I mean all you should really have to do is mention

Food because food is awesome and now I’m I’m hungry thanks very much you’re going to take me out for breakfast now say hey food on me let’s go I miss spoke okay I need more coffee also you missed the you missed the bright Savage song earlier

We had some smut music play you weren’t here it was a good and too easy to love is what the song was I actually remember what it was hi actually bear what’s up dude y you missed right Savage did you missed it we were yelling for you and everything couldn’t hear us

Though you were too far into I’m doing good brother man how you doing how you Sleep love this song one of my favorite songs actually these days hi I’m the French who’s trying to go eat wait what thought she was taking you for food I know she’s trying to eat you hold up hold the phone you be trying to eat people Darion hi Abby are you also

Nurse are you the fourth nurse at might City Hospital that we’re looking at right now Darion all no wonder you’re asking we thought she was trying to take you out to eat not eat you my Lord oh oh no 11: oh I guess it is that late for

You I forgot time zones also forgot that it’s like 9:00 a.m. Daran stop trying to eat people and now I’m hungry and a little thirsty Matt stop hey I think we got all the trees CH you should get you should boing Bo ban b buan six you’re going to give me T of

Cardiac T tartic tartic at least you got a friend just go get food I wish I had somebody to come take me to get food some get me to take me to get food dude I could go for like eggs and stuff right now oh my God pancakes tacky cardic te

Cardic you’ll do nothing we too much for you to handle big boy who won’t want to get Aid true CH but how can you be eating and be so thirsty at the same time now I’m hungry in more than one way now I’m hungry food give me food Billy Talent give me Billy

Talent yeah all right it come see me when you’re 38 dude see if you look as good as me I’m aging like a fine wine I think it’s cuz I avoid the Sun at all cost seeing [ __ ] 20 years when you’re 38 you young [ __ ] look like you’re [ __ ] 12 years old

I’d rather look 50 than a baby face [ __ ] me you vampire confirmed no just Ginger just Ginge yeah more like 17 years yeah so round up baby faces don’t age that well careful who you’re dissing cuz you’re going to be 30 and be like oh [ __ ] I still got eight more

Years before I was mad’s age I’m already looking like a leather mitt I mean practically vampire I mean I do collect Souls but not technically a Vampire if you say so listen see everybody with Good Vibes and then actually Bear comes in and then just starts dissing and bringing Down The Vibes why you can’t just be nice why you always got to be a dick every time you come in here and then I

Have we have to have this argument every time that you come in here you’re a dick just relax bring Good Vibes next time why you always got to be dissing huh being nice is boring no it’s not being nice is peaceful and nice why you got to disturb my peace huh yeah sure

Whatever love me less then over and over yeah I think we’re going to have to lower this corner on my shoulder over and Over actually be give for a sub thank you dude we missed a tree somewhere don’t feel like Skillet right now hi dra good to see you good morning had you sleep no that’s not less more less less this a good disturb song I like this disturb song a

Lot how do you UNG a sub then I have no idea uh you probably get a refund probably Uh I could say that Jester but I’m not an Idiot happy CR well no Comment good one Mery Chrysler Epic rmbo enjoy your fortnite Merry Chrysler happy crimbo hey got a notification from Instagram Key’s real got more than 500 plays good job KY must have been the second one uploaded was it oh it’s kicking off a little bit dude the one reel has 21,000 views on

It think they might be pushing that other one now too which is good good job key proud of you man let’s check out the YouTube ones good job KY boo as I say you better not rain but don’t matter cuz we’re not doing fire anymore anyway so I still don’t like rain rain’s too much the [ __ ] are you there’s a good disturb something though isn’t it oh I love Paramore too Port is such a good B like listen that Rift like such a cool little Baseline I just so tired hi Kate Channel I agree poop I almost got it

So we don’t leave too much Flo Around yeah so we’ll just have to take some time to flatten this area and this will be our where the iron farm will be so let’s do that and start that now I guess I want breakfast just need a couple of chests and we’ll be Gucci here B I know I didn’t know what happened there for a second I thought I went into like the swim motion like why am I lower under the ground so I’m sorry for this that’s a really good recording test too it’s recorded for two hours and no issues whatsoever so that’s good

Thing means I should be able to just go ahead with variety I’m going to test 1440p though I’m going to do that here in like 5 minutes chat if you guys want to help me test the resolution change setting I don’t think I’ll be able to do it

But I’m just going to have to crash the stream for two seconds so I can actually make the change in OBS you guys let me know if the stream like drops frames or whatever just to be sure so I don’t think I can change those settings while I’m live no I

Can’t I can’t take it off of 1080 recording while I’m live so we’ll just crash the stream real quick and uh make the [Applause] change in like we’ll do after next ad break I guess after in about 7 minutes will Alice Cooper baby you know what what’s My Age Again

Is coming on next I want to listen to that right now thank you for playing this KY appreciate you uh it’s not a server C not a server single player world I’m just just single player world hardcore mode hardcore survival what’s my Atri [Applause] again I guess we don’t have to do this far we just do to right here I guess [Applause] oh I gu get some Our Lady Peace coming on next too thank you KY the hell of a playlist as always dude dday Our Lady Peace survival I mean Carnival survival think of Minecraft [Applause]

Or let it be super underrated for sure like most Canadian being super good dude kind of want to list do a specific our lady P song though one of my favorites this is a throwback dude oh what song this when did this come out 97 holy

Holy you don’t pie frak hey you should get more done although I get it Why Superman’s Dead oh really pie frak oh I see what you doing over there y oh really back in 2002 my brother probably still has it from a rock festival uh I think it’s from our lady piece it’s a BC Rich Warlock has like uh the festival name like on a sticker and

Stuff on it like that was owned by our lady piece I don’t know how we got it I’m sure he still has that let see if I can look it up actually y i Yeahman yeah don’t know why we’d ever get rid of that guitar but you know how guitar players are no it’s not on his Instagram I know it’s like up on the wall yeah yeah Superman’s Dead all right ads are playing I’m going to crash the stream after the ads here

Okay and we’re going to try to just a a recording test on 1440p see if we can stream on YouTube at 1440p as well as uh locally record a 44 CU obviously I would rather the higher quality better but yeah now yeah now [Applause] I’m going to put on another Our Lady pce

Song out of this cuz this is the one that I was going to go for but it just showed up so H Hone Somewhere Out There is the other S it’s such a good album [Applause] too I’m about to crash the stream here in a second [Applause] though okay I’m going to crash the stream now since the ads are over hello Dory just hold on a second I’m going to crash OBS and then come right back and

We’re going to do a a local recording test of 1440p so I got to crash OBS first but you shouldn’t have to refresh or anything we should just be right back okay so just give me a second Somewhere Out There should be back yeah halfway back I warned you that we’re going to be just let them crashing [Applause] it I just War you you go okay we should be Gucci muted of course okay now I’m going to try to record and you guys let me know

So right now we’re on 0 z z everything uh frames missed due to rendering lag zero frames missed due to encoding lag zero the stream has 0.0% drop frames uh we’re going to test a 1440p recording so let’s see if we drop frames and stuff you guys let me know okay

I know I got it set for great 1080p recording but I want to see if I can’t push it a little bit to 1440p before we start doing variety know you’re out there somewhere out there uh recording has started and I’m not noticing any drop frames or anything

Yet but sometimes there’s like hidden [ __ ] how’s everything looking on the twitch stream we should be live over on YouTube still right I know I love this song too I know you’re out there somewhere out there grit all faces down Out Of Reach I’m not dropping any frames yet on my end anyway

We let it go like for a little bit here before we uh decide that we’re going to stay on 1440p but so far so good those couple of changes that I made for 1080p seem to be working for 1440p as well let me try to

Make a oh what is my replay buffer on though what is my replay buffer on not enough put that to five minutes and see if that causes any issues I know we’re just hooked on uh our lady peace all of a [Applause] sudden are all chat are you guys noticing any

Buffering are you guys getting any reloading or anything like that English it in the YouTube chat over there please if you could I only understand English and we got to be able to moderate the YouTube stream some [Applause] M nope no drop frames no buffer no nothing all

Right I’m going to try to run a replay buffer here in about 5 minutes okay so quarter after I’m going to do hit the replay buffer and see if that causes any issues replay buffer is how I get like uh my clips and stuff for Tik Tok so those are important

Too yeah I mean it’s not showing anything so far in OBS and it’s 1440p I got to see how the 1440p video actually looks but I mean should be fine it should look better than I had it before actually as I’ll show you what I’ve done so the recording

Settings I use cqp which is apparently much better at capturing better quality on the go as you’re like doing movements and stuff the CQ level the lower it is the better but the bigger your file size is going to be by like a large amount I did have this on

Slowest and I did have the quarter resolu ution on full and but I had the CQ level at 30 and the difference between 15 and 30 is actually kind of crazy so the fact that we’re not dropping anything on a on a slow and two passes quarter

Resolution but we’re down on 15 here it should actually be better quality H and then the replay buffer is set for 5 minutes with four gigs of RAM and streaming at 6,000 bit rate 1080p but recording is 1440p so and as you can see Miss frames due to

Rendering lag zero skip frames due to encoding lag zero drop frames because of the network zero we’ve been recording for 5 minutes drop frames 0.0% so so far so good oh is it probably yeah this is a really popular one [Applause] uh I think was a debut album I listened

To being Canadian too I guess being Canadian too I guess right demu are you on YouTube are you able to do like a Timeout I can’t SK skip this song either thank you thank you appreciate you this is such a good song Too 4:00 A.M now the next thing I’m going to do is make a clip it’s a 5 minute clip that I can use for editing really easy we’ll see if that causes any issues

Whatsoever so and then I think we’ll be good for 1440p recording on YouTube again which makes me really happy but I know if we run into issues we can definitely do 1080p soon oh yeah gravity’s a good one too oh it’s not even on this Alum what album is that

On I’m going to throw that on anyway oh that’s the album oh I’m an idiot don’t mind me I thought they had a song called gravity too or just like in the lyrics maybe no mind me I’m stupid [Applause] such a distinct voice too I can see why people wouldn’t like

It but I love it all right one more minute and I’m going to press that button and you guys let me know if you get any like uh desync you get any buffering if the stream buffers or anything like that sometimes my end only tells me so

Much I’ll let you know when I’m okay I’m going to push it CH I’m going to push it right now remuxing saving I didn’t get anything on my end I’m going to try to spam it here a little bit too you guys notice anything on the twitch stream anything on the YouTube

Stream didn’t notice any drop frames nothing good Uh demu can you check on the YouTube live stream for me when I push the button next I want to make sure that also the YouTube stream doesn’t buffer either cuz that one’s on 1440p already so and I think the stats that I’m looking at in

OBS only track the twitch stuff so okay I’m going to push it right now going push it now Still nothing on Twitch people watching on Twitch demu YouTube how she looking all good that’s such good news you have no idea uh I’m going to do another test here real quick though see if I can’t help out that Ram a little bit see if it does

Anything nicely push stream is good okay I’m going to press it again keep watching on YouTube keep watching on Twitch like like I say on my side it’s all good man 14 people watching over on the YouTube by the way thank you guys so much grinding at them watch Alber man helping

Us get partner that is that is actually huge thank you guys still all good I’m going to press it again we really we really want to stress test this before I like start recording the variety stuff cuz I don’t want to [ __ ] up as we record I don’t even think I need

The the replay buffer on that though think four gigs is probably good same same good good pressing it again I can put these settings on KY too that’s awesome man we’re recording we’re streaming on on YouTube at 1440p 24,000 bit rate uh we’re streaming on Twitch at

Slow encoding on the CPU but we’re also locally recording right now at 1440p and essentially I don’t know how much bit rate but very high bit rate let me go look at one of those clips that I just made actually I’ll show you guys essentially what we’re recording

At so YouTube are streaming at 1440p from the video card the GPU the GPU is doing YouTube local recording um and the CPU is doing the twitch stream uh and then oh and the GPU is also doing the the replay buffer so there’s a replay that I just made at 1440p

Which is a 5 minute video of the last 5 minutes of the stream um and we’re recording videos at about 136,000 bit rate holy [ __ ] that’s going to be some high quality videos what Jesus and that’s why we built the rig specifically for streaming and recording and stuff hi Yambo good

Lord yeah twitch should be 6K bit rate 1080p but we’re also on uh slow en coding on the CPU so the twitch stream should look really good we pushing the the boundaries of our limits though I definitely got to upgrade the GPU because the GPU is only

A 1080 so we’re pushing the max that the G the GPU can be doing right now for sure but looks like she’s handling it very Well uh I do got to upgrade that to like the four series and I’ll be able to handle no problem at the 1080s handle that like a champion so YouTube stream 1440p 24,000 bit rate streaming local recording at about 140,000 bit rate oh no that’s not true chat what Alexa what is

15,000 kilobits per second to megabits per second good morning KY 50,000 kiloby per second is 150 megabytes per second okay okay okay okay that makes a lot more sense okay but still that’s still pretty crazy so the local recording is 150 megabits per second about that makes way more

Sense because the data rate was in kilobits per second and like we stream at to YouTube at 24,000 megabits per second that makes way more sense but still 150,000 bit rate local recordings pretty crazy too big a pagies dude a big a pagies nice oh yeah I guess we’re good to Go ah I don’t know what you’re trying to say there they’re silly like the YouTube compression you mean we shouldn’t even need to be doing 150 bit rate for local recording at all cuz YouTube is going to compress it when we upload it anyway [Applause]

But uh I know when I look at the video on my end it looks like lossless quality even though it’s not and then I can set the uh set up the adelby premiere to rendered at that 220 oh I guess well the file says it’s 140,000 kilobits per second so about 150

Megabits per second unless I’m thinking about it wrong but it is different compression stuff you’re right but it’s it’s recording at just about 150 megabits per second I haven’t dropped a single frame everything looks good on my end everything looks good on your end good so I think tomorrow we start uh our

Variety games after Minecraft uh I just got to figure out what I want to do with the thumbnails and I’ll do that today do that immediately after stream we’re going to be doing three hours of Minecraft into about two hours of variety for uh YouTube recordings because we want to get

Some other stuff besides Minecraft on on the YouTube so gonna be good dude gonna be good good good good it’s [Applause] good beautiful it it it all right let’s go repair our shovel yeah I’m hearing some people are actually liking it huh I mean it looks

Good too I know some people are Ming on it and hating on it but from people that have like actually heard playing it are actually enjoying it are you liking it yourself uh this is going to be where the iron farm is going to be so this is

The spawn chunks where we’re at so we’re building a an iron farm yeah we had a little bit of we had a lot of our Lady piece just had to switch it back to the normal playlist cuz was only playing our lady piece sorry yeah I think we might start Batman

Tomorrow Chad I’ve been craving Batman it just came out on the Switch I’ll be playing on PC but uh I’ve been wanting to play the Batman series for a while so we might start those tomorrow hi Kenley bird oh end of the road so we’ll do our Minecraft stream

Tomorrow and uh switch into Batman we’ll start variety tomorrow think is about time we did Minecraft for the last 35 days and that’s that’s all we’ve done here so we’re still playing Minecraft every day we’re just going to throw in some YouTube recording afterwards and we get to play other

Games yay hi CLE Bird please don’t spam appreciate you you avoid it in stalling fortnite I’m wrong with fortnite I think fortnite does does great things I don’t I the only reason I don’t play fortnite is cuz I don’t that’s not what I want out of a

Br I used to play a ton of fortnite when it was save the world uh and if I was going to play fortnite I’d rather something save the world but fortnite Lego looks like sick actually I’ve never really minded fortnite I said the only reason I don’t

Play is I don’t it doesn’t appeal to me really I guess you know but don’t be afraid to play it nothing wrong with fortnite you want to play it you play it to your heart’s content don’t let nobody tell you differently dud so what even is the Lego fortnite though

Is it BR or is it literally just building oh there’s definitely like toxic crowd around it still for sure I pretty much every game does Minecraft does too fortnite might be a little [Laughter] enhanced as far as that goes though every Community got some toxic

In any kind of VR game is going to have like toxicity in it for sure oh welcome Canley it’s nice nice to have you it’s nice to have you here and it’s game of time and ads are coming in in a minute and a half too of course it’s raining why wouldn’t it

Rain why wouldn’t it rain chat huh all right for the last like 5 10 minutes you guys haven’t noticed anything buffering on YouTube no buffers on Twitch or anything right do you play free fire is that a game or a Minecraft mode no to both though uh oh Den you lost

2x yikers that means I’m going to go all in and win it worked but do I play it well I haven’t heard of it so no uhoh ember you have so many points right now it’s actually kind of crazy doing the rage gambling oh no never oh no Dam

Bro here I’ll go all in for you dude I’ll go all in this is how you do it [ __ ] never mind oh my God demo you’re getting screwed at the end of the stream here stop by me as well this point oh no and the next one was a

69 there you go Deo a little bit back H it’s vanilla vanilla Minecraft vanilla hardcore [Applause] survival you just had a buffer wonder if that was related did anybody else just get a buffer I don’t think it was me but you never know I’m still showing zero

Everywhere did anybody get a buffer on Twitch just now anybody notice lurkers yeah buffer is what I’m worried about no buffer no buffer okay might just been D bro yeah cuz I’m still showing good over here it’s hard to tell sometimes if it’s like on your Ender May

Mayan should be good cuz I’m still showing zero negative okay good thank you guys thank you thank you thank you yeah should be should be good at my end as far as that goes good song to end on all right we’re going to get out of here chat uh

Rewinded clock three and a half hours ago that’s what Tomy start every day um we’re going to be going for 5 hours from now on we normally do four um but I’m going to end there and go make the thumbnails and stuff that I need for tomorrow for whatever game we’re going

To play I’m going to take a look at my list I think it’s probably going to be the Batman Arkham series though uh but I got to go get some work done for that for like the YouTube and do a bunch of YouTube scheduling subs and the descriptions and all that stuff

So um we’re going to go do a raid but first for the YouTube we’re going to end the YouTube there for all the new people at YouTube appreciate you make sure you hit the Subscribe button appreciate it become part part of our family on YouTube and come on over to Twitch

Twitch.tv/ matm mygame we stream on both uh YouTube and uh and twitch so come join us there uh for the folks on Twitch we’re going to end the stream and see how we did as far as watch hours towards our partnership so everybody on YouTube you guys have killed it today man 14

Concurrent right now that’s going to be a really good average we’re going to see how many people or see how many watch hours we have so YouTube appreciate you love you we’ll see you tomorrow have a good one

This video, titled ‘Minecraft Vanilla • HCMC : World 01 • Episode 35’, was uploaded by MattMightGame on 2023-12-08 14:05:45. It has garnered 279 views and 14 likes. The duration of the video is 03:27:03 or 12423 seconds.

★Thank you for subscribing and liking the video! Without you, the streams and videos would not be possible! Thank you for doing what you do, for all your support, and being a citizen of Might City!

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    Insane Twist in Minecraft Gameplay - You Won't Believe What Happens Next!Video Information This video, titled ‘just a normal day in minecraft’, was uploaded by Cooled gaming on 2024-05-08 09:57:17. It has garnered 167 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:03:49 or 229 seconds. minecraft trending minecraft trending topics minecraft trending topics 2024 minecraft trending tags minecraft trending shorts minecraft trending content minecraft trending hashtags minecraft trending skins minecraft trending topics 2023 minecraft trending mods is minecraft trending on youtube minecraft popular adventure maps minecraft popular anarchy servers minecraft popular again minecraft armor trends popular minecraft addons popular minecraft animals popular minecraft app what is trending in… Read More

  • Unleash the UNBELIEVABLE power of Setev in Minecraft!

    Unleash the UNBELIEVABLE power of Setev in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘power of setev #minecraft @Sachin_gamer_099’, was uploaded by Sachin gamer 099 on 2024-05-17 13:09:45. It has garnered 432 views and 25 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:23 or 23 seconds. Building Hogwarts in Minecraft”**: This video showcases a massive project where players recreate the iconic Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry from the Harry Potter series within Minecraft. It went viral due to its impressive scale and attention to Minecraft Timelapse: Epic City Build”**: Timelapse videos of large-scale city builds in Minecraft often go viral. They demonstrate the dedication and creativity of players… Read More

  • The Ultimate Bedrock SMP You’ve Been Waiting For | Apply Now

    The Ultimate Bedrock SMP You've Been Waiting For | Apply NowVideo Information This video, titled ‘This Is The Best Bedrock SMP Yet | Applications Open’, was uploaded by DudeDragon on 2024-04-14 23:51:15. It has garnered 6984 views and 589 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:51 or 51 seconds. This is Minecraft’s Deadliest SMP, The Dragon SMP. On Season 3 we have 10 lives with special abilities and multiple custom items! If You Are A Small Content Creator Looking To Grow Their Channel Fast And Have Great Content Apply Today! Join The Public SMP Discord – https://discord.gg/5UfJqKqgr5 ================================================== #dragonsmpbedrock Like ParrotX2 videos and the LifeSteal SMP, a Minecraft Server… Read More


    UNBELIEVABLE NEW REALM REVEALED! 😱Video Information This video, titled ‘I MADE A NEW REALM!! – Minecraft Live🔴’, was uploaded by TuBS on 2024-05-21 21:20:00. It has garnered 97 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 01:56:55 or 7015 seconds. ❗C L I C K H E R E F R E E D I A M O N D S❗ https://streamelements.com/tubs_au/tip ————————————————- 👉 My Upload Schedule: Every Week On Saturday At 10:00PM AEST 👉 My Stream Schedule: Every Week On Sunday At 6:00PM AEST 👉 Donation Link: https://streamelements.com/tubs_au/tip ————————————————- 👇 My Socials 👇 🔽 Join My Discord Server: https://discord.gg/mkF3tJeRPT 🔽 Subscribe… Read More

  • Dracula Broo’s Revenge: Destroying Ex Team Member’s Base

    Dracula Broo's Revenge: Destroying Ex Team Member's BaseVideo Information This video, titled ‘Why i Destroyed My Ex Team Member Entire Base’, was uploaded by Dracula Broo on 2024-03-22 16:48:43. It has garnered 44 views and 11 likes. The duration of the video is 00:03:38 or 218 seconds. Dracula Broo: Unleashing Creativity in Minecraft SMP Adventures ANIME SMP SEASON 5- IP:- ANIMESMP5.aternos.me PORT:- 27812 🙂 Enjoy and don’t forget to subscribe @rgs47ff Join Our Discord Server: https://discord.com/invite/fTnQUk7j Description: Welcome to Dracula Broo, your ultimate destination for thrilling Minecraft SMP gameplay and videos! Join us on our epic adventures as we explore vast landscapes, build incredible structures, and battle… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Challenge: Surviving 100 Days in Hardcore Mode!

    Insane Minecraft Challenge: Surviving 100 Days in Hardcore Mode!Video Information This video, titled ‘I Survived 100 DAYS in Minecraft HARDCORE Survival… (LIVESTREAM)’, was uploaded by Seyto on 2024-05-25 12:25:28. It has garnered 262 views and 11 likes. The duration of the video is 03:55:59 or 14159 seconds. We may never get to see how some challenges start but you could see how it goes from beginning to end just by tooning in and see where it goes from here! I dont have any minecraft on my channel as of right now and it should be. so if you are liking the stream and wanna follow along dont hesitate… Read More

  • Ultimate Pixelmon Tycoon: Capturing OP Pokemon with JeromeASF

    Ultimate Pixelmon Tycoon: Capturing OP Pokemon with JeromeASFVideo Information This video, titled ‘Catching The STRONGEST Pokemon In Minecraft Pixelmon Tycoon’, was uploaded by JeromeASF on 2024-05-30 21:38:12. It has garnered 14837 views and 661 likes. The duration of the video is 02:25:39 or 8739 seconds. Catching The STRONGEST Pokemon In Minecraft Pixelmon Tycoon Use Code “Jerome” for 30% off your order from our Server Hosting Partner http://www.RocketNode.com/Jerome Join our Community Server By Getting Supporter+ Supporter+ IP: acetispaghetti.com ✅ Business Inquiries: [email protected] ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ ➡️ Join our discord here: https://discord.gg/JeromeASF ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ MY CHANNELS 🎮Roblox – @jeromeasfroblox 🎮Gaming – @JeromeACE 🎮Main – @JeromeASF ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ FOLLOW ME ✅ ➡️ Follow me… Read More

  • Ethis SMP Semi-Vanilla 1.20.4 Tight-Knit Community 16+ LGBTQIA+ friendly Whitelist

    Welcome to Ethis! Hello there! 👋 Welcome to Ethis. ✨ A warm, welcoming community awaiting your arrival. 🏕️ Server name: Ethis Server location: Germany Server Type: Fabric 1.20.4 What to expect: Chill vanilla, Hermitcraft-esque experience An inclusive community, where everyone knows each other, and everyone can be friends. Here’s a quick rundown of what could interest you: 📝 Thorough Applications: Solid applications are key to a great community 🎙️Voicechat: Voicechat mod installed for easy communication 🗺️ No TPA/Land Claiming: Keeping things nice and vanilla 🎮 Gamenights: Weekly fun gamenights 🗓️ Regular Events: In-game events to keep things exciting 🕰️ A… Read More