EPIC Minecraft Vault Hunters Mod! MUST WATCH!

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A A A [Applause] [Applause] W [Applause] N He Hello everybody thanks for being here in stream I do appreciate yall how we doing today who’s ready for some Vault Hunters on Friday um I did decide to kick things live multistream Style YouTube twitch um even on uh Twitter we’re live right now just watch wherever you want to wherever you want

To watch I don’t really care I’m going try to do a good job of keeping up with all the chats I think I should be able to I think I can even see like if somebody says something in the um ah it does I can even see the Twitter

Chat that’s kind of interesting I’ve never been able to do that that before the goose yes the goose is loose so I’m super excited to hop in actually I need to start like loading up Minecraft and stuff hold on uh curse Forge sorry it’s just a little bit of a

Like a crazy morning kids home for vacation my uh wife’s mom has some like ongoing like Health stuff that she had to go help take care of today um suddenly so that kind of do do this for a loop a little bit twitch didn’t have your live stream going prow yeah it

Is I’m looking at it right there’s eight people in there it’s it’s literally going right now I can see it um oh let me do one more thing here recent events bam okay yeah awesome there we go oh my God am I going to really have

To turn this thing on uh that silver play button looks great yes it does yes it does look at it back there guys if so if you’re spamming my chat stop no spamming the chat okay uh let me move this out the way so um a little bit of news um I have

Made Headway actually I would say significant Headway um in the um in my efforts to start a um a server for what you call it um Vault Hunters um I was working with the uh the company that I’m partnered with spark toast they have some people and staff that are

Extremely knowledgeable of course with setting up Java Edition servers including performance- enhancing mods um administrative mods and that sort of thing um so they’re going to actually teach some of my admins they’re going to help us get a server set up they’re going to teach my admins like about

These different mods how to add or remove mods how the admin mods work what the settings are on the performance mods like all these different things um so that way my team’s self-sufficient and getting the server uh going and then maintaining it going forward so uh what we’ll probably see

Here I want to give I don’t I’m not in a rush because I’m I’m still learning in the single player world here I want to know a little bit um before I like launch into a new world with uh everybody um but it this is progressing

Forward um and I think it’s going to be cool I’m pretty excited I can’t wait Sammy says she can’t wait either awesome so um if you’re looking to hop in and play in that world when we start it roughly a week we’ll say um I’ll wait till like the admin team is comfortable

And what they’re doing but we’ll say roughly about a week um if you want to help support and you want to participate make sure you pick up a channel membership or gift memberships to others um that way more people are able to hop in and attend um we’re waiting for Minecraft to

Load up here in the background happy New Year what’s up W Hawk how’s it going man thanks for joining um all right hold on one more moment all right trying to get a gaming laptop so I can play heck yeah man laptop’s a good easy solution to get going I mean you

Can you find a good one on say you can spend you know 7700 to $1,000 and just like one all one in solution on a laptop usually a 17 inch at that at that price range and uh you can get going so I do recommend um I

Have not taken a time yet to get any like Shader mods or anything like that going so we’ll uh I’ll worry about that a little bit later um right now in the background when I’m off stream I’m going through and um trying to get this other laptop going it’s my was my daughter’s

Lap laptop before we got on a new desktop it’s actually the exact same laptop that I’m using right now for my stream PC which is my son my son’s laptop um but I’m doing a complete system restore on it so it should perform a little bit better at least I hear you

Shaa is the data size I mean you can get a um like uh you can get laptops with two terab hard drives pretty easy if that’s not if that’s not enough for you then you you got some serious stuff going on just buy an external

Drive what is it my off oh this uh focus is is in my off hand like what is that okay so we got the world loaded up um I know PDF’s not going to be here for several hours and he’s been one of the bigger helps but there’s been several

People that have been like trying to help me out here um do we have any Vault Hunter Pros here to help me out do I have anybody here who really knows what they’re doing I got my gaming PC last year off a new egg sale L 12200

Got it for half of sale that’s really good um well unfortunately I’m sending it back but I have this um Acer laptop that’s like back here um that I was going to use for my stream setup um and it was normally like $1,400 I picked it up for [Applause] ,000

So I can help I know a bit okay cool Phoenix yeah I remember you were in helping out some yesterday so um I think what I’m going to do first well here and Phoenix you kind of just guide me just a touch here just just to smidge

Um I want to get some type of storage going okay now am I okay at this stage to just go ahead and get some traditional storage setup just like just some just some plain chest setup in here um maybe with some uh item frames on them or something

Like that to uh just kind of distinguish like different things that I have in different plac uh while I wait for you to answer me on that we’re going to just get a little bit of like uh Mob breeding going a little bit of where’s my hoe um a little bit of

Crop crop working going do you have any do you have crates prow uh no I don’t know do I I have shulker boxes that’s what I have oh look at that I’ll take that ender pearl meant drawers no I don’t I don’t have any drawers look at mods in the research

Section for storage you have resources then go for unlocking mod elal what do you mean oh for unlocking mods I don’t know how to do that what do I what do I need oh we were um one thing the PDF had me doing is we were trying to um like get some more

Knowledge I think and we needed like a certain amount I don’t remember what we were trying to unlock yeah knowledge tar there you go yeah he was trying to get me to that point um I guess let’s do a few things I think we need to work towards that I

Don’t but I don’t know we might have to run another Vault oh hey Van’s here what’s up Vanna yo what’s good how you doing how you handsome DS do hey lucky kir how’s it going van said yes traditional storage would be fine this early but you’ll want

To work towards some knowledge points so you can unlock drawers for Mass SL bulk storage okay oh Will D is here what’s up will um hold I’m trying to find I need some iron going because I I need to make some cauldrons to get some lava uh lava Fage

Going we’re going to we’re starting out this morning with a little bit of infrastructure that’s really all the raw iron that I have there’s no way I feel like I’ve picked up more than that but maybe I guess not how have I not doing pretty good good to see you PR

Thanks van PR this is a Minecraft Stream So family friendly yeah i’ I’ve been familyfriendly I don’t understand chicken pig cow uh 87 cows 114 pigs 62 chickens golden what’s up yeah I don’t I don’t have drawers but let’s um let’s see what we have for like the knowledge knowledge Point

Stuff what was that notification Mr eldrich with the follow thanks eldrich appreciate you dude Forge or fabric um it’s Vault hunters and Vault Hunters is Forge unless there’s some fancy way to make a fabric that I don’t know about which knowing me is definitely possible would the quest help you um not

Right now cuz I know what we need to do we just need to the things to do it um knowledge no no so did I not pick up any more of those knowledge things is that what they’re called it’s like knowledge something right Hazmat what’s up dude H the top chest by the blacksmith has The Shard you need well that has the ones that we already had but um we needed like 72 or something like that so we must not have got anymore went back in yeah these

Things we need um what was it like seven or nine or something of these so we need some more uh knowledge Essence we don’t have enough yet so maybe we just have to run just we’ll just jump into running another Vault this is the problem though is my

Storage that I have now isn’t enough to even hold the things I already have so I guess you guys tell me right but what I should do is we’re just going to Band-Aid solution when I have in there and add in one more chest just so I can

Put the extra stuff that I have currently um away and then um uh what do I do the oh crap um and then uh we’ll do the whole drawers thing after we do like another Vault run or two whatever I end up having to

Do I wish I had a way to turn off seeing the um streamlabs spam cuz it’s so much oh moldy got in the vault Hunter awesome so I said earlier guys we’re going to be making a vault Hunters members only server um so anybody that wants to

Participate make sure you pick up a membership and we’re going to start it roughly next week or so that’s the plan are all my villagers still where did remember my villagers all fell down somewhere oh it was right here there’s still a couple down there they’ve been

Working their way out though I want to join but it looks like my potato couldn’t handle it I guess it depends on how lowend your potato is but usually with um a good set of shaders you can optimize things down enough to where like a lower a little

Bit lower NPC can can handle things um all right let’s uh let’s put this crafting table down and I guess for now whatever let’s do this I hate Java you can’t um I I’m so used to shift Clicking oh I had more Shuler shells there here we’ll make a few more Shuler boxes living chest the ones that have a Spore Blossom on top of the ones you want to loot okay and we didn’t find any of those in my last run that I did so that’s why I didn’t get

Anymore uh Travis it should be anybody gets gifted memberships can join in too are these yeah we’re just doing just a few plain chests right now just cuz I ran out of storage and I think we’re going to have to do one to two more runs

At least to get uh the rest of the knowledge Essence that we need okay I look weird or is that because they’re made of birch yeah they’re made of birch and they they’re actually kind of ugly looking I don’t like them we I’ll probably end up we’ll take them all

Out at some point here pretty soon I guess when we do the drawers h m how you doing this fine morning and afternoon hey Jin how’s it going dude thanks for joining the stream appreciate you for everybody that needs to know oh you know what I should do oh actually I

Might have it hold on um is it this ah there we go here I got multistream chat turned on so you guys uh can can see what other people what like people in other chats are saying I think you also need B tonight from or rooms in the vault to make the

Knowledge star Ben tonight from the oree rooms okay I mean we’ll we’ll try to keep a lookout for that um I I guess let’s um we’re going to start getting ready to do a vault run oh you know what I haven’t checked yep my backpack actually oh no don’t have any in there

Okay um let’s do this why can’t I um right click and take stuff out of there wait what just happened why did I go into my off hand oh no it just went into my inventory okay Jeremy hippie what’s up dude whoa wait what hippie with 20 memberships

Everybody give hippie a let’s go dude hippie thanks so much man that helps out quite a lot anything that you guys end up donating today it goes towards um my January paycheck it it helps out quite a bit especially right now um also and anybody that can check

Um check twitch and click on subscribe on Twitch and if you if you’re linked up with your Amazon account and you have Amazon Prime it’ll tell you if you have a free Amazon Prime subscription that you can gift over to me it doesn’t cost you anything to do that um

Okay so let’s move all this over and then so can I pick up from here I can uh hold on crap my my daughter’s calling me hold on I’ll be right back St all right sorry about that guys sorry about about that I’m I again I’m home alone with the kids so like anything they need like I have to run and do it um anyways um I need to pull that out and I don’t know why I put

Everything in there I really didn’t need to do that um what I really need to do is see what we’ll move up and fill in here see we’ll move up and fill in here and then put the rest in here uh I don’t want the Vault Rock stuff in

There oh the soul Shard is need to put in that and if I throw these down they should automatically get picked up by my Shard pouch um lastly we put these things in here put this in here wait did Rachel do something oh Rachel’s been a member for

21 months let’s go Rachel that diamond here okay I think we’re good there prob I just jumped on here off of YouTube easier to lurk all right Justin thanks dude okay um oh where did I put that Shield oh it’s still in my inventory um I’ve been putting like extra gear in

Here Diamond tier that’s nuts she you know she is a little crazy so for those that like haven’t been watching these streams and are kind of curious um our plan is that well first of all we found this Village and it had a meteorite crra a

Meteor crash like right here like in the middle of it even like melted some of the houses which is kind of cool um and and really fun uh Travis 3 months let’s go um it it crashed here so what we did was we decided to kind of build that into the

World lore and we built our um Vault alter and our vault portal here which is kind of cool and fun and then eventually we’re going to make this like a vault area like maybe we’ll make a some type of vaulty looking door and we’ll make this area in here look really cool and

This will actually be our vault for anything we get from running vaults it’ll all go in there too much power to a kid I don’t know what you guys are talking about I’ve I’ve lost track um okay I have all these shulker boxes I don’t know how many shulkers I’ve realistically need to

Carry with me at this point I think six is probably pretty good right I know I know PDF joked around like yes just all all of them um but I think that’s a little Overkill here let’s uh let’s do more feeding over here bubbles thanks for the reup on the

Membership this pig takes so long to get big I have 146 of them awesome Timmy thanks dude oh hold on I got to give me like two seconds I just got to do something real quick for my daughter y all right the dog’s like in here and she

Doesn’t know if she wants to stay in or go out she’s looking at me she’s probably going to start barking sorry if you answer us already what membership levels required to join the Vault Hunter server any it doesn’t matter matter have you Enchanted your tools not yet we’re

Going to do that pretty soon here um I don’t have a librarian here yet so see there she goes um but I think once we do our I don’t know like we’re in this process of like building up all this infrastructure right now really

Um so like I need some I don’t have any freaking iron I need some iron so I can get some cauldrons set up and get some lava going we we have a lot of things that we need to do today and we’re going to stream we’re going to be live for a

While I’ll probably we’ll probably be live for 6 7 8 hours something like that vault enchanter is there yeah I know I know what all right hold on yeah I know I have the Vault enchanter I don’t know I don’t know what to do with it though oh oh okay so

Oh I don’t know why I didn’t think about that um so we what we really need to do is ramp up a little bit of trading to get emeralds um I think I have a few see I could do a couple of enchantments already maybe um cuz it’ll help when we’re in the

Vault maybe what we’ll do oh that stayed in there um maybe we’ll maybe we’ll make a new pick wait can you put can you use the Vault can you use this to get mending you can okay so maybe we do is we pick up mending for this and then we pick up uh

Fortune mending and Fortune for now on it and then we’ll we’ll start to do some uh farmer trading here pretty soon so how do I do it okay so mending Fortune cool vanilla tools are not yeah I know but like we we haven’t gotten there yet

Well so for now this is what we have um and then you know we’ll we’ll we’ll build up to that as we go um but as I said we need to get a little bit of infrastructure going here first um and we need to get our knowledge star so we can get our

Infrastructure going there so I think what we’re going to do is we’re going to run a vault how do I tell what Vault level am I oh we have a skill uh skill point unspent as well where’s the Sun at okay we got plenty of time to kind of look around here

Um oh you know what I wanted some um some Manor Regen gain X regeneration yeah I think I want this what’s the yellow eight mean that’s what Vault level that we are so let’s see an iron ingot it knows that I’m like Ultra short on iron even

Though I oh I wonder if it’s in the no I don’t think it is I I was going to say I wonder if it’s in the furnace oh we can do Cobble one of the options we can so leaves sticks Cobble iron no I don’t okay um iron okay there’s a little

Bit they need a little like X so I can just hit X to clear that’d be really nice um I’ll be back in a minute okay Phoenix oh we had a ragar become a new member ragar thanks for the membership I I like very very very much appreciate it man um

Okay how many people do we have watching on um a Man Zero I was wondering how many people were watching on um Twitter I didn’t really expect any okay um Cobble I probably have to go Shear some more leaves and then what was the other thing sticks sticks or or wood to make

Sticks there’s sticks okay you have some iron in each of the chests I know I had no I didn’t there’s chromatic iron there I think that’s what you saw I don’t think I have any more hidden anywhere now I don’t I miss theol run no Olive we’re about to

Start um I’m getting some leaves right now oh uh let me remember my abilities that’s the dash that’s the throw oh I so I found this out I was wondering why my um my spear wasn’t hitting as hard as I thought it would and that’s because so I took Javelin which does 140%

Damage and then I took piercing Javelin which is supposed to Pier eney Pierce enemies here’s the problem though it only it’ll Pier Six enemies which is cool but it only does 40% damage so I like severely handicapped my damage by taking that I don’t like that tradeoff I don’t

Think at least not for like right now so I don’t know like we may end up trying like a like a like a more of a spell like something that does like I don’t know like this so summon a magical bouncing Fireball that scorches mobs in

Its path and Deals an amount of damage based of your ability power after a duration of time it explodes in a radius dealing its full damage but has a 20 second cool down so we’re going to have to figure out what we want to be our

Main damage dealer at some point um I’m trying to figure out what the most powerful thing is um you know what I might want to get a little bit more of before we go to is some steak uh anyway that oh uh backpack this this this

Okay so we can put these things away I can put this away uh this needs to go in our bar this can get put away I think everything else is good to keep all right Phoenix Um I guess let’s get a little bit more Steak I don’t have um any good like uh good Vault based Meats yet why why did these things go in there instead of in there okay there we go bra this is stream three not stream two uh where okay thanks for that Vault sweets you’ll eat okay I I’m sure

I have some oh this why do I eat these oh hold on uh we got to sleep um so far total I feel like we’ve run three or four vaults we failed the first one just cuz I couldn’t find my way back I’ve I’ve since learned how to better guide

Myself but like what makes these so good it gives one and a half hunches it feels like I would have to eat that all the time right versus steak like I’ll eat it a couple times the whole time I’m in there why do I want to why do I want to

Like keep munching on a stack of these Vault Suites can somebody explain that real quick oh yes snuff you did see some unmelted iron it was just two pieces put nine sweets in a grid and make a cake set a cake down like vanilla cake and you get four uses it’s a

Superfood oh okay see so that makes sense And I’m assuming I can eat it to fill up to full saturation is that True uh hold on I’m getting texted I make sure it’s not the wife what Is what is he doing whatever you want to keep doing it to yourself bro I’m not going to stop You Okay so I have 49 Vault cakes but you can’t place the cake Vault wait you can’t place the cake Vault into the block so eating the sweets in the vault is a good use because you get so many you go through them fast but is more renewable than

Vanilla Foods is it though I mean I know you get a lot of them but like don’t you have to stop to eat them a lot isn’t that then inefficient and you say you can’t place this in a vault so I can place this now oh how do I how do I eat

It I’m clicking it’s now letting me eat it I’m confused there’s a CRA a guy oh I do actually I do have one it’s right here I just forgot it was there oh okay it just seems to me like steak’s going to be a better food and then

Eventually like some of the like ones that do full uh like full hunches all right I’m trying to wear down okay there we go boing boing okay so that gives me full see I have I have a few few Vault Stakes left okay going in hey donon how’s it going

Dude okay so just kind of re find the monolith we only have to find two we’re starting North so we’re only going to head south also I did forget to bring some blocks for placement this seems to be kind of typical for me so before we go in we’ll

Just grab a few of these just in case there just in case I feel like I need to like block an entrance or something Also when you start getting Elixir and hoarding vaults life will get a little hard that I’ll worry about that when it happens okay I guess let’s go oh look we already started with the monolith snag that quick first I guess we’re going up that’s soon by the way okay oh

Champion he’s riding a chicken does a chicken try to attack me oh um um v wait okay there it goes I was like why is it not vein mining um hold on I’m going to pause every so off this so I can check out chat I don’t know if it happened after I

Stopped watching yesterday but if you’re still looking to make that lava Farm grabbing some of this dripstone I already have four pieces um which I think is fine that’s all that’s all I need for now um I’d prefer you start getting chromatic iron weapons and tools

As they are going to be more useful in the vaults okay I mean I have plenty of chromatic iron oh okay I think we’re done with this area oh nope here’s another okay so question when does it get harder um pretty soon I think it’s starting at level 10 which we’re getting pretty

Close to hold on I want to see oh wow that still hurt a lot you cannot use that to stop uh to not take fall damage okay I was hoping the dash attack could like save me from Fall damage but uh we know that’s not a

Thing yeah like we’re still in like the beginning phase that the games like kind of letting things be kind of easy there’s like a oh look there it Is oh is this just a lower level this is not a hidden room at least I don’t think it Is maybe it is a hidden room looks kind of Hidden no it’s just it is just a lower level oh my God okay that’s all good uh okay God dang it I did it again proba you have any kiwis no I mean I guess I I don’t know but no oh I do have this um

Um okay and then I saw Vault Stone somewhere I don’t know where it was here okay let’s see if we can get Out how I thought I saw a way up yeah this cues and other fruits add time to the clock at a penalty of life points very very useful if you’re running out of time oh that’s cool yeah I mean I don’t know I don’t know if I do or don’t

Honestly how the heck do I get over there I that’s all um we started North right we started that way so we’re only headed south oh that’s our monolith we got okay we’re good you got Kiwi from yesterday oh did I cool uh let’s start bottom I’m hearing lots of Sounds they’re down here I think okay uh let me see what you guys are saying I like the speed of emptying chest yeah and it’s supposed to get a Lot F like at some point we’ll just be able to break them and auto pick up everything from the chest

Also can I just point out how super nice it is Java Edition being able to hit escape and actually pause the Game hey kayen how’s it going dude okay let’s keep moving I’m getting pretty good at it I’ve been meaning to uh change the button though okay that’s what we already did let’s go up um I guess let’s go up to the third level since it’s right here

I’m getting lots of these and not a lot of the um not finding any living chests right now there are coins at that last one oh I missed them oh here we go good god um ah fresh meat who did it Travis okay that’s not thing oh okay let’s go south again

Oh this is the X room and we’re not going to do that I’ve been told for now to just continually not do the X so we just going to sip it we’re going keep going oh um is there a better way down oh there’s our second monolith so we’re good with the monoliths

Now um this is going to get a little hairy trying to find the best way down okay here we go this is good this is this room is just kind of like a cluster uh hold on something in my eye really what’s the X do apparently you dig down there and then something

Bad happens I hear more footsteps uh we’re still looking good on time right yeah we’re still pretty good on time try to like stack these uh shulkers as much as possible I don’t know why but I hear Hostile Mobs calling PR’s name that’s always either it could be trapped a lot

Of mobs or ornate chest Heaven A oh okay yeah yeah yeah yeah that’s what it is Oh let’s bottleneck these guys what is this area yo this a lot of crap is this some kind of like special jackpot like holy crap dude it’s to distract you so forget the time oh yeah cauldrons that’s a good idea we’ll grab them oh I just oh no we’re good oh

Um well luckily we’re we’re still pretty good on time that all of them I need in here okay that was cool wasn’t there like a living chest or something over here right grab the Brewing stands too I’m not going to go back down there it’s not that big of a

Deal unless unless you’re saying like for some reason like I really need them but I’m still hold on I missed I know I missed something but I’m still not going to go back down um okay now we need to get to this upper level I okay there’s more over

There i’ rather I don’t that’s a lot of pillaring holy crap can you not do that okay so we’ve gone as far south as we can 10 minutes left I see I see we have time for like a couple more rooms Maybe yes you yeah hold you hold click and

Drag and it it moves it all over that’s like a general like Java Edition shortcut that’s not even like a mod thing I think I think this is the exit let’s confirm it is okay so uh what we’re going to do is we’re going to bump East one room

Okay that’s pointing me that way home bump East one room so which means we need to go back West it’s a mod thing the draging Oh I thought that was like a just a regular Java Edition thing just those two I think so everybody remember we need to go west

Okay we got to go west to leave um we have a little bit time left so we’re kind of good for now does it work for Bedrock no Bedrock you just have to shift click each individual thing and to move it over yeah yeah will you shaders

Prow um yeah I’ll get him set up at some point I don’t think I’m going to do I’ll probably do something like complimentary like just to like add that like little bit of flavor what was that just without like making it the the graphics look too modded I’m kind of

Happy with things looking I want things to look mostly vanilla but just better okay uh this is our last room and we’re going back cuz we’ll be cutting it close after this one that’s a lot I don’t think I have any Moss either by the way so we’ll take a piece of moss

With us how do I get up here so we’re going to West one room which is this way and then we go was it North see my message I can show tonight how to add them if you want uh yeah I might I might check with you on

That okay uh I mean we got two minutes left we could let’s poke in here I’m I’m I’m getting greedy I was was hoping for something else easy to hit no I have to like really get into it all right we’ll go so nice de of blocks in the vaults so

Tempting sometimes just come into a vault for pretty block collecting I know right oh what’d you get from your Vault run bunch of blocks Kack what’s up Kack all right we got a monolith crate some XP oh we didn’t get the we never got any coins from there killed 97 mobs

Oops what did I just Do honestly coins are a pain to collect and take a lot of time until you have a vault tool with coin Affinity yeah hey Bel fandon how’s it going dude thanks for joining the stream suggestion win in the vault place a wool block down then place a torch on the side of the

Wool that points towards the portal to leave follow the Torches yeah it’s not a bad idea hey Rital thanks for asking dude I I kind of have enough moderators right now I have I have so many amazing people that like help me regularly here so I don’t really need I don’t

Really need any more at the time all right don’t worry we’ll we’re going to go through these here in a second including I know I know I got some like uh new items in there uh we’ll be checking all those out don’t worry oh can I sleep where’s my sleeping

Bag so many items yeah I know dude a lot all right and we like we just filled another chest just like I okay so let’s do this I know I’ve been these Jewels I’ve been keeping separate so we’ll pull those I know I need the knowledge Essence I know I need the

Items like our gear I’ve been keeping netherite scrap separate too these blank seals I’ve also been taking shulker shells oh what’s uh mystery egg contains a random passive mob egg okay uh I’m just kind of browsing through that real quick I don’t see anything that I need to pull there unidentified Relic

Fragment uh nullifying Focus can we Ed to modify Vault gear okay um put these in there let’s see what we got with this stuff you got a magnet wait what do you mean I got a magnet oh what does it do rld D Stone tier what’s up dude what does it do

Six velocity plus 2.3 range 8% item Rarity is it going like one of these so what does the what does the magnet do coins can be compressed and placed in the on the floor to save space Oh yeah yeah um what was that sound oh Travis

Attracts items to you okay now when like what do I do what do I do to be able to um break chests is there anything that makes it easier to load your Sher boxes oh uh hold on look why do those why did these go to my

Backpack instead of into my Shard pouch aren’t they supposed to automatically go to my Shard pouch okay all right we’ll proceed with the quest line we’ll see what’s next in the quest line um hold on okay so we got all that stuff of course like I tried to throw

This out look I can’t throw it out I don’t know not this the magnet I don’t know if I like the magnet now that’s a little Annoying how do I just throw stuff on the ground to let it despawn what was that hydrate Sammy the game the game is taking away

One of my joys of Life can you hotkey the magnet what does that mean oh look Gladiator boots they’re better what we have three armor oh no versus five armor increase attack damage and Mana regen and item Rarity I like that idea of Mana regen okay

Sammy iy a magnet to turn it on and off off okay there too many hot Keys man um I don’t know I don’t know what to make it P show conflict key P magnet one off social interactions screen what could that possibly be nothing apparently okay got it okay

Magnet one off so goodbye blocks I guess I’ll just throw the I’ll probably actually keep them Yeah Anna okay we’ll take a look at that what’s a bitter lemon wait magical lemon with a bitter taste it is grown on the gorgeous trees of escalia removes 10% Max Health adds 30 Seconds To The

Vault timer oh okay hold on let’s do this I get any more items out oh I probably did um here let’s uh let me just get rid of some random blocks cuz they’re clogging up my inventory proud need that if you’re playing solo well I mean we will be

Playing with people when we start the server next week oh I just got rid of my Shuler boxes okay let’s see let’s see um okay we got some armor let’s see what we get I wish there was a way that like it would compare it versus your current

Army you have one I wouldn’t have to like I don’t know like go back and forth and look so this is four armor 4% item quantity five armor three Health 8% item Rarity so that’s a good swap um app apparently I just took the focus out of my hand at some

Point oh we have a sword open H I will hold on let me let me just finish doing this hold shift on the armor to compare oh really oh cool so this kind of sucks um Soul chance stun attack chance 10 attack damage I mean the sword I have now is

Not that great either Arthur pod’s damage which probably isn’t going to do anything for me anyways so I’ll probably use this over what I have um oh uh we have a helmet too what a mom and you say did you get a trash can you’re the worst letting things despawn on the

Ground you litterbug of course I yeah well that’s just how you do it um so shift oh not hydrate again I I don’t have I drank all of my drink hold on so four Armor Plus One Armor Plus 20% Manor regen I guess we’ll take that for

Now so the things that I am not going to be using anymore oh wait but I swapped those out right yeah I did wait what did I do Gladiator so they were the this was less a less a lower armor roll lower ability power but this has increased attack damage and Mana

Regen whatever we’re going to do it why not place the armor or weapon and two empty slots so you can compare the two since that might be easier for you n dude this side by side comparison thing works perfect oh we got a mystery box

Too um here let me get rid of the things I’m not going to be using so this this this Vault axe probably 10 attack damage yeah Vault axe this armor these boots okay I got some diamonds some of the stuff you yeah no I understand that I mean

It’s you’ve you’ve watched me play some Diablo right like I know I know these things um okay is there can I I we’re going to follow we’ll follow the quest line I was about to start asking questions but what we’ll do is follow the quest line oh there is there is one

Question I have though how do I remove a cuz cuz listen oh I I want to get rid of that stupid button U hold on controls uh keyin key F swap I I want I want this gone I don’t want this bound to anything insert and then um the the sort

Thing uh this that I set to C I want to set that to F that’s going to be way easier and I use it a lot at least for now so got a hydrate okay let me go let me go get a water I’ll be right back to Again there’s my sip oh God come on stormy hold on regret orb consume it to get regret points and then you can unspec okay I’m I’m going to find that that’s not water no it’s not so um out of convenience last night I went to McDonald’s and got me into kids food

Since the wife was out and um I ordered a a soda and for some reason they gave me two so this is the extra one uh I’m going to eat some pastries real quick hot and sour soup while watching prow it sounds like a good time all right stormy can you go on

Somewhere it’s not really I like I kept it in the fridge and I hadn’t put a straw or anything in it yet it’s not actually flat all the way I don’t like flat soda I mean it’s definitely not like Super Fresh but it’s not flat anybody screen grab that with the pastry my

Pastry let me eat my pastry in peace um so what we’re going to do oops is we’re going to go here for now and we’re going to unspec piercing because if you do the math piercing does 40% damage versus Javelin alone doing 140% so I have to hit four mobs with

Piercing to make it worth it that’s like less than 90% of my throws and it can only pierce a total of like six mobs so like it doesn’t scale up that well I don’t like it I would rather do 140% damage to one mob and basically just

Take out a mob or two before I even engage is what I’m thinking you can’t unspe wait what I can’t unspec this what if I unspec this all the way I need a flask for it can I like so what the heck can you unspec I need a flask what’s a

Flask all right I I need to pee real quick be right back tell me what a flask is Mar we it’s red cuz I wasn’t talking um what oh my God what do you mean it happens my daughter’s in here hold on now she needs me to put the red light on

Again all right yeah I totally was muted anyways sorry about that so anyways what I was trying to say was I don’t I just don’t want a specialization this brings my damage down to 40% this brings my damage down to 25% like it all sucks look this STS four javelins at 25%

Damage that’s a so that’s a total of 100% damage if all four javelins hit this one Javelin does 140% this thing sucks too it takes my damage down to 20% I don’t want I don’t want a specialization so do I have what I need to get out of

It the specializations they’re not good none of them are good for it to be good if this did like if this did piercing damage at like 60 70% maybe if each one of these javelins did like they’d have to do a lot like like maybe again 60% or something then maybe

But they suck use ji to know craft recipe need biotite make a javelin flask looking ji okay all right so Choice flask used to remove select a specialization for Javelin so we need a b b Benet to whatever it’s called Vault Essence a flask I’m assuming that’s probably easy

And an arrow which is not a problem so how do you get this Ben Ben to gem what is that just like a regular I feel like i’ I saw that but we may have seen that in our last World The Vault The Vault one The Vault stuff is easy

That’s just like a regular ore you find in the world right like I can find that just by like going down like it probably to mining special yeah hold on Benny otite that doesn’t that doesn’t look like what it’s called though look where is it it’s Ben

Benny that’s oh that’s not right that’s not how you say it Ben benitto b n i t o i t e it’s not Benny o tight that’s for sure that’s that’s incorrect only find it in vaults oh okay why haven’t I come across that yet I mean I’ll just learn I ritical if

You want to help me out dude cuz I I can’t be taught outside a game I just can’t that’s not how I work but like when I’m in the moment and need help that’s what that’s what help me B tonight like the water b b tonight

Hold on this is important we have to know oh wow we have to know this Ben no there’s I Bennett Ben benote you could maybe go get away with bot this is very important guys we have to we have to fix this for the whole

Modding Community do do we want it to be benot as if like the eye is silent or Ben toit Ben toai no Ben to that’s how to say it no we got this Ben benoite benoite benoite that sounds good Damon’s got it Ben tote that doesn’t sound bad Ben tote

I’ll call it Benny o tight even iscout well you know what when we if if we ever become important enough in the vault Hunter Community to get to talk to iscal I will I will help correct him we will um we will poly correct him B Ben we’re going to call it Benet

Tote benett twite all right this was this was important I appreciate you guys helping me out with this okay so we’re not we can’t do anything with that yet okay I have one skills point point to spend I don’t know what to spend it in so so the thing that like wipes out

What is it called the like unspec thing whatever it is what is so what does that allow me to take points out of what what is it called again I know I I know I had picked one up the gems are named after people huh regret orb okay okay okay hold

On regret nugget do you use those to craft a regret orb oh here’s the orb of Regret no yeah yeah okay yeah you’re right you’re right um okaye St so let’s look at that um Javelin enhancements okay throw power enhances the projectile speed we don’t the speed doesn’t really matter that much at least not that I know for now conduit give your Javelin conducting

Power making it able to transfer any on hit effect except lucky hit to the throw on hit effects include so that could be good later on down the road with the piercing because then you can start spreading like ill effects right that’s not that’s not terrible ethereal gives you a chance to

Make your Javelin ethereal charging no Mana for the throat that doesn’t really matter and then enhance damage which would basically help any level equally also when you get your first couple uh Ben tote use it in a knowledge Star as it will get you a knowledge

Point which will unlock mods for you oh oh guys we’re just so all over the place right now okay here we’re going to or a regret let’s put that in here for now I didn’t know it sucked bad yet terbin I thought it was just going to do

Piercing without taking any damage away from like what I was trying to do where did I put that over oh we need to smelt all this you have Ben AWI in chest wait in what chest Ben Ben B oh we do have some how much do I need okay hold

On so we just need the perfect perfect perfect Ben Ben Ben Ben talking is hard guys okay so we have that so oh so we’re good Vault Essence Vault Essence prow hover over an item to see its uses no I know that like it tells you what it is but

Like like this oh hold shift found oh that just tells you where it’s found like that like the orbit regret doesn’t tell me exactly what it what it lets me regret just that it lets me regret something I regret a lot of decisions in life we call it Benny so it doesn’t

Cause you show no Ben benit no we’re going to we’re going to fix this we will get the Vault hun Community to say it correctly click you hold on where just how do I make a flask flask oh it’s Loot and a chest we don’t craft it so have I picked up a

Flask or maybe we no we crafted one before didn’t we we crafted a flask I guess we I guess we did it I guess we did find one that’s a vial okay all these different terms flask so wait um what was it it called Javelin something something oh I don’t have an

Arrow you Down but stop stop it’s b b tote Ben tote B tote Ben tote say it right say it right benit do I have an arrow we can make one this whole search thing is not bad like if you’re looking for something in a particular chest there we go so wait so wait

Ha we did it watch I probably did that wrong I should have asked all right do I drink it now too late ah I did good so now 20 damage that’s good okay that’s good I like that we have extra skill point now too right changes heal to instead cleanse

Any negative effect I don’t like that um let’s upgrade our heal maybe what’s this stuff it’s Crown Crown Crown Crown that’s how you say Crown oh um we’re going to do the knowledge stuff here in a second wait what is this expertise oh we don’t have another one of those points yet haste

I don’t see I don’t know what to invest in right now I really don’t know do I invested some of these I could like make her Javelin stronger let’s do it turn that frown upside [Laughter] Down who’s that Sammy Sammy where’d you get all these points put them away so damage we said was good this will be good eventually but we can just take strength for now strength help was out with everything still much to learn you have oh wow like strength helps out a lot

Okay that’s a good that was good um where’s knowledge Essence knowledge shards okay now what do I do what do I do oh god um here let’s check our Quest log the Bounty Hunter completing bounties oh we’ll do that in a second how do I do the um the knowledge

Thing that’s for this area right but how do I what do I do I need like a station or something for that need more more bny for that don’t tell me that what do I do at least tell me what I do so I can start to figure it out mod box

Contains knowledge shards okay get you a punch redeem I don’t want to do that so so no not VA time yet well I mean it will be soon um so wait so what do I need to do show show me what I actually need so I can um I can start the plan

To this is only for Java I’m I’m I 100% feel you like I a th% with you on that iscal figure out how to do as much of this as you can for Bedrock My People Want it you could you could do a I’m not even

Going to say a lot you could only do a very limited amount of this on Bedrock knowledge star I thought knowledge star this a knowledge core okay so extraordinary Ben benti and inv Vault diamonds okay that’s perfect thank you this asking would prow continue to post tutorial for Farms on

Bedrock Edition yeah I’m still going to make tutorials you’re just probably not going to see them quite as often um I don’t want I’m not like giving up on Bedrock content forever but Bedrock content is is definitely in a slump right now or just like regular Minecraft content in

General so um you want to see it slow down a bit I think that’s a good question thanks for asking cuz I haven’t clarified that with anybody okay I think we have all the ters oh know what we could do know what we could do know what we could

Do do you trade ters you do I think I think I just want taters oh can I get him to do ters and wheat taters and carrots ters and car carrots ah potatoes and wheat perfect uh potatoes potatoes wheat talk to me here buddy there’s no like shortcut button for

This what channel is all your Lego fortnite stuff on hey Timmy um it’s on my Lego fortnite channel it’s a pr. gaming so like now I could throw this in here and add on efficiency ha it’ll it’ll be a slow a slow process to be sure um

I I don’t know where I want to keep these things so many features that vanilla needs there’s a lot yes it just really makes you wonder like at the very the very head of Mojang like the very top like I don’t know man I feel like while it would be good to have

People that kind of hold you back from from making really Dr decisions right like you wouldn’t want to add too many modded things into vanilla Minecraft because it’s just it just wouldn’t be good right but like there are so many things in modded that would be good for like everybody to have access

To you know what I mean and I feel like where I in charge if I were in charge that be like my hot bar or something um I I would definitely be looking for like looking at a a fair amount of these features and like I would probably have like a whiteboard or

Something right or a chalkboard I would have something somewhere and I would have I we would all look at it as a with all my developers that are longtime Minecraft players right and then we we would we would work together to make a decision on um decisions on like what mods really

Make sense in a vanilla Minecraft way of doing things iscal creates Vault Hunters Mojang responds with trial Chambers yeah not a good response but doesn’t it kind of make you feel like like somewhere somebody was like Hey like this is this is kind of cool let’s make trial Chambers

Yeah mostly the quality of life mods I think maybe some of the other stuff like mostly the quality of life mods especially yeah the problem is a lot of it would be harder to do on console and mobile but here’s the thing right you could still put them there and like even

Though on Console maybe it’ be a pain in a butt to like I got to go click this thing it would still be better than on Console having to hit why why why why why why why why why why like across all that stuff you know what I mean let’s sort these containers

Minur can I sleep yet okay um we we will need to do some more vaults we will but we we got to do some other things first I think oh yeah wait what do I need to do to get the Vault Compass is that one of the things in in

Here is that one of these things how do I get the Vault compass is that like a thing the thing here knowledge okay and for that we need the the Ben benite um I guess here like I said we’re do we are doing some um some like structural things here first I

Guess let’s um man I don’t even have enough iron we need a lot of iron I need to get lava there’s some like right down here I don’t even know if I’m going to need a lot of sugar can for anything at some point but you know what we’re we’re

Doing we’re doing the thing if whenever we do need sugar canane we will have a lot of it compass compass what do you say Compass it’s not a compass it’s a compass do you think he s do you think he sat here long enough has he learned his

Lesson I’m going to let you come back to society you will need a lot of it soon okay cool so it’s good that I’m like I’m getting a a manual operation going it’s a compass what that’s what I’m saying Compass free Jimmy this isn’t Jimmy if

This was Jimmy he would not be coming back all let’s get some glass why glass because I just like using glass for this that’s why ah there we go oh wait do they all have to be sources they do flowing lava doesn’t work okay I could have swore it worked

Flowing lava in Bedrock but I’m probably just wrong prob was going to create a clock why do I need to make a clock it was funny watching iscal skull with Etho out of all the trees to chop you chose my perfect palm trees they’re pretty cool one of the things that I’m looking

Forward to do in the future um as we kind of grow this part of the channel I mean hopefully we grow it this the streams haven’t really grown too much yet but you know we’ll give it some time we’ll give it some time um oh that was

Almost bad I mean I could have dashed out if I thought of it at the time thought vanilla Bedrock only source blocks creat of lava I mean you’re probably right I’m just probably misremembering on it’s on not on on on I don’t know anyways um as I was about to say

One of the things that I’m hoping to do um as we grow our vault Hunter side of the channel and I’ll have to figure out in what other ways I can grow The Vault Hunter side of the channel cuz I want to continue to grow it this is fun I like

This a lot um is um you can become like a premium supporter of the um uh Vault Hunters uh patreon at $100 a month and it does get you like developer back room access and you guys know me I love giving my opinions so I think what we would do is

Like I wouldn’t just throw everything at them that I think cuz I don’t like doing that but we would we would like talk about here in stream or on the Discord or whatever um like a few things that I have thoughts of we’ll fully flesh some of

Them out and then we’ll we’ll like I’ll I’ll deliver what we’ve talked about to their their Dev team I think that’d be really fun to do okay um so I no I’m not making slash coding anything but you get if you if you become a premium supporter of theirs on

Patreon their highest tier you get access to their developer back room and um so I would like to insert some of my opinions that you guys kind of help me refine into what they’re developing with the game and I think we as a community can help influence maybe some things

That happen with the game um okay um somebody said I should start making things out of the um what you call it stuff chromatic iron so what do I want to make out of chromatic iron and why um I guess let’s like let’s take a look chromatic

Romatic um there’s a host of blocks oh it’s the tools nine mining speed so like hold on like 10,000 notifications on my phone okay you keep telling me to look at the thing we’ll look at the thing the quest log tells us the the Bounty Hunter board

Completing bounties is a great way to secure yourself some extra Loot and give yourself a solid goal to work towards you will first need to craft yourself a bounty table and then interact with it okay so let’s do that let’s let’s keep following the thing that’s a good idea Bounty

Table chromatic iron Al Loom and S Vault Essence I don’t know how to make a loom planks and string I don’t have string but we did plant some flax stuff down here oh two oh wow oh no flax seeds I broke my little plants one two 3 four five

Okay let’s not let’s not do that again okay Phoenix thanks dude that’s what we shall do you know you guys kind of know me like I’m I I do like trying to get ahead of myself a little bit okay um let’s go here here okay planks oh and then the Vault

Essence which I think I I think I took back over here I put it back in a chest I think seems like the quests also serve as a tutorial yeah and they just they just added them in these quests are are very new is there a better store system in

The mod pack yes we have not unlocked it essential storage is needed soon absolutely is yes 100% um I think I have everything plus nope I need to make the loom okay Bounty table it’ll be really cool at some point to like start building stuff for all of the things right like

Imagine a bounty room like a a bounty building structure thing but for now we’re just kind of throwing everything close by okay wait um so is it tell me to take a bounty oh complete okay bounties and rewards inside the Bounty table you can select a bounty by

Clicking on one of the available bounties and clicking activate once you complete a bounty you go back to it okay kill dweller mobs in the vault submit four netherite ingots at the Bounty table submit 343 polished Vault stone at the Bounty table that’s a lot plus

750 oh and it tells you the rewards that you get 343 Vault polished Vault Stone I mean I do have that let’s do it let’s do it and see what happens let’s see what we get um I don’t know how much is 343 five six stacks 1 2 3 4 5 6 somebody

Give me an exact count on 343 oh how do I how do I make it polished Polish F Stone how do I okay so just please please oh we have to smelt it man we need iron guys like am I going to have to just go like regular mining we have like nothing for iron I can make I can make one more bucket can I make a chromatic iron

Bucket please that’d be that’d be wonderful oh I guess I could have taken this bucket out couldn’t I oh well unlock easy villager iron farm I feel like we’re going to be a while for that all right I think the kids need me I’m I’m going to like I’m I’m going to I’m

Going to be right Back E Right all right sorry about that guys okay so we have Vault Stone smelting we really need iron Phoenix you tell me am I at this stage just best off just going to like a cave or something and just mining some iron like is that is

That what I should do at this part of my life where is my sword how did that get in there yep okay I kind of thought so so I think that’s what we’re going to do right now I know it sounds a little boring okay but we need iron guys

Find a vein yeah cuz that’s easy to do can you can you look up veins oh well this is a modded World anyway so you you’re not going to be able to look it up I mean I’d be I’d be happy to mine out of of a iron

Vein but I don’t know how to find one easily it’s been a long time since I personally found an iron vein um okay this is not the way into a Cave System of any type I’m being chased ready get a face punch redeem why do you guys keep saying

That water bucket and hot bar why is my water bucket on me I thought I took it out let me guess I missed the Vault run uh we did do one earlier I’m at a point a stage right now where I need some iron magnet one yeah good

Idea and vain mine your way down that sounds very scary to do um hold on oh I didn’t really prepare um I’m not going to need that I do need these I guess we’re I guess we’re good I feel like I want a different like

A better uh wood a better source of wood for sticks I don’t I don’t really have anything oops this oh um magnet on okay magnet’s on oh um do I have any torches already in here too we need torches torches torches they might be in my other chest no they’re right here

We you get to use that block for iron farm we’re I think we’re still ways away from that I think that’s a little bit like more of like an endgame thing um what’s the best y level for iron can somebody remind me it’s like negative like uh 16 or something right isn’t that

Right oh get the bucket yeah I forgot that5 negative okay so like just somewhere right in there is what I need to know I don’t have Unbreaking on this yet yeah Jacob I remembered I said6 I remembered I’m a good prow uh I don’t I don’t think so Z

No I think it does typically do it in like more of like a the 3X3 design by default it’s positive 16 oh so okay so I I had the 16 part right that makes sense cuz I i’ I like I kind of thought it was in the regular Stone area

I really like this being I have it set for V right now I don’t like the way this vein Miner is working change direction and different mind shape huh you can change the shape that it mines in stop lying to me where was that it was like I don’t remember I don’t remember

Where it was it was here oh man maybe I should have got these things how do you do it for Vin minor it automatically changes according to the direction you face okay I understand what you’re saying so if I go this direction okay so this is the way that I would want to

Do I need that for some XP here’s the problem I’m like eating through this pickaxe oh hold on here’s a cave this might be good oh wow that does like almost nothing to normal mobs whoa please what’s all this what’s that oh that’s a bunch of pots oh stop it

Can’t get hit by projectiles huh you got hit by that One listen we need iron and things to give us XP like the freak ow I feel like iron is harder to find now does this give me doesn’t give me XP oh please stop okay that was a good shot that was a good shot right there I’m trying to find ores that give

Me XP are there Mega torches or something similar yeah can I have something that lights everything bye H I should have brought more food can you make night vision goggles you can FTB skies I don’t know um we I might look that up later I’m not going to look it up right this

Very second oh there’s some more iron we missed it also to let you know vein mining will break the surrounding Alik block so if you hit Stone it will break only yeah I know I know that I know that is this Redstone that’ll give me some XP I need gold too oh another

Diamond oh there’s more iron this vein Miner they need a customization for it to where you can have it always on for just ores if you want to I hate having to hold the button down is this Emerald no i’ be grabbing some of these miscellaneous ores for future Vault crystals Crystal needs

Um I me I guess we could but I’m just I’m worried about my pictor ability right now I know PDF was saying I I wouldn’t need a lot of these ores for quite a while oh um C what whatever it’s called the stuff the stuff chromatic iron there we

Go also known as the stuff oh man that’s so convenient Vin Miner listen guys we call it the stuff okay we got the stuff oh look Vault Stone too look at my pick oh man we’re going have to get out of here I have to like I’m going have to repair

It or make a new one or something oh dude this is so not good I’m W okay where we’re we’re done we’re not doing anything else this pick oh what if I don’t know how to get out all right you know what we could do this we could do this uh uh

Uh just whatever go there for now um actually do this I need that nope I need these diamonds back cuz we need this need this that’ll do a trick for now iron pick I’m like literally looking for iron cuz I don’t have any [Applause] iron diamonds

I mean yeah I know I got some but like I need I need Z iron I have more diamonds that have iron right now what is that hydrate God dang it there okay if I see like a redstone or lapis I I can still use my pick to do

It my good pick since it’ll it’ll mend it up some how do I tell how much um I thought you could like tell how much exact durability it had I don’t know how to do that look here’s some more iron oh man that sucks though I’m not going to get um want

Durability we’ve gotten some iron wish Vin Miner was something you could have in vanilla it’s so nice yeah there might be um like Bedrock Edition add ones for something similar I think I think Bedrock has the Capability all right I guess we’re start working up and out I guess that’s what we’ll do F3 plus h Huh what is this showing me oh understood 59 out of 1561 I think I’m still going up Maybe that was very scared of hitting that lava there I don’t think this is the way I’m supposed to be going or I don’t I don’t think this is my way out it is not but it’s taking me up so I can use it to get out oh this will get me XP

V a little bit like literally a tiny Bit that’s good that’s good give me the XP I’ll take it um I think from here we’re just going to staircase up and out that’s that that was not working maybe this direction oh okay I can do that we did it um Town where’s my Waypoint oh this way

Why does my heel not heal me anymore like why isn’t it giving me more Health oh oh man there’s only one there why won’t it give me that last like half heart you have stuff following you huh your inventory is full oh you have Max Health odd number

Huh where did I put that extra bucket that I had it’s it’s whatever it’s whatever bucket I need to get some like automation going over here what was that sweet burp with the follow what’s up burp your max is currently odd okay so like but like why doesn’t it fill

It this doesn’t fill it either and this is my concern oh oh oh oh oh I know what you mean okay sorry about that brain brain no work you see the missing bucket no I’m not used to it okay did I see the missing bucket so you’re telling me the

Missing bucket was here somewhere it was in here okay cool okay oh good perfect now I get another one going um let’s start smelting all this iron uh I got this um we’ll get two more cauldrons going we could have a cauldron around like in this Village

Somewhere um it’s a like a tailor that has it right and they’re usually like sitting right out front so if there is one we should see it pretty easily there’s an elephant in prowls room oh my God that makes me scared yo this thing has half a

Bed H is that I mean I know it’s from the meteor like deleted it I love the purple sheep of course you would Violet of course you would wait is this one nope there is Gizmo I don’t I’m pretty sure I don’t think I put Gizmo out you’re

Lying oh that stopped my fall damage um okay let’s do this let’s do this do I I don’t think I have anything anything else what’s one MBT tag mean I have something in there just cuz he isn’t out today doesn’t mean he isn’t in the room this is

True TMO is always trying to find a way to get some points uh what is this chip fault rocks okay smelt The Vault Cobblestone for Bounty yeah that’s what we’re doing but I got some iron going too any lava here yet no um Also let’s make a couple more

Cauldrons which I don’t know how to make don’t you need like one iron block or something no you don’t okay see I wanted to make some Hoppers too that we can get some Auto smelting going unless um unless there’s a better way to like Auto smelt coming up soon like furnace type

System what the cauldrons are for uh they are 100% % for fuel um we’ll probably go do another Vault here pretty soon we’ve been doing um like more medial tasks for a little bit and um I like to keep things exciting for for both you guys and me face punch Redes um okay what get down I can’t reach it I don’t think oh I got it wait where did my other bucket go oh it’s right there okay there we go um I need to chop some trees I don’t have any more wood I wish I had some 2 by two trees around

Here not sure if you know this but elytra are craftable if you want easier Overworld travel wait they are how the heck do you do that oh Magic silk is that a vault Drop B drop okay so I probably have that I I would have to stay awake long enough to kill some Phantoms ah we got some cats I’m shouldn’t there already be cats here earn some earn you can earn one through the quest book also um here let’s add some more Vault

Stone to this actually did I take the right thing yeah I Did nothing princess prow please wait I don’t I don’t see a redeem oh I do hold on dang it gosh dang it I’m going to need to figure out lunch for me and the kids here pretty soon too so maybe after this timer’s up I’m going to go do

That um all right I’m just trying to I’m kind of thinking so wait let’s get like our stacks of the already smelted down Vault Stone here um what is our next Quest thing okay we have to just complete complete our Bounty which we’re which we’re working on doing via smelting right now

Um hold on hold on hold on hold on um I think I had pouch oh man I have so much stuff here I I swear oh it’s right here in my inventory already um let’s do this this this need to activate the Bounty before it sets oh you

Do okay all right we did it how do you how do you know how to do a hopper what was that Max with the follow thanks dude that’s a hopper how many do I need really one two four like at a a minimal amount would be four get out of bed bro

Okay hold on hold on hold on um Cobble dude stop following me I swear two of these okay and then we set it up on this side Maybe okay good now like just anything I need to smelt I’m just going to throw it in so this all of this

That’s not how you count one two four yes it is we’ll smelt a little bit more of this V Vault Cobblestone I don’t know how much of that I need to keep smelting regularly when you go to turn to polish vault stone and you just hold it in your

Hand and click on the Bing table and it’ll take it okay here can I um I want to poll this um this for anybody that’s watching on Twitch I’m sorry this poll will only show up on YouTube um oh man I forgot to uh hold on start a

Poll will you be playing on the members only vault Hunter server question mark top answerers yes bottom answerers no I’m just kind of curious I know there’s probably only a few people in here that are but I want to start getting an idea of how many people are going to actually

Participate oh my God can I get some lava please hey tofu what’s up dude two days in a row I feel blessed okay so we’re going to smelt that I have a lot of Vault Stone in other chest too do you like I don’t know like okay I

Know the gold we got to smelt of course exams oh that polished I need get all this junk out oh the copper ghost boy what’s up dude nothing to do on the holidays why I visit an old friend heck yeah man how’s business been oh lava you know what I’ve noticed like Bedrock

Doesn’t it like slowly fill The Cauldron like it’ll do the multiple levels I think like Java it looks like it just goes from empty to full maybe I’m remembering wrong raw tin I’m sure that’s probably a smeltable thing wait raw tin why is there two different kinds of raw

Tin you think bed Rocko is empty to full are you sure okay I’m just remembering wrong then I just felt kind of weird looking at it I need I we like God we really need to get some organization cuz it is a mess here um but not we’re not there yet we’re not

There yet okay nothing yet it makes the gurgle noise when it’s full to I think yes that is true it does all right so we got some extra chest going over here for runs uh not totally true K stack but but that’s the the easiest method yes you

Can you can just manually download and run the mob the mod I don’t there’s some people that do prefer doing that I don’t prefer doing it that way um I need some more food let’s get our uh let’s get these guys growing a little bit more these holidays have genuinely been

The worst for me I even had to go to the college on Sundays for University entrance test preparation huh huh Where is My Vault cake I need to stop eating all of my like food right here when I just have some Vault cakes sitting around we see we just need some Vault

Cakes stacked around like there like see I’m good for a while now um these things need to come over to my storage cake Tower yes the Tower of cake what’s this ash don’t know what that’s for some cobwebs don’t know where I got those from smelting might be done uh

Yes but I ran out of uh fuel I ran out of fuel um I don’t know if we have enough yet or not let’s see polished huh okay oh nope okay so it had me that’s cool I think um Kack told me to do that I wasn’t thinking about it when

I did it but I did it man um this lava’s taking forever let’s just do some let’s do some things while we wait for it I saw this video one time of a simple storage system was sorting uh we’re we’re not going to need that we’re not going to need that why

You may ask because we’re about to get much more advanced storage uh with a knowledge with some of our knowledge points that we’re going to be able to spend here in a few moments oh wow look at all this wheat oh my God why is this not a mod or

A part of like normal vanilla Minecraft oh my God God dang it I keep doing that piggy piggy chicky chicky there there’s a lot of chick there’s 165 chickens there 111 cows that should totally be the ability of the hoe yeah I know dude 100% we at

Sleep like see little things like that and I’m fine with it being locked behind some type of progression in Minecraft like maybe you just like don’t start out with that maybe it’s an enchantment or maybe there’s some type of like super basic why do I still have this thing on

My head super basic skill system that like you like level up to get it you know what I mean like they need something like that in in base Minecraft um that way like you you can add that kind of stuff in make the player go through like a little bit of the harder

Times early on right you don’t have everything everything you don’t start with everything but then you have something else to work towards if I was like in charge over emoj that’s what I would be doing like 100% that’s what I would be doing it’s like adding stuff like that

In that can make doing things like medial tasks in Minecraft quicker and easier it’s so weird that the lava has like a downwards flow I feel like bedrocks lava doesn’t look like that from the side either but yeah like but the the player could work towards Tod do

Um and get and make their like just general life of doing things easier um do I have um four emeralds or five emeralds I do why do I want five emeralds because I want to go over here I want to take my special pickaxe here I want to add Unbreaking to

It exactly what I needed DK Donkey Kong the picking plant the yeah I don’t even think you should be an enchantment I mean yeah I don’t think it should be an enchantment because the enchantment system is kind of like broken not working good and boring in Minecraft anyways there

Should be a super duper basic skill system it doesn’t need to be like I would say something that’s kind of like laid out like this you know to where you can do something to like get slash earn skill points and like you you get some of these abilities

In in this style of format or maybe in in in this the researches maybe in this style of format like again it doesn’t we don’t need all of these things because some of that stuff is going to be way too modded for vanilla Minecraft but um in general like having

That type of thing in there would be really really really good how many more do I need uh 12 more whatever it is you could also have it be affected by the material atal the item is made of wood Stone Etc yeah there is there is oh can you use vein Miner on

Grass you can why does that make me so happy got of here grass are are you like are you the reason this isn’t working go away advancement system instead of enchants something any like whatever how you do it just do it um okay guys um I need to see what

The kids want to eat for lunch probably throwing something for myself too the dog’s barking at something as well so I’m going to take like a little bit of a break and I’ll be back with his jet with his pistol out he’s one tough he’ll smile when he play butlin

Bew Donkey Kong here dkey kke finally he’s here for you it’s the last member of the DK crew this K so strong it is aeml C mmy pick up AER with relative ease makes crushing rocks seem such a breeze he may move slow he can’t jump

High but this comes one hell of a guy come on cranky take it to the fridge Bch walnuts peanuts smells grapes melons oranges and coconut shells oh yeah walnuts peanuts pineapp smells grapes melons oranges and coconut sh oh yeah walnuts peanuts smells grapes melons and coconut shells Ohnuts Heyy W Hey Hey Rec We Go N E N N A Yeah W W B B B PA B N He Oh Hello A GE good grief guys I’m sorry it’s it’s so hard to like do all everything when like the kids are home from school like my daughter needed me for like four different things my son needed to eat the daughter didn’t want to eat yet the dog wanted to eat the dog wanted to go

Outside it’s like all sorts of crap I still haven’t even eaten yet I got some chicken nugs in the air fryer I’ll like probably eat them just as fast as I freaking can like I feel like I’ve been gone for 30 minutes I probably Have and it just it sucks to do this kind of stuff while you’re like have to do all this while I’m trying to stream because like we we literally lost like half of our close to half of our viewers or about half of our viewership like just totally kills like the

Stream I’m just really stressed out um oh yeah the poll that we ran there’s like almost 20 like maybe what 18 people or so that said that they would be playing that’s a decent amount I don’t know if that’s just also people that like just want to

Play we’re here for you yeah you guys are but like not everybody is a lot of people it’s just naturally happens you you take some time you step away to do something a lot lot of people are going to disappear and that’s it like it really stresses me out because I mean we’re

Trying to like grow the series I’m trying to keep the channel going CL Ward I need know what I got oh a of bounty crate we got a shield Papa stuffy oh what is this it doesn’t it doesn’t tell me what percentage chance it has of blocking hold on

Storm’s over here trying to knock the wall down or the door down okay um yeah like I don’t Know that doesn’t really have oh this gives me 12 extra Mana extra Mana is decent oh you know what I wanted to look at so I’m finding that like I don’t know I I think one thing I might want to do and a radius around around yourself okay

Deal a percentage of your ability power and a radius around yourself Nova’s damage decreases the further way to Target is hit in its radius so this is like a point blank AOE effect PB AOE is what we would call that Rampage put you in a state of Rampage giving you an

Additional physical damage increase okay I’m it’s like I kind of wish like none of these attack abilities feel like super strong and they should usually an R movement speed okay that’s cool I should get a computer for this game it involves would I like the best caving and

Looting it’s it’s very fun Hunter okay no that’s just to find chests or whatever Smite while active Smite will periodically strike a mob within range dealing a percentage of your ability power and transferring any on hit modifiers to the Target okay taunt stonefall Mana Shield battlecry drain essence of mobs around you Gathering

Battlecry stacks and release an amount of stacks giving you bonus attack damage okay so that like a lot of these like help your base attack damage there’s not a l a lot of like spells that just like blow crap up which is what I’m really looking for and the ones that are there

Like they feel like their power on them is so low deal an amount of damage based on your ability power the storm cloud stays for a duration and will strike every so often I guess part of it too is like what do the additional effects do like frost

Nova change Nova to freeze mobs around you poison Nova okay just poison damage okay got it Fireball like Fireball might be a good one fire shot summon a small magical fire shot to hit mobs from afar deals an amount of damage based o on your ability power and transforms any on hit effects

From you it does 20% of ability power so like at this stage that’s four damage that’s not a lot and has a only a 2 second cool down which isn’t bad I love to play on the VH server but I don’t have the finances to afford a

Membership you know a kiddos family oh dude I do know but just make sure you hang out in the streams a lot hopefully like we get some gifted memberships here and there and you could pick one up you you’ll be able to get in on a gifted

Membership fire volley see this is 140% power so like that doesn’t sound bad right it’s a 20 second cool down after duration of time it explodes in a radius dealing its full damage it’s a little bit harder to control what it’s going to hit though is the is the hard

Part there so mobs can walk away from it when they come after you that’s not that part’s not that good I don’t know man and then like you have this stuff that does enhancing of things Arthur pod Undead Mastery nether Mastery iller Mastery so none of that’s

Good we definitely like if one thing that I’ll probably do is I’ll probably like I want to recommend more skills that they can try to add in and I’ll probably base some of those off of like Diablo or something like just some basic ones like Diablo has like a meteor

Shower that thing’s really cool it has like a frost Nova or Frost or like it has there’s so many different skills you could probably add a few of them into this game and make them really cool um okay oh um we completed a quest and we get some chromatic iron the

Tool station so this is what we were trying to work towards the tool station can be used to craft tools that are able to significantly enhance your experience in the vaults it can also be used to craft jewels that can be applied to your Vault tool okay so let’s look up a tool

Station um here tool station it’s a tool box a stool tool station drift okay we have all this we have all that we have more than enough of that there’s like what four of this right or something I was going hey thumbalina um what else was it a crafting table and three chromatic

Iron well we have the crafting table right there we have the chromatic iron right here so now I should be able to go here here here here bam we have our tool table uh let’s sleep get more for crafting tools the chromatic iron have plenty if it’s if

It’s the wood too I’ll go back and get it don’t worry Driftwood Vault bronze okay let’s grab Vault bronze too Oh that’s just the coins is Bal Bronze oh I got to eat my cake get Quest checked yeah I will I will complete Vault tools Vault tools are the successor to vanilla tools these can be modified with jewels to apply new affinities and traits to the tool affinities allow you to break chest coins at a significantly faster speed

Enabling you to instantly mine all coins and chests apart from wooden chests wooden ones there are also jewels that can change the tools functionality to include that of another for example you could put a shoveling Jewel on a pick to create a mic that can mine as fast as a

Pickaxe and dig as quick as a shovel there are also more modifiers that enhance your tool significantly uh item Rarity item quantity both enhance your tool with higher loot capabilities trap disarm disarm traps mining speed increase base mining speed copiously adds a chance to double the output of a mind Vault or

Inside the vaults works with silk touch and Fortune uh durability increases the base durability tool pulverize and smelting both change the tool to have special interactions pulverizing acts as a basic tool based replacement to pulverizing SLC crushing processing the output of the block that is mined smelting will

Smelt the output of the block that is mined hammering can be applied to hammers to increase their mining AOE soulbound makes okay there’s so many things here hey kayin gemstone it’s like what do you do I don’t do you like put this stuff in here okay requires these different levels okay

Craft a sickle as well okay so um I need a um is my dinner done my lunch done uh when I get back I’m going to need a explanation briefly well what makes this does is is this better than this for the Overworld or am I using normal tools for the

Overworld and these Vault tools only for the vaults um I think somebody also said something at some point I guess maybe it’s a research that I’ll get where like I can have like different loadouts or something to like make it easier to switch back and forth CL Quest West

Reward hey Agro okay I think my I think my lunch is is done so I’m going to I’ll try to go quick like 10 15 minutes at the most as quick as I can and um when I get back we’ll we’ll continue down this Quest path and we’ll do another Vault

How’s that sound see you guys in just a little Bit H N My He Him My Down Let’s It Go So long G Bowser Yi Okie doie Mommy So long Bower Press start to play Yaho H Mama Mia Easy easy easy easyy Easyyyy W Okay now I’m finally back thanks so much guys okay so um if if whoever wants to can while we go through and do our our next like little Quest thing should I like take this maybe I should take these things into the Vault whoa wait what can I just recraft it

What just happened huh why did that happen hey minnow why wouldn’t why wouldn’t it just give it to me why did it have to do that I was just wondering like should I should I set this up over by the Vault area pouch oh well now I have two of

Them that really threw me off I feel like I should have this like set up in this general area though whatever we’ll keep one over here too now that I’ve I’ve already done it this P like the way the pouch works is a little Annoying I don’t like that

It doesn’t come up in my regular inventory screen and there’s some things I don’t like going in it automatically I think you could set like exclusions to stuff or like make it only take some stuff but um I might have to set that up at some

Point I don’t know but it sounds like that’ll be a lot of work um oh look we we actually have some lava all right we’ll throw the other one in there when we can um I think we’re going to we’re pretty close to doing another Vault

Run I need to find the um what did we say that stuff was called um I want to I want to be able to get my storage stuff but we need that one blue whatever material is um I know it’s going to ask me to

Like put some gems and stuff so we are going to do that we are going to do that this uh bit B Ben tote Ben tote yeah yeah that’s what we call it okay I don’t I don’t think I have any more of that at any of these chests but let’s just make

Sure we don’t okay um so I I don’t see where you where you if you answered it or where you would have answered it but what makes so what makes these chromatic iron tools better or does anything make them better in Overworld I guess it’s like my first

Thing and my second thing is so I have all of these Jewels okay and I can see what they do this adds durability durability Rarity Rarity mining speed vanilla immortality okay so that means you can use it in vanilla and it doesn’t break so like how many gems or Jewels can I put

On plus wooden Affinity like I don’t know what that means plus ornate Affinity Plus ornate Affinity ornate living Affinity is this like like okay what I’m assuming this makes it so I can break those kinds of chests is that what that means so like if I put coin Affinity it’ll make it

Break coins faster if I put living affinity and ornate affinity and wooden Affinity these will make it it’ll make it break those types of chests is that how that works okay can I put put all of them on there so like I I feel like for for

Speed of vaulting I would want a wooden Affinity an orate affinity a living Affinity a coin Affinity wouldn’t it still slow without mining speed okay and then I would want like a dur I would want like a durability no problem Jordan and a mining speed like can I put all of these

Can I put all of these on there get those Affinity except wooden so you’re saying wooden’s not going to be worth it cuz it goes so slow anyways wait what’s gilded Affinity oh smaller Jewels better for more on one tool early one usually use two tools one

For breaking chest and one for Mining Ores with speed and then what is this sickle why do I want this make an anvil I don’t even know if I have enough iron for that dude smaller size the better I don’t understand the size like these oh 25 size okay

Okay like I said I don’t know if I can even make an anvil 28 I know you need 32 okay I I can I’m good like a hoe for living chests apply the jewels on the sickle cuz it would break the chest so you don’t use the pickax for

The chest pickaxe for the chest you use the sickle for the chest oh do I need I need three of these have I don’t remember what the anvil recipe is ploted jewels on the sickle cuz it would break the chest okay okay okay Okay so what am I doing this for Crea problem involveed okay so you take the sickle how do you is there a way to make these Jewels any smaller in size or it just is what it is and you said 100 is the max that you can do

Right if I understand that right so I would want to make sure I have like this is a 12 size so that’s Good I only have this one living Ornate a jewel cutter expertise and Jeweler okay and we’re not we don’t have that um the coin Affinity so I would on the Scythe here let me pull some of these things down here on the Scythe I’m going to put coin Affinity living affinity and ornate Affinity is that all

What’s gilded Affinity I don’t think a guilded chest whatever that is three blocks across top okay I don’t we’ve already done that and killed it the black and gold chest is gilded okay ornate is the reddish colored one but I’m not going to be able to fit all these on right or am

I can you make a jewel applicator I don’t know yeah yeah what does this do do I need this or I don’t even know what this is or this Jewel cutting station chromatic steel I don’t think we have that right and laramar no we don’t have that I think the lar

Stuff we’ve had or I’ve seen it somewhere yeah this applicator okay so we need to make this we need to make Driftwood planks and I I saw we we got a gemstone I think from like one of our quests or something oh they’re right here I don’t I don’t know how to make

It four where did it go oh no I saw it it’s right here I was it four of them six of them I need a crafting table can I use these to make a crafting table I probably don’t want to do that do I huh oh that’s not Driftwood God dang

It sorry I did the wrong one you guys probably said that oh that and that’s why he said make the Anvil that that was not a good not a good little jump there okay got it not a bad idea burple thanks okay so I would so I’m going to I’m confirm with

You guys before I do it but I would put this here and now i’ put these in here and that’s prob is there something here tells me how many slots I have left I don’t think I have Much collect reward okay oh the steel ingot which is what I needed to make this so we can do this okay so now we want I’m I’m thinking we want to do that do we not man can I just here get in here cuz

Then I can cut them down I can do more things um um thinking brain processing brain not working what am I looking for uh glass I don’t I don’t even know how to do pains is it this is it like is it four how the heck do you do a pain

What is that a glass stick how do a pain six uh what are those thing what was that thing called a gym are they Jew what are they called yeah U and then we need to do the lir jayen the lamir this stuffff How do I make this four of those 1 two 3 4 5 six 7 eight right cuz I need um I I need two of them oh I need Jeweler expertise oh well well we’ll have to stay station we will have the station it’s like you keep doing quests

Until you can’t and then you go to the Vault while setting bounties along the way is that correct it probably sounds like that’s like a pretty good way to progress um it’s getting dark out okay you can cut but they might break what’s the chances of them

Breaking there’s some I don’t I don’t want that chance to occur so I would want this okay all right so you said I I this J this this this you said okay capacity 13 I doubt I have anything that’s a 13 that’s useful vanilla immortality is that really worth anything gilded gilded

27 K 25 for a vault tool okay cuz cuz this tool can only be used in a vault okay I guess just going to do it it right am I good okay we’ll take it so like I’m starting to feel overwhelmed with the number of things I

Have so like first here let me get rid of some of things I know I don’t need on my person right now my my vanilla items looks decent for a starter tool you’ll make more eventually yeah I’m sure I’ll be making plenty did I break that I did well not

Break it but you know find picking shoveling axing Jewel for making a paxel I don’t think I saw them hold on picking shoveling axing picking I guess the only one oh axing so I have those to so what what I should do is make a shovel and then add these to it I’m

Assuming that’s probably what you’re going to Say okay um I need some sticks I just go bring some wood to keep over here wait oh um oh I make it in the thing uh this I’m sorry I forgot Driftwood and Vault bronze sorry guys I it’s I’m still trying to remember some of this stuff Driftwood Vault

Bronze oh and I do need the chromatic iron ingots okay so I make the shovel so now what else should I add to this cuz I I’ll have the room right so I should take this should I do the mining speed the axing the picking and then like Durability or immortality what’s the difference in using these mining speed didn’t I like put that in here or something or have it on me I had a mining speed where’d it go where did I put it oh okay okay I already said it that’s why Eric banister what’s up

Dude banister of the banister Clan so anything else other than these three should I add like the immortality to it or the the wooden Affinity so these are the three things I’m curious if I should add to it immortality durability or wooden affinity and morality for out of Vault

Tools so you make like separate ones like you would make inv Vault and out of Vault tools which one should I use this is 30 this is 31 oh no I’m not going to have the room these are all huge picking 30 picking 30 axing that’s

My only one mining speed that’s my only one so I’m not going to have room see six capacity left so just just do it like this for now you have another axing no I don’t check the chest I did oh no that’s wooden hold on uh swort see my only picking was 30 Yeah last Jewel no that’s uh immortality and that’s wooden okay all right we’re just do these I did it oh that’s cool um two hours later two hours take a lot longer than that so like I don’t know like let me put this away this away way this way I’m

Just kind of confused with all the stuff I have I need to like reset my brain a little bit um help me figure out what my uh what my Vault Loadout should be here I got like a couple of like default tools I want to get out of my

Inventory so at at this time or not tools but like resources at this time I can the wooden chests I have to still open and manually go through but the other chest I can break with my tool with this tool do I also want to use this for mining like Vault

Stone or do I want to bring my other pick for mining The Vault Stone Agro what’s up dude I mean I know you were here earlier but I don’t think I said hi to you yes okay oh look I’m trying to like keep this stuff going as long as

Possible um I’m going to have to craft a new um bucket I need a third bucket if you if you enchant it’s better to mine with it cuz because I have because I I have the um because I I have a Overworld pickaxe that’s got fortune 3 efficiency four uh

Five Unbreaking like it has all the good stuff for the like normal Overworld so I wonder if for now if maybe this wouldn’t be a better tool to use now put your enchantments on it on um so wait you’re talking about putting normal enchantments on these or on

This well I don’t I don’t have enough uh emeralds for all that there oh no I I want to pull out of this why doesn’t it let me is it not like Bedrock where you can like catch as it goes through you can’t okay it’s fine nope give me that

Back enchant Vault tools except men which makes sense all right hold on I want to keep this going um I put my hoe over here is there is there such thing as hoing if not there should be um I’m I’m going to I’m going to get some crops so I can do some

[Applause] [Applause] trading oh no but I don’t have fortune on this but I do have it on this which matters for the ters oh the sickle is a replacement for a hoe it has reaping okay hey bro can we have a conversation nope come here and talk to

Me is there not like a button to trade to like trade I’m sure there is I just don’t know it right oh man I need one more emerald and Shear ah okay um so so if I go here and I pop this in here you said Fortune definitely

Right Fortune is probably the most important of them for now Unbreaking first okay um I can hold on we could probably we could probably get to do a second um yeah here we go this this should be enough for fortune or silk touch why would I want silk

Touch I feel like Fortune’s going to be my go-to need efficiency 5 too yeah but I would say that’s not as important as uh as Fortune oh wait I have enough emeralds we can do both oops okay Fortune wait I thought we did I thought we added on breaking earlier we didn’t I

Forgot to add it we need to add Unbreaking I messed up you guys said I’m breaking first um we’ll fix it uh we need to get some more emeralds um also 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 oh I know i’ get that

Many I want some I want some pork chops to bring with me uh we’ll throw this here this up here hold on is that the wife no Unbreaking works on vault tool and since you can’t repair them ear the game it’s better to have Unbreaking yeah that makes total

Sense so now it’s just a matter of I need to do a little bit more trading and why is he not planting oh I not mean to do that you’re almost ready for new looting in Vault breaking chests and using magnet properly yes Prett excited this will be fun hey

Buddy I I kind of like like I had this urge to hit him to make him mad since he can’t get to me but I resisted you said hit space bar to trade we only have two emeralds leather I don’t think I have enough leather it’s easy enough to get

More ha we got it okay oh my tools in there Unbreaking boom okay so now we’re Max Enchanted uh let’s sleep get out of bed get out of the bed I’m breaking inefficiency for sickle oh yeah we do need that which I don’t have all right that’s that’s going to mean more trading

Needed which is going to require more t [Applause] haters pick isn’t replanting oh should I be clicking the other button with it that’s why I was hitting U I was hitting the wrong button I’m not used to that need more um let’s see what can we do not

Much so what are the things I need to bring in the vault with me when I go um here let’s put this sleeping bag away I need to bring this um we’ll start getting the Vault The Vault ready I guess seeds coal dirt sticks oops seeds dirt coal sticks seeds dirt

Coal more dirt we’ll just keep it over there I guess sticks hey Jack Simmons how’s it going dude thanks for joining the stream dirt okay oh magnet off uh Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam this away I don’t need the hoe right now hey how you doing today I’m doing good how you doing

Um put this up here for now I guess Give me them ters okay um didn’t I put emeralds up here I need two more where do you live right here uh I’m in the east coast of the United States all right bro listen I need to trade two more times with you that’s it just

Two oh well no I need I need a lot of I need a lot don’t I um what other types of villagers do I have here he’s a farmer you’re not going to do me any good oh well he’s trapped forever will PDF come today he said he’d be here

Around like two it’s like right around now I can kill off some of these cows get some Leather other farmer or make unemployed villagers to easy trade stuff sticks wood wool oh um I need a loom a loom to trade Wool Wool would be an easy enough trade 18 wool for one Emerald where is my um shears oh you know what else I could do too

It’s like easy enough to just do a little bit right now oh no I didn’t want to do that sickle might yeah the sickle oh sickle might Shear okay okay nope not working does Fortune apply on crops in Java yes um I’m like why am I all the way over there Wool Wool

Wool oh that wasn’t my sickle you’re a 100,000% right um I should probably like die that I don’t have any um I used my last bone meal probably shouldn’t have huh oh more ters it’s okay you’re going to leave all the meat on the floor huh oh did I leave it over

There oh gosh I’ll go back no aggro I’m I’m not talking about for that hold on dude I didn’t notice I left this back here with that there we go um okay so I need a loom which is string and planks easy enough um I could put flax

Seeds no flax in here get some string um I do not have Planks on me here we go here can one of you guys just uh accept this table thank you any takers there we go perfect okay um we’re up to 12 pii it’s pii pii to save the day Oh wrong button

Let’s see here dude oh don’t talk to me like that oh I had more get out of the bed where did where did Lon boy go Lon boy Lumi you’re not Lumi where the heck did he go oh is that him hello no this is like a Smith isn’t it

Leather worker I don’t want you I don’t know where he went did he fall down here no no no is this him oh no that’s the leather worker dude which I mean I we can we can do some trading there that’s fine who are you nope

Sorry 1 th000 I got 1 th000 leather workers oh I think we’re good I think we’re good um so we want to put this here right and we want to do um Unbreaking efficiency um since I’m using it for crops we’ll do Fortune 2 five Spar for feather falling that’s not a oh that’s actually not a bad idea at all that is not a bad idea that’s actually like literally the best idea that anybody has ever had okay we’re looking good we’re looking real good watch him take fall damage hurts my soul

I’m pretty careless I like don’t care at all I just roll I was hoping there’d be a little bit more lava there but whatever um I think we’re about ready to run torches not a bad idea based on what you guys said um before a little tip

Um I need to be able to make more torches though and I’m not seeing coal I had coal we picked we we mined coal so where did coal go we got some though it wasn’t a ton but we got some oh no it’s here not a

Lot this will be this will be enough I guess for now um that was a good piece of advice so when I go into the Vault so I have my weapon my two tools I don’t need I don’t need this now so we get rid of

This whenever we’re in there at least I don’t need that um I have my marker block and then like you guys said I do a torch facing the direction that I need to go set a bounty before you hop in okay that sounds like a good idea Shard pouch where did I put

That where did I put it here PDF for some reason when I have the magnet on I feel like the the shards were not going in the pouch they were they were going they were going into the the backpack why is that I want to move this and this and this Vault

Stone and the rest of the iron Blacklist shards and pouch setting okay that makes sensee wait which one do I do this would be the allow list this would be the block list so what like I put I Put A Shard in there is that what I have to do like I

Go here and I say block this and then if I if I throw this where’d it go it went in my pouch dude this rain and Java I don’t know if this is the mod or if this is Java like this rain is ridiculous like it do not mess

Around I don’t I I really don’t feel like I need a water bucket in there so like this is my load out as good correct get out of the rain here I don’t like it Bounty pearls from Top chest by blacksmith and Bounty table huh what got seon Mm well you know what x means in Roman numerals right no X is 10 good job MLG mostly yeah I don’t care about that Bounty pearls from Top chest by blacksmith and Bounty table you that’s too many things oh let you reroll a bounty okay what do we have see we completed

This kill dweller mobs what are dweller mobs just like normal mobs submit four netherite ingots at the Bounty table so like we could activate this Is that is that what kill in just regular mobs just kill regular mobs if so then that one’s good are those player looking mobs that attack you okay all right we should be able to do that Then you fell oh gosh my daughter’s playing only up in fortnite and she’s gotten really high okay dweller horde assassin okay am I good do we do we feel do I feel ready do I look ready I don’t need this here um do I want any other shulker

Boxes is we’re we should be technically looting faster right so like maybe nine I think we’re good more food I think I think we’re okay I mean I I there’s there’s more over here here so like I don’t see why not I guess any knowledge points yet no we

Haven’t been able to we need um Ben Beno uh benoite Ben benoite whatever it’s called the blue stuff I need more blue stuff so my sickle is going to be used to break the chests I I still have to go in wooden chests manually and then mining I’m going to use the

Paxel biotite NOP that’s not what it’s called we went over this earlier we had a long like 30 minute discussion about it it’s it’s uh benoite wait Ben God dang it and I don’t remember where is it where is the purple stuff the blue stuff benti uh benoite benoite

That’s what it is Ben a twight all right we’re going in ra I’m scared Ice Ice Ice Baby all right so I think I’m still going to stick to the same general strategy of I’m West I’m always going to go East but then once we get to once we get

To the end of East then we’ll like take a right and a right and then start working our way back this way all right I’m scared all right we’re in we’re doing it oh okay um so these guys loot manually who the freak oh look and there’s our monolith

Okay there’s one of the shoot okay they they’re getting a little bit more difficult I can tell there’s some type of difficulty change Happened okay oh this going to take a little bit to get oh so uh magnet one it was it was one it was one oh my God okay so we’re done here oh no look there’s something up here Sucks when you go looting only to find you’ve uh left Lots behind Okay happen with me okay I can I can see that happening and at sucking oh man look at all the stuff way up there that’s not even worth It okay that goes down to where we were I didn’t mean I did not mean to do that yeah those I don’t I don’t know that I want to do all that just to get those regular chests do I whatever I’m going to leave it maybe

You guys will tell me no prow that’s dumb you shouldn’t have left it go get it but I’m leaving it don’t forget to mark your way um West right so that way what is this what is this place I’m in a village what is a village room what is

This place oh my God am I going to die I don’t know what that is all right let me know hold on I’m going to loot these houses tell me if there’s anything like special I need to be on the lookout For is this this is the way I came in this this Village kind of sucks maze below the village filled with mobs in a chest is there how do I get down to that go down that trapo where wherever’s a trapo those metal grates are trap doors the spawners underground there don’t

Burn out you have to break them down from the down from the iron bars there is a single trap door in one house okay let me look uh there is this thing you’re saying it’s not that it’s not this one this this isn’t anything this is nothing

Oops behind that house it’s behind a house huh this area Okay understood kind of scared huh that’s like oh no I’m going to get Lost I don’t know what that is that’s nothing I’m so scared I’m so scared I’m so scared I’m so scared I’m so scared I’m so scared it’s I’m so scared I’m so scared I hear a gas ow so break the spawner and then get all the

Stuff let me see what you guys are saying am I missing any good info here Vin M are connected oh that’s cool idea I’m not going to mess with these stupid oh hold on ah where did he come from back up I’m just going to like I don’t want to go this

Way is this is this music perfect it feels really good for this back up stop it Oh wrong tool all right spawn something so I can kill it I don’t like the sound okay I got it um oh I forgot to do vein Miner I hear Them yeah back the heck up Johnny oh yeah he did want to talk to me about my car’s extended warranty uh V why is it not working V oh I was hitting the wrong button why are these not spawning anymore stop jumping did you like that quick reaction you guys see that

I feel like I need to get out of here soon I don’t I don’t want to be trapped down here any longer I know I got like a decentish amount of time left but I’ve I’ve already kind of gone in pretty deep I need to Find here it is this way this way right I feel like you guys would probably agree oh why that take so many hits this way this way this way this way here we go um just just to Mark we want to we want to keep going we’re going to go East

More we have time I just didn’t want to be trapped down there with the time that I had I think we I think we did pretty good for that area I hear I hear it going off it might be like a room like a a secret room below or something I don’t know

Ah I did not like that do you have your 100K play button yeah dude it’s um you can’t see it with uh the camera on the way it is here but it’s there um okay okay we still have oops wrong button decent amount of time that I did what’s this way

Anything you know one of the most impressive things that they did with this with these vaults to me is they they they they kind of like made them they they they were able to seed them and use um oh I can’t I want this stuff there why is that so difficult

What’s up how do I get up there up here is this no um we got six minutes I I’m I don’t I really don’t want to mess oh I lost my torches I put them somewhere mine the balloon wool I don’t know what that is I don’t know what that

Is see up I don’t know 6 minutes left yeah I know uh where’s the actual path down this will probably be our last full room I think okay oh um always forget which tool to use huh what is this what is this somebody tell me what this is this is

Something I don’t know what this is it feels like I should be doing something with it up top like above it oh I see okay we’re going to start headed back I think I did this right yeah coins up top of it yep that’s cool that’s a good

Idea okay we need to go back West that little village thing was kind of cool like all those living chests that’s got to be a good find right So got two minutes left let’s go over a room and see if there’s like anything super easy to get like right Here uh looks like we go down right Here what is this oh oh oh oh um V how like how valuable is this Vault Stone really okay let’s go we’re done it’s just in the way of ores okay oh so like when I’m doing that that’s when I’m getting the the uh benia Tite or whatever it’s called

I like building with the stone ha we did it a minute left where’s the thing that says like the oh living chest epic rare common I don’t know I oh guys get out of my way trying to Sleep got sneeze didn’t get the Bounty oh we didn’t kill enough of the dudes that’s okay we’ll get next time Uh we’ll go through let’s see what we got here in a second second I know that’s some like like chest stuff or something oh there’s the uh biotite B BTE BTE we have to say it right guys what is that a single a single bronze I don’t I don’t need the

Snowballs we might have enough of the benite again I don’t know uh Save the Snowballs they can show up in the altar okay okay make a snowman peppermint Shield transmog so this just a trans bog it’s not an actual Shield right I know what button I just hit oh no it is a shield Thorns damage 6% knockback resist I mean it’s probably going to do

Better for me than this Focus will right now so I guess we’ll swap what you have transmog table you can make yeah yeah I know what transmog means but when it says I’ve got the transmog it made me think like it was only a transmog like a like a drop that’s just a

Transmog um Vault boots use are more rare increased attack damage that’s pretty big oh it’s a Max roll okay item Rarity we’re gonna have to we don’t have Mana regen on it like we have right now which kind of sucks armor is the same um we can add feather falling to it that

Increased attack damage is probably pretty solid so I feel like we’ll probably take that despite the loss of Mana regen and this one’s garbage um lower armor yeah no that one’s not that one’s no good we’ll put that in here we’ll put this in here we’ll put this in

Here uh what are the gems oh we got three orbs of regret that’s kind of cool a sweet kiwi we got the Kiwi 10 seconds to the Vault timer um what are the things we got here uh item quantity item Rarity and smelting okay oh um um um um where’s the

Uh the benti Ben tote it takes okay what do and then what do I need for the knowledge something something a knowledge core I don’t remember tell me tell me the things oh you need 16 didn’t I have I have 13 to make it perfect

Okay no yeah I don’t have it I don’t have any in other chest it’s it’s uh it’s only here right now I don’t think I kept any here unless we can somehow magically change lapis into it which I don’t think is possible you give me any advice on making a mob

Farm in Bedrock bro I got videos on videos for that check the videos man check my check my last um General mob farm video really good one okay oh my back so here let’s check this I feel like we should just go in again expertise oh Vault

Gold forging gear The Vault Forge is used to craft gear and weapons okay let’s um let’s take a look Vault Forge what is that posture check I probably need that about a what about a better creeper farm that was any good yeah yeah yeah I made a decent

One oh we don’t have enough anywhere near enough this was this chromatic iron or steel yeah I don’t have that okay so we can’t get that yet oh I got skill points so like you guys were saying I should probably uh spend one at the Jeweler right

You can make the steel out of what I I guess we’ll look um I have two points that I can spend if I want to um I feel like spining a strength’s not always a bad idea good night guys it’s 1:30 a.m. all right Phoenix thanks for hanging out

Dude appreciate you you have a good one we just finished upgrading this whatever we just did it so like not hitting that for 38 like it’s such a that’s so much damage upgrade vein Miner more blocks too late we’ll do it next time snowy what’s up

Snowy I wonder be nice and strong for the vaults thought you had steel we had gotten some from a quest um but we only have two pieces left so hold on so PDF saying I can make it how Matic steel chromatic iron plus refined carbon what’s refined

Carbon oh raw carbon okay so you take raw Caron I don’t know like what else I might need this stuff for so we won’t use a lot of it yet make into refined carbon and you take chromatic iron and we can craft chromatic steel like this oh I need to sleep

Okay and then wait what was that thing it was a some a forge or something this um I need Vault Essence we have plenty of that a blast furnace we can make and I need to get a netherite which we just started doing smelting that’ll get us That you can click on the things you need in the recipe and it will show you what you need to make it yeah yeah yeah yeah I just I wasn’t accustomed to doing it that way so I just didn’t do it that one time okay um and we need

Gold so yeah we can make our Ingot once it Smelts made a bed and found a ton of mystical flowers you don’t need the flowers Moy leave the flowers alone Oh it’s already scrap I was thinking ancient debris why didn’t anybody correct me how do I make an a nether Ingot there we go yeah you do I know this um what else did I need the Vault Essence oh and a blast furnace Vault Essence I’m sure I have

Sitting just like in here somewhere knowledge Essence Vault Essence okay and then would I need like iron plus a furnace or some crap um oh and smooth Stone I sat smooth Stone somewhere I have it we have two snowies oh there’s a snowy night owl hi snowy night

Owl you’re you’re no you’re now known as New snowy I’m just kidding we’ll try to we’ll try to remember to distinguish between the too snowy hornal has been around our community for 3 4 years now so so you’re a big deal right now coming in here like this he barging

In oh a Blackstone furnace is like a an item what do you mean I oh it’s uh it went in here I’m cool with that okay what about second snowy no we’ll be we’ll be respectful of the name now I’m allowed to say like other

Snowy if I want to but you guys can’t do that oh interesting so what the flip do I do with this ball Forge is used to craft okay craft gear and weapons as well as powerful trinkets once you have been have been unlocked crafting gear increases proficiency further honing

Your skills at forging specific types of gear magnets I already have that magnets magnet suck up loot then a radius of play to equip a magnet Forge a magnet in the vault Forge but I I already have a magnet I don’t want to forge a new one we found the

Magnet how do you do it craft magnet level of crafted gear 11 what do you use as material is it that plating stuff is it this what do I use as material oh it tells me that’s probably a good idea read what it says magnetite ingots and Vault gold that’s Vault bronze

Okay here’s some Vault gold this stuff uh stuff seems pretty rare and mag magnetite something this raw magnetite it sounds like a Pokemon magnetite go magnetite ingot I don’t know how to do that oh and a chromatic steel okay wait how many of that do I need I need nine that’s a lot

If it’s green you have it oh what did it give it to me oh duh I already have it guys H listen to me listen to the words I tell you ah God why don’t you guys try reading chat every once in a while well the one I have is better than

This isn’t it emotional damage this is actually got more range five range veloc vity is better I don’t know what copiously is but oh but wait this one’s this one’s 3.2 range but it’s also plus 2.3 right chance of doubling listen and listen aggro um so which which one’s better the

Copying thing that sounds pretty good remember folks or do like are how you know it’s 100% an authentic prow stream oh my God except no imitations I don’t that’s the last thing I need to do is hear PDS voice cop copiously good copious fine is it level 11 well I mean

Level levels are typically just going to be indicative of like how high the stats can be on a particular item but it doesn’t by default mean that it’s better it has a chance to be better when the game generates it complete Vault alloy Artis and station modifying the Artis station can be used

To further modify and create gear that is suited towards a certain build style the inter face has slots for Vault plating Vault bronze a wide variety of different differently functional focuses and your Vault gear I feel like I’m getting into down a rabbit hole now we’re going deep down a rabbit hole oh

Man I’m back um should I go ahead and make this or should we like look at all of these things oh okay more to come I mean what they’ve done so far has been pretty good what is My Vault level I’m Vault level 11 now Justin is

True if I can what go like do another Vault run I mean we could very easily do another Vault run you forget how powerful I am I’m the all powerful some may even say I’m the prowl you can’t spell powerful without prow am I right no no one here would say that

Uh let’s see oh hello oh wow it’s a lot of copper rotten flesh I don’t know if I have that much here’s some copper there’s some rotten flesh there’s some more how much did it say was it like nine bet it was nine cuz that’s how my work my luck

Is it was 10 you son of a cracker two andesite six seeds well I have the seeds here so here take uh take this take this take this good thing rotten flesh is difficult to get I mean I I either have to go down into a cave

Or um oh we could do hold on as I want to be prepared for the next um the next big smelt job 2 hours later it is Java Edition um yeah I mean I guess I guess we can go down in a cave or something um didn’t we where were we

Oh where am I what’s that didn’t we like eventually dig our way into a cave when we went this way we did I found a couple zombies in here just need to remember how to get back oh and I just drowned myself look I don’t even remember how to get back

Now that should be a big enough marker zombie oh look there’s some more iron um hello hey Tac what was that schah just joined what’s up schah thanks for joining dude Why didn’t it suck it up through the water cuz it’s turned off that’s why this is not what I

Wanted make a gold farm for rotten flesh ah I don’t need that much of it craft raw onto blocks and then mine was smelting and will instantly smelt oh that’s kind of cool look there some more iron there more fun ways to farm modded fun ways to farm mobs oh I’m

Sure I am so sure but right now I just want to find some zombies zombie oh a zombie another zombie I need looting on my sword what am I doing how you’ve addressed your content I appreciate open transparency wish more content creators are like that H it’s

Not always beneficial to be like that but that’s just how I am I thought I was holding V huh feel like I just heard a zombie I hear a zombie cannot find or a parrot no way just just go to the cave and find some zombies he said it’ll be easy he

Said that’s a skeleton I’m back where I started maybe we just go to the up to the Overworld where’s my oh there it is maybe we just go back up to the top we wait for it turn night time we just run around kill Zombies that sounds like probably the the actual easiest way to do This that did not work well I just tried to do the Boost thing up the ladder looks like it’s about to turn night yeah yeah okay let’s just get away from our village so we’re not spawning zombies in there request through until you can make a mob

Farm I don’t think I want to do it another Quest right now I want to go in again this is probably a pretty good area like nice flat area should be able to see zombies pretty easy that Javelin whatever does not throw very far does it thought I thought you skeletons had

Aim bot that could have been bad oh here’s a bunch of zombies oh a whole crap ton of zombies uh he got my flesh I needed but we’re already here we’re going to get some more go to the nether I’m actually kind of afraid of the nether I feel like it’s

Like some kind of modded hellscape that will insta kill you when you go inside of it in reality it’s probably just like the regular nether where are all the babies coming from we have more than enough uh flesh now what was that sound Casey with the follow what’s up

Case can a m tell prow where babies come from please not appropriate conversation for this V you ow O sorry about that guys oh yeah I don’t have feather falling you’re 100% right I need to add it again any tips for starting streamers hit that start hit that go live button

That’s all you can do figure out the things you don’t like about your own stream and fix something and change something every single time you go live the next time give yourself enough time and do it I for years I spent years perfecting the stream and I still screw

It up like every time almost but I thought that was a skeleton that almost turned out really bad for me was that item in your eighth slot it’s a heal heal potion um so we got the rotten flesh and what was the other thing oh the um andesite which I do have

Somewhere let’s just keep this over here fault f fult f I keep I keep doing that okay still it’s still configured right what was the other thing FLH um flesh flesh flesh it went back in my backpack who goes I go live on Twitch via the PS5

Every time I play Minecraft I’ve had two concurrent viewers Max and they usually are trying to sell me something so you just you just got found by Bots Brown shimmering mushroom I don’t know what that is Ooh what if we take a purple wool instead of white wool Vault Vault Vault Vault oh man hold I got to stretch it’s possible maybe I don’t I don’t know for sure but it’s possible after I get off of here and not too long cuz I’m feeling really antsy

Um I get back on tonight no I did not grab the kiwis it’s it’s possible I get back on tonight and do some nighttime Vault Hunters twis so what I just I can just use these and it’ll add me another 20 seconds if I use

Both yeah I’m having a lot of fun with Vault Hunters I mean you guys know of me it’s not usually easy for me to go this long um but I’ve been having fun okay let’s go oh wait um so we’re going west so look all this strength is so nice cuz

I’m just like one shot I just one shot everything now what is this what is that what is that stuff uh exclusive to YouTube members or twitch as well I’ll probably do both I I I want more people tell somebody tell me what this stuff is

Crystals do I get it is it important or is it just like some Overworld block that they use to decorate Okay put a purple wool in the doorway of where you came into the room that’s actually an even better idea oh ow why did I why did it do that wait did I open this one okay let’s make it easy to see I’m inde I am oh wait this could spot

Creepers can the creepers be in water cuz if so if so I’m very scared and worried afraid we need to find a lot of monoliths oh hold on what did it do what did it do what did it do okay we need lots of monoliths guys oh stop it

Oh my God why like half the chest are trapped what’s the point where did they keep coming from oh why did that one take so long oh hold on I’m going to I haven’t looked at chat in a little while you like just second I want to see

If you guys have have given me have told me anything that I need to know I wish I only had four monoliths to look for is a y l bug when they break slow click on another block and go back okay how do I go up oh look at that

Ow fresh meat is there another wait where did this come from came that way right yeah oh wait we never even went up but I don’t I don’t see an easy way up so I think we’re just going to roll on I think we’re going to get really time pinched these monoliths

Oh there’s one I like the idea of Shuler shells being a drop what is that won’t let me get it hold on I want to just like suck up all this stuff okay it should be good enough what a model is for they’re they’re like the they’re you’re just collecting them more or

Less um I have to find I just have to find them and once you find them uh however many it tells you to find then you’re a you’re allowed to complete the dungeon um we went up we never went down oh I don’t think we ever added our feather falling in either

Yeah I just got back on all way up and I she in hand again and I passed it and now I’m at the moon when does it end okay let me know my daughter’s still playing that only up on uh fortnite and she’s trying to beat It if you exit without getting all the M do you keep the stuff you found I I think yes but you don’t get XP you don’t get the XP oh shoot which direction were we going east west I’m lost was this the one we got last is this is this one already been

Lit no it hasn’t oh shoot I think I think we’re okay why is my phone going off okay my wife’s asking what she wants us to bring home for dinner her to bring home for dinner plus completion crates are spare loot let’s do this oh gosh

Um I turned my magnet off by accident I don’t know what this stuff is I don’t I was I was trusting that that was not real and it was you guys ow all right we already got the thing here I’m going to keep going cuz I would I would like to find

Two more monoliths crap man they you really need a good way to suck up items into a Shuler box into pouch mod mod okay would it be would it be good oh there’s a monolith all right we’re going to grab this monolith and we’re going to go up

And we’re go go to the Next Room cuz now we only need one more we came from that way we’re going to go this Way oh there’s there’s the last one cool so now we can focus on just looting I was a little worried about the monoliths Oh hello um yeah I want to I want to I want to do this I think oh I accidentally put my my timer things in there my kiwis okay let’s go I don’t know how to get over to that not easily I’m just going to skip it chest behind bookcase huh oh

Call okay let’s go this way again where’s he at easy what a chump thought those guys were supposed to be hard or something where’s the challenge hold on the why is texting me about food again oh my sweet summerchild bro I am a freaking Pro Vault Hunter okay don’t you forget

It this thing has like a lot of vertical levels what is this oh already wait I didn’t do I didn’t get ow rude I finished up huh I finished you finished it good job finished it like minutes it took like 10 minutes for good job babe it took so long five minute

Warning yeah I think um I think we’ll start heading back and then we’ll uh think do we go east I think this is right uh we’re going to start going back now and then at least my strategy while I’m still getting comfortable with everything maybe the Vault Compass will help out with this

Later is um I go back with a little bit of time left over and then we we like we loot close by east or west there was just one that I forgot to mark but I’m I’m like pretty sure we were going east to west pretty sure yeah pretty sure

This I think this is the one I didn’t mark yep and that takes me back yall hold your breath on that one I think the Portal’s right there yep Portal’s right there there okay we got 3 minutes we do a couple more little chests over here and we’re

Good I like this method of marking the doors this is really nice oh more living chests don’t you do it he did it by the way he did it all right this is the last one I know whatever I didn’t hit the vein Miner it’s

Fine all right let’s head back we have a pretty good Hall oh which way do I go this way did it again about a minute to spare it’s following me um all right let’s see let’s let’s check our goodies before we finish up for the day here now I can make a perfect

Ben oh yes all right I want to find like all the like items I want to I want to roll anything we can roll and we’ll get these the jewels out too amplify Focus oh oh okay just the color of it like really threw me off yep there’s the

Benny we’ll go through the Benny later um this was a really good haul this is our best haul yet I think in terms of items for sure look we got more kiwis as well D see you see you proud see you dude all right chest piece what is this we make getting

Pretty garbage chest pieces it’s uh lower armor knockback resist disarm not not that great Bounty completion crate also ah yes another another piece of garbage wait what is this thing hold on I don’t know what this is fish Vamp thanks for the follow dude what is this a wand oh that’s

Cool so this gives you ability power it doesn’t have oh it’s offand okay that’s cool so anything it’s like a spell cast you want to have this in your offhand interesting um and I I don’t think our um this the ability power doesn’t matter for this no oh man um our

Gems uh we’ll have to look through some of that in a minute dude storage augment interesting I don’t know what that does I mean I don’t think we’re probably going to use this for right now cuz I’m not using anything ability related yet but that’s kind of

Nice oh there’s the ptite that I already had the Ben wait B benti Beno benit toght or you could call it Benny toght if you wanted to I guess Benny toght whatever awesome so we got lots of pennies all right guys oh man I think um I think good for

The day or not for the day but for now so um don’t please don’t leave yet cuz we’re going to raid out if we can um but I just want to tell you guys I appreciate you for being here all day we had over six hours live and then

Um well I’m I’m going to see what’s going on tonight I may go live for a few more hours tonight we’ll H we’ll have to see I’ve been having a lot of fun and it’s it’s been fun leaving us hanging with no knowledge star that’s I don’t

See that’s a whole can of worms so uh keep a lookout turn on your notifications uh we may be hopping in in a few hours to use that star and get our storage going which will be fun um let me see who I can find to rate out to on YouTube first

Redirect um anybody playing Vault Hunters there’s there’s very likely oh um let me try this there are people in the um in the vault Hunter Discord the self-promo let me see if any of them might be live on YouTube this person went live at uh 103 are they live right now hello everyone

And welcome to newe episode oh no that’s an episode nope so nobody nobody live on the tubes um so I’ll send you guys at let me just type in Minecraft no so I’ll send you guys out to somebody that I just know is just generally good to watch

Um cryptic Fox is a dude I like I think he’s he stays pretty family friendly too um I don’t know what he’s playing he plays a lot of different games always fun to see what he’s getting into and then uh let me check on uh twitch real quick

Too twitch peeps don’t go anywhere please it’ll probably be a little bit easier to find somebody on on Twitch Vault Hunters it’ll probably be a little bit easier to find somebody on on vault Hunter Third Edition okay there’s there’s dude has got 20 something viewers head

Wound place that will break you into let me make sure this is right pieces stay away from them um yeah let me let me get it loaded up here how do I pull up uh chat oh right here slash raid then it occurred we’re see if this person’s actually involved Hunters don’t

Say I didn’t warn you be careful of the Andalusian CR head red like this is a deep ocean right here okay I’m I’m guessing he is deep oceans have all right guys I’m going to send you out to head wound if you’re with twitch um you’re going out to CTIC Fox if you’re

On YouTube thanks so much for watching I will see you guys in a few hours probably thanks for hanging out for now see you later so like there is a Ravine right there Mario Lui uh but let’s get our water the breathing and also

This video, titled ‘MUST SEE MINECRAFT MOD | Minecraft Vault Hunters Stream 3’, was uploaded by Prowl8413 on 2023-12-29 21:46:20. It has garnered 1542 views and 147 likes. The duration of the video is 06:34:33 or 23673 seconds.

Join me as I learn Vault Hunters, and modded Java Minecraft more generally!

Vault Hunters 1.18 is a modpack currently in Open ALPHA. It is unique in that it focuses on action rpg style gameplay as well as all the classic Minecraft elements, with over 2.1 billion different chestplates, swords, idols and more, the pack features a never-before-seen depth!

#minecraft #vaulthunters #moddedminecraft

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  • Borrowing Money Prank Gone Wrong

    Borrowing Money Prank Gone Wrong Welcome to the World of Minecraft with CoolMan CoolMan, a popular content creator in the Minecraft community, is known for his entertaining videos and engaging challenges. Let’s dive into the exciting world of Minecraft with CoolMan and explore some of the highlights of his content. Exploring Minecraft Worlds In CoolMan’s videos, viewers are taken on a journey through various Minecraft worlds filled with adventure, creativity, and excitement. From building elaborate structures to embarking on thrilling quests, CoolMan’s content showcases the endless possibilities that Minecraft has to offer. Challenging Gameplay One of the key features of CoolMan’s videos is the… Read More

  • Crafting Frights: Horror Minecraft’s Scare Affair

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  • Ultimate Minecraft Trial Chambers Seed 1.21

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  • Newbie Shenanigans

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  • Join Minewind Server for Epic Castle Building Adventures!

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  • Surviving 100 Days in Acid World Hardcore Minecraft

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  • Discover Farlands on Minewind Server! Join Now!

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  • Mastering Minecraft: Cave Adventures

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  • Boy Love in Minecraft Animation

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  • Insane Twist in Benjaramire3 Chat & Play!

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  • "Caught LartisteCat Losing Mind Over Minecraft Creator!"

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  • MineHammer Network

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  • Fabulous Miners SMP Whitelisted Java & Bedrock Non-toxic 1.20.X

    Welcome to our Whitelisted Server! Hello, my name is Alfred and just a week ago, I opened a whitelisted server for my friends and me to play on. Now, the server is open to anyone who can contribute positively and with kindness. Features: Enhanced vanilla mechanisms like sethome and tpa A leveling system for unlocking perks/commands A unique fishing system with new fish (no custom resource pack needed) A server shop for selling items and player chest shops All mobs drop their heads for collection We have other features that make the server enjoyable, but we aim to keep things… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Flame War: Flat world survival lit 🔥

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  • Ben 10’s Minecraft Mayhem: S5João’s Addon Adventure!

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  • Spice up your explosions with DIY TNT!

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  • The Ultimate Minecraft Shaders Revealed!

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  • Apple Orchard Shenanigans: Reflectcraft

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  • Dancing to the HB Beat

    Dancing to the HB BeatVideo Information bu girl in [Musik] the This video, titled ‘Dance!! #minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by HB on 2024-03-16 02:41:19. It has garnered 10828 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:12 or 12 seconds. minecraft, j and mikey, maizen, mikey andj, ij and mikey minecraft, minecraftj and mikey, maizen minecraft, j and mikey roblox, siren head, shorts, minecraft ghost, roblox, mikey and j minecraft, sonic, choo choo charles, maizen roblox, sakura, granny, herobrine, jj mikey, chainsaw man, minecraft shorts, minecraft minecraft, choo-choo-charles, jj and mikey minecraft 100 days, minecraft mikey and j, monster school, tiktok, obit, mikey… Read More

  • All My Fellas Conquering Bedwars 😎🔥

    All My Fellas Conquering Bedwars 😎🔥Video Information my all my all my my all my my This video, titled ‘ALL MY FELLAS 😎 | #shorts #minecraft #bedwars’, was uploaded by Tee2w on 2024-01-10 14:47:24. It has garnered 11020 views and 205 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:21 or 21 seconds. #tags its soo cool subscribe for ur mom, and enjoy! minecraft,hypixel,skywars,minecraft mods,minecraft challenge,handcam,mousecam,keyboard asmr,keyboard sounds,keyboard and mouse,mouse sounds,keyboard and mouse sounds minecraft,glorious model o,itzGlimpse,bedwars,hypixel bedwars,keyboard and mouse sounds bedwars,ducky one 2 mini,butterfly clicking,bed wars asmr,keyboard and mouse sounds,bedwars asmr,dragclick,clicky,asmr,family friendly,bedwars with handcam,iAim,modded keyboard,gamakay tk68,thocky keyboard ( from Atlar clips ) Found This Desc… Read More

  • ULTIMATE Minecraft Survival Guide | EP 01 | 2024 H A S H I Y A | Click NOW

    ULTIMATE Minecraft Survival Guide | EP 01 | 2024 H A S H I Y A | Click NOWVideo Information yo yo yo what’s up boys and for [Music] guy [Music] speee [Music] [Music] [Music] go [Music] [Music] [Music] to [Music] [Music] fore [Music] [Applause] [Music] for [Applause] [Music] for [Music] [Music] for [Music] for 1 fore spee fore fore for banana [Music] banana [Music] [Music] for spe [Laughter] fore [Music] for [Music] m bloo I say you say no he [Music] [Music] for speee [Music] fore for for [Music] for for welcome to my party we’re just getting started a life is a dream or a nightmare scaring hand me a drink cuz I think I’m going… Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft TNT Sword Tutorial! #epic

    Ultimate Minecraft TNT Sword Tutorial! #epicVideo Information [Applause] he This video, titled ‘TNT#minecraft #geming #supportme’, was uploaded by START _SWORD on 2024-03-02 12:03:47. It has garnered 25 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:21 or 21 seconds. Read More

  • Join us in exploring Minecraft Marketplace with DZRKNSS!

    Join us in exploring Minecraft Marketplace with DZRKNSS!Video Information all right I had to like set up a thing darkness is going to be back soon I’m going to put my oh you’re back okay yeah I’m live okay I put on the thing oh Minecraft crashed that’s weird they have a different stream yeah only a little bit different going to just move this there you go [Music] oops wrong thing just gring Hive okay Darkness so you L okay now he’s gone is that yes okay uh yay I love chaos oh my gosh any villagers where are the villagers spawn next guys okay we… Read More

  • INSANE Minecraft 2024 Update Discovery ft. IbxCat, Pixlriffs & Ulraf!

    INSANE Minecraft 2024 Update Discovery ft. IbxCat, Pixlriffs & Ulraf!Video Information ibx toy cat pixel reefs ulra and me got together on April 1st 2024 to play the new Minecraft April fools update a lot of crazy potato stuff happened that day and this is how it all started we have zian with us in chat which is going to be helpful oh hello it’s going to be our guide like in previous like in previous occasions yeah yeah yeah kind of like our guide but also like having fun at us but also on Nemesis at the same time not the necessarily should listen to him but he… Read More

  • Join the SHIZO 360° Experience! 🌀

    Join the SHIZO 360° Experience! 🌀Video Information money money green green money is all I need need money money green green money is all I need need money money green green money is all I need need money money green green money is all I need need money money green green money is all I need like a king cash rules everything around me n tremble to their feet when I step into the sea how I make this scen tell them that it’s in my This video, titled ‘360°, the perfect circle’, was uploaded by smellish on 2024-03-31 21:09:19. It has garnered 59 views… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Fusion Remix Ft. Zoro & Luck ✨

    Insane Minecraft Fusion Remix Ft. Zoro & Luck ✨Video Information tuim prends-moi dans tes bras et je n’ai plus personne ne laisse pas ton odeur impr et si tu m’abandonnes je suis pas celle que tu croisun m’ touch part [Musique] toi [Musique] cococ je suis [Musique] unetine cocaï ma FEM je suis une clandestine une clandestine ami ami This video, titled ‘”Minecraft Sonic Fusion: Clandestina (JVSTIN Remix) with Reverse Drop 🍀🍇”‘, was uploaded by zoro X luck on 2024-01-06 13:35:00. It has garnered 2361 views and 65 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:38 or 38 seconds. “Minecraft Sonic Fusion: Clandestina (JVSTIN Remix) with Reverse Drop… Read More

  • Avalon SMP 1.19 MMORPG Dungeons Classes Questing

    Server Trailer: Watch Here TikTok: Check it out Server IP: defend.avalon.today Avalon is Under Attack! You are a Guardian. Avalon is under attack, and you have been summoned. Join a kingdom or create your own. Will you conquer the Great Evil? About Avalon: Avalon is an mmoRPG inspired by games like Diablo, Skyrim, Destiny, and World of Warcraft. With over 90 plugins, 300 NPCs, 6 Chapters, and more, it offers a unique gameplay experience. Features: Become a Warrior, Mage, Rogue, and more NPC-based Questing Dungeons and Raid Bosses Custom Skills, Armor, Weapons, and Crafting Co-operative Towny environment Global Market system… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Minecraft Meme Madness #21

    “Who needs WiFi when you have a score of 425 in Minecraft memes? #priorities” Read More

  • Twilight Triumph: Slaying the Forest Boss in Minecraft

    Twilight Triumph: Slaying the Forest Boss in Minecraft In the world of Minecraft, a hero stands tall, Facing the last boss in Twilight Forest, giving it their all. With a grin and a spin, they defeat the foe, Crafting their victory with each rhyming flow. The journey was tough, the challenges great, But our hero never faltered, they sealed their fate. With each swing of the sword, each arrow shot true, They conquered the boss, their courage shining through. So let’s raise a cheer for this Minecraft star, Their adventures and triumphs, we’ll never be far. In the realm of gaming, they’ve left their mark, With rhymes… Read More

  • My friend turned my house into a volcano! 😂🔥 #minecraft

    My friend turned my house into a volcano! 😂🔥 #minecraft When your friend takes “housewarming party” a little too literally in Minecraft 😂 #minecraft #memes #houseblast #oops Read More

  • Join the Shadow Warriors for Fun and PvP Action

    Join the Shadow Warriors for Fun and PvP Action Discover Fun and Community with the Shadow Warriors – Join Our PvP Team in Minecraft! Are you looking for a place where you can immerse yourself in a world of adventure, camaraderie, and excitement? Look no further than the Shadow Warriors in Minecraft! This PvP team offers a unique experience where every player is valued, respected, and treated as an equal. Join a Community of Like-Minded Players One of the standout features of the Shadow Warriors is the sense of community that permeates every aspect of the gameplay. Unlike traditional gaming groups, there are no bosses or leaders here… Read More

  • Join Minewind: Escape the eDater Epidemic!

    Join Minewind: Escape the eDater Epidemic! Welcome to NewsMinecraft.com, where we bring you the latest and most exciting updates from the world of Minecraft! Today, we want to talk about a fascinating video that delves into the eDater epidemic on Minecraft’s Hypixel server. While the video itself may not be directly related to Minewind, it does shed light on the unique and diverse player communities that exist within the Minecraft universe. The video explores the concept of eDating within the context of Hypixel’s Housing mode, where players can create their own experiences and interact with others in a virtual space. It’s interesting to see how… Read More

  • Reverse Clicks in Minecraft PVP

    Reverse Clicks in Minecraft PVP Minecraft PVP pero Los cliks están al revés Introduction In a world where Minecraft challenges are constantly evolving, Yenot MC brings a unique twist to the game with his latest video. Join him as he navigates Bedwars, Skywars, and Arena PVP, but with a catch – the right click becomes the left click and vice versa. Gameplay Challenges Yenot MC faces the ultimate challenge as he battles through different game modes with his clicks reversed. The simple act of clicking becomes a mind-bending task, leading to hilarious moments and unexpected outcomes. Adapting to the Change Despite the reversed clicks,… Read More

  • Unleashing Hidden Ice Release Powers in Minecraft – The True Gingershadow!

    Unleashing Hidden Ice Release Powers in Minecraft - The True Gingershadow!Video Information hello everybody Ginger Shadow here and welcome back to some another doll mod with me and the brother who’s been busy apparently hello brother what have you been up to then nothing much you know yeah you’ve been playing this nonstop since I stopped yesterday so uh that seem like you’ve been up to a little bit see all of it SAS sword there as well yep yep yep I don’t know I’ve just got a choto yeah Sask sword it’s symbol on it what there a symbol could tell you where but it’s somewhere on it yeah… Read More

  • Terrifying Minecraft Seed Discoveries!

    Terrifying Minecraft Seed Discoveries!Video Information सुनिए सुनिए सुनिए हमारे वर्ल्ड पे हमला हो चुका है स्करी वाइट घोस्ट का एंड बहुत सारे घोस्ट जमीन के अंदर से निकल रहे हैं एंड हमारे विलेज की तरफ पधार रहे हैं हमको मारने के लिए और यहां पे व 2 3 4 5 सस वाइट होस्ट हैं ये सारे वाइट होस्ट एक गैंग बना के जा रहे हैं गाइस सारे के सारे विलेजर्स को खाने के लिए क्योंकि ये लोग बहुत ही ज्यादा भूखे हैं तो पता नहीं हमारे विलेज में आज क्या होने वाला है और मेरे साथ क्या होने वाला है चलो देखते हैं… Read More

  • UNBELIEVABLE Minecraft TNT Ending! 😱 #trending #gaming

    UNBELIEVABLE Minecraft TNT Ending! 😱 #trending #gamingVideo Information what H [Music] okay h [Music] Bo This video, titled ‘Minecraft tnt (OP ending) 🤯 #minecraft #trending #gaming #shorts’, was uploaded by DangerYTG on 2024-05-03 14:01:23. It has garnered 15224 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:39 or 39 seconds. DangerYTG creates Shorts, TikToks, and Long Form Videos related to Minecraft, Minecraft Memes, Minecraft Music, Minecraft Pixel Art, Minecraft Amethyst, Minecraft Trends, Minecraft But, Minecraft Memes, Minecraft Skits, Minecraft Funny, Minecraft Satisfying, and many other topics. New videos every day, daily uploading, of the best Minecraft memes, shorts, jokes, on TikTok, Snapchat Spotlight, Instagram Reels,… Read More

  • Insane loner builds NYC in Minecraft?! 🤯 #shorts

    Insane loner builds NYC in Minecraft?! 🤯 #shortsVideo Information йй о [музыка] This video, titled ‘Minecraft is building New York City Megabase 🗽|| Minecraft ⛏ #shorts’, was uploaded by Loner 98 on 2024-05-20 05:32:15. It has garnered 1 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:58 or 58 seconds. Minecraft is building New York City Megabase 🗽|| Minecraft ⛏ #shorts ✴ YOUR QURIES :- minecraft mod for minecraft, minecraft modern house in minecraft, minecraft house tutorial, minecraft house minecraft house minecraft house, how to build a house in minecraft, minecraft building tutorial, minecraft minecraft gameplay, minecraft minecraft house build, minecraft minecraft minecraft minecraft cartoon,… Read More