Unleashing Hidden Ice Release Powers in Minecraft – The True Gingershadow!

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hello everybody Ginger Shadow here and welcome back to some another doll mod with me and the brother who’s been busy apparently hello brother what have you been up to then nothing much you know yeah you’ve been playing this nonstop since I stopped yesterday so uh that seem like you’ve been up to a little bit see all of it SAS sword there as well yep yep yep I don’t know I’ve just got a choto yeah Sask sword it’s symbol on it what there a symbol could tell you where but it’s somewhere on it yeah anyway I just crafted it so um I know I I how you crafted the other sword you’ve got as well I’m aware of those swords I I know about them don’t worry about it but yeah so um okay you’ve uh yeah you’ve often started Gathering things apparently and just grabbing any old thing you can find apparently okay what does that mean what wrong with what I did noticing the various things you have here hey hey hey hey get out saying you don’t actually like let the water like go flat you keep it running question mark have you not considered perhaps guessing uh getting a bit more so so that you know it flens itself out a little bit you’re on my chest why why you’re you’re the one to built over here don’t wait did you go in the little one no yeah don’t go in the little one why don’t go in the little chest why brother if you don’t want someone looking in the little chest you’re supposed to hide the chest I don’t that’s the nature of Minecraft you hide the chest and it will you know then not be found don’t steal any Scrolls I don’t need to it’s not exactly hard for me to go get scrolls brother what’s the them why what Nerf have you done here why have you dog small TR small TR right in front of my that’s your attempt at this okay you want to try flattening the water a bit then no it’s fun that way stop making it ice I am literally an ice user I don’t have an option about this this is just how the nature of the game goes you know on the off but anyway so uh yeah you’re not going to tell me anything about what you’ve been up to then okay I mean really I was D originally I just went out to go grab types of wood and stuff I E Sakura wood to build a house then that led to well follow follow me so when I built my house uh this is kind of here now uhhuh so so so I have a m and stuff okay what you you get two on anyway you said you’re funny well you got Jitsu ready as well course I have a Jitsu ready just you’re burning Ash jitu I don’t no that’s um great flame jitu may the great flame Jitsu okay yeah wait how many jues have we prepared then what the heck L why just um my hidden aru which is well kind of useless for me and then right now I’m about to start working on uh lightning Beast tracking Fang so you picked up a lightning gy then yeah you realized that how the Scrolls work and in fact you can click on ones that aren’t your attribute well I I have obviously I started with my fire sko then I got the lava release one yeah which I haven’t worked on either of them which is scorching rocks and lava Mountain cuz they do seem like it’s got to burn my hon and then I have the lava release one will in fact do lava Bas stuff I have an earth release thing but I haven’t got any SCS in it yet okay but I mean right I only just got this lightning one like I don’t know a little bit ago like 20 minutes ago so I’m about to start working on that but I that that goes all the way under my house so please do not like do sketchy stuff to it cuz my house is above it it’s your house isn’t above it no the thing goes all the way through to my CH is literally above it but okay anyway so again why have you uh not set out the water Filly why why the partial water fill oh I just threw one bucket inside just to fill it up trash thing my bucket yes it does oddly enough where’s my something being completely filled in something having one bucket spread in it is a a massive difference I think you’ll help the f is Shob I just more but it didn’t help okay there Castle there oh chocolate Quest is deide to RAR its heads and an unlikely spot but this is the reason why I put these mods in together CU he stop this up here so bro did you find Shob the it came up at to of my screen yeah but I didn’t like I don’t know who it is I didn’t fight him or anything like that I mean obviously not it’s heal bar but yeah ah I see where he is I’m trying to see where you are but you’re not on my map right now I past the tower towards the city which is like every direction which direction city everywhere this place I am currently uh s of you but if you keep heading west you’ll find the on the map now I found you yeah you’ll one that comes up but there’s also a one that comes up it’s just question marks I I don’t know what that one is but it is a Miller boss sure that’ll be fun yeah okay well uh bases are just opportunities for us to get more XP for our various GES and whatnot that said though there are a lot of bow people in this place so there’ll be a game to go for evil to actually do this or not there I M prove too much for us I guess we’re going to find out very quickly the joys are fighting against some mil archers again it’s not as bad as Ancient Warfare Ancient Warfare structures I’ve got way more Ares this seems like an acceptable and conquerable amount them out of the castle got a lip bag here where they get medical ninja so healing scroll unfortunately we don’t have a medical ninja yeah I got a couple of those medical SC doesn’t matter if you don’t start with medical Ninja you don’t get medical inju oh so you can’t use it all right fair enough fair enough fair enough despite the fact you can learn every element and just not have basically it Tak oh that’s a that’s that’s different thing attacking me there that makes more sense my God the top of this is terrible for a ninja uh yeah despite all the other J elements you can learn them it just uses more experience to learn the techniques yeah not the same deal for um for medical for medical you just can’t learn it it’s a shame you’re fine keep Bing myself yeah you’re not exactly fireproof apparently so uh I it’s weird because um so when I went mining I fell in lava a couple of times lava doesn’t hurt me but I’m not fireproof I I don’t know what’s going on there but probably because U doesn’t actually just count as fire in some cas apparently not but I was well either way oh wait no you’re actually you’ve got uh lava release yeah you should be fireproof yeah yeah yeah or mostely you’re fireproof to the extent where yeah you’re immune to Lava and whatnot because you need to be you use lava release yeah but only lava appar no you are immune to fire as well but fire jits aren’t actually fire they’re just damage attacks that look like fire all if you could sell on fire that would be fire damage the actual damage that comes off of your fire releases doesn’t count as fire damage otherwise you could drink a potion of fire resilience and become immune to Fire release Jes which uh wouldn’t make much sense there’s two bosses in this area okay I’m trying to think who the effects who L makes me think it’s the spider huh that be something to figure out how the fck did you just die there I got stuck inside a room zombie with a wooden swords I get stuck in a room what so embarrassing J you bway this will be episode three so technically by this point yeah all the uh Yu-Gi-Oh stuff will have started as well little so yeah I doubt many people were expecting us to start two different Series in one week but here we are what can I going for it right now so yeah it’s actually plan seems to be Naruto is replacing slime essentally cuz Slim’s going to be wrapping up somewhat soon cuz we not get that many more things doing it so we’re doing them at the same time currently but one this will be basically the replacement for that and Yu-Gi-Oh seems to be more of we’re doing as a weekly progression Series so yeah that’s I mean we’ll we’ll see how far we go obviously we had kind of we on the thing of we’re progressing through the packs but yes let’s be honest neither me or you like later um yeah oddly enough it takes a while to get into later Yu-Gi-Oh takes a long time to get lighter yu- you how many packs were released in normal Yu-Gi-Oh before it got to lighter stuff like I’m going up until like 5DS oh spinner I want I kill him before he uh comes back downam the stairs spers yeah I why is there a diamond guy here out way didn’t get them in time okay I need to luckily there’s no archers in here so actually dodging these guys side there’s lot of sand on our staircase you didn’t even kill him dear dear no there like four of them I nearly died I’m going kill them I hit the bunk I ran for it there was two anyway now all the good stuff while we’re here don’t heal yeah they tend to do that when they fall a certain amount of HP yeah it’s annoying which part you just need to make sure you don’t follow up attack really quickly which is what I try and do where did you manage to go to downstairs apparently I just get like lost I’m like what I was wondering where you went to I was trying to walk where you were but I was struggling up do you need food by a bunch uh food is definitely the one thing we do not require in this dungeon there is plenty of that no nothing in here hold on what the heck where the fck opened up with you why is this dungeon not operating the way I remember oh there here button to your right on the right side the wall oh oh fantastic what happened and there’s a big spike Jammer thing that’s now coming ah sand you also opened up the Secret Door congrats sand fell on me yeah you’re you’re screwed no I’m chilling hello oh you can break the sand luckily you’re a ninja so luckily I am a ninja yellow oh bro you have fun with that guy wait what what guys yeah see him where have you gone I went down into this three passage where the the chest is that has a iron no I’m F A Boss all right yeah there’s the boss okay um well one or two bosses anyway Shob Ziller one so uh boy guessing this guy is uh the not Shob one cuz he is just Necromancer only I can’t set on fire correct uh the guy’s currently Invincible unless you take out his uh Source where’s the source in the room they’re in the room here so we Lantern there you go hit him oh God he HS hard mean not that hard Cas some point yeah s another oh hello I’m die oh I st back perfect timing there hey SP hey I’m about to die oh that was you what did you think you what did you think he did it yes oh God I ran out of magic I’m getting late headed now not what uh that’s not how this mod Works uh not CH no CH I need to take that I need take that after kill that I’m working on that kill you’re burn the place the gr lovely all right anyway take it off my bad I’m trying not to be laded right now eyes all right that’s one boss down schlob the ler one yeah so basically actually constantly makes it so you’re supposed to have a [ __ ] in your inventory but I refused to pick it up so uh so they just end up everywhere pretty much makes perfect sense right I’ve grabbed the big the enchant table here so that’s nice uh now it’s the game of finding where the next thing is we can now break the base Necromancer was the thing holding the base together oh I found slob oh god he’s a big boy big spider I figured it was this guy oh my God he poison string everywhere did you get here before me I broke my way through the wall since it’s no longer being bur by the wizard anyway actually say [ __ ] who you just almost muted me that is a sacrifice I’m willing to make seriously you survive schlob just to go and do that five slob I was in the middle of trying to eat to get health back but you left me on a heart and then a spider hit me and killed me that is quite un you could have told me you were about to blast them you heard me say ice release oh 13 milliseconds that is your that is your opportune chance to dodge out the way also so yeah there’s SLS remains just Mak so we yeah they’re not going until I empty my inventory they’re going nowhere yeah I got the spiders you want to move away from the space before you drop them on the ground cuz otherwise they’re just going to go back into your inventory oh can I release turned off no I can’t these are the things I said about how ha I like this release if it gave me options but it doesn’t it just goes hey you’re going to turn water ice hey you’re going to SP taking up a space in your inventory no options about it just something’s going to happen I’m not kill with it change a different thing I could what valid option I could you could you could save all of us the house of your release getting Up’s way I could but for today at least it is quite entertaining you need get back pack that’s all we need I know that would be handy on see what I can do yeah make for us yes that’s why I had me oh more of a me thing I was thinking of yeah know I know where there’s so there’s another big boat she like the okay okay okay the one we did last time I know where another one of them is I know where there’s a gigantic Mansion but I think the Mansion will probably die I I don’t know which Mansion this is so I have no idea it’s like um maybe okay iig that doesn’t necessarily mean it’s hard brother right chill anyway I have that my two SS and my gun and my hot bar yeah I’m hey Spike see I can’t one show you what was the point in what was the point one shot you no I literally just charged up like 400 points a Cher Char up again then God damn you now I’m drunk again yeah it tends to happen it’s absolutely horrible when you start fighting then you end up absolutely just charge your uh chra stop that I’m doing it oh those is a we space as well oh yeah this is why Ace releas is one of the more powerful releases so using it near the village they go away normally sometimes they glitch and don’t but anyway so um all right where you want to go then I do need to go trade more things so suree she in here that makes no difference that see you’re tell Beast so uh he doesn’t care fair enough hold on there’s a dur in here you’re not wrong am am I also the fact that tatu’s here and you’re just completely uh glancing over that little subject I address the T but did you address it on video no why is they so ugly I don’t know it used to look different and they made them ugly for some reason they didn’t update oh this place this place is trash walk all way over here for here this place is trash I just found a massive mansion and there question marks look at that damn place you try to tell me how that’s a mansion one more of a castle two it’s literally it it okay so this is like one of the lowlevel ones I would say arguably that said the of the boss top so hard to say what level is cuz the boss can be a bunch of different things well let’s go basically this place is randomly put together so the hallways are changing pretty much every time you meet one of these it’s a randomly put together Castle it’s an all right place but it’s nothing insane mainly I’ve conquered this place so many [ __ ] times there’s no W factor to me anymore but yeah there’s no W factor for most stuff in N I can still find stuff that will wow me just not this place in particular cuz I have I have fought this place so many things before but anyway so uh this place it goes by floors for obvious reasons as you got the floors the armor rating of enemies gets higher so we’re gold rting right now I can’t remember how high up that is I do know that leather is obviously at the bottom and diamond is obviously at the top I forget what the in between is because chain gold and iron technically iron is the best of that lot I don’t know if the game sees it that way but oh well I we not but anyway this place does have a bunch of random junk that can be useful though I suppose like yeah books for book places beds if we want to grab all the villagers yeah there’s a lot of people to fight but you you told me we were going to Mansion I was expecting to Be Wild by a mansion and you brought me to this place oh anyway I don’t know anything about the mod I’m just yeah you call this place a mansion the lightning release thing what oh you want to some books brother no I want to go to the roof and kill the boss up here which one is it fcker a here oh the question marks have up here they must be close lit they’re at the top of the thing it just means you’re on the right side of the house what do you mean well I start from the top and walk down the stairs oh no I switch S he’s either jumped off the roof and fell down or he’s walked down the stairs that’s that’s the options here there’s no in between unless he can teleport which case I don’t know okay I put for I put for down in there it’s became an actual found him he jumped off Mar be in a minute I almost died I’m kill him wasting zero zero [ __ ] but if you want to see him you better get here quickly where the fck have you put your oh no that’s annoying what so okay he’s became indestructible for a bit oh because we don’t know where this thing is yeah we need his damn Lantern to get destroyed so you you play with him going to go look for his Lantern how I finding new levels to disappoint me brother I have no idea how thaten didn’t think that was possible but here we are dude you’re not Invincible right now interesting ice bik okay now you’re Invincible where where the [ __ ] is your Lantern you wait hold on is your Lantern not there you just Invincible for a wee bit because you feel like it do you stop being invincable after a while wait why I’ve been using this lightning release thing and it hasn’t been up I’ve been blinded what happened probably because you haven’t set the arrow to set what Arrow to oh remember the arrow I told you to set for the things how you hey BR you coming to fight this boss or uh um but I was trying to work at how you set the arrow there yeah he’s down here at this point so basically he’s not got a lantern apparently apparently he’s just got a timer where he’s invincible and a timer he stops being Invincible wait oh wait necromancy no it’s those orbs those orbs are healing him when he hit us that’s how it works okay I’m pretty sure those sculls track you yeah did you not see them swerving move towards you of course they track you I don’t know the [ __ ] does that supposed to mean I think those ORS as they literally turn and move towards you I’m going to do a big a spike let me go go you want big Ace Spike then do nearly as much time I was hoping it would I think you missed them I didn’t miss them it did damage I think the problem is his should Go’s up preventing them from taking lots of damage at one goal so that means you need you need AV the spakes if you the spakes hit you you then he recovers Health okay God no for obvious reasons not very useful s you lost is it there do we take out all the skeletons see be fair I ran out of magic kills my screen started going they’re not magic kills they’re not magic kills I ran out of chak things start to getting a bit wavy I don’t have enough food on me for this interesting actually curiosity when the is your he Shields down and he sh back up do not use your dumb flame breath on him why not it does no damage no spawn oh god well deserved no he’s also regain most of his health hasn’t he he’s regain all of his health we’re not in combat with him he regenerates F thing is though the structure of his face seems to be he goes Invincible after he takes so much damage uhhuh at which point you just have to wait so unlike the other one where there was a lamp to take out there’s no lamp for this guy it’s just a timer but during that time he appears to have uh his Necromancer ability so he can generate HP by hitting you with the black orbs yeah it’s not it’s not as fun and top of that it has skulls that are homing you can’t really Dodge you’re being shot by by you know the the ballistas in that right I just everything’s getting me right now yeah in this case it’s the ballistas cuz you’re walking near Ancient Warfare structure I can do this I don’t know where the boss is W so I don’t know where to go to get him uh what the boss from the necrom are you’re about to ask what boss I’m talking about are you are you actually saying those words out loud but you’re at the wrong structure yeah cuz I didn’t see where he went I wasn’t the one with him oh he never moved it was his skeletons so no you moved with him no he still at the at the castle I’m looking for where he is because you got hit by the Ancient Warfare I fing hate this a relas I’m literally stuck again nowh oh my God say is the most irritating release I I am going to be switching after this shortly I I cannot stand this if the thing on the water wasn’t a thing I wouldn’t be as bothered cuz the ice spikes are pretty cool but I I a’t dealing with the the water thing very well whoa huh I can’t see and he can wait why does it go all white normally it goes all black when he does stuff it’s not him doing stuff is this your handywork I used the jitu I bling yeah it’s called the H misit it’s a water release yeah I don’t like it’s not ex a walking apart from either people are highlighted for me so I can see really are which is interesting to an extent the yeah how did we make that go away there must be a trick to this guy physical attack physical attacks still work physical attacks just work F could just killed them from the get goal yeah you mean yeah don’t talk you anything that’s all I have been doing was physically hitting him at no point did you say hey physical attacks still work on don’t go yes if it was pointing out something was already noted well I don’t really know any other attack I’m just used my sword and your sword does like 20 OD damage a hit right mine only does like I think 11 Max that’s not the point my point is your response to that there yeah as if you knew that all along without telling me that bit of information cuz I’ve been shooting out from a distance unable to hurt him and you’re like oh hey actually physical attack still hit him while he’s getting Sho up wait what I mean I was just going off and head bit of information yeah you didn’t tell tell me that though did you thought you do why would I know I was the one saying he’s got a shield up friend though you f Zaba I said it’s going to be fun fighting Zaba though wait so he’ll use the missed one as well why why I see why would you do it while I’m inside the place he Z the hidden miss the use H Mis so you’re trying to murder me there’s no trying I can murder you see anything correct good luck I just TP to and hope for the best I’m about to remove your rights to TP yeah I cannot see a thing escape the dungeon it’s fine wow there still a lot of mobs in that place yeah the I was are the diamond people no no no I’m saying that is someone that can see the whole place and I can see every enemy inside that high due to my jitu because I might hit a misit so I can see every enemy in that b in that building and there’s a lot yep get Miss Gone suck I see absolutely horrible jetu no one likes it got a long shot can fire from far longer all right bro you asked for this every time you sh me hand shut my I SP that’s what me as I can do I can just walk in and do attacks on people and you wouldn’t be to see coming now you see where it could be useful I mean environmentally terrible cuz I can’t see the environment either but sure also just crashed my game I can’t respawn huh oh you’re doing that thing where you’re dead but not dead I’m back but it’s just still covered in mess now yeah yeah I’m leaving this Village it’s not Village I’m I’m not staying near you just put your house further away from me no why are you here what do you want what do you want go to my house apparently at this point to cause torment in your life who’s that guy I don’t know you didn’t know you just B them no I don’t I don’t know what you’re looking at you’re way over from me you’re right in front of me no I’m not you’re I’m right here brother brother your eyes if I walk on water goes to ice yeah there was something that looked the exact same as you right there two seconds AG where did he go I don’t know cuz he was also in a we outfit I have no clue my screen is currently spinning so it makes things difficult to tell what’s even in this world there we go yeah weird enough brother the uh naked person that looks like me weirdly enough wasn’t me I don’t know my skin was SP I got tripping enough he thought it was me it’s crazy who is that you just killed them I’m literally standing up my chest after just making some new tools I don’t know what you’re talking about you’re going insane oh there he there there’s Ginger Shadow with 25 Health okay hello Ginger Shadow yeah me ginger Shadow well why got him yeah you run away I mean I’m just trying to heal right now I wasn’t talking to you oh I was talking to the were girl that just stabbed me a second ago but everyone shooting at me how T comage well I just thought I’d run around and take out some enies really quick for some chra train cuz yeah using your Jes actually gives you more chalk car cuz it counts to training so maybe found these ice bags is actually really handy cuz then my chakra’s gone through the roof what’s your chakra what’s your chakra a fast yeah but you’ve been on the server like an extra seven hours old than me so 765 okay I’m at 982 again just cuz I was on the server I wasn’t actually like fighting most of the time I was just messing about you literally told me you were fighting a good chunk of it you came in earlier today saying hey how much stuff am I allowed to do with that on off the recording thing and I’m like I don’t know whatever really I doubt you’ll do anything important yeah I wasn’t sure how much traing that I should do Cas I go too far over the top and I’m like you’ll probably be fine yeah no I just got that new jetu but I I don’t know what’s a strong jetu what’s a crap one look you see your fire breath one it’s not a strong one per se it’s a it hits potentially lots of things at once yeah it’s a DPS type jitu not a boom mean damage per second oh basically your jitu will do a lot of damage to someone over a period of time uhhuh but it’s over like lots of little hits and things cuz it’s a fire breath it’s also a do hating loads of things if you wanted a single Target big thing like aen gun is that such a thing or in this case my ice spikes I mean would be lovely but they can Target one thing and go find a scroll for it let’s go find the r s yeah no swag unlocked what I just notic you run doing Naruto running there did you that as well why can we see on each other’s screens but can you see on your own screen no yeah we can’t see it on our own screens but we can see on each other what oh no you can go in the F5 mode I am I’m not I’m not n for running oh the SP it does make it so easy to level up your well chakra I Blitz everything change technique then it’s very Mak the actually difficult for yourself that’s kind of hard unless I pick a trash one then that’s not fun there’s a balance of making a mod difficult and making a mod fun I don’t want to use something crappy just to make it more difficult cuz I’m not having fun that’s the point at that point oh that’s dear that’s de in this mode yes the heck sure why not are they like this um more chest see the forest it’s just multicolor trees all the leaves just fall on the ground oh you found one of the Sakura mod forus yeah I see I like that where have you gone to I just like Rand in the road a little bit there doesn’t mean much I was kind of before you came on I was kind of on a quest I was trying to find Black Sheep so I could get the black W you realize you can just make black wo right how do you make black will you dye the will black how do you get black d use ink yeah what drops Black Ink brother don’t know are we squid like squid yes are we squid there’s your answer giant toris yeah you found a chocolate Quest structure there a giant toris yes that’s a turtle how did you shoot me through I definitely don’t have enough food for this you want more food I’ll give you more food if you want it well I’ve no ex went around I was gathering animals there as we spoke anyway so well where where you going brother as I’m getting shot by things I I’m really just getting sniped here that’s not fun where are you you on the roof and on top of the forest or what yeah I was I just jumped off to go and try and kill one of the guys I’m sick of these people what the you just blasted me you L just shot me across the forest that felt good what what was that wind release oh the heck yeah Eed me there as it should absolutely Eed oh good fun just for the warning n i the you thing to show off so I came with the thing hello I have a giant fan though why why it much territory in its wake anyway so yeah there’s a necromancer in the tower thing there and then there is it’s not in the tower anymore me basically it’s the same guy we fought a minute ago yeah thanks thanks for telling it it’s a necromancer guy what do you expect sorry I’m sorry dude did you bring out double guns there how interesting that said that you’re doing way more damage than I uh was expecting well put the guns away fight like fight for real I was expecting it’s called Mar Markin I was expecting necromancy instead we got dual guns anyway he’s been removed from the vicinity did you just blast him away yes I have no regrets about it how does that help but he’s no longer in the vicinity do we not need to kill him but probably to get his stuff I don’t care about his stuff I care about being able to take apart this place interesting that’s big tower with nothing in it yeah the tower is pretty dull that’s garbage we care about is the turtle which I know the way to get the secret place come here where I said tle underground anyway I we’re not find space with me with this fan I think you’ll find your at the Fan’s Mercy right now I mean I die I just no coming back yeah no worth the hustle yeah to just sense continuously die to a fan no literally you can’t get blown away anywhere doesn’t matter I can still die it’s harder for me to kill you with it when you’re you know know where to land the fall damage is the most lethal part of this fan let’s go proba will help if it wasn’t covered in this probably I’m also not convinced we’re going to be able to win this fight but you know I feel to this place before yeah want put torches then also again I’ll see you load I don’t believe we’re going to win this fight while the other bosses are a pain in the ass this guy is a completely different thing but it will be fun this thing is uh thing’s entirely different brother you don’t seem to realize I mean just wall climb F unless he’s been fixed at this point got caught in a bubble interesting see that oh God he’s coming for me yeah so what we need is for him to stop doing that cuz while he’s in that mode he’s Invincible now what’s supposed to happen is you’re supposed to block right there it’s supposed to KN it’s when you block he’s supposed to basically get knocked backwards and stop spinning except this version of T seems to be bugged and doesn’t do that so stay spinning for yeah he stays spinning and stays in a shell the only problem is if he stays in a shell you can never hurt him that’s fun so Lally he’s a boss that just cannot be beaten so why over here then he sh go he’s not he doesn’t GL shell I mean I thought to be green legs and not come up there it doesn’t matter though ow he KN me yeah he nailed you that’s what it was uh they knocked around the place I hide it I think fall damage could take him out Pi him outside and blast them it’s tempting believe me the speckers caused me no end of grief I I can’t beat him if an enemy gets near him he goes back in his shell and starts rotating again it’s just an impossibility h i I don’t know my f i saw come down here and show them to you because you know he was there basically I’m just going to say should give up on try to claim this place all right well uh at this point you need to get our supplies actually build a place of stuff brother is uh already doing bits like that know she’s going off destroying stuff I actually sort my inventory one out so for today end things there for now so thank you all very much for watching hope you all enjoyed the show yeah for a couple of things got to try my release what do people think in the comments is if I switch well I love the ace release it is awesome it comes with it issues mainly the spike in the Ace in the water is irritating as all fck so uh yeah I could easily I could switch over to one of the other ones they went with winds I Sor i’ be I’d be happier at that point I have to deal with the glitches but anyway so uh yeah brother’s obviously doing stuff on his own they not much of he’s requiring how much of he’s not in the but that’s something you can see on his channel B and that though uh links down below if you check but yeah we’ll see you all next time for more Naruto Adventures people go bye everybody bye guys also just want to say a quick thank you to all of our channel members for the extra support any special thank you and shout out to our Elite members the joining members Sebastian Ramsey and Aiden is gone and our unb member monster Q thank you all very much for the extra awesome support B w

This video, titled ‘WHEN YOU FORGET HOW POWERFUL ICE RELEASE CAN BE! Minecraft Naruto Mod Episode 3’, was uploaded by The True Gingershadow on 2024-04-23 22:00:05. It has garnered 4315 views and 289 likes. The duration of the video is 00:43:30 or 2610 seconds.

Minecraft Naruto Anime Mod – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LzEUJWGbIY0

MiraiGaming (Brother’s Channel) – https://www.youtube.com/@miraigaming5644

STREAM – https://www.twitch.tv/thetruegingy DISCORD – https://discord.gg/4fW99jk

BECOME A MEMBER HERE – https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCV-wFS-noHcYZM19K4XQaDA/join

GingyGames Channel – https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCXnhKpFkChk31SJlw4A1biw


#Naruto #Minecraft #MinecraftNarutoMod

Also big thanks and shout out to our ANBU members of the channel MonsterQ

Series Playlists

RWBY Students Of Beacon (Minecraft RWBY Roleplay) – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=REYji46Ndhs&list=PLLMufbSSwyToyjI0YSruHasJthev2s-xP&index=1

Minecraft Yugioh (Battle City) Roleplay – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Eqs3rgZpFrE&list=PLLMufbSSwyToDdOJMb87MA8NvvlGs9oy1&index=1 —————————————————————————————————————— ————————– Channel avatar done by Zaromaru Zaro – https://www.youtube.com/user/ZaromaruGames/featured

Channel Art done by Parshey Parshey – https://twitter.com/parsheyy —————————————————————————-

  • 5 Insane Farms in Hardcore Minecraft

    5 Insane Farms in Hardcore Minecraft The Ultimate End Farm Challenge in Minecraft Hardcore In the latest episode of Minecraft Hardcore, TRONY takes on the daunting task of creating 5 different farms for the ultimate end farm in hardcore mode. This ambitious project promises to push the limits of his skills and creativity as he strives to achieve incredible results. Building a Legacy: 5 Different Farms TRONY’s journey begins with the construction of a variety of farms essential for the ultimate end farm. From crop farms to animal farms, each plays a crucial role in sustaining his resources and ensuring the success of his grand… Read More

  • Sneaky Survival Start in Minecraft

    Sneaky Survival Start in Minecraft Minecraft: A Chaotic Start to Survival Embark on a thrilling journey in the world of Minecraft, where survival is key and chaos lurks around every corner. Join the adventure as you navigate through a vast landscape filled with challenges, mysteries, and endless possibilities. Exploring the Unknown Step into the shoes of a brave explorer as you venture into uncharted territories, uncovering hidden treasures and encountering dangerous foes along the way. From lush forests to treacherous caves, the world of Minecraft is yours to discover. Building Your Legacy Put your creativity to the test as you construct magnificent structures, from… Read More

  • Crafting Chaos: Minecraft 25/100 Quest

    Crafting Chaos: Minecraft 25/100 Quest In the world of Minecraft, where creativity thrives, Boom_CRAFT brings explosions in every episode’s vibes. With 100 videos planned, each one a delight, Subscribe and hit the bell, to keep them in sight. In video number 25, the action takes flight, With builds and explosions, a true Minecraft sight. So join the fun, in this creative land, With Boom_CRAFT leading the way, hand in hand. Read More

  • Zombie vs Plant: Ultimate Minecraft Tutorial

    Zombie vs Plant: Ultimate Minecraft Tutorial Embark on an Epic Minecraft Journey with AI-Generated Tutorial Video! Experience the magic of Minecraft like never before with our groundbreaking tutorial video! Utilizing cutting-edge AI technology, this video seamlessly integrates real-life clips with in-game footage to offer a truly immersive learning experience. Whether you’re a seasoned player or a beginner, our comprehensive tutorial covers everything from basic survival skills to advanced building techniques. Real-Life Clips Enhancing Gameplay Understanding Witness the beauty of Minecraft unfold as our AI-generated video guides you through the fundamental aspects of gameplay. From gathering essential resources to constructing intricate structures, each step is illustrated… Read More

  • DIY Wind Fan: Minecraft Edition

    DIY Wind Fan: Minecraft Edition The World of Minecraft: Crafting a Wind Fan Embark on a new adventure in the virtual world of Minecraft with the creation of a Wind Fan. This innovative addition to your Minecraft world will bring a touch of creativity and functionality to your gameplay. Let’s delve into the exciting realm of Minecraft crafting! Exploring the Possibilities of Minecraft Minecraft is a sandbox video game that allows players to explore, build, and create in a virtual world made up of blocks. With endless possibilities for creativity and adventure, Minecraft has captured the hearts of millions of players worldwide. Introducing the… Read More

  • Minecraft Magic: 5 Building Hacks You Can’t Miss!

    Minecraft Magic: 5 Building Hacks You Can't Miss! Welcome, welcome, to the Minecraft show, Where building ideas and hacks will flow. From drones to coffee machines, we’ve got it all, Soda machines and washing machines, big or small. Vending machines and toilets, oh my, Each idea will make your builds reach the sky. With redstone hacks and tips to inspire, Your Minecraft creations will never tire. So grab your coffee, take a seat, And watch these building ideas, oh so neat. From Lomby Minecraft, the master of design, Let’s dive into the world of blocks and shine. Read More

  • Crafting a Minecraft Milestone: 15th Anniversary Map Madness!

    Crafting a Minecraft Milestone: 15th Anniversary Map Madness! In the world of Minecraft, a journey we embark, 15 years of adventure, a celebration to mark. Join us on this map, part one of the tale, Where creativity and fun never fail. Subscribe to Fanatic Gamerz, the channel to see, Minecraft videos filled with glee. From building to exploring, the fun never ends, With Kartik as our guide, we’ll make new friends. Join the Discord, join the fun, With Fanatic Isop, we’re number one. Instagram, Threads, and email too, Stay connected, we’re here for you. So leap into the verse, let the story sing, With Fanatic Gamerz, let… Read More

  • Escaping a Simulated Universe! | Nik & Isaac Minecraft Encrypted

    Escaping a Simulated Universe! | Nik & Isaac Minecraft Encrypted Minecraft Encrypted_ | ESCAPING A SIMULATED UNIVERSE! #1 [Sci-Fi Questing Modpack] Embark on an exciting journey in the virtual world of Minecraft with Nik and Isaac as they delve into the mysterious realm of Encrypted_. This sci-fi questing modpack promises a thrilling experience filled with challenges and adventures. Exploring the Simulated Universe In this unique modpack, players are tasked with escaping a simulated universe, adding a fascinating twist to the traditional Minecraft gameplay. The questing elements introduce a new layer of complexity, requiring strategic thinking and problem-solving skills. A New Generation of Stoneblock Stoneopolis, the setting for this adventure,… Read More

  • Join Minewind: Where New Members Thrive!

    Join Minewind: Where New Members Thrive! Welcome to the exciting world of Minecraft! If you’re a fan of the game and looking for a new server to join, look no further than Minewind. With its unique gameplay features and active community, Minewind offers an experience like no other. Imagine exploring a vast, open world filled with endless possibilities. Whether you’re a builder, explorer, or fighter, Minewind has something for everyone. From challenging dungeons to epic PvP battles, there’s never a dull moment on this server. But what sets Minewind apart from the rest? It’s the sense of camaraderie and adventure that you’ll find here. Join… Read More

  • Crafty Kitten’s Wine Shed: Modded Minecraft Madness

    Crafty Kitten's Wine Shed: Modded Minecraft Madness In the world of Minecraft, a new adventure begins, With Kittenish by my side, we’ll build and win. Exploring mods and new biomes, the possibilities are vast, Creating our own story, having a blast. The wine shed build, a project so grand, With enchanting areas, we’ll expand. Learning the Create mod, step by step, In this modded world, there’s no need to fret. Join us on this journey, filled with fun and delight, As we discover new things, day and night. Subscribe and like, if you want to see more, In this modded Minecraft world, we’ll explore. So grab… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Friends: The Ultimate Minecraft Squad

    Minecraft Memes - Friends: The Ultimate Minecraft SquadIt looks like this meme’s got enough friends to start its own Minecraft server! Read More

  • Herobrine Joins the Mob: Minecraft Mayhem!

    Herobrine Joins the Mob: Minecraft Mayhem! In the world of Minecraft, where mobs roam free, Herobrine entered the evil mafia, you see. The city called out to him, a scary turn indeed, Cooperating with the mob, planting fear like a seed. The storyline twists, the plot thickens fast, As Herobrine’s presence makes the city aghast. But fear not, dear viewers, for the hero will rise, To face the evil mafia with courage in his eyes. Subscribe to the channel, don’t miss a beat, For Minecraft news in rhymes, oh so neat. Join the Discord, be part of the fun, As we spin tales of adventure… Read More

  • Minecraft Meme: Creeper’s Hot Mess!

    Minecraft Meme: Creeper's Hot Mess! “Why did the creeper break up with his girlfriend? Because she couldn’t handle his explosive personality!” #minecraft #meme Read More

  • Rendering Minecraft on Android: Is it Possible?

    Rendering Minecraft on Android: Is it Possible? The World of Minecraft Rendering on Mobile Devices Introduction In the vast universe of Minecraft, players are constantly pushing the boundaries of creativity. Rendering Minecraft on mobile devices has become a popular trend, allowing users to bring their virtual creations to life in stunning detail. Modeling The process begins with meticulous modeling, where players craft intricate structures and landscapes using tools like Prisma3D and Nomad Sculpt. These apps provide a platform for users to unleash their imagination and design unique creations. Rendering Once the modeling phase is complete, it’s time to bring these creations to life through rendering. By… Read More

  • Minecraft Sensation Johnny’s Epic First Job!

    Minecraft Sensation Johnny's Epic First Job!Video Information This video, titled ‘Johnny’s FIRST JOB In Minecraft!’, was uploaded by Johnny Minecraft on 2024-05-28 20:49:16. It has garnered 414409 views and 6829 likes. The duration of the video is 00:28:50 or 1730 seconds. Today, Johnny get’s his FIRST JOB in Minecraft! Will Johnny get fired from his job? Watch to find out! #johnny #minecraft #minecraftmod Read More

  • The Ultimate Minecraft Client Unveiled

    The Ultimate Minecraft Client UnveiledVideo Information This video, titled ‘Best Minecraft Client For Bedrock Edition 🗿 | Lyra Client’, was uploaded by Retrived Gamer on 2024-04-21 09:51:08. It has garnered 932 views and 29 likes. The duration of the video is 00:05:22 or 322 seconds. Best Minecraft Client For Bedrock Edition 🗿 | Lyra Client This Client Have Cool UI And Important Features To PvP And Its Not A Jack Client No Chance To Ban Developer Is @huncholiny You Can Join Their Discord Server And Contact There Issues 😕. Download Link- https://link-hub.net/1117555/best-minecraft-client discord- https://dsc.gg/retrived-army visit our website – https://retrivedmods.neocities.org/ Thanks for watching 😄 ignore… Read More

  • Insane Solo Minecraft Stream with Turnip 🤯

    Insane Solo Minecraft Stream with Turnip 🤯Video Information This video, titled ‘English Minecraft : 👍 Good stream | Playing Solo | Streaming with Turnip’, was uploaded by Notyash gamer on 2024-06-07 17:36:17. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Hey folks! Watch me play Minecraft! Join my Club on Turnip Yash: undefined Thank you for watching my Minecraft stream. And for … Read More

  • Unbelievable! Making Subscriber Pixel Art in Minecraft

    Unbelievable! Making Subscriber Pixel Art in MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘my Subscriber pixel art Minecraft #viral #shorts’, was uploaded by GAMING KING on 2024-03-09 03:30:20. It has garnered 2965 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:10 or 10 seconds. my Subscriber pixel art Minecraft #viral #shorts minecraft pixel art,minecraft my subscriber pixel art,minecraft my subscriber pixel art and,minecraft my subscriber profile pixel art,minecraft my subscriber pixel art tutorial,minecraft my subscriber profile pixel art and,minecraft my subscriber profile pixel art minecraft,minecraft my subscriber profile pixel arts,minecraft,pixel art for minecraft,minecraft pixel art download,minecraft pixelart #my #mylife #mylove #mydubai #mytravelgram #myart #myself #mystyle #mylook #mybaby… Read More


    EPIC MINECRAFT SPIDER WALL!! 😱🔥 #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT SPIDER WALL!! update 1.20 #shorts’, was uploaded by ScootterBoo on 2024-01-12 12:00:18. It has garnered 272 views and 13 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:26 or 26 seconds. IM SO EXCITED!!!! let me know what mob should get a wall next!! please be kind and understanding. twitch https://www.twitch.tv/scootterboo twitter https://twitter.com/Scootterboo WORDS!! this NEW minecraft short is not just any youtube short. this is very epic and pog, not Minecraft lava rising, Minecraft mod reviews, Minecraft tips, Minecraft builds, Minecraft hacks, Minecraft Challenge, Minecraft Memes, Minecraft Custom, Minecraft Funny, Minecraft Stories, Minecraft INSANE… Read More

  • EPIC Chickentopia in Minecraft w/ Mech Girl!

    EPIC Chickentopia in Minecraft w/ Mech Girl!Video Information This video, titled ‘Chicken Block | Ep. 19 | I’m a Mechanical Girl in a Minecraft World’, was uploaded by Mntdewmania on 2024-04-04 04:00:36. It has garnered 66 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:22:01 or 1321 seconds. DanRobzProbz: https://www.youtube.com/ @DanRobzProbz UKGrannyGamer: https://www.youtube.com/ @ukGrannyGamer ElderSign: https://www.youtube.com/ @theeldersign ****************************************************************** All My Links here in one place: https://linktr.ee/Mntdewmania Read More

  • Mind-Blowing Minecraft lesson from 6yo bro!

    Mind-Blowing Minecraft lesson from 6yo bro!Video Information This video, titled ‘Learning MINECRAFT from my little bro! First Time Gameplay@ProBoiz95’, was uploaded by Allover Gaming on 2024-01-10 02:30:02. It has garnered 41 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:09:14 or 554 seconds. In this video my little brother gonna teach me to how play Minecraft 😅 Learning MINECRAFT from my little bro! First Time Gameplay . Playing Minecraft for the first time @ProBoiz95 @proboii INSTAGRAM https://www.instagram.com/indsom__/ business gmail – [email protected] keyword🔑 Minecraft India Indian Minecraft servers Minecraft Indian culture Indian Minecraft YouTubers Minecraft Hindi tutorials Minecraft Indian monuments Indian Minecraft community Minecraft… Read More


    "DARKLORD GAMING: YOU CONTROL MY MINECRAFT GAME!" #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft, But Whatever You Comment I Get… #minecraft #minecraftshorts’, was uploaded by DARKLORD GAMING on 2024-05-14 05:45:00. It has garnered 11659 views and 386 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:59 or 59 seconds. #tiktok #shorts #minecraft Minecraft, But Whatever You Comment I Get! For Business email (Contact Here) – [email protected] Rishi Gamers does another Minecraft challenge, a Minecraft, But challenge, but not Minecraft, But You Can’t Touch Grass, Minecraft But You Can’t Touch The Color Blue, Minecraft, But You Can’t Touch Sand, Minecraft But You Can’t Touch The Color Green, or any of… Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Parkour & Pixel Art! MUST SEE!

    EPIC Minecraft Parkour & Pixel Art! MUST SEE!Video Information This video, titled ‘Satisfying Minecraft Profile Pixel Art ( PPL Request YT ) Part 3,602’, was uploaded by Relaxing Minecraft Parkour on 2024-01-12 13:29:42. It has garnered 138 views and 23 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:01 or 61 seconds. Satisfying Minecraft Profile Pixel Art ( PPL Request YT ) Part 3,602 #minecraftpe #algorithm #artist you can get your short request video and post on your youtube channel mentioned me. if you also want to make your profile, just comment and then like the video. Please be patient if it takes a long time but I… Read More

  • Crimson Anarchy

    Crimson AnarchyCrimson Anarchy is an Semi-Vanilla anarchy server, running Minecraft version 1.20.1 (though older versions can join) The world is about 3 months old currently, and started on 1.12.2 before updating to 1.20.1 recently! Come join and make your mark on the history of Crimson Anarchy, anything is possible! Connect with Server IP: crimsonanarchy.org crimsonanarchy.org Read More

  • Spuds Semi-Vanilla SMP GriefPrevention Germany 1.20.4

    Welcome to Spuds Minecraft Server! If you love potatoes and enjoy a vanilla Minecraft experience, Spuds is the perfect server for you. We only have a few essential plugins like GriefPrevention and LuckPerms, along with fun extras like dad jokes. Our server is hosted in Germany on a dedicated server for minimal lag. We look forward to seeing you on the server!- Fred and the Staff IP: spuds.cloud Read More

  • [Java & Bedrock] LiveAndBuild.Net | Survival Server

    [Java & Bedrock] LiveAndBuild.Net | Survival ServerCROSS PLATFORM! Both Minecraft: Java Edition and Minecraft: Bedrock Edition can join!Welcome to LiveAndBuild.Net… Completely based around the community, using user feedback we believe we have crafted one of the best survival Minecraft servers on the planet. With over 8 years experience running game servers you can have trust in us to provide fair, equal, and balanced game play. Whether you like to PvP, or just build in peace we offer the tools to do this.What are you waiting for? Join MC.LIVEANDBUILD.NET today! Read More

  • Minecraft Magic: Unveiling 10 Hidden Tricks! [Autumn Breeze Reveals All]

    Minecraft Magic: Unveiling 10 Hidden Tricks! [Autumn Breeze Reveals All] Autumn Breeze here, ready to dive in, To uncover the secrets, hidden within. Top 10 uses in Minecraft, let’s begin, Each one a surprise, a clever win. From redstone to obsidian, tools of the trade, Creativity flows, in every upgrade. Furnaces for cooking, chests for storage, In this blocky world, there’s never a shortage. So join me now, as we explore, The hidden gems, we can’t ignore. In Minecraft’s world, there’s always more, To discover, create, and adore. Read More

  • Garfield’s stalking me in Minecraft 😂🔥

    Garfield's stalking me in Minecraft 😂🔥 Garfield better watch out, I heard he’s been banned from the server for eating all the lasagna! #minecraftdrama #garfieldproblems 😂🍝 Read More

  • Speedrun Your Way with Top 5 Minecraft Bedrock Seeds 1.21

    Speedrun Your Way with Top 5 Minecraft Bedrock Seeds 1.21 Exploring the Top 5 Speedrunning Seeds in Minecraft Bedrock 1.21 Embark on an exciting journey through the top 5 best speedrunning seeds for Minecraft Bedrock 1.21. These seeds are designed to make your speedrunning experience a breeze, offering a range of features including blacksmiths, bastions, and more. Get ready to dive into the world of Minecraft with these exceptional speedrunning seeds! Seed 5: 5493909195400639913 Starting off our list is Seed 5, a promising seed that will set you on the right path for a successful speedrun. Explore the vast landscapes and uncover hidden treasures as you race against the… Read More


    My WORST DEATH - DAY 5 - PC GAMEPASS MINECRAFT Minecraft Adventures with TheGuill84 Exploring the World of Minecraft TheGuill84 takes on the PC Gamepass Challenge in Minecraft, embarking on a thrilling adventure filled with creativity and challenges. Join him as he navigates through the vast world of blocks, monsters, and endless possibilities. Live Streams and Events Catch all the action live on Twitch at https://twitch.tv/theguill84. Don’t miss out on the excitement as TheGuill84 tackles various tasks and quests in real-time. Stay Connected Follow TheGuill84 on his main YouTube channel at https://youtube.com/user/TheGuill84 for more gaming content. Check out his clip channel at https://www.youtube.com/c/TheGuill84Clips for highlights and memorable moments. Engage… Read More

  • Ultimate Nute Gunray Minecraft Showdown!

    Ultimate Nute Gunray Minecraft Showdown!Video Information This video, titled ‘Nute Gunray minecraft scenes’, was uploaded by Jar Jar Studios+ on 2024-04-23 23:10:35. It has garnered 668 views and 51 likes. The duration of the video is 04:19:04 or 15544 seconds. Read More

  • Nico Gets Bitten by Cash & Zoey in Minecraft

    Nico Gets Bitten by Cash & Zoey in MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Zombies CASH and ZOEY bite Nico – Funny Story in Minecraft’, was uploaded by Cash & Nico on 2024-02-15 20:50:40. It has garnered 27253 views and 643 likes. The duration of the video is 00:08:47 or 527 seconds. Hi, welcome to the Maizen Fan channel! In this video: Zombies CASH and ZOEY bite Nico – Funny Story in Minecraft This is not an official Cash and Nico channel, we make fan videos with Cash and Nico. Our channel is exclusively for fans of Cash. We are not trying to impersonate his personality, we just want… Read More

  • EPIC WIN! Watch Me Dominate Parkour in Minecraft

    EPIC WIN! Watch Me Dominate Parkour in MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘How I Won This Parkour Event In This Minecraft Server’, was uploaded by BlendSpider on 2024-04-12 10:50:07. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. How I Won This Parkour Event In This Minecraft Server I Did Parkour In This Video In A Server Which Name Is Hero SMP … Read More

  • SECRET METHOD: Find Diamond in Minecraft 1.20?! 🔥

    SECRET METHOD: Find Diamond in Minecraft 1.20?! 🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘How to find diamond in minecraft 1.20 | [ বাংলা ]’, was uploaded by LOYAL GAMERZ on 2024-01-17 12:58:45. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. How to find diamond in minecraft 1.20 | [ বাংলা ] Welcome to our ultimate guide for finding diamonds in Minecraft 1.20! Read More

  • 🔥Epic King 0110 – Ultimate Headsteal smp Like PSD1! Join Now!🔥

    🔥Epic King 0110 - Ultimate Headsteal smp Like PSD1! Join Now!🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘best Headsteal smp for Minecraft | Headsteal smp like PSD1| anyone can join #viral #1ontrending #smp’, was uploaded by EpiC King 0110 on 2024-04-25 16:10:46. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. how to make application video – https://youtu.be/XlQQjChSYPw?si=H6t_txAptuICcpPv … Read More

  • HEROBRINE BASE in Realistic Minecraft RTX – GOD POV

    HEROBRINE BASE in Realistic Minecraft RTX - GOD POVVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft in Real Life POV – HEROBRINE BASE in Realistic Minecraft RTX Texture Pack 創世神第一人稱真人版’, was uploaded by Skreeper on 2024-05-21 15:04:50. It has garnered 9894 views and 88 likes. The duration of the video is 00:10:49 or 649 seconds. Minecraft in Real Life POV – HEROBRINE BASE in Realistic Minecraft RTX Texture Pack 創世神第一人稱真人版 🔥 Hallo My name is SKREEPER ! Today will show how to survive in Minecraft in real life (Minecraft Real POV), That in Realistic Minecraft videos about zombie, Creeper steve and Alex in my adventures. How to make TNT trap… Read More

  • INSANE Minecraft skyleto Rank UP 🚀 #shorts #trending

    INSANE Minecraft skyleto Rank UP 🚀 #shorts #trendingVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft skyleto Rank ⬆️ up #shorts #minecraft #trending’, was uploaded by kindam gamer on 2024-01-04 15:09:12. It has garnered 645 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:39 or 39 seconds. Minecraft skyleto Rank ⬆️ up #shorts #minecraft #trending #minecraftshorts #minecraftpe #viral #youtubeshorts Read More

  • “Mind-Blowing Minecraft server you never knew existed!” #moddedminecraft

    "Mind-Blowing Minecraft server you never knew existed!" #moddedminecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘You won’t believe what type of Minecraft server this is! #moddedminecraft’, was uploaded by Riven Network on 2024-05-21 14:09:53. It has garnered 8248 views and 447 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:16 or 16 seconds. Is anyone interested in this server? Read More