EPIC Minigames in THE HIVE! | Minecraft Bedrock

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We are back on the uh you know testing practice server for mcbc which is the Minecraft Bedrock championships uh kind of similar to MCC if you’ve seen that one but for Bedrock Edition and this is the little parkour server uh we were on here a bit yesterday but we’re going to

Do just a little bit more of this because I finally figured out these stupid jumps right here and I’m happy about it uh but then we’re going to go play some Hive later on and some other mini games and we will see uh who else

Joins us I think JY is taking a nap and then slates might join us in a few minutes there but it should be pretty good so hopefully you guys are having a good night tonight yeah so I figured this out don’t fall in the void basically that’s the uh that’s the the

Trick uh I actually got it like three or four times I’m doing a great example of demonstrating it right now but the Neo I got that down and then for this one you just got to imagine a straight line going across from corner to corner and

Then you got to jump at the very last little millimeter of that pixel and you’ll get it and then same thing here and you know there’s still a little bit of a a chance that you might fail it cuz I’m a I’m a dummy

But uh that is that is how you do it little bit of a running start there jump at the very last millisecond and you’ll be good to go look at that I’m getting this Neo down I used to be stuck on this for like 10 minutes so I’m getting much

Better getting much better indeed at this and this is like maybe 34 of the way through the parkour course there’s a few things after this and then there’s uh that’s the actual final bit of the course right there now this is the the training course and it it doesn’t hold

Your hand there’s some some difficult stuff in here apparently the one that’s in the actual event will be a lot easier so that’s good come on now there we go that’s how you do it I completed this three times I I jump back in the void to uh you know

Practice it some more because you can’t just beat it once no you got to you got to get down several times if you want to actually practice it right uh m BC is happening this weekend uh Sunday at 2 p.m. eastern time and it should be really fun I’m looking forward

To it I’ve never done an event before like this never done a uh you know a mini game event before I’m excited we tried to get the we tried to get into MCC Rising a couple of times or maybe like once or something with some of the TV members that was

Like a year or two ago uh but generally they just don’t like Bedrock players big sad they’re lost cuz look at these epic parkour skills that I got dang it come on I’m hitting the corner that this is like the easiest jump in the whole thing right here there’s like three NEOS on

This one or uh no this one’s actually not that bad as long as you don’t walk off uh so if you guys have seen MCC or Minecraft championships uh which I think is what that stands for uh then it’s it’s like that but for better oh no I

Fell off the lad come on now I thought I was standing on top of there I moved like a tiny half a pixel to the left and Bam suddenly you’re in the void I haven’t prati I’ve only done this section of the Course once oh my

God keep hitting my myself on the corner of the block so you got to really back up for this there you go there we go and then this Neo I’ve done a couple times there oh no I overshot it overdid it oh yeah we’ll be playing some Bridge some Captain the

Flag and then uh some survival games in a minute I just want to try my hand at I don’t know what happened there I think I got stuck on the ladder I really just want to prove that I can do it I can do it I over jumped

That I was going to do like go straight for it and send it so it’s by the same people no it’s by different people o I hit jump again I don’t know why I didn’t didn’t do that did I did I reset the setting with the lower input latency

Uh no it did not sometimes your settings get reset there we go we are playing on a realm that is also a thing to keep in mind that I caught the ladder it just didn’t do it Shenanigans Shenanigans yeah apparently this is like the 20th season of MCC or mcbc so it’s

Been going on for quite a while pretty cool stuff my first time playing of course uh our team is going to be oh I don’t know what exactly happened there I like caught it when I was on the panes actually you know what that’s a Bedrock bug right there uh so

Those pains if we had a pain right here above this ladder we would still be able to stand on the ladder so that actually makes this a lot easier wasn’t thinking about that before I didn’t go far enough forward that time I don’t think there’s going to be

Cap the flag on the actual event uh there’s Gauntlet which is a parkour race there is uh batt Royale there is a game sort of similar to bridge kind of like cap the flag uh except that you need to there’s like one team of Defenders one team of attackers and then the attackers

Have to that that jump just did not work like I hit the space bar just like no uh the attackers have to get into the enemy’s base the defender base and break a netherite block there we go finally so that’ll be fun this jump right here is really weird but yeah you

See how you can like just hang on by the glass pains definitely a bug but uh a weird one okay these oops I didn’t land it uh what it s you all the way back here there was a checkpoint up there I hit that checkpoint bro you saw me hit that

Checkpoint uh so mcbc is invite only of course or yeah you got to like sign up and be a Creator and stuff so everyone who’s part of it is a uh is a Creator well I don’t see that was a bit weird right there jump too far out on that

One but Hive of course is opened anyway it’s just public server if he happen to get in the same game as me then that’s cool some of these jumps I swear I’m I’m I’mma blame the realm the Realms lag I have a perfectly good excuse everyone streaming while you’re at work

Again you just got to quit your job that way you can watch the stream obviously there we go checkpoint reached yeah that happens sometimes with this one you over jump it there you go oh I hit the edge of it but you you slide off sometimes you guys ever notice

That you like land on a Ledge you hit Crouch you definitely hit Crouch you even see your camera go down but like you still slide off the edge that’s what just happened there okay I’ve never been able to get this Neo right here because this is like an impossible Neo it is

Just it’s wild like how are you supposed to do that uh but for this one you can just skip it you don’t need to actually jump to the opposite side of that that chain uh it’s just a little trick of the course uh but yeah we’ll we’ll head over

To Hive in just a second here o hit the side of the block again for some reason I think it’s actually harder to do parkour when I’m invisible I don’t know I have a hard time uh dang it come on I have a hard I I keep like

Getting turn around I have a hard time knowing where my player exactly is that’s why I hit the corner of the blocks a lot more than I think I would otherwise okay let’s see if I can jump that I can’t I hit the side of the block

Again every time you’ll go quit your job that’s what I’m talking about I’m being a bad example don’t don’t quit your job jobs important I I failed that job okay let’s go play Hive we’re done with this nonsense Ridiculousness yeah I definitely need to practice a bit more uh stuff like that

Cool what should we play first uh it’s just me so maybe we’ll try some Survival Games some like Solo Survival Games that could be fun yeah hoer Minecraft have always been like that uh let’s see survival games just sell those I think I think we’ll go a bit more aggressive this

Time oh W we’re getting right into it hey yo let’s go hey yo so fun okay yeah I think we’re going to play it a bit more aggressive a somebody got the pants Oh shoot there’s an iron sword right there yeah okay cool let’s go think we got like what six

Seconds okay I’m going to get a couple bits more armor maybe maybe not I’m dead already cool yeah I had like no armor on that helmet that dude had like chest plates and everything okay rips not a not a great start I didn’t get anything from the

Chests I got to get get faster pulling items and just PVP in general that dude’s got my skin hey come on look over here dude look over here hey I never see penguin That’s great love it uh this stuff cool looking good looking good stuff in here don’t even

Need this food I have no weapons I need a weapon like hardcore but I got full armor at least this time cool that’s a good bonus hey iron sword okay now we’re in business a bit okay there we go people are dying already okay I just need iron chest

Plate and pants which I don’t think we’re going to find that easily doesn’t seem like the stuff is ever here four people already died wow dropping like f out here uh cobwebs are kind of decent okay now I’m geared up we’re going to go get aggressive real quick if we can find some

People uh yeah so this is open anyone me it’s just Hive so if you can get into the same game as me then cool do it what are you waiting for just do it okay there’s no one really nearby us so I guess we’ll we’ll we’ll loot a little

Bit more and then we’ll we’ll see what we can find still eight people left seven people left uh let’s see let’s go let’s go hunting out of range literally so far away okay one dude up here let’s just go for it we only got Seven

Arrows if I see a chest though I’m going to try and loot it cuz I need better armor just need better armor in general if I can find some diamond armor that would be great you only find like I think helmets and boots but still oh he might have taken the

Teleporter six people left I’m not finding anybody yeah if you can get into into my game and then kill me that would that would be cool okay there’s a Dude down here he’s got diamond boots on but he’s oblivious nice yeah nothing hey dum booties thank you you appreciate

It and then I also want those arrows okay this thing is great out of range okay so there’s no one around us then let’s see if we can’t find something else decent uh we have a lot of things okay I remember this part of the

Map this is where I died yesterday I got double teamed I have so many cobwebs this is ridiculous yeah if you really wanted to get into my game you would wait until I jump into a new match and then try and try and join when I join a new match but

Keep in mind the stream delay so it’s probably like 5 Seconds okay where is everybody out of range still oh Death Match oh okay let’s see might just hide back here for a second that dude’s gone oh this guy’s got nothing I got stuck in my own cobwebs now come

On come on come on there we go there we go there we go get wrecked dude come on you ain’t got nothing on me nothing let’s go oh he’s got a cobweb no is it just this guy it’s just this guy he’s weak he’s weak he’s so weak there we

Go nothing that was that was pretty easy actually I I did get stuck in my own Cobbs though that’s kind of embarrassing okay uh you should probably try and join now if you want to get in the ban pick out yeah my cobwebs were not that

Great I didn’t get anybody with a single piece of TNT either that was rough okay uh yeah now now you should try and join actually if you’re in the chat you want to want to try yeah I think we’ll do a couple more of these and then we’ll try some bridge out

And then we’ll uh we’ll see what happens yo there go there goes the guy with the Bingo skin we need to go hang out Pingo skin let’s go I wonder if they know I don’t even have the right skin on hold up I can switch over to the actual

Pigo skin cuz I have that one yeah let’s go okay I’m not I’m not going to go after pig skin dude over there oh diamond boots out the gate and a flare okay okay I’ve never played this map before so I don’t know where we’re going we’re just going

Out yeah that that guy back there just did not have a good time oh I think they’re triple teaming or or double teaming something like that just happened dude’s over there uh I don’t have any arrows or really any food so we’re going to see if we can fix that real

Quick here we go arrows no real food though let’s I I kind of want to exper explore this map because it’s it’s pretty good chunky map very large uh iron sword isn’t bad out the gate either really do need some some better food though well I got two hits on him but

He’s he’s gone it’s my corner of the map you can’t have it yo there’s a cell here we go better food uh I don’t trust that actually I will not be going there thank you I think we’ll go up here see if there’s a chest or not here we go TNT is

What I’m talking about uh I do need a helmet yeah dude dude tried dude tried had a very bad time with the TNT yep that’s unfortunate uh okay we need any iron armor that we can get besides boots okay I I’ll give him an a for effort you

Know he was there he did a thing we’re going to call that supply Crate and see if anyone Falls for it oh it’s like 100 miles up there okay yeah two people are going for it yeah dude over there okay okay there was somewhere else maybe no that’s it

Okay okay not so bad uh lots of goodies on this guy he really he really knew what was up out of range of everybody okay uh this has nothing good in it but that’s fine we will continue on like nothing happened oh F uh death match okay oh it’s just me and this

Dude come on come on you got this guy you got this you can do a thing you can do a thing you can do a thing come on come on you got this he’s got them Jukes he’s got the jukes come on Mr birdie oh we might actually lose this we

Might actually lose this oh man guys got guys got the things oh man guys got it maybe maybe come on come on no he’s he’s running hey okay we we so close we were so close on that he nearly had it he nearly had it couple more hits

Hey there’s the dude again okay if you guys want to uh join Now’s the Time that you Now’s the Time that you should try yeah Mr Bernie you almost had a guy you’re good seven kills oh my God no what he totally had that seven kills he was on a

Rampage yo he killed like the whole map okay we got to watch out for Mr birdie goals life goals right there dude knows what’s up I think I think he’s our main main competition where’s Mr birdie at see oh there he is he’s over there okay this is good I like

It okay ain’t nothing here we got to go we got to get gone I got no weapons and we got 15 seconds until PVP I got cookies and and boom okay we’re missing pants but now we have a weapon oh this place is like a crazy map bow here we go no arrows

Though here we go I need pants where’s my pants at come on pants I require some assistance in the pants Department surely abandoned buildings has a pair of pants in it I mean come on no pants in this entire building okay uh let’s go let’s go try and do a murder then shall

We let’s try and do a murder another chest back here we might go for that no pants either what’s up with a lack of pants I guess we got iron though we’re fine yeah we’re doing all right uh here’s a dude oh he’s stuck in a cobweb no get back at

That cobweb no no no no no no no that’s it you dead there’s two loot tables right here uh nothing there’s a dude man I’m missing all these things oh man oh man I think this is it right here Yep this is my this is my final thing

Yep that’s it wow he he just really wrecked me ridiculous he had like worse armor than me too I could not hit him with an arrow for the life of me ridiculous okay let’s see what should we try next guys we could try and B cap the flag but that

Really requires teamwork and that’s kind of impossible when you just got a bunch of bunch of random people it’s also kind of slow as well seems like everybody drops out of that uh we hav’t tried death run I don’t know exactly what that is but let’s try

It is this I think this is kind of like you run and if you fall behind you die I think that’s kind of what it is I’m not actually sure though I have no idea uh which we do actually need to practice games like this for the event because

There’s a event I forget the name of it but you got to you got to run oh yeah yeah this exactly cool uh this one just has the guys on the side that are trying to kill you what kind of nonsense is this nope nope

Nope I guess I died oh wow since you back really far if you die okay see how it is uh you don’t have to watch out for anything though if there’s no guys on the side that’s a checkpoint hey look a parkour I know how to do that bam it’s a

Parkour oh wow that’s a lot of jump boost okay apparently I don’t know how to do a parkour I didn’t not expect to get the jump boost from this that was kind of ridiculous hey it’s the checkpoint okay yeah obviously I’m very bad at

These but I also do not know the maps or anything but it’s kind of there’s an event similar to it in the actual mcbc so we should be kind of good also people pay to win with this one they just got the speed also I realized with this one you

Don’t need to jump because you’re going so fast you can’t fall that’s something that uh slates taught me that guy doesn’t realize I just skipped over him oh this one’s pretty chill actually I’m not going to get a good placement but it’s pretty chill it’s not nearly as intense as the

Uh the other ones I don’t know if you were supposed to touch the black glass on that one but I didn’t hey I’m going to get a fifth place well that’s not so bad I guess for my first time ever trying it cool okay that wasn’t so bad

Cool not too bad we should probably play a couple more rounds of that because I I really do need to practice that uh like a lot uh seems like there’s 30 more seconds for not having the power ups or anything though I mean that wasn’t like the worst run

Ever I didn’t fail too much in the parkour besides the one with the weird jump boosts oh it doesn’t give you oh wow okay so you can’t just rerun it okay I see how it is uh I guess we’ll just wait the six seconds for it to overlap then you won

The survival games in my honor thank you appreciate it were you in there oh hey Mr birdie it’s you I was just saying you had like seven kills on that that was wild goals life goals you you nearly had me the one game that I that I won there I was on like

One and a half hearts yeah we’re just doing some practice runs for uh the Minecraft Bedrock championships which is happening on Sunday should be fun never played an event like it before so we’re just taking the opportunity to play a bunch of mini gamess cuz they’re fun

Come on let’s go I’m not going to be the first person out the gate because uh you know these guys are just going to activate their traps yeah bye everybody nobody saw that coming I can’t see what’s happening uh oh we need to go this way whoops my

Bad uh I don’t know how I died there but okay I’ll accept it that is my fate oh it’s probably these giant wall of dispensers right here that is some wild jump boost too people died on that one that’s that’s embarrassing I didn’t want to say it but it’s

Embarrassing oh what that resets you that guy made it through did he not oh man there’s so many people ahead of me what bro lit everything on fire at the last second okay sure oh I I probably should have seen that coming I looked over a

Chat for like half a second and that was that was it my life flashed before my eyes I don’t know how I missed that one I’ll take it uh what did I finish I finished 13th oh wow that was not very good at all but I think the

Guys with like the the speed jump boost things they just kind of Blitz through here you know they spend money on it I will never spend money on uh these kinds of servers or really any microtransactions just not my not my jam I guess we’ll play one more of these and then let’s

See uh slates might be here in about 20 minutes and then we can play some Duo Bridges and other stuff like that that’ be good you make fun of me but you probably finish but like worse than I did I mean you can still make fun of me because

Until you actually Place further behind than I did uh it’s all just speculation oh I’m the murder person hey I want to I like being the murder person Fire Snakes uh do I need to punch it I don’t know actually how to do it fire arrows last trap next

Trap fire snake how do you actually activate this I’m clicking on it it it’s not doing anything activate trap oh my God okay you don’t click on the the sign oh we’re on cool down oh wow you get a lot of cool down then don’t you uh yeah okay still on cool down

Guess we’ll go like quite a bit forward cuz people are just way up here I want to kill some of those guys that have the uh the hacks oh this guy’s already up here ah take that bro that just dropped a giant turtle okay I only got one person

There okay and then perform an experiment oo I like the sound of that there’s the teleporter but I’m not using it this this guy’s using it he’s knows he knows what’s up I prefer walking though ah like they got me this guy pays money to win games on hive okay uh there we

Go let’s see is this the end of it no okay oh he just jumped it look at that he just had like a Mega Jump everybody’s here now everybody’s getting through everybody’s getting through okay we’re going to specifically kill these two guys not too bad you don’t like mini

Gamess mini games are fine I I kind of enjoy them you know they’re good with friends really anything’s good with friends so I guess it’s not that that high of a bar is it okay let’s get this guy oh didn’t even get here take that

I love it I like being evil sometimes it feels good there’s so still so many more people how many are there okay come on guy you got to go fast you got to go really fast here okay no that one didn’t make it that one

Didn’t make it come on you got this n he didn’t make it either come on you got this ah they don’t got this pain banded suffering so sad okay uh let’s head back to the hub we’re going to try some other things real quick I I mean Death Race is kind of

What I need to practice but it’s not exactly the same because there’s not really traps on the other one it’s really just uh knowing the map and just running fast uh gravity is a dropper there’s no droppers on the the actual game but you know what I like droppers

So we going and try a dropper real quick dropper is good you prefer solo games you rarely play with other people unless you know them IRL that’s so sad you should play with other people you should join our events by the way we have like 12 events scheduled in our Discord server right

Now because creeper one of our event planners really the event planner as of right now uh just went ham with the events so we got events going all the way out to till January it’s great uh yes so we’re going to have some game nights I think we’re going to have

A UHC we’re going to have some movie Nights we’re going to have some build competitions on the world we got some stuff going for rcraft and dirtopia we got events everywhere and anywhere okay I think we’re going to try and go down right here of course everybody’s taking my spot got

It easy bye oh it’s not loading in that’s not fair yeah with the chunks don’t load it’s it’s like okay what can you do oh I see that’s not fair either not fair at all see if we can get some chunks to load in I don’t know how I got that but I’ll

Take it that was so lucky chunks were just barely loading in hello grum how you doing we’re playing some M mini game droppers right now oh oh I wow that was impressive actually I impressed myself on that one final one slime blocks are fine this is fine

This is good we’re going to get this one first try okay we got second place on that that’s so bad this last one was not as difficult as I thought it would be because it has wow yeah no that was way easier than it should have been I I

Didn’t even need to hit slime quotes are out of stock um they might be hold on let me pull up the the queue uh they shouldn’t be out of stock here let me turn it off and turn it back on again there you go honestly you can just put one in the

Chat if you want me to do it you like being evil sometimes it feels good yeah good good quote very nice thank you for that Archangel much better than 13 yeah I agree it takes forever for the the games to so I think it’s easier just

To leave uh let’s see so we’ve kind of played everything we got hide-and-seek we haven’t played that I’m not going to build just build because sorry I’m not going to play Just build because that’s just building we don’t do building uh I also have no experience or prowess at

Treasure Wars or SkyWars murder mystery is kind of fun cap the flag we really need more players for that uh I think we’ll go back to actually I’ve never played Ground Wars or block drop uh let’s let’s try out block drop you know see what’s up block drop block drop block drop I

Like dropping blocks is this like spliff oh this is definitely spliff yeah they have spliff wait is this not SP oh wait hold up what is this just use Vault I don’t know what vault is um yeah I don’t know I’m so confused is this is this spliff is this not

Spliff I’m I’m thinking this is spliff but it’s a bit different CU you don’t have to break the blocks to any people also I’m the last person up here right now feels good we can take a bit of a slower approach then might just win this by default

Unless I mess up myself like this yeah this platform is getting pretty rough up here now uh I’m confused uh I don’t know what this is but I’ll take it thanks really not sure what that is this is this is just turned into parkour this is no longer sple it’s just uh Decay

Parkour slowly decaying parkour uh let’s see about this see how long I can survive up here oh oh I’m I’m surprised as you are that I’ve lasted this long okay I’m really running out of places to jump too imagine how long I’m going to last on the other platforms

Now we’re still we’re still here on first people are all all dead we’re moving top layer and 8 Seconds come on I outlasted the top layer okay we might as well just jump down bro this is great oh another power up I’ll take that thank you this is great call this jump

Simulator Sweet Victory I I don’t even know what this game is but I just enjoyed the parkour that was great I didn’t do anything I have no idea how that game works are you supposed to fight people I I don’t know I just like flawless victory that first try Okay that was

Wild pigos can’t build just like White Men Can’t Jump what I mean I guess that’s accurate yeah it’s a stereotype but it’s true I cannot build okay so how does this work somebody tell me supposed to stay on the platform if you fall down you die well I kind of gathered

That oh vault is uh just like jumping forward I see hey cornerart thank you for the raid how are you doing welcome in uh we are playing some many games on the hive right now we are practicing for Minecraft Bedrock Championship which is happening this Sunday never been part of

A championship before but it should be pretty good I’ll take this power up well thank you I don’t know what this is restore level blocks yeah this is just turned into sp there we go we got to we got to cut off people it’s kind of like spli and

Tron in one which is interesting I’m not going to bother explaining what Tron is if you don’t know it then like I’m sorry I barely know what it is either but uh you know I got another power up energy drink this sounds great I I have never actually had an

Energy drink before do they like give you energy or something I’m sorry I don’t I don’t regret the bad pwn but I feel bad that I had to subject Corner hard to that I’m not plotting out my course in advance I probably should because I’m running out of places to

Jump uh can I make that o I just barely did okay restore level blocks I don’t know what these that means I I did the thing but it didn’t work I don’t think it did anything anyway uh I I I’m trying to read your chat but I’m also trying to parkour right now

Give me one second I think it I think some of the blocks might have gotten restored cuz this is not nearly as bad as it was a couple minutes ago okay we’re going to just jump on down down down we go oh this guy is just yeah he’s he’s got them

Strats he’s just making a giant divide in the in the platform I think we’ll come over here and say hi to him though a he left this entire side of the platform to me aha what a what a what a dummy okay young want me to have Tron frisbee battles Trace those

Uh yeah first battles sounds fun I’m sorry I can’t read right now bad reading you know what Tron is are you sure about that explain it not just so I have a better understanding of what it is but so that I know that you know what it

Is that’s what’s important here I need to make sure that you’re being honest wow there’s hardly anybody down here all the things are still here still old Tron Neutron I don’t know there’s a difference ah okay there’s still like four people alive down here so we’re we’re still surviving

We still surviving this is kind of fun I don’t know it’s kind of very low effort but it works as a game mode uh I have nowhere to go that way to turn around I I have so much experience doing this kind of Parkour cuz I played so

Much spliff on Legacy console edition back in the day like literally so much it was it was a problem same with battle uh I think I’m the last person on this platform so that’s good bunch of noobs they all fall down as they should this is my game and

I will not be having them be part of it would have been really embarrassing had I fallen down right there I still have a lot of platform up here though it’s probably going to give me like another 10 seconds to uh live up here because we we’ve been up here for quite a

While I’m guessing this is probably much harder on uh on mobile and probably a lot of people who play on hive are mobile if I had to guess yeah here we go 10 seconds I was off by about 30 seconds but still we’re they’re limiting our our platform

AG I’ll take a power up sure I think this is the last last platform yeah last platform and there’s still three people dude wants to chase me he’s going to have to do some some proper parkour here uh jump boost cool this guy’s going super slow nope that’s mine thank you

I think we might have just ruined this guy’s life right here oh there we go yep get all these blocks right here and now that guy doesn’t have anywhere to go besides backwards okay I’m liking this I’m liking this this is pretty decent I I’ve uh kind of done a Flawless Victory

Here I’m is it just the no there’s still three okay sorry dude yep there he goes we are really uh losing out on blocks here now oh some of them just reappeared that’s kind of nice actually I’ll take it I’m going to try and use up some of

These spaces on the outer edges CU we are running out maybe I can cut this guy off no he’s he’s good he’s got He’s Got Talent it’s it’s very difficult to cut people off actually because there’s a lot of blocks as it turns out I don’t know if any of this is

Useful for mcbc but uh we’re we’re doing it I guess we’ll go for that power up might be a minute until dude falls off seems like he’s probably not going to fall off hey there we go okay that’s what I’m talking about bam oh jeez that was you okay

Nice that’s great hey it’s alien you actually got the same game nice hello there that was fun oh you guys were like the last two what that’s why nice glad I wasn’t trash talking too much oh that’s great you guys were pretty good like he lasted all the way

To the very end that was great that was very good nice nice you play Hive a lot nice that’s fun cool sorry I cut you off totally uh sent you into the void there that was that was great oh beautiful people out here are messing up the whole platform they don’t you know

You got to eat the platform like a pizza start from the outside edges and work your way towards the middle that’s the only way to play this game just like oh the nice little uh you know leap ability is kind of a nice touch man this platform really got

Messed up I think I might be the only person left up here right now uh yeah okay we’ll go for that power up we’ll let all the Riff rafts sort themselves out down there or actually you know what why not jump down there and have some fun with them

Ah this is a bad place to be two other guys oh there goes that one let’s see just got to keep on moving keep on running there goes get more guys guess we’ll try and get that power up back there I don’t really know what the powerups do but I’ll take them

Oh that just gave me speed oh room I don’t know if I really trust the yeah I don’t really trust the speed actually because it doesn’t help you with the jump boost alien hi all those blocks falling from above did the blocks falling from above like Wipe Out the blocks below

Uh it doesn’t really seem like it no okay because that would be wild if they did it just like Cascades ruthless I’m I am a bit bit ruthless performance mode I have no idea what that did I think it might have done a thing y more powerups let’s go uh knock back

Nemo there’s no way I’m sorry that was great okay yeah I’ll take it that’s what I get trying to be mean to alien yo nice can you actually punch people cuz that’s not something I see many people use that’s great okay I’m going to go hop into a different game because that’s

That’s a bit straightforward you know oh that was funny that was great okay uh let’s hop into uh let’s try some survival games you know let’s go back for that got to get good at the uh the stuff again yeah you two are really good in the game

It’s hard to look away gives you anxiety watching I know right it’s hard to look away from me as well because I gotta like always know where I’m going I didn’t really plot out any of my routes I just kind of looked ahead by like five 10 blocks it’s like uh I can

Go this way okay time for the world’s easiest parkour let’s go see if it was just parkour like that it would be good what in the world it’s a helicopter uh I don’t know if you guys got into oh you did Alien nice okay good

I was hoping I gave you guys enough time to follow okay uh I’mma just I’mma just go I’m just go this empty crafter oh he’s got an iron sword it’s a bad thing very bad very bad thing for me I need I I need armor mad hey some Bedrock that’s very

Nice uh I do need food as well okay uh let’s get this chest right here as well or not we might just go for I’m not going to go for alien alien’s mean bro what come on what are you doing no sorry alien’s not mean but going for alien would be

Mean uh this guy had stuff okay I’m going run away we don’t want people think we’re teaming hey you got in the game nice oh was that did I just kill you uh sorry if that’s the case Hello M how you doing uh yeah you guys can join by the way

We’ve had a few viewers from the chat uh get into the game you just got to kind of get lucky and time it right what else do I need I need better pants someone’s calling an air drop there’s so many chests on this bridge this is

Wild yeah one of the days where we do an event we’ll do a custom Hive server or like a private lobby or something come on give me loot thank you appreciate your compliance yeah if you get the drop on someone from behind there’s really not much you can do to to win that

Battle uh we got death match in 11 minutes really surely that’ll go oh I guess there’s nine players left okay I’m I’m sure that goes down the more people die it’s got to right you’re still alive okay good I didn’t want to do a big murder on someone from the chat but if

It comes down to uh you and me in the finals M I ain’t holding back hey hold back REO box okay we should probably start using this thing really want to try and get some better armor I’m looking for Diamond hey Lord viter how you doing well back for one

Screeny uh we’ll we’ll be in the lobby together so you can get a screenshot then if you want this empty crafter yeah that’s right run away oh you still coming you still coming for me you still coming for this yeah that’s right get out of here oh you wanted this fight Mr pricey

Badge you wanted this fight remember I gave you an opportunity to get out uh that was a thing that just happened bye pricey badge I I gave him an opportunity listen listen I’m not the bad guy if I didn’t want to fight in the first place and then they wanted to fight and

I chase him down and K him I mean that’s just how it goes unless that was you in which case I’m sorry uh we should probably go Luther corpse though I don’t want to kill Mt crafter I’m telling that guy well that’s fine I like being the bad

Guy sometimes somebody’s got to be the bad guy may as well be me right okay let’s see how are we doing on people uh three that way n this way okay we’re good oh ener chest with nothing good in it why so many apples okay uh let’s hide out in this

House for a second chest chest chest chest chest chest chest ain’t no chest nowhere I’m stealing all the world’s cookies is that a beehive I guess it is can we break blocks what we can break blocks I had no idea no okay only some blocks Ender Chest Ender

Chest we’re doing kind of good on Armor right now uh it’s down to eight minutes until the thing happens I think it starts going into instant death once you get down to like four people okay I really don’t need the cookies let’s see what’s up with let’s can look up

Here another good quote from Archangel love it ain’t nothing around out of range of everybody yeah I see how it is nobody dare come to my corner of the map that’s what it is we got 34 arrows right now give me something good yeah Diamond booties Diamond booties are the best

Okay we have a lot of TNT it’s good we’ll definitely survive until well I don’t want to say definitely but we’ll probably survive until the uh death match because there’s just no one around and I’m I’m moving too I’m just not probably moving in the right direction for

People okay that’s where the supply drop is we might head over there I mean I’m heading in that general direction so I guess we’ll see what’s up really need a better chest plate though oh this is a supply drop drop right here nothing in it nothing you can do about this I’m sorry

Dude what is happening to these arrows thises guy have like what they’re just going over him okay I have to aim so low okay you just took a ton of fall damage from that dude I don’t know what was up those arrows that was wild but uh yeah so much TNT

Okay uh four people left cool let’s eat the pie let’s get some more TNT on the hot bar I’m going to keep this uh Diamond boot so no one else can have it 27 seconds till the thing okay we’ll just uh we’ll survive until then I feel like most people that are

Alive at the end are the people who just run away and don’t fight anybody me and then uh they get wrecked by somebody who actually knows how to PVP not me oh dude got a got to drop on me like a half a second thing there was a supply

Drop over there I did not realize uh let’s see oh it’s you two okay I’m going to get teamed here oh he’s got a diamond sword okay yeah diamond sword is rough I’m surprised no one’s died yet I said that maybe a second too soon I don’t know what’s up with these arrows

How are these arrows not hitting the dude seriously how are they not hitting you get out of here I have so much more TNT yo TNT out of nowhere lovely good move good move okay can’t see what’s happening but I’m hoping that he’s lower Health than I am

Nah oh they had seven Hearts still what I hadit them so many times in the arrow I thought that TNT H him too but apparently not oh well seven Hearts though that was rough diamond sword diamond sword will do it diamond sword will definitely do it it’s just you guys here

Wild is that Mr Man is that the Mr Manda from chat it is probably maybe hello hey slates how you doing oh good how are you doing fine uh I just loaded into a game of uh survival yeah yeah I was watching okay you almost had that guy

That yeah he he had seven Hearts as well I didn’t really have him too much well yeah yeah the diamond SW did a lot of damage yeah yeah that definitely did not help me at all yeah also those arrows are yeah what’s some with the arrows

Like they just do not fly straight at all never seen that happen before like I was shooting a guy up on the tower as well I don’t know if you saw that but they were just going like right over him like what what in the world is happening with

These arrows guys got oras around them yeah I yeah I’ll try and wrap this up pretty quickly and then we can hop into something yeah take your time no worries I think this is the guy from the chat oh no I’m sorry I’m sorry uh there’s also four people right

There I should probably not oh no never mind they’re all gone sorry guy from chat I just murdered you face but I really need to your armor what in the world is happening here guess I’ll go up oh wow until I missed oh yeah that guy kind of just jumped to

His death I don’t think that counts as much so I’m going for it and I was like uh I think I’ll hold back on that actually see is that chain yeah it’s difficult to find iron armor on this yeah this is a pretty small map yeah my first time playing this one

This piston thing is kind of cool though more TNT TNT is my best friend not going to lie I I can’t use it very well but I love it purely purely for the fact that it’s TNT yep okay we got eight people guy from chat was busy organizing his

Inventory yeah you should probably keep an eye on your surroundings guy from chat uh let’s see obloid I think is how you pronounce that oh finally 10 arrows that’s exactly what I needed right here it’s another guy from chat uh oh seven hearts come

On oh you just ate a golden apple oh man that’s going to be rough for me oh wow come on TNT do something n rip okay yeah going Apple was not my friend there uh let’s see I invite you to the party okay GG killed that guy from streams [Laughter]

Anna okay uh you want to do Bridge oh yeah sure yeah Bridge was good we were we were cleaning house on that yesterday yeah oops wrong button and yeah GG Mr meno oh it’s the guy from chat the guy from chat oh my goodness yo

Okay we got to take it easy on him he’s the guy from chat oh also toad is level 15 okay we’re not we’re not taking it easy never mind yeah you might have to try try hard mode activated yeah bro level 15 that’s crazy yeah I don’t think I’ve ever seen

That oops my bad I’ll get my revenge oh oh oh my God he still survived bro he’s he’s a try hard for sure does not know how to die oh uh he’s going for the thing he’s going to get it yeah uh maybe no I got

Him we’re good okay oh no no almost had it n out of there oh this is some good defenses yeah they’re pretty decent they know what’s up guy from chat knows what he’s doing but he’s not he’s not quite good enough let’s go yeah oh nice GG guy from

Chat maybe we should set up some defenses like that on our side it was pretty good yeah that was actually really smart nice oh he’s still here get out of here other guy out from chat oh he clutched I I undid his clutch oh go for it we got this we got this

Nice not too bad okay let’s clean it up three Z yeah yeah yeah oh yeah I got past him easy easy let’s go no defense yeah they didn’t putting blocks to uh block their portal yeah that would have really helped them yeah the stair tactic was good it

Was yeah but as soon as we got over the stairs it was over that was it y not too bad not too bad guy from chat knows what’s up oh we got toad again is that toad like toad or toad like the Frog I think it’s toad like the toes

Yeah because there’s the E Yeah I think that’s a default name it must be an Xbox name well no was 2023 though yeah so did he choose to be that’s crazy if you try to if you pick that username that’s yeah like what’s up and he clearly plays a lot too cuz

You know level 15 like not not a noob that is a crazy name oh uhoh oh there I go oh oh toad oh he’s like bridging along the side here just doing work nice that was wild I don’t know how people do that but that was wild to

Doesn’t know how to do PVP but he does know how to get into the portal which he’s doing right now yeah he got it no he fell oh we’re good they both fell yo they clutched he he L have gotten it but he fell so yeah he was so close to getting

That uh I think he’s going to get it here yeah know he got it oh okay I was so I should probably stay back a little bit if we can stop him from running straight in like as soon as he spawns then I think we’ll have

It bro just like he just right look at him he just goes he knows what’s up oh my God okay now he’s the try hard I could not hit him with a single snowball either okay we need some proper defenses here yeah that probably be okay I oh he

Clutched oh my God I missed that guy no no no oh my goodness this guy bro bro tell no no he heard us making fun of his name it’s like that’s it no more no more oh absolutely wow just destroyed yeah wow GG toad oh

GG he Lord Vader thank you for 27 months that’s a very long time much appreciated okay good we we got rid of toad he he was he was dominating oh this guy’s level 20 though oh no I don’t I don’t know if that’s any better that’s

Not any better this guy’s a level two though so at least we’re on the same level okay yeah level 20 I don’t even know you could build for maps all right let’s go oh man just guys’s just going for it somehow he clutched it think we’re good uh yep we’re good awesome

Nice yeah me on defense and you just getting in there works really well actually okay yeah we’re good yep awesome nice do you want to go for the last Point uh sure yeah all right I’ll stay back I’m going to go right they giving up yeah I think they are like it’s

Over nice may as well just hang out back here a little bit throw some snowballs I thought that guy was level 20 he didn’t try very hard he he’s level 20 in the other games uh yeah Jen’s just dealing with you know life I think just sleeping

Or something got a bit of migraine you know oh it’s guy from chat hey guy from chat’s back sorry that’s your official name now you got to change your Gamertag the 10-second cool down before you start the match is a bit long yeah oh almost just fell into the void

Immediately I love when that happens oh that guy’s down this guy’s doing something up there what’s he doing I don’t know guy from chat’s being weird hey actually oh no he’s bridging over that’s what he’s doing oh did you just fall straight in you did yeah no that was

That was someone else name slates yeah oh he knocked me out okay nice not too bad not too bad oh no oh I survived oh he survived too hey got him let’s go there we go easy easy we’re doing pretty good right now yeah besides the guy that just like absolutely

Swamped us like you know we don’t talk about that one yeah know we don’t that was a practice round yeah all righty alien thanks for playing it was fun go SK let’s see f for map okay do you know what the leap uh one

Does like the load out yeah so it if you if you right click it uh it like pushes you forward oh okay it’s kind of broken yeah I guess I’ll try that oh we’re just against one person huh oh well sure would be a shame if they

Fell in the void or you fell in the void no I no yeah it’s just one person why or our other guy huh oh oh they just y they just left yep all right yeah nothing yeah we’re we’re just you know we’re just that [Laughter] op we’re the reason why people sto

Playing this game yeah we’re the sweats now yeah yeah we’re the level three sweats yeah easy toad plate hey there he is back level oh wow okay okay this might be a challenge yeah Toad’s gonna just oh no toad left hey oh they left before Oh okay it’s 2v

One again oh they left again too bro it’s 2 V zero we’re too good we’re too good they don’t even want to play us oh my goodness wait so how do we there’s no one on the other team yeah we just win instantly wow GG’s that man that was hard good game oh

Wow very good oh jeez should we switch to something else then I guess yeah maybe come back in like 20 minutes yeah smart yeah lur went into a false sense of security okay what should we try uh oh you know what we should do the uh the

Survival games all right yeah yeah since that’s got to get Duos oh Mr Mando got in it’s another guy from chat yo it’s like the guy from the Mandalorian yeah oh this is a weird map oh yeah we played this before actually it looked different when it was

Just barely loading in you’re going to break your neck doing that no it’s fine it’s my daily stretches your daily stretches okay yeah sure makes sense ah there’s nothing left down here it’s all gone okay we go yeah we’re going we go bye-bye oh you got

Diamond boots yeah I was that just was stacked you got lucky with that I have a cobweb nice just one it’s going to carry yeah it’s probably going to get me stuck into it first but you know okay please turn on I’m going to go after this guy yeah

Yeah oh he’s got diamond boots give me them Diamond booties him D my booties come on there we go yeah so many people just died at the very beginning of this yeah everybody’s everybody’s gone oh I dropped my cobweb no no PO go okay uh there a dude to your right uh

Two of them actually of them are they they oh they are it’s just yeah great let’s take him oh that’s so so weak so weak okay nice yep oh this guy had campfire oh wow nice okay uh let’s see I feel like we’re going to clean house on this one another dude behind

You probably Rush him yeah he’s I think we’ve oh there’s a oh there’s three yeah okay that’s going to be another team let’s wait for a second then here we can take the vines oh yeah CL smart dude’s got nothing he’s going to escape yeah I’m chasing oh there’s water

Here nothing nice you here oh you’re fine another guy yeah yeah he’s we’re good okay I got one of those uh trackers all right so we’re not looking too bad no we’re not uh we got we got three people or right yeah two people up ahead of us all

Right yep they’re down here it looks like it’s just one solo guy oh he’s got diamond sword o think we still win yeah yeah yeah oh that was a sneaky TNT oh he just CAU whed himself oh two two behind us two behind us oh oh yeah

Yeah I might be dead here oh I was not expecting you dead uh I’ll try and Escape can you get away or you uh yeah I’m I’m getting away all right dang these guys came out of nowhere yeah they did ah dude’s chasing me with diamond sword still yeah same I’ll

Try I don’t know what to do o hit me with TNT yeah he’s still chasing me he really wants me I’m bringing him in oh I’m half a heart right now oh my God I have nothing to fight with yeah oh that TNT oh no that was not good here

Oh I’m almost behind them oh no guys got I’m a oh run you got to run you got to get out yeah no I’m getting out I’m half a heart this is oh they’re both after me now oh no are you good I should be fine

I should be fine yeah yeah yeah get do they fight each other uh yeah I should I I think I’m good okay man that was rough okay I got out I’m uh I’m in the yellow tower all right behind spawn oh I ran out of hunger that was wild that we survived

That somehow yeah man this one guy wants me dead still okay uh let’s see I I’ll try and come to you where you at I’m I’m by the delm okay uh yeah I’ll bring them over there okay uh bring them up top if you can eventually they’re going to have to

Get bored right yeah eventually ran around the entire map oh you got two guys behind you slice they’re coming for you they’re coming for you um I’m okay I’m here I’m here okay I hurt one person a bunch nice so I just got to heal up a little yeah okay nice

Awesome oh behind us behind us behind us okay I’m running I’m running again how is there everybody just on us oh man I got somebody they have diamond swords they got yeah yeah I’m on three hearts uh okay I’m going to go left you can cut him off oh yeah yep that’s

Smart oh he’s going to try and fight me yeah yeah he turned around oh I might be dead this guy’s good yeah I’m coming for you oh we got two more guys coming up behind us now all right yeah I don’t know yeah I don’t know oh he’s he’s

Circling over to you get out get out yep oh I’m probably I’m dead ah and that’s rough they all got diamond swords we can’t do nothing about that they just keep chasing us yeah I got nothing to fight him with either now I got an iron axe over

Here I’m surprised we uh survived as long as we did to be honest yeah that was crazy then the other guy just came from behind us I don’t know yeah we we got guys coming up behind us like four times in that like every time we tried

To actually fight him and we would have won like another guy yeah really yeah okay I’m definitely not going to win this uh this battle yeah this death mat we were doing really good though we had like prob I don’t know probably get 10 kills yeah we did get at least the four

That I was there for and then I think you got a couple extra too okay two campfires okay two arrows let’s see what I can do you know how long the campfires last uh a pretty decent am you should be able to get back to yeah okay so they’re

They’re both yeah they’re both teaming yeah oh man this knockback yeah nothing you can do about that rough yeah I feel like we would have had that if we had some better weapons or if we didn’t get jumped like four times yeah really oh we got five people in the chat

We could all do c the flag well that’d be fun yeah let’s try that want do you want me make a custom game for that um yeah we could actually all right here do we just have to give out a code for that or yeah okay just put that in

The chat okay uh you get that set up I’ll be back in just one second awesome um maximum players I forget how to do this oh there we go no that’s not how I do that okay I’m back all right uh how do I do this uh Alien has high

Plus if uh we should I just complete unless alien wants to post it I should I’m just trying to remember I haven’t done this in forever yeah fair enough M’s Got High plus too Everybody’s Got High plus nice what I want it to be go okay there we go here I’ll put it

In a chat and hopefully it’ll go through sounds good oh whoops uh all right it should be in the twitch chat if you want to join you guys can do slcs and then put in that code behind that nice and then we’ll have one big team with some cohesion

Maybe that’ll be good yeah uh yeah so put in that code in the chat there and if you want to play with us on Captain flag then you can G to be good oh yeah we’re getting a bunch of people in are you able to join do I need

To put that in yeah yeah yeah you have to do it as well okay oops my bad no it’s good there we go there we go Mando’s level 20 jeez oh my goodness try hard no wonder I died to him all right I’ll wait a couple of seconds if anyone else is

Joining think it’ll be uh what 3v3 right now yeah uh yep sounds good yeah all right cool all right well oh yeah there we go we got two more people awesome 4v4 let’s go okay everyone knows concrete powder is the best block to use for defense yep especially when it doesn’t have gravity

Yeah yeah oh this is a wild map that’s very nice got one guy on our left down here oh yeah oh it’s Mr Mando uh oh shh be very quiet they don’t know I’m behind them hey you’re stream sniping you turn around three seconds after I said that they turn right

Around that’s great love it I know you can hear me oh it’s Mando oh he’s good at the game oh he’s so good y oh I’m dead dead he can hear you giving him compliments oh oh was Mando again hey this is just turning into bridge over here

Oh okay we’re pushing in oh never mind our guy died please have have mercy have mercy that was three of them on me oh yeah I did get into their base they got a lot of blocks around the place and the front door is all blocked up yeah we should probably be more

Strategic about this yeah we should probably get some blocks as well start start blocking up our our entrances yeah why does it have doesn’t it have like gravity it’s so weird it’s the oddest thing okay I blocked up all our entrances you get out there yeah what was

That oh we got no never mind I got him oh my there’s so many entrances and exits to this place to block out the doorways it’s like trying to solve a maze over here uh we got guy front left they’re like a millimeter out of my reach there we

Go there we go nice okay we’re pushing flag I mean we’re pushing our own flag yeah yeah no we’re we’re staying back there should be we’re all on defense right now yeah no one has to be worried about anything yep oh it’s Mando he’s got a diamond

Sword no uh that’s a very bad thing for me okay uh you go for it I’ll defend okay go go go get out of there get out of there get out of there get out of there I’m somehow still alive okay I’m dead it’s all on you

Now they I somehow got them to all focus on me because they all wanted insane okay they’re blocking up their their area still let’s see um I don’t even know what I should take any more coins for a sword did you die uh no but I might

Okay uh I think you’re good I’m here with you oh okay he used a teleporter we’re good go go go go hey hey now we got it okay got a guy front right coming up oh yeah he’s going all the way right oh yeah nice we could probably push this yeah I think

So there we go we’re right behind you oh Mando just jumped over he’s uh front left of their base oh we’re all here right now oh I got a hole kind of open on the back right side of their flag okay nice nice get out of

There uh yeah okay I think I’m out but they also have our flag ah yeah I kind of I saw that coming okay I don’t know uh I’m going to come to you just to make sure that we got that where you where you at uh I’m right side of her

Base oh yeah I see you o just barely survived that okay nice okay now we got to go return our flag yeah we kind of dude coming up yeah easy okay um I have a plan but I don’t know if I should say it yeah that’s true oh we can buy flag CIS

Oh oh yeah nice there we go that’ll help give absorption yep we need more blocks to defend our flag too oh yeah yeah I mean I survived that PvP with my full health you know not even a heart lost yeah yeah definitely what is this oh I’m going

To hope we got guys coming up yep okay I think okay so with the flag curse I’m like they they bought flag curse as well and I’m on three hearts so I think if you go kill like Mr Mando has the flag and he he’s probably only on three

Hearts right now yeah makes sense let’s do it I mean let’s hold back and defend base you know yeah no we’ll just chill here yeah we’ll just chill here we we’ll wait for them to push to us yeah that’s exactly it oh oh oh thank you bacon or Beacon can’t

Read your name bacon you just saved my bacon bacon oh man they’re double team me now oh yeah oh they’re really guarding the flck yeah they are okay I think we got this though oh no there’s another dude right here come on get wrecked there we go I’m getting

So much gold from this oh they’re down below okay uh they’re taking the flag uh front left of their base okay it’s still on Mando it’s way out front left now oh yeah yeah I see oh he’s he’s he’s coming ah alien got me or empty GG

Turned around yeah he’s still in mid yeah I need arrows um where you at I’m at middle okay okay I’m here oh wow that’s just I’m not here I didn’t even see anything on the ground there it’s got flung yeah oh yeah yeah we can yeah we can push

This they’re all on the left side of their base yeah they really just playing keep away this flag yeah oh I’m probably oh I’m sorry oh dude oh oh my wow that was a fast return too oh wow that was like an instant return yeah dang I thought I

Thought that was way way slower I guess flag curse does that yeah maybe I don’t know he man they came out of nowhere W yeah that was instant Wild well played yeah let’s see uh we got three minutes to even this out all right see um does anyone have enough for a fast

Respawn uh how close yes I do okay great and then Mando lower left yep he’s got TNT defenses oh that does damage oh wow oh wow that wow just wow wow okay okay he’s he’s just gone yeah okay okay I think I have a speed Berry so I should

Be able to catch up go for it you’re you’re our last chance lights that space bar spam yeah I’m sorry no I’m doing it too come here no oh no he took a Barry he took oh he’s so fast oh no hold up hold up oh man come on oh oh that was

Good they played that well they did they did oh GG’s oh I opened up the thing though yo get their flag go go go okay our guy got the flag he’s out of there right I brought a TNT as well if we did that well nice nice nice we can uh they oh okay oh it’s dropped come on

Yes the guy from chat go go go guy from chat go go oh my God there’s so many people on it right now oh yeah I’m getting there I’m getting there all right trying to we just have a chain of people every everyone’s chasing them

Come on come on Mt crafter you you got no Health left no you don’t come on Mt crafter die there we go I got him I got him there we go we even it out okay that’s how we do it we’re still good awesome oh more guys

Here okay we got to we got to really defend this flag some more I can’t believe we even that out with like 30 seconds of the clock that was wild okay uh we need to buy TNT and speed berries for sure yeah that’s that was wild well played

Everybody oh Mr M here uh TNT draw yeah there we go at least we draw it yeah I guess so I I thought it would go to sudden death but that’s yeah that seems fair okay uh if you guys in the chat want to join there is a code

Still uh yeah I got to reset it one second okay okay yeah that was pretty good game everybody well played all around yeah good stuff uho always wins yeah I didn’t look at the leaderboard on that but everyone did pretty good that last minute like clutch with

The TNT when they in our base was just wild yeah just blew up everybody okay that was TNT is the way to go I guess yeah it is uh there’s the code in the chat everyone if you want to join uh you just

Got to be on hive and then do SL Cs and then put in that code and you’ll be able to join our captain the flag game yeah how am I still level two it seems like we should have leveled up by now yeah there’s some games on here that take forever to level

Up see we got six people so far nice pumpkin okay I think we got everybody uh yes yep oh yeah all right one sec cool awesome oh we got Mando on our team okay we do easy wins easy yeah easy wins not even a chance okay uh I’m going to stay back on

Defense okay I’m right in chat at least you are oh we got guys coming up right side okay I’m rushing in with Mr Mando it’s Mr guy from chat just discovered that the water’s poison oh and he’s dead okay good nice no h maybe not uh seems like they’re all at your

Place or their base still yeah yeah it’s all it’s all clean over here if you have 100 gold you should get armor okay uh I’mma go in we’re playing an aggressive yeah these Captain flag maps are huge you got to really really run yeah yeah or know where like the jump pads are

Okay three of them at their base okay I think they just built a stairs up to their flag for me oh how nice I know right okay I got it I’m going all right they literally had stairs up to the top of their flag and just like just like R

Up the stairs yeah I got a guy on me Bo goodbye nice GG easy I think there’s some guys yeah guys uh left flag here we need more blocks yeah not even a chance I’m going to get a sword do you ever do the iron sword

Upgrade or do you just go straight for Diamond I don’t think yeah I don’t think the iron sword’s worth it really yeah neither do I yeah because yeah probably best just to go straight to Diamond yeah it’s only twice the cost anyway okay let’s see about

This oh oh I just got kicked did you get kicked I did not were you trying to break something uh I was flip flipping a trapo okay yeah it might have kicked you for uh flying what bro really it’s that bad at flying detection yeah wow that’s wild yeah that’s that’s crazy

Or do you want to restart the game then or uh no you guys are good all right I can’t believe silent would hack this is I know right top 10 YouTubers exposed for hacking yeah I was just standing on a trap door I like flicked it up and

Jumped on it once or twice it’s like well guess I’m kicked heing y cuz you know having an AIR block underneath you is illegal yep I think this game will be over pretty shortly anyway yeah okay I’ll be back in a second all right did he leave me alone with chat oh he

Did hi chat oh i’ I’ve just been killed oh they have like a whole Archer Tower what uh oh oh Mr Mando’s going for it yeah you gota watch out for Mr Mando I did not use my auto clicker on the trap door yeah we’re on to

You m clicker is not even that fast anymore it used to be faster you can use the uh we’re about to win but you can use teleport spectate oh completely did not know about that oh you got this it’s over it’s done hey I spectated the last three seconds

GG’s nice not too bad good game oh Mando just crushing it out here yeah cool you down for more of this or should we try something else uh whatever you want I’m good with anything it’s kind of hard to get good flag games though isn’t it yeah

The other ones we were’re having we’re just we’re just getting wrecked yeah or we could do uh Survival Games everybody oh yeah do you want yeah yeah as well all right sure solos or um uh we have eight people we could do doubles all right

I don’t think there’s a way to Trio is there on anything no I don’t think so be nice if there was though seems like a pretty basic feature yeah I don’t know I guess it’s like yeah I don’t know okay because I feel like most people would

Have like either two people or four people playing yeah or quads you know that would be nice too uh there’s the new uh Link in the chat there if you guys want to join us for survival games oh Sky Wars says trios oh okay I haven’t played SkyWars in like

Forever that’s pretty fun we try that after this all right I’m so bad at SkyWars though the only thing I bring to the table is knowing how to God Bridge okay this might be a bad idea actually never mind we’ll just play normal Sur games there’s a lot of

Maps yeah it might be a bit weird if we’re in voice chat and on the opposite team yeah that’ll be fine okay uh do we have anyone I think we do yeah we’re waiting one more I think um oh yeah oh never mind s let’s go oh we are on separate

Teams so sad I don’t know who my teammate is either actually where were we all put on solo seems like it oh okay that’s my bad it’s all good it’s probably it’s probably for the best anyway all right you getting messed up already I turned around and bacon Warrior was just staring at

Me that’s great maybe that’s what I’ll do you got crushed by the balloon that was hilarious H curious not sure what happened there oh act activity tracker so there was someone like right underneath me but there was definitely not oh they’re like inside the building or something amazing it’s like this thing is

Lying PL all cautious for no reason okay everyone’s still alive for the most part that’s wild yeah I’ve not seen a single person yeah neither of I everyone’s playing very cautious yeah I guess oh slates oh my goodness I have an arrow uh I only have a couple arrows I’m

Not giving you any oh everyone’s hiding and waiting imagine if we all just end up in the fin it’s going to be a crazy Death Match yeah it’s like eight people there’s only four spawn spots though so like that’s not going to work I kind of don’t want

To wait 10 minutes either yeah got to go find some people I was just like crouching and hiding in a quarter see yeah there’s like no one anywhere what’s up with this oh okay now there’s less people everywhere less people see okay that’s going to get everybody’s attention yeah I don’t even see

It feel like at this point everyone should be pretty well geared up you say that but I’m I’m half chain Mill still yeah actually so am I it’s just so common there’s like nothing else yeah I found a grave of the one person that died oh oh I see someone finally it’s me

Again you just follow me all the way around the map the only one I found this entire game bro it’s great maybe we should start going in the opposite direction around the map just everyone’s running in the same direction everyone’s running clockwise okay there we go uh one

Minute there is one team so it’s a one one V2 really there was oh there was actually oh yeah oh okay oh it’s Mando and Lucian this is going to be an interesting oh are they teamed oh I think they’re teamed yeah yeah that’s rough Mando on his own is like I don’t

Know about that and they got the diamond armor too okay here we go boys all right so go for Mando first right yeah oh he’s so oh my goodness he’s hey man hey man friends friends oh Mando uhoh okay got Bano uhoh oh I I jumped in to save your life I

Think it’s going to get me killed whoops oh no bro I should have just gone for you it would have been much easier that’s great come on you got this uh oh ran out of arrows they did it oh man G G’s oh G GG’s all around pretty solid yeah five kills

Mando was just on it like like more than the lobby yeah that is it’s only eight people here who did he not kill bro that’s absurd whoa oh my God all right uh you want to do SkyWars uh yeah sure let’s try a game with that yeah that’s why I ran away from

Manda I was like I want to know about that wait how do I insane crafter says like eldrich Tes everywhere it’s an eyeball with wings it’s a TNT with eyeballs oh yeah that’s a cool back it’s kind of fun looking Mega chocolate chip cookies I would be insane to say no to

That what makes the mega uh I guess they’re like a foot wide or something I don’t know oh my goodness I mean that’s what I’m hoping personally if you call it make it better be like a foot wide I mean you know yeah it’s gotta be like f a whole family size

Oh this actually has slightly more interesting uh parkour yeah it’s probably one of my favorite hubs looks really cool yeah it’s pretty it’s pretty solid a I fell I fell on the same jump that you did used to do this parkour all the time and I’m still dead that’s exactly how I feel

This is what I think of when I think of like parkour maps oh my God how did I missed that jump again bro so bad you got to run like half a mile just to get to the parkour oh there we go uh yeah there’s the code in the chat

By the way if you want to play some SkyWars with us we are a full Lobby now actually we got eight yeah oh oh wow right uh oh do we have teams or is it solos I just put it solos because I think yeah I’ll tell you now I have no

Idea when I’m doing oh okay uh so it’s a little bit like Lucky Blocks where you actually have to mine the orb to get better items I don’t know what that is so red okay so if you mine redstone it’ll give you Golden Hearts uh Emerald will give you Enchanted

Stuff uh diamonds will give you diamond armor and that’s all you have to worry about really okay that kind of makes sense I’ll pretend like I understood it I’m just going to mine away okay yeah no that’s fair it is pretty complicated until you play it a couple times is keep

Inventory on or do you just die and that’s it well it’s yeah it’s one life okay yeah I’ve never actually played this before I’ve played uh bedw War that’s what it is oh yeah yeah well this isn’t yeah this isn’t how Star Wars usually is it’s just

There oh my God that would just summon TNT oh it’s Mando oh no we’re all scared of Mando I so good oh I’m dead bro come on give him a chance clim team’s out is Mando just on a killing spree over there I think I think that’s what’s happening I think so

Oh Mando’s got full diamond I’m not going over there no I’m I’m out bye uh oh he’s coming after you he is an ender pearl I have The High Ground Mando don’t try it yeah I have like nothing good yeah go for the other person in diamond armor come on get out of

Here oh here we go um uh I guess I’ll just keep mining stuff that’s all I know how to do oh my God TNT okay let’s see poison knock back oh Mando died oh ha no sympathy everyone else has a fighting chance now let’s go oh suddenly it just became anybody’s

Game although there is a yeah it’s a full diamond clad person full diamond I don’t even know how you did that I don’t know how this game works stop being mean ow that gave me more Hearts actually I have two absorption Hearts you shoot me again what is up with these arrows

I’m out of par I I can’t do anything set a stalemate here dang oh here we go sorry you got killed so early that’s a bit oh it’s good I I should not have rushed mando that was my first oh you rushed him oh okay I’m not

Sorry yeah know you should have known better than that yeah M’s op crabing Cobblestone I don’t know what that does it’s like normal it’s like a building block but it like disappears after a bit oh okay how do they get diamond armor uh the stuff

In uh the stuff I mid is a bunch of diamond armor okay okay and then just diamonds on the ground there’s a couple of diamonds on that island oh yeah yeah here’s a couple Diamond okay if I can get a little bit of armor going here we go

Nice oh another helmet yeah I’ve got like four of those the uh emeralds might give some diamond armor as well oh here we go nice nice good call think that’s about it for this island Okay so V one are we the last people left yeah

Wow top of my class and I’ve only played one round that just gave me two more Hearts I don’t know what’s on your bow but I love it keep shooting me here shoot me again great uh I guess we should probably wrap this up then oh hi oh

Wow stuff to just happened all of a sudden oh my God yo what was that knockback oh my God one TNT is uh that one TNT just throws you yeah that was wild this absolutely gone did not I think that was my own TNT too like boom

Gone the purple ones just sting you Flying Wild well that was pretty good for first attempts yeah nothing not too shabby not too shabby all right um oh this is a whole Lobby just for SkyWars yeah do you want to play again uh sure let’s try Duos this time yeah

Okay I didn’t even realize it was Friday until you said that Lord Vader I had to check I was like what day is it yeah cuz uh the events on Sunday so yeah try to get in some practice there anywhere I’ve been practicing a lot of Parkour so hopefully oh that’s

Good I need to go practice a lot more yeah I got my NEOS down sort of except the ladder glass pane ones that’s good and the chain NEOS I still need to watch the the VOD from the last event as well oh nice all right yeah the uh the rift race on the

Last event is going to be different okay uh I don’t know if you know it’s I can give you the VOD from that one if you want to watch it over yeah that’d be great cuz just knowing the course like even a little bit would be massively helpful

Yeah the biggest thing with the Riff race map we’re going to play is that there’s a bunch of like jump pads which are the green ones yeah yeah um and it takes a second for the jump boost to kick in because a leg so I always like

To stand there for like a second before I I know I have it if if you miss the if you miss the jump sometimes it you can lose a lot of time so it’s yeah it’s it better safe than sorry on that one for sure good to know good call

Go just put us on oh hey team bacon Warriors already up here is that the end of the parkour I guess so all right awesome they put so much work into their lobbies it’s wild yeah they have insane Builders they do hey we’re on the same

Team look at that yeah did you choose that yes I did yeah I just wow what are the yards wow wow amazing job amazing uh spell of Fire trail I don’t know what that does but yeah it’s okay so if you if you right click it then there’ll be

Like fire at your feet so it might hurt you oh okay um but if you keep running it’ll just put fire behind you fair enough good to know all right we should probably Rush uh middle yeah I think that’s probably good idea got diamond boots if you need I got some

Okay Mando’s here full diamond turning around yeah that’s not I don’t have a chest plate um we got people behind us yeah it’s prob so many pairs of boots oh I don’t have a bell we could hit Mt crafter off though there some pants okay I got another helmet sword I got

One and I got pants okay I’m just missing chest plate now yes oh he’s an attempt was made an attempt was made yeah you almost had it yeah could have just got bridged but not he wanted to be fancy pants she wanted to show up yeah how’d that work out for

You oh my God I nearly just flew off of that More Boots what is up with the boots more boots I got two pairs of boots okay we the redone we got two people up here yeah yeah uh I’m not pushing it right now oh finally chest plate here we go

Now we’re in business boys if you mind the Redstone it’ll give you the golden hearts OHS yeah uh I don’t have any range weapons do you you nope oh oh he’s throwing a TNT fall more TNT okay uh I’mma back up to the next Island yeah oh oh they hit me off all

Right oh bye I guess it’s nice KN you RP the great slates I’m not very good at this video game neither am mine that’s why I ran away a there TNT okay let’s see what I can do with my lack of ranged and everything else oh yeah you got

This nice oh my God yeah that knock back was very bad did he die oh he did okay he’s gone what are you doing ni goodbye goodbye nice looking good guys running too oh yeah yeah oh he’s got that ender pearl oh no no no the knock back that was so

Op I was trying to move the side too I just like nope not allowed that’s an legal movement yeah that wasn’t so bad though that was that was a pretty good game yeah other than me just almost pretty much walking off the edge no cookie for you oh slates skin is

A Cookie Monster by the way this is so sad y jeez all right um you down for more or you good oh what sorry are you down for more or are you good yeah sure I don’t are you oh you’ve been streaming for two and

A half hours yeah yeah it up there I’m fine with whatever I don’t know um yeah I’ll probably have to go soonish uh do you want to try one more uh yeah sure all right all right codes in chat all righty thank you your Ms are wild emotes did you hear uh

The they let like any person make emotes now oh no so there’s things like uh like the gritty and stuff you can buy it’s just the worst thing ever that sounds horrible that was a bad idea why would they do that yeah yeah all the Tik Tok dancers are going

To become emotes now every single one of them actually it’s not a bad idea it’s probably a good way to make money oh yeah they’ll be making a lot yeah promote that on Tik Tok you can buy this from my Marketplace only 4,000 mine coins that’s that’s crazy um that’s what Bedrock Edition

Feels like now honestly yeah although bedrocks always kind of push the microtransactions a lot so it’s not too surprising yeah I think we’re missing one person right I don’t know if they’re going to be joining at least you are yeah they said they’re just trying to join oh hi oh

Hi hey there we go oh nice skin congratulations on joining yay you got a flying pig that’s great yay more diamond boots okay how do you want to play this we could start rushing I got two pieces of diamond all right yeah I’m not my armor isn’t

Looking Prett good H there’s a bunch of iron and stuff over here all right I just kind of dropped it on the floor ah diamond sword just fell off the map no yeah there a bunch of uh iron armor and stuff back at base

No way no way I just what I’m so Sor I did an oopsie I thought I could make I thought I could make the jump oh no don’t worry I’ll carry on in your name all right I I didn’t say I was going to carry on very well but I I’ll try no

It’s fine that’s it’s hilarious and the death message as well it’s like oopsie I got a knockback fish oh those things are so good you just like have to get someone close to the void and then hit them uh it does so like if you hit them with the Nemo it

Does so much damage that’s great I will be using that to the fullest extent I have all the TNTs oh my goodness you do yeah okay now where is everybody oh wow water doesn’t Reflow that’s so weird oh I did not place down the knockback boom box I thought I

Did oh my God okay that blows up way faster than I thought it would I still have a stone sword out here you got this hey there we go take that diamond sword thank you two diamond swords what nice use the fish come on fish come on fish fish no well yeah no

That’s it that’s it that’s it that’s it oh no that’s not it that’s not it I got so low there that was wild you’re just yelling use the fish great it’s such a great item it’s it’s called Nemo too it’s great okay I feel like we all nearly died there

Oh it’s Redstone that gives you the hearts yeah yeah you can get up to five okay that’s great is now okay yeah so mining mid combat actually has a bit of like use yeah I wonder how low they got cuz I I was like down to two

Hearts just one you can’t combine items can you no I don’t think so that’s sad okay uh there’s nothing out here really to mine anymore my goodness we go a lost my diamond B Diamond pants pain okay I think I’m going to push in now yeah they’ll never know what is

Happening what why did I even come up here fish get fished get fished oh no you got the ender pearl no no no no no bye-bye bye-bye bye-bye run how you still hitting me fish fish fish fish fish yes get fished no I’m not hitting them dude strong

Enough being in a hole is actually really helpful versus a fish no they Speed come on the fish does not do enough knock back it’s like barely any come on bro why’ they even go up there like so Random there were so close to the edge

And I was fishing them so much it just did nothing so close oh man fish versus sword sword wins come on use the fish there us the fish there in my books that’s a win for all of this yeah there we go that’s a win for fish kind that’s great oh amazing

Amazing well done well done fish beautiful awesome well thanks for playing that was fun yeah that was great oh crap I just spelled water all over my desk oh no that’s a great way to end the stream all right see you okay I’ll catch you later thanks for hanging out

Man not the keyboard n keyboard’s fine actually it’s pretty fine it’s all on the dry like non-electric side of the desk that’s the first time that’s ever happened during a stream GG porn water all over the desk oh I did get on the little uh like thing for the mouse pad

Mouse pad’s got lights on it it’s got like a little accidentally hit the music okay I think we’re good yeah we’re all good okay well that was a really fun stream thank you everyone for playing good times all around you guys are really good a hive as it turns out uh we might

Do some more streams tomorrow I definitely need to practice more on the parkour and stuff uh there’s probably also going to be a video tomorrow if not then Sunday uh but yeah cool thank you guys so much for watching hope you enjoyed definitely go check out all the links

There in the chat subscribe on the YouTube channel we’re trying to reach 600,000 subscribers and let’s see if there’s anyone to end off by raing uh we got ourselves the slack lizard streaming uh some Minecraft very nice I’ll catch you guys over there and in the next one if you enjoy slack

Stream then of course to drop a follow that way you can catch more of theirs if you enjoy my stream then drop a follow here of course gez you watch like 3 hours of

This video, titled ‘THE HIVE & Minigames with friends! Part 2. 12/15/23 Minecraft Bedrock Edition’, was uploaded by silentwo on 2024-01-02 23:15:03. It has garnered 595 views and 12 likes. The duration of the video is 02:44:22 or 9862 seconds.

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  • Prosper SMP Vanilla 1.20.4, Discord, DiscordSRV, Dynmap, Voice Plugin, No Whitelist, Coreprotect, Age 16+, Crossplay

    Welcome to Our Minecraft Community! If you’re tired of smp’s dying off, look no further! Our community has been thriving for the past few years, thanks to our shared love for Minecraft and other games. Join our discord server to connect with other players and enjoy our Minecraft smp. Why Join Us? Active community with ongoing major build projects Welcoming to new members Friendly and mature environment Community Guidelines We have a few simple rules: no hackers, griefers, or clowns allowed. Respect your fellow players and join our discord to access the Minecraft server. Ready to Join? Join Our Discord… Read More

  • Astral Valley

    Welcome to Astral Valley, where the moon’s gentle embrace and the twinkling stars weave a tapestry of wonder in the vast expanse of Minecraft. Within this realm, the boundaries between reality and the ethereal blur, inviting adventurers to embark on a journey through the celestial wonders of the galaxy. Each block placed and structure erected is a testament to the cosmic dance that unfolds under the watchful gaze of the night sky.As you traverse the landscapes of Astral Valley, you’ll discover mountains that rise like celestial giants, their peaks reaching towards the heavens. Valleys cradle crystalline rivers, reflecting the infinite… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Is this Minecraft or a glitch?

    Minecraft Memes - Is this Minecraft or a glitch?I guess you could say this meme is blazin’ it with that score of 4208! Read More

  • Teacher’s Pet Peeve: Minecraft Block Xuan’s Class Clash

    Teacher's Pet Peeve: Minecraft Block Xuan's Class Clash In the world of Minecraft, where blocks abound, Fangkuaixuan’s animations, laughter is found. With humor and joy, each video shines bright, Bringing happiness to all, day and night. Pirated copies, beware and take heed, For Fangkuaixuan’s channel is the only one you need. Original content, each day a new delight, Subscribe and follow, keep happiness in sight. MC Funny, Classroom Series, and songs to sing, Fangkuaixuan’s creations, joy they bring. So join the fun, in Minecraft’s world so grand, With Fangkuaixuan, happiness at hand. Read More

  • “Hotter than a lava pit: Historical Minecraft Meme” 😂🔥 #minecraft #shorts

    "Hotter than a lava pit: Historical Minecraft Meme" 😂🔥 #minecraft #shorts Why did the ancient Egyptians play Minecraft? Because they heard it was a pyramid scheme! 😂 #minecraft #shorts Read More

  • Tricky Loyalty Challenge | Minecraft

    Tricky Loyalty Challenge | Minecraft The Loyalty Trident in Minecraft Are you looking to add a unique and powerful weapon to your Minecraft arsenal? Look no further than the Loyalty Trident! This special trident offers a range of exciting features that can enhance your gameplay experience. Let’s dive into the world of Minecraft and explore how you can create your very own Loyalty Trident. Creating the Loyalty Trident To make a Loyalty Trident in Minecraft, you will need to combine a trident with the Loyalty enchantment. The Loyalty enchantment is a rare enchantment that causes the trident to return to the player after being… Read More

  • Unbelievable! Dronio Minecraft AI Art: MUST SEE!

    Unbelievable! Dronio Minecraft AI Art: MUST SEE!Video Information This video, titled ‘Dronio Minecraft Artificial Intelligence Art’, was uploaded by Дронио on 2024-01-15 22:30:01. It has garnered 842 views and 129 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:40 or 40 seconds. Looking for a good laugh? Check out these funny Minecraft short videos! We’ve compiled some of the best fails, wins, and other hilarious moments from the Minecraft community. From exploding creepers to epic building fails, there’s something for everyone to enjoy. Hashtags: #Minecraft #Shorts #Funny #Fails #Wins #Epic #Gaming #Laughter #Entertainment #GamingCommunity #MinecraftCommunity #Gamer #GamingShorts #FunnyShorts #FailShorts #WinShorts Minecraft Bedrock Edition Minecraft Java Edition Minecraft… Read More

  • The Mystery of Creeper952 in Minecraft

    The Mystery of Creeper952 in MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Unexplained minecraft #memes #minecraft #gaming #mod #minecraftmemes #earth #experiment #warden #mc’, was uploaded by сreeper952 on 2024-03-13 18:14:46. It has garnered 8666 views and 328 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:30 or 30 seconds. Thanks for watching! #memes #minecraft #gaming Tags:minecraft, funny, gaming, scary minecraft, minecraft mystery, minecraft creepypasta, tutorial, minecraft history, minecraft mod, prank, secret, minecraft challenge, wifies, dream, minecraft pe, minecraft uncovered, minecraft phone, minecraft viral, mcbyt, hidden, minecraft bedrock edition, eystreem, rgn, eystream, retrogamingnow, now, eyestream, retro, mumbo jumbo, trolling, minecraft myth, game theory, the game theorists, herobrine, testing scary… Read More

  • Insane 1v1 – Nabor vs smerb Weakkam in PEREZALIV

    Insane 1v1 - Nabor vs smerb Weakkam in PEREZALIVVideo Information This video, titled ‘Набор в тиму | smerb slabakam(Neverdie) PEREZALIV’, was uploaded by cCMEX_ on 2024-05-24 17:38:29. It has garnered 125 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:41 or 101 seconds. ds-sssfuccckk https://discord.gg/erariseempire – clan tags: prostocraft, prostocraft, anarchy, minecraft, minecraft, minecraft anarchy, anarchy, pvp anarchy, pvp on anarchy, anarchy prostocraft, pvp, danqo16, pvp, anarchy pvp, prostocraft anarchy, anarchy from scratch, byttcehb, anarchy minecraft, a lot of pvp on anarchy, prostik, a lot of pvp, mrirbbi, jetmine, anarchy without donation, jetmine, dape, vupsen anarchy, vupsen pvp, wellmore, vupsen, uhk, prostocraft pvp, 1.14.4, development from… Read More

  • INSANE Challenge: Me VS Captcha in Minecraft 😱 #shorts

    INSANE Challenge: Me VS Captcha in Minecraft 😱 #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Me VS captcha in Minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by Black Buddies on 2024-04-27 04:49:49. It has garnered 2828 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:16 or 16 seconds. shorts #minecraftmods #minecraft #minecraft #minecraftanimals #shortsfeed #shortsviral #shorts #shortvideo #short #viral #minecraftfacts #minecrafthacks #MinecraftMadness #BlockBlast #CraftyCreations #PixelPioneers #AdventureCraft #MinecraftMania #CraftingChaos #EpicMinecraftMoments #BuildersBonanza #MineMarvels #BlockyBattles #CreepersCraze #CraftyChronicles #PixelatedPerfection #MinecraftMayhem #BuildBrigade #RedstoneRampage #CraftingComrades #EnderDragonDrama #MineCraze #BuildingBuddies #ExploringEndless #BlockBounty #CraftingCarnival #EpicMinecraftMoments #BuildersBash #CraftingConquest #BlockyAdventures #MinecraftManiacs #PixelParty #CreepersCorner #CraftyCove #EpicExplorations #BuildingBlitz #RedstoneRuckus #CraftingCrew #EnderEpic #MineMasters #BlockBlasters #CraftyCapers #PixelPals #AdventureAwaits #MinecraftMoments #BuilderBuddies #ExploringElysium #BlockyBlast #CraftingCraze #EpicEndeavors #MineMadness #BuildingBlocks #CreepersCavern… Read More

  • SECRET HACK! Download Minecraft India NOW 🇮🇳

    SECRET HACK! Download Minecraft India NOW 🇮🇳Video Information This video, titled ‘HOW TO DOWNLOAD MINECRAFT INDIA🇮🇳 @Its_Rex_777’, was uploaded by NOT_ REX on 2024-04-02 13:00:17. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. loyalsmp #minecraftp #lapatasmp #minecraft #minecraftpe #viral #op #smp #technogamerz #gaming #minecrafthindi #loyalsmp … Read More

  • Unbelievable Magic on the SMP?! 🔮

    Unbelievable Magic on the SMP?! 🔮Video Information This video, titled ‘There’s Magic on the SMP now?!?’, was uploaded by SchelvyPlays on 2024-05-08 11:10:54. It has garnered 56 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 02:48:02 or 10082 seconds. Uh yeah I added magic and tech! #minecraft #minecraftsmp #smp #sunrisesmp #schelvy #schelvyplays #live #chill #funny —————————————————————————————- 🔴YouTube: https://youtube.com/@SchelvyPlays 🟣Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/schelvyplays 🔵TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@schelvyplays? 🟢Second Channel: https://youtube.com/@schelvythesecond?si=vSJcmi8mzZg9EQXF 🟡Zen’s Discord: https://discord.gg/B7nHAuKYVW 🟠Collab Crew: https://youtube.com/@CollabCrew2?si=PY-pKGozDCUN-Hjt Read More

  • Unbelievable Minecraft PvP Motion Possibilities!! 🤯

    Unbelievable Minecraft PvP Motion Possibilities!! 🤯Video Information This video, titled ‘Motion – ¿Que posibilidad habia? 🥴 #minecraft #pvp’, was uploaded by StoyacoV Shorts on 2024-03-11 09:45:00. It has garnered 50 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:08 or 8 seconds. My Server: IP: Motionserver.ddns.net Port:19132 My Community: https://discord.io/stoyaco ▶ Tags (Ignorar): minecraft shorts bebu, minecraft shorts beta, minecraft shorts ep 24, minecraft shorts rtx, minecraft shorts tiktok, minecraft shorts ep 5, minecraft shirts music, minecraft shorts alan becker, minecraft #shorts loop, minecraft #shorts gaming, minecraft #shorts perfection, minecraft #shorts rtx, minecraft #shorts song, minecraft shirts, minecraft hot alex and steve, minecraft… Read More

  • Beware: Conquer the Ultimate Minecraft Bosses

    Beware: Conquer the Ultimate Minecraft BossesVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Dragon Bosses All Bosses ( Marketplace Map )’, was uploaded by Dread The Boss Hunter on 2024-06-01 02:47:13. It has garnered 528 views and 13 likes. The duration of the video is 00:36:12 or 2172 seconds. Link: https://www.minecraft.net/en-us/marketplace/pdp?id=c84d9d5e-2f5a-4d6a-8ca9-60ef1a9b17ac 00:00 Earth Dragon 03:45 Wind Dragon 07:29 Lighting Dragon 11:19 Nether Dragon 13:41 Water Dragon 17:09 End Dragon 20:09 Fire Dragon 23:00 Ice Dragon 25:50 Undead Dragon Read More

  • 🔥SHOCKING Minecraft Pig Kill HACK!😱🤯 #viral #trending

    🔥SHOCKING Minecraft Pig Kill HACK!😱🤯 #viral #trendingVideo Information This video, titled ‘Kill in Pig in🥵Minecraft viral tik tok hack😱 #minecraft #shorts #viral #trending #gaming’, was uploaded by Kunal gaming on 2024-01-17 09:12:04. It has garnered 4172 views and 104 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:38 or 38 seconds. Kill in Pig in🥵Minecraft viral tik tok hack😱 #minecraft #shorts #viral #trending #gaming gaming #minecraft #minecraftlive #music #new #newsong #null #newvideo #nocopyrightmusic #best #viralvideo #vlog #videos #comment #xbox #like #livestream #live #life #herobrine #herobrinesmp #hindi #highlights #happy #gameplay #games #gaming #gamingvideos #gyangaming #daku #dakusong #dj #dog #subscribe #share #shorts #short #shortvideo #shortsvideo #status #song #song #animationvideo… Read More

  • Purple Parrot

    Purple ParrotWelcome to Purple Parrot! Immerse yourself in an exceptional survival multiplayer Minecraft server experience. Discover the vast 10,000 by 10,000 block map using Dynmap, where thrilling quests await. Unleash your creativity with custom items, indulge in exclusive crates, and engage in vibrant player economy with ChestShops and auctions. Claim your territory, set up homes, and explore public warps to connect with our friendly community. Join us at play.purpleparrot.pro for an unforgettable adventure filled with endless possibilities! play.purpleparrot.pro Read More

  • The Penguins All the Mods 9 – Modded Network Tight-knit ATM9

    Welcome to Our Community! A small, active, and friendly community awaits you! Join now to be a part of our amazing builders and engaging activities. Rest assured, you won’t be the next sacrifice! What We Offer: Multiple homeslots and /rtp Fully pregenerated dimensions Custom quests, time-based leveling system, and huge builds Our rules are simple: Don’t be a detriment to the server and its TPS. For more details, check out our #rules channel on Discord. Server Details: IP: atm9.ihatemy.live Version: 0.2.58 Hosted: Germany, with a diverse player base including Americans Join Our Discord: Discord: https://discord.gg/egFSuuCdVH Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Spicy Minecraft Love 🌶🔥

    Minecraft Memes - Spicy Minecraft Love 🌶🔥Looks like this meme is getting all the love, scoring a perfect 39 out of 39 heart-eyes emojis! Someone clearly knows how to cater to their audience 😂🥰 Read More

  • Minecraft Mine Train: Part 2 – Huntin’ for Fun!

    Minecraft Mine Train: Part 2 - Huntin' for Fun! In Minecraft’s world, trains are a sight to see, Hunting them down, a thrilling spree. With background sounds of engines roaring by, Watch until the end, don’t be shy. Eight trains in total, each one unique, Randomly tracked, a challenge to seek. Check out my first video, a train hunting delight, In this Minecraft world, trains take flight. Join me on this journey, full of fun and thrill, As we chase down trains, with skill and will. Don’t miss out on the action, watch the video link, Investigation Addon by Gibonz, a perfect sync. Tags like train and Minecraft,… Read More

  • Hotter than a lava pit: Oioioicraft.exe! 🔥 #minecraft #memes

    Hotter than a lava pit: Oioioicraft.exe! 🔥 #minecraft #memes When you accidentally type “Oioioicraft.exe” instead of “Minecraft.exe” and end up summoning a herd of confused llamas in the game. #MinecraftProblems #LlamaInvasion Read More

  • Minecraft’s 10 Best Island Seeds

    Minecraft's 10 Best Island Seeds Exploring the Top 10 Island Seeds in Minecraft Java 1.20.6 Embark on a thrilling adventure in Minecraft Java with the top 10 island seeds for the latest version. These unique landscapes offer endless possibilities for exploration, building, and survival. Let’s dive into the diverse worlds that await you! 1. Emerald Isle Discover the lush greenery and sparkling waters of Emerald Isle. This picturesque island is perfect for creating a tranquil retreat or embarking on exciting quests. Keep an eye out for hidden treasures beneath the emerald waves! 2. Volcano Bay Feel the heat at Volcano Bay, where molten lava… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Challenge: 200 Days in EXPANDING World!

    Insane Minecraft Challenge: 200 Days in EXPANDING World!Video Information This video, titled ‘I Survived 200 Days in A EXPANDING World In Minecraft!’, was uploaded by Lindough Two on 2024-05-06 21:51:31. It has garnered 4031 views and 53 likes. The duration of the video is 04:34:09 or 16449 seconds. Main Channel @Lindough I Survived 200 Days in A EXPANDING World In Minecraft! ► Modpack Download: https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/modpacks/better-mc-forge-bmc4 All the music I use in this video is licensed by Epidemic Sounds – https://share.epidemicsound.com/x3x16v #minecraft #100days #expandingworld Read More

  • Vesperous: A Minecraft Love Story – Stream

    Vesperous: A Minecraft Love Story - StreamVideo Information This video, titled ‘Falling In love with Minecraft Again – Vertical Stream’, was uploaded by Vesperous on 2024-05-03 11:44:49. It has garnered 151 views and 9 likes. The duration of the video is 02:44:36 or 9876 seconds. Vesperous Social Links ♥ Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/vesperouz Don’t forget to desaturate that Subscribe button Minions! Read More

  • Unbelievable! Best Free Minecraft Hack 1.8.9-1.20.4

    Unbelievable! Best Free Minecraft Hack 1.8.9-1.20.4Video Information This video, titled ‘THIS IS THE BEST FREE MINECRAFT LEGIT / GHOST HACK CLIENT 1.8.9 – 1.20.4 (akira)’, was uploaded by envision on 2024-05-21 18:42:18. It has garnered 177 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:28 or 88 seconds. THIS IS THE BEST FREE MINECRAFT LEGIT / GHOST HACK CLIENT 1.8.9 – 1.20.4 (akira) ❗DOWNLOAD LINK IN THE COMMENTS❗ injection ghost legit cheat client HostadamPvP Zefew Zylowh TheHidingSlayer Thrintios Zigy MeeZoid Laser Finup lolitsalex PainfulPvP DJTasty Forrestbono Protaclicker vape cheating custom bypass veltpvp abyss arcane velt exploit stimpypvp serenity massacre / vape mushway /… Read More

  • UNBELIEVABLE! John Hall’s Epic Auto Fire Cannon Build

    UNBELIEVABLE! John Hall's Epic Auto Fire Cannon BuildVideo Information This video, titled ‘Automatic Fire Cannon | Creative Minecraft Build Ideas’, was uploaded by John Hall on 2024-01-15 16:00:03. It has garnered 2488 views and 60 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:34 or 34 seconds. 🌟 Dive into a whirlwind of creativity with our Minecraft Shorts! 🌈 witness the magic of building, exploring, and conquering challenges in the pixelated world of Minecraft. 🏰 Whether you’re a seasoned crafter or a newbie in the game, these shorts are packed with excitement, inspiration, and a touch of humor. 🔨 Watch as we construct jaw-dropping structures, navigate treacherous landscapes,… Read More

  • “SHOCKING! NEVER touch a PIGLIN in MINECRAFT 🔥” #shorts

    "SHOCKING! NEVER touch a PIGLIN in MINECRAFT 🔥" #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Never Hit a PIGLIN in MINECRAFT #shorts #minecraft #explore’, was uploaded by Krishna Raja on 2024-05-16 12:49:56. It has garnered 10140 views and 238 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:57 or 57 seconds. Minecraft minecraft,minecraft shorts,minecraft but,minecraft mod,minecraft challenge,minecraft funny,minecraft memes,shorts minecraft,minecraft tiktok,minecraft but challenge,minecraft speedrun,minecraft 1.20,minecraft animation,minecraft facts,minecraft update,beating minecraft,minecraft manhunt,minecraft speedrunner,camman18 minecraft,minecraft tutorial,minecraft but i cant touch grass,minecraft hitmen,minecraft survival,minecraft ai techno gamerz,fleet,gamer fleet,fleet smp,fleet smp anshu bisht,herobrine fleet smp,gamer fleet smp,gamer fleet minecraft,hindi horror gamer,gamer fleet and yes smarty pie,fleet smp memebers and their names,fleet real name,chapati gamer,fleet smp live,fleet… Read More

  • Unbelievable! AJIA-HYA 1.20 Seed Secrets 🤯 #minecrafttricks

    Unbelievable! AJIA-HYA 1.20 Seed Secrets 🤯 #minecrafttricksVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Greatest 1.20 Seeds🥹 #minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by AJIA-HYA on 2024-05-10 15:00:16. It has garnered 11998 views and 418 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:26 or 26 seconds. Minecraft Greatest 1.20 Seeds🥹 X(twitter) https://twitter.com/aji_ahya TikTok https://www.tiktok.com/@ajia_hya minecraft, j and mikey, maizen, mikey andj, ij and mikey minecraft, minecraftj and mikey, maizen minecraft, j and mikey roblox, siren head, shorts, minecraft ghost, roblox, mikey and j minecraft, sonic, choo choo charles, maizen roblox, sakura, granny, herobrine, jj mikey, chainsaw man, minecraft shorts, minecraft minecraft, choo-choo-charles, jj and mikey minecraft 100 days, minecraft mikey… Read More