EPIC Mystical Block Uncovered in Minecraft – Episode 16

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D Okay I believe we’ve got everything up and going let me check microphones make sure they’re working this week there was an update on Discord and half the time that messes up not Discord on uh streamlabs mess up my mics but we seem to be good now welcome back to more of

This we’re back in mystical craft and boy I got some serious time devoted to the game this week I have so many things ready to show you all I’m so pleased so where we left off hey gorb how’s it going Mr Polar Bear how you been all all

Right so where we left off last week we had automated the process of making singularities mostly I still had to AutoCraft it but all the essence was going into here and then when I AutoCraft it the singularities came out the stuff came in here and each one made

Its own Singularity for example this one is nickel for example and if I don’t get that one back I won’t have my nickel back ha hilariousness so we are working on getting some singular I said I was going to build smoke we need a bunch of the ultimate Singularity to make all the

Creative things now one other thing I did do is I also automated the process of each one of these things make seeds this seed processor is changing those seeds into Essence so I’ve got all the different seeds I’m making coming in on two different exporters uh to just

Because there’s so many they wouldn’t all fit in the filter of one you see like there only there’s only so many options right this one’s almost full uh and so what I did is I would have to do one seed at a time until it was all

Zeroed out till it had changed all of them then I added the next seed to the filter and because if I tried doing them all at once it just clogged everything up it was too many seeds trying to come in but it’s able to maintain the speed

That the seeds are being produced from that point so I still have two more seeds to add to the filter once the one I’m doing right now which is I think 10 I can’t remember but yes so that’s helping us provide Essence assistances second of all over here um this one on

The left so this uh this seed processor on the left is purely doing Platinum seeds and inferium seeds I can take the Platinum seeds out of there uh because I for a while they’re Platinum was the hardest one to get singularities for right so I had to put

A whole bunch of platinum seeds until I got that built up enough that I was getting a few to start with so this one’s doing mostly uh inferium seeds at this point and this one is doing my netherite seeds Okay uh brother just got a rest with ouch 20 miles over the speed

Limit ouch I mean technically that’s in the realm of Reckless speeding so uh I’m not sure if you’re upset with him or upset that it happened to him but I’m glad to hear your kids are okay so that’s the important part um and thank you I’m glad you like the red and purple

I got that done this week that is were the colors that the community decided on for this month sorry there’s a mess behind me I got all this Christmas stuff going on over here um so yes yes we did that so I’ve been making singularities I

Have some uh and we could probably make a whole bunch more now as you can see diamond and emerald are a slow go uh this because of the nature of the seeds itself in VAR I didn’t realize I didn’t have running until just recently so I I

Just popped it back in again but for all intensive purposes we can make 36 ultimate singularities right now which is one of the things we’re going to do in a minute the other big thing is we need a butt ton that’s a ton the weight of a butt

Just letting you know of creative Essence right so I said I was going to work this week on getting that built up and as you can see we are currently at 7.5 th000 insanium block which is more than enough Essence I have to break some of it back

Down to supremium but that is more than enough Essence to get us what we need okay uh also been working on building up my EMC through netherite we’re going to talk about how I did that as well although I feel like I’m going to have to look into alternative

Methods maybe I don’t know I don’t know if I’m going to need that much more EMC fortunately uh so we’ll see we’ll see but let’s talk about how that happened uh so I got tired of clicking and things so so uh I have automated some of these

Processes let’s take a gander what we’ve got going on down here so right now this two rows here these three rows I should say uh these are making insanium blocks for me I it’s all set up the AutoCraft because Essence comes in so quickly right inferium Essence coming

In pretty fast U all four of these autocrafters are turning inferium Essence into inferium blocks and then these next two are changing inferium blocks into the dark green blocks I never remember their names I’m using crafter automate automat which turns out to be an amazing automation tool that I

Did not know existed in cyclic or from crafting automat it’s phenomenal I’m thoroughly thoroughly loving this but then we go into uh this one which here is making the orange ones and the blue ones and the red ones and then finally insanium uh and so then that feeds the

Insanium back into the system so this is I fully automated in in insanium blocks at this point now over here is where we’re doing our netherite so uh again I have netherite Essence coming out the Wazoo which is very uncomfortable if you’ve never had that medical issue but I have

Four different autocrafters turning Essences into ingots then I’m using compressors to turn those into the next block block block block I don’t even know where I’m at right now uh so right now there’s it hasn’t provided a lot of uh EMC because I just haven’t bothered taking out I’ve got three times six

Compressed blocks I did go ahead when I a new block unlocked I did put it in the tablet just so I could EMC it uh but there’s close to 719 billion right there uh and all we need that’s a six that’ll do a compress into a seven compress into

An eight I probably could have done compress into a nine but why bother it’s close enough by the time I get that I’ve already got so much Essence things uh down here uh we have inferium at high speeds and then uh we also have netherite at high speeds because that’s

Our primary EMC producer if you would so yeah I I worked on all that this week and built up all of these which we’re going to go make some more in a minute I didn’t do any of this stuff yet I left this where we were hanging that’s what we finished last

Time we got done all most of this creative stuff last time so we are working on building out this this is what we’re trying to do the Creative chest this is our end goal I’m gonna pour myself some apple juice while we’re talking about because that’s the kind of man I am

Um so yes it should be very cool I don’t we’re not going to have this done today I don’t believe but I believe we’re going to be much closer than we were um we’re get a lot of this done today now we mathed out that I needed a whole bunch of

Essence uh creative Essence to make all these things well it turns out we need more than that because there’s another thing I didn’t calculate so we need more uh one last thing to look at Power storage check it out this bad boy getting full it might be time to add

Some additional space inside I only have like the bottom two or three rows of this thing filled at this point because it was filling up so slow but then we upgraded our uh Power production uh through solar horrendously uh so it’s much better so we may add some more not that I really

Need the power but in fact I have so much power now that I did go ahead and put the infinity range booster and the dimension card back into play so I can use my I can use my card wherever I was CU When I was automating all of when I

Automated netherite compression and I automated all of the essence production which uh to be able to automate and I used autoc crafter I didn’t have to this entire process could have been done I used without the autoc crafter could have been done without using any power whatsoever so full autocrafting without

The use of power was mindboggling to me I just had never come across that before and that’s pretty awesome that’s one thing I was looking for being able to do that with no power oh what do we got here uh hello Stephen good day Arctic Light just want to say thank

You so much for SK tutorials most helpful person I’ve run into way more than 24K Subs well thank you very much I appreciate that I’m glad that I could help and I appreciate you swinging by today I actually just about 30 30 40 minutes ago maybe an hour at most just

Put up three brand new tutorials in one day for all the mods 8 uh here’s an interesting thing all the mods 8 has been updated since I ended that series and started this one I popped in there today and there’s whole new pages of achievements for mods we never played

With so I may have to revisit that after this just to go back and play with the things we never played with last time I’d probably jump back into the same world and just do up would probably more than just a stream or two but I’d love

To take a look at the things they put achievements for him because they were mods that I did not touch at all but I was able to finally figure out how to make the spirit bee which is one of the bees that we never could quite figure

Out uh so I did a tutorial today on how to make the spirit be but I had to make two other tutorials introduction to the spirit mod and then a little bit more information on the spirit mod so that way I could work up to how to make the

Spirit be so I went and just put all three out at one time time uh cuz people have been asking for B tutorials and that was just not being able to make the spirit be bugged me in fact I don’t have one in my own world yet that’s one thing

We’d have to go back and make um yes all the mods eight or Nami Factory okay I’m not played the Nami one but all the mods eight is very very good hey mly how’s it going all right let’s get to work so as I said I a mega

Singularities but let’s make just a few more check uh diamond and emerald okay everything’s clear so we’re gonna make we’re gonna make some some singularities real quick get some extras so let’s see we’ll start with bronze and electrum all right so this is my process and it’s

It’s not a good one but it’s how I roll so you know you guys have to just watch so basically I find bronze right this takes just a couple minutes to do them all I grab bronze I see how much bronze would make because a four is what

Matters they don’t always make four right so I take my number which we’re going to say 188 around 18 88,000 divide that by 8 multiply that by four cuz that’s how many it makes lets me know I need to make 94,000 of these done and then the next one was

Electrum and I do this once or twice a day again I let the I let leave this game open and running AFK a lot while I’m working and such so we got 228 for this one divided by eight times four again 114,000 there we go all right so that’s

Electrum then after that is lapis I’m not making anymore there’s some that I have so many of I’m just not making anymore uh so uranium and emerald emerald and diamond are actually my two most important let me get those going right now emerald and diamond are easy because there’s no

Multiplication it’s just 9 equals 1 so you just got to divide it by nine so we got 22,000 Z divided by nine see you’ll see that does not make a lot oh where’s Emerald there it is and I can make 24,6 66 Mark of the devil all [Laughter]

Right my goodness uh let’s see diamonds same thing 222 nice round numbers divided by 9 is 24666 again but that makes sense but still odd 24 666 start start all right so that’ll make me a couple more Diamond which is really the only one I care about except for maybe uranium and

Invar which I don’t have a lot of so let’s do those ones uranium these are the ones I have the least amount of and part of it’s my fault 608 all right we got a fair amount of that 608 divided by 8 and we multiply that by

Two oh I didn’t hit the right button 6080 divided by 8times 2 152,000 done and what I want I say invar right I think invar is the other one I said I needed cuz I had made those by hand before 161 and uh before I started this process and so I for some reason didn’t make any more of these and how much do

We say we get out of that one oops no no no no no invar makes four okay times 4 is 80,500 start start all right there we go those are the big ones so we’ll give those a minute it does take a minute for those to start pooping out so see here comes

The first invar one now and then emerald and diamond got a couple diamonds and emerald is there and uranium I remember where uranium was there it is number four okay I should have marked these may put a sign up later that’d be good okay me toss this in here with the other

Singularities and we’ll get started uh hang on a second play yard with that I did do a glance at it I didn’t put any of it into practice but yes Stephen I did take a look at it I’m glad you enjoy the beard the hair did the

Eyebrows this time lady did a great job on it I was very happy with it uh seems good Nami Factory I’m not against it okay so we are going to make some ultimate singularities so right off the bat I need to stack of every Singularity type that I

Have or up to a stack if I don’t have the whole stack of it yet okay so we go in here take that out of there stop that ultimate Singularity we need this to start our process there you are I don’t know I didn’t add you to the thing but okay put

Up oh yeah I did puts a time thing there so it’s faster how’s about that oh those can only stack to 16 okay boom Quest completed dah I didn’t know that was going to happen another 16 it’s going to keep going till they run out okay so that’s how many I had

All of that’s pretty cool let’s put some of these back looks like uh Emerald yeah Emerald is what we we end up running out of but that’s still pretty good that’s 38 ultimate singularities which I believe should be all we need also creative Essence again I again

Just for those of you may have just popped in I automated Essences in a way that technically does not require any power source because this thing the crafting automat needs no power at all just a redstone signal can’t just put a uh lever on it and turn it on though it

Needs a repeating Redstone signal so Redstone clocks were perfect put them on turn them to high and it just speed produces all the way up to insanium so we’re going to have to break down some of the insanium because we’re going to need a lot of uh supremium as

Well but that’s okay easier to break down than it is to break up also better than it is to break dance something I’m not very good at okay so we’re at 7.6 th000 insanium blocks is what I built up over the last week or so which pleases me and even though I

Have netherite automated and it’s moving at super fast uh I’m still producing netherite Essence faster then those machines can combine them so every so often see this one right here this one is set to pull out ingots so every so often I’ll take a

Look and I’ll be like oh how much uh how much netherite Essence have I got in there because the number still keeps getting faster so I will go in here and I’ll jump netherite and we’ll go to ingots and I’ll make uh I don’t know 100,000 them fire that in takes a chunk

Of the essence away they still feed into the system system and move towards crafting all of the higher ones but these will get yanked out much much faster than the essence can so these will go into the system which will give me a little burst of netherite

Production uh which is giving me large amounts of EMC which is very very nice so singularities are done uh well let’s see what we need what did we need singularities for let’s take a look I’m in the wrong machine okay uh we were looking at this thing right that’s one

Was one of the things we need to make we got this all right so we wanted I want to do the Creative controller that’s one of the ones I wanted to do next because we need to make five of these four because of the of the creative chest and

One because I just want to have one to use in my system which again still not sure what it does I believe it somebody says it gives creative like power to your system I don’t know we’re going to find out so we’re going to make five of

These hoses right now so I’m going to go and I’m going to grab all these ultimate singularities there are and I’m going to put them in here because I feel most of wait a minute how do you make that thing no I’m going to need them in the big

Thing aren’t I okay I’m GNA take that back I need five I’ll bring the six that I have you know what if I do that I’m going to make one too many I’m gonna spend it and I’m be mad at myself all right five we’re back to five I’m going

To make five of these this is our goal for right now so put the crystal in there for now and I need all of the what are they called um processors is that what I’m looking for processor processors I need all the processors I’m going to need a couple

Stacks of those a couple stacks of those couple stacks of those I don’t think I need those two and then I need the destructive ones isn’t that what they called destructive where’s those on the blue and the red ones what are those called one why am I not seeing

There they are the very first things I’m an idiot Kors those are called cores okay need a couple stacks of those too and how long am I going to stream for so I just started I got another two hours and 40 minutes I stream for three hours every Sunday and Monday night from

8:00 pm to 11: p.m. Eastern Standard Time and then um yes although as a reminder there will not be a stream next Monday night because that’s Christmas Day and I will not be so giving you a heads up all right so here’s what we’re going to make so I

Need crafting grids I need four purse so I need 20 of those I hit the caps lock that makes me mad crafting not the monitor crafting grid so I need 20 of these that should let us make the five I want to make app oh these don’t stack though so I got

To pull them out after time Ching look at that beautiful Bean footage okay so four of these go towards making the ultimate chest one of them ultimate chest I feel like I can make a lot of improper jokes there hang on no okay that’s okay that’s not that important creative something or other

I was on an elevator I forgot about that I got the power do this you know what blue controller never emcd that before who knew and just because I’m special blue now let’s see if this works if I have to resing it to the new one nope still

Works excellent all right so we’ve made look at that already made so much up there how long it take to get to this point well uh this is episode 16 three hours per episode my math is not strong but that’d be what 8 by6 48 Hours granted I have I have spent some

Time off camera as well so there’s that um but I don’t know four five days I guess and again probably could got a lot further with some things but I don’t do things off cam I don’t make new things off camera that we don’t have already hey Gerald well thank you sir

I’m glad you enjoy it uh let’s see yeah a lot of times during the week I just let it sit AFK and build up resources so that helps a lot like I said this week I did more than I normally do off camera because I automated uh re uh recycling all of

These seeds automated uh insanium blocks then automated compressed netherite so yeah yeah this is a chunker you’re going to want to put some extra Ram in this one that’s for sure we are done with that guy We Are One Step Closer to Excellence my friends all right so we got the corners

Done we need to get to work on this unobtanium block because I have a feeling that’s going to take a while uh we need what uh 9999 what 36 36 of those which each of those let me get my calculator back up 36 * 9 is 324 ingots and for the

Ingots where was it there it is hang on for the ingots all I need 1 two 3 four five six creative essences makes one so we time that by six I need 100 I need 1,944 creative Essences just for this so again I don’t know if I’m going

To have enough insanium to do all of it today but we’re going to get a head start granted these are blocks so that works uh hello Mr Cherry hey you got your tickets well that’s awesome man I’m looking forward to seeing you sir meeting you in the Wilds for the first

Time I am breaking down a bunch of this Essence so we can start making a whole bunch of things again for those of you who may not have noticed just about an hour and a half ago I put up three new tutorials today and while they’re all the mods 8

Tutorials they’re for the spirit mod and they work in pretty much any pack I’ve seen that has it in it there’s not a lot of information out there on the spirit mod but I finally figured out how to make the spirit B and so I made a tutorial for that and other Spirit

Tutorials leading up to that so there is that all right so now I need some Supreme Ms because we have to make a bunch of ultimate or of creative Essence and those just require those two Essences and a master infusion Crystal of which I have a bunch which I’m

Actually glad I made too many last time because I ended up needing them for the automation so it worked out probably could have made a few more of those all right so here’s a few more of these then I’m going to grab the insanium again get some more of

Those uh no the bees are not in this pack they are not no well at least not the productive bees mod is not where’s my crystal there it is okay let’s make us some creative Essence shall we like this one what maybe I didn’t do that

Right why is it not making more than one isn’t it normally holding shift when hitting the recipe uh why did it work with the other ones and not this one that’s disappointing you know what I could probably do it myself all right let’s see here what do

We got four three two one on each side okay hang on five six seven eight okay here’s what we’re going to do we’re going to do this ourselves I’m going to craft try to craft a whole stack of these okay okay let me go get some more

Insanium hold on we’re gonna make this work draven’s got science oh because of the crystal right but if I put them all in there myself manually it might work if not I’m only wasting my own time so well I guess here’s a little bit so everybody just

Chill with me here we’re going to figure out see if I can do least get in here where it’ll automate it’ll only pull in one at a time but maybe I can still do this all the Christmas I’m done all my Christmas shopping I have only one gift

Left out that has not arrived yet and it should be here by uh Friday which is awesome and I just got to wrap it and then my Christmas is done and ready to go I’m sure you’re all just as far as I am Okay 644 this is the easy part because I just got to swoop like that I’m all about swooping nobody swoops like Draven does I’m telling you overall it’s been an adequate weekend I’ve done nothing I really haven’t I spent most I mean I got a bunch of stuff around the house

Done there we go it just took manually loading now that’s not going to be anywhere near enough creative Essence to make the unobtanium that we’re going to need but if I make the first few I can do a lot of this off camera again right we’ve talked about this what is

This shift and left click yes yes I want to save this recipe oh that’s excellent I saved the recipe wonder if it’ll let me do that again I’m put these in here hang on I want to see if it’ll what happens if I put them in

Again if it puts him in the right spot it does not I’ve been lied to everything I okay okay that might have been my fault okay it still didn’t work all right well it’s a thing all right that gives us enough to get started that’s all I care about right now so

There we go okay so now we’re going to take some of these and we’re going to see how long it takes to cook this thing all right so for uh is it which one am I making is it onum Al the modium I don’t remember unobtanium okay that is NI you spell it Unobtanium dirty dust there it is so I have to put one two three four five have six of them in okay six laser oh wow look at that it’s going real fast oh sweet deal that was going way faster than the last thing did oh it’s

Starting to flicker oh I think I sucked the juice dry oh my pipes are all full of juice now or all out of juice that’s crazy all right so it is going to go real slow because these things can only transfer power so fast while they were full it was

Cha-ching achievement one two three four five six I throw another one on there it’s going to take it a while now but the important part is I have it I have it let me see H I don’t think there’s any way to double this in this

Pack a lot of times breaking things down to a sand would double it but this is already a sand drink all my Apple Juice I can’t think of at least nothing I’ve come across yet that would allow me to turn this one powder into

Two so I think I could just go ahead and cook it I think I could just go ahead and cook it all right we’re just going to go ahead and cook it and just for achievements purposes I probably should have just done this achievements which I’m GNA need a lot of

Those so this I’m GNA have to do a lot of this off camera just because of the amount of power it’s taking wonder if adding another another Point might help with that we could try can’t hurt we we’ll add some more we’ll give each one its own and then see how that

Works uh I I don’t know if the batter is really going to help that much it’s not that I don’t have power it’s that these pipes can only transfer so much at a time I’m limited by the pipes not by oh you can go through these wow you can go

Through those I didn’t know that interesting I got take this clock down yeah the problem is not that I don’t have the power the problem is that these pipes can only transfer so much power at a time in and out of them so I was thinking maybe if I charged each one

Individually it would be able to transer a little bit more power the watch didn’t do anything for this oh oh it stopped blinking down there so this might be working I’ve got plenty of power I just need a way of transferring it quicker this going through it is messing with

Me there each one’s got its own now yes that that I think has fixed that issue see how quick it goes again with another one let me see here one two three four five six yes give it a minute see if it slows down or not I’ll use this as an

Opportunity to fill up my apple juice all right I believe that fixed that problem the problem was the point could not a single point couldn’t pull power through fast enough to charge all of the lasers which we have now done excellent means I can work on making the 5,000 of those this

Week which I will do too bad you can’t EMC that that would have been nice but that’s okay cook them up okay so creative Essences oh now somebody said something let me go back to this put a chest on top of it and fill the chest it will

Take the items and put them in the right spot Let’s see we will test your theory because I’m also going to need a way to pull it out and I don’t I don’t think I’ve come across a lot of cables that work with this like do I need a a chest obviously

I can’t just put a chest on top of it right I need something to pull the items into it but I don’t know what items would pull in or out of this a seed uh um no they don’t have the seeds in this one I didn’t think so I thought I’d look

Before yeah they didn’t make any seeds for the big three Essences getting this Essence is actually easier than getting some of the other Essences so you’re saying I could just put a chest on top I still have to find a way to pull items out of it though

Because if I don’t have a way pulling items out of it’s just going to get clogged all right let’s grab a bunch of Essences and we’ll see let me grab the table again Crystal’s still in there okay uh we’ll start by grabbing a bunch of insanium I know I have some in there

But I got to break these blocks down anyway so might as well just go ahead and do that while I’m doing this okay that seems to be working if this works I can E I can use I can pull the items out automatically from the system which export

Cables and auto feed into this so there’s my stack of 64 of each me grab some supremium now same thing again do this okay so now we have to see how to pull out of it see if we can pull out of the bottom so I would

Need I don’t know if I don’t think refined cables will connect to that well it’s yeah it’s a chest it should well no it’s not a chest I would need to pull the items out I don’t think it’s going to accept this type of cable I’m just going to check no

It will not okay so I have to pull it out into a chest first are you going to break or you just going to hang out there all day well thank you good Lord so I’m going to need an item cable to pull that into a

Chest and then I can use an importer I wouldn’t even need the Importer well because I could just connect it to a pre-existing cable so I’m going to need that is the wrong one over here import these refined cables don’t connect to unfortunately it’s not

What I meant to grab I meant to grab that and a wrench wrong wrench wrong wrench now I’m going need another chest so we got to see if this will pull out the bottom which is what I’m hoping it’ll do we’ll know in a moment yes it does okay so that’s the

Case then I again I I already have importers connected directly next to it all I have to do is connect that to this and that should pull the items out but it is not why is it not it’s already connected to an importer right there and the Importer does not need to be

H oh that’s right the Importer on the chest I’m sorry I’m thinking exporter I had mixed up on my head you are correct see I’m getting some lag now it’s taking a minute for that stuff to uh to fall who there’s a thing what was that hey SPS thank you

Very much fifth month as a part of the membership program and we are happy to have you thank you greatly I probably don’t need the upgrades on these but I’m going to do it anyways that that that okay so that should Auto pull those in now my only

Concern I have a concern about automating the importing allow me to voice my concern if I put an export cable and pull them into here it’s going to pull one first and it’s going to fill up the chest with that one before it starts pulling the other if I use two

Exporters I don’t think it’ll pull I still don’t think it’ll pull in two things at once my concern is it’s going to clog up with insanium and not pull Su premium or the other one or the other way around the red the Redstone clocks I have to have those are what are running

The machines so I have to have the Redstone clocks on this one’s not even working I guess I could turn that one off but the regular Redstone the other Redstone clocks I have to have running that’s what’s causing the automation to work and to be honest with you I think

It’s drastically more these dark M pedestals with the watch a flowing time that’s causing much more lag all right so yeah because if I export into this chest it’s just going to pull one and I’m going to end up with a chest full of supremium and it’s going

To clog the thing so I’m GNA have to manually load it yeah the clocks aren’t that big of a problem to be honest with you four or five clocks are not an issue I think I have what six clocks down there maybe seven it’s not too many Redstone clocks

Aren’t that big of a draw compared to the watches let’s see but all right so I don’t know again trying to find a way to import into this is intriguing because I mean the chest is nice it’s just again I feel like I’m going to need to manually half and half it and

Still run the risk of occasionally still clogging definitely will work and it’s fast I mean manually loading isn’t a problem granted I’m going to make a lot but I could do a lot of that off cam so you guys don’t have to sit here and watch me do it times probably what we’ve

Made today is going to get us through a lot of the stuff I wanted to do today so close to it like that that’s pretty fat see here yeah I don’t need any more EMC EMC is not a problem I don’t I don’t have any EMC concerns hey Terry have yourself a good

Buddy Have two chests feeding the chest above the machine that’s a whole lot of work when I can just put in a couple stacks every so often to make them myself I don’t I don’t feel it needs again I don’t I don’t normally automate things unless it’s

Needed this is a process that takes a minute or two and I’m good for a while and I only need them for a definitive amount so not super super worried about it I can do this every so often I’ll do it mostly on my off time anyways and then for Essence creative

Essence there’s a lot of essence in there I forgot about that I guess I should put in Creative forgot how many Essences I have right now 153 which should be more than enough to do the stuff we wanted to do today the only other downside is I need to use this

Crafter for other things so I guess that’s another perk of not automating it is I can take the chest off to make the other stuff I need to make and then put the chest back on which makes sense to me because I don’t want to go through the crap of making a

Whole another one because none of this stuff’s EMC if I remember correctly I should check though because I could be wrong nope I was wrong I can make a second one cool then we can do that that would be easier to have a second one and I’ll set the second one here how

Convenient Okay cool so let’s see let’s go back to the creative chest so uh let’s see what did we need all those creative Essences for wasn’t it these things yes yes it was so I need a stack of upgrade templates okay upgrade templates now how many of these things

Do I actually need so four 8 12 16 and I already have one right yes so I really only need 15 this is how I’m going to this is where I’m going to control how many I’m making by only having 15 these I know I’m not wasting

Resources making more than that even if I grab more of the other stuff so then I need what we look at uh so we need green blue yellow white and black of the upgrades okay upgrades green blue yellow white black which I’m probably going to need more than that but it’s still it’s

A start and that and that and that this is a different crafting table that’s okay though it still works it doesn’t have a do several shot slot okay this is going to work so we’ll take one two three one two three one two three one two three and

One two three I think I may have grabbed extra there but that’s okay we go to this we go to this we go to this this only does four which is oddo and feel like I’ve run out of something I don’t know what it is though

Interesting that that wait how many do I have seven there they are I wonder where they went scared me for a minute there and that and that and oh oh I ran into cretive Essence oh no grab that creative Essence I here we may not did I take it all I think I

Might have more in here create nope I’d taken it all okay well we’ll make what we can and then we’ll move forward you you you okay so that’s 10 what am I short draw to blank oh I keep getting lost in what I’m trying to do yeah creative Essence again okay that’s okay

That’s okay we can do it that’s okay me quickly grab a chest and I can put that in there the rest of these in here temporarily yep you know what this one didn’t have the Locking thing that’s not going to work that’s okay it still keeps

The stuff where I need it so I need to grab some more Essence grab Su premium first make a few more of these oops just realized I have him here so oops got a thing up in front of the screen there I couldn’t see chat for a

Second see anybody say anything last com minutes you did not okay good making sure I didn’t miss anybody I keep forgetting about the just click all button horrible about forgetting that oh my goodness sneezing all day oh love it when a plan comes together should be all that he can be in the

Army creative 101 okay that should be enough to finish up what we’re doing here okay so that was think and that’s my 15 all right so that is all 16 of those now so I can put all that in here and we still have 20 creative Essence to play

With which I’m just going to throw that in there for now okay do I have any creative Essence left in here I did not okay cool cool cool cool cool so we have completed all four corners we’ve completed all of these including the chest in the middle we’ve

Got the storage discs done we got the Everlasting guilty pool done um we got those we need as a part of something else we should be able to do the jetpacks now CU I believe the last thing we needed for the jetpacks was Ultimate singularities nope it was creative

Essence and an ultimate Singularity okay so I only need two of those so we 15 so we need 20 Essence each so I need 40 creative Essence to make both of these we’re going to be a little shy I don’t think I put another one on there yeah there currently there isn’t any

Dust on there it’s fast but it’s going to require me to mess with it a lot so I didn’t didn’t worry about it too too much right now now that we’ve got the power part now that the we don’t have to worry about power running through it it should go pretty

Seamlessly I just got to stand over there and load and unload the thing wrong one get in there give me your insanium insanium in the brainium that’s a musical right there yes produce delicious okay so what else do we need to make the jetpacks so for

Jetpacks I need a bunch of things I need resonant netherite ultimate and Diamond okay resonant oh these are not stackable okay so I was going to need four resonant that in there for now have to count these up now all right I’m making two of these so actually I’m going need eight

Resonant because I’m making two of these resonant oops one too many too many get back in so I’m gonna need eight of those and then I’m going to need see four two four six eight netherite so 16 total five six seven eight nine 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 so

Six I think I just put one on did I just put one on I did just put one on click the button and it went on that’s that was not what my intention was okay um so after that I need 3 6 9 12 of the ultimate so 24

Ultimate two three four five six seven eight 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 1 2 3 24 24 ultimate and then after ultimate wrong button whoops uh after ultimate comes Elite which is 48 12 16 so 32 32 Elite oh these are all going to fit in

There 32 Elite two three four five okay well that’s 9 by9 by that’s 27 right there if I fill that 28 29 301 32 is that what I said 32 yes we’re going to pretend that’s the number I said because I don’t remember and then the last one I believe is the diamond

Ones and for those four 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 20 so I need 40 40 Diamond jetpacks somebody remember 40 CU I’m going to do them in a minute we’re g to we’re going to start building this first and I’m that way I could just fill

Those in so see this is uh the Four Corners I was trying to put these in order for a reason so one two three seven eight that’s half of those get all those in there two two two okay and then I need one two three four five six seven eight 10 11

12 okay I may be missing one up there we’ll know in a minute three Three three three and then I mean just a bunch of these I don’t remember how many we’ll figure it out one two three four two four light two four three and four Okay so that’s all of these yes and then I’m going to need 20 of these I’m need 20

More let get that placed uh how do those set same way three five five five3 okay three five five that does not seem right with math think I had those in the wrong spot yes that is correct okay and then the ultimate Singularity I’m need a couple of Those I got lost I didn’t go to the right spot there take that one there that up top and that just leaves us with the diamond whatever the mai and there’s one creative jetpack all right good sauce now we just have to do that again easy should have pretty much everything

We need for that except I had one extra creative Essence in there so why do I feel that that is not correct those are the corner ones I don’t remember what the actual Corner one was what do I have only have four of in here these ones all right there’s four of those

And then next was we know it’s not Diamond Diamond’s last I’m GNA have to actually take a look again uh let me see it goes ultimate then Elite okay ultimate three three one two three and then I need this singularity in the middle these that’s three five five five three yes

Okay all those for now see any mod packs that teach you how to use the mods in it most mod packs show you to some degree many of the mods in it so for example most mod packs are going to have some type of achievement or uh guide system like

This and many of these are going to be listed as like draconic Evolution this will walk you through what you need to do to make draconic Evolution what you need to do for create but you do for mystical agriculture so a lot of these are going to be in here although most of

Them are going to have starter lines like start with this one then go to this one then so on and so forth so it’s going to walk you through the mod pack itself it’s not always listed up in the upper left like this a lot of the modern ones are up

Here uh Sky Factory 4 had an advancements book and advancements page you had to hit a specific button for it if you didn’t actually have the book the top of my head I can’t remember what the button is is it P don’t hold me to that

But most packs will have some type of guide built into them um but if you’re looking for an IND individual mod most mods are going to have a book themselves so if you search a specific mod let’s say is button magic in this one it’s not

What’s in this one um create I don’t like create but it’s in here is there a book for create if you hit at then create uh these are all enchanted books then it’s just a matter of going through and looking to see if there’s a type of

Guide book this is a bad choice because there’s a lot of stuff in here and it’s hard to find it not all them look like books either I don’t say can’t think of why I’m not mystical has one right oh botania does there’s a good way so again

I’m going to do a search for batania and here’s the lexic botania there’s a second level to that but you’ll get to that from using the first so if you get yourself alexic botania which is any sapling and a regular book this will walk you through how to do the guide how

To do the the the pack itself so let’s say I’ll grab mine do I have one in here I do um and then you get inside and this will walk you through how to make and use many of the different steps within the mod itself uh there are some rare mods where

You can’t just make the book certain action in the game will cause you to find one uh and then it gives you leads you forward um what’s that magic mod that always corrupts the world horribly thumb thumb craft was it thoc craft something like that fun mod but again you’re supposed to have

Technically have to do some things to get unlock the ability to do the book so um as so that’s the closest you’re normally going to get to a pack teaching you how to use the mods specifically I mean in my experience there may be exceptions out there in

Packs I’ve never played yet but I don’t think that’s supposed to go there there there there there that’s a four row okay that’s those don’t need to be there four four four four that’s correct so all I need now are the diamond ones which I don’t think I have enough but that’s

Okay nope two four six eight more diamond ones um that’s why I have a channel to be honest with you because mod packs don’t really show you how to use the mods and the mods themselves number two uh can be very different from pack to pack for example um mystical agriculture is very

Different in this pack versus Sky Factory 4 Sky Factory 4 uses an older version of The Mod so a lot of times I’ll have tutorials for the same thing but they work differently because I have them as two different packs like uh deep mob learning in skya Factory 4 is pretty

Much the same thing as hostile neural networks in this pack or any modern pack um they work a little differently now they look pretty much the same um but I have a tutorial I when I play a pack and I put tutorials out I will redo some of

My old tutorials for the new pack because if they work differently if they work the same a lot of times I won’t bother uh but if they work differently now or have or a different mechanics uh I don’t want someone going back looking at an old one and wondering why it’s not

Working in a new one so um I put my tutorials out based on the pack that I’m basing it on um when I go and I look for tutorials sometimes because I stuff I don’t know a lot of stuff I don’t know and I need

Help um a lot of times people will just say here’s a here’s a tutorial for mechanism and that’s great for that version of mechanism but if if that was made four years ago half of that stuff may not be viable any longer uh so I try to title mine specifically for the pack

That I’m basing it on doesn’t mean you can’t use it for other packs um especially any of the newer tutorials are going to work on any newer mod pack uh but it’s just not guaranteed to work on all of them so I do try to blanket them under a specific pack that I’m

Using them in uh so if I’m in a pack that’s the pack I’m building the tutorial in so you’re seeing exactly how it works um thank you Stephen and thank you Gerald I appreciate that create Jake let me tell you something I hate create uh I just don’t like using

It myself um there are some people out there with some create tutorials Colonel gaming has a few he put out to get started uh Colonel’s a good friend of mine so I’d recommend his YouTube channel uh if you’re looking for some create guides specifically uh last I

Looked he’d only made a few you know kind of the early ones to get people started uh but if you’re having a hard time I would definitely recommend starting there Colonel unor gaming I believe he should be listed on on my YouTube channel as other people I recommend and Colonel’s a great guy

Super nice dude highly recommend all of his content um I don’t enjoy using Create uh it’s just not a mod that plays how I like to play but I do recommend you try it uh because there’s some things I like that people hate and some things I hate people

Love a storage but you know I still recommend that everybody try everything just cuz I don’t like it doesn’t mean you won’t and I’d rather you play the game and like it the way you best you should so while I may not be able to

Help you on a lot of create I can help a little bit but my community can help you even more so feel free to join our Discord link should be down in the description of the stream uh there’s Minecraft help threads uh feel free to throw questions in there because there

Are a lot of much more knowledgeable people I had a stroke there much more knowled knowledgeable people know more about crate than I do that could probably give you some really good answers in there I just don’t enjoy the and I avoid it at all cost which is why

You’ll see my create tab is empty I’ve not done anything sometimes you have no choice though some packs railroad you into using certain mods uh and I don’t enjoy that I like a much more free flowing mod okay so what do we got done here we just did our

Jetpacks jetpacks always have Crea is need to progress I agree with the 100% Jake people are addicted to create it’s what ruins stone block three for me stone block one and two some of the best non Sky Factory packs I’ve ever played couldn’t get more than a few

Hours into stone block 3 because crate ruined it for me because you had no choice it railroaded you into it I don’t like that all right next on our endeavors see I guess we’re looking at uh Creative Energy cubes we haven’t made that yet right let’s take a look here we

Have not Creative Energy cubes okay let me load up the thing with some more creative juices and we’re going to make Creative Energy cubes is our next one throw some more of these in we’ll get some more every so often I’ll throw a couple schlacks of this stuff in here so

That way we uh keep those building up will be in good shape you that it’s not a bad looking I I don’t like all the brown I’m just not a brown guy real life my last name is brown oddly enough I’m not a big fan of the color brown is aesthetic Brown and

Rust there’s another mod that I can never remember Ember something that I also do not enjoy that is that same color palette uh but create does add some of the prettiest uh decorative blocks like um let me jump in here real quick uh I love a lot of the create

Blocks uh like when you get down in here into some of the different colored blocks this one doesn’t have it but in the last all the mods 8 there was like blues and all this sort of stuff that was really pretty blue blocks that you could build out of there’s a lot of

Great create style blocks um that were to use but the Aesthetics of the machines the mechanics of it the moving mechanics are okay again it’s one of my issues is just so slow it’s like here’s a mod that takes normal steps and makes them way harder I didn’t put any Supreme in there

Which makes them way harder to do and yet you get no special return out of it oh I’m starting to milk out my supremium here make some more in a minute that’s not what I meant to do fail dven fail I meant to take it out my bad oh that’s not

Good I got to make some more the mechanics are pretty but man is it slow all right there we go we got I’m going to put one more slack of supremium in there and then we’re going to move on to our cubes which shouldn’t be too bad because

We have a lot of the lower level cubes already made for other things we’ve done okay let’s uh add this guy to our list up here all right so we need things all right first of all we need Ultimate Energy cubes as you can see little green

Check mark you can’t see it it’s hidden behind my fat head let me go up here there you go little green check mark little green check mark we have everything we need to make this right now we are good and that makes me happy in the pants let’s start with these things

Because they fill up most of it Atomic alloy reinforced Alloys and an ultimate Singularity now how many of these do we need two three four five six so I need six of these and these things don’t stack so it’s going to take a few minutes but

That’s all right we’re going to go uh didn’t I say Elite I think I said Elite right no that’s not it crap what were the things I needed again already forgotten reinforced alloy and atomic alloy that’s what it is alloy stack of those stack of those it’s

More than enough for the first one all right let’s get in here and you know this might be another one that would benefit us to have the other table which remembers the recipe let’s what is this this is Ultimate Auto crafting table can I EMC that ultimate no which would explain why I

Don’t have two of them but we can make one no we can’t because ultimate crafting table wait maybe I can oh maybe I can black Iron Ingot I’m have to make those things okay Redstone component black Iron Ingot okay see here Redstone well it says I have

It oh there it was there it was need two of those and then I needed crystaline black Iron Ingot let me grab those need four of those excuse me my God I’m dying go on without me save yourselves we’ve already got that so I’ll need a crystalline components black Iron lumessence and crystalline

Ingots two made it yay that makes life easier when they work kashink Ultimate Auto crafting table better cool and the gang oh this needs power okay so it relocation put up that’ll work excuse me hold on there we go had to clean up the old pipes there uh turn off wireless that

Would be flux right where’s the flux where’s the wireless okay good point we’ll do that um so now I guess I could put go ahead and put the chest right on top of there though can I even though I don’t have a recipe yet okay so wrong thing we

Needed where’s the things I just made oh I turned them into a table that’s right I remember now so I got these and these oh I guess I don’t need those anymore the creative Essence we’ll just hang on to so let’s go back and look at this guy I need four Ultimate Energy

Cubes ultimate you didn’t hit apply you sure I didn’t hit apply I feel like I hit a BL but I’ll Trust you thank you for savings my Bacons Ultimate Warrior that’s me just kidding no they still don’t stack I didn’t think they stacked it the only thing that the only

Thing that this the turning off the wireless did keeps them from this thing not pulling them right because when you pull a recipe out automatically it doesn’t because it shows separate power doesn’t work the same in this thing unfortunately that didn’t help much in this regard but that’s okay I love you

Guys and I appreciate you trying to help yeah these cubes unfortunately do not stack um so we got four of the ultimates then I’m going to need I’m going to need way more than this this is just to get the rest be going and then I

Need two El four six eight Elite okay six seven eight let’s get that in Here oh that’s supposed to go there that goes there there there very common pattern in Ultimate crafting if they stacked I wouldn’t have to put a bunch in at a time I just put them all my inventary and click the autoload um what do we got 369 12 advanced

Advanced four five six seven eight 12 three three two three two three okay that’s advanced and let’s see then the last one I’m GNA need 16 Basics Getting Back to Basics oh so much humor today you guys are so lucky to have me six seven eight n 14 15 16 that’s

Math made a big mess and you and you and you and you and and you stay there there’s those yes those definitely will 100% I agree with you and so now I need to put three and a shell of atomic Alloys okay 31 31 31 31 you you you

You and then I need an ultimate Singularity two three four I’m making four no I’m making six of these total aren’t I that’s right we said we need six okay again this will be much faster once we get the recipe locked in there’s that let me just double check to make sure

All of those are yes they are just like we did before three five five 53 it didn’t say the recipe I’m gonna have to manually load all of these this makes me heartbroken in many ways okay all right we’ll make it happen it’s all right we’ll get there uh

Allo yeah it goes so much faster so I save the recipe I guess I could do it that way I don’t know how fast that crafts though with just one I still think it’s pretty quick turn that one off just in case it’s affecting it we’ll try but I didn’t need that

Many uh 369 no I’m making six of these right so I got to make five more so I need 15 right yes 15 and 5 by five is 25 got 20 two four five 25 20 and 15 again 15 these I can just Auto put in myself so there’s not really a reason not to uh so 15 again half that that’s going to be 15 it’s G to be 15 15 15 five five five five

Five five two three five okay I’m also gonna need one two three four five one two three four five one two three four five one two three four five fill in that hole okay that’s the easy part right that’s that’s the that’s the the kilamanjaro the mountain if you will

That we’re trying to climb over and I can put the rest of these away so they no longer in my way set those aside and we’re going to manually load one more so we said four ultimate right one two three oh yeah two three4 man it clicks so fast and corner corner

Corner what are these things called Energy Cube just for my own convenience convenience so I just did Ultimate so now I need double that amount eight Elite okay I just know it’s double every time so eight eight Elite anybody out there playing Starfield at all I’m playing the heck

Out of it boy it’s getting some bad reviews I’m enjoying it I don’t definitely there’s some things I think could have been better for what you’re getting but overall I think it’s a pretty good game Advanced so for this one I’m going need 369 12 n 11 12

The record I do need to point out Starfield did not pay me to say that but they could have I’m just saying if they want to reach [Laughter] out Draven is for sale I’m just kidding I wouldn’t do that but still it’s funny basic now9 16 basic and see if we can

Get this locked in fast enough 16 all right now these I should be able to auto feed in all but one okay ah the one that was in there it did go it did make that pretty fast had I not had one blocking it I think it

Would we still would have got pwned there but that’s okay I think we’re good now so if I pull this out and pull this out chaing we have two of our six creatives throw those in there all right for a minute I’m feel these back in and now I’m going to grab

Ultimate right I need four of those times four more so 16 six seven 8 9 10 11 12 crap 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 all right see if that worked huh well guess we’re still adding a man manually but that’s all right disappointing though yeah I don’t think

It’s going to take because it in it finishes the recipe instantaneously the only way it worked on the other one is because it was making 64 of them and I could click on it while it was burning through them all but because these don’t stack I just

Don’t think it’s going to be possible that’s okay though because we have all we need here put those up in there uh so let’s see we needed the next one is Elite and we needed eight right 2 4 68 yes so times four would be 32 of

Those I’m just going to do eight I’m going to grab them each individually time because the chest isn’t going to hold them all five six seven eight we’re just going to have to do it manually each time boring sucks but you know that’s how they build it sometimes two two two

And then after Elite is Advanced one two three one two three four two three one two three I got an extra one in there boy I’m clicking once but sometimes he get gives me two or three at a time frustration that goes there that goes there you you you now I just need basic

Which I’m taking extra because that’s going to be the first one I put in the next one see I click it but I don’t think it’s taking it oh wait it may have done it that time might have done it that time let’s see nope because it’s still not pulling

Those things down it’s I just don’t think it’s going to work with these type of blocks I just don’t think think it’s it’s compatible unfortunately oh that’s my creative one I want that yeah sadly I just don’t think that’s going to work these are the ones that go four

Three four am I short one four one two three four short two I put them in here no don’t know where they went okay my math was not strong or maybe I didn’t maybe I didn’t even count who knows basic this will just take us a little

While okay so there’s the last two of these one and two we’re basically halfway done these Lord knows this whole process was definitely not designed with uh speed or convenience in Mind by Anyway by any function of the world all right one two three one two three one two three one two

Three those are right oops that that that that and then eight Elite okay yeah because like it’s yeah it it’s just unfortunately not going to be compatible with that type of block so I might as well pop those back on again I the creative one I didn’t pull it out full Raven

Four down let’s keep on going um what was the next one after Elite okay five six seven eight yes four those get those in here my ultimates I get my Elites in here it’s a process we’re becoming very familiar with except my math was there we go okay now I need

Advanced no I only clicked it I clicked it twice that time to clear it out and reput it it back in it’s not compatible with these energy cubes because right now I’m I’m not I’m just scrolling over it energy Creative Energy cube is what’s stored in there

Right now as you can see by its hold it took it’s just not compatible with the cubes again it’s not has nothing to do with the speed of it it’s that it is not compatible with these type of Cubes To Auto Pull It in unfortunately all right so now I need eight

Basics not that strange not every mod is the people who are building their mods they don’t normally try it with every other type of mod out there right five six they build it to work within its own mods itself and vanilla traditionally and then when somebody

Puts a pack together they check to make sure the recipe works but they may not have been trying you know whoever designed this may not have tried to do this automatically and it’s it happens all the time we run into some machines that just won’t pull or push specific types of

Blocks it’s just down to the basics of the of the mod itself which is fine it works to make it that’s all that matters right we’ve run into enough mods packs where there’s a recipe in it then the recipe just doesn’t work that’s way more infuriating to

Me I’ll take having to do this manually any day one two three four over having like again when we got in all the mods eight and a bunch of the be recipes didn’t work that that is frustra trading to no end for me but fortunately uh for those of you who

Weren’t here at the beginning you may not have heard me say this uh there have been some changes to all the mods 8 when I jumped in and was filming some tutorials today I found that there were did I get an extra one I got next

One I found out that there were some uh new pages of achievements added and everything um in fact you can make the spirit be now that’s the T one of the three tutorials I put out today I don’t remember how many of these was going to

Take a bunch um but I put out three tutorials today and all three of them are from the spirit mod including how to make a spirit be so what’s going to happen is when I finish this pack I’m probably gonna jump back into all the mods8 for

Just like one or two episodes and do some of the new stuff because there’s there’s a couple pages of achievements that weren’t there before for mods I don’t think I’ve ever touched so it’s a good chance to jump back in and play with it we’ll jump back into the same world

That we already used right why not um and just play with those for a couple of episodes before jumping into a whole pack all right we have got that’s not what I meant to click on I can get rid of that now we have completed more

Things so we’ve got done all of these these these these these all we need over here is I need the creative tank of which I need two four six creative tanks and I need one energy cell creative that looks like I’m going to hate it so let’s do the other one first

That’s the creative tank what is that going to take I think that’s really doable that’s a lot of like what we just did this makes me happy so creative tank I just need some of the same stuff we just did I need atomics and I need reinforced Alloys

These also don’t stack I don’t think but that’s okay um do you have any clue what you’re going to play next um well other than a short stint in all the mods 8 to to play with the stuff I’ve never done um I believe after this we were going to go

Back and do a Sky Factory 4 playthrough one moment while I get my back scratcher uh we’re going to do a Sky Factory 4 playthrough using one of the alternative starting World types that I’ve never used hadn’t decided which one yet to be honest I hadn’t put enough much thought into it but

Uh you know that seemed pretty cool to me all right so I’m going to need six of these again and real quick before we jump into it let me take a moment to throw an inventory of supremium and insanium in here even though we haven’t really used any

Creative Essence in the last couple things we made let’s just get a couple extra going just to be on the safe side luckily that the production of this is automated and so it’s still making insanium in the background for us that’ll make us another stack is of creative Essences okay so we’re making

Fluid tanks of all the different kinds let’s see fluid wow that’s a lot of that narrow it down it does not well here they are that’s the five of them right there so we’ve already got basic Advanced Elites the only one I haven’t made is an ultimate yet what do

I need for that four pieces of iron really oh and a tank okay I can do that iron one two three four and a tank of the elites yes Elite persuasion curse Forge yep curse Forge is where I got it uh this is let me grab you the exact

Name it may help you one moment yeah it’s a curse every pack I play is on curse Forge it is Mystical block there is a space between my iCal and block and the Creator was Mo Nichols cool m n i c o LS uh with the m capitalized and then

Cool c o o l all one word but monal and cool is capitalized hello Buffy I haven’t seen you in a few hours where have you been I bought my two little girl kitties heated Kitty beds they arrived earlier this week I put one upstairs I put one downstairs and they

Are spending all of their time in it half the time together which is very cute if you did not know uh I have pictures I will show you a picture hold on a minute I will show you a picture of my kitties this is them cuddling together

In the little heat bed and there’s a matching one upstairs and they are addicted to it aren’t you you little butt hey guys give me just a half second would you Buffy’s up here that normally means she wants something so I have my I have my wife helping

Out why does it not have iron didn’t I pull out iron didn’t you guys see me take out iron I could have sworn I did that wait oh that’s the ultimate tank I already made it I’m a Fool okay so what were those things I was looking

At before Elite uh Sun Brothers wasn’t it Elite wasn’t Elite one of the things I was getting I’ve already alloy that’s the word I’m looking for Alloy okay so let’s go ahead and get the alloy part done done and then let me EMC this did I do that already I did

Okay let’s see one of those going to go in the core that’s a fine So little little squeak there okay creative tank see the one thing with this it will not pull the stuff in if you don’t have all of it I don’t like that that bugs me that’s all right what can you do all right Buffy want some attention so my

Wife has come down to play with her because I’m not in a position to do so currently just saying two three four five this takes a second but then I won’t have to touch these anymore wh how many I put in there four gra a sec

There we go I was quiet for a minute because I was counting and as you all know math makes my brain whole hurt so there’s that so those are done now we’re back to tanks again so we’re back to doing the same thing as we did before in stages

Then one two three four one two three okay I’m just going to grab a bunch one for you one for you one for you then I need Elite which is two one two what was that noise oh okay thank you all right so you no already have

You you you you you okay we’re here doing Advanced so not the most exciting way to spend the stream I know but uh what do you do right this is how they built it they definitely did not Design This for streaming they designed it so that you

Could be sitting here doing this all by yourself with no one to talk to which I’m not necessarily sure is better to be honest with you okay right so that was Advanced so now I just need basic uh not on that page there it is that should be enough

All right one creative is done achievement getting all sorts of achievements today I almost feel like I’m useful I tell you put these back before I forget about it Elite which that one I know is one two three four five six seven eight four of those to your corners

Oh there it is I was like I know I counted that right Advanced think I have too many there well know in a moment three three I’m positive I have too many three yes I have one too many okay then basic it’s on page two blah done two down four to go

Uh I’m looking for elite eight four those in first you you you and these that comes down here wrong one that one that one that one and that one I you’re working towards basically renders the pack useless since it allows you duplicate items indefinitely even if

They are not EMC that is correct which is why that’s probably how we’re going to finish out the pack because that’s going to be the end of it right so at that point there’s really not much else to do unless you’re building for building sake which is fun but doesn’t

Really lean well to streams which reminds me I’m uh as I said there’s not going to be a stream on Monday Christmas day that is canceled because you know it’s Christmas day um but I am going to stream New Year’s although I’m not even though it’s

A Sunday night it may we may not do Minecraft um we may I may make that like a community day so we may play some Fall Guys we may play some jackbox I may jump on and stream extra long that day and we just do a bunch of things

That we can play together which I think is fun and ring out the New Year’s with a double shot night my wife is shaking your head so I think that means she’s telling me it’s a good idea that’s right is that’s how you read women you guys help me with that I

Think that’s how that works probably went to the bathroom okay thank you my wife not the largest fan of double shot night oh my goodness you you this isn’t taking that long it’s a pretty smooth process there we go wrong one and Basics one two three four one two three

Four one two three four what a way to ring in the New Year right no she doesn’t mind she just thinks I’m an idiot which is accurate so I can’t blame her for that right all right she knows me she reads me like a popup book with an accompanying audio

Tape that’s how you read someone my friends many of you are too young to know what I just said that breaks my heart really see when I was a kid there’s things called pop-up books now some of you might be experienced with that popup book is a book that when you

Pick open up the book The Page to 3D things pop up very scientific high technology can’t back that up then back when I was a kid there was a thing called record books and when you bought a book came with a small vinyl record in it and you played the record

While reading the book sometimes it was the record reading the book makes you wonder why do you need the book sometimes it was just accompanying music or Sound effects with the book then they became cassette books you know when records went out of the way again I’m very old remember

That and uh went to cassette audio tapes that was the next one and uh that probably was around a lot longer I don’t think they may have made CD ones too I don’t know by then I was too old I remember I had cassette tapes and record tapes when I was a kid

Who not know what a popup book is oh my friend you got to realize there’s a lot of people who and somebody said this I I’ve seen this stuff pop up on social media people ask hey when you’re talking on the phone why do you go like this

That’s because it used to be a head point and a mouth point and a receiver and they were bent like this but new ones don’t this is more accurate for a talking on your phone nowadays I forgot where I was hang on let me cuse I’m so old uh where’s I at basic

Okay 10 11 12 15 14 I think I got too many again first Trilogy of Star Wars I remember them well you mean the only Star Wars that count oh I was too short I was way wrong I knew my count was off bass not what I’m looking for

And then I still grabbed one too many damn it all right one more of these and we’re done Mitch Hedberg comedian I love right I you made me think of this way more it was way better slamming the phone down yes it was but uh he’s like

He goes ever get an argument with somebody in a tent what do you do you get angry St do you zip the zipper really quick you can’t can’t slam the door and that’s awesome slam the flap Mitch Hedberg one of my all-time favorite comedians 77 was the year I was born

Gerald so I don’t remember the first one I was obviously by the time the second one came out I was a toddler third one I was conscious I guess you could say it that way right that that that that that I have an extra one oh I had an extra

Elite ah going be almost messing it up on the last one that’d be just like me I think I made again I lost my count I don’t even remember where I’m at oh look at that guessed perfectly Ching we have completed six of those bastards uh we talking about brought up

Vomo and Juliet and could have swor it was like a few years ago that movie came out was 13 years old my wife got upset the other day when I told her she was listening to Oldie music and she said no I’m listening to 80s music and I said yes that’s what I

Said she goes that’s not true I was like really she goes now ‘ 80s is not oldies I’m like okay well when you were in the 80s what did you consider oldies she goes you know Movie music from the 40s and 50s so like like 40-year-old music

She said yeah I’m like yeah the 80s was 40 years ago 1983 was 40 years ago it’s about to be four you saying was the 8 when we hit 200 24 it would be even four you see what I’m saying here it’s what what was considered oldie when we were kids our

Music is now the same age 80s is oldies use one to have infinite liquids well I need Al I need all of those for our chest that we’re making plus there’s no liquid I need infinite so I’m okay in that regard but thank you um

Okay let’s take a look here so we’ve got those got those got those now the only thing that’s left is two energy cells and then all the unobtainium in the world okay well let’s see I’m going to try a science real quick bear with me all right this is the hardest

Part okay need to get down low enough that I can do this okay and then I accidentally broke that hole and lost my brick and I don’t feel like going downstairs so I’m just going to grab more bricks I’m GNA go back to bricks and grab more bricks

Okay okay so if I grab insanium yeah that’s what I was afraid of you this won’t pull it in so this thing cannot be loaded from the side Lord of the Rings Return of the King I believe was released 20 years ago today that was the last one first one was even

Before that right was thinking out every year or was it every other year I don’t remember I think it was every year all right so unfortunately I can’t have one feeding both supremium and insanium in here it just will not pull that way and if I have that stuff feeding directly into

A single chest what happened to my watch not sure what happened to my watch there cray cray I don’t know what happened to my watch maybe it fell through or something okay so that won’t work we go back to what we’re doing before just putting stuff in

There oh that wasn’t a speed thing that was my vulcanite amulet that’s what I was going wrong I guess I could just set that over here very important yes that keeps that keeps it from raining which I enjoy no rain okay back to doing manual loads again

But that’s okay I am going to need a lot of it so we’re going to be doing some of that for a while because the only thing I need left is the partially is the unot tanium and that’s what we’re going to be working on next but I don’t know if it’s possible

To automate that so we’re going to try no I mean I said another time thing doesn’t I mean it might hurt lag wise I guess I mean that’s possible I like Blind Melon but you know my favorite thing he did and some of you know this and some of you don’t I’m sure

Uh he was the second vocalist in one of my favorite songs which is Guns and Roses Don’t Cry lead singer blind melon if you watch the video on the part where they’re on the roof it’s like helicopters on the roof of a building shining down it’s him and Axel Rose singing

Together all right so that gets a little bit of stuff going gets us some more creative Essence going which we’re going to be focusing on a lot here in a minute I guess after we get done I guess I really don’t need that recipe anymore energy cells

Luckily we only need two of these damn things we’ve already made our creative capacitors we got that which was one of the harder parts of making it was these two things so we’ve got this already just going to set those over there in that chest until I’m ready for them

Okay none of these things are em seable fortunately we only have to make two of these and again it’s filthy power another one I don’t enjoy yeah I probably could just put energy cells and save myself time couldn’t I yes I could have okay so what are we looking at we need blazing

Spirited nitic and Nitro so I need eight Nitros we have to make a ton of each of these I’m sure and and looks like the basic ones are EMC all right so we get one phase out of it I’ll take it there it is I don’t know how many of

These take what so I’m make I’m get a whole bunch of them and get them in there I have a feeling that’s still not enough I’m gonna get another one then we’ll see where we’re going again I’m going to make a bunch so we’re going to start by going

Working towards the largest one first and make what we need for eight of those okay so I’m going to make all of them into tier two then all them into three four five until we have enough for six of these okay so to go to hardened I need all of these things hardened

Capacitors I’ll make a couple of those hardened because two of these is one of those two of these is one of those two of these is one of those it’s all that kind of thing so I’m making a bunch okay there’s all of those tier three is

Blazing sure I’m GNA run out of something before I get there oh no got all the way through blazing excellent been making too many of stuff before uh then it’s Nitro need some of these there two stacks of those I’m G need some more paste in a minute okay there’s all the

Nitro and then spirited I need spirited for that oh what I run out of these okay oh I ran out of paste let me grab some paste fortunately paste at least is EMC throw a bunch in there did I just throw something in there I didn’t mean to throw in there I

Don’t think so now I need to make those stack of those I’m not going to need as many okay wow so for all that we were able to make three Nitro I needed eight okay get those over there so I need five more Nitros okay seems like we’re going to

Need way more Basics than I thought I did three inventories full to get three so it’s almost like an inventory full got me one so we’re going to do five inventory fulls and see where that gets us boy I wish there was a way to make this keep a certain thing on

Top so I have to search this every time there’s Two okay still may not be enough maybe it’s too many Lord knows I don’t know we’re going to need them all for the next level as well anyways that was what that was four was that I think that was four this should be number five I could be wrong we’re gonna say that’s

Five all right I needed five more so there’s one extra one just to be on the safe side okay so then we go to tier two which is hardened make a bunch of these okay we ran out of middle things sure we’re going to use a lot of those probably have to make

More cranking them all baby okay that’s all of them okay after hardened is blazing I was going to say we hadn’t made any blazing last time so makes sense we’d have to make some now three we’ll do four stacks of Blazing again probably making way too

Many of that stuff but what else am I going to do with my time and money oh what’s that hey our bow 25 thank you very very much welcome that’s your first month as a member that means I get to do a shot in your honor that’s awesome let me see

Uh moonshine or Fireball bar is what I’ve got near me and I will do a shot in your honor but welcome it is a pleasure to have you and thank you so much for joining the program we are happy to have you now uh if you haven’t already please make sure

That you join the um Discord for the community which is uh linked down in the description of all my streams and um when you’re there make sure your Discord account is linked to your YouTube that should automatically give you member status and access on the Discord as well

And welcome what was that one what did I just make spirited okay still don’t think I’m gonna have enough five ha perfect oh look at that Draven math God not really I can’t back that up two four six eight got it our left but it’s been so productive it’s

True it’s true I have a feeling that I’m going to have to be doing tomorrow I’m going to be mostly making unobtanium because that’s all that’s going to be left after we’ve done this right um and then we may go we may jump in and knock out some of the

Miscellaneous achievements that could still be interesting or fun and skip the ones that are create and AE okay now we have to do all that again but then we’re going up to spirited I believe let’s check to be sure Nitro nitic oh I don’t oh then spirited okay what these aren’t in the

Right order spirited neotic so I actually need more spirited than I need neotic that’s strange why would they make the easier one need less what they did I mean there’s nothing I can do about it so I need eight neotic let’s let’s get those done I’m trying to

Do them in order so I don’t get lost here then I still got to figure out oh those okay nitic nitic okay so let’s get a whole bunch more Basics uh before subbing do wait chat Fireball night also been binging your last four prestige on excellent excellent uh different about you you

Can’t quite put your finger on it I lost two pounds that’s what it is Fireball Fireball there it is shot glasses where are they at here we go shot glass well it is a pleasure to have you bar I haven’t done a shot on stream in a little while anytime somebody joins the

Membership program for the first time we we do a shot in their honor every time somebody uh donates $10 we do a shot and uh every time somebody gifts five Subs we also do a shot except on double shot night but it’s more here we go Fireball and thank you welcome to the

Community yum yum Fireball I like Fireball see I was a big gold schogger Drinker back in the day I I was never a big drinker let me put it that way um I was never a huge Drinker I’ve always been a huge guy but not a big

Drinker uh and so when I go to parties and stuff I don’t like beer so usually vodka mixed with something was what I drank sorry something in my eye it’s bugging me it’s not my finger before you say it um but if I was going to do something if I

Was going to go to a party and I knew it was a little more expected or I knew I was going to be spending the night at someone’s house or I wasn’t going to be driving because I’m almost always a designated driver in my groups of friends so usually if we go out

Somewhere I don’t drink at all pretty much only drink at home um if I knew I was going to be in a spot where I wasn’t driving and it was going to be like a party whatever hardcore uh I would usually take a bottle gold slogger so when the fireball came out

Best of Both Worlds a smidge better I still once in a while we’ll get some gold Slugger because I enjoy that okay we’re gonna say that’s enough Basics so let’s turn all of those into hardens that sounds inappropriate I don’t know how I feel about that oh what’s that

Hey that’s awesome bow thank you very very much oh it’s going to do that 10 times hold on a minute because 10 people just got gifted a membership I’m gonna I’m GNA let it go through and then I’ll talk thank you very much Mr

Bow oh I made way too many of those that was a mistake I wasn’t watching what I was doing see a whole mess of people getting getting themselves a little die oh yeah oh yeah Stephen you’re up to the yellow die little 20-sided dice does change colors

And uh such all the way up to I want to say it’s four years now we added a three year and a four year a few months ago because it didn’t exist before they they YouTube has added it since the programs come out ch K now we’ll make the

Blazingsexy boss it would have made sense wouldn’t it all right so that’s blazing now we’re do neotic oh ran out of nitic supplies oh we need more Pace I use the mobile back oh yeah yeah we do D and D content here as well every other uh week I release a

I do a a story podcast I’ve been dming the same uh campaign storyline on a home BR world I designed for almost 35 years now uh so merged worlds is my DND world if you will and uh we’re at episode 108 was just a couple was

Yesterday two days ago two days ago was three three days ago was episode 108 averaging we’re over 300 hours of the story at this point um I’ve been building this world for a very long time uh the people that take the time to get into the story really seem to enjoy

It is that Carl Urban in the cowboy outfit yes it is Gerald in fact interesting point to that um in merged worlds especially early on a lot of times I would find actors or things that I felt embodied the characters so that I could show them to players NPCs

Specifically so I can be like here’s what this NPC looks like right that way you and I have the same mental picture when I’m telling you the story or if you’re in my group and we’re playing D and D I say you meet somebody that looks like the guy who plays Gibbs on

NCIS I’m using that as an example for the record he was the inspiration originally for Lucas who was the Templar who escorted Artemis on her her God Quest here we go um but so I did that a lot um so I came up with the idea for a

For a villain who became a big villain and um I designed him exactly what I want him to look like and then like I hadn’t even introduced him into the story yet this is happened twice to me haven’t introduced him in the story yet but then I came across somebody or

Something that perfectly embodied the exact character I designed and the movie was Priest that’s Carl Urban who played the villain in Priest and he was exactly what I envisioned for that character there’s a character named Draven in the story who’s an NPC and it happened with him too because I had him

I designed him he was actually already in the story um and I was still struggling to find an actor that well represented him and then I found uh one of the very first drawings of saurin marof from Magic the Gathering who is also a vampire type character and he

Nailed exactly that s Markov is exactly what I imagined Draven to be you’re in trouble no D&D content hey man I love it if you check out merge worlds dude I love it it’s a live video stream here but it’s also an audio podcast on iTunes

And Spotify uh but if you watch it on the video I do paint minis digitally and have maps and stuff and I’ll pull up so it’s me telling the story but also explaining the mechanics of how campaigns and Adventures or magic items or spells that we’ve designed Homebrew

Stuff worked so it’s not just a straight telling of the story it’s also explaining my version of d and d i play second edition I’ve been playing second edition for 30 years um but even my version of second is very Homebrew at this point we’ve made a lot of changes I

I feel to be positive and not trying to toot my horn I’m just being being honest the people who come and play my campaigns very often enjoy them more than what they normally Play I Won’t Say the best they’ve ever had although I have been told that on occasion uh

People do come back they like my style of d and d and how much change we’ve made but I’m really proud of the story I’m really proud of the story line so I would love it uh if you wouldn’t mind checking it out for sure I’m very proud of

That what in the world am I doing Niantic I’m sorry I owe you two more shots is Fireball still okay eight so there’s my eight neotic that I needed I’m going to have to make more for the spirited but that’s the eight I needed for the right 2 4 68 no no it’s

Eight per I’m going to need 16 total oh we had enough okay cool Co cool cool cool cool so there’s enough for the other one right because we made eight of those and 16 of those delicious Bower says that’s okay excellent I will hit those in just a moment all right now

I’m going to make the rest which was not a lot because now I got to make these spirited ones and we only got two out of it right so I need 369 12 of these which is 24 total so now we’re going to really be pulling out the basics for a minute

I’m going throw a bunch of them in there getting back to basics so basics this is what I’m expecting us to do for the most of the end of the stream get these built but once we do all we need to finish this Jammer that’s a word that just came out

Of my mouth and I don’t know what it means what the hell is a jam I did not mean to say that and I don’t know what word I was trying to say to be honest with you we’re going to pretend I did it on purpose this

Jammer is going to be all done except for the the unobtanium that I’m going to have to be working on all day probably but that’s all right that’s okay we’ll get her done uh so again as a reminder uh we have the stream tomorrow and then next Sunday there’ll

Be a stream but there will not be one on Monday which is Christmas day I will not be home to stream the following week Sunday night is New Year’s Eve so it’s not going to be the normal Minecraft stream we’re going to do a community night which means I’m going to

Be doing some Fall Guys and I’m going to be doing some jackbox so I’ll probably stream for like five hours maybe six hours we’ll see I got check make sure my wife doesn’t have anything planned but I don’t think we do uh and we’re probably going to run a little later so we’re

Going to run till midnight we will ring in in the New Year together for those few of you out there who do not have plans already if you have plans that’s cool I don’t expect you to be here holidays are almost always a low attendance day and that’s fine but I

Also know there are some folks out there that may not have things to do on holidays maybe they just live really far away from their families so when I can I do try to stream on holidays for those folks who just may not have anything better to do

So uh which for many years I was one of them uh but New Years I don’t we don’t really do anything special in my family’s house uh so that’s cool so feel free to swing on by it’ll be a longer than normal swing I’ll probably do Fall

Guys first and then finish out the night with some Community jackbox which we like to do now and again remember for those of you who are members now who got all those cool members what am I doing in there uh members get a 30 second Head Start when it comes comes

To uh jackbox to get in the game and play one of the perks of being a member right right fireball shot here’s the first one of the ones I owe knock that Out this is a shot and a half cup so it’s a little heavier Mama Mia wow meso we have the lore that Vander goard the Sun know him as a son so it makes sense there you go again I have many a things what was I doing basic sometimes

When you do a couple shots back to back and you haven’t done shots in a week or so hits you a little bit harder for those of you who don’t remember or may not have been here for that here’s an interesting facts about Draven about four almost five years ago

I had bariatric weight loss surgery actually it’s be much bigger than I am and I lost 266 pounds and got down to under 200 uh but then the pandemic and some personal things in life happened and I all over that and gained all my weight back

Sorry I shouldn’t have swore I try to keep this family friendly uh I gained a lot of my weight back which is pretty horrible but because I had that surgery they did permanently remove 2/3 of my stomach so what that means is things that go in me food drink

Alcohol does not stay in my system as long as it does for a normal person they took the approximate 30 feet of my intestines and reran them where I’m only using between 3 to 5 feet so stuff goes through me quick what this means is when

Alcohol gets put in my system it hits me a little harder than it does some people but I sober up way quicker than most people because of that just a side effect of the way I live unfortunately so I do I’m also a licensed bartender I was I haven’t

Renewed my license in a long time uh but I was a licensed bartender so for those of you who worry about my drinking I do keep track of these things and make sure it doesn’t get too far uh let’s see Bon’s going to be there Discord access excellent excellent feel pain when you

Craft from transmutation manually you can connect condenser to AutoCraft items yes but I I don’t I don’t need enough to do that to be honest um I’m just making it as many as I need for this process we’ve made a lot of stuff today besides it doesn’t m i it

Gives me an opportunity to chat like when I’m just sitting here clicking that gives me the opportunity to just chat to you guys about stuff right so that’s kind of fun fun for me plus it gives me opportunity to answer questions or chat about things uh so yes I know it bothers

Some people that I do things uh with many people would consider the slower way and that’s okay I get that uh but I sometimes I do it for a reason sometimes I do it because it’s something that I don’t have to focus on while I’m just chatting with everybody what am I

Missing oh basic capacitors let me grab some of those I used them all up basic capacitor uh was it large or tiny I needed crap I forgotten it’s large okay uh happened to midnight I’m so sorry oh yeah Smitty yeah um many of you

Know we have a we had a kitty a big old chubby Kitty a boy named midnight or Mr midnight who from very many streams would sit up there on the top of that little kitty Tower and just watch you guys while you watched him uh he unfortunately passed away the Monday

Before Thanksgiving uh came kind of quick I mean we he’d been sick for a while we were doing everything we could and unfortunately uh we lost him we still have our two little girls which again for those of you who weren’t here earlier let me show you the picture I

Got them this new heated beds I got two of them oh my goodness they’ve never cuddled so much together the left one uh that’s Buffy she’s my little orange girl she’s she’s my kitty for sure and the other girl’s patches and she’s more my wife’s cat uh but she’s been spending

More time down here now that midnight has passed um because midnight was a bit of a bully I’ll be the first to admit that and uh Buffy stayed down here all the time she was she would hide from him uh but patches was scared of him a

Little bit so patches been coming down more and spending more time with me which is nice you know what I mean when did we get patches we have all three we got all three of them on the exact same day Smitty and Lex I’m going to get to your

Question here in just a second um but uh no we actually adopt the the story for the adoption I had when my wife and I got together um I had a cat an all black long-haired female named Pandora who had been with me for 14 15 years at that

Point when we got together no she lived to be about 15 um and she and my wife and her mom cuz my mother-in-law lives with us um they had two cats a black short hair male named uh Merlin and a white long hair female named

Bella um we were all we we lived here all together for years and then uh Pandora got sick they found a baseball I did it again I made way too many of those things um they found a baseball sized growth uh in her stomach on her ovaries

So they had to go in and take out all of her lady Parts um and we got another year out of that but then she started to fail her body started to fail on her and it got to the point that I was having to

Two and three times a week I’d have to stab her in the back with an IV to give her fluids and it was heartbreaking for all of us especially putting her through that and eventually she passed and then a year later mid Merlin passed and a year later Bella passed and we didn’t

Want to get new cats while we had senior cats because all three of them were older it’s not fair to bring a puppy or a kitten into a house with a senior cat I feel um I still have to make Mar N Out it because we need we need spirited that’s

Right okay making sure I’m staying on track here um and uh we decided to go adopt two cats well when Pandora died I took it very very hard I’m a big guy and at the time I had long hair and I wear when I’m not on

Stream I wear a lot of I only wear black and I wear a lot of jewelry rings and skulls and so on and so forth so when my wife wife first met me a lot of friends like is he a biker I’m going to be honest with you thinking to buy a

Motorcycle this summer I’ve always wanted one thinking of getting one we’re in a financial spot that I think I could it depends because I’m putting a lot of money into this convention I’m going to by the way I’ll be attending the Fanboy Expo convention in Knoxville Tennessee

On March 9th and 10th uh if you’re in the area we’d love to have you come by I’ll have a booth uh just kind of pimping the channel and the podcast and all that stuff um but you know I took it very hard and uh we I

When I went in to pick up her ashes because we always get them cremated we bring them home in a little box and all that kind of stuff um was I making nitic yes um and uh the head vet came to me and they’re like

Because I was just a mess I was balling my eyes out when when I when she passed so we had to euthanize her because she was just in too much pain um I came back and they’re like she’s like you know like two of my nurses went home that day

My vet text cuz they saw how roughly you took it and it was too much for them they had to leave they couldn’t handle it they were very nice though but she when she passed I was like I’m never having a cat again so we decided to

Adopt two more cats when my wife’s cats passed away and we found this wonderful lady in our area who’s named Ronda and she uh Fosters cats she’s part of forz Friends of oid Animal Shelter who we do a charity for stream for every summer raise money to help them out fact I have

A four eyes shirt I just is very cool um and uh how many of these spiriteds do I need do you remember hang on let me look here let me stop my story real quick I’m telling you cool stories but then remember uh 3 6 9 12 so I need 24 of

These how many have I made two three four five six 7even 8 9 10 11 12 all right I’m halfway there that’s not bad two three four five six six okay okay so I need six more six more we can do that all right uh back to our story

Um so I was like I’m never gonna have a cat again but we’ll go and adopt some cats for you guys so we went to see Ronda and Ronda was fostering like 25 cats at the time it’s a huge house it was a it was a very she was doing it in

A good way right not a situation where it was like a hoarder kind of thing she has a huge house I don’t know what her family does for a living but they they had some money either way she had a huge house super nice lady and what she did

Is she had us come in and sit down and then she’d open a door and five or six cats would come running down the hallway we’d play with them for a couple minutes then she open up another door five or six more she did that until there were

Just cats everywhere never had that many cats around me at once it was wonderful and we went there to look at midnight my wife had seen him on the website uh of the of the local shelter and we went there to see midnight sure enough uh my wife was like my my

Mother-in-law was yes I adore midnight we want to take it and then my wife chose patches a little girl who’s a tortoise showell totis showell whatever how you pronounce it um and then uh the moment we got there when she opened the first door a little orange

Girl cat came and sat on my lap and I was petting her and she was a little standoffish she was obviously a little nervous all right there’s the last six we need 1 2 3 four five six okay there’s the last six we need um and then she when another door

Would open she’d run away and after a couple minutes when those cats would settle down she’d come back and sit on my lap she’d did that every time so when it came time to leave they’re like so okay you found patches and you found midnight we kept their names we didn’t

Change them and we’re like and they’re like yes so those are the two cats you want and I was like and I’m taking this one and I pointed to Buffy who’d been sitting on my lap all day the whole time and my wife and mother look at me go you

Said you’d never have it I’m like shut up I don’t want to hear about it I there’s no way in the world I’m leaving without taking this cat I adored her but we did took a couple days before we could have them uh because we had to do

The application and get it it was approved and Rhonda was like yes I have no problem with these people taking these cats uh and then Buffy hadn’t been fixed yet so we had to wait a couple days till she got fixed and then we went and picked them all up the reason many

Of you don’t know about patches is patches again very much my wife’s cat she spends 95% of her time upstairs I’m in the basement my studio my bedroom my living room my kitchen I got a whole area to myself down here Buffy stayed all the time down here midnight spent

Most of his time down here patches is mostly upstairs you guys never really get to see patches much she pops up once in a while once in a while uh can back 15 years that’s how long I had Pandora um hydration wake up yeah it’s

Uh it’s a it’s rough but I I once in a while so pop up and I’ll bring her up on stream but it’s not very often all right so now we need to pull the nitic ones out and we’ve got six already all right now we need more than that though right how

Many of those do we need let’s take a moment to math nitic I need less of two four six eight so I need 16 I have five six so I need 10 more 10 more okay good good good good good um now to answer a question that

Was asked earlier that I didn’t get to uh do I have food limitations no not now I did when I first had the surgery um I was on liquids for three weeks then I was on Extreme soft foods like pudding and mashed potatoes and reff fried beans

Pureed some things um I was on very large food limitations for the first several months as I got up to larger food my problem is I shot it out of the Sun and like I said just ruined my own diet and gained all my weight back and

There are reasons for that largely which I unfortunately can’t talk about on stream but there are reasons why I gain the weight back not good reasons unfortunately but reasons nonetheless um so uh I gained all my weight back so I still eat unhealthy as a pig is my

Problem I don’t eat as much as I used to I still don’t I because I can’t my thing is I can’t eat as much in a city so I have a bad habit of ordering a meal and then not being able to eat as much as I

Used to then bring it home then eat then bring it home then eat it I eat more times in a day but in smaller increments the problem is I only eat unhealthy food if you ever want to see if you ever have some time and you want to see a crazy body

Transformation I have another YouTube channel that’s just called only dven and that was my weight loss Channel and I did a video blog a vlog of my entire weight loss process at my biggest down to my smallest and that’s around the time that I stopped of course once I

Started some things some things happened that made me put a stop to that and then uh I gained all my weight back but we’re entering into the holiday season which is the hardest time of year to lose weight for anybody right here’s two more neotic I forgot about let put those in

Here um how it give me one two three four five six seven eight that’s one whole thing I need eight more nonionics okay um but this is the hardest time of year to lose weight right I’m not an idiot I know that um I did go and join the gym again this

Week on the way home from getting my hair done boy I got some interesting looks uh I got interesting looks everywhere I’ve been since I got my hair done but that’s normal um so I join the gym again and soon as the holidays are over I’m going to be St

Stepping back into uh some heavy weight loss stuff and going to the gym again I used to go to the gym a lot I gained a fair bit of muscle to be honest with you in the time that I was working out a lot um before I destroyed it all but uh I

Hope to I don’t know if I’ll ever be as skinny as I got but I I I need to get healthier I really want to lose some weight before the convention in March so I’m going to be jumping back into some weight loss which is one of the reasons

I’ve I’ve recently cut back my streaming a little bit which is part of the reason I I stopped going to the gym is I started streaming all the time to be honest it’s your fault I’m just kidding it’s not it’s my own fault but you know

Three four five I need eight eight more nitic okay eight more all right there’s our eight nitic all right so that’s all 16 of the neotic that we need uh blazing I need 16 32 are there even 32 slots in here yeah there is I need 32 blazing now we have some

Already we have 31 blazing boy it’s nice for something to work out nice for once in a while I only need one more blazing oops which shouldn’t be that hard oh wait wait tell me take that back there’s one right there forgot it doesn’t pull it we have all of the

Energy cells that we need now EXC except for this oh no one more Nitro you bastards I didn’t see that in there not you guys the game Oh no I got to make one more Nitro that sucks man oh you bastards I did not see that

In there so I actually need two more Nitros wow hold on let me get these done oh pooper nickel yeah I’m going to start start Weight line I may even start putting some videos out on that other old Channel again primarily to hold myself responsible that was one of the motivators that

Helped me stay on my diet for so long is that I was every week I did a video Vlog talking about my progress what i’ done that week how much I’d lost um and so maybe it would be good for me to start putting out a video once

A week on there again who knows we’ll see uh not that I’m trying to drive attention to that stream I just wouldn’t share with this it’d be very very different uh okay let’s see if we got enough there make everything into hardened we can probably gonna have too many but

Again I don’t care I’d rather have too many than too few so that’s hardened blazing Nitro poke me in the nuts man it got me there’s blazing nitic isn’t it iotic don’t you think it’s like Ray I’m sorry I had a lanis moment there Nitro oh I only need a few one two

Pricks all right we’re finally done those all right so now what do I need here I need block of nitro a block of nitro crystals which is just nine crystals that shouldn’t be that hard how many of those do we need I I clicked off

It by accident uh 1 four 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 20 of these guys okay there’s 64 that was easier much oh no wait 20 per I’m making two okay let me let me grab a whole stack that’ll be better

Okay isn’t it ironic don’t you think it’s like Ray now I know I don’t need that many I know that I have to put other things in there I’m just going ahead and doing this first because it’s easier to do that no wait I take it back I need oh no I put him in the wrong spots

Ignore everything I just did there dv’s an idiot D’s an idiot on your second weight loss journe you’re gonna give it a shot swing on by watch Draven be an idot let me get that creative Essence real quick creative Essence that should be enough gorb figured it out uh sored I

Have no clue how to get seeds oh I’m so sorry gorb I was chatting and telling stories I did not see your question I’m sorry boss that’s what I needed here that that that that that okay so we know that comes out and that comes out because we put a

Nitro there’s two Nitros one two three four so Nitros one of those goes in here and then they go in the corners Corners I grabbed an extra one by accident one back I need one of these that goes in there I think I may have those backwards nope I have them correct okay

Then these go one two one two one two one two one two one two one two one two one two two two okay easy sauce that’s all of those that we’re going to need so I don’t need any more of these any more of these any more of these okay you’re good

Boss all right now it’s time to get uh what’s the technical term jiggy with it I believe yes so we’re going to do eight neotic two three four five six seven eight why did I do that I’m an idiot where’ I put those neotic I still owe you another shot don’t think I

Forgot about that I’m going to do that here as soon as I get these eight in before I forget it because we’re we’re get run a low on time I gotta get this done today but I also got to get your shot done because I’m a man of my

Word okay pour that last shot of Fireball oh I’m almost out of Fireball have to pick up some more Fireball before double shot night double shot night is fun because uh I’m going to be pulling out the we for double shot night double shot night you get to spin

The wheel and get double of that shot normally or you could trade your double shot for a pull from the mystery bag thank you Gerald for the noticing the mystery the one I missed I’d have been confused now I need spirited there there three one two three one two three one two

Three I did it again oh I’m so Stupid two three two three I miss one I missed one three okay now I just need these one two three four five six seven eight nine four 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 There It Is Creative Energy cell Bazinga excellent let’s do it again

Uh first of all let’s grab that and all the Nitros and get those where they’re supposed to go that goes there one for you one for you one for you don’t hurt myself on your account sir let me explain to you there have been streams where I don’t remember many

Of the things that have happened and that happens sometimes when the community decides why do I have so many neotic I may have made all the miotics twice by accident because we were talking oh that wouldn’t be a surprise to me that’s all the natics I need now spirited right

Those I think I made twice many nitic because I’m an idiot ah what you going to do right yep that is definitely what happened you have Cliffs of stone block you stop that gorb There It Is Creative Energy cell number two let’s take a gander and a goose and

See what has happened first let me get rid of that creative ch yes we have four of these we made today we had six of these we made today six of these we made today we already had the discs we made all the rest of these and we already had

The chest we made both of the backpacks today we made both of these energy cells you only need two of those we already had both of these things uh that’s it all we need is UNM tanium blocks which is all sorts of boring but we’ll get a start on it and

We’ll chat about it but we’re talking about it uh for those of you who wen’t here earlier I am going to give you a uh just a quick look at the changes I made during the week all by myself because I did do a little bit of automation this

Week I try not to do that off camera but I knew I had to build up resources for today which has obviously been beneficial for us um and uh so I had to that’s not what I wanted that’s what I want so I had had

To BU I had to do a little bit of automation just so we had resources to work with today and I was working on building a bunch of EMC when I realized I don’t need a bunch of EMC oddly enough I just don’t wrong one uh let’s make some more hang on I’m

GNA burn some of this into Essence real quick because I don’t need it really in block form but it was easier to automate it in block form yeah I’ve had a few uh I’ve had a few off and on days I have a Tik Tok did

You know that I don’t post on it much um and most of the posts on there are about the cats I really just post pictures of the kitties now and again little videos um but I did post I do have a few really cute midnight videos on there in

Fact I have probably more him than else and then I had a little one saying goodbye to him if you guys wanted to check that out that’s cool uh I’m only Draven gaming on Tik Tok let me check and make sure I think I’m still only Draven or

I’m just only Draven I don’t remember I spend way too much time on Tik Tok that is not me where am I yeah I’m at only Draven gaming on Tik Tok you don’t have to sub I’m not looking to try to build that as a platform or anything I know a

Lot of people do it’s cool if you want to that’s great but you don’t have to uh but if you’d like to see some cool pictures of midnight and see a little uh a little goodbye I put for him on there uh that’s really the only place I did

That um you’re you’re definitely welcome to check that out but again you do not have to sub I definitely I’m always trying to get people to sub to the Facebook and the Twitter and the Instagram and stuff uh just because you know but Tik Tok I don’t really make Tik

Tok content for the channel there’s a couple only Draven gaming stuff on there Draven The Walrus is on there uh for those of you who remember that but you know if you want to check it out you want to see some pictures of the kitties I’m going to be putting

There’s a few of Buffy on there playing around too which are super cute but I I I always love getting to put the kitties on there where is my Essence where’s my supremium Essence there is okay sorry I was trying to get some supremium Essence we’re gonna go start making un

Tanium stuff in a minute I’m just getting some more creative Essence going and I was wasn’t paying attention to what I was doing I will work on that tomorrow there’s a good chance we’re g to get our chest done tomorrow depending on how busy I am at work and how much time I

Can focus on um working on this Mondays our busiest day of the week and uh we’re getting close to what we call crunch time so my J it’s not like crunch like you hear in video games and stuff it’s nothing like that that’s that what they go through is

Bad uh not myself so I work uh remotely from home but I do work in a job where we uh two three four five six I work for a university so I work in enrollment and admissions so people who are interested in going to school I help them apply I

Talk about the programs make sure we’re getting them into the right programs things like that wait there we go um and then I help them enroll and get into classes and I do support uh it’s so much better than my old job um but I uh

I enjoy the job very much but as we’re getting to the end of this session right because new session new semester starts January 1st so we’re trying to help all a lot of people put stuff off to the last minute and now that we’re at the last minute we’re trying to help

Everybody get into their classes get enrolled and there’s a lot of steps involved with that people have to no have to fill an application we got to pull their transcripts from schools they went to proof of graduation they have to take assessments sometimes depending on

The type of degree they want to go for it’s going a little bit slower probably because we’re night time let me go sleep in the daytime so as such it gets a little bit busier these last couple weeks but I still should have a decent amount of time to do some of this

Tomorrow so I I will do my best to try to build it up so we don’t just have to do this now once we finish this once we get the chest uh like I said we we’ll fiddle around in here a little bit you know I was to ask that Gerald I

Didn’t know if you could do that or not so you can automate this process I don’t know as much about power because I don’t like it but you can automate this all right let’s take a look hey if we can that makes life way easier for me then I just

Have to load this thing so let’s uh let’s take a look here let’s grab some chests and we’ll see if it’s possible to automate this uh there’s just a stack of them that’s all I need get that out of the way I guess I could get this cooking

Couldn’t I get that cooking that is not the oven that is the oven come on Draven I may be feeling a little buzzed right now and that’s that’s okay wrench cool let’s go test it out chest chest pipe pipe sucking sucking creative Essence H what do you know I want to

Make sure it pulls off but I I have I have full faith that it will so that’s excellent that means I don’t have to mess with that all I have to do is keep feeding Essence to get what I was looking for which we may run out of I may not

Have enough Essence to do all this it’s going to take a a lot of essence to make all that unobtanium as you can see we’re already run I went through I’ve already been through like 5,000 blocks of insanium today so working on it I may have to look at increasing the speed of

Production of insanium which I have going at a fair amount but I could speed up goes this I haven’t found what I’m looking for hey Mr Paul how goes it sir welcome welcome as always now Paul you can see has one of our specialty dice after his name

Because Paul’s rocking it four years at this point I I believe and so it’s a little dice with the mouth on it and his head’s exploding it’s very cool three and four years have a slightly different design uh so shadow cast who does all of the art for the Channel she’s actually

One of my best friends outside of the internet um wonderful young lady adore her and her family great people her husband’s also super cool uh you know what we still ended up with 19 ultimate singularities I didn’t end up needing how awesome is that that’s actually pretty

Cool oh you know I should do I should grab all that stuff I just made creative another 102 six a spot so definitely take a little while but at least this way I can keep it running I can make these way faster than this converts so that’s good

I can let that run most of the day I can just keep working on trying to fill this up as much as possible uh for those of you who may not have been here earlier again just a redo uh here’s where I have automated uh essence so I got four of these things

Creating that one doesn’t you know this always bugs me why is this one getting all the essence and this one’s not makes me angry you know what maybe why did I hit that button maybe I I should put a clock up here think that would speed the drop of

These four things let’s try that I don’t know if it will or not pedestal and watch and I’m going to need a miscellaneous block I will use glowstone or two excellent see pedestal watch B those up here yeah I started experiencing a little bit of lag when I got all this stuff down

Here working yeah see it doesn’t seem to be speeding that up I feel like like everything’s going to this one and this one first these two are getting like robbed I could increase production if I could figure out this see this one’s not getting any this is barely moving you know what

I mean how do I get this system to put more here right he’s pulling you back I am a villain sir it’s very very true what you’re saying hey I’m GNA have a Swiss roll in these last eight minutes of the stream because I’m hungry and I’m fat obviously I was just

Talking about losing weight again I have all these snacks in my house I haven’t working on trying to eat them up so that way and I’m sure I’ll get some type of candy or chocolate from family at Christmas it happens every year so why I’m really going to start going hardcore

On the diet stuff after Christmas NOP they’ve all got it it’s just for some reason the system is prioritizing these two and these things are running so fast that the pipes are only able to bring so many down at a time that it’s keeping these full and there’s barely any

Overflow you really think that make much of a difference I feel the problem is that the speed of these is not going as fast as it this these pipes aren’t able to transfer items as fast as these are producing it is working it just could

Work better you know but I don’t care to move the pipes so we’ll give it a shot see the middle would actually be over here wouldn’t it wow that was that was a bad place to put that that is not what I meant to do that is what I meant to

Do that’s my exactly that’s my thing yeah the these two are crafting so fast we’ll see if that makes a difference but for some reason it was prioritizing the back two and I agree I think the problem is that they were crafting so quickly now seems to be prioritizing

Potentially the first ones we’ll let that run and see I mean worst case scenario it is running right I get a fair amount of insanium out of this took a little work to get this running though so I love these blocks so the crafting automat does not require power to

AutoCraft you put your recipe up here and then it pulls the items into here now the problem that I ran into is it normally just spits them out a hole in the front they only come out one side can bring stuff in from any side but it only exports out one side

Which is the front and it needs a redstone repeated signal can’t just put a lever on it and flip the lever I tried that so you need something that’s constantly doing kind of like with your um if you’re using a redstone clock say on a smeltery same kind of concept it’s

Constantly clicking on the thing to get it to work you can have a lever but then you got to sit there and flip it back and forth these don’t require any power to work the problem is the cables will pull out these items as well and I couldn’t

Lose the master infusion Crystal right it kept pulling it out and messing it up so in the very first one I had to put a filter data card where I was blacklisting this item and these items I had to Blacklist both of these so it would only pull out the

Pentium I had to do that on every export I had to go in and block it I had to filter out the Crystal and whatever was coming in so it only pulled out the exit but it still worked and it doesn’t require any power whatsoever y see it happened again so

Now now yeah we’re at this kind of the same spot the back ones are Fuller the front ones are empty and this one’s barely getting anything at all which is again fine I originally I had not this issue let’s check something real quick I want to check something hold on a

Minute oh you know what that’s where my problem is I’m not producing Essence as fast as I used to H okay well well well we can do something about that I only need a couple of these I got all these empty ones here I had it going so fast it it

Outpaced the seeds that’s where my issue was I didn’t realize it before I didn’t have that problem but I outpaced the seeds I do have a lot of other Essences I was kind of leaving those as they were just because occasionally we’re making other things like other seeds and stuff

And I knew we might try to knock out a few more achievements so I wanted to have some in there just so I didn’t have to convert it later nodly enough 24,000 Pentium not that much insanium but everybody helps right boy this is still going to be a

Slow process but at least it’s running non-stop now let me go check on my power I know we’re about to end the Stream but still working still looks good tomorrow we may go ahead and bust a hole in this and uh put some more storage inside

Because I only did the bottom two or three layers that’s mostly empty all right let’s see how that did see if that made a difference at all that’s full there we go that’s what Daddy likes okay now I’m producing Essence faster than it can use it that’ll Stay full but at the same

Time that’s going to allow these bottom ones to work at optimal speed or these two up front which weren’t getting enough so and even though I’m going to have more Essence building up that I could always convert and bring down myself um that’s excellent that that

Should fix that problem hey what a great little way to finish up the stream fixing that problem let it roll all day today this has been a this has been a fun pack uh with minimal irritation a little bit all packs have a little bit of irritation but overall very minor

Irritation I enjoy a lot of this pack I want to I appreciate everybody who recommended it I would like to go back in spend a little bit more time in a tomb we really really didn’t spend much time in there I’m not sure what else

There is to do but I wouldn’t care to go back and take a look um but we knocked out very quickly which was nice because we’ve done it so many times um we’ve got stuff producing at high rates at this point a lot of automation so I like

That uh I guess I’m I made all these extra neotic I’m such an idiot oh I don’t know why I did all that either but that’s okay it’s because I was chatting about stuff and that’s okay I will work on these tomorrow I will work on trying to get this going as

Quickly as possible it’s a slow process so I don’t know if we’ll have enough by tomorrow cuz again right we need a lot we need uh 36 blocks times N I think I had the calculator out for that 36 time 9 it’s 324 that can’t be right is that

Right 36 blocks oh that’s right 320 four ingots and each of those takes six of the creative Essences which is 1,944 three four five six seven we’ll say eight in there so 8 time 64 512 so we’re we’ve got about a quarter of what we need in there that’s

Actually better than I thought I shouldn’t have any problem getting that done I feel slightly confident that by tomorrow when you guys arrive I will I’m just going to cook it I’m going to leave all the ottanium and Ingot form in here I will make it into P

You know what I’ll just let the powders roll I’m just going to leave the powders in here takes just 10 seconds to cook it all I’ll well you know two minutes you know what I’m saying uh I will leave this the powder I’ll just keep adding to

This so that way tomorrow again it’s very important to me you guys know I’m not cheating any of this stuff so I will do this and let the essence I come in and the powders and then we’ll see it together and that’s groovy uh that’s a good space we’re at

11:01 time for me to call it all right that’s going to do us for tonight if you had a good time today or like me even a little bit it’d be super cool if you’d click that like button and uh you know consider subscribing to the channel uh

We stream here every Sunday and Monday at 8:00 P.M Eastern uh plus uh we have our merged worlds D and D stream once every other week uh it’s Thursdays this month it will be going to Fridays moving forward starting in January merge worlds will be one Friday and then the Friday

After that I’m over on my twitch Channel which is only Draven gaming for the record uh and I’m over there streaming something which right now we’re doing Conan Exiles I only do that every other week uh something fun to do with uh some of the mods and some of my friends we

Play a game over there we just did a bunch of seven days a die now we’re doing Conan Exiles again if you got a twitch you like that type of stuff come over and hang out that’s where I do alternative games besides Minecraft or D and D once in a while we

Do the community stuff here right uh which is jackbox and Fall Guys things like that but yeah hang out with this I’ll be back here again tomorrow night at 8:00 pm Eastern swing on by let’s see if we can get this creative chest made and that’ll put us one step closer to

Starting a new pack we’re gonna dabble back in all the mods eight for one or two episodes but I have a feeling by the first of the year we’ll be jumping back into a new pack which very likely is going to be Sky Factory 4 cool all right kids thank you all for

Coming and hanging out I hope you have yourself a wonderful evening if I don’t see you before then have yourself a great Christmas and or winter holiday whatever you do if you don’t do anything hell have a great rest of your December party hard but party safe come on back

And see me okay thank you very much for watching have a great Day

This video, titled ‘Minecraft – Mystical Block – Episode 16’, was uploaded by Onlydraven Gaming on 2023-12-18 04:14:59. It has garnered 197 views and 14 likes. The duration of the video is 03:06:05 or 11165 seconds.

This is a playthrough of the Minecraft modpack Mystical Block.

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    Join Minewind Minecraft Server for Epic PvP Battles! Welcome to NewsMinecraft.com! If you’re a fan of Minecraft adventures and fun videos, you’re in the right place. Today, we stumbled upon a hilarious YouTube video titled “BEBEK ASKER VS BEBEK POLİS OKULDA KAVGA ETTİ! 😱 -Minecraft” that had us in stitches. The video features baby soldiers and baby police engaging in a heated competition that escalated into a funny fight. The energy and excitement in the video got us thinking – wouldn’t it be amazing to channel that energy into a Minecraft server like Minewind? Imagine the thrill of competing with fellow players, exploring new worlds, and engaging… Read More

  • Join Minewind Server for Epic Castle Building Adventures!

    Join Minewind Server for Epic Castle Building Adventures! Are you looking to take your Minecraft building skills to the next level? Do you want to showcase your creativity and survival instincts in a unique and challenging environment? Look no further than Minewind Minecraft Server! With a vibrant community of players from all around the world, Minewind offers a one-of-a-kind gaming experience that will keep you coming back for more. Whether you’re a beginner looking to learn the ropes or a seasoned pro seeking new adventures, Minewind has something for everyone. Join us at YT.MINEWIND.NET and immerse yourself in a world of endless possibilities. Build your own small… Read More

  • Roblox Rocks Minecraft 1.8: 2023 Footage Frenzy

    Roblox Rocks Minecraft 1.8: 2023 Footage Frenzy In 2023, a rare sight to be seen, Minecraft in Roblox, a gaming dream. The footage delayed, the sound a bit off, But still a treasure, a gaming trough. Apologies for the break, a hiatus long, But back with a bang, with a gaming song. Roblox took it down, a loss for all, But this footage remains, a gaming ball. My avatar not Guesty, a different name, But still the same gamer, with no shame. Enjoy this glimpse, a blast from the past, Minecraft in Roblox, a game that lasts. Read More

  • Game On: GTA 6, Elder Ring Mobile, Assassin’s Creed Red, Minecraft 1.21 & More!

    Game On: GTA 6, Elder Ring Mobile, Assassin's Creed Red, Minecraft 1.21 & More! In the world of gaming, where updates abound, GTA 6 rumors, Elden Ring Mobile, all around. Assassin’s Creed Red, a mystery to unfold, Minecraft 1.21, a story yet untold. Join us on this journey, through pixels and screens, Where gaming news reigns, in rhymes and dreams. Stay tuned for more, as the story unfolds, In the world of gaming, where excitement never grows old. Read More

  • Discover the Thrills of Minewind Minecraft Server

    Discover the Thrills of Minewind Minecraft Server Welcome to NewsMinecraft.com, where we bring you the latest updates and trends in the world of Minecraft! Today, we want to talk about the incredibly dangerous world of Minecraft Hardcore, as highlighted in a recent YouTube video. The player in the video is contemplating whether to start a new survival series or return to playing Skywars on Hypixel. While the decision is ultimately up to the player, we want to introduce you to a server that offers a unique and thrilling Minecraft experience – Minewind. With its hardcore survival mode and intense gameplay, Minewind provides a challenging environment for… Read More

  • Crafting a Sneaky Couch in Minecraft

    Crafting a Sneaky Couch in Minecraft Exploring Minecraft Building Ideas When it comes to Minecraft, the possibilities for creativity are endless. From building intricate structures to designing unique furniture pieces, players can truly let their imagination run wild. One popular building idea that has been gaining traction is creating a simple couch in Minecraft. In this tutorial, players can learn how to bring a cozy seating option to their virtual world. Building a Simple Couch To build a simple couch in Minecraft, players will need to gather materials such as wool blocks, slabs, and stairs. By arranging these items in a specific pattern, they can… Read More

  • Boy Love in Minecraft Animation

    Boy Love in Minecraft Animation The End of a Minecraft Animation Season Expressing Gratitude The Minecraft animation season has come to a close, and the creator expresses deep gratitude to the viewers for their support. The creator acknowledges the motivation received from the audience to continue creating animations and producing content. The support has been instrumental in advancing the creator’s account, and every comment is appreciated. Continuation of Content Despite the end of the season, the creator promises to continue delighting the audience with new content. The commitment to providing engaging and entertaining animations remains strong, thanks to the encouragement and support received from… Read More

  • Minecraft Mayhem: Herobrine Battles Youtubers

    Minecraft Mayhem: Herobrine Battles Youtubers In the world of Minecraft, where battles ignite, Herobrine faces off with all YouTubers in sight. The Rare Army gathers, ready for the fight, As the mobs clash fiercely, in the dark of night. Each player brings their skills, their tricks, their might, In this epic showdown, under the moon’s light. With swords clashing, and arrows taking flight, Who will emerge victorious, in this thrilling fight? Subscribe to the channel, join the Rare Army’s might, For more Minecraft battles, that will surely excite. Stay tuned for updates, in every episode’s height, As the story unfolds, in rhymes that ignite. Read More

  • Join Minewind Minecraft Server – Hardcore Fun!

    Join Minewind Minecraft Server - Hardcore Fun! Welcome to Newsminecraft.com! Are you a fan of intense Minecraft gameplay like the one you just watched in the video above? If so, you need to check out Minewind Minecraft Server. With a hardcore survival mode that will push your skills to the limit, Minewind is the perfect place for players who crave a challenge. Join the action-packed world of Minewind by entering the server IP: YT.MINEWIND.NET in your Minecraft client. Whether you’re a seasoned player looking for a new adventure or a beginner eager to test your skills, Minewind has something for everyone. Experience the thrill of surviving… Read More

  • Ultimate Lucky SkyBlock Challenge

    Ultimate Lucky SkyBlock Challenge Minecraft But, It’s Lucky SkyBlock Embark on a thrilling adventure in the world of Minecraft with the Lucky SkyBlock challenge! Join our favorite gamers as they navigate through this unique gameplay experience filled with surprises and excitement. Exploring the Lucky SkyBlock In this version of SkyBlock, players are presented with a lucky twist. Every block they break or chest they open holds the potential for rare and valuable items. From diamonds to golden apples, the possibilities are endless! Strategic Gameplay As players progress through the Lucky SkyBlock challenge, they must carefully strategize their moves. With limited resources and a… Read More

  • Join Exile on Hypixel for EPIC gameplay!

    Join Exile on Hypixel for EPIC gameplay!Video Information [Music] all right everybody God damn why do I keep pressing go live go live go live something wrong with me Jesus Christ live chat [Music] there we go if you want you can do slch you join T3 I don’t know who I’m talking to this is just a brick wall also like sick right now [Music] so hey there bud w ooo that’s [Music] nice watch back here so we got our decent bow oh wait can I just straight up is there something wrong with me yep yep there is something wrong with [Music] me… Read More

  • Sneaky Minecraft Challenge: Using Only Wooden Tools!

    Sneaky Minecraft Challenge: Using Only Wooden Tools!Video Information okay oh it kicks me out I forgot bed Bedrock super finicky can you invite me again y full screen can I get it basically Ray [Music] tracing h i there’s no fake full screen tragic did you invite me yeah yes there is in Minecraft I need another one go to video and then you go down I want like window full screen oh yeah that’s how thing do I have everything set up anyways I do I do okay yo hello everyone imagine to be A’s biggest fan but not liking the stream fake fan Phil… Read More

  • Unleash Your Inner GOD on Juih Server

    Unleash Your Inner GOD on Juih ServerVideo Information this server was once peaceful with players running around enjoying the server until I joined imagine one day deciding to take over a server how long will it take that’s a question I wanted to answer when joining the server welcome to Cafe smpp a brand new Minecraft server with an economy system custom enchants and so much more however if you want to see me if I can do it click the left button on your screen This video, titled ‘This Server Made me A GOD’, was uploaded by Juih on 2024-01-16 19:26:40. It has garnered 3008… Read More

  • “Unbelievable Minecraft Secrets from PlutoNode!” #secretstricks #mindblown

    "Unbelievable Minecraft Secrets from PlutoNode!" #secretstricks #mindblownVideo Information top Minecraft secret tricks that you didn’t know did you know a creeper struck by lightning becomes supercharged causing a massive explosion create an infinite water source with just a two or two square of water blocks now you can take all the water you need without ever running out if you have an ender dragon head you can wear it as a helmet placing it in front of a powered redstone block will make the mouth move as though it’s talking This video, titled ‘minecraft secret tricks that you didnt know! #minecraft #secrets #serverhosting #plutonode #fyp’, was… Read More

  • The Ultimate Piglin Spawning Trick! | Minecraft Legends Mod (Part 2)

    The Ultimate Piglin Spawning Trick! | Minecraft Legends Mod (Part 2)Video Information hey what’s up guys Crimson uh not Crimson that’s my now name on Twitch but camera here back with back with another um stream it is snowing in Minecraft that’s awesome but um yeah we’re back with the Legends mod I know I said I’d make progress but I made no progress at all my fault every sorry if you hear my dog I also have something really important to say and I’m sure everybody knows of what happened uh yesterday um I don’t think I need to say it you all know what happened um our dad… Read More

  • Sher Gaming Tycoon Defeats SpiderMan – Epic Minecraft Animation!

    Sher Gaming Tycoon Defeats SpiderMan - Epic Minecraft Animation!Video Information This video, titled ‘Monster School : SpiderMan far from house in minecraft – (Minecraft Animation)’, was uploaded by Sher Gaming Tycoon on 2024-03-21 08:19:05. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Today is : Monster School : Spiderman far from house – Minecraft Animation Monster school : Spiderman far from house Thanks … Read More

  • Insane Bedwars Dueling on NEW PC! 😱

    Insane Bedwars Dueling on NEW PC! 😱Video Information all right bet we’re live right bet it up we’re live let’s go to the channel real quick should be straight though a go right here all right welcome everybody to the stream I’m going to get back right real quick we’re straight we’re straight on there we’re straight on here we could come back open that real quick and then start a game Yo Mi what up what up my boy I am studying right now I just came to say hi G looks for stopping by my boy first one in here all right bet I… Read More

  • Uncover the Mystery of the Giant Creeper! #MinecraftMadness

    Uncover the Mystery of the Giant Creeper! #MinecraftMadnessVideo Information What the fu maybe I can get this guy with a crossbow i f no I best This video, titled ‘What was that giant creeper? #minecraft #minecraftmodded #gaming #clips’, was uploaded by CampeR on 2024-05-13 17:03:04. It has garnered 1861 views and 35 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:21 or 21 seconds. Read More

  • EPIC BATTLE: Alexbrine Destroys Herobrine 😨🔥 #viralvideo

    EPIC BATTLE: Alexbrine Destroys Herobrine 😨🔥 #viralvideoVideo Information This video, titled ‘Alexbrine Vs Herobrine 😱💥 #shorts #viral #shortsvideo #minecraft’, was uploaded by RP RAFI Playz on 2024-05-05 13:59:43. It has garnered 12620 views and 399 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:10 or 10 seconds. Alexbrine Vs Herobrine 😱💥 #shorts #viral #shortsvideo #minecraft #trending #edits #minecraft #shorts #comparison #youtubeshorts #shortsvideo #vs #herobrinevswarden #herobrinevsdragon #trending #enderdragon #mincraftshorts#short #viral #shorts 🙂I’m new YouTuber thanks for support guys🤩 and our channel first grow😮 thanks🥰 next terget 10k subscriber, I Hope complete my dream❤️ channel name:- RP RAFI Playz Read More

  • Unonics.eu

    Unonics.euHerzlich Willkommen auf Unonics.eu! Unonics.eu ist aktuell in der Version 1.19 online. Auch du bist herzlichst Willkommen auf unserem Server zuspielen. Auf Unonics.eu gilt Anarchy! Griefen und zerstören ist also erlaubt, wir befinden uns schließlich auf einem PvP-, Freebuild-, Survival-Server. Richtige Regeln gibt es nicht! Wir als Admins/Moderatoren greifen nicht ins Spiel geschehen ein und lassen alles seinem freien Lauf. Wir bieten dir viele unterschiedliche Funktionen und Plugins an. Unter anderem sind diese dabei: /Sethome – mit diesem Befehl kannst du einen Ort setzen, zu dem du dich mit /home jederzeit wieder zurück teleportieren kannst. /tpa – um dich zu… Read More

  • Farming SMP Bedrock modded SMP whitelist

    Survival Realm with 9 Addons Hi everyone, I just started a Survival Realm one week ago with 9 Addons included. We already have a few active players and we are looking for more. If you are interested, please contact me. Addons: Another Furniture Add-On by Starfish Studios – Offers 20+ craftable vanilla+ furniture and decorations for your home. Farming by Podcrash – Adds over 160+ new variations of crops, trees, food, drink, and mobs to your world. Naturalist Add-On by Starfish Studios – Find new animals in forests, deserts, oceans, and more. Spark Portals Add-On by Spark Universe – Craft… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Minecraft Memes: Expert Editing

    Minecraft Memes - Minecraft Memes: Expert EditingWhy did the creeper break up with his girlfriend? Because she blew up at him too much! Read More

  • Hot Minecraft Memes: Creeper Pick-up Lines

    Hot Minecraft Memes: Creeper Pick-up Lines “Why did the creeper go to therapy? Because it had too much TNTsion!” 😂 #minecraftmemes #gaming #memes #funny Read More

  • Join Minewind Minecraft Server for a Heartfelt Gaming Experience

    Join Minewind Minecraft Server for a Heartfelt Gaming Experience Welcome to NewsMinecraft.com! Are you a fan of Minecraft videos filled with adventure, challenges, and unexpected twists? If so, you’ll love the latest YouTube video titled “Minecraft But I only have one heart.” This video takes viewers on a thrilling journey as the player navigates through the game with just one heart, facing obstacles and seeking diamonds along the way. While watching this entertaining video, have you ever wished you could experience similar adventures in Minecraft yourself? Well, now you can! Join the exciting world of Minewind Minecraft Server and embark on your own epic quests, challenges, and discoveries…. Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Zelda Adventure Finale

    Ultimate Minecraft Zelda Adventure Finale Minecraft Zelda Adventure: A Thrilling Journey Exploring a Unique Adventure Map In a thrilling Minecraft adventure, our protagonist embarks on a journey through a captivating Zelda-themed map. The adventure unfolds in a world filled with mystery and challenges, offering a unique gaming experience. Discovering New Realms As the journey progresses, new realms and dungeons reveal themselves, each presenting its own set of obstacles and puzzles to overcome. From icy landscapes to fiery volcanoes, the map is rich in diverse environments that test the player’s skills and wit. Unraveling Secrets and Quests Throughout the gameplay, our hero encounters various characters,… Read More

  • Unlocking Level 444 Secrets in Minecraft Skyblock!

    Unlocking Level 444 Secrets in Minecraft Skyblock!Video Information all right uh sorry about that I need to do that real quick so I could go ahead and download that VOD so I can eventually upload it wait what that [ __ ] not offline go offline oh my god dog dog this video was 30 minutes also hold on give me a second now the stream ain’t bugged I uh I ended it and started it real quick so um um what is it [ __ ] is it I did that so I could uh you know uh download the VOD make it easier um… Read More

  • Toilet VS Minecraft: Epic Battle!

    Toilet VS Minecraft: Epic Battle!Video Information 3 2 1 go [Music] [Music] [Music] is [Music] VPP This video, titled ‘Skibidi Toilet VS Minecraft BATTLE! part 2’, was uploaded by Skibidi?!Boom! on 2024-03-02 20:15:02. It has garnered 8435 views and 23 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:47 or 47 seconds. Skibidi Toilet Vs Multiverse BATTLE 🫡💥⚡️ SUBSCRIBE ! Thanks for watching❤️❤️ Like and subscribe! 🥹🥰Skibidi Toilet is a series of viral YouTube Shorts uploaded on the DaFuq!?Boom! channel on YouTube. The series depicts a battle between the Skibidi Toilets ✅✅ ……………………………………………………. #skibiditoilet #skibidibopyesyesyes #skibididj #skibiditoiletbattle #skibiditoiletmeme #skibidibop #skibididop #skibidimeme #dance #horror #60fps #4k… Read More

  • Unbelievable Minecraft Secrets – Dolanan Gayeng Discovery

    Unbelievable Minecraft Secrets - Dolanan Gayeng DiscoveryVideo Information catat Ini buat ujian besok anak-anak harus aku tulis biar besok dapat nilai bagus guys sok racin Dih Ih kenapa kau melemparku fokus belajar agar dapatnya bagus bantu like dan subscribe agar dapat nilai bagus teman-teman NK ah loh kok gak kelihatan Hah pak guru kenapa nyontek dapat nilai F Wah aku dapat nilp ye This video, titled ‘DAPAT NILAI APA YA #minecraft #gameplay #shorts’, was uploaded by Dolanan Gayeng on 2024-01-14 05:00:19. It has garnered 11696 views and 876 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:34 or 34 seconds. #minecraft #gameplay #shorts #skibiditoilet instagram : https://www.instagram.com/dolanan_gayeng/… Read More

  • Epic Minecraft Adventure with MY BROTHER!

    Epic Minecraft Adventure with MY BROTHER!Video Information व वर्ल्ड [संगीत] 2000 लेटर प्लांस बनाने के बाद यहां पर मैं क्राफ्टिंग टेबल क्रिएट कर लेता हूं क्राफ्टिंग टेबल के बाद थोड़ी हमें स्टिक्स की जरूरत पड़ेगी स्टिक्स बना लेते हैं यहां पर चार स्टिक बना ली है यहां पर एक एक्स ले लेते हैं एक्स के लिए हमें थोड़ी और प्लक्स चाहिए होंगी यहां पर मैंने प्लक्स ले ली अब यहां एक एक्स करता हूं माइनिंग मतलब नीचे डीप माइनिंग करता थोड़ी कॉबल स्टोन तोड़ने के लिए तो मैंने क्राफ्टिंग की नहीं भाई यहां पर हमें कॉबल स्टोन चाहिए बहुत जरूरत है हमें उसकी तो यहां… Read More

  • INSANE TWIST: Frosty Minecraft Endermite Encounter! 🔥

    INSANE TWIST: Frosty Minecraft Endermite Encounter! 🔥Video Information YouTubers be like Minecraft but if I see an endermite the video ends all right so we spawned in the most normal spawn ever okay we got to make this more interesting oh my gosh no way we spawned in a cheese biome this is so awesome all right I don’t even know why I did this let’s just get out of here okay let’s just go to creative mode oh my gosh no way is this an obsidian biome I haven’t seen one of these in Forever ooh a chest oh my gosh how convenient I got… Read More


    🔥HOTTEST JAVA MINECRAFT SMP LIVE HINDI!🔥 JOIN NOW!Video Information हेलो मोक्स प्रो भाई लाइव आ तो गया आ गया ब्रो लाइव आ गया अच्छा तुम भी लाइव हो ठीक [प्रशंसा] [संगीत] गा जल्दी जल्दी से आ जाओ मेरे फोर की वाचिंग अच्छी है [संगीत] अरे सही है ब्रो मेरे में तीन की आ रही है गा जल्दी जल्दी से जवाइन कर लो यार माफ्ट का न्यू सर्वर र सो रहा है गा जल्दी जल्दी लाइक एंड सब्सक्राइब कर दो और आ जाओ जल्दी से जल्दी जल्दी जवाइन कर लो गाइस इसमें तो मैं ही खेल रहा हूं और कोई खेल नहीं रहा नहीं भी नहीं इस अंदर… Read More

  • UnWarmed Reveals Insane Drag Click Tape Trick! #hypixel

    UnWarmed Reveals Insane Drag Click Tape Trick! #hypixelVideo Information This video, titled ‘Drag Click Tape Tutorial For Minecraft #hypixel #dragclick’, was uploaded by UnWarmed on 2024-03-23 09:52:14. It has garnered 14632 views and 461 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:47 or 47 seconds. Drag Click Tape Tutorial For Minecraft #hypixel #dragclick #minecraft #hypixelbridge #pvp Discord : https://discord.gg/dCj6YraZqN Background Music : Dancin is What to do ╔═╦╗╔╦╗╔═╦═╦╦╦╦╗╔═╗ ║╚╣║║║╚╣╚╣╔╣╔╣║╚╣═╣ ╠╗║╚╝║║╠╗║╚╣║║║║║═╣ ╚═╩══╩═╩═╩═╩╝╚╩═╩═╝ Found This Desc From Cruh And Cheetahh I am gonna just copy paste half of this from a Cruh video for keywords Jirz doing the latvian strat block hit on minecraft the bridge while cruh explains… Read More

  • “I’M LEAVING Minecraft Servers! 😱” #shorts #MinecraftPunkMagic

    "I'M LEAVING Minecraft Servers! 😱" #shorts #MinecraftPunkMagicVideo Information I’m so tired of everyone saying S&P servers are so boring like that’s just not true on mindwave you’ll never get bored we have custom armor hundreds of quests and an amazing community and the best part is that we’re available on all devices so come join today This video, titled ‘I’m actually getting TIRED of most servers #minecraft #minecraftmeme #minecraftserver #shorts’, was uploaded by PunkMagic_ on 2024-05-19 15:00:38. It has garnered 10625 views and 327 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:14 or 14 seconds. I’m actually getting TIRED of most servers #minecraft #minecraftmeme #minecraftserver #shorts… Read More

  • Insane New Minecraft Cobblemon Update!

    Insane New Minecraft Cobblemon Update!Video Information it’s no surprise cobon has slowly been taking over the world of Pokémon Minecraft mods with its blockier looking monsters that better fit the Minecraft aesthetic and unique updates that feel as carefully crafted and Polished as official Minecraft releases kobon has managed to Stand Out by showing us how this mod can do so much more than just adding Pokémon into Minecraft but ever since I started playing it people in the comments have been asking for one feature in particular that would instantly make battles feel way more Dynamic so did they finally do it well… Read More

  • Blue Moon Network

    Blue Moon NetworkWho are we? We are a java (premium) and bedrock minecraft server that prides ourselves in having a close, inclusive, and welcoming community. The server was created in April 2020 and we released to the public in July 2020 and have been going strong ever since. We have a regular playerbase ranging from 10-30 people or more depending on the time of day. We also have 2200+ people in the discord! What do we offer? We currently are a survival based network! We have two different survival servers to offer; Neptune and Saturn survival. Neptune survival has a more “modded”… Read More

  • Swift Network – Semi-vanilla Network SMP, Lifesteal, Survival 1.20

    Tired of boring singleplayer games or looking for a new server to play on? Swift Network may be the perfect fit for you! We are dedicated to providing the best possible gaming experience for all players. Available Gamemodes: In the Survival server, build, relax, and team up with others to go on adventures. In the Lifesteal server, every kill earns you a heart while every death costs you a heart. Be careful, as dying results in a 24-hour ban! Useful Links: Discord Server Trailer Server Features: Balanced economy for new players Land claims to protect your property Player shops for… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “Who TF turned on RTX?!”

    Looks like someone cranked up the graphics so high, even the Ender Dragon is impressed! Read More