EPIC New Spot Discovered in Hardcore Minecraft #79

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N N N N All righty ladies and gentlemen good morning John welcome in good to see you here man bright and early let’s get started shall we let’s do it let’s get good for the 79th time stream number 79 not 69 kind of crazy actually we were talking about doing a a 24hour stream

For the 100th episode which I’m still I’m still tossing back and forth in my mind about that I really don’t know if we’re going to do that I’d love to I think it could be really sick like in general just oh shoot I got some lag for a minute

Beg my pardon with the lag it’s how it happens as soon as it starts same episode of One Piece I watched last night nice it’s an omen 79 baby yeah welcome everybody to the stream uh sorry if there’s a little bit of lag I just

Said okay should be good so uh last time it’s pretty foggy here it’s pretty foggy where I live as well um last time we um made the big old Beacon and we were able to clear out this area a little bit better for uh new

Crestville so here it is this is our new area that we have to work with if we ever want to expand it we’re probably just going to push this wall back a little bit more but for right now this is what we’ve got it’s not too bad I

Kind of like it um going to be a lot of stuff here I’m going to just put some random stuff here but we’re also going to be working on like I don’t know like some residential housing for the for the residents that we got living here in the I’m said in

The valley in the in the Ville we’re back in the Ville now not the c or not the Violet Valley looking good I think so too John I think it looks really nice I need to make me some uh to make me some some Rockets I’m out of

Rockets Rocket Power power it’s not rocket science literally is so also if you didn’t know I have to go for a while I’ll be back though sounds good man um yeah totally good if you guys didn’t know my cat almost like ended the World by turning off the computer so we

Got some corruption in the world not too much um mainly what got reset was my stats so and my advancements like all my achievements which really sucks if you look right here um I never made a a stone pickaxe I’ve never made iron armor iron pick obsidian like

I’ve never caught a uh no yeah catch a fish it’s just like that you know and destroy the ender dragon it just say good luck um but yeah yeah summon the wither we literally have a beacon right here so not not even going to not even to worry about the achievements we’re going

To have to get them back eventually but for right now it doesn’t really matter to me at all do not care about the achievements all right I’m going to go grab some paper really quick that way I just have it um since it’s like the start of stream I really am not 100%

Sure like what I want to do yet because I don’t know exactly what I want to put in that area yet looks like pack one will be delivered around 2 p.m. today nice welcome in Jam that’s very exciting I cannot wait it’s going to be so sick it’s coming it’s getting close

Too we’re getting there man it’s so foggy here it’s foggy in real life too j have you seen bro why where’s my weather noises I want those weather noises on bro huh it’s just not playing it that’s interesting hi buddy now is there anything messed up

With the dogs okay the dogs are good i’ I’ve seen stuff before worlds get corrupted and the animals are really like odd okay bro she don’t even want to be in the cafe no more yeah yeah it’s going to be great I cannot wait love how our donkey

Is also here where did the other cat go bro you need to get back in here get back to work cat girl cat girl come on there we go that’s very Lial the rain I’m guessing that pack two will still uh is still waiting um to be put in the

Center uh post office yeah that’s probably the case probably just not there yet um not an issue at all if if like it really needs to happen like if it’s super late maybe we could still do it and I could just do like an unboxing video alongside it as

Well it’s up to you though Jim okay making some rockets that was literally perfect made two stacks of rockets you absolutely love to see that I’ll be honest oh wow I had a bunch in there already too dang oh I just saw the Golem go down hey

Bro get out of there yo every all the columns are in here check on the ladles it’s been a minute lles how’s it going there’s only like two in here three four y’all are like stuck plue was stuck so is Mr Fring not a lot of lles here sleep yeah very early

Stream considering I did not go to bed till very late I think we’ll be here on time at least before the end of the next week oh yeah then it should be fun I remember you said that jam I’m sorry I forgot also I have all this nice

Beautiful clay for whenever I would like to uh trade with the Villagers and get some XP or just get anything so melon head how’s it going buddy how’s it going man good to see you buddy melon head uh guy Mhm I agree I think it okay sorry I was reading that message again um so last episode I kind of showed off the uh build I was working on in in Creative um not really sure if that’s ex yeah that is probably going to be what

We build today I’m not sure yet I want to I don’t know what I want to do yet with this area look at all these floating trees but the area is done for the most part anyway the wall is actually all complete um and we if you look here we

Have like tons of materials to spare all this Stone all this this is all like oh this is so much Stone we really did clear out so much so that’s great um but in all honesty I mean residents can get up here now um there shouldn’t be any way for them to

Escape not that I can tell anyway yet I’d like to try to bring bring somebody over with me let’s uh let’s bring uh let’s go let’s go get somebody let’s go get somebody and have them with us for today how does that sound so I got me a

Lead I’m taking some new people who are we taking who are you you’re an unnamed well not unnamed you’re a you’re a law abiding crust crust citizen who is a guild of Guild profession here’s Donald the pig and I love how I know Donald cuz there’s like only one Pig

Here um where are you that’s random chicken you’re a random horse you are a random horse this is lucky maybe we take lucky I think we take take lucky all right lucky let’s go hey yo somebody get him somebody get him so lucky I’m going to try to avoid

The llamas as much as possible the other ones because they’re all going to follow him if they see me with the lucky here any uh any this way dude I notic that cheeks like her whole entire existence has been pra primarily like she loves to stay inside the

Tunnel she loves to is she still in here is she gone no and crust is in here dude crust is in here bro he’s always in here all right crust listen up that’s not crust septics in here I forgot everybody’s in here bro crust septic cheeks and

Crust okay we’re going to take everybody we’re going to take everybody here we’re going to bring cheeks we’re going to bring crust we’re going to bring septic we got enough leads for everybody let’s go guys I’m going to just have them in the new area with me uh number one lucky

He’s a new guy uh cheeks she needs to get out and see more of the world uh septic he I just love septic he’s pretty pure and I just want him always around and crust he’s got to oversee the new project so it makes sense that he’s

Here so let us go over there to the new area it’ll be nice hopefully uh there’s no wolves about there shouldn’t be um any wolves so really hoping not everybody coming through nobody got stuck all right cool I haven’t seen any wolves so should be okay there’s like a little

Party this is like a very motly crew right here this is a very like uh interesting group of people to see together well not septic and crust since that’s his neeral child but all right guys this is the new area so I give you a rundown don’t really know everything

Is going to be here yet they’re just watching uh but we are in fact act going to be building some new things today so I hope you guys have septic said I’m out I’m out I ain’t building nothing cheeks cheeks I feel like Cheeks is suffering from like severe depression

Cheeks going say look at me for help all right all right let’s uh make sure one more time that the border is secure pretty sure it Is this cave see this cave is going to be like I’m going to turn this cave into something not sure yet they can get in here and it’s fine though it’s an okay place to go it’s like a little Nest at everybody just chilling though they were in the tunnel man I I

Couldn’t I couldn’t leave them in there you know I had to just I had to take care of them yeah this what I want to be careful of is places like this I want to make sure they’re pretty flat this also needs uh patched really quick let me grab some

Dirt so we have enough dirt not to patch this I think I said that wrong we have too much dirt not to patch this that’s what I meant to say okay there we go yep see right here is they could have escaped right here so just a little bit of oopsie on my

Part all right cool another thing that’s kind of scary is if you think of like an Enderman or something places like a block right here they’re going to escape that you know that’s like a good a good point like jam um so sorry you’re probably working uh anyone else that’s

Also here but when PE sheep escaped and was killed by a wolf forever ago that that’s probably what happened anyway we presume that that could have been what happened maybe a block was placed and then maybe taken away by another Enderman all things that could have

Happened for sure right I still have a bunch of like yeah a bunch of raw gold here I need to smelt I’ll just smel all these odds and ends odds and ends getting smelted okay all right possibly yeah it’s a bit of a farfetch I guess but at the same time I

Feel like it’s not entirely unlikely and they really are just like staying together they’re like man this is like a big old open area I don’t know if we should be here Let’s Stay Together you guys can go like hang out mob AI broken it’s interesting to me

That they’re not leaving each other’s sides bro like they’re all watching and what well he’s eating but you guys are so awesome they’re so cute all right I need to um find shoot I need to find that uh chest that had all the wood in it should be here right

Here here go all that wood that’s crazy oops what am I doing I’m just putting a random stuff down there we go so it’ll probably help me obviously it will CU I won’t have to get it myself all right just get rid of this chest and this crafting

Table we just keep these on us I guess all right let’s uh let’s look at this area I hate how this like wall is like this but honestly I I also don’t mind it I think I like I think I like what this is I think it’s okay see for me crust

Bille is like it’s a town it’s like it marks that history for my world because we’re you know you know a thous 1,084 days in it marks that history for me I want it to kind of have this same feel I don’t want it to be super like

Futuristic and crazy I want it to be nice and quaint and home that’s what I’d like to be let me get a drink really quick while we stare at lucky he said wait me yes you lucky I wanted to get lucky some screen time oh also the new llama um

Andrew is is here is not here but he’s hanging out with a blush I don’t think oh yeah I was going to say I was going to say I don’t think I’ve streamed since I uh since I uh played off camera a little bit but I have I have I was going to

Give you a rundown on what I did okay but yeah thanks for tuning in guys this morning um pretty early so probably have some people rolling in throughout the day I do have to work today but I wanted to try to stream a little early so I could stream a little

Longer so cuz I really was not sure what we were going to be getting into oh I need to patch this up I need to patch that hole up over there this right here is what I’m talking about all right what I’m going to do actually is I’m going to do

This I’m going to make it a little bigger here okay here we go I love how quick that mines so satisfying and then we can still have like the dirt and stuff here so all right let me get a rest where we’re going to have to keep a watchful eye out for these

Wolves just in case I haven’t seen any yet like I like I said I just don’t want septic or Crest to die that that would that would be the genuine saddest death in the entire series of any of my OG’s di cuz they’re not Immortal crust and crust and septic are

Definitely not Immortal but bro septic is like people who just don’t know septic is like ancient he is up there with the with the greats like he this man literally predates everything you see here literally everything so crazy oh I need to do something we need to go check on

Blo we need to check on him I need to see what he’s up too need to give him a chat all right Blues I’m coming in yeah I see in there Hey listen turn around face me speak to me speak bro does not oh hey yeah you

What’s up I uh am am still mad that you try to corrupt the world but uh I I’m putting you in the ancient city yep all right I just want to make sure you were still here and you didn’t like no clip out of reality or something

And uh take PE sheep with you again where is PE sheep let’s find him again before we like start going crazy today let’s let’s talk to our to our faves it’s like talking to your villagers and Animal Crossing got to do it where is uh Zoro Zoro and my boy p PE

Sheep PE sheep how’s it going buddy good to see you um we’re going to be starting the new area in Crest today I didn’t take you over there yet I probably will once it gets a little bit more civilized or I’ll let you just kind of Wander over

There you and I’ll bring kidney too we’ll bring kidney uh but yeah well that’s what we’ll do I just don’t want the Wolves to get you if there’s any wolves not that it would matter cuz you’re Immortal but yeah where’s Zoro he’s usually hanging out back

Here anybody here I really need to to block this area off right here it it serves no purpose dude was this always like this was this always like this because this is definitely how they escaped look at this what this was always like this yeah I don’t know yeah I don’t think

So we would have noticed I think so too I’m like like waiting to see like peas sheep he was here all along but the thing is it’s I don’t know man it’s this world is so mysterious the things that happen in this world can be so odd yeah it looks natural yeah that’s

The thing so maybe I broke something away and that was just all that remained there I really don’t know that’s weird well if you think about it it would kind of make sense geography like the geography would makees sense because flake was up here wasn’t he flake Lake the

Llama he that one time when he escaped he was up here somewhere one the world okay might have been Enderman it could have been yeah I do not put anything past the Enderman that’s not even a joke they literally will build entire houses me like looking for peas sheep

Like I’m going to find them like his his old soul his lost body I don’t really walk through this area too much so you know what I mean sometimes it is like uh nice to do a little walk through just to kind of see what’s going on few blocks yeah yeah see like

This like I had no idea this was here like what is this huge Cavern gigantic Cavern right here that’s what’s scary to me is that my my homies could potentially wander in here I dude if like think of like like kidney just like right here actually kidney probably start arm wrestling

Everyone but just anyone else just here it’s scary man could happen though flake could have 100% been like subjected to all that in there all right well I actually want to break this too this was for uh when I made a video I put this up here so it’s my

Violet little my little Violet bed so I’m going to grab this stuff up grab it up nice okay do this really quick yeah I uh I really want to start filling Crestville in like now I would like to start just hitting it hard and uh making this

Area giving giving it the time it deserves it definitely deserves it oh we didn’t find Zoro see it makes me wonder if there’s ever been anyone else to escape and me not realize it I don’t think there is though also um I don’t know if I told you guys but

Some llamas did in fact spawn here with a Wandering Traer and they are still here they are still here INF Flakes with them um cuz he loves wandering makes sense but yeah we got a lot of new residents I don’t know why wandering Traders are are still coming here after

All the murder I’ve done kissing who is this I think this is the efficiency yeah this is the efficiency 5 villager I put him here so he’s basically Bob and I had to get rid of Todd’s thing but Todd isn’t even Todd anymore he’s a Mason man so this this whole building

Needs just updated and this one is going to be like an Armory um it we just Crestville needs it needs updated that’s all there is to it it’s not bad at all I love this place but it definitely needs updated Bob what’s going on Lizzy good to see you for an

Early stream well early for me it is 9: 900 a.m. here all right we finished the the area so um we’ve also brought septic lucky cheeks and crust here so we’re going to be starting here efficiency Ed did you block off the Escape area no I did not Jam thank you so

Much thanks thank you so much dude I would have forgotten again oh yeah I want to find Zoro yeah bro cuz like they spend a lot of time over here not as much anymore this this is all this is what I’m going to do I’m just going

To there’s like holes in the walls I’m going to like do this and then I’m going to I’m going to do this all right so that should be good should be good here all right and now I’m going to light it up a little bit this is this is an old part the cobblestone

All right and now I’m going to uh put some some Stone here just to block it off also I think the wall might not be finished in some areas I I noticed that flying through that we we didn’t finish some of it so we’re going to have to go through and

Like finish it um 300 p.m. for me the most corrupt area it’s very corrupt yeah it is not 300 p.m. here I’m kind of glad too cuz my day would be just ready for work that’s what I’d be doing I was thinking maybe Zoro would be up here majestically paying respects but

It looks like it’s just gravy the graveyard sheep how’s it going gravy give him a kiss and all my friends that I lost along the way man I’m not going to sit do do a whole Spiel but man I it is so sad coming up here hopefully we don’t have to add anybody

Else for a while I feel like there’s somebody I forgot to add maybe not I don’t think so where is Zoro though before I get started I want to find Zoro where is my man Zoro At I love Zoro bro where are you he’s my first llama so the Surf Shack needs updated everything everything’s going to get like looked over during all this time everything that way we can move on to new projects not have to worry dude Zoro gets around because he

Is like in one minute he’s like on the other side of the map and then one minute he’s on the other hey Andrew how’s it going buddy doing all right with the recovery good to hear that’s blush yeah blush is has been hanging out by my

House Ash the Sheep oh yeah we did forget that did forget that guy we will uh definitely have to add him soon where is Zoro dude Zoro is gone it’s but a mystery to me where my buddy’s at freaking Zoro man see over here the other llamas very interesting to me how often

Zoro disappears have you guys seen him in a while I think it’s been quite a bit for me I don’t know though I feel like people go missing and not even missing Crestville is a big place like it’s pretty big now gone guy gone guy that that’s like a perfect

John Wick type movie title seriously he’s like gone where is he bro freaking Zoro dude Zoro is is gone brownie is also gone LOL brownie is in Violet Valley Veronica likes brownie I thought I thought wait maybe I am did I forget I thought Veronica liked Miguel the

Cow yeah we’re not not in the valley right now yeah dude I don’t know where Zoro is at I I I guess I didn’t think to do a head count when I first uh oh look grum’s up here um I didn’t think to do a head count everybody’s up here to sorry

I’ll say it again I did not think to do a head count when uh when the world got corrupted so I don’t obviously I don’t don’t think anyone’s gone like actually gone I think it’s circumstantial and we’ll find them but I heard a little chicken feet just a minute

Ago I’m just kind of checking around everywhere still love this area though great place I’m sure we’ll find him I’m actually going to sleep really quick and then look a tiny bit more and then I’ll just get back to to work I spent a lot of time doing this

Spent a lot of time looking for friends okay sounded so like sad okay okay so usually he’s over here in this area one thing that kind of scares me about these little ponds is like if they get in here and they kind of get stuck what’s down

Here okay this is just a little hole and they like drowned I don’t want them to drown or anything I don’t I I’m thinking like the worst case scenario Miguel is friends with beefy only established Miguel friendship I’m going play some survival Minecraft sounds good do

It oh shoot okay they can’t get down in there well it looks like Zoro is kind of gone for right now oh I didn’t think he might be in the tunnel like I said I’m sure he’ll turn up yeah I’m sure it’ll turn up I heard some footsteps over in this wall

I’ll Slime by maybe not I’ll be back all righty Lizzy have fun playing have fun gaming gaming time man I get nervous just because the peash Sheep incident the bite of 8 s the peash Sheep disappearance it’s like he’s already up here bro they’re staying together oh they were for a minute all

Right man I I want to keep looking for Zoro I don’t I don’t see I have in good faith I think that he’s okay but like the the mother in me needs to find him hey what happened welcome in Mr Redwood um nothing happened that I

Know of I’m just looking for one of my llamas that uh I haven’t seen in a while his name is Zoro he’s my first llama he’s the one with the black mask if you’ve ever seen him if you remember him he’s uh he’s not really he’s not really anywhere to be seen right

Now Cat Cafe might uh might have let him in or maybe the dog house or behind some house yeah see that’s the thing Zoro um he’s a RoR there are a lot of mobs that I have and he is the main guy who is definitely like a rer he likes to roam

He will be here one minute and then he will be all on the other end of of ch All right I’m just like kind of looking around just for a minute I’m about to be done though I’m sure he’s good zor zoro’s Zoro is pretty powerful I don’t think he would he would be lost this is the like one of the oldest builds this was the original dog

House we probably still will turn this into something very interesting build BRB sounds good all right I might have to take a break later and go eat cuz I do have to eat before work and then I’m and I uh my gosh dude my voice I cannot talk um I

Hear a llama I uh I want to be able to eat and not uh neglect myself if you know what I mean there’s been days where I’ve neglected eating just a stream and I don’t need to do that not worth it so usually sometimes he’ll be over here in the

Flowers he likes the flowers he also loves the the clubhouse which is now the guild but he loves the clubhouse so jam said you said there might be uh he might be be behind a house or something see but he’s never really over here but we will

Check maybe him and cheeks broke up bro well I was going to take him over there with cheeks so he could keep her company dude zorao would actually probably be like for me the saddest death other than like kidney kidney or Zora would hit hard what what do you guys

Think are you going to stream later today uh what do you mean am I going to stream like tonight if you mean tonight no I will not be streaming tonight but I should be live for a little bit today it’s pretty early for me now so yeah kidney stone and

Zoro definitely some Heavy Hitters there definitely some men who have been with us the longest and the thing is another reason why I built this whole area is because I really want to get houses for my main residence so I kind of know where they’re at

Kind of how we have queso and beefy living in their little area I I like them being able to free ro we’re going to still have some free roers but I want the The Heavy Hitters that like kidney and Zoro and like septic and crust and I was going to say

Blo but he’s behind bars for his entire life now um for crimes he’s committed um they deserve their own place they need their own little Pad I remember this this is not impossible for somebody to get into okay probably didn’t go in here right I’d hope not No portal oh good idea Jam great great idea portal did not think of that yeah bro dude the craziest thing would be like if he got into a if he got into the portal into a boat got all the way to the valley imagine can I get out of here that would be

Wild are you streaming after 3 p.m. no I will not be I will be at work by that time traveling man yeah sorry Mr R wood I tried to stream a little earlier so people everybody could try to catch me but I will be live tomorrow as

Well all right let’s uh let’s check the dogghouse and the cafe and then we’ll be uh okay be honest and do I have reason to worry right now see there’s a block in here from an Enderman do I have reason to worry that Zoro may be missing is is he declared Missing I don’t want to do that I don’t want to even believe that he might be Missing time you streaming tomorrow um probably in the afternoon so probably around 12 maybe there’s got to be a way to stop these Endermen I know some Ender repeller we make an Enderman Farm that’s one thing I’m going to do soon is make an Enderman and a creeper

Farm cuz we we we need that stuff let’s check the portal and then uh we’ll head back dang I’m sorry dude yeah it’s hard to work around everybody’s schedule we need to go deeper never been to the nether before dude where is Zoro I doubt he’d be this far right n

Man I cannot find Zoro at all he is missing he’s not like in this immediate area at all we don’t really see a lot of mobs get in here though the only one I think we’ve ever SE get in here is BL and maybe a Crest citizen maybe that’s a big maybe

Though like this is a bit farfetched we’re in here enough I feel like we would have seen him all right well um Zoro I think is missing which is not good that’s scary cuz he’s our main heavy hitter he’s strong dude it’s not good when the strong dude goes missing no

Three all right well I don’t want to say that he’s missing but I cannot find him we spent like how much this like almost an hour of the stream looking for him holy cow cannot think of anywhere else you could be be excuse me it’s interesting to me because it’s

Like where is he like there’s only so many places the dude could have could have gone looking for my llama right now if you’re just tuning in by the way thank you guys for tuning in check behind here again all right well um you guys reckon we just get back to to it

And and try to find Zoro at a later date really have no idea where he could have went this like the same for PE sheep when we lost Him I really hate to give up uh I don’t know I I might I might Jam I might not do it today that that’s a very good option though I don’t think I ever left this gate open or anything either not that I know Of I just reused mine to test it just open the app then choose the world and search uh his name let me try it really quick trying to find it on my desktop for I had to Window search mine I do not even know where mine is located I’m trying it real

Quick might not even have a have the files anymore I might have gotten rid of them cuz I’m trying to install it right now I I don’t know if I even have it might have to do it later welcome back yeah I’m going to have to

Redownload it later I I’ll do this later um not a big issue I’m sure he’ll turn up I’m sure old Zoro will turn up I think he’s the only one that’s missing though that I can think of bro just crazy to think about Zoro going missing a all I’m more fly

Over what are you doing still looking for Zoro about to stop not giving up just uh we got some work to kind of get done today not really sure what but uh definitely going to be getting some things done hopefully today maybe not up here is he I guess I could check the Top oh your phone’s Frozen no um I was just standing there for a minute I was checking something yeah we’ll have to try to try the MBT Explorer I need to reinstall the files let me just look up here really quick some of the some of the spots you know the spots the

Spot maybe he got where flake went that one time I don’t know it’s pretty flat up here I feel like I would have seen him up here around you know I feel like I would have noticed I would have noticed a Zoro up here oh welcome back John we uh we’ve

Been literally looking for Zoro for almost an hour I feel like not like an hour but we’ve been looking for him for a while he’s like missing was kind of doing a head count and I uh noticed he was missing cannot find him anywhere we’ve been looking for a while

While put the download link in Discord too I put how to do it in Discord again all right I appreciate that jam for real awesome okay of course the Llama name Zoro got lost yeah in one piece it’s literally a gag that the character Zoro gets lost all the time

Yeah it’s perfect but the thing is Zoro is my first llama he was the first ever llama I ever owned so it’s it’s scary he’s he’s my main guy Zoro oh my gosh Zoro yes here you are what are you doing here are you Ser dude the spot where

Flake disappeared what is it why is he up here guys we just found him what in the world I knew he was missing dude what what in the Zoro what are you doing here why this is crazy guys you don’t understand I had a a llama named

Flake I still have him he literally disappeared and was was in this hole flake was but here’s Sor he went through the corrupt side of the wall I think you’re right we had a had to fix a part of the wall dude you gave me a heart attack for real

Like I’m not even joking I was ready to think the worst holy dude I felt like he was near the flake pit oh man my freaking phone just died that’s a bummer Zoro my I’m going to be my chat’s going to be down for just a

Minute um but I’m plugging my phone in I actually might take a little uh intermission while I go um get something to eat or something in a minute since my chat is down but I will uh read a little bit here he was on a camping

Trip he did not want to admit it though zor became a vagabond for a while he was ready for an adventure we’ve been silenced no I’ll keep checking my chat via desktop for a little bit zor buddy you were dude you guys don’t understand how much I love this llama he

Was my first llama my first buddy and he literally got to the same spot what are the odds guys I was going to stop looking for today see when I get that inkling of like the same thing happened with peash sheep I was and I we never

Found it we had to fight the warden to get him back I can’t do that again that that was a one time thing it was a onetime token it was spent on PE sheep it cannot be spent on Zoro Zoro I think I know what our first build’s going to

Be okay no I’m not doing this come on buddy come on come on come on nope we’re not doing that with the creeper nope come on come on come on Behind Enemy Lines I keep checking chat I’ll keep checking um recovery meal from the search efforts literally at the

Pit Zoro bro I I’m so happy he’s back this is literally where oh you guys want to know where we found him I’ll show you I’ll show you the exact spot Zoro was found you can see it in some of the older videos but Zoro was found dangling

From this Ledge in Crestville when I was literally leveling this area it was all mountainy just like this off Crestville he was found up here dangling from his lead by a Wandering traitor he was like right here or like right here or maybe there I don’t know how to get him

Down I really don’t my phone keeps po uh if it’s pausing it’s because um I keep checking chat on desktop it’s not your fault you want to know something interesting about me uh and Zoro from one piece I came into the series thinking I would hate

Him um I thought he’d be really annoying I don’t know why but I end up loving him that’s really odd yeah I love Zoro he’s super cool go to the wall go forward to the wall good idea yeah I love Zoro he’s great that is interesting though I I never I guess I

Never really thought about disliking any of the characters one thing I didn’t like about the characters was their designs at first all right come on Zoro I’m never I’m never letting you out of my side again holds him and hugs him tightly Zoro I feel like would be very

Huggable do you guys think llamas like in Minecraft are huggable oh that was like a superstar jump that was a crazy jump all right we got him main reason um I even thought about Zoro today was just obviously because I was looking for my faves but I brought septic crust um lucky and

Cheeks cheeks is zoro’s girlfriend you guys are reunited at last Oh yay reunited you guys can hang out for a little bit lonely lucky yeah These Guys these guys were my first two llamas and blush obviously but blush is over there all right I’m going to throw this

Here um he’s been gone since last stream yeah it’s been a while um that is a problem some people have but I saw JoJo andachi before one piece so I’m accustom to the weird art styles I love the art style style of One Piece it’s great yeah I really love it

I’m on the way to the bus stop yay please be careful Mr Redwood and yes llamas are incredibly huggable I guarant yeah I I completely agree with that like just wrapping your arms like around his head bro o give my big old hug my big

Old hug he’s a cute guy that’s for sure all right I uh I definitely do need to take a an intermission here in a bit um because my phone died and that’s how I re chat uh so that is one thing I need to get fixed see if my phone’s actually charging okay

Sorry um what do you guys think we should build first I was thinking about building like um the Villager house the Villager um the Villager hotel if you will Lodge it’s going to be basically a villager trading Hall kind of there’s going to be Masons there’s going to be Fletchers I want to

Get all the villagers in the game there need to make build signs for this side okay you mean like what we’re going to be building next like on plots do you think Zoro has three swords in his chest yes probably apartment building all right I’ll go ahead and

Show you guys I’m running my my voice is running now already I’ll go ahead and show you guys the uh the builds I actually probably can’t build this yet man I feel like I’m losing my voice for real okay so in Creative I uh did a little testing I showed this off last

Stream some of you might have missed it but this is the build we’re going to be building this right here this is going to be the Villager um where PE sheep um I’m definitely going to have to get a drink been talking a lot already this is going to be

It um you should build a gym SLT trining area so Zora can improve his power and so the residents um can stay in shape I think a blacksmith building would be cool for this area great ideas I think the guild is actually already kind of what like a training yard though

John you know not think so a gym would be cool though and a blacksmith definitely well we’re going to need one but this is going to be the apartment building I didn’t really finish it because I get got this initial design down but here are like the rooms this is

How it would be kind of like a villager trading Hall they can all kind of mingle around and stuff uh I’m waiting for my phone to to come back on so I can take a picture of this and uh kind of work with this um does anyone want to screenshot

This mods and you can put it in the Discord for me so I can look at it um when my phone comes back on it’s not even too hard of a build I guess we could do first is kind of just uh decide where it’s going to be but I

Appreciate that guys thank you so much um blacksmith building with lava pouring and iron blocks that would be really cool make sure to rest your voice for Friday you’ll need it I definitely will yeah I’m off tomorrow so I’m not worried I I’m I work today which sucks

But um yeah good point but there are like weights and weapons set up are there like weights and weapons uh that’s what I’m picturing like a dojo no there’s not the a dojo would be sick we definitely need to do something like that what do you guys think of this build

Though I think it’s nice let’s go ahead and hop back into uh hardcore we have all the wood to build this we have all the materials to build this so that’s what support elderly relatives and friends that’s beautiful it’s a good message Jam beat me by like two seconds

Bamboo dojo this build is good would be the good first one I like it thank you Mr Redwood and jam and John all right waiting to sleep um areas though it’s kind of a big build but I’m thinking it should be nestled back here maybe not what what do you guys think

Okay I like the build it’s simple in style but has enough detail to fill high quality I feel like it would be um it would fit well with other stuff I believe so too all right let’s reallyy quick so glad Zoro is back all right I’ll let you guys kind of help me

Here in the back far back okay so back here so do you guys agree with Jam you think it should be all the way back here I think this is a good spot I do think this is a good spot Jam what do you guys think back Works block off the uh Bland

Back Area all right yeah I do like this area it’s pretty cool all right um let me get some wood let me find the wood here it is okay cool uh my phone is back on we might take a brief intermission here in a little bit see though I didn’t know Redwood was a

National park that’s interesting I didn’t know that either and make a nice path of lamp post as well yeah we we going to be getting all those little touches finishing them in me and my girlfriend actually are planning a trip um to Washington not Washington DC it would be

Cool uh to oversee the wall at this building yeah it would be it’s going to have like two floors so all right one second let me grab my phone when we get started on this I’ll start a little bit and then we’ll take a break a little a like I said a little

Brief intermission um while I just you know do some stuff get something to eat oh really nice yeah we’re going to uh visit a a national park there and also JM thank thanks for the uh thanks for the uh instructions and the uh for the code which was to help find lost

Mobs um but we no longer need it playing trips is a lot of fun yeah it is a lot of fun we’re going to be doing some hiking all right so first things first let’s set a crafting table down cuz we’re going to need it this this build

Actually is pretty deep it’s a deep deep build um so I have to be kind of careful with with how how close we put it to the wall that’s what we need to be careful of cuz it needs to be able to go back pretty far I can’t believe we’re already

Working on new builds in Crossville this is so exciting to me I love this it’s something I enjoy I bought my I brought my Nintendo to School nice Mr Redwood what are you going to be playing hiking is the best I agree I love hiking

Hiking is so fun we did some hiking up in uh North Carolina as well sell an old uh well we didn’t actually get to see it but we were planning to hike to this old plane crash that was never cleaned up but actually got cleaned up so we can’t go back there all

Right I’m I’m glad I want to start doing more builds like this where I kind of go into creative beforehand and just like test things out um I will need glass that is the thing I’m going to need um this one will be so good this area will be interesting with all the

New builds it’s going to be great oh you’re going to be playing some Minecraft sick I need to get a bell here as well all right yeah I’m really excited for this area it’s going to be so sick yeah it’s just going to be me kind of for right now figuring

Out how it’s going to be um I don’t want to mess up the dimensions and stuff I probably won’t I don’t think um just want to make sure I get the initial shape of it so then I can tell if it’s going to be long enough or if

It’s going to be be able to cuz that’s pretty much it right there that’s like the thing that’s that that’s the thing that’s it once I get like the structure down cuz I I built that like a week ago I think so I’m kind of not used to it yet

Walls are on on the inside should have PE banners and paintings that’d be great and Little Flower Pots too I’m going to do go in and create going into creative helps I personally don’t do it but I often uh make much smaller builds uh than the ones you do so it does make

Sense yeah creative is a great tool to kind of help you you know get in tune with pallet pallets for blocks and stuff yo you’re at 993 Subs I know we’re getting close we are a bit stagnant there for a bit but I want to be do some more streams

Hopefully we’ll get there soon we’ll be streaming for the next couple days so we’re definitely getting there very exciting let me see if I have any glass and if not we’ll go grab grab some real quick I just want to have some smelting cuz I need blocks of glass and I

Need yeah I need glass let’s go grab some glass shall we and then I’ll be back to grab this stuff um but yeah this is where I get my glass from in Crossville if you don’t know I’m always just waiting to see a to see a sweet sheep here how about you

Guys dude I I want to find Sweet sheep so bad even like this little area down here like I haven’t even really been down here like at all like this is like completely Uncharted not Uncharted because I’ve been to this flower Forest quite a lot to get

Flowers new flowers would be cool too I like these red little tulips tulip cow these are some pretty flowers Mr Cow I’m going to be taking a couple of them if that’s okay with you I like that it’s pretty it’s pretty viby my phone froze again dang it I’m

Sorry the same thing happened with Titar too he was growing like crazy but those last 10 subscribers took a while yeah I was one of them yeah you know I’m dying to see sweet sheep I do not think any new type of sheep will spawn in this

Area since you have been here already yeah that’s that’s what I think too Jam but also it makes like I get like the sense like I get that feeling that I missed her and that she’s just been roaming here then again you know it could be completely

Wrong actually a spot on the map I’ve never been let’s go to it let’s go to it and see if sweet sheep’s right there spot is literally like right here what is right here right here this area our world is so beautiful I love it what’s this we’ve done so much uh

Building today guys it’s Insane um if you hadn’t subscribed to him I don’t know how long it would have taken also he’s streaming next Tuesday nice I will definitely be tuning in I’m finally at the bus stop nice be careful up there sweet sheep is there I will I will scream I don’t think she’s

Here then again you can literally find the pink sheeps anywhere in the game that you know sheep can spawn it’s sweet sheep there she is oh sweet sheep I I have missed you I I genuinely do not know what my reaction will be when we meet

Her it’s going to be like impossible to to replicate like that shock I I feel like you know I believe it’ll be the Sims one stream that’s what I voted for on his poll so that’ll be sick yeah I can’t wait to catch a stream live his production quality is very good

I will say that a lot of sheep here yeah that’s one thing I noticed is his production quality is is very good um way better than mine I don’t really I’m not really working with a lot here either um I’m working on some old gear

That I’ve got but um and kind of the place I’m living in is a little bit small so I kind of have to juggle that as well all sand that’s what we’re getting Sorry it’s like a one and 672 chance or something I feel like you should have found it by now sweet sheep is the one piece sweet sheep’s like a Shiny Pokemon literally yeah we’ll find her eventually I’m thinking when we find her it’ll be like the most random thing like

We’ll be like just kind of vibing in some random area and we’ll just find her the coolest thing would be to find her like right outside of Crestville or something [Applause] though I’m just going to get like a good amount of sand cuz I I have enough uh coal to

Smelt it all from all my little Expeditions recently all right finish the stack off and we should be good all right that’s good let’s go back Sor I keep like stopping it’s because I’m reading chat my bus is here all right man I hope you have a good day at school play

Minecraft in every class just joking imagine you find a baby pink sheep dude I would scream I would lose my mind if I found that that would be wild that would be so Ridiculous it’s so funny cuz I have the fire textures turned off on accident so like the fire isn’t animated it looks so funny I love the way that looks Lizzy Pops up today remember to ask oh she did pop in but she said she’d be back I

Forgot I’m sorry I forgot again I do care about this I promise that I do it was early um but she’ll probably be back I want to ask her too if she gets Discord notifications you know also this would have been a great area to find her as

Well because um a lot of you probably don’t even know this area this is like my farm room land area it’s a pretty freaking massive area okay it’s massive um and we have plans for this area long ago that we never really did much with but I’m going to put like

Farms and stuff here just some different stuff um one day maybe we’ll even put the carrot Farm here it’s probably what we’ll do um but this is where we all the melons and stuff but this was all Untamed terrain we had to flatten it all out so sweet sheep we should have found

Her here I feel like you know let’s go check the odds of that a baby pink sheep I I should say only three people are watching that’s okay I don’t really care about the view count the thing is you never know who’s watching later too so I

Try to you know be attentive to uh any sort of audience that may be watching you see the wall here needs finished all right let’s get back to it make sure Sor is still here all right they’re still here a chicken egg where’s cheeks there she is okay it’s scared

Less than 1% for a baby pink sheep that’s crazy that’s so weird should have been putting that in there all right now that we got the glass going um that’s great so I’ll be able to kind of Just Vibe and build while that glass smelts that’s great give me one

Second a pink sheep has a 0.64% chance wow whereas a baby pink sheep is 0.82% that is crazy when will you end stream I’m not sure yet going to be live for a little bit hopefully going to finish this build today that’s my goal my goal is to do

Something I never do anything on stream really I do stuff I just I get side tracked guys all right let’s sleep those are some insane odds that’s like that’s like shiny odds right I’m going to need slabs I’m going to need fences I’m going to need the whole

Works I I love just basic simple building though I’ll be honest like it is so nice just to just build with this kind of stuff y y what’s going on d uh daon Jason Mega early stream definitely yeah if you find a baby ping sheep you should buy a lottery ticket because your

Luck is amazing y’all definitely buy like five lottery tickets if that happens but welcome in Jason working on a new area of Crossville we’re actually making a villager uh Lodge right now SL Hotel uh SL apartment building SL whatever you want it to be um I already

Have a design that I built in creative and I’m just replicating that design that’s what we’re doing today it’s good to see you man glad you’re here appreciate you tuning in no C uh cussing that much please yeah I don’t really you know we’re we’re family friendly here but it

Isn’t really I don’t really care about that word it’s as long as it’s not like malicious intent or like just kind of unneeded I don’t really mind it’s you know you know you you you you know you know what you say there are some some bad bad no no words

That I don’t like though that people say okay don’t have too much of a problem with that one Though all right let’s try to get this shape in as quick as possible cuz the the second floor actually didn’t build in Creative yet 1 2 3 4 I believe that’s how it was I’m looking at it the image that jam sent that I had him take a screenshot of it’s looking

Okay okay me look in the front you got kidney stone in the picture that’s a very nice touch gem all right so the main thing uh that I want want to do is I want to get the stairs put down three okay so it’s like need to be a little

Taller that was intentional redeem sweet sheep literally bring her in yeah septic is is like vibing in the pick okay sorry I’m looking at the image okay one two three four and then we’ve got a uh a stair I believe and a fence if I’m right yeah fence is like right here I

Believe yeah I think that’s it sweet also um oh basically everyone is here has an anime profile picture I’m the only one with a Minecraft profile picture man what a flex Mr Redwood imagine your building one day and out of the corner your eye sweet sheep walks

By yeah dude it’s insane I I don’t know when we’re going to find that pink chep it’s going to be wild when we do well ours is AI art so it’s an anime art style yeah that’s how I tried to to kind of make it Mr Redwood used to have a lighthouse

Profile picture I think didn’t you that you built yeah the majority of ours is like our characters Jam doesn’t have one though they’re meant uh to look like us though kobby has a bit of a tanero uh has a bit of tanero apparently yeah it’s mainly just supposed to be my character

It kind of evolved in tanero um or it kind of evolved into like its own thing it used to be just like my skin is Tano as you can see as you can see but it kind of like switched up I don’t really mind that kind of came its own thing all

Right here we go I think that is pretty much much the the build pretty much yeah and then it just loops around here nice okay just going to take that there this is a work in progress so we will see how this turns out we might change some stuff

I did well he has one on Discord just not on YouTube I did what oh oh about your uh Lighthouse gotcha that was a cool Lighthouse yeah it looks a little bit uh Bare Bones here but we will uh get this all fixed up does that look like how it looks in

The picture I think it does I know you guys can cannot even see the picture but I assure you that it looks like that in the picture I think I think Zoro Zoro moment all right this pillar kind of goes up a bit and then uh we got a little bit of this

Right here I think yeah and there’s like one block here and then we got some some glass I need to get some glass sort of yeah it looks slightly different I think does It it might if it does it’s fine I don’t really care as long as like you know that that that was mainly a test just to kind of see um what it was going to look like get some pains but it doesn’t look bad it still works

Great I’m at school bye-bye all right Mr Ribble have a great day man enjoy your schooling don’t get schooled all right it does capture the vibe of the of the original build though I think so as well I like it it’s simple all right so with the with the

Amount of room that we have I want to try to to make this as big as I can but I don’t want to overstep too much do you guys think three like one two three segments is long enough or should we do a fourth should we do a fourth segment

There what do you guys think so I’m not entirely too sure it might be a little long I don’t think it really matters though okay if you have room for the fourth go for it yeah I think I will uh not a lot though n no there’s there’s not there’s

Not enough room for it to be comfortable back here there’s not enough room I want I want you to be able to come behind it so this is fine four is great four is great or three is great it’ll be fine cuz there’s going to be an upstairs

Too but if you think it’ work better with an odd number of segments then keep it that way it’s going to be like this yeah odd it’s fine um wait a minute why is this off centered how is this offc centered already wait Okay it’s not why did I think it was I think I want you to be able to come in from both sides but I’m not sure yet I have to see four might look better yeah stick with three I never let my builds touch the walls yeah I don’t

Want it to touch the wall I I really don’t want it touch to touch the wall yeah not enough room definitely not enough room sorry sorry for the four four segmenters out there all right looking good in the hood let’s go and put some glass down kind of show you guys

Like what’s going to be going on with this build I want to get a little bit of it put down so that’s kind of what the outside’s going to look like um oh wait there’s also a fence here and I’ll need to grab grab some lanterns there’s going

To be lanterns as well and with these glass blocks um have a little design that’s kind of like this I’m a little different here but I think we’re going to do something like that I think that’s how we’re going to do it honestly now that I look at it the uh

Three is probably the right call you can always do extra floors if if you want yeah there’s going to be it’s going to be two floors it’s going to be a two floor twostory um apartment that’s what it’s going to be for the for the villagers we’re going to be bringing them over

All the villagers here I’ll show you well I’m not I’m not going to do it I’m not even going to show you you know why because I get so sidetracked I do I really do I really get sidetracked guys it’s bad it’s really bad I think I got

80hd I think I got ADHD taco cat 2024 nothing wrong with having ADHD um undiagnosed my girlfriend tells me I might have it I’m like bro what but the question is who is working the front desk oh you just realized I don’t know who’s going to be working the front desk

Um I have no idea who do you guys think should work the front desk let’s make the front desk how about we do that so this is where I need to figure out the build okay all right so actually we can mine out the floor we can mine the floor

Out pretty much just going to be wood we can decorate the other floors like in the rooms um depending on the the Villager that’s in it so for now we’re just going to do all wood I think that’ll work best just for building purposes snowman or lucky lucky

Employment I could see lucky um being being it Lucky’s one of our llamas if you do not know we kind of pigeon hold him in there or cheeks cheeks could work here cheeks doesn’t have a job she’s she’s a she’s a I don’t know the call her she’s a housewife without a child

I’m not sure what should run the front desk I like how you said What Not Who I’m not sure what I get it though I think this is a great spot for this I can’t wait to see this area develop let me get some Rest sleep and block off the build there’s holes down there oh yeah yeah yeah yeah well I’m I’m going to I’m going to put uh the floor on right now these holes don’t lead anywhere I don’t think I don’t believe I think I did a

Good job of kind of blocking it off and I tried to light it up the best I could oh cheeks doesn’t have a job yeah let’s go with her I think she’d did great I think cheeks would too what do you guys think cheeks zoro’s girlfriend you know we we’ve we’ve only

Had one llama child as well Zoro we’ve talked about him having a son for a long time but it it’s never happened yet I really want him to have a have a have a child when do you think Zoro should should uh should have the baby like

Zoro’s having it Zoro and cheeks have been together literally for a very long time it’s probably been like I don’t even remember I think it’s been before 100 days Jam would probably know well there are options um well when our options are anything from Snow Golem to llama what is probably the

Best choice cheek would work too CH seems very social honestly I bet she’d be great at greeting people actually she’s pretty uh she’s pretty um reclusive she’s always in the tunnel that’s where we found her with bles and septic and crust I actually brought them here

Because they were kind of on their own um she honestly like the whole time we had her she’s kind of stayed off by herself I think she’s a little bit depressed have they gotten married they have not we need to have a wedding for them I wanted to take them to Crestville

To get them hit or to the valley but I think it’s a little dangerous I I hate taking people there only because like if they get there I want it to be a one-way passage I don’t want it to be like a a like an adventure that they you know are

Going to keep coming back from maybe that uh this would be good to get get her out of her shell that’s what I’m thinking that’s also what I’m thinking cheeks cheeks definitely can do it she just got to put her mind to it she got to put her her Hooves to it

Hooves to the grindstone and the villagers I’m sure would be very nice to her she probably met most of them anyway walking around the town it’s not like she’s always being a recluse like she is hanging out with zorao sometimes and blush I’m so glad we had all this wood makes

Makes these types of things so much easier that’s for sure probably going to take a break soon just heads up so if you guys need to go get something to eat or do anything I bet Zoro would give an amazing pep talk to help her out he

Definitely would Zoro has the has a very kind heart he’s very stoic and he’s very heroic and he’s very he’s he’s just the boss man he’s the boss man all right let’s get let’s grab some more wood I’m already out he seems like a very supportive boyfriend he

Is in fact let’s see where he is now he’s protecting the land okay we need to make sure everybody’s here cuz we don’t want any wolves to get down here we got all the Heavy Hitters we got crust we got septic cheeks isn’t she pretty look at

Her she does not even have anything in her inventory we’re going to give her we’re going to give her a tulip we’ll give her a couple tulips and uh a carrot just a have what Zoro have in his inventory fish raw Cod can’t beat can’t beat the raw Cod H

Zoro so I have an eyelash in my eye get that guy out of there all right yeah I’m I’m getting nervous I’m getting nervous for the face reveal I’ll be honest not nervous but it’s just like becoming real here a zombie becoming super real I’ll just say

That uh let me pull up my YouTube chat on my phone again I’ve been using my computer quite a bit all right back at it again with the chat all right sorry for being a horrible streamer all right I feel like I’m not a good streamer sometimes I’m like dang dude I

Suck everybody’s going to start somewhere I feel like I I do like get very scattered brain sometimes like when I’m just playing games anyway in the same boot I will likely be doing a voice reveal tomorrow which is exciting not as crazy as a face reveal but still no it’s exciting I’m

Definitely excited so yeah if you don’t know we’ll be doing a John voice reveal tomorrow probably Jam as well am I correct in that jam if I remember correctly from our chat last night it’s going to be awesome we’re going to be playing some Kari deasi um

Just kind of chilling it’s going to be a nice chill day going to be really exciting cool stuff planned in the future as well um and also um let me check the poll really quick so I did a poll yesterday it has 18 votes oh my gosh so I said you will

Be uh we will be starting a brand new adventure following the completion of Minecraft Story Mode episode 5 which will be soon um and you will get to decide which of these games you like to be playing or we will be playing next so I chose ghost of tsushima God of War

2019 Final Fantasy 7 remake and Dragon Quest 11 ghost of tsushima with a whopping 11% of votes 18 votes by the way not a crazy amount 18 is a lot of people though that’s like a whole room you know um final fanty 7 6% of people

Dragon Quest 11 6% of people God of War 2019 is at an astounding 78% meaning we will probably be playing God of War um so yep D oh oh D gotta go now peace all right John you’re good man yeah that’s nuts God of War is definitely winning so

You guys are going to be seeing uh the Journey of a trus and katos um played here on stream probably God of War Ragnarok as well CU I I do own both games so and they’ll be enhanced for the PlayStation 5 so it’ll be really sick it’ll those are some beautiful looking

Games super exciting stuff anybody else in here uh vote on the poll I know there’s not really tons of people in here right now but um anybody else vote on the poll what did you vote for if you voted I know JM voted for God of War and

So did uh John it’s exciting though I cannot wait all right this is the main part that I want to get uh figured out right here this part okay okay so this needs to be higher this needs to go pretty high actually I’m the highest in the

Crust hope I make it out of here okay one two three then a guy there and then one two three I believe that’s how it Is I believe I don’t remember yeah yeah this is it oops Okay sorry if I’m uh struggling right now just getting this down I am excited to get all these villagers over here that’ll be so like fun just to see everybody hanging out they’ll actually finally be like retired I don’t want to get rid of all the Mason

Men though I I don’t know what do you guys think should we get rid of some of the Mason men like should not get rid of but should we um I don’t know cuz that’s a that’s a that’s a way I get my emeralds that is like a way I still get

Emeralds should I should I I don’t know should I get new villagers I don’t think I should get new villagers I think I should keep maybe the farmers maybe the farmers are the people that I’ll that I’ll choose to use for uh the new stuff because you know technically stay okay I

Think the farmers can come though honestly only because they don’t really serve me much purpose anymore I want them to change profession well honestly they might not even be able to so I’m not sure I’m not sure how all that works I I don’t remember I don’t really do a

Lot of villager breeding or anything so I’m not a human breeder I’m not a bad person well I I try not to be a bad person I’d like to be a better person all right all right that’s like the the initial build right all right so I can

Go ahead and start with the roof I believe all right all right we’re out of uh out of stairs let me grab some stairs I believe it’s just uh second believe it’s like just one above so going be like this dude look there’s so many llamas

Bro so there’s a guy here but there’s also a guy over there a Wandering trador interesting so funny freaking guys dude I swear they’re coming into the freaking Place get out it’s not open yet we ain’t open for business ain’t open all right okay I don’t think this is sticking out

Too far is it I don’t remember let me pop into creative real quick I need to see something I need to to to look at something that I can’t really see in this image sorry so let me check something really quick okay okay yeah wait yeah this is where I messed up this

Needs to be on the same level so how did I mess that up it pretty much looks the exact same we’ll figure it out we will figure it out dude what’s up dude I’m thinking Gold Star Chili for for lunch I got a can dude that sounds so freaking

Good I freaking love gold star Star Gold Star is so freaking good man that that sounds great you got me at you got me excited for you that’s for sure happy for you enjoy it you going to have you going to have conies or you going to have uh the the low reliable

Sky you thinking skety oh I okay I see where I screwed up I’m okay I I didn’t screw up too much might use it on a boiled potato not sure yet or put it on tortilla chips got options you definitely do have options uh chips is chips would be awesome

Too that’s really exciting Jam I’m really excited for anime night to uh as well almost said today it’s going to be really awesome just chatting it’s going to be great G to be epic all right let me know what you decide to do with that though I’m invested in

This I I want you to be eating good all y’all better be eating something good today okay I know it’s only a Thursday but let’s make it a good one let’s make it a good Thursday okay make it a good day if you’re having a bad day already I’m very sorry but let’s

Freaking change it let’s eat some spaghetti no I’m sorry I know everybody’s going through their own stuff I’m not trying make light of anything but let’s just try to have a good day today I’m going to try to have a good day I woke up early I I went to sleep at

Like 4: in the morning I woke up at 8:00 around like 4 hours of sleep about 4 and a half but you know we’re here I got to work in in like a little while which kind of sucks but going to do the chips because potatoes take like 40 to 60 minutes yeah

Good idea chips great dude man you got me jealous as heck right now yo what’s going on user welcome back in beacons yeah we uh we cleared out this new area for my my town Crestville work on a villager apartment complex at the moment that I built in Creative well I

Built it in a replica in Creative not really sure how it’s going to turn out hopefully it turns out well um but yeah let’s sleep ain’t got time for that ain’t nobody got time for that anybody remember that all right got some watering trade already here but yeah that’s what it’s

Going to kind of look like oh I really hope it’s symmetrical please be symmetrical bro pretty sure it is pretty sure it is MH is this biome Hills this biome is uh is Forest why Jim that’s interesting that you ask that Why I just need to put some of the logs down I have to go grab some more logs I have a bunch of logs so it’s not not an issue just want to get the shape of it down so I can start filling the inside yeah we’re going to have a bunch

Of villagers with different professions and stuff so hopefully it’ll be cool I want to know uh if the biome was Hills or a biome or was a Hills biome or a mountain but apparently it’s just a forest I think there might be Mountain that way Jam mostly uh for the wording in the

Wiki oh okay gotcha I’m building a castle in my world any suggestions on the best build practices dude I am am not the guy to ask I am not a very good Builder um I think just your design is as cool as it’s going to get I feel like

People try way too hard to make things look like other people’s things and that’s just not what the game’s about we have been very oversaturated with media of like what things should be like like a standard and I feel like anything you build is going to be cool

Everybody’s Got a Cool Unique Style in my Opinion he with stone that was leveled yeah it probably is like a um it’s either like a meadow or a Hill bull man this is awesome dude I had to go into creative to build this cre well I wasn’t in there too long in Creative I’m like yeah I’m so good actually no but uh it’s just wood I struggle with uh building when it comes to like experimenting but I’m getting

Better is the thing I I’m not a builder I don’t build a lot I like to build I love to build I’ve always that you that’s the fun of the game is building I love doing it but I just have never been the greatest at it I always get stumped

I’m like man you get all these ideas and then when you go to actually put them like put them into into the game it’s like dang I I literally do not know what to do with with these blocks right now sometimes going into creative helps definitely in my

Opinion better than my box houses you should see my first house in this world it’s pretty boxy all right so here we go here we go I can’t speak move if you’re in danger huh relog he moved okay I said move if you’re in danger and he went bro

Moved yeah do you experiment with redstone I do not experiment with red stone but it is something I would very much like to get into look I’ve got a couple leads looks like we got a couple leads here um but no I really do want to experiment with redstone we’re going to

Be building a creeper Farm soon not sure if that’s going to take Redstone Creeper Farm Enderman Farm carrot Farm those are builds that we’re going to build soon so there’s that I I hate I I love this world because like for me I’ve seen so many Thousand Days videos dude that’s

Like this is what I did in a thousand days and it’s like this huge freaking Mega space station build it’s like bro ain’t nobody got time that no that those are very impressive builds do not get me wrong but for me it’s like I want my builds to reflect oh that was my

Alarm to wake up um I want my builds to reflect my personality and my like just how I want things to be this is an adventure for me there’s a lot of lore in this world there’s a lot of animals a lot of like buddies that I’ve met I just

Wanted that like the world to be a good place for them I know a good uh 10 stack an hour creeper Farm but for Bedrock yeah I’m I’m going to be looking uh diligently trying to find a a farm soon so all right let’s start with these

Rooms all right so each room is going to be divided by the The middle rooms are going to be bigger so I was going to say two villagers could be in there but I’m not sure yet we’ll see so there’s a room this room is going to be like a double door room so this is like I have it exactly how I had it when

I play the build so that’s great yeah I have I’ve built a creeper Farm before in another world but it wasn’t very good so need to figure out okay I don’t think I’m going to actually have this open I think I want this to be a window right here just to

Kind of let some natural light in yeah that’s what we’re going to do maybe we’ll do like a stained glass window or something here we’ll see could be cool for the villagers to kind of chill my cat says hello hello cat if I hope it’s not like my cat user

Literally my cat hit my um hit my power button on the computer like last stream while I was just midt talking and it literally corrupted the world and jam had to like save it we had to figure it out it was kind of a thing it was crazy

Crazy all right actually what I’m going to do is I’m going to push this back a little bit reception desk is going to be a little bit Small all right let me get some more wood and some lanterns wood and lanterns yeah it was crazy is Jam an admin or something Jam is uh one is one of my bestest friends he’s been with me for a long time with streams the when no

One kind of has been so he is he’s one of he’s my main moderator yeah guess you could say Ad admin okay let’s grab these uh out some more wood the fact of the matter is taco cat couldn’t have done it without me it’s my favorite image I’ve ever seen all

Right wait I’m confused how did I have this that okay that’s what I thought that’s what I thought had to be sure oh my cat just jumped up here I the cat is no longer allowed anywhere near my setup up because she is very bad with turning like the computer

Off cannot let that occur any longer how do I have to keep looking at this okay one two three then two blocks uneven it might be oh I see why okay we’re good it’s this that’s what was uneven yeah I was wondering what was up with it I was like what the

Heck still trying to decide what I’m going to eat for for breakfast it’s like 10:30 where I’m at we’ve been streaming for a couple hours is it one off yeah it was this bottom layer right here it was that bottom layer it’s good now

We’re all good in the hood I need to uh I need to make some chains I need to get a bell and I need some lanterns and my why is my alarm still going off I’m awake I am awake Skyler I am awake all right we’re on day 1,091 too

1091 almost to 00 days that’s sick sourdough pancakes I’ve never had sourdough pancakes what’s the difference between sourdough pancakes and regular pancakes is the dough rotten rotten do I have to give these llamas some work to do I’m tired of seeing them stand around bro all right what am I looking for again

I don’t remember yeah my cat is trying to walk on my keyboard I know it’s so annoying my cat just like scratched me too she like cut my finger open just then when I was trying to put her down happens a lot she’s a kitten though she’s like she’s

Like seven months old now actually so it’s not even really a kitten anymore kind of she’s got that kitten face she’s pretty small and crazy she’s really crazy I have another cap when I hit 1,000 Subs I’ll be doing a face reveal stream if you weren’t aware user and uh

I’m going to be um going to be doing a cat reveal too I’m be showing off the cats I’ve shown them before but going to show them again um one has yeast and bacteria in it oh wow so it’s mine yeah bad all right so this is going to be the

Reception desk I do need to get those lanterns like a up wait no this needs to be taller excited I know I wish I could subscribe another seven times I know we’re so close we’ve been close for a bit I’m so excited to hit it going to be

A fun stream going to be a really fun stream we’ve been playing it for a long time so naturally we do have some things planned for it so hope you can make it okay wait all right I need to figure out how I’m going to do like a staircase here staircase going

Up I don’t I want something kind of simple so I’m thinking like something like this I didn’t get this far when I was doing the uh the other build so we will see we’ll do something like this this this guy’s like going to be like having this little thing over his

Door I think this works I like these these types of uh L of these uh you get what I mean spiral staircase yeah how come you don’t use scaffolding I usually do ah for bigger builds but I’m I feel like I’m an OG I’m the OG I don’t know I just

Really it’s it’s annoying I’ll be honest it I used it a lot when I was converting my ancient city I feel like it would be way easier for these types of builds but I’m going to put a little chest here just for some aesthetic oh I need to get those lanterns like right

Now need to craft some more doors might need more doors than that nothing wrong with using SCA scaffolding at all though it’s a very useful block that is for sure random chest the roof should be accessible use maybe use a trap door good idea yeah I’m

Just going to put stuff random stuff in that chest to get the High View yeah it’ll look sick okay Lantern 16 lanterns I need to make some chains a lot of iron left over when I was making this Beacon what do I need to make chains that’s enough okay

Sick all right I have to leave now but I wish you all the best of luck in your endeavors thank you user it’s always nice seeing you stop by man hope you have a good one enjoy your sour pancakes see you man money emoji money money man all

Right so this is where we’re going to put the lanterns um and then we need one up here on a chain sick I love that I’m actually recreating this as I was building and I was like man I’m never going to make that I was like I’m never making that in my world

And I did I made it look it’s done it’s all done just joking it’s not done yet getting there looking good though it’s looking way better than I thought it would it’s very uh very very roomy I want it to have these high ceilings so we’ll see what the top

Floors are going to look like I’m not sure yet so we got one two three four five rooms down here two of which are pretty big might be able to house two villagers we’ll see I don’t know actually that’s that might be stretching it that might be like un unhealthy living conditions if

We made two of them live in that room it’s literally one block larger it’s not even that much bigger cozy build I really like it yeah I feel like it’s like going to be one of my favorite builds in the in uh Crestville yeah I really like this

Build yeah I’m I’m interested to see how uh how it’ll look once we’re done done you should be able to take the data for this world make a server out of it what do you mean just the server people could just join be awesome world to share one day

Oh yeah we’re definitely going to be sharing it definitely going to be sharing it I remember when we were like been a long time ago but when before we got to a th000 days we were like yeah when we get to 1 th000 days we’ll put up the world downloads like bro

What probably won’t be doing that yet we’re just going to keep this wood oh wait did I screw up I did I do like the little spiral staircase I think it fits well think that’s a little good touch too I like that all right yeah I want these ceilings to be

Kind of high here so it so it gives you that feeling of of you know you’re not in a super cramped area it’s a nice cozy area you’re skeletons like crazy yeah I’m really glad Jam that that the world corruption kind of did happen I really hate that all my achievements

Are gone but I’m happy that we got we got a backup and I want to I want to periodically I want to try to make a backup like every 50 or probably we’ll say 100 days that’s probably what I’ll do okay so here here’s where here’s

Where I need to figure out what what I’m going to do it probably needs to go up a little more right I I hope the villagers are able to figure out uh how to get up here I’m sure they’ll be able to you should just uh you should be able

Ble to just copy the data to Ser to the server folder yes so I looked at my server and it was a has a place for the world and the data oh that’s really cool that’s really cool I don’t really know how to make a server

So but one thing actually that I could do I think I could put this world onto a realm um you know which is you know essentially a server and I can just have people join it that would be really cool wouldn’t it that’d be sick Jam how would you like to

Walk with PE sheep it would be crazy the honest to God PE sheep it’d be a Monumental day to have you here all right this might be it okay I’m I’m a little confused would be be crazy I know it would be okay yeah this is uh this is where

This is where it might be might get a little weird trying to think how I’m going to do this all right I like this but I don’t know if it works not sure if it works yet cuz I want this all to be flat and it works perfectly here but there it

Doesn’t work at all let’s see what this looks like on the outside yeah let’s change this a bit just to see what it looks like what do you guys think that’s the way it’s going to have to be I hate that but what if we did

Nah I don’t hate that I don’t think it looks too bad I don’t think you I don’t think that’s too much of a sacrifice do you that’s just the way it has to be though to to be to be a flat floor to be a second story anyway I think it looks

Okay think it’ll be fine it’ll I’d rather see the villagers and stuff in this second floor than uh than it’ be weird and have to have like a staircase down to get onto your uh onto the second floor all here I’ll I’ll tell I’ll show you what I mean

So so if I did it if I did it the other way basically what I’d have to do is I’d have to put a staircase going down right here that’s what I don’t want I want it to be on this level this level right here is what I want that’s what I’d

Like I think these these be some some bigger windows or maybe we’ll just do that that’s probably what we’ll do glad I got a bunch of glass the ceilings actually are probably going to be able to be pretty high actually cuz in the rooms anyway all right all right yeah I’m I’m interested

To see uh if the farmers can change occupations cuz we don’t really need the farmers anymore I mean I guess we could keep them for doing like a farm later I’m not sure like a automatic carrot Farm I’ve definitely seen a lot of people use villagers to make

Those I don’t know if I want to do that to my villagers I don’t know if I want them to be you know cozied up enslaved basically it’s not really the way we roll around here not cool yeah I’m going to need some more pains pains are a pain

Mean bunch of pants let’s go all right all right uh this needs to be a pillar I believe wait no this needs to be a pillar right here oh all right buddy uh wait doesn’t look bad see where I need to put this pillar at right here okay so I was right kind

Of forget the freaking pillar dude doesn’t matter okay we’ll uh we’ll go through and we’ll like kind of fix up the rooms as well like we’ll we’ll figure out if they’re all symmetrical or not pretty well not symmetrical but with like Windows and everything and cuz it does get tend to

Get a bit weird when you try to um build like a second layer with stuff so we’ll have to make sure everything’s good there I just definitely want to get the second layer started right now so I can uh build around it and not complete the

First floor and it looked wonky want the second floor to be set in stone before I mess with anything I returned how’s the building been going it looks good it’s going good welcome back John good to see you man um it’s going pretty well um just finishing up the second floor right now

Probably going to need some more glass I was just looking at my server files and it should be able to work I realized that there is no way to have it updated with every stream because the file sizes would have to do monthly updates dang that’s crazy we would have to we would

Definitely have to do that we’re talking about uh putting the the world on a server that you could play on viewers be really sick so cool we’re just going to be flat that’s how we’re going to do it we are going to get put like some roof access up there maybe we’ll put

Like a little uh like some seating up there or something for the villagers to kind of hang out and chill up there it’d be a nice little area for them to get up to I want this to reach the ceiling I’d like it to anyway nice while

I’m up here I guess I’ll just finish the rest of this uh Ceiling put some slabs on these like a whir download kind of yeah we would have to get a dedicated computer for it um I would copy all the world data Taco has and put it on a server I’ll post the link in the servers I frequent so people can get a voice

Reveal sounds good it’s going to be great I cannot wait it’ll be a really chill stream for that too it won’t be like oh we’re you we’re doing this stuff in hardcore we you know we’re we’re building all these things for my villagers that are all

Named and I’ll have their blood type uh in a in a in a book and quill it’ll just be Kari just hanging out yeah we’d have to literally get a whole computer for that jam that’s crazy or like I said I could put it on a realm but you know that’s that costs

Money yeah we were just talking about food not too long ago user was here and he was talking about sourdough pancakes honestly they they don’t sound very good I’ll be honest that if I if I think about that it makes me think of like like a bad taste in your

Mouth I could not be up it could not be up all um at all times since uh this is on my home room Network oh you would run it okay I’m not sure if I’ll be playing game alongside it or not I might just play some fortnite while it happens or

I’ll just talk not sure yet yeah that’s fine John that that’ll work it’ll be really chill so there’s no need to uh to worry dang I I’m glad I cut all those trees down dude cuz I’ve used like all almost all that wood I think for this

Build and I’m going to probably use it all if not if I not if I don’t even need more we have to see I don’t think I’ll need more going to need more stairs that’s for sure so this is the top I will I am going to be putting some

Lanterns up here I think um I do want to see kadari 2o though yeah it’s going to be really fun super stoked for it yeah so real quick let me make some pressure plates I got like eight pressure plates um should I put like a fence up

Here how about I do something like this so I can put like a log here and then put like a fence like that I feel like that’d be sick what do you guys think yay or nay let me get the logs dang I’m out this is my last bit of

Logs is it I think it is it is good thing I got some ladders here too make some Steps I think that should look good so this how we’ll do it put some lanterns there do that boop boop Boop thank you so much for telling me about the sh and jump at by the way it’s very good my plan is that um I’ll probably collect the series I love later but read digitally first that’s a great way to do it that’s a that’s how I

Started reading uh some of my stuff so great idea FC yeah the fence looks pretty pretty good I agree well this area up here could be like a little uh Penthouse area for them to kind of hang out at these guys deserve it man they they worked too hard for me all those

Years literally years it’s been probably years ago for them because how how many how many years is a th000 days 1100 days almost a lot of years it’s like three years it’ll also help uh keep the mobs out out like like really well I think so just under the

Tree what’s just under the tree sorry if I have streamer brain dang I’m like almost out of yeah we’re we’re going to run out maybe we might not can see the cows from there dude this is a this yeah this is a big area almost flew off this looks

Sick this looks really good let’s get a look let’s get a look see there it is looks bad looks bad for a minute let’s look at it from right here I think that looks pretty good oh my gosh I read it as just under the tree I’m

Sorry that’s really my bad I’m really sorry for that can’t read you know how it is going to plant these here I’m going to make actually some shears yeah I don’t know why I run this tree I’m glad you did to GM I don’t feel alone getting these leaves cuz I want to

Use them for bushes and plus I just don’t want it to hang here forever is there some in Crestville that are still there too yeah see there’s like some that are still here in Crestville they’re just kind of chilling up here very interesting also very interesting to me

Is that the uh wandering Trader is gone from over here no he’s not bro and what are you doing dude what in the world so there’s a Wandering Trader right here right and look these guys were not here before this sheep is not here but the thing is there’s a

Wandering traitor and that looks pretty good that’s a good looking build yeah he’s like right here well I killed him actually never mind I killed him even I got trolled by my message and I sent it oh I’m sorry to be fair when you said tree I looked back in my messages and

Thought I had said Tree by accident more common phrase under the tree under the tree is actually an anime uh opening as well for Attack on Titan so that’s funny all right is there spiders in here spider in the Attic uhoh hey buddy all right let’s uh get rid of some of

This oh shoot we didn’t finish the spiral staircase let’s finish the spiral staircase shall we it’ll go all the way up I love spiral staircases so much got to be my favorite case spiral case that wandering trador has some audacity to approach crust phille yeah he’s uh he’s probably not going to be

There for much longer I uh I probably will just take him out for dinner I mean not not anything else just you know take them out you know they could stay but they don’t we had a we had a Wandering Trader named crumb forever ago he was in the office

Building and he was supposed to be the desk uh clerk bro literally never did his job and just disappeared so it’s like what am I supposed to do with these people they don’t work man they don’t work it’s just not going to work out that’s what I had to say to

Him trying to fix this so it’ll actually work guess that’s fine who doesn’t love spiral staircases they’re they’re the best fancy and functional sorry I was mid yawn small chatau build yeah I’m really liking this build do you uh want to consider the build uh the build a small chatau yeah I

Guess yeah we could yeah I could see it I think the staircase works better than a ladder in this sense all right now I want to put some some tables up here just to kind of have some some hang out area oh I’m out of fences of course I

Am just have a couple up here it’s like right here uh maybe we’ll have like a party or something up here eventually see maybe we’ll like reserve this middle area for something like I said we’ll just see might want to test jumping in front of the

Lanterns yeah you can you can jump like over this but the thing is vill don’t jump off of stuff so it’ll be fine might be a safety risk yeah I thought of that as well but with with V with the way villagers are I don’t think they’re

Going to jump off they if they do bro it’s their fault they have free will okay my animals are my friends I got I got to protect them the villagers they want they want to do what they want to they can do it all right I’ll just be

Honest I don’t think they’re going to though they’re not stupid they don’t want to die all right I’m going to put some of these down I can’t believe I’ve used uh so much wood for this build I guess it makes sense the amount of logs that there

Is I’ll have to get some more of these tulips so I need I need lanterns this I really like this this is looking cool I need lanterns and I need uh glass that’s what I need think I picked up a bunch really happy that I did that all

Right let’s go a and place the glass before I uh get carried away I remember when you uh you had all the villagers cooped up in that safety hazard of a house there were saws all over the place listen I hear a baby zombie oh he’s

Under me listen John the Mason men are well taken care of all right look they’re able to roam they could go the there’s a Cafe down the street and you call that inhumane a cafe a sushi restaurant a library ending Mario’s house look and see Arnold Arnold’s out

Here literally in the pouring rain he’s so happy The Cove required it it literally did the the the ancient city project would not have been complete without the these Great Men right here and and they’re all that’s why we’re building this so we’re going to be tearing this

Up down and the majority of the villagers are going to be over here not probably not the Mason men we’re going to build them something different I think but I know they are now but they were trapped weren’t they trapped okay they were technically trapped um

But it it wasn’t it wasn’t because I didn’t want them to roam free it was because it was easier for me to be able to have them all in one place when I traded with them as they reset their trades I was able to to get

You know what I needed from them in a timely manner but if they were all running around it would have been difficult all right I know you get it you have to they’re crazy man there’s another wandering traditor I hear him bro it was a coordinated effort with the

Families across two generations yeah literally bro they gave birth in that room all right yeah there’s a Wandering Trader literally underneath my feet right now all right that room is good making sure we got all of the uh glass down it pretty much just needs it

Upstairs and that’s it I want to keep these doors open for now though I think we might be able to make these windows higher no no no no I we won’t because of the the stairs that have to be put here like so here we got to have these stairs

So that’s why I can’t make the windows taller it was easier to exploit them all in one place is what I’m getting from this exploit would maybe be the word but I also the the love and affection that I have for these guys was unmatched the family agreed for a promise of better

Housing yeah see that was what their their gift was to be if they were to if they were to to give their their all during the project and they did they most certainly did I’m very proud of them for that all right it’s so dark up here I need to get a lit

Up so glad I grabbed all this glass see there he is there’s another one that’s him there’s so many llamas spawning it’s insane I really don’t get it I really don’t all right I think I’d like to have a window here I don’t want it to connect to

Anything though nice it’s not going to let’s go okay cool actually I think I’m going to bring it down one more I think we’ll be able to do that uh should be able to Kobe look out there’s a baby zombie yeah I know I hear him I don’t know

Where he’s at I think he’s under the ground melon head had got medical care for this potential condition for his potential condition you know what happened to Phil I mean technically he died to a spider but whatever yeah I know what happened to Phil is though he

Jumped into a cave they should not have jumped into and I know mistakes happen in hardcore but dude dude that was a very risky situation and he didn’t even have his totem equipped he didn’t not have it equipped for me I try to learn from that

Mistake all right so this where I have I encountered an issue okay we’ve encountered an issue let me light it up so we can see um right gosh dude can you all just get in here or something all right too distracting swear um as you can

See I guess we could just do it like this I think this works let’s just build this flat layer all right we’re going to run out of wood I think hopefully not but um I think this is what do we we’ll have this we’ll have this area open back

Here just so it kind of works with uh this the staircase cuz I want you be able to come up like right here you know what I mean sorry sometimes I talk to you guys like you’re actually like in the room I feel like that’s just how comfortable I am talking to you

Guys like I I think about like the face reveal for a th000 subs and I get worried but then I think like I know I’ll be fine just cuz I’m just so used to talking favorite thing he does now is sorry it’s a YouTube channel he does

With his other friends Wilbur Tommy slim cicle and rainbow they sort of do improv stuff in different situations like running a hot dog stand or prison that’s funny I I want I would like to watch more filza I don’t really watch uh any anything of his anymore which I’d like

To I don’t watch any of those other guys either I don’t even know Tommy in it still made videos I thought he just like dropped off see you see how much I know I’m like an old man at this point messed up here there we

Go it’s a lot of fun and I’ve watched it since the beginning so it’s still going that sounds cool yeah I I used to be really interested in like the dream SMP but I never watched like too much of it I don’t know I just a lot of drama

Happened with dream and stuff and I kind of just fell off of it honestly I don’t really care anymore I don’t know it’s just like people just seem really disingenuine on there not everyone obviously I love technoblade a lot all right well here’s the upstairs I’m going to light it up just a

Bit cuz we had a spider spawn we’ll definitely H get that fixed but it’s actually still going pretty strong he just got under 15 million subscribers he uh released a parity of I’m just kin oh wow that’s crazy yeah I’m not I don’t know if I’ve subscribed to him anymore I might have

Unsubbed I don’t know I I went through like forever ago and unsubed from people I need to do it again I have sub to wine too many people um right here I’d like to make a flower pot maybe we’ll see like how I do something I’m like oh immediately it’s like a maybe

All right let’s make some lanterns lanterns how mature of me let’s put some downstairs first let’s throw one like right here and then I guess here that’ll work I need to kill that zombie kind of annoying an annoying little fella down there running around this looks good

Though he sort of ties in with the fact that um that which sort of ties in with the fact that might have accidentally married his friend oh after techno escaped the prison I stopped paying attention to the story it didn’t feel the same without techno yeah

I I didn’t really watch much of it just Clips but techno is literally the only reason I wanted to watch it cuz he’s just so cool rest in peace techno I remember where I was the exact day I watch that video of him passing very sad such a wholesome guy so dedicated to

His fans all right these are like the luxury rooms cuz they have like the nice Windows like the floor Windows all right I think this is how we’ll do these rooms we’ll we’ll do them kind of like this so these rooms will be a little bit

Weirder okay so no I can’t do this because cuz I want to have the this floor open right here oh I got you John you’re good see this is where it’s weird you know maybe we’ll make this area um maybe we’ll make like this area and

This area like a little wreck room or something we’ll see all right yeah I’m going to need a little bit more wood not too much just a tiny bit more number the rooms that’s what I was thinking to jam I was thinking of putting an item frame over each one um

For um what the what they were selling what vendor they were basically he did a joke video where he pranked his friend by doing a marriage ceremony but he didn’t know that the person who did the ceremonies actually ordained so the marriage is technically official plant area that

Could be cool too that’s so crazy dude imagine getting married to somebody on accident numbering the rooms would be good also you can name the name tags um on the key cards uh label them with the corresponding room that would be sick yeah well another thing that’s really cool

Um let me fact check this we have 13 name tags o and I have more wood in here let’s go um 13 name tags meaning we can get some new homies today that’s the plan we’re going to get some new homies all right hopefully this is enough I do know we

Are going to need a little bit more wood but it’s okay it’s crazy cuz like I don’t even know how many stacks this took this would have taken us ages to do if we hadn’t had mined all those trees out it would taken so long so I’m very thankful that we actually uh

Hit hit the hit the grind these double rooms are pretty cool we might actually have a room for each villager profession I don’t even know how many professions there are though um I don’t think it’s legally official I didn’t they didn’t sign anything I don’t think but in the eyes of God it’s

Official yeah literally yeah that’s so crazy loving this build it’s just is perfect for me like it feels like so perfect it’s simple it’s what you want in a build it really is there we go there’s my last Lantern I don’t think I need these torches anymore

I got to get under there and kill that zombie like ASAP my cat’s like messing with a box so if you’re here I apologize there’ll be like other lights in here oh I need some more lanterns there’ll be other lights as well um but that’ll just be like what the

Decorations are in their rooms we’ll have to see what they uh what they want in their rooms before we put them in there this is a this is this room this room’s great imagine being in this room this will have to be like Todd or Arnold’s room no actually I forgot the

Mason men aren’t coming here we’ll see chatau stream chatau stream the chatau I’ll probably forget to call it that to me it’s like just a lodge I love when people do creative places to store their villagers like how dant DM made a vending machine so I really love this build specifically oh

That’s really cool he made a vending machine dude freaking vending machine that’s great I love that all right for now these rooms are tricky cuz they’re unsymmetrical so I guess for now I’ll just do like one in the corner we we’ll figure out whenever we uh go in there to do

That all right well up here is a the back is not finished but that’s fine all right um I think we need stairs still the rest of this wood we’re going to make into stairs we’re going to see if we uh well we’re going to need to get

Get some more wood but I’m going to finish these the stair uh design first yeah this baby zombes been freaking under me for so long dude I’d like to get some more lanterns as well to hang um from from up there cuz we got some oh I forget you

Forgot we need fences as well some fencing what do you guys think the chatau moment there it is looking looking spicy in my opinion but thank you guys for tuning in today it means a lot for this early stream oh I have a stack of wood bab oh

I have two yes oh you guys don’t know how depressed I get when I have to go get wood so depressing all right and with this Birch I’m actually going to make some stick I’m going to make a bunch of sticks with this Birch so I’m so glad I

Got it let’s make some fences fence fence all right build looks really good by the way all right I have to head out going to read some one piece I’ll tell you what happens in the anime and the manga Channel sounds great dude I am so excited that you’re starting reading it

Because that means we’ll be able to talk about it cuz such a good series but enjoy man I will see you around if I don’t see you um I’ll probably definitely talk to you tonight on the V or on the VC but you know hey ruy stop she being back the Crusty

Chatau very crusty yeah this build’s been nice all right we’re going to kill this guy where is he here he is this is him this is the man they told you to worry about all right hopefully this will be enough stairs this that is unmetrical it’s just glass though I think yeah it’s

Just four wide that’s fine just throw another one on there there you go well we’ll need to do a little bit more with this but I’m thinking I’ll do something kind of like this that’s what I’m thinking yeah and we’ll get some more lanterns to hang need to make some more right now

Actually bunch of lanterns Lantern is probably in my top five F favorite item looks good thanks Jam wait a minute oh I was going to say where did the iron go okay all right let’s uh let’s get back up here I’m going to slam into this wall really quick there we

Go put some on there think I want one there and we also need to get the Bell and the bell is going to be great because um it’s going to like um make all the villagers go inside when I want them to which will be Cool I think it is delivered yo I’ll have to go check in a minute actually I’ll go check give me one sec I use the restroom too so we’ll uh we’ll just Vibe out here for a minute okay one second I’ll be right back N This N N all right Jam I back and everyone else sorry I only said Jam because I’ve been talking to him it seems to have about four items in it I think that’s what it feels Like could be all eight it may be I don’t know it feels like four all Right it’s awesome though dude I’m so excited to open them no idea what it is bro that to be so crazy to reveal the main website is not updated yet gotcha yeah I’m not worried about it thank you so much dude very wholesome all right I’m going to throw

Some lanterns uh here as well we love we love lanterns here Ah that’s too much put one either side here all right I think that’s a good way to split it Up accidentally checked oh I just had the actual UPS website up to and it said it just delivered that’s the only only way I know accidentally checked so it’s only the four or was it the eight sorry I get confused all right let’s make sure all these holes are

Filled I’m going to do it like that or something like actually something like this this is probably better for these bigger rooms should be four yeah it’s four it feels like four when you said that I I went and checked and it felt exactly like four things no idea what the things

Are but there are four of them in there I literally have no idea what they could be all right that’s how I’m going to do the lanterns for these bigger rooms it’s just like two little eyes that room’s fine this room is fine so we need

Doors based on what the made website is saying the other has not even started shipping gotcha bro you spent entirely way too much money on this you had to have spent like a $100 on the on all this like way more than that you’re insane Jam a mad man I very much appreciate

You just crazy probably be today or tomorrow sounds good we need to get people subbing man so we can do it I want to open it I can’t open them until I get to the sub though all right there’s the doors I reckon I need to make some signs too

Right all right let’s go and shut all these doors all right going to make a little like chair here I think I’ll put like a pot there n we we’ll see oops Yeah we’re just going to put a little seat there and then I’ll put a a couple back here we’ll put

Uh I don’t know I feel like it’s too dark but maybe it’s not maybe it’s just me I think I want to put one there and then another one there and that should be good for me yeah that’ll work this works yeah we need to get some paintings and

Stuff all right so see I don’t know how to do a path to this this looks so good but it’s the only thing here it’s literally the only thing here dude I think I have a touch that I want to add though I don’t know how well this is going to

Look why are these trap doors so expensive definitely dark sort of better sort of yeah I want to put these little shutters here that’ss on that is this too much or should I just leave it the way it was perpendicular uh path from the beacon that’s what I was thinking just

Like a straight path but the thing is I’m not sure what other builds we’re going to put here yet no trap door yeah I didn’t think I don’t like the trap door either I just thought maybe it would look okay got to pick them up I don’t care all

Right we need to light it up down there a little bit more villagers are going to get spooked let’s finish the roof it’s about done though this has been a nice build it’s been a very very uh productive day I feel like probably wait for the path yeah I’m

Going to wait um yeah just because I don’t know what we’re going to use yet I don’t know what we’re going to use the area for this really overlooks a lot though this this area really does all right putting these little tables down I can’t wait for all the villagers to be

Here we’re definitely going to have to light it up though before they get here this looks good I probably put like a like a t table here or something like right here only because and it’s literally only because I want to put a lantern on the table but

I don’t want it to be like a random there we go I don’t want it to just be a random Lantern on a log I want it to be like a little table here the long table just a little spot I know a spot villagers come here there we Go that was what I was thinking sweet great mind think I like this is like the the uh the um the the table from better call saw you know what I mean nice there we go a little a little pad if you will a little place where where they can just kind of

Chill get some get some looks see what it looks like from over here here turn the chunks up it’s nice view wow this is a beautiful view great view can see all of crust phille that you can see all of crust Ville sat down in there that’s going to

Look great oh one thing I need to do septic zor a moment sorry um Coca bolo yeah yeah the Coca bolu desk um it’s so funny that we both thought of that um but we need to put um cherry trees along this wall not on the inside so usually we

Have them on the inside right do you think we should keep it up by keeping them on the inside or should we put them on the outside perimeter of the wall I’m thinking the outside perimeter just to give the wall a little bit more girth girth um craziest you yeah it looks

Great it looks awesome just from like from like the bridge sorry for the frame rate you can see the house all the way from here you could see the the old sheep pen all the way from here outside yeah that’s what we’ll do Dey what we’ll

Do all right but before we do that we need to uh we need to uh get the rooms situated honestly yeah that’s what we should do well I don’t know I need to um I need to get this place it’s it’s pretty lit up but I honestly want to make some Street

Lamps so maybe let let me let me go see what Crestville looks like really quick so it’s got it’s like regular path ow a bamboo it’s like regular path right do you think we should keep the same dirt path that we got or should we do like a stone brick path oh

No got some trees here though I can plant all right I think I want to put a cherry tree like this will kind of help the wall put one here get rid of that here I hope they grow there dirt might be the best match I think you’re right I think you’re 100%

Right I want this tree gone where’s the piece of wood that’s in here here it Is I believe this will look nice little cherry trees yeah like welcoming you in let me go get my bone meal actually cuz I want to uh see what they’re going to look like grown all right please grow here please I knew it all right that one looks

Good might need to move them around a little bit we have some still that never grew over there that we just need to get rid of this is probably where I could like terraform or something though and here let’s just do that yeah see like it’s not going to like what

Bro torch up the trees litty cherry trees oh I got some chains that looks sick might need to back put the back dude what is up with the weird trees not growing let’s try that maybe they are like hard to grow let me go grab some more um bone

Meal try our hand at this once more I don’t mind using bone meal at all literally don’t care at all might need some more room do I look like I care hey I’m just F I’m just glad septic where crust where oh it overtook the wall a little bit there’s there’s

Crust how does that look looks decent so that one didn’t have much room though did it I guess I had a little bit let’s just put it here okay awesome that’s great that’s exactly what I wanted like a canopy Cany that looks good it looks a little weird but it’s Minecraft it’s Minecraft okay yeah just need more room worked out good tomb need a Tomb man you need a lot of room all right that one kind of ruined it you ruined it we’re going to actually chop that one down that one does not look good it’s okay though if I can jump over here this way we’ll be able to get some more cherry

Trees that’ll be giving us some more while we’re just kind of chilling here ugie tree yeah right like all the other ones were beautiful and like canopy like and this one’s just like but it’s okay we love him for what he is no it’s making me cut down this one

No no no no boop boop build it back yeah look it tried to take the lantern out see like it’ll grow there but but not like in a normal fashioned like whatever all right all right we’re going to just uh hold tight on that for a minute um and what I’d like to

Do I honestly would love to start the path poyy sorry I a hair in my mouth um excuse me I’m thinking uh well let me let me fix This shoot I forgot about the uh the haste all right we need to replace these walls eventually but um I want to make a path I feel like I can do it yeah it it definitely does come from here so I’m not sure though it’s going to be kind of a big

Path cuz this is like four wide so so maybe I should have it like this um just like kind of straight right here because I could put like a couple houses on either side of of this we could utilize that for couple houses maybe watch out girl watch

Out I’m trying to ride on her move her out of the way come on cheeks get in there you got to go work just joking move them cheeks oh zoro’s mad for taking his girl I like this so far um um I do I like I like to keep it kind of like

This just so uh we have a lot of room on the sides to kind of do what we wish with just doing a kind of random pattern here cuz I really don’t know what’s going to be here and what’s not going to be here so it’ll be very interesting to

See oh this made it all the way to the beacon all right there’s that That all right so all right excuse me to get the maximum amount of room here what we’re going to have to do is we’re going to have to move the beacon obviously the Beacon’s got to go I’m thinking we bring the path we do this just Bare Bones we bring the path

Straight up all the way to here and then we make this like a street too just this to there is also a street what do you think you guys think that’ll look all right I’m thinking it will so let me go ahead and move the

Beacon which I hate to do but it’s got to be done can’t stay there forever I will actually keep that bone meal on me just in case I need to make some more uh cherry trees in the future yes okay good deal yeah I think it’ll look nice and that way like it’ll

Just be like a way bigger area for the town anyway it’s going to look nice it’ll also kind of get us prepared for some more Violet Valley builds which will be really neat the jump boost oh it doesn’t change oh it’s breaking it’s breaking boom no longer

Powered my haste is about to wear off how slow is it going to mine slow I have to put the beacon back at Crestville honestly um I’m probably just going to keep the beacon on me for now in a Shuler box just in case I need it this is 244 blocks of iron

Bro I read like five chapters one piece has so uh has much longer chapters than Dragon Ball and I like to give it a good look at the chapters or at the pages so I have a good idea of what’s Happening oh yeah but welcome back John um after

Your reading session um there’s a lot going on in in the panel sometimes you really do have to pay attention especially later on it gets freaking crazy his art gets very experimental it’s harder to see what’s going on in some of the similar or smaller panels you can zoom in on the

App so that’s good yeah I love that you can zoom in it’s really great yeah the the chapters are much you know much longer some of them are huge we uh we’re pretty much finished with the with the build we’re just getting the beacon out so we can finish

The path we have it coming from here we’re going to connect it to there so that’s what we’re doing now I hope you’re enjoying it though all right yeah so that’s like two stacks that’s like two stacks and 30 six that’s crazy all right going to have to fill

This in cuz we weren’t able to get under the beacon let’s fill this in really quick and then we’ll complete the path see the reason I want to complete the path guys is because I want to get the lamp post put up that way there’s no mob

Spawning cuz that will be the best I can put the villagers over here when I know that the zombies aren’t going to eat [Applause] them I I’m not really seeing many mobs over here anyway so I think we’re okay with it but I just you know I like to be [Applause] Safe oh my also my phone is going to die again so I have to plug it in one second sorry about that all right one second I am going to take a quick break and I hate to do that but I am getting a call from uh from my

Girlfriend um and I am going to answer it after I read uh they arrived on Drama Island they attempt they attempted to reach the castle castle on the top to get to the doctor but an avalanche hit so they went all the way down also uh wole survived the attack it is attacking

Dude that’s some crazy stuff um there’s a really cool part that’s coming up I’m really excited for you um give me one second um I think I hate to do this cuz we do have a couple people watching um I am sorry guys guys I think I am going to do a quick

Intermission is that okay with you guys is okay if we take a little break Dalton fought back but he got hit by a bunch of arrows I don’t think he’s dead we’ll have to see yes mind if I take a little intermission to take a call and uh get

Get get a bite to eat that’s what I’m going to do so I will be right back guys um probably like 10 15 minutes maybe so go get some popcorn or something no worries you can take breaks it’s totally fine all right thanks man I appreciate

That but I will be back soon guys thank you for waiting and uh if you want to go watch somebody else do that thank you guys I’ll be back in a Bit N N N N No This N N I this play speci N N N I this play special N all righty I am back sorry that took so long um I actually did not get any food call took a little longer than expected but Jam I did get something that you might be interested in I got a Figo Moon Mist Blue blueberries with a real kick first

Time trying live on stream are you here Jam I’ll give you my initial my initial take on the on the foo Moon Mist what what are your opinions on the on the Figo Moon Mist I forget where you ranked it I want to do a stream where I get a bunch

Of Figo and try it now since you you you’re a real coniss sewer I’m going to go ahead and try it that was the most recent taste for me sick yeah I’m excited to try it smells great be okay all right I’m gonna go ahead and pour it Down the Hatch see how

It goes it’s not bad not bad I’d say B Be is good not bad at all definitely better flavors not bad though not bad at all all right let’s get back into this going to be live for a little bit longer not too much longer but I want to try to

Get some villagers in here try to finish this path a little bit also has the Ohana uh fruit punch oh uh fago yeah I didn’t see that one there the only ones that the gas station had cuz I literally just walked locked to the gas station and back um while I was

On the phone I figured i’ killed two her Stone I think I’m going to order me some Subway though reason is is the Subway’s around here now and I don’t know if how it is for anyone else but um welcome back John I’ll finish what I’m saying then I’ll reach out real quick

Um but they have like these anti and pretzels that I really want to try like a foot long pretzel that I want to try and I love Annie hands so it’s super exciting you guys know the Annie am pretzels I’m back now I posted something in the server if you don’t mind checking

It out I’ll check it out real quick yeah let’s check it out let’s freaking do it I would give uh the fruit punch a tier I might try grapefruit flavor today sick I I read like three chapters while I was gone oh so what you just put in the chat

Uh talking about how they are calling Zoro Zolo yeah that’s how it is in the manga his name is Zolo in the manga but I just call him Zoro I don’t know about the pretzels so oh you’ve never heard of anti ANS it’s an amazing pretzel company they do like soft

Pretzels super good they’re really good I’m going to try them today though from uh Subway give me a nice sandwich to go along with it so that’s going to be really exciting I’m going to order it here soon all righty so then we’ll kind of just move this path this way Hopefully my shovel doesn’t break it’s getting close and we could even have it yeah like going all the way here maybe even put something else back here we don’t we don’t even know man could be room for it all right well this is good for now all

Right all righty guys well there’s the path go ahead and get a bird’s ey view I like this what do you guys think looking good looking good Chinese have trouble pronouncing i words they they replace the I with an R because I’m totally fine with it I just

Wanted to make sure it was normal yeah it’s normal so it might just be local localization from Japan for China that’s that’s a really good point yes I did hear about that jam um would I be correct saying they don’t have the equivalent in their alphabet why is my frame rate low just

Noticed that on stream Yeah just they just kind of stuck on it like L is the is the frame rate really low for you guys I think it’s better now I don’t even really the frame rate’s not bad for me at all I just don’t want

It to be jarring for you guys to watch L like it’s always kind of like this this is fine though all right all right we’re going to go under here real quick and we’re going to patch this up we’re going to get a bunch of torches down here Yes it is yes it is low no frame rate problems it’s just cuz the shaders skeleton duel down here shoot let me put my armor on I don’t want to die down here I don’t want to pull FS up holy crap this guy’s out like a power bow

This video, titled ‘A CRUSTY NEW SPOT: HARDCORE MINECRAFT #79’, was uploaded by T a c o c a t on 2024-01-25 17:20:50. It has garnered 40 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 03:39:35 or 13175 seconds.

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  • EPIC Minecraft Adventure with PixelNinja! #POTATOWAR

    EPIC Minecraft Adventure with PixelNinja! #POTATOWARVideo Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT EPISODE 1 (LIVE SERIES) | NEW WORLD NEW JOURNEY | POTATOWAR | #MINECRAFT’, was uploaded by PixelNinja on 2024-04-14 17:52:39. It has garnered 5 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:59:46 or 3586 seconds. SUBSCRIBE AND LEAVE A LIKE.. . . . 🎮 Welcome to the ultimate gaming destination! 🎮 Dive into a world where pixels come to life and every quest is an adventure waiting to unfold! 🌟 🔥 Join me on heart-pounding journeys through virtual realms, where we conquer bosses, unlock secrets, and level up our skills! 💪… Read More


    INSANE MINECRAFT SUMMONING: 5 STAR TITAN VS SKIBIDI TOILETVideo Information This video, titled ‘JAYGRAY TRIỆU HỒI THÀNH CÔNG NHỮNG LOẠI TITAN SIÊU CẤP TRONG MINECRAFT*SKIBIDI TOILET VS TITAN 5 SAO’, was uploaded by JayGrayTV on 2024-04-15 12:46:17. It has garnered 124930 views and 2672 likes. The duration of the video is 00:15:51 or 951 seconds. JAYGRAY SUCCESSFULLY SUMMONED SUPER TITAN IN MINECRAFT*SKIBIDI TOILET VS 5 STAR TITAN ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ 🎁 If you find this video interesting, please do to Please give me 1 LIKE and 1 SUBCRIBE (1 like and 1 subscription) to the channel ¯_(ツ)_/¯ 😄 SUBSCRIBE TO JAYGRAY CHANNEL ➡️ http://goo.gl/QVHm0m​ 🔥 “GOAL” TO REACH 1 MILLION… Read More


    POLLANDQue tal camarada! Te presento POLLAND Un server donde puedes crear, destruir y transformar tu experiencia a tu gusto nwn, un survival-custom con factions listo para ser jugado! Contamos con: Jobs Misiones (Mas de 1220) Historia/lore Factions Custom Weapons-Enchants-Armors Koths/Zona pvp Razas Y muchas muchas cosas mas!!! es un server raro pero unico, a que esperas para unirte a nuestra comunidad!!! play.polland.us Read More

  • Veiled Haven SMP Whitelisted Java 1.20.6 Squaremap Semi-Vanilla

    Hello Everyone! Welcome to Veiled Haven SMP – A vanilla+ Minecraft experience (Java 1.20.6). Join our community for a balanced and consistent gameplay. We maintain a mature and respectful atmosphere with an age restriction of 16+ and whitelist. Connect with us on Discord for seamless communication and coordination. Apply on our website https://veiled-haven.net/ for quick approval and access to our whitelist. Let’s build, explore, create, and connect together! We can’t wait to see you in-game! 👋🌠 Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Minecraft Memes Fixed

    Minecraft Memes - Minecraft Memes FixedLooks like this meme only scored a 3 out of 10 in the Minecraft meme world, maybe it needs a redstone upgrade! Read More

  • Aqua Adventures: Efe, Ali, and Kamil Make a Splash!

    Aqua Adventures: Efe, Ali, and Kamil Make a Splash! In the world of Minecraft, Ali, Efekan, and Kamil, Decided to hit the aquapark, for a thrill. Sliding down waterslides, with laughter and glee, Their adventures in Minecraft, for all to see. With Kare Kafa as their guide, in Turkish delight, Their videos bring joy, day and night. Subscribe for more fun, and turn on notifications, For Minecraft adventures, and rich-poor relations. So join in the fun, let the game begin, With Minecraft news, in rhymes that win. Ali, Efekan, and Kamil, in the aquapark’s glow, Their laughter and joy, for all to know. Read More

  • Minecraft Erika meme #hotterthanhell

    Minecraft Erika meme #hotterthanhell When you accidentally build a swastika in Minecraft and Erika starts playing in the background #oops #bannedfromserver Read More

  • Real Life Minecraft Pranks

    Real Life Minecraft Pranks Minecraft in Real Life: Exploring the Trend Many content creators have been exploring the concept of bringing Minecraft into the real world, blurring the lines between the virtual and physical realms. Let’s delve into some of the most popular videos and trends that have emerged from this unique fusion. Real-Life Minecraft Adventures Creators like Musa Belir, Enes Batur, Burak Kuloğlu, and Oğuz Aslan have been at the forefront of this trend, showcasing their adventures in real-life Minecraft scenarios. From crafting tools to building structures, these videos offer a fresh perspective on the beloved game. Testing Minecraft Legends in Real… Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Sugar Cane Farm

    Ultimate Minecraft Sugar Cane Farm Exploring the World of Minecraft: Building an Automatic Sugar Cane Farm Minecraft, a game loved by millions worldwide, offers endless possibilities for creativity and exploration. One of the key elements in the game is farming, which allows players to grow various crops to sustain themselves in the virtual world. In this article, we will delve into the process of building an automatic sugar cane farm in Minecraft, a valuable resource for crafting paper, books, and more. Setting Up Your Farm To start your automatic sugar cane farm, you will need to gather the necessary materials, including redstone, pistons, observers,… Read More


    INSANE 12 HOUR HAT STREAM!Video Information This video, titled ‘THE 12 HOUR STREAM’, was uploaded by the top of the hat on 2024-05-12 16:18:32. It has garnered 222 views and 12 likes. The duration of the video is 11:55:01 or 42901 seconds. #minecraft #minecraftnether #netherite #minecraftnetherite #creativity#mcc #mccisland Top Hat goes live for 12 hours. I am extremely sad. anyways we’re going to play a ton of games, like MCC ISLAND or my NEW MINECRAFT SERVER so come join have some fun or eat popcorn. we also might join the community discord stage, you’re welcome to join. Link to join discord https://discord.gg/HymSZRpQ MUSIC IN… Read More

  • Minecraft Economy Simulation with 300 Players

    Minecraft Economy Simulation with 300 PlayersVideo Information This video, titled ‘300 Players Simulate WORLD ECONOMY in Minecraft’, was uploaded by Skipolo on 2024-06-01 22:45:06. It has garnered 352895 views and 10916 likes. The duration of the video is 00:42:23 or 2543 seconds. I put 300 Minecraft players in a single world and gave them a standardized currency to simulate economic civilization. Every player had the freedom to do whatever they wanted, but if they died they would be dead forever. This experiment was run to test how money would influence Minecraft civilization – would they use it to build world trade, or would they fight… Read More

  • Unbelievable! Вольт’s EPIC Gaming Adventures ⚡️

    Unbelievable! Вольт's EPIC Gaming Adventures ⚡️Video Information This video, titled ‘🔴 ИГРОВОЙ и не только СТРИМ 🔴Code & Minecraft & Valorant & GTA’, was uploaded by Вольт on 2024-06-25 06:35:21. It has garnered 14 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 00:40:39 or 2439 seconds. [💰] DONUT: https://www.donationalerts.com/r/v0ltmx [❤️] IP: PLAY.ASTRIXMC.NET [🌎] MY CART: https://t.me/v0lt1k [👾] TG Server: https://t.me/playastrix ✔️ Mynecraft is good))) #Anarchy #Family #Minecraft #evil 🔴 Stremi Necft survival, funtime server, minecraft funtime, minecraft, pioneer, pioneer funtime, mystical chest, minecraft survival, funtime server, minecraft funtime, griefer show, vulture, funtime anarchy, holyworld anarchy, raid, mob farm, mystic, funtime minecraft, fan time,… Read More

  • Insane Noobbridge Build – MUST SEE!! #NOOBSCOPLIVE

    Insane Noobbridge Build - MUST SEE!! #NOOBSCOPLIVEVideo Information This video, titled ‘Building a huge bridge in minecraft bedrock #NOOBSCOPLIVE #minecraft #minecraftdispensor’, was uploaded by Noobscop Live on 2024-01-05 16:50:32. It has garnered 16 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 00:03:50 or 230 seconds. (ROAD TO 3K SUBSCRIBER) 🔰DON’T FORGET TO SUBSCRIBE 🔰LIKE – COMMENT – SHARE 🔰PRESS THE BELL ICON 🔔 🔰FOLLOW ME ON INSTAGRAM 🔰FOLLOW ME ON TIKTOK ──── Follow On Social Media ──── Instagram:- https://instagram.com/noobscop_live Facebook:- https://www.facebook.com/noobscop/ tiktok :- https://www.tiktok.com/@noobacoplive discord:- https://discord.gg/KcbJEbueEa ──────────────────────── OVERVIEW OF MINECRAFT: Welcome to [NOOBSCOP LIVE]where we bring you exciting live streams of Minecraft! Join us… Read More

  • Insane PVP Battle: Blqzee Destroys @sharpnessyt #shorts #minecraft

    Insane PVP Battle: Blqzee Destroys @sharpnessyt #shorts #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘I beat @sharpnessyt HT3 vs LT2 #shorts #minecraft #pvp #sharpness #tierlist’, was uploaded by Blqzee on 2024-03-02 17:30:40. It has garnered 3714 views and 115 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:16 or 16 seconds. #sharpness #skibiditoilet #skibidi #dafugboom he best pvper, minecraft pvp, minecraft shorts, Spreen, SpreenDMC, SMP, Hardcore SMP, Lifesteal SMP, Minecraft Evento, minecraft server, Texture Pack, Los mejores Texture Packs 1.9, Texture Pack Folder 1.9, ArcherSquid Bqnnyy Ceeew Coldi CuartetoDeNos Drrew ExtrobIT Flowtives Frxnkey GodHimself Hybroz Innaplicable ItzRealMe Juan_Clean Katerzs LoCr Lurrn Monkss Nextie Novi Ozaura SeaHqwk SmiGuy Stumpie SuchSkills_Mx TikiGamesTV… Read More

  • Miko vs Tiko: Ultimate Dragon Battle in Minecraft!

    Miko vs Tiko: Ultimate Dragon Battle in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘Mikey Poor vs JJ Rich SKY Dragon HEAD BASE BATTLE in Minecraft (Maizen)’, was uploaded by Miko and Tiko on 2024-04-12 15:39:46. It has garnered 154024 views and 942 likes. The duration of the video is 00:08:28 or 508 seconds. Read More


    🔥EPIC MINECRAFT WAR CIVILIZATION w/ VIEWERS!🔥JOIN NOW! 🚀🎮Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft war civilization with viewers on a realmrealm on the road to 2k subs’, was uploaded by timer Team on 2024-02-26 02:24:18. It has garnered 68 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 03:14:52 or 11692 seconds. Hi welcome to my Channel my name is timer team you can sub to me if you want I go live everyday I play Minecraft for fun I am trying to get up to 5k subs 100 ✅️ 500✅️ 800✅️ 1k✅️ 1.15k✅️ 2k🚫 5k 🚫 10k🚫 100k🚫 1m🚫 You’re my Channel all your guys support… Read More

  • Deadly Mutant Enderman vs OP Cave Bosses!!

    Deadly Mutant Enderman vs OP Cave Bosses!!Video Information This video, titled ‘Oberon.vs.3 Alex Cave Bosses (#minecraft #battle #minecraftpe)’, was uploaded by Unigue Mutant Enderman on 2024-04-20 20:02:04. It has garnered 107 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 00:07:10 or 430 seconds. Read More

  • Unbelievable Karate Dance – Must Watch Now! #viral

    Unbelievable Karate Dance - Must Watch Now! #viralVideo Information This video, titled ‘Bhartiye Sanskriyik Dance performance #youtube #shorts #trending #minecraft #viral #karate #virul’, was uploaded by Karate and Fun on 2024-04-16 08:31:31. It has garnered 194 views and 16 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:16 or 16 seconds. Bhartiye Sanskriyik Dance performance #youtube #shorts #trending #minecraft #viral #karate #virul #fitness #yt #karatekid #fighting #videos #kickboxing #mma #wushu #boxing #taekwondo #wrestling #muaythai #judokarate #motivation #school #bharat #culture #jujitsu #dance #judo #tranding #viralshorts #ytshorts #trendingshorts #youtuber #ytstudio Read More

  • Astraley Network

    Astraley NetworkUna pequeña comunidad de minecraft, que solo quiere mejorar y mejorar cada día, para que así ¡Ustedes se diviertan! astraley.com:25583 Read More

  • TechNut Semi-Vanilla Technical Builders needed whitelist long-term 1.20.4

    What Is Technut? Technut is a Minecraft server for players experienced in building and technical aspects of the game. We have high standards for projects and accomplishments. Our server is very community-based with huge projects and events where everyone plays a significant role. We are a Whitelist-only server, fostering a positive and creative, close-knit community. We focus on Vanilla gameplay but introduce 1.21 Experimental items and carpet mod for quality of life. When did the server start/reset? Technut opened on 20th March 2024! What type of players are we looking for? We seek players with high motivation and dedication for… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Canman18: The King of Minecraft

    Minecraft Memes - Canman18: The King of MinecraftWell, looks like Canman18 is keeping score in the Minecraft meme game! Watch out, he’s serious about his meme ratings. Read More

  • Unleashing Wind Charge in Minecraft 1.21!

    Unleashing Wind Charge in Minecraft 1.21!Video Information This video, titled ‘New item Wind Charge in Minecraft 1.21! 🍃’, was uploaded by DoubleSquare Gaming on 2024-06-21 16:37:48. It has garnered 447 views and 11 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:10 or 10 seconds. Wind charge in Minecraft 1.21! Read More

  • eu com 10 anos achando que era o Herobrine #cruzlol

    eu com 10 anos achando que era o Herobrine #cruzlol “Eu com 10 anos achando uma cruz no Minecraft: ‘Será que o Herobrine tá tentando me converter?’” 😂 #minecraft #memes Read More

  • Crafty Minecraft 1.21.x Modding Update

    Crafty Minecraft 1.21.x Modding Update Welcome to Minecraft 1.21 Update! Minecraft enthusiasts, rejoice! The highly anticipated Minecraft 1.21 update is finally here, and with it comes a host of exciting new features and changes. One of the most significant updates is the overhaul of how Identifiers are defined, bringing a fresh perspective to the game’s mechanics. Additionally, enchanting has undergone substantial modifications, adding a new layer of depth to gameplay. Understanding Minecraft Update With the release of Minecraft 1.21, players are eager to delve into the world of Fabric modding. The Fabric mod loader has been updated to accommodate the latest version, offering developers… Read More


    ✨ EPIC MINECRAFT CROSSPLAY SERVER! JOIN NOW! 🔥🎮Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft – Crossplay Server with Viewers!! (Road to 700!) Live’, was uploaded by JMO_GAMING on 2024-05-25 12:46:08. It has garnered 331 views and 8 likes. The duration of the video is 06:38:58 or 23938 seconds. How to Join: Bedrock Edition – Server Address – Jmog.volcanware.xyz Server Port – 22497 Java Edition – Server Address – Jmog.volcanware.xyz:22497 Console Edition – Download App on phone called “BedrockTogether” Open app and add server IP Address – Jmog.volcanware.xyz:22497 Port – 22497 Watch ad to start server Open Minecraft on console (Keep app open on phone) Go to “Friends” Tab… Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft TNT Explosions

    Ultimate Minecraft TNT ExplosionsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft TNT EXPLOSIONS 😶‍🌫️ #minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by AJIA-HYA on 2024-06-10 15:00:46. It has garnered 18247 views and 1092 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:19 or 19 seconds. Minecraft TNT EXPLOSIONS 😶‍🌫️ X(twitter) https://twitter.com/aji_ahya TikTok https://www.tiktok.com/@ajia_hya minecraft, j and mikey, maizen, mikey andj, ij and mikey minecraft, minecraftj and mikey, maizen minecraft, j and mikey roblox, siren head, shorts, minecraft ghost, roblox, mikey and j minecraft, sonic, choo choo charles, maizen roblox, sakura, granny, herobrine, jj mikey, chainsaw man, minecraft shorts, minecraft minecraft, choo-choo-charles, jj and mikey minecraft 100 days, minecraft mikey… Read More

  • Sailent Gamer reveals secret to instant success 🔥

    Sailent Gamer reveals secret to instant success 🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘#trending #trending #trending #trending #trending #trending #trending #trending #trending 💯🧡🤍💚’, was uploaded by SAILENT GAMER on 2024-06-12 05:33:05. It has garnered 19165 views and 3188 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:10 or 10 seconds. Minecraft Dash Empire flick Empire Minecraft UNDERWATER PRISON ESCAPE in Minecraft… Rahul Minecraft minecraft prison escape minecraft underwater prison escape map download carter sharer underwater prison escape underwater box fort prison escape papa jake minecraft underwater prison escape the underwater prison underwater prison escape minecraft map download minecraft funny moments minecraft funny underwater prison escape mythpat underwater prison escape… Read More

  • EPIC FAIL: Fexxon Gaming Can’t Tame Fox in JAR WORLD!

    EPIC FAIL: Fexxon Gaming Can't Tame Fox in JAR WORLD!Video Information वेलकम बैक गाइज नहीं नहीं यार मजा नहीं आ रहा रुको यहां पे हां अब सही है तो वेलकम बैक गाइस आप लोगों का स्वागत है एक नई इस वीडियो में और लास्ट वाले वीडियो में आपको याद होगा हम गए थे पानी के अंदर और हम गए थे यह जो अपना ओशन मॉन्यूमेंट है यहां पे और यहां पे गाइस मजबूरन मेरे को लास्ट वाले एपिसोड में क्रिएटिव यूज़ करना पड़ गया नहीं तो गाइस मैं मर सकता था वप और बहुत ही ज्यादा दिक्कत हो जाती है लेकिन आप देख पा रहे हो इज्जत से गाइस… Read More