EPIC One Block Skyblock Challenge with SLIME!

Video Information

Catnap is getting banished from The Toy Factory finally oh it’s finally complete the new boxy boo sculpture is done no more Huggy wuggy statue anymore just me oh look at you little catnap do you like the statue I made it myself look at a little fell go man he

Must really wait hey hey K what are you doing meow meow me meow meow hey get away from that statue get off get off you’re going to break everything stop get off the statue meow meow stop stop what are you doing stop no wait be careful no my

Statue you little cat I will make you pay for what you did to my statue come here get get you sleeping ass huh you can’t get me come here catnap get that gas get that gas away from me I’m going to get you CNA looks like somebody’s corner now do

You know what happens to mean little kitties like you we throw them in the Grinder in the grinder you go little kitty oh oh no oh no the catnap is being just destroyed by boxy Buu we need to save him yeah we’ll do that right now let’s go save him ah get him get him what the hey hey what are you do get away from

Me I can’t move we’re here to save our friend save him huh nothing can save him from the grinder come here Catnap no cat dad has been put in the grinder no I’m so sorry catnap finally don’t have to see that dumb cat ever again but it seems like I have two more Little Critters to get rid of chicken run you can’t escape me come here today

Is a good day to finally build my dogghouse that I’ve always wanted you know I’ve heard if you build a dog house without a dog a dog will just come out of the sky on Sky Block now all I need to do is chant a bunch of times that I

Want a dog all right I want a dog I want a dog I want a dog I want a dog I want a dog I want a dog I want a dog I want a dog I hope that [Applause] works is that an animal here behind me

Oh I can’t wait to to be a dog wait what the that’s not a dog that’s a cat oh man it didn’t work I got the wrong animal did I see did I did not chant it enough do I have to keep saying

It I want a dog I want a dog I want a dog oh I’m sorry cat uh listen I should I send you back home where you belong I I didn’t mean to bring you here relax cat what’s wrong what what is there an issue what’s going on do you

Want a home I have a home for you like this dog house right behind me you can use that meow meow meow meow meow meow why why did you break the dog house I I was doing so much with it noow man this cat is crazy what am I

Supposed to do with it keeps meowing and breaking my stuff on Sky Block I only I can understand what it’s trying to say to me that gives me an idea you viewer hit the like button right now to help me understand what catnap is saying hurry I

Want to figure out what he wants so he stops breaking my Sky Block come on 3 2 1 did you guys hit the like button did you guys hit it oh I think you did I think you did wa oh that was honestly nothing changed uh uh hold let’s see if

I can understand this cat now hey Cat uh cat cat app hello how are you meow meow didn’t work dang it no I’m just kidding with you yeah I can hear you wait a second you you you can I can understand you and you can understand me now this

Is so cool I can understand a cat yeah I’m a cat yeah I can really use your help now that you you know you can understand me oh oh yeah sure if you just stop breaking my stuff I I would be more than happy to help you out what do

You need like how’ you get here if I didn’t summon you well back in the Toy Factory a boxy took me and threw me into a grinder what he threw you into the grinder what did you do um um I might have broken a statue but um we don’t

Need to talk about that well okay well I guess that’s not that big of a deal so you I guess you just want to go back home yes but also my friends are in danger they might be taken away the other fellow smiling credits might be

Taken away by boxy boo who knows what could have happened to them M now okay cnab don’t you worry I’ll find a way off to the Sky Block and we’re going to get out of here together y y I get to go home but you said where are we Sky Block

What is that oh it’s where we are it’s like a big little chunk you know we’re really high up in the air and stuff it’s so so high up oh that’s so scary wait what do you mean it’s all that high up actually it’s actually there’s nothing below us it’s a complete

Void so yeah if you fall you die actually there’s there’s actually nothing below us it’s just pure like nothingness and void so if you fall in there uh you know I don’t think you’re coming back up what or that TI up oh my gosh I’m so scared I’m so D I hate

Heights I hate heights just calm down listen canab I’m a professional Sky blocker oh stop what are you doing get off that tree I’m scared I don’t want to go down I’m scared K up you just climbed a tree doesn’t that make you more high

Up than before oh yeah I ha this I’m so scared listen kup just relax I’m going to get you down okay I’m going to get some supplies well I’ll find some supplies May some dirt yeah I get some dirt I’m going to climb up there and get

You okay no no ST away I’m scared just hold still I’m coming up right now no get away from me oh oh gosh I can’t see oh and I’m getting sleepy no you’re so lucky I actually know how to respa and come back just stop don’t

Don’t throw any more bombs help help Hoy hop scotch we need you yeah let’s party what what’s going on guys you guys need something poy it’s horrible catnap has been thrown in the grinder by FY boo yeah he’s gone forever what not catnap oh no who did it you guys went down here

Oh there you two are and I see you have a friend I haven’t seen oh I I think that’s the guy well well well looks like I got another extra prisoner here to take in guys run oh where you think you’re going you you can’t escape me guys in

Here TK TK TK you guys walk straight into the jail cells guess I know where to put you as prisoners no and locked in no help us let us out please we didn’t do anything wrong you know after capturing all you crazy Critters I think I deserve myself a

Little treat I’m going to go on vacation back to Sky Block you G have on I’m going to go relax no we’re going to be tapped in here forever get away from me ah come on k please cooperate listen don’t you want to save your friends from boxy

Boo yeah I do then you got to cooperate Kitty come on come on down I’ll even give you a treat treat okay fine I’ll come down there you go see nice and easy and as promise I got you a little treat oh fish I love Fish okay finally now that you’re taken care of we need to find a way off a Sky Block here help me grab some materials okay since you love trees how about you go break the tree and also cuz you kept throwing the Sleepy gas at me okay a

Deal’s a deal I’ll do it yeah K get the resources get those resources get those wait uh c catnap yeah I’m getting wood just like you see um you said boxy boo was the one that took your friends right oh yeah why did you actually turn around behind us to

Look at that what that looks like giant box Bo yeah it looks like his house maybe we can go inside and find a way to escape no I don’t know this dangerous I don’t want to get kidnapped I don’t want to get taken away by him again listen

Don’t worry I’m here to protect you catnap all we got to do is build on over there with the resources we got and just find a way to escape we can find something in there I’m sure of it okay but you built I don’t like the heights

Okay okay I got it don’t worry just give me the wood I’ll handle it don’t you worry catnap all right catnap we’re almost there I’m scared this guy so scary just relax you’re fine just stay on the blocks don’t go anywhere and don’t throw anywhere sleepy gas okay fine all right

Here we are the boxy Bo house for some reason on Sky Block all right I guess we should go inside what if he’s in there listen it’ll be fine we’ll be fine okay I’m going we’re just going to open the door very quietly okay doesn’t look like anyone’s

Home I guess yeah I’ll shut the door so no one notices okay look around just got to be careful and see if there’s anything around here we can look for like what is this like oh look it’s a boxy boo little painting oh what’s this

Wait oh it’s he’s he he has this in his house a little subscriber thing oh my gosh this is an old screenshot how about we update as much as we can and get us said double those subscriber numbers huh let’s get over to 300,000 subscribers so

If you subscribe right now help us out come on get us to 300,000 subscribers And subscribe now yeah do it for Mr slime block let’s do it 300,000 subscribers let’s go made it home nice and safe man I can always trust my plane to get around oh are you still right

There plane I’m going to quickly take a hot tub bath while I can uh catnap did you hear someone like Up on the Roof yeah I think that might be boxy boo we probably want to hide hide somewhere hide the stairs quickly over here what a nice little hot tub dip I

Can finally relax maybe I should watch some TV oh my God he’s right there it’s okay it’s okay just be quiet shh don’t say anything he’s just minding his business he doesn’t know we’re here well where I put their remote where did it go but the thing is how did they even get

Here I don’t know maybe he flu flu maybe he has a plane maybe if he has a plane then maybe we can take that plane and fly back to the factory that could work but how we going to find the plane where is it well let’s see it could be outside

Maybe you check outside real quick oh let him not see us let not see us okay okay he didn’t see us let’s see there’s just a a pit and then some a grill and weird particles flying around uh I don’t think the plate is out here wait on the

Roof it might be on the Roof oh how am I getting on the Roof oh well I guess we got to find another way around maybe up the stairs all just we’re going to sneak back in okay no I’m scared listen you’ll be fine cat app we’ll be fine I’m going

To take it with me it’s fine it’s fine okay or actually I can’t I can’t open the door my hands are okay there we go okay just got to sneak around he’s right there I’m glad my son made some good food oh can’t wait to eat this getap

Where’d you go get how’ she get up there I sneak okay um can you just like train a distraction for me or something I don’t have anything oh my God he’s right there okay viewer I need your help comment some cat emojis to create a distraction for us

Quickly before Mr boxy boo sees us come on we need a distraction help us please distraction yes please come on 3 2 one tell me you guys commented some cat emojis please tell me oh who’s at the door at Sky Block oh hey there friend oh

I have a delivery for a a 20 Big Max here what Big Max I didn’t order any Big Max wait how does you even get here oh they don’t call me Ronald McDonald for nothing so uh who wants these Big Macs then I mean you know what oh I’ll take

Them I’m not going to be upset about free Big Macs oh they’re not free they it’s a $300 what 300 no get out of here I don’t want your food no please I insist have some Burgers okay that’s a good distraction thank you viewer okay we’re going to go up the stairs pret

Then they can’t see us okay oh we made it out of there oh that was so close all right fine fine I’ll take your Burgers okay $100 though only 100 oh good to business with you get out of here clown guess I can go back to my

TV okay all right he just barely got it through so thing is though how are we going to get out of here how are we going to find get to the roof give me the ladder ladder there’s a oh but it’s broken oh we need to find another way up

Then okay maybe there’s a way up through these rooms here check this one uh well this is just boxy Boo’s room this is clearly no one’s in here uh I just going to leave that uh maybe in here uh nope this is a bathroom not going to work

There oh oh I will take the next room this one this one uhoh get out of my house I’m telling my dead dead dead ah stop no stop where you going can help help what are we do sleepy time wait what oh W I’m so sleepy oh sleepy

Time oh that was a close one good thing boxy Bo didn’t notice hey what’s all the commotion up there son I’m coming oh I lied he did ahh follow me go this room this in this room quickly hide kind him hide son Boxy Boy are you okay oh why are you

Outside oh silly boy sleep walking again are we don’t worry I’ll put you back in your room that was a close one oh my gosh we almost got caught there okay but there’s no way to get out the window uh cat up you’re on the clock I know I’m scared

Listen you’re afraid of height come back down come come here come here you’re not you’re not dealing with the clock right now okay well can up we need to find way back up to the roof if the ladder’s broken how are we going to get in uh

Well what about the window good idea okay we we just got to break through this window uh hopefully it doesn’t make too much noise okay we’re fine we’re fine there’s just there they are uh just be careful they’re right there in the Next Room okay we just got to crouch

Here go C up quickly did I hear something in the other room let me go check it out oh gosh go up the ladder go up the ladder go go go go go go go okay okay oh we barely made out okay oh we we

Had a plane though we got the plane yeah we can escape and get my friends a lot yay we can escape and find my friends yeah come on let’s get in the plane quickly come with me come on come on let’s go get the plane what what is

Going on what the why is the window broken and why do I hear my plane about to take off oh no what’s going on up there oh hey C up I know you said you’re afraid to hide so uh I’m going to experience the real true fear

What my plane hey someone stole my plane that’s not funny I’m going to get you guys whoever you are good thing I always pack a spare in my back pocket hey catnap we made it hey the that was terrifying it’s fine just just avoid the

Fire just avoid all the ow ow ow ah I didn’t avoid the fire all right we’re okay I’m better now okay we’re at the factory that we made it to the toy factory yeah but I don’t see my friends anywhere oh yeah you’re right I don’t

Even know what they are okay we should probably look around and find for them then ah here I am another smooth Landing by me but hold on there’s my plane so someone who took it brought it here but who could have stolen my plane

I need to know I wonder who wait hold on a second is that a is that a camera hey you must have seen who stole my plane tell me who stole my plane tell me in the the comments or something I don’t know this is not a thing tell me in the

Comments down below who stole my plane but in the meantime I’m going to look around for whoever did I’ll find you somehow all right uh friends of catnap where are you guys uh you would it be helpful if you tell me who what your friends are who they what their names

Are yeah I could but uh it’s a long list of names okay well uh okay uh nice lights that you just broke don’t be breaking the lights I’m sorry I want to find my friends okay well then we got to keep looking and you got to tell me who

They are help help us somebody help us wait oh I think he’s something in this room oh is that your friends oh that definitely looks like your friends we found you guys oh my gosh oh thank goodness you found us oh Mr buxy who trapped Us in here oh don’t worry don’t

Guys we’ll get you out uh don’t worry we’ll figure out a away right yeah how do we do it though uh let me see there should be like a oh a lever yes you guys are free wait P that you’re alive I thought you were going to the grinder it’s so

Good to see you guys but yes I was thrown into the grinder but I was taken to this place called Sky Block he was so cool I met the Slime Guy there yeah I’m not going to question that but yes we found you guys we’re all safe and sound

That’s so interesting you know I’m going to go back to that grinder real quick and see what that’s all about cuz I want to see what it can do oh okay I guess he doesn’t care about me that much it’s fine we’re all together now oh not so

Fast you guys you think I wouldn’t find you oh no boxy boo oh no it’s you it’s me indeed I thought I threw you into the grinder how are you still alive that’s n of your business I would my friends now and you can’t stop me who

Says I can’t can’t throw you all in the grinder again and make sure you never come back uh actually it’s me I wouldn’t want you to cuz they’re my friends now they’re my friendly crar and you can’t hurt them oh then I guess I’ll just take

You then come here wait what wait wait hey wa whoa say hey wait help guys help me boxy was taking me now no I dropped one of the lights down no no SL block oh no he’s your friend right catnap yeah he is we have to save him well maybe he’s

In the grinder room right well hoppy said he’s going to do some research on it let’s go in there and check it out before Mr boxy Vu gets in there yeah okay let’s beat him to it let’s go this way the grinder room there there’s hoppy

He’s okay too well yeah why wouldn’t I be that’s because my friend slime was taking away by boxy boo yeah and he’s going to throw him in the grinder now we can’t let that happen so what did you find out about the grinder oh yeah basically this grinder is just

Malfunctioning every time someone gets thrown into it they get teleported somewhere else namly SL Sky Block okay well do we have time to recalibrate It or Break It you’re done slime block no I don’t think we have time we got to go hide everybody hide no let go me boxy boo my

Friend they will save me nope no time to the grinder you go get out of here no please stop no boxy Bo no no no oh what what where am I oh gosh no I’m a w block Sky Block now no no no no no this is not good and I’m all alone

And sad and lonely oh this sucks oh who’s going to save me now finally slime block is gone now where do those Critters go okay guys all together we’re going to pick him up and throw him in the grinder and I’ll go after him and now me and slock will take

Care of him on Sky Block okay we trust you let’s go and attack him attack look over me no no that was good good job guys really fast okay now I’m going to go in guys it’s not going to hurt okay but I’ll be back yeah man he so brave right chicken

I’m all alone on one block Sky Block what am I going to do now wait what the where did these blocks come from oh no no why am I here wait boxy boo H you fell inside the ground ER didn’t you I didn’t fall Mr catnap threw

Me in oh well I guess it’s just us then uh hey buddy uh I guess we’re going to have to be moral mortal enemies for the rest of our lives on Sky Block no don’t worry can up is that you yeah yeah yes I’m here for you I have gotten my fear

Over of heights and I’m here to help you yes gav let’s go yeah boxy boo it’s just me you and catnap now oh don’t worry slime block I have one last trick up I sleeve wait trick what are you going to do I just needed to take boxy food to a

Place where there’s more space if you get what I mean what are you going to do you’re a tiny little cat with more space what’s that going to do for you let me show you Oh Daddy cat yeah son you have called me Daddy attack that boxy Boo and make him sleep

Forever oh boxy boo eh Don’t You Worry son I’ll take good care of him nice chitty nice kitty you threw my son into a grinder therefore you will sleep forever goodbye wait no oh so sleepy oh sleep tight boxy boo on Sky Block forever whoa cat whoa

Catnap Dad look at you oh hold why did you call this guy before I don’t show up for Pure emergencies and this seemed to be one of them yeah let’s end it off now let me go bring your Bears back to the factory oh okay bring us to the factory

Yay let’s go to the factory wait don’t forget don’t forget your son yes let’s go yeah to the factory we go and if you enjoyed this video be sure to click on one of the videos on screen right now to see more by me go ahead and click on a

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This video, titled ‘One Block SKYBLOCK with CATNAP in Minecraft!’, was uploaded by Slime Block on 2023-12-10 13:00:35. It has garnered 82439 views and 3142 likes. The duration of the video is 00:23:24 or 1404 seconds.

Slime Block is trapped on SKYBLOCK with CATNAP in Minecraft! Will Slime be able to escape skyblock with CATNAP?? Watch and find out! From Minecraft Poppy Playtime Chapter 3!

The video is inspired by Aphmau, Cash, Nico, Omz, AyodenTV, Block Buddies, and TeeVee!

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    Ultimate Minecraft Hack: Magic Knocker in FitCerealVideo Information This video, titled ‘I Added The Knocker… Minecraft From The Fog #23’, was uploaded by FitCereal on 2024-04-25 10:54:27. It has garnered 57723 views and 1754 likes. The duration of the video is 00:43:12 or 2592 seconds. Become A member today to get cool perks and exclusive updates! 👇 https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC50sJRotxNjIN5kGPdU760g/join – Twitch❗ https://www.twitch.tv/fitcerealofficial – Discord❗ https://discord.gg/8EytHJVx – Tiktok❗ https://www.tiktok.com/@fitcereal?_t=8hiOoHiuZ59&_r=1 – Instagram❗ https://instagram.com/fitcerealofficial?igshid=ZDdkNTZiNTM= – Here Are Most Of The Mods That I Used. I Probably Forgot Some.. 1. The Man From the Fog https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/the-man-from-the-fog 2. The Knocker https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/the-knocker 3. Herobrine https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/from-the-fog 4. Backpack Mod https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/sophisticated-backpacks 5. The End Of… Read More

  • EPIC 24/7 Minecraft SMP for You! 🔥 #shorts #minecraft

    EPIC 24/7 Minecraft SMP for You! 🔥 #shorts #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘I Found The Best Minecraft SMP For You Guis And It’s 24/7!!! #minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by SUGHOSHA B on 2024-05-28 05:50:31. It has garnered 135 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:29 or 29 seconds. tags : best Minecraft server best cracked server cracked lapata smp dream smp best mc smp best Minecraft cracked smp best smp survival smp mc Minecraft Minecraft Xbox Minecraft SMP Minecraft pocket edition mcpe latest Bedrock edition Java pojav loncher t launcher best server hosted 2024-2025 Read More

  • Mind-Blowing Minecraft Prism Secrets Unveiled!

    Mind-Blowing Minecraft Prism Secrets Unveiled!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Facts But They Get Increasingly Interesting’, was uploaded by Prism on 2024-04-08 12:00:44. It has garnered 617769 views and 5743 likes. The duration of the video is 00:17:41 or 1061 seconds. From ILLEGAL wardens to HIDDEN doors, here are 79 Minecraft Things You Didn’t Know Existed! Credits: Secret Doors 3 by McMakistein Download: https://mcmakistein.com/creations/secret_doors3 Creator: https://youtube.com/McMakistein Secret & Hidden Doors 2 by McMakistein Download: https://mcmakistein.com/creations/secret_doors2 Creator: https://youtube.com/McMakistein Read More

  • “UNLEASH CHAOS: Control The Blue in Minecraft?!” #shorts

    "UNLEASH CHAOS: Control The Blue in Minecraft?!" #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft, But YOU Control The BLUE Colour… #shorts’, was uploaded by EVIL TITAN GAMEING YT on 2024-01-10 12:23:27. It has garnered 6 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:48 or 48 seconds. Minecraft, But YOU Control The BLUE Colour… #shorts #asgaming #gyangaming #raistar #desigamer #technogamerz #totalgaming #lokeshgamer Related channel : Techno Gamerz Gyan Gaming Rai Star Desi Gamer AS Gaming Total Gaming Lokesh Gamer Your Questions : minecraft, but you control the blue colour…, minecraft but you control the colors, minecraft but i can only touch the color blue, minecraft but i… Read More


    INSANE DUNGEON GRINDING & UPDATE REVEAL!! 😱🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘GRINDING DUNGEONS (F7) AND MAYBE NEW UPDATE? GIVEAWAY? on Hypixel Skyblock!’, was uploaded by DazzerPlays on 2024-03-03 21:25:48. It has garnered 810 views and 74 likes. The duration of the video is 01:38:03 or 5883 seconds. DONATE ($5 tts) ➡️ https://streamelements.com/yedazzer/tip (LIVE) Twitch ➡️https://www.twitch.tv/yedazzer #minecraft #minecraftskyblock #hypixelskyblock Second Channel! ➡️ https://www.youtube.com/soapiee Follow Me! Twitter ➡️ https://twitter.com/imDazzer Discord ➡️ https://discord.gg/GxuHWdkhUM Check Out My Hypixel Skyblock Island Members! Goochi – https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCkbD4P0wRdgFKlJUc_yMnNQ Swurv – https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCPF6WdxyBDj7Cr1AO2rMvZg Check Out More Hypixel Skyblock Videos! Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft PVP Battle with Aradhya Gamerz! MUST WATCH

    EPIC Minecraft PVP Battle with Aradhya Gamerz! MUST WATCHVideo Information This video, titled ‘Aarambha Hai Prachand Song Minecraft PVP #Short #Minecraft #GamerFleet #Viral #trend’, was uploaded by Aradhya Gamerz on 2024-05-30 07:41:10. It has garnered 12 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:37 or 37 seconds. Aarambha Hai Prachand Song Minecraft PVP #Short #Minecraft #GamerFleet #Viral #trend Your queries- #aarambhahaiprachandsongminecraftpvp #aarambhahaiprachandsongminecraftpvpedit #aarambhahaiprachandsongminecraftpvpand #aarambhahaiprachandsongminecraftpvpanddarksonic PVP God Youtubers @GamerFleet @TechnoGamerzOfficial @SenpaiSpider @YesSmartyPie @KhatarnakIshan Tags- aarambha hai prachand song minecraft pvp, aarambh hai prachand minecraft, aarambh hai prachand in minecraft, minecraft aarambh hai prachand, aarambh hai prachand herobrine, aarambh hai prachand x himlands minecraft pvp texture pack… Read More

  • EuphoricFactions


  • AutoCraft Season 5 – SMP Semi-Vanilla – Whitelist – 18+ – Content Creators

    Calling All YouTube Content Creators! Join AutoCraft SMP, a close-knit SMP community on our 5th season. Collaborate on builds, storylines, and unleash your creative skills in Minecraft! If you’re 18+ and interested, fill out our application form: Apply Here For more information, visit us on YouTube: AutoCraft on YouTube and join our Discord: AutoCraft Discord Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Andesite? Nah, found diamonds! 💎

    “Why settle for andesite when you can strike diamond meme-ory?” Read More

  • Magic Cure Love Shot: Loli God Requiem

    Magic Cure Love Shot: Loli God Requiem In the world of Minecraft, a magical cure, Love and shots, with a loli god so pure. Hatsune Miku and Ui Shigure, in a fierce beam fight, But hold on tight, things are getting too bright. The computer’s about to blow, the damage is done, Oops, the chaos has just begun. But in the midst of the glow up, a new mob appears, Crafted with care, overcoming all fears. With songs from SAWTOWNE and Ui Shig, The music and beats make the mob dance and jig. Skin credit to Imoi for Hatsune Miku’s look, And a custom mob created… Read More

  • Minecraft Meme: Creeper Hotline Bling

    Minecraft Meme: Creeper Hotline Bling “Why did the creeper break up with his girlfriend? Because she couldn’t handle his explosive personality!” #minecraftmeme #relationshipproblems #boom Read More

  • The Magic Five: Boys Love Part 8

    The Magic Five: Boys Love Part 8 Minecraft Animation Boys Love: The Magic Five Part 8 Introduction In the world of Minecraft, where creativity knows no bounds, Martin, also known as Marty, has embarked on a journey to share his unique love story through his animation series, “The Magic Five.” This series delves into the realm of boys love within the Minecraft universe, offering a fresh perspective on storytelling within the gaming community. Storyline “The Magic Five” follows the adventures of five characters as they navigate the complexities of love and relationships in the pixelated world of Minecraft. Martin’s storytelling prowess shines through as he weaves… Read More

  • Summon Wither Storm in Minecraft PE

    Summon Wither Storm in Minecraft PE Unleashing the Power of the Wither Storm in Minecraft Pocket Edition Are you ready to take your Minecraft Pocket Edition experience to the next level? The Wither Storm is a formidable adversary that can bring a new level of challenge and excitement to your gameplay. In this guide, we will show you how to summon the Wither Storm in Minecraft Pocket Edition, also known as MCPE, in all versions. Obtaining Wither Skulls Before you can summon the Wither Storm, you must first gather three Wither Skulls. These rare items are dropped by Wither Skeletons in the Nether. To increase… Read More

  • EPIC HoloStars Sleepover in Minecraft!

    EPIC HoloStars Sleepover in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘【MINECRAFT】 Minecraft Sleepover’, was uploaded by Crimzon Ruze Ch. HOLOSTARS-EN on 2024-06-06 09:03:23. It has garnered 14554 views and 1356 likes. The duration of the video is 07:16:54 or 26214 seconds. Bring your blankets. Thumbnail: https://twitter.com/eysudes This game is being streamed and monetized after confirming with Mojang based on the following Terms and Conditions (https://account.mojang.com/terms) ▼X (formerly Twitter) https://twitter.com/crimzonruze ▼Twitch https://www.twitch.tv/crimzonruze_holostars_en ————————————————————— Crimzon Rulez: 1: Don’t be a jerk, that’s my job. 2: If you backseat me, I’m going to defenestrate you. 3: When someone’s causin’ trouble in chat, let me handle it. 4: Keep… Read More

  • The Haunting of Minecraft: A Spooky Adventure

    The Haunting of Minecraft: A Spooky AdventureVideo Information This video, titled ‘Most Terrifying Entity Sa Horror Minecraft…’, was uploaded by Psalm Playz on 2024-04-26 10:16:52. It has garnered 54690 views and 1494 likes. The duration of the video is 00:12:27 or 747 seconds. HELO Mod: https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/the-silence Shader: Apollo Lite Social Media • Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/psalm.ledesma.16/ • TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@psalm3464 • Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100094776304510 100 Days Minecraft Zombie Apocalypse, Parasite Horrific Wasteland, Post Apocalyptic Wasteland sa Minecraft, Minecraft prank, 100 Days SCP Psalmplayz, Skibidi toilet mob battle Daxx, Minecraft noob vs pro, Morph mod, Minecraft prison break challenge eider, Maizen, aphmau, Nico, Cash, Omzcool Minecraft Video, Challenges, Pranks and Building!… Read More

  • EPIC transformation: Mikey & JJ’s Village to Block Village in Minecraft

    EPIC transformation: Mikey & JJ's Village to Block Village in MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Mikey and JJ Village Become a Block Village in Minecraft – Maizen’, was uploaded by Cool Mikey on 2024-05-22 00:15:02. It has garnered 1375 views and 22 likes. The duration of the video is 00:12:13 or 733 seconds. Mikey and JJ Village Become a Block Village in Minecraft – Maizen This video is an unofficial work and is neither created or approved by Maizen Sisters. Thanks for watching, I hope you will enjoy my videos! Maizen – @maizenofficial Read More

  • Unbelievable Redstone Farming Tips – Get Rich Quick! 💎🔧

    Unbelievable Redstone Farming Tips - Get Rich Quick! 💎🔧Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Redstone Farming: 🌟 Effektive Wege zur Redstone-Gewinnung! 💎🔧’, was uploaded by DerJulianShorts on 2023-12-27 13:00:07. It has garnered 896 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 00:03:19 or 199 seconds. Minecraft Redstone Farming: 🌟 Effective ways to mine redstone! 💎🔧 Video description: Welcome, Minecraft enthusiasts! 🎮 In this tutorial, we’ll dive deep into the fascinating world of redstone and show you how to mine redstone effectively to take your projects to the next level! 💡 🔍 What can you expect from this video? Tips and tricks for optimal redstone procurement in… Read More

  • HACKS ACUSADOS en SERVIDOR por TobiiM9 #clickbait #Minecraft

    HACKS ACUSADOS en SERVIDOR por TobiiM9 #clickbait #MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘ADMIN me ACUSA de HACKS en su SERVIDOR!! #shorts #minecraft’, was uploaded by TobiiM9 Shorts on 2024-01-04 23:30:06. It has garnered 20795 views and 1654 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:48 or 48 seconds. Read More

  • EPIC Battle: Tall vs Short in Minecraft Maizen!

    EPIC Battle: Tall vs Short in Minecraft Maizen!Video Information This video, titled ‘TALL THIN Speerunner vs SHORT FAT Hunter : JJ vs Mikey in Minecraft Maizen!’, was uploaded by Maizen Craft on 2024-03-31 11:00:27. It has garnered 12597 views and 60 likes. The duration of the video is 00:15:22 or 922 seconds. in Minecraft Video compilation you will see: TALL THIN Speerunner vs SHORT FAT Hunter : JJ vs Mikey in Minecraft Maizen! 👉Maizen Original Channel – @maizenofficial 🔥 Press like to this video and subscribe to my channel, bro ! Write in the comments who you like Maizen or Mikey? 😅 This channel contains the best… Read More

  • Tandzo dominates in epic Minecraft battle! 16.04.2024

    Tandzo dominates in epic Minecraft battle! 16.04.2024Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Rivals! Livestream: 16.04.2024’, was uploaded by Tandzo Zockt on 2024-04-20 05:25:49. It has garnered 10 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 02:32:48 or 9168 seconds. Have fun watching 😇 If you want to support me, be sure to leave a like and subscribe! 😇💜 We do livestreams of the project on Twitch! My Twitch: twitch.tv/tandzozockt Discord Team Tandzo: https://discord.com/invite/tGc6xE9Jta Special thanks to @Tzagor who made the video! #tandzozockt #minecraft #minecraftdeutsch #minecraftchallenge #minecrafthorrormaps #minecrafthorror #newvideo Read More

  • Soul Reaper Scythe in Minecraft Bedrock! OP Custom Weapon Tutorial

    Soul Reaper Scythe in Minecraft Bedrock! OP Custom Weapon TutorialVideo Information This video, titled ‘Soul Reaper Scythe! Custom Weapon Command Block Tutorial (Minecraft Bedrock)’, was uploaded by Guppyduck on 2024-05-10 17:35:47. It has garnered 5362 views and 231 likes. The duration of the video is 00:15:22 or 922 seconds. Want to make your own overpowered magic weapon that feeds on the souls of your foes? Then check out this tutorial! This weapon will tear through hoards of enemies to power up it’s lethal spin move! These commands were made live on stream based on viewer suggestions, make sure to keep an eye out for my streams to suggest your… Read More

  • Insane Showdown: Caseoh VS Sonic VS Aphmau & Amy Rose Reverse | Piano Tutorial

    Insane Showdown: Caseoh VS Sonic VS Aphmau & Amy Rose Reverse | Piano TutorialVideo Information This video, titled ‘Caseoh VS Sonic & Aphmau & Amy Rose Reverse Version | Minecraft & Sonic @Mtime4 – Piano Tutorial’, was uploaded by OCTOBER SHORTS on 2024-06-03 21:01:50. It has garnered 140166 views and 1188 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:12 or 12 seconds. Original Video Creator’s Channel: @Mtime4 Original Video: https://www.youtube.com/shorts/rDgmeYEApgA This video was created for educational purposes, with the intention of offering a distinctive combination of music and humor. If the original creator has any concerns about the video. I completely understand. Please don’t hesitate to reach out to me at ([email protected]) …. Read More

  • Hogbrains

    HogbrainsBecome a Hogbrain! Hogbrains is a semi-vanilla SMP server with many custom features and a small yet growing community. We have land claims, custom enchantments, and much more. play.hogbrains.net Read More

  • Melio SMP Whitelisted No Teleports 1.20.4

    Welcome to our Whitelisted Semi-Vanilla Server! We are a Java 1.20.4 server with minimal plugins, focusing on a chill, lax community. Launched on 23 March 2024. Features: No teleportation, claims, McMMO, etc. Events and minigames Permanent map with no resets Custom world generation using TerraformGenerator Our rules are minimal, operating on a trust system. Enhance your experience with minor features and plugins while maintaining a vanilla feel. All playstyles are welcome, events revolve around east asia timezones at night. Interested? Apply here! Read More

  • Pixelfam 1.16.5

    Pixelfam 1.16.5Welcome to the PixelFam Pixelmon 1.16.5!Pixelmon Reforged 9.1.11Minecraft Version 1.16.5IP: pixelfam.funDiscord:discord.gg/23sDdJwBKNWhat We have to Offer:Absolutely NO Pay to Win!When someone pays money on the server, EVERYONE wins!If you are online when someone buys a crate key, you ALSO get that same crate key!EVERYONE gets the current weekly rank that has been donated!GTSEconomyWeekly EventsCompetitive PVPMuch Much MORE! Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Mojang’s secret message!

    Minecraft Memes - Mojang's secret message!Mojang’s response to this meme: “We may not always have something to say, but when we do, it’s worth at least 550 points apparently.” Read More