EPIC RETURN to Tanuki SMP – Live Stream NOW

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You’re Photo M Oh A Oh Right did I turn this off there go go music I’m back exams for University are done uh I’m also very ill at something H so you know what I did was I got you know H buy muncher lugs just to leave me alone you know I was uh I I didn’t I

Didn’t leave my room I just stayed right here in this room if it would show in the Stream it might not show in the Stream but I was so L and I told byy muncher and I said to L guys leave me the [ __ ] alone and I just stayed in this

Room by myself and no one bothered me uh I sat here L eating only like carrots down here in my little my little sick bunker where I was just I just I don’t know what it is I think I got the whooping cough or some [ __ ] like that

But oh my God was I bad uh but I’ve just been chilling down here uh very ill and i’ I’m not going to lie I’m I’m not going to lie it has been quite a peaceful time I’ve just slept most of the time but I did hear a couple

Explosions at some point uh a couple days ago I heard heard screams I heard screams uh what else did I hear I just I I did hear some stuff going on out there and to honest I know I’ve been away for a while I’ve been stuck down here I told

Him not to bother me like I didn’t put a sign up I said Do Not Disturb I am L and people didn’t disturb me I’m actually quite happy I did not believe that they I i’ underestimated them I thought they would have just [ __ ] annoyed me uh

But they didn’t so I’m quite proud of them actually they didn’t come and bother me while I was I was ill in this little room here but anyway I need to I need to see what’s going on upstairs cuz I’m actually getting terrified check out your Bridge yeah man i’ I’ve been down

Here L let’s let’s see what’s changed right this room hasn’t changed do not disturb I’m L right I can never remove this sign uh cuz I’m still ill but I’m not ill enough to justify hiding away in this room for 7 days sleeping like I did uh but much Imperium

Constru a lot of that’s a lot of stuff sure what’s up here uh oh it seems to be the chair is expanded in the office we don’t have music this is cool okay there’s been minimal changes to this building here but I guess this is this is the

Government building it doesn’t need many changes uh got the flag you know the B Munch Imperium flag on show I need to get a shield and put that on that Shield the Farm’s looking good yeah not much has changed here but it’s it’s looking nice there’s ly’s little Hut

Tax man’s house oh my God amazing do I have any meil in the mail boxes uh no okay me okay so that that’s who the [ __ ] mailed me that uh I guess I really have to be grateful cuz we’re we’re bat [ __ ] poor so stuff is stuff no one’s

Going um yeah see this way H boy M seems to have changed this house to dark oak which is kind of cool uh I can steal yeah uh oh what the [ __ ] two radio blade from XPS hey radio I want to apologize for the grief and Tor torment why can I not

Why can I not read okay restart let me just walk in let me just redo that holy [ __ ] uh two radio blade from xvs Hey Radio I want to apologize for the grief and torment of your Island I didn’t want to go this way as a

Comp comp am I dumb or is that like oh compensation I’m just dumb okay as compensation I’ve given you this stuff to make up for the damage hopefully this stuff can help BBM alens come great again also please message me once you read this I want to

Talk oh there’s a great fire logs I’m seeing you in chat saying there was a great fire oh okay um what how was that uh right so I have to message him but I want to see what stuff we got holy [ __ ] it’s a lot of stuff

Um everything burnt down LS can you explain what happened what what even have what I was sleeping did you not come and wake me up I was sleeping downstairs ill I mean I I I said not to disturb me cuz I was Ill but if if if it’s like a life or death

Scenario wake me up but Jesus Christ uh so we seem to have a lot of stone and [ __ ] like that I don’t know how I’m going to transport this but where will he even go oh there he is he X I’m not going to lie I thought you would have

Messaged me by now I was I was going to message you I was just I was just going to look around first but yeah know here’s uh thank you very much for the stuff except your you know apology for the uh the grief and torment your people have caused their

Island yeah I don’t know why con of like uh you wanted to be a little [ __ ] so uh I decided to pay you back I’ve not come here to like for anything I just want to have you even checked the chests yet yeah it’s a lot of wood grass and

Stone yeah I also um rebuilt your house that I blew up oh [ __ ] that house oh my God the the the the Munch Munch Manor I need to go see this decided to rebuild it because I felt bad there’s also I had to I had to keep checking

Your stream to like see what block are place there’s nothing in the chest uh oh wait no never mind I think someone might have ooh okay I can I I can I can finish so this this is this this is this is this is it thank you very much

Man you know I’m now saying that the underground if you guys are still called that I don’t know cuz I have been asleep for seven days uh uh about that they do you know what’s funny yeah they tried to portray me yesterday did did it go

Well uh well they killed my teammate and I threatened to kill all of them and then they gave back my never right stuff that I’m wearing huh yeah you know I’ve just I’ve been really ill I wouldn’t come too close me man oh my God I have been so

Ill so I told them to lock me in that basement I’ve just been sleeping watching YouTube and sitting under that basement I heard like screams in fire I didn’t think and apparently it was a fire and they didn’t wake me up you know it just it’s just been a long day yeah

Yeah I’ve got to go check gag Islands cuz there seems to be some work done to it okay the Monumental Bridge holy [ __ ] oh it’s even got end there look how smart wo do you want to meet a new member what there’s a new member online

You want to meet him where is he Lorenzo Wayne is that heading you in oh well his his Minecraft name is like stuck right now because someone hacked account but his yeah I might go visit him I might go visit him this bridge is awesome can oh

Boats go yeah they can go under that’s amazing the ones boats can go under he doesn’t talk he doesn’t talk a lot that’s the thing he he he barely talks do you know where he is you might get I just oh there he is he’s uh he’s the new most powerful member on

The server because he’s really good at Minecraft friended him I’ll two minutes guys I’m I’m going to go into the autism sh go be one minute oh I I thought there’d be more in here we can speak at The Window Guys we can speak at the window we can speak I I

Need to stay in the shack for a little minute I’m not I can’t leave the Shaq I need I need the moment in the autism Shack I’m getting my refill come on wait go on Discord does he have the is that the is that the the gaping

[ __ ] in a shield does he have the Enderman [ __ ] in a shield he does have the Ender [ __ ] and his shield n stop this [ __ ] [ __ ] he has the Enderman [ __ ] and his shield all right get rid of that Shield get rid of that Shield he has he has the Enderman

[ __ ] Shield this is amazing ah the Glorious oh not this [ __ ] don’t don’t start this [ __ ] big pen thing again right what’s over here oh this is the pet radio how you doing man good nice to meet you you’re currently on the beautiful uh beautiful islands of the the buyun Imperium what

What are your thoughts man that’s nice yeah a it’s a great place Scenic uh we’re going to open up a hotel resort somewhere you know we’re going to have buffets we’re going to have all the we’re going to have all the [ __ ] man we’re going to be this is going to be

Amazing very no trust me trust me you’re you’re going to want to bring your family here and your money definitely his his family’s in Kazakhstan yeah bring them get them well how how far is the T how many like Dimensions planes of existence as H Tanuki SMP from

Kazakhstan I don’t know Borat wouldn’t be too happy we we’re we’re a couple Dimensions away from Kazakhstan we could we could get we could do some like shifting I don’t know I don’t know how that works ah ready I’m going to back what did you say I didn’t hear what you said

But right I can hear I can hear him in the background sharing I didn’t hear what he said but just going to keep going right go take my paracetamol let’s go take some parasal down to my basement uh do I even have parac all I don’t know we’ll find some if there

Is the nicest place in this ever we are the nicest place in this ever this is this is amazing look uh we’ve now got all these supplies it so wasn’t made in Creative uh yeah so very much weren’t made in Creative no no no right

Uh I’m so surprised no going no meal man I was waiting for meal L how about you pop on for a minute I beg of you don’t you need to stream just come on and say hi I don’t know why I’m doing it I’m not I I did a no like

At 2:00 2 p.m. UK time stream thinking it wouldn’t get any views but he literally spawned your base in you know what uh LS you know what I’m past the point of you know oh you left right as much as I like the chairs it needs to be I need one more

Oak there yeah come on come on and say hi I I need I need an oak stair please I beg Oak stairs all right over here maybe no no no a par Mall uh this looks like a par mall I’ll hold that t a lane of cocaine

Hello is this where the um sexy woman is talk what the there’s someone upstairs I need to go to the reception desk and you I’ll go the reception Des hello can I can I get can I get reception please you’re in the reception man yes well I

Was told that there’s sexy woman in this island oh well yeah yeah yeah they’re downstairs in my bed they’re just hey no no no no no no no no no you can’t it’s privacy privacy not they said they want the sexy time okay if you just

Go back in another I’ll go ask him if they want to see you okay okay they say they want the sexy time on Facebook I want all these women in my beds all 12 of you guys all naked and beautiful H do you want this man to come

Downstairs oh no okay I’ll go I’ll go let him know yeah man they said no I’m sorry man H I’m pretty sure I’m pretty sure Gay Poland has some hot people there yes but I’m not part of the gay I’m not [Applause] affiliate hey

Man uh yeah well I’m sorry to say it man may maybe what’s another place have you ever heard of the undergrounds actually no they don’t have any hot women gay group yeah they they’re all sweats they stay up until like 3:00 a.m. playing Minecraft they they there’s no girls

There probably uh where else is there any other places I’ve not I’ve been trust me man I’ve been asleep for actually 7 days is uh I’ve been down in my basement L dying with all my 12 hot wonderful babes that is unluck where’ you take the [ __ ]

Toilet yes but um where in this toilet downstairs can I say no okay stand back man stand back you don’t want this can I be a member of um what is this island called oh this this is the byy Munch Imperium it’s it’s nice place here I’m not going to lie I

Thought it was called BBM that’s what BBM stands for pretty much I it stand for big black man no no no no h stands for big booty muncher uh we’re currently on the w I almost thought that this you know who told me that who who told you that lenzo Wayne

Ah well there is there there there is back big black man Island I’ll show you where that is actually if you just like kind of like head I want to see this see directly that direction if you go that direction just directly there for like maybe one or two minutes you

Will get to that Island man this is this is I can’t swim got a boat there’s boats over here in the thing I’m I’m seick how did you get here um I do not know oh okay this is this is this is something me to work I have the big

Autism oh well have I got the place for you to go man holy [ __ ] follow me well have I got a place for you to go trust me you have any big polar bars that I can scare little kids with over there but I’m they’re residents of the island so

They don’t know if they want to move buy him I give you I give you Diamond yes you have diamonds no I stole it it’s currently in booty hall but I can get it for you how many is there up there just let me know before you take 42

42 yes in booty and your booy I’ll go speak to one of them and see what willing to part with their child two seconds I call my booty the Ender Chest you just wait there you just wait there I’m I’m going to go ask them okay right which what you cun is

The least important which one of you could be sold which one do one of you do we need the least which one do you all hate guys this one okay uh yeah just just just you wait here okay man I’ll be back for you in a second you just wait

There see if he moves and I don’t remember who that was yeah I’ll take five diamonds for that H poer you want you want five diamonds okay let me um just for that polar bear yeah okay one second oh [ __ ] why will us not spawn here we go

Yeah yeah making money here actually I this is not what I expected also lost I’ve realized the V don’t have any stuff anymore can I get okay I have your diamond then bring it out of buy hole Yeah Yeah just five just five diamonds yeah

Oh just okay I’m going to go wash my hands man but uh see that polar bear just just just right there the one that Lorenzo’s next to that one take that one yeah he’s willing to go I’m going to have the big sex with polar

Bear Oh wait [ __ ] [ __ ] oh God wait why did I just sell that I didn’t realize that that’s word he said to scare kids I mean I guess like could scare [ __ ] come on B oh god oh I’ve just I’ve just gave away that poor bear is a sex

Slave I I really did not mean that uh [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] my diamonds are [ __ ] stained go go go oh I feel terrible I feel absolutely terrible I just sold away that polar bear there a sex life [ __ ] man where do I put these [ __ ] stain diamonds I should have got six diamonds

So I can make an axe and a pickaxe scam one let me hey guys hey hey guys yes hello my friend do you like my new yeah did I over hear you saying something about uh having sex with the polar bear yes yeah incl your package H for

That package you need to get the one Diamond upgrade no but this is my polar bear no yeah but yeah you you own it but you’re there set there’s certain things you need to the contract to do H you need to have a license for that and the license cost one diamond

Yes but the polar bear only like sexy time yeah but still it’s not legal polar bear can you attack this man he is annoying trust me trust me he’s known me longer than you uh just just what one diamond for that license what’s his name do you not know his

Name hell oh guess you have just do you know his name no this is questionaire no it’s not that is [ __ ] gbus no that’s oily man I I don’t believe you that’s not his name that I don’t I don’t I don’t know he told me his name is big oily

Man is that true gbus well whether his name is Gus or not whether his name is gbus or big oily man if you want to have sex with that poor bear you need to give me that one pound that’s sorry one Diamond license one Diamond um one diamond for the

License okay I do not say I have the sexy time so I do not have to pay you P your friend has paid behalf of you thank you very much man thank you thank you okay right this one’s at least not [ __ ] stains that that in his pocket I don’t

Feel really want to uh you know right want to with Jox uh because Jox I want to go see how is is alen’s going uh I don’t infect him with the virus though have to watch it for that boy I got that virus that boy stuck in

Time rcep J please I want them I want I want to ask question you have two seconds they’re going to help you man how much diamonds for every single polar bear every single polar bear yes I mean those are the the people of our nation man I don’t know if I can give

You every single polar bear oh yes but the polar bear very sexy I mean I’ve I’ve gave you the the least valuable one man that that was five diamonds for the least valuable one why because his name was big oily man no he’s least valuable because everyone [ __ ] hates

Him well well I love him he’s my new girlfriend girl he is your girlfriend yes uh I I I I don’t know if I’m Liberty to I I would need to speak to El Presidente and El president is not here in it wow El Presidente must have big back

Uh B bear you know what I want to see where your big black polar bears are we don’t have I want I don’t want the white ones we’re not very diverse here sadly H we’re working on but our polar bears are just only polar wait that sounds racist

I want the big brown polar Bears the ones that look like free fast bear yeah they’re not they’re not here man they’re not in the Arctic they the cold you need to go down actually wa know everything’s [ __ ] cold I forgot it’s winter I give you two stacks of diamond out of my

Booty hole for brown polar bear I want the brown one and I want to call him Freddy Fazbear you know I I I’ll I’ll go speak to my manager about that two seconds I want fred5 okay I need to somehow pull a [ __ ] Brown Polar Bear

Out my ass for two stacks of diamonds uh let me just let me just do something let me just we should do something here I’ve got a plan I get this uh this this brown Bear come on pick up I need someone to pick up here back upx Please come on man I just need this man please please man I need this Lux oh got how would you feel about selling your body what who’s that how would you feel about selling your body L you yeah you the face are you streaming Discord no I’m not streaming descord

We can hear they can hear this they can hear this right how would you feel how would you can you ask lugs how he would feel about selling his body no he would love it I’ve been offered two stacks of diamonds if I get a brown bear and I was

Going to say later on you come and dress a brown bear and you sell your body and have sex with him for two stacks of diamonds for two diamonds yeah no two stacks of Diamonds oh yes yeah sure sure right okay I I’ve I’ll have it arranged right

Uh hey man I’ve spoke to some people and all stuff and we can arrange a brown bear oh hey man I’ve spoke to some people and stuff and we we we can arrange a brown bear for you uh you know I want the big brown bear yeah yeah

We’re working on it we’re working on getting transporting them here it just take a minut have big fat top hats like Freddy Fazbear well that’s an accessory that can also be added on with purchase uh oh you’re doing the Bing yeah yeah yeah anyway man the the Brown beer isn’t

Here right now but it well be so just just I have the two stacks of diamonds I want my big brown bear we’re we’re we’re working on it we’re getting we’re getting the big brown bear here don’t worry he’s on his way H if the big brown

Bear is skinny I do not give the two stacks of diamond well no you you you’ll be I want the fat bear well fact I want the bear to be fatter than the red one you saw me well fat is relative man fat he could

Be fat and he could have a lot of fat in his he could have a lot of he could have a fat brain and you just can’t see that you know you your thing is fat it doesn’t always show that could be in the inside you

Know okay well no I do not want sex with the big brown bear I want him to become a new um Freddy Faz bear I’m going to kill the bear and make him animatronic oh [ __ ] oh I’m going to open Five Nights at Freddy’s restaurant right man yeah I’ll

What I’ll do is that he that bear will be in his way if you can come back in a wee bit I I’ll what I’ll do is I’ll I’ll you know I’ll I’ll call call you back I I’ll get i’ll get I’ve got I’ll get your

Number if you can write your number down in the little make a account with I don’t have number I only have um no your brick yeah that that’ll work that’ll work no your brick put put your contact details on that little slip paper there and I’ll call you I’ll I’ll send you a

Little message a little email when we get our hands in the brown bear and you can come back purchase that brown bear and you can have you can you know with money money okay I um I like the sound of that so do I yes we’re going to open Five Nights at

Freddy’s yeah yeah I’m going to open the big piz restaurant and kill five kids yeah that’s why I’m buy the wine P the wine polar bear do you know what his name is Grand cocaine Bonny oh c c Cain Bonnie he is powdered in white cocaine and he

Killed children and then snorts the cocaine yeah okay well anyway I I’ll see you later man I’ve got get back to work but I will send you if you just put your if you go into that office and write down your contact details on that little

Slip paper at the front of the desk what we’ll do is we’ll contact you with a little email or something like that and then you can come back and you can purchase that brown bear when we get it okay well I’m excited to see my Freddy Faz Bear right I’ll see you

Cocaine bony big man come on what the [ __ ] is going on like genuinely right I’m going go visit Ace or who’s on Jox oh Jox we can visit Jox that’s what happened to our chest of boats not the boats man permission to rate FNAF yes yes I

Give you per I give you permission don’t you worry say you have my my undying permission give me a boat no a boat there we are right let’s go visit Jox I don’t want to get him L though wait you’re [ __ ] me Jesus Christ the

Ace man it’s not on my S it’s not of my S at all right let’s go see what’s going to happen over here where the where even is he oh wait is alens being engulfed with Ace all right Jox let’s let’s see how you’re down here okay jx’s island is looking all right

Uh yeah it’s something it’s definitely under progress but it’s something let’s see oh he’s here oh maybe not then maybe hey maybe maybe he isn’t here anymore oh no he’s back let’s see what happens here is he is he Dimension shifting right now is he fornicating over here is he even

Real I don’t even know if he’s real I don’t even know if he’s real Jo X is he tripping out is this even snow or is just something else man what what the [ __ ] is going on over here right okay maybe not then I’ll see you later Jox I know I I’m

Just going to let him do his thing right oh did he come back as soon as I left I swear some yeah he did hello J X oh hello how you doing man how you doing how’s the island going uh not not the very best but it it’s getting

Somewhere I mean somewhere or somewhere that’s fine that’s that’s you know it’s progress I mean the the ice has kind of slowed me down because I can’t really uh get to the floor and kind of made me a bit sick but yeah it is a little bit

Cold here I’m not going to lie um yeah I’ve had to put a jacket I’ve had to put a jacket on oh look qu find again oh [ __ ] your legs yes that looks really call I find theand that s me the big brown bear yeah I know we’re getting you the big brown

Bear trust me it’s a work in progress yes do you know do you want to see my new pet Jox sure yes Butler come there my new BR you know what I call him I call him cocaine Freddy Faz bear hello and you know what do you know what his original name is

Big oily man his original name he likes the cocaine you know they make movie about him yeah yeah they call it cocane bear slowly exit awesome slowly no you don’t live I want my brown bear I want working prog I’m I’m doing what I [ __ ] can to get you this Brown

Beer man Jesus Christ you know give anyone anyone two stacks of diamond for brown bear hey man two stack diamonds you say yeah know we’re we’re just get him a brown bear man we’re just going to get him a brown bear it’s fine here is

The two stacks I want the big brown bear no we’re working your what I want it I want the brown one I don’t not want white one wait that sounds racist I want the brown tone bear still I was I was actually arranging the transport of your brown bear there can

We can we speak private for a second J X can you can you guys go away we’re discussing important you know why don’t we go back to the island to my office follow me man your Island yeah let’s my my boat’s over here actually wait there

There also kind of got a bit of a request yeah you know that bridge you made yeah can you make it one block oh lugs made it I didn’t realize Bo kind of go underneath it is that is that all right go kind of like suffocate him oh

Okay okay well I I’ll I’ll I’ll let logs know he’s he’s the B guy and I was going to so you know that offer I’m getting of two stacks of diamonds for a brown bear yeah no uh I think I know where this is

Going I no we have a we have a bear suit downstairs uh and obviously I’m the salesman you know yeah and I have to be there but you you could I expect 50% 50 holy [ __ ] shove me in a brown bear suit I I expect some compensation right come on

Upstairs look at the armor I’m wearing and the tools I have yeah have more than me to be honest but sure you know what okay 50 50 split okay come upstairs we discussing some private proper make sure there’s no you know list yeah 50/50 split I’m willing to do that

Okay and you know I yeah 50/50 split so the suit isn’t dangerous is it no no it’s it’s quite outa to be honest just just a little suit but the suits just and just in this little box here underneath uh what I’m going to do is

I’m going to let leave you here so you can you know get changed and then you just need to pretend to be his bear for 10 minutes and maybe like run away or go missing if you go so he’s like oh no my bear my bear is gone no no then you come

Back and you go oh wait oh well you’ve paid for your bear it was your fault you lost it you know there’s no insurance okay yeah that that sounds all good that sounds all good I’m just going to leave you here to put on that bear skin you

Know I I’ll let you I’ll let you do that right I might like cover up window just yeah no I’ll cover the window for you to Second yeah yeah there you go right you just get changed man I’ll be I’m waiting outside for you thanks this is this could go

Terribly uh if he sees throughout disguise he’s not going to be [ __ ] happy cuz this is two stacks of diamonds we’re getting here this is this is a big deal is a really big deal this deal could change the course of the the booty Munch Imperium that this the amount of

Money we’re getting here man right for 50% but I feel 50 [ __ ] per. 50 okay 50% sure yes Jey say s is singing the entire FNAF song right I’ll let Jo X put on his little bear suit and I’ll just do my stuff downstairs uh

H God damn it that’s 50% I guess 50% is fair if you cuz he has to put in a beit and get sold to some guy from Kazakhstan uh so I guess it’s not that bad of a an offer but still right but I’m going to start

Actually fixing up my stuff my storage and my chest cuz oh I’m still L man maybe I shouldn’t have left my bed down here for today cuz I literally for the whole week I TR myself in my room did not leave I put a sign upstairs not

To bother me and no one did so I just stayed down here and I came up oh my my dying down here Jesus Christ right anyway uh Stone chest that’s not Stone there’s here seeds sugar sure power fish ah oh s’s still going he’s still singing

The entire FNAF in chat I almost command his uh I’m almost commanding his great you know persistence why is there so many who’s been using my furnaces right um I think what the Imperium needs is like a a watchtower so we can keep an eye on on anyone like coming in and out

Cuz people people are coming in and out all the time wait this random guy all right let’s see is there any clay I need some clay to make another pot for my tea machine downstairs I need to go back to making my tea my tea what’s what got kept me like

Healthy then when the tea machine broke in the explosion I have no longer been healthy you know right there’s no clay here okay I’ll just make more clay [ __ ] you uh clay I’m so po I’m doing with a stone shovel this is the point I’m at oh going die ah

Right make a little bit of I’ll go back to the host I think Jox is still getting changed into his bear suit right um cook me up some bricks might expand this storage bit and make this room like longer down this Corridor here it doesn’t out to the

Sea I’ve got a B time before we go to the Sea right hopefully Jo ax is getting changed I don’t want to walk in what if he’s just butt naked in there I don’t want to walk in and see him butt naked ow that was my finger if you heard

That noise to the thing I just smacked it off a bowl right pretty much Imperium yeah right open the reception need to get a little contract right here I’m going right out this contract uh contract uh transfer ownership of Freddy Fazbear uh behal no from biry Munch Imperium two customer is

Approved by radio blade upon his signage on him signing this book so that means once I sign this book oh Jox you done up there not going to I don’t want to burst in Jox Jox Jo Jo X you done there man you you got the suit

On just just watch it for the spring locks man there we go how’s the suit man how’s it look exactly exactly right I I I’ll message the client uh it’s a little bit Dusty in here put his details in uh bear time come right uh come on down here man just

Just you know you have you make be noises you know uh oh if you just actually if you go in the back go in the back six levels what all right back rooms now go go to the back rooms over here don’t don’t let them see

We don’t want them to see until the partch is ready to be made there we are okay I me this lagging right you just wait there I I’ll I’ll let you in I’ll I’ll just going to speed to the they’re here they’re here smell it h the bear sorry two two

Seconds guys two seconds wait we to okay so you you the part just the the terms are you know two stacks of diamonds to the bo Munch Imperium to me uh upon the transfer of ownership to this so we have a contract here uh can I get a name can I get a

Name Borat okay Borat uh I have my assistant here he’s going to um come around corner I give you the diamond no no no you stay away I him yeah when I tell you you give them the diamond yes you not your yes okay right so the contract is here H once I

Have the diamonds okay I will sign this book and you get to transfer ownership of the bear H but first we’re going to quickly show you the bear uh he’s a bit timid he’s a bit shy so don’t bother him don’t show at him he’s you know just you

Wait in this chair just sitting you both sit in that chair don’t move uh don’t make any too loud noises you know just just give him a minute okay just be a moment come on Freddy come on out come on is that [ __ ] Freddy Faz bear what

The [ __ ] is this so this is the bear that you the big brown bear this is this is skinny bear I want the fat one he his brain is fat his brain is fat you just can’t [ __ ] see it you know what we’ll put it to the test make noise

Bear okay so it’s authentic it’s authentic it’s it’s 100% real I’m porting from Spain okay come on bear no no no no wait wait wait wait wait don’t get to the diamonds Bor it Bor it I I will kill you you give him the diamond we take upon the signage no

Upon this he you do not do not sign [ __ ] we don’t sign books we only give money come on no these are not diamonds man these are not diamonds these are not real what do you mean they’re not diamonds what the [ __ ] is that [ __ ] yes that is diamonds that ain’t [ __ ] diamonds

[ __ ] not this diamonds come on Bear Freddy ready come back hey I have the contract here the contract has not been signed okay goodbye I take bear no no no come on fredd no where where is Freddie Freddy no Freddie Freddie come back now Freddy come on

Back can’t be man place in the boat we got to [ __ ] go [ __ ] go got man [ __ ] I kind of [ __ ] up a little bit I suck at riding a boat but you know it’s fine it’s fine it’s fine I’m not like I’m not like the taxi servers on here

Kill him don’t don’t take this no cont be the SED you doing Autumn the contract has SED [ __ ] Freddy Fazbear man no no no no no get in go oh oh did they fly away with the Rip Tide I’m sorry I was spying on you did they

Kidnap Freddy Fazbear it’s a long story com to the island man oh well basically that guy Bor at uh was buying my bear okay he was buying my Bears and all that stuff and he’s wanting a big brown bear and obviously we’re in the [ __ ] cold weather

There’s no big brown bears here uh so I was like I can get you one so I I got joak that’s joak man I got joak dress up in a bear suit um wait okay I’m sorry you got Jox to go into an animatronic suit well yeah just

Cuz it looks like the beer and he was going to give me two stacks of diamonds then he scammed us he gave us fake diamonds what makes you think that Borat would have two stacks of diamonds he had he gave me five diamonds in the past okay he gave me that’s five we’re

Talking about like 20 times that okay true but no but that no but that means now Jo ax is stuck with them wait I m joak in as we no careful Jo Jox make sure you do not get wet oh [ __ ] no the spring logs are going

To kill him [ __ ] I didn’t I I forgot about this we’re in the [ __ ] how is he supposed oh my God you you you did not think this through did sh okay I we have to get him back let’s put here’s the contract though this is the contract when I

Signed this contract the own the ownership was officially transferred he just currently you didn’t sign it you didn’t sign it I did not sign it it’s not owned so I was going to sign the book yeah yeah that means it’s still yours you can still yeah he’s still

Legally M but I don’t think Borat cares all right we’re going to go do some kidnapping all right come on follow me in [ __ ] I think I know where they’re taking him wait actually don’t yet wait hold on we got to go man we got to go get I

Um Jox is C there and Jo a is currently wearing like a a a a spring lock El ronic suit man if he gets wet man if he gets wet I think I have a little bit of an idea where where they might have taken him um I don’t know if you know

This there’s the um bit of a prison in the middle of the ocean um a prison you’ll see when we get there there’s already people in the prison I don’t really know how that’s going to work out but I think they might be taking in there God damn it

Man well they’ve got ah if they’re not if they’re not there I I have I have no clue I I don’t know where they’re going to be oh man I I feel bad I’m scared for Jox man if Jox gets [ __ ] spring locked cuz of me Jox gets put in this

Prison it’s going to take like it it takes an over an hour to mine one piece of obsidian by hand with mining fatigue God damn it h I’m red Chan well uh they told you you’re too young to join the server how old are you and uh if he gets

Wet oh my god um I just want to say this thing has like doubled in size since last night um you know I’ve been I’ve been sent a message by uh Jox they’ve taken him to his b their base uh what Bas is there someone in

Here no there’s no one in here is that Luke looke there’s someone in there I swear to God no it’s the Elder Guardian it’s the I’m kidding it’s right we need to get to their base then is it that big mass of like Stone thing where where do they live head directly

South directly south okay yeah they went to the mountain [ __ ] man we’re [ __ ] chance we’re [ __ ] see if he gets wet man if if those blocks go off we may have just [ __ ] killed Jox man well yeah it’s a I got a spare fruit suit from the back man I just I didn’t

Think about this that much no and you see that that’s that that was a little bit stupid wasn’t it um I don’t want J to die just you know he’s nice he’s nice I just forgot that I didn’t think it would get scammed okay it would it would have went well if it

Didn’t get [ __ ] scammed we both have we ain’t breaking this boat man I’m very sorry your boat is not getting Rob oh yeah I know I’m I’m sorry it’s um PR you know I kind of I thought it was a person in the pr I was I was looking on the

Like the mini map and it was it was the Elder Guardian um yeah that b oh what the [ __ ] you actually with ACC [ __ ] see if I get stuck in a horse L [ __ ] you’ll be fine just claim are they here don’t know this is actually the

Worst thing that happened and he’s got his little gun man B’s got his little gun his little henchman sorry I’m falling Oh I thought you died there I was I thought I was going to look down and see again again no I already died in

The nether lost all my oh the ne’s been unlocked I haven’t been to the nether yet um yeah I got 16 an debris um holy I I died I died with it um oh for me ium oh that was for me yeah oh yeah yeah I just just in case yeah

They’re not here uh where the [ __ ] is their base if x if x if I mean if Borat if Borat kidnapped um I’m pretty I’m pretty scared now cuz um boret and um Lorenzo the guy Bor was with they both have a netherite chest plate both of them have one each

I mean we got to get we got to get we got to get Jox back I don’t know how well he can pretend to be a bear for that long man maybe try spawn you think spawn will have some something I’m have a bat he going to see me down here he

Is sorry okay let’s to spawn I don’t think any I don’t know where they could go go with our boy uh Freddy Fazbear also known as Jo XX I know right what what sure no cuz surely they wouldn’t still be outside right if they were still outside in the rain he would have

I I don’t know how sensitive they are man I don’t know if he need to be fully submerged in water or if he just need to get a little bit on I don’t know I don’t really know how how strict these are oh let’s go the ice the Imperial Spade right there so

Big let’s bounce best boat driver you ever seen in your life look at this no what was it it’s fine best boat driver yeah okay yeah best oh my God oh my God there’s cherry trees oh my God they’re everywhere oh my god dude it’s

Nice but I didn’t I I don’t know how these got here I have mining fatig yeah we have we have we have bag Min come back for them later I’ll come oh my God the attack speed is so slow get the [ __ ] out the boat we got to

Go man we got to go I’m being attacked sorry we’re running left T man we’re running their go go go go I’m going to die go [ __ ] you can do it we no we don’t fit through we got to get out you got to get out run run quick I

Left the boat I left the boat what the [ __ ] is that for the time being what um that’s n’s Christmas tree yeah we kind of we kind of burned it down once already um oh by the way Jo just messaged me as coordinates on his little Nokia phone –

825 – 800 basically – 800 and- 800 oh oh that’s so far away – 825 minus 8 uh 22 minus or what’s just 60 70 minus 890 where is that wait why did that do that oh that’s the name of the you way point God [ __ ] damn it uh Min – 825 70

Minus 890 right where is that why did am I just bad why am I just so bad at this okay Jo xus 825 70 – 890 done let’s go it’s a long journey I’ve not been keeping up what’s happening at spawn have I missed much oh I’m deing I’m back

I was working at coordinat I need to sleep okay man welcome actually have you seen my house before I’ve seen before I I think I actually spawned in here welcome someone someone found my stash someone stole all my stuff in my St that kind of sucks but you know it’s

A little not then oh you have a bed too nice your beds at your chest I’m not going to lie right oh there was a let’s [ __ ] bve it okay I’m going to just check this real quick oh I’ll take those wait save her going to save her man what the [ __ ] are

You going to be doing to him do you have a shield no I don’t I don’t have [ __ ] ad and I’m so I have I I have a sh for thank you so much man my might be it might be helpful we got to go this way I got to

Patch up my fence real quick fall there new boat cuz we can lose our boat when we’re getting jumped oh oh yeah no I can’t I don’t have the boat oh same we’re going to keep going anyway cuz he’s still there hor hor wh wh go go go

Go might it be good if we had a boat I’m not going to lie it would be pretty helpful wouldn’t it oh perfect I wood I don’t have wood God damn it there’s wood here wait you have an other channel I’ve no seen you posting your main

Channel let’s [ __ ] move it where you going let’s go save Freddy F 800 me away he’s not that far oh okay we got to go by by land now by the way there’s no more water hey logs you have not missed you have not missed much and you have you’ve missed

Where’s the my mute button there you’ve missed a lot I’m making food and I’m Shing and I’m getting on okay I won’t be on for too long cuz I start work at half 4 uh so I’m getting like yeah I’ll be on till like 4 maybe that but we’re

Basically there’s a lot going on we we’re saving Freddy Fazbear from Borat things oh true very fair S I don’t have a second Channel I just post all my [ __ ] in one channel whether it’s good or bad Lu has a second Channel if any video doesn’t get like over like a certain

Amount of views you’ll Nook it and banish it to the second channel to die radio yeah I think it’s I think it’s appropriate we BW up a a little plan okay okay we can’t we can’t just go in there um guns blazing they’re going to we’re going to die

Probably we do bre we need to break him out stealthy one of us yeah that’s that’s one of us need to distract and the other needs to like mine a passage way and the theall and break up that way I mean I could I could disguise myself as a

Salesman that would work or I could I could go with another bear oh [ __ ] let’s go oh my God professional boers you see this is this is proba we need Jo back he knows how to he knows how to boat he knows how to ride a boat [ __ ] it’s fine it’s fine we close now right we got to we got to save Freddy Fazbear man it’s really

Close now we’re almost we’re almost there this is the furthest I’ve went this direction actually yeah same we going I’ve gone every other direction except for here right oh is that that that looks promising wait wait wait look a plan how about I disguise myself as like

A I’ve got I’ve got a plan wait let’s let’s let’s go let’s we camp and we’ll make we plan we don’t know where it is just over in the oh my God it’s it’s a it’s a monument it’s an a monument [ __ ] man wait there’s NE p over here

Actually we just build a we build a tiny little snow they’ve already drained an entire ocean mon how do they get so much sand I have no clue or they don’t need sand but they need so much stuff so many blocks is there even a desert on this

Map no there’s no desert that’s the thing it closest one it’s like 5,000 blocks from Spawn all right we’re going to we’re going to kidnap Jo’s back and we’re going to get him back here yeah this is a little this is little HQ now I’ve got a plan give me one moment

Okay okay radio blade right you have wood by any chance like oh wood um no I’ve got [ __ ] all I’m very sorry oh [ __ ] okay we can’t okay I’ll be fine right where is the good one need a good one for this this will have to

Do yeah I need to do something two seconds he the plan is in motion if it would let me why is not downloaded God damn it there we go perfect right I’ve got my plan there’s a whole plan here a disguise this plan will have to get us

In so we can then save Jo X and return him to his you know to to his little Island from the the terrible terrible man that is Borat and his little henchman man loronzo now we’ve got poor poor little poor little Jox man he was just trying to

Help me out and this is what this is what he deser this is this is what he gets for being a great guy I mean we were trying to scam him no I think of it we were trying to scam Borat but Borat scam does Bor was it’s F it’s F it’s

F think for the specifics here right mcraft back here we are oh the lag for seconds how do I look man is he dead Gabby Gabby get he’s asleep but now we knew where their little thing is they’ve got a whole base here and what we need to do

Is to you know move over here and then infiltrate this base and try and get Jo’s ax out no he’s I’m going to be the distraction okay and he’s going to be he’s going to be the main one I have to go in get Freddy Faz out there

Pretending to be you know a bunny this is another one of those animatronic suits we’re just going to make sure I don’t go in water get me huh thought I thought I would wake him up I’m not going to lie is he asleep or is he just high or is he like

Having is he good I think he maybe a bit depressed not sure think he may need to reach out to me right now have a nice little bit of therapy with me are you [ __ ] Bonnie that [ __ ] is that are you look at my plan are you going to kidnap yourself as

Well no I’m going to sneak I’m going to distract them okay and while they’re distracting them you’re I’m you’re going to get Jox out of there and I’m going to get out okay now we’re just going to make sure I don’t fall in the water so

You’re going to need to be Boatman okay Al I’m going to need one piece of sand thank you how did you know I had one bit of sand I only have one bit s let’s go I don’t know I don’t know I I cannot go in the water man I

Don’t I don’t want to resc it I don’t know I don’t know if they’ll go off but I do not want these [ __ ] spring locks to break me in bets we could take the long way just whatever get building is boring all right we get get in the boat quick

It’s raining we got to go quick go go go go I’m going as far as I can I don’t not want to get submerged no that’ be that’ be pretty that’ be pretty bad now wouldn’t it do a good circle around it get a good

Circle around it so we can get we look in yeah yeah it is raining I just want to inform that it’s fine it’s fine it’s not not it’s light rain it’s not strong enough to get me affected I don’t think I don’t I don’t I they may not even go off I

Don’t know I just know that if I get if I if I get submer in water they’ll probably go off I do not want these you know that you know I just need to be careful okay right how am I going to get down there oh they have a man standing guard okay

Now I’ve noticed that the way they don’t get down there is through water he’s standing on top of it he’s standing on top of it is he [ __ ] playing yes D back come on oh God man this is [ __ ] how are we going to get in there okay you’re going to go distra

Right right I’m going to knock in the door I’m going knock in the door he just drop me off the ice there and you’re going to circle back good Lu okay good luck I need to get off as well go see you later I’ll see you later man Got the copy streak going get [ __ ] it’s going to kill me let me end hello hello wake up cl cl hello hello oh who’s here who who knock what the [ __ ] Lorenzo look there’s another one hey guys I told you I told you there was more animatronics on this island hey

Everybody yes what do we do with this one uh you guys seen my my friend Freddy fazber anywhere yes his in basement do want to come have a look at him yeah but I would like to but I can’t get down I can’t go in that water I’m just I’m just to I’ve

Got a fear of water yes you can come on no no no I can’t don’t let me go in that water man yes you can you come down that was not supposed to my lags that was not supposed to happen [ __ ] oh my God come on bunny that was a workplace

Accident waiting to happen there okay then want to come have a look at them come on yeah I’ll come I’ll come see my my Freddy Faz be friend two seconds uh [ __ ] broke my back uh I’ll come sleep just make sure there’s no water in here guys be very

Careful for that oh look he’s in here and there come on Freddy I mean bunny what if he bnny get in here before we kill you wait no wait wait wait wait no wait what have we done to no wait wait wait just wait a moment what the

[ __ ] have we done to him what have the [ __ ] done to Bonnie I’m good I’m good yes we have two all right now we’re going to torch to them with the enough movie wa wait wait guys I’m just a little animatronic here guys I’m just going to wonder what

What what have you done to my friend Freddy you’re going to become slave and work for us at the Five Nights with Freddy’s restaurant yeah okay uh yeah just two moments just I’m just going to I’m going to message my my lawyer about this see my my agent you are slave you

Don’t own lawyer no more hey you are animatronic puppet you understand I I I understand slightly uh just wondering is is is Freddy okay he doesn’t [ __ ] look okay you’re fine he just um he get a bit Rusty come on we need to go look for

This keppy boy I know his lawyer CL we’re going who the [ __ ] is keppy I’m going to kill him if he come to resue my animatronics who the [ __ ] is key I’m just smart I came out the I I’m a rabbit that lives in the woods well come on Lorenzo we can going

Look for this man [ __ ] Jox wake the [ __ ] up what did they do to you man oh my God they [ __ ] got him they got him good holy [ __ ] Jose Jose you still in there what the [ __ ] did they do to you just like please wake up wake up man

Please what what is this man Cy wake the [ __ ] up man wake the [ __ ] up wake up man what the [ __ ] did they do to you it’s me it’s it’s B it’s radio blade under the mask it’s radio blade here I’ve I’ve I’ve put on the the spring log

Suit man you going to [ __ ] going to get you the [ __ ] out of here man this this take me an hour to Main H why is there windows I don’t like the design you shut up I know you speak normal you what the [ __ ] that was very

Authentic who the [ __ ] did that that was us doing God I [ __ ] hate this place okay so look what we have here we have three here what the [ __ ] did you guys do to Freddy man what did you do to him I think he become bit

Rusty oh my god you dumb bear come here you a bear stupid the [ __ ] spring logs go off no no be careful that water I’m being serious I’m being serious here no [ __ ] guys nor friend has been trapped in the animatronic captive folding system wait no you are is sticking out of the

Abdomen you shut up we do not care you still I’ll get you some health potions we we’ll he you back toor we’ll kill you back to noral this who is under the bunny suit it’s not a suit I’m a real bunny oh then we we should just kill you

Then since we only want the animatronic ones whoa okay wait never mind I’m no it’s a suit it’s a suit it’s a suit okay so who is under the suit I’ll take this [ __ ] off God damn it it’s it’s me it’s radio BL it’s I

Came here to get my friend Jo back that noise uh I just want to get him out of here wait wait wait someone’s here what do you mean someone’s here what the [ __ ] I came I came here alone oh you dumb boy you come back for

Seconds yes I just wanted to get my friend in before the spring locks went the [ __ ] off [ __ ] Jo what the [ __ ] did they do to you look man I I don’t I don’t any trouble here idiot yes come back for a second you you hungry boy what happened now you now in

Springlock too but I’m just I wasn’t looking for trouble what was the fun of this you’re a big dumb fck thiso I think we need to go find cppy we we need these two idiots Here yeah man they [ __ ] you up real bad they [ __ ] you up real bad man holy crap Manzo do you know how many block we have and so we can build them all little enough play yes oh my God we have more Lorenzo you you um you you keep a look out

Corner the corner sorry he’s taking a sh guys he’s taking a [ __ ] sh Jesus Christ guys he’s pooing stop looking he’s pooing he’s pooing ar ar don’t you need a p Jo X is there a toilet in here I don’t think they care that we’re playing oh God damn it [ __ ] hell I

Genuinely can’t hear you they got your ears man if the spring rocks got your ears we’re going to get you a really good health potion man we’re going to kill you back to normal but Jesus Christ you’re you’re in a state he’s just [ __ ] staring at us going yeah stand there you

Are perfect ah hey Lorenzo just just I’m just standing right here uh yeah yeah yeah he’s he’s just he’s singing his little song he’s gone right he’s just kind of staring at us I don’t really know what we can do here uh he’s just [ __ ] staring at me in the

Eyes I I’m not sure what to do I think borat’s left him here I think we’re just kind of stuck here to be honest oh wait that’s the way out [ __ ] [ __ ] go [ __ ] go [ __ ] go up up swim the water swim the water there’s a hole

In there get down get down it now go go go go go where’s he’s run run run go go [ __ ] up [ __ ] run run run guys run run run run there’s a there we’re at the end at the end of this there’s two blocks I I’m going to break

Them and there’s water we swim out and we go away okay water you’ve already been spring up man you can’t get any no it’s fine it’s fine he can’t get any worse he can’t get any he’s already spring up once it’s it’s fine it’s fine you probably

Fine just run is there a boat get the [ __ ] boat get on head k your head I can’t why is it not working he needs an empty hand he go go go drive back to get the [ __ ] away from me we to go we

Need to go back to our home we need to get the [ __ ] out of I have there’s a little we have a little bit of a camp but we’re going the complete the way um so we’re kind of [ __ ] right no no but just just just keep going keep going we

That Superman he’s already he’s already been spring locked once bro I can see my chest my head’s sticking out oh my god dude that was I made I I’m sorry for taking so long I made an entire tunnel no it’s okay that was so good we were kind of [ __ ] we could do

Anything well we were it was in the middle of the ocean so it was kind of a kind of a bad place break you guys than you very much we to get back to much J Christ oh my God look at Jo you’re injured man you’re [ __ ] injured we

Need to get we need to get you a really good health potion get you back to normal have a fortress location we can go get some blaz rods make some health potions yeah we we need health potion for that there’s nothing that nothing can heal what has happened to him

Today other than the health potion potion I have Jo you know our little lir do we take radio there if you think it’s a good idea I think it might be smart because they don’t know about it um just whatever man we need to get we need to

Get you out that get he do we go to the place do we do might be a good idea I don’t know all right we’re going to a secret place radio although it is going to involve more water um it’s F I’m out the suit it’s him that’s the problem

With the suit now oh oh you’re out of the suit okay great yeah no it’s him he’s already been spring locked once though so it doesn’t really matter anymore have you seen my head’s sticking there’s not there’s not much left to Spring lock wait what hold hold on can I

Can I look at this holy [ __ ] yeah it hurts we need a [ __ ] health potion cppy okay okay no um but get the health potion we are going to have to go into water but it’s fine he’s already yeah what could go wrong what could go wrong you know it

Can’t spring up again to be honest it’s already it’s happened if it happens once you know surely not I just wanted to be known I got I got the entire rescue operation most of the rescue operation you know in the beginning it was really sneak I I snuck in and I was

Like right below where you guys were standing it was really creepy cuz I and they said they were going to they said in the basement yeah and I was down a a pair of stairs where there was like crafting tables and furnaces and chests that looked like kind of like a basement

I was got really scared so I went down to um they have a mine that goes down to a m shaft uh def level um so I went down there and hid for a little bit hey borat’s a problem you know [ __ ] scam no [ __ ] I think I got the biggest

Scam God damn it man fine what is this I see here huh oh sh B you need to learn to [ __ ] off man I’m taking by you didn’t give me the diamonds I don’t give you a beer the deal is you messed up the deal there’s no bear no diamonds

Okay oh well I want the [ __ ] what Bor [ __ ] off this bear belongs to us no the belong to me he’s not even a real [ __ ] bear what what oh what do you mean he’s not real bear he’s a human in a [ __ ] suit have you flipping to seen my head

Stick out of my chest spring lock cuz of you man no I’m big scammer no you’re the one scamming us you scammed us [ __ ] I would have given you I would have given him I’m going to take you I’m going to take all your oh wait

One sec we off scream you can have your I’m going to take every single polar bear from your home no you’re [ __ ] not man no you’re not I’m taking every single po I see you later I’m going to take no not the polar bears no polar bear we we’re going to die though

No go I love my polar bears polar bear I’m passionate about these polar bears man holy crap not the polar bears [ __ ] I got like 50 billion polar bearss at my base those two he’s going to kill those two oh you want to go what the fck for

You want to go you hit me no I wasn’t the one fighting you go on get off yeah what are you in blocking with my he’s gone he’s gone guys we need to get the [ __ ] out of here we need to get out of here guys please

Don’t help me please don’t help me I’m I’m sorry I’m sorry for holding my shield my my axe I’m sorry why do try and kill me you know B is the best fighter in Kazakhstan why did you where and [ __ ] kakhan no low I think I think Bor I I I you must

Be mistaken nobody’s trying to kill you I think it was the the animatronic was um was failing have to of undying what the [ __ ] oh servant servant come here come servant I’m Freddy what the [ __ ] oh my God there’s more [ __ ] hell God damn it no R you’re going to get kidnapped

[ __ ] kid run oh what the [ __ ] you have much netherite you have any water put some water down BBM BBM lost all my stuff in the nether radio [ __ ] Donald Trump what the [ __ ] what the what is going who is that it’s B Donald Trump buy butcher oh

My God is that you Mr Trump hello my friend Mr Trump where did you come from America okay oh not run no no no no no we have conversation oh he [ __ ] up yeah look at my flipping chest the [ __ ] spring locked man why is this some why is this

Is stup why why do you have any water do you have any water radi radi come here for a second come come over for second what was sorry just just let come over for second go go go go go go go go [ __ ] drive drive drive drive drive Donald Trum

Distract distracting gas gas gas gas oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] oh no oh not me not me man not me go go go go oh [ __ ] there’s someone behind me [ __ ] you need to catch up go go hello Donald Trump leave him don’t bring him here he’s going to [ __ ] destroy the

Island Trum black man [ __ ] Donald Trump Donald Trump please Donald Trump because Borat have good time with Alliance I would have evered Bor get back go away do you want to die if hey man the deal still stands you [ __ ] scammed us so we scammed

You yeah oh look at that look who RVE Mr goam Freddy he’s in the water he’s spring locked he’s [ __ ] spr go go go locked oh Donal it’s Donald Trump why is go go greo what’s going on this was not the go away it’s dangerous here I’m going

Sh Bor honestly man listen to me you don’t touch my friends okay all right I just kill you this is this intense actually oh you do lots of damage no [ __ ] I can’t go we go we go just drop Stu jump in oh shoot on my head on head

Just drive just drive get get us away get us away man when did they have the G plugin God man they got Bora Bora [ __ ] guard them can I be caught up what happened uh we so basically uh if you look lure sorry Joe’s been h spr locked Jo somewhere we get somewhere

Safe and take off get that suit off you man get to Cy’s base you know where that is oh wait is that what that golden Freddy guy I saw yeah he I think he we pushed him in water as well man he got he got spring locked man I was wearing a

Bonny suit ear my boat yeah I’ll get that for you and don’t don’t go in that water man don’t go in that water here take this take this man weit to get you somewhere safe get this suit off you and need to get a health potion

For you man cuz you’re [ __ ] man you’re you’re you’re your heart yeah so what’s going on look look at me at sorry I tried to kill I tried to kill Borat oh Sho it’s not good guys it’s not good I wanted I no listen to me if I had better

Armor if I had if I still have my diamond armor Bor would bead he doesn’t have he doesn’t have protection on the nether protection is nobody going to question what BBM no it’s F schizophrenic schizophrenic guys it’s it’s Peter Griffin from fortnite Peter Griffin stick no please no not again not

Again no please please please boot booty Munch please booty Jo you want to come with me don’t don’t do that don’t do that BBM what’s the word the bird everybody knows that the bird is word is word is the word bird bird bird bird the word die die here holy [ __ ] he’s got

He’s you got you got a mean rate hook pet grain that’s why I’m in fortnite bro I’m dying of lter I think you’re dying of something else man you’re holy [ __ ] you’re yeah where even are you where are they there Jo we need to get we need to get

You somewhere safe so we can get this suit off you man oh you’re going to need to tug oh God right under here under here can I can I trust can I trust you to to remove that suit from him I can try okay when you guys go I’ll give you room

Here I’ll give you some privacy cuz this is an intimate thing here moving a suit yeah H how you doing P gy let me take that suit I feel safe just going to leave them to do that I I think that they’ll keep him safe [ __ ] he has all my polar

Bears oh look B out you [ __ ] I take the bear sh [ __ ] Peter gin hello Peter H there’s nothing we can do one of those do like my polar back collection they’re bigger than my wife Bor you may have won the day today but just just know that one day I will get

My polar bears back Borat okay no I killed them [ __ ] you Borat another one got to head back to the base and recuperate oh we’re going back there as well we might as well go right I’m going to have to head off now but progress has been made well no

Progress has been lost I woke up after being L and what what happened Borat [ __ ] kidnapped everything all my polar bears uh Jo got spring locked we’re going to have to do some [ __ ] we’re going have to he got he got spring locked okay that that’s not something he

Can just walk off man he’s going to have to do some like Hep Replacements or something like that I mean if we get some if we get some health potions we can just heal him back to the way he was before but holy crap uh mean at least we

Now know where Borat lives Borat lives with Lorenzo and X probably but still we got to watch out for that but Borat may have won today okay but next time we will get our we will get our polar bears back we will get them back oh God damn it

Man we lost the Beloved polar bears man

This video, titled ‘Tanuki SMP: I’M BACK (New Minecraft SMP) – Live Stream’, was uploaded by Radioblade on 2023-12-17 04:31:50. It has garnered 81 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 01:36:36 or 5796 seconds.

Subscribe if you liked this video because I plan to post more videos like this one in the future.

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  • Deep Season SMP Semi-vanilla Java 17+ Whitelist Proximity Voice Chat

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  • Minecraft Memes – We wait. 🔥

    The suspense is killing me, just like all those creepers outside my house in Minecraft. Read More

  • Hotter than a Nether portal: Minecraft meme madness!

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  • 10 Forgotten Ancient Minecraft Modpacks

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  • Breaking Boundaries in Minecraft

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  • Doctor Wasabi SHOCKS viewers with HELLO THERE! 💥

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  • Minecraft Episode 5: Very Scary

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  • Dunners Duke finds rare Rickson sign on 2b2t!

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  • 🤣FUNNYFACE😱Minecraft – Bunny Goes to Hell or Heaven?! #clickbait

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  • Secretly Revealing my Hacker Skills 😱 #minecraft #pvp

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  • Unearth the Sinister Plot in This Minecraft Animation

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  • Smallpints

    SmallpintsI’ve made this server, as I truly have a passion for Minecraft and server creation. Therefore I also think this server stands out from other servers, as I love to be creative and try n’ do new things.SmallpintsIs my latest creation, which is a hub with a skyblock-server, event-server and soon to come survival-server.Skyblock – ServerHere I’ve focused on the automatic side of minecraft creations. This is where you will build machines that generate items, which you can also sell automatically with an AutoSellChest.Event – ServerThis is where we will host events a few times a month, maybe even once… Read More

  • Capital Economy Realms Modded PvP

    Welcome to Capital – The Most Interesting Economy-Based Minecraft City Realm Join us on the Bedrock Edition of Minecraft for an immersive experience with new features and a custom mod. Our server offers a growing community and constantly updating gameplay. If you’re interested, join our Realm today: Discord Invite Realm Link [Realm Code: JH_txP7h5qU] Read More

  • Underground Antics Vanilla Anarchy [1.20.6] Australian / JAVA & BEDROCK / Simple Voice Chat Compatible

    Underground Antics Vanilla Anarchy [1.20.6] Australian / JAVA & BEDROCK / Simple Voice Chat CompatibleNEW SERVERUnderground Antics Vanilla AnarchyIP: anarchy.undergroundantics.auBedrock Port: 19133 Note: No port needed for JavaRules:No Hacks / Exploits.PvP and Griefing allowed.Join our discord! Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “Tree grows on SAND in Minecraft?!?!”

    Well, it looks like this tree really wanted to branch out and find some solid ground to root itself in, even if that meant starting off on shaky sands! Read More

  • Minecraft 2: Electric Boogaloo #lol

    Minecraft 2: Electric Boogaloo #lol When you finally find diamonds in Minecraft but then realize you left your pickaxe back at your base #minecraftproblems #rookiemistake #minecraftshorts Read More

  • Ultimate Guide to Creating a Minecraft Server

    Ultimate Guide to Creating a Minecraft Server The World of Minecraft: A Guide to Creating Your Own Server Introduction Minecraft has captured the hearts of millions of players worldwide with its endless possibilities and creative gameplay. One of the most exciting aspects of the game is the ability to create your own server, where you can play with friends and customize your gaming experience. Setting Up a Simple Server Creating a Minecraft server may seem daunting, but it can be done with ease. By following the steps outlined in the provided TikTok video, players can set up a server and start playing in no time. Adding… Read More

  • Minecraft Mods 2024: Top 5 Picks

    Minecraft Mods 2024: Top 5 Picks Exploring the Top 5 Fun Minecraft Mods for 2024 Vic’s Point Blank One of the top mods for Minecraft in 2024 is Vic’s Point Blank. This mod introduces a new level of precision to your gameplay, allowing you to hit your targets with pinpoint accuracy. Whether you’re battling mobs or engaging in PvP combat, Vic’s Point Blank will enhance your shooting skills and make your gameplay more exciting. Better Villages Enhance your village-building experience with the Better Villages mod. This mod adds new structures, NPCs, and quests to villages, making them more dynamic and engaging. With Better Villages, you… Read More