EPIC Rise of the Eastern Empire Journey! You Won’t Believe This Not-Minecraft Game!

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Hello everyone my name is Raven and welcome back to Raven gaming labs and merry Christmas happy holidays all that good stuff to everybody hope you all are having a nice fun time with your families and uh I’m you know I’m playing vintage story here of course you know as

You can obviously hear and yes this little section here is pretty loud I guess I harvested something here at some point I think this is where I harvested medium fertility so ah you know what hang on somewhere around here I think it was like uh I don’t

Know trying to remember where I picked up that copper I think it was right here uh I’m just going to mark it you know I don’t think there’s any actual copper or here but all that said we’re going to give it a try there yep harvesting some more bone so uh yeah

Sorry that there wasn’t a video yesterday I decided that uh I wasn’t going to do a video I was busy doing other stuff um but yes there is a video on literally Christmas day cuz you know why not food get back so uh as many of you have pointed out

Yes uh I am going to have to start like hunting I hate that but this is just becoming unfeasible and yeah we we really do is this is this already marked it’s not okay well okay then I don’t know why the audio right here in particular is so

Crazy loud and I oh yeah this is all part of that big section there 100% but it is it’s so ridiculously loud right here oh look more more Pete is this also marked no it’s it’s not well well well it is now okay so we’re going to go pretty much North

Now maybe not completely completely but I want to get this Terra Petra and all this other stuff back and uh yeah cuz we have some stuff and we need to start join also um I can’t really remember how to spell your name but you will immediately know who you are if you

Make it this far into the video um I’m keeping the fire starter and the hoe in my inventory maybe probably not I mean the hoe like I never really considered making a tool rack and I just don’t know why I never considered making a tool rack I actually agree with you 100% why

Didn’t I make a tool rack it’s probably because I view everything as like temporary so you know why bother I mean a a really big problem that I have is that I just don’t have enough uh like actual storage overall some having to store things that I would normally never store in my

Inventory but uh man the music here gets loud like I don’t I don’t know how loud it is for you guys I don’t know if it sounds like I’m shouting try to like you know overt talk over the music but for me it’s really loud but you know that’s

One of the curses that I found with recording sometimes you know sometimes game loud oh that’s a baby bunny we’ll let that one live now now there’s probably a bear or something around here so I’m going to go ahead and eat these just to get it out

Of the inventory and we’re going to need to start being a little bit more careful just you know just a smidge more careful what is this uh lose Flint I mean I will always take loose Flint never know when you might need it plus it is getting to be nighttime so

Probably be a pretty good idea I know I could use the Torches but I don’t know I am sort of glad though that the uh AI sort of wanders also yeah listen to it now all that all that beautiful loud music is just gone and now it’s just

Silent I mean it’s it’s fine also going to turn off my phone because you know as is kind of tradition with me I always forget to do it and always end up doing it like you know the end of the video so you know like at the end of the video

There and I’m just like hey you know maybe I should turn off my phone it’s like okay I mean you could have probably done that sooner but hey you know you do you I guess run run run okay and the other thing that also needs to be done

Here is uh the crops need to be watered we definitely need to water the crops I mean there’s probably a whole host of other things that quite frankly need to be done um yeah you know what sure why don’t you take that and you can take this this gives how

Much I don’t know let’s grab a little Pete we have I don’t think I’m going to need that much we’ll see no you know what I have to stick to the fire starter I mean the fire starter’s almost dead once the fire starter’s dead I probably won’t use this

Thing anymore to be totally honest cuz you know just don’t need it anymore but I will go on ahead and okay this is ridiculous but no I’m committed now I am committed yes there are faster ways but this is just fun sort of it’s fun in its own Oddball kind of

Way uh also uh I want to get that out of my inventory and there was space for that so we’ll just move that over and we will move the bone over and somewhere well I guess it’s not cold enough for all of that this is doing pretty good

Okay so ah yes we have some red currant bushes cuz we could you know go on ahead and drop that in there uh could should we make a tools rack I mean probably there we go don’t really need the hoe and it takes a little bit of you

Know inventory off there I don’t think I have any sticks left now I think that was yeah that was literally all the sticks that I had that’s nice yeah and we can get the Terra Petra out and I think we’re good so the next thing that needs to happen is we need to

Expand the farm and honestly now’s probably the best time to do that also take that back out we’re going to need to pick up uh more Terra Petra at a later date I’m going go ahead and eat both of those did not really provide very much but you

Know oh and someone had asked if you could open up multiple storage and you can um I don’t know why I wasn’t doing it no idea I’d love to be like I remember every everything but no I don’t unfortunately I does not so oh I can’t wait until we get like buckets

And you know stuff like that this is ridiculous I mean in a way it’s sort of relaxing I guess you could say but I like the fact that I’m just like holding the torch you know just directly on top of it yeah it’s totally normal 100%

Normal but yeah the music in this game is so loud and it’s kind of funny because you know when I go back and like watch it later it’s perfectly fine it’s just how it picks up the uh local audio vers how it sounds for me we’re still going I’m surprised ah all right

Well good timing I was like wow we’re making like really good progress with this thing nah it’s just because you know so yeah we’re we’re going to have to probably start hunting the problem is is most of the animals around here is just bush meat

And push me’s kind of lousy for a great deal of things and the onions got pretty slow growth the turn-ups are pretty good actually um so that should be you know decent decentish anyway okay so what are we going to need we’re going to need one of these

Actually you know what let’s take both of these and just stack that in my inventory and I’m not going to grab the seeds straight away I’m not going to do that uh the other thing that needs to be done is we’re going to need more sticks

So maybe I’ll go out and get some sticks I mean I need them like you know can’t avoid it I need sticks so uh cuz we’re going to need them for the fencing and all so and and I don’t really want any of this stuff around here anyway I mean

Sure later on I might plant some trees and all just to kind of you know make it look look nice look pretty all that sort of stuff right now we need sticks so you know that’s that’s what we’re going for and uh there you go plant that how long

Is that going to take anyway 3 days to sprout oh yeah it’s going to take quite some time quite some time 16 H 16 might do it all right oh cool yeah I guess I should uh zip around in these parts around here and you know make sure

That I mean they’ll grow eventually I mean you know nothing nothing wrong with that I certainly uh do enjoy that okay so ah come on let’s go on ahead over here ah cool one of these is finished nice and now I can finally place a lot of this

Extra stuff in here which is very nice I mean we don’t have much in the way of storage but at least we have a little bit I mean again I go back to you know it’s it’s not the uh it’s not the best but it’ll

Do okay so what is it that we needed for a fence I don’t actually fully remember what was needed okay so it’s two sticks and then two logs okay well we have the sticks we just need the logs and and I sure do have a lot of logs in here all

Right and then I’m going to need my axe I think 16 might do maybe we’ll find out I don’t know how much further we’re going to be able to extend it here but we’re going to give it a try where’s that seven block there it is isn’t that

Nice there we go all right so then we have the extra and we’ll just go to here I mean this you know two extra fields we don’t really have a lot in the way of gravel unfortunately but the question becomes do I only want

Uh two extra or not no you know let’s go for an extra three Fields okay these actually do grow okay good to know we we have finally uh we have finally realized the growth of that okay so yeah I guess we just go here start grabbing I mean

Whatever funny thing is is there’s there’s a whole bunch near where our uh the production of some of our other stuff is that but I don’t still on fire I mean it’s not much you know longer than the other one but all right so we’re just going to like I said we’re

Just going to do three I don’t really want to do too many of these uh a large part because you know and we do want you know two extra or the fence nice and we’re just going to awesome okay okay and we definitely want to start tilling this before before we

Start getting you know grass spawning in there and then rabbits and all that other fun stuff that’s still burning of course it is okay we’ll just yeah you know what fine you can just go in there that’s all that matters now just just go in there get out of my inventory

I do not want you at all and what are we going to plant H parsnips uh maybe actually maybe the Rye and the reason for it is is rye seems to have a much lower tolerance so you know I mean you can you can see it right here so Ry requires uh in

Nutrition nutrient consumption 40 growth time 18 days uh -12 cold resist heat resist up to 27 so uh this may be pretty much all the Rye that we’re basically going to get for I don’t know ever not ever but for the year anyway so might as well go on ahead and

Just wow it’s weird going through that gate might as well go on ahead and just you know get it get it out of the way that sort of thing ah this part so slow o wow it might be because there’s no moisture that might I’m hoping that’s

Why the uh I’m hoping that’s why you know it’s it’s so you know just bad oh well we’ll find out we will find out and and this will also provide an enormous amount of grain which you know we don’t have a way to to make bread or anything like that yet but

I also don’t have a whole lot of turn-ups just you know sitting around ready to go either so I mean you know thinking what I can get with what I got see that 100% yeah it’s 100% Okay cool so let’s see what time is it it is 1 in the morning all right

And I will now plant this oh my goodness yeah let’s get this up to 100% this up to 100% this up to 100% we’re just going to keep going chance of rain very rare yeah big shock on that huh oops yeah the downside to this is like I you

Know like I say it’s pretty bad but when we actually have our green houses we’ll have water placed and tiles tiles will be able to pull from the water blocks so even though even though we won’t have as much in each Greenhouse one we will have

A fair bit of green houses but also we really won’t attend to the green houses so the green houses will basically you know it’ll will just be terap Petra soil potentially with very good uh potentially with very good um fertilizer and all so it’ll grow faster cuz at that point we’ll have

Things like compost and all sorts of other fun stuff which we’ll actually eventually at some point we’ll need to start actually making but right now I cannot afford to waste food I mean the very thought of you know composting for you know like wasting food is just yeah I’m not doing

That but we’ll have good crop rotation so you know we’ll be able to grow bread probably actually have a proper oven at that point as well so I probably should have planted uh I probably should have planted flax actually but oh well we planted what we planted and now we’re

Just going to have to live with it and uh not too bad so in when when the sun comes up we’ll go out we’ll get some Peete more clay uh I believe there’s piles of that basically everywhere there’s piles of it there piles of it here we might go here uh

Might actually be something that you know might actually uh spawn if you will and I do have some turnips but again I’m going to try to leave them in here I know that they’re going to spoil a little faster but I’m hoping that the nighttime will dramatically uh you know

Lower or sorry the daytime will dramatically lower how long it’ll last cuz it gets so hot but again not really a lot we can do but it’s morning now so we’re going to eat all of these pick this up and then yeah here is fine already put the hoe back and I’m

Going to carry the sticks with me so now I have a fair bit more inventory that was another big Achilles heal for me as well I just did not have the inventory space for basically anything to be totally honest with you I’m also going to take this with me

This is is going to be for emergency uses I’m considering trying to wipe out those wolves um H I don’t know so we shall see oh you I forgot to I did I remember to do that no of course not I’m sure someone’s already writing a comment you forgot to water your crops

Yes yes I did and none of y’all reminded me I blame y’all for that it does look very nice though I I have to admit it it actually does look quite nice and I really don’t mind too much you know coming in here and increasing the moisture level and all that sort of

Stuff I suppose it really wasn’t that necessary although the flax really sucks down but we need a lot of it because we need the silk bags and stuff I think we need it for a bunch of other stuff too Hang On Let’s uh let’s see what flax twine yeah I mean

Really I just need it for uh the linen sacks I mean you know it holds five this holds three so it’s not really that much but you know and apparently you also need it for the bucket but I have plenty for that yeah the spelt bread uh gives 150 not bad

And we just need some flour which I mean to be fair we actually could you know let’s see uh where is a uh meal making yeah Clay Oven all we need is a clay oven and then you know May and maybe that’s something we’ll do uh does the Clay Oven does it

Does it need to be made out of anything specific whoops sorry I accidentally hit the uh thing there let me check this really quick yeah I need to make it out of the uh I need to make it out of the fire clay so maybe I’ll grab a batch of fire

Clay I don’t really need that much fire clay anyway to begin with so I know it’s it’s as awful as the fire clay you know is going to be it’s not really going to be that bad and the other thing is I don’t want the torch in

There and the reason for it is is I don’t want to lose my torch that is like legitimately the entire uh reason I don’t want to lose my torch so we’re just going to keep running this way more Granite gravel gosh there’s so much of this stuff just like Everywhere Grant gravel the only upside to it is is I believe that there is enough resources Just Around Me based on you know this that I’ll have enough for whatever it is I prob probably need I mean it’s just me going to be playing and I did turn up

The tools you know we have a much higher um uh durability rating than normal so yeah and this is also starting to look pretty nice because it’s starting to like a properly grow up so Le I’m going to oh yeah I’m going to grab that that’s

Not ripening at all and I do believe that I think I’m 100% certain that uh the uh bushes and stuff do like you know just randomly start to respawn so we’ll just we’ll just eat that those are fully grown bunnies actually no they’re not interesting some flax oh come on seven

Out of nine and it didn’t even drop the seeds or anything what a joke yeah that looks like a baby bunny I’m going to leave that alone maybe it’ll maybe it’ll grow into something more worth while and I don’t really want a fox either all right I don’t want to

Cut through this way so there’s SP clay there’s that and there’s Pete so oh wait a Minute I would have quite frankly I would have missed this I’m glad that me uh haphazardly looking around and checking stuff which is become a very common theme with me whenever I play this game anyway is uh working out pretty good in my favor oh yeah look at that some more

Stuff just more flax I mean I could leave it but I believe animals and stuff will eat it and you know as awful as it kind of is the seeds are nice the the seeds do make it quite uh quite worth it so just going to kind of hang around here just slow

Walk yeah little bunny there’s a fully grown one kind of sounded like there was a wolf around here though I mean at some point I’m GNA have to start competing with like you know the wolves and I’m never going to compete with the Bears I’m just going to kill every

Single bear that I come across they’re annoying yeah I guess I’ll take the cranberry Bush actually you know what I have plenty of those you can keep them never mind at all on those things all right and this yeah it’s a current Bush H and there were two of Them eventually we will you know run around and uh try to capture more of that stuff if you will like you know the bushes and stuff like that but uh for now it’s safe ow yeah also I’m well aware that we came out here to get clay but uh I mean when

There’s food there’s food I I don’t I don’t get picky you know I I see food I start grabbing our Snips not bad either so I think that was everything that I saw from a distance I’m barely certain um ah there it is I just wanted the

Bush let’s see I don’t really see anything else that’s food I mean there could be more you know hiding in the grass but I think I am mostly okay try to go that way all right so let’s go up here and let’s start look at all

This yeah it’s like oh yeah I just came out for some grass I mean uh some clay and some Pete and one thing led to another next thing I know I’m like hauling back all this food because it’s like truly what’s more important I I don’t know I mean I do

Know food food is 100% more important than any of that especially considering I’m literally not cooking any of it I guess I could start cooking some of it once I get I think stacks of six so I need 12 all right so this is blue clay and I’ll just start grabbing this

Cuz yeah why not get out my way ah you can have it we’ll try to we’ll try to grab you know a full stack is yeah okay that’s fine okay and the next next thing why are they always there so the fire clay is actually not straight ahead interestingly enough that

Is a completely is that a or or a bear that is a boar not coming all the way over here is it I will literally I will Shi you if you come over here and bother me I wish you could eat seaweed I really do it’s just it’s everywhere

And yeah it’s more blue clay I think the reason I did not add it was because of this big giant Peete field I think that was one of the original reasons why I didn’t add it okay so uh it only Stacks up to 32 so that’s all we’re taking

Or I guess maybe in this case 33 cuz you know we got some kind of odd odd ones there uh oh hello boy leave me alone and I’ll leave you alone yeah this is where I found all that Terra Petra was like super happy can’t remember I found Terra Petra in so many

Different places that you know I do need to start hunting the bors though not right now though because I’m on a mission for something else you know got to prioritize a little bit and they’re not going anywhere it seems par CL nice and this stuff goes pretty darn far

So I think I will grab a bit more Pete um might as well there no real reason not to so nice nothing was wasted it’s good I like that okay is there any Pete on the way back no and we’re back to the oh you wanted really loud music in your

Ear I haven’t heard any of that weird that sounded like a Christmas jingle but you know look guys we need to learn to share okay as long as you guys don’t attack me I won’t attack you for now I mean I eventually will but not Now all what do we have well that’ll have to do is that a bunny that is a bunny that’s hilarious scar it I was actually going to attack it but now I’m just kind of like I don’t really have the resources for it so I guess the bunny gets to

Live I am however going to eat these right here that’s the only off chance that I find something more interesting on the way back I doubt I will I know know that you know walking slow and all you know definitely uh all you know what I’m going to try to attack the

Fish come On oh I actually got some nice oh can I actually all right I even know what to make of that I mean nice timing I Guess okay let’s just start running I’m I’ll be here forever trying to minmax myself and uh we got a fish so let’s go back and uh you know spend time with my lovely fire starter and start the fire and if you’re still watching up to this point I would really appreciate it if

You would like sharing And subscribe and you know so smash the like button smash the Subscribe button and hit the Bell so you actually get updates because apparently you know YouTube for the past 10 years has been kind of dumb about that and uh yeah that’s pretty much it that’s all for my

Advertisements you know for now I like the fact that I got bone out of a fish I mean sure fish have bones but like look at the size of this thing I mean oh I found the Wolves I’m pretty sure that was tinor yep Tor okay good good good close one very close one okay and all right so let us yeah let’s put the fire clay in there no and let’s put that in there and then we’ll just start the fire like so come

On come there we go look at that beautiful Fire Starter look at it yall made fun of my fire starter well I will have y’all know so 1.02 I don’t know why this one lasts longer but I’m going to put all the food and stuff in here and

Um whoops yeah don’t do that please no we’re good I don’t I could have you know what it’s fine guess I didn’t yeah I didn’t get a single turn up from that crazy but at least I do have some stuff so you know it’s not all

Lost and I’m going to eat this fish nice nice very nice okay and I’m going go ahead and just move this down here and we’re just going start stacking oh yeah okay so what do we have we have a Clay Oven so we’re we’re we’re back to this

Huh well hello needing an enormous amount of clay just for this we’ll also need this for you know other things like fire bricks and stuff but it’s not really something we need right now wow this may actually end up taking almost all whoops this literally may end

Up taking like almost all of my uh my fire clay all that work for one little bit crazy crazy crazy crazy oh well I mean it’s okay I mean you know it’s not terrible or anything if I’m going to have to go back and fetch more fire clay because this

Tiny little thing that should have been tiny requires a full stack I’m going to be a little little annoyed you know what I’m just going to grab all of this and then I’m just going to single-handedly just kind of go through and just you know carve that out

Let look around these edges okay now we’re good here well on the bright side it is daytime so running around outside is probably for the best this is more of a nighttime kind of job so to speak crazy well at least are you kidding me wow well the

Upside to this massive oven if you will is that it may require an enormous amount of clay but at least it uh it’s like it’s it’s like the Anvil you don’t really need that many of them you know one maybe two is F any more than that it’s just a waste

In the kitchen I’ll probably eventually have two though just for the the aesthetic of it I like that ssao there oh man so nice okay there’s a full stack of that and what do we have here all right you can have that and that you can have that and you can

Have that so how many turnup seeds do we have 18 plus you know whatever we’re going to be getting out of that massive hole so okay fair enough at least I got a lot of flax fibers no got a fair bit okay and we need to plant this and it’s been

Planted I thought there was more there whatever all right oh yes hang on I need to make a knife and the reason I need to make a knife is because well I mean come on need an Axe and a shovel before too long all right let’s go water the

Garden ah there’s the Christmas music that’s what we needed good old Christmas Music ah I’m out again I don’t even think I even got like halfway through that uh that R is really water Thirsty all right where where did we leave off so this this has 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% okay I mean we got sort of far I didn’t think we got that far but we actually didn’t do that Bad yeah I don’t know if walking in the field would be bad so I’m just not doing it we may have to expand the field as well once we Harvest all the turn ups because we might actually have to you know plant the turn-ups and the turn-ups

Are in so we can’t plant them where the Ry field is either and well we might be able to plant them here I mean there’s a little bit of room to go this way too so maybe we’ll end up going this way with it I don’t

Know it’s a lot easier to have good crop rotation when you have like smaller fields to work with perfect nice that’s I like that that’s actually looking you know like really nice to be fair all right and we are kind of lowish on food which is I guess kind of

Fair so let’s just go this way who sorry ah sorry I’m I’m trying to adjust my mouse pad and I’m I’m doing that but I’m also horribly moving the Mouse ah come On You know I guess I should start checking the ponds more regularly now see if any fish have spawned in there it’s probably not the worst idea actually yeah another thing I do want to check is over here there were a couple uh bushes that were kind kind is sort of about to

Spawn and uh this is just a bunch of Pete with some copper in it spontaneously now how I miss all of that I don’t know evidently though you can so there was Pete closer much closer actually how did I miss this I mean I’m pretty sure I saw it I just ignored it

The only thing I can think of is I saw it and then was just like yeah you know after a while you just you do you just start to get really tired of just you know picking all this stuff up and marking it and you know you’re just you just want

To yeah you just want to KN and this is blue clay wow and there we go and oh it’s spelt this time nice Spell’s not bad make for a nice uh summer crop you know when it come saw that Terra Petra that I found and for some reason

Keep finding this has to be one of the most lucky runs ever for that because I’ve played entire games for like 30 hours and haven’t found a single bit is that okay you know what I don’t get how that worked but it looked like it was like

Yeah there we go that’s what a bit more what I’m used to that real real slow movement speed there that is much more what I’m used to that rapid movement or whatever no no no no there we go it’s kind of annoying when you you

Know time it wrong and you just kind of smack into the wall and you’re just like oh well okay then all right is there any fish in there I mean there’s a baby bunny but I don’t really know what I’m going to get out of a baby bunny so I’m just going to

Ignore it I don’t see any fish no this Pond is useless what about this One nope it is also useless well okay then could be worse I guess I really need food though I need food so bad the first farlay nope oh well okay then that’ll do for now okay and let’s put all this up in here now it is time for I

World oh they’re having little baby piglets over there okay then trap number one worked where’ the other one go I mean I’m totally fine with the uh the other one just you know being in the hole yeah yeah yeah that’s there it is there it is

Ouy I’m not even stopping to look I’m just going straight up oh he ran away no it actually didn’t run away at all it just sort of like huh food that’s what I say food ah food and animal fat and Bone lots and lots of bone good stuff in life you know

Yep okay wellow unfortunately it does actually take quite a few hits in order to kill one of those so I n and it just decided to go away huh hang on hang on yeah stupid AI back here yep that’s why I didn’t want to go in the water

But I really needed that pig so into the water I went all right I’m going to go get my uh I’m going to go get my pack dirt back cuz you know it’s mine and I want it back but uh that was a good hole I mean that’ll feed me for a while

And uh yeah I mean you know be me for a while so all right well I guess I can just leave the torch in there cuz why does it matter now right like you know it doesn’t it doesn’t matter at all oh poor little baby oh God yeah see I

Don’t I don’t mind it as much when you know a come on leave me alone I mean you know what I’m plotting but you don’t have to be so obvious about it yeah that’s right get over here hang On I mean you started this you started it I didn’t even know you were there until you started chasing me Victory all right so we don’t have much time so let’s head back and uh yep and then we’ll call it for the episode we’ll look at our hall and then

Yeah we’ll call it didn’t really get a lot in the way of like instantly edible food but uh I mean you know we we didn’t do that bad let’s just say that which is good which is good you know I’m I’m always uh a really big fan of you know always a big

Fan when stuff is quick and easy that was actually a really nice Hall very nice Hall all right hopefully I avoid the horror if you will of uh you know let’s see oh there we go I always get turned around around stupid bushes yes Awesome and we’re definitely I’m going to eat this like one parsnip remember we go I don’t feel like dying so I’m gonna you know do something with that one parsnip I’m also going to uh you know light this here come on yes okay awesome and that was a large raw head but I

Believe oh all right you know what let me grab this that in there and let me grab this and I’m going to do some like inventory sorting and stuff but you know let’s uh let’s actually go ahead and take our little uh our little introductory video here and

Um yeah actually I kind of like the idea of the I kind of get that torch out it looks ridiculous there we go there oh hang on nice don’t mess with me I have a shovel all right everyone so thank you guys for watching don’t forget to like share and

Subscribe and if you do subscribe be sure to hit that Bell and if you’d like to support me and the channel you can all you have to do is uh become a YouTube member you get early access to videos and a whole bunch of other stuff

And if you do become a YouTube member and you happen to join the Discord make sure you link your Discord with uh YouTube and all that so you actually get access to your other benefits which is like private chat channels and all that sort of stuff and

I will see you all on the next one you guys have a good one hey everyone thanks for watching Raven gaming Labs thanks to all the members and viewers who make rgl possible be sure to like share and subscribe and don’t forget to hit that

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This video, titled ‘Vintage Story – Rise Of The Eastern Empire Journeys [EP7] | The Best Not Minecraft Game | Gameplay’, was uploaded by raven67854 on 2023-12-25 14:15:02. It has garnered 236 views and 18 likes. The duration of the video is 01:02:39 or 3759 seconds.

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Vintage Story – Rise Of The Eastern Empire Journeys [EP7] | The Best Not Minecraft Game | Gameplay

Gathering some fire clay to begin prepping for bread making. We’ll also do some hunting and almost double the size of the farm! Plus we find tons more seeds and as stated hunting. We managed to get 3 boars which we’ll cook up and eat so I can start doing some form of smithing. All in all a pretty good days work in Vintage Story.

Buy Vintage Story https://www.vintagestory.at/

Vintage Story is an uncompromising wilderness survival sandbox game inspired by eldritch horror themes. Find yourself in a ruined world reclaimed by nature and permeated by unnerving temporal disturbances. Relive the advent of human civilization, or take your own path.

Held to high standards Ethical Fair, Independent and with Integrity No marketplace. No loot boxes. No microtransactions. No paid DLC. No hidden fees. No pay2win. No ads. No user data monetization. No software patents. No shareholders. No publisher. No NFTs. No BlockChain. No 3rd party interests. No Games-as-a-Service. No empty promises.

Handmade Vintage Story is powered by our own cross-platform game engine. This allows us to tailor the engine exactly to our needs while still keeping hardware requirements low. We are 100% Indie.

Social Social We pay careful attention to foster a friendly and supportive community. Come visit us on the official forum, Discord chat server, wiki and mod database. Multiplayer anti-grief mechanics out of the box. You can get in direct contact with the developers of the game.

Open Open You can customize your game experience in infinite ways. Built from the ground up with modding in mind – we use our own mod api to add new game content. Half of the game is under a readable source license. We built our own mod database, modelling and animation tools and made them open source.


Loaded with content Progress through multiple ages Start out empty-handed in the stone age and learn to survive by foraging, hunting, crafting, and fighting. Live through the four seasons and advance further by smelting copper for more powerful tools, creating bronze alloys, learning to work iron, mechanize common tasks and ultimately reach the steel age.

A wicked universe backed by original story elements Take on the role of a lost being in the body of a tall blue creature and discover the remnants of civilization. There is no linear storytelling; it is up to you to piece together who you are and what has happened from the little evidence that remains. During your journey you will encounter wayward creatures, find old stories, battle temporal instability, and endure temporal storms.

One million square kilometers of procedurally generated landscapes Enter a vast open world populated by a range of cute, strange, dangerous, and horrifying creatures. Vintage Story utilizes a great deal of procedural technology to create immensely diverse landscapes, climate conditions, and geological features to always keep exploration fresh and exciting.

Not just hardcore! Vintage Story offers multiple playstyles and a huge amount of customization options when you create a new game world. You have the power to choose a creative experience, a peaceful world, balanced survival, hardcore wilderness survival or quite literally anything inbetween.

Unreal world simulation Having undergone 6 years of continuous development the VS game engine now fully and believably simulates seasons, soil fertility, rock strata, localized weather patterns, rain, snowfall & snow accumulation, hail, realistic climate distributions, food spoilage, body temperature, animal husbandry, farming, block physics, inspiring sunsets and nightskies, mineralogy, knapping, clayforming, metallurgy, smithing, microblock editing and more

Inspired by Nature Vintage Story is heavily inspired by natural processes of the real world and brings them into the game in a fun and enjoyable way. Our aim is to capture the beauty of the natural world and amplify the experience within our game.

Become a member and support the channel + perks! https://youtube.com/c/raven67854/join

Join me on – Odysee Invite Code https://odysee.com/$/invite/@Raven67854:1

*** Social / Information *** Twitter – https://twitter.com/Raven67854 Patreon – https://www.patreon.com/raven67854 Become a member – https://youtube.com/c/raven67854/join Steam Group – http://steamcommunity.com/groups/RGC67854 TwitchTV – http://www.twitch.tv/raven67854 Discord – https://discord.com/invite/6THUkfy

#vintagestory #sandbox #vintagestoryletsplay #raven67854

  • Oops! I Accidentally Turned Off the Lights in Minecraft

    Oops! I Accidentally Turned Off the Lights in Minecraft The World of Minecraft: A Missclick Adventure Embark on a journey through the vast and creative world of Minecraft with Martinouxx in the hilarious video “J’ai missclick sur un interrupteur.” Dive into the realm of blocks, crafting, and exploration as you follow Martinouxx’s misadventures in this popular sandbox game. Missclick Mishaps In the video, Martinouxx encounters a humorous mishap when he accidentally triggers a switch in the game. Watch as chaos ensues and Martinouxx navigates through the consequences of his missclick. This relatable moment adds a touch of comedy to the gameplay, showcasing the unpredictable nature of Minecraft. Exploration… Read More

  • Minecraft: Build Mario’s Fantasy House

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  • Zombie vs Plant: Ultimate Minecraft Tutorial

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  • Ultimate Mob Armor: 50k+ Combinations!

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  • Join Minewind Server for Endless Building Possibilities!

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  • Secret Redstone Memory Trick

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  • Minecraft Magic: 5 Building Hacks You Can’t Miss!

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  • Join Minewind Minecraft Server for a Wild Adventure!

    Join Minewind Minecraft Server for a Wild Adventure! Welcome to Newsminecraft.com, where we bring you the latest and greatest in the world of Minecraft! Today, we stumbled upon a fascinating YouTube video titled “Minecraft Nhưng Bọn Tôi Là Động Vật…Có Súng ?!?” which showcases a unique twist on the classic game we all know and love. While watching this video, we couldn’t help but think about the endless possibilities that await players on Minewind Minecraft Server. With its PvP City setting and thrilling gameplay, Minewind offers an immersive experience like no other. Join us on Minewind today and embark on your own adventure in a world where… Read More

  • Minecraft Guide for Beginners: Biomes, Coordinates, Structures, Exploration

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  • Oops! Man Accidentally Rides Boat in Minecraft VR Hardcore

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  • CURSED Minecraft ARYAN_AR11

    CURSED Minecraft ARYAN_AR11Video Information This video, titled ‘CURSED minecraft (0_0)’, was uploaded by ARYAN_AR11 on 2024-01-07 09:03:50. It has garnered 19 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:42 or 42 seconds. IDK what to do with the gold helmet -_- Read More

  • “Unbeatable strategy for The Hive CTF Altara on Minecraft Bedrock” #shizzoclickbait #mcskills

    "Unbeatable strategy for The Hive CTF Altara on Minecraft Bedrock" #shizzoclickbait #mcskillsVideo Information [Music] I’m walking alone streets are empty the only thing I can see is my own silouette I’m getting stronger step by step the clock is sticking but there’s no time for me i’ been flying from town to town from London to T I’ve been all around the GL trying to protect your soul we are heroes tonight we will fly above the sky we are heroes [Music] tonight yeah we are This video, titled ‘The Hive CTF Altara best way #minecraft #minecraftbedrock #thehiveminigames’, was uploaded by Schmiddo on 2024-06-01 22:00:25. It has garnered 321 views and… Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Secrets Revealed – Episode 2

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  • Ultimate Minecraft SMP Survival Challenge LIVE 🔥 #shorts

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  • INSANE Twist! EVERYONE Appears in The Fog Ep 12

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  • INSANE Pixel Art Tutorial | MUST SEE!! 🔥 #minecraft #bogyt

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  • Mind-Blowing Nova Minecraft Hypixel PvP Renders!

    Mind-Blowing Nova Minecraft Hypixel PvP Renders!Video Information This video, titled ‘New Renders… #minecraft #bedwars #hypixel #minemenclub #minecraftpvp’, was uploaded by Nova on 2024-05-29 21:59:51. It has garnered 6601 views and 78 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:38 or 38 seconds. rate pls! #montage #bedwars #monatge #minecraft #shorts #hypixelbridge #hurtin #blockin #shorts #short #shortvideo #shortsvideoviral #viral #viralshorts #viralshort #justkidding #pinecumber #minemenclub #minemen #minecraftpvp #hitsync #Minecraft #minecraftpvp #hypixel #hypixelbridge #mcpvp #mctt #mmc #butterfly #fireball #fireballfight #sweatynames 🔥Discord Server discord.gg/X5eCAJ8qQU Mouse: Glorious Model O Keyboard: Custom Pack: Ask in comments My pack (maybe pack in vid but most likely not) Download Instructions (important) 1. watch full… Read More

  • Maira’s shocking secret revealed 😱 | Minecraft Funny episode 2 🤣👀 | #maira

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  • Terraforming Mars Server – SMP Roleplay

    Terraforming Mars Server Experience Minecraft on Mars where you must survive and develop, similar to skyblock. Join us in terraforming the surface of Mars! Server Features: Huge open Mars map (20k x 10k + Phobos and Deimos) Jobs Plugin – Towny Plugin for Grief protections Skills plugin to level up in various skills (e.g. Mining, Fighting) Custom recipes for unique items on Mars Bedrock compatibility and more! Server Details: Version: 1.20.4 Discord Server: Join our Discord Server-IP: play.survivalmars.net Port: 29966 Bedrock-IP: Dynmap: View our Dynmap Read More

  • AzureMC – An Upcoming Minecraft Network, Made by the Players, For the Players

    AzureMC - An Upcoming Minecraft Network, Made by the Players, For the PlayersHello There! I would like to introduce a new upcoming Minecraft Network to everybody who is reading this reddit post! My name is Space and a few weeks ago, me and my friend decided we were fed up of Minecraft network that were too complicated, with too many RPG-like elements, so we tried our hand at make a more back-to-basics network called AzureMC! We do still have ranks and such, but just so we can support our server in it’s running costs. We only currently have our Survival Realm Running, but in future, we hope to expand to other gamemodes… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “The Ultimate Minecraft Troll”

    Minecraft Memes - "The Ultimate Minecraft Troll"That one player who always dies first in every game but insists they’re the best at Minecraft because they have a score of 2. Read More

  • Diamonds: Noob vs Herobrine vs Pro 🔥💎 #minecraftmeme

    Diamonds: Noob vs Herobrine vs Pro 🔥💎 #minecraftmeme The noob is just digging straight down and falling into lava, the heroine is meticulously searching every corner for diamonds, and the pro has already built a diamond castle with a moat filled with lava. #diamondsareforever #minecraftskills Read More

  • Miso Madness: Naruto Mod Ice NPC Haku

    Miso Madness: Naruto Mod Ice NPC Haku Welcome to the World of Narutoto Mod! Hello everyone, Miso here to guide you through the latest update of the Narutoto mod, version 0.2.1. This update brings significant changes to the gameplay, so let’s dive right in! Choosing Your Path Upon entering the world, players now receive a book that determines their ninja clan and chakra attributes. This selection process sets the direction for your ninjutsu learning journey. With clans like Uzumaki and Uchiha, and chakra attributes including wind, lightning, water, fire, and earth, the possibilities are endless. Learning Ninjutsu The new scroll system replaces the traditional method of… Read More

  • Quest for Rarest Item on Minecraft SMP

    Quest for Rarest Item on Minecraft SMP The Quest for the Dragon Egg in Altering SMP Introduction to Altering SMP In the vast world of Minecraft, Altering SMP stands out as one of the most popular servers. Known for its intense battles and unique plugins, this server sets the stage for epic adventures and fierce competitions. The owner of Altering SMP has announced an upcoming event – the Silver Anvil Fight, followed by a server-wide war. Our protagonist is determined to not only secure the elusive Dragon Egg but also emerge victorious in the impending war. Building Up to the Challenge To achieve these lofty goals,… Read More

  • Moonwalker fails at Minecraft then speed runs

    Moonwalker fails at Minecraft then speed runsVideo Information watch out I think someone’s coming to us yeah people are coming Jesus these people are so good at the game yeah cuz they don’t have life they have TNT I’m just jumped off the edge Jos they have TNT right I got a sword I can fight them Jonathan we can’t even get to them because of this bed defense you’re so lucky you killed them because you’re the bed defense is like you wait you tried fixing it stupid fly Four Diamonds let’s go all right Josh what did I do like it’s not how you… Read More

  • Mind-Blowing Skyblock Map Exploration

    Mind-Blowing Skyblock Map ExplorationVideo Information on April Fool’s Day Mojang released Minecraft’s poisonous potato update and I know I’m late to this but but let me have this all right with the update my friend and the creator of Sky Block Dr trog created a brand new game mode called potato block so want to want to check it out well if you’re watching this you’re you’re going to let’s just start this so here we are we’re on an island made out of potatoes this is this is crazy and also I don’t have any of my mods so this is going… Read More

  • Insane Gaming on Caffeine: Minecraft Submerged – EPIC Underwater Questing!

    Insane Gaming on Caffeine: Minecraft Submerged - EPIC Underwater Questing!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Submerged | WARP PIPES & TOM’S SIMPLE STORAGE! #3 [Underwater Questing Modpack]’, was uploaded by Gaming On Caffeine on 2024-06-15 22:00:36. It has garnered 14187 views and 618 likes. The duration of the video is 00:36:05 or 2165 seconds. Minecraft Submerged | WARP PIPES & TOM’S SIMPLE STORAGE! #3 [Underwater Questing Modpack] with GamingOnCaffeine ★Minecraft Sky Revolutions | A ALL NEW TECH SKYBLOCK! #1: https://youtu.be/mX3D7CgWsGY ★Watch Live On Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/gamingoncaffeine ★Support the channel on Patreon & get access to all the GOC Patreon servers: https://www.patreon.com/GOC ★Join the GOC Discord: https://discord.gg/goc Seaopolis Submerged Mod Pack… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Parkour & Pixel Art – Mind-Blowing PPL Request

    Insane Minecraft Parkour & Pixel Art - Mind-Blowing PPL RequestVideo Information This video, titled ‘Satisfying Minecraft Profile Pixel Art ( PPL Request YT ) Part 3,584’, was uploaded by Relaxing Minecraft Parkour on 2024-01-11 08:34:19. It has garnered 1984 views and 217 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:01 or 61 seconds. Satisfying Minecraft Profile Pixel Art ( PPL Request YT ) Part 3,584 #minecraftpe #algorithm #artist you can get your short request video and post on your youtube channel mentioned me. if you also want to make your profile, just comment and then like the video. Please be patient if it takes a long time but I… Read More

  • BOOST FPS IN MC JAVA w/ INSANE MODS!! 😱 | 1.20.1

    BOOST FPS IN MC JAVA w/ INSANE MODS!! 😱 | 1.20.1Video Information This video, titled ‘Boost Minecraft Java Edition FPS with These MODS | 1.20.1’, was uploaded by CraxyBoyXD on 2024-03-31 03:30:20. It has garnered 80 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:05:03 or 303 seconds. HELLO AND WELCOME GUY’S ON MY YOUTUBE CHANNEL. 🜲 ➳ { ᴵ ᵃᵐ 🄲🅁🄰🅇🅈 ⚚ A MINECRAFT GAMER / YOUTUBER ⚚ } 𝙼𝚢 𝙶𝚊𝚖𝚎’𝚜 𝙰𝚗𝚍 𝙲𝚘𝚗𝚝𝚎𝚗𝚝 ✦ Mods/Add-on/Map/Mcpacks ✦ Minecraft Builds/Shorts/Hacks ✦ Minecraft Farm’s Tutorial in Hindi ✦ Survival Series/Minecraft Episodes ➤ All Minecraft Version ➤ Minecraft Java Edition ⤐ Java ➤ Minecraft Pocket Edition ⤐ Mcpe ➤ Minecraft Bedrock Edition… Read More

  • CRAZY CHALLENGE: 24 Hours in Hardcore Minecraft!!

    CRAZY CHALLENGE: 24 Hours in Hardcore Minecraft!!Video Information This video, titled ‘I Tried To Survive 24 Hours In Original HARDCORE Minecraft’, was uploaded by PixelPlayss on 2024-04-09 14:30:16. It has garnered 2095 views and 54 likes. The duration of the video is 00:18:00 or 1080 seconds. I Tried To Survive 24 Hours In Original HARDCORE Minecraft Hi everyone, welcome back to my channel. In this video, I’m going to show you how I tried to survive 24 hours in 1.0 hardcore Minecraft. Thank you all for 4000 subscribers I appreciate you all. Our channel is about the game Arm Wrestle Simulator on Roblox but we also… Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft GameChanger! Zombie Villager Round 1 Battle Arena – Let’s Play #17

    Ultimate Minecraft GameChanger! Zombie Villager Round 1 Battle Arena - Let's Play #17Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft | Battle Arena | zombie villager | rond 1 | Let’s Play | #17’, was uploaded by Nr 1 GameChanger on 2024-02-26 15:00:07. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Minecraft | Battle Arena | zombie villager | rond 1 | Let’s Play #minecraft #battlearena #minecraftspider #spider Minecraft, minecraft … Read More

  • Ultimate PVP showdown in Lillyville 😈 #shortts

    Ultimate PVP showdown in Lillyville 😈 #shorttsVideo Information This video, titled ‘PVP Devil in Lillyville 😈 #shortts #minecraft #gamerfleet’, was uploaded by Cyber_0680 on 2024-05-29 07:15:00. It has garnered 993 views and 35 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:36 or 36 seconds. PVP Devil In Lillyville Creati:-@CritRoundOG tags:- lilyville smp,lilyville,lillyville,warlilyville,join lilyville,who is coming inlilyville,gamerfleet lilyville, lilyvillewar,lilyville day 9,lilyville stream,minecraft in hindijack bhaiya lilyville,pvp devil,gamerfleet pvpdevil,gamerfleet attitude edit lilyville,techno gamerz pvp devil vs gamerfleet pvp god in real life,techno gamerz pvp devil,the pvpdevil,herobrine in ujjwal,lily ville,minecraft all-rounder pvp devilmastermind #shorts#ytshort#youtubeshorts #viral#viralshort#trending#minecraft #minecraftshorts #best#edit#pvpdevil #pvpgod#lillyville#himlands #herobrinesmp#critround#yessmartypie#gamerfleet#ujjwal Read More

  • INSANE Minecraft jokes & chaos with Matt!

    INSANE Minecraft jokes & chaos with Matt!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft jokes and fun’, was uploaded by FriendsWithMatt on 2024-03-14 19:08:26. It has garnered 1890 views and 37 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:36 or 36 seconds. Playing Minecraft while I tell horrible dad jokes Got 3 minutes to spare? Please consider giving $2 to support my content creation Paypal = mattbrodersen777 Venmo = FriendsWithMatt Cash App = FriendsWithMatt Zelle = [email protected] WHAT IS MINECRAFT? An introduction to a blocky sandbox game. Minecraft is a game made up of blocks, creatures, and community. WHAT IS THE GOAL OF MINECRAFT? Minecraft has no set… Read More

  • Hustle SMP – Semi-Vanilla, SMP, Whitelist, Dynmap, Factions, 1.20.4

    Welcome to Hustle SMP! Join our brand new SMP this summer and create your own factions or join existing ones. Choose your lifestyle, whether pacifist or pro-war, and let your imagination run wild! Our server is run by experienced admins and offers a mature community for players to make new friends and embark on adventures. Server details: Version: Paper 1.20.4 Hosted from Europe Plugins and datapacks: Simple Voice Chat, EssentialsX, CoreProtect, Dynmap, AFK Display, Anti-Endermen-Grief, Double Shulker Shells, Fast Leaf Decay, Multiplayer Sleep, Player Head Drops Join our Discord server for a short application process and start your unforgettable experience… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Nostalgic Minecraft Meme Mic Drop

    Minecraft Memes - Nostalgic Minecraft Meme Mic DropI miss Pat and Jen too, but I guess this meme is telling us that they’re not missing out on any love with that score of 51! Read More

  • Second Floor Bedroom Build: Minecraft Solo Style #22

    Second Floor Bedroom Build: Minecraft Solo Style #22 In Minecraft world, I’ll build a room so grand, On the second floor, with a view so grand. Solo player, crafting blocks with care, Creating a space that’s beyond compare. Join me on this journey, watch me create, Every detail, every block, I’ll decorate. Support me with Super Thanks, Superchat too, Your donations help me, and I thank you. Follow me on social media, stay in the loop, On Facebook and TikTok, I’ll make you swoon. Subscribe to my channel, don’t miss a beat, For gaming content that’s oh so sweet. Editing with Movavi, Filmora Go too, Making videos… Read More

  • Lit Minecraft Water Bucket Clutch 😂🔥 #minecraft #meme

    Lit Minecraft Water Bucket Clutch 😂🔥 #minecraft #meme When you accidentally fall into lava in Minecraft but manage to save yourself with a water bucket like a pro, you know you’ve achieved peak gamer status. #clutchmove #minecraftpro 😎🔥💧 Read More

  • Spectra Libitina Ch. V&U – Forgot how to play! Hope I don’t PERISH【HC Minecraft】

    Spectra Libitina Ch. V&U - Forgot how to play! Hope I don't PERISH【HC Minecraft】Video Information This video, titled ‘I’ve forgotten how to play this game. Sure hope I don’t PERMANENTLY PERISH【HC Minecraft】’, was uploaded by Spectra Libitina Ch. V&U on 2024-04-12 05:11:16. It has garnered 588 views and 176 likes. The duration of the video is 01:33:31 or 5611 seconds. Support me here! https://streamelements.com/spectravnu/tip mining. gaming. thriving. in my lane. moisturised. crops watered. unbothered. flourishing. crafting. ✦━━━━✧✦✧━━━━✦ Get your own Spectra Stand!!! Merch: https://shop.geekjack.net/collections/vu-standard-goods Twitter: https://twitter.com/SpectraVNU TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@spectralibitina Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/spectralibitina/ Fan Name: Spiritinas Oshi Marks: 🪦🫖 General: #SpectraLibitina Live: #TimeForTia Art: #RoseTintedSpectracles Clips: #AdLibitinad Memes: #ASpectracleOfOneself Fanfiction: #LibitinaLiterature Assets: #SpectrAssets Thumbnail asset credit:… Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Survival House Tutorial

    Ultimate Minecraft Survival House TutorialVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft: Ultimate Survival House Tutorial🏠 Build a Starter Oak House’, was uploaded by Minecraft Hyper on 2024-03-05 21:02:27. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Minecraft: How to Build a Modern House Tutorial (Easy) Minecraft: Ultimate Survival House Tutorial Minecraft: How To Build A … Read More