EPIC Showdown: Munez – JJ vs MIKEY in Minecraft Maizen

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So Mikey we stopped at a gas station we need to fill up the tank and buy something tasty in the store should you take something if there is something tasty some kind of candy then buy it I will be grateful to you well Mikey let’s go to the store then let’s see what

Interesting things there are and take a short break from the trip otherwise I’m very tired in the meantime I’ll go fill up the car we need a full tank to drive in it seems like we need 93rd gasoline so it seems like here well that’s it I filled up the full

Tank boy well Mikey what are you going to buy here have you already chosen yes JJ I bought us chips and Coca-Cola and at the same time paid for a full tank of gas now we can go so Mikey it looks like we don’t need anything else it’s time for us to go

We’re late for the meeting Mikey look someone in interesting is coming there they look so funny oh hi guys you are so cool is that your car at the gas station yes guys did you like it I just recently bought this my brother and I are testing it but what

We really liked your car can you show it to us what does the salon look like of course guys come with us I’ll be happy to show you everything wow what a cool coloring she has you really tried to decorate this car so much yes guys I

Like Mikey too if you want I’ll show you the engine look it produces 600 horsepower and goes very fast wow yeah wow this is very cool JJ we really like this car would you like to take us for a ride would we really like um guys we

Need to hurry we won’t be able to take you for a ride in the car let’s do something next time guys why are you so greedy we have never seen such a cool car we would really like to take a ride maybe you will change your mind um guys

Mikey is calling me he wants to tell me something wait a second we’ll discuss it now and tell you JJ there’s something wrong here I think they’re trying to trick us somehow what well guys come here I see you are very rich now we will sort it

Out and take your car I ask you not to touch us we will call the police if you steal our car you better not do this no guys this won’t work now you are our hostage come here 2 hours Later oh no Mikey wake up quickly look our car was stolen what do we do now oh no JJ I have a really bad headache what happened our car was stolen what do we do now I have an idea Mikey Let’s go ask the cashier to look at the cameras from

The gas station and find out where they went get up quickly and let’s go H JJ it’s good that you remembered about the cameras let’s run quickly before they drive too far in your car guys do you think we can find our car where did the

Criminals take her write about it in the comments hey cashier we need your help our car was stolen and we were beaten we need to look at the CCTV cameras from your gas station to find out where they stole our car hm it’s strange how I didn’t notice this of course I’ll help

You now I’ll show you the camera footage and you will definitely spot them thank you very much you will help us a lot with this now let’s show it quickly here’s the computer I’ve already turned everything on there you can watch come on JJ I’ve already turned on

The recording oh JJ look they were still able to get on camera let’s see where he’s Going Mikey look he’s turning right and he’s about to go somewhere it’s very interesting look there’s some kind of garage there we need to go there urgently wow Mikey we were very lucky to find where they stole our car let’s quickly go to the city in time to

Intercept them we need to hurry I wish you guys good luck I wish you to find your car soon and be sure to come back to me to refuel with highquality gasoline thank you very much now JJ let’s run quickly I’m sure we’ll make it in

Time JJ we have already arrived in the city here somewhere nearby is this very garage where our car should be let’s find it first Mikey look at this garage and here is our car are they dismantling it we can’t allow this let’s quickly fight them JJ take your time we can’t

Beat them in a fight we need to figure out how to lure them out and then take our car I agree with you Mikey but how maybe we can park another car nearby and let them be distracted by it while we take ours back what do you think of this

Idea I think that’s what we’ll do JJ really we need to start this now let’s quickly install another machine so Mikey let’s set up a car here and leave it open and hide and wait for these Bandits to come here and steal it this is a

Great idea JJ let me park the car this is a great cunning plan wow I think they will take the bait and want to take this car too but since it is cheap we are not interested in it the most important thing is to get our

Expensive car back so Mikey now we need to drive past them so that they hear that it was us driving I think they will notice us So Mikey I think this would be a great place to park now let’s go hide and wait for them a little JJ don’t be in such a hurry I’m lagging behind you choose a place where you can hide so that they don’t notice Mikey what do you think they’re doing to

Our car I hope they don’t break our car it’s worth $100,000 JJ do you hear they are going to take a break and go for a walk around the city I think this is our time and now we can make our way to our car Mikey look they noticed the car we

Delivered this is our time now we can pick up our car I hope they didn’t break it and it will start JJ look they are going to steal this car too we have a little time to escape from here as soon as Possible boy Mikey look they fell for our deception now let’s quickly get into the car and leave here Whoo Mikey great job we were able to get our car back from these Bandits but now we need to figure out how to punish them JJ let’s go home first and watch cartoons or play on the computer I’m very tired of these chases let’s do it

Tomorrow what do you think of this idea okay Mikey I agree with you it’s too late to start a showdown let’s go to the second floor and play on the computer I want to play a new interesting game on your computer poppy play time Mikey your computer is so powerful you can play any game on it just look at this battle royale yes Mikey I know he’s worth $3,000 guys how do you like this computer if you like it like it and write a comment what kind of computer do

You have JJ it seems to me that we have already been sitting at the computer I suggest you go have dinner and go to bed okay Mikey let’s go quickly well guys you didn’t expect us to come to you you thought you could deceive us now we’ll eat you and you

Won’t run away from us hey what do you want us to do it’s not fair we just took our car and we believed it we don’t owe you anything get out of here no guys you got involved with the wrong gang what we took for ourselves now belongs to us now

You will be responsible for it Mikey let’s get out of here quickly they want to eat us we need to immediately run and ask someone for help run after me quickly yes shoo we were able to break away from them for a while let’s quickly run to the laboratory ask the scientist for

Help he should help us come on soon Mikey JJ where did the scientist go maybe he’s not at home hi guys I’m here what are you doing here in the middle of the night do you need any help scientist this is a very long story but in short

Our car was stolen from us and after we returned it the thieves came to our home and wanted to eat us we need your help to destroy them okay guys I will help you but I need to hurry so I will only give you my new development and I need

To fly to a distant country on a special Mission here is this golden button good luck to you after I return return it to me here thank you very much scientist for not leaving us in the Lurch this is really a very cool development we can

Use it to destroy these scammers I just have a very important request to you use this button only as a last resort because it is very dangerous you can’t just press it do you understand wow thank you very much scientist now it’s time for us to fight these Bandits we

Won’t just leave this matter like that and good luck to you on your mission in a distant land well Mikey it’s time for us to take revenge on them are you ready for this oh who came to us did you decide to come back so we could eat you

This is a reasonable decision come here now we will deal with you do you really think that I can cope with you come here now we will fight with you JJ it’s time to press the golden button we need help urgently to destroy them they are too

Strong well come here why are you huddled in a corner there come out here be brave or are you giving up yes yes now we will come to you we are preparing for battle don’t worry your fate will come we give you time to prepare yeah Boy oh yeah we were able to defeat them thank you very much robot for helping us defeat these scammers now we are free it’s so good that the scientist was able to help us cheers JJ I’m so glad that we were able to defeat these Bandits now we

Need to rebuild my house which these and it’s dared to destroy will you help me with this of course Mikey you are my great friend I will definitely help you let’s get down to it right now let’s come to you quickly let’s start renovating your house JJ I think we will

Have to do this for a long time they destroyed it too much there will be too many blocks needed here we will do this until the morning don’t worry Mikey we will do it very quickly I think we will need a couple of hours I’ve already taken the blocks and we’ll build the

Second floor come with me okay Mikey thank you very much for your support and after after that we’ll go on and play on the computer poppy playtime or Battle Royale how do you like this idea okay Mikey I really love playing on your computer it’s going to be a great

Night well JJ now it’s time to break into the safe door come quickly we need to hurry before the police arrive so Mikey I’m taking all the gold and asms that are in the cells put it all in bags and let’s leave here JJ I’m going out

First you follow me just be careful everyone lied in no one dare call the police no one move JJ it’s time for us to run I was given information that the police are on the way and we were told to run away so we must hurry up so that

We don’t get caught because we will fail the task and look out the window they are already approaching Mikey look they are already here come up with a plan to escape through the back door we won’t be able to get out of the central one come quickly we can’t delay JJ get your

Weapon we’ll have to fight them off let’s get out quickly so robbers don’t move if you are detained otherwise I will open fire for damage stand still we will not give up run away from here immediately or I’ll open Fire come on JJ they’re almost over now we can get out of here quickly cheers Mikey we were able to deal with them now it’s time to run oh no Mikey look the police now have a Thomas Train it’s their newest development we need to run quickly

Before he gets us so JJ we have already arrived at the boss’s Camp it seems like the police have left us behind now we can safely enter so Mikey let’s open this hatch it’s time for us to go in the main thing is not to make noise

Here oh guys you’re already here I’ve been waiting for you here for a long time have you already brought what I asked for yes boss as you asked bags full of gold diamonds and money we were able to break away from the police and no one was following us oh what a great

Fell you are it’s good that I hired you you carry out my task perfectly did you happen to see anything strange maybe something suspicious um yes boss we saw something strange it was the locomotive Thomas apparently this is a new development for the police and now he

Also goes to the crime scene huh this is very interesting I always wanted Thomas the steam locomotive for my collection so I give you a new task find it and at any cost capture it and bring it to me okay boss we will honor your pity and

Bring it to you thank you Mikey and JJ after completing this task I will promote you in rank you heard Mikey we got to get to work so Mikey I’m going out first there’s no one on the street everything is quiet now you can go out it’s time

For us to go off on a new task JJ I have an idea on how to capture this Thomas for this we need to go down to the Subway and get there an old train that we can control great idea Mikey then let’s go straight to the task now we

Don’t have time to rest so JJ here we go let’s go down there should be an abandoned train somewhere here we need it and then go to the laboratory where we will find the control panel for it oh Mikey here’s this train let’s take it quickly and run to the laboratory so JJ

Let’s go downstairs and now there should be a button here that will shrink the train so that it fits in your pocket yeah boy well done JJ now let’s quickly go to the laboratory so Mikey we have arrived at our destination let’s go just quietly so that no one here will

Notice us because the laboratory must be guarded JJ take this mask and put it on your face so that no one can identify us now we can move forward yeah boy hey JJ there is no security on the hike let’s go in from the main entrance Mikey get a crowbar we

Need to break this door it’s locked here it is I got it let me break the door and you come in and quickly steal the control panel you know what it looks like yes Mikey the door is broken let’s go in just be careful there may be traps set in the laboratory M JJ I found the control panel here it is you stay alert while I hack it make sure no one comes in here okay Mikey just do it quickly it’s soon morning people are already heading out into the Street wow Mikey you robbed half the lab come on quickly it’s time for us to leave so JJ now we need to build a room with a control panel for the train we need to dig a hole and make a bunk in it then connect the train to the remote

Control and send it to the Village to hunt Thomas okay Mikey now I’ll arrange the necessary equipment here and connect it to the power grid while you figure out how to connect the remote control to the train we can’t waste time because soon it will be morning and we won’t be

Able to release the train onto the streets of the village to all JJ now we can connect to the Drone which will help us control the train and begin the task yeah boy to all JJ now we can connect to the Drone which will help us control the train and begin the

Task so Mikey so far we’ve succeeded just don’t get distracted from driving the train we need to lure Thomas as soon as possible he’s not here yet in theory the police should arrive now there’s very little left H again someone is committing a crime in the village I was given

Instructions to go to the scene of the incident I need to go immediately oh JJ we were able to lure Thomas into fighting the train now we need to fight him let’s get to work oh no someone decided to summon an abandoned train I need to destroy it

Now Mikey we were almost able to lure him into a trap it’s time for us to get out of here and go deactivate Thomas yeah JJ it’s time for us to get out of here quickly oh yeah Mikey look we were able to deactivate Thomas now let’s go pick

Him up we need to urgently deliver him to the boss y Yahoo now we need to figure out how to get it because it is too heavy we need to use a Magnet few JJ we were able to deal with him now it’s time for us to take Thomas to the boss and finally get that promotion hello my guys how are you doing you were able to fulfill my order did you get me Thomas yes boss we were

Able to get you Thomas here he is take him now we expect a promotion and a salary from you for the fact that we were able to complete this most difficult task yes indeed you are great I really like this Thomas now I am promoting you to the level of my main

Assistance now you will receive more money for completing tasks and also receive new tasks to rob banks in neighboring Villages wow boss this is very cool news but in order for us to complete new tasks we need to get more money and new armor with weapons the

Last time we robbed a bank we were almost caught by the police so in the future we need to be much more careful so I ask you to give us new armor take yourself these blocks of diamonds money and new armor with weapons just use these weapons only in

Extreme cases tomorrow a black car will be waiting for you at your house it will take you to the neighboring village where you should also rob a bank and get that’s where all the money is is everything clear to you wow boss thank you very much for such gifts did you

Hear Mikey tomorrow morning we will need to get into a black C near our house and go to the neighboring Village and rob a bank there thank you boss we went home to sleep and tomorrow we go on a mission cheers JJ now we have a new weapon let’s

Try it out here I really like these guns and our new [Applause] Armor yah F JJ why are you making so much noise what if the police hear shots and come here you’re attracting unnecessary attention [Laughter] Yeah Boy JJ we need to hide our diamonds and money somewhere it’s dangerous to keep it at home because the police can come there and take everything so JJ here we go let’s go down there should be an abandoned train somewhere here we need it and then go to the laboratory

Where we will find the control panel for it okay Mikey now I’ll arrange the necessary equipment here and connect it to the power grid while you figure out how to connect the remote control to the train we can’t waste time because soon it will be morning and we won’t be able

To release the train onto the streets of the village JJ it’s time for us to run I was given information that the police are on the way and we were told to run away so we must hurry up so that we don’t get caught because we will fail

The task and well JJ now it’s time to break into the safe door come quickly we need to hurry before the police arrive um yes boss we saw something strange it was the locomotive Thomas apparently this is a new development for the police and now he also goes to the crime scene

Cheers Mikey we were able to deal with them now it’s time to run oh no Mikey look the police now have a Thomas Train it’s their newest development we need to run quickly before he gets us thank you all for watching guys please like and write a comment this way you will

Support our Channel see you soon friends so JJ we finally went out for a walk on our playground I got a cool idea H Mikey tell me what you came up with let’s take our Paws and start Excavating in our sandbox maybe we’ll find something precious wow Mikey really cool

Idea let’s try it grab a shovel and start digging holes in different places whoever finds something precious will win Wow Let’s try to dig here so Mikey there’s nothing here let’s grab another one there’s nothing here either let’s try to dig in this direction now wow Mikey look there’s some kind of cave

Here let’s try to go down and see what’s there JJ are you sure this will be safe what if huge spiders live there Mikey where can spiders appear from there let’s quickly go down there and see what’s there maybe there’s treasure There hey who are you what is your name and where are you from I am a cave Willer who has lived here for thousands of years this is my pyramid I was buried here but after a lightning strike I came to life and now I have been living here

For so long wow JJ we met the cave Diller himself look how cool he is I wonder if we ourselves can become like you I have an offer for you if you want to become like me I can do it because I am a bearer of knowledge about ancient

Magic that can turn Ordinary People into Superman how do you like this option H Mikey what do you think about this should we get involved or not of course JJ let’s go in this is a once- in a-lifetime Opportunity you can’t miss it good luck to you guys just be careful

And don’t go out until I tell you okay thank you cave dweller now we start the experiment hey well it’s time to start the transformation of Mikey and JJ let’s see what happens to them launch H apparently the experiment was a success now Mikey and JJ you can go

Outside now you have gained superpower and now you will never be the same wow caver now we are just like you this is very cool now we have gained strength and become The Heirs of ancient magic I congratulate you on this now you can go home and brag about it to your parents

Good luck to you thank you very much caviller sorry that we Disturbed you this won’t happen again see you the next Day good morning Mikey what wasn’t this a dream we have truly become cave wheelers Mikey what do we do now how to get rid of this terrible appearance JJ I don’t know I also thought it was a dream and we will wake up normal but it turns out that this caved wheeler really

Turned us into a semblance of himself now we need to figure out what to do Mikey I have an idea let’s contact a scientist maybe he can help us the main thing is that he is not afraid of Us JJ we need to hurry quickly while our

Parents are not at home and so that no one sees us on the street because people will be scared so Mikey we came to the scientist’s laboratory I hope he’s there let’s hurry we are standing like this on the street they might notice us and call

The police so JJ we need to find where the scientist is maybe he has a day off today Mikey move on he should be in this office hm let’s see oh my God who are you what do you want from me I didn’t do anything to you

Get out of here hey scientist it’s us Mikey and JJ a terrible situation just happened to us and we turned into quaade Willers now we need your help oh my God what happened to you you need to be rescued immediately staying in this position is life-threatening I need to

Come up with some kind of medicine for you oh no scientist this is true what should we do now we really want to live we were simply deceived by an ancient caved ER that we found deep underground next to our house now we need salvation

I have an idea follow me to my secret basement here are all my latest developments I think I can get something that can save your life and change your appearance wow wow so I have a special laser that can start processes in your body in the opposite direction and you

Will quickly find yourself in your body wow scientist you’re just a genius how cool it is that we know each other you always help us out let’s get to work quickly so now listen to me carefully this is a special secret portal that should reincarnate you back you need to

Go there and stand a little do you understand me under no circumstances make unnecessary movements well learned let’s begin the process of reincarnation as soon as possible our parents will be back soon and we should be back to normal well that’s it JJ now we wait for

Mikey to come out of the portal this may take a few minutes do you guys think that the scientist will be able to transform us back into normal people or not write about it in the comments what hey scientist nothing works Your solution doesn’t work at all

So Mikey if the scientist couldn’t help us we’ll have to go to the police and try to ask him for help maybe he’ll catch the cave dweller and interrogate him hey who are you what do you want from me you two monsters I do not want

To talk to you get out of here hey cop it’s Mikey and JJ we’ve been turned into monsters like this by a B hey what are you doing here you ate our policemen you turned us into the same cave ders as you yourself we will take revenge on you for this we just need to find a way to become normal and find weapons you will never become normal again you will be in this body

Forever you will not get rid of it remember this JJ we have no choice we urgently need to ask a scientist to come up with some kind of experimental equipment that can turn us into a normal State you came to me again okay I have a special special development but it is

Risky and very unstable if you are willing to take the risk we will get to work right away of course we agree scient we are not ready for everything we can’t stay in this state anymore we need to become normal send it to your basement soon okay so be it follow me

Now I’ll figure out what to do with You well scientist have you loaded your blaster are you ready to transform us back into Mikey and JJ yes JJ stand in that place and we will begin the procedure Wow JJ look I’m back to normal this Blaster works now it’s your turn stand in this place come on Mikey I hope the result is the same as yours yay Mikey we’re back back to normal now finally thank you very much scientist now we can go and take revenge

On the cave dweller JJ let’s quickly go in search of the cave dweller we need to find and destroy it Mikey did you bring enough weapons to destroy the cave dweller we need some blasters JJ cave dweller is here we need to fight him now grab your blaster

Quickly Mikey come help me quickly I can’t handle it myself come on I need help JJ we almost destroyed him just a little bit left and it will be destroyed this Blaster is very effective Yeah Boy what hey who are you where did you come from here we wanted

To destroy the cave dweller hey don’t hit me I’m not guilty of anything I was imprisoned by the cave dweller a long time ago I was his hostage for thousands of years and I lived under a cave next to your house thank you for being able

To free me I thought I wouldn’t be able to get out of it oh no this is such a terrible story it’s good that we were able to free you from this monster now you’re free let’s come home with us and celebrate this Victory JJ are you crazy

He’s pretending he is a dangerous criminal who wanted to destroy us we need to contact the police immediately no this is not true I am not to blame for anything cave dweller set me up no need to go to the police let’s go and don’t look back you will be given what

You deserve oh hello Mikey and JJ who are you bringing me and what was he be guilty of this is the most dangerous criminal it was he who turned into a cave Diller and wanted to destroy us and turned us into cave ders too he should

Be jailed for 10 years for his crimes H this is very interesting guys thank you for being able to figure out this case and bring this most dangerous criminal here you will be rewarded for this we are always happy to assist you in the investigation and discovery of such

Dangerous criminals let us help you take him to his cell where he will be for 10 years that’s it now you you got what you deserved now you will sit here it’s good that we were able to survive after this great battle now no one will live

Underground oh no scientist this is true what should we do now we really want to live we were simply deceived by an ancient caved wheer that we found deep underground next to our house now we need salvation so Mikey we came to the scientist’s laboratory I hope he’s there

Let’s hurry we are standing like this on the street they might notice us and call the police yay my Mikey we’re back to normal now finally thank you very much scientists now we can go and take revenge on the cave Diller hey what are you doing here you ate our policemen you

Turned us into the same cave Dillers as you yourself we will take revenge on you for this we just need to find a way to become normal and find weapons of course we agree scientist we are not ready for everything we can’t stay in this state

Anymore we need to become normal send it to your basement soon JJ I don’t know I also thought it was a dream and we will wake up normal but it turns out that this cave Willer really turned us into a semblance of himself now we need to

Figure out what to do good morning Mikey what wasn’t this a dream we have truly become cave wheelers Mikey what do we do now how to get rid of this terrible appearance hey well it’s time to start the transformation of Mikey and JJ let’s see what happens to them launch Mikey

Where can spiders appear from there let’s quickly go down there and see what’s there maybe there ‘s treasure There wow JJ how

This video, titled ‘JJ Catnap vs MIKEY Catnap CALLED to Mikey and JJ – in Minecraft Maizen’, was uploaded by Munez on 2024-01-16 18:00:32. It has garnered 2477 views and 25 likes. The duration of the video is 00:30:08 or 1808 seconds.

JJ Catnap vs MIKEY Catnap CALLED to Mikey and JJ – in Minecraft Maizen

Our channel isn’t affiliated with Maizen; we produce fan videos featuring JJ and Mikey. It’s specifically designed for Maizen’s admirers. Our intention is not to mimic his persona but to introduce fresh and captivating narratives to his characters. We trust you’ll appreciate our videos. Wishing you a fantastic day.

Original Maizen / @maizenofficial

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    Terrifying Minecraft Gameplay Reimagined Minecraft: A Return to Fear and Excitement Embark on a thrilling journey back to the world of Minecraft, where everything is scary again! In this exciting gameplay experience, players are thrown into a world filled with danger and excitement at every turn. Let’s dive into the heart-pounding action and explore the spine-chilling features that make this Minecraft adventure truly unforgettable. Unleashing Fear in Minecraft As players delve into the game, they will encounter a heightened sense of fear and suspense that keeps them on the edge of their seats. From eerie mobs lurking in the shadows to treacherous terrains… Read More

  • Kraken Sushi: Catching & Cooking the Sea Monster

    Kraken Sushi: Catching & Cooking the Sea Monster The Epic Minecraft Adventure: Hunting the Kraken for Sushi Setting Sail for Adventure Embark on a hilarious Minecraft journey with Knarfy and his crew as they sail thousands of blocks in a pirate ship, facing off against the mighty Kraken and exploring dungeons in search of food โ€“ sushi, to be precise! Meet the Crew Joining Knarfy on this epic quest are his trusty companions: @syszee, @CringyGull, @CragDyna, and @GarrettTheCarrot. Together, they brave the treacherous seas and face formidable challenges. Mods and Tools of the Trade To enhance their gameplay experience, the crew utilizes a variety of mods, including… Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Texture Mod Showcase

    Ultimate Minecraft Texture Mod Showcase Exploring the Latest MiniaTuria Mod Update for Minecraft The MiniaTuria Mod for Minecraft has recently received a significant update, transitioning from version 1.8 to version 8. This update brings a plethora of new features and enhancements to the game, focusing primarily on decorative elements. From animal blocks to chest blocks, weapons, tools, backpacks, and more, players can now enjoy an expanded array of customization options. Additionally, the update introduces new building materials such as the golden series and rock texture series, providing players with a wide selection of resources to unleash their creativity. Key Features of the MiniaTuria Mod… Read More

  • Join Minewind: Where Demons and Humans Unite in Minecraft

    Join Minewind: Where Demons and Humans Unite in Minecraft Welcome to Newsminecraft.com, where we bring you the latest and greatest in the world of Minecraft! Today, we stumbled upon a captivating Minecraft animation titled “Demons and humans [Part1]” that left us in awe. The combination of stunning visuals and powerful music truly made this video a masterpiece. As we delved deeper into the music featured in the video, we discovered tracks like “Evolution” by Clarx, Debris, 3rd Prototype, Castion, EMDI, “Street lights” by Time to talk, Azertion & JJD, and “Top floor” by JPB. These tracks perfectly complemented the intense storyline of the animation, creating an immersive experience… Read More

  • Crafting Table Tutorial: Quick & Easy

    Crafting Table Tutorial: Quick & Easy Minecraft Crafting Table: Your Key to Crafting Success! One of the essential items in Minecraft is the crafting table, also known as a workbench. This handy tool allows players to create more complex items and is a must-have in your inventory. Let’s dive into how to make a crafting table in Minecraft and unleash your creativity! Step-by-Step Guide to Crafting a Table To craft a crafting table, you’ll need four wooden planks. Follow these simple steps: Gather Wood: Start by collecting wood from trees in the game. Create Wooden Planks: Open your crafting menu and turn the wood into… Read More

  • INSANE SteamPunk LPS Minecraft Taxi Adventures

    INSANE SteamPunk LPS Minecraft Taxi AdventuresVideo Information This video, titled ‘SteamPunk LPS Minecraft’, was uploaded by Cabbie’s Corner on 2024-03-30 10:41:04. It has garnered 104 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 03:31:25 or 12685 seconds. โš™๏ธ Create FULL STEAM AHEAD UPDATE w/ Addons โš™๏ธ Amazing NEW World Generation and Biomes โš™๏ธ Incredible detailed Structures and Dungeons to Explore โš™๏ธ Completely NEW Stronghold and Fortress โš™๏ธ Overhauled Villages, Structures & Dungeons โš™๏ธ Never seen before NEW Bosses & Steam Mobs โš™๏ธ Built-In Shaders. Including Complementary โš™๏ธ Enigmatic Legacy, Immersive Engineering, Iron’s Spells ‘n Spellbooks & Much More โš™๏ธ 5 NEW Dimensions &… Read More

  • Insane Bloxfruit Rolling Challenge: Day 1

    Insane Bloxfruit Rolling Challenge: Day 1Video Information This video, titled ‘Day 1 of Rolling Fruit in Bloxfruit#roblox’, was uploaded by AKMO on 2024-01-03 13:23:33. It has garnered 2314 views and 28 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:18 or 18 seconds. #minecraft #funny #comedy #mcpemaps #funnyvideos #minecraftmeme #minecraftpe #minecraftshorts #funnymoments #like #minecraftmeme #funnyvideos #horrorstories#horror#AKMO#horrorgaming#horrorshorts#mcpemaps#minecraft#minecraft #comedy#funny #minecraftmeme #minecraft#minecraftbuilding#minecraftmemes#minecarft_pocket_edition#mcpe#mcpeservers2020#mcpemlg#mcpemobile#mcpemaps#mcpemod#mcpesmp#mcpespeedrun#minecraftmemes#minecraftshorts#minecraftpe#minecraftsurvival#minecraftlive#minecraftvideos#minecraftpe1#minecraftmyanmar#minecraftplayers#minecraftbuilding#minecraftfunny#minecraftfunnymoments#minecarftgameplay#minecraftmanhunt#minecraftpc#viral#videogames#video#myanmar#myanmarminecraft#funnyshorts#funny#funnyvideo#funnyvideos#funnymoments#fun#funnymoments#funnymemes#funnycomedy#comedy#comedyvideo#comedyshorts#comedyinthecity#shortsfeed#videoshort#videos#videoshorts#videogame#gameplay#games#gamer#gamers#gamingvideos#gaming#vidio#subscribe#subscribers subscribers#yputubeshorts#youtube#youtubevideo#youtuber#dance#day100#day#dayz#zombiesurvival#zombieanimation#minecraftsurvivalwithfriend #drawing#dancer#dream#entertainment#trending#youtubeshorts Minecraft Day 100 Myanmar #mcpemaps #comedy #funny #funnyvideos #like #minecraft #minecraftmeme #minecraftpe #minecraftshorts #minivlog#mcpemaps #comedy #funny #funnyvideos #like #minecraft #minecraftmeme #minecraftpe #minecraftshorts #minivlog #funnyvideos#minecraft#minecraftbuilding#mcpemaps#mcpeservers2020#motivation#music#memes#meme#motivational#maxpreps#mobilelegends#minecraftmemes#minivlog#midzy#minecraftshorts#mindset#minecraftshorts#mix#mindfulness#minecraftpe#minivlog#mini#minecraftanimation#mine#minecraftmeme#minecraftlive#minecraftsurvival#minecraftvideos#minecrafter#minecrafters#minecraftedit#minecraftedits#minecraftespanol#minecraftersonly#minecraftepicmoments#minecraftep1#minecrafteggwars#minecraftepisode#minecraftepic#minecraftepisodes#minecraftepicseeds#minecraftpocketedition#minecraftpe#minecraftpc#minecraftpvp#minecraftparkour#minecraftparty#minecraftps3#minecraftplayers#minecraftps4#minecraftpetips#minecraftpeserversip#minecraftprzygoda#minecraftproject#minecraftprisonescape#minecraftprisonescape#minecraftprisma3d#minecraftpremium#minecraftpremium#minecraftprotips#minecraftprobuild#minecraftprisons#minecraftpemulriplayer#minecraftpeserver#minecraftpelivestream#minecraftmyanmar#minecraftmeme#minecraftmods#minecraftmlg#minecraftmaps#minecraftmultiplayer#minecraftmanhunt#mcpemaps#mcpeaddon#mcpehindi#mcpemlg#mcpehypixelskyblock#video#viral#vviquestion#videos#videogames#videoshort#videogames#videoshow#videoshorts#videoediting#edit#education#edits#editing#editor#editz#editingtutorial#editorberkelas#view#viralvideo#viralvideo#viralvideos#funnyvideos#funnyshorts#fumetti#funnycomedy#funny#funnyvideo#funnymoments#funnymemes#funnycats#funntvideo#funnyanimals#funnydogs#funny#comedy#comedyinthecity#comedyvideo#comment#comedyshorts#comedymovies#dream#sub#subscribe#subscribers#like#live#likeforlikes#likeandsubscribe#myfirstvlog#myanmar#myanmarnews#savetheworld#save_myanmar#minecraft#minivlog#minecraftshorts#minecraftmemes#minecraftbuilding#minecraftpe#mcpe#mcpeservers2020#mcpemaps#mcpehindi#mcpemaps#mcpemlg#mcpemobile#mcpemod#mcpemods#mcpeaddon#mcpeaddons#mcpeandroid#mcpeindo#mcpeindonesia2020#mcpeios#mcpemap#map#maps#maplestory#creator#creative#creepypasta#creepy#challenge#comedy#comedyinthecity#trending #cute #cat#inshot #cutebaby #comment#cooking#callofduty#technoblade#rip#technoblade#respect#mcpoze#minecraftanimation#minecarft1#minecraftmeme#mineraftindonesia#minecraftlive#minecraftlivestream#live#like#love#livestream#minecraftsurvival#minecraftvideos#minecraftbedrock#minecraftvideo#mincraftvideo#minecraftnewupdate#minecraftmyanmar#mincraftnoob#minecrafthighlights #hardest#new#nevergiveup#funnyshorts#fun#funny#funnyvideo#funnyvideos#funnymoments#funnymemes#funnycomedy#comedy#comedyvideo#popular#viral#views#view#subscribers#subscribe#sub#like#likeforlikes#likes#likeandsubscribe#comingsoon#coming#coming_soon#dance#day100#day#zombieanimation#zombiesurvival#zombieland#zombieshorts#zombietsunami#apexlegends#apocalypse#apocalypselatergaming#zombie_codmobile#zombieapocalypsegame#dance#dream#dog#แ€แ€ฏแ€แ€บแ€€แ€ผแ€ฎแ€ธแ€แ€ญแ€ฏแ€ทแ€›แ€ฝแ€ฌ#แ€กแ€แ€ฏแ€ถแ€ธแ€‚แ€ญแ€™แ€บแ€ธ#minecraft #comedy #mcpemaps #minecraft #minecraftpe #minecraftshorts #like #funnyvideos #funny #minecraftmeme #minivlog#100 Read More

  • ๐Ÿ”ฅ EPIC Minecraft CARPET Design Build! ๐Ÿš— #shorts

    ๐Ÿ”ฅ EPIC Minecraft CARPET Design Build! ๐Ÿš— #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Realistic CARPET Design Build #minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by Foxline on 2024-05-01 17:00:07. It has garnered 4554 views and 205 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:16 or 16 seconds. Minecraft Realistic CARPET Design Build #minecraft #shorts #fyp #fypใ‚ท #fypใ‚ทใ‚šviral #fy #foryou #foryoupage #foryourpage #shorts #youtuber #youtubeshorts #youtube #youtubeshort #youtubechannel #youtubevideos #youtubers #balkan #guinessrecords Minecraft 1.21 Minecraft videos Minecraft shorts Foryoupage Mc Shorts Balkan Bosnia Serbia Croatia Gaming RTX Realistic Read More

  • Discover Mind-Blowing Cube Park! ๐Ÿคฏ๐ŸŽข- Planet Coaster

    Discover Mind-Blowing Cube Park! ๐Ÿคฏ๐ŸŽข- Planet CoasterVideo Information This video, titled ‘CE PARC D’ATTRACTION VA VOUS ร‰TONNER ! (il y a pleins de cubes) – Planet Coaster’, was uploaded by MColo on 2024-03-08 15:00:10. It has garnered 2794 views and 165 likes. The duration of the video is 00:14:30 or 870 seconds. Super destabilizing but impressive! Minecraft fans, players and nostalgic fans will enjoy it, and Planet Coaster fans will also love this crazy work done by Afrosheep! โœจ The best offers to buy games with Eneba: https://www.eneba.com/fr?af_id=mcolo ๐Ÿš› My simulation steering wheel: https://sites.google.com/view/mcolo/euro-truck-simulator-2/simulation ๐ŸŽข The coaster on Workshop: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1373725383 ๐Ÿ“ Send your park so that… Read More

  • Minecraft Live: Ultimate Obsession

    Minecraft Live: Ultimate ObsessionVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft ะ›ัƒั‡ัˆะตะต #492’, was uploaded by ะžะดะตั€ะถะธะผั‹ะน Live on 2024-04-19 11:15:00. It has garnered 362 views and 12 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:15 or 15 seconds. Read More

  • KYRSP33DY’s Wild Speed Date on Minecraft Server!

    KYRSP33DY's Wild Speed Date on Minecraft Server!Video Information This video, titled ‘Speed Dating Event on Mythical Survival Minecraft Server!’, was uploaded by KYRSP33DY on 2024-04-05 02:42:40. It has garnered 30774 views and 924 likes. The duration of the video is 02:29:45 or 8985 seconds. Become a member of the channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCIDlKYC7I6_76jCUBdX-6VQ/join My Twitter – https://twitter.com/KYR_SP33DY My Twitch – https://www.twitch.tv/kyr_sp33dy MERCH at https://bfc.store Discord – https://discord.com/invite/mythicalnetwork Modpack -https://www.technicpack.net/modpack/pokeninjas-kingdoms.1926218 Installation Guide – https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1n3LNUNPZ_RoOVFwryWEQe1WdBgJ2WoLc #MythicalPartner Read More


    A SUMIT GAMING IS LIVE NOW! MUST WATCHVideo Information This video, titled ‘A SUMIT GAMING IS LIVE | Minecraft Live Streaming’, was uploaded by A SUMIT GAMING on 2024-01-11 11:07:57. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. This is 24/7 Minecraft live stream! SUBSCRBE OUR HORROR CHANNEL :- @ScaryStoriesWithA THANKS FOR WATCHING……. Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Prank! The World’s Biggest Cactus!

    Ultimate Minecraft Prank! The World's Biggest Cactus!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Letโ€™s Play: #1 The Giant Cactus!’, was uploaded by BanditGaming on 2024-04-03 14:15:03. It has garnered 45 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:14:40 or 880 seconds. The cactus farm needed a little touch up in my opinion. Design Credit: WhoopSection05 on reddit Dont forget to go and check out my other socials! Patreon : patreon.com/Banditgaming98 Twitch : Twitch.tv/Banditgaming98 Twitter : https://twitter.com/Bandit20799677 Instagram : https://instagram.com/Banditgaming98 Read More

  • Unbelievable Toilet Power in Monster School! #shorts

    Unbelievable Toilet Power in Monster School! #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Monster School : Skibidi Toilet Power Level – Minecraft Animation #shorts’, was uploaded by oreE+ on 2024-02-22 05:00:20. It has garnered 526 views and 11 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:53 or 53 seconds. #animation #monsterschool #minecraftanimation Read More

  • Celestria SMP Java 1.20.4 Dynmap Earth

    Welcome to The World Of Celestria Greetings wanderers! Join our Minecraft geopolitical server where you can unleash your creativity. Whether you’re a builder, roleplayer, lore writer, or PvPer, there’s a place for you here. Earth is your canvas to create nations, cults, religions, guilds, and more. The only limit is your imagination. Are you ready? Join Us Now: https://discord.gg/hJVHnfW8Xq Read More

  • Null Network: Seliana [RPG Survival]

    Null Network: Seliana [RPG Survival]Are you ready to leave a mark in our history?Null Network: Seliana is an rpg survival server that focuses more on a unique experience. The server emphasizes on RPG elements, and a medieval feel. Currently, we are mostly a filipino playerbase, but we also have some players around the world, mostly in asia! We have a ton of appealing features that will get you hooked!Server has not been reset since the beginning. Your legacy is safe with us! You can also claim land to avoid getting griefed!Weapons for every style of combat! Be it hard hitting Greatsword, fast hitting Daggers,… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Minecraft rare items bingo: spiced up

    Minecraft Memes - Minecraft rare items bingo: spiced upI guess even in Minecraft, getting a high score is a rare item! Read More

  • Adelia’s Trauma: Sam’s Minecraft Saga

    Adelia's Trauma: Sam's Minecraft Saga In the world of Minecraft, where blocks come alive, Adelia’s trauma began, a tale to survive. Nico, Mark, and Lira, a family so tight, But darkness crept in, casting shadows in sight. Adelia, the youngest, with eyes full of fear, Her innocence shattered, her cries hard to hear. A tragedy struck, leaving scars deep within, As grief and despair, their hearts did begin. But through all the pain, they stood strong as a team, Facing their demons, in a world so extreme. With love as their armor, they fought through the night, In Minecraft’s vast world, where dreams take… Read More

  • Minecraft Meme: Creeper’s Hot Date

    Minecraft Meme: Creeper's Hot Date “Why did the creeper break up with his girlfriend? Because she couldn’t handle his explosive personality!” #minecraftlovegonebad ๐Ÿ˜‚๐ŸŽฎ๐Ÿ’” Read More

  • Ultimate Hilarious Timepass on CroniqX!

    Ultimate Hilarious Timepass on CroniqX! Welcome to the World of Minecraft! Exploring the Killadis SMP In the vast and creative world of Minecraft, players find endless opportunities for fun and adventure. One such realm is the Killadis SMP, where players like to relax and enjoy their time. Whether it’s building magnificent structures or embarking on thrilling quests, there’s always something exciting happening in this multiplayer server. Joining the Fun If you’re looking to dive into the action, Killadis SMP welcomes you with open arms. With a vibrant community of players, you can share your creations, collaborate on projects, and make lasting friendships. The server… Read More

  • Can You Play Minecraft Java on Your Phone? Review

    Can You Play Minecraft Java on Your Phone? Review Minecraft Java Edition on Mobile? | PojavLaucher Review Have you ever wondered if you could play Minecraft Java Edition on your phone? Well, with PojavLaucher, now you can! In this review, we will explore the features of PojavLaucher and how it brings the Java Edition experience to your Android or iOS device. What is PojavLaucher? PojavLaucher is a launcher that allows you to run Minecraft Java Edition on your mobile device. It provides a seamless way to enjoy all the features of the Java Edition, including mods, servers, and more, right from your phone. Features of PojavLaucher With PojavLaucher,… Read More

  • ๐Ÿ”ฅUltimate Minecraft Addons Revealed!๐Ÿ”ฅ

    ๐Ÿ”ฅUltimate Minecraft Addons Revealed!๐Ÿ”ฅVideo Information This video, titled ‘top 4 Addons for Minecraft pe and bedrock’, was uploaded by cyrixmc_YT on 2024-04-10 18:11:37. It has garnered 215 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 00:20:09 or 1209 seconds. Number 4 https://www.9minecraft.net/conflictic-honor-addon-mcpe/ Number 3 https://www.9minecraft.net/hulk-buster-addon-mcpe/ Number 2 https://www.9minecraft.net/mrcrayfishs-furniture-addon-mcpe/ Number 1 https://www.9minecraft.net/time-stop-addon-mcpe/ Tanks for watching โค๏ธ Tags #minecraft Keys minecraft addons bedrock edition minecraft addons bedrock update minecraft addons bedrock 1.20 minecraft addons bedrock naturalist minecraft addons bedrock free minecraft addons bedrock xbox minecraft addons bedrock computer minecraft addons bedrock techna minecraft addons bedrock review minecraft addons bedrock decocraft minecraft addons bedrock… Read More

  • Launching New Shop on Copper SMP!

    Launching New Shop on Copper SMP!Video Information This video, titled ‘Copper MC Smp Season 1 @AncientMC7 Opening My New Shop’, was uploaded by Shagil Gaming vlogs on 2024-05-21 09:50:14. It has garnered 27 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 02:36:14 or 9374 seconds. Hey folks! Watch me play Minecraft! Join my Club on Turnip Shagil: https://profile.turnip.gg/KmospkDSjrSVeVsJ6 Minecraft free fire call of duty clash of clans bgmi pubg techno gamerz ujjwal anshu bisht niz gamer mosambi total gaming BY TOTEM chapati hindustani gamer proboiz95 yug playz psd senpai spider mr lapis its dip Bebu mc addon dream smarty pie technoblade pewdipie junkeyy… Read More

  • Become a Parkour Legend in Minecraft with Sixtos!

    Become a Parkour Legend in Minecraft with Sixtos!Video Information This video, titled ‘El pro del #parkour en #minecraft’, was uploaded by Sixtos on 2024-01-10 18:54:41. It has garnered 2421 views and 93 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:43 or 43 seconds. Read More

  • Unbelievable Attitude of Ertughul & Osman! ๐Ÿ˜ฑ #shorts

    Unbelievable Attitude of Ertughul & Osman! ๐Ÿ˜ฑ #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘ErtughulXosman attitude status๐Ÿ˜Ž #shorts’, was uploaded by Pathan Bhai on 2024-01-17 18:48:49. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Welcome to our Minecraft gaming channel! Here, we bring you the ultimate gaming experience in the world of Minecraft. Whether … Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Adventure with the Squad! ๐Ÿ˜ฑ๐Ÿ”ฅ

    Insane Minecraft Adventure with the Squad! ๐Ÿ˜ฑ๐Ÿ”ฅVideo Information This video, titled ‘Hardcore Minecraft 1.8 with the Bois – EP 5 – โš’๏ธ๐Ÿ‘ท’, was uploaded by 0x6b on 2024-05-20 18:41:27. It has garnered 23 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:04:21 or 261 seconds. Will we survive longer than the 2 week Minecraft binge? Just some solo building and whatnot. โœ”๏ธ Barn โœ”๏ธ Cow death chamber โœ”๏ธ Chicken Coop โœ”๏ธ Enchanting Table โŒ Tom Read More

  • INSANE Duo Bros Play with Subscribers!!

    INSANE Duo Bros Play with Subscribers!!Video Information This video, titled ‘PLAY WHIT SUB’, was uploaded by K_D _BROTHERS on 2024-03-23 05:16:34. It has garnered 23 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 00:32:42 or 1962 seconds. minecraft 1v1, Niz Gamer, Lapata SMP, Minecraft, Minecraft PvP, Minecraft Smp, Minecraft in hindi, Minecraft Live, Technoblade, Indian dream, Smarty pie new manhunt, Dream, lifesteal smp, Minecraft pro player, pvp, savo demon, ,, youtubers pvp, youtuber pvp minecraft, minecraft pvp, minecraft, senpaispider, senpai lapata smp, senpai spider, senpai vs savo, pvp show ep 2senpaispider, lapata smp, senpai spider pvp, lapata smp new video, lapata smp war,… Read More

  • Insane Challenge: Skyes – Would you dare try this job?

    Insane Challenge: Skyes - Would you dare try this job?Video Information This video, titled ‘Only a crazy man would take on this job…’, was uploaded by Skyes on 2024-05-30 21:00:18. It has garnered 12026 views and 703 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:37 or 37 seconds. Rebuilding My Mega Base in Hardcore Minecraft! MY SECOND CHANNEL! – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qUSQdzd8mDw โ˜๏ธ MY SOCIALS โ˜๏ธ ๐Ÿฆ-= Twitter – https://twitter.com/Skyes ๐ŸŽฝ -= Merch – https://skyesmerch.com/ ๐ŸŽฅ-= Twitch (Live streams) – https://www.twitch.tv/notskyes ๐Ÿ–ฅ๏ธ-= My VODS Channel – https://bit.ly/3qD1i4U #hardcore #survival #minecraft Current Subscriber Count: 1,356,089 Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Auto Pool in Seconds! ๐ŸŠ #shorts

    EPIC Minecraft Auto Pool in Seconds! ๐ŸŠ #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft: Best Auto Swimming Pool! #shorts #minecraft’, was uploaded by Cubius Shorts on 2024-02-17 14:02:36. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. HOW TO MAKE A water pool in Minecraft! #redstonebuilds #howtomake #minecraft #minecraftshorts #shorts. Read More

  • SHOCKING Herobrine Edit – Mobs Dream!

    SHOCKING Herobrine Edit - Mobs Dream!Video Information This video, titled ‘#herobrine #edit #minecraft #minecraftanimation #mobs #dream’, was uploaded by Youtuiobarsh on 2024-01-14 02:44:54. It has garnered 1 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:30 or 30 seconds. Read More

  • PureConstruct

    PureConstructWelcome to PureConstruct Minecraft Server! Experience the true essence of vanilla gameplay with a touch of quality-of-life improvements. At PureConstruct, we strive to provide a server that stays true to the core Minecraft experience while enhancing it with just the right amount of features. Inspired by the renowned Hermitcraft server, we aim to foster a community of dedicated players who appreciate creativity, collaboration, and a thriving economy. Our server is fresh and brimming with opportunities. We are actively seeking a close-knit player base of around 20 individuals who share our vision of a respectful and engaging Minecraft environment. To ensure… Read More

  • Memelands: Vanilla 15+ SMP Whitelist No resets 1.20.4

    Welcome to Memelands! Memelands is a Vanilla SMP with a close-knit community that has been thriving since 2019. We are seeking active players over the age of 15 who are looking for a long-term Minecraft experience. What We Offer: Unique builds and history on a map that will never reset Events and activities for players of all time zones Community-driven server with essential datapacks and protective plugins Simple Voice Chat for in-game communication (optional) Ownership and decision-making by the community Basic Rules: No stealing, griefing, or hacking Be mature, friendly, and respectful towards others No bullying, racism, or harassment Join… Read More