EPIC Showdown: Noob vs Ender Dragon – Minecraft Madness!

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[Applause] What Yes and we’re live live hello welcome I am Nova and today we’re going to continue our adventures in Minecraft with the end game being uh killing the ender dragon eventually yes welcome uh I have changed my audio setup and so if there is any problems I would be very grateful if you could

Mention them in the comments so I can adjust and uh without further Ado let’s start so uh last time we had uh covered uh 15 ender pearls was it yes we had covered 15 ender pearls and absolutely nothing else happened we we we went home safely yes and so um I guess

Now I guess now we would want to uh find next some Blaze Woods yes so uh the the adventures in the never were quite eventful to say the least um and we we we we we lost our our Iron Equipment this we got we got robbed by the the piglins

But it’s fine it’s fine uh I I think we’re going to try to to replenish our our our stuff a bit I think uh cuz right now yeah um I think we’re going to try to replenish Our our equipment a bit uh try to like grab a bit more a bit more emeralds and then trade more with the villages is what I think we’re going to do before we tackle the for never again um yeah I think that’s what we’re going to do uh so first

Um I had planted some bamboo uh because I was going with sticks as a as a way to trade with a villager well it’s it’s just one villager uh actually it’s just one villager and Uh I had PL ah shoot okay it’s fine that’s that’s all right we can always just plant it again and uh I had gone I we went I went with the bamboos cuz you can mix sticks with them but uh aside from sticks do I need something else do I need

A oh we’ll see we we’re just going to turn the the the B bamboo into sticks and trade a bit with uh that one dude Oh but you need two to make W it’s fine I mean it’s fine it’s fine uh but uhuh I don’t know if I don’t know which one is more sustainable cuz like two bamboo for one stick uh well with uh with these with the planks so with

One you make four with one log you make four planks and with uh with two planks you make four sticks so basically it’s one log one stick oh yeah but you don’t get that many that many logs wait no no no wait one log is four no no it’s one log two sticks

Basically because with one log you make four planks and with two planks you make four sticks but that’s it right it’s it’s two sticks per one log wait two wait uh this is simple math no this is super simple math NOA oh my Lord that’s that’s that’s that right is

You but with two you make four you still need yeah it’s it’s with one you make four but two of them makes you four which make which means with four the four no no no no no wait no no with the four planks you make eight no no no

It’s eight sticks per one log oh my God my my brain isn’t working with one log you make four planks and with the four planks you make eight sticks yeah it’s eight sticks per per one log it’s eight sticks per log but uh and one stick for two two

Bamboo uh but that was like one two three wait one 2 three 4 5 six it’s like six logs on one Spruce ah sapling how many do you get on the BM Well let’s just do the two let’s just do both um the thing is do I need planks I might need planks so I think it’s still it’s still a good idea to like plant

More trees my my my poor dude got completely she got severely uh damaged by the zombie uh no it’s probably the skeletons the skeletons firing at him but made him if I put him in such a position uh let’s just make let’s just big V two way huhuhuh plus since I trapped The

Villages there’s only a few that are going around so they aren’t going to produce any more anymore uh any more Golems so I have to be careful hi sir stay there stay there no hey come here what do you mean wa why are you me wow we have barely any sticks

Um sir go back go back go go back here go back here where did he go hey go back here see you have you have I even put a bed in here hey hey go back there good boy did he really just go to sleep without closing the door oh you goofy man

You okay okay um well the the economy isn’t going to really go super fast I think like it takes so while to grab sticks plus now I guess now that he leveled up he kind of he’s like you’re just going to give me sticks yeah I’m going to give you

Sticks because you offer emeralds like dude don’t turn your nose up at the sticks yeah so I was wanting uh oh where’s my hole I know I I had a hole somewhere there it is yeah but this is going to take a while again uh so what what we want next

Is uh is to is to find a fortress a fortress so we can Farm the the blazes to grab blaze rods be and uh We’ve you and we we’re going to combine two blaze rods uh one Blaze Rod was it one yeah I think it’s one Blaze Rod yeah

It’s one blaze rod plus one uh ender pearl to get an Ender eye and with the Ender eye we’re going to try to find a portal to the end and activate it that’s basically what we’re going to do ah but before that we we have to like

Be be a bit more prepared to oh dude a bit more prepared with equipment which means I will need a lot of emeralds which means yeah I will need a a good sustainable way to have emeralds uh but like with just sticks is um yeah and I I was wanting to make

Dude P pom don’t don’t don’t well at least them walking on top doesn’t mean it they they going to ruin the crops uh yeah let’s see uh he wants coal but Cole we need to mine and uh aside from him who was else do we have no but I I think the sticks

Are like the easiest I just I just need To yeah plus plus the the the trees yeah I just I just need um the trees do be giv sticks from time to time too so it’s really it’s really not a bad it’s really not a bad deal um yeah plus we need the we we need the we need the logs to

To to make some food at the very least so yeah uh oh we had pumpkins I could have just CRA uh carved a pumpkin put it on top of my head and I wouldn’t have been chased by the Enderman uh and I think I even thought

About it like oh yeah we got going to make that for the end but I should have just done that when I started froming the end man first well it’s fine I’m not sure I’m not sure these These are ready to be harvested I don’t

Know no no these These are ready to be harvested Ed and we’ve uh what I was thinking is we’ve we’ve uh what’s it called the seeds I was going to make some bone meal to help the trees and the bamboos grow long oh oh

Can we not make use that with a bamboo I don’t know I I don’t quite remember I think in Java there are stuff you can’t use bone meal uh on no but wait we need much more than this this is not super sustainable this is not super sustainable or should

I yeah no but aside from that what else can we trade with villages for Farmers could want stuff like uh uh carrots potatoes carrots potatoes Uh o ah okay as long as we didn’t show the amount we need for one bone Meal I think there was something like like this and then you and once they grow we’re going to grow together we’re going to grow together like Big in one big one big tree but it’s not with one bone meal every 3 years that I’m um what are we going to do we need we like make things quicker or should I try to Gra Grab Some Coal 15 yeah but 15 Co that’s a lot 15 Co for

One for one Emerald that’s quite a lot I must say uh that is quite a lot I must say ah I emptied everything here we can recuperate this for some iron I guess oh plus we have snow here and ah my shaders should I deactivate my shaders oh and and blazes

Are are susceptible to snow okay there’s one big there’s one tree here but not a big one some more Saks uh I don’t know how tall the bumo can get but we can always just grab what we can every time it goes higher Higher higher uh we need a way to like accelerate things I think overwise it’s going to be fre streams of me just cutting trees and like yeah sure uh I mean what am I even going to talk about during three streams of just cutting trees yeah it would be like yeah but dova

You’re a streamer you should you know come up with something to say maybe I mean I can go on tangents quite a lot but uh it has to come naturally too not not been spr on me like that um hey he but we can probably even just use

The saplings right some of it let’s see how many it takes o o o this is horrible are we going to end up making a a a mob farm cuz if we we have lots of uh skeletons to kill that would mean that would mean bone meal more bone meal

Uhuh some more sticks and that is two more emeralds uh I need a way to like go inside that house without the Villager without the Villager having a chance to come out maybe we should make like A well he’s he’s definitely he’ll definitely have to come back inside though so it’s fine I think hi sir some more some more please H that’s it yeah that’s it for Now stay in here still bye-bye I’ll come back uh I’m guessing is is that uh should I keep the wheat yeah in in case I need to make some bread melon slice I have some beetroot soup oh I have lots of potatoes I could use those for bone

Meal we’re going to go with uh Carnivorous or is it carers actually the potatoes seem to be a bit more maybe I should just just cultivate potatoes but the thing is potatoes do take a while to to grow if I’m not mistaken a come on it doesn’t want to Grow or do I have or is it the the biome the problem it can’t grow into like a large one because of a biome I don’t know okay so oh Wait all right E I really hope I have not just wasted my bone meal that was something that that could be done but like I don’t know if it maybe we should just try to farm a bit while waiting for the pork chop can we just eat melon eat itat without

Anything what do we have have to like cook it if I remember correctly you can’t actually eat pumpkins you you have to like make a pie out of it I think oh yeah but at the same time I can’t really test cuz I am full um but let’s Harvest a few pumpkin

Oh wait how do I how do I carve one no no no we probably just put it here pumpkin seeds how do I make a coughed pumpkin head car I I know that’s visible game just tell me how how to do it okay cved cved pumpkin head was it Minecraft there we go

Uh using shears on an uncrafted pumpkin okay so we need shears and to make shears we need some IR iron so iron shears yeah I can afford that we can always just try to mine some more if it really comes down to that and I’m going to put it here there we

Go how do I grab it there we go nice a craft pumpkin we have lots of pumpkin around so we can always just but I have already I’m putting this here I’m putting this there whe seeds feather red stone is there any is there a villager that treads

Trad Redstone cuz I don’t think I’m going to use red Redstone this is this is we just want to to kill the Ender Dragon there’s no need for anything complicated beyond that uh let’s see guess so our farmers can trade wheat beetroot carrots potatoes p is like the lowest need for

One Emerald among the the trades the farmers have with a butcher you need some meat but that that’s another story of sustainability cuz that means you need to have like seeds and Wheats to to feed the for livestock wave uh fishermen wants strings and wait is this coal they want coal too

Huh but just then just then cool librarian wants some paper an armorer yeah the armor is the ones that need I want call to and I mean ah it’s I’ll I’ll have to eventually level them up because I want to have uh Diamond equipment so yeah tool SMI shepher Lea

Worker cleric it’s a cleric that wants a oh wait a cleric a cleric can exchange five emeralds for one ender pearl hello welcome B Uh let’s see cartographer Fletcher weapon Smith no it’s just it’s just just the the the streams layout it’s not it’s it’s not within the game it’s just within the stream I I cannot see there’s not going to be any chat outside of Minecraft in the game but it’s I see it from the

Stream okay uh so I need a I need a plan a good plan a a a sustainable plan uh so we’re going to make the trees are grow the trees are growing but only the single ones is it because we are not in a tiger does that does that count

Uh well we need a server for that in the this is that is not in the in the program right now where I am I’m making a solo run for now uh plus I I’m not really familiar with how like servers go in Minecraft I

Only like do a Home Server to play with my brother and that’s the extent of my knowledge about it but I’m guessing something like you need to pay for a server and uh yeah but is not something we’re going to do quite yet all righty some more some more or we can can

Probably like go mining and see how it goes um yeah but like I said uh I only play on the on the Home Server I am not uh going to pay for a server quite yet if at all all right more Sticks no you can’t you

Can’t you cannot join a Home Server I’m not going to give you the address to that that is not something you should be doing on the internet that easily okay so uh unless I am explicitly asking something like I I I need help how do I

Do this I would be very grateful if you didn’t tell me how to do something hey just just just leave it be just andless it’s like something that is super super critical like U I don’t know what what would be super critical but just just just leave it me

This is this is for is no back back um uh what’s the term again uh back seting yes thank you very much no back seting no telling me what you have to do unless I ask explicitly if I say uh I I really I have no idea

How to do this how do I have to do this Chad please can you help me if I say that then you can say okay you can tell me okay you have to do this and then do that otherwise please just just let me bumble Through unless it’s something like I just dropped a super rare 2% drop rate uh item and I’m going to and I’m going to I don’t know I’m going to destroy it then I guess it’s a good idea to tell me yeah no don’t don’t destroy show that that is super

Rare I guess something feel like I was going to I don’t know I I don’t know about I don’t know much about Minecraft I I know like a few things in the looked up uh stuff that I need to do to achieve my goal but overwise it’s probably not going to be super

Optimal I apologize if that makes you crazy go crazy like oh my God what is you doing uh but uh yeah that’s also the whole point right uh a bit more bamboo ah not yet okay should I just like maybe we can just use the pumpkin seeds cuz we don’t need that much

Pumpkin two or three are to do it I know that planting the pumpkin requires like a a particular placement kind of an annoying one and if you want to optimize it it’s kind of we’re not really here to optimize planting pumpkins but we’re just trying

To to get for stuff we need to get to the end and to eventually kill the dragon that is always we’re going to do as long as I stick to that we’ll be fine cuz there’s so many things you can do in Minecraft if I do

Not put down a goal like that I never I’ll never be able to achieve anything I’m not much of a builder I’m not much of a an Optimizer who’s in here again oh yeah it’s V mors I think um okay so we might uh did I did I get all the pumpkins here

Yes I did let’s see how much should I just change these into potatoes or something like that it takes less potatoes to make bone meal but like it takes a long while to plant potatoes so we’re back to square one maybe we can just can I eat melons as is Is

That ah well we find out later uh we will find out later this is enough for no this this is taking forever uh oh yeah the pumpkin seeds let’s see how many pumpkin seeds it takes to make uh Bon meal uhhuh okay well at least the the the trees are growing

Like all the when there’s like one of them on the side um this might not work it’s been we’ve we’ve planted three four trees in the in the meantime and there’s still nothing here so um I’m guess gu this is not working 1 2 3

4 we can try to grab some coal to to trade with the ones that have uh I have to to verify what kind of Trades I unlocked already I’m not PR I’m not really sure we might want uh yeah we’ll see okay I mean I can always I can always

End up making a more farm so we can kill skeletons and zombies and there’s the the the Jud mix potion look it’s it’s it’s not working damn it apparently I cannot make a big tree okay oh I think it seems I cannot make a big tree so um

We can still make trees so it’s fine if I make a mob farm we can make we can we can grab some bone for the bone meal and some uh rotten flesh to to trade with that one dude that mix potions which you know would be a good

Thing maybe we can maybe we’ll have to end up with that maybe that’s what we going to end up with uh plus to battle the well I can get I can get if I remember correctly I would need a shovel a shovel ah did I make a shovel doesn’t look like I

Did I have a tool Smith somewhere what does he want what does the tool Smith Want he tool Smith Toco or did he turn into an armorer or a weapon SME no this is a weapon SME huh huh this is the weapon Smith I had a tool Smith there was a tool Smith there was one Diamond there was one Diamond to SM but I have lost where he

Went hi ah here’s the tool Smith he wants call to It might be quicker to just upgrade someone else weapons SM they all want coal they all want coal are you stuck again dude are you stuck is he stuck is there no way for him to go up nobody he seems to be able to to go on one one block fine

So go up yes oh yeah he was stuck uh let’s see are there anything interesting down here there’s iron I can see Iron it’s just that uh we we would need an expedition to go down There yeah well going down is is easy it’s coming back up that could be a problem uh okay all right so it’s really not working it’s been 3 years there is absolutely no bigger tree here so we we’ll just go one by one it’s fine

Uh I I I’ll put one down here wait is there enough place for it to grow it’s a so question of that does it have enough place to grow at least it seems to grow even in in the snow so that’s a good thing I wouldn’t know anything of how it

Works realistically cuz there’s no snow where I leave I can only look at snow in in movies and and animation and games and be like Oh I imagine this is is going to be cold but I don’t have any idea actual idea I don’t have an a clue okay so so it’s the same as the boat getting getting getting deleted immediately see since you gave the tip I’m going to use

It that’s one one more thing one new thing I learned today this is kind of dangerous though I’m not such a stubborn person that I wouldn’t use a tip that I’m given but like sometimes it’s it’s fine but other times it might have spoiled the fun like oh that was something that I was supposed to discover on my own although optimization is usually not something

That I discover cover on my you I’m not very my head my mind is not very optimization uh uh uh oriented I’d say like I like optimizing stuff uh if it’s within my fun I like things that are efficient efficient but I don’t really go out of

My way to get that efficiency I guess and and like I said my mind is not really I’m not really built any way that I can find the most optimal way although I did learn that at some point in my life in in school like when you you make algorithms to make things

The most efficient possible and it was fun making those exercises but like in actuality I never really got to use was I could but Like the time it would take me to come up with the algorithm I could have used for something else but I respect people that that come up with those I’m the I’m the kind that would gladly use dips found by others but not NE necessarily come up with any new

Tips uh I think I’m going to keep the wheat but maybe we can change this into beetroot should I just make a farmer yeah no but the thing was the farmer but if it’s a bat food will the farmer just grab it the the the previous farmer just went

And and harvested the the wheat but I wanted to use the wheat let’s try planting some big roots and see oh right when did I get some dirt all right uh yeah I wanted to see if we can eat the melon oh we can but I don’t know I don’t know if it’s

Super efficient or not might not be not necessarily be potatoes and carrots take a while to grow that’s why I’m kind of reluctant to blend them to to to to make my economy turn uh what’s great with a mob farm is that they would drop tons of stuff or at

Least they did drop tons of stuff in in Bedrock Edition but I don’t know if the if the drop rate is better or worse in Java cuz I remember we made a a mob farm in Bedrock with my brother and it dropped so much stuff we had we had

So much arrows and bones and and uh rotten flesh it was well the the the item drop rates was high however the the the mob spawn rate was lower I think so it might be the I think it might be the opposite in Jaa it will be higher mob

Mob mob rate mob spawn rates but lower item drop rate which which is not very good for what I intend to use it for cuz I don’t want experience I just want items I want rotten flesh I want arrows and Bones essentially yeah the the melon slice was

Not very good I am already I’m already starting to starve uh in which case we might just have to like go back to to mining I guess I had started a mine but maybe we should go somewhere farther from the village so that the poor Villages and the the Golems don’t just

Die especially the the the Golems cuz the villagers will be fine as long as they go to sleep they’ll they’ll go to sleep when they need to but it’s for Golems it’s the Golems getting shot by the skeletons that I worry about Okay wait it’s already been an hour it’s already been an hour and I have nothing to show for it well at the same time this is a a game of have to be a bit patient plus I’m bumbling around like sure speedr Runners are going to

Kill the dragon in hour but I’m not a speedrunner and H I I haven’t even found a fortress yet and uh yeah and I need I need some stuff first if I remember correctly it was like six emeralds for one iron uh thingy one iron thing uh So when one irony equipment one piece of Iron Equipment so uh plus I probably need need it because for for for for blazer for Blazers are dangerous mobs and and if we find a fortress chances are we could find Weaver skeletons which are pretty dangerous mobs

Too but we have learned that we want we want we we’re going to put a chest and put down the the the stuff that is precious so that if I die I can just run back we can just do that uh however uh let’s let’s

See oh yes so I wanted to make a a shovel a shovel I wanted to make a shovel so I can grab some snow and now I am reminded that there were snow snow snow there were snowballs in the what was it I can probably just just let’s just grab the

Snow there were snbl in the chest but I was like yeah we probably not going to need it and then I checked for Blaze’s page or Wiki and he’s like M yeah we could have used the the Snowballs but it’s fine we are in a biome where snow isn’t lacking so it’s fine

This is what is it packed ice if I remember correctly ah it got broken and I only get 16 oh 16 bur stock okay Uh let’s make another chest chest and put it well we we’ll put it here this looks so goofy we’re going to put the chest here and put all the Snowballs in there I’m going to oh nice I’m going to put lots of snowballs in

Here cuz we can we can hurt a blaze of snow balls snow balls I probably should I see okay it does go pretty far oh and you can’t retrieve it well it’s fine I think it wasn’t such a bad thing in the end that I ended up in this in

This Village that I that I spent a whole last 4 hours finding V Village iron axe uh I I’m going to conserve Theon I didn’t make it right no no no no I can’t possibly have made an Aron ax right I can’t possibly have made an iron axe we have some paper uh

We just live a little life of a former life is it a farmer life or we we don’t really we are not really farming but like harvesting my life oh y y yo y my dude is ready to die at any little sudden burst of wind did I plant first I probably

Did I’m going to change it into beetroot and then once it’s full of beetroot maybe I will change one of the villages into a farmer and I’ll exchange bitot with emeralds with him I’ll treat bitot with emeralds come on we were at one second okay now

Then no but I think we we making steady progress it’s not it’s not it’s not to the level of a speedrunner reach again I not but we’re making steady progress we grabbing more wood we grabbing more sticks and uh what else oops oops well as long as my obs’s betr

Doesn’t drop to zero all of a sudden it’s fine even if a bit rate kind of L just a tiny bit come back the Stream Mhm yeah I’m just I’m just going to let’s just grab everything even if it’s not yet to the top I wonder how tall can the bum bamboos go in this game I it seems to be able to grow pretty tall actually okay Uh at some point now or later I will have to like make a whole lot of trading cuz it will take a while to grab the the the the Diamond but I I don’t I’m not going to like make a a whole trading hole and uh reset for trades every minute or

Something like that we’re just going to try to do to to deal with with the hint we are dealt and we’ll see where it goes oop okay right uh where’s my shovel I’m going to grab grab snow until my shovel is dead basically pretty neat pretty neat this this is pretty fun actually

It’s repetitive tasks like this are pretty fun okay we have lots of snow bring it blazes yeah but we’re not going to go in there naked we just uh we’re going to try to grab some more equipment hopefully okay so that is one two three no one two six seven seven

More that is seven more uh tool smth I think maybe we can like change the tool Smith SM into a farmer eventually maybe he might he might be a bit more useful that way stay There okay uh nobody’s going to be able to like jump in here right even if he opened the door and was unable to ah yeah no the door is here no the small zombies might be cuz the small zombies are just one one block tall so

That could be dangerous I hope he’s not going to open and just leave the door open that would be if that one died that would be super annoying cuz I’ve already leveled him up quite a bit I don’t like I don’t like feeling like I I I just wasted my time and

Effort that’s the kind of thing that really p PES me off so I really hope he’s not going to goof and die a very stupid death okay why is it that sometimes it takes forever to to to grow and then oh it’s it’s just fair I’m guessing it’s just how random it

Is oh plus of bitro seems to to not take that long to to grow so that’s that yeah but it’s just one though it’s just one one bit root but it doesn’t take too long I think then again I wasn’t there to watch it grow so I don’t know if it’s just

Unbiased or not we see I think we’re just going to turn stuff into bone meal still wheat seed and the Pumpkin Seed there’s lots of pumpkin still that way in that way so if we need more we can always grab more that’s fine so I’m just going to transform this into bone

Meal I think part of the the saplings too I can use there we go okay so today was super chill I think I’m going to stay here too too too long I don’t know I don’t know how how this this works so far the the the

Stream has been stable enough well we we dropped a just tiny bit of frames at some point but it has been stable enough although maybe I should just try to see how far we can go today if if it’s stable or not I still haven’t been pointing what

The heck was the problem with my stream or is just a a a deu tied to my location VI over there I tested uh my my speed with twitch and it was horrendous on every server like like everything is so far away it it’s just no it just

Noed I I I am I am I am amazed that I was able to stream it all yeah but well I I had used some um restream which I think has its own relay relay server and it seemed to to to agree more with me still the the

Streaming on Twitch was pretty rough compared to Here on YouTube where it’s just OBS problems on Twitch it was everything Problems but it’s fine it’s fine we won’t let that stop us as long as I can do stuff here that’s already one platform where work so let’s just count of blessings why why are you not growing ah it grew it grew nice it it grew and in the in the

Process inomed me in the ground but at least I didn’t suffocate to death so that’s a win in my book I’m just going to count wins that’s what we’re going to do just count the winds Oh My Stream wasn’t able to I I I had I had another hiup on

Stream today it’s fine I was able to uh drink water actually I might I might make a bingo or a drinking game out of my streams like okay no but compared to when I started it’s it’s so much it’s it’s so much better right now like for example I

Was able to get rid of uh until power cuts debuff which was I I I depended on a on an electrical company that had power outages out of nowhere like more than half of a time this year I had days many many many many many many days where we it was 9

Hours of power rage per day like okay what what do you what do you expect to even be able to do but thank God we were able to find an alternative solution to that and now what else what other debuff was I able to get rid

Of there’s lots of things like that you have to just move forward just move forward you get look back but continue moving forward in any case it’s when you have lots of lots of limitations that you were able to like really rest of a challenge when everything is served on the silver

Platter well you know well obviously there are times where you want to have it easy you know but it’s not such a bad thing to to have to find Solutions either okay uh do we have enough No how a bamboo doing bamboo bamboo Bamboo I don’t know I’m going to I’m going to sit bamboo and then just just wing it with that bamboo I mean it sounds nice bamboo Bamboo I don’t know bamboo sounds weird to me but a lot of the time what I think

Sounds weird is actually the pronunciation in one version or another so like okay okay I thought I thought it was pronounced this way but apparently it’s not uh why is my is my keyboard dying oh well if it’s just for keyboard dying I can I can I can actually make

Make do with that if it’s just a keyboard dying I’ll take that I’ll take that over my my stream disconnecting oh yeah for moment I say that the the bit R low it come at this stream come on it will be fine stream it would be fine come

On it’s okay it’s okay it’s it’s okay okay we back in the in we’re back in the green we’re back okay if it’s just that we can we can make do ah I said nothing no go back go back why no no no no no why why the stream the stream is fighting

For its life it’s fighting comat this dream you’re like me you’re f sper stream go on come on stream you can do this we can go back to the river green I wonder what the V is going to look like it’s like okay oh oh dude the stream is fighting for its life

Right now oh no oh no no no no no it’s good ah that one wasn’t ripe yet okay back in the green we back in the green it should be fine it should be fine now it’s all right now it’s all right now it would see today was more of a

Lumberjack farmer stream than than than Blaze Rod farming but it’s fine it’s fine we can ah it’s turning red again the stream is fighting for his life right now well little oopsies little little hiccups in connection I guess as long as it’s not a full disconnect I’ll take that we will take that

Ah I forgot to plant first saplings I went directly to cutting but I forgot to plant don’t forgot don’t forget folks after you cut trees plant some again why are these two not not growing ah shoot I cut one to the to the root ah ah okay this is dangerous this is dangerous

Do Vis at home if I remember correctly T is bamboo in Japanese bamboo Bamboo we should just we should just check how it’s pron announced that’s not even an a difficult thing to do with internet like here stly saying it however I wish to say it I’m not a native speaker anyway it’s

Always going to be imperfect so you might remember me as Nova the girl who is UN unable to pronounce any English word the correct way but it’s kind of fun that that would be great that would be a nice title I would Embrace that title as long as I don’t sound annoying

I’ll embrace the title oopa oopa uh okay ah no we cut another bamboo to the root okay there we go there we go okay it’s fine it’s fine today is more my my life my little fmer life than uh blizz ro blizz ro Hunter but I kind of like

That it was a nice nice way to like test my set up the stream is fighting for his life in the background I hope the VOD Will Survive fine yes sir the pigs and the cows living the lives ah okay let’s oh no is it my keyboard dying my keyboard seems to be

Dying okay let’s grab the the food raw chicken raw mton cooked pork chop well there was a me melon slices but they they they think they they they don’t they don’t they don’t keep our hunger very where is it they don’t seem to be super super good at holding our hunger

At Bay so let’s potatoes we can make baked potatoes but I don’t know if baked potatoes are uh uh any good for example a steak will will um will give you back for for for for units of hunger is how I’ll say it same for uh cooked M oh cook uh

Uh cooked pork chop I’m guessing the mutton must be something similar maybe I don’t know I don’t know about a baked potato is a baked potato any good I’ll just leave it be for now as long as we food we are we good in food I wonder I wonder if I had Uh someone with me well having someone having someone of you or doing this means you you can do a lot of things at the same time but that also means you need more more resources so well that that means i’ need more food more equipment you go quicker when you’re

Alone but I think the bumbers are just like bonuses cuz seeing seeing the the the speed at which they grow and the amount of sticks I can convert them to it might not be like the the best way actually stay there my dude I still have some come on

More even more oh no just one more stay there don’t go anywhere stay there stay there I think the trees are are the the the quickest way to get the the sticks still but we can have a bonus with the bumbles so it’s fine to plus it’s not just for conversion of

Log to stick cuz when the leaves fall they can also leave some stick so yeah bamboo Bamboo yeah cuz like this this this W Bamboozled so I’m going to assume it’s bamboo why is it Bumbo okay so we’re going to put more here and I even used okay how do you make a a a a pie like if I wanted to make a pumpkin pie how would it work what do I need ah probably we need eggs or something like that

Pump pumpkin pie oh yeah eggs and sugar yeah and to grab sugar we need uh sugar cane yeah well no that’s that’s a lot of steps just for that okay so we have 16 oh we should Pro we probably have enough for uh a full set of uh Iron Equipment right

Now right 29 29 need six per piece and we want uh one two three pieces yeah we have enough we have enough for for that uh but I don’t I think it’s a good idea to like grab a bow and some arrows to bwing some Arrows okay A bit of a stretch and drinking water uh Man my back cracked so loudly Felt So Good okay um but we also want Arrow bow and arrow a bow and arrows would be good to have uh maybe I can convert the the tool Smith into a a farmer if it’s just be Ro I don’t know cuz cuz if they grab the

Weed and they change it into well if they grab the wheat and change it into bread they’ll be giving food to the hungry Villages and they’ll produce more Villages which isn’t a bad thing per se so yeah uh but beyond that okay let’s let’s go back we don’t need the pumpkin right now

Uh oh it’s a shame the the Leever the the there’s no one who would buy Redstone but a cleric would would exchange cleric would trade uh Redstone for Emerald but nobody would trade Emerald for Redstone so it’s kind of a it’s a bit of a wasted resource right

Now cuz I I don’t intend to use it uh so I was thinking we can probably just ah don’t die Golems don’t die that would be quite problematic if should die okay okay let’s just turn the logs into plank uh planks and sticks that moment at the beginning

Where I was just struggling with simple MTH like oh my God stay there stay there stay there stay there stay there stay there H he’s like huh oh no no more stuck when when is he going to go go back go back inside sir go back

Inside I need you to go back inside that house right I will be very cross if something happen to you it is for your own safety sir can I interest you into going back inside your yes good boy there we go okay so what does that mean when when is he

Going to he needs to sleep is that it he he I need more stuff stuck uh wait so Villages Villages stock uh villages have limited number of treats per day so if you exed all of the Tre W restock until the next day okay okay okay okay there just the one dude so uh cuz the other option is that there aren’t enough workstations but that that

Is not that is not a problem I will be facing cuz it’s just that one dude okay so it’s tomorrow tomorrow more okay I’ve exhausted his trades for the day but tomorrow there will be more uh I I think we can probably make or can

We oh I have not a single piece of string um uh so so we’re going to buy a bow and some arrows I guess in case but I wouldn’t be having that much Arrow that’s what that’s what’s making me a bit or should we try to like Farm a bit more iron to

See we’ve we’ve made good progress uh with with everything here so I’m thinking of maybe go go going mining a bit once we go back to the nether I don’t know which direction I should be taking should I just continue going past the the the the the

Blue Forest we found or should I try going the other way I I’m not sure I don’t know might I mean uh fortresses do be just spawning randomly and there’s a chance we could be in any biome so I really just have to like wander for the the

Nether and pray and hope I find one I don’t know how much how much time that would take so I think we’re going to do that for or should we just do that now it’s been uh it’s been almost 2 hours since you started uh I do not know

Well even we try to we start finding a a a fortress now and next time we’re going to start farming The Blaze maybe maybe that that that’s what I should be doing that way we we we’d be able to like accomplish something more substantial than just than just having traded with the villagers

Hello welcome maybe that’s what we going to do maybe we’re just going to we’re just going to it was like goes a bot hello welcome and then I went back to my conversation like wow okay I am not a bot I am not a bot um what was I going to

Do I lost uh ah okay so I was going to make another axe we’re going to make an axe no yeah I think we’re going to we’re going to grab some equipment mhm and uh and start looking for a fortress that might take a while so we

Can start now if I am lucky I can find one now and next stream we’re going to start farming the blazes that would be the most ideal scenario but knowing my luck I would not count on the most ideal scenario I’m going to expect having to go free

Streams with nothing to show for it and then mirus mously we’re going to we’re going to find it on the fifth stream we are we are we are trying to kill the Ender Dragon but uh right now we are still at the need BL Rod need blaze rods

Stage and before we can get the blaze rods we need to find the Fortress that’s where we are right now and so I have been treated with a villages to grab some equipment because my my my last uh Escapade in the nether was uh not the smoothest thing ever let’s

Just see let’s just see it was not the smoothest thing ever okay food I got robbed by piglins and uh killed by Endermen but we somehow made it through in one base yes absolutely and right now we are yeah I think we’re just going to uh where did I

Put my where’s the dude F I had dropped the dude somewhere ah there they are hi hi I dropped them in there so I I could you know what maybe maybe what I’m going to do is I’m going to make make an entrance from the roof or something like

That so it would be easier for me to go around but first sleep sleep sleep sleep sleep okay we Are uh oh what do I need to make uh no no no but we need sticks for we need sticks for oh nice if I want to make ladders we need sticks but I need sticks to trade my voice is very oh thank you very much I’m glad that you

Find my voice nice it is a it would be very unfortunate if my voice was C on your nerves cuz that would mean you wouldn’t want to listen to it I am glad I am very glad especially since like anyone else I have gone through quite the the period of time where I

Didn’t quite like my voice but well we’ll grow out of that eventually I think okay I think we can uh oh yeah so what was I wanted to do I wanted to um spru sapling wheat it’s just today was just uh my little farm life can you believe Minecraft will be I

Unfortunately I do not have a a server that is open to the public so that is not quite possible quite yet I am sorry you you’re the second person that’s been asking me this today maybe I should consider it eventually but like right now I that that is not quite in the plans

Yet okay so we are going to turn the bamboo into Sticks and uh I think we’re going to make a few ladder that’s a lot of Sticks may maybe we should just leave it maybe we should just leave it be it’s like is it really worth it is it really worth it we can probably just make a uh another system to to get inside the houses without having to H we can make trap doors and enter

For the trap doors uh yeah but then yeah and then I I just bring I just bring some blocks with me so dirt for example with me and I I I go in and out of there with that yeah let’s do that uh so what was I going to do I’m

Going to grab the emerald do I do live streaming every day uh for now not quite I uh I am currently only streaming every week but if I uh find a good rhythm with everything else that I’m doing because I also do other content mainly

Uh music covers if I find a good Rhythm uh in which I can sustain both my over content and for streaming I might eventually get to streaming more often but for now it’s a it’s a stream a week it’s a weekly stream but I haven’t quite uh blocked

The slot yet like the the day I’ve been testing I’ve been streaming on a Wednesday on a Thursday on a Friday on a Sunday I don’t know quite yet which which day I will stick to if I will stick to one really just dusting okay this dude

Uh so what I’m going to do is I’m going to it’s going to look ugly ah we don’t care we don’t care it’s fine even if it if it looks ugly wait I need more blocks we need more blocks right now I I I I am not sure

That it is quite sustainable for me to stream every day but if I do get in a good Rhythm I might do it it’s just that it takes it does take some energy to do that and if it means that it is going to to take a slot of something else I

Could be doing for now my my uh what is it my objective is to have one cover every month but I’d like to like be a bit more I have lots of other ideas that I want to get out there so it’s really a question of what is most sustainable for me right

Now raw rabbit this is something that I was supposed to cook yes cook this at least I think food wise we we’re pretty good I think foodwise I think we we’re fine uh and even if we’re not I can always like go on the on the Killing Spree on the livestock Killing

Spree uh maybe we can no no no no I cannot break if I break for look at him oh yeah I wanted to make some trap doors is it really worth doing all that I don’t know ah I mean okay we’re going to we’re just going to do We how old am I older than what my voice and appearance might suggest oh nice I got a dis discount I got a discount nice very nice oh no not enough I appreciate the discount dude yeah that’s that’s oh oh oh oh oh no go back go back inside or at least do

Something do do something useful like pop another Golem maybe go back inside I have to keep an eye on him and the moment he goes back inside po I’ll block him In so are you going to tell him good things about me so the more you trade with them Ah that’s that’s a nice thing that’s a good thing I traded so much with him he gave me a discount okay you stay in there plus it’s a marker for me to know which ones

Are are important to me do I only play Minecraft or play over game too yeah no no it’s not just Minecraft I am I’m I I’m not only playing Minecraft right now I’m playing Minecraft because I have a I I want to achieve a mission of killing the the

Ender Dragon but I do not only play Minecraft if you’re interested you can look at my over over playthroughs so far I have finished Alice manness returns an obscure game well what I thought was an obscure game but apparently there are quite a number of people that that knows

It or at least searched for it uh a game called Lads of ever quests and then what else what else did I finish I finished doie doie literator club and uh what else I intend to eventually finish uh my run of Devil May Cry 5 with Virgil cuz I

Had started that last year and I still hav haven’t finished uh what else there’s also Prince of Persia Warrior weing but that one I am not going to stream anymore because uh the game was just awful like I sorry if it’s your whole childhood or something but the game was

Awful awful the controls are awful so I had to like dig dig a step back I am going to make a video finishing it but I’m not going to stream that anymore eventually I’m going to stream over games but like I’m trying to I’m trying to finish this Minecraft at least if I

Am able to like slot another stream in a week like like two streams per week we might do another game live streaming is going to be be about games and from time to time Kar and other types of life singing essentially that’s what’s going to happen well that’s that’s the the those

Are the projects at least I think no but I have a I I have a good feeling I have a good feeling I I think uh I’m starting to get for for hang of stuff please universe not the moment I say that don’t give me another problem

Like for example last year I was always always sick this year I’ve been pretty fine so yeah no there there a balance you know if you get a nail somewhere you get a win somewhere else it’s got to be it’s got to be

Uh okay so what I was going to do is I’m going to get in here and crab are you want to start it I started trading with this one I haven’t started trading with but this one I did okay so uh 7 n let’s just grab f grab

This grab this and then we’re going to grab f h okay good it was good doing business with you uh no no no no no bye-bye okay so we’re going to put this on put this on put this on I also have a shield waiting around

Maybe we’ll just go and try to find the Fortress first uh it might be a bit dangerous without the without the what was it without the bow I don’t know but I want to at least try to find a fortress start trying to find the Fortress uh okay so all

This going to put the emerald in here I have a bucket some pickaxe a flint and steel yeah no we we we keep a flint and steel uh uh okay one iron pickaxe over the stuff that we might need some food we don’t need the shears there I’m grabbing the

Torches uh we don’t need this we don’t need this we’re going to grab all the blocks oh not for Grabel we’re going to grab all the blocks all the building blocks not for dir cuz the Ender there are Endermen we’re going to grab that okay how long have I been playing Minecraft

Ah did I start playing last year or was it the year before not long all in all not very long I have never killed the dragon that is part of why I have wanted to do this once and for all uh and I’ve only just bumbled around

Trying to it was it was always yeah eventually let’s kill the dragon but it was always just me bumbling around building building Farms essentially I find I find I found tutorials on the internet on how to make farms and I I Tred to replicate them and that’s the the extent of it let’s

Make another another another another chest so we’ll have a double chest ready uh I do hope it won’t be too far oh maybe we can grab the grab the door here so that I can make a little base there we go should I already grab some

Snow no let’s leave it be for now and let’s go like this uh oh the trees are okay it’s good okay let’s go trying to find a for Fortress I don’t expect to find one real quick cuz it’s something that usually takes a while oh I don’t know it really it’s

Really it really depends oh yeah but it’s not like I can go this way cuz there was this yeah well I mean I can always try to go through there but like for the moment I saw the lava flowing through there I was like yeah no not in that direction we can

Try so I went through here and I found a we can try going this way next the important the important part is or should we go for here uh 82 the important part is like to have a a a field of vision to see where I’m going

Essentially this is a an annoying biome cuz there’s there there pigs pigling is fine cuz now I have a piece of golden I I have a piece of golden equipment but like uh how do I know far biome Crimson Forest and in that direction there’s a

No way no I I think it’s not super let’s let’s try going this way next I think that’s that’s a good good enough idea let’s try going this way next I’m going toh yeah no no let’s go with these blocks cuz that way was a a the blue forest and there was lava

Everywhere so I kind of want to see what what’s this way for example I haven’t brought much with me but it’s fine as long as I can return to base afterward please an opening Soon okay and opening hling oh no hoglin is annoying Arrow what why is there an narrow hidden zombified pigling grunts hoglin steps hling grolls where’s the where’s the hoglin cuz I can kill it here essentially I I can bring it here And piglin or should I should I just continue forward I don’t know this is annoying this look like looks like a cabin I think let’s just continue it’s fine if we run out of uh blocks we’re just going to in any case I don’t see anything here so I don’t think this

Is I don’t think this is interesting place to stop Uh I’m just going to go this way I don’t know what this is Have I on a speed run before no never never I haven’t actually been playing long enough of that and I don’t think it I don’t think speedr runs are my thing in any in any case ah yeah noes what was that hling GRS uh doesn’t look like a good place to

But like this is really bad there so much lava everywhere or or should we try this way for a moment I come out there’s a hugging okay no hug Lings maybe we can should I go in this way instead there’s so much oh for zombies okay it’s my it’s my

It’s my shaders we dying uh where’s the shaders uh oops I do not remember where can I where can I un uncheck them this is going to be bad resource Packs enhances the UI contrast of Minecraft the classic look of Minecraft build in no uh where is it again it’s it’s something that I just just installed at the beginning and never looked never went back to so I’m like m is this trying to go to me yeah okay

Wait wait this is this is a bit of a dangerous place to be so where did okay he came from here he he he he popped here he spawned here all right is this kind of an annoying place to be uh honestly okay so uh where was it again man I don’t remember

Shoot sh shaders I don’t remember where it is enable or disable options video settings okay video video settings shaders very it is okay I think we’re going to go with off cuz it looks like fores are dying which is a damn shine oh y yeah it’s it’s really

Different it’s really different uh but everything was a bit too shiny and the even the even the zombie fight piglins turned into something weird so we’ll just we’ll just I’ll I’ll I’ll look up I look up at how to maybe we can try going this way honestly let’s let’s go this way let’s

See wherever this goes that that didn’t look interesting at all ah okay well I can I can deal with this uh as long as ah shoot but um there’s no Fortress right is there going to be a a a gas well that that’s that’s a possibil that’s a high possibility that’s a high

Possibility but at least right now it seems we are not we never waste okay we changed we changed biomes biome directly so that’s good uh doesn’t look like there’s any traces of a fortress it’s a good thing we changed we changed biome directly but does it look like

There’s a trace of a fortress so okay well like that is fine cuz uh I think the gas won’t necessarily find me see me uh although maybe eventually oh we don’t really need to like think of anything much we shaders everything was super shiny uh but right now everything is super flat

Toned but but the shaders were dying it was bad oh okay what was that sound or is just was that just a for regular don’t think it’s just regular never sounds ha oop that was quick okay keep your POV at 80 what what does that mean uh Crimson stem

Oh yeah that’s the thing that I what is puv at 80 oh don’t don’t really this is a complete new bubbling R so like if this a kind of thing that makes you go I’m very sorry but that’s like the whole point of this his Adventure uh

Gravel there’s a lot of gravel around yeah no I don’t okay ah no not b OO a fully a full full gold decked pigling Though does this okay uh well I’m guessing we’re just going to oh zombified P okay if it’s a zombified pigling it’s fine zombie fight bigin is fine okay so where are we going to go are we going to continue forward maybe I should be making some stairs so I

Won’t so I won’t die ah I knew it of course there’s going to be a gust of course and then the moment the moment I stop looking at it or if I try to if I Tred to to fire at it it’s probably going to disappear immediately

I’m not going to wait around for it to see me so let’s just continue for now it’s going to be annoying trying to Return should we go through here yeah know but it’s not really anything I I just need to like continue I think I’m just going to continue it doesn’t look like there’s anything aside from the gold which I’m going to Grab because I am not I’m not sure I won’t need it I remember when I first grabbed the golden I was like oh nice okay yeah I I think it’s better if we make a like this ah no not that way I’m going to put this here so I

Remember where I went the direction I went cuz I’m the that the moment I turn around I’ll be lost okay ah let’s add some blocks here here so I won’t run to my death better safe and sorry okay and now we go I’m guessing we just going to Continue like this and then we just I think we’re just going to continue straight this way and see see where it goes H this here ah oh no not this oh no magma cubes well we are going to continue staying up here I think I am not going down

However I don’t think I want the buzzle puzzle puzzled uh puzzled waste no uh puzzle we still never waste but but this is basle I don’t remember what it’s going to be annoying it’s going to be super annoying no no no no no I am not I am not maybe maybe let’s

Go towards here maybe let’s go toward it here ah no doesn’t look like there’s any Fortress around anyway so I hate the magma cubes they’re super annoying they hit really hard for no reason to there so much gold so much gold uh well let’s just

Continue uh it would be great if I could find a what was it a fortress an an end fair today but uh cuz it’s been it’s Been it’s been 2 hours and a half now uh uh so I like like finish by finding a fortress uh but I don’t know we’ll see we’ll see I do it like this so I can see what’s around me but uh I don’t know I don’t know if it’s a good idea or

Not ah we going to run out of sticks soon so actually we might have to go back anyway we might have to go back anyway okay uh I didn’t like how that looked because once I’m out of once I’m out of uh uh what’s his name pickaxe it will have to end here

Uh give me give me give me give me give me the oh down wall did I get it I probably probably did probably possibly hopefully I forgot to count to to to check how much I had prior I hear lava but uh well the good thing is

That if I remember correctly lava flows really slowly here so we have time to to block it if it really comes to that lava Bops ah uh wait okay yeah know what it’s just doesn’t look like there’s a fortress around here but the bad thing is if it’s something that uh popped in

In like inside for ground or something like that oh where’s that Gast a I don’t like that okay let’s let’s just go this way or is it actually that way ouch the sound of the pickaxe breaking is so loud in my ears and super scary actually huh oh no is it

Sor is it s oh is it sensor or no uh send uh uh no uh soul soul soul soil but actually let’s put let’s put a cuz the moment I turn around I’m I’m just okay the moment I turn around I’m just completely lost so it’s important to have something

Like this tell me where I’m going oh dear so what do I do do I go the problem is the moment it it gets uh ignited it will kill me cuz it it it burns like uh I don’t know how many times more than normal fire cuz it’s going to Pro produce Soul

Fire so if I if I get hit by a damn gust oh what do I do do I make a do I make a shovel and go for Here plus it it it um it slows you down when you when you walk on it know what let’s see let’s see where this goes that is Soul Sand okay the one with uh oh this is bad okay oh okay so there’s there’s there’s a there’s bones

If I remember correctly if there are bones that means there what was it so okay so we we entered into a Soul Sand Valley my voice is C we’ve entered into a Soul Sand Valley ah we can try to continue forward H we can try to continue forward and see but wait isn’t

Scent isn’t this kind of dangerous I mean it is it definitely is but uh maybe we should put something more a as as long as the guest doesn’t see me it’s fine I was going to say something more durable but as long as the the gas

Doesn’t see me it won’t blast me away so let’s just go like this oh over it’s an ender man okay uh I was like wait what okay um do the bones been here mean anything like f f I think it’s a fossil fossil Minecraft fossil in never I don’t know

Is it an indicator of anything if fossils are structures that can be found in Soul and valleys that are form creatures of the past compos of bone blocks which can be crafted into bones and bone meal okay okay Okay it’s just it’s it’s just neat I guess it’s it’s just there okay so I’m going to put this maybe I should just block everything so there’s no Gest that sees me I I don’t see anything H for me anyway doesn’t look like there’s a there’s a doesn’t look like there’s a fortress

Right here so I’ll just go just go through yeah it would be quicker with a shovel but like let just go let’s just go for now I really hope we can find the Fortress soon this is kind of he there’s a skeleton ah yeah yeah

But there are skeletons in the the S and Valley so that’s normal this just it is just a normal occurrence nothing particularly interesting here I I thought I I had stopped creeping and I thought I was going to die that was scary okay uh yeah know doesn’t look doesn’t look like it’s

Anywhere around here I’m just going to continue blocking so no gas can Blast Me by seeing me ideally I’d have some glass with me but uh we don’t have that right now I I ah where is it where’s the Gest yeah it’s it’s a long stretch why why am I hearing a zombified

Pigling when I can’t see it I wonder yes hello again oh h and skeleton if it was a wer skeleton I’ll be cuz cuz that would mean it’s a fortress but I do not see any Fortress yet man what kind of cursed place is this okay let’s let’s just let’s just

Continue let’s just continue with a bit of luck uh with a lot of luck we’ll eventually find the Fortress eventually maybe let’s try getting towards that that zombified pigling oh dear Lord this is dangerous where is it where is it I don’t see it where are you oh there it is

This is going to be annoying this is going to be super annoying H if I go back like that was it enough to to make it make it despawn apparently not I mean if it just stay down there I don’t like this I I need a bow and

Arrow I need a bow and arrow where did it go where did oh okay maybe maybe let’s just call it a day we need a bow there this this is super annoying this is super annoying what is that where is the way next time we’re going to grab some bow in Arrows and and and be prepared to kill the gests this is super annoying and we are still not closer to I don’t know I I don’t actually know I don’t know if we’re closer or not to getting a to get into the get into the okay ah it’s not actually that far

Once you run through it it’s just that it takes a while to get anywhere it’s probably night no ah not quite night but almost there okay I think we’re going to stop here for today I’m going to go back to the never with with some arrows bow and

Arrows to deal with the the gas cuz it’s super annoying I can’t really risk just going in there unprepared like that I was hoping it would be um it’s just finding the The Fortress but just finding the Fortress Is is actually kind of a tall order so that’s

What we’re going to do next time yeah next time will be next week I don’t know yet what day it will be uh but uh you will see the the the stream on the channel in any case yeah so thank you very much for dropping by

Today I hope you had a nice time uh take care of yourselves see you next time oh yeah and also thank you very much for the support it’s really truly appreciate it have a nice rest of whatever part of the day you have Byebye

This video, titled ‘Noob VS Ender Dragon: My little farmer life – Nova plays: Minecraft’, was uploaded by Kuroshiro Nova on 2023-12-01 16:06:57. It has garnered 187 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 02:56:08 or 10568 seconds.

I’m aiming for the dragon’s head! Let’s see how long it takes! Gaming stream/videos rule is NO BACKSEATING especially for first playthroughs/experience, unless I explicitly ask for help, thank you!

BGM: Diamond by @RaHents

Stay up to date with my activities on: https://twitter.com/KuroshiroNova

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    Thank You Minecraft Pocket Edition Part 3 The Evolution of Minecraft Pocket Edition Part 3 Minecraft Pocket Edition Part 3 has been a significant milestone in the evolution of the popular game. From new features to exciting gameplay elements, this edition has captured the hearts of players worldwide. Exploring 3D Texture Packs One of the most notable additions to Minecraft Pocket Edition Part 3 is the introduction of 3D texture packs. These packs allow players to customize the look and feel of their game, adding a new level of immersion and creativity to the experience. Embracing Third-Person View With the inclusion of a third-person view option,… Read More

  • Craft a Dispenser, Minecraft Style: Quick & Painless!

    Craft a Dispenser, Minecraft Style: Quick & Painless! In Minecraft’s world, a dispenser is key, To hold and dispense items, just wait and see. Craft it with bows and cobblestone too, A redstone dust to power, it’s what you must do. Load it up with arrows, or maybe some food, Dispense them with style, in a playful mood. An automatic dispenser, a redstone trick, Connect it to a clock, watch items flick. So there you have it, a dispenser so neat, In Minecraft’s world, it’s quite a feat. Now go and craft one, in your own game, And watch as your items, dispense without shame. Read More

  • Join Minewind Server for Epic Minecraft Celebrations!

    Join Minewind Server for Epic Minecraft Celebrations! Welcome to Newsminecraft.com, your go-to source for all things Minecraft! Today, we want to talk to you about the recent special event celebrating 15 years of Minecraft with popular YouTubers like Aypierre, Siphano, Bichard, Fuze, and Mathox. While watching their livestream on Twitch, you may have been inspired to dive back into the world of Minecraft yourself. But why play alone when you can join a thriving community of players on Minewind Minecraft Server? With an IP address of YT.MINEWIND.NET, Minewind offers a unique and exciting gameplay experience that you won’t find anywhere else. From intense PvP battles to… Read More

  • Desert Shenanigans: Minecraft Zelda Adventure

    Desert Shenanigans: Minecraft Zelda Adventure Angekommen in der Wüste: A Minecraft Adventure Embark on an exciting Minecraft adventure as our protagonist explores a captivating map in this thrilling episode. Join the journey through a unique AdventureCraft Launcher experience that promises endless fun and surprises! Exploring the AdventureCraft Launcher Discover a whole new world of possibilities with the AdventureCraft Launcher, offering exclusive gameplay that is not available elsewhere. Dive into the action by downloading the launcher from AdventureCraft.dev and immerse yourself in a one-of-a-kind Minecraft experience. Join the Community Connect with fellow gamers and enthusiasts by engaging with the vibrant community surrounding this Minecraft adventure…. Read More

  • Crafting Cash in My Minecraft City | Time Banked

    Crafting Cash in My Minecraft City | Time Banked In my Minecraft city, a bank I did build, With timelapse magic, my vision fulfilled. From planning to finish, each step in line, Crafting a masterpiece, a sight so divine. Gathering resources, preparing with care, Every block in place, a grand affair. Step by step, the bank took shape, A testament to creativity, no escape. The final reveal, a stunning sight, In my Minecraft city, shining bright. Inspiration for builders, a joy to behold, In the world of blocks, stories untold. Like, comment, subscribe, don’t be shy, For more epic builds, watch me fly. Minecraft magic, in every rhyme,… Read More

  • Minecraft Mayhem: Family Feud Frenzy!

    Minecraft Mayhem: Family Feud Frenzy! In the world of Minecraft, where blocks reign supreme, We bring you news that’s more than just a dream. Family Feud, but in Minecraft’s domain, AquaVerse Redux brings the game to fame. Join the fun, watch the battles unfold, As families clash in a world so bold. With wits and skills put to the test, Who will emerge as the very best? Subscribe to AquaVerse, don’t miss a beat, For gaming content that’s oh so sweet. Follow on Discord, YouTube, and more, For updates and laughs galore. So leap into the verse, let the story sing, In every pulsing… Read More

  • Crafty Elixirs: MCPF Mod’s Guide to Minecraft Magic

    Crafty Elixirs: MCPF Mod's Guide to Minecraft Magic In the world of Minecraft, potions are key, To survive and thrive, they’re a necessity. With the MCPF Mod, you’ll learn the way, To craft elixirs that will save the day. Mix ingredients carefully, follow the guide, To create potions that will turn the tide. From strength to speed, and even invisibility, You’ll be unstoppable, with perfect agility. But remember, caution is always wise, Drink with care, don’t meet your demise. Transport them safely, in a secure place, To ensure they’re ready for your next race. So dive into the world of potions and brews, With the MCPF Mod,… Read More

  • 7 Dias de Sobrevivência em Minecraft: Construindo e Protegendo Minha Base

    7 Dias de Sobrevivência em Minecraft: Construindo e Protegendo Minha Base The Adventures of Minecraft – 7 Days of Survival: Building, Modifying, and Protecting My Base Embark on a thrilling journey in the world of Minecraft with Fabulas do Luar as they dive into the challenges of survival, building, modifying, and protecting their base. Join them as they explore the vast landscapes, encounter dangerous creatures, and unleash their creativity in this exciting gameplay series. Building a Strong Foundation From crafting tools to constructing shelters, Fabulas do Luar demonstrates the importance of building a strong foundation in Minecraft. Watch as they gather resources, mine for valuable materials, and create intricate structures… Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Fail Compilation

    Ultimate Minecraft Fail Compilation Welcome to the Minecraft Community Server! Join the Bedrock Community Are you a Bedrocker looking for a new adventure? Join the new Community Server hosted by @goutshiblack. The server is running on version 1.20.81, offering a fresh experience for all players. How to Join Join the Discord server: Discord Link Accept the rules of the server. Read and accept the server information. Enter your in-game name in the server registration. Once a green checkmark appears, you’re whitelisted and ready to start your journey. Have fun exploring and building in this new Minecraft community! Music and Support All the music… Read More

  • Slyboi Completes Castle Base!

    Slyboi Completes Castle Base!Video Information This video, titled ‘FINISHING THE CASTLE BASE! – Minecraft Bedrock Live 🔴’, was uploaded by Chazyyyboi on 2024-03-23 10:18:12. It has garnered 43 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 01:57:57 or 7077 seconds. Join us as we upgrade our armor and continue work on our mega base! ==================================================================================================== 🔴This stream has an estimated length of 2 hours 🙂 🌅Resource packs used: Vanilla RTX 🎚️Music used (credit): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ks3DUf4Emog ==================================================================================================== Like my videos? Feel free to support me and keep up with my latest videos! ❤️Subscribe: https://bit.ly/ChazyyyboiSubscribe 📺Second channel (BTS): https://bit.ly/ChazyyyboiSecondChannel 👾Discord: https://bit.ly/ChazyyyboiAnnouncements 🎵TikTok: http://bit.ly/ChazyyyboiTikTok 🐦Twitter:… Read More

  • Unhinged Gamer Dominates Minecraft Survival! #1

    Unhinged Gamer Dominates Minecraft Survival! #1Video Information This video, titled ‘Welcome to Minecraft survival series ! pocket edition #1’, was uploaded by All Gaming King on 2024-01-18 02:30:07. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Welcome to Minecraft survival series ! pocket edition #1 #minecraft #minecraftsurvival #allgamingkinng #minecraftpe Minecraft … Read More

  • Solar Eclipse Madness! PyjamaPrince Builds Functioning Eclipse

    Solar Eclipse Madness! PyjamaPrince Builds Functioning EclipseVideo Information This video, titled ‘Let’s build a Functioning Solar Eclipse!’, was uploaded by PyjamaPrince on 2024-03-25 06:08:40. It has garnered 977 views and 71 likes. The duration of the video is 02:24:44 or 8684 seconds. For episode 5 of the Hardcore Minecraft series we’ll be heading to the End to construct a working Solar Eclipse! #minecraft #solareclipse #hardcore #megabase #megastructure Read More

  • Boost FPS with Safe Minecraft TLuncher & Hindi Mods!

    Boost FPS with Safe Minecraft TLuncher & Hindi Mods!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft TLuncher is now safe and Get some More FPS boosting mods and tips [ in hindi tutorial ]’, was uploaded by T.G gaming on 2024-01-13 12:22:20. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. 【DISℂOℝD SEℝVEℝ 】 https://discord.gg/KStVZcUd 【Whatsapp Group】 … Read More

  • Unbelievable Farewell to Iron Giants in Minecraft! #minecraft

    Unbelievable Farewell to Iron Giants in Minecraft! #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Farewell to Iron Giants: A Melancholic Tribute in Minecraft #minecraft’, was uploaded by PristineFrog Gaming on 2024-01-10 22:00:35. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. In this poignant Minecraft Short, we gather to pay our respects to the silent guardians of our Iron Farm—our loyal Iron Golems. Read More

  • 🔥Sensational Beauties & Their Hot Dance Moves!

    🔥Sensational Beauties & Their Hot Dance Moves!Video Information This video, titled ‘beautiful dance’, was uploaded by Beauty and Hoty girls on 2024-06-05 21:29:30. It has garnered 0 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:19 or 19 seconds. #minecraft #tiktok #enderman #mine #craft #animation #Minecraft, #Daily, #Short, #Funny, #Cute, #Relatable, #Tiktok, #Aesthetic, #Minecraft, #Cute, #Funny, #Short, #Videos, #Daily, #minecraftdeutsch, #deutsch #funny #minecraft, #minecraft #hindi, #minecraftespanol, #espanol #mrbeast, #top10, #hot #minecraft, #cute #minekraft, #cute #minceraft, #2b2t, #gommehd, #minekraft #shorts, #minecraft #shorts, #gaming, #fortniteminecraft, #minecraftfortnite, #warzone, #Monsterschool, #Enderman, #creeper,#pig, #nether, #sky, #beauty, #crafting, #cutebuilds, #Minecraftsongs, #Cuteminecraft #Cuteminecraftsongs, #Minecraftbetterfortnite #hola #minecraft #minecraftmemes #minecraftpe #minecraftonly #minecraftpc #minecrafter… Read More

  • Insane!! Transforming Minecraft with 4000x Textures

    Insane!! Transforming Minecraft with 4000x TexturesVideo Information This video, titled ‘Ich Google Übersetze Minecraft Texturen 4000x …’, was uploaded by Stamm on 2024-05-11 09:00:43. It has garnered 88379 views and 2860 likes. The duration of the video is 00:10:38 or 638 seconds. I Google Translate Minecraft textures 4000x … and make a resource pack out of it! Discord: https://discord.gg/VpF2MmMfDJ Idea: @Renidrag @Toiu (Also leave the sub with the guys!) Pixel program: “paint net” TexturePack Download: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Ozl-X5QTAZoNtSv-Fjh6qdH6yBxpXKlq/view?usp=drive_link (Loading long!!) More: “I Google Translate Minecraft Items 2000x …” https://youtu.be/U-zvUDh0YR4?si=afc-yyelC6grxrh_ “I’m turning Minecraft mobs into memes…” https://youtu.be/sVOAOzDxreM Subscribe to 🙂 Read More

  • Mind-Blowing Villager IQ Test! 😱 #MinecraftMadness

    Mind-Blowing Villager IQ Test! 😱 #MinecraftMadnessVideo Information This video, titled ‘Villager iq #minecraft #popular #trend #viral’, was uploaded by Deadxx on 2024-06-08 04:56:50. It has garnered 687 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:18 or 18 seconds. minecraft animation dream smp steve mcpe minecraft anime minecraft parody minecraft tutorial memes shorts new trend tiktok viral Minecraft unusual memes anime minecraft ylyl funny memes minecraft update minecraft funny beating minecraft memetrap meme compilation funny vines try not to laugh best memes tiktok memes memes compilation funny videos memes video try not to laugh challenge you laugh you lose https://youtube.com/@deadxx389?feature=shared minecraft, minecraft shorts, minecraft… Read More

  • LuminaCraft

    LuminaCraftWelcome to LuminaCraft, a brand-new server that needs YOUR HELP! We are trying our best to make it the best server there is, so will you join? Staff applications are open, and there are a lot of giveaways. The Discord is fun and active, and the survival server is ready to play. Since the server is brand new, we are still developing and fixing everything. In the future, we are adding a bunch of new game modes and functions, so get ready and start playing! play.luminacraft.nl Read More

  • UltraVanilla SMP 1.20.6 – Survival, Dynmap, Build Competitions, Events, No-Reset, Collaborative Wiki, Discord Chat Bridge

    UltraVanilla UltraVanilla Minecraft Server UltraVanilla is a small-scale community Minecraft server founded in January 2019. It offers minimal enhancements to the core game, with everything built in survival mode. The server has 30 player slots to maintain a tight-knit community feel. Address: play.ultravanilla.world – Java edition 1.20.4 – 1.20.6 Features: Extremely friendly community Old-school Minecraft server vibes No map resets, with chunks from 1.13 to 1.20 Various fast travel commands Events and competitions Time-based ranks Tool-friendly technical aspects Community Projects: Events Nether highway system Seasonal decorations Shopping districts Towns/settlements Libraries Map art collections Rules: No griefing No stealing No PVP… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Upgrade big brain style, forget smithing table

    Minecraft Memes - Upgrade big brain style, forget smithing table“Why upgrade on a smithing table when you can just trade your diamonds to a wandering trader for a netherite chestplate? Efficiency at its finest!” Read More

  • Meta Quest 3, 2: VR Minecraft Play, So True!

    Meta Quest 3, 2: VR Minecraft Play, So True! In the world of Minecraft, we take flight, With Meta Quest 3 and 2, we play in VR’s light. QuestCraft is the key, legal and true, To install and enjoy, mods and multiplayer too. First, gather the requirements, don’t be shy, Then follow the steps, installation is nigh. Play Minecraft in VR, feel the thrill, With Meta Quest by your side, you can’t stand still. Mods and multiplayer, a whole new game, In the world of Minecraft, never the same. So dive in, have fun, let your creativity soar, With Meta Quest 3 and 2, you’ll always want more…. Read More

  • Minecraft Meme: Creeper’s Hot Date!

    Minecraft Meme: Creeper's Hot Date! “Why did the creeper break up with his girlfriend? Because she couldn’t handle his explosive personality!” #minecraft #meme Read More

  • Minecraft 1.21 Pre-release 4 News

    Minecraft 1.21 Pre-release 4 News Minecraft 1.21 Pre-release 4: What’s New? Enchantments Tweaks In the latest Minecraft 1.21 Pre-release 4, players can expect some exciting tweaks to enchantments. These changes are set to enhance the gameplay experience and add a new layer of strategy to the enchanting process. With these updates, players will have more options to customize their gear and make their adventures in the blocky world even more thrilling. TNT Adjustments Another notable feature in this pre-release is the adjustments made to TNT. Explosions are a significant part of Minecraft, and these changes aim to make the TNT mechanics more balanced and… Read More

  • Unleash the Hidden Spirit Power in Minecraft!

    Unleash the Hidden Spirit Power in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘Secret Minecraft Feature ?’, was uploaded by Spirit on 2024-06-04 07:11:42. It has garnered 10 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:17 or 17 seconds. Tags : Minecraft, Minecraft secrets, Minecraft features, Minecraft hidden features, Minecraft tips, Minecraft tricks, Minecraft guide, Minecraft tutorial, Minecraft gameplay, Minecraft update, Minecraft news, Minecraft mods, Minecraft hacks, Minecraft cheats, Minecraft building, Minecraft redstone, Minecraft survival, Minecraft creative, Minecraft adventure, Minecraft PE, Minecraft Bedrock, Minecraft Java, Minecraft PC, Minecraft console, Minecraft Xbox, Minecraft PlayStation, Minecraft Switch, Minecraft mobile, Minecraft pocket edition, Minecraft realms, Minecraft server, Minecraft… Read More

  • Diamond Mining Showdown: Noob vs Pro vs Hacker

    Diamond Mining Showdown: Noob vs Pro vs HackerVideo Information This video, titled ‘minecraft noob vs pro vs hacker going to diamond mining #minecraft #funny #shorts’, was uploaded by it’s my gaming 999 on 2024-04-09 10:52:01. It has garnered 2160 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:43 or 43 seconds. minecraft minecraft mod maizen minecraft hindi nico cash milo and chip nico and cash mia omz noob vs pro chip cash and nico chip and milo kory checkpoint milo noob vs pro minecraft minecraft noob vs pro vs hacker noob vs pro vs hacker noob vs pro vs hacker vs god noob minecraft noob vs… Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Mod – REALISTIC Water, Lava & Slime!

    EPIC Minecraft Mod - REALISTIC Water, Lava & Slime!Video Information This video, titled ‘Realistic minecraft | Realistic water | lava | Slime block’, was uploaded by dogi on 2024-05-03 07:55:39. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Ultra Realistic Minecraft / Realistic Water / Lava / Slime Block Authors of realistic videos: https://www.youtube.com/c/QuasarRM … Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft DojoCraft House Build!!

    EPIC Minecraft DojoCraft House Build!!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Beautiful Survival House #minecraft’, was uploaded by DojoCraft shorts on 2024-01-12 18:08:49. It has garnered 2745 views and 75 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:58 or 58 seconds. Today I made a Very Easy Survival House. This time for real,it is Easy and you cannot Complain about it being fast or hard to follow so ENJOY 😀 Read More

  • DabraSorts 420: Ultimate PvP God Fleet!! 😍❤️ #minecraft

    DabraSorts 420: Ultimate PvP God Fleet!! 😍❤️ #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘pvp god gamer fleet😍❤️minecraft sorts #pvp god’, was uploaded by @DabraSorts 420 on 2024-02-20 02:27:57. It has garnered 310 views and 39 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:31 or 31 seconds. pvp god gamer fleet😍❤️minecraft sorts #pvp god how to improve pvp skills in minecraft how to improve pvp skills in minecraft pe how to improve my pvp skills how do you get better at pvp how to get better at pvp how to improve pvp in minecraft minecraft skins minecraft unblocked minecraft download minecraftle minecraft free minecraft mods minecraft seed map minecraft… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Castle Short!! Trending Gaming

    Insane Minecraft Castle Short!! Trending GamingVideo Information This video, titled ‘Celestial verdant castle Trending Shorts #shorts #minecraft #minecraftshorts #trending #gaming’, was uploaded by Gamer on 2024-04-03 00:00:02. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. minecraft minecraft shorts minecraft animation shorts herobrine minecraft but ethobot minecraft funny daisy minecraft meme … Read More

  • UNBELIEVABLE! Baby Slime Found in Kesh Nest! 😱🔥 #MinecraftSlime

    UNBELIEVABLE! Baby Slime Found in Kesh Nest! 😱🔥 #MinecraftSlimeVideo Information This video, titled ‘Baby Slime #minecraft #minecraftslime #babyslime #slimechunk’, was uploaded by Kesh Nest on 2024-02-08 23:23:22. It has garnered 2557 views and 61 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:32 or 32 seconds. Read More

  • Can I beat this HUGE enemy? RESIDENT EVIL 9

    Can I beat this HUGE enemy? RESIDENT EVIL 9Video Information This video, titled ‘Is it possible for me to Defeat over such a vast enemy? 🤔 I RESIDENT EVIL 9 I #part2 #minecraft’, was uploaded by GetTogetherGaming on 2024-05-27 04:30:24. It has garnered 137 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 00:06:12 or 372 seconds. Is it possible for me to Defeat over such a vast enemy? 🤔 I RESIDENT EVIL 9 I #part2 #minecraft #gaming #resident #residentevil #residentevil4 #minecraft #minecraftshorts #residentevil #residentevil4 #residentevil4remake Experiencing Resident Evil 9 within the virtual realm of Minecraft 🤩🤩 Discord – https://discord.com/invite/kE5A7BYrCU 👍 Don’t Forget to Like the Video!… Read More

  • Daddy Among Us vs Orange Impostor!! 😱🍊 | Among Us Parody Animation

    Daddy Among Us vs Orange Impostor!! 😱🍊 | Among Us Parody AnimationVideo Information This video, titled ‘Daddy Among Us Vs Orange Impostor Parody – Among Us Animation Compilation Shorts’, was uploaded by Ellementary on 2024-01-13 17:47:33. It has garnered 1092 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:41 or 41 seconds. animation vs minecraft, minecraft vs animation, minecraft animation, animation minecraft, animation vs. minecraft, minecraft animations, animation vs minecraft ep 31, minecraft animation fight, animation vs minecraft season 3, warden minecraft animation, animator vs minecraft, minecraft animation stickman, alan becker animation vs minecraft, animation vs. minecraft (original), minecraft animation steve and alex, animasi minecraft, stickman vs minecraft, minecraft… Read More

  • YGcraft

    YGcraftYGcraft currently has lifesteal, with survival being worked on. Lifesteal has economy, crates that don’t cost real money, and many other things, just have fun! Max hearts is 70, but it may change. It also has a shop where you can buy stuff, and a good selling system. YGCraft is meant for having a fun experience, playing your favorite Minecraft gamemodes. ygcraft.mcserver.us Read More

  • WACE server SMP Semi-vanilla Whitelist No resets planned 1.20.4 Australia

    WACESMP Welcome to WACESMP! I’m GoneVegan, a member of this Australian Minecraft server. We are currently running 1.20.4 and hosting an event from the 3rd to the 9th of this month. Brief Approaching 7 months old Various quality of life datapacks Dynmap: https://map.mc.wacesafe.xyz/ DiscordSRV integration for chat Various plugins for administration and QoL Simple Voice Chat Survival mode Whitelisted server Hard difficulty 6GB RAM Supports Java + Bedrock crossplay Vision WACESMP is a space for survival Minecraft enthusiasts to collaborate on amazing builds and projects, whether focused on details or large-scale constructions. About As the owner, Blockbuster206, I’ve been a… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – M!NECRAFT D!LLEMMA

    Minecraft Memes - M!NECRAFT D!LLEMMALooks like this Minecraft meme is a rare find, just like a diamond in the rough! Read More

  • Minecraft Knight: Code Delight

    Minecraft Knight: Code Delight In Minecraft, Hollow Knight takes flight, A world of wonder, crafted just right. From characters to enemies, all in place, Every detail, a work of grace. The terrain, the structures, the music too, All recreated, just for you. With combat, abilities, and charms to equip, Every feature, a thrilling trip. Explore the world, from King’s Pass to Dirtmouth, Every area, filled with truth. Download the map, and join the fun, In Minecraft, the adventure’s just begun. So tell me, what game should I make next? Leave your suggestions, and I’ll do my best. For now, enjoy this Hollow Knight… Read More

  • Hot diggity Minecraft meme!

    Hot diggity Minecraft meme! “Why did the creeper go to therapy? Because it had too much TNT-sion!” Read More

  • Who Called Me in Minecraft?!

    Who Called Me in Minecraft?! Minecraft: Unraveling the Mystery Behind “BENİ KİM ARADI” Exploring the vast world of Minecraft is always an adventure, filled with mysteries and surprises at every turn. One such intriguing phenomenon that has captured the attention of players is the enigmatic “BENİ KİM ARADI” trend. Let’s delve into the depths of this mysterious occurrence and uncover its secrets. The Origins of “BENİ KİM ARADI” In the realm of Minecraft, players have reported receiving mysterious calls from unknown entities, leading to a wave of speculation and curiosity within the community. The phrase “BENİ KİM ARADI” translates to “Who Called Me” in… Read More

  • Crafty Coffee Bar Seating Tutorial

    Crafty Coffee Bar Seating Tutorial Exploring Minecraft Building Ideas: Coffee Bar Seating Tutorial Are you looking to add a cozy coffee bar seating area to your Minecraft world? Look no further! In this tutorial, we will guide you through creating simple and stylish coffee bar seating and tables in Minecraft. Let’s dive in and get creative! Creating Coffee Bar Seating To start, gather materials like wooden planks, stairs, slabs, and trapdoors to build your coffee bar seating. Begin by constructing a base using wooden planks and adding stairs for the backrest. Use slabs for the seat and trapdoors for added detail. Experiment with different… Read More