EPIC SLIME BUCKET PRANK in Minecraft Modded Adventure!!

Video Information

So the Scout we’ve already confirmed we got like every single mission but for some reason it says uh 55 58 percent completed I don’t know what that means I have no idea but whatever we just did a lot of geologist missions to paranormalist we stopped the oh yeah

Distraction slamming about oh yeah yeah yeah that’s what I wanted those slamming a bucket for for the distraction we’d already have one slime in a bucket as you see another slime under water uh on the ground so hey how about regret how many buckets do we have oh wait can I

Submit one bucket at a time though you get my bucket back where’d I put that other slime no bucket where’d I put that thing oh there it is right there can I try submit one at a time and oh I can but I don’t get my bucket back until I submit

Them all hmm this is gonna cost a bit of iron how much we have left do we have enough to at least get a couple more ah twelve ingots that’s enough for four more buckets but or not four but yeah yeah four more buckets which means we’ll

Be up to five slime in a slot slime in a bucket which means we’ll need a little bit more I and I did see some iron in the caves down here so let’s just get a little bit of that and continue you know oh yeah there’s another ingot right

There that we’re working on so we’ll have two ingots one block over here once that’s done now let’s check how much we have left and then we can go into the cave and grab oh man we need literally one more a nugget and we’ll have a full full iron ingot ready

To go well here we go oh wait I think we have enough so bucket number two three four five and okay yeah fine okay I thought we had enough right there but unfortunately we don’t anyways it’s not a big deal no no big deal no biggie but

We do need to oh yeah we spent a lot of iron on this this this lunch box but I’d say it’s worth it right like it I’d say it’s worth it store a little bit items in here just not having to worry about what we eat and just putting whatever

Inside your I’d say it’s really convenient no joke looks like all of the first is over you’re done so switching up on the oh wait nope not all aren’t done yet yeah these are still smelled too can I call yep there you go so see yeah seems like it

It does double the efficiency maybe even more cuz I I just put 64 in each thing you just put four coal in there and just saw what happened oh is that enough fire oh we have another ingot alright go down here and grab a little bit of iron

That’s left down here let’s go do that real quell there’s a slime let’s capture it in a bucket there you go yah team yeah let’s see where does that help here’s a little bit I don’t think that’s the vein I was looking for but hey that’s pretty good

Oh yeah this is a pretty good amount of iron right here not not bad at all and I see there’s this another slime of there oh here it is right here let’s capture this other where’s little get all there yo capture you in this buggy so

You wanna be using these little sly oh yeah we have to use a hammer forgot about this guy it’s get so useful but we’re going to be using literal slime in a buckets for a distraction oh jeez let’s see uh yeah I’m not see any more

Slimes over here I’m not seeing any more iron either yeah there’s a little bit of coal on the ceiling which we could use so I might as well grab it right after there’s a little iron behind it hey that’s just a plus right I mean I just

Stopped saying right I said that my Starcraft 2 series but I don’t know what it is today I just keep on saying right I don’t know why I need to start saying left or something just equal that out all right let’s head back upstairs and I

Kind of just snuck in another right in there one where I said all right god I don’t even know if I do you guys caught that jeez I know it’s a head back upstairs and let’s go throw these into a smeltery I don’t know how much iron do we just

Get right there up to all 11 Inc or yeah 11 or which is gonna give us up to 22 ingots and of course the iron ore berries right there and let’s go get us some one more in get to finish oh no no no oh yeah yeah we have eight Nuggets

Insider yeah perfect alright so I guess we could put these extra nuggets inside this chest over here until we have enough to yell or other ingen just in case we want to use that smell treat it for like something like gold or something like that you know and always

Put this phosphorus up inside there soapstone I don’t even know to do with all this garbage I honestly just do not so oh wait yeah we have only a dedicated which just forgot about that I put that up inside their Google rap the final bucket now we’re gonna need

For this crazy and wacky it wild the trick where you want to be doing a prank bro it’s just a prank bro there you go one more yet right there and how much should we have 18 oh man we can get one more one more thing right there nice get

A couple more and get a real skillet and we’ll get our be able to get our final bucket now yes we just have to go with venturing out and you’ll find some more slime in a bucket yeah let’s send those in just so we have that done there Yelp

And we will need to make the final bucket there you go fantastic so we have three buckets we need to fill up our lunch box and lunch bag so I definitely want to do that here as soon as possible let’s see how much iron way I’ve left

Julia is perfect so we’ll skip those and I do we have wood on us oh we don’t have wood on us okay not a big deal I kind of want to make another chest for like smelted stone I guess we could put that in the another furnace chest just or uh

Another furnace room just there’s a little bit easy oh yeah this is where we had all that wood why don’t why don’t you found those oak trees man all this time and always you get a double chest it seems like an pretty good amount of wood or a pretty good amount of storage

For all this so bad I’ll row here just put that over here there you go sort our inventory and throw all the stones I couldn’t put the arcane stone in there as well right and I think we’re good alright so tomatoes I don’t know the due of those why is it so

Light in here because it’s because these it shouldn’t be right do these actually glow if so then we have to take him out of here cuz oh hey what do you know what do they actually glow or is it was it just like a glitch cuz they were lit at

One point oh yeah I must have been just a glitch okay that’s pretty good now it’s gonna be nice and dark in here and let the the sustain berries continue growing like they should be ah oh yeah stop heroes go throw the me these eggs are good you just don’t fly

It everywhere man I guess I’ll grab some more if I do not a skull you’re a dead chicken that’s right you’re dead check any better better enjoy your freedom while you have it there got’em Oh your mellow berries what haven’t I been harvesting these guys let’s grab those oh how are you

Want to horse that one in the corner promising to put that one there right that’s a bad place to put it oh do we oh okay we got it oh wow it’s kind of worried they’re like Oh ma’am I’m not gonna get my Malibu berry bush back honey

How do I put a bush on a bush what how did I do that there’s a bush on bush right there but I can’t put them over here you know I’ll put another one there Malibu’s groans still may there’s so many eggs how do i seat so I can give

These guys I want to multiply them let’s do it see I wish rough seas over here if anything there you go we have a little bit more I know we have like maybe a dozen chickens over here so might as well I’m like we did just slaughter a

Chicken in cold blood just casual cold blood so we even get that population back up and running so the ones dead that’s it you’re dead I’m sorry that you had to die right in front of your child right there but I had to happen I’m sorry and I’m gonna get cooked to watch

I can get a nice thank-you I can smell it already rotisserie chicken let’s throw the tomatoes in there the extra eggs and male’ berries yep yep and turn into an Ewok I’m gonna stop that you just stop saying yeah yeah god I’m not

An Ewok I am uh I’m uh I’m a human I’m a breakfast food actually to be more accurate let’s see what else do we have here malla berries is there anything else galleons yeah grab a few of those throws in the lunchbox and or lunch bag

Or whatever has more room and I think that’s gonna be it for what’s inside here Oh see what’s the size here like you rolled egg play oh yeah fruit sound good stuff French for only half fries I may be free can you cook beasts or are they already like

Animal Oh fish and chips ah ooh oh it’s uh three three hunger things compared to all that’s actually pretty good at like combines the hunger things in these that’s really really cool all right well at least the fries are already edible so that’s good we have toast turnips turn up for what raspberries

Melons yeah we already have oh yeah I already grabbed melons anything else us good oh yeah I grew up mushrooms forgot about those apples oh yeah I forgot about applesauce and apple juice let’s grab those as well so put them all in the milk in the lunchbox there we go put

Those up inside there and we’ll have some pretty of snacks here nice close our lunch bag put the fruit salad up in there and put the apple juice and almonds can you do anything with almonds or anything new I can do here with almonds or or what I just not for sort

By saturation blah blah blah I guess not huh that’s interesting yeah I guess I’ll just leave the almonds there until they actually get a usable future hopefully they do let’s talk about our chicken there you go a little bit more chickens done so let’s just put that side of the

Bag and we’ll be able to go what were we doing where were we going I forgot I don’t know but let’s go to bed and hopefully I can remember in the morning huh I don’t I haven’t so hard time remembering what we’re doing I know it was like at least napping adventure that

Could we turn into a movie and whatnot you know is I’m pretty sure huh what was I gonna do like I am really did you get all the way cow please what was I gonna do I might have to posse or actually think about or even watch my footage but

Let’s let’s check the quest book oh yeah good how’d it forget about that we’re gonna go and slime hunting forgot about that all right well let’s go at least all we have to do really do is just leave the mini-map I so wow there’s actually a slime on the mini-map over

Here underground how far is that guy underground still capture him oh let’s go over here hey let’s go find this guy he’s underground so she should be too far okay where do we do have torches yeah so let’s go find this guy uh and you just gotta be like where is this guy

At oh wow there’s a whole new area over here you’ll see oh god I’m getting tainted nothing over there as far as I can see throw the taint your other taint okay nothing over here oh man can I like make body spray that like Ward’s off taint

That’d be nice that would be well you seriously I don’t want unwitting just spreading all over the place that’d be great if I just get rid of it all in just one fell swoop but I just can’t let’s go find this a slimy how he might

Be really farted he might be like in a deep cave or something he is usually on the mini-map whenever they’re darker that means that they’re like I’m gonna like either really high up or really far down compared to where you’re at so we could go either down or up to go find

This guy you know it only makes sense to go down since we were just at the surface like moments ago so I think I want to go try and find the slide and I will see you guys here in a second I’ll see you guys in a second once by this

Little guy yes I found the little guy I see them bouncing down there I’ll see you down there now I just need to find a way to get down there safely and I don’t want to take you into damage you know what old man oh are you guys thinking

What I’m thinking let’s jump down there and let’s try to catch him in midair let’s do it you guys ready three two one Oh oh no that didn’t work Oh catch them catch them catch them all again pick him up Oh is he too big I think it might be

Too big oh no we killed him oh we don’t have any retort oh no oh man well at least there’s another one apparently like right over here all right where is this guy at oh you tell he’s gotta be down this ha oh I see you

I see you guys pitch black but I’m gonna pick you up gonna pick you up uh wait a second what why is it not working why isn’t what I should be able to pick you up right what the why is it not working all of a sudden I should be able

To right-click you I I’ve done it before I did it earlier fibers taint yeah he’s the smallest one cuz he has one health vomit slime huh ice it’s not working oh wise it’s not working what so let’s get rid of that yeah I don’t know why

This is not working uh yeah it’s still not working huh so weird and get rid of the seeds uh yeah it’s no nothing’s working right now he’s hitting me he’s hating me I can’t put him in the bucket how do i I know you right-click him to

Put him in a bucket but it’s not working right now okay guys I just picked the one up I think I don’t know what’s happening uh yeah this will seem to be the right side maybe some of them are too big for the bucket what’s the same tension all the smallest

Version of the slime be able to fit in the bucket I don’t I’m not hunter sighs sure but I am getting pretty hungry right now so scrub our lunch box and hey how about we go to lunch huh let’s take a lunch break here I was looking to make

My little zoom out a little bit yeah I’m not seeing more slime so we should probably just go to the surface let’s go to the surface they’ll probably be the oh wait uh how do we get out of here Oh yep all right let’s go up and

Let’s just send it on a current slime in a bucket there you go and let’s go to the surface still find some on that are on the surface I always a lot easier because I know they can spawn on the surface or in caves like either one no

Problem whatsoever so let’s go how do we get how do I am so uh oh here we go all right I don’t like it oh yeah I’m seeing a slime right now is it gonna get darker on the mini-map or is it on surface I don’t know I don’t

Know who to believe anymore anyways let’s get out of here he might be I know he’s he’s he’s definitely on the ground look look lead you show you the better okay oh wait yeah there’s definitely one on the surface I see them out there let’s go out there let’s go grab a with

A budget let’s see if we can cash this bad boy let’s see where is he oh I see you I see you on the minim oh I see you bouncing out there don’t wait for me I’m gonna be at you nearly a little thing let’s go grab them I think it might be

The right size I know he might be a guys too big come on why is it all fit why is it all fit yeah die little slide alright well I suppose what you do is maybe teleport around see if see if any slides will spawn and we can try and capture

Him in this bucket and I really want to see what this little print is just a prank bro that this guy wants to pull on this other guy and do all these distractions and all that stuff I want to go see what happens let’s go to the

Desert oasis I remember there’s a lot of mobs over here last time I was here so hopefully we can find a taste slime and maybe really get zoom out as far as we can there we go and I guess we just have to get close to the to the abandoned

Pyramid slash the vitrified sand and meteor crater dad’s all the way over there just so we hopefully have a check on this thus we’re ditching out stuff is so so distracting man well you only go find another slide if I can find one I

Will see you guys here in a bit but if not then I don’t even know guess I’ll just have to continue my journey all right they I see a slime on the mini-map hopefully it’s not like you’re underground is he over here got my armies on the ground isn’t he get away

From me you dumb chicken I guess out guess I’ll just bite the bait let’s go let’s go find him let’s go find this little guy he’s not gonna hide from me oh wow there’s like three of them on the map now gee these guys are trying so

Hard for me but it’s not gonna work it’s not gonna work I’m going now then I’m gonna find you and I’m gonna I’m gonna trap you in this little bucket there yeah little slime on your trap so hardcores you’re gonna be so embarrassing your friends you are laughs at you and everything

Oh Oh mate it was a spawner it was a slaughter all this time what in the world what is this there’s an enderpearl down here oh good stuff I broke the spotter though so we can’t use my gut I’m getting tainted we can’t use this as like a spawner Trelew put

Decent stuff decent uh-oh practices ring up RDC Oh oooh good stuff is that they’re not going Joe get rid of all this garbage not use I slowly kill that slime but I feel it’s too big anyways uh what else do we have in here saddle with mundane lengthening catalysts I don’t

Even know what that’s for Riaan protection what do we have right now we have a CI I guess where you put that on do we have anything else here uh well what do we just pick up standard binding agent then we just pick up on your ring

Of Purdy she owed orders that thing yet mundane amulet that’s still in the chest oh yeah there it is right there alright see if we can put this one on along with the million other rings that we have going on yeah I guess not what

Is this a princess ring of air and just count one okay so I guess they’re basically the same thing ender pearl right there though that’s pretty a thing and we should probably grab a little bit less stone and pillar ourselves out of here and do a little bit of this haha

Let’s get out of here pretty nifty a little smarter but unfortunately I broke the little spotter itself so I can’t use that as a spawn trap ooh Ariel’s a skeleton spawn or two so it would have been a really good spawn trap but my my instincts made me murderous

The oh my god oh my god that all this time that island was floating I thought that was a casual like a rich person’s island in the middle of the ocean with like ships and stuff who docked to and everything but turns out it’s actually a casual floating island us now that’s

Casual now that’s casual you’re trying to hide for me get out you shaking piles taught him a duck out away oh when you see a chicken got a hit on with an excavator hit that chicken with an excavator alright get out of here zombie zombie spawner down here there’s a cave I don’t

Know it’s a little bit dangerous going out here it’s dangerous to go alone my god it’s another one another one oh yeah it is a dungeon in here isn’t it oh it is there’s a zombie foot right there I see Oh stinky zombie feet you know you nasty things was inside oh

I don’t know if this is juicy dank or what but let’s just put all this stuff aside there right bones we can get oh my god tainted you okay let’s give that to the xenobiologist before it like kills us okay all right a little bit more of

The taint tendrils and stuff a little bit more than you there you go first I almost died let’s see what else do we have here I guess we can stack the buckets get rid of the wrong old souls – oh how do I shoot me from there I don’t

Know get out of you don’t thing when you put torches here make sure they don’t keep spa no wait taint take you get rid of all the taint guru and there you go alright so what else does the size your standard bite I don’t even know what is what is that stuff

Average lengthening thing there’s a pink tulip mundane belts you of those 4 strength 4 stam leather belt a level 18 a man esse that’s a classic old meme I don’t know if anyone remembers a cheese standard bread and you don’t really need that right what else do we have here a

Little bit of cobblestone and that’s basically it oh yes like right height right light colors I know the that was his name I know that evil geologist yeah I know he always he wants like all sorts of different cobblestones but uh stone samples wait didn’t he just the right guy

Ah male submit I just not oh yeah he wants soap stone and marble and ich allegedly and quartzite and all that good stuff but guess what we have right now isn’t what do you want so let’s put that up and yes actually use that to dig

Out of here because I am done with this play actually they’re just slime down here you wanted to get that’s the reason why I’ve came down here let’s go down let’s go over here still the zombie I’ll still his ambam bibley and area got him ask if this lunch bagging

Let’s get ourselves some lunch oh wait come on no I want to eat lunch in peace get out of here zombie Oh got you some of this there we go getting nice and fed there should be a slime round this general premises that I shall capture

For my own personal gain where is this guy always burning the Sun what a dumb zombie look at you look at you let’s keep going down oh he’s too big yeah he’s too big oh yeah is it true Baker oh I just not have an inventory space yeah history but God you

Kidding me uh you start going this cave to see if there’s a oh my gosh oh yeah this fella yes I already mined it right all right already got to leave side of it that’s pretty good yeah there is right there he’s still too big should be another one

Another one around here somewhere right you can hopefully find one and claim him and send him into the to the guy who wants him versus other slime at sit right over here oh hey that’s the one that I locate cat where is this little guy at it’s just that the right guy he’s

Too big kill him god EEMA I guess we’ll just send us into the you know biologists I don’t know I’ve even picked up right there yeah ah well I suppose we just leave just leave and I guess I’ll just go and try trap 2 more room on my

Own and I see you guys here in a bit God ah man I thought this I thought this little slime adventure would be a lot more eventful than this but I suppose not all right guys I have all of the slime in a buckets and I also found this this

Terrestrial nether quartz which is interesting I don’t know if we can send that in to the guy or not but you know I’ll take it here we go got the last guy and we just need to dig on out of here we will be here to go

And I see a lot of skeletons when there must be another spa around here where are we right now I see a lot of skeletons down there so at least if that is another spawner that means that we have another chance of getting ourselves a skeleton skeleton trap God what

Happened to all the rest of my stuff I don’t know cuz I’ll just bring a little bit more of this deceit day I must have dropped it to make room for that nether act or something all right well let’s go back up there and then we go back to the

Was it called the Oasis teleporter I guess we go if you’re the team oh is this team Omega by oh my major something like that I don’t know if it’s Omega or whatever this is we go you over she renews the teleport a teleport back to

Biome alpha and I salute you send in the buckets right now but I want to be I want to be nice to see what do you see a checking guy to hit him with a sword hit that chicken with a sore sword oh man leave a comment down below if you

Guys catch those references anyways let’s see okay oh whoa what am i doing trying to teleport of the volcano let’s go to biome alpha which I already teleported to I don’t know why I’m saying this let’s go to paranormalists yeah yeah let’s do this it’s just a prank bro

Thing and they’re your mission outlook and we’ll get our buckets back so let’s get we just thrown to a smeltery get our iron back if we really want it but hey there yo so he wants us to do a distraction he wants to see it a bunch

Of slides and hey alright so is that it we have K so we have one distraction down he said he wanted one distraction and two backups so we have two more of these distractions we need to do so I think I think we did the easiest one

Right there so it’s probably going to take a little while to get the other distractions going but I think I’m gonna enter right there so thank you guys all very much for watching if you guys enjoyed the video be sure to let me know by leaving a like down below and if you

Guys want more of these awesome videos be sure to hit that subscribe button I put my latest videos on YouTube homepage or I just turned like Canadian there for a second on a YouTube homepage as soon as they come out so you don’t miss an episode

But until then thing is all very much for watching and I’ll say yes your next time with some more blight fall by their

This video, titled ‘Blightfall: Minecraft Modded Adventure Ep.34 – SLIME BUCKET PRANK!!! (Modded Roleplay)’, was uploaded by TheWaffleGalaxy on 2016-01-19 20:00:00. It has garnered 20115 views and 398 likes. The duration of the video is 00:25:17 or 1517 seconds.

Minecraft Roleplay in an epic Modded Minecraft Adventure Map?! Blightfall is a Minecraft Adventure Map with its own Minecraft Modpack to help make for an exciting roleplay! ▶︎ Let’s try to hit 200 LIKES! :^D

Blightfall is a Modded Minecraft Roleplay Adventure Map series using the Blightfall Technic Modpack full of awesome Minecraft Mods! In this series, Waffle must roleplay and explore the mysterious, tainted, purple planet for the promised paradise! Will he be able to survive such a treacherous planet and establish a successful colony?

▶︎ Blightfall Roleplay series playlist – https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL-JPD8A3qWVMILvMW3hyZbnldMstckfY7

▶︎ Minecraft Modpack: Blightfall Technic Modpack (1.7.10) – http://www.technicpack.net/modpack/blightfall.592618

▶︎ Minecraft Mods List – http://www.technicpack.net/modpack/blightfall.592618/mods

▶︎ Outro Music: Medasin – “Coffee” – https://soundcloud.com/officialmedasin/coffee-ft-masego


▶︎ Follow Me On Twitter! :^D http://twitter.com/waffleverse

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    Crafty Minecraft Shenanigans Welcome to the World of Minecraft: Vijivaniyani Yorvordik in Uzbek Exploring the Vijivaniya Qilamiza Embark on a thrilling adventure in the world of Minecraft with the Uzbek-language Let’s Play video showcasing the majestic Vijivaniya Qilamiza. Dive into the immersive experience with stunning shaders that bring the game to life! Discovering Shaders in Minecraft Uncover the beauty of shaders in Minecraft as you delve into the Uzbek-language gameplay. Spend hours exploring the vast landscapes and intricate details with the latest shaders for a truly captivating experience! Immersive Gameplay with Shaders Experience Minecraft like never before with shaders enabled in this… Read More

  • EternalRealms

    EternalRealmsEternal realms | A new Era is a new experience to the Minecraft world, join the fight to end the reign of terror that has been caused by Temerus The death-walker , gear up and get out to the land of Amedell fight monsters and players who stand in your way, level up and collect loot on your adventures. Do you have what it takes to be at the top? The world of Amedell needs you. build your guild and level up together to end the wrath of Temerus The deathwalker. What are you waiting for ? Join now. Play.Eternal-Realms.com Read More

  • Verda Realms SMP & Factions: Join now!

    Welcome to our Java 1.20 SMP Server! If you’re looking to lead a nation, farm, or explore, this server is perfect for you. No mods required! Features: Dynmap: Take a sneak peek at our world here. Medieval Factions: Claim land, build communities, and join nations. Large Biomes Currencies To join, you must be 15+. Apply for the whitelist on our Discord server. Read More

  • Minecraft server dunesmp.com:25595

    How to connect and play on this server? You must have the game version 1.20.4 installed. How to check? At startup, the game version will be displayed on the right, at the bottom. If it is a different version, you should change the current profile (left, bottom) and select version 1.20.4 Click the PLAY button, wait for the Minecraft game to load. Choose: Multiplayer Click the button “Direct connect”, or if you want to keep the server in its list, press the button “Add server” In the field “Server address” write: dunesmp.com:25595 (GL HF) Read More

  • Plugin Smp

    Plugin SmpThis Is A Lifesteal Smp Where Players Can Steal Hearts by killing each other in the serverthis server is 24/7 onlineIt’s free for allIt’s also supports all versionsThere Are Custom Crates , Armors Also ​​​​​​​join now!Come And Play With UsServer owner Plugin GamerServer Admin Tahir Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Suck it, Diamond Island High

    Looks like this meme has been reposted so many times, it’s now a baker’s dozen in score! Read More

  • Village Machine Madness on InstantSMP! | Ep228

    Village Machine Madness on InstantSMP! | Ep228 In the world of Minecraft, where blocks reign supreme, We revisit BucketSMP, in a virtual dream. Village machines previewed, in Episode 228, Updates and news, in a rhyming display. The presenter, bucketsunset, with a smile so bright, Guiding us through the server, in the dead of night. No new developments, but a glimpse of the past, Exploring old areas, where memories last. The enchanting table, untouched for so long, The village machine, where villagers belong. Fixing up the old, making it new, In the world of Minecraft, where dreams come true. Water disasters, flooding the land, But with a… Read More

  • “Stepping on Legos vs Stepping on Cursed Traps” 🔥😂 #minecraft #meme

    "Stepping on Legos vs Stepping on Cursed Traps" 🔥😂 #minecraft #meme Avoiding cursed traps in Minecraft at age 10: “Oh no, a trap! Better run away!” Avoiding cursed traps in Minecraft at age 20: “I’ve seen this trap before, I’ll just disarm it with ease.” Avoiding cursed traps in Minecraft at age 30: “I’ll just build a redstone contraption to bypass this trap, no big deal.” Avoiding cursed traps in Minecraft at age 40: “I’ll just call my kids to come deal with this trap for me.” Read More


    EPIC SURVIVAL SERIES: GANESH ADDON 2.0 Minecraft Survival Adventure: Crafting Diamond Armor and Mining Diamonds Exploring the Modern House In this episode of the Minecraft Survival Series, the player finally reaches their modern house after days of being away. As the evening sets in, they are exhausted but excited to explore their new abode. Mining for Diamonds Venturing into the depths of caves, the player embarks on a mining adventure to find precious diamonds. With determination and skill, they gather a total of 17 diamonds, along with other valuable resources like iron ore. Crafting Diamond Armor Back at their crafting table, the player sets out… Read More

  • Hot Springs Shenanigans: Robot Chicken #10

    Hot Springs Shenanigans: Robot Chicken #10 Exploring the Minecraft World: Building a Spa and Horse Carriage Creating a Spa Inspired by Beitou Hot Springs Museum In this episode, the Housewife embarks on a new project to build a public bathhouse for her village residents. Drawing inspiration from the Beitou Hot Springs Museum, she carefully designs the exterior with red bricks, arched windows, and a faux tile finish to mimic the iconic spa’s architecture. Inside the bathhouse, she incorporates a hot spring source that powers a waterwheel, adding a touch of realism to the spa experience. The Housewife also includes a cozy tatami hall, a relaxation… Read More

  • Uncover the Secret of the Red Gates in Minecraft! Episode 6

    Uncover the Secret of the Red Gates in Minecraft! Episode 6Video Information my only class option support Mage nice I’m so sad I’m I’m just sick that’s you didn’t put no get no point none y that sounds familiar of all my classes I got support B I found a bus nice no I’m lit look at his demon yeah y i I punch him wait to that’s so [ __ ] God I’m sick I’m sick I I okay I became I’ve lit became a cleric I’ve became a Healer congratulations I’ve gained the heal and Power Boss skill wait really yes that is that is crazy the heal… Read More

  • Insane Redstone Build Challenge!

    Insane Redstone Build Challenge!Video Information This video, titled ‘Mini Redstone build’, was uploaded by AppVenture on 2024-04-12 02:00:33. It has garnered 47 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:09 or 69 seconds. Mini Redstone build @BBlocks @minecraft @MineCZ @TotalGaming093 @TechnoGamerzOfficial Hashtags: – #shorts #short #shortfeed #shortsvideo #freefirevspubg #freefirevsbgmi #official #review #freefire #freefirehighlights #djexoff #raistar #akashiff #freefireindiaofficial #aimbotfreefire #akashi #akashivsvincenzo #bestplayers #shortfeed #shortsvideo #viral #viral88 #top10games #toptengames #top10gaming #freefire #freefirehighlights #overpower #cand #candy #candycrush #candycrushsoda #subwaysurfers #subway #subwaysurf #subwaysurfersshorts #temidos #bgmi #bgmilive #bgmihighlights #bgmitipsandtricks #bgm #bgmimontage #bgmigameplay #clashofclans #ludo #ludoking #ludogameplay #clashofclans #mobilelegends #mobilelegend #mobilelegends #pokimane #pokemongo #pokémon #djexoff #freefire #game… Read More

  • Unbelievable MineCraft Gameplay – Must See! #minecraftshorts #funnyminecraft

    Unbelievable MineCraft Gameplay - Must See! #minecraftshorts #funnyminecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘More Than A Game: MineCraft #morethanagame #minecraft #mincraftshorts #funnyminecraft #shorts #viral’, was uploaded by More Than A Game on 2024-05-26 15:43:36. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. More Than A Game: MineCraft #morethanagame #minecraft #mincraftshorts #funnyminecraft #shorts #viral Minecraft is a 2011 … Read More

  • “Waseem Khoso’s Insane Minecraft Farming Kingdom Revealed” #mincraft #mincraftnoob

    "Waseem Khoso's Insane Minecraft Farming Kingdom Revealed" #mincraft #mincraftnoobVideo Information This video, titled ‘”Harvest Haven: Exploring My Minecraft Farming Empire” #mincraft #mincraftnoob’, was uploaded by waseem khoso on 2024-02-08 19:59:24. It has garnered 16 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:40 or 40 seconds. Welcome to a world where the wild roams free and every corner holds a new adventure. Join me as we embark on a journey through my Minecraft zoo, a sanctuary for creatures great and small. From majestic lions to playful pandas, our safari promises excitement and discovery at every turn. In this video, you’ll witness the beauty of nature come… Read More

  • “Insane Minecraft Mod Review by KaneLion LOL” #minecraftmods

    "Insane Minecraft Mod Review by KaneLion LOL" #minecraftmodsVideo Information hey you yeah you wait hold up the mushrooms can go in the helicopter dude you just ruined my intro get out anyways yo what’s up everybody today we’re on a pretty popular Minecraft seed the reason why it’s so popular is because of this Village and the surrounding area now look at me when I tell you we’re not here to look around and appreciate the beauty wait this helicopter is so sick this is the most satisfying thing ever yeah hidings for the weak let’s just take a minute to appreciate this beauty while I’m destroying… Read More

  • Get OP Items to Crush Gym 2 in 100 Days! (Minecraft Cobblemon 1.4)

    Get OP Items to Crush Gym 2 in 100 Days! (Minecraft Cobblemon 1.4)Video Information and I’m just going to plop one of these oh okay uhoh our health Cindy this is a skeleton this is Bones hey buddy speaking of water look at that the icebergs they’re melting H and people say global warming isn’t real SMH huh there is uh magnetic charismatic hello angry shoelace you ah don’t go away from me one second Lads I’m being chased by old people oh that’s so ah non-consensual back shots the hell are you looking at that’s a impressive looking cave damn boy Mother Nature is gaped damn not Meg you’re up okay… Read More

  • Insane KittenCrystals gameplay at 600ms! 😱 #cpvp

    Insane KittenCrystals gameplay at 600ms! 😱 #cpvpVideo Information This video, titled ‘POV: your play on 600ms.. #cpvp’, was uploaded by KittenCrystals on 2024-01-14 03:16:41. It has garnered 2090 views and 17 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:12 or 12 seconds. #pvp #minecraft #crystalpvp #texturepack #pvppack #mcpe #minecraftshorts #mcpe #smp #minecraftserver #meme Read More

  • Shocking! 5 YEAR OLD NOOB on my Minecraft server! 👦

    Shocking! 5 YEAR OLD NOOB on my Minecraft server! 👦Video Information Me encontré con este chico que parecía recién estar comenzando me di cuenta ya que estaba haciendo su generador de piedra y por alguna razón este jugador lo hizo mal esto Me hizo sentir un poco de pena entonces le tiré un cubo de lava y agua nuevos en ese momento se quedó muy confundido pero continuó haciendo su generador y esta vez volvió a hacerlo mal Pero además de esto se terminó cayendo de su Isla Entonces le hizo una bromita transformando toda su isla en bloques de diamante Además le dio un pico para que pueda… Read More

  • Mind-blowing ENVtuber plays C418’s “Wet Hands” in LoFi style!

    Mind-blowing ENVtuber plays C418's "Wet Hands" in LoFi style!Video Information This video, titled ‘POV: c418’s “Wet Hands”, but played by a LoFi pianist…’, was uploaded by Impers!【ENVTuber】 on 2024-04-16 10:03:07. It has garnered 308 views and 15 likes. The duration of the video is 00:02:59 or 179 seconds. #piano #wethands #minecraft #lofi Herro! why are you reading this? there’s norhing interesting here… or is there…? maybe… just read a bit further… Femboy Tummy happy now? just subscribe already. Read More

  • Clouded

    CloudedWelcome to Clouded, the ultimate BoxPVP experience! Step into the arena, where you’re enclosed in a box, armed to the teeth, and ready to unleash chaos. Engage in intense battles against other players, strategize your moves, and upgrade your gear to dominate the battlefield. With a dynamic array of skills, levels to climb, daily rewards, quests to conquer, and a thriving economy, Clouded offers non-stop action and endless opportunities for glory. Join us and let the mayhem begin! mc.clouded.network Read More

  • ☀️ Shaded SMP Survival Lobster Pots Custom Gear Weekly Challenges Skills Community Events NO Whitelist NO Resets 1.20+ Java+Bedrock

    ☀️ Shaded SMP Survival Lobster Pots Custom Gear Weekly Challenges Skills Community Events NO Whitelist NO Resets 1.20+ Java+BedrockServer IP: play.shaded.gg Discord: https://discord.gg/XsqPJgjTeR Hello, fellow Minecrafters! Looking for a new SMP survival server to join? Check out Shaded, the best SMP survival server in 2024! NEW! Lobster Pots. Purchase from Aaron the Angler at /pond. Land claiming and grief prevention. Custom gear from the Gear Merchant. Skills, economy, shops, and auctions. Free (vote) ranks, kits, and perks. Quests, events, and challenges. Shaded is cross-platform, regularly updated, with a dedicated staff team. Join today: play.shaded.gg Visit our website, discord, and social media for more information: Discord: Shaded Discord Twitter: Shaded Twitter Vote: Vote We hope to see you soon… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Minecraft anniversary nostalgia intensifies

    Minecraft Memes - Minecraft anniversary nostalgia intensifiesPast anniversaries in Minecraft be like: creeper explosions, failed redstone contraptions, and accidental drowning in lava. Here’s to many more unforgettable moments! Read More

  • Accidental Crush: Minecraft Love Song

    Accidental Crush: Minecraft Love Song In the world of Minecraft, a tale unfolds, With Liam and William, their story told. A friendship tested, emotions run high, As they navigate through the dark sky. Jurias and Ameyra, a chance encounter, Their paths crossing, feelings begin to stir. But trouble lurks in the shadows deep, As secrets and mysteries slowly seep. In the realm of Minecraft, where stories intertwine, The characters’ fates, in the hands of time. With each twist and turn, a new chapter starts, In this world of blocks, where creativity sparks. Read More

  • Surviving in Hell: Choose Wisely!

    Surviving in Hell: Choose Wisely! I would choose the cursed Nether portal that leads to a never-ending supply of diamonds and enchanted gear, because who needs safety when you’re decked out in bling? #minecraftlogic Read More

  • Join Minewind Minecraft Server for the Ultimate Survival Experience!

    Join Minewind Minecraft Server for the Ultimate Survival Experience! Welcome to the ultimate Minecraft experience! Are you tired of the same old servers and looking for something new and exciting? Look no further than Minewind! Join a vibrant community of players from around the world on this epic Minecraft server. With a focus on survival gameplay and exciting events, Minewind offers a unique and thrilling experience for all players. Whether you’re a seasoned Minecraft pro or just starting out, there’s something for everyone on Minewind. Join the fun today by entering the server IP: YT.MINEWIND.NET in your Minecraft client. Immerse yourself in a world of adventure, creativity, and… Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Mechanics Guide! 🛠️

    Ultimate Minecraft Mechanics Guide! 🛠️Video Information This video, titled ‘🔧 Minecraft 101 – Mastering Minecraft Mechanics! #shorts #shortsfeed (11)’, was uploaded by Pixel Builders Guild on 2024-04-13 06:19:20. It has garnered 0 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:31 or 31 seconds. 🎮🛠️Welcome to today’s episode on “Pixel Builders Guild”! 👇 Today, we’re diving headfirst into the blocky depths of Minecraft, where imagination rules and creativity knows no bounds. Whether we’re facing the fiery Nether, crafting intricate redstone contraptions, or embarking on epic build challenges, there’s always something new to discover and create. 🏰🔧 In this video, we’ll guide you… Read More

  • Minecraft Madness with Sab & Friends

    Minecraft Madness with Sab & FriendsVideo Information for for for e all right who the heck I can play geometry Das all my controller this is actually so cool by the way I do not play Geometry Dash so I do not know how good I am going to be at this this looks kind of fun though it looked really fun though like on while I was watching other YouTubers play it and I just decided to down spend five on it and then just play it so I used to play it a lot on my uh phone though when I was a… Read More

  • Zozo Survives 1000 DAYS in Hardcore Minecraft! Epic Warden Fighter Quests

    Zozo Survives 1000 DAYS in Hardcore Minecraft! Epic Warden Fighter QuestsVideo Information on day one I spawned in as an awesome Warden ninja right in the middle of my Warden ninja Hideout but there were no other Warden ninjas around in fact the whole place was full of dread ghouls while several of them were standing at attention one of them was standing back and giving orders destroy everything my dark Warriors we are under orders to eliminate every last warden ninja we can find I didn’t understand why this was happening but I wasn’t going to take it lying down who’s giving you these orders you cowardly dread ghoul… Read More

  • Insane Parkour in Minecraft – Rijan Archer Music Group | HD | 60 FPS

    Insane Parkour in Minecraft - Rijan Archer Music Group | HD | 60 FPSVideo Information [Music] listen TR love [Music] is the must the must it seems [Music] bright smoking of for the pain J is all like a unicorn I step inside the club I see her on the FL a white designer dress is what she call I position and BRAC toen in my as she looks up I’m standing in the life I don’t know your name and you do not know I office but that does not matter at least for my office are let no to to the moov in the sky my it seems right toight [Music]… Read More

  • 🔥 UNBELIEVABLE! Top PvP Texture Packs for 1.16.5+ Minecraft

    🔥 UNBELIEVABLE! Top PvP Texture Packs for 1.16.5+ MinecraftVideo Information [Music] fore [Music] speech speech [Music] spe [Music] for [Music] spee [Music] spee [Music] [Music] you [Music] you This video, titled ‘ЛУЧШИЕ ТЕКСТУРПАКИ ДЛЯ ПВП 1.16.5+ x5 Minecraft | HolyWorld | FunTime | ReallyWorld | РП | МАЙНКРАФТ’, was uploaded by __Crook__ on 2024-03-16 17:52:20. It has garnered 7715 views and 83 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:37 or 97 seconds. open, here rp open, here rp open, here rp SUBSCRIBE AND LIKE BRO THANKS FOR WATCHING i love ❤️ ● tgk with rp: https://t.me/crookrp =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= ⚡•Nick:FeDaMonsTeerka ⚡•Ds:Chupaa#9577 ⚡• My fanpay – https://funpay.com/uk/users/8107098/ =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= ● tgk… Read More