Video Information

Yo I live yo I am live I’m live like what’s up wait let me like uh might CH hi I’m so late sorry no you’re not you’re so early early what do you me I’m not even um you’re not even late bro yes I am oh [ __ ] I just started

Stream like two seconds ago what are you wombling about you’re not like early yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yo I feel like so I feel so weird today like why is everything so weird I feel weird I feel like I want to say something bad I’m not going to though

Like I I feel so weird like nah can I borrow cash on Donut oh oh no what do you mean by word I know I feel like I want to I want to say like something bad I’m not going to say though because you know like probably

That’s going to be like bad if I going to say something bad like I don’t want that to be fair like I don’t know like wait let me like yo wait okay okay okay something happened to you yeah I know like I feel I feel so I feel I want to say

Something I know it I’m not like trust me I’m not going to say like anything like for the context like I feel I want to do something only like Yo wait yo my fingers are like slippery hands are if I like like like okay okay I think I’m doing yo let’s let’s see may you are Dr no I I didn’t like actually didn’t the single time when I actually like drink alcohol was like when I was [ __ ] like I don’t

Like five so things like when I was like little and I accidentally like um drink from from my dad beer or something and I I immediately like didn’t like it bro actually like I don’t like it but yeah I don’t like Al there like only single

Time but but like I’m not even like doing think like yo I’m not like I don’t like just like alcohol I don’t like you said you feel weird yeah I don’t like I feel like I feel like ra I feel like I feel like a

Man no you said it feel weird so I can um I can what I can call you v w 16 today m not really wait is the music good chat job jaob is the music good like I don’t think it’s too loud but maybe it’s like too low or

Something but is it good though I think it’s good because I don’t want to like be too loud or something music is good yeah that’s what I’m saying I’m going to try is going to be like too loud it’s bu I don’t want that definitely like definitely I Bandon donut yeah I make

The a ticket and I got them then like yesterday like late I I got I got I make a ticket and I got like un banned Yesterday I I was bad I was like first bannned by by the end I don’t I was like taking a screenshot I Was preparing to like start my stream and like I Was preparing my thumbnail and um when suddenly I got the screenshots and I got

Banned by the anti [ __ ] like come on like what bro I didn’t do anything wrong like like for real I didn’t do anything bad and I got for like no reason just got by like B I didn’t a cheat or something but like yeah I talk it’s like

The stuff I make it uh ticket can I show the ticket do I play the tiet I don’t think so but i i i f the stuff and they got me un ban and finally but yeah was like only one day stream one day like Bann

Anyways but I got banned a little bit faster I mean that was good but anyways I got them I Was preparing to like be live and like it happened it happened oh I got my daily PR self promote by the way your first stream is really bad yeah

Obviously like how how do you think it’s supposed to be good nah I didn’t stream on my PC like in my life that was like actually the first time I was like I was like like I don’t know like onebling at home and I’m pretty sure I was like I

Was having a bad M like actually like so bad M I was like I think I talking is like St but guys bro I was so good at St guys I was playing like every time on like tour so like winning like gems and

Um and um I was like so I was like good at like uh like uh super punches my Opinion but like the bad thing I was having a bad like and um I was talking with my my my cousin I’m pretty sure while I was likeing for my [ __ ] first time after that I did like a stumble video I tried to like edit and and something but like yeah

I mean yeah wait let me like you yo yo I learn a new technique and I going to like he hit Me oh [ __ ] okay yeah I learned the new technique like you first weird it’s not weird I didn’t know what I was doing okay I just like I didn’t know what though I was like [ __ ] doing but was like not Like was like so like oh my God was like super bad quality and stuff and like I was did why I was [ __ ] doing that be honest like it’s not like weird but like he’s like yeah but yeah I I want to show like a new technique and I think it’s

Like but I kind of I kind of want to like learn like triple Tap I mean I know it’s like really hot wait I wait I I got the I got a a map for training Reas is white 16 you feel like with then your first wi shut up actually Y is this like the right okay is it is it is it okay uh I I

Got I got like um I saw on YouTu video it’s like a new like boat map a new like AI boat map for training and I thought it’s like super cool and I want to try that and you can like train not only on crystal with the B and like on sword and

Other things this super we thing it’s the same thing be fair let me see here here here I think right is this the oh no this is like oh my God this is so bad this not the map yo wait not the map all my fellows all my fellows all my

Fells what the actually though why do you feel weird I don’t know that’s a problem bro let me get my mom what is the m what is the m my Google is so slow I have a problem my computer my YouTube I don’t know but it’s loading so slow it’s loading like like

More slower than my phone like so so slow slow as a m as a m can you sing yo the music is fire what is this song like what she L it’s cool right I’m the only one who’s feeling like that wait stop the video so

It’s not going to like start like s your favorite song uh to be fair I don’t have a favorite song I don’t listen music I’m I’m listening like background music only like on streams but like I don’t casually like stay and listen music I don’t feel like I just don’t do that come

On it’s loading so slow oh my God okay sing the song You how come on no not wa oh my God it’s so slow come on wait like it’s 10 times it’s like 10 times slower than my phone like why so slow Pass oh my oh my God no I’m scared I she’s scared oh my God I feel like I feel like I want to like it’s it’s it’s it’s loading too slow I’m still but only you to been like kind of like Google oh my God is is it is it

What hey go on this video come on okay practice both for single play this is the map mod to work work to make please let me bro I don’t want to Oh my God I need to enter on his Discord oh actually sh I think it’s more faster oh my God it’s so slow my go never mind I don’t need it I am from Europe and the YouTube live stre like he here and where do I get P practice carpet

Mode let me like install carpet mode I don’t know what is carpet mode but it’s like a modet carpet fixes Inst this my fabric 1.2.4 how to install carpet mode so going to sing I don’t know bro I’m scared should I I’m scared don’t the map well this kind of what could it’s kind of like why did they like oh okay it’s good never mind it’s yo

Better are you going to be right back like think you’re going to like oh my God yo uh what’s out I’m live oh yo I want to like I finded um bro I’m the only one that looks now L uh like SC be on Top yo I’m mad I’m going to going to going to but like I I’m I was doing that and I just like rolled up I just rolled the low tier three I don’t know why I just got the luck no he was good but I just got like a lucky like I Was go donut that’s fine yeah yeah yeah yeah wait I um I got like I got I got the I got a practice map so I want to try it it’s like a like a a practice map it’s like a AI map you train is like a

Like a very like ENT robot he knows he’s going to learn you he’s going to Lo learn you how to aim how to jump reset uh and how to like crystal in a very like in different modes it’s just like you have the you have like heat crystalling you

Have like per flashing he’s Like okay he’s having like different mod wait Okay I’m back sing now no should I sing he wants me to sing the music like any Music no don’t yo your BS practice okay this map is like for 1 20.3 I don’t know if it’s going to work because it’s made for the new version bro yes I want to hear you sing then sing for Yourself oh my Game just crashed after it got Loaded um Maybe that’s Crazy yo sh oh be singing oh oh my oh my wait one point okay going to put 1 20.2 it’s like yeah you said like and I and I need like you need a caret that’s how it’s called No I just got 1.2.2 and this is for 1.1 wait wait wait yeah go sing oh oh my God but it’s funnier if you sing Oh that’s good 3,000 viewers oh what why do I actually have mod on 1.20.1 no I didn’t no no I didn’t like that’s a lie I want everyone in your chat wants you to

Sing it uh they they said he going to like reveal it he going to watch it for it like but it’s like it’s like uh if I right it’s like they reviewed like every application like every wave and a wave I don’t know how much is going to like like like like how

Much do I need to wait yeah I don’t it’s like like way one two three it’s like different than like season and the times when they review like application they accept new place op the Fabric yeah it’s the first W the first players got captain and it should be like the next wave I don’t know how much how much time it’s going to be what person oh you want to do a video think every everyone in your chat you only mean you and no oh no it’s

Not yo can you rate my new base my it’s not not not it’s not me real yo you can you can raid his base yo this is going to work I think I need to yo I think bro don’t say that I think I I I need to Like I wait wait let me like delete it and like no he not here here open one oh that’s so bad oh it’s not it’s loading too slow like it’s like I can’t even do BR shut up okay we’re entering G Scooby on top I

Think it’s a good uh uh it’s good is going to be funny if he sings I mean I mean why is a parrot here parrot hello oh this is the PVP switch so like why do I have like not a lot of um you know yo I I learned a new

Technique I didn’t to use it I I kind of use it a little bit but Like why do wait oh I do I have FL why so bad yo okay let me like uh like I going to take this mod like 1.9 2.x let’s get. not it that’s like so bled I think I’m going to try like that okay vator sings one to 100 it’s could yo

Yo yo should I give should I give Wy client on stream no no he’s not what I’m not going to do now just like oh my God yo where is the m single stream um okay all okay Scooby Do Scooby Scooby who are you

Why oh my God a real player on the Ser is definitely not a bot though Hero okay going to put this what is like he’s not I think KN back one I think like in this mode the robot is like just like for like to this like actually Yo double tap like Okay yo why is so hard sing is good content bro I don’t know how to See Okay okay oh oh do you know do you know that Or What still my ke oh uh sword F obsidian Crystal totem double hand uh an cord uh caps uh uh how is um anchors shift V for glow stone like Shield or like something or like I don’t know triple hand and gapers Like y wait can I like nothing bro are you like are you like that or something bro that was a [ __ ] Tri what was that I just like I I him once with my sword then after that like bro I pop him bro I shut up sing so I can

Rate No I’m trying to like do something else but like it’s like so her like butterfly you know but like how like is it behind yeah it’s close wait yeah I Know yeah but it’s like I should like like like okay I got like butterfly Up Bro stop yeah no you just said bro shut up doesn’t Matter yeah I want to do that but it’s like but this like yo okay okay okay okay Um yeah the thing bro you I don’t en you’re dead look okay okay Chad don’t oh I going to use slow falling is this slow falling okay oh the St funny is disappeared Every no he’s not dying at all he he’s see doubling yes he can’t die like hello why is Bing so I’m going to want something good I’m training real quick mean I got to like I kind of yeah yes I do like so bad yeah like you know like to like

Triple PP you could like try to learn how to Triple pop because like you need to uh first to know how to Butterfly yes like let’s yes you do you do It oh yeah I need to change my version bro yes okay okay okay okay yes you do yes you do yes you do yes you do you you do need because like um no you need to like hit them you need to hit them dap then like dap again and

Then um yeah like heat D and like you go you get another heat and another D hey bro what like what yo you should triple him like why not oh who’s the mug okay I’m going like I’m Ming a donut okay guys aning a donut yeah got I change I

Just changed my version like they do bro bro stop like how do you know I don’t know That God they hear you and man look like silly silly yeah you’re hearing no they no I’m not yes you are [ __ ] are you going to eat today uh uh no h why not you should because I eat it I got home you should eat while streaming so I can

Stream yeah is that a good idea no it’s not my God I’m never going to stream just and it’s like it’s not really but like just then like make videos n videos are overrated videos are bad hey give back those emeralds over there yeah wait I just became like those Indian guys are

You Indian I’m not why are you talking like an Indian it’s just I know don’t like don’t tell me what to do they don’t say it like that they say like don’t tell me what do like that’s that’s so good they’re boosted as a mug

I know I I have like I have like talking so actually like [ __ ] shut up nah I will pass that offer thank you my friend I will not be doing that because you suck my Like what is that music bro it’s absolutely ass it’s like most it’s utterly ass utterly [ __ ] ass it’s no good music oh my God why am I in my search okay wait let me like look for myself I need to check something now should you should your face C and stream yourself

EA yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah that’s a w that’s a qu druple U idea oh no oh no oh no I shouldn’t do the [ __ ] up bro like Game Theory situation is bad sad that’s what it says on a video like did you have to like say

That you hearing on my stream well what are they say I just check you’re heing go like hearing too you’re B maybe too loud not oh my God yo I’m going to like heat Crystal you while I am like like Flying well actually who are you lawyer Terrorist that’s that’s okay okay I’m going to say that my like next Video So bad hello wait what I did not say did he [ __ ] disappear that is so bad just a 25 25 please not pleas Not V why is it like why why do I have 100 people why do you why do I why should I do a face event like Point did I did like I don’t like onek subscribers no you guys are subing so like no I’m seriousness no not even a point Your mom Doesn’t hey what the [ __ ] hello Internet Internet welcome is taking way too long it’s not my fault like what do you mean welcome to Nick if you guys should like like then go and like sub to me it’s going to be like so fast if you subscribe to him he’s

Like and you get him to like and you get him to a 1K subscriber he’s going to sing in stream are going to are going to like are going to destroy my keyboard in case theying oh I that it’s not going to take you that long you stupid

Niger I know J keep said that it’s taking way long yeah it’s not going to take him that long I’m like half away there I guess I just have to open a few Al that’s like so bad yo Jacob Jacob just followed me on Tik Tok What They what Tik toac

Again wait jakq you should open 25 alts and like uh make him get media I mean yeah he could if you think he could D SMP I lost my money again please pay me yeah that’s your like name that’s one of your like stream titles wait what is this thumbnail bro your old

Thumbnails were better like your thumbnails now are just too bad okay oh I think it’s my phone like okay like cuz yeah the old ones were like uh more Goofy and this is not the point like it’s actually not the point goofy like What don’t tell me what to do what the [ __ ] wait your one of your m popular most popular streams is like final fight no it’s donut new season yeah your most popular is like dapino season I know like I the thing why do I like hear

Why do I sound like Natasha Riley oh you don’t really but like I don’t Jacob just open new [ __ ] tabs tabs have like T Slim Shady I have a kid in my in my school and um he got actually I have a kid in my like what are you

Saying okay and he got like he got Bal he got like completely B he got B yeah who sold him and now he’s a slave now Back to Basics and now the classmates are calling him like uh slim shade oh what yeah so his Barber but it’s like it’s like oh okay

I thought he was like a slave no he got B to be a Slave oh my God I like what’s going on in Romania bro what’s wrong with Romania then what is Ender T like Ender Tate is not a slave Andre Tate got like a got into jail in

Romania y I think he hates Romania and he’s going to send the nuke to your country I can’t open you I hope he does that I don’t like you I want you to die you [ __ ] idiot I can’t open new dabs D ABS D are you [ __ ] idiot tabs like

Is he making fun of me or is he like an idiot uh me here um I think he’s making I want I want the Settles no remember that I can’t watch YouTube on 25 at Co at once yeah he’s like he’s Nintendo switch is going to blow

Up why did you just joke about that that is so racis the why do you need the saddle FL worth saddle the thing is $10 oh one saddle is $10 what the [ __ ] I’m selling them like every time on like and I’m selling your mama what that you say that was funny as

A mon yo my friend said he’s going to like make a new smpp and he’s like inviting you who is your friend like that one guy from the VC don’t you remember oh yeah I Do he’s like a [ __ ] oh d not so you want to join or not that’s what he’s asking yeah I’m going to join okay it’s not going to be leg mean he’s going to open it on eight us you might be lag toxic I what shut

The [ __ ] up you stupid [ __ ] idiot no shut up like don’t be don’t oh he called you toxic cuz he tell told them that he’s like Nintendo switch is going to blow up no he’s not even just give me your accounts and I watch them on 25

Accounts that’s once yeah but the thing is like I don’t know how to prove that like I have like 25 like like like activ I’m thinking shut the [ __ ] up nobody cares you [ __ ] idiot I think like I was think to like like make a screenshot when I have like the viewers

Like 25 yeah I want to make a screenshot and like apply like but like they said they cuz you’re too dumb to up but like is annoying as a mug but they said is is going to be like you need to like show the the analystic the YouTube like in YouTube

Studios tool but like I don’t know how it’s not showing you I mean I had show them but like like bro like bro they even like they didn’t give me either how much uh viewers did you even have have we ever had 25 yeah while like I guess yeah bro like

JBE has to open 25 accounts this deal 500 sub and you’re going to post a clip you singing your disc 500 is too bad like he’s already 4 mean at least 6 600 and yeah 600 and he he’ll do it he’ll do it I guess if

You get me to 100 Jacob if you get me to 100 Subs I’ll sing too I’ll do it for cheaper not going to Li like local theorist I mean it’s not like I don’t just like wait just wait like you know just like wait like wait like

Wait yo should I like go like naked no go naked get like a basic like armor no like get like full armor do D until you no basic Bas do DS until you die one and get like TOs and no like Get Like H get like maxed out armor and get geared up

And do D wait do duels until you die and after that wait something’s happen and like rate bases after you die okay like that’s annoying as a mug if you don’t do that I can try to get you to 100 Subs how like only to promote

But like if like sub to your Al account is like it’s not going to like count no yeah I it will count if he like get me to 100 Subs I’ll SN I mean yeah anything like he chooses but like I’m not don’t make it like oh

Oh yeah it needs to be something Prof oh oh watch this oh I have [ __ ] it’s going to be said Oho D my God like stop like sweating in my stop curing in my stream why are you cursing like for real yo do you know like like King re is

Not going to like lie him anymore he said he like he’s going to like post video videos more of his hardcore World instead he said like he lost interest for for streaming so she’s like he’s moving to videos hardcore and he’s hardore I mean I don’t know like it’s kind of boosted

But it’s like good I mean is his choice let’s make it Mar sing the keep the toilet song is going to be so cring did you hear that yo cat cat kitty yo I can I can’t wait should I still P donut the pig is like kind of like like not that

Stable on donut like the the server kind the server kind of got fix but like bro does anybody like no never mind let’s actually do that yo did you hear that what your opinion hear what like what Jacob said okay going to it again make cat man

Mering this toilet song is going to be so cing I mean get me to 100 subs subs then we have a deal okay I said bro we have a deal wait you can use AI to make Adolf Hitler sing that that’s crazy I know Adolf Hitler ex the toilet mad going say like

Be no no he ches the sign I sing it he he said he wants you to like sing skip the toilet okay if he gets me to 100 Subs yeah he said he’s going to get you to 100 if you sing SK toilet like after I

Mean if he gets me to 100 I’ll sing it okay so did you hear that is not a problem no problem I like I sing it once un like a V live stream like that live stream is deleted which means you’re not going to be able to find that which

Means your only option is like only your only option to like make me sing SK toilet is to get me 100 Subs that’s czy I do not care he doesn’t so he doesn’t want me to sing it damn no maybe he does I don’t know he said

Like let’s make let’s make it a wait wait something let me look at something did he say aimen again no he said cat he didn’t say it at all a like he’s a good boy wow make videos make videos how do I make videos like make videos I don’t

Have a topic to make videos like make like donut and things when like like just like how McDonald it’s not that easy video is like not easy as streaming you have to edit you have to like I do not know how to edit I do not even have

An like a like a like a program to edit pran which means I cannot edit just use like Adobe Premier Pro n bro that’s like 30 Euros like pounds this like every month it’s not that bad yeah it’s like boosted as a bad should I use ctas yet I don’t know what is

That that’s an old like I used to edit my old video old Among Us videos on that Among Us yeah I used to like make videos a lot like before with Mye but every time uh I every time I die I pay 100K to

SSS nah that’s a bad idea I can do like getting all the armor trims in this [ __ ] SMP like I have a bad reputation cuz like I keep saying the n word most people are going to hate me you like control yourself no bro it’s not easy like yes it is

Like like choose another like topic of jokes to don’t like don’t say jokes at all oh like okay I want to be a nazist from now okay that’s even worse you don’t do that no that’s even worse I know like I got to choose a like toping that’s going

To be racist and it’s going to be funny it’s not funny for YouTu I guess like for vegans are crying about like H people eating meat and Chien like or you could like get do like SMP maybe like they are really cool they are really like popular if you

Do I think you need like bro you don’t even like wait wait wait vegans are mad because people are eating meat right and chicken chicken and pball people are the goats of countering like vegans cuz they are the most chicken eating people in the oh my God what is

That black and black people oh my yeah I’m not saying the end word that’s another topic yeah but like what does it not does it have to be like non-racist yeah like not like like where is like fun in that funny and that how are you going funny like in the other

Way you don’t need to like say that what did the [ __ ] say [ __ ] you don’t need to say that to be funny what okay that one was good okay that one was good accept that that one was good you got to accept no did you even hear it yeah

Unfortunately how do I like delete it okay what is my like uh video topic oh yeah getting all the armor shs in this DMP server that is in this competitive Minecraft server where PVP and griefing is allowed and that you can join now from any Minecraft platform okay

Make every crystal PP I we are going to bro what the [ __ ] like I’m not going to be able to reach out to Marlo yeah and like everybody’s doing that so we got to find anything original like I mean like like I catfished Minecraft by being a

New girl that’s a that’s a good idea like isn’t it probably gonna wait I could make a cookie clicker video but it’s not like it’s going to be Turkish cuz like nobody on Turkey makes one of those videos like like I hate Marlo I I’m going I’m going to help

You no Marlo’s like funny like not F Marlo’s like racist as a mug bro no he’s she says like H she says like black woman don’t even give up the I’m leaving I’m leaving like wait that she says that I bro I’m [ __ ] tired of this you

Can’t control yourself like shut up if you can’t like it’s it’s good if it’s good if you like just can control yourself again like not a problem you know you don’t need to like we don’t need to VC if you don’t want to I said do like like a lot of times

Like I have modeled I I’m going to help you oh my god oh yeah in her Discord like server you can like contact M is sa like a waiting l or something like I don’t VC BR control yourself and then going to VC after I’m Banning you I’m Bing

You wa make a video the ultimate I will holy kid and like call me again and like stop like saying stuff suy stuff bro Jacob said I should make a video on like ultimate racism gu no but he said a w idea but he said he’s having like a Marlo added on

This and then he’s going to help he’s like lying but how am I going to contact CR or like it’s real me so like I want to low tier one um like uh am I going to like a high tier two which is like who’s High tier to King

Default no he’s a low tier too oh my God yeah but he’s I don’t know like dager is I guess you want what am I going to like dager you have a you have a like foring donuts so like three he like let me check tier list who’s a high tier

2 I don’t know real Giller Ro Giller he’s a high tier 2 and he’s EU so I you can like contact Marlo through help like this BR it’s going to be like it’s going to take me like a few months months just to upload a video that’s it

Like it’s going to be I’m lazy as a mug it’s going to be F and it’s going to be you can no not that video that video is like not going to be possible going to take me years and you you need to work what what are you like doing something

Better than like working lazing as a going to school going to school is so bad you’re going to go to school but you’re yeah but I have nothing to do like I I don’t I don’t want to work at a China sweat shop I definitely yeah then like do a

Video so you’re not going to work YouTube is going to save you from working in like an like uh I mean suiciding is the best option right here oh no no I’m kidding I’m kidding okay then like just like don’t say it if you’re kidding okay like I saw video saying

Like uh if you’re like unsuccessful no like uh a girl is saying like I’m going to marry a old and a rich man and like there’s a guy who’s suiciding that’s so sad yeah that is kind of unfair they can just like get a rich like husband like

But you can get a rich wife nah that is impossible women only like women don’t provide like at least in my country like they are lazy as a most of them yeah but D like like moms are not like new wom in my country are like lazy okay give me give me

A I just got quadruple tapped I’m mad give me a video idea no give me one I needed more wait should I should I upload a video called stumble Dash row no doesn’t do that SC appropriate it’s not you’re like stealing my counter nothing that’s not your content little

Bro like bro why is this guy like dodging my attack I’m going to oh dodging like do oh he’s dodging my attacks who who who wait who who who God damn it I di oh yeah okay Victory I mean like if you’re living on the 2000 2000 era best to just

Suicide what no don’t listen to this guy or like e you could like gamble too that’s the I’m giving bad advices bro like I mean I got to go smoking is your best option to do my homework I’m going to DM you l l

L oh my God bro like oh my God I don’t know how to edit a good video like that’s the bad part uh good edit I cannot edit in my life you’re going to yeah you can edit for me I will pay you like H 5 cents pay

Me like that’s life change like 200k on donut and yeah I real trading what do you want like the key pay me like $ some paper like uh the the edit has to be good bro like for me to like actually like do something for you like you’re not going

To be able to make those H goofy ass tumble where it’s like a music and like the screen is dark as a as a basketball person like the map there’s the Met meta no where’s the map [ __ ] the map the map you think you’re the king [ __ ] the king bro like what

The like you’re getting mad as a mug if I when I say some slurs yeah when I say racial slurs you’re so mad Let’s test it out okay I’m leaving again no no you do not I’m not going to say that that’s that’s a lie as a mug then keep it a lie

Then like keep pushing oh my gosh share your screen bro I want to like grind like who Do You Think You Are by not sharing you want to grind app MC oh no no I I do not want that I do not want that like for real love you suy guy hi

Hi I just whispered that that guy’s ear I’m always Whispering at night I’m going to put hallucination yet H how do you say hallucination gas in your room while you’re sleeping you’re going to be teleported to FNAF for immediately when that F oh you want that to happen is that a

Good idea yet no it’s not what do you mean you n bro don’t I did not say I say yeah it’s the same word but like it’s a different accent it’s like EU accent you know no I didn’t complete finish it I just said

N do you think I K you have a dirty mine like okay then what do what wanted to do say I do not have n bro you say that that’s how you say neighbor in my country bro nice you say that word like every time do you don’t expect that then

I think you’re going to say like like now like what like sub I’m going to scream the N word if you don’t shut up I’m not I’m Le no do not leave yeah you’re not even that’s annoying as a much like [ __ ] okay take the XP without holding

Your sword if you hold your sword it’s going to M the sword I want to M my sword what do you mean I want to M so bad myself like what and I want to [ __ ] your mom so bad oh my God oh my God I’m leaving yeah there I’m

Say you can sell that pickaxe for 25k if it’s maxed out I’m keeping for myself yeah you you stupid like don’t talk like you’re talking too much okay I’m going to do that world record yo JBE is going to speedrun uh Cal uh Nintendo switch calculator calculator H

How yeah you get to a certain number by spamming the like equals button like equals to oh I know I know I know I know we you should do that it’s a w idea a quad you idea it’s a Niger idea IH sell

8K IH IH is C crazy bro I said ah no you said IH no I’m like it’s said who are you fooling buddy I I know that I hear well actually I know that like bro I’m so like 100% shut you’re inappropriate inappropriate like yo I need like bro is

So inapo oh my goodness nine levels okay shut the [ __ ] up nobody cares about you you don’t have any friends and family okay that doesn’t you should kill yourself now you should kill yourself now oh I’m I’m going to get the world record I’m officially the best calculator player oh my God

[ __ ] the best C calculator bro like that’s my man right there the best calculator [ __ ] you lator no don’t say that yeah what does it mean bro it’s it means like a roaster a [ __ ] means a roaster yes it yeah it does no it don’t yeah yes it does English it does it

Does yo look at my screen look look at my screen look at my screen look are you are you looking yeah what are you are you Looking look that’s a roaster that’s a rooster chapter like [ __ ] means a capter chor like [ __ ] means a capter y d yeah it’s like a different like H chicken yeah it’s like a different like H she like stop talking oh look look by the way if you actually

Make the ra they you might get banned on YouTube nah I always KN back bro shut up okay bro how many times you push I always like come back I said it yeah I’m not going to get banned I’m going to get you’re not going to it’s because

You’re a loser loser no it’s because of you look what I’m doing what are you doing yeah I’m coming to kill You wait why do my game is Lagging bro yo actually going to like take take your perms away to come to the team home yo I took your perms away to visit team home I actually don’t need you are Uninvited to my base yo hi hien har does it look that bad bro it’s annoy to

Me does it look that bad wait does it look that bad on yeah for real yeah why is my so lagging why do you have like those on your like hand are you a vegan bro yes I am are you going to eat some like [ __ ] grass and eat fish vegans doesn’t eat

Fish fish really does fish F fish fish oh fish do you have quarter blocks I need that oh if you are under 16 come to my house I can get that I F you immediately that’s what dream says how much how much do you want to pay for that for

Those like how much do you need and how much you’re going to pay because I hate what I have C right here oh corals yeah how I can like look I can get are you trading on like v+ that’s crazy I can like get hey I’m

Going to give your perms away to come to team home but like don’t break those again okay okay sure buddy it’s Niger as a mug yo I just broke the water I just broke the elevator oh how did you manage to actually do it I didn’t you

I put C oh I oh now it’s good again in your life no I I just broke the in your life CP golden in my life CP I I have never seen CP be golden in my life how does this guy have 4 million bro like why did get $6 I mean yeah

I you don’t know I don’t know Tooo what is even Dead brain Coler fan like what is that that’s just like a long ass name isn’t it m isn’t it long ass name m mate yo I need to check what are you saying mate are you dumb mate are you dumb I only got 500 oh my God mate will

You ever shut up mate oh my gosh mate you are annoying as a mug mate fing AJ stop yo am I a good British am I a good British it’s so [ __ ] annoying why did you just call me annoying in it is my accent annoying in

It yeah my annoying accent is my accent annoying in it yes it is it’s so annoy inette this guy’s an idiot inette wait I’m a w British bro like what British who’s Bri very many players like what does very many players even do like uh it doesn’t make as much lag when

You have like a lot of FS yeah okay I need to like disable this is making my game so lagging disabl it you disabled what like carpet mod I use that Moree on to you need that Moree to like use the bo to work to fix the AI or

Something to fix to fix the N word the AI the AI yeah bro people are not using the N word as much oh you can give me like I wish we could turn back time oh yeah to the good what Coral do you want like more exactly well I wish we could

Turn back to like the racism four yeah I I will I will take no wait I’ll be back I will take those I will take those but like um how much cor what cor how much cor do you need what car what color what is that what color like how much blocks do

You need of coral and what Coral what what color of coral one stack okay one stack of What blue okay I can get Those yeah I can’t get those wait I just started the raid why yo is my game Good I mean should be like a b lag now but like it should like get fixed you I’m going I’m dropping to get a blue one look here look not pink though The thing is like you need do SE touch for those but I have SE tou that’s the good Thing I want to like work oh I don’t have this yet yeah I can’t work yeah I do like Y do want see I don’t think you okay um I he like it by you come uh I only need blue I mean yeah I hear like I’m going to like TPA like e right I like TP and I giving you like send me your name like you could send me

A TP to V doesn’t you have like my name I kidding or do you like tell me your name oh okay d a and XP you’re not the T Trapper right yo why did I DP to you I should like doesn’t matter look you should get all of

Them Yo thank you yo thank you yes because I I I do wanted like the armor actually what what why to put on my armor it’s cool it’s cool think yo no thank you for the armor I You oh who whoa whoa yo okay okay okay okay let me go actually and buy something else too okay To Yeah I was looking on my S I think my music is like a little bit too loud okay okay okay okay yeah I think I should like I should get like my music Like okay I think it’s like good I think it’s good I think it’s good I think it’s good right right right right right right right okay okay okay ET finally I hear like food in my spa okay okay I want to do go home and um here okay oh [ __ ] I just wasted that just wasted that box okay I just wasted those books this this who’s sending me a TPA chip 22k it’s Wy damn why so expensive like Hello I just wasted those books I just wasted wasted so hard those BS I think I’m going to get another one I guess like don’t have another option right now I don’t have another another option oh [ __ ] but my pants was like ready oh I needed to like get them

Back that’s so like that’s so bad bro okay like uh going to enchantment those like for like two levels and guess we going to it’s going to be like six levels I’m now going to need like nine levels okay I I have n it’s six yeah I just wasted

Everything all send you TPA are you going to T me like be serious are you going to T what are you going to do I’m not in the like best position to die I going to like a r qu like I grinded so hard if I going to die I going to

R i going to rage quit who’s em zis I don’t know he’s sending me a TP but if I going to die I’m going to rage quck if you want you can go though but no I’m not going to his like hey bro you’re going to rage bases with like no armor

Remember like idiot n yeah but I need to like okay here okay like uh you’re going to do duels when you get here right uh I don’t know what to do come on you said you were going to like stop lying you night man night okay I can like to

Ni actually I’m not going to actually I’m not going to yeah that is a bad idea to TP to him yeah I I would want it to like put my stuff over yeah wait make a Sher like this when you’re going to like put all my stuff oh like when

You’re going to like when you’re going to like du make a sh Sher like this look I sent you a picture yeah like do like with st and crysts and and you put it in the P should yeah absolutely good idea because I if I’m not going to have like

Um Lo I’m going to die I’m going to it’s going to be a nightmare basically to get geared up again yeah and this and like the fact they going to like be vulnerable and going to have like N Stuff I just [ __ ] you [ __ ] stupid why did you

Pop okay that was funny as my God why you bro I’m actually I said it actually I am I am me R I’m actually bro not even like a have you ever played FNAF world oh no you missed out bro FNAF world is like a great great game FNAF

World it’s like not a scary game but like it’s so good my friend played he was like a big of like he was like a big like fan of FNAF yeah me too like FNAF is just a great franchise bro it’s been eight years eight like that game is older than

My [ __ ] that game is older than my [ __ ] cousin bro like game is really good yeah he that game is I have like I don’t know there’s like a bunch of memories I had my cousin like playing okay y let me like I going to put my stuff here here wait you’re not

Going to no he’s trying to TP to you he’s sending a TPA to you and I can like TP away and send him a TPA there if he wants like this no put other stuff in your Ender Chest put the other ones like why so you don’t lose them like those

Totems are like good good good I’m going to put it like in the wait wait wait don’t go you have B oh then like start a ra then go start a raate then go probably not going to except because he’s just trying to kill you let mean let’s go

Kill no you don’t going to St anything wa right or I do like I oh he sent you a TP here TK tto I don’t know I just like good to be safe hey TP T say t like but TK sitto is okay ckos youo kill me come on if you want no

Don’t not bro that’s okay kill me let’s go that’s what you wanted you you you got it brother you got it you kill me you got it brother yeah you got it brother you got it to kill me that’s what you wanted that’s what you like want you got that

In you just kill just kill I think em zus is going to give you something no he’s not oh oh oh yeah this is another guy right hey accept EMS zus congratulation bro no our tpn accept em zus why do I RTP cuz you’re on spawn if he’s going to

Do something he’s not not going to be able to like give you stuff why he’s sending me a TPA maybe he wants to give you something okay bro come and kill me too like come and and kill me wait I’ll TP you to me like I’m going RP and TP you

To me wants to like kill me okay going to be here with okay like hey come here and accept him yeah wait you’re going to like uh TP here TP here M here you go oh he has TP here up okay accept him he’s not going to kill me is

He okay kill me okay come and kill me kill me uh okay give me tots okay then like now kill me you want okay yeah he’s trying to kill me bro like oh what does this kid want I’m not going to fight him I mean you have gear yeah but

Like I don’t really feel like fighting right now like okay bye I’m going to do my own things you know okay I’m out I’m out why is my phone always charging is going to die got to my phone is going to kids like ride each other yo faster do it faster make it

Stronger why want me I have c one n who said that nah in you’re like private it’s going to say like he’s going to be mad and say you’re scared you’re scared wise why like why does even people say like wise does that even mean why experience ktic Energy what the what the in W like for what the Indie one just like soda bro somebody said I have two alitas like Al okay congratulation like not like Le a l i t r r s I need like huh huh he’s not huh oh like you get what I’m saying bro like

That is that is just so Niger why why are those like he’s not entering in my stream and type in my chat why they are typing you no I just lost $3 huh on donut that’s I lost $3 on donut it’s $3 bro that’s one sugar cane right there

Gone disappear like my God like one sugar cane do you know how big that is no I know three whole dollars I could have had so much money I could have had so much money that one sugar needed to be mine I could have been rich I could have been

Rich I could have been the richest person that’s out there but you’re not but no I lost the $3 you mean3 million you’re not you 60 million to BU that just like shut up defuse cave Joe has that much money yeah he’s like he’s paid to win

Cring or something yeah he’s the most paid of guy that’s like like stop like he’s like the he’s like no life he has 20 days and just like 20 days like that’s that’s yo I have like six days that’s but if he comes to the stream and like haunts us until we

Die on real life if he’s going to like come to the stre going to say yo can you give me some Money going to pay me like $10 and they say s bro that’s what I got that’s all that trying to get money bro my bad my bad SE why is my game so bad optimiz he like oh my God this like wait I need to use the farm I need to get 21

XP I don’t care /home totems I’m apparently in the F okay I’m I’m going to like l l what move come on I just want to enchant something something it’s not going to take that long it’s going to take a whole huge it will not will

Probably yeah I going to do wait hey I just lived amaz SL ah ah 5K is like low price 100K 1 million okay I’m like more than HealthWay done we’re going to P this Sher for like I need 63 XP is that good I can can I farm that

Much can I farm until I have 63 XP is that good yeah okay thank you you can s renamed oh my God why is neite why is name that’s your helmet idiot yeah they said you it’s like Flames helmet I know but like they they said you can’t re

Like rename things anymore but I could you saw that I could like ready what yeah but like you can’t sell renamed items on auction it’s not renamed this this Stone shovel is named I hate nigers you’re going to buy like another one and stone shovel 20 cents that’s just

Like C my guy 20 so bad can I have that Sher this like free sh why are you head think is so bad oh that Sher is like empty anyway why does matter it’s more valuable it’s so valuable it’s more valuable than anything that Humanity has ever seen in their Liv

In my life yeah exactly you got it you got it do you still feel weird no hey that’s bad to steal what are you doing then oh my God I feel I feel why is this renamed because like Jacob rename it [ __ ] idiot why would you name the

Shulker box and the shulker box like no what oh he Nam Sher box shulker box so I can I can’t even sell it I know what the [ __ ] bro I know it was like neite and was like not letting me to like uh to to to like to s sell

The shulker box so I just like rename it into shulker box but it’s still not working like is the original name is sh box why is not working oh I got your stuff your nose my nose give my nose back you stupid don’t be like bro wait did did I that I didn’t

Rename anything yes you did I stole it I didn’t rename it like I stole it from you the first time to like said hey bro give that bag okay I’m kicking out of the team and raiding your farm you’re going to return that bro turn that bro you’re acting like I don’t know

Where you are like I can’t see your like thing you’re glowing idiot then me anym yo easy easy no that you’re going to pay for that bro e you will be paying for that I’m going to hunt you down yo you won this you won this you’re going to be paying for

That yeah you think you’re JQ bro I’m getting little bro thinks he is JQ I you mean I’m getting hey give that Sher back right now bro I’m getting the items though so it’s like it’s R right [ __ ] you why I I didn’t do I hate you I

Always hated you I’m going to kill you I didn’t did like something like bad or something I didn’t do anything bad I hate you I always hated you I’m going to kill you and I’m going to make it hurt my God what do you mean about buto I think see

Jac yeah he’s trying to do your strategy bro that is the J Cube Strat like you think you’re J Cube really like you need to be J Cube okay I’m done with the farm you idiot okay oh no know that I will be back somebody said not even kidding I’m in my

College class right now but I’m bored was playing donp on college class what the life is like really short I’m better than invite anyways how you yeah for real is J Cube wait J cube is better yeah four [ __ ] real dude that’s real as a as a actual mug like

That’s real if a mug like okay imagine this there’s a mug and it’s that real it’s as a mug like why are you making monkey sounds bro you just close your share screen I hate you I alwaysed Y wait let me show you a leak let me show you a

Leak wait look look look look here look look look look yo this is CHR it looks so bad that’s not going to Li so realistic this is going to be like seura next um next um like Montage she’s back don’t believe bro no like Sakura is not a girl Sakura FX oh

No oh he even like calls himself he how is he a girl uh s is like a name K and he’s saving like pink stuff and I thought he’s hey pink mean yeah that’s racist as a right there oh your armor full my God you’re bad as

A look I you like more XP happy happy Happy happy happy happy what is that racist yeah why since everybody is like uh everybody’s like sad I can’t be happy everybody look to the right everybody look to the left but I did not do such a thing bro what do you mean I said the end word shot you’re

Lying I did not say the end you’re lying as a m I’m tired of you you’re like you’re not even family friendly for once my video idea for why would I be family friendly to make a video because you’re my friend you’re you’re going to get me banned if you’re not with

Anything of you finding the B guy in one came for hours no that’s that’s hor okay I’m going to do every time I die time I do a squad in real life yo yo yo yo yo what does Kur vza mean should I what does it

Mean the first thing that’s not my name the second thing uh yeah what does it mean like you [ __ ] you’re JK you’re JK wait I’m I’m almost more I’m like almost richer than you oh and richy Rich son that guy Richie Nixon like that guy epic

Ape epic ape is so mad bro why does this guy even have like yeah Med bro like everybody’s getting me so bad how do I prove bro this is like this is like like more struggling than the US economy yo let me like message epic can I message he left he just

Left okay going to message Savage but I think he’s like he’s something y not chat everybody spam nerd emojis in the chat okay buddy okay buddy like that’s don’t like that’s annoying he’s like annoying as a m Shish us a dis messages n you think you’re you’re think you’re what is

This n jez no that’s so bad stop stop can I send it one more time send the time why is your blur so good motion blur yeah like what do you have for your Mo it’s like looking so good uh 50 wait look look like like it’s like Mo wait wait

Like look I’m using this mod called motion blur uh this mod motion blur mod and I have slash motion BL 50% and like the other blur thing wait look the other blur thing yeah everything is at zero everything is at zero and this is yes e

Animation is yes what wait let me show me like the other mode mon blood too I didn’t like see it wait it’s here look like wait a minute come on feather I’ll my feather mods uh more motion blur it’s this one you apply it and you go to your uh game

You type slash motion blur 50% and boom make my game more lagging [ __ ] I mean that’s a motion blur is like kind of laggy but like it’s a smooth it’s a smooth criminal uh side oh my God I’m going to I’m gonna blow your head off if you say that ever again

Die okay side die wait wait wait don’t come you have B you have B you have bad how do you know do you want me to make an anal I going to make it like who bro JQ what are you even doing in my chat he’s like spamming the Emoji yeah like what

Like like like one like 16 equal another no it’s not like what I have eight anals do you need them yeah yeah yeah yeah you know that Korean guy yo yeah look at these look at these n this is what this oh wait a guy tattooed on on his

Leg like this from like Disney you know like Disney and like um touch B and his girl said like this what this what and he said this nuts yeah but was that worth it like four of these nuts Jack hey like for these nut joke was it worth it to tattoo

Your leg like just seriously bro yeah was it really worth it definely for like just for one joke bro all the jokes that was the best joke that I heard in my life I it’s it’s like so wor AI can you say a I got the Crimson KY I

Got the Crimson key oh my God oh my God why are you like oh why did you just leave the server what did you sto it I got a CRP key yo I just got a prime key oh my God bro Prime key is better than Crimson key [ __ ] I don’t

Care it’s your first time getting a crimson key yeah I got like bro put those back [ __ ] greedy [ __ ] oh this guy’s greedy as a mo you’re greedy as a m CER hey you don’t have to jum yeah okay finally put that [ __ ] back I just we take that [ __ ] we take

That [ __ ] we take that [ __ ] okay I’m going to take all of the anals to and use it to PVP actually you’re going to do that from for me bro look at what what JQ just texted me what you’re like look what look I don’t see anything to be

Fair so be fair I don’t see no unlike Discord look yeah there’s like nothing yeah look again check again I you can yes you can yes your Jo M yes you’re Jo mate what you doing nothing what you doing mate the trajal niggaer for is ready mate oh my

God oh my gosh oh my go gracious what are you using for your Sher tool tips uh oh F yeah but like what keybind I’m using be yeah but like don’t you have your shift on your pickaxe yeah when you’re like trying to check shers it’s like

Hard right yeah yeah that’s the only way oh you can change that you can change that I can yeah you can actually yeah go on mods go on mods no not that mods mod menu share tool tip open that open that uh controls controls you open this Controls yeah yeah change that left shift to like anything you want o if you change that to X I’m going to be so mad what bro like no no no no click cancel H save and quit yo why do you like making everything X oh that’s so

Good like that’s what does a mean what does a mean huh is that a letter letter is that a letter letter r r is that a letter yeah what is it like a letter yeah like what letter R yeah like what stupid guy would say l instead of you just

Said yeah cuz I wanted to know what that is that is so boosted of bro that just so boosted of you bro just ban Jacob he’s not even that important oh no no now we like Jacob Jacob is a w so I should like change my name to bite like Gaby

Yeah somebody like just uh aning my stream and call me bite you should kill yourself that’s so killing yourself yeah bro you should check it out it’s so funny oh my God I’m a hater for real for real I’m hating on you 247 I’ll be back

Don’t kill me and I’m gone don’t kill me oh my God 18 levels damn damn damn okay so how much LEL I need 26 damn damn that’s like a lot that’s a lot of levels that’s a lot of damage yo what should I do J you tell me

What do what do I do what do I do to like be entertainment or something like what do I do don’t tell me what to do what do I do I’m going to like tell me what to do you know just like I don’t know like I feel like I don’t

Know like you need to tell me what should I Do oh tell me Jacob tell me tell me Jacob tell me tell me tell me what I should do and I going to like end up what do what no Jacob is the line wait don’t use the farm I need like a few more levels and I going to leave after okay okay

Jacob yo don’t use them I need like a few more like a like so small amount like I like not even like a lot of those and they going to like leave you know I’m I was like grind this so bad so I need those

Ls I’m going to I’m going to ask you a question what instead of like instead of putting the microwave on like uh 60° and waiting for like a few F and waiting so hard and waiting for like 60 and waiting for what the waiting

For like an hour you can put it on 360° and wait for a second right I me not really is that going to burn the house then probably not or is that not going to happen it’s not going to that is not that is not man

That is nig’s man wait what should I do after like he you should do duels yeah but like I’m going to like uh like die in one second I like die in One D and I get better I gred like my yeah if you die just like and I grinded my loot for

A lot of time you know it’s like really equal n yo R yo what your back can you pay R some money not again man what stop acting for money you stupid [ __ ] that’s so bad say that though what is bro doing y look what he did to our

Farm like come and look see what it I’m going to come and look yeah come and look it’s like it’s a horrible thing who’s coming huh if you’re coming let me see it he who’s coming look Sakura is going to be bad let’s go I’m like I’m so yeah I’m so

Hyp like y look at what I typed in the chat is that true I like H so ner everybody flood the chat with nerd no do not do that yeah you will AB yeah I did oh my God stop spamming I got to ban You I just ban you no did you for real bad yeah you like the signs no I don’t they’re like that’s so bad I mean you were spamming so hard like damn we’re going to get unbanned when YouTube is going to decide to get you unbanned you know like Know you know yo go away what do you want kid I don’t know you you banned me I’m going to like make you mad okay you deserve to be get mad now you’re getting like I’m banned no wor bro who is this banned me who is this who is this guy

Who is this guy he’s spamming like block Emoji like what so [ __ ] banned wait no you’re like getting banned I’m banned what do you mean I’m not you’re not yet you’re going to get one B I’m not going to wait wait when am I going to get banned again in like 5

Minutes yeah I’m I’m not going to wait that long okay then I’m destroying your f it was 300 300 day B say goodbye to your Farm goodbye Farm wait why did you blow why did you bring the block over there say goodbye to your farm bro shut up we can like going to like J let’s blow blow up I going to like kill you you think like the rules are not applying would you like to like like

Buddy it’s spaming way too much it’s not my fault buddy like it’s you’re mad cuz you’re bad you’re not even like typing like in my chat you’re just like spamming like why who’s this Pro teist guy bro like what the [ __ ] like like what it’s nothing there it’s no one like

Put the block back I don’t have it well um yeah well yeah I mean this what uh nothing why it’s fine wait what happened nothing yo say what happened nothing bro like nothing happened what happened nothing happened what’s up dog oh my God I thought you were doing

Over what am I doing yeah what am I doing what are you doing they they’re baking my game I’m spamming in your chat yo this guy wants a TPA again em zus yeah [ __ ] idiot if you TP him here bro I’m going to be so mad he’s here but like he’s going to

Raid it so like I won’t be able to use it TP that’s oh he sended me a do request em yeah fight him no he’s like here as a mug his gear is his inventory is full to its brim with what to like totems I don’t know it’s full to its

Brim D it doesn’t matter likeit what did it say is a 300 day bad no no it’s not is it it’s a 5 minutes 300 seconds 300 300 no like it’s a lot yeah right it’s like a lot because like 19 days it’s like three months I have full

Inventory of um Cobblestone oh then you bro I’m ban me or else wait going to get on bad I my I’m going to ban Amy zus for 1 minute no it can I like I took all of your XP yo actually going to like bad something bad is about about to

Happen to me no going like I’m going to kill you in real life yeah I hate you I always hated you I’m going to kill you and I’m going make like listening to me me going to make no Marlo yeah Marlo is so like easy from one M yeah Marlo from

Wish like where that oh no they going assum I never run out of Alta accounts Al accounts yeah wait there something happening in your chat are you going to do something wait who is this guy Marlo just sended me a TPA yeah look at your chat did something

Happen what are you trying to do no nothing like happened wait wait why is aoar banned H hey that’s my ala account I’m going to keep spaming y you’re getting banned again I typed like four letters is that bad yo I one bro you’re getting banned it’s

St oh my God okay want to B I’m not spamming I typed it only once I’m not spamming yes it is no it’s only once yo I banned everybody in my chat like bro it’s only like once what do you mean like N Stop spamming I didn’t spam are you [ __ ] dumb buddy

Everybody’s spamming everybody spam the [ __ ] out of his chat yeah stop spamming or I’m burning everyone everybody spam G in this chat G no you’re getting banned G okay man y you’re getting banned I only typed it once like God G everybody G oh my God everybody G yo you guys do want a ban yo that’s crazy G no if he bans you all of us is going

To report the stream and get him banned oh my God gz in the chat GG that’s crazy G czy let’s go bro that is hyped who’s spamming me with do like come on that’s what you got like just spaming me oh why she is oh my God she is

Go everybody G in the chat like everybody goes to the light wait place that Cobblestone back idiot I hate you I always hated you I’m going to kill you and I’m going to make it hurt oh I missed the days you cried when I screamed at you

Wait what this again wait do I do I do I let’s go let’s go oh let’s go full en chance let’s Go why should I do that like why should why like why he’s bad it wouldn’t say that that’s inappropriate in Pro pleas oh my God just that’s bro like bro I’m getting so mad shut for what for like saying stupid thing that’s so n like are you going to

Ambush me or something like what spamming alone is boring everybody spam G in the chat no do not you’re getting banned G the letter G that is going to be spammed in the chat no do not 16 tell to give me to the team base yeah I don’t know about

That you’re going to like raid the base bro oh my God yo yo yo yo you’re going the B you are not online give me what netherite says and I’ll let you in the base that’s is Fair yo my PC is exploding yeah I she need a better PC for streaming why do they like keep placing obsidian in jq’s base wait wait TP me yo TP actually okay going to get like totems job what do you think what do you think I’m not placing them like

Idiot okay you’re know you’re just like playing around he’s not just give me one neite set and I’ll let you in the base I’m ging my base he wants the neite like so bad it’s each SP this just says something in like German but like I don’t know what that is yo

Let me TPS up wait like do you have like like um do you have crystals bro I’m not griefing your B yeah I have I have can you give like some like some like I don’t Nah Get yourself you’re like richer than me bro you’re like rich rich 61k okay I 32 crystals

Okay yeah that’s so not good that’s so not good oh my God J you be getting banned no he’s not if you ban I’m going to grief your base yeah what about that buddy huh buddy what do you say what about that yeah if you ban them I’m griefing your

Farm huh no I banned him for like 10 seconds but why did you ban him for 10 seconds CU like uh I didn’t have like wait why are you tping to me you have armor huh yo yeah you’re dead yet okay okay bye by was seeing I see like BR em zus is

Like so cringe bro he’s like meat riding for just some armor he’s cringy bro I’m getting banned Jacob now P me like one minute like stop spamming say you should TP here Mar mmm a r m l r o l m no you’re tping to him and it’s a bad

Thing I mean yeah yeah it’s GNA be a TP trap okay like don’t TP here then TP to him idiot like the [ __ ] I’ll help you I’ll help you like TP to him Then I escape or like should I like please this good because it’s like kind of funny I got banned God damn it okay going like God damn it vit what are you doing why are you Banning j i got this kid yo he couldn’t hit me yo hello

Villagers no that was like so cool bro that guy’s cringe as a mug like he’s like going to give us ass just to get one St like just to get th nice oh thank you that that was like that was like so like slash ignore EMS zus okay user was ignored

Successfully I’m I’m Banning Jacob again not him he’s not five minutes is so much yeah what even spamming GE G like a lot of times like 50 characters in one my man 50 characters in one message like that’s my man Bro like so mad I B him 10 seconds 1 minute bro what since when did you shower since when did you shower like two days ago two days ew stinky no I can like shower like this night like after the stream yeah we all know that’s a c bro I

Was not you never would shower in your lifetime you think it’s cringe what know shower is good like I mean you say it’s cringe why are you like saying it’s good now yes I did said it might life yo jesz bro un then [Applause] J like

Hello he’s going to like me are going to like me what do you want only thing I want for Christmas not staying I go this if you want to give me something cck on like [Applause] here you like if I’m standing here you can’t like I’m not going there you could like who

Me H who is going to DAP you this m m a l r o www BR go to spawn or something are you dumb okay okay I don’t think he’s doing here TP the other guy y tpy oh oh that’s what yeah mm is TP to him TP

To him no it’s a TP here it’s a TP here okay thank you em Z wait and now I can’t wait now we need to wait I you just put him on combat you stupid n plume what’s up plume yo plume is like plume is back it’s still relevant what’s going on guys

Cool back again still relevant like like where are oh oh he’s still oh my he’s the second richest okay never mind 50 million yeah that’s crazy bro is he like afking spawners yeah I don’t think that would be that he would be that op AFK [ __ ] please BR what wa yo can you

Give me like a few like money I guess like like I because like I need to buy loot I’m so like I was asking for 70,000 million no I don’t because like bro all the day like today he just he’s just going to pay you like 1K he’s going to

Pay you one this stream the the like the only thing I did just like to do my G like all the stream I can’t even like do something else so like I kind of need need to like like here so like I can like yeah I grind it

Yeah it’s taking too long I don’t have time to like stream too like the stream is boring like like it’s kind of you know you could like pay me bro it’s said plum Plum say I’m watching [ __ ] players bro plume called you and like that Marlo guy [ __ ] at the game he like

He says he’s joking but like that guy I don’t know why did you leave how did you even leave that fast you didn’t even like press Escape no I didn’t we like H something pay me please Marlo look I hear something else TP to me yeah he said you have 700k like yeah

I know yeah but like pay me like at least like 1 million 1 million is enough like if if you like 200k like 500k I don’t know like I own I yes he’s the real one a just banned you oh my God that’s crazy y this’s DPA um

Like like plume plume yo plume do are do like on right now okay not oh J Cube unmuted him W JBE yo J wait bro why you TV here PL B wait y like TP ex my TP like what you want to TP to you like

What I’m going to do to you like come to me huh going to get P again please pay me BL like any amount of money like any amount like I need it I need it I’m broke as [ __ ] I think you left the stre don’t pay

Me some money have like 40K yo like please pay me you left the you have 50 million 50 million like it’s so yeah he left the stream idiot like what that’s so boosted he should pay you two million cuz he has 52 to make him have

50 I’m still here oh he didn’t he did not yo please like I am annoying if I’m begging but it’s annoying when you like beg for money it’s kind of annoying it’s good I don’t want to be like yeah but like I just saying yeah like yo okay tell me

Like um um a random he’s going to pay you like $1 oh I I want that not a problem for TP for coms not t for com okay um uh why I’m scrolling I’m going to TPA this guy TPA here who guy the stream is boring as F yeah give me oh my

God what [ __ ] bro like what the [ __ ] I don’t know PL keeps Banning this kid no PL unmod bro if I banned someone for no reason you would have unmod see no no no what are you doing hello oh yeah yo give me your armor right now

Give me your armor give me your armor j/ Ben we’re we’re making like switch switch armor you get my gear and I get your what if he has like prop one yeah it’s like not even that bad it’s neite though like he can have problem neite that’s a give him managing

Mode yeah for if you give him one pay me like I don’t wait wait I’m going to make a dynamite uh blowing sound like it’s like it’s like no it’s a creeper not a dynamite yeah like IRL trading what the hell is a ban it’s not IRL tring like no who cares what’s

Banned oh give me managing mod did you say like pay me and I’ll give you did you say that yeah I said bro like I I just said if you managing mod just like pay me 1 million not even minut P me some money BL no he not yo like um

I M BR good banana man yo come BR B everyone yeah everyone spam G in the chat no don’t it’s to Ty it once show me your helmet I want to see if it’s jaob are you serious I said type it once bro like no so dumb you’re getting banned

Jaob ja you’re getting banned you’re getting banned okay 10 minutes like what the [ __ ] no way I’m reporting day hands Terror oh my God okay I reported him for supporting ter terrorism he’s going to pop you once and anchor you and you’re going to be dead oh

You’re cat play yeah just like bro like what are you saying like be nice damn is that hard is so bad I mean do I have why do you keep Banning like JQ because he’s spam you should B plaid you should ban plaid bow from your

Streams cuz like why would he be in your streams am I right why did you just spend 1K on that just 1K was so went to waste back to basic yo why are you breaking my armor SLE what if he like uh puts you like

Gets you out of the water and daps you it’s going to be so good if he does that okay I’m going to my I’m leaving that gu is not I’m an officially water maning I’m going to be Ming water T be here oh oh thank you oh yeah it’s enough

Enough enough TP here plue yo T here like yo plume I think his name is like P1 o o n oh yeah his name is that yeah yeah yeah defuse k here bro why is like Jacob sending me these this is like bro jaob is like sending me these these what

Look I send you look look what oh my God yo that’s great how does he even have that like picture BR stop I’m not leak DMS with like vit and he’s going to be banned on YouTube and he’s going to be called a Max Level racist me

Too yeah bro you call all the black people not yeah I’m not yeah no he’s going to if you go down there he’s going to kill you yep you’re dead hello yo let me like sad oh what he sad oh why is real sad I don’t know oh yeah okay oh my God

Not again like are you crying me are you cing me what are you doing he will CST you I mean why are you so mad okay bye JBE what is JBE Doing yo let me man b Jacob he said he’s going to eat until it’s unbanned oh he’s going to eat your mom come on yo why are you popping me who does this guy think he is M what does this guy think he I mean I do oh wait come here you stupid

[ __ ] yo wait like actually like come here what is bro doing he Oh my God oh my need help no when he if you want he wants to like fight somebody and if you want to fight him yeah you can like come here wait you want yeah he R look yo Peppa gems what you I don’t know but like is your name like in YouTube

Yeah Peppa JS y like send me a TP oh man come on come here no h no h no not Papa huh why why why why I did why why who is this guy I mean you want yo what is up my bad do you know do you know who’s Peppa

Gems yeah he’s like really bad at the game oh because I I like I TPA this guy yeah he’s like really really bad at the game like like he’s bad bad you what I’m saying bad bad like I I TP him yeah like he’s like rich but not like good at the

Game wait wait wait go after them go after them there’s going to be a fight going on okay bye guys huh like mute me for a stream I’m going to like tell you a story everyone is going to be dis oh oh oh you want to F bro I’m destroying

You like no I mean I knew you oh okay Papa shamle yo we Shi right yo what why are they two we wning you now I don’t know that’s bad Papa Shams was going to come on clutch do you think I can’t like Escape or something you can

Yeah I can like give you popped you popped you popped okay bye I’m going bye guys there’s no point Right okay attack me okay thank you you got me the Boost should I leak my DM with a bit I mean there’s nothing important this boat is fine yeah do not do that do not to do that he h me no how you can’t like just hit me why you like so Bad who’s Pur but uh but do okay bat means damn it and Suka means no and Suka means okay Su don’t like swe in Russian hey how do you know that CS go easy why do you know Russian from CS go like I played like it’s so like

Come that’s why you should play CS go they got my aim like so much with hey Pearl like everywhere Pearl everywhere I’m good like but walking walking is like you making your legs uh Bey help walks get walks on the ground like a Fishman he he’s just using his kelp

Screams he’s just using kelp eats kelp talks help WS accounts are just never ending bro no he’s just he’s he’s just like um using his um his purse for no reason like what are you doing bro you’re wasting your P like do you want to do that you’re wasting your P it’s

Like it’s it’s not like he’s going to kill you yeah like you can go brother you don’t need to like you don’t need to if you don’t have time but I have the the the the the the the the all the time in my life to do whatever I

Want yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo and by the what was that and by the way I can like I can leave but like every time I want like in any time you I want to do Like your armor is going to break no it’s not what the what the [ __ ] I to activate my he and like work on one bro just like I don’t know go like and see okay right there right there right there right there right there right there This is so funny but he’s like one of those like kind of guys that are like like dump enough to like that is like dump enough to like actually like don’t to leave when they Can and they actually like want to like I get after me but they are not going to succeed he’s working on water do you see that he’s working on water l no yeah that’s a glitch if you have like dep Strider you can do that that’s a glitch like TI or

Me do you want I don’t think I can yo mate why are you like so Dum wait I’m bugged what is that I’m bugged eat I can’t it’s like canceling my eating when I’m trained I was like bugged he almost popped BR Papa sh just

Leave I can I leave if he’s not like to live not catching up to him this like right behind me go away bro you’re like so annoying and dumb oh my God the testing on my patient like what are you doing what is Dr do Dr do

Not that’s so much there’s someone named Dr do like d o u g h not like do not yeah I know not Dr donut it’s like a different guy yeah I me it’s a different no name I want like TP to him and he’s like high the bro

I just like what Papa Shams like tell Papa Shams that having a life is like actually good CLI CLI is banned Pap what what did I say I didn’t say anything I said this guys like like like soon as like new one oh like this gu is like actually like putting my

Patient yeah like bro just Pearl like everywhere yeah but like then I can like I can’t okay Pearl again Pearl again Pearl again no look I when the pearl land when the Pearl lands Pearl again I got this I mean combat not now you’re going to get in not now you lost him

Bro okay go to maybe not I didn’t see him like but like I that’s good okay going wait can should I dual p shs yeah he’s bad anyways what do you want you think I’m going to like TP nah yo who’s William bro like I’m not being I

Know by the way I’m not being like I know I get like a few totems come on stop dying I’m back yo hello bro what is definitely MC like talking about what is like rumbling about want wait wait I have a clip of you saying n

Nick like don’t say it we can like say it like I’m not streaming but like you don’t read live unknown if you don’t say it like on stream yeah look look look look at the video I sent you I know like you don’t say it on

Stream yeah but like look I know and like why I’m not going to something I’m leaving like I’m I’m Bor like what do you want going going something bad is going to Yo okay bro I think I’m going to play something else y donut is not good for real I need

Like yo let me Che this what is this I don’t like we’re going to try to open TR you going to get accepted you got you got born man uh I got yeah but like kind of know I got ice in my RS I’m not sure why

Is oh people like this like people like haters are like so bad it’s not fair if it’s like a hater and like a is coming and like reporting my stream for like no reason it’s like so stupid who reported it like the the MC like a hat a random like hater and it’s

Coming like so stupid I need it for my f Okay that is good as a as a yeah wait let me Che do do we have are kind of are you geared up enough to do dels I guess I yeah kind of then do them like what’s wrong I don’t want to let me get

You warm let me get you warmed up hop on stay bro like on cppp only like rich people can play on donut cuz like you have to like H you have to have anchors which is just so like pricey except the do like rich people just anchor and you have nothing to do

Because you don’t have anchors yeah then like you’re not going yeah you are going no you’re not like going to the H wait I mean I’m good enough to fight in a hole I’m good enough to fight in a hole without like anchors like not against somebody that that has anchors Maybe

Like if I can I will go to the home that was like so I knew was like how do I die like so fast what I me 6K in 5 minutes oh 6K in five minutes not going to lie that’s pretty bad bro to be honest even my my Farm’s like really ass

That’s bro why did you not claim the Nitro that JBE gave you I didn’t say it yeah like this Nitro is just like uh skines yeah and it’s so like it’s so like like what it’s like $26 God damn no it’s not it’s cheap but it’s like

$10 huh yeah why is my reaction like I don’t know when I last checked it was like that maybe it’s in your account like that no I don’t think so like I mean people are getting from Turkey because it’s like way cheaper yeah like you get a VPN to like 30k and

Just like wait I’m definitely not liing DMS what server donut be Don hi hi where you Nick don’t say that and people are going to say yeah I’m going to burn you like sh I did not say I said n yeah but like people are that could be

Anything yeah I know wait what what starts with N I never what okay there’s a word that starts with starts with n and ends ends with R what is it uh I and uh except I don’t know neighbor NE I mean it could be n oh yeah

I’m not I’m not trying to get your band you w if I were I was going to say the N word right there we should we see when you’re like YouTube does not care if you’re black and say the no he just bans you he just bans

You like I’m not V seeing in my life why not why I just laugh like that can’t be like that when you’re like okay when you where we sing but if I’m live it’s like another bro you’re like live all the time like that just means we’ll never be seeing

Again but sometimes like I’m Not So you you’re like every live every day every minute since like bro tender time was not have has not in has not been in your streams for so long no GG it is the worst player dead chii who’s talking quote Natasha Riley chii

You’re going to say the n word no like you’re so bad yeah I don’t want to like play bro like so why are you playing if you don’t want to play why should I play like I don’t want to play like I’m what is official table doing that of I

Don’t know like something like else in his life maybe oh yeah you can he can’t why are you like safe anchoring with another anchor like what it doesn’t matter because I played you lat is yeah and I’m so much better than you like better than who if Catman m is

Better than me you can’t say like I’m I’m worse than him but I’m no like you’re I’m better than you for example like that doesn’t make me bad he’s like he’s worse I don’t know than like a high tier three that doesn’t make him like I don’t like not good at the

Game you like you’re looted five I’m better than it Chase bro no I’m not I’m not is Jas can like totem really fast that’s what like I can’t totem that fast when I’m like panicking they like that’s why I die on my on most of my tier list

Fight I got to get I got to get a better totem keybind like cap SL is just so bad oh I’m good with cap SL I didn’t have like any problem I feel like I want to play BR like no [ __ ] like 1.8 I want to play by 1. oh

Huh I just healed the official table like I want to play like but like oh s peny okay I’m going to R this guy on train oh yo official table wait a minute is official table where is official table what is he like doing D I want to be

Like get getting I’m getting On why does people use like invisibility on a Dr I might have send full video of your DMs to kman M bro check DMS check DMS what do you mean yeah check your DMs wait wait wait in a few in a few minutes oh my God I almost died oh [ __ ]

Oh no yeah did you see that BR this video is 0o seconds long oh it’s not okay wait a little wait a little H 4 minutes long wait I will I will I will I will I will watch it I will watch it watch it I will end s

Wa oh GG okay now I going to watch something I’m going to watch something y I’m what are these fortnite fortnite LOL you’re so bad 10 one want me l well I used to be good but I’m not like a low tier five yeah I mean wait why am I reading it out

Loud sorry don’t say Bedrock players are better for real no it didn’t not B play is on top emojis going to play B why did you mute me for a week shut up you’re like bro you’re so toxic me ah Ender time he missclicked yeah you are not what are you bubling about

Like why did you like to download and cheat one but like won we come to my stream by the way a 24hour timeout oh my God bro why is this DMS Never End how long have you been like wait how long have you been like uh like talking

To this guy four four like how long I’m not like I know him V boring bro he spammed you V boring 16 V boring 16 stop sending many emojis that’s so bad I know called you V he called you V racist racist 16 holy I

Can’t I know Ty I can’t I know CH but I’m I’m not like D lock this idiot yeah bro is CH wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait what did you what bro just Roo just told me to block F want to get promoted Mr what the [ __ ]

How to be fair it’s a man fall yeah bro what did I do again bro like what the [ __ ] like did I do something that I do not know know who said that I don’t know who said who said that I don’t know Jacob like that’s one of you like yeah

Maybe I mean sorry for being racist my friend was so annoying I to be fair it is aiman f oh bro like I did something I do not know like this Chad cat yes it is CH and recently IAL with him man block this idiot bro jakeob what the

[ __ ] man yeah he was like a like a ha bro Jacob what the [ __ ] bro he was a hate of you because you would like like be like so like and like for stop like be nice yeah like for real good yeah bro Jacob I’m never talking with you ever again in my

Life bro called me an idiot like that’s so sad what it was a time I hated him because he was very mean yeah I know he he still is you’re a bad oh my God just called me racist bro you’re a bad influence like you’re not going

Again like like stop being to like like that kid like if like every like every everyone like doesn’t like they’re like little and toxic like that’s so bad you sound like you sound like a like fortnite kid for real that’s how like fortnite kids racist yeah and they are like toxic and

Stuff I’m spamming JBE oh my God like shut up look now you’re like to why are you playing 1.8 like that I don’t know I like it I I’m bored of like your stream doesn’t say playing 1.8 are you click baiting again oh my God like stop click baiting bro like stop bro

Like like you’re calling me bad like a bad guy but like you are the one who’s click baiting and bro who uses weakness like it’s a [ __ ] idiot I’m going to hop on 1.82 it’s fine what’s going on guys what’s going on guys back again like I’m begging you for

Like what’s going on guys back like doing like be nice be nice bro J Cube ho my God you called me an idiot bro this kid is going to get destroyed in a school I’m I’m calling his bullies I’m calling his bullies to bully him even more I should have deleted that

Oh my God look at the message that I sent you wait wait one me V me one me V me one one me one me me okay Nick bro that was delayed wait wait wait wait wait what the like you the minan the club I just see

This bro is this kid serious right now yo how Ser right now [ __ ] how do you know D I know your IP address no they’re like server IP you’re mom no no like how do you know uh M man cuz it’s a public server like no like he didn’t see like on my

Screen it was at the time you were very mean to me and very racist nerd nerd not a bad thing this guy’s a nerd bro oh my God bro do slash leave come on why cuz I want one you by the way you have children in your basement that you torture every day

Because they don’t build enough items in the in your sweat shop don’t you bro don’t you I knew I couldn’t trust you child rap you do not even pay them you don’t even like them kid m is fny me you you are Oh you really want to I’m making hate content yeah like Stu wait I am the like bad I’m like yeah blame bro someone’s to blame I don’t know that’s not you people are not going to hate you yes they are they are like they’re going to hate me

They reporting like me for like the things that are just like saying in my channel like that’s the problem wait one to one one like Pearl fight oh my God this guy’s a [ __ ] oh gay my God I was supposed to say gay I got so used to saying that word I

Know I could like H I want on Pearl fight yeah sure server selector you bro I live what the [ __ ] I live wait let me let me get cheat no no no I’m kidding no I will not I’m kidding huh like I D you except uh wasn’t like no yeah it’s it is

There bro like no wasn’t like that why am I getting like 20 CPS no I’m not I’m not I you thought I was cheating didn’t you bro I’m not an idiot oh yes you are buddy like you called me a idiot block that idiot like what I thought we were friends

Bro you betrayed me that like that like that blatant school no like that janky ass School drama come here how many pearls do you have how many pearls do you have I have one oh I have zero no I’m dead you almost hit yeah keep briding up buddy like you

Don’t have any you can’t do anything you just only Bridge up [ __ ] I know like son of a I don’t even know why yeah it’s cuz you can’t play and your ass no it’s like f it’s funny when I’m seeing it’s that’s a lie oh I my Pearl like

What where is my Pearl y by the way J is an idiot J cube is an idiot he said k man toxic how are you hitting me oh wait I always sck back racist spring trap come on like what are the event easy it’s not even easy not for you

Oh no we both died farewell oh my God that was a that was like good as a mug did you like not fall no I didn’t I saved I fall and I saved myself with the oh wait I still have one live I thought

I I ran out oh bro why do I I’m not why am I throwing pearls no I’m dead I died oh my God I almost di because I thrw all of my pearls why is this calling me an idiot because it’s like to like holy bro CH toxic and he’s like and he’s

Something why is BR confused because I said something bad why do he have spawn protection for SEC seven seconds like thank you for the block guys oh it’s no problem bro got this got you bro bro you didn’t even like bited me or something you didn’t even like beat at

Me the last game I just like lost on my own that’s why they not that’s what I like no you you lost so if I’m bad you’re worse you’re worse I’m bad I’m not that’s a heck yeah you lost yeah like I’m L on my own yeah I’m losing

On you’re not even like beating me or something huh you’re using a hack client to beat me oh oh I’m the biggest clutcher 2026 I’m the biggest clutcher of 2026 bro come man that’s like so you’re got to lose at one point like you’re going to die at one

Point yeah wait Jacob say something can I read that be I I’m not an idiot I’m going to tell your school bullies to bully you forever oh what the [ __ ] oh you just wasted your Pearl another one okay I’m Pearl draining you wow why are you playing 1.8 it what

I’m you don’t see a man it’s like like I’m going both 1.8 and like more you’re not yeah I’m really bad at 1.8 CU I can’t click fast I click like really slow they’re like St your fingers my fingers don’t get trained they’re like big [ __ ] oh bro

What you said you’re not going to say that what and now what are you doing what are you saying it zeni like you’re just like saying it okay do you know what zenji even me should I call a him a man yeah [ __ ] you stupid [ __ ] look even like

Die you [ __ ] idiot I hope you die I didn’t even like die I just like ped into the void i p into the vo [ __ ] [ __ ] like you’re doing so bad and now you’re like you think you’re cool like what are you doing look he dubs bro

You suck as a mug who is talking like you’re like 10 times worse J you don’t ever call me that that’s not even me Jak you be so bad look I’m just like falling through bro like you’re allowing you’re going to allow doing in your chat you’re going to allow doxing it’s

Um like he’s doxing my real name don’t you should ban him you didn’t hear the message an important message I’m going to report that message for D and he’s going to be be banned on YouTube his account is going to be terminated I I can’t making me you di

You you suck you suck yeah because you’re making me laugh like so bad bad because when I’m seeing you you’re so bad I can’t I blocked you okay that block was really good that’s why he’s like hopes and dreams broken bro you don’t hear this guy he said who

Is that 7 years old talking he’s like six I also thought he’s playing with s years old he’s all done actually yeah I’m 50 but like the friendly that Discord like it’s like five yo accept my D are you dumb wait I I got in a fight accidentally bro you’re so

Dumb okay thank you Jacob Dum yeah thank you Jacob how do you thank him like that BR he baned that guy and like that’s why yeah I’m G to ban him again then I’m going to ban you like stop being like a [ __ ] like you’re like I can’t even like stop my S

Like yo what’s up Alex okay what’s up he what’s up Ro Alex what’s up yo what’s up Ro Alex you think I care you think I care bro Ro Alex like I don’t care wait why R I’m not like you’re you’re bad why you V me

You’re bad why you vun me I be you yeah yeah yeah that’s what I thought [ __ ] I’m not the thing in my life you’re so bad like I’m not the thing you’re just like swe in my stream when I’m not saying to not is that the real name yeah you didn’t know not See bro this guy is just getting me un ban like banned like if he he can like control himself it’s not M go bad no because you can’t control yourself like I just said the simple things like control yourself but you like obviously can’t can’t do that okay is a bad trade

Come on you’re so bad you just like Goofy name at least my name is not a man like what that’s so bad at least I have like a good looking name not like but I’m not going to say anything it’s like doesn’t work like get B Because of

You unique name yeah that’s what I’m saying like your name is like so ass I’m like going to like I did that hell just die I’m going to your bed and like that’s it going to this gu bed like doesn’t want to fight like no come on I guess he’s bad

Though I going to end I’m like so I’m so bored for that like I’m Bored Bor I feel like I don’t know BR wa should I end streaming I think I going to end y like I can like Cas like my oh I going to call my friend and like we’re going to play because like I’m Bor nobody’s like even like coming to my stream

Anymore I mean bro I mean you’re like I mean I like I like playing with you when I’m not streaming but like you’re like so like bro you’re just like I’m mad because like if I say something like I will accept as a friend like like at least like respect my wish you

Know at least you don’t you don’t care about family friendly at least to like care like about to me like don’t say this for like me to not get banned but I’m not even thinking for that like you’re chill I like like you sing and like playing like if I when I’m

Streaming I I I think I’m not going we’re not going to like VC bro like I can’t if feel like you’re going to get me a ban like there’s the problem bro can’t V stream like we’re not going to V if you’re not like controlling yourself if you are going to like control

Yourself but I just tried to Crystal him I just try to Crystal this No I’m playing too too much crystals y that yo can you leave after you want okay wait okay yeah so I like bro Jak thinks I doxed you because I know know your full name I don’t care about that cuz I told him that I doxed you okay Chad do you

Want to know how I know his name so in one of his Shores he’s like playing stumble guys right I said on stream it’s like Romania Alex which means his name is Alex I asked his if his name was Alex and he said r no like I said on streams so if

If you would like watch them you would know yeah but like I learned it way before that you said it on stream I don’t know oh my God Master do Master doing oh I almost like f what uh okay yes yeah he did they save

My he did save my life you know why because like he Fireball me once and I was dead and after that he Fireball me twice so he like got me to the land that’s so bull yeah that’s so good oh my God want to One V one want to one

One on like M man well like bro you suck cuz you’re bad like you say that I get mad when you say a few words I like said ha you died and you were literally like I’m leaving bro you’re so toxic like like bro mad

Cuz bad no oh yo I CL no I’m not mad was calling me again I’m mad when you’re like sweating you’re like I didn’t know your name oh I mean now you know you learn something new every day oh my should I tell you my name

Jing I mean how did you didn’t know your name I’m pretty sure like I said that to you and you say like now I’m going to like say your real Name and like one time I should like said it I’m surprised how do you don’t no like what Like maybe if for good child Lover IM you want me to expose you no J like oh you love children yo my name is Walter hardw right I live on imagine if ninja got a who’s ninja that blue hair guy yeah he got a new a new haircut because of of a music that was saying

That like wasn’t like um it was like a music that was like imagine if like ninja got a low faded something low fad it was like imagine if ninja got a load F Le is good BR like why does he even have blue hair that’s so bad don’t be toxic

Though who said no shut up it’s good it’s good Jacob don’t tell me Realo like you call people idiot that you do not know so you’re a black kid so you are a watermelon lover that’s better I mean I love watermelon too like you love it more because you’re black BR that’s no

Good you love it more because you’re you get thirsty and watermelon has uh water in it and the water helps you get hydrated or you’re just a black kid no say that why like being a black kid is bad no but it’s like it’s like we’re just to like say

That it’s looking like a joke you’re hating okay you’re a you’re a white kid yeah why’ you say nothing about it you’re the racist one bro no I’m not you always understand it wrong I’m just like mean like I’m trying to like um you know get I Jacob is a white

Kid oh yeah he’s like he’s because he said like he’s not black yeah why did you like why did you not get mad when I said why because you said it like a joke you said it like a joke you didn’t say it I think I think Jacob cannot handle

Spice because he’s white I mean that’s like not true yeah what’s up like why aren you mad racist why aren’t you mad you’re know when I say something about black people you assume it’s racist but like white people you’re not assume it racist no it’s the same you are the same thing BR

If you were like in the case of getting banned you didn’t like try to like don’t get banned or what Nick bro you get so mad when I say the end word should I say yeah no like bye bye I can’t be see with you like on

Stream I’m not saying the n word are you dumb bro it’s not the first time not the first time actually it’s not our first time like yeah then I can believe I can’t too like on stream I can’t you just leave that yeah I know I know like if he’s not like not

Understand I said like the entire stream I said I said the same thing like don’t be like that don’t be like that but like not even listening like like what yo do you know that music when said imagine if if ninja got a low F but this music that music was like

Listening like every fight yesterday or something I hope you’re not getting back bro I’m not going to this you to sorry I’m sorry like I can’t you can’t like control yourself like do not say like bad things like I know it’s like not like easy for you but

Like like try to like get in my pers in my perspective like just imagine so like get in my perspective to see like how it is like when you know like then do not VC I did tell you to yes you did like to VC like to VC and you can like leave

After like and I did that I I said we’re cool but uh YouTube is not cool with that and does not accept you know I can like talk you but like if you want but not on streams like on streams no I can’t like a oh my god oh

One going take him spot and talk to you on stream yeah but you don’t have a mic dude D don’t have a b never be yeah he that’s the problem of you he doesn’t need to be like that like that’s why I’m not talking with you see you are like like that you

Know and I can like see like sometimes you’re like not saying things that like that bad but like sometimes it’s like no it’s like too too much and you’re like St like or like only once I think so like I said it’s a problem r

Oh my God I don’t hit lot and then getting get I don’t want yeah things like better than you when streams bro GG get my best like cool cool cool I thought he’s going to get my p i don’t yeah Jacob bro Jacob is cool not going to lie be qu

Bro Jacob is better D if you’re like sweating or stream like not only sweating you’re like he like that one they saying like bad stuff every time because that’s how you got you got used to but like not my fault but um it’s not a problem we like

To like not going to talk on stream anymore I guess going like not V see as much I think he’s not watching any but follow you and I know I know that I was I start but he didn’t care obviously yeah I was talking that L that’s cool thank you like thank

You aen who will never like aan will never like say something like nice bro maybe like sometimes I like I’m joking and maybe it’s like let the like like not like cool it’s like I’m mean but like I’m not like every Time like I’m nice too I’m not only like mean I’m not mean every time I like racist in my opinion okay I need something important wait I need tools I need like going to they like only people are like gearing so bad they’re like stucking go was having my inventory messed

Up link in descrition yeah and I should like add it back for real I should add it back but the thing is like I didn’t really add it back because I didn’t post anything like new or something I stopped like my content on think to I don’t and I post a few like

But like like not like I post a few text but like not like like I posted like so rely that’s the thing it was like just like sometimes Jo and y yo he’s he’s you had like 19 I was like posting like every day you know is pting like in the like

Everything that’s Good But I think I going to like in the last match I’m going to lose this y let my my friends is scrolling Wait the only you feel In Real Not yo V what imagine Ninja get the loow face yeah that’s what I’m saying nothing saying wa listen here B oh my God bro somebody like come to behind me oh and the guy got destroyed my what did he did what did he behind you he got behind me and got my bed

Destroyed we’re going to start thep today but we can’t why wait what I mean I don’t wait let me enter a gamer I mean why my cousin can’t come oh bro what yeah yeah yeah yeah wait let me create a party create can I party party do

I wait I think I got your like name Wrong yeah wait okay bye bye what was that someone was screaming oh yeah don’t mind that don’t mind was like yeah laughing don’t mind your brother bro is getting clapped that’s what he screaming yeah don’t mind that oh don’t mind wait are you in yes H but I don’t know the version like

1.8.9 you’re not like on gamer I loaded into 1 20 what on 1.20 you want to like you don’t want to play The One V one bro on 1.20 yes oh you don’t want like 1.8.9 like 1 bro I’m going to play first I want to

One on you with all the effects Possible Oh no like it’s not even funny what you want to do you’re you’re just like not good in giving you effects like just play normally hell no but okay 1.8 1.8.9 if you want to play like we can

Play like PVP One V one on like on new version if you but yeah I think I entered 1.8 okay then like go on gamer all right all right I entered on the wrong version wait okay oh yo yo aen 2.0 yeah he’s like he’s my new friend no

I’m I mean uh yeah Yep this is the server not going to talk a like on streams anymore like yeah you can say like that what oh why is game start promoting them gaming is not a c time up to 90% sale on our store that’s bro way wait what is

Like how you like like This okay I think my Minecraft will crash because it’s dumbass okay never mind okay me shouldn’t be good Yo yo yo crazy a 2. a better more less racist has been oh maybe now I know why I have lag I have as I have an analyzing at 60 asob filtering at 60 get your like get your like all settings to like off and low yeah but that’s why I’m doing right

Now yeah smooth put like a fast fast make a trailer of find out what what should I put on Mini mop you have Min m yep I’ll put arobic filter nothing why can I lower lower astrop phobic filtering and now it’s crashing bro like why is Minecraft so weird I don’t one

Change settings not for me I mean it’s happening yeah but like not all the times oh my God bro for me it happens every time I know why like 1.8.9 don’t use like mini map use like nothing use optify like that’s and you just restarted my settings

Yeah like now I have to change everything bad bro if you’re playing like if you’re playing one point I just like get OptiFine and that’s it anything else kind of like what do I have I okay why do I hear it’s not Basement oh man um so bad that’s like so bad is not this is joking what saying it was Like yo why do you entering yeah but Minecraft is so weird it doesn’t let me lower the settings just crashes yeah like don’t press anything don’t click don’t press anything like click once like turn it off and wait because it’s a like bigger setting what is so bad I mean it’s not that

Bad right I have to restart so let’s do that y I mean yo not yeah yeah BR it’s easy what are you even doing why do you have little children in your basement what are you do I don’t he doesn’t have a basement if support yeah what did you even say anything like

I’m a m or something I don’t know who do you think I am Paka oh couldn’t like say B no he’s like Pro briding oh yeah man is [ __ ] like I just lowered down my sent and he did nothing so0 knows more about you than the original a man I

Mean like a was like the lobby is broken because like he knows me for like you’re know real life and um my my goo is only using 10% and I have lag it’s it’s it’s called like GPU by the way like English and the and

The and the K CPU only use [ __ ] off and it only uses [ __ ] 5% and I have lag yeah so welcome to Minecraft so this game is too bugged all right I joined so like everyone still using mods and like or like other clients then I think I should use it

Too I don’t use any mods okay okay I’m going to change should I use mods should I left for a second and put someone’s mods uh I don’t know I mean like um you could like probably not like all right twitch lobbies on what Lobby are you wait let me enter

Actually but I’m not finding the server I’m done okay I’m on um like Lobby five five okay I joined okay find me it doesn’t even like matter like like find you know hello hello hello why are you an eag bro his mlo skin you know like that Marlo that’s why

I was talking about that this is trust me I don’t remember anything but okay okay got invited you beds n you don’t remember wait leave leave leave leave leave leave leave did you leave wait are you in okay are you in now I wait I don’t know bro okay let me do

Again now are you in he then like leave leave on the don’t dare that you enter cuz I got like I party did you exit No Ex I joined oh it’s like type slh so you can like leave okay I do that okay then like uh now it’s going to

Like okay are you like in yes I am yeah I entered like accident the I know you like it thisas but it’s not Christmas you know how to like spam you should do that but if you don’t really know how to spam I would recommend like just like normal clicking

Because aim is like more important than like clicking if you have like like way worse like uh aim and you get only more CPS by the the by the clicking method it’s like no worth it to using you like it’s going to more be Advantage if you like if you aim better

But you can like learn how to spam I will make the in the impossible bed you know I like I like G the the generators like way faster I don’t I mean some things are like more expensive though yo I can destroy your bed this is so no I can do it on

Myself this is like not right it’s pissing me out I’m going to make a cube big giant Cube okay after stop destroying it no I’m I’m putting the wood in in the in the interior and after that you pull like a lot of lot of wood all right if you really want

That oh no we are getting pushed where Co no just make that bit faster bro before we actually get pushed yeah I know this is so dumb because like you got to understand W wool is a little bit better because not many people buy the okay now you can

Like let Su Dam move to do no it’s not okay now like you can like like go everything like all if you really want but it’s it’s like really enough like yeah I guess this is the Ultimate Defense yeah yo buy armor for yourself it’s like 12

Good it’s like iron armor I’m going to buy it like now look you see I have iron armor it’s like 12 understandable it’s like not that much yeah I like another uh another thing on this server is like not as laggy who I just bought some dark blocks

Okay it’s not don’t say that it’s not as laggy because that’s not racist with the m i mean what that you even say BR you’re putting clay now oh man shut up oh man brother the B needs ultimate protection they like obsidian I will the last Slayer you’re my slave slave unappropriate little

Bro I need 10 mons bandn I mean are you preferring to be like school like slave than like my slave think like my sleeve is better what wait my brain is not braining repeat I you build like my slave going like you you rather to be like be school

Slave for the rest of the yeah I got sh who is attacking it’s not a single person attacking us because I thought you were attacking the bed you’re a different color so I had to action right that’s crazy that’s kind of like not like you

Know get me some obsidian bro how do I get obsidian you like need like Emerald can you get some Emerald yeah but you need to like go in the middle okay go in the middle okay I’m on like I’m on I’m on Green I beted green green wait need glass how do

I buy glass I mean was like you like buy for uh you get like it’s like it’s cost iron and okay then it’s easy it’s not really I have to check in someone is pushing and nobody I I think I made too much of a

Master of bed bro now it’s time to buy glass and more for so is not going to get destroyed by TNT wait what the [ __ ] only 16 pieces of glass this is not going to be enough yeah I know that’s why he said it’s like not perect you have to make

Investments did you capture somebody’s base oh my yeah I got somebody base but like I just got destroyed the greens did you kill the greens yeah but like are they still there I can go yeah take this bro oh thank you cuz I just died I guess yo [ __ ] by the

Way oh then I’m going to get like TNT two TNTs can you give I’m going to buy a boat with arrows okay get it’s like 12 gold for the cheapest one yeah I did that you can like buy a like better one if you like you need more

Materials like it depends now I’m just going to shoot because I don’t know how to hit yeah that was going to be like funny okay going to go in the other direction can obsidian be destroyed by Yeah by a diamond pick but it’s like kind of

Like it’s like no not by a diamond pickaxe by a TNT no it can’t obviously but the fireball canro glass the like uh Sandstone is like it’s protecting the fireballs and and glass is protecting the like the the TNT and the obsidian is like I am I am almost

F oh I got oh I got five emeralds yo I could like get like sond armor because it’s like I so I can fight like I don’t is not a smart but it’s like permanent so if I going to die I’m going to still have the diam it’s kind

Of you kind of need to like get diamond why I have bro let me concentrate I was like fighting I just died take this oh my God okay I need like oh I actually like need good I can’t like the reason is like because why do I lose because they uh bad

No they like out here me and I can like can like demolish them oh no the black player annihilated the white play oh my God no what did you say bro because I don’t know is the red people dead yeah but BR I almost I almost click I almost

Um I kill like the last Red play Oh diamonds six oh no what okay yeah get the diamond so we can like get protection we need protection bit I got so scared by that dragon sound scary yeah get like a lot of them we need protection if uh the last I

Played the like a match and I got like protection four in look at all the that they got here bro we need like protection four and diamond armor look I guess eights or six six I’m going back to the bed but I don’t have time I’m scared of somebody

Pushing if I die to void and not player I I’m mad well when I was like in my first days like of I wasn’t like known what I’m doing on B like I was dying to the void so many times how do I buy with diamonds uh get here and Buy protection reinforced

Armor okay I got I get diamond armor and uh I got protection two and I have one more emal and I could get like speed too and haste [ __ ] Bro going him wait did he come [ __ ] did he no he did not destroy the bed my protection saved it kill him

Bro kill this dumb ass I’m dying come on bro he’s the last one okay I’m I’m going to put more protection to the bed repairing the bed session he did not infiltrate to our protection bro he’s too much of a dumbass but I’m almost dead I need help golden Aon

Action bro the golden a doesn’t even kill you what the [ __ ] is this give me glass and and [ __ ] and stone fast fast fast fast who is like in the game we’re the only it’s like only one Aqua where like only one Aqua they doesn’t have a bed it doesn’t have a

B do not okay teate probably with f like the m i not found the death of the Void oh their B yeah their bed are their bed are gone yeah he’s dead he’s dead he’s dead he’s dead I got him the yay the powerful Invincible bed that I created here I

Mean yeah it really work like yeah what but I think we we still like win we still win the fight though because like I would I didn’t die at all like it’s bro frager I’m G sa can I be your slave no what what did this even means can I be your

Slave go stop saying it I have six losses one wins two kills five deaths and six final deaths one B destroyed how oh and seven games played oh W you’re your bottom g e e EAS bottom G bro let me do it let me do it shut up

Shut up don’t don’t break the bed okay okay I’m don’t break it okay going to let you it and give me the no I need it no I did so much should I like just like R somebody right now going to die no maybe I wouldn’t

Like what did you say then go push them yeah I’m I’m scared of like not like filing my bridge getting pushed ler bro I’m getting the height he fall to the void the M he fall into the void wait let me like buy some things I

I have like my items get my get the gold I dropped some gold for iron here bro they’re pushing again those DB asses yeah I’m getting the height bro okay I’m coming come here bro I’m going up on on right I think bro please come here who is there’s

No they got The High Ground I know wait is and I can’t reach them bro to build up maybe a right hand PE no go like go for Theo no don’t don’t don’t go up don’t go up yes I got him no I fall to the [ __ ]

Bro he got the stick he back oh my God they got destroyed they got two you should have like not good that you killed him [ __ ] bro no one is down one is down one is down one is down oh I killed them I killed them I killed them

I killed them both yeah both of them I’m putting my auto clicker should I yeah I’m getting Myer with one M second bro the those [ __ ] does not push now they upgraded the [ __ ] sword I Spy on them we needed upgrad mons okay I got

Like J and I I can go I have like they they’re they’re coming bro yeah I’m coming too not a problem I buy a s stone they try to fireb I is down one is down bro I’m buying wood because I don’t have any let’s Moree protection

Quickly bro we’re getting pushed by a [ __ ] Reds Auto clicker activated where is he bro teleported oh my God okay okay I’m coming I’m coming I couldn’t destroy their bed I should I I need to get [ __ ] teleports [ __ ] here red is deaded is dead I got

Yeah I get I know I got I got him from behind it’s good I need to The High Ground bro we’re going to get the TNT we’re going to get like a TNT and um where is he who you he’s here he followed somewhere yeah he’s dead I’m the master of

1.8 I don’t know bro but I’m spamming my myo everywhere and I’m also clicking for double speed yeah the thing is like I know oh what the f oh my God he got me I know how to like click kind of I know there’s no way they’re teaming they got

The they’re teaming he’s like they are yeah we have to hide L bro oh help me help me I’m almost there I I I couldn’t bro I couldn’t get I couldn’t get those [ __ ] are teing they’re red and wait are you in the match are you in the match I got another

Yeah yes I am yes oh here bro I know we got team on what is this [ __ ] on on us but like I I almost like got okay I I need I know what I need I need armor I need a stone sword and like U uh tools and um and shears

And Sho and Sh it’s like I can like push every almost like got bro I didn’t have like shears they had wool but if I had like shears I could like instant mine it but because I didn’t have shears I I got better at this I’m making the

Bed look how fast I did it that’s crazy kind of like FK here going now for now info we are getting we are getting pushed bro this is not good out toer by hand Peck here we go dumbass [ __ ] the mass and now we got The High Ground the new

[ __ ] bro we are getting pushed again But this game is not fair like this game is seriously not fair bro how do you even have two TNTs at the start did they use their gener of iron bro to spawn more iron and gold like the D are constantly pushing they’re getting on their base

Bro and they again have TNT bro make some glass really quick make some glass how we going to make glass I don’t know make glass it doesn’t matter bro not really but like watch out like good come on let’s push him this is our last hope yeah I’m

Ready why did I put it the TNT me I need wool and golden apple to regenerate and another gold AAL yo they are likeing okay I got them down I got one down I’m getting The High Ground okay watch out for this guy he’s likeing iron he’s having an iron

So oh my God I fell down oh my God this they are like they are going too fast I played on high PC and they’re like not even like pushing like on gam that like I need okay I I think I know I need to

Like watch for their B defense I need to watch for the B and see what I’m going to need and like quickly push it’s like okay even Like I not buy your so I have to go to SL okay I can’t even reach the the chat like playing you know okay I got the TNT golden apple and there should be all bro somebody’s here I know get oh my God and not even with an auto clicker

Bro I spawned with my own little baby finger and I got here some glass there CU I’m not going mistake okay if I’m not like going To What bro help bro bro bro come on bro who just jumped come on I F in the void bro you know what happened to me how I died I fell bro you know that like I don’t know how it what it is exactly but

It is like where you go in the lobby and stuff you know yeah that think when you die in shows where your p poter and I know what call Bro yes okay I get I think so yes I am yes bro I am am I having lag this is not

Normal but if I’m having lag I’m leing I’m literally leaving I have lag bro but from what my PC parts are not even using they’re chilling my go is literally so not using his that is on minus agrees what they mean bro I can’t play with this lag man help I have 20

FPS bro what should I do like this game is broken I don’t even know I put rending distance and to two that did help but not my mat yeah I didn’t help it didn’t it didn’t help this game is glitched and broken how do you have a problem I don’t

Even can I can’t even see [ __ ] how do you have a problem I have all my settings like I don’t know yeah I think I need something an Optimizer for Minecraft bro it’s not even my PC that is bad bro it’s literally the game is broken yeah but

Like for me it’s optimized how is this a thing I have like a lot of FPS you have mining is glitched it’s not glitch it is then why the [ __ ] do I have 30 FPS I got it and I don’t even I got the bed I

Got the bed I got the bed good good uh I just bought some uh and stone I got like 2 V one I got 2 V one they didn’t have armor I don’t know if I’m even going to be able to do something under than the bed with this

Lag like the I don’t know bro after this match I’m getting something tell me an Optimizer I tell you I’m like lunar but like it’s not even my fault bro it’s like a client that is called lunar C and it’s like very optimized and it’s working for

Me I had like a lot of EP it’s like boosting your FPS not I don’t really need a boost I just need something to stop this glitch of flag it’s like my FPS are getting blocked maybe have this thing okay I killed them both wait should I check no I have a I

Have my is 75 75 what like you go option video setting and you say like two Max frame rate two and you put it like that okay I put it unlimited and something like I nothing okay you stay your PC bro how can it be my PC bro I have

Never lagged in any game like this before I never lagged in fortnite and my PC parts didn’t use 99% of the capacity power no wa like in my stream I don’t want to like stream anymore I stream for like a lot so think

This video, titled ‘PRACTICE CPVP AND BUILDING MYR FARM BIGGER’, was uploaded by Vitezomanul16 on 2024-01-16 18:48:10. It has garnered 152 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 04:42:36 or 16956 seconds.

Im playing minecraft cpvp and DonutSMP #donut #donutsmp #DrDonut #smp #minecraft my discord:https://discord.gg/6Kb6SSFK

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  • DIY Wind Fan: Minecraft Edition

    DIY Wind Fan: Minecraft Edition The World of Minecraft: Crafting a Wind Fan Embark on a new adventure in the virtual world of Minecraft with the creation of a Wind Fan. This innovative addition to your Minecraft world will bring a touch of creativity and functionality to your gameplay. Let’s delve into the exciting realm of Minecraft crafting! Exploring the Possibilities of Minecraft Minecraft is a sandbox video game that allows players to explore, build, and create in a virtual world made up of blocks. With endless possibilities for creativity and adventure, Minecraft has captured the hearts of millions of players worldwide. Introducing the… Read More

  • Ore Galore: 1K Days, Creative Craze!

    Ore Galore: 1K Days, Creative Craze! In the depths of the mine, a glimmering sight, Shiny ores sparkling, a true delight. Diamonds, emeralds, and gold galore, Adding to the mine’s allure. Crafting with spruce and oak so fine, Creating a space that’s truly divine. Lionfish, rockfish, and more to see, Swimming in the waters, wild and free. A spruce table, chairs of sakura bloom, A cozy spot to dispel the gloom. Join me on this journey, a thousand days strong, Subscribe and let’s play along. With Better Minecraft mods, the game’s a thrill, Sildur’s shaders adding to the skill. Follow me on Instagram, dearplaysminecraft, For… Read More

  • 100 Days as Puss in Boots in Hardcore Minecraft

    100 Days as Puss in Boots in Hardcore Minecraft The Adventures of Puss in Boots in Hardcore Minecraft Embark on a thrilling journey as Zozo attempts to survive 100 days as PUSS IN BOOTS in Hardcore Minecraft! Transported into a magical world without a trusty sword, Zozo faces the ultimate challenge. But wait, a dastardly villain named Big Jack Horner appears, setting the stage for an epic showdown! A New Beginning As Zozo poofs into this enchanting realm, the absence of a sword poses a significant obstacle. Survival instincts kick in as Zozo navigates the unfamiliar terrain, gathering resources and crafting tools to stay alive. The quest for… Read More

  • Join Minewind Server for Endless Building Possibilities!

    Join Minewind Server for Endless Building Possibilities! Welcome to NewsMinecraft.com, where we bring you the latest and greatest in the world of Minecraft! Today, we stumbled upon an amazing YouTube video titled “Build a Stylish Modern Starter House in Minecraft: Easy Tutorial 🏠”. While the video itself is not about Minewind Minecraft Server, it got us thinking – what better way to showcase your building skills and creativity than on a server where you can truly shine? Imagine taking the skills you learn from tutorials like these and putting them to the test in a vibrant and dynamic community like Minewind. With a focus on creativity,… Read More

  • Crafty Evil Cheater: Trapped in Minecraft Hole! #ShortSV

    Crafty Evil Cheater: Trapped in Minecraft Hole! #ShortSV In Minecraft, a friend turned foe, Locked me in a hole, oh no! Cheater’s tricks, a funny meme, Watch me struggle, in this scene. But fear not, I’ll find a way, To escape and live another day. Minecraft adventures, full of surprises, In this world, where creativity rises. So join me in this virtual land, Where blocks and mobs, go hand in hand. Let’s craft, build, and explore, In Minecraft, we’ll never be bored. Stay tuned for more, in every rhyme, As we journey through this pixelated time. Read More

  • Minecraft Magic: 5 Building Hacks You Can’t Miss!

    Minecraft Magic: 5 Building Hacks You Can't Miss! Welcome, welcome, to the Minecraft show, Where building ideas and hacks will flow. From drones to coffee machines, we’ve got it all, Soda machines and washing machines, big or small. Vending machines and toilets, oh my, Each idea will make your builds reach the sky. With redstone hacks and tips to inspire, Your Minecraft creations will never tire. So grab your coffee, take a seat, And watch these building ideas, oh so neat. From Lomby Minecraft, the master of design, Let’s dive into the world of blocks and shine. Read More

  • Live Minecraft Survivor Series

    Live Minecraft Survivor Series Welcome to Sink or Swim: A New Minecraft Survivor Series with a LIVE Twist! Applications are now open for Sink or Swim, a thrilling livestreamed Minecraft series inspired by the popular show Survivor. In this unique twist, the audience has the power to influence the game as players compete in Survivor-inspired Minecraft minigames. What to Expect: Players will experience classic Survivor elements such as team collaboration, thrilling eliminations, immunity mechanics, and competitive challenges. The audience will be able to make waves in real-time by playing along on Twitch and Discord, adding an exciting interactive element to the gameplay. How… Read More

  • Speedrun: Beating Friend in Minecraft Java in 5 Min

    Speedrun: Beating Friend in Minecraft Java in 5 Min Beating My Friend Challenge in Minecraft Java in Under 5 Minutes Embark on an exciting journey as we delve into the thrilling world of Minecraft Java Edition. In this challenge, players are tasked with creating a Nether portal in under 5 minutes to beat their friends. Let’s explore the intricacies of this intense challenge and see how players can emerge victorious! The Challenge Begins As the clock starts ticking, players must quickly gather the necessary resources to construct a Nether portal. With limited time on their hands, every second counts in this adrenaline-pumping challenge. Efficiency and speed are key… Read More

  • Battle Royale: EFEKAN Takes on Girls Fans in Minecraft Madness!

    Battle Royale: EFEKAN Takes on Girls Fans in Minecraft Madness! In the world of Minecraft, where adventures unfold, Efekan faces off against fans, brave and bold. With girls by his side, the competition is fierce, But in the end, it’s all about having fun, never a pierce. Subscribe and turn on notifications, don’t miss a beat, Kare Kafa’s channel, where Minecraft meets the street. Entertaining videos, rich and poor in play, In Turkish, for all to enjoy, every single day. Support is key, so don’t hesitate to show, Let the game begin, let the rhymes flow. Minecraft adventures, in every twist and turn, Efekan and his fans, forever to… Read More


    EVIL BOYY EXPOSED IN VIRAL MINECRAFT HACKVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft viral tiktok hack #minecraft #viral #shorts #trending #gamer #shortvideo #game #mcpe’, was uploaded by __EVIL__BOYY__G__ on 2024-01-16 14:06:57. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Read More

  • “LordS_Dr1p1ng – Epic PvP Kills!” #minecraft #hypixel #skywars

    "LordS_Dr1p1ng - Epic PvP Kills!" #minecraft #hypixel #skywarsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Views! #gaming #pvp #minecraft #minecraftpvp #hypixel #bedwar #bedwars #hylex #skywars #mc #shorts’, was uploaded by LordS_Dr1p1ng on 2024-01-10 18:03:25. It has garnered 6 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:02 or 2 seconds. Read More

  • SNN Shadowy pulls off insane trick! 😱 No gliding allowed!

    SNN Shadowy pulls off insane trick! 😱 No gliding allowed!Video Information This video, titled ‘How did I hit this? 🤣 No gliding for you!’, was uploaded by SNN Shadowy on 2024-01-13 08:03:32. It has garnered 2474 views and 35 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:13 or 13 seconds. My public discord user =sxvh My discord server =https://discord.gg/29ztr3t7rY Minecraft ign = elementalown fortnite main account = SNN Own Valorant account = Shadowy#rizz my tiktok page = SNN Shadowy #fortnite #fortniteclips #gaming #ps #fortnitecommunity #memes #fortnitememes #fortnitebattleroyale #gamer #fortnitebr #fortnitegameplay #xbox #twitch #meme #fortniteclansrecruiting #dankmemes #follow #fortnitenews #fortniteleaks #funny #like #fortnitemontage #youtube #k #fortnitegame #playstation #pubg #game #fortniteps #pc… Read More

  • MysticalB0x

    MysticalB0xA brand new amazing box server. we have grindable ranks, active staff, no p2w system, and a very diverse gameplay style. we have mob arenas, pvp arenas, mini games, but most importantly, a box, with grindable, OP gear. MysticalB0x.minehut.gg Read More

  • Stormy Lagoon SMP, Java & Bedrock 1.20.6, Mature Community, Player-driven Economy, Grief Protection, Custom Features, mcMMO, Progression-based Tools

    Join Our Community at Stormy Lagoon Embark on a survival journey like no other on Minecraft versions 1.20.4-1.20.6. Join our welcoming community established over four years ago on January 4th, 2022. Dive into a player-driven economy, explore unique features, and enjoy our exclusive Stormy Tools for endless enjoyment. Server Details Version: 1.20.4, Available on Java & Bedrock Server IP: play.stormylagoon.com Bedrock Port: 25566 (No port needed for Java) Connect with Us Discord: Join our Discord Discord Username: Duvahl Tiktok: Tiktok What Makes Us Unique? Chat Report Disabled for hassle-free communication Organized Discord Channels for guidance Quality of Life Commands like… Read More

  • ChaotiCraft: The Wild Woods

    ChaotiCraft: The Wild WoodsHello and welcome!Thanks for stopping by.We’re a newer little server that’s just starting to get it’s footing.We’re a friendly bunch and we’re hoping to invite more people so we can make more friends.We have homes you can teleport to and from.We have McMMO, which has a bunch of skills and features.We have NPCs which roam around and can both give you quests and be shopkeepers.We have a Discord server for hanging out which also has a channel linked to the ingame chat.We are actively polling our community and taking suggestions wherever we can.We would love to see you come and… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Solo crafter conquers nether & end.

    Minecraft Memes - Solo crafter conquers nether & end.I guess you could say this meme is 14 times more popular than any other crafting meme out there! Read More

  • Hotter than a Nether portal: Minecraft store cutter meme

    Hotter than a Nether portal: Minecraft store cutter meme “Why go to the store to buy a cutter when you can just mine for one in Minecraft? #gamerlogic” Read More

  • Bee Relocation Prank – Minecraft Ep. 57

    Bee Relocation Prank - Minecraft Ep. 57 Exploring the World of Minecraft in Episode 57: Bee Relocation 🐝 In the vast and endless world of Minecraft, our journey begins in a beautiful survival mode setting. Let’s dive into the adventures that await us in this exciting episode. Discover New Worlds and Tips Whether you’re a beginner or a seasoned player, there’s always something new to learn in Minecraft. From valuable tips to clever tricks, each episode offers a chance to expand your knowledge and skills. Engage with a Thriving Community Join the vibrant community of Minecraft fans and exchange ideas, strategies, and stories in the comments… Read More

  • Mister Matt discovers secret in Minecraft 2024!

    Mister Matt discovers secret in Minecraft 2024!Video Information This video, titled ‘Playing Minecraft’s 2024 April Fools Update!’, was uploaded by Mister Matt on 2024-04-02 17:43:54. It has garnered 89 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 02:01:35 or 7295 seconds. I missed doing specials for Easter & April Fools’ Day, so allow me to catch up with this ”stream of consciousness” by playing through Minecraft’s latest April Fools’ Update! Join The Hydration Nation! https://discord.gg/hudxh3r Subscribe to my other channels! The Video Essay Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCaq0RzpkHUE_SbpsgEzyUMA The Meme Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCtRtGRtx2dgkTQcc7y2l0dA/featured MUSIC CREDITS: ”Spring Thaw” by Asher Fulero ”Wind Riders” by Asher Fulero ”Alpha” by C418… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Gameplay! Day 9

    Insane Minecraft Gameplay! Day 9Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Live Day – 9 || Tarun Playz’, was uploaded by Tarun Playz on 2024-04-24 11:56:38. It has garnered 543 views and 35 likes. The duration of the video is 02:45:51 or 9951 seconds. Hi there guys welcome to Tarun Playz on this channel, we play multiple pc game Such as – GTA 5 , Minecraft , Genshin Impact (as are the main focused games ). The thing are upload in form of video and short, meanwhile we also do short and long marathon stream of genshin and other games Apart from that I have… Read More

  • Insane Battle: Old vs New Minecraft Edition || #minecraft

    Insane Battle: Old vs New Minecraft Edition || #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft : old vs new – nostalgia ” || #minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by It’s your boy steve on 2024-05-11 18:30:24. It has garnered 10258 views and 911 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:18 or 18 seconds. Minecraft NORMAL vs REALISTIC minecraft shorts, minecraft but, minecraft memes, minecraft trends, satisfying minecraft video, minecraft challenge, normal vs realistic minecraft, minecraft normal vs realistic #shorts ,minecraft normal vs realistic, minecraft shorts, minecraft memes, minecraft realistic, minecraft normal vs realistic, realistic minecraft, minecraft realistic videos, minecraft, minecraft realistic, realistic minecraft, minecraft realistic texture pack,minecraft realistic water,… Read More


    UNBELIEVABLE ANIME EDIT IN MINECRAFT! #jawdroppingVideo Information This video, titled ‘HIVE BRIDGE #anime #onepunchman #edit #animeedit #minecraft #wallpaper #gamingcommunity’, was uploaded by ALTERLEO – 7 on 2024-03-23 11:54:49. It has garnered 65 views and 10 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:54 or 54 seconds. “Minecraft Bedrock viral PvP” likely refers to popular player-versus-player (PvP) content or strategies within the Bedrock Edition of Minecraft that have gained widespread attention and popularity among players. This could include certain PvP minigames, maps, tactics, or challenges that have gone viral within the Minecraft Bedrock community. inspiration @Sudhy @sharpnessyt Minecraft bedrock server nether games descri NetherGames is a… Read More

  • Fishystrikes: The Ultimate Noob in PigSlap PvP

    Fishystrikes: The Ultimate Noob in PigSlap PvPVideo Information This video, titled ‘Worst PvPer on PigSlap Montage’, was uploaded by fishystrikes on 2024-03-24 20:32:02. It has garnered 530 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:07 or 67 seconds. ip: pigslappvp.minehut.gg ignore: Like ParrotX2 and his School’s Minecraft Server / School SMP Series where he Started a War or Ended a War. Not Leowook, RoshamboGames, ClownPierce and his LifeSteal SMP Season 2 / his School’s Minecraft Server / School SMP / Brothers SMP/ LifeSteal SMP series/ Minecraft LifeSteal SMP season 2. Not Technoblade / TommyInnit / or any other Dream SMP member. This is… Read More

  • Insane Diamond Gear Upgrade in Minecraft 1.20.4 WuTwo SMP!

    Insane Diamond Gear Upgrade in Minecraft 1.20.4 WuTwo SMP!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft 1.20.4 | WuTwo SMP | upgrading to diamond gear!’, was uploaded by CrystalEcho on 2024-02-27 15:23:37. It has garnered 188 views and 9 likes. The duration of the video is 01:27:13 or 5233 seconds. Minecraft 1.20.4 | WuTwo SMP | upgrading to diamond gear! #minecraft #minecraftbuilding #minecraftlive •——————•°•・❥・•°•——————• – Today’s Stream – Minecraft SMP with the boys is where it’s at. I’m gonna be upgrading my armor and tools to diamond finally. Maybe do some building too. Shader: Sildur’s Vibrant Shaders v1.29 Medium •——————•°•・❥・•°•——————• – My Discord Server – https://discord.gg/mHnUEPcv5G Come say hi! •——————•°•・❥・•°•——————•… Read More

  • Join Our Insane Minecraft SMP Server Now!

    Join Our Insane Minecraft SMP Server Now!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Live Public SMP | Free To Join 24/7 | JAVA+MCPE’, was uploaded by Gtron on 2024-01-16 18:25:17. It has garnered 308 views and 33 likes. The duration of the video is 02:58:19 or 10699 seconds. Minecraft Live Public SMP | Free To Join 24/7 | JAVA+MCPE #minecraft #minecraftlive #live #smp #livestream #minecraftpe #gtron #survival #mcpe 🍀HOW TO PLAY IN OUR SMP🍀 https://youtu.be/9tCqPUCPxtM?si=iyXkAXK_3f7-9_21 🌱 HYLANDS NETWORK 🌱 IP – play.hylands.in PORT – 25708 Type /pw gtron to teleport to my base once you join the server😉 🙃Normal people – Read discription 😘legends – likes the… Read More

  • Exclusive: _CaTaH_ reveals secret to getting 300 donations on Dayzombie.ru

    Exclusive: _CaTaH_ reveals secret to getting 300 donations on Dayzombie.ruVideo Information This video, titled ‘Шпасибо за 300 пошпишников Dayzombie.ru’, was uploaded by _CaTaH_ on 2024-01-17 20:34:20. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. tags: dayz, mcpe, dayz mcpe, dayzombie, dayzombie.ru, dayz minecraft pe, minecraft, minecraft pe, dayz-stor, dayz minecraft … Read More

  • Dzeiya goes INSANE in Minecraft – ONE BLOCK challenge!

    Dzeiya goes INSANE in Minecraft - ONE BLOCK challenge!Video Information This video, titled ‘[Donathon] Minecraft Tapi Satu Blok?! – Vtuber Indonesia’, was uploaded by Dzeiya Channel on 2024-03-30 09:06:47. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Support Me : https://trakteer.id/dzeiyach/tip (2000) Saweria: https://saweria.co/dzeiyach (10,000) (Can Send Gif & Video) … Read More

  • weezercord

    weezercordWelcome to the official Weezer minecraft server! Our goal is to provide a safe, and fun play for Weezer fans to converse, and chill! Read More

  • Broken World RP Roleplay Modded 1.18.2 Custom Fantasy Races Custom Weapons Unique Skills Accessories Narrative Whitelist

    Broken World Roleplay Welcome to Nebelloren In the wake of undead hordes bringing about the collapse of their homelands, two factions set themselves adrift upon the sea–totally unaware of the other group’s parallel tragedy. They discover magical mists, impossibly thick and dark. Inside these mists is a strange continent, where long ago armies clashed, gods were born and died, and where the hands of fate are your own. It is a shattered continent, named Nebelloren. This is a role-playing server utilizing the Mod Figura. Members of our community work together to form characters and tell immersive stories. Races and Factions… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – The hell is going on?

    Minecraft Memes - The hell is going on?Well, I guess you could say this meme is a solid 7 out of 10 in terms of Minecraft humor. Read More

  • Vanilla Minecraft: Reeling in Pain with Fishing Frenzy

    Vanilla Minecraft: Reeling in Pain with Fishing Frenzy In the world of Minecraft, where creativity thrives, Our news reporter dives into the lives Of gamers and builders, crafting away, In a world where they can truly play. Fishing away the pain, in vanilla Minecraft, Our reporter’s journey, a true craft. Building houses, neglecting the nether, But still finding joy in every endeavor. With lightning antennas and fishing rods, Our reporter explores, against all odds. Gathering items, putting them away, In this virtual world, they choose to stay. So join us in this Minecraft tale, Where creativity and fun prevail. With Nanachi skin, a touch of flair, Our… Read More

  • Hotter than a lava pit: Minecraft meme madness

    Hotter than a lava pit: Minecraft meme madness “Why did the creeper go to therapy? Because it had too much TNT-sion!” #minecraft #shorts #memes Read More

  • Uncover Minecraft’s Sky Height Limit!

    Uncover Minecraft's Sky Height Limit! The Limit of Height in Minecraft: Reaching New Heights When it comes to exploring the vast world of Minecraft, players are constantly pushing the boundaries of what is possible within the game. One such boundary that has captured the attention of many is the height limit in Minecraft. Let’s delve into this fascinating aspect of the game and see just how high players can go! Exploring the Heights In the world of Minecraft, the height limit has always been a topic of interest for players looking to expand their horizons. Originally, the height limit was set at 128 blocks… Read More

  • Minecraft: Build Mario’s Fantasy House

    Minecraft: Build Mario's Fantasy House Exploring the Mario Fantasy House in Minecraft Imagine stepping into a world where Mario’s iconic design motifs come to life in a fantastical house within Minecraft. This unique creation offers a blend of creativity and nostalgia for fans of the beloved video game character. Layout & Materials The Mario Fantasy House features a layout that captures the essence of Mario’s world. From the vibrant colors to the whimsical shapes, every detail is carefully crafted to immerse players in a playful atmosphere. The materials used in construction add to the authenticity, ensuring that the house stays true to its inspiration…. Read More

  • “Lost in AI World: EPIC Parkour Adventure #5 – Minecraft Mayhem!” #suspense #magic #thrills

    "Lost in AI World: EPIC Parkour Adventure #5 - Minecraft Mayhem!" #suspense #magic #thrillsVideo Information This video, titled ‘A Tale of Forgotten Magic #5 w/ Minecraft Parkour video #minecraft #suspense #adventure’, was uploaded by AI Story Thrills on 2024-06-13 18:15:56. It has garnered 3 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:01 or 61 seconds. Experience the moment Aria unlocks her first spell! Watch as her heart races and her fingers glow with light, casting a spell that brings a small flame to life. Each success and challenge on her journey builds her confidence, awakening ancient magic within her. Aria’s adventure is just beginning, and the magic she has discovered… Read More

  • Cobblemon Hustle: Earn PokeCash! | Minecraft Pokemon Mod

    Cobblemon Hustle: Earn PokeCash! | Minecraft Pokemon ModVideo Information This video, titled ‘Gotta Earn Some PokeCash! – Mythical Cobblemon S2 Day 7 (Minecraft Pokemon Mod)’, was uploaded by KYRSP33DY on 2024-05-31 03:16:33. It has garnered 60738 views and 1616 likes. The duration of the video is 03:51:41 or 13901 seconds. Become a member of the channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCIDlKYC7I6_76jCUBdX-6VQ/join My Twitter – https://twitter.com/KYR_SP33DY My Twitch – https://www.twitch.tv/kyr_sp33dy MERCH at https://bfc.store Check out FocusFuel: https://thefocusfuel.com/speedy Use Code “Speedy” for 10% Off! I am a co-founder of FocusFuel. Discord – https://discord.com/invite/mythicalnetwork Modpack -https://www.technicpack.net/modpack/pixelmon-513-pro.1072839 Installation Guide – Coming Soon #mythicalpartner Read More

  • EPIC Steve vs Pillager in MINECRAFT ANIMATION!

    EPIC Steve vs Pillager in MINECRAFT ANIMATION!Video Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT ANIMATION | STEVE ALEX VS PILLAGER | #minecraft’, was uploaded by Raythal Gaming on 2024-01-16 12:45:04. It has garnered 2586 views and 174 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:46 or 46 seconds. MINECRAFT ANIMATION | STEVE ALEX VS PILLAGER | #minecraft This is a minecraft animation | In this vedio pillagers raid on a village and Steve and Alex save the village | Insta- https://www.instagram.com/raythal_gaming?igsh=MWNqc3U5Nnkyd2Iwcg== Discord- https://discord.com/invite/m6vU577xt9 Love you so much guys | please support me | ‎#minecraft  #bgmi ‎#TechnoGamerzOfficial  ‎#GamerFleet  ‎#AnshuBisht  Minecraft Survival series| minecraft world | Minecraft Gameplay Minecraft Survival… Read More

  • The Pankalo: ¡Lo que ves te sorprenderá!🤯 #cursed

    The Pankalo: ¡Lo que ves te sorprenderá!🤯 #cursedVideo Information This video, titled ‘No tiene sentido🧐 #minecraft #humor #minecraftmemes #cursed’, was uploaded by The Pankalo on 2024-01-13 23:51:56. It has garnered 16017 views and 1442 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:41 or 41 seconds. Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Live Grind on Asur SMP LIVE!

    Insane Minecraft Live Grind on Asur SMP LIVE!Video Information This video, titled ‘Asur SMP Live Grind…[Minecraft Live survival ]’, was uploaded by Asholic Gaming on 2024-01-08 04:10:36. It has garnered 44 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 00:45:36 or 2736 seconds. Hey folks! Watch me play Minecraft! Join my Club on Turnip ASHOLIC GAMING: https://profile.turnip.gg/wrYneCvFjCXeL3AVA Thank you for watching my Minecraft stream. And for all the support you are showing! 🔥, If you liked my stream, please like and subscribe. It motivates me a lot. 🙂 And share my channel with your game friends. 🙂 See you on my next stream!!!, Become a… Read More