EPIC Sunrise SMP base tour – Shizo vibes!!

Video Information

For for I’m trying to make my laptop not be dying but it won’t plug in it’s frustrating oh I got it for a second um H I had it for two seconds is it my laptop’s currently on H half and usually doesn’t last an entire stream unless

I plug it in that’s if I could plug it in I don’t care if it has to be on a weird angle just me plug you in please please just plug in uh oh ah I got it I’m not going to touch it I’m just GNA go ahead and Boop

Okay okay there there there there there okay um I I don’t really know what I want to do today I I I don’t have a plan I ah I was not prepared let’s just say that I I just oh come on oh okay we’re doing we’re doing this again I forgot to

Change my skin so I’m now just this we’re do we’re doing this again we’re doing this again I need to go grab my stuff I I I did oh okay you know what we’re going to we’re going to grab materials for stuff for my mega base dude can This Server shut

Up mute server until I for 3 hours I don’t want to hear the stupid server and my stupid laptop is done dying again I’m just going to walk while I try to figure this flipping thing out this is more annoying than the British please just work please I beg oh come on come

On what there there let’s see how long that lasts yeah I I last night I gathered all wheat here I I need to plant it back but I guess I could do that today I’ll go ahead and do it cuz I don’t I can’t think of anything else

Plus this is still part of Mega base doing stuff cuz are you oh my gosh my I’m going to kill my laptop I’m going to kill it I am going to kill it frustration I’m just going to take my frustration out on planting oh yeah one leg layer done time to keep doing

Layers 501 yeah z i I think I lost 100 million subscribers oh if you if you remember what I sent on my Discord server I I think I lost a couple hundred million or just 100 million it’s kind it was kind of sad this is what I’m doing

With this is just what I’m doing just planting wheat for that that dog just went Super Sonic with his shaking Super Sonic hey Juniper is here too I don’t know if Juniper is going to pay me 20 times force me to join a VC or not I

Better I contact YouTube tell them that they made a mistake y they took away my 100 million subscribers it’s it’s really it’s really really really sad I I didn’t know how to do that until uh after you sent me I’ve edited uh photo with the 1.2 million

Subscribers I I I want to make that 100 million so I I forc myself to try to figure out how to do it and I did it and I’m happy just wearing the wrong skin planting Wheat yeah yeah I’m I’m doing this again I’m just going to do it so every time I wear the wrong skin I have to wear it the entire time unless I unless something important is happening say like that uh War battle thing during that one stream on the 4th of

December not July 4th the S&P didn’t even exist on July 4th uh how it become a number on you or how to become number one on YouTube in less than five minutes yep I I’m going to do some exploiting real quick hold on hold on hold on hold

On uh we’ll switch it to this aha I’m I’m just going to refresh cuz why not uh uh inspect element uh uh uh where is this Thea nope uh oh oh I’m I’m still trying to figure this okay there uh hey hold on wait 8 point four billion

Hey hey 8.4 billion sh uh is uh is a oh come on oh yeah 8.4 billion 8.4 billion subscribers and yep uh as I called it I am being pink to VC speed running shorts speed running shorts really I’m speedrun shorts I have 8.4 billion subscribers on YouTube no you have exactly

500 nope I’m going to send you a screenshot I I can prove that I have everyone so everyone in the world is subscribed to you yep I’m the number one YouTuber hey there’s a zombie who yeah oh yeah I also got other people’s alt account subscribed to me

Sry see I’m the most subscribed YouTuber I’m just a balling over here I’m just B better Mr Beast more like Mr smelly got him stupid trampled my crops I’m sad is becoming a world leader at the point leading to World Peace under Roman rule oh my God I forget I’m still not

Wearing my skin yeah uh I don’t know yet so what are you up to uh just out in the middle of nowhere uh still looking for that artifact there maybe I know that I’ve not found it yeah I figured cuz it’s really how how do you know what I’m doing because that’s what

You said yesterday well maybe I just gave up I would love if you gave up what if I don’t then when you find it I’m going to uh ban you really no cuz that’s that it doesn’t the rule doesn’t state that you could ban me for finding something that we can go

To that’s that’s true through uh I know I’m in the right General vicinity Stone and snow what if I teleported to you if you TP you can do whatever you want oh yeah I’m going to go spy on you oh [ __ ] that’s a bad word I said

Shoot are you even in the right area I don’t even know if you’re in the right area I’ve completely forgotten the cords I’m going to go look at the cords that’s start of the server that’s um uh okay okay what nothing am I close nope no this is like is it like opposite

Cords or like just like different place and a oh what you got the cords wrong okay I can teleport you back to spawn if you want no I just spent 250 on fireworks wow that’s a that’s a lot of money on fireworks where even am I

How am I not how am I not close I I will oh are like the cords complete opposites yep is it just one is it like Just One X or or why is it both I’m not saying I think it’s my ex I’m going to

Teleport back to you oh oops oh I hate you my bad welcome back home my bad fireworks is my hobby I don’t really like sports or anything else just fireworks that fireworks are cool I yes fireworks are super duper cool just going to go back to where does

Where does zen even live now since there’s just a Hole uh he has several bases around pretty sure he has a main base and of course the little territories he has around maybe I should do some snooping around his bases all right if I can find them unfortunately he made them

Spectator proof so I can’t go into spectator and find them does does he stream not at the moment so he streams so we could look spy on him no he hasn’t streamed This Server yet he’s only done a test stream with on hive he’s just too busy to stream right now oh

Boy he’s too busy to stream right now he has to work 16 hours a day which is not cool 16 hours a day yep so he only gets like 8 hours does he even sleep like you wake up go to work and then you go go home and then go to

Bed I I don’t know what then does I don’t know if he wants me to say everything why is there just one like random like dark oak tree right here in the middle build the Birch Forest a random tree oh wait wait a second actually uh never mind never mind

I I thought I was big braining something but I realized that it it’s probably just ROM dark oak tree it’s just a random dark o tree there’s nothing by it Zen says if he’s lucky he gets 3 hours of sleep what yep honest why why why 6 hours 16

Hours because that’s what his job is demanding cuz they’re short staffed cuz every everyone leaves which because because it’s 16 hours long well no it’s usually like a normal work day but there’s a lot of employee Employees leaving employment issues yep I mean it’s a pretty bad job

Too what like working at McDonald’s or something no is it some Factory job yeah is it’s a factory job I don’t know how to explain it while keeping everything family friendly-ish I’m not I’m not even allowed to explain the job entirely yeah uh Community guideline issues yeah

Let’s let’s just let’s just say all right then then says most days I go home very red that’s good way explaining it MH mhm okay okay okay you think you know the job now mix toys what huh I I didn’t even hear what you said I didn’t say

Anything I’m in the middle of an ocean F I’m just planting wheat do you even use boats for traversing oceans I I use my Trident cuz I’m cool like that I just swim that’s not fun Zen just DMD me oh you work somewhere oh boy M that’s a rather juicy job very juicy

I can see why it comes on comes home very red mhm and you can also see why there’s a lot of people leaving his job and they are underemployed yes oh what he just sent me a gift oh boy red very very very red need to check something real quick

Let’s let’s actually kill this guy with a trident maybe you can get a trident I already have a tri I already have a trident it’s just a very low health and uh doesn’t really you know doesn’t have enchants it’s just a Bare Bones Trident yeah Boop this is very relaxing planting wheat what let me check that picture again I’m going in the same direction what come on how do I get back home go towards 00 with the cords want to go towards Z to zero with the quartz though that’s how you get back

Home I don’t know let me just just build a boat boat is also very boaty I’m about to boat you in a second whoa whoa what do you mean by that whoa I’m I’mma stuff you in a boat whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa there’s a witch coming out of a

Cave oh you remind me of a witch how dare you that is extremely offensive hello Charlie gaming welcome to my stream now I know where I’m going now I know where I’m going okay please don’t come and stuff me inside of a boat I do not stuff you inside of a mine

Cart instead no it’s one of them furnace ones no no no no it’s inside of the super smelter that no how dare you how D you are you a British no that was a pretty British thing to say then I was just trying to imitate the

Meme of I can’t remember who that name is but I she she was saying how Dare You h i i i i can’t remember her name oh man hello Luke Welcome to My Stream you’re you’re not my Luke but you’re a Luke and you are a cool Luke hello Luke

Oh man I got a lot more wheat placing I got to do why did I make this place so big why boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop oh boop boop boop boop boop speed running placing whe do you think I’m able to get um uh

Tucker on my side if I pay him more oh he’s already on our side in this war oh I know but like part of the SSR instead maybe how much do you pay him absolutely nothing right now uh I’ll pay him one Diamond a week

All right how many Subs do you I’m a sub thanks for subbing but I I I don’t know right now my next goal is a th000 Subs I just hit 500 today so that’s contact him about him joining that’s us well I do need to get my main building up and my

Main base up contacting him about his cars extended warranty it was citizenship extended warranty you have your extended car warranty we’ve been trying to contact you but your cars justed in warranty for quite some time now yes this ain’t McDonald’s this is this this is this a State

Farm hold holdo hold on hello hold on hold don’t tell me there’s already TR not um chunk errors in this oh there’s a lot of there’s a lot of uh chunk errors why because hello welcome to McDonald’s how may I help you um I’d like um a disaster sized Big Mac

Please all righty that will be 750 uh say that again it will be 750 at the next window Ethan sherff 50 a llama a llama how much was that 750 350 7 7 750 750 okay yes I’m going just steal it instead I will dial 911 if you do I am

911 plot twist the plot twist of the century the plot twist of the century oh I have fler on then just upload a sunrise SMP video I’ll have to watch it after stream I’ll have to go in 30 minutes so you can watch it after you

Go let’s go we got a new person making content on the sunrise SMP let’s go if I can get if I can get one more person to join us maybe I’ll make content Maybe I I’m I’m I’m still letting you figure that out I’m I’m still down to invite

More people cuz I I love inviting people to the server as long as they aren’t everything I just have I just haven’t found people yet that’s that’s kind of bad like my laptop dying no one wants to no one has bedrock that’s dumb I could possibly invite Tim possibly

Boom oh yeah just spending my entire life planting we I am a farmer I am a farmer I am Christopher Columbus I’m pretty sure that’s Zen because he’s just uh colonizing our server here no that that’s King Zen is King George the third you’re right you’re right you’re

Right actually no I’m I’m like I’m I’m I’m I’m winning and I’m Julius Caesar L leader and I only can think of like one for Matthew which is the Japanese empire uh he’s not doing that anymore oh what is he doing he’s so far from what I’ve seen he’s building like a giant

Mansion or something I I had to help him with something yesterday where well he’s still designing it I oh in his test in his T world yeah in his testing world hold on I will be right back back I’m B I’m nowhere even close to this place but I’m heading in the right

Direction where are you Heading the artifact artifact six uh I know where I know where I’m going now I know which I know where like the vi the biome is located at roughly cuz I can read coordinate map kind of thing that you posted you just have to estimate where it is

Because you didn’t make it like give it exact like coordinates so cuz I wanted to make it hard so ha well uh I can read maps well once I know sorry for 20 minutes my artifact is too slow my my speed one oh you you would absolutely uh be

Jealous if you saw Matthew’s artifact he goes crazy fast what did he get a artifact of the chase which is just speed like speed for something I can’t remember oh well I’m about to get a good one once I find it just going to see real quick if I got the artifact name

Right um merry early Christmas thank you merry early Christmas to you entity okay so how oh wait it’s how not Chase how what what is the what is the artifact 6 called uh I can’t remember it’s been a while oh my gosh might have to use artifact is

Crazy holy moly what does it have Matthew’s artifact yeah it’s like speed six or something what yeah can I buy it off him if I give him enough things I don’t think he’s going to give it it is it’s his only artifact and it’s best artifact the best artifact or is is his

It’s it’s his best since this is only ARA so his is good for getting out of situations I’m good for like sneaking up on people since I got inis and strength you’re good for just beating up people with that one with now with the weakness yeah oh shoot it’s it’s a little

Op still even with the weakness I hate it that I hate that they added the the powdered snow it is annoying you know what I think I found a new location for the SSR City for a SSR City all right that’s cool so uh once we get that cant City

Built up uh a little we are going to make a nice city out here cuz it’s I I literally claimed this area from this from like the day before the SMP even started wow Frozen CU I got the seed from your little leak how dare you well it’s it was your

It it was your fault you leaked the seed that’s true but how dare you I’m sneaky what can I say how dare you how dust you how dust you where did I put my stuff that’s in there ah only problem is with mine I’m not entirely sneaky cuz you can just hear me

Taking damage so I’m not a full assassin I can sneak up on people but when I equip my have seven minutes strength I go got seven minutes yes darn you think I can travel around 2,000 blocks in 7 minutes if you are determined sh back it did not work that kind of

Sad another round th000 blocks left 1,000 blocks left all right all am I scaring you if I find this what if I do find it and get it I’m going to be extremely sad because I have lots of floor ideas for it just like getting the artifact not me personally but like L

Just lore in general well would well if I get it would you still have to do the lore or would it be changed uh I do not know yet yo Zen’s also posting an animation video that’s crazy Zen’s going crazy with the videos today and I’m pretty sure there war his

Animation is also about the sunrise SMP that’s crazy uh I I accidentally found a different artifact the the island sky island one oo that’s a that’s a good one I’ll you can go and get that one uh then I’ll go find six soon like later today I’m going to get four

Artifacts I’m going to be the most powerful player on the server even with three you are the most powerful I have I have two right now well the the island one you’re going to have three I know but I need more I’m very do I have to build up do

You have to do I have to build up oh boy this is going to be fun watching this have several Stacks ready good luck let’s hope you don’t die this seems like it’s going well it’s going pretty well okay darn it you said you had a

Bed of course you brought a bed of course yeah yep the Vex spawner there’s there’s more Vex spawners so for the L of the server there’s these uh cool uh places me and my friend built which has which is low cuz it has Uh the these when you accidentally stumble across another artifact like two days after you already found an artifact I’m going crazy on these artifacts yes you are I’m I’m collecting them like Infinity Stones yes you are oh boy when when Juniper leaves I’m going to just fortify the artifact 6

Real quick just to uh make sure you cannot enter it unless you have like a certain amount of people so yeah yeah come on come on oh boy oh no there’s a back oh hold on let me let me let me fix this there we

Go that’s more like it uh do I need uh what is this oh boy what do I need this for there we go now we’re going to have some fun no I won’t I’ll I’ll kill you how is this hey don’t don’t burn this place down this place will be beautiful there we

Go oh I find It I gotta go okay bye Luke uh there should definitely be find right combination yeah I you haven’t gone everywhere yet oh hold on I got I got to I got to fix things cuz Matthew is stupid with the lights there we go uh does this boat

Do I haven’t gone everywhere what you mean you have not gone everywhere where is everywhere you know there’s multiple islands that you can go to like there’s Leaf Bridges connecting them yeah I know but I only F I only see two there’s a third one and you’ve passed it three

Times two you’re so blind I’m blind it’s right is it’s this one nope there’s another one oh what fre oh my gosh yeah that’s what I’m going to do Zen I’m going to I hide the cords Oho you were so close you’re one away I hurt my soul

I don’t know what happened to Juniper there um Juniper is not talking uh might have been have to go that I I think that’s what happened Uh okay then that was um something I’m just yeah um uh so if there’s any other SMP members that are watching that uh that would get on right now uh the coordinates are at the top left um yeah yeah oh never mind oh Jer left the VC was

There are are you Kidd are you got to be kidding me you got to be kidding me all you got to go is there you got to cross this I’m very disr discreet oh my are you no way you just looked at it no way no way no no no no no

Way you you haven’t been here are you kidding me are you kidding me oh my God got that one you got that one you just need that one and you have’t oh my gosh look see there’s two you just need the third one which wait a second

Or wait am I just stupid no wait no all showing is needs that one I guess it only needs this one then are you kidding me are you kidding me I I am frustrated now I am frustrated I am very frustrated you’re so close you’re so close

CL well she doesn’t know that uh things right there yeah bro you’re you’re just giving off or no I’m pretty sure Juniper just looking underneath the island bro bro bro bro bro this is like the most simplest one too bro Bro come on man don’t you know the cover yeah yeah bro come on come on come on come on you’re standing finally did it work what um it oh oh it didn’t work oh oh aha aha Redstone just broke ah okay no way no way no way no way no way no

Way no way finally finally uh add up finally finally oh my gosh H oh that’s a two oh my gosh oh my gosh that was embarrassing uh let me see here so I just need to see uh it is up yeah okay oh my god oh that was embarrassing oh my

Gosh okay uh I am going to uh go hide I’m going to go people proof the lore artifact real quick so I’m just going to go ahead throw uh image on my stream here I’m just going to move my Christmas tree cuz I’m late easy we’re just going to move the Christmas

Actually we’re going to move the live sub count to here we’re going to make this big all right there now you shouldn’t be able to see it if I’m correct feel like I should join to embarrass him that’s mean that just mean uh is that good yeah that’s good

Okay game mod see I’m oh oh Juniper left okay this is even better I am going to just hide my screen real quick because I need to put in the cords I need to teleport to the cords that’s the point that’s that’s mean though wait being mean is mean

Uh and okay I’m here I’m going to just uh quickly relog just so uh you can’t see the coordinates in chat okay so I’m just excuse me why can I not open my inventory there I’m just going to place some bed rock here and I know oh there’s a teeny bit of the

Coordinates peeking out and I know people are Juniper is still just going to dig around this so I’m just going to place a command block slash kill or no slash TP at a 0 70 or at a r equals no cuz this is going to teleport me away like say

70 only problem is I won’t be able to break that uh sltp uh uh tag #tag equals no huh slashtag uh a juniper no add no all right I’m just going to place a couple of these around I’m going to go ahead just hide my screen real quick just to not spoil

Anything o juder just died going to make sure there’s no sneakies going into lore place I’ll do one over here right here and when we’re ready to do lore I’ll go break all these sltp 070 okay just break this okay and then I need to go to spectator

Again oh yeah oh wait I need to fix my sub count because I don’t need to hide cords anymore there we go there we go that’s better that’s better okay so I’m going to just quickly uh slashtag at a hashtag uh no that might work no uh slash tag at a uh no

H uh is there a way I can exclude me uh uh smag at A ah uh I’m going to I’m going to Google this real quick uh how to uh exclude one person from a command in Minecraft Bedrock or uh oh that’s okay uh Slash here here’s what I could do uh no wait um let’s go back to this uh uh Is uh as sorry I’m trying to figure this out um is this working nope um uh I whatever I’ll just do this and Then or ADD no there all right now I’m also tagged with no then but uh what if I did slag uh uh uh slag me uh remove no oh yeah all right there all right let’s get back to let’s get back to normal stuff oh yeah back to normal stuff that isn’t uh

Things I’m just gonna just going to H I’m looking at a tree okay there so what do you want for Christmas I don’t know I don’t know when you said that I’m sorry I’m not really sure I I don’t really make Christmas lists just cuz I I really don’t care that much for

Stuff but the only thing I did request for was an amp for my electric guitar which is broken so I’m probably also going to get strings for Christmas yeah fine but I know after Christmas I’m going to spend some my money and I’m going to buy a better uh

Microphone yeah Zen video oh and funny enough that video is on this server that I’m playing I don’t know if you’re talking about gaming or animation but I mean I’m the same yeah I’ll watch Zen’s video later I’m going to even check check just going to check real quick

Also thank you to whoever’s been subscribing that’s awesome all right I want to watch the wars coming animation live I’m just going to leave this game ahop just gonna uh I’m going to mute Minecraft real quick let’s react to this shall we hey that’s my house oh gosh this is ominous oh

Gosh oh my God we’re good to rise we’re evil to fall our gods for do a start yes yes for the Empire to fall no my Empire will not fall yes bird yes hey that’s me yeah yeah oh what yo that was sick oh my oh my

Goodness that was a thing and a half holy moly I need water now holy moly and I I’ll watch uh Zen’s uh Sunrise SMP video after I stream cuz this is him playing on my server and getting wrecked by me holy moly that is like a propaganda video

Against me I will not stand for this I will not stand for this I will not stand for this tyranny he thinks he can defeat me me the the fully Enchanted netherite armor guy with hellbringer my sword that I got in yesterday’s stream he thinks he can defeat

Me oh he would he is so wrong he is so very wrong F that that was a good that was a good animation that that was cool that that was very cool that video was like for real though but that was propaganda against me cuz uh uh see uh you you recognize

Hold on hold on hold on hold on hold on that’s not the right tab there uh hold on hold on hold on hold on hold on hold on hold on hold on hold on hold on yeah that was me that got wrecked at the end there it should have been

Z he thinks he can defeat me I need my glasses back I look cursed without my glasses uh bip sporty Shades I’m I’m going back to my Christmas skin I will not stand for this but I’m so glad that Zen added Matthew’s house being destroyed that

That was the that’s the best best part that’s the best part oh I’m out of seeds I got to go grab more ah then really cooked with that holy moly that’s not my seed chest honly I wouldn’t be surprised if Zen decided one day to make a bunch of

British ships just on the coast over there just like reming the animation but in the game I I wouldn’t be surprised holy moly Zen holy guacamole oh yeah my oh yeah my computer is going to die or my laptop sorry I forgot that my laptop’s stupid like that there there we

Go now it’s plugged in again let’s see how long it takes for it to decided to unplug itself goodbye Pig back to the meat factory you go come on trap door see like Zen’s video there that that’s something that would uh get me pumped up to start continue preparing

For war it’s just the problem is I’m already maxed out and Zen isn’t really a threat he he’s he literally has nothing cuz he lost all uh last time he was on the server yeah should do a live reaction uh to this it called okay okay okay all right then all right then

Zen all right I guess we’re doing a live reaction to the gaming video as well cuz he said he called me out a ton so I’m just going to go in a hole and we’re going to watch what Zen said uh settings all right let’s let’s uh see this gaming video

Eh uh okay I am on that scene uh here I’m just going to hide my scene real quick just to see uh oh no oh this is the first scene oh my all righty I okay yeah I am okay just going to wait for the full screen to disappear this here and my

Friend sh we plays I decided to p a little tinty winty little prank on him during one of his live stream oh no oh no this is what I just got sent oh no oh wait that’s in my house too oh no yeah I put a British flag in his face

Oh that’s not good okay you know what I think it’s time my laptop staring again the British back oh this is great and from there things spiled a little bit out control as in I may or may not have to over Bas and cleaned it as British l

Uhoh oh yo yo yo yo yo oh God now now before you accuse me of being the Hostile person it was in self-defense he kept saying down with the bridge he had a war chat that’s true down with the British British down with the British I still stand by that fighting him with

Suitable yes are there multiple of them yeah there’s multiple It’s s and life is great Isaac who gave them invisibility They’re Not Invisible what are you talking about they’re invisible for me and I’m being bullied oh this is great they’re still at my house yes oh no life

Is great is wearing white armor oh no to switch I killed you Nintendo Switch oh God Z’s coming oh no yes I’m not dead okay I’m just missing my P obviously as you can tell being got a little bit out of hand and didn’t exactly go to plan so yeah Shelby of course did in fact get his revenge ugly m b her over there

And what is that I wonder what that is Shelby yeah yeah that wasn’t the only part of his revenge oh good lord Happ to my house oh this is great quite well made actually Oh thanks thank you Zen thank you this is this is great

Oh oh oh I see how it is it’s a trident is it a trident it is a trient oh I see how it is oh let to try to kill the skeleton oh that’s defitely a p in Bedrock are they probably sorry sorry I was eating um you’re probably wondering then they C

You can’t stand for this you need to get revenge somehow oh believe me de viewer I did what what this is great I I I’m loving this you need to get better [Laughter] what um that’s a lot of dirt oh my gosh this is just holy this just a giant block of

Dirt holy holy moly have fun cleaning it up now dear view I hear you saying why not deescalate hostility and you know get along well you see on the sunrise s SMP things are not so Sunrise as they claim or sunny and nice oh you see this place

Here I didn’t know that this place right here this place encourages slavery not the slavery of villagers the slavery of fellow players that’s right this whole place and built off the back of slave labor that is why I am here I am here to put

An end to this to free my fellow brother and put slavery on that’s very ominous but as you know Shel we play I am not scared to launch incursions into your territory I am not scared to fight your little minions I am not scared to put a

Few holes in the ground I am not also scared to put a few holdes in your roof so how about we have a talk about a little peace agreement to so you can release your slaves or otherwise this is ominous things may escalate May escalate quite drastically like I’m about to show

You in this simulated video enjoy the Fate that could be coming your way oh oh my oh yeah that oh yeah that the animation that he made uh we’ve already watched this uh okay that’s the rest of the video okay all right we watch it again cuz it’s

Cool we’ll watch it again cuz it’s very very very cool oh my so well well well well well well well well it is cool yeah it’s it’s awesome even though I’m strictly against this it’s it’s really well made I don’t like this part though the this that my head right there that’s the

Thing I do not like cuz it’s supposed to be your head well well well well well well well well I will not give up and I will will keep my slaves all right back to Sunrise s SMP oh oh I need audio I mean it propaganda it is propaganda it is very much

Propaganda but very well made though I enjoyed both videos I am going to have to make propaganda of my own I cannot stand for this well well well Well did you catch the ending uh the ending part uh with my head on the floor or was there another thing like right at the end of this video I mean there’s Sunrise fall of the Empire yeah there’s nothing else yeah I I I watched the entire video

Eating part oh yeah that I I saw that you eating the steaks while in my chair I saw you also had slowness yeah I’m going to just quickly write a script cuz once I’m done streaming I’m going to record my defense uh did you catch the name I didn’t see me de

Viewer I did let’s see this uh AC to this what H the simulation AKA animation um so yeah there let’s do this Shelby oh come on ah ah of course I mean I to be fair I did name c your mom so that’s fair that’s honestly Fair you know I’m I’m going to I’m just going to make the uh script after the stream

Just so I can focus on streaming only fair yep it’s only fair unlike you I kept your mom alive you killed my mom I kept yours alive I’m actually nice now just planting wheat I’m I’m just currently lost in thought I’m just I’m just thinking about my revenge in video

Form so I can’t really do anything about it on the SMP cuz Zen is doesn’t really have a base I mean see he has little bases around but I don’t I don’t really know where they are cuz he freaking saw through me and made them spectator proof

Yeah after stream I’m going to just record voice over for my next video wheat okay there field planted we can move on with a different project and that is going to be turning mud into packed mud and then poss are you freaking kidding me my laptop is so stupid holy MO holy holy

Moly ah my laptop is worse than Zen to be honest aha there that’s not going to last a long time okay my it feel my audio feels oh that’s Marketplace feels a little too quiet wow that didn’t even last 4 seconds my laptop’s already dying again I’m getting to the point that I

Might just turn on my Xbox and just look at chat from there yeah that’s what what I’m going to do that’s how much I do not care and before you start saying oh just use your phone my phone YouTube account is stupid and doesn’t let me comment or rehat so I am over

Here doing different things I’m doing extra work in order to read chat it’s stupid so stupid okay uh YouTube uh I don’t want to sign in because I don’t care he hey that’s my stream can I read my live chat live chat no I’m just going to uh test uh

Uh going to uh I dropped my phone down with the British ah aha okay it’s working I’m going to try to charge this all right now I got to turn my head 90 Dees in order to read chat instead of instead of like 15 dude please charge I beg laptop please please just

Charge and I know it’s fully connected in the socket this is just sad also 59 so gez Louise thank you for whoever’s subscribing I only gained or I only hit 500 today but thanks for securing it in you know what I give up oh it’s charging as I said I give up it’s

Charging okay there and unfortunately with my laptop I could see how many people are watching but now I don’t know how many people are watching so this is kind of sad I’m going to eat cooked beef AKA Zen’s mom even though it’s not the Zen’s mom or the the cow the cow

Is still down here also whoever put that glass there is annoying I don’t know if that was Zen or life is great hello Zen’s Mom hello there hello there oh wait now I can’t even I can’t see Discord anymore cuz on my laptop I also

Had Discord running so I can see who was pinging me it’s kind of sad now all right um what am I going to do now what am I going to do this this is not fun turning 90° to read chat even though there’s no one talking in chat it’s kind of

Sad I’m going to go ah take my hay bales and I need to take my arrows I’ve totally forgot about those okay also D to make a composter cuz of the amount of the seeds I have need to compost the seeds I’m going to compost

Zen most likely life as I see him a secret Trader ah okay yeah I’m just going to randomly press f11 just to see Discord it’s much easier if you just type in chat so I can turn 90° to see it the not so cool British oh yeah

Ow just going to to sleep real quick real real real quick oh got that blue sheep oh yeah okay I I’m feeling lazy and I’m not going to do mud even though I don’t have a whole lot of mud to turn yeah it’s only that much oh well just going to throw my hay bals in an open chest so this one I got to figure out what I want to do

Okay my laptop’s still surprisingly charging that’s crazy uh what time is it it’s 1:37 my time at least PST uh so stream for like another 2 and a half hours maybe or two hours oh there we go oh I have my eyes peeled on everything what you do I I have to keep

Checking okay good good good good good good oh this is probably my my favorite prank I’ve ever done I’m I consider this a prank more than Act of War cuz you could easily repair that this is if it was if this was an act of War I would have completely destroyed the house

Oh yeah chilling on me’s head oh yeah I hate hurting my head 90 degrees this is terrible oh yeah I forgot my phone is still on the ground there we go there we go Boop do not come near the SAR yep and and Romans on Roman there there we go aha I

Don’t want to repair it once we are done fighting I’m going to use it in the theme park yeah yeah yeah I know I know you talk about a just like at least keeping that I didn’t know what you’re going to do with the house but yeah that that’s kind of funny

Though um there’s just a random saddle all right there’s another thing that I’ve wanted to do I want to find Zen’s base in the sus R but I tried yesterday and he made it spectator proof but you know what Zen hasn’t done he hasn’t made it I’m going to keep it a secret

Let’s just say if I don’t control it the sus are might be really really mad I cannot spell Emperor I that’s oh my God I forget grammarly does not work with my fov thing okay let me reload my fov changer cuz yeah there broom Brom broom

So I I got to get used to this tarting 90° cuz I got to do this on New Year’s Eve too cuz my laptop is extra stupid and it has like a time limit on it even though I don’t even use it so that’s kind of

Boring and sad so uh I’ll have to turn on my Xbox to read chat in the evening so yeah fies speaking of that new year stream I am already designing the nether Hub and when I say that I I don’t mean like oh I have an idea and I haven’t

Started it like I’ve actually started building it and I I have a pretty good idea pretty good idea of what I want to do I’ve already sent Zen a screenshot but I’ve made more progress I mean uh I mean history wise did invade us haa and we will do it again

Ha at this point I’m just going to keep my chair turned a teeny bit this why I don’t have to turn my neck 90° in order to see this now now my posture is weird it’s whatever we don’t need posture so I’m going to keep uh designing the nether Hub I’m going to

Try to get it complete here within the next couple of days so then I I can use spend a couple streams and a bunch of time off camera grinding the resources cuz oh boy I’m going to need a lot already this is going to be way bigger than my last nether

Hub on the wild SMP so I need four stacks of sand per I need that much more sand 58 64 okay we’re going to make some boom booms and we’re going to boom boom out this base oh I spoiled it my bad oh well we’re we’re going to boom boom Zen’s base

Is I’m going to get two stacks of TNT out of this I’m going to use like half a stack per of course Zen won’t tell me what layer it’s at so that’s going to suck we’re going to do some drill we’re going to do some drilling inside the earth

Ow I’m just going to switch uh to my map uh okay you know what I’m just going to put that I’m going to do that and then I’m going to switch that all right map so I’m going to drill into the susar annex here I’m going to try that one too

And like these three Northern ones I’m not even going to try that one cuz that’s just a big area that one’s I marked because of his theme park area yeah so this is going to be fun and yes my my Empire is the biggest I mean always the chance I did not uh

Make it right it’s true but I got to use boom booms in order to figure that out got to figure that out ear them man I should have a bunch of gunpowder in here yep nine and one more 10 booop boom booms boom booms l lot of boom

Booms and we about to see an act of aggression between allies I’m going to repair it I’m going to repair the hole I’m going to explode that entire chunk out so I’m going to carry a bunch of dirt so I can just cover up the hole so

The sus are won’t find out about my irresponsible AC actions that I’m about to do very very very irresponsible I cannot stress this enough kids do not try this at home you will start wars by doing this I’m going to do this the safe method of just digging straight down and then exploding

It and it I’ll cover up the hole so evidence won’t be seen all right so it is like right here so we’re just going to we’re just going to dig going [Applause] down no ex he probably just used Cobblestone to fill it out cuz he knows I would never find

It but he never expected me to use TNT all right and we’re just going to going to cover that up and we’re just going to walk away I’m pretty sure this yeah that’s mine and there we go I don’t know if I found it but I I made a hole

Ow uh do I see anything out of the ordinary no I’m down in the caves now no I did not uh leave uh no I did not I never expected you to aggress allies well I’m going to hide my evidence see H just G to do a bit

Of oldfashioned TNT mining to find out and sniff out these bases uh I can use fire aspect cuz it’s Bedrock I did not find anything this is sad ah I’m oh no hold on uh Oh Zen I can’t believe you just pinged Juniper on in character thing even though Juniper currently says do not interact cuz Juniper’s in therapy right now I didn’t find anything so we’re going to make another hole we’re going to keep on digging and I’m not even going to touch deep slate

Cuz I’m too lazy too all right so let’s go right [Applause] here I want to use I’m going to try to use 21 TNT that’s deep enough then you should uh be on do not uh should be on do not disturb in I don’t read that stuff yeah it’s true oh

Well I don’t think it matters all Wells not my problem okay I didn’t find anything uh all right so to prevent the sus are from well you know blowing up my house cuz of what I just did here we’re just going to cover the surface up with dirt and if anything happens

I will just blame the British cuz the British would definitely do something like this so we’re just going to do this I don’t even know what this was but we’re repairing it there we go and then we got to uh like do a bit of this uh do a tad bit of

This I realize that I don’t know how this terrain Went and then just fall down the hole and that how I lost a TNT trap yep a creeper just going to pill her out of here oh wait is that an iron legging now I’m have to check cuz might have dropped from a zombie or something if it’s down there then haha

Copper no I don’t want to fall down yeah I don’t see anything back to uh covering up my little accident that was on purpose just going to do a tad bit of this Ju Just just a tad bit um just a tad bit just a teeny bit just

That Teensy bit so it’s not noticeable in the slightest see kids this is how you hide your mistakes you cover it up with dirt and blame the British for this cuz the British are always mean Zen Zen is the meanest British I have ever met met that’s if I can speak

Properly my man made propaganda against me and made me look like the villain when in reality he started this whole mess or life is great don’t doesn’t matter when those two started this mess it’s it’s not my fault and look at that we got a nice got a nice covering above the

Um let’s go find another one I going to go for the tiniest one so yeah we won’t question why there’s dirt if Juniper questions anything uh we will say it was the British cuz the Romans are a little innocent people we do not blow up anything better prove it in your videos

Uh yeah unfortunately I am not capable of making animation so I can’t make an animation Mi your animation so that’s kind of sad anyways um let’s go find a base if I find this I get the territory back if I don’t then I don’t get this territory back and I’m going to dig

Straight on that wait you know let’s see if Zen spectator proofed this let’s see let’s see let’s let’s let’s see it looks like he did okay that is kind of sad that’s kind of sad so that means I got to destroy this area where is my hole there is my hole

Let’s keep on digging just checking no nothing just checking just a random dirt vein that’s always nice I give you a hint all of them what I give you an hint uh all of them are um okay it’s all spectator proof got it so we’re going to use the classic boom

Booms we’re going to stare at the explosion whoa whoa ow your base cannot hide from meing I got to block off this water cuz it’s going to ruin my TNT Boop okay there so I either keep going down or I can move to a different spot I’m going to keep going down

Cuz this area is small and I don’t think Zen would be able to hide something like that anything in here anything that looks tempered With wait is this life is this the cave life as great as made or is explor yep that’s where Zen died right over there at that lava that’s where his stuff lies yeah H oh hey that’s an amethyst dude that’s cool did Zen hide something in this amethyst geod ow I didn’t find anything how about this random iron ore does Z hide anything there nope how about this drip Stone cuz fun fact the British love their dripstone oh hey

And I love my diamonds ow I don’t need this die right I mean if Zen was here we he would have 100% taken the diamonds but the British love their drip Stone so he’s bound to be in here or the Bas at least darn it

Okay I feel like I’m too far now so I’m going to turn back h i mean there’s a third option but it’s really really really cheaty like really really really cheaty uhoh uhoh hey um uh uh uh Zen just told me that Su USR is about to be attacked I think you

Need to investigate a British spy told him or whatever I don’t know who the British spy is I don’t I don’t know anything it’s in the in character chat game whatever I don’t know in your server I don’t know a thing you know a thing you I don’t know a

Thing then do some investigating because they clearly want to strip you of all their powers I’m I am completely safe no just check it I did there was nothing there you don’t have to worry about a thing what what you’re acting sus no no check check the chat check what Zen

Said I I saw it it’s not important cuz Zen is a liar cuz he’s British you sure I’m sure well I’m going to need to get back to the Su USR quick once I find this thing all right am I anywhere close to it I don’t even know I’m I’m not

Watching you I’m trying to get out of cave I fell in a hole oh why’ you leave send you little snitch I mean you haven’t directly said it was me but you little snitch you little rat uh uh where is the exit the exit is like somewhere

I I can never find the stairwell out of here aha ah oh I’m out of food I’m I need to eat food sin you are a rat I’m making it lore next video need to be made Z you little rat you little rat oh you’re making me look like the

Villain here when I am just trying to find your base oh you’re going to get it oh I knew where your bases were I’m going I would blow them to Kingdom Come you right I mean I could directly tell Juniper that it was me and say I was trying to find Zen’s base but I I think it’s kind of it’s more funny to act suspicious but then I’ll I’ll tell Juniper after I it’s more funny and more entertaining but then ah

Ah you filthy little rat just one problem you have to find them yeah that’s the problem what do you think I’ve been doing Zen what do you think I’ve been doing just blowing things up no I’m trying to find your flipping base ah ah I got to cover this up before Juniper

Just randomly finds us or really any other SMP member I have Spies all 35 of yeah yeah yeah 35 it’s weird how there’s not that many people on the server ah how what as you could see I was clearly blocking right there and then that zombie just hit me through my

Shield oh I need a sip of my water cuz I am lightheaded holy moly I’ve been yelling at you Zen for like 20 years speed when your shorts speed running shorts it is it’s in character chat what does that even mean I do not know you know

What you know what in character chat means uh is that’s one of my most recent uh announcements so it’s like a role playing kind of chat where oh still like he’s not actually going to grief my base yes oh yeah wait what what if he actually does grieve my

Base that’s a British thing to do I know but like he GED my base several times no like like completely destroys it like TNT and uh I’m pretty sure that’s too far in all of our books but he probably destroyed parts of the wall baby I should

Really I mean if I if I had the ability to I’d make it one of those regenerating Cobblestone walls or like that use the auto M Auto you know what I’m talking about that would be really funny and cool could you oh shoot [Applause] um oh could you check if I’m anywhere close

To it uh the artifact 6 yeah I I I don’t know I’m I’m currently busy uh doing things what sort of what you’re acting super sus right now yeah cuz Zen is a little what are you Zen is a little snitch yes oh you’re doing something with the susr no no no no

No I’m doing other things right now with what the British no no no no no no what Romans it’s confidential where are you uh at spawn at spawn is it like admin owner stuff nope I already took care of that part earlier is it Roman stuff kind of I

Guess does it does it involve the susr in any way Um no comment okay once I find this I’m going to find You why you keep leaving uh I need to check something okay ah hot magma magma is hot oh come on there’s one left I didn’t I didn’t even see it that’s kind of sad Zen I want to strangle you that’s what I want to do strangle you oh

Yeah I’m currently rhyming that’s what I want to do strangle you that’s all I want to do is to strangle [Laughter] you today is the 20th and yeah that’s that’s fun he is the 20th so is the day 164 on the sunrise SMP do all I want to do is strangle you

All I want to do can’t wait until we get elytras yeah just need more people to log on that’s the problem cuz I am ready to fight the Ender Dragon it’s just like I said I’m waiting for oh you got a lot of time to prepare cuz it’s I’m hoping maybe Christmas

Break we could fight the Ender Dragon that’s like Christmas break for everyone like this is Christmas break for me wow everyone else gets Christmas break started like Monday on Christmas Day I am scared I am scared I am scared I am scared I am scared I am scared I am

Scared I am scared I am Scared did make the sign unedible that is great ow oh I just got a devious idea that would instantly instantly get me another person on my side all I’d have to do use my remaining TNT set a trap underneath Matthew’s house so then whenever someone or Matthew enters the

House the TNT explodes and then blame it on the British and then boom Another Part another person on my side Kaboom you can say scared So what are you up to better idea I’m going to then oh shoot oh sh oh oh oh ooh ooh ooh I’m so glad you are not at the susar base right now ooh oh oh oh my oh my I almost died oh God oh God oh

I I don’t know if that worked or not she’s not talking oh my God oh my God oh oh my gosh oh I almost died oh I’m quaking in my boots I am quaking in my boots oh I keep repeating the same phrase that’s how panicked I am oh My oh my oh my goodness oh my goodness I guess I could try to repair this so doesn’t see this at all oh my God was going to hide the evidence of what just happened just just just going to hide it just going to bury the

Evidence we did it we did it yeah we hid the body we did it we did it we did it we did it just going to hide the evidence just going to hide the evidence just going to hide the evidence just going to hide the evidence hide the evidence hide in the

Evidence just hide in the the evidence hide in the evidence just hiding the evidence just hiding the evidence just hiding the evidence just hiding evidence evidence Evidence oh oh hey hey oh hey um um I’m sorry I’m sorry I couldn’t resist I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry um um that’s nothing I don’t even know if you can hear me or not but that’s nothing um um so I uh was over here when a briti

When explosions happened and I almost died because of it what what okay now I can find my speed what was this the British do doing uh yeah so I was up here when uh I I heard a skull sensor and some TNT exploded and it almost killed

Me um so I I hid the evidence this was the British doing right oh oh my God yeah it was the British doing uh or was it you it was the British it was the British cuz I I would never set a trap in your base I would never h uh so

Technically this is an act of War yes again it was the british’s fault what did I what did I do to the British that I mean your alliance with me and the British hate me and and and how and okay explain this why was I randomly tpd when I was like

Literally in the vicinity of the uh artifact six oh oh so you were there I was there I didn’t see anything oh yeah I uh made it so you can’t actually go there what you made it that you can’t go there why uh cuz lore it needs there

Needs to be lore to happen but like that’s a you didn’t tell every one that you can’t go there so technically you’re a bad s you’re a bad owner yeah uh well we got to focus on other things since the British just blew up your base the tower we need to focus on

A tower and actually building things so uh so would you I need I want to I need help figuring out this tower all right I I can help uh how do we do this so what should we use then something like are you just building it in a test

World yes I need help figuring out the test hello there need to help with like the dimensions uh I just need help figuring out what to build what what are you trying to go for like a square Tower Circle Tower kind of a circular squarish Tower okay so like

Rounded corners but it’s being pretty flat kind of like what we currently have yeah all righty all righty all righty like that that’s actually not a terrible shape question is how tall do you want it to be uh over the wall I don’t know how tall the wall

Is one two three four five 6 7 8 9 we’ll do three of those sections all right all right something like this I think stripped Oak would look better than normal oak logs see I think it would Zen just said the uh things he’s currently uh adding to the server are

Working almost yes I I think strip looks much better okay but I’d like to act ask I I’d like to know why he decided to I said ask I heard the double s well my tongue slips a lot that that’s yeah yeah oh well well well well

So like is this going to be like a modular thing like just yes so like I want it to like get like one in h let’s figure this out what sort of getting like a reference image to help I don’t really have a reference image let’s search like a tower or

Something on Giggles on the giggles Giggles I don’t use reference images in building okay then oh there something like this that doesn’t look too bad maybe bit of thiso Boop cool we could do a bit of this the corners and boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop

Boop I think it look yeah that looks way better doing this boop boop boop boop boop boop boop 1 2 3 4 five 6 7 8 9 10 11 Maybe stair right there like that yes yes yes I don’t like maybe we keep the corners as it is or maybe Place stairs with that yeah yeah yeah oops boop boop boop boop Boop this is like some Watchtower thing mm okay okay okay this is looking like something

So have nothing so that’s good yes let’s get our in here is going to be like crafting all right all sort of you know it’s just like you know place to put things MH MH um up here is going to be like some sort of like staircase like maybe something

Right here but like it’d be like some you know not like a spiral staircase but like a regular staircase oh that’s boring spiral staircases are the best I know but I want space to put things yeah or you could do a ladder even though that’s boring that’s even worse

Yeah and up here I like some sort of like you know Lookout let’s look at a castle Spire all right good night Zen good good luck with all that oh that’s this sounds awful sort of goes out like like this take that mm maybe we could do something like yeah

Maybe so maybe something like this that’s not too bad this out you’re just flying around yeah I’m I’m just letting you lay this out I’ll help fill it in I want to do something right there then right here and then right there okay then right there and then Like to make that a little higher Okay sh okay come check this out I think this is nice it kind of looks like a Piller Outpost which is good cuz it’s a tower oh no that’s no no no that’s no that’s not right okay good leave leave cows leave I did something what the freak are you

Doing look at look at no oh you just killed Zen’s mom a this is before Zen was even born so he wouldn’t have a British to deal with I can’t believe you killed then’s mom I was going to date her okay uh help me figure this out

Like let’s let’s focus on the staircase that would be smart what should our staircase be made out of um probably planks of some sort like maybe Oak Spruce one of the main Woods Spruce Spruce okay okay Me I love that I’m not helping well you’re supposed to be helping me well helping is boring there’s only there’s one reason why you joined me that’s true cuz I wasn’t going to do anything else on the SMP like that then like that Boop no it goes like

This yes yes yes yes yes then like this like that like this like that and finally like this okay staircase is now touching floor better effecto look out some like finally jez way I think this will be a good Tower I think so too trying to kill me H assassinate me nons survival

Okay I need help filling in this sort of thing okay with stone slabbers okay it’s filled it’s like a flat Tower be careful I am always careful on this Tower because I think I like this much better yo uh so Zen just told me that he uh made a new design for

Your uh sus R uh Banner can I see it yeah I’m going to I’m sending it to you right now you’re probably not going to uh is it a joke wow um I don’t like that I want to use my current one know you like your original

One why did it even make a new one I I don’t know is is it to is it that is that like a parody of some random British flag ladder ladder okay the magical ladder okay help me uh make this some sort of spire okay um something like that okay uh boop boop

Boom that doesn’t look too bad actually um I need help making this into like an actual like you know yes uh do want to keep explaining the roof so it’s like pointy or do you want to keep it like that pointy pointy all right we’re going super duper pointy we’re going we’re

Going like uh um uh Big Ben in England okay we’re going pointy all right we got pointy actually it doesn’t look too bad oh boy um now you should make that into like an actual roof with like stairs and blocks and stuff okay you you

Want to uh made out of oak or different material um it’s do Spruce with Oak accents Spruce oo F very fonty you’re so British I I can’t help it I’m sorry I swear if you’re like why would I even side with the British half of half of half of my DNA

Is British and I don’t sound British I I’m Dutch so yeah and you’re not even British so um clearly you got Some clearly you got sta clearly you got like injected with some like uh British serum yep do that I sneezed I heard that wait do I have my do do I have my voice changer on no you don’t you’re you’re normal which is good oh oh no you’re putting on your voice changer

No no how was this you’re normal still I’m normal oh that’s because uh ah you’re not normal anymore F we’re doing this okay or clone clone did someone say clone he r on the Magic School Bus yeah we’re r on the Magic School Bus go Chad you go Chad regular Chad regular chat is boring just saying Barbarian now you’re spooky yes spooky but it’s not the spooky season spooky season ended a while ago B1 battle droid B1 battle droid me1 battle droid B1 battle droid how what the okay there b you sound like you’re breaking the Matrix The AI voices just like don’t work just saying I was the Xbox 36 one kind of weird I have ai voice what the okay that I I I don’t even really understand you much better one okay what I can see all this yes there o that’s a nice roof whoa

Yeah I’ll I’ll do this middle section too but I am going to need to put like support we’ll do we’ll do oak oak is cool support pillar like support beams cuz this would not stand without support beams this needs support beams there support beams here’s here what here you could do a

Slabs and then like at the edge here you do like blocks or something like that yeah like that how is this part I’m I’m working on the middle part on this side when is this flag mod whenever Zen’s done with it CU there’s still like crashing and stuff

Going on so maybe within the this week I don’t know cuz Zen’s also super busy cuz 16 hour job okay she mik eight bit eight bit I swear you have like voice mod Pro or something I do oh I don’t it’s kind of sad cuz I don’t yeah I can do this though

What uh your mom yeah oh no your mother is very sophisticated my voice your mother my mother your mother is right your mother is sophisticated my mother Sopis well is sophisticated my mother is sophisticated yes how is my mother sophisticated because yes of and then right up here we can add theed our flag whenever it gets inported to the game of course cuz Zen still modding yes but yes this actually looks pretty good

Be a shame if I grab some TNT and with Kaboom but I’m not going to do that because I’m nice no kab boomies for me is my choice yes I really need to make that proper video I have to do one too cuz Zen did one against me and it’s kind of it’s

Kind of good I say kind of good I I mean actually really really good h i I heard a random voice right there who isn’t feel like your voice behind pitched that was probably me or Could Have Been Me can A2 ah Me beep up up beep beep oh beep up up beep beep beep I can’t do Red Zone apparently this kind sad oh I did not know I can do that okay [Laughter] h oh no no no darn It did not know you could use dispensers to dispense Trident I discovered that and that was awesome okay um anything else you think should be added besides like craft ah no no no no ow J on you I got to light you ow it worked oh God I’m getting third

Parted oh no oh no did no no no no dang it no oh good don’t me noes oh oh I disagree strongly with this no no no no no NOP no no no no no no no no no oh I disagree strongly with this torture I disagree strongly no oh get

Oh no I’m being chased down no no no oh I disagree strongly with this torture ow oh oh oh crap oh oh Get oh that’s a lot of ravagers that’s a lot of ravagers that’s a lot of ravagers that’s a that’s a lot of ravagers just saying that’s a lot of ravagers um a it’s it’s a little bit it’s a I think it’s a lot of Ravagers why you got a fire Trail there yeah burn the ravager oh got him oh oh I hit the fire oh a I disagree strongly with this Torture no no no no no a I didn’t even realize I had voice Cher on oh my gosh hi forky um I currently being tortured congrats on yeah thank you uh I I I gained like 10 today stop oh my gosh oh uhoh uhoh yeah a all the ravagers died

Hooray no not again no no no no no No congrat no this is I don’t deserve this stop it stop it stop it get some help stop it stupid it’s me mean it’s very very very mean forky don’t watch Zen’s propaganda it’s it’s terrible it’s it’s terrible no I’m not falling in your lava H why are you don’t taking me Gold CH to survive what no no no no no I landed into the one block of the lava with no Lava ha I I grind too much dropper by the way no no no I’m St falling into the Lava please don’t do this I have I have a wife and kids that’s a lot of lava where are you nowhere I’m nowhere but everywhere at the same time no oh yes yes no no no no no no no no no no she simply can’t clear in you suck you suck you Suck don’t do that wait wait a second wait a second a what the don’t worry Bel the world sup GTR I’m currently being tortured Stop stop that’s to me give powers on your no no stop again stop this me this is mean I don’t deserve this torch Sure I don’t deserve any of this you set my game mode to Adventure how dare you oh you suck you suck you suck you freaking suck what the heck I give up I I Rage Quit I’m rage quitting

This video, titled ‘Relaxing on the Sunrise SMP’, was uploaded by SchelvyPlays on 2023-12-21 12:36:00. It has garnered 39 views and 8 likes. The duration of the video is 03:15:30 or 11730 seconds.

You can never relax when there are the British on the SMP #minecraft #minecraftbedrock #minecraftsmp #live #gaming #chill ————————————————————————————————————————– 🔴YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCvzu… 🟣Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/schelvyplays 🔵TikTok https://www.tiktok.com/@schelvyplays?

  • Zaheer’s Wild Minecraft Survival Adventure

    Zaheer's Wild Minecraft Survival Adventure The Exciting World of Minecraft Survival Series Embark on a thrilling journey through the blocky landscapes of Minecraft in this survival series. Join the adventure as our protagonist navigates through challenges, builds shelters, and gathers resources to survive in this virtual world. Survival at Its Core In Minecraft Survival Series, players must utilize their wit and skills to thrive in a hostile environment. From crafting tools to hunting for food, every decision matters as they strive to stay alive amidst the dangers lurking in the shadows. Building Your Sanctuary One of the key aspects of survival in Minecraft is… Read More

  • Cherry Grove Seeds: Minecraft’s Planting Pleasure

    Cherry Grove Seeds: Minecraft's Planting Pleasure In Minecraft’s world, cherry groves do bloom, With seeds aplenty, each one a boon. From mountains to lakes, villages to caves, Explore the possibilities, be brave. Seed 20, mountains and cherry groves so grand, A sight to behold, in this blocky land. Seed 19, a large cherry grove awaits, Explore and discover, open the gates. Seed 18, a cherry grove by the lake, A peaceful spot, a perfect break. Seed 17, a ruined portal village to see, Adventure awaits, come with me. Seed 16, a double ancient city to explore, History and mystery, what’s in store? Seed 15, a… Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Party Supplies!

    Ultimate Minecraft Party Supplies! Celebrate Minecraft’s 15th Anniversary with Free Party Supplies Addon! 🎉 Are you ready to throw the ultimate virtual party in Minecraft? Look no further! To celebrate Minecraft’s 15th anniversary, you can now get your hands on a special party supplies addon completely free of charge. This addon includes unique decorations, party supplies, and more to take your in-game celebration to the next level. Keep reading to find out how to access and use these special items for your own virtual party! How to Get the Free Party Supplies Addon To get your hands on the free party supplies addon,… Read More

  • Minecraft Glass Crafting Guide

    Minecraft Glass Crafting Guide Making Glass in Minecraft: A Handy Guide Are you looking to add some glass elements to your Minecraft creations? Glass is not only easy to make but also incredibly versatile in the game. Let’s dive into the process of making glass in Minecraft and explore some additional glass items you can craft. Making Glass Blocks To create glass blocks in Minecraft, you’ll need to smelt sand using a furnace. Each sand block will yield one glass block. Make sure you have enough sand blocks, a fuel source, and a furnace ready for the smelting process. If you’re planning to… Read More

  • Minecraft Mine Train: Part 2 – Huntin’ for Fun!

    Minecraft Mine Train: Part 2 - Huntin' for Fun! In Minecraft’s world, trains are a sight to see, Hunting them down, a thrilling spree. With background sounds of engines roaring by, Watch until the end, don’t be shy. Eight trains in total, each one unique, Randomly tracked, a challenge to seek. Check out my first video, a train hunting delight, In this Minecraft world, trains take flight. Join me on this journey, full of fun and thrill, As we chase down trains, with skill and will. Don’t miss out on the action, watch the video link, Investigation Addon by Gibonz, a perfect sync. Tags like train and Minecraft,… Read More

  • Outrageous Class Talent Show in Minecraft!

    Outrageous Class Talent Show in Minecraft! Minecraft: Class 61 Performance Schedule【My World Block Pavilion】 Welcome to the world of Minecraft where creativity knows no bounds! In this channel, dedicated to providing child-friendly content, viewers can immerse themselves in a world free from any elements that may impact their health and safety. About the Channel Greetings, everyone! I am Block Pavilion, a creator in the realm of Minecraft. I specialize in crafting hilarious and entertaining Minecraft animations that aim to spread joy and laughter. This channel is the one and only official channel of Block Pavilion. Any videos related to me on other channels are unauthorized… Read More

  • Chaos Reigns in Crownlexx’s Minecraft World!

    Chaos Reigns in Crownlexx's Minecraft World! Minecraft: Mixing Things Up! Embark on a unique Minecraft journey with Crownlex as they mix and match everything in the game to create special items and attempt to finish the game. Get ready for an exciting ride filled with creativity and innovation! Exploring Minecraft’s Boundless Possibilities In this video, Crownlex showcases their ability to blend various elements in Minecraft, pushing the boundaries of what is possible in the game. By combining different resources and tools, they craft special items that add a new dimension to their gameplay. Unleashing Creativity With a keen eye for experimentation, Crownlex demonstrates how mixing… Read More

  • 100 Days Surviving Minecraft 1.20 Movie

    100 Days Surviving Minecraft 1.20 Movie Surviving 100 Days in Minecraft 1.20: An Epic Adventure Embark on an epic adventure in the desert of Minecraft 1.20! 🌵🐫 In this thrilling video, our brave player takes on the challenge of surviving in Hardcore mode, building an incredible base, an industrial farm, and even facing the fearsome Ender Dragon. Witness exciting battles and ingenious strategies to conquer this arid biome! Subscribe to the channel and don’t miss a single episode. Comment on your favorite part and get ready for #Minecraft #Survival #Hardcore #Adventure #EnderDragon. Press play and let the adventure begin! 🎮🔥 Beginning of the Adventure The… Read More

  • Craft a Hive, Survive: Minecraft Beehive Build Guide

    Craft a Hive, Survive: Minecraft Beehive Build Guide In Minecraft, a beehive is quite a delight, Craft it with wood planks, a simple sight. Place it near flowers, bees will take flight, Collecting sweet honey, a tasty bite. To get honeycomb, use shears with care, From the hive, it’s a precious fare. Bees in the hive, a buzzing affair, Protect them well, show them you care. Moving a hive? Use a silk touch tool, Carry it gently, don’t be a fool. Harvesting honey, a sweet jewel, In Minecraft world, a golden rule. So now you know, how to make a beehive, In Minecraft world, where bees thrive…. Read More

  • Chicken Chaos in Minecraft Snapshots

    Chicken Chaos in Minecraft Snapshots Minecraft Combat Test Snapshots: Flying with Chickens Are you ready to take your Minecraft experience to new heights? Join the Minecraft Combat Test Snapshots (CTS) and get ready for some exciting new features! Developed by Jeb, these snapshots are a fork of 1.16 and offer a unique gameplay experience that you won’t want to miss. How to Join CTS If you’re ready to dive into the world of CTS, follow these simple steps: Check out this tutorial on how to download CTS: Download CTS Tutorial Learn how to join CTS from version 1.20.1: Join CTS Tutorial Join the Nexia… Read More

  • Minecraft Tipped Arrows: Quick & Easy Guide

    Minecraft Tipped Arrows: Quick & Easy Guide Minecraft Tipped Arrows: A Powerful Battle Tool Are you ready to take your Minecraft battles to the next level? Tipped arrows are a game-changer when it comes to combat, offering a variety of effects that can give you the upper hand against your enemies. In this quick guide, you’ll learn how to craft these powerful arrows and unleash their full potential in the game. Ingredients Needed To create tipped arrows in Minecraft, you’ll need the following ingredients: Arrow: The base ammunition for your tipped arrows. Potion: A potion of your choice to add the desired effect to your arrows…. Read More

  • Ultimate Power! Alchemist Crafts Crystal Balls in Minecraft D&D Day 26!

    Ultimate Power! Alchemist Crafts Crystal Balls in Minecraft D&D Day 26!Video Information This video, titled ‘Fade Streams: D&D Minecraft Origins Day 26! Crystal Balls & Mystical Flowers!’, was uploaded by Rogue Alchemist on 2024-02-23 16:00:41. It has garnered 14 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 01:46:15 or 6375 seconds. Broadcasted live on Twitch — Watch live at https://www.twitch.tv/fade_alchemist Sassyrogue- https://www.twitch.tv/sassyrogue483 Bewitchment Reforged is a 1.19.2 modded SMP Featuring The Create Mod, 214 Origins, Botania and Bewitchment! I, Fade_Achemist (link above), and my Wife Sassyrogue, Stream this Weekends and Mondays! Come join our adventure! The story so far: The previous world, having been subjected to a realm-breaking… Read More

  • Ultimate Shulker Box Hack for Minecraft #shorts

    Ultimate Shulker Box Hack for Minecraft #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Shulker Box Hack #shortsfeed #shortsvideo #minecraft #minecraftshorts #trendingshorts’, was uploaded by CMG GAMERZ on 2024-01-11 23:58:50. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Minecraft Shulker Box Hack Tags minecraft,minecraft hacks,minecraft shulker box,minecraft shulker,minecraft duplication glitch … Read More


    "DOLANAN GAYENG: SKIBIDI TOILET ATTACKED US!" #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘KITA DISERANG MUSUH SKIBIDI TOILET #minecraft #gameplay #skibiditoilet’, was uploaded by Dolanan Gayeng on 2024-04-20 11:00:48. It has garnered 12236 views and 402 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:36 or 36 seconds. WE ARE ATTACKED BY THE ENEMY OF SKIBIDI TOILET #minecraft #gameplay #skibiditoilet #shorts Hey I’m Dolanan Gayeng Here I will play and learn to play various existing games, so we play together and learn together, there is no intention to offend anyone so,,, help like comment subscribe and share ya guys…. thanks you instagram: https://www.instagram.com/dolanan_gayeng/ Minecraft Minecraft Indonesia Minecraft Adventure Minecraft… Read More

  • Insane Gold & XP Farm in Minecraft 1.16+

    Insane Gold & XP Farm in Minecraft 1.16+Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Gold & XP Farm|1.16 – 1.20.4+ (Java Edition)’, was uploaded by kayte on 2024-02-26 08:49:41. It has garnered 3295 views and 57 likes. The duration of the video is 00:18:40 or 1120 seconds. This Gold Farm was originally designed by ilmango however was broken in the 1.16 version of minecraft, however this is a first video with a full tutorial + fix. 155 gold blocks per hour and up to 117,000xp per hour. level 30 in 42 seconds level 50 in 2.75 minutes level 100 in 16 minutes level 1000 in 37 hours FAQ:… Read More

  • UNBELIEVABLE: Noob Dominates TOP Games! 🤯🔥🎮 #gaming

    UNBELIEVABLE: Noob Dominates TOP Games! 🤯🔥🎮 #gamingVideo Information This video, titled ‘noob is very good 😊👍#gaming #minecraft #trending #topgamerz’, was uploaded by TOP Gamez on 2024-05-24 00:07:52. It has garnered 8194 views and 346 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:00 or 60 seconds. Read More

  • “EPIC TROLL in Bed Wars – Minecraft Battle!” #shockingbetrayal #crazyminecraftbattle

    "EPIC TROLL in Bed Wars - Minecraft Battle!" #shockingbetrayal #crazyminecraftbattleVideo Information This video, titled ‘Troll team mate in bed wars part 2 #minecraftnoobvsprovshackervsgod #playingmincraft’, was uploaded by Smart Veer Gaming on 2024-03-16 14:41:46. It has garnered 92 views and 12 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:30 or 30 seconds. #gaming #minecraft #pvp #viralvideo #minecraftpvp #minecraftmemes #pvpgod #minecrafter #minecraftpc #minecraftbuilds #minecraftbuildtutorials #minecraftdaily #minecraftdairies #minecraftpocketedition #minecraftjava #minecraftjavamods #minecraftjavaedition #minecraftdungeons #minecraftlegends #minecraftmoments #bedwars #dream #gaming Yours enquires- pvp gaming console pvp pvp montage pvp texture pack pvp video game pvp god pvp server pvp ventuer latest news pvp server ip pvp devil minecraft pvp video minecraft pvp tips minecraft pvp… Read More

  • Nabi Gaming – Unbelievable Minecraft Realism! 😱🔥

    Nabi Gaming - Unbelievable Minecraft Realism! 😱🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT REALISTIC MOD 😍🤤 #minecraft’, was uploaded by Nabi Gaming on 2024-03-22 12:15:03. It has garnered 5256 views and 88 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:10 or 10 seconds. MINECRAFT WITH ULTRA REALISTIC GRAPHICS Minecraft REAListic Graphics Minecraft REAL LIFE Extreme Graphics Minecraft in hardcore Incredible Minecraft Graphics Ultra REALISTIC MINECRAFT How to Build a Snowy Cottage How to Build a Starter House Minecraft Minecraft Blacksmith house Minecraft Snowy Cabin MINECRAFT WINTER CABIN MINECRAFT WINTER HOUSE Realistic MC RTX 4090 Minecraft best shaders Minecraft Shader Comparison Minecraft Ray Tracing Minecraft REAL LIFE Extreme… Read More

  • Epic Globeysweats xPiglegends Showdown

    Epic Globeysweats xPiglegends ShowdownVideo Information This video, titled ‘xPiglegends’, was uploaded by Globeysweats on 2024-03-05 04:06:06. It has garnered 2212 views and 47 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:28 or 28 seconds. hive pack folder,pack folder mcpe,cranexe pack folder,minecraft hive pack folder,mcpe pack folder,hive pack folder 16x,hive pack folder mcpe,best the hive texture packs,hive texture pack,pack folder, EvidentP in skywars, trapping in skywars, Evident, hive montage,pack folder,pvp texture pack mcpe,best pvp texture pack bedrock,best pvp texture pack mcpe,mcpe pvp texture pack,mcpe texture packs pvp,minecraft hive,the hive,hive,hive skywars,hive minecraft,hive shaders,best hive texture packs, hive treasure wars,hive bedrock,OvaPade,top 5 mcpe pvp texture pack,potpvp,pack… Read More


    EXPLOSIVE DIY MINECRAFT - UNBELIEVABLE KOLA BORE HOLE TRICK! #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘WAIT FOR KOLA BORE HOLE TNT #minecraft’, was uploaded by DIY MINECRAFT on 2024-03-26 12:07:25. It has garnered 11561 views and 294 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:18 or 18 seconds. #minecraft #minecraftmemes #minecraftpe #minecraftonly #minecraftpc #minecrafter #minecraftmeme #minecrafters #minecraftbuilds #minecraftpocketedition #minecraftxbox #minecraftserver #minecraftbuild #minecraftart #minecraftps3 #minecraftuniverse #minecrafts #minecraftdaily #minecraftforever #minecraftskin #minecraftedit #photoseedminecraft #minecraftfx #minecraftdiaries #minecraftskins #skydoesminecraft #minecrafthouse #minecraftcake #minecraftersonly #minecraftparty #minecraftindonesia #minecraftgirl #pewdiepieminecraft #minecraft_pe #minecraftdrawing #minecraftxbox360 #minecraftsurvival #minecraftisawesome #minecrafthouses #minecraftedits Read More

  • WorkSMP Realms SMP Bedrock

    Looking for Players for Bedrock Realm Join my Bedrock Realm with a unique story/lore element. Create your own story and immerse yourself in the world. If interested, message me at “sirwondernut” on Discord. Read More


    Looks like Minecraft just got a little more fabulous! 🦄🌈 Read More

  • Animal Instincts: Transform in Minecraft!

    Animal Instincts: Transform in Minecraft! In the world of Minecraft, a new addon is here, With the power to transform, no need for fear. Just click the link, and download with glee, But beware, low RAM may cause a spree. Morphing Bracelet, a magical tool, Turn into any mob, that’s the rule. Supporting version 1.20.73 and above, For Java users, it’s a treasure trove. Riyon’s dynamic lighting, torch in hand, Left-handed players, now take a stand. Explore Minecraft in a whole new way, With morphing bracelet, let your imagination sway. So dive in, Minecraft fans, and have some fun, With this addon, the adventure’s… Read More

  • Hot gamer fleet Minecraft meme

    Hot gamer fleet Minecraft meme “When you accidentally hit your friend’s dog in Minecraft and suddenly become the most wanted criminal in the server.” Read More

  • AI’s Outrageous “What If” Ideas! (Minecraft Sketch)

    AI's Outrageous "What If" Ideas! (Minecraft Sketch) Minecraft Sketch: AI’s Ideas for “What If…” Scenarios Imagine a world where AI generates ideas for Minecraft videos! In a recent video, AI came up with scenarios for “What If…” sketches. Curious to know what AI concocted and how these scenes will unfold? Stay tuned till the end of the video to find out! Host: The co-pilot for this creative endeavor is none other than the AI from the Bing browser (although it’s still not the best browser, by the way). Inspiration: The inspiration behind these imaginative ideas comes from the series “Bláznivé nápady” by StudioMoonTV. Editing: The video… Read More

  • Craft like a pro: Diamonds are a MUST in Minecraft FTB Revelation! 🔥

    Craft like a pro: Diamonds are a MUST in Minecraft FTB Revelation! 🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘DIAMONDS ARE A MUST!!! ArtsEducated’s Summer Craft LIVE!!! Minecraft FTB Revelation’, was uploaded by Arts Educated on 2024-05-17 06:16:58. It has garnered 40 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 04:51:34 or 17494 seconds. We ran out of materials! NEED MORE!!!! DIAMONDS ARE A MUST!!! My name is Mr. B and I am a K-12 Art Teacher and High School Esports coach that loves to play video games! The channel is family friendly content that I want everyone to enjoy! We play anything and everything. I play a lot of Roguelikes and… Read More

  • Top 10 Scariest Minecraft Seeds Ever

    Top 10 Scariest Minecraft Seeds EverVideo Information This video, titled ‘MOST SCARY SEEDS IN MINECRAFT 🤕’, was uploaded by MINE KRISH on 2024-05-26 08:30:01. It has garnered 1859 views and 10 likes. The duration of the video is 00:10:01 or 601 seconds. minecraft horror minecraft horror maps minecraft horror mods minecraft horror modpack minecraft horror games minecraft horror seeds minecraft horror maps 2 player minecraft horror texture pack minecraft horror shaders minecraft horror skins minecraft horror maps multiplayer minecraft horror maps 1.19 minecraft horror adventure maps minecraft horror adventure maps multiplayer minecraft horror addons minecraft horror art minecraft horror ambience mod minecraft horror apk minecraft… Read More


    GRENINJA vs SCULK - EPIC MINECRAFT DEATH MATCH! #shizoClickbaitVideo Information This video, titled ‘Which Minecraft Mutant Death Generate More Sculk? #minecraftshorts #shorts’, was uploaded by MEET GRENINJA on 2024-05-31 06:30:02. It has garnered 12280 views and 429 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:54 or 54 seconds. Version – 1.20.1 Shader – Complementary Resource Pack – Prime Hd (512x) #minecraft #meme #minecraftshorts Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Build Battle: Who Will Win?!

    EPIC Minecraft Build Battle: Who Will Win?!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft : who did it best competition? #minecraft #memes #minecraftmemes #shorts’, was uploaded by Kashan Mc on 2024-02-03 02:25:32. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Title: “Minecraft Showdown: Who Nailed It Best? | Epic Build Competition Unveiled!” Description: Get ready for the ultimate … Read More

  • Frosterplayz travels to Mars in Minecraft?! 🚀

    Frosterplayz travels to Mars in Minecraft?! 🚀Video Information This video, titled ‘Tamil || Minecraft, But I Travelled To MARS…’, was uploaded by Frosterplayz on 2024-05-19 05:00:30. It has garnered 1007 views and 139 likes. The duration of the video is 00:10:34 or 634 seconds. Parakkuromm!!🚀🌑… ╔═╦╗╔╦╗╔═╦═╦╦╦╗╔═╗ ║╚╣║║║╚╕╚╣╔╣╔╕ ╝║║╠╗║╚╣║║║║║═╣ ╚═╩══╩═╩═╩═╩╝╚╩═╩═╝ #minecrafttamil #Frosterplayz Read More

  • Craziest Mini Game Madness with IcyCraft!

    Craziest Mini Game Madness with IcyCraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘HIVE LIVE AND ZEQA WITH VIEWERS!’, was uploaded by IcyCraft on 2024-04-21 11:22:53. It has garnered 178 views and 16 likes. The duration of the video is 01:09:17 or 4157 seconds. minecraft,hive,live,shorts, Read More

  • Pemwen’s EPIC Minecraft Adventure! 🎮

    Pemwen's EPIC Minecraft Adventure! 🎮Video Information This video, titled ‘Playing Minecraft 💖 (100 Sub Special)’, was uploaded by Pemwen on 2024-06-03 22:28:01. It has garnered 14 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 00:29:35 or 1775 seconds. SUBSCRIBE 💎 ==================================== 🎮 Discord: https://discord.gg/sA7CDzv3zE ====================================================== Tags 🏷️ ====================================================== #gorillatag #flashback #epic #gtag #vr #gorillatag #oculus #vr #gorillatagupdate #gtagghost #new #update #gaming #games #gtag #gorillatag #oculus #vr #gorillatagupdate #new #gtagghost #update #gaming #games #gorillatag #vr #oculus #gorillatagupdate #update #new #gtag #gtagghost #awsome #gorilla #monkey #viral #video #viralvideo #viralshorts #vlog #viralshort #videos #valorant #art #newupdate #news #shorts #short #shortvideo #subscribe #like #shortsvideo #shortsfeed #comedy… Read More

  • “Join Now for FREE Public SMP 24/7 Minecraft Madness” #live #smp #minecraft

    "Join Now for FREE Public SMP 24/7 Minecraft Madness" #live #smp #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft SMP LIVE || PUBLIC SMP 24/7 JAVA + BEDROCK || FREE TO JOIN #live #smp #minecraft’, was uploaded by Sesav gamer Live on 2024-05-31 20:08:14. It has garnered 152 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 01:23:20 or 5000 seconds. #MinecraftSMP #GamingCommunity #MinecraftersUnite #MinecraftSMP #GamingCommunity #MinecraftersUnite 🎮 Join the fun on my Minecraft Public SMP server! 🏰 Explore, build, and conquer together with fellow Java Ip: LAVAMC_FUN.aternos.me:49350 Mcpe Ip: LAVAMC_FUN.aternos.me Port:49350 🔥 #MinecraftSMP #GamingCommunity #MinecraftersUnite #MultiplayerMadness #BlockyAdventures 🛠️ #CraftAndExplore #BuildTogether #SurvivalMode #sesavSmp #JoinTheFun 🌐 #VirtualWorlds #GamingJourney #OnlineGaming #GamingFriends #MinecraftRealm 🏡 #ExploreAndConquer… Read More

  • Insane Enderman Revenge Prank 😱 | Minecraft

    Insane Enderman Revenge Prank 😱 | MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Enderman Funny Revenge 😂 Minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by Neuro DerNIER on 2024-01-08 04:30:01. It has garnered 10432 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:09 or 9 seconds. Enderman Funny Revenge 😂 Minecraft #shorts Enderman’s Revenge: A Minecraft Short. Watch how an enderman gets back at another enderman for stealing his block in this hilarious 8-second animation. #minecraft #enderman #shorts #minecraft #minecraftindia #minecraftshorts #minecraftfunny #minecraftanimation #minecraftenderman #minecraftrevenge #minecraftprank #minecraftmemes #minecraftgaming #minecraftvideo #minecraftyoutuber #minecrafttiktok #minecraftchallenge #minecraftcomedy #minecrafttips #minecrafttutorial #minecraftmods #minecraftserver #minecraftbuild minecraft minecraft india minecraft shorts minecraftfunny minecraftanimation minecraftenderman minecraftrevenge minecraftprank minecraftmemes minecraftgaming… Read More

  • AfiqNajmi46 S7 SMP

    AfiqNajmi46 S7 SMPAfiqNajmi46’s SMP Season 7 Version : 1.20.4 Up time: 99.895% Online mode: false Discord SRV available Awesome datapacks and plugins Free of lagg 24/7 support Bedrock/Java supported 1.7-1.20.4 support IP:AfiqNajmi46.mc-world.net Port:5690 Discord: https://discord.gg/hhnfHUU AfiqNajmi46.mc-world.net:5690 Read More

  • Fabulous Miners SMP – Whitelisted – Released Today – Non-toxic – 1.20.X

    Welcome to Fabulous Miners! Welcome back to our simple SMP server for Java & Bedrock players. We focus on providing a non-toxic, friendly experience with levels 1-20 that you can level up through various tasks like mining, breeding animals, and crafting items. Earn income by selling items to our server shop or other players through chest shops. If you love Minecraft features, this is the place for you! Apply now and join our Discord server for more information: Join Our Discord Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “Blocky Big Screenshots”

    Minecraft Memes - "Blocky Big Screenshots"Why did the creeper break up with his girlfriend? Because she couldn’t handle his explosive personality! Read More

  • “Hotter than a Nether portal 🔥🔥🔥” #minecraft #memes #funny

    "Hotter than a Nether portal 🔥🔥🔥" #minecraft #memes #funny When you’re trying to summon the Minecraft gods for good luck but end up just repeatedly slapping your own hands together. Maybe try sacrificing a diamond next time? #minecraftstruggles #gamerproblems 😂🙏💎 Read More

  • Surviving 100 Days in 2D World – Minecraft Hardcore

    Surviving 100 Days in 2D World - Minecraft Hardcore Minecraft Hardcore: Surviving 100 Days in a 2D World Orhan, a dedicated Minecraft player, embarked on a challenging journey in Minecraft Hardcore mode. In this unique gameplay, he attempted to survive for 100 days in a flat, 2D world. Let’s delve into the exciting details of his adventure! Exploring the 2D World Unlike the traditional 3D Minecraft worlds, Orhan found himself in a flat, 2D environment. Navigating through this unusual terrain presented him with new challenges and opportunities. The lack of depth added a layer of complexity to his survival strategy. Surviving Hardcore Mode Hardcore mode in Minecraft is… Read More