EPIC Tinker Tools in Minecraft MindCrack FTB S2!

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Hey how’s it going everybody this is etho and we are back on the feed the beast server guys and man I tell you I’ve been having so much fun with the mod packs just so much to do and to see and to experiment with and to blow up

And all kinds of cool stuff I mean look at this look at this how crazy is that we need that in vanilla that is like the next step two Pistons this is a drawbridge from tinkers construct you can disguise it by putting a block in there and you can even change what

Material ejects based on that it goes up to 16 blocks and then you can walk on them if you’re really lucky you can stand on these and it will take you up and yeah look at that oh not often I don’t think it’s intended

To be used like that but that is so cool on the feet to be server I’m planning on using those two to have like on an automatic hidden doors you know to my bases keep them hidden and then you hit a button and like the cliff opens up

Kind of thing to be pretty cool or a missile silo you can make a missile silo out of those hit a button and then the ground opens up and shoots a missile up and you know you’re gonna have a lot of fun just with that block alone that’s

Pretty cool so I’m still here at the dungeon we found that we explored with ZCO and this is just an awesome starter base because I got pretty much anything I could need here I’ve been gathering more supplies and main mod I’ve been messing around with is tinkers construct

But I’ve been doing other things too I’d just checked out some crafts found craft for and that is a lot inference then what I’m used to it because now you have this thing and you like click on things to examine them you do not have all knowledge required to

Understand this and basically you gain points by examining things that you can figure out and then you combine the aspects and I don’t know I haven’t gotten very far with it I just made that noise like what that’s different I gotta think about moving soon we’re gonna be fighting in just a

Few days and all my stuff is here and everybody knows where I live so I gotta think about setting up another base somewhere else hidden and move all my junk out there but yeah so I got a bunch of stuff here I think I got more down

Below too I ended up going through this dungeon on my own it took like 6 hours or more total and it was a lot of fun going through this very challenging lots of mobs gets harder and harder every layer you go down I just finished

Clearing the 5th level I just did like a torch run through it but I didn’t actually pick up the stuff in the chest side even look in the chest yet so we’re gonna go down there and check that out but I also have set up my right thinkers

Construct smeltery over here which is really cool you basically put junk in here it melts it down into metals and then you can cast it into tools and ingots and and all kinds of stuff and the animation is very cool cools down and you got iron this is molten iron

Being poured out and draining outs we might try make some tools today we’re gonna head to the nether later as my plan I need to find some of the coal bolts in the nether I think and some rare purple thing I think purple metal but I haven’t been to the nether yet so

That’s gonna be an adventure for us but let’s go down here first and just see what kind of loot we go I’m mostly cleared out the final layer but I think I missed a few spots so you might get a taste of what kind of craziness is down there of course I

Always get lost I think I gotta go wait a minute this is a layer we cleared with Z Stowe and then there’s three more layers below this and each one takes like an hour because it’s so massive I died there this is that scary pits we saw last time

And there was a lot of bad stuff down here for sure but it’s pretty much all lit up now golden carrots and golden apples I got those from the chests so far that’s been my main food source I haven’t actually set up any farms yet

Oh take that is that do we want to go down there let’s go down here I think this is it yeah this is a final layer oh I didn’t go here I think this is the final layer there might be another one I haven’t found yet so many spawners though and

The guys have so much armor that’s width taking his head off so he dies quickly after you do that and it still takes tons of hits all right golden apples fire resistance that’s actually gonna be helpful I think there’s quartz everywhere do that redstone on the ground very good we’re

Gonna be needing this stuff I still quite a few mobs around funneling in let’s see where should we go let’s go this way um kind of dark there so yeah lots of quartz down here meaning a tons XP oh I haven’t been here kind of ran

Out of torches when I was down here last time so I made a few more well haven’t been here either this final layer I actually found easier than the one above it for some reason I’m not sure Oh diamonds nice gonna need those I’ve just been taking the bones because

I do need to do some farming eventually I think sword I will leave the redstone for later Oh food I’m grabbing all the food I can find let’s see let’s go over this way some pretty good stuff in these chests down here okay what kind of I think that’s

Copper copper bushes um see we haven’t found any of the really dangerous rooms yet take that I might might leave these swords actually I made a jet pack too by the way so I think going to the nether is gonna turn out pretty good oh oh wow

Sharpness three unbreaking 3 that is a nice sword hey that’s open arrows let’s see managed to do this bottom layer without dying so far I’m breaking helmets slime balls some more food basically as you go down each layer you get better and better loot it seems that’s a pretty good sword

We just found more chicken there’s a lot of junk chests you still don’t let’s see I want to find one of the blaze rooms those are like the the most dangerous of the rooms oh this is it this is the bad room we still might have some blazes

Spawning here oh man let’s see if I can find them actually because they’re gonna be annoying I don’t know don’t know where the blaze spawners are I broke most of them there’s one up there they seem to be coming from the corner still oh this is bad it’s really

Bad regen kind of a waste of apples but saves done did I get a fire resist I did excellent so you can clear this whole dungeon just with the stuff you find in the chests like it’s really tough to do with iron armor only but it’s possible

So you’re gonna break that where is where all the spawners man they’re spotting so quickly is the thing oh there’s another one that might have been it I’ve taken out like 12 blaze spawner here and they’re still spawning that it oh no there’s still more come on guys so

Irritating I don’t know where oh it might be oh right there okay good alright more food strength potion boots blaze powder we got a few blaze rods I’ll just leave that quartz may as well take that and over here it’s some torches very good there was one really crazy room I think

It’s over here yeah look at this it’s like a giant lava pool we got tons of berry bushes down here I’m not sure what this is about but this is a really big room Oh more food oh cool let’s just go to the end of this and I’ll probably collect

Most of stuff off camera cuz we could spend the whole episode down here ah nice helmet is very good I kind of want to check this out how long is my fire is this two minutes I think we could do it I’m gonna attempt to jump on these Oh it’s like jumping on

Cactus oh okay go back go back go back go back Oh caving is so much fun in this mod this mod pack there’s like you know what I can just yeah do it that way break that I’m gonna grab this because we’re gonna go to the nether pretty quick

That’ll make it a little easier whoa okay just trying to get a look further down see what there is looks like there’s more spawners up there and further out that way I’ll check it out later I guess alright so I’m gonna click some gear here and then we will head

Over to the nether and see what we we got there oh-ho-ho guys we got some really good stuff I made it back from the loot run check it out where to begin we got diamonds we got over a stack of golden apples Gold block I found lots of diamond tools I think we

Found the sword on camera but I also found another sword and this is probably the best item I found there’s a sharpness 5 fire aspect 3 on braking three blade of the inferno which is pretty good yeah lots lots of good stuff here oh yeah we got a diamond chest

Piece from there too projectile protection for unbreaking three diamond helmet what else in tinkers construct there is an item you can make a knapsack which this is the recipe for it’s basically leather gold and iron it’s pretty cool you put it in this slot here and then it doubles your inventory which

Is what almost doubles does it have the hot bar of course so that is pretty cool so this is some more stuff we got we got gas tears emeralds found a haste to book which if you put that on your shoes it makes you walk quicker it’s pretty good yeah

So it’s a good run ender pearls and her pearls are pretty good to have uh-huh so what we can do now we got all this extra iron armor that I don’t really need if we go down to our tinkers construct area which is just a temporary setup by the

Way I plan on moving all this stuff and settle down a little more properly pretty soon but if we go over here so you got all this all this iron armor right I can just stick it in here there’s lava in the tank which is what

Is used to melt it and put that in you see this bread bar that’s going up it’s slowly melting it’s gonna turn it into molten iron which we can then pour out into a cast which is really cool let’s see you got any more and you can do it

With lots of different things like you can put what’s it called this stuff the chain armor if you put that and you get steel out of it which is where I got these nine steel ingots from do that but anyway I’m gonna get set up to go to the

Nether and we will go check that out okay so I got our portal ready to go here we’re gonna go check out the nether I have not seen it yet I have no idea what to expect I think a few of the guys have gone there already though so

Hopefully hopefully there’s some cobalt and other ores around still because that’s what I’m going for before we go that I wanted to try and make tiny TNT i-i collected two of these quartz dust just to do it it’s just some mineral you find underground hopefully

We can light it or activate it all right tiny TNT let’s do it I don’t know what it’s gonna do if we can place it can we place it oh we can look how small it is it looks like the size of a player head you know when you

Place it on the ground oh it does like look at that oh that was pathetic so awesome this is dirt too by the way if that was real tnt you would make a big crater just did like a tiny little tiny little explosion but that’s what you would expect that yes okay gotta

Remember my coordinates you said you lost all rights should be good that there are jetpack ready to go all underground really mmm-hmm I see quartz like normal quartz make sure this works haven’t tried the jetpack out yeah and actually I kind of want to go see where

Why 98 so we gotta go down on somebody’s been here okay Geronimo oh uh someone made a a cabo staircase or a cobble ladder it looks like I’m not seeing any ores gonna make sure I don’t get lost to your twos we’re at three and twenty two so it’s pretty much zero zero

Oh hey what is this oh it jumps it dies easy to could I don’t know what that was it was scary gonna have to really keep an eye on the jetpack so there’s no advanced solar panels oh how do I can’t remember outdo hover mode no advanced solar panels were like

Hybrid solar panels none of the big solar panels in this so getting EU or her energy and this is a lot tougher than the other mod packs we’ve played guys I don’t see any cobalt or any of these ores I came for huh so they were either harvested or they’re extremely

Rare or I gotta go lower maybe their height based lots of fortresses around here though huh oh there we go there’s something new what is this or is this a beehive see yellow oh I don’t think this is the right tool do I need oh you know what I think I

Need to make it tinkers construct tool like it picks that watching mine it it looks like oh and I bet that’s cobalt right there that’s what I’m looking for can I break this no darn okay well I guess I’m heading back because I can’t even collect it uh-huh

There’s more okay so there’s a little bit of around anyway what was that way invisible oh it’s one of these guys I hate these guys they do so much damage they’re really hard to hit where do you drop oh that looked weird I’m gonna heal just because

Anyway I’m going to make my way back and I guess we’ll have to make the tool to collect the stuff in fire bats are back mm-hmm so we’re gonna do some tinkers construct guys I’ll show you how this works it’s pretty cool because our diamond picked looks like it’s not good

Enough to mine that stuff we need to make a better tool and I was just flipping through our instruction manual here and I think we’re gonna make a pickaxe by the way so to do that we need to make a pickaxe head tool rod tool binding and

Looking at the materials this gives you the information about different materials what they do what level they can mind so stone can only mine iron for example iron can mine redstone what we need is mining level for to mine cobalt so we’re gonna make this stuff Lou might

I have made some already that’s what these blocks are out here but I’ll show you just how to do that as well it’s kind of cool so Lou might is made from five aluminum to iron and to obsidian so we get that aluminum is really common in our world

Here we get five of those going they’ll melt down to obsidian and our iron since it’s already an ingot form anything you put in here turns it into 2 so it’s 2 L hello aluminum I always want to say L iminium for some reason so this is

Actually two for each of these so we’re gonna put four iron ingots in to make up for that and that’s that’s all gonna melt down and mix together which is pretty cool so while that goes we will get some stuff ready here we’re gonna make it cast for actually I think I have

The chest already yeah so we need to Arad and the pickaxe head we stick those in here and when that’s done melting down we just click on this and it’ll pour into that into our mold they’re looking at the book though it’s trying to figure out what we should use and

Because we need to make three of these things the pickaxe head that’s what affects the mining speed alone tool rod affects the durability I believe in maybe the mining speed no it doesn’t affect the mining speed nevermind just the durability I think and then a tool binding which has no effect on the

Durability but it does add like special effects to it oh no Biff uh I think he’s exploring the dungeon I think they have their own dungeon like the one I’m in here and they are crazy very crazy so yeah look material trait stone bound reinforcement this is like an unbreaking

I believe one that looks really good though is paper it’s a really weak material it’s not a good tool to use for the the head or the rod but it does have a plus one modifiers traits and modifiers are these things here you can like give its speed by putting redstone

On the pick make it mine quicker auto-repair this is like mossy cobblestone or Auto smelts luck is like fortune sharpness for swords you put quartz on a sword and it makes it more powerful fire fire aspect is this and there’s like health drain silk touch reinforced is like I’m breaking knock

Back beheading if you want to get like wither skulls you put that on and you get more and of arthropods mites electric flux additional modifiers so normally you’re allowed three but if we do this paper thing we will get four I believe so look at that it’s melted down looks really cool

Oh is that only enough for six ingots ooh that might not be enough we’ll try it out that pours in that was one okay we should have enough hardens very good do that rod that’s actually really cheap huh two idiots to make this thing that’s really really cheap and tool binding so

I think let’s see where do we make that I think it’s in here yeah the part builder put that in put the paper in okay Oh where’d it go hey I just saw it now it’s gone there it is oh it won’t give it to me what’s going on because this

Isn’t the way oh I think that’s what it was okay so we got all our parts then we take it to this thing the tool Forge and select the pic from our table here oh I had that in so we put the pickaxe head in the rod paper binding we have pretty

Cool pick all right yeah for modifiers remaining so the paper added one more to that it’s normally only three so we can put more stuff on but I don’t really plan on using this too much I just want it to get the cobalt really and that’s kind of

How it works so I’m gonna head back to the nether mine up some of that stuff and hopefully make some really good tools out of it what is that I thought that might have been differ but I don’t think that’s diffa don’t think that’s his skin let’s kill it

I guess he’s holding something he’s dead you didn’t do much so I’m out here collecting coal bolts and what’s the other one I’m on fire I’m on fire cobalt and our Deitz and I just filled the gas I’m going to die mm-hmm so it is pretty scarce there’s not a lot of it

Around and it’s tough to reach places I just saw a bunch now I can’t remember where oh no not another one no I can’t handle you right now can these guys actually fly I don’t know if they can actually fly they stick close to the ground let’s

See it’s gotta be some of it around here I just saw two pieces of cobalt and now I can’t find it mm-hmm oh there’s some okay so this is what it does this is the our date this mine it comes out in blocked form and that is it

So you combine two of these and two of these to make the purple stuff that’s like the SuperDuper good stuff but we need cobalt for the pick and I’m just saying I need a fair bit of it so I’m gonna be here for a while so I made it

Back guys and I only got 14 cobalt 15 are tight from that trip so this stuff is pretty rare in the nether this is how you fill the tank by the way do I have any I do have some lava here is lab a budget fill up the tank

Mmm it’s running low 14 cobalt 15 are tight so yeah this stuff is pretty rare in the nether you have to really look for it I ran out of jet pack juice so I had to come back so we are gonna try and make like an endgame pick here a really

Good pick so for the pickaxe oh man for FIFA he just died and I think he lost all his stuff caving and he was on his way back and I don’t think that turned out too well oh yeah sometimes that works sometimes it doesn’t all right so looking at the materials it

Looks like our best bet for making a pitch is to use cobalt for the head has a mining speed of 11 which is better than this per stuff even though this is like the best metal in the game it has a highest durability so we will use this for the

Rod because it has a handle modifier of 2.5 which is the highest of all so that’ll result in the best durability on our pic I believe while we could get better if we use this for the pitch head too but we it wouldn’t be as fast of a

Pic it’s all it’s all kind of complicated once you first start with this stuff and then I think I’ll use paper again for the binding just so we get this plus one modifier thing uh-huh so did this finish look at that molten Cobalts very cool I love that color

Alright so you got that I think that’s all I need of that so I’m gonna start putting this stuff in to make the purple stuff put a bit of it in actually maybe get some more look some more of that melting to get that finished melting

Down and you see the cobalt on top and then we have the purple stuff on the bottom we didn’t switch what we want to use by clicking on it so for the Blues at the bottom that’s what it’s gonna pour out but we want the purple stuff right now

We are going to cast the rod oops that’s so cool alright now we’ve got all our parts get this in the forge maker pick it that and that’s that looks pretty cool so durability mm mining speed 11 mining level cobalt for modifiers oh yeah and

Then we can take I’m gonna put this on for sure this is a ball of moss so it’s nine pieces of mossy cobblestone or or stone and that gives its auto-repair on the tool if we put that on makes it look pretty green – we’ll do

That so now we have three modifiers left I think I want to put here let’s try this thing out first I’m curious how quick it is let’s go to town on let’s go through this wall here that’s not bad that’s about speed of a diamond pick I

Would say with maybe efficiency two or three on it but we can increase it there is one modifier we should definitely do and that’s redstone that speeds it up even more Oh oops do you very click the place as torches if you have torches okay so we will make

These into block form to make this quicker here we go take this and have to put 50 redstone on it to max it out that right let’s see did it use it yeah it’s going so each of these is adding 9 we’re at 45 and I think it’s maxed out now Oh No

It wants this do it do it individually it looks like so we’ll do that oh yeah so the thing is I gotta make like backup to those two I think I want more than one just more than just one pick because if I get into a fight with someone and I

Lose it or does it go up to a hundred oh I used up another level another modifier well oh I didn’t intend to do that I didn’t realize you could do like a second modifier on it to make it even quicker I hope it makes it even quicker

Let’s try it out now yeah I should really think about backup tools it seems maybe a little bit quicker I wanted to put luck on the scene – so we can get fortune so it takes some lapis all right let’s go back in here oh all right so this should add yeah we

Need 450 lapis wow that is a lot oh man okay anyway that’s kind of how it works so you can do that with lots of different tools like there’s different types of swords these are all the tools on the left here some for cutting down

Leaves some let you do a 3×3 thing when mining and several different types of swords daggers bows it’s pretty cool I like the way they do this okay so I think before we end this episode I’m gonna do one more thing here I wanted to try make a safari net launcher this

Thing looks pretty cool some kind of gun that shoots Safari that’s a yes so that’s the recipe for it there here let’s oh I don’t have the question mark option okay I’ll have to remember it I guess so need plastic I think I got too much plastic what was it iron redstone I

Think it was glowstone middle no I can still look it’s not too late ah reverse it so I might be using this thing for defending my bases if it works out okay I’m not sure because this allows me to capture mobs and release them I don’t know if there’s anything like the

Deployer from red power in this mod pack because I think that’s what I need to like control things like I would like to be able to put the the captured mobs into the deployer and then release them when I play comes by if possible but I haven’t quite

Found out anything like that yet so these are just wrong nets these are the single-use ones so you kind of show the recipe there it is so it’s string slimeball leather and let’s see if we can find a mob around oh yeah and I made

A what is this a long sword so it has a special ability where you hold right click and you can like lunge forward and do extra damage and knock-back which is pretty cool it’s actually pretty handy for like for maneuvering the terrain look at this let’s see we can jump this

Oh just about just about it it’s pretty cool though can we jump higher with it Oh again look at that that’s so cool so don’t quite oh that was bad I just killed myself there we might find some mobs around here actually let’s see let’s go down

Because this is daytime outside see mmm let’s go this way you got to try find a dark spot I see some zombies I hear some zombies they must be down below mm-hmm come on guys oh there is okay let’s try to get this guy if we can left click right click oh

Maybe I need to capture him I’m gonna hit right click yeah I got somebody maybe I didn’t shoot them once I captured them I think that might be what it is oh that is awesome Oh Oh was that uh was Hector guys I think it was grab this guy that was pretty cool

Oh where’s that Hector guy I want to capture this um these guys are really dangerous tonight night at you I don’t think I didn’t get him Oh what I don’t know what that was okay let’s try this out two shots two zombies and they keep whatever like weapons and armor they had

When you when you captured him that is pretty awesome I like that because you can get some really dangerous guys I wonder if you could do it with a wither even you imagine like shooting withers that people could be pretty fun oh look out anyway so that’s gonna be it for

Today guys I hope you enjoyed this episode again and I will see you in the next one thanks for watching bye bye you

This video, titled ‘Minecraft MindCrack FTB S2 – Episode 3: Tinker Tools’, was uploaded by EthosLab on 2014-02-12 00:00:46. It has garnered 526653 views and 15871 likes. The duration of the video is 00:38:26 or 2306 seconds.

In this Minecraft episode we do some exploring and attempt to get better situated by making some really good Tinker Construct tools.

MindCrack FTB is a modded Minecraft server Guude has setup for the MindCrackers. It is a private (whitelisted) server. We are currently not accepting applications.

FTB: http://feed-the-beast.com/ MindCrack: http://www.youtube.com/user/MindCrackNetwork

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    ZonaiBoy - SHOCKING twist in Minecraft run! 😱Video Information This video, titled ‘πŸ”΄ Es geht weiter mit ner Runne Minecraft! 😍’, was uploaded by ZonaiBoy on 2024-03-22 23:19:11. It has garnered 282 views and 16 likes. The duration of the video is 04:13:23 or 15203 seconds. I love this game! Discord: https://linktr.ee/zonaiboy #minecraft #Stream #Christmas #Realtalk #New Years Eve #Chill #Zelda #nintendo #gaming am Read More

  • Insane Neudex Montage: Unbelievable Pump Plays!

    Insane Neudex Montage: Unbelievable Pump Plays!Video Information This video, titled ‘i like to pump it | Hive Montage’, was uploaded by Neudex on 2024-06-03 12:42:41. It has garnered 28 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 00:02:09 or 129 seconds. what the sigma tags texture packs,minecraft bedrock texture packs,mcbe texture packs,minecraft bedrock edition texture pack,mcpe texture pack,minecraft pocket edition texture pack,texture pack,pack folder,minecraft windows 10 cheats,minecraft windows 10 hacks,minecraft bedrock, ecpe, ecpe pvp, ecpe combos, ecpe classic, ecpe op factions, ecpe takeover, ecpe montage, cheats,minecraft bedrock hacks,fate,fate client,anarchy client,ascendency,atani,atani client,coffee client,cnd client,cnd,eclipse client,eternium,eternium client,infernus client,moon client,nitr0,nitr0 client,quadrix,quadrix client,strike client,zoomx,zoomx client,horion,horion client,chron,chron client,sova,sova… Read More

  • Steve outruns death to Heaven, now chased by 1000 wardens!

    Steve outruns death to Heaven, now chased by 1000 wardens!Video Information This video, titled ‘WAIT WHAT STEVE OVER POWER LARI MENUJU SURGA DALAM 1 DETIK TAPI DI KEJAR 1000 WARDEN !’, was uploaded by Azuya Family on 2024-03-13 11:39:37. It has garnered 7211620 views and 158852 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:59 or 59 seconds. Hello guys, this is a minecraft reaction! I hope you like it, don’t forget to like and share, thnkyuuuu Original video: https://www.youtube.com/@Alexa_Real Join the Azuya Surya membership so that your skin can be animated, join here: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCUEgIDXk_ZuimcU1DMU9wqg/join -Follow first, friend, the link is: www.tiktok.com/@azuyasurya01 or just look for the photo where I… Read More

  • ULTIMATE Minecraft Modpack Challenge LIVE – Yahiamice vs. the HARDEST

    ULTIMATE Minecraft Modpack Challenge LIVE - Yahiamice vs. the HARDESTVideo Information This video, titled ‘facing the HARDEST minecraft modpack… BETTER THAN WOLVES’, was uploaded by Yahiamice LIVE vods on 2024-02-07 23:58:37. It has garnered 13187 views and 378 likes. The duration of the video is 02:15:56 or 8156 seconds. February 7, 2024 — Watch live at https://www.twitch.tv/yahiamice Read More

  • EPIC Build Battle Team Strategies with Alexander Bono

    EPIC Build Battle Team Strategies with Alexander BonoVideo Information This video, titled ‘Build Battles Teams Hypixel’, was uploaded by Alexander Bono on 2024-04-14 17:32:36. It has garnered 279 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 00:14:58 or 898 seconds. #buildbattle #buildbattles #buildbattleminecraft #hypixel #minecraft #tryhard #proplayer #minecraft Read More

  • Unbelievable! Hacker Abdullah Drops Insane New Remix

    Unbelievable! Hacker Abdullah Drops Insane New RemixVideo Information This video, titled ‘#music #rap #hiphop #phonk #song #instrumental #remix #edit #minecraft #memes #roblox’, was uploaded by HACKER ABDULLAH on 2024-05-21 16:10:53. It has garnered 61 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:18 or 18 seconds. Read More

  • ArisMC

    ArisMCWelcome to ArisMC, the ultimate Minecraft server for players who seek a peaceful survival experience! Our server provides a serene gameplay environment where players can explore, build, and thrive without the need for conflict. Join us today and embark on an adventure of tranquility and resourcefulness. Our dedicated team of moderators ensures a fair and harmonious experience for all players, fostering a friendly and supportive community. With custom plugins and a variety of game modes, ArisMC offers a diverse range of activities suitable for both Minecraft veterans and newcomers. But that’s not all! We also provide rewards for participating in… Read More

  • Waychest SMP Semi-vanilla 1.20.6 Custom Plugins

    Server Information Server Name: Waychest Server IP: waychest.com Server Location: United States West Coast Website: https://waychest.com/ Wiki: https://waychest.com/info Version: 1.20.6 (Java; Vanilla client) Gameplay Types: [SMP] [Semi-Vanilla] [PVE] About Waychest Waychest is a custom-built Minecraft experience that extends vanilla survival mode with an emphasis on exploration and building. It is a hybrid of a public multiplayer server and a private Realm: a world where you (and friends) start your journey with a server-like feel. Discover custom items and blocks left behind by previous explorers as you journey through the shared world. Encounter other players along the way for a unique… Read More

  • MC IMAGINEERING – Minecraft Disney server looking for staff!

    MC IMAGINEERING - Minecraft Disney server looking for staff!MC Imagineering is a Minecraft Java Edition 1.20.2 server dedicated to replicating Walt Disney World’s Magic Kingdom in Minecraft at 1:1 scale. We are currently looking for Imagineers, or builders, and for Technicians who are familiar with plugins and commands.We are looking specifically for Imagineers that are willing to work on the Ticket and Transportation Center, the Seven Seas Lagoon, and surrounding resorts. Help anywhere is appreciated though, and once a builder has proved themselves with a resort they will likely be asked to assist with the main park.Technicians will have more to work on, from shows, animatronics, audio, etc.Since… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Crafting farm vibes only.

    Looks like this meme has really cultivated a following! Read More

  • Crafty Elixirs: MCPF Mod’s Guide to Minecraft Magic

    Crafty Elixirs: MCPF Mod's Guide to Minecraft Magic In the world of Minecraft, potions are key, To survive and thrive, they’re a necessity. With the MCPF Mod, you’ll learn the way, To craft elixirs that will save the day. Mix ingredients carefully, follow the guide, To create potions that will turn the tide. From strength to speed, and even invisibility, You’ll be unstoppable, with perfect agility. But remember, caution is always wise, Drink with care, don’t meet your demise. Transport them safely, in a secure place, To ensure they’re ready for your next race. So dive into the world of potions and brews, With the MCPF Mod,… Read More

  • Minecraft: Water physics meme [Prepare for chaos πŸ˜‚]

    Minecraft: Water physics meme [Prepare for chaos πŸ˜‚] When you finally build a perfect underwater base in Minecraft, but then realize you forgot to bring a sponge to dry off the floor. 🀣 #WaterLogic Read More

  • Building Villages & Forts in Minecraft 1.20

    Building Villages & Forts in Minecraft 1.20 Welcome to the World of Towns and Towers in Minecraft 1.20 Fabric! Are you ready to explore new villages and fortresses in Minecraft? The Towns and Towers mod introduces exciting additions to the game, expanding the possibilities for adventure and exploration. Let’s dive into the details of this mod and discover the wonders it has to offer! Discovering New Villages and Structures With the Towns and Towers mod, players can encounter a variety of new villages and structures scattered throughout the Minecraft world. From quaint villages to imposing fortresses, each location offers unique opportunities for exploration and discovery. While… Read More

  • Unbelievable! Top 10 Minecraft Mod Addons for 2024

    Unbelievable! Top 10 Minecraft Mod Addons for 2024Video Information This video, titled ’10 of the BEST Minecraft Create Mod Addons for 2024′, was uploaded by Dejojotheawsome on 2024-04-20 19:00:21. It has garnered 153483 views and 6511 likes. The duration of the video is 00:20:46 or 1246 seconds. Join the Discord: https://discord.gg/dejojotheawsome 25% off your first month with Bisect Hosting: https://bisecthosting.com/dejojotheawsome Create is one of the greatest mods ever made for Minecraft and it’s addons make it even better! In this video I make a list of 2024’s best addons to enhance the base gameplay of Create and even add some delightful QoL! 00:00 showcase box by @gtheglorious… Read More

  • Mysterious Spider in Minecraft

    Mysterious Spider in MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT’, was uploaded by Perhaps spider on 2024-05-27 22:33:41. It has garnered 19 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 03:14:51 or 11691 seconds. I think im really starting to like this game Read More

  • INSANE Crafts on CraftKhana 6 by its_smies

    INSANE Crafts on CraftKhana 6 by its_smiesVideo Information This video, titled ‘CraftKhana 6’, was uploaded by its_smies on 2024-06-02 18:27:56. It has garnered 12 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:02:12 or 132 seconds. the map is made by: Newalbacore8 https://www.planetminecraft.com/project/splatoon-3-in-minecraft/ The sponsor of this video is the Straight Up minecraft server, The Straight Up minecraft server is an anarchy server, that means you can walk right into someone’s base and open their chests and loot them, the server is java 1.20.4 and has an anticheat, join the server’s discord and come play with us and make history, https://discord.com/invite/camSwwyUAe Read More

  • Unbelievable Backyard Adventure – BillyRantz Ep. 00

    Unbelievable Backyard Adventure - BillyRantz Ep. 00Video Information This video, titled ‘A Whole New World! | Backyard – Ep. 00’, was uploaded by BillyRantz on 2024-02-29 23:38:01. It has garnered 1069 views and 27 likes. The duration of the video is 00:15:41 or 941 seconds. #minecraft #backyardMC Join the Backyard Discord! https://discord.gg/BGyaBgpeV5 Hello and welcome to the Backyard! A place where 22 Minecraft creators have come together to play around in the endless sandbox that is Minecraft! Watch us as we create amazing builds, get into numerous shenanigans, and make a whole bunch of fun memories together! Today is the beginning of a wonderful thing! We… Read More

  • Unlock Ultimate Power with MAzPulse!

    Unlock Ultimate Power with MAzPulse!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft best texture pack for armour and tool 1.20.50 1.20+ pocket edition’, was uploaded by MAzPulse on 2024-01-10 13:40:39. It has garnered 26 views and 9 likes. The duration of the video is 00:04:14 or 254 seconds. Minecraft best texture pack for armour and tool 1.20.50 1.20+ pocket edition Minecraft pvp texture pacK how to pro pvp tips Minecraft lag fix Minecraft pvp texture pacK how to pro pvp tips Minecraft lag fix Read More

  • Join TimberHines123 & Izzy for Minecraft fun! (She’s single btw)

    Join TimberHines123 & Izzy for Minecraft fun! (She's single btw)Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft with Izzy (“the best friend ever, she’s single btw”)’, was uploaded by TimberHines123 on 2024-03-25 06:30:17. It has garnered 69 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 05:19:51 or 19191 seconds. Read More

  • 🌴 LIVING LARGE on YouTuber Island 2 πŸ€‘πŸ’° MINECRAFT

    🌴 LIVING LARGE on YouTuber Island 2 πŸ€‘πŸ’° MINECRAFTVideo Information This video, titled ‘LIVE – WIR WERDEN REICH ✿ YOUTUBERINSEL 2 ✿ Minecraft’, was uploaded by Flauschi on 2024-01-14 12:32:47. It has garnered 11570 views and 805 likes. The duration of the video is 02:04:38 or 7478 seconds. *πŸŽ‰ Don’t forget to subscribe! 🎨 Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/flauschiyt Production Music courtesy of Epidemic Sound: http://www.epidemicsound.com * all links marked with an asterisk are affiliate links / advertising βœ”οΈ This video is child friendly / family friendly! Read More

  • Insane Speedrun: Anya Masters Minecraft Kung Fu Panda DLC (No Deaths)

    Insane Speedrun: Anya Masters Minecraft Kung Fu Panda DLC (No Deaths)Video Information This video, titled ‘Speedrun Minecraft Kung Fu Panda DLC – No Death + All Boss [No Commentary]’, was uploaded by Anya Gameplay on 2024-04-21 01:14:59. It has garnered 216 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 00:20:50 or 1250 seconds. Minecraft Kung Fu Panda DLC – SpeedRun + No Death + All Boss [No Commentary] This adventure map is filled with action-packed battles, epic showdowns from the movies, and pand-tastic co-op action, so sharpen those chopsticks and start practicing your kung fu kicks – it’s time to unleash the Pandamonium! Read More

  • Mind Blowing Indonesian Minecraft Animation – Must Watch!

    Mind Blowing Indonesian Minecraft Animation - Must Watch!Video Information This video, titled ‘β™ͺGak Pake Lamaβ™ͺ Animasi Minecraft Indonesia [Prisma 3D]’, was uploaded by RyMoon on 2024-04-23 22:36:45. It has garnered 285 views and 30 likes. The duration of the video is 00:03:17 or 197 seconds. Thank you very much to those of you who have watched this video πŸ˜€. Collab With : Retqi : https://youtube.com/@Retqi?si=yMW83x6PPoVklK8g Liszz : https://youtube.com/@Lisz-gak-kece?si=b4kyddQbCsdObZay _____________________ Original Audio: https://youtu.be/adq15m54YI8?si=q4wHVmLE9mPnjD_S Map : https://youtube.com/@IanMCAnimID?si=x18y0Q0YD4xjRuU4 Thank you to: Allah SWT, Parents, Prisma 3D YouTube Subscribers. I hope you enjoy my video πŸ™‚ Hastag: Minecraft, Minecraft Animation, Minecraft Animation, Mojang, Minecraft Music, Minecraft Song, Minecraft Indonesia, Minecraft Song. Read More

  • Glory4Glory

    Glory4GloryΒ‘Glory4Glory! π™Ώπšπ™Έπ™Όπ™΄πš πš‚π™΄πšπš…π™Έπ™³π™Ύπš πš‚πš„πšπš…π™Έπš…π™°π™» – πšƒπ™Ύπš†π™½πšˆ 1πŸ”πŸŽ.𝟐𝟎.πŸπŸ’πŸ•.πŸ•πŸ“:πŸπŸ“πŸ”πŸ“πŸ— π™΅πš„π™»π™» π™Ώπš…π™Ώ πšƒπ™Ύπš†π™½πšˆ 𝟷𝟢𝟢% π™°πšπ™Άπ™΄π™½πšƒπ™Έπ™½π™Ύ πŸπŸ”πŸŽ.𝟐𝟎.πŸπŸ’πŸ•.πŸ•πŸ“:πŸπŸ“πŸ”πŸ“πŸ— Read More

  • CleanSMP – SMP 1.20.4, Money system, Survival, Java, NO Whitelist

    Welcome to Clean-SMP.World We are a new Minecraft server seeking active players to join our community. Our server offers: A clean vanilla map without claims and other world-changing plugins A money system where you can earn by selling items A shop with essential items like enchanted books and ores The freedom to build with friends, while keeping in mind that griefing is not allowed The challenge to become the richest player through farming Join our discord community: https://discord.gg/ye72wNkTCG Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Minecraft vs. Fortnite: The Ultimate Showdown

    Minecraft Memes - Minecraft vs. Fortnite: The Ultimate ShowdownI guess you could say this meme really mined its way to the top with that score! Read More


    REDSTONE MONSTROSITY DESTROYS GOLEMS: Epic Mob Battle! The Redstone Monstrosity may be tough, but let’s see how it handles a group of angry golems armed with nothing but their fists and a whole lot of attitude. It’s like watching a bunch of toddlers take on a giant robot – except in Minecraft. Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Saga Review! Must-Watch Now!

    Insane Minecraft Saga Review! Must-Watch Now!Video Information This video, titled ‘Rating My Favourite Modded Minecraft Series (From the 2010s)’, was uploaded by Manic Bestia on 2024-06-01 18:34:01. It has garnered 43 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 01:09:43 or 4183 seconds. I promise there won’t be any Herobrine jump scares in this video. LINKTREE: https://linktr.ee/ManicBestia SUBSCRIBE: @ManicBestia SECOND CHANNEL: @CrummyCaketin [Video game modding (Modification) is the process of alteration by players or fans of one or more aspects of a video game] The modding scene of early minecraft was whacky, today I showcase some of my favourite ways YouTubers would use… Read More

  • Ultimate POMNI Challenge in Minecraft

    Ultimate POMNI Challenge in MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘JJ and Mikey save POMNI CHALLENGE in Minecraft / Maizen animation’, was uploaded by Mayzee – Minecraft on 2024-05-08 13:00:19. It has garnered 99724 views and 1071 likes. The duration of the video is 00:11:02 or 662 seconds. Minecraft NOOB vs PRO: POMNI CHALLENGE in Minecraft / Maizen animation Today JJ and Mikey save Pomni from The Amazing Digital Circus In Minecraft. We hope you enjoy our videos! Have a great day! Watch a new video! #maizen #minecraft Original Maizen channel: @maizenofficial Read More