EPIC Wither Battle on Cube SMP – Insane Twist!

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Hello ladies and gentlemen we are back here on thecube zumba and today we are being targeted by these guys these little jerks on today’s episode i actually already recorded it and i was i planned on doing quite a bit of stuff but me and parker got kind of

Sidetracked and we got a lot of recording done oh god he’s targeting me where is he i see over there can’t touch this turn i hate these guys so much they’re the most aggravating things ever so i’ve been taking apart this little guy down here uh the sea temple and it’s going

Well so far i kind of try to keep the top on this uh so there’ll be less guys coming down here but that obviously doesn’t work too well because they just keep coming reach them nope didn’t reach them it’s so aggravating because your bows don’t work down here really like look

I’ll go like all the way up here not even close not even remotely close but i’ve been taking these apart we got a ch i don’t remember which one it was it wasn’t that one this one knows this one um this is the stuff i’ve gotten so far

We’ve found a lot of goodies a lot of goodies i have a bunch of potions still remaining water breathing the night vision they look so similar it’s hard to tell them apart i think they are like exactly the same we saw the two seats over here don’t know what to do with

Those i don’t know if it’s a glitch or what i should do with them or just throw them out um but yeah i’ve been losing this entire place um but in today’s episode we do a lot of goofing around with parker parker wanted to record i asked him if

He could show me what he’s gonna do with the minute shop and they just kind of took off from there and we did a lot of recording so guys i hope you enjoy i’m gonna do a little bit of cutting hope you don’t mind uh get out of here

That’s for the future by the way all right guys we are back here and apparently grazer has sold my minute shop the thing i built i put all the effort into it is gone he has sold it to parker and i don’t and then i said what i wouldn’t

Do that to your mop oh hello there hey hey parker welcome to my shop i’ll just have a little conversation with jeffrey over here uh what what was you what were you and jeffrey talking about um she’s telling me a funny story about uh something really good like taxes or

Something i don’t know yeah don’t tell him anything jeffrey okay so welcome to my new store welcome to my shop my minute shop yeah this looks really familiar i remember building this no i built this i did it just now i tore down your whole building

And built it myself oh okay that makes me feel a little bit better and then boop see i placed places block look at how good i am oh dude you’re a really good builder i’m impressed you need some sucked up cheers but you know whatever um no okay so apparently you’re doing new

Stuff with us parker what are you doing bud yeah okay so we have the old system of uh he look at how happy he is so sad to jeffrey come over here i know he’s like so excited he’s like trying to jump over he’s trying to give me a hug he’s

Just like i love you guys i feed him red bull i feed him red bull every morning oh that explains a lot actually look he’s like he’s just really hyper yeah he’s going crazy right now so we have the old system you pay one gold or one

Dime whatever you pop up a book um and that system no one really used it because yeah well i think there’s a couple of ideas left in there but it’s a lot of you have to have another person to do them and if you have another person you

Don’t really need minutes like you can just do mess around or something yeah that’s what i’m gonna do i’m doing something different down here so come down here i haven’t i haven’t finished it yet there’s still very much a beta process beta but here here is like the

Underground area so what i’m gonna do is uh there’ll be doors here there’ll be like doors in each one of these rooms it’ll say a fan’s name because i’m having the fans give me ideas for this it’ll say like the fan’s name uh the amount of diamonds you put in so you put

In the diamond next to the chest you go in there and do whatever it says so some of these rooms might be puzzle room some of these rooms might be like uh i haven’t decided yet like maybe some parkour or you know a little adventure

Map thing that i make it’ll be it’ll be cool it’ll be definitely that sounds awesome actually yeah so it won’t be like boring you know go in there and mind 50 obsidian you know oh god that’d be a great episode wouldn’t it oh let’s do it dude right

Now like just give them like a i’m breaking three diamond pick like don’t even put efficiency or give them a beacon just just give them a diamond punch punch 50 obsidian to death there you go 10 episodes um stuff i’m working on now and i’m a little worried though

Because like the surface is right there and so i don’t know i’ll probably have it go down below a little bit to try to get it but having all these rooms there i don’t know we’ll see we’ll see how it goes and i want to

Expand it a bit um and get a bunch of different rooms in here because i don’t know i think it’d be i think it’d be pretty sick oh that sounds awesome dude yeah so that’s that’s what i’m working on i’m for sure gonna use it then yeah

And then i have some ideas um for one that i’m really excited about um i might need some help with the redstone wise because i don’t know how it works exactly but i want to do like a a quiz show thing so you go into a room you

Have four options and you stand in there you pull the lever and either you’ll go down which means that you suck oh wait uh okay either you’ll find a ladder and go up which means you won or you’ll fall down to the level below which means you

Got it wrong so it should be interesting oh okay that sounds good to me yeah so that’s what i’m that’s what i’m working on now i am the quiz master you’re the quiz master that was my nickname in high school quiz master i think everything was your nickname it was

I had many nicknames i think i do want to incorporate this also if you guys you know don’t want to um uh you don’t want to like go down there or you’ve already done all that i broke it i don’t know there’s more anger build h i mean my

Build clearly my build clearly yeah but i want to i want to kind of make some better ones than the crappy ones that are in here come down here come down here how do we get how do we get in here oh i’m good okay we’re good we’re good we’re good

Here are the ones where is it in this in the hopper here you can check those out it’s like killa wither and like play hide and seek and stuff which they’re not bad but final wither five to ten minutes hide and seek game five to ten minutes i

Didn’t see game not just hide and seek just have a caving yeah build off competition that’s that’s actually a pretty new one yeah yeah that one actually sounds pretty cool visit chipotle purchase burrito yes advertising so that was horrible that what a dumb thing yeah that was actually

Pretty horrible you can’t have someone pay diamonds to go and pay more diamonds that isn’t right yeah but i’ll still do it we’re in there for solo people and so if you are bored and have no one on or something you’re recording the middle of the night you just left a little guy

Down here my goodness oh sorry i didn’t come in and just own it up okay so well i got an idea uh for from the chest i just had or what i just got i want you to help me fight a wither and we are going to do a little

Challenge oh i’m going to go look at the challenges that people have told me in the comments section one of my older videos to do challenge accepted challenge okay so you ready for this parker i’m so ready dude all right we’ll be back with our stuff guys alright peace out all right parker

That’s your war cry for withers perfect you have summoned him he’s already started building i placed in yeah we’re doing this in f5 i’m going to place it okay like double f5 because no no no no not double f5 no you’re not i’m doing a blindfolded am i killing him

I’m like he’ll i’m blind i can’t tell am i killing him you’re close you’re not half bad but you know whatever all right parker are you ready i am ready let me drink my potion of strength ready okay god gotta get pumped i’m gonna do some push-ups one two three oh

Okay i’m strong now i’m good oh there you go there you go you gotta get that morning exercise you know let’s do this oh my goodness there he is all right he’s should i splash you with this can we slash each other what is it ew

Oh thank you get it yeah i got it thank you yeah i have to take my own now you’re welcome wow oh yeah i need to go into five mode i totally forgot about that oh this is really difficult i know ah i can’t even see where i’m shooting

I’m gonna die i’m gonna die age bob no you’re fine okay he is oh what the heck you’re taking him down so much ah you’re kicking his butt i’m not doing too bad actually you’re kicking his butt yeah now i’m starting to miss him or not

I feel like i am i got him once there we go potion of healing drink that up nah that was delicious oh god like whenever he breaks the box underneath you like your screen like freaks out a little bit i know oh there we go i think that was you that

Got him is he coming down out oh he’s coming down is he coming down oh yeah he’s going down get him get him we got him we beat him we did it we got the nether star yes oh my parker i don’t think we’re done yet dude we’re not done yet go

Again double f5 do you want to do it let’s try it okay this is gonna be ridiculous i know let me grab my stuff first i love watching myself run in f5 mode not double f5 but just normal f5 yeah my region is almost out you gotta uh region out

Mine is yeah this is gonna be like impossible do you have another one or no no i don’t that’s my only one uh i’ll go make you another one i’ll be right back guys okay all right i got parker his regeneration potion parker i have it in my hands there it is

It’s not even in your hand you’re just like you’re a wizard yeah i’m like whole yep you’re a wizard parker oh yeah good bugger that looks so weird i’m holding it with it i kind of impaled myself oh you poor guy let’s get to a place where there’s

Not as many holes in the ground like over here all right fine i like that i like this area over here yeah that’s better that’s cool right yeah let’s go buds place that right there place that right oh no i’m double f5 i don’t even know where he is

I just accidentally stopped recording instead of pressing f5 there we go whoops okay yeah this is going to be really hard i’m not going to place this in f5 or all right are you ready i’m ready oh god okay i drank it up okay i’m going to be right i’m gonna get

A screenshot of this guy first hold on here we go i’m just gonna start shooting randomly oh no yeah oh yeah ah oh he took on so many hearts ow i’m dying dude this is not gonna be possible he’s so far away hey i’m dying drinking

Dude i cannot where’d this guy go he’s he’s okay he’s he’s really far away from us yeah we have to go get him really quick what the hell where’d he go he went all the way down here because we didn’t shoot him in time okay

I think we got to shoot him once like in normal mode so we could get them over to us yeah yeah yeah what the heck all right i’m going for i got my death strider on so i can swim foul fast oh you think you’re fancy i think i’m fancy all right

All right oh there he is i see him bring him oh yeah kicking your butt okay try and get him back to the here bring him back to the desert i’m coming i’m coming oh i see a mine shaft down there have you explored that no

I kind of want to then after this yeah right after this while we fight him all right let’s do this f5 are we double fiving oh no oh my gosh eight h bomb i’m just gonna pretty much shoot straight up i’m just shooting up i’m shooting myself i don’t see his bar

Anymore oh i can’t get out of here i’m stuck in here okay i’m good i have no idea where he is this is so this is this is not possible this is the hardest challenge in the world okay screw it i’m i’m quitting i’m quitting i’m shooting normal where is he okay

There he is i’ve come ah oh age while i’m dying are you on you get them on you i can’t i can’t do this okay he’s right above me wait stand right next to me i i’m about to die oh are you okay i’m running i have like three hearts we

Didn’t even hit him once oh there you go you got him yeah he’s it’s like bouncing off of him i can’t even hit him and i’m not in double f5 there we go i got him he really likes you though yeah okay we failed that challenge it’s

Not possible we failed it double f5 was ridiculous yeah no that’s that’s not possible i have two hearts i have two arts run bomb i have one disconnect i was kidding but whatever i did okay you’re fine i’m taking care of them okay good okay i just shot myself and

Set myself on fire i’m good at this game h by my one heart okay run i’m about to kill him he’s about to die okay okay i’m going for him one heart one heart hero right now yeah yeah oh i got it nice okay we killed them but we failed we we

Failed miserably yeah i think i want to go explore that thing now that mine shaft i go for a chap let’s do it come with me okay guys we will be right back no no it’s right here come with me wait can you actually bite yeah like you can

See it from here like literally come over come down over here okay super sick but there’s sand everywhere just jump in the water wait can you get into the water yeah look oh i thought you were right i thought like you saw it through the world or something no i was x-raying oh

Oh okay that explains a lot that’s how you got all those diamonds that’s how i got all those diamonds have you explored this before oh there’s a spawner here i’m taking that thing out because screw you spawner oh yeah screw that thing oh yeah screw oh dude i need to come down

Here with my silk touch shears uh no i’m breaking it all the way no no no stop stop stop no i need to go past it oh there’s a grouper you’re wasting all the cobwebs dead creepers on fire all right guys guys i will be right back parker say

You’re bye-byes well you’re leaving me yeah what i thought we’re gonna explore this together i mean do you want to do an alba cave uh we could i don’t know how big this thing is let’s go up to the top and let’s make this an albuquerque let’s do

It all right we’ll be right back guys we’ll get this all set up backer yeah may have a caving so we’re doing some killing of uh some people earlier i wasn’t recording that but now we found a cave randomly and so we’re gonna do an avocado session if you guys know what

That is because i don’t think i’ve done it on my channel before uh but basically you go into a cave me and h-bomb and somebody else but uh nobody else is here it’s just us yeah it’s just us too you don’t like awkward silences i love agriculture i was getting a phone call

That’s why i was quiet okay sorry anyway the advocating the i’m gonna start that over again so the advocating oh my gosh the alba caving is basically a game that we made for uh just caving or we didn’t make it uh minecrackers made it i think it was vintage beef

Um they made it so make caving a little bit more fun and a bit more of a prize so you gather all your resources and they all have a certain amount of points involved so redstone will be one point parker is just cheating okay we’re going in whatever

Let’s go let’s go let’s go we’ll explain it while we’re caving parker hello there you are what happened to your mic dude i i’ve been talking yeah it’s okay sure hey dude i can hear you now hi torches i need some torches i asked you i’ll make some for you okay thanks hbo

94 uh but advocating what do you do is you try to find ores and stuff and certain auras mean certain more points whoever wins the advocating session takes it all oh yeah we’re about to about to kick his butt that’s what’s happening right now so like redstone is worth one point uh

What was worth two lapis is worth two and then gold is worth three i don’t even know emeralds are worth four what the egg is dying right now someone was dying no is that you that was a creeper oh no i see torches uh we are close to my base dude

You might you might want to stay away from your base you might want to stay away from my base area just saying no i’m going to blow it up i’m going to send creepers in there and just just explode the whole thing no you’re not going to find my base but you’re going

To find like what i’ve caved around my base all right right right i mean no no just go ahead and stay around there oh okay i don’t even care i was looking at torches see if i can find something how much is coal worth none 100 negative 10

Negative oh no i’m in the negatives now you sucker i’m a terrible caver i suck at this game that we’re terrible oh there’s some caves oh my goodness this is a scary cave i’ve got no points so far a whopping zero i’ve gotten a whopping ten thousand you a liar

I’ve got a filthy liar so parker i want you to do me a favor all right what’s up man well first off i want you to lose this game but i’ll ask that towards the end of this um i want you to tell me your life story

My life i’ve told my life story too many times and it always is terrible i think it gets better and better so i need you to practice that’s true i need some practice i need some practice um oh what the heck did you take damage i found a spawner

No points no i found his bonner what kind of points or what kind of what kind of spawner what is this doing here what what is this i found it was already lit up but there’s zombies in here i got some uh some music discs oh nice you

Should buy those at h’s beats oh i already have them now i i’m gonna rock and roll how do you make one of those is it like wooden stuff what the the jukebox the jukebox can i make it right now it’s like a chest and then you need one diamond

Oh i don’t have a diamond do you need one diamond yeah oh really that’s crazy oh yeah no wonder it’s so expensive at your shop yeah it’s not cheap yeah bro oh okay there’s all the caves that you’ve looted before i know the rules of alva caving is you

Can staircase down but you can’t strip mine oh i’m sure buying it right now no i’ve been trying this whole game i found 84 gold you cheater i i also found uh your mother no you didn’t he’s a wonderful woman she is she’s great

He said be on your way son now that you have a full belly it was it was nice now that you have a full belly get the hell out of my life basically that’s what she said am i i think you alluded all this stuff i found

More mine shaft okay yeah i’m trying to get back to that mine shaft i guess hopefully i’ll lay it off into more i found a little bit of something but i don’t think it’s good enough for to could win this game yeah i found none so you found nothing nothing it’s cause you

Suck you need to like you know insert yourself more not insert yourself oh hey hi ow hey that’s cheating how a desire none that’s nice i think iron should be one each no and by one i mean diamonds so you owe me 10 diamonds now no that’s not refused

Rules right now and that means that that’s how it works no i refuse oh dang it h194 i will not let that happen it’s unacceptable oh h bomb 94 oh what is this oh i found some more iron and more points more negative points keep getting negative oh negative

I think i think stone should be negative points no you can’t just strip mine because the more stone you have that means the more strip mining you did no i think so not strip mining staircasing it’s different trust me no it’s no different it’s entirely different it’s literally the same thing shut up

Like when everyone’s talking about how like staircasing is loud and uhc but strip mining isn’t i’m like it’s the same thing except i mean if you can’t find the cave then you listen and it sounds yeah and you have to staircase to it i guess i’m winning this argument

Yeah you won you can take it i don’t know yes welcome to back to uhc we’re back at uhc oh half on your spawner oh yeah i took everything from it wait did you have a double chest in it no i did a single chest oh wait hold on let me go

Back there it looks like it was one i mean yes it had a double chest i’m sure it did it’s a spider spawner oh i have 13 213 discs oh nice oh i got 213 discs also oh so you think you’re better than me huh

No i think i’m the same as you i think we’re oh here okay i love you thanks buddy i love you too no i hear cave spiders they’re loud this is real scary man uh is that you right here um if you see my name

I mean i see your name it’s not you me and you are the only ones on the server so i’m just gonna go ahead and throw that out there what is this is always a is there a spider spawner oh dungeon i didn’t know that was a thing

Oh yeah but you know you have a spider spawner i don’t know that you could like have a spider spawner in dungeon i thought they were only like stuff yeah yeah they’re just stuff you know um oh this is going down it’s going down it’s going timber

I still have yet to get a point by the way i have i think two points i got one piece of gold no that’s three points oh dang it yeah i think i’m winning this i’ll get all of your nothings we have like oh gold no yes you get uh yes

Yes you can’t lie to me i just i didn’t lie i just said yes what is this oh oh i found something no you didn’t red and gold yeah oh you can’t get gold from chess by the way it’s got to be oars i say you can i’m i make the rules

Here h-bomb no oh i make the rules and i say it’s fine okay fine no i’m just kidding i’m messing around i don’t like it when you mess around yeah this has been actually no not all of us has been explored we just like mine down try to find another cave

No that’s against the rules parker i’m gonna do it i make the rules here oh yeah i forgot i forgot you make the rules i am the man i am the rules i am the ruler i found a gold digger nice and some lapis i found three gold ingots so

What’s up oh you think you’re better than me he still thinks he’s better than me guys he’s still thinking so much better he’s so confident he’s so self-confident and sexy oh my god that the second one is very true i don’t know how confident i am okay i don’t know am

I is my commentary good i don’t know ah spider yeah i found places that wasn’t torturified so that’s a good thing yeah it’s normally very good torture um unless you just ran out of torches and you’re trolling me no because i found diamonds so no you didn’t i don’t

I don’t believe you what’s up son i don’t believe you what’s up guys it’s parker here oh yeah yeah i’m gold ah no only one though so it sucks yes that’s what i like oh man that’s what the doctor wants this is the more intense one because i’m not

Getting anything i like the ones where you get tons of it that’s always funny yeah the the one to one that i got like 25 gold or something 25 diamonds that was insane yeah you were hacking oh here we go yeah i kind of should mine the whole

Game so yeah i know i couldn’t find a game so i legitimately shouldn’t mind the whole the whole time and you weren’t recording or live streaming so i was like whatever sure i know i’m a terrible guy i found a lot of uh iron but it’s negative points so

Yeah you can’t grab it it’s against the rules oh i i think i have like negative nine points now so oh dude you’re losing you’re dunzo’s uh i’m done oh yeah that’s what i’m talking about oh yeah i might i found a cave that i’ve already explored but i’m just grabbing all the

Redstone is redstone allowed yeah it’s one point no negative points no no negative points no no it’s negative no don’t don’t lie it’s negative no don’t think you think it’s smarter you think you’re smarter than me i am smarter you think you’re cool or something huh punk ah yeah i do you

Wanna go you want bro down you wanna go on a date oh no you wanna go to chipotle oh hell yeah i do you want to go to japan no let’s go to japan no it’s chipotle it’s a bottle it’s chipotle it’s spelled that means that that’s how it’s spelled

It’s chipotle it’s smelch bottle that’s mean how it smelled yep that made sense panka hey don’t judge me you sound crazy right now you’ll don’t judge your grandmother right i will i’m grandma games grandma games grandma underscore games all right i do what i want i do what i want

Especially i smoke 94 packs a day that’s it i don’t get out of bed for at least 97. well it turns out i’m actually your grandmother oh i’m your niece oh god yeah that just went weird i don’t even know what’s happening right now we’re caving that’s all we got to know

And i’m going to win this oh i love these boots dude look at how fast i’m swimming can you swim faster in lava with those things yeah go go try it i don’t have the death strider on do it anyway try it anyway no you can’t actually it’s fine dude it’ll

Be fine oh god i thought i just did no i won’t you can’t make me oh that means you’re over lava that’s not good that means you could get diamonds potentially oh yeah explore this area points more negative points when you find diamonds dang it ah

That’s iron i thought that was gold i hate nelly oh jesus oh export area i think i found some money for area too huh oh yes what is oh would you no don’t you yes right now i just yes don’t you say yes i just walled i just

I just yelled i yes out loud oh what what even did you just like stop being weird no please i found a cave spider spawner too that i’m about to drink crazy you’re a crazy guy it’s that’s what they tell me that’s what they tell me yeah i got nothing

Dude it’s all explored would you why were you so proactive and explored everything under your base like that’s not cool because i got a mob farm or whatever and this is under my base now you lie oh god oh he hit me i didn’t even see him over there

Who ate you the big bad gold gold gold gold gold sucks to be you no does it yeah yeah it does yeah it does dang it head strip mine oh god at least i got some gold yes that’s what she got our whole pokes allowed yeah but i’m hole poking all over the

Place yeah go for a champ oh i’m still getting phone calls let me shut that up you stop being so popular man i can’t help it i’m just i don’t like it when you are so popular i don’t like it when you yell at me parker

I don’t like when you don’t like when i yell at you stop it hold poke hole poke nothing over your whole bogen pull poke what happens okay this is a cave no it’s lava no it’s not ooh it looks like it’s not explored no looks like it’s unexplored no

Unlike your mother oh god no oh god oh golly gee wilkers oh my wheelockers oh oh my god oh my oh let’s see here don’t even get me started on that oh man it’s explored dang yeah yes explored by please keep going on wait

What the heck is this oh i went back to the same place that was before we should have just gone out by the new sea temple we should have dude why don’t we just do let’s just go that night right now what is in this video right now no because i’m winning

No i don’t like that you’re winning i think oh god uh i’m getting diamonds right now i’m gonna get some diamonds i’m gonna hold pokemon if you get diamonds you’re probably gonna win probably i could get some redstone though redstone redstone’s not gonna save you redstone that looks like red but it

Actually is blue like diamond colored that’s more redstone diamonds are blue diamonds are are they bluish color diamonds are yeah diamonds are parker’s best friend aren’t they diamond you call me a girl no i just had a target call me a woman i mean you are an old independent woman

That chain smokes like true i am an independent woman oh yeah i also do chiang smoke quite a bit that’s not good parker that’s good for you no it’s all right don’t just know what the doctors say is that you no he said hi to me oh that means you

Found something good i don’t like this i found a mob oh that’s fine then you can just have him kill you or something okay i’ll just i paid that mob to kill ya the mob i’m not actually a grandmother i’m actually a mercenary oh hi i found

Another um found another one of the mobs his name is peppa mobs more like uh diamonds no would you really excited if you found diamonds right now yes i would because i know i’d win then would you like poop yourself probably not no i think you would i wouldn’t i probably

Would i wouldn’t no i’m doing it currently oh hi okay i found a good cave uh why do you say hi like that good happen i don’t stop timer it’s over parker it’s over no more exploring there’s my inventory guys parker let’s go meet up on the surface

Uh hold on let me get some diamonds for my house real quick okay go run over there really really quickly two minutes okay meet you on the surface it’s time parker is that back up ow give me give me a kiss give me a kiss no

Because i guess with my best to your face oh that was good enough this is good enough all right you ready to do this bud i’m ready to pull my why are you why are you running flush because i don’t have any food all right it’s the only

Good thing i got don’t judge me oh there you go i’m gonna spread this out so it looks like it’s a lot more than it is okay look at all of this oh my goodness boom this is so depressing i got like none nah man when you spread it out it

Looks really good man look at that i’m putting random ores that i didn’t even get in there too just just throw in oh by the way these gold ingots and lapis don’t count because they weren’t so touched or they’re not the ore oh okay fine i got

Some gold in his twos i’m cool with counting no it’s not ingots no it’s gotta be mined it’s okay all right all right you ready yeah okay i’ll open your chest and you open mine at the same time ready okay set go one two three one two three one two

Three one i think you might have beaten me i think it’s i think i just barely beat you i’m counting 10 gold yeah and a i think you got 12 redstone i think so i think 10 redstone i got 12 gold and 12 redstone no yes we barely got anything you can dig

Me alive no no ah no you won’t take my 10 gold that’s almost a diamond that is a diamond ow wait that is a diamond it is a little over a diamond yeah you can’t win h bomb i played that line for 10 minutes one time a whole 10 minutes wow 10 minutes

You can’t do that you cheater ah stop it yeah you’re going down i’m out of the arrows you’re going down no parker please tell me have a smite sword no i might have a heart i would have heart i am victor i am a bigot i don’t even care

I don’t even care i hope you guys enjoyed today’s episode parker i need you to do the outro like someone who just died thank you guys okay should i do the after like someone’s dying currently oh yeah sure i’m leaning closely my last words i’ll ever see a spawn

Closer lean closer i’m here i’m here to wipe your nose after you sneeze oh god he’s gone all right get out of here no he’s back he’s resurrected i’ll see you guys in the next video goodbye

This video, titled ‘Minecraft Cube SMP: Wither Challenges W/ Parker! – Ep 109’, was uploaded by HBomb94 on 2014-07-03 22:00:03. It has garnered 28821 views and 1422 likes. The duration of the video is 00:32:12 or 1932 seconds.

In this episode of the Cube SMP, I am joined by Parker and we do some wither challenges, ABBA Caving and mess around at spawn!

Hope you enjoyed! If you did be sure to leave a like! 🙂

Parker: https://www.youtube.com/user/MineplexOfficial

Cube SMP is hosted by Mineplex.com

  • Talking Villagers in Minecraft!

    Talking Villagers in Minecraft! The Advent of Real Talking Villagers in Minecraft Imagine a world where Minecraft villagers come to life, engaging in conversations with players in real-time. This seemingly impossible feat became a reality thanks to a resource pack created by a talented developer. The pack introduced random sounds to Minecraft villagers, transforming them into chatty companions for players to interact with. Bringing Villagers to Life Upon witnessing the potential of this innovative resource pack, a content creator decided to take it a step further. With the help of a developer friend, the creator successfully implemented a voice chat mod that allowed… Read More

  • Meta Quest 3, 2: VR Minecraft Play, So True!

    Meta Quest 3, 2: VR Minecraft Play, So True! In the world of Minecraft, we take flight, With Meta Quest 3 and 2, we play in VR’s light. QuestCraft is the key, legal and true, To install and enjoy, mods and multiplayer too. First, gather the requirements, don’t be shy, Then follow the steps, installation is nigh. Play Minecraft in VR, feel the thrill, With Meta Quest by your side, you can’t stand still. Mods and multiplayer, a whole new game, In the world of Minecraft, never the same. So dive in, have fun, let your creativity soar, With Meta Quest 3 and 2, you’ll always want more…. Read More

  • Who Called Me in Minecraft?!

    Who Called Me in Minecraft?! Minecraft: Unraveling the Mystery Behind “BENİ KİM ARADI” Exploring the vast world of Minecraft is always an adventure, filled with mysteries and surprises at every turn. One such intriguing phenomenon that has captured the attention of players is the enigmatic “BENİ KİM ARADI” trend. Let’s delve into the depths of this mysterious occurrence and uncover its secrets. The Origins of “BENİ KİM ARADI” In the realm of Minecraft, players have reported receiving mysterious calls from unknown entities, leading to a wave of speculation and curiosity within the community. The phrase “BENİ KİM ARADI” translates to “Who Called Me” in… Read More


    The WORST QUEST? - DAY 4 - PC GAMEPASS CHALLENGE MINECRAFT The Exciting World of Minecraft Exploring the Minecraft Universe Join TheGuill84 on their thrilling Minecraft adventures as they navigate through the vast and creative world of this popular game. From building magnificent structures to surviving dangerous encounters, every moment is filled with excitement and challenges. Live Streams and Events Experience the action firsthand by tuning in to TheGuill84’s live streams on Twitch. Witness epic battles, intricate builds, and unexpected twists as they unfold in real-time. Don’t miss out on the chance to be part of the gaming community and interact with fellow fans. Connect with TheGuill84 Stay updated on… Read More

  • Jenga Lighthouse Build in Minecraft

    Jenga Lighthouse Build in Minecraft Building a Jenga Lighthouse in Minecraft The Jenga Lighthouse in Minecraft is a unique architectural design inspired by the popular Jenga game. This project showcases a creative blend of functionality and aesthetics, offering players a visually appealing structure that also serves a practical purpose in the game. Layout & Materials The construction of the Jenga Lighthouse begins with careful planning of the layout and selection of materials. In this project, red is used as the primary color, but players can experiment with different color combinations to achieve varying atmospheres, from modern to fantasy. Jenga Element One of the standout… Read More

  • Why Minecraft Needs to Get Real

    Why Minecraft Needs to Get Real Why Minecraft Should Be More Realistic Minecraft, a beloved sandbox game, has captured the hearts of millions with its endless possibilities and creative gameplay. While the game offers a vast world to explore and build in, some players argue that it lacks realism in certain aspects. Let’s delve into why Minecraft should consider adding more realistic elements to enhance the gaming experience. Realistic Environment Imagine being able to chop down trees and witness them fall or bounce realistically. This small detail could add a whole new level of immersion to the game. Players could also benefit from a more… Read More

  • Join Minewind Server for Epic Minecraft Celebrations!

    Join Minewind Server for Epic Minecraft Celebrations! Welcome to Newsminecraft.com, your go-to source for all things Minecraft! Today, we want to talk to you about the recent special event celebrating 15 years of Minecraft with popular YouTubers like Aypierre, Siphano, Bichard, Fuze, and Mathox. While watching their livestream on Twitch, you may have been inspired to dive back into the world of Minecraft yourself. But why play alone when you can join a thriving community of players on Minewind Minecraft Server? With an IP address of YT.MINEWIND.NET, Minewind offers a unique and exciting gameplay experience that you won’t find anywhere else. From intense PvP battles to… Read More

  • Ultimate Chicken Egg Farming Guide

    Ultimate Chicken Egg Farming Guide Revamp Your Egg Supply with this Easy Chicken Egg Farm in Minecraft (1.20) 🐔🥚 Are you tired of constantly running out of eggs in Minecraft? Look no further! In this guide, we’ll explore an easy and efficient chicken egg farm setup that has stood the test of time. Let’s dive in and revamp your egg supply! Why Choose This Egg Farm? Efficiency: This chicken egg farm is simple and efficient, making it perfect for small-scale bases where space is limited. Sustainability: Whether you’re a survivalist looking to ensure a steady food supply or simply a poultry enthusiast, this farm… Read More

  • Crafty Elixirs: MCPF Mod’s Guide to Minecraft Magic

    Crafty Elixirs: MCPF Mod's Guide to Minecraft Magic In the world of Minecraft, potions are key, To survive and thrive, they’re a necessity. With the MCPF Mod, you’ll learn the way, To craft elixirs that will save the day. Mix ingredients carefully, follow the guide, To create potions that will turn the tide. From strength to speed, and even invisibility, You’ll be unstoppable, with perfect agility. But remember, caution is always wise, Drink with care, don’t meet your demise. Transport them safely, in a secure place, To ensure they’re ready for your next race. So dive into the world of potions and brews, With the MCPF Mod,… Read More

  • Crafty Villager Shenanigans

    Crafty Villager Shenanigans The Craziest Train Station for Villagers in Minecraft In the world of Minecraft, creativity knows no bounds. In a recent gameplay video, a dedicated player showcased their impressive creation – a Villager Hall that doubles as a train station for transporting villagers. The result? A unique and innovative addition to their Minecraft world. Creating the Villager Hall The player meticulously designed and constructed a sprawling Villager Hall, complete with intricate details and functional elements. The hall served as a central hub for villagers, offering various amenities and services to cater to their needs. Transporting Villagers via Train What set… Read More

  • Master Netherite Mining in Minecraft 1.21

    Master Netherite Mining in Minecraft 1.21 The Ultimate Minecraft 1.21 Netherite Mining Guide Mining for Netherite in Minecraft can be a challenging task, but fear not! The ultimate Minecraft Netherite mining guide for 1.21 is here to help you navigate through the process. With detailed methods, tips, and strategies, you’ll be on your way to acquiring this valuable resource in no time. Understanding Ancient Debris Netherite, also known as Ancient Debris in its raw form, is a precious item found underground in the Nether dimension. It typically appears in chunks of 1 to 3 and can only be mined with a diamond or Netherite pickaxe…. Read More

  • JJ & Mikey: Tragic Maizen, Alone in Minecraft

    JJ & Mikey: Tragic Maizen, Alone in MinecraftVideo Information [Music] ah good morning everyone how are you doing oh there’s no JJ here I guess he’s on the first floor let’s see the weather looks so nice today I’m so happy and let’s go to the kitchen maybe JJ is cooking something ha oh no where can he be he’s not in the kitchen he can’t be where’s he gone let’s go outside and see what’s going on there’s no telling what could be going on oh my God what are we going to do now it’s going to be bad for us with without JJ how… Read More

  • Minecraft PrinceMJ Live Let’s Play

    Minecraft PrinceMJ Live Let's PlayVideo Information [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] yo hello everybody what’s up what’s up wait a minute wait a minute you guys before we get straight into the game play wait a sec wait a sec my do do you know okay hello foxy Zer we have uh kuna we have light flamish here let’s [Music] go all right I don’t know if you guys will say the same to Minecraft Legends in the future I I don’t even know maybe let’s just see if Minecraft dungeons back then were was kind of look like was kind of look like as… Read More

  • INSANE Bedwars Combo – MUST SEE!! 🤯 #trending

    INSANE Bedwars Combo - MUST SEE!! 🤯 #trendingVideo Information I This video, titled ‘Combo Edit 🔥 | DVRST – Close Eyes | #bedwars #minecraft #trending #hypixel #shorts #entertainment’, was uploaded by RaahimClips on 2024-05-08 13:36:04. It has garnered 510 views and 18 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:14 or 14 seconds. lunar client, badlion client, forge, 1.7.10 forge, 1.8.9 forge, hack download, vape.gg, vape download, vape v4, vapev4, vape v4 crack, vape cracked, vape free download, vape lite, vape lite cracked, free vape crack, minecraft, minecraft pvp, pvp, 1.7.10, fps boost, fps boost 2020, fps boost 2021, hypixel, cheating on hypixel, hypixel hack, minemen club,… Read More

  • Uncover the Secrets of the Jungle Temple Lever Puzzle! #minecraft

    Uncover the Secrets of the Jungle Temple Lever Puzzle! #minecraftVideo Information here’s how to do the lever puzzle in the jungle temple go into the basement and inflict these two levers and then flip them back up next go up the stairs and drop down the pit and open the chest mine had three diamonds This video, titled ‘How to do JUNGLE TEMPLE LEVER PUZZLE #minecraft #viral #minecraftshorts #mincraft #jungletemple’, was uploaded by 35th Street Productions Shorts on 2024-03-14 01:04:00. It has garnered 4325 views and 140 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:18 or 18 seconds. Read More

  • Guruji EXPLODES with Zennith Life Steal on Public Server!! 🔥

    Guruji EXPLODES with Zennith Life Steal on Public Server!! 🔥Video Information द स्टर्स अ नाइट लाइक दिस कनवर रिवाइंड कैन यू र द वल्फ क्र आउ टू द ला अ नाइट लाइक दिस शाइन सो ब्र सो टेक कपल स्टेप्स बैक एज यू यर मी स्टार्ट टू ह टेक अ कपल स्टेप्स बैक व लूज अ कंट्रोल वट इट एंड आ विल ट द बक ों य ट स्टप मी दिस इ द हो ऑ द प् [संगीत] सो टेक कपल स्प्स बैक एस यू र मी स्टार्ट टू हल टेक अ कपल स्टेप्स बैक वन आई लूज अ कंट्रोल वाच मी टन इ टू अ एंड आ विल… Read More

  • Uncover spine-chilling creature in MINE KRISH 😱

    Uncover spine-chilling creature in MINE KRISH 😱Video Information ली सीरियसली ब्रो हमें जेल में बंद कर दिया एलेक्स कहां है ब्रो एलेक्स कहां है एलेक्स को कहां बंद किया बताओ यार एलेक्स कहां चला गया यार सीरियसली भाई जेल में बंद कर दिया गाइस हमें बताओ यार हम आराम से इतना हम किसी का कुछ बिगाड़ा भी नहीं था हाय एलेक्स देख भाई हम दोनों कहां पे बंद हो गए और और और इतनी गहरी नींद में सो जाए जिसे पता भी नहीं चले कोई भी उठा के ले जाएगा ओ यार ी दो दो वाला जो बंदा है य भाई ये बंदा भी नहीं है… Read More

  • 3 CRAZY WAYS to PASS exam NOT WORKING?! 😱 #minecraft

    3 CRAZY WAYS to PASS exam NOT WORKING?! 😱 #minecraftVideo Information [संगीत] भाई मुझे गवर्नमेंट जॉब नहीं करनी क्यों नहीं करनी गवर्नमेंट जॉब मुझे अपना बिजनेस पेपर ही क्लियर नहीं हो रहा This video, titled ‘Govt job exam ❌ business ✔️ #minecraft’, was uploaded by AHSRAV GAMER on 2024-05-05 01:45:00. It has garnered 809 views and 28 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:11 or 11 seconds. Facebook page link:- https://www.facebook.com/ahsravgamer/ Instagram link:- https://www.instagram.com/invites/con… Youtube channel link:- https://youtube.com/channel/UCqHsSsNJ… Email📧:- [email protected] #freefire #freefireindia #freefiremax #impossible #ahsravgamer #gamer Ignore tags:- Let’s Play Gameplay Walkthrough Playthrough Gaming Commentary Game Reviews Gaming Tips Strategy Guides Game Highlights Multiplayer Games Single-player Games Game… Read More


    INSANE SOTW on NEW PRISON SERVER as a DEFAULT!Video Information yo guys what is going on it is Royal here today on the brand new season of op Legends prisons guys this server just reset literally not even a full 24 hours ago by the time you guys are seeing this video so if you guys want to come check out the server hop on and use my custom IP royal. op legends.com the server is bedrock and Java compatible so it doesn’t matter what version of Minecraft you guys are on you can still hop on and play the same exact server now guys we are doing… Read More

  • Unbelievable: Fully-functioning Super Car in Minecraft?! 🚗 #herobrine #bones

    Unbelievable: Fully-functioning Super Car in Minecraft?! 🚗 #herobrine #bonesVideo Information तो हे एवरीवन तो क्या हाल चाल तो इस ग में इस कार की सेम पेंटिंग बनाना है तो टेक के बारी आ चु देखते हैं कौन सबसे ज्यादा अच्छी बनाता है जो सबसे ज्यादा अच्छी बनाएगा तो गाइस उसे लाइक कर देना और चैनल को भी सब्सक्राइब भी कर देना गाइस तो देखते हैं कौन अच्छा बना चल टेक गेमर तेरी बारी आ चुकी अब तू दिखा ओ चल तू भी अच्छा ही बना है गाइ तो चल नॉट के म तेरी बारी आ चुकी तू दिखाओ ओ भाई साहब चल तू भी अच्छा बना है फ्लाइड… Read More

  • Kurisaba

    Kurisabaくり鯖!は日本にあるサーバーです! いろんな要素がありアスレチック・PvP・PvE などなどがあります! よければ参加してみてください!! play.kurisaba.com Read More

  • Janitor’s Closet SMP Semi-Vanilla Roleplay SMP Whitelist

    Welcome to the Janitor’s Closet If you enjoy worldbuilding through roleplay, creating nations, and engaging in conflicts, then this server is for you. Join our friendly community and make history together. Build connections between nations and characters, interact with other towns and nations, and develop your character through roleplay. We aim to create an enjoyable server experience for everyone. Our community is welcoming to all except meanies, and we host in-game events for everyone to enjoy. To join, simply go through our easy application process and share your plans for interaction and lore on the server. We look forward to… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “Me building in Minecraft: Am I God?”

    Minecraft Memes - "Me building in Minecraft: Am I God?"Well, at least someone is finally giving God the recognition they deserve in the world of Minecraft! Looks like their building skills are truly divine. Read More

  • City Coup: Mafia Madness in Minecraft

    City Coup: Mafia Madness in Minecraft In the city, the Mafia reigns supreme, Kicking out the police, it’s like a bad dream. But fear not, for Kerem has a plan, To take back the city, with his own hand. The evil Mafia, they don’t know us yet, But soon they’ll see, we’re a force to be met. With Minecraft news, we’ll spin a tale, Of heroes rising, and justice prevail. So leap into the verse, with beats and art, Let the truth take wing, let the story start. Kerem’s on a mission, to set things right, With rhymes and riddles, he’ll win the fight. The… Read More

  • Minecraft Meme: Crafting Chaos!

    Minecraft Meme: Crafting Chaos! “Why did the creeper break up with his girlfriend? Because she couldn’t handle his explosive personality!” #minecraft #meme Read More

  • Surviving 100 Days in Extreme OneBlock Minecraft

    Surviving 100 Days in Extreme OneBlock Minecraft I Survived 100 Days in OneBlock Minecraft in Extreme Mode Introduction In this thrilling adventure, a dedicated gamer embarked on a challenging journey to survive 100 days in the intense world of OneBlock Minecraft. The task at hand was not for the faint-hearted, as the player navigated through a map called “One Block is Not Normal,” where every move was crucial for survival. Survival Tactics The player encountered numerous obstacles, from mining for essential resources to battling mobs for survival. With determination and strategic planning, the player managed to overcome each challenge, including creating a sustainable food source and… Read More

  • Conquering the Tallest Tree in Minecraft

    Conquering the Tallest Tree in Minecraft The Tallest Dragon Tree – Day 15 of 1,000 Days in Better Minecraft On Day 15 of the epic 1,000-day journey in Better Minecraft, our intrepid explorer embarked on a new project – the creation of the tallest Dragon Tree in the village. Armed with a variety of materials, including Nether Sakura Boat With Chest, Willow Boat, Palm Boat, and more, the stage was set for a magnificent addition to the landscape. Materials Used: Nether Sakura Boat With Chest Willow Boat Palm Boat Echo Boat With Chest Dragon Tree Sapling Shadow Grass Bonemeal Red Paper Lantern Cincinnasite Chain Purple… Read More

  • Unearth the Hidden Depths of Minecraft! #shizo #clickbait

    Unearth the Hidden Depths of Minecraft! #shizo #clickbaitVideo Information ムーシュルーム は雷に当たると茶色く なるそしてその茶色にまたまた雷を当てる と赤色に 変わるムーチルーム はキノコを取ると爆発のエフェクトが かかり元のうに [音楽] 戻るえ 茶色のやつからは茶色のやつからにハ 逃げる逃げれ た取ると茶色のキノコが [音楽] 取れる This video, titled ‘【マイクラ】意外と知られてないマイクラの雑学3 #minecraft #マイクラ #shorts #マイクラウラ技’, was uploaded by 深層ハニカム鉱石【深ハニ】 on 2024-04-09 02:31:28. It has garnered 4681 views and 48 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:48 or 48 seconds. Read More

  • Big Soapp Minecraft Tower Stream Pt. 2

    Big Soapp Minecraft Tower Stream Pt. 2Video Information hold on hold on there’s a little problem going on there we go see it does feel a little weird when I’m like this but I think it’s a lot better than when I’m straight looking at the camera okay I’m wait around for some people to get on here well while wait I might can this work please oh my goodness and now it’s raining what’s up Spanton let’s see uh what not 54 and it kind of sad scon but not a lot of people are on here anymore okay well I’m going just start with… Read More

  • INSANE Lucky Gaming Ankit Minecraft Moment WTF

    INSANE Lucky Gaming Ankit Minecraft Moment WTFVideo Information तो गाइज यह देखो हमने बहुत सारे क्रीपर कैप्चर कर लिए अपने घर के अंदर मिलकर भाई मजा ही आ गया भाई यह एप्पल पता नहीं क्यों नहीं दे रही और यह मजा और यह एक और बार जंप करने वाला हूं मैं ओ नो अबे यार गलत भाई हो गया खत्म गाइज वीडियो पसंद आए तो एक लाइक और चैनल को सब्सक्राइब This video, titled ‘What the F*ck 🤬 #shorts #minecraft’, was uploaded by Lucky Gaming Ankit on 2024-01-14 12:30:25. It has garnered 6526 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:15 or 15 seconds…. Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Secrets REVEALED – DONG_FORTNITE’s Keybinds & Building tips | InsideMC

    EPIC Minecraft Secrets REVEALED - DONG_FORTNITE's Keybinds & Building tips | InsideMCVideo Information the amount of people I’ve spoken to who are really good at this game and really good at parkour and they use R to Sprint oh my what and I made the most wonderful well-used map that everyone loves the black Wars season 11 hunt map that got used once and everyone said it’s the worst thing they ever played in their entire life and never got used again I guess my one fun fact is that I’m the reason fishing rods are in MCC sky battle there is no event game I love more than multip it… Read More

  • INSANE Minecraft Japanese House Tour!! 🤯

    INSANE Minecraft Japanese House Tour!! 🤯Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Japanese House | Cinematic Showcase’, was uploaded by MrMattRanger on 2024-04-07 14:46:20. It has garnered 11868 views and 644 likes. The duration of the video is 00:03:18 or 198 seconds. Minecraft Japanese House Cinematic 4k Showcase Tour World Downloads of all my Builds https://www.patreon.com/mrmattranger Find me on Instagram | https://www.instagram.com/mrmattranger Find me on Twitch | https://www.twitch.tv/mrmattranger Find me on Twitter | https://twitter.com/themrmattranger Find me on TikTok | https://www.tiktok.com/@mrmattranger Join My Discord | https://discord.gg/6usKvHZ8g9 Do you need a Minecraft Server to Build and Play with your Friends? DedicatedMC is a Minecraft Server Host, with top… Read More

  • Ultimate Underwater Minecraft Puzzle Map Challenge!

    Ultimate Underwater Minecraft Puzzle Map Challenge!Video Information [Musik] Oh lah ini ikannya merah banget iya kah merah Oh merah merah berapa ikan merah berapa ikan coba Guys kita ikan merah berapa ikan merah ada tiga 1 2 3 tiga ikan merah tiga biru S du 1 2 t 5 3 5 1 4 2 ikan paus makan k C cakep paus pembunuh orka halo semuanya balik lagi bersama aku orcak craf hari ini aku akan bermain puzzle lagi guys ini part ke berapa Aku lupa guys udah part ke berapa pokoknya aku lupa ini aku akan lanjut dah dan di sini aku di penjara guys… Read More

  • Zlatoff UNVEILS Secret Herobrine Brothers in Minecraft Animation

    Zlatoff UNVEILS Secret Herobrine Brothers in Minecraft AnimationVideo Information breath at your WS slipping Venom in my veins yeah you’re just trying to clip my wings this why you throw these words to me I wish I could stay away I don’t want to see your face no but you got me in a days I can’t find a way out of these chain no my strength feeling so Dr made the mistake believing you’d be true believe in you were you This video, titled ‘#minecraft #herobrinegamerflet #minecraftanimation #animation #herobrine #herobrinebrothers’, was uploaded by Zlatoff on 2024-06-04 07:19:52. It has garnered 1625 views and 156 likes. The… Read More

  • Unbelievable Minecraft Hack || Must See! #viral

    Unbelievable Minecraft Hack || Must See! #viralVideo Information आज हम मन को कुछ हैक्स टेस्ट करने वाला है देखते हैं ये काम करेंगे कि नहीं लेट्स गो अगर तुम लोग के पास ऐसा बबल एलिवेटर है और तुम लोग इधर साइंस यूज कर रहे हो तो हम लोग ये साइंस की जगह पे ये ग्लो लइकन भी यूज कर सकते हैं लेट्स ट्राई ओके थ्र टू व वो काम कर रहा है और एक्चुअली कितना अच्छे दि और वो लाइट भी एमिट करता है तो अगर समझो तु अंडरग्राउंड हो तो उधर वो लाइट देगा अच्छे से दिस इज सो ऑसम हैक्ट नंबर टू है कि… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Baby Zombie VS Villager Battle! 😱🔥

    Insane Minecraft Baby Zombie VS Villager Battle! 😱🔥Video Information [Music] [Applause] [Music] h This video, titled ‘Baby zombie and Villager fight meme (Minecraft Animation)😅🧟’, was uploaded by TC Films on 2024-02-16 15:37:03. It has garnered 9440 views and 299 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:22 or 22 seconds. minecraft, minecraft 100 days, minecraft house tutorial, minecraft music, minecraft house, minecraft song, minecraft godzilla, minecraft videos, minecraft civilization, minecraft jj and mikey, minecraft live, minecraft aphmau, minecraft animation, minecraft asmr, minecraft armadillo, minecraft ambience, minecraft armor trims, minecraft automatic farm, minecraft arg, minecraft animation movie, minecraft ancient city, a minecraft song, a minecraft house, a minecraft… Read More

  • Amethyst Pixelmon

    Amethyst PixelmonAmethyst Pixelmon is a new Minecraft server launched in July of 2023. We have a number of features, including a Battle Tower, Gyms, and multiple fully explorable cities and builds. There is also a unique set of custom starters and an expansive wilderness world, allowing you to wander freely and build to your heart’s content. Our staff is always present ingame or on discord and is happy to help you get started! So come navigate your way around and see if you can uncover everything we have to offer. 🙂 play.amethystpixelmon.com Read More

  • Eternal Realms – Official Server

    Greetings, Minecraft enthusiasts! Are you ready for an adventure of a lifetime? We are thrilled to invite you to Eternal Realms, a dynamic and thriving Minecraft community where creativity knows no bounds. 🔹 Endless Exploration: Discover diverse biomes, hidden treasures, and epic landscapes. 🔹 Creative Freedom: Build anything you can imagine, from towering castles to intricate redstone machines. 🔹 Friendly Faces: Join a community of friendly and helpful players, always ready to collaborate and share ideas. 🔹 Exciting Events: Participate in regular events and challenges to test your skills and win awesome rewards. We can’t wait to see the incredible… Read More

  • ☼ MIDCRAFT ☽

    ☼ MIDCRAFT ☽☼ MIDCRAFT ☽Do Anything Except Hack.SMP is a survival multiplayer server, With Pure Vanilla and Enhanced Vanilla.Enhanced Vanilla:• /Homes, /TP, /back• Quests • God Items • Custom Structures• Custom Bosses Pure Vanilla:• A Brand New World for 1.20.6, No resets!• Just Regular Vanilla MinecraftDo Anything Except Hack.Bedrock Port: 19132 Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Minecraft Meme Madness

    Minecraft Memes - Minecraft Meme MadnessWhy did the creeper cross the road? To blow up the chicken on the other side! Read More