EPIC Year-Long Vanilla Server Tour | Minecraft 1.20.4

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Hey guys what’s going on it’s me J blader and it’s been like a year since I’ve streamed isn’t that fun how the year just goes by it’s been crazy it’s been a crazy year here so yeah I haven’t really done any streaming but um we’re back to do a

Little streaming today so thank you guys for being here and uh I’ve been playing on this Minecraft world almost a year now um I think I started it right at like the end of when I quit streaming in January of last year so it’s been you know like 11

Months so we’re going to do a little server tour and uh if you’re watching after it’s live hey thanks for watching we are going to have a good time and do a little server tour and if you uh want to hop in in chat and say something say hi please feel free to

Would love to talk to you guys let me make sure I got everything set up it’s been so long since I’ve streamed it’s feels very bizarre for sure um and I’ve also been playing Lego like the survival Lego fortnite stuff has been really fun so I’ve been playing

That a lot which is uh which is a little different um but anyway we’re going to do a server tour and I uh I’m just going to go ahead and start we’re over at my storage system now which we’re going to we’re going to not show right off the

Bat now there’s not like a lot of stuff spread out on this world which is kind of good most of the stuff is kind of close but I’m going to kind of go in the order I think of um how I made it this is the nether Hub which is a work in

Progress and let’s go ahead and head towards uh let’s just go to spawn that’s where we’re going to start everyone starts in a world at spawn right um it’s the beginning of the world so we’ll go ahead and head over there and start as you see we got a lot of stuff

Set up over here at our spawn um let’s do a little fly around and I’ve also marked out the spawn chunks using iron blocks you’ll see we got an iron farm going all the time to the point where I just throw away iron now waiting for those

Autocrafters to come in we can start crafting auto block uh the iron blocks automatically would be nice so what we got here in the spawn chunks is four villager iron Farms each one of these is an iron farm you’ll see there it’s producing iron and then this iron is going to be

Spit out this is uh nothing crazy you guys I’m sure have seen this before of course they’re going to be annoying aren’t they should be a bed right over here let me check there is we did all the stuff in survival um when I say we it’s like me and a few

Other friends have been playing Um anyway the iron gets collected it gets spit out and it goes down these little tubes here if we sit here long enough we’ll see the tubes the tubes actually activate these lights as well they flicker whenever iron goes through here just saw some iron go through we saw

These lights flicker we got a beacon here in the middle the iron falls down here and then there’s just like an ice water stream going around here I mean the amount of iron we get from this thing is absolutely crazy because we built in spawn chunks it runs 24/7

365 I don’t even think I have these Hoppers connected on the back yeah I don’t I just don’t have these connected so like so much iron that I think is just either flowing around the system or it’s just being it’s just despawning um if we go over here you’ll

See the map where we have this is the little area we’re in now and you can see where we’re at right now and the items just kind of uh come from these iron Farms here we got some pixel art there my friend Hoover did this so we got some

Pixel art there I think I want to do pixel art in this giant flat area I did this just to make room to do some big projects later um and then I just haven’t really done anything yet but yeah really cool kind of area here we just have it lit up and

Decorated the iron farm there hopefully you guys get a good view of everything we’ll do another fly over so this is the spawn chunks which is uh nothing really crazy over here is where I get most of my ice um it’s just kind of an ice Farm

Very very simple I have to sneeze hold On all right I think I muted Myself um so anyway we’ll go ahead and head to to my base uh which is first thing I kind of built here um came back later and put in this this bridge because this bridge obviously wasn’t here until really recently um because I wanted a way for people to to be connected if

They join the server from the spawn chunk to my base and this giant Dome like thing over here is my base it is still a work in progress as you see what I do what I’ve been doing this year is I take a lot of break I I’ll go for a few

Months and not really play or I’ll play a different game and come back to it and um you’ll see that I I am very much still like a work in progress with a lot of this stuff but it has been um but it’s has been a fun kind of like

Project to come back to every once in a while so this is it we got a I’ll do a fly around here we got a circle around the top here which is going to end up being kind of like like this over here you’ll see I I

Like added a nature ring kind of so we’re going to have like a nature ring going around the outside and then inside here we have kind of a half dome thing going on with some more nature and then some buildings in the middle the first building I built was this starter house right

Here and when I started it was just this starter house on a hill I built this with one of my friends and we used it you know this is where the first enchanting on the world was kind of done where the this is the first M shaft on the world um once we

Built this I started putting in these kind of walkways so I added these uh these walkways here I’ve been here for like a year now almost and then the second thing we built was this um aquarium which I think has turned out really cool um still one of my favorite

Builds on here we got all the fish and the coral um so here’s a map of where we started this is where it started we had just this house we had this aquarium in the storage building I’m going to show you next and I just put a big circle

Around it on the ground and now this is where we’re at today where we have these buildings in this Wildlife Circle going around and the bridge over here so that’ll give you an idea of kind of a a little smidget in time uh this aquarium I think is really cool but it’s also

Functional downstairs we have a villager uh villager trading Hall these guys are my zombified villagers this is how I get a lot of my XP even to the to this day um you’ll see I have just a bunch of chest over here with stuff where I can go over here and

Like I’ve been flying already right my elytras need to repair I can go over here and do some pumpkins and melon trades and stuff like that get a ton of it back and uh it is great for XP so if we uh we look here we should yep all fully

Repaired we’re good to fly a little bit more this is a command block that teleports us out to a quad witch hut which is like a million blocks away I’m not going to do anything with this because we haven’t even used this on the server it was just to save us from

Building we were looking for a quad witch farm and there wasn’t one until like literally a million blocks away so I set up a little teleporter here um not going to be using that though uh but I have most of the enchants in the game and most of these chests have have stuff

Uh for these guys in it below down here this is how I was making the zombie zombified villagers I’ve got a zombie back there doing doing all that work we can close that oh that’s going to annoy me oh well it’s just going to be like

That for a little bit um this is where the villagers come down you may have not even noticed but upstairs we have this build this room here right in this room we have a villager breeder it’s currently off but we just have a farm villager breeder I usually build these

On every world just because they’re so easy to build you just get like this 9×9 you just make a hole with some glass for some villagers to drop through you put beds in there they’ll make more villagers and it’s pretty efficient it is like low Tech it is not technical at

All uh but it works really great you’ll see we got mine carts to move villagers around in here more villagers more villagers um in here this is where I get I do this iron trade a lot now it’s actually a great trade we got some tools

Over here we got my Axel collection this is one of the first things I did on this world cuz they had just kind of added Axel when we started playing on this update um this is how I get a lot of my Redstone so we got clerics

Here over here we got some Stone Mason this is how I get a lot of my brick if you ever see me building in Brick this is how I get it usually and then up there we have a ton more clerics the reason why is um I do a lot of redstone

Projects and when you’re doing large scale Redstone projects it is it’s too slow to mind for um so you can get a lot more Redstone uh more quickly just by uh trading with these guys then it this may seem empty cuz I haven’t afked over here in a long time

But we do have a um we do have some Auto Farms being fed in here I’ll show you the back end of this so this entire circle is built over a PLS biome I’ll give you an idea of what it looks like you can see I’ve been mining

Down here clearing it out but this is what it did look like it was just a plains biome that I put dirt over with Jackal Lantern so that was the initial Circle that I did over here you’ll see that I’ve just got an item sorder and

I’ve got items being fed in here the items are being fed in here from this is like the the melon and pumpkin farm you’ll see it’s going to actually go to work right now it’s going to shoot up some some carrots some melons some pumpkins um actually just realized I items are clumping

There it’s always something isn’t it let’s see what’s the easiest way to fix this easiest way to fix this would be to just change that to a full block let’s see what I got on me let’s see Redstone box one might have stuff in it yeah this is

Fine there’s always something in a Minecraft world that is currently broken or needs tweaking it’s just the state of Minecraft okay I got to do this fast okay I did not do that fast at all I think it’s fine though we’ll go up there and check on

That in a minute and make sure that that’s still functioning but it should it should uh I should need to remove one block but it’ll be fine anyhow is it this is the uh how items get fed in here and we got an automatic villager farm that’s feeding in these carrots and

Uh potatoes and stuff yeah I do have to remove a block up there well we’ll head up there right now so it’s no problem but um I actually needed to farm a lot of stone to do a lot of the stuff I need

To do as you can imagine um so I do farm a lot of my stone down here I just come out here and kind of mine out this circle um so that’s how I get a lot of stone remnants of a early sheep farm here let’s go ahead and head back up and

I’m going to run over and fix this before I forget you wonder how I got all this Stone it’s just a lot of placing Stone in different areas mining it from underneath then placing it back we just need to remove one block right here and it should now work oh oh the ice

Melted huh I did not foresee this being a Problem this technically works even though it looks really weird so we’re just going to leave it as it is cuz it works for right now I might come back and fix it later but it works so let’s take another little fly around here you’ll see that I kind of uh

Have this Village going on and then I’m covering up a lot of my Farms with buildings this is one that is a work in progress and this is my villager farm um that is just kind of farming carrots wheat to bread and potatoes all these items just get shoved down here when

They get collected this is a really simple Farm they just throw it all at the Villager in the center they get shot down here and then this water stream connects with the water stream we were just at a minute ago um let’s see what else we got going

On over here yeah this is the building still un working on this one houses the pumpkin and melon farm if we look in here this is just a simple Observer and piston pumpkin and melon farm and I’ve just covered it up with a building cuz I think it looks really nice we got

Beacons here I think I have Beacon beams turned off currently just cuz they’re a little distracting I have some of them on um but yeah looks great this is where I’ve been getting all my sugar cane for most of the season so far um very very cool very cool place

Here the next thing I built was this building here which is it it simply just houses my storage system or my my early storage um I still actually use this for a lot of of stuff so if we we come in here there may still be remnants of

Stuff in here cuz I still do use this from time to time when I’m over here I’ll come in and grab items so there is stuff in here that honestly should be moved at some point probably to the to the computer storage system um but for now I just leave it over here

And I come over here and grab it when I need it and speaking of that let me open up I’ve been playing so much of the Lego fortnite survival that I’m like forgetting my Minecraft controls cuz I’ve been playing that for like a week straight but that

Game made me so angry that I’m probably not going to open it again which is another story We we’ll we’ll get to that one when we’re done here and we’re working on something else all righty well so this was my first like base spent a lot of time you know in

Here whether it’s AFK or grabbing items or whatever it may be so really great base still use this place place over here we have a really simple uh kind of Auto furnace um that produces a ton of items for me and I still use this thing

Like on a Minecraft daily kind of basis um we feed in a ton of items it should be a coal mine cart coming back there it is yep so this one we just feed coal in over here we just feed the items we want to smell send it

Off and I also use this thing for XP to repair my tools I can lock these furnaces and it gives me some XP so I do that as well uh let’s see what’s the next thing we that I want to show off I think the

Next thing to show off is my um hostile mob farm where I get all of my gunpowder this was the first farm that I built oh let me do a fly around you’ll see and I you’ll get a better idea of of uh the look of the server so like yeah

Obviously this this was a hostile mob farm attempt at one point that I I broke um but this is kind of what the underneath of this circle in here looks like so gives you an idea of the terrain over here is the village where I stole

My first villagers you can see I still have the stairs from the mine cart that’s how we got the village started and then over here is my hostile mob farm I still use this thing I AFK over here uh probably like once a month uh or if I’m just not doing

Anything on the server I’ll just come over I’ll pop over here in AFK um although don’t really need as much resources at this point in the game but um we got the Hostile Mobs that fall down here and then I just have the items get brought up over here and you’ll see we

Got uh just an item sorder here with all the items in the game that I would kind of need sorted there’s some items going around there so really simple but definitely gets the job done produces tons of resources I need mostly gunpowder for Rockets that’s like that big thing that

You need in this part of the game so if you look here on the the ground you’ll actually see that we’re kind of uh we’re going to be replicating uh the the this pattern here on the ground or it’s not a pattern I guess this map is

Just the Overworld map um here are the three the the four portals at my circle base and uh over here is the spawn where that bridge is so the bridge comes over here and goes here this is very much still also a work in progress but has been a really fun project as

Well the next thing I built was a witch farm so we’re going to go check that out and it is this way now I don’t actually like even have a boat on me so we’re just going to got to remember my controls again uh we’re just going to fly over there but I

Have a few Farms that we’re going to check out in this direction this is is just a pretty standard early game is nether kind of tunnel you can see there is another kind of Unfinished project this is a please don’t please don’t please don’t please don’t I’ll have to deal with that later

Um this is a mushroom Island that I set up on and I was doing a lot of my mining over here and I was goofing around earlier this year with uh TNT dupers so I had set up a ton of TNT dupers in this area And was uh just kind of fooling around with with those and then once I had kind of made a bunch of or visible I was coming down here and doing a lot of mining uh early in the game getting iron and and stuff like that so it’s kind of

Fun goofing with TNT dupers cuz I had not really done that very much and this is also where I get a lot of my packed and blue ice if I need it there’s a bunch of like icebergs around here surrounding this entire biome so that’s

What this portal is for um at one point I was over here a lot doing a lot of mining but at this point I don’t use this place very often so not super exciting but the next thing I set up was I was like I need glowstone and Redstone

So I set up a witch Farm although This Witch Farm is uh not hyper efficient uh it was enough to get me through like some mid game kind of some mid game kind of uh item creep that I I needed stuff for so let’s go ahead and head in here and

We’ll show I’ll show you this place this place is not very fancy so do not be super surprised but we got a uh AFK block here and then all of the uh items that get sorted kind of go in here some of these are going to be

Bottles and glowstone which I come over here and get all the time um if I ever AFK over here but I haven’t AFK over here in months but yeah just a simple single witch Farm um not a whole lot of Spawn proofing or anything done so the efficiency is questionable at

Best uh but you know it works and it got me a lot of redstone in the mid game so that was the main Redstone and glow stone that is in the mid game it was something that I didn’t at the time want to trade Emerald trade for now I just

Emerald trade for all that stuff which is honestly a lot more faster and more efficient than just afking forever so let’s head back to the nether Hub we are actually actually definitely like halfway done with the tour by this point um a lot of this year I was playing other

Games which means I wasn’t playing constantly on Minecraft uh this year I played a lot of star rail I played um inscription again I played uh the new didn’t the new Pokemon game come out this year I was playing that I believe this sword shield come out this

Year is that end of last year I can’t remember could have been end of last year let playing League of Legends here and there was playing a few steam kind of indie games here or there um I was doing a lot of projects outside of outside of uh video gaming so

A lot of creative projects um got into like model cars working on music projects so I was doing a lot of just kind of bits and Bobs this year um all right let’s see what’s the next thing I want to show you guys down here we have uh the end portal that goes

To uh an Enderman Farm which is just a run-of-the-mill Enderman farm so I’m not going to show it uh it goes to my friend Josh’s base when he plays on here but he hasn’t played on here in a long time and it also goes to a Random Fortress that I

No longer go to because I don’t it’s basically the closest Fortress besides that one that we flew past I don’t go there cuz I have a wither skeleton Farm which we’re going to show off in a little bit um is actually we could show that off now let’s see I also have some

Random portals around here with some some chords written down for like jungle and Mesa Biomes in Cas I need specific resources um down this way is is uh a desert it’s just a desert like a thousand blocks away that I I get all my sand from so we’re going to hit

Pause on that one and not show that let’s go ahead and head back to spawn and go on uh because this is how I get to the roof of the nether there just one block missing there it’s going to so irritating well let’s go to the top of the Nether and

Then once we’re on the top of the nether we’re going to I’m going to show you two of the Farms that I use the most that are on top of the nether they are of course nether Farms one is zombified piglin uh and then barter trade system

And then a wither skeleton Farm both of these I use quite regularly if you’ll notice I think I have a lot of Beacon beams turned off but I have a ton of beacons and even in my in my storage area later you’re going to see I’m using

Beacons as decoration I have like so many beacons at this point that I just it doesn’t really matter so I use them as decorations and this is how I get them let’s head over to my um Wither Skeleton Farm it is just over this way now this is a

A design that I discovered recently that works for like 1.20 you know 1.19 1.20 and in my opinion it completely revolutionizes the Wither Skeleton farming game because if you guys remember how brutal it used to be to to farm these and you had to uh you had to like take an entire area

And use piston pushers and and button an entire area or you know spawn proof an entire area it was so obnoxious um this thing is amazing I’m going to get it working first and then we will uh I’ll show you how it works I’ll show you the

Mechanics of it but this is this is it this is how I get a lot of my coal uh this is how I get all my bones and of course this is how I get all my Wither Skeleton skulls we just get a looting three sword and I just got a simple item

Sorder here and a little item thrower outer to throw out all the items I don’t want and with these portals sinking in the Overworld with a portal below us wither skeletons are going to be pushed through this portal and because of this Stone um stone wall they’re going to be

Pushed through they’re going to come out here and we’re going to be able to kill them and get all their drops so if we wait about another 20 seconds we will see yep there it is they’re going to start rolling through now this thing is insanely fast

Um and is also a great source of XP so if you’re wondering how I I have 120 levels and I like basically always have hundreds of levels on me this is how uh I I’m at the point in the game where I don’t need levels so if I’m not doing

Anything in the game uh or you know I’m like I got to run to the store I’ll just come over here and do this for a little bit sometimes um especially if I need XP for something and this is how we get all our wither skeletons let me I’m going to hop to

Spectator so camera mode real quick and I’ll show you how this how this place works if we head down here you’ll see that there’s a there’s a spawning platform the way it works is we’re using spawning spheres to basically Force mobs to only spawn in this specific area um

The Blaze are going to despawn the the uh zombified piglins are going to or yeah piglins are going to run to these corners and despawn basically items or mobs in the corners despawn so they’re going to go to the corners wither skeletons are going to spawn here in the

Center um blazes and wither skeletons uh are going to go into this portal because they’re aggroed at this Iron Golem and then this portal goes in the Overworld links up to this portal so in the Overworld I just have like a portal next to another portal they push

Each other through that’s all it does and then once they push each other through they come here so let’s go back to survival that’s how it works amazing design I’m sorry I don’t remember the the the author or the creator of this design right off the top of my head but

If you look up um best like Wither Skeleton farms for 120 I know you’ll see this and I highly recommend uh building this as like one of your first Farms cuz it’s insanely easy to build um you just the only trick or or caveat to this design is that you

Have to build it in a um Soul Sand Valley nether fortress which is why it’s so far away you know it’s like like 1,000 blocks away in the um in the nether roof and you have to be able to get on top of the nether roof which

Isn’t that hard you just need an ender pearl so uh I think it’s I think it’s pretty manageable definitely one of the first Farms that I’m going to be building on all my worlds just because it’s so stinking easy Iron Golem a few stacks of blocks and then the ability to

Make portals that’s it that’s all you need and uh you can start raining in the Wither Skeleton skulls and the XP and stuff is great bones and the coal are always great as well if we head over here we’re going to have my zombified piglin farm this thing works exactly the same

Way there’s a spawning area beneath they’re they’re going to be sinking into portals they’re they’re AGG gring to something that’s forcing their portals they’re being pushed in portals in the Overworld and then they’re going to be coming in here and we can just stand

Here and kill them so this is kind of a slight modification of a design that you can also see online um this thing is is like not the fast fastest but for the amount of time it takes to build um it is it is insanely fast it got it’s to

The point where these I have to have two item orders on each side just to match the demand of items um that can come through from the zombified piglins so we’re going to wait another 20 seconds what what we’re waiting on is down below they’re spawning they’re running into

The nether portal and then in the Overworld they’re pushing each other through another nether portal that takes about 18 seconds so that’s what we’re waiting for in order for this thing to get started but once they start flowing it is going to continue flowing steadily the entire time we’re here we’re just

Going to be able to sit here and see them constantly spawn constantly run through and it avoids a lot of mob cap issues because we’re sending them through the through the uh nether uh into the Overworld and then back again so again how I get a ton of my

XP it’s using something like this if we go over here you’ll see we got some item sords all the items come down here and then over here we got a really simple um piglin trading Farm there’s just dispensers behind them that throw out gold ingots on a timer it’s getting

Ready to go off it goes off throws out the ingots they throw out the items this is the Etho clock the timer and then this is how I load the system with gold come back here you’ll probably see there’s some gold in here yeah we got some gold in there right

Now so this thing just kind of passively works while we’re over here our gold nuggets are going to go in here this is how I get gold to trade with we’ll also see you’ll also see I have gold in here like ready to trade almost at any time

And then the piglin trading we get a ton of great stuff look at this nether brick quartz iron arrows Blackstone obsidian Soul Sand gravel you know like I need gravel all the time so we’re going to actually take some of this gravel with us I use concrete so I need gravel like

All the time time uh we’re going to be getting potions we’re going to be getting Soul speed boots which is amazing and then just a lot of other like odds and ends as well like these uh ender pearls stuff like that so really really really great farm that is another one

That you can build if you’re not worried about it looking pretty or you’re not worried about um you just got to watch spawning spots but if you’re not worried about stuff like that and we’re going to be able to eventually connect this with autocrafters to AutoCraft the gold so

That this thing is just 100% fully connected and I’m at the point in the game where Gold’s not really valuable like I don’t really need blocks of gold uh however the stuff that uh the piglins drop is so valuable that I use that all the time so anyway that is the zombified

Piglin farm let’s head on back over uh the last thing that I have to show off is uh I’ll show off my friend Hoover’s house house cuz he does play on here and has been a big help um at kind of like playing he kind of plays Minecraft like I play Minecraft

Which you don’t I don’t see every day like he wants to build big projects and stuff like that and he’s a good Builder so uh let’s head over to his house I’ll just show it off and then we’ll get to the storage system which is the most recent thing that I’ve kind of

Completed wait this portal goes to top of the nether actually didn’t know that okay I found a shortcut I don’t know why that s this this is going to take me beneath another right yeah okay the more you know okie dokie yeah so we still need

More sand to finish in the glass over here got to finish this and I’m going to mine out a lot of this area so we can appreciate the map but yeah this map is just just a map of the area without any of the buildings on it which I think is

Kind of fun over here across the river we got Hoover’s house so we’ll go check this out real quick this is it this is Hoover’s house this was the house he built when he started playing he hopped on just a few months ago so he hopped on to the the server a

Little bit later but he has a nice house that I think is worth uh taking a tour in actually I don’t even know what he’s got what is he at he has a lot of like actually good stuff too the elytras I think we’ve kind of combined a

Lot of our items in the main storage system which I’m going to show here in a minute but yeah he has a fun house so let’s go ahead and fly over to the main storage system and the reason the main stor system is here and not in

My base is because I don’t want to lag the server uh but but so much so yes we are coming into view if you guys know me you know I love my big storage systems so what we have here is a giant Sor system it has four wings each Wing sorts uh let’s

See a lot a lot of items 100 something let’s hop down here all right each Wing sorts nine * 3 so that’s 27 27 * 3 which is like 7 over 75 7 you know 79 or something like that uh 80 and then it’s doubled so that’s like 160 items each

Wing sorts so we sort a ton of the items in the game um we have different varieties of amounts of sorting we’re at three double chest two and then one again each Wing sorting like a ton of ton of ton of ton of ton of items so

This is uh a really really fun uh way to sort our items you’ll see here I got lect turns with kind of like what items are being sorted into each section so if I’m ever like uh where is like the wool items oh yeah they’re down

Here I also kind of put a lot of thought into how I wanted these to sort like Redstone items nether items are down here you know all the colored blocks uh all the dyes they’re down here all the wood all the main building blocks they’re down here you know and then over

Here we have bulk item orders with shulker boxes so we have shulker box loaders here um shulker box loaders with Shuler boxes beneath them and then they get spit out into these so you’ll see here we got tons of like Netherrack and we even have empty ones

Here just in case we want to start bulk sorting other items for example if we want to put other farms in this area we’ll be able to autoc connect them let’s take a step out here but really this Farm is just an insane amount of of uh water streams that’s how we’re

Sorting most of the items and so it’s just item movement with water streams that’s like 90% of the farm is you know the impulse SV kind of item sorder with water streams pushing the items and yes it takes a lot of time to figure out stuff like this um but I

Have a tutorial for stuff like this on my channel so if you you know are curious uh how to build something like this then check out those videos on my channel cuz it’s not that crazy so you’ll see now where we’re at uh in comparison to my base over there so we

Can put some items in the system and I’ll show you how it works this is the input there’s an input chest up there on the top layer if we put in some items here um we also have a Shuler box unloader right here that’s what this is and this is a Shuler box

Loader I don’t know if you can hear the Pokemon song we got going on here but I’ve got a little clock here and a device that when items are going around the System we got a little Pokémon song that plays here just on a Loop very fun um so yeah this is how I know that items are being sorted I think that’s the tough part of doing a item sorder like this is that if items are being sorted or going around you don’t really want to leave the system um it can mess up the sorder

So I have a little song that plays when items are being sorted sorry it’s probably confusing cuz I’m also listening to music in another tab or I have background music on in another tab but yeah that’s how this thing works you’ll see the items go around the top layer then they’ll fall

Down to the second layer so on and so Forth Bunches of item sords so this was a massive build um that what are you doing this is a massive build that my friend Hoover helped me with and we kind of combined a lot of our items to make this happen and it’s been uh it’s been really

Cool it’s very much been a fun and worthwhile project boy what are you doing oh I stepped on the pressure plate for the I was like I didn’t put anything in the system um but yeah it’s been been a great project let’s see can I make this

Jump no that’s okay I also have so I have two item feeds I have one down here on the bottom floor we can feed items into and then I have one on the top floor so we’ve looked at the bottom floor this is the bottom floor and then

Here in the middle we’ll go to the top floor this is the main control panel right here we have all the items that can’t be sorted uh we have some more item sorters up here for like miscellaneous items that you just typically don’t get a lot of or

You’re not going to want to sort very often like raw gold you just typically aren’t going to have more than a few stacks of that sea pickles stuff like that um over here you can I this is where I spend a lot of my time now so I

Have like shulker boxes ender pearls random odds and ends uh you know Brewing stands got my beacons as decorations I got a bunch of random Sher boxes over here right now cuz again this is where I spend a lot of my time now we got all the coral blocks you can

See items going around here and then these are just empty for the new items that are going to be coming out in the next update or items that I haven’t sorted yet items that don’t get sorted they go here currently so these are some of the items

That are skipping the Sorting like their items are going too fast so I can feed them back in um if I need to or the items that uh maybe I have way too much of like these I’m not going to weigh Shuler boxes on this this would be six

Shulker boxes I don’t have a Shuler box Farm yet or I don’t have like unlimited Shuler boxes so kind of doing some bulk sorting over here and then this Wing currently is just empty but we’re going to be setting up some more bulk storage um over there eventually for stuff like the

Nether rack and whatnot uh if I ever need it don’t know if I’m ever going to need it on this world um but this is like one of the first worlds that I’ve been kind of play play late game in in a really long time um I have

A tendency to to play on a world for a while and then uh kind of get over it and shift to something else or start another world this is a world that I’ve been playing on now for almost a year if not if not a year yeah not quite a year

11 months and it is just been really rewarding playing on here so I hope that I can keep working on here for a little bit longer and keep um keep kind of making stuff because it’s been very fun down here we have soul soil by the way this is how I’m

Moving so fast um I have shift sneak as well but yeah we can we can move pretty fast with the speed and with the soul Soul Sand uh with soul speed on my boots which is nice the most recent thing that I’ve done uh is I’ve been working on the ne

Hub and to make that happen I needed a cactus farm for green die so we got a giant cactus farm here you can see over there is where I collect a lot of my wood and we’re going to be putting a building around this place eventually

That is going to Marvel the uh the Coliseum over here um so we’re at that point in the game where I can just kind of focus on uh building cool stuff which is always a really fun part of the uh of the Minecraft kind of experience I believe that is the entire world that you guys kind of need to see there’s a few other odds and ends like hey this is the desert there a portal to it that I M my my sand in but I think that’s all the exciting things that is worth showing

Off today all these projects are very much still work work in progress but uh that’s what I really like about about Minecraft is that I can you know put the on the game for a while and come back and pick it up again and start off making something cool uh once

Again so anyway guys that’s where we’re going to end the stream um thank you guys so much for watching we are getting super close to the um holiday you know season if you’re celebrating Hanukkah happy Hanukkah we’re getting close to Christmas which I celebrate um which is exciting and then

Of course the New Year always could bring new things and always you know it’s like we should live every day as if it’s the new year every day is an opportunity need to do something that to set new goals to better ourselves to do things we want to do um but I usually

Take that time to reflect and I I take it very personally and try to try to take some time to figure out what I want to do which is why a lot of times I’ll set goals for that new year um and I’ll typically keep them going for a while some sometimes I

Stop sometimes I don’t it just depends this year I wanted to do more creative things I did that um I did painting for 3 months had a lot of fun with that um I was like doing art commissions I wanted to do model cars and like Legos and stuff like like step

Away from the computer and do creative projects I did that this year and also did more writing and drawing which I wanted to do um so you know even though like my professional kind of career was not enjoyable this year my creative career outside of outside of work was um

Was great so I’m happy about that um thank you guys so much for for watching if you want to ever know more about me or if you have any questions or anything please put them in the comment section below I would love love love love to

Read comments from you guys and to chat um and hopefully I can do more streams in the future if you want more streams like this please please like let me know um it’s it’s work it is work to stream but if I know that there’s people that

Are going to be enjoying it I don’t mind doing a little bit of work so thank you guys so much for watching and I’ll catch you guys in the next one see you later Guys World

This video, titled ‘Year-Long Update Server Tour: Vanilla Minecraft 1.20.4 (December 16, 2023)’, was uploaded by jblader on 2023-12-17 11:59:08. It has garnered 24 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:46:33 or 2793 seconds.

Come and say nice things, ask questions, be happy 🙂

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    "Minecraft Rap Artist Drops Sick Villager Beat" #trap #creeper #musicVideo Information This video, titled ‘moye moye villager #music #rap #artist #lyrics #trap #song #minecraft #creeper #play’, was uploaded by Minecraft dude on 2023-12-29 17:15:04. It has garnered 5 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:21 or 21 seconds. Read More

  • PvP Network

    PvP NetworkPvP Network Factions, Events & more Discord: https://discord.gg/ESdZNG8VWy Store: https://veikals.pvp.lv/ mc.pvp.lv Read More

  • Warped SMP Semi-Vanilla 1.20+ Java & Bedrock 15+ Hermitcraft-inspired Whitelist

    Welcome to Warped SMP About Us Welcome to Warped SMP! We are a hermitcraft-inspired server that aims to provide a true vanilla experience. With a dedicated community of players over the past 4 years, we welcome new members to join our friendly and welcoming community. Server last reset 2 months ago with no plans for another reset in the near future. Our priority is to maintain a stable environment for our players to work on their builds and projects without the fear of a reset looming over them. Explore More – 📜 Discord Invite – 📷 Instagram Account (Screenshot gallery)… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – No, diamonds before homework!

    I guess the only thing more impressive than this meme’s score is the fact that someone found a way to incorporate Minecraft into their homework. Read More