Episode 1 – PERFECT START! | Minecraft Bedrock Guide 1.20

Video Information

Today is a very special day because I am kicking off the brand new Bedrock guide Minecraft 1.20 series on my channel and before we dive in I do want to go over a couple of different things I don’t want to assume that everybody knows so just in case you don’t Minecraft has two

Versions of the game there is Minecraft Java Edition which is the original PC version of Minecraft and then there is Minecraft Bedrock Edition labeled Minecraft for Windows in the Minecraft launcher you might notice that they don’t actually say Bedrock Edition underneath the logo but this is the common terminology for the version of

Minecraft that’s playable on PC gaming consoles and mobile devices this is the version of Minecraft that we will be covering so go ahead and click play when you’re ready over the course of the Bedrock guide we will cover everything from the basics down to the most technical things that you can think of

To the best of my ability and we’re gonna have a lot of fun building a really cool world at the same time before we launch launch into the world you might take note that we are playing in Survival on the hardest difficulty with a couple extra settings we’re gonna

Turn off fire spreads because I do plan on building some things in this world that I don’t want to catch on fire something to keep in mind if you’re a more technical player there are some drawbacks to turning off this setting when it comes to certain Farms but rest

Assured there are ways to work around that and protect your builds at the same time I’m also gonna bump up the simulation distance to 12 chunks so that we can get the most out of our render and simulation distance multiplayer is turned off because this is going to be a solo

We’re using any resource or behavior packs at least for the time being so that everybody can get the same experience from the start regard regardless if you were on PC console or mobile and we’re all leave off experiments as much as I would love to have experimental cameras it’s

Just not gonna happen right now and before we hit that create button I do want you to know as well I do have the seed picked out for this world I’ve done a little bit of research of the world so that I could figure out my build

Locations and things like that but I don’t know where the end portal is so I’m keeping that seed a secret just for the time being and it’ll be revealed at a later date okay I think that’s it let’s go ahead and hit that create button and we are diving in to the

Bedrock guide there is something about being in a brand new world that’s so nostalgic seeing that Sunrise Over the Horizon and the terror that instantly sets in knowing that as soon as it gets over there the bad things start coming out so before that happens we’re gonna go ahead and start Gathering some

Resources if you are brand new to Minecraft this is the very first thing you want to do in the game you’re going to want to find a tree doesn’t matter what kind of tree find any tree inside and punch it you need wood to get resources and you need resources to

Survive 5. that is the overarching goal of our series is to learn how to survive in Minecraft but for the episode goals we have three in mind git tools get food and get light we have the light right now but that’s quickly gonna go away but

Let’s focus on the tools for the moment I’ve just made a crafting table and in the crafting table we have a three by three Square where we can craft tools and any resources possible in the game it’s absolutely amazing get a crafting table I’m gonna take some Oak planks

Here that I just got from my oak logs and I’m gonna make some sticks normally I would suggest two main tools to start out with a wood ax and a wood pickaxe but we have lucked out in this seed there was a whole bunch of stone around

Here so we’re actually just gonna skip ahead a little bit if you don’t have stone available go ahead and get that wood ax but for now wooden pickaxe that’s all we’re gonna need to get started I’m gonna roll over here and I’m just gonna mine out a few pieces of

Stone and we’re gonna jump ahead in the game within the first few minutes and I absolutely love this it’s Gonna Get Us situated a little bit quicker but again if you’re not so lucky to have found a patch of stone on the surface right at

Spawn and then you might have to wait a little bit either way get some tools and upgrade them as fast as you can I’m gonna go for a stone pickaxe and a stone ax as you progress through the game you’re going to find more materials that will allow your tool tools to last

Longer and work faster so the fact that we can skip past Wood Tools right away at the very beginning of the game I’m not mad about it for the moment we’re actually good on tools but we’re not good on food thankfully I’ve seen a few food sources wandering around this area

Oh hey there Mr Cow if we take our brand new stone ax and give the cow cow and some leather both are very useful in Minecraft there are also pigs and there are chickens and we can also find sheep sheep are okay for a food source but the more important resource

This early in the game is their wool now that I have tools and a food source I need some light we’re about halfway through the Minecraft day and we haven’t got a whole lot accomplished just yet in order to get light you can do a few

Different things if you get so lucky as me you might find some coal in the world but if you’re not so lucky we will talk in another episode about where to find this resource because it is highly valuable and needed to survive light is hugely important in the game because it

Keeps the monsters away at night I can put some sticks and some coal into my crafting interface and create some torches and as long as I place these torches down semi-close to where I want to be nothing bad can spawn as long as there is light now something could spawn

Over there and find its way over here the light’s not gonna keep them away but it will prevent any spawns from happening anywhere the light touches a Minecraft day lasts for 20 minutes you’ve got 10 minutes of daylight and 10 minutes of Darkness because we are already probably seven minutes into the

Minecraft day we don’t have long but as you can see we don’t have enough resources to build anything so we really only have three options at this point we can dig a hole in the ground and just wait there for the night to pass I can

Find a couple more sheep to get enough wool to make a bed or if you look around hard enough you might find something that I’m seeing out there on the horizon I’m a little scared right now because the Moon is coming up the monsters are about to spawn and we are not close

Enough to that Village over there to get there before dark but we’re gonna make a run for it I’m not gonna lie in my preparations for this series I thought there was a village closer I think it might be over here somewhere but I don’t

Know I can’t find it so we’re gonna make a break for it as soon as that sun falls below the Horizon we’re gonna see some zombies we’re gonna see some skeletons we’re gonna see some creepers and spiders and all the things things you just don’t want to run into there they

Are right there I am unprotected at this point I am very hungry so I’m gonna stop for just a moment we’re gonna light this up just to be safe and I’m gonna eat you may notice that you have a health bar and a hunger bar at the bottom of your

Screen your health bar will deplete when you take fall damage or when you get hit by one of the monsters so just be careful you also will not be able to replenish your health if your hunger bar Falls too low so it’s important to balance your health and your hunger to

Make sure that you stay alive oh those are baby zombie villagers we gotta run because they’re very fast and there’s he’s gonna start shooting at me let’s get inside one of these houses as fast as possible because there are beds inside of a village we don’t have to

Craft one they’re ready made for us I think we’re safe what oh no let’s get this guy because we want to protect the village we don’t want any of our villagers to get hurt leaving friend okay we’re gonna break into this house we’re gonna kick this guy out of

His bed and we’re gonna sleep the night away and the morning will come you might start noticing if there are any bad guys around the zombies and the skeletons will burn in the daylight so they will take care of themselves it is important to note that creepers they do not burn

In the daylight and they get so close and so happy to see you that they get so excited and explode so just don’t be in the blast radius if that happens be careful of these guys circling back to food for a moment raw meat is not the

Best way to live but if you do find a village a lot of times they have very useful crops and these farmers are going to go ahead and replant this stuff but I’m gonna go ahead and steal it before he can go ahead you’re fine it’s always

Nice to If you happen to steal from the village make sure you replant it it’s not necessary but you don’t want to make these guys mad they’re going to help you out later in the game you might also stumble upon a loot chest inside of the tillage inside you might find some food

Also very helpful and some other valuables don’t tell these guys but I’m gonna steal this bed this is mine thank you now anywhere that we go in the world as long as I have this bed on me if it starts to get dark I can sleep and cancel all of those monsters from

Spawning and that is how we get the most light possible just completely skipping the night altogether I think this Village is pretty exhausted I’m gonna go look for the one that I think I know about and while we’re traveling the great thing about finding crops in a

Village like that is these carrots for example are a great day one or day A2 food source because you don’t have to cook them and whenever you find a spot to settle down you can plant them and reproduce as many carrots as you can imagine same goes for wheat and potatoes

And beetroot but carrots are actually just the easiest Food Source on day one if you get lucky to find one go ahead and get as many as possible if you’re not lucky enough to find a village on day one or two there are ways to find

Some of these crops in the wild for example if you go over here and punch grass you might not get anything the first time or the second time or the third time or the fourth time or the fifth time just punch it a lot of times and eventually

You’re gonna find a seed if you take this seed and plant it you’re gonna get some wheat wheat will actually help you out in a number of different ways that we’ll talk about in the very next episode when we cover the best food sources in Minecraft in the early game

Again if you’re watching this episode and you’re a seasoned Minecraft player I hope you’re here just for the fun and the entertainment in the community because we will get to some more technical things later on in the season but for anybody that’s new this is really good stuff to know I’m gonna take

A few things from these Villages but for the most part I’m probably just gonna leave it all alone oh my goodness I did not expect this I found diamonds in episode one I am going to make you a promise right now I’m not gonna use this I’m not gonna use

This quite yet and I’m not gonna use this quite yet we’re gonna take him just for good measure because they’re here it would be silly to Lee to hind but I promise you use diamonds as a of the first episode and we will never touch them after that the first diamonds

That I want to find for tools I want to find legitimately not that that’s not legitimate like that’s a really cool way to find diamonds and what a nice surprise but I do want to walk you guys through the method of how to find diamonds in the world because diamonds

Are hugely important to your survival in this game oh no let’s get out of here as quick as possible so many things to talk about if you find yourself getting into a little bit of trouble in snow this is powdered snow as opposed to regular snow you will fall through powdered snow and

You will freeze to death if you’re not careful and look at that it is just flying the day has gone by again we are already down to and it’s time to sleep again but this time we’re gonna go ahead and sleep before any of the monsters come out just

So we can skip all that unpleasantness oh beautiful morning no zombies no skeletons no problem actually I see a zombie right there how did you get there how’d you get there I did see a creeper around here so we’re gonna be very careful oh there he is hi I’m gonna

Actually go inside this house right here and we’re just gonna sit here and hope that he goes away and in the meantime my ax is about to run out and I do kind of want to keep my tools as a memory from episode one and we’re gonna keep some

Special things throughout the series so I’m gonna go ahead and craft a brand new ax to protect myself and now this one I don’t really care if it breaks that’s fine oh I still hear you you’re right over here I still hear you don’t worry I

Know you’re there we’re gonna make a run for it are you ready three two one go Oh did you see that there’s another creeper literally right there yikes hi buddy thankfully for me creepers can’t jump they can’t climb they really can only go up one block at a time like anything else so we’re pretty safe as long as we stay clear of

Them I do want to explore these houses just a little bit more to see if there’s anything valuable we can take with us and then we’ll head on our way to where we’re going to settle down at least for the first stretch of this series hi

My goodness so you just got to see firsthand what happens when a creeper explodes I am so sorry was this your house I’m so sorry Here you go let’s get inside now right sorry guys okay okay I think that’s enough of the for now if I’m remembering my directions correctly the spawn point is over this direction and I believe my build site is going to be just over this hill yes we’re headed the right

Direction we actually passed by my build site a little bit earlier in the episode right at the very beginning on the first day and here we are this is where we’re going to be building our first Little Village to get us by until we get enough resources to build something a little

Bit bigger and this site is perfect for many reasons it is a wide open flat space with very little terrain variation it’s gonna be easy to build something in this area we have a beautiful view of the mountain range behind us there’s a ruined nether portal right over there

That we may use for our first trip into The Nether there’s another surprise or two in this general area that will leave concealed for another episode and most importantly we have several locations with water sources there’s the ocean over there there’s a nice little river I think there’s some water right over here

Yeah there’s some water right there but that’s a little bit too far away from where I want to be so we’re going to go ahead and migrate over to this part of the plains biome and before we end this episode I’m gonna take a minute to get a

Few things gathered together and this will be our first place where we camp out really quick I’m gonna create a stone hoe and right next to this water down here I’m going to right click on the grass and it’s going to create farmland and as long as you’re within

Four blocks of any water source it will saturate this Farmland so that you can plant crops here and they will grow and grow and grow as mentioned earlier in the episode the things that we need are tools which we have a food source which we have a source of Light which we also

Have and a way to pass the night so that we can completely skip the darkness altogether I think we’re doing pretty good while I’m waiting on all of these crops and this sugar cane to grow it’s not a bad idea to go ahead and get a little bit organized we’ve got a little

Bit of time the sun is just coming up I don’t really have a shelter yet I’m not gonna worry about it quite yet I know some people do that day one they build little houses but I’m gonna wait until I’ve got a few more resources before I

Get into the building phase we’re just not quite there yet earlier in the episode I mentioned that you could punch any tree it doesn’t matter you can get wood from any type of tree in the game but the cool thing about 1.20 is that they introduced a brand new tree type to

The game and oh my goodness is it beautiful I want to show you the the absolute largest largest cherry tree biome you’re ever gonna see in any Minecraft world are you ready we’re gonna get so much wood from this oh my word one tree Minecraft you did me

Dirty I’m gonna leave that there for now I’m sure we’ll harvest the wood from it at some point and replant a few more trees there because I really do want to explore all of the new features and items to get in the new update but that’s just too perfect to do anything

With right now we gotta leave it alone I’m still waiting on these crops to grow and I’m gonna tell you it’s gonna take a while but while we’re waiting I want to show you one more quick early game tip that might help you to stay alive just a

Little bit longer if you can find some coal and we craft some sticks we can take sticks logs and coal to make a campfire and if we put this campfire down on the ground just like that not only is this a great source of light you

Can take raw meat and put it right there on the campfire and it will cook it up for you in a matter of seconds and it requires no source of fuel at all that one piece of coal is going to last a lifetime this is the best way to cook

Meat in the early game there’s just no way around it if you happen to be a little short on coal or you don’t have any at all you can always craft a furnace out of eight Cobblestone and don’t scream at me in the comments section for doing this I know there’s

Multiple ways to get charcoal early game but the simplest way just take a log here analog there it’s gonna burn through that log relatively quickly but it’s going to spit out one charcoal for you I’m honestly okay sacrificing two logs to get a campfire once you’ve had a

Little bit of time to settle in it’s not a bad idea to go ahead and get the essentials that you’ll need pretty much everywhere you’re gonna go always good to have a pickaxe a sword a shovel an ax a decent source of food and some torches we’ve accomplished all three of our

Goals today I’ve got tools I’ve got food and I’ve got light as you can see the crops are starting to grow we’ve got some wheat we’ve got some potatoes the carrots are getting there I think there’s a beetroot in here somewhere I had one seed and the sugar cane is

Growing everything is going smoothly and the last thing I want to do before we call it an episode I found a blue flower there’s plenty of them around I’m gonna put it into the crafting table to make some blue dye and then I’m going to combine the bed with the blue dye to

Make a blue bed and now we really do have the perfect start in Minecraft survival if you enjoyed this video don’t forget to subscribe don’t forget to like the video and don’t forget to comment I would love to see some topics you would you would see covered

In the season of the Bedrock guide anything is fair game but for now thank you so much for watching I hope you enjoyed and we’ll see you in the next one

This video, titled ‘Episode 1 – PERFECT START! | Minecraft Bedrock Guide 1.20’, was uploaded by BluJay on 2023-07-20 14:00:41. It has garnered 8141 views and 684 likes. The duration of the video is 00:18:14 or 1094 seconds.

The ALL NEW Minecraft Bedrock Guide is LAUNCHING TODAY! Covered in this series is the version of Minecraft available on PC, Console and Mobile Devices. In this episode, discover ways to survive the first night and beyond in Minecraft Bedrock Edition. Craft early game tools, find early game food sources, and settle down in your first location with this Guide to a perfect start.

#Minecraft #MinecraftBedrockGuide #bedrockguide #minecraftsurvival

Chapters: 00:00 Intro and Settings 02:18 Surviving Day 1 05:41 Nightfall 07:42 Sunrise 08:05 Villages 13:07 Selecting a Build Site 14:52 Settling into the World

Patreon: http://patreon.com/BluJayGames Discord: https://discord.gg/tdGx6u4 Follow me on Twitter: @BluJayGames Follow me on Instagram @BluJayMC

BluJay Games is an Official Partner of Nodecraft and they have graciously provided our Patreon / YouTube Members Servers! If you’d like to start your own server, use my creator code for the best deal!

Sign up at https://nodecraft.com/r/blujaygames and get crafting with your friends! Creator Code: blujaygames


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    Server IP: StraightUp.Minecraft.Best Watch our trailer Located in Dallas, USA Join us on Discord: Discord Link About Straight Up: Founded in April 2019, Straight Up is a small anarchy server focused on a laid-back survival experience. PvP and griefing are allowed, with no land claims or protections. Stable server performance. No world resets. Enjoy minor quality of life changes and an effective anticheat system. Just Straight Up survival Minecraft. Read More

  • Torture Chamber SMP

    Torture Chamber SMPwelcome to the torture chamber smpanyone can just enter the IP and join! no need for verificationour server is 1.12.2 which is pretty coolwe dont have any rules besides dont grief and dont be an edgelordhave fun! Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “Unpopular opinion: Just noticed this Minecraft change”

    “I guess you could say this meme has some serious Minecraft levels of popularity!” Read More

  • Piglin vs Hoglin: Unboxing Battle Royale!

    Piglin vs Hoglin: Unboxing Battle Royale! In the world of Minecraft, a new trend has begun, Unboxing Piglin Vs Hoglin, it’s all in good fun. Riyaan shares his love for these toys so cute, Kids everywhere are sure to give a hoot. With each unboxing video, more joy to spread, Minecraft fans rejoice, no need to dread. The Piglin and Hoglin, a battle to see, In Riyaan’s world, it’s all about glee. Stay tuned for more unboxings, coming your way, Minecraft madness, every single day. Trending and viral, a sight to behold, In the world of gaming, stories untold. Read More

  • Hot diggity Minecraft memes!

    Hot diggity Minecraft memes! “Why did the creeper go to therapy? Because it had too much TNTsion!” Read More

  • Crafty Minecraft Shenanigans

    Crafty Minecraft Shenanigans Welcome to the World of Minecraft: Vijivaniyani Yorvordik in Uzbek Exploring the Vijivaniya Qilamiza Embark on a thrilling adventure in the world of Minecraft with the Uzbek-language Let’s Play video showcasing the majestic Vijivaniya Qilamiza. Dive into the immersive experience with stunning shaders that bring the game to life! Discovering Shaders in Minecraft Uncover the beauty of shaders in Minecraft as you delve into the Uzbek-language gameplay. Spend hours exploring the vast landscapes and intricate details with the latest shaders for a truly captivating experience! Immersive Gameplay with Shaders Experience Minecraft like never before with shaders enabled in this… Read More

  • Insane Church Build & Mob Farm in Minecraft 1.20!

    Insane Church Build & Mob Farm in Minecraft 1.20!Video Information This video, titled ‘Building a Church on the Island Base & Mob Farm – Survival Minecraft 1.20’, was uploaded by Jagiero on 2024-05-26 19:39:57. It has garnered 1775 views and 85 likes. The duration of the video is 00:21:31 or 1291 seconds. In today’s episode I build a simple quick and easy mob farm at spawn, then add a church to the island base! But this is a special church, a local church for local people, and it has.. a secret! —– Twitter: http://twitter.com/Jagiero Instagram: http://instagram.com/jagiero —– Shaders: Complimentary Reimagined #minecraft #survival #church Read More

  • Kidnapped & Tied to Rail: Scary Train Eater vs JJ in Minecraft

    Kidnapped & Tied to Rail: Scary Train Eater vs JJ in MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Scary TRAIN EATER Kidnapped MIKEY and TIED UP to RAIL vs JJ in Minecraft Maizen!’, was uploaded by Myzen TV on 2024-03-17 12:04:55. It has garnered 7206 views and 28 likes. The duration of the video is 00:10:04 or 604 seconds. in Minecraft Video compilation you will see: 👉Maizen Original Channel – @maizenofficial 🔥 Press like to this video and subscribe to my channel, bro ! Write in the comments who you like Maizen or Mikey? 😅 This channel contains the best compilations of minecraft videos by Maizen TV! Read More

  • 🔥 INSANE Minecraft Chaos with Thuong GrayVN!

    🔥 INSANE Minecraft Chaos with Thuong GrayVN!Video Information This video, titled ‘Thời Gian Bất Ổn #minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by Thuong GrayVN on 2024-05-11 13:35:11. It has garnered 165614 views and 15996 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:48 or 48 seconds. Idea by Toan MC Join this channel as a member to enjoy privileges: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC2GmtmrLRRSGem7t0NYmYBw/join Everyone watching the video, if you find it interesting, please give it a like and share. Subscribe to support me: https://www.youtube.com/@thuonggrayvn —————————————­—————- ▶𝙁𝙖𝙘𝙚𝙗𝙤𝙤𝙠: https://www.facebook.com/thuonggrayvien/ ▶𝙁𝙖𝙘𝙚𝙗𝙤𝙤𝙠 Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/2077505195751108/?ref=share ▶TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@thuonggrayvn/ ▶𝘿𝙞𝙨𝙘𝙤𝙧𝙙 Server: https://discord.com/invite/xrbRdjDG9x ————————————————– —– #ThuongGrayVN #Minecraft #MinecraftSinhTon #SinhTon #Survival #MinecraftSurvival #Hardcore #farming #Wonderzoo #MinecraftSoThu #MinecraftZoo #minecraft100days ——————— ———————————- ©… Read More

  • Unleashing the Enderghost in The End!

    Unleashing the Enderghost in The End!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Survival: Transforming The End “The Enderghost, Power of the End”‘, was uploaded by Joey James on 2024-01-13 13:07:38. It has garnered 31 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 01:12:41 or 4361 seconds. I hope you enjoy this episode of Minecraft. I’m working hard to put out more content that will only get better. I hope everyone will come along on the journey with me as I get better and recording, editing, and building! I look forward to showing everyone what I have to offer in the future. {Key Details} 00:00… Read More

  • Le.Le7 – Opponent’s shoes make video end | Minecraft

    Le.Le7 - Opponent's shoes make video end | MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft doch das Video endet, wenn der Gegner Dia Schuhe hat #minecraft #minecraftshorts #gaming’, was uploaded by Le.Le7 on 2024-03-31 19:12:35. It has garnered 9747 views and 369 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:33 or 33 seconds. #minecraftmemes #gamingshorts #challenge #gameplay #community #minecraft #minecraftshorts Read More

  • Epic Survival in Modded World: Insane Interior/Exterior!

    Epic Survival in Modded World: Insane Interior/Exterior!Video Information This video, titled ‘Surviving modded: Interior, Exterior!’, was uploaded by Speeling on 2024-05-15 01:18:00. It has garnered 80 views and 12 likes. The duration of the video is 04:05:19 or 14719 seconds. We’re jumping into modded minecraft for a bunch of fun to have fun exploring and mischief! Read More

  • Insane Highlights from Twitch Rivals Minecraft!

    Insane Highlights from Twitch Rivals Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘Twitch Rivals #minecraft #twitch’, was uploaded by GHGClips on 2024-04-19 19:51:15. It has garnered 72 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:31 or 31 seconds. Read More

  • Incredible: Custom Armor for Every Enchantment in Hardcore Minecraft!

    Incredible: Custom Armor for Every Enchantment in Hardcore Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘I Made Custom Armor for Every Enchantment in Minecraft Hardcore…’, was uploaded by Corinthius on 2024-05-31 16:00:32. It has garnered 12880 views and 893 likes. The duration of the video is 00:42:48 or 2568 seconds. Come to join this new top-tier MMORPG available both on PC & Mobile: #Tarisland https://tarislandua.onelink.me/ZE21/mfzmgy3h I made custom armor for every enchantment in minecraft hardcore… I did this by mining tons of diamonds to craft suits of diamond armor, mining ancient debris and gold to turn them into netherite armor, then used the trims from the 1.20 update to give… Read More

  • Herobrine Returns in Heart-Wrenching Minecraft Animation!

    Herobrine Returns in Heart-Wrenching Minecraft Animation!Video Information This video, titled ‘minecraft emotional animation #shorts #trendingshorts’, was uploaded by herobrine San on 2024-01-09 10:04:06. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. about this video minecraft emotional animation minecraft animation,minecraft,animation,minecraft shorts,monster school … Read More

  • Realm of Kings

    Realm of KingsStep into a world steeped in the rich tapestry of medieval times, where knights roam the land, kingdoms rise and fall, and epic adventures await. Welcome to Realm of Kings SMP, a Minecraft server that immerses you in an enchanting medieval experience like no other. Start your kingdom with many players and explore the unexplored world **BEDROCK INFO** IP: roksmp.com Port: 19132 roksmp.com:63003 Read More

  • Fabulous Miners SMP Whitelisted Java & Bedrock Non-toxic 1.20.X

    Welcome to our Whitelisted Minecraft Server! My name is Alfred and 3 weeks ago I opened up a server for me and my friends to play on. The server now welcomes anyone (Java & Bedrock users) who can contribute with positivity and kindness 🙂 Features: Enhanced vanilla mechanism (sethome, tpa) Levelling system to unlock new perks/commands Fishing system with new fish (no custom resource pack required) Personal harvester hoe with autoreplant, autosell etc Server shop and player chest shops All mobs drop their heads for collection We want to keep the server simple yet enjoyable, with limited features. If you’re… Read More

  • Helvetia Network

    Helvetia NetworkHelvetia Network: JAVA & BEDROCK (crossplay)Earth towny PVP|PVE 2 worlds economy and more!Server Info:- 2 Earths One PvE And One PvP Both Connected- Pve Server Focuses On Crafting Farming Building Economy Social Growing Towns And Nations Property Markets Making Supplys To Sell To The PvP War Factions While Growing Your Own Empire The Way You Like- PvP Server Focuses On Fighting Players Over Land Resources Spite Land Claiming Over Throwing Regimes And Looting Full On War And Sieges On Who Can Dominate The Earth While Unloading Loot Back Home In Your PvE Capitol And Restocking On Pots Armor Weps And… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “Shotguns in Minecraft?? 🤔”

    Minecraft Memes - "Shotguns in Minecraft?? 🤔"I guess Minecraft players want to take their pixelated cow hunting game to the next level! Read More

  • Snowstorm Showdown: Duolingo Boss Battle!

    Snowstorm Showdown: Duolingo Boss Battle! In the world of Minecraft, where mods run wild, Snowstorms and Duolingo Boss, a challenge compiled. Players brave the elements, facing the frost, Learning new languages, no matter the cost. Fabulas do Luar, the channel to see, With stories and adventures, for you and me. From Jack and the Beanstalk to Cinderella’s cat, Each tale told with heart, imagine that. The Adventures of Super Baby, flying high, The Ugly Duckling, finding its sky. Mafalda and Dora, on a journey so grand, The Incredible Adventure of Jesus, in the sand. But let’s not forget, the Minecraft tale, A world of… Read More

  • Hot Villager Alert 🔥😂

    Hot Villager Alert 🔥😂 When you accidentally hit a Minecraft villager and suddenly the whole village turns against you like a mob of angry soccer moms at a Black Friday sale. #oops #sorrynotsorry #minecraftdrama Read More

  • Gamepass Challenge in Minecraft City – Day 2

    Gamepass Challenge in Minecraft City - Day 2 Exploring the Minecraft Gamepass Challenge – Day 2 Introduction The Minecraft Gamepass Challenge continues to captivate audiences as players delve into the intricacies of this virtual world. Day 2 brings new adventures, challenges, and surprises for participants to navigate. Live Streams and Events The action unfolds on Twitch, where viewers can tune in to the live streams hosted by TheGuill84. The channel offers a mix of gameplay, commentary, and interactive events that keep fans engaged and entertained. Platforms and Social Media In addition to Twitch, TheGuill84 maintains a strong presence across various social media platforms. From YouTube to Twitter,… Read More

Episode 1 – PERFECT START! | Minecraft Bedrock Guide 1.20