Escape Aether to Overworld! Can you do it?

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So I’m more than say that you’ve probably heard of a mod called the aper before right if not here’s a bit of a brief summary of exactly what it is just in case you’ve been living under a rock the AA mod actually adds a brand new dimension to Minecraft which can be

Accessed by creating a glowstone portal much like how we create an obsidian portal to travel to the nether Dimension but instead of using a flint and steel to actually light it use a bucket of water to actually activate it don’t ask me why is that it’s just that okay now

Why do this all come about for well the AA mod just recently got updated to the modern version of Minecraft and I wanted to actually try it out so I just took it upon myself to create a mod pack with a few added extra sprinkles on top that

Literally spawns you in the AA Dimension from the Geto so without further Ado my name is Dan Ros PRS and I’m going to go ahead and try and escape the AA and get back to the Overworld Dimension all on Hardcore so we’re going to get things started off by creating the actual world

That I’m going to be trying to beat this on and first of all I’m falling to my death and luckily whenever you go into the AA Dimension you actually get given a golden parachute so yeah that actually broke my fall and I landed on these little air clouds they’re called and

These things actually break your fall anyway so yeah all in all I’m very lucky that these like kind of cloud blocks were actually here but the problem is I need to actually get on top of an island and the only way I could see that I

Could get up was actually by going up this water stream that was just here so yeah I could say hi to the camera and I also spotted this little dude on a way up he didn’t look very nice but then when I broke this when I got to the top

I actually spotted an anchor plant now these things are very very rare because they can actually drop anchor petals I think they’re called and you can use them to essentially tame a mower which we’ll see later on but anyway I needed to get some wood I needed to get some

Basic kind of things like food here from berries and I can make some sticks and a crafting table and then I can make myself a skyroot sword deal with a few of the sweats that around and actually take out this thing I actually got two

Petals out of that which is quite a rare thing but now I can actually get some other basic tools so I got a skyroot pickaxe and a skyroot axe I I got shot one by one of those clouds and they actually push you and then I decide to

Go ahead and kill a few of the local animals because I need to get some wool and I also need to get some lever and I remembered quick soil is a thing oh my God yes and then I spotted some Holly Stone so I used this um to my advantage and

Actually started Gathering it to actually upgrade my tools so yeah I can start ditching the wooden variants now I can actually mine these Cloud blocks if I actually need them and I also spoted there was some veridium ore here so I started to gather that and as I was

Gathering uh the rest of this stuff um a sweat decided to uh basically grab me and pulled me up in the sky which was a bit of a scary sight I made a furnace with the Holly Stone and I actually started to have a bit of a look around

Around what else was around on this little island I spawned on and there was another one of these plants here in the exact same spot there we go I’ve got three of them already which is pretty awesome now you can also make um wooden buckets as well

On the AA mod which is really nice so you can actually gather water and now I can use this water to my advantage by climbing up mountains and it will obviously break my fool gather up some oats from those like kind of like white grass plant things and yeah you can make

Some muffins and you don’t actually need to cook the muffins and then I can actually use this as a bit of a early game food source a little bit more exploration and I’ve spotted some ambrosian ore here and this is almost like the kind of coal of the aper I’m

Going to call it and yeah you can use this to fuel a alter and you can also use it to craft torches so yeah I’m going to gather the rest of this up and now that’s all gathered up I can actually jump down and I spot some

Zanite or as well which is a pretty pretty rare and very nice that I’ve actually spotted this at the start and now I can actually go ahead and make the old which these ambrosian shards are mainly use for which is basically enchanting and repairing gear I took it

Upon myself as the berries were actually enchanting to go and get some more berries cuz they are a very good food source when they are enchanted and yeah I stumbled across another one of those anchor plants stumbled across a crystal tree as well which when you break the

Leaves of these they actually drop white apples which they can be used to cure a certain like poison on the AA and yeah there we go we got some Enchanted berries so these are those yellow berries in my hot bar yeah and they actually are pretty much on par with

Golden carrots I would say and I actually spotted a quail when I was mining these ambrosian shards as you can see you can actually use the water to kind of Traverse the uh landscape quite easily as I really mentioned and I’m on a hunt now for a little

Bunny and I’m actually spotted one straight away and now these things are great you can put them on your head and they actually kind of give you like a jump boost and they also give you slow falling which is quite nice but anyway I was after another one because I wanted

To kill it to get some string and this little feather was leading me to something very important a bronze dungeon yes this was almost like it was meant to be um but sorry bro you you have to die unfortunately I need that string because we using a lever and

String we can actually make a saddle in the AA which is really nice and I was on a hunt for a pig or a cow or something I could actually ride couldn’t find anything so I took it upon myself to just go inside the bronze dungeon and behold I found the

Slider we started to loot this little place and some chests can actually come alive so we got to be careful with that and look I actually discovered a bit of a sweat Cape which will prevent those sweats from actually attacking me kind of sort out a bit in my inventory do a

Bit more looting and when you hit things with the sword by the way there is a slight chance that you can get EMB brazing shards and yes these little uh creature things kind of like pop out of the ground so we got to be careful with

Them so I started lighting up the areas with torches and stuff and no matter what you do even if you put torches on mob spawners in this place it doesn’t seem to stop them spawning you can make a bed in this Dimension and actually go to sleep which is a very very strange

Mechanic so the next morning I decided to go for a bit more of a stroll as it was obviously daytime yeah I wanted to again kind of hunt down a B of a pig or some sort of cow or something and then behold I spotted this structure now this

Is like a Greek kind of Coliseum looking thing and this is actually the silver dungeon and hello Mr whale and hello Mr fig fug I don’t even know how you pronounce them it’s not Pig it’s a fug I’m not really too sure but anyway we

Could put a sadle on this thing and we could just essentially fly it without a carrot and stick so this is like a pig with wings this is so cool we uh found the entrance of this silver kind of dungeon I put my little fig fug here and

Basically I don’t want him to like run away because he’s obviously got a saddle on him and now I can start looting this place as well oh and yes valkyri is actually spawn in here as well and these things are not actually hostile and apparently they

Seem to think I’m a human I think they need to uh double check that but anyway we can actually get some nice loot in here and you probably want to more than likely actually go to visit one of these if you are going to check this mod out

Not only that it’s quite easy to loot the area you just got to be careful with these chest mimic things and this is a bit of a technique that I kept doing was luring these guys out and then killing them down here but eventually I will end

Up getting quite a little of loot out of this place and then I could kind of filter through what kind of things I actually want to keep now I will come back to this later but I’m totally not geared up yet the idea is you’re supposed to do the bronze then silver

Then gold and then Platinum dungeon okay so it kind of goes in a tier so basically what I’m doing is kind of gearing up before I attack cuz I’m a big wuss okay so now what we want on to hunt for is because I’ve actually got enough of those ankle plants is actually

Something called a mower now this is actually like a kind of ridable Big Bird ostrich thing and I could not believe the first one I freaking find on this actual world or playthrough or anything is the black one now this is supposedly the rarest type that actually exists and

Yeah this thing is actually really handy because if you put a saddle on it um you can basically ride it but you can’t just put a saddle on it you actually have to incubate its egg that it produces so yeah I was actually on a hunt for this

Thing again cuz I kind of lost him there we go and uh yeah I made a little boat here just to keep this guy safe but what is going on with his head it’s like it was making me chuckle man it really was but yeah we have to be really

Careful here as well because this pig was kind of uh you know socializing with other animals and I didn’t really want to lose him so again I kind of went out on a bit of an exploration again and I actually spotted the structure that is the gold dungeon this isn’t really like

The other dungeons out it just has this sunp dude in here which I think he apparently controls the Sun or something and yeah he is a boss that we just have to talk to there’s no looting in that really involved but anyway over time as I’ve been exploring this dude has

Actually laid his egg and now I can go back to my so-called silver dungeon base Depot area I’m calling it and what I can actually do is make an incubator and then I can actually go to hatch this egg which should be quite nice so what we

Need for this is actually a um a couple of ambrosian torches to um cook the actual egg and then we need an ambrosian torch wrapped up in some Holly Stone as the recipe to actually craft this thing and once this thing is actually crafted we can just place this down and then

It’s kind of a bit like a furnace but we are going to need a saddle I’m so sorry Pig yep I had to kill him I had no other choice there isn’t actually a way of me actually just taking the saddle I don’t think so yeah we’ve actually got this thing hatched

Now now what you have to do is feed them at these ankle plants or petals or whatever they’re called and you need to always feed them free if I’m not mistaken yeah this little dude decided to uh go for a bit of an exploration in the silver dungeon

Which at the time I didn’t really think about it and I thought it was fine you know he’s safe in here there’s nothing really bad going to happen I was cooking up some ore and buing my own business kind of thing and then I realized oh my

God I’ve actually lost this guy where is he he’s just disappeared like what where is he gone I I couldn’t honestly find him for the life of me I started looking on the map as well that I’ve included on his mod pack and then I spotted him on

On the actual map he appeared and I think I was right above him so I ran up quickly up the stairs to go and see if the uh black mower baby thing was actually there and behold he was actually there woohoo finally I found you that only took me about 20 minutes

To find him and he somehow lured me to this Stratus Ingot which believe it or not is actually a very rare thing you need to craft to get upgraded gear did you want a cup of tea or something n I’m good thanks okay bye then and after a bit of time he’s

Actually wants his third little petal and now we go he’s actually fully grown up which is really cool so I’ve just attached the saddle on him and I’m trying to make him follow me but normally they follow you when you actually uh have tamed them this guy

Doesn’t seem to be wanting to follow me that’s because he can’t F to the doors oh I’m such an idiot so I need to actually go ahead and craft something called a nature staff tap him to make him actually go into sit in position which will change his HIIT behind

And push him through all of these horrible doors and stuff cuz I can’t actually break these blocks then I thought I was being smart by pushing him down this staircase right um no Dan you were very very silly for doing that you should have checked it before yeah because that’s the staircase

To the boss that is the actual Valkyrie Queen we might have just spotted there yeah so I got to kind of push this guy back up these slabs which was really painful because yeah there’s about 400 Valkyries here for some reason oh having a little bit of a commotion here and

Yeah I had to kind of really bdge this up it was awful and luckily for you the edited down version of this isn’t very long but I tell you now this was a very very very long process finally I managed to get him up on the lovely higher slab

And somehow he’s like glitching through the blocks and all sorts of stuff here I don’t really know what’s going on but there’s just so much there’s just so many Valk greases an absolute mess so as you can tell I had tons of fun getting that guy out of there so was this really

Worth it yes it was indeed now you can see the feathers up the top that means he’s actually got eight jumps until you will actually never be able to jump again and then whenever you hit blocks this bird thing will actually regenerate all of them so essentially I’ve got

Eight double jumps if that makes any sense not only that this thing flies so much more faster and why did I really want this this is because I need to start doing some mining in the AA Dimension yes but of a weird thing to say um there’s some special ore that

Actually generates and it’s called gravitiy ore I think and as you can see it’s this pink diamond looking stuff and now what I was actually doing was using like any random blocks I’ve got kind of like propping myself up against little areas where I could find this cuz this

Stuff kind of just like generates around the bottom of like any islands and then you can cook this stuff in the um alar and I was actually after three of them at least because I needed to get Amber and you can only get Amber by using a

Gravitiy axe now this is like like I already said is the kind of diamondy tier of um the AA Dimension so yeah I was actually after a bit of a golden tree now I actually spotted one straight away and if you mine this now you actually get Amber like and I need that

For a certain recipe but then I was mining this and then something happened the bird fell off so I just decided to jump down with him and grab him back because luckily he actually landed on some of those cold air clouds using these amers and this I can actually make something called a

Mineral finder now if you’re asking where I actually got this golden aircloud from I got that earlier when I was with the peak now I’ve got something called a mineral finder and yeah I can use this to EAS easily 100% more times easy to find gravitiy ore amongst anything it’s

Beautiful and this stuff by the way actually has low gravity so I managed to gather up about 13 of these and I started cooking them in this random little pocket I found I found some more here and what I was kind of after was to try and get myself a

Full set of armor now there’s actually an interesting armor piece choice on here which is called gloves and this actually gives you more attack damage but you got this extra bble slot as they’re calling it and uh yeah you can basically equip gloves and this is

So weird it’s like I’m a boxer yeah I just need to basically stand around now and wait for this stuff to cook so I decided to make myself a helmet out of the other bits some boots and some leggings and now I just look proper swag

In my pink right yeah it’s beautiful but it’s not enough yeah we need to actually go and get some more but I actually spotted a bronze dungeon another one so this is the second one bear in mind I haven’t actually tackled the first one as in the boss um that means I’ve

Actually got an option here to uh kill another boss at some point but anyway we needed some more grati or because I need to go ahead and make myself a chest plate and now the reason I really wanted this chest plate is because if you have

A full set of armor on the AA mod yeah you can actually get a little extra bonus and the extra bonus with this is you get a jump boost yes but not only that do you notice something else I don’t take any fall damage and yes I’m Defying Gravity is actually an

Advancement so now I’m proper kitted out sort of there’s something else I’m missing though and that is an upgraded pickaxe and what I can do is actually use that Stratus Ingot I got earlier I totally made a a smithing table before just just I forgot to show you and now I

Know what you’re thinking why do you want to actually upgrade this with a a smithing template and this Ingot is because yes the slider boss you can only actually attack it with a pickaxe and this is the most strongest pickaxe I can potentially get right Now Honey’s Dead yes oh what’s this the de I don’t know what this is this is creepy um who are you that is very very creepy but anyway the slider boss wasn’t too difficult he just slides around hence his name and yeah we get a bronze key which I’m kind

Of after a certain item from this unfortunately I wasn’t very lucky on the first go but we did get some extra rings and uh little Shields and things I still don’t really know what the death is um I haven’t got a clue so now I took a p

Myself to go ahead and start hunting down the next bronze dungeon that I located but then I thought I would actually test out the hammer of kingy dogs yeah whoops I killed him and once again the slider was very very easy especially at this kind of

Stage cuz I’m very op technically for it yeah this chest was actually terrible there wasn’t anything really very good at all um but I located this structure here which is where the Platinum boss is and now because I killed the mower I need to going to go back to the roots

And get myself a saddle again and this is quite cool I got a double jump ring and it’s a bit like I’m farting it was making me laugh whenever I hear the sound but anyway I got myself a little piggy and obviously the black mowa um you know whil I’ve been riding

It and stuff has also have been laying eggs cuz that’s what they do they’re like chickens basically so I could just incubate those eggs and kind of reset this whole process again but this time I decided to just cover up this place because I am not dealing with that

Little fell getting lost again but now he’s actually hatched I can go ahead and feed him his first little pedal I was trying to push him in a little hole to make it more easier and then all of a sudden I turned around and he wanted to

Be fed again so I’m not really too sure what’s going on with that like feeding cool thing but any I used this B of law that you actually get to find out what this cape actually did and it said it can make my legs stronger so I thought

In my head that would make me take no full damage but it’s not that it actually makes it so you can like walk up blocks now from the description I thought it meant as well that you could actually climb up blocks as if you were like spider

Dan no Spider-Man Dan yeah it was pretty basically like having Auto jump on yeah I’d rather stick with the other cape and now the actual Bird’s actually grown up I can go ahead and start tackling it but we will just forget about the other one that died

Okay so what was I actually doing now I was trying to look for another bronze dungeon now unfortunately it took me a bit of time to actually locate another one of these these dungeons can actually be a bit of a pain to find especially the bronze one because it’s it’s more

Hidden than the others I would say um I would say it’s the more hardest one to find to be fair but somehow I managed to just randomly spot this in the corner of my eye there’s some Black Blocks here and yeah little did I know that I could

Actually do something with this pickaxe yeah I could actually break these blocks now I don’t know if it’s just this pickaxe that could do that but I don’t really care because I found another one of these Dungeons and that means I need to take out another slider once

Again and it wasn’t very hard as you can probably tell again but this time I got what I wanted the valkyrie Lance now this thing is unbelievably broken yeah you basically got like 3.5 attack reach but there’s actually a way of even making it even more op and

That is by enchanting it um but yeah I can’t really enchant anything on here I don’t really have access to iron or diamonds or anything like that but anyway I just made something called a freezer now this is going to come into use later on but as I’m actually back at

The silver dungeon I thought it’ be quite wise to actually try and tackle the silver dungeon boss I.E the valkyrie Queen so I kind of got geared up I got myself a jaded a sky Jade Shield I think it’s called and there she is the queen

Of this place and uh cuz I got this Lance I can actually not cheese this boss but like almost cheese it if you know what I mean but before you actually do actually uh tackle the boss fight you actually need to take out a few of our

Little friends that walk around and you need to take out 10 of them and they always drop a medal yeah that was totally easy especially with this little Lance and now we can actually go ahead and take this lady out I’m not going to lie this was scary And she’s dead I did it I could not believe this guys I really couldn’t I thought I was dead like genuinely dead but yes I actually obtained a lot of great gear from killing this now without killing the silver dungeon uh this would probably make this whole run very

Difficult because I actually obtained something which is a very useful item that regeneration a little red diamond thing but also the valkyrie Cape now the valkyrie Cape actually gives you um a slow falling effect and mix this with my kind of gravitate gravitiy armor set bonus thing yeah I’ve practically am

Riding a pig permanently that’s how it kind of feels like so yeah this is going to actually save me a lot you know like if I’m falling off by mistake I can easily just save myself now which is really nice what else are we going to go

And do right now we need to go ahead and kill the Sun Spirit it’s called which is this red fiery looking dude if you remember correctly so what we need to actually do is talk to this guy but before I actually do I want to go in

Here and actually smash all these like burning never rck kind of blocks and I turned off the way point as well just cuz I don’t want to get that in my way if you know what I mean when I’m tackling this guy now what we need to do is Spam spam

Spam spam spam spam spam spam and then he’s going to get mad at us and he’s going to try and kick our butts so this is actually a strange boss fight in my opinion this is probably the more boring one out of them all I would say um yeah

You literally just flinging these little ice balls at him which some reason he spawns I don’t really understand it and then when you actually do that it takes some damage off him and then he spawns his little minions and they kind of aggravate you but honestly this

Guy I don’t know why this is the gold one I think Le the wrong way around yeah either way it’s uh what it is and yeah this actually got a bit hairy at one point um so I can’t complain I guess it is quite tough It’s these Fireballs right but all I was

Doing was basically just sitting in a corner waiting for these things and flinging them at him that was it it was really really strange but anyway we actually got there in the end and we defeated this fell and he actually dropped something very strange the Sun Core never knew what

This thing was It’s s a bit of read a powerful core that uh I definitely did take hits so um game broken I don’t know what’s happened anyway we get the sun alter as well which we can actually control the time of day in this Dimension which is a very

Very strange thing might be quite useful for some things but yeah but what we were really after was actually some Loot and honestly the loot I got wasn’t very good again um but I wanted to tack all the bosses just to get a feel for it if

You know what I mean to relive some of those Nostalgia memories of mine yeah we got this lovely block and that’s pretty much the best thing we got and a load of random Phoenix armor which is good but it’s not great because I want the gravitiy kind of set so the last dungeon

I need to tackle was the actual Platinum dungeon and this actually contains or houses the um aircloud King whale I think it’s called and uh yeah this thing is actually generated quite high up in the sky so you got to use these like blue air clouds to kind of get this jump

Boost off them as you can see what I’m doing right now and you can just kind of squeeze in a few block places just so you can kind of like lutch onto the side of this kind of structure just and yeah we could kind of just do that one more

Time and we should be able to reach this thing but we can just spot the actual whale circling this kind of tower up in the sky and this thing is an interesting fight I’m not going to lie I really like this fight this is my favorite out of

All four of them cuz it’s the most not the it’s not the most challenging it’s just like the most interesting I would say out of all four of them but this isn’t actually originally part of the AA mod this is actually a mod of the mod if

That makes sense but there he is the air whale king the king of all the whales and what we need to do is right click this block and this happens the boss fight of death yeah this thing charges right at you man and then it spits these snowballs which actually like a little

Air pockets but then I started to really think in my head I am not geared up for this at all I hav even done any damage to this thing yet and he’s taken me all the way down to like two hearts oh I’m screwed I

Really am but then I realized what I was doing wrong I need to wait for this guy to like hit the ground and he gets stuck and then he did this weird effect which made it all cloudy and I couldn’t see anything honestly it really

Bad and then he hit me and then and then and then and then and then and then the the battle just ended I think I actually came off the uh the platform but then again I started to look at my gear and think I’m not quite ready for this but

Then I thought screw it let’s do it again now I know the kind of mechanics what’s going on here this is almost like Dan robs probs plays Dark Souls for the first time or something yeah what I needed to do was kind of like Sprint and

Then this guy would like slam on the floor and get stuck and that’s where you could kind of you know tackle him if you know what I mean when it was actually the foggy time I would just kind of use my shield and after a few smacks in here

And there I actually did it first game wow kind of second I would say cuz he did push me off but what was I after in here none of this rubbish apart from I do quite like the actual Phoenix ax I got that orange axe I was actually after

Something called a flaming gemstone now I needed the Flaming gemstone because I created a recipe that includes ice and a flaming G Stone to make iced lava that I need to essentially get to the nether and this is how I would actually escape this Dimension um yeah

So I had to GE up again and take out another one of these whales so I did actually discover another one of these on my along my journey and I actually marked it off and I actually found a second sunp but honestly in the sunp loot was probably not very good for me

Right now the best loot I can actually get is actually from the air whale king um but yeah I needed to gather up some more of these shards because I wanted to start repairing my gear because obviously fighting that whale has actually taken a bit of a beating on my

Gear believe it or not so yeah let’s go over here start another one of these fights and see how we do this time using the Phoenix axe that was a lot easier I’m not going to lie so what kind of things am I going to get this time okay nothing too fancy

Apart from this shield and a life Crystal now A Life Crystal you can actually consume and it will actually give you a white heart extra one now I need to do the mundane task of searching for another way I believe it or not after maybe 10 15 minutes or so I’ve

Discovered another one of these structures now they are quite common is um but yeah thank God I’ve got this black mower this just made my life so much more easier yeah using one of these air clouds again I can bounce up and hopefully get up to the top of this

Thing and defeat another whale this one was a bit of a feisty fell he actually almost did kill me I was down to half a heart much light when I was fighting that sunp so there’s been a couple of close calls I’m not going to lie but yeah we’ definitely got

This guy taken out once again Honestly though that was a whole waste of time because I didn’t get what I needed once again the Flaming gemstone I uh needed to kind of replenish my food source and I found this lovely little area with about 400 berry bushes for

Some reason reason and I was trying to uh take out this Zep thing that was floating in the air the cloud just because I wanted to see how if I could actually attack it with this uh Lance but yeah there’s so many berries here which is perfect so I could just

Basically enchant these and then I could use this food very easily to um you know kill the whale boss so anyway I spotted some zanite ore to go ahead and make some um of these altars and yeah I killed him again oh God yep that’s totally the uh next

Mower Dead uh to the void pretty much oh God but luckily I managed to find a um silver dungeon not too far away and yeah I could basically just start clearing out some inventory space and wait for this guy to grow and basically a long

Story short is I got another guy um it did take me quite a while to get all that prepped up again um but honestly see it’s not really worth watching it over and over again cuz I’ve already done it once and then twice if you know

What I mean but anyway I stumbled across two more of these towers and uh yeah there’s basically two more chances I could essentially get of getting this flaming gemstone but you can see how far I’ve actually gone in this AA just to get this possible yeah I think I might need to

Change something about this but anyway let’s take out the four whale King of the AER so I wonder what kind of things I’m going to get this time aha I’ve got it the Flaming gemstone the thing I’ve been after forever and I also got myself some pink Enchanted air clouds now I actually

Need these to go ahead and craft the recipe for the nether painting to get inside the nether but now I got this I can actually go ahead and make the ice lava now I need the ice lava because once you break that actually generates lava but if you actually have lava in

The ather Dimension it turns into aquael but in order for me to get ice I need to use this freezer I crafted earlier on put in some um skyroot water buckets and it will turn it into ice as you can see so I need four of these with the

Gemstone and I’ll get the iced lava which is perfect right and then what I need to do is essentially break this stuff and it will turn into like I said already the Aero gel which is a very strange mechanic going from Ice to that straight away very cool but yes I need

This for the nether painting um this is just my way of gating it through the bosses if you know what I mean um cuz obviously I designed this recipe and this pack so yeah anyway we needed to get um some wool because I didn’t have enough string or wool um to actually

Make a painting and now now now now we can actually get into going into a vanilla Dimension I.E the ne but this is going to be very strange because I am actually rocking a load of of AA equipment so this is quite an interesting thing but anyway if you

Don’t know what this is this is actually a dimensional painting and the idea is that you put a painting on a wall and you essentially just jump through it and you get teleported to that Dimension it’s like a magical painting if you know what I mean um probably kind of gives it

Away in the title but I was having some issues here like I actually thought in my head that this wasn’t working um I actually paused the game as well and actually looked at the mod itself to see what I was actually doing wrong and it turns out that I think you

Have to actually jump into it if you know what I mean and I unequip my shield as well just because and then yes I’m basically inside the nether now and I was so hyped for this guys like I couldn’t believe it I was like yes I’ve actually got this bar I really didn’t

Think that I could even get past the silver dungeon so for me to actually get this far I was like wow I couldn’t actually believe it but I de started to look around on my map to see like little key points of interest and then I

Started to have a look at what the recipe was cuz to refresh my memory we need a blaze um you know we need Eyes of Ender we need a few things from the nether just to get out of here so I started digging and then actually uh something actually cropped up in my

Mind yeah I had a bit of a problem um I’m actually stuck here there’s no way of me getting out now so yeah we’re screwed so I just took it upon myself to just continue on any way um I should have actually somehow made another recipe to get

Out I don’t really know how I would actually get out of here maybe I would have to make two NE paintings I’m not entirely sure but anyway just check this out like roaming around in the never with this op gear it’s like a breeze honestly like look at this can take

Wither skeletons from like 10 miles away I could just fly around I’m not even rocking an elytra these guys are hitting me nothing’s really happening to me like I’ve got extra hearts and stuff so yeah honestly this was just such a breeze I’m not going to lie and attacking blazes

And things from a far distance with this special Valkyrie Lance is beautiful and you’re noticing that blue kind of particle like blurriness on the screen that is actually a shield I’m rocking in my um you know like my inventory um because that basically will like make the projectiles like bounce off me or

Something but anyway I located a war Forest to get the Ender Pearls I needed four blaze rods and six ender pearls to obviously make six um Eyes of Ender and the next thing I actually needed was a painting and I also needed to get myself a couple of um gilded Blackstone now

These are only obtainable from a Bastion as you probably already know and uh the other thing I was a bit questioning myself about was how am I going to get um wool in this Dimension and then I thought Striders yeah they Dro string right and then I also thought hang on a

Minute Dan no no no no no no you’re being silly you could just loot the Bastion remnant’s like you know loot in there the chest and sometimes I’ve seen it before they actually contain string but a third option was to do some bartering with these guys right they love gold ingots

And I don’t really know what was going on here it was very noisy that was unsuccessful we didn’t actually obtain any string from these guys so I’m not really too sure if they do drop it from B but I’m more than certain they do but yeah anyway I went

To this Bastion I tried to tackle all these guys didn’t really have too much of a problem to be fair um I’ve got a shield I again I am rocking like pretty much like pretty op gear to be fair um so yeah and I can attack these from a

Nice big distance and behold I found no string but I did in this one yes so that means I could go ahead and actually craft some wool and make myself a painting obviously I can get sticks and a crafting table and stuff like like that from using the Warped um you know

Trees and the Crimson trees but I decided to take out the other side as well just to see if I could get any other things I found a bit of pig step as well which is very nice and now we are pretty much rocking and ready to

Rock to go to the freaking End I I just couldn’t believe this guys I was so so freaking hyped like this is the only way of me actually escaping this whole W of like kind of inception Madness is by going through the end now because I’m

Literally stuck in the ne so it went from the AA to the ne how strange but yeah I can craft myself this final painting there we go and this is a backup one just in case I need to actually go ahead and craft this um Overworld one which we’re going to need

All the drops from the end so yeah let’s go in here and hopefully defeat ourselves a dragon and see how hard this will be to actually tackle with this special gear I’ve got on oh my God this is so easy so so easy I don’t have to hardly do

Anything need to back up from these though cuz they do give you a bit of damage yeah now the only problem is I didn’t actually take myself a crossbow it probably would have been wise but I thought in my head I would just go with

This and I was a bit excited I’m not going to lie yeah this isn’t too hard right easy easy easy stuff so using this Valkyrie Lance is not too difficult to take out these end crystals yeah I was saying about a crossbow I did actually

Have one by the way I just didn’t have any ammo for it unfortunately so yeah I decided to take out this one and yeah I just freaking died I don’t really know what’s happened here because I had full health anyway thanks so much for watching Bye

This video, titled ‘Can You ESCAPE from the Aether…BACK to the Overworld?’, was uploaded by DanRobzProbz on 2023-12-31 14:00:14. It has garnered 5036 views and 293 likes. The duration of the video is 00:41:01 or 2461 seconds.

Hello! The Aether is one of the oldest Minecraft mods, it has just recently been updated to the current modern versions of the game.

I wanted to have a mess around with it and bring back some nostalgia of mine… So, I took it upon myself to create a pack that pretty much only focuses mainly on the Aether mod(s) but, I added a twist…instead of going ahead and creating a portal to get to the Aether dimension. You spawn in the Aether dimension from the get go!

I’ll need to essentially survive in the Aether dimension to eventually escape it.

The pack I created isn’t meant to be an easy ride either as it’s locked on the Hard difficulty, I added special custom recipes, a bit of quest progression, some exploration and of course there’s…bosses to defeat!

But to make this dumb idea even harder I’ll be playing my little challenge on Hardcore difficulty, cause I’m stupid!

Download the Aether mod here;

Download the pack I created here;

Anyhow, wish me luck! ☁️😇🐖

Do you enjoy what I’m doing? Why not be a part of the DRP community… ⛏📱💻Why not join my discord server?🖱🎮⛏ You can ask me questions, support me & chat with other members about all things Minecraft. But most importantly, meet new friendly people. ⏬⏬⏬⏬⏬⏬⏬⏬⏬⏬⏬⏬⏬⏬⏬⏬⏬⏬⏬⏬⏬ ———————————————————————————————————- 🤖 My Official Discord Server💻:-

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#danrobzprobz #moddedminecraft #aether

👾Thanks For Watching My Video🤩


MUSIC USED:- Production Music courtesy of Epidemic Sound:

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  • Join My NEW Minecraft Server NOW! | Syntax Gaming SMP #minecraft

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  • Explore the Mind-Blowing Secrets of Minecraft! #shizo

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  • INSANE Pixelmon Server – BEST for Impulse Pokemon Trainers?!

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  • Insane Challenge: Collecting Every Mob in Minecraft AGAIN!

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  • Insane Challenge: Don’t Copy Me! Part 3 #shorts

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  • EPIC Sky Castle Raid in Minecraft 1.19.2!!!

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  • Stormy Lagoon! PVE 1.20.4+ Java & Bedrock Mature Community Grief Protection Custom Features mcMMO

    Join Stormy Lagoon Today! If you’re looking for a unique survival server running on Minecraft versions 1.20.4, look no further. Stormy Lagoon, established over four years ago, offers a welcoming community and a range of custom features to enhance your gameplay experience. Server Details: Version: 1.20.4, Available on Java & Bedrock Server IP: Bedrock Port: 25566 (No port needed for Java) Discord: Join our Discord Server Discord Username: Duvahl Tiktok: Check us out on Tiktok What Sets Us Apart? No Chat Report: Enjoy hassle-free communication Organized Discord Channels: Get guidance on all server features Quality of Life Commands: Access… Read More