Escape The Night Minecraft: Shocking Reasons It Failed

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All right so the last episode of escape the night finally came out it was really weird the like order it was coming out in because it seemed like it was going to be like every Monday and then they decided to like throw one out on like a

Thursday and then also the Monday and then Christmas came around and they didn’t upload one then and so I thought we were just going to wait until Monday and then they just uploaded on Thursday and I already had an upload going on I had to work on that so I’m finally

Making this video now so first I’m going to start talking about all of the characters and like what I thought about them and then after that I’m going to go into like more specifics about like the story and problems I had with it so starting with Catherine she

Freaking died first I thought her character was fine I I thought she should have lived longer I think that in the challenge against Megan she definitely should have lived I think that she she was winning she’ won like three in a row or something and then she

Ran out of books and didn’t realize she could take them from the bookshelf so she just freaking died because she couldn’t find any so freaking Megan who is like really slow at doing things took her sweet time and lived and it’s like good for her but like that’s so sad for

Cine who was going to be like a really good team player and be helpful and like entertaining I think and not that I’m like a Megan hater or anything but I mean she’s just not as um involved in this like Community she’s not been on

YouTube for like a long time and I just think that Catherine deserved more of an opportunity to continue so Scott died next and I am beyond upset because this is the one out of two challenges that freaking Joey rigged The Challenge and I am so upset because I freaking loved Scott I love

Scott in real life I watch his videos and I think he’s just really entertaining I think his character was really good I think that him being a conspiracy theorist was like really interesting I think that a really good part of this um specific season if we call it that is that these character

Roles were like way better like um The Mystic and the conspiracy theorist and the religious leader really like led to Parts about their character which I thought to be like highlights and so Scott being a conspiracy theorist was funny I enjoyed that but then Joey was like rigging The Challenge and one of

The questions was what is Joey grau’s middle name which caused freaking Scott to die and obviously if it wasn’t rigged um Scott would have lived it’s just so stupid and I don’t know why everyone decided okay let’s all vote for Joy because that just obviously that just

Means that whoever Joey votes for gets to die like at that point them all voting for Joey is just putting the decision in Joey’s hands when everybody votes for somebody do you think that when the cards are being drawn they have several scenes where they’re drawing the

Same person because Joey was Ed in like by everyone except for himself so they were just going to keep rolling until they got to it I think that we should have gotten more of um an interaction between Scott and Joel because their Dynamic at with their like character

Roles would have been really interesting to see but they didn’t really talk about it which was really upsetting because like they clearly have like extremely different views on how like the world works and I just think that that would have been fun but I just could barely watch the episode that was

Happening because Joey rigged it and I just I we can like laugh it off I feel that’s what happened like in the comment section of that video but it’s like I feel like it’s a big problem for this show it’s like it makes it seem less fair and it just seems like

Opportunities are stolen from people and I really think that Scott could have lived I think he’s obviously like a really smart person especially like for stuff like this so flip I don’t really care about flip like he was he was he was good I don’t really have anything special to

Say about him you know what I mean like his role was a treasure hunter that was boring his death was like one of all of the deaths were the same he just fell they all just fell to their deaths except for Catherine who just

Kind of sat in a room was kind of lame actually yeah had that thing going on with Bertha I thought that was like kind of interesting but like I know I never really was like oh I need flip to win he was just he was there he was like he was

There okay so shovel I actually when shovel died I was like okay like another just like person that like a filler person that I’m like not really too um excited about died and then shovel came back and I was like oh okay that’s kind of like an

Original way to bring a character back where they like didn’t really die she just like went off and we didn’t really see her die so for her to come back in this way rather than just doing another Revival was pretty cool I loved her I freaking was like so excited about her

Character when it turns out that she freaking killed that monster with shears are you kidding me that is the coolest thing any character in escape the night has ever done that is so freaking cool and it’s just like in this show it doesn’t seem like these people really

Have much power to do anything and then shovel murders this monster so that was very cool so we’re already at Lizzy which is the freaking last episode’s death I liked Lizzy I think that um her role was kind of weird cuz in the trailer she literally says the line that wasn’t even

In the show not all my prophecies come true but this one is not looking good or something like that and then nothing even came of that I really thought it was going to be like a plot relevant thing I thought there would be a lot of like Lizzy relevancy where things that

She is thinking of come true and it could have been like there’s a balance between having the show be scripted and unscripted which I hope and I think the show was unscripted they could have just messaged Lizzy or told Lizzy different things that she could have had quote

Unquote prophecies about when she really didn’t but then really utilize that role and so Lizzie was just kind of left to like make up stuff about these prophecies from these spirits and she didn’t really know what she was talking about because obviously she didn’t know because she’s not really like a prophet

So she can’t really tell what’s happening and so her role just kind of like was left feeling weak where nothing that she said really had held any weight um randomly like halfway through the show she just mentioned she had a bad hip and then for the rest of it she held

On that I was like oh yeah I really have this bad hip it’s like oh don’t be mad at me I have a bad hip and I kind of love that it was really random but like I’m glad you did it and then this is another freaking Joey rigged death I

Think that Joey should not be allowed in challenges I think that the original ex skip the night show handled that well where I was never really mad with Joey being a mortal because he was never like actively killing people in challenges the only reason he was ever in

Challenges was if that challenge was then going to be twist and then they had to choose another person to die and so I just think that him actually being allowed in challenges now is stupid because he can’t die I think that if he was allowed in challenges and could die

And have these people beat him then that would be more fun and I really do think that these people would have beat him I do think that Lizzy would have beat him I do think that Scott would have beat him I think that Joey is not good at

Minecraft and Lizzy really surprised me like in that prediction video I was like Lizzy doesn’t have a really good history of like this kind of stuff with like all of those hardcore type series that she’s been in she dies really quickly and I just was really shocked that she lived

So far and she seemed like pretty useful honestly and so I liked her character I thought she was fun I don’t know why she decided that she was old I that was kind of weird but um yeah I liked luzy upset that she died W so then the

Survivor question mark it was kind of weird so starting with Megan she shouldn’t have lived I think well I’m gonna talk about them as as if they lived I’m I’m gonna get into that whole Fiasco in a second because that was like a mess I don’t think Megan should have

Lived I think that of out of everybody in this whole group she’s probably the worst at the game and I don’t have anything against her she just like shouldn’t have lived I’m so sorry Megan but I think that the reason I wasn’t really getting attacked cuz I was

Expecting her to die pretty quickly and pretty early on so I kept just like kind of like holding off for her to die and then just like move on with my life so I never really like paid any attention to her I think it does look kind of suspicious that I

Gave all of them those drinks and then all of a sudden all this random stuff keeps happening but I can tell you now it has nothing to do with me D quickly I’ll talk about Bertha because Bertha was like an insane part of the show I think that it’s interesting to have like

A side character be a part of the show like be an actual cast member but she was Immortal they just couldn’t vote her in it didn’t seem like I mean nobody ever even brought it up nobody was like oh let’s vote in Bertha even though everyone thought that she was suspicious

I thought that it was pretty interesting that in one of the early episodes they were like oh let’s like tie Bera up and they like put her in the cobwebs or whatever and they were like really gang ganging on her but like that never went anywhere and they never like tried to

Kill her vote her in and all these scenarios that they were in so it was like pretty weird and then she obviously knew everything that it was happening she knew all of the challenges that were going to happen and she kept talking about it in this ominous way but she

Never tried to stop it she never tried to do anything about it and I don’t know why so you know I feel about Joey already just killing everyone left and right and without it even being justified I think that it’s like how Nikita in the normal show she was

Killing all these people but at least she actually did it Joey is killing all these people he doesn’t deserve to be killing any of these people it’s not fair it’s not legit and he wasn’t taking anything seriously the whole time he was like oh no like how could this be

Happening is this awful like he just didn’t care and it that is like pretty upsetting for the show he just talked in this voice where it’s just like so fake and like really stupid and it’s like if you don’t want to be here you don’t have

To this is your show you didn’t have to make this I think for him playing this really like fake character and this like dramatic acting character it just like kind of makes me feel like the whole thing was just getting funding for the movie because at the beginning of every episode and the

End of every episode he wants to harass everyone and be like guys pay for my movie and so it just kind of seemed like an insincere thing where he didn’t really care about the show to begin with and he just wants to make money he so Joel I’m so glad that Joel won

I he’s probably my like number one pick for the winner because he was just everything that he said was funny he was just so good and his like religiousness was insane it was like to an extreme level and it was just so good he walked into the room with the ghost and like

Are you Jesus like that’s so good I love him I think that he’s the best character in the show The Challenge that made him like the ultimate winner was so boring but also stressful because I it went on for so long that I literally skipped

Most of it because it was just like I was really stressed out that first of all Joey is gonna win because it’s like his show like it just seemed like something that he was going to do thing as he just killed Lizzy and Scott it seemed like maybe he was like

Oh I’m the winner and everyone else died but anyway that didn’t happen so I was stressed as that was going to happen and then I was also stressed that maybe freaking Megan was going to live and I was like that would be like the weirdest like thing to ever happen as if Megan

Was like the sole survivor of the whole show so so I was just really really rooting for Joel at that moment and I’m really glad that he won okay so now that I’ve talked about the characters I can finally talk about this plot because this is the worst part about the show

Okay and I don’t want to come off like a hater of the show I really really love exip as a whole I really really love like these the set of Minecraft YouTubers and so the two coming together should be really good and I wanted it to

Be good but just certain parts of it weren’t and the plot was just the worst part of it every episode they could have just left and all of the seasons of escape the night they had like a reason why the characters couldn’t let like leave and it always made sense and even

If it was like a little bit like you could like a nitpick it here and there it was like they thought it through they tried okay this it’s like literally go out the door why are you still in this murdering Mansion like what what is this for and so then all of

These challenges start happening and there’s no reason any of them need to be happening the first one with the poison was perfectly fine I think that that made sense I think that it was a little week where it’s like oh I guess we should vote people in it’s like okay why

Would you just randomly decide that we need to vote people in to fight for the antidote whatever I think that that was the strongest like reasoning for why they needed to do it but then the next episode was terrible because they just went into this room and they were like

Oh all these artifacts are not really here let’s go find them and then so they they voted people in to go find these Gems or whatever they were they were all the different types of Minecraft ores and so they did it and then them putting the

Gems on the places open up the door they didn’t know that they never and nobody ever said that putting all of the gems would open up the door so why did they do it we we don’t freaking know and so then there was no reason why shovel

Would have quote unquote died from that because like does does the monster know who they voted in does the monster know who lost the challenge that was so stupid and also it went on that challenge went on for so long because they all they both already had all of

The parts separately and they just didn’t know the other one had what they had so they just kept looking for things that weren’t there if they somehow knew that finding all the gems would open the door they didn’t need to do that they could have just left through the normal

Door so that was stupid then they’re outside and this is the next episode they’re outside and they’re on that little beachy area they were looking for these pearls that was fine that you okay why but why what is the reason what is the reason that we are finding these

Pearls and putting them in this giant hourglass is there a reason we’re doing this or we just doing this for fun I think I don’t understand that was so dumb and then there’s trees here everyone in the whole show just love loves to bring up how this is how they

Are in Minecraft and how they were playing Minecraft which really breaks the illusion of it so they’re in Minecraft so why can’t they mine down a tree and make a boat and leave I can’t come up with an excuse for why you are staying here every episode when people

Are dying just go turn around what why are you still here that’s it’s so stupid this fish person comes out of the water and it’s like hey I have the last Pearl and you’re GNA have to fight for it what do you mean FIP is holding a pearl right

Now why do we need why do we need a pearl why do they want to fill the glass with pearls so badly that they’re willing to kill somebody for it it doesn’t make sense because they have no idea that filling The Hourglass is going to open up another section and they’ll

Go into the mine yada yada they don’t know that and so even if they did know that would they even do that there’s there’s other ways you could climb over those like rock things and just walk like on the other side of that is just trees there’s so there’s so many

Different things that you could do but no let’s go kill Scott so we could get a pearl so we can fill this hourglass so we can go into a mine like it just nothing makes sense so then the next episode they’re in the mine and then the

Frog starts talking to them and it’s like hey find me all of these things so they do and that was fine that was like it was kind of fun and it’s like if a magical frog starts talking to you I’m going to I’m going to go find all of

Those things he asked me now like of course like you’re magical talking frog okay I’ll go whatever you say so then I think they get all the items and then this door opens and then that leads them to like the final part where they have to do the parkour but they didn’t know

That finishing the parkour was going to open a door like I just don’t understand why they are always doing these things for literally no reason okay so then they end up in that Maze and I I like the maze I thought that was a fun little thing they end up with this parkour

Thing to get the last totem cuz everyone had a totem except for for Lizzy and shovel so they had to parkour to the death to get the totem they didn’t know that they were going to have to swim out of there with using the fire resistance

On the totem like they just not if they just explain things a little more the show would be fine because that’s literally all I could think about is like okay why are we sending shovel to her death for totem like what what is the point it’s stupid so then they

Freaking leave and it turns out they were in a pyramid the whole time which was really stupid like okay we were in a Mansion 2 seconds ago and then we did some traveling underground and now we’re in the Egyptian desert I don’t think so and so then they leave and then it turns

Out they happen to walk back to the mansion what do you mean why how did they get back to the mansion so you could explain that with like some sort of like haunted this like oh like oh the spirits I don’t know whatever they get there why don’t you turn around turn the

Other way so they go up the elevator they just escaped they literally escaped the night and now they’re like okay let’s go back into the mansion and then started completing all these puzzles they had no reason to complete the puzzles they didn’t think they were going to get a reward for completing the

Puzzles there was no reason to do it and then Bera started talking about like the winner of the puzzles would go into the finals the finals what what do you mean the finals like leave there’s a door just leave what is the point so then Lizzie dies through that those stupid

Puzzles that enough to complete and life’s not good okay so now we have to talk about the freaking ending which I like but I also don’t like where it turns out Joel wins and so him winning turns him into the new Joey and so he now invites all of these new people to

Do another season and so Joey turns into the maid Mera stay Mera Bera stays the maid and then and then Megan becomes sheel the freaking Gardener which kind of was like random they I think they probably should have all been the made the implication is that Joey had done this

Before and then won and then Bertha was like the like Survivor but like didn’t actually win so they were both in it before so then my question is what happened before the their version of escape the night with all these other people because first of all there was only two

Survivors in that time there was only ber and Joey as opposed to this time when there was three and so then before Joey and Bertha got there what happened like what was the beginning of all of this it just nothing has ever explained and then there’s no reason that Joel

Would want to go and be the like a new Joey and do this all again there’s no reason that Joey would want to be the new Joey and do this all again when he already did it and there’s no reason that Joey and Bertha wouldn’t try to stop everything from happening they’re

Actively like leading into it and Bera is actively explaining the challenges and being like this is what we have to do we have to vote for people it’s like no we don’t there’s no reason that any of this needs to happen you could come up with the excuse that oh like it’s

Like the evil of the house that’s making everyone do this the evil of the house is forcing Bertha and Joey and now Joel to act these ways but that’s lame that is a lame that’s a dumb plot and they shouldn’t do it again there’s like these random like four people that come into

The um Mansion this time and I don’t we don’t need to see like their season okay we’ll be fine a season two of this the same situation the same scenario would be kind of crazy oh I think that six episodes was perfect amount of time for

This I’m glad that every episode had a death I think that that was like one of the better decisions made even if it felt like a little rushed at certain times I think that first of all we would have been having to wait 10 weeks if it

Had gone the way I expected it to where they drag the the these this small amount of people throughout 10 whole episodes multiple episodes without a death that’s just like that’s way too much so I’m very happy that it was like a pretty short condensed series that was

A really strong point of this I love AAP the night and I want more escape the night in my life and I actually tried to make an escape the Night Minecraft before but I couldn’t find any people because um Escape that I hadn’t been on for four

Years and then out of nowhere Joe was like Hey I’m actually making an escape the Night Minecraft and so now everyone is kind of like coming back to escape the night and I feel like I just barely missed the mark If you happen to be doing an excp of

Minecraft let me know I want to join pretty please I’m fun I think please I won’t I won’t overly criticize your your show like I do to Joey I’m guys I’m I’m a good boy um I’ll be making more ACF night content in the future obviously they

Funded their movie they lowered the the price it was like 200,000 something and now it’s 100,000 something so and they did it they achieved their goal and so I will see you guys in a year when you come back for me crapping all over the movie okay bye

This video, titled ‘Escape The Night Minecraft: Why It Failed’, was uploaded by amLogann on 2024-01-01 18:00:08. It has garnered 3051 views and 87 likes. The duration of the video is 00:23:26 or 1406 seconds.

#escapethenight #etn #minecraft #joeygraceffa #ldshadowlady #empiresmp

0:00 – Intro 0:41 – Katherine 1:39 – Scott 4:10 – Fwhip 4:46 – Shubble 5:44 – Lizzie 8:26 – Meghan 9:12 – Bertha 10:21 – Joey 11:30 – Joel 12:50 – Plot 19:34 – The Ending 22:13 – Outro

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    XRose - The Incredible Journey from Rags to RichesVideo Information This video, titled ‘OD PRAWIE ZERA DO MILJONERA’, was uploaded by XRose on 2024-02-12 20:24:30. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. DISCORD #minecraft #youtube #elonmusk NASZ DISCORD : / discord ❤️ If you are new… Read More

  • Ultimate Relaxing Minecraft Parkour Compilation – Pixel Art Galore!

    Ultimate Relaxing Minecraft Parkour Compilation - Pixel Art Galore!Video Information [Applause] [Music] [Music] n [Music] he [Music] [Music] [Music] n stranded in the open Dy out tears of Sorrow lacking all emotion staring down the barel waiting for the final gates to open to a new tomorrow moving with the motion following the light that sets me [Music] free [Music] a [Music] [Music] yeah [Music] [Music] he [Music] [Music] hey stranded in the open dried out tears of Sorrow lacking all emotion staring down the Barrow waiting for the final gates to open to a new tomorrow moving with the motion foll the light [Music] that [Music] n… Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Survival Challenge!

    Ultimate Minecraft Survival Challenge!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft gameplay part 5’, was uploaded by Minecraft Survival on 2024-01-13 06:43:13. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Millions of crafters have smashed billions of blocks! Now you can join the fun! Minecraft is a game made from blocks that you can … Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Adventure w/ Comandurr & Foxysans [Rathnir start!]

    EPIC Minecraft Adventure w/ Comandurr & Foxysans [Rathnir start!]Video Information I’m live too toxic did I pop up for everybody I’m live there show what’s go toxic hopefully it’s popping up that I’m live for everybody yep there we go yep I live all right hello everybody make yourself full netherite toxic aren’t you supposed to be in bu to be in why you watching please leave a like this is a big moment because we’re bringing we’re bringing wrath near then I want you to make those to the so a he left a like let’s go before left he left let’s do this foxy I’m ready… Read More

  • Mind-Blowing Minecraft Vlog! Subscribe Now 😜

    Mind-Blowing Minecraft Vlog! Subscribe Now 😜Video Information आज मेरी youtube3 इनकाम ही है तो वही आज मैं निकालने जाने वाला हूं और इसी के चक्कर में मेरी नींद सुबह जल्दी खुल जाती है और जब टाइम देखा तो सुबह 8:00 बज चुके थे तो फटाक से मैं ब्रश करने के लिए बाहर आया तो देखा मौसम बहुत ही मेहरबान हो रहा था तो मैंने मौसम के मजे लेते लेते ब्रश किया उसके बाद मैं आके तुरंत ही पढ़ने बैठ जाता हूं क्योंकि कल से मेरे स्कूल में शुरू होने वाले थे टेस्ट This video, titled ‘😎(1) mini vlog ❤️ please 1k subscribe and 1k like… Read More

  • Patreon Server Hijacked by THE PINK PRANKER!!!

    Patreon Server Hijacked by THE PINK PRANKER!!!Video Information let’s make this look lovely got to finish her house is what we’re doing just a slightly different for how she how she may wanted [Music] that last Craft Server look what I’ve done I’ve switched every tree on this half with the cherry blossom trees and I think it’s looking awesome and I’m going to replace all the DT with myum because it it it adds to the theme it adds to the color scheme theme the green just kind of contrast too much in them so I’m going to make all my celum it’s going to… Read More

  • My Husband DESTROYED Our Home in Minecraft!

    My Husband DESTROYED Our Home in Minecraft!Video Information Hai guys Kembali lagi bersama aku dan hari ini aku bakal dekor-dekor di Minecraft lagi lihat nih guys aku baru aja beli rumah yang besar Iya dan kosong banget hmm kira-kira enaknya aku dekor dari mana dulu ya guys [Musik] eh eh S Apa itu hantu kah Hantu kah eh eh Andre Ya ampun D udah lama sekali enggak enggak melihat kamu ya Kamu dari mana aja sih Maklumlah orang sibuk orang sibuk gak ada ya yang ada kamu tu sok sibuk tapi ya udah gak apa-apa ya Jadi nre ini tuh rumah baru kita besar gak besar… Read More

  • FroobWorld Semi-Vanilla SMP PvE 1.20.4

    Server Information IP: Discord: Join our Discord Website: Visit our website Dynmap: View our Dynmap About FroobWorld FroobWorld is a small survival server that has been running since 2011. If you enjoy old-school SMP style gameplay, you’ll love our server. Our rules are simple: no griefing, no stealing, no cheating, and keep the chat PG-13. Features of FroobWorld Land claiming Lockette-style chest locking /rtp, /home, /spawn, /tpa, /back commands Long-term maps 32 view distance No donations or prizes for votes Read More

  • Prismatic Craft

    Prismatic CraftPrismatic CraftSurvival and Creative Minecraft server.▸ Tailored to the players.▸ Explore the spawn.▸ Towny and economy.Join the Discord to chat with other players! Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Not salty, just blocky banter

    Minecraft Memes - Not salty, just blocky banterI guess you could say this meme is mining for laughs with that high score! Read More

  • Battle of the Century: Creeper vs Short Creeper

    Battle of the Century: Creeper vs Short Creeper POV: Creeper rank 6974 trying to sneak up on short creeper rank 1 in Minecraft, but they keep getting stuck on each other’s legs because they’re so tiny. It’s like a hilarious game of creeper twister! #minecraftproblems #shortpeopleproblems Read More

  • Experience Thrilling Adventures on Minewind Minecraft Server

    Experience Thrilling Adventures on Minewind Minecraft Server Looking for a thrilling Minecraft experience? Are you a fan of horror games and looking for a new challenge in Minecraft? Look no further! Join the Minewind Minecraft Server for an adrenaline-pumping adventure like no other. Imagine exploring a world filled with suspense, surprises, and jump scares just like in “The Conjuring 3” horror map. Get ready to test your survival skills and bravery in a dark and eerie setting. With a community of dedicated players and exciting gameplay features, Minewind offers an immersive experience that will keep you on the edge of your seat. So, if you’re up… Read More

  • Surviving a Terrifying Forest in Minecraft!

    Surviving a Terrifying Forest in Minecraft! Minecraft: Surviving in the Spooky Forest! Arda is back with another thrilling Minecraft adventure, this time exploring a terrifying forest filled with unknown dangers. Join him as he navigates through the eerie landscape, facing challenges and uncovering secrets along the way. Will he survive the night in this spooky forest? Exploring the Unknown Arda sets out on his journey, braving the dark forest and encountering strange creatures like Slimes and Fire Monsters. As he delves deeper into the woods, he discovers hidden treasures and valuable resources that will aid him in his quest for survival. The Importance of Gear… Read More

  • Join AxelGamerXX20 in Epic Minecraft Hive Friday Gameplay!

    Join AxelGamerXX20 in Epic Minecraft Hive Friday Gameplay!Video Information like that last pick I don’t I don’t think get armor [ __ ] I forgot to buy a he is iron arm you know please help me kill pink please help me kill pink they’re a pain in the ass you know what wow like you just got raped I’m just gonna go places I’m not going to be bothered by that person how the [ __ ] do you break a bed you know what never mind you yeah I [ __ ] realized D I’m so glad I got that he’s dead he’s dead [… Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Challenge: 100 Days Paradox Cobblemon

    Ultimate Minecraft Challenge: 100 Days Paradox CobblemonVideo Information today I’m going to be spending the next 100 days in Paradox only cobon and of course to start us off on the server we have our trusty shiny iron hands which we caught in the previous 100 days if you haven’t already seen it make sure to go check it out and I’m just admiring all of the amazing new Cosmetics that are chilling around the spawn area right now like look at this now if we talk to the Luna traveler it should teleport us away up to the top of this red Rayquaza I think… Read More


    JACK NEARLY DIED IN HARDCORE MINECRAFT😱 | INTENSEVideo Information This video, titled ‘JACK ALMOST DIED IN HARDCORE MINECRAFT😱 | EXTREME’, was uploaded by Anshu Bisht on 2024-04-19 19:31:12. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Read More

  • Minecraft Pro gamer builds ultimate village in record time!!

    Minecraft Pro gamer builds ultimate village in record time!!Video Information [Music] [Music] he [Music] he [Music] a [Music] [Music] he [Music] This video, titled ‘I build Small Village in Minecraft Creative mode 2024 Day 3136’, was uploaded by HU Smart Gamer on 2024-01-04 06:00:17. It has garnered 6 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:02:03 or 123 seconds. I build Small Village in Minecraft Creative mode 2024 Day 3136 Read More

  • Minecraft 2021: Ultimate RTX Ray Tracing Mod!

    Minecraft 2021: Ultimate RTX Ray Tracing Mod!Video Information hey what’s up guys welcome back to Minecraft now I know what you’re about to say um zombie where’s your world and other question whatever happened to um the other things that not just about your world but what about the other things that also happened well um I guess if you guys didn’t know or at least heed my warning about um what happened to my world so basically this is what happened okay this is what happened so approximately around uh midnight I think it was around midnight but um yesterday around midnight I um was… Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Hell Hound vs Golems Showdown!

    EPIC Minecraft Hell Hound vs Golems Showdown!Video Information [Music] f [Music] [Music] [Music] help what This video, titled ‘How Strong HELL HOUND vs ALL GOLEMS: Minecraft Mob Battle’, was uploaded by Sevenberi on 2024-05-13 11:00:00. It has garnered 10502 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:00 or 60 seconds. Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Moon Monster Showdown!

    EPIC Minecraft Moon Monster Showdown!Video Information the puppet attacks and eats people at night reported sightings of the puppet are coming in from all over everyone is asked to be extremely careful at night please be safe what there’s a puppet that eats people at night lurking somewhere nearby who that’s pretty scary I better be careful I hope I’m [Music] safe h oh that’s the doorbell who could it be oh Mikey JJ let me in what’s wrong there’s something weird with my house today I keep trying to take a nap but all these weird noises are keeping me up like what… Read More

  • 🔥 Ultimate Guide: Modern Mountain Base Build in Minecraft

    🔥 Ultimate Guide: Modern Mountain Base Build in MinecraftVideo Information this is about to be the best day at the beach ever clear skies calm Waters and all of my friends H I wouldn’t be too sure about calm Waters look it’s a tsunami what oh my gosh a tsunami is coming guys and it looks like it’s going to grow higher we have to run what do we do what do we do we need to make a base inside of the mountain to protect us all right everyone let’s go before the tsunami gets to us we do not want to get washed out we have… Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Adventure: More Wood Quest with InfernoTitan

    EPIC Minecraft Adventure: More Wood Quest with InfernoTitanVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Let’s Play: Finding More Wood (Episode 5)’, was uploaded by InfernoTitan on 2024-04-17 10:27:06. It has garnered 11 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 00:34:56 or 2096 seconds. Like and Subscribe! Minecraft Version: 1.20.1 Forge Version: 47.1.0 Mods included: Adaptive Performance Tweaks (Bundle) Adaptive Performance Tweaks Core Adaptive Performance Tweaks Gamerule Adaptive Performance Tweaks Items Adaptive Performance Tweaks Mods Adaptive Performance Tweaks Player Adaptive Performance Tweaks Spawn Appleskin Athena Better Chunk Loading Better Fps Better Ping Display BetterF3 Biome Music Biomes O’ Plenty Chipped Chunk Sending Client Crafting Cloth Config… Read More

  • ⬆️ Straight Up ⬆️ Anarchy SMP 1.20.4 Five Year Anniversary No Map Resets

    Server IP: StraightUp.Minecraft.Best Watch our server video Located in Dallas, USA Join us on Discord: Join our Discord server About Straight Up: Founded in April 2019, Straight Up is a small anarchy server designed for a laid-back survival experience. PvP and griefing are allowed, with no land claims or land protection. We offer stable server performance with no world resets, minor quality of life changes, and an unobtrusive anticheat system. Enjoy the true survival Minecraft experience without any additional plugins or features. Read More