Escaping Osu! Jail with Hardcore Minecraft

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stream isn’t available [ __ ] the [ __ ] you mean no it huh I’m going to I’m going to refresh the screen uh hello now you can see what I can see oh let me add my yeah let me add this [ __ ] hell yeah now you can see my heart rate on here too super super good [ __ ] all right uh looks like I’m live uh let’s see anything live chat uh okay so I could do one of two things here I could use U as a music playlist or I could look up uh I could look up uh like uh Creative Commons uh music music music music um I don’t know I don’t know actually I don’t know about this one H H okay what about what about this what about this what about this stream wait what am I [ __ ] doing I got I have a Discord server [ __ ] oh white wait a second I didn’t even think about that holy [ __ ] okay it’s time uh live stream alerts we are live we are live yes um huh I never actually thought about this like I can share my stream but I’m going to be sharing it on YouTube like I’m going to be sharing a YouTube link and I’m G to be sharing a twitch link and I don’t I don’t I don’t that might be too much I wonder uh we we’ll we’ll figure it out as we go we’ll figure it out as we go all right [ __ ] all right here we go here we [ __ ] go it’s [ __ ] happening we are live we are live there’s probably a better way well yeah we we we’ll see how this goes and we’ll roll with it we will roll with it we are rolling refresh chat chat hello hello hello chat cool both are connected hell yeah all right all right music I need music hello Chrome hello I swear Chrome has gotten really really shitty creative okay how about this let’s just let’s just go with like [ __ ] let’s just go with uh Harris h or something stream beats stream beats can’t go wrong with that hello yes stream beats I’ve never actually played his music on stream let’s see uh playlist uh oh [ __ ] hey 11 thank you for coming how are you doing lowly video is not available what 241 videos are wait that’s not going to work then wait [ __ ] okay H okay you know what I’m just going to do the easy thing and just have OSU music in the background it’s it’s a media player using OSU as a media player how are you doing lemon doing fine kind of back to that Circle Game oh really really how’s it been going I hate how my first instinct was to check out new maps to download we’re not playing ghosted today going to reduce the volume and let’s see yeah whatever all right bad what really you’re having a bad how is this too loud I’m going to I’m going to [ __ ] okay but wait how how is o been going bad for you okay that’s probably a bit better check your OSU profile okay let me wait for Chrome to catch up to me okay uh lemon lemon lemon oh is it because of the the same thing that I experienced it’s basically identical man like look at that it’s basically identical how many ranks did you lose though 10K okay yeah that’s a lot more that’s a lot more but is is is that the real reason or is it because like like you’re just struggling to play cuz you’re Rusty also that yeah I mean honestly I think that’s probably most of it um cuz like you don’t play regularly anymore right okay you’ve been playing a bit like one two three four five six okay yeah I mean yeah you try and only Play Seven Up Wait Seven Stars are you are you trying to play Seven Star PS no that’s six stars you try that feels like suicide like you’re super Rusty but the only thing you challenge yourself to play is seven star Maps you’re basically doing what I do with a big black where I barely played the game and then I played it for 10 hours straight you already know what happened okay okay so I have some exciting news my exciting news is that I have I have a server I have a new Discord server actually I’ll wait until like there’s maybe a few more people before I start talking about it what do I mean you put my 10hour video while playing it wait what wait so you were watching my video in the background while playing OSU what I mean is like you’re you’re going back into OSU playing stuff that is super difficult and then you’re beating yourself up about how much you suck because you’re too rusty to play stuff that’s above your skill level especially while Rusty like when I when I come back to the game like I play like three four star MTH man like that’s way below my skill level but I play that kind of stuff um and then and then like I slowly build myself up uh last week was a bit of a a different scenario because I live streamed and I was like how far can I push ring index I want to push ring deck I I I want to see how I can can play with ring index so hard man but no no it it uh turns out playing with ring ring index still uses your middle finger so um yeah it ain’t working not for a while you play the big black while watching me play the big black why can’t even stream 200 anymore dude probably same probably same but like it doesn’t mean that I can’t do it again I just have to play like I just have to I just have to like get used to playing the game again and then it’ll just come back to me cuz like I played the game long enough to to like like have mus the muscle memory for it I just have to build up strength for it um but yeah okay so you weren’t here for last time but if anyone was here they would know that I started playing Minecraft hardcore mode after attempting to play OSU of ring index which actually went pretty okay I got my first 100 pp play Ring index on accident um but then uh like two and a half hours in it was kind of like okay yeah my finger’s getting tired I might have gotten a little twinge of pain um which was like okay yeah the signal stop and so we switched to Minecraft and I started playing hardcore I died a couple times but but we have a streak now of like a couple days into the world um I updated the the world to the latest version and I added some mods uh to that hopefully won make things run worse cuz surprisingly Minecraft wasn’t running very well but I mean we’ll see we’ll see we’ll see how it goes let’s take a [ __ ] look I want to see how it goes did I play the April fools probably not I’d love it yeah I I I don’t know was there like a Minecraft a pool because like last Friday was the first time I played Minecraft in like a long ass time so I got this mod called theoris it’s like a recently trending mod where it basically expands your render distance in a super efficient way that hasn’t been done before to where it actually makes it feel like breath of a wild or something so I want to I want to see how it runs with this mod while live streaming because I tried to get it running pretty okay without live streaming usually have to like give it a few seconds to like holy [ __ ] you have to like give it a few seconds oh no this is not [Laughter] playable uhoh I was able to get like above 60 FPS like above like 100 FPS without live streaming but this looks like it might not work out too well like I might have to be more conservative of the settings here only try to improve you only destroy it that’s why you hate about Minecraft uh I mean holy [ __ ] it’s actually I mean surely it’s because I have OSU running in the background right oh my God I actually can’t 3080 TI by the way you’re seeing this right I tried to press I tried to press Escape it’s not even oh my God it’s crashing isn’t it I mean I can take a look I I actually can’t take a look I can’t Tab out wow no way actually really can I can I can I bypass this can I oh no all that4 oh yeah all T 4 worked cool all right all right all right uh I have an alternative to it to task manager uh let’s see OSU I mean I don’t think it’ll be using that much uh stat uh uh [ __ ] what where where am I looking for memory there it is uh memory priority private private okay oh God OSU is using the most actually okay yeah maybe maybe I can’t get away with uh playing OSU or having OSU in the background while playing Minecraft in game fov I needs to mod one wait you can do that I have I think I have them both enabled wait am I supposed to disable one of them okay okay let me try again then then try yeah before I get into the world I’ll I’ll try and do that we will make this work what the [ __ ] is this the song I’ve never heard of this song before who are you I’ve never seen you before that’s crazy all right anyways options oh I’m on balanced CPU load quality preset ah yeah uh we’ll go medium I guess uh Graphics render quality oh was that your actual first easy DT paast interesting complete transparency non- colliding I mean it’s probably okay right ambient inclusion noise texture also if you feel like the music is like too much over the in-game uh sounds and music because like there’s in-game music as well let me know and I can just get rid of it threading threading threading uh I I I don’t know honestly like mod updates multiplayer world generator okay wait but there’s like the thing where uh I’m using multiple renders at once right like render distance should I turn this down all the way you barely hear the music so it’s fine oh okay wait does it even matter then if you can barely hear it cuz like to me the music sounds louder on my side and it’s it’s kind of like distracting me so I mean I can try I’m just going to I’m just going to try this just okay wait now we’ll keep that we’ll keep that up to where it was I’m just going to try this and see what happens with the mod take the render to medium or low render yeah it’s on medium we’ll try that first um Quality performance trunk updates zero that’s default okay while playing on high I see Advanced Shader packs yeah we’re not doing shad all right let’s try this again my uh vanilla render distance is two chunks let’s see how that goes oh my God that oh wait wait okay whoa that’s weird do you see how weird that looks I just pressed e to open the door that shows you how Rusty I am with Minecraft um okay FPS is really good though it’s like uh where is it 308 okay yeah that’s way more than we need okay okay okay but I think I think we found the thing to do so I’m just going to increase this to like eight and then see how that how that affects it that should help with like medium distance details like over there yeah yeah still pretty good okay okay actually yeah this works and I’m not really really getting any insane frame drops either so that’s good does anyone else do this where they like swing from side to side while jumping I feel like like I’ve never seen anyone else do that I think this is looking pretty good yeah okay okay uh FPS is do I want to try and increase like chunk render a bit [Music] higher maybe maybe let’s just we can try it out yeah uh cuz it’s like at eight chunks and we have like sh Shadows at 24 and simulation at 24 like we could probably like bring this up to 12 and bring this down to 20 each how does that look now it’s basically the same yeah okay I’m just going to keep doing that until like we level out so raise It Up by like another two or another oh bring up to 16 bring it down to 16 honestly that’s like the best way to do it probably just have it like all equal right where we at now okay it it is a bit lower oh uhoh uhoh uhoh it’s beginning to suffer after hard work and sweat it’s freezing up um you will order a 4090 holy [ __ ] yeah you’re going to have to upgrade your uh power supply for that okay yeah it’s suffering a little bit too much so we will reduce back down to like 12 I guess I think 12 should be okay okay yes 12 and then like 14 simulation I’ll keep at 16 all right stop playing with a render why it was literally [ __ ] just now it was unplayable like just now I have to I have to adjust it so it’s playable again let’s see right now yep this this looks pretty good now I think this is oh a little a little hitchy a little okay okay okay we’re suffering a little bit okay we’re still suffering okay we’re still suffering okay I’m just going to stick with this for a while and if the frame drops if the frame drops still keep happening I’ll just bring it back down to eight bro legit I’m going to try like I’m going to like end up like trying to jump across something and I’m going to die because of this so I’m I’m going to eat some food and I’m just going to I’m just going to like take the L my 30 380 TI is too weak for this sad all right now it should be like insane watch this like insane it’s insanely smooth and responsive wow insane but like the detail is just gone in the medium distance like look at that that that’s actually really weird to look at those blocks go from green to like normal Minecraft blocks that entire cave disappeared H I’ll take the L all right yeah hey it’s collector if you use OptiFine should be better is OptiFine even like uh like good these days cuz like I tried looking into it um and I’m using fabric mods I can only sleep during the night oh it’s still too early what do you mean dude my render distance is at 8 this is ridiculous it’s actually stupid like dare I say this runs worse than my like than the old ancient family computer that’s like two decades old that I used to play on when I was in Middle School like at least I didn’t get like frame drops like sure it was at 12 FPS but like I didn’t get frame drops op to find that’s a job for you yeah yeah like I like I I like oh my God like oops H I can’t press Escape here okay um yeah like I I don’t know if to find is even updated to the latest version but like I have uh here here I can oh here here if my comp if my computer will let me alt tab okay I’m just going to close U how how about we do that let’s let let’s just close OSU I’m not even using it anymore honestly that might actually free up a lot I keep looking over there for the camera but I keep forgetting it’s right in front of me maybe I should move the camera over here right next to chat yo we got to we got to we got to we got a gnome yo who’s the gnome who just gnomed me dude holy [ __ ] my computer is legit dying oh my God oh my God oh my God so how has everyone’s day been dude it’s collector like getting uh [ __ ] I already forgot the mod it’s like the the recently trending mod yeah twitch [ __ ] sucks all right uh the the user experience of twitch sucks like it’s it’s unresponsive a lot anyways um I attempted to make it better but I might just have to like get rid of the mod honestly it’s like distance Horizons or something just use Linux dude my one experience with Linux uh was awful it was terrible it was it was the worst thing ever I will never use like I mean well I’ll probably use Linux in the future but like I uh it was like gnome or something I think we talked about this before and he said it’s like yeah that’s a shitty one but like everyone’s like yeah it’s shitty like like Linux people are like like yeah this this one drro is really shitty check out my drro it’s it’s great and then like someone tries it out and it’s like a shitty experience for them it’s like well it’s great for me and it’s like okay well yeah I don’t know Linux looks like really inconsistent at least like Windows is like consistently shitty or something I don’t know I don’t know I’m I’m saying [ __ ] anyways I’m I’m trying to open stream elements so that I can see who [ __ ] gned me but my computer isn’t having any of it dude dude dude it wasn’t even this bad last week I am actually 380 TI by the way 5800 X by the way uses Discord to see a stream chat and locks YouTube and twitch stream chats they all talk there interesting that is really interesting I might look into that I’m not yeah I wonder H that’s interesting yeah like having a dedicated Discord uh server channel uh to uh to read chat and then it’s all combined chat at that point and you still have emotes and everything yeah that’s that’s actually really interesting because right now I’m using restream and so like on the YouTube side any twitch messages I mean you can you already see it you you know what I’m talking about uh who [ __ ] gnomed me I I need I need to find out who gnomed me was that was that on YouTube it might have been YouTube let’s see I don’t think the notification showed up on stream too so that that’s my bad stuff is janky cuz Okay was that from today no it wasn’t okay well I don’t think we’ll ever find out I don’t think we’re GNA find out who gnomed me that’s okay woohoo Jin okay yeah maybe maybe maybe seeing it would help uh me uh kind of get a better idea of how he does it woin vods like what I I got to see what’s going on my Ram is almost maxed out so that’s tell that that says a lot already uh Java uh let’s see what’s taking up the most Ram right now yeah so that’s Minecraft so my total memory being used is 90% I mean it’s not maxed out [Laughter] but it’s process lasso it’s it’s something I’ve been using for a while uh oh he’s live right now okay so so I see that he definitely has something going on where like something is reading Discord chat or something right Power by restream oh is this just no no no this going to be restream right yeah no no no you said it was Discord chat it looks like Discord I see the ad symbols so but the formatting is different from that okay okay this is interesting let me see it’s it’s probably going to look the same on Twitch also switch is a lot less responsive so things might start freezing up again yeah yeah the same thing okay okay I’ll look into it I’ll look into it again I keep looking over there for for the camera I think at this point I should just I I’m just going to move it I’m just going to move it you know what well I don’t want to move it too much CU I want some of the background to show up all right there we go that should be a bit better uh let’s see how much RAM do I have 16 gabes Discord bought that link to a streaming software then he casts the stream to Twitch and YouTube using restream oh yeah okay okay so he uses a Discord bot link to his streaming software so probably OBS then cast a stream so Discord bot linked to a streaming okay so it’s a bot that you add to the server I guess okay okay okay I’ll look into it thank you for bringing that up I’m going to leave a tab open uh server stream chat Discord bot and stream cord is that what that is stream cord does it only work for never miss no that doesn’t look like it actually now I think about it use caps dude I don’t even know how I hit the caps lock caps lock isn’t even on um top GG he wrote the bottom self damn okay okay I will just leave this open um let’s free up the ram so this so I’m just going to like task manager this and uh do that and then uh yeah okay and then I’ll just remember if I refresh okay cool all right let’s try Minecraft you know Minecraft is a pretty cool game right okay so far so good I honestly I want to try 10 cuz like eight is so low like visually low okay so now we have OSU closed we uh I forgot the rest I just want to play Minecraft oh yeah so I’m using indium uh for like in place of OptiFine I guess I’m using like indium uh nidum uh uh lithium uh radium I think did I turn myself into an apex streamer dude I’ve only played I’ve only streamed Apex like two or three times it’s not off the list but okay this the seems playable ah uck [ __ ] I think it’s just loading in new chunks that’s got to be it right this this might mean that if I you know this is making me think cuz like I think what’s happening is uh [ __ ] the distance mod that I have I forget I keep forgetting what it’s called every time it like has to load in new stuff super far away even though it’s super efficient way more efficient than vanilla Minecraft it’s still too much for me to do while live streaming and so when it loads in a new chunk of the world that hasn’t been generated before mind you um it’s just going to do that so I think this is just something I could brute force in the beginning and then it might improve the more I explore the world it is running at 300 FPS so it’s it’s really good now as long as everything’s like loaded in I guess okay I want to see what’s down here probably nothing there’s nothing how’s the game audio by the way like none of it is being picked up on the on OBS so you probably can’t hear anything let me fix that I’ll just max it out cuz [ __ ] okay do you hear do you hear me doing this lowering FPS if it gets janky again yeah yeah for now it seems to be okay also I think this is too loud for me so I’m going to reduce it to 80 but it doesn’t look like interestingly it doesn’t look like uh Footprints are being picked up like you can’t hear the grass being stepped on but that that’s fine I think probably uh all right let’s actually play the game so all right so last week we found the spot the spot where we start building home base right now I have this shed where I sleep and over here is kind of like a little makeshift thing and honestly I got rid of the roof because I have no idea how I want to build this house in the past I always made Minecraft houses way too big and like it it was like hell yeah but then like at the end of it it’s like [ __ ] the house is too big and I have to like Run 10 miles to go from my bed to like to where all the furnaces are so I think I don’t want to make it too big um I’m thinking what could be cool to do though would be to like have like a central part of the home and then have like yeah okay so this is what I did in like a previous house I built like there’s like a central part of the home and then like it has branches so like like it’ll Branch up the hill to like one side and then this will be like I don’t know like a like another entrance or something or it might be like a storage area and then if I dig into the mountain that will be where the mine is and then uh I should be careful because I’m on Hardcore I keep forgetting that um and then like another Branch out here here maybe going through the mountain and then showing through the other side for like I don’t know overlooking the bamboo forest or something I think that’ be cool I think that would be cool yeah all right uh but for now we should focus on how this looks H okay so I’m not a fan of how it looks exactly right now but I’m just going to start I’m just going to start doing stuff I think that’s oh okay oops oh well yeah I’m just going to start doing stuff so okay I like to make like roads too for like no reason cuz I know like functionally it’s it doesn’t mean anything but it kind of looks nice uh let’s see uh [Music] okay do I have any gravel for this gravel gravel I probably don’t yeah I don’t okay so that that’s what I would probably use gravel if you die it’s wasted dude you you you’re bringing up a good point I’m playing Minecraft hardcore mode should I really focus on a aesthetic when I don’t even have a full set of [Laughter] armor I don’t even have a like a chest plate band like I’m I’m going I’m I’m running around shirtless actually you’re so right I should I should focus on getting materials like I have a I have a bed that that should be good um let me just put these Doors Down uh oh uh it’s it’s going to be weird we’ll roll with this whatever yeah like I I have the basic [ __ ] I have bed roof um and then some storage furnaces crafting table yeah let’s get more stuff your priority is finding a village getting protection for Diamond gear from Trading really okay that’s really interesting because the last time I played Minecraft a lot was during beta 1.8.1 after that I probably played a little bit during 1.19 um but not enough to really get a grasp of like new uh mechanics of the game like like I remember spawning like my main spawn in like a world was like in like a tropical like biome and I literally like like it was just an island and like I was in the middle of the ocean and I was like [ __ ] biomes are so big now is this really all there is to the game [ __ ] like like and and then I found like sea like sea Dungeons and like that [ __ ] was crazy and scary and awesome at the same time but yeah there’s there’s just so much I don’t know about this game what wait it goes down way deeper than I thought what the heck maybe we could explore this let’s let’s explore this oh I hate this I hate these kind of caves actually they’re so claustrophobic man but I guess that’s like kind of true to life dude dud if I [ __ ] die already I mean it wouldn’t be the first time I die like almost immediately after starting a run oh I mean there’s probably something here I do have my mini map that can help which I mean I like okay so like a lot of people are probably not going to like that I’m using a mini map but uh I I’ve always used the mini map while playing Minecraft like ever since I found out about using a mini map I I I just use it so villagers are easy to exploit with the leure job buy sticks for emerald and you can use those emeralds to buy protection books from villagers who are lectures okay okay the sun’s about to set so I’m going to get that coal and maybe we can go to one of the villages we mapped out uh than the nearest Village um whoa okay the nearest okay the nearest Village I’ve been to is all the way down here by the way the this area was where like I spawned I have no idea what this biome is shit’s crazy but um yeah there’s the dured village the kerbed village and the herbed Village um oh oh the the the rent Village I think we can go to the grent Village yo Vina how are you doing going to join earlier but you’re buying your first AR-15 oh [ __ ] damn another type of villager sells armor so that you can put those enchants on okay how’s that AR-15 do you have it yet okay so yeah I’m going to get that coal and then we’ll try going to that Village um after I have a little bit of OCD with random holes and walls and stuff so I’m gonna yeah okay yo volcano do you like my house all right wait tell me I’m having dja Vu maybe I did try streaming Minecraft once would have been a long time ago though okay I’m gonna I’m G to catch up on chat I’m really bad at reading chat I’m sorry it’s been way too long okay let’s see wow wow wow wow wow uh let’s see that’s my chat reading sound um another type of villager yes uh sadly not California law I have to wait 10 days before he pick it up I see okay but you do own other Firearms you don’t think we ever talked about I think you sent me like a picture of like your hand pistol once maybe I feel like it at least but anything about you how’s my day my day is pretty good I woke up late cuz I stayed up all night last night preparing the Discord server by the way I have a Discord server actually this is probably a good time um I need to get that link I need to get that link I I don’t have that link ready I don’t even have a command ready you know I’m I’m just epic like that [ __ ] Discord all right all right okay come on come on I believe I believe in my computer to not be shitty all right all right Discord link hell yeah feel free to join that should also go over the twitch chat right no it didn’t unless yeah okay okay hell yeah hell yeah I I should I I could have just sent it through Ram so it sent it to both but it’s all good hell yeah dude uh let’s see uh [ __ ] that’s the best [ __ ] house you can make for R so true man so true uh uh it’s a beautiful house thank you you did hell yeah yes yes we got the Discord everything okay now um we’re caught up with chat so let’s go to that Village nothing really happened today because I got up so late um but hello B uh like it was basically like just like setting up the like making final preparations for the server to go public and then um sorting out some stuff also with the server yo thank you for following your boy Ellie 69 that rabbit hurting itself caused the game to stutter so hard I thought it was going to crash wait there’s an entire cave here okay okay guys I I kind of this is literally under my house this is literally under my house I kind of want to explore this plus more coal I need this [ __ ] first of all your name is your boy Ellie okay and second of all you’re unfollowing it was an accident [Music] no but we had so much to hope for all right it’s fine it’s all good your boy I will remember that though regardless of if you ever come back again or not I will remember you or at least I’ll try uh let’s see I need more coal give me I heard a skeleton too but I should be okay cuz like I have some armor which is better than no armor and C Yep they’re mobs okay so [Music] copper is pretty useless early game correct oh [ __ ] [ __ ] oh [ __ ] don’t panic we’re good we’re [ __ ] it still does so much damage wait hardcore mode be like [ __ ] man okay okay wait first heal eat eat food okay I actually heal pretty fast that’s good ah [ __ ] where you at die die die yes murder all right we survived our first uh Battle of the day uh let’s see copper copper copper copper Whopper junor copper Copp there’s probably like a like a Minecraft parody of that where it’s just copper copper copper Junior triple double something whatever more coal I need iron though I need iron like coal is really abundant in Minecraft now like super abundant but iron I need to go deeper for iron does it go deeper no it kind of stops here okay uh huh well I guess that’s a cool pretty cool structure that’s right under my house um I guess we can just go back to uh getting to that Village wait there’s more coal I got to get all the coal give me all the coal got to get that coal lemon back welcome back lemon we’re just getting some coal you know good all Minecraft coal mining leveled up to level 10 that’s pretty epic all right now how do I get out of here I made I put down torches that should tell me where to go hell yeah [ __ ] H [ __ ] hell yeah hell wait over here do some Parkour hell yeah [ __ ] that could have been really bad um okay wait uh I can literally yeah you’re right I can I can just build my way out uh yep uh and uh okay oops and uh wait what is that z Oh Z interesting okay and then uh oh I see uh huh ahuh all right now let’s get out of here and get to that Village [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] all right [ __ ] it wait I need this okay froze this is perfect and I also get flint out of this which is great [ __ ] okay it’s okay we got wood we can make crafting table table which I should have made already and uh [ __ ] there we go hell yeah dude this is this is this is amaz and we found iron yo let’s go hell yeah dude I used to play Minecraft all the [ __ ] time I wasn’t I didn’t I don’t think like the most I got into PVP was like those snowball fight servers I don’t know if anyone remember remembers them or if they even still exist but there was that and then I think there was captured a flag servers too there’s the Hunger Game servers too um and then uh but like the the type of like multiplayer servers that would get into the most were uh excuse me uh Minecraft Parkour servers like those are my favorite all right how much was that holy [ __ ] we are stacked all right let’s get out of here yeah this Sun’s probably about to set again too hey no it’s still a productive day we still did good we still did good today hello Donkey all right let’s put this gravel into longer term storage or actually I can I I I I I I’m going to go ahead and place some of this down already and I might change it like later on but we’ll just stick with gravel for now that’s the pavement style uh actually no we’ll just use Cobblestone for this here keep keep it basic with what we got all right time to sleep you shared your last stream all right is it okay if I talk about it on [Music] stream hello collector on this Sor all right share dreams the LA wait you don’t mind hell yeah all right all right all right we’ll take a little break here dream sharing time all right the last dream that I had was with my grandmother she’s been dead for a really long time I’ve never dreamt about any one of my family members before but apparently my other family members have when I saw her in her room I was scared because I was self-aware like I knew she was dead and yet she was right in front of me in her room I was actually horrified when she told me to come close to her but I couldn’t even say anything and I refused to move and then she said don’t be afraid it’s right come closer I want to show you something so you ended up getting about arms distance from her she goes inside of her drawer and starts pulling out nice clothes for you to wear and we started talking about how nice they looked and I was actually comfortable being around her even though you knew she was gone and yet here she was with me and after she gave me the clothes you woke up that’s a really nice dream that was actually a really nice dream interestingly I’ve had similar dreams um like uh with my grandfather um after he passed away yeah those those dreams are those kind of kind of dreams are nice meanwhile if you look one message above that uh you can see me saying it says I had a dream that sco was sitting next to me next to me shirtless that’s true that’s true that’s the thing about dreams you can keep talking about them to no end if you remember more about them like the more you talk about a dream the more in detail you can get into the dream and it it like never ends she was an amazing woman it sounded like she was yeah damn good [ __ ] about novels you wrote you wrote novels how have I known you for seven years and not know know that you write novels I forgot I had my protein shake right in front of me it’s private stuff oh okay cringe Tumblr stuff don’t worry about it man it’s all good man it’s kind of interesting like I’ve gone from gfuel to protein [Laughter] shake usually like I would be shaking up some gfuel in the middle of a live stream but now it’s protein shake if is jpani good yeah it was good I drank it for many years um but then I stopped because I have insomnia and it makes my insomnia worse so yeah I basically stopped taking caffeine dude benden benden benden how are you doing benden here you were trying hoping to make me play the big black um man man if only if you could have made me play the big black man if only if you could have made me play the big black man if only if you could have done that man what a missed opportunity you were Infinity dead stuff oh oh stuff has stopped like being imported into Israel [ __ ] another 10 hours dude I don’t I don’t know that that would CH that that’s B much [ __ ] dude the generation around here is like I need to find like better routes around this area cuz like it’s so [ __ ] treacherous dude what the hell I’m gonna [ __ ] die to gravity and this entire hardcore run will be will end just like that oh welcome back the button what button oh [ __ ] do I have that button do I still have that button enabled no no wait that’s actually that that is actually oh that would be awful cuz I mean I guess I could technically play the big black but it would just be with relax ads taking over [ __ ] twitch folk getting ads oh my God that’s right I have to like cross like ocean like it’s on an island I like build I should build a bridge or something or or like a little boat boats are faster yeah maybe I’ll make a boat right now let’s make a boat Boat Boat Boat Boat Boat huh what what what is happening Boat Boat all right boat he ignored the button you know what I don’t see it because I I I don’t see this because I’m looking at restream chat you want to know what restream chat looks like this is what restream chat looks like and as you can see it sucks because restream chat does not show stuff like lemon redeemed play the big black you woke up at 4:00 a.m. did a full 8 hours of training after being out of work since early December did a 5 Mile Walk holy [ __ ] how was my day uh well I went to sleep at 4:00 a.m. um and then I I woke up at 1 p.m and then I spent uh I spent a good amount of time um preparing the new server uh to go public and um it actually already went public because I made a YouTube like I scheduled a YouTube Community post with the invite link no one saw it anyways but whatever um and then I archived the old server and made an announcement to let anyone know to migrate to the new server and then um um then I started live streaming I mad lemon I ain’t mad I got to play the big black you’re nah dude nah nah this is not the dream actually this is actually not the dream and I’ll tell you why it’s because it’s not sustainable online work over actual work over any day I agree on that I agree on that if I can get a remote job that would be I’ll be so good still 5.2k left lemon listen here buddy this is a Minecraft stream and we’re launching U we’re launching U because you decided to make me play the big black and because of you everything’s beginning to stop working you are shutting down my computer [Laughter] lemon oh [ __ ] I got to start my tablet drivers too I can’t stretch I can’t stretch my hand is too injured to stretch my posture yeah yeah I got to get into my OSU posture at Le least oh hydrate oh bro you got me covered how’s the hand it’s doing better um last week I attempted last week I attempted to uh yeah audio same time okay so what what was that open tabl driver yeah that’s fine uh yeah last week I attempted to play OSU ring index style um turns out playing ring index still uses your middle finger you have to lift up your middle finger and that’s the exact motion that my injury affects and so it just kind of like it it was too much for my injury basically um so I spent the last week like just letting it rest and it’s better now um tomorrow I’ll start I’ll res doing isometric exercises to like rehabilitate [Music] it all right yeah pretty much yeah that’s the thing try tapping sty hey op we’re we’re about to play a song called are you afraid of the big black because lemon um just to uh Grant bendon’s wish to watch me play the big black so we’re we’re going to live through this I’m I’m already getting PTSD man I’ve played this show for 10 hours look at all these replays look at all that look at all that yeah I did put that cool down I’m doing pretty good OB how are you doing hope I’m saying that right all right uh yeah [ __ ] we’re playing U let’s Sally the U overlay all right [Music] properly yeah that should be good now all right all right we’re all good now lemon lemon what are you doing to my computer lemon all right uh [ __ ] where where’s relax okay you still remember one thing ducky shine dude I wish I still have my ducky shine oh well it’s fine I have toting but I’m not I’m not I I can’t play I can’t play with my hand uh I mean I can’t play with my left hand so relax we’ll have to cope with [Music] relax you don’t remember the big bag sounding like this if you call correctly I don’t know I mean after playing it for 10 hours it all kind of sounds like big black to me I’m playing with the wrong skin aren’t I who’s afraid of the big black no where’ it go I don’t know [Music] oh my God this is what happens when you have Minecraft and U running at the same time holy crap and live [Music] streaming yeah yeah Mr dinkle post he plays with like the like the drum pedals I could do that maybe [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] my relationship with this map has changed forever can never feel the same about it ever again oh [ __ ] I could never feel the same about it again this map has actually caused me so much physical pain it’s unbelievable anyways back to Minecraft Minecraft is such an epic game guys yo check it out look at look look at look look at the water look at the squid wait wait I’m drowning [ __ ] hold on hold on my computer’s dying lemon what are you going to do no lemon you made my game crash [Laughter] I think I might need to I I I I I think I might I think I might need to uh reconsider some things here maybe I should disable that big black uh Redemption thing cuz holy [ __ ] my computer cannot handle it even though I have a 5800 X 380 TI 16 GB of RAM running at 3600 MHz at CL 14 probably uh Hey it remembered where I was you know what that works I’ll take it boat love you in the boat boat there we go hell yeah how is your day o I know it’s so [ __ ] weird I don’t know what’s going on man it’s so weird where am I okay this way whoa what what is that I I I got to check that out it’s like a little [Music] Cove with some coal yo yo yo let me at the coal we going to get coal guys this is taking too long or maybe Windows mode maybe cash from Ram I have a I have a program that does that automatically intelligence stus stamus what the [ __ ] is it intelligence stus [Laughter] wait wait that is actually such a good name Stanis Stanis I got to remember that wait I should name my dog Stanis that is his name his his name is Stanis stanus he’s he’s he’s like 10 he’s 500 and he’s 500 meters away from me but I I have dubbed him stus I have a furry no I have a wolf dog but yes you’re doing pretty good just the rusting in U hell yeah that’s good stuff what is this underground [ __ ] all right I got to get to the Village before the sun sets got me in the background for motivation hell yeah dude I’m glad I’m able to motivate you with some Minecraft to play OSU how’s the in-game audio sounding by the way I know Minecraft is extremely quiet compared to OSU but it’s because OSU is like chronically loud hello Gamers or sorry uh hello grter is everyone grinting here hello grter I didn’t bring emerals with me that’s okay hello farmer grter what’s the plan for Minecraft uh so this is my first time ever attempting well I guess it’s technically my my third time attempting attempting a hardcore mode but um uh I have never played hardcore mode other than the two times that I died last week um but I’ve never completed hardcore mode so I’m going to attempt to finally complete hardcore mode are they what are they doing I don’t know I already talked to them music and U is over you just play in silence dude I I fced caffeine fighter that’s the name of the map right caffeine fighter that that doesn’t sound right though caffeine caffeine fighter caffeine I fced it uh without music I had chidiac but I did it and that was like in I don’t know 2016 2017 and then I tried to FC with music and it it just didn’t happen you know all right Mr farmer genter give me your [ __ ] that all of that just for three wait that sucks I just lost a lot of wheat oh there there’s more wheat wait I have what what the [ __ ] I have so much wheat never mind hello Mr drer D drer or gr grter grer grter hello what what is everyone’s here talking all right uh that have sucks you’d rather play it with no music yes and meanwhile lemon is playing Seven Star Tech Maps hey as long as you’re having fun it’s okay all right uh you potatoes uh you nothing you paper uh you carrots uh uh oh [ __ ] okay there’s actually a lot of hay bales so I’m just going to get every single one and make everyone starve here but not really cuz I give it back to them fun what’s fun uh fun is defined as something that gives you Joy participate in an activity that you would describe as fun is an activity that would provide you with feelings of joy happiness fulfillment pleasure and [Music] arousal that is the definition of lemon I mean fun [Laughter] lemon hey Bale holy [ __ ] I have so much wheat I’m going to get so much I’m I’m probably going to get get like six emeralds from this hello wrong one hello wrong one hello there’s more wait are you ah yes yes give it to me yes give it to me yes give it to me yes give it to me oh [ __ ] I exhausted it f [ __ ] what am I going to do [ __ ] I I don’t know what to do I don’t I I have I have to do something I have to do something okay wait I’m just going to take the rest of this cuz it’s free food you ever play Terraria I did in fact I even live streamed it until I opened up my world to be a server with chat and then uh this one guy in chat who was probably like eight years old uh he just destroyed the entire world and then and then that basically just like had me be like yeah okay I’m not going to play it anymore Kelo J playing Minecraft so rare so true it is rare this is this is a certified super rare moment potato Apple feather book oops wait I can just kick them out of bed like that wait I didn’t I didn’t have to destroy the bed and hurt them bro I also streamed Minecraft last week and that’s exactly what I did to them mobs this is my first time playing hard hardcore by the way and I am running around shirtless in the middle of the night hell yeah where’s the other one don’t know okay how I how’s my wrist doing my wrist is doing okay uh last week I attempted to learn learn how to play OSU with my ring finger and index finger in an attempt to escape injury quote unquote uh it turns out playing with your ring finger still requires you to use your middle finger because if you don’t raise your middle finger high enough you can’t raise your ring finger up and down so much so oh hi this is going to get really dangerous actually uh oh my God I’m way too full uh feather do I drop the feather or do I drop I’ll drop the flowers yeah okay so yeah my wrist is doing okay why what what’s going on here they’re all fighting for the same bed um yeah oh my God I thought all of those were zombies they’re just cows [ __ ] um so yeah um my wrist is doing pretty okay um I had to stop doing isometric exercises for a week just because I had to let it R from me attempting to play Ring index um but but after that uh oh my God full armor gold that’s crazy um but yeah uh but starting tomorrow um I’m going to start doing my I’m going to continue doing my isometric exercises again so yeah should be okay didn’t do too much uh damage to my wrist or like reverse progress but yeah um if I had to say how long it’d be before I could play OSU again probably like I I maybe another like 3 four weeks before I can try and see oops oops oops oops that’s not good I keep forgetting I’m playing on Hardcore man I keep forgetting I’m playing on Hardcore I keep [ __ ] forgetting no [ __ ] no dude dude I keep forgetting I just got into the [ __ ] Groove and and I I I I was just like hell yeah I’m slaying monsters it’s fine no I’m like I’m [ __ ] hardcore I’m I’m fighting monsters like shirtless dude I don’t know for punishment play the big black oh let me guess did you did you actually no no okay out of all the ways to di to yeah the most basic way hey Darkness it’s okay hey if anything we might we this might be a chance to you can bro lemon do you want to watch my computer like just shut down for like five minutes again do you do you want this to be the entire live stream cuz I I don’t know if I want that okay wait so this this world is called Mighty boob rib Mighty boob wait what did I name my dog it was this was like right after I finally decided to name for my dog in that world man I’m really bad does anyone remember what I named my dog cuz I want to carry over that name to whatever my next pet is in Minecraft dude I’m so bad I’m so I’m so [ __ ] bad like it it was such a beautiful name too can I make you mod let’s build some some some social points to together first before before we try and cross that bridge it was amazing to see me again God don’t don’t take that out of context that’s going to make me seem like such a narcissistic person um J meowing you’ll be my bodyguard build it if you can build it it can happen um lemon I assume assume it’s like 5:00 a.m. for you if it is 5:00 a.m. for you [ __ ] if it isn’t 5:00 a.m. for you [ __ ] because I I still know it’s like multiple hours past midnight for you and so if you are deciding to go to sleep it’s 3:30 okay okay it’s 3:30 oh that means you are yeah okay in the morning dude yeah get some sleep just need to move on stuff right now yeah like [Laughter] sleep yeah dude get some [ __ ] sleep what sleep wait wait you’re not going to sleep what are you doing then what are you going to do whoa what the [ __ ] wait why did it change I update my game once and it’s so different okay okay wait uh before okay I’m actually going to quit Minecraft but this doesn’t mean I’m going to stop playing Minecraft this is actually because this is the perfect chance for me to talk about my Discord okay wait okay so so hold hold I have a I have a new Discord server I I have a new Discord server um I’m going to like manually post this link uh cuz it finally went public um after setting it up and everything um and we migrated everything well we migrated well we initiated a migration from my old Discord server to the new one so there it is I didn’t need to post it there it was already right there oh well um but yes oh you can stay hell yeah people don’t need you hey lemon if people don’t need you I need you thank you for sticking around okay okay okay now that that’s out of the way um right so there’s this mod there is this mod uh that I was like whoa I want to play I want to play I want to play this mod on stream CU it looks so cool it’s like uh it’s like a t t t T tal t no that that’s not it geo geo geo geot transient mod I’m just making upwards right now uh I’ve only known you for like uh how long let’s see you you got to think about it like real life [ __ ] man let’s say like you meet like a bearded guy uh a guy with a beard like mine in person and you’re talking to them right now and like it’s been uh like five minutes and you’re asking him to uh like you’re you’re asking him to guard you with like guard like you’re asking him for permission to guard his most precious Treasures do you think he’s going to do that um okay where is this video history it might be in history because I watched it recently where Show Yourself Minecraft video Minecraft will never be the same again yes uh distance Horizons yes but I already have that it’s the other one hold it is distance Horizons where did it go it is invisible there it is plus what is it so impressed by a video game before and to have that video game be Minecraft in 2024 is blowing my mind no no one wants to give you mod maybe it’s because you got to change your approach and look at it it’s a process it’s a process I’m not I I don’t want to coach you on this because Google can be your friend in certain scenarios but um it will help uh to maybe like look up like cuz someone’s got to have like written like a story about like how I became this person’s moderator or how I became this person’s administrator like and then like when you kind of like look into those stories you kind of get an idea of like okay okay if I want to earn someone’s trust to be able to do this thing this is what I need to do then and only then will people start asking you yo dude you’ve been like a great person in my chat you’ve been really proactive on things and even just letting me know about [ __ ] that’s happening in chat like people are advertising [ __ ] or something um or like begging for follows or subscribers or something and you’re letting me know even though you’re not a moderator dude you’ve earned a something like that right so and it takes time you got to be patient with it but yeah hell yeah Vina um let’s see lemon it’s because you’ve never asked me I don’t think you’ve ever asked me to be a mod is 6970 in the heart rate showcase healthy uh is that cystic or diastolic you can delete the archive server yeah I mean I’ve I’ve I I’ve hidden all the the channels um unless if like okay if people start protesting about the old server and wanting to at least be able to see the old channels I will make them unhidden um just so that they can look through like memories and stuff cuz like I completely understand that but but yeah you just enjoy being here and that’s completely fine too I don’t want to force people to be mods either like just because someone’s here for like seven years lemon and like really active and really friendly and really just like like forming a really strong bond like it doesn’t mean they want to be a mod so it depends on on what the person wants hey thank you Darkness I’m glad you like my videos I try really hard to make them um let’s see you just don’t like a lot of servers yeah if you don’t mind then yeah you can you can leave uh the the old Discord server the new Discord server frame which as far as I know before was never possible you could render things out in a distance but the game slow down you would be limited distant Horizons is working some real magic behind the scenes to make this possible now I’ve also got the tectonic mod going here in the backgr tectonic SC okay okay that’s the mod I’m missing tectonic that is the tectonic plates of Earth uh tectonic mod Minecraft all right so uh tectonic Minecraft mods yes yes let’s see download uh wait actually I like to just go here instead it’s it’s just a me thing and that’s Neo Forge we need fabric 1.2 I think that should be okay right I think that should be okay or 1 20.4 but I think it should be okay let’s open that folder hello hello all right uh I need to get into that Minecraft sh start menu start menu hello Minecraft I don’t know why my computer is so sluggish Minecraft is closed right now like what’s going on I don’t have anything crazy running in the background right now like yeah responsiveness I mean RAM usage is I mean that’s probably OBS right it would be OBS no it’s Chrome it’s [ __ ] Chrome why is it Chrome OBS is down here huh okay I don’t know man all right fabric loader folder uh mods mods folder mods drag it in and do I actually have invidium in here or am I did I just think I added it oh my God I think I I didn’t even add it holy [ __ ] I didn’t even add invidium oh oh [ __ ] okay okay well now we have it maybe maybe it’ll run better now we’ll have to see use Brave or Opa GX Ed right now Microsoft did a good job is it true though because they’re all chromium browsers right doesn’t that mean that they’re all going to kind of do the same thing as Google like normal Chrome okay I think I should be able to just play straight away you will work you will not crash computer will work Microsoft actually reduced it so you can play with your usage oh hm okay okay I’ve been like I I I still like kind of feel kind of offish about uh like going for Microsoft Edge CU it’s like like once you start using Edge it’s like super like invasive like it it just kind of [ __ ] with you so or like [ __ ] with what am I saying that’s such a skso thing to say I meant like like it I don’t know Microsoft really pushes really hard for it to become like the thing you use for everything and I kind of don’t like that uh let’s see mini map levels trunk updates fog occlusion invidium how the hell did I lose invidium cuz I literally had it working like two days ago H weird Okay um I think I should have uh oops you just use it because it’s more friendly to PC I guess so yeah and other stuff he’s Brave yeah uh I mean I guess I could try it out just to try it out maybe video okay what was I trying to do I was trying to see what mods I have yes I don’t know how to do that I don’t think I know how to do that Shader packs invidium Advanced performance quality okay whatever we’ll find out if if [ __ ] looks different we know why uh we are doing hard hardcore bro uh World type super flat large biomes Amplified uh single biome default sure uh more uh I’m not going to mess with that experiments though trade rebalance why whoa what I don’t know all right all right previous world name Mighty boob gone what shall we name this world Bing dude yeah I mean okay I’m going to be honest it looks like Bing maybe got a little bit better since like it got integrated with AI and stuff but like that’s like the only thing I’ve tried using the AI part not even being surch like in searches probably still should so SE where bucket you’re so right I gotta listen to my own reminders man the bucket might make a comeback eventually for now we got The Jug does the same thing also I got protein powder protein shake protein drink protein milk we protein all right what do we name this world it gave you deep we stuff how how does it do that how how can he even like do that like isn’t isn’t like Deb stuff like only accessible with the tour browser um and like you need like a specific like version of a URL called like an onion link right how the [ __ ] does it act as onion [ __ ] is B cutting onions it’s B don’t ask okay okay um I’m G to try naming this world bingus you know what I think I think mingas might be I think I think it holds a lot of power it has a strong B at the start and it ends up of a strong Gus like [Music] Gusto I think this is the one these settings are using experiment features experimental one day stop walking what they’re all disabled though uh data packs wa tectonics oh it’s probably talking about that hey there’s the mod yo all right cool uh create new world yes all right let’s fingers cross we are spawned in a good place there’s more than one way to do for you to access the Deep Web onion is one way to do it oh okay oh [ __ ] are we in the desert bro what is this hello Turtle dude what is this spawn this is a desert island oh I think I see [Laughter] trees yo bobbert hello how are you doing oh man jungle biome so early dude actually that might be a good thing [ __ ] I did not see you I did not see you I do not see you dude I’m like I don’t know I think I might be like I might be the worst hardcore player ever I just don’t know like I like like when I play Minecraft I want to relax but because I’m trying to survive in hardcore mode like like because I’ve never done it before [ __ ] I suck at it like [ __ ] man okay here’s the first instance of the really cool mod called tectonic we have jungle and now now we have miniature Island right in front of us I think I’m going to make a waypoint to this island or not Waypoint I’m going to make a marker marker uh this is bingus island bingus island this is the Historic Landmark known as bingus Island um um and it’s going to be uh it’s going to be uh it’s going to be [ __ ] what color I was going to choose pink but that’s that’s dark purple um [ __ ] gold there we go [ __ ] I [ __ ] guys I’m such a good Minecraft player holy [ __ ] someone like I I like I’m I’m so professional at this gold all right bingus bingus Island beautiful all right wait what the [ __ ] is this wait wait what island is this whatever man whatever Ian I like we already have bingus Island the bingus archipelago there we go all right I Tred and reap for one second and I almost like that that could have been a fullon ravine all I can say is Binga probably protected me Bing is forever in our hearts so true all right we got chickens [Music] [ __ ] come on there we go uh oh wait I forgot I was trying to get an egg and I started killing it I don’t know I don’t know what’s wrong with me okay okay so there’s one tree but there’s only one tree I don’t want to use jungle wood so I’m going to do the stupid thing and ignore all that wood over there and try and find an oak tree tree or multiple oak trees so I don’t feel guilty about uh making oak trees extinct in this uh Square uh yard okay oh I think that’s an oak tree Forest over there maybe is that a village dude what the the heck is with like what the heck is with like me spawning near Villages like I’m lucky I guess I guess I’m lucky but that’s kind of crazy next thing is like am I am I going to get a diamond from this Village like last time we got some food that’s good I’m going to steal this bed uh hello goodbye uh I’m literally naked I’m running around naked I’m starving hello naked starving man uh raids a village okay is there something in this house uh no okay now I’m going to make more food I actually wait oak trees okay but I can’t Sprint I should eat let’s eat apple all right now I’m going to take more of this food honestly I think this is better like initially it spawned Us in the middle of a [ __ ] desert island and I was just like oh [ __ ] not again but actually it turned out to be pretty okay I’m not going to steal this kid’s uh bed I already have one um let’s see up here what up here yes and let’s see I mean I I don’t think I I think I should just like try and get some wood honestly yeah so I’m just going to run to that Forest get some wood and then uh I’ll come back to this Village and then I’ll give it a good name all right finally oak trees now this is kind of my OCD but I want to find an oak tree that isn’t connected to other oak trees via leaves this one’s pretty good it doesn’t have much wood but I’ll start with this one okay reminder to self this is hardcore mode all right I’m I’m just going to yell that to myself every now and then so I remember this is hardcore mode all right uh yes all right more wood give me the wood I need wood I need wood separated from other wood wood wood wood I think this is good enough what is that skin it’s not 2016 bro just let me play Minecraft I I think I have like another skin but like I I don’t oh it’s already night well I have a bed it’s fine um uh yeah like I think I have another skin but like honestly I don’t I don’t know I don’t know like I used to like swear by like a certain skin but I don’t know like the the classic vanilla Minecraft look kind of kind of it’s kind of the vibe right now I can change it later on but kind of kind of this is kind of sticking right now okay where’s that other tree let me get that [ __ ] Apple sapling you have a girl skin oh wait oh wait wait are you talking about my skin like like my character skin dude I’m never changing this skin I’m never changing that do you want to know why do you want to know why cuz it says LOL on the back that’s [Laughter] why that’s why I’m never going to change this skin why do I feel like yelling Caesar it’s a cross Caesar died here rest in peace Caesar [ __ ] okay okay okay uh [Music] r i p Caesar Perfect all right let’s build uh like a quick enclosure um just like really easy just uh we’ll we’ll we’ll protect Caesar’s tomb tonight this is such a dumb [ __ ] shelter yo we got that natural light though all right let’s put down this bed good night all right now I destroy my spawn point and we shall collect more Oak more trees to fuel our Binga Endeavors we must spread the gospel of mingas and we must first start with that Village God I can’t wait to get a stone next all right oh man all right let’s get more wood we’re going to get that wood goodbye Caesar hello tree that is isolated from never mind hello tree okay you know what I’ll just take these two actually [ __ ] never mind I think at this point I should just head back to the village and I can just plant my own trees I have enough uh saplings for that right yeah I have five that’s that’s a decent start all right let’s head back to the Village I didn’t mark the village [ __ ] where’s the village there’s another Village behind me ain’t no way I’m going to go there this I’m going to go back to that Village first though cuz uh I got to spread the gospel one Village at a time got some horses oh [ __ ] we have a lot of horses wait uh but it’s way too early for me to like try and tame a horse to be honest like I don’t even have any leather okay all right Village prepare to earn your name your name shall be uh I guess this is Town Center okay uh this Village shall be named um uh bingus bingus Village it’s close enough to the bingus archipelago so I think it works out bingus Village this is where bingus uh originates from um this is the birthplace of bingus uh that’s the legend and F folklore I’m hungry I need food bread [ __ ] zombie where I think I saw some coal in here oh oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] okay okay okay okay okay okay okay hold on hold on hold on hold on hold on hold on hold on hold on I’m going to I have no choice but to make a a wooden pickaxe there’s literally no way I can get stone without a wooden pickaxe this is so true let’s also defend ourselves with a wooden sword never mind actually a wooden pickax should be enough because then I will be able to make a stone sword and save the economy I’m using the axe okay now uh let’s see here uh yes sword uh stick uh shovel yes very good very very good hell yeah all right now coal there’s a lot of mobs near me this looks like a on the map it actually looks like a pretty decent sized uh Cave System I kind of want to take a little peek see if I can get any oh a little like more good stuff uh yeah no I’m not really seeing anything all right the peak is over all right we now have coal some Stone crafting table how’s the world map looking like slowly expanding okay let’s check out this Village we must spread the name of bingus can get some omega omega 3es here real quick oops oops oops all right I hear a skeleton honestly so far like I know I haven’t seen much of it but I kind of like this mod already cuz like the biomes aren’t stupidly big are these like clay houses whoa this cool hello oh hello what dude that is crazy that is crazy that is pretty darn crazy I’m not really interested in The Acacia saplings I’m very like Pro uh I’m very like Pro uh oak tree for some reason I don’t know why I just like other types of wood are like purely just to make tools um and like building though like I will build with oak wood okay I’m not really seeing anything too crazy in this Village other than the trades the trades were looking pretty epic oh it doesn’t go upstairs I see oh sun setting I could probably just like sleep in here honestly just use this Bud unless if he yeah okay have I been in here I have not cool I’ll sleep in here probably a very like culturally uh I I don’t have a bed [ __ ] I forgot I died in the other world um hello Pig o smoker oh this might be bad [ __ ] hello I’m going to sleep [ __ ] watermelon yes perfect we are safe mostly zombies are gone yes all right cool cool cool cool cool I’m going to take some watermelon and I thought that’ be was like a different type of bee or something but it just had pollen on its butt where’s it beehive no idea all right what shall we name this Village this Village this Village we shall name this Village uh Dingus Village long de goratory if that’s how you say it ding ding’s Village yes Village is wait I did not what ding Village there we go all right good [ __ ] um I don’t have emeralds none of these guys trade wheat so I’m out uh I kind of want to yeah I kind of want to expand the map so I’m just going to run around naked and uh expand the map destroy any oak trees I see get more wood I could probably I could probably kill some of these [Music] cows just two of them all right where am I going good I want to keep going I want to keep going north chicken oh I see a Pillager thing that’s a Pillager thing isn’t it interesting how I see it before the map shows it I’ll just get a little closer just so that I can see it on the map but I don’t want to get too close to it oh okay that should be pretty close yeah that’s good all right away skeleton okay so here’s what I’m thinking right now I’m trying to think because this mod makes Terrain very different in Minecraft and so this means that terrain is so different that um the usual kind of like spots I try to look for that generates in Terrain in Minecraft usually um to build a home probably doesn’t they probably don’t exist in this world so where I built my house is now an even bigger question than before I already have a bed right yeah okay cool oops all right are those pumpkins I do not have OptiFine so I cannot zoom we shall find out cuz if those are pumpkins I could bring it back to ding’s Village and trade possibly trade for some emeralds let’s do that unless if I’m really far away then I might not is that that’s a horse it’s Tails towards me so I thought it was something else all right Stone axe so Jay what’s new in life tell a story tell tell a story all right uh once upon a time there was uh there was a there was a uh there was a mouse named Randall Randall theous house um he liked beans um he liked to collect another Village holy [ __ ] um he liked to collect beans so much that he would keep a stash of beans in his closet um hidden away from the rest of the world um one day his stash of beans went missing freaking out about how his stach of beans had gone missing he uh uh started asking his friends um if they knew anything about it but because he kept his stach of beans a secret his friends were only able to help him so much as they didn’t know about the existence of those beans until he brought them up upon realizing this Randall the mouse became so distraught that he decided he would hire a private detective this private detective’s name was uh bandal and so together Randall and bandal came together to collect as much information as they could to find out who took randle’s beans Randall and bandal worked effortlessly and over the course of three months they finally hit a they finally found a hit they found a strand a single strand of hair the single strand of hair belonged to a certain animal that uh most likely took uh randle’s beans and so they started uh they called for the entire city of uh of of um gandal to come together and um oh [ __ ] this is pretty good uh to come together and uh uh for for a a thorough investigation um and so the entire city lined up and backed up all the streets traffic was came to a standstill somehow Randall had enough political power to stop all businesses within the same day of that City and so they spent an entire week trying to match the hair with every single animal person thing that lived in the city and eventually they found out who stole Randall’s beans and so the question remains who stole Randall’s beans this entire time I’ve been leading you on to a story about a guy named Randall a mouse who lost his beans well it turns out it was Randall all along none of the people in that City had matching hair except for Randall himself it was only when every single person came up as a n n non match that Randall happened to drop the strand of hair on his leg while he was sitting in a chair and it was at that point he realized wait that is my own hair but now the question is how did how did Randall steal his own beans how did he steal his own beans and so the mystery thickens the mystery thickens and so in order to figure things out Randall’s private detective bandal loaned him some beans to keep next to him while he fell asleep for bandal wanted to conduct a test and so bandal went to sleep with some beans next to him when he woke up the beans [ __ ] my my my game is that is a crazy mountain range um okay when he woke up the beans were not there Randall was distraught once more because now he is in debt he owes beans to bandal the private detective he hired also beans are the main currency in the city of uh I forgot the name of the city uh jandal so jandal the city of jandal runs on beans and so without these beans to pay his private detective he now owed the private detective and he still didn’t know what happened to the beans well it just so happened that the private detective uh that the private [ __ ] the private the private detective uh set up a hidden camera next to his bed with the perfect view of where the beans were placed and so with that camera he went over the footage over the night holy [ __ ] that’s a lot of emeralds and so he found that what was happening was Randall was uh Randall was uh simply um [ __ ] Randall was simply uh tucking them under the blanket and and under this blanket a bunch of wiggling would happen and when he would wake up the blanket nothing would be under the blanket and so the mystery thickens even further what the heck is going on with that wiggling what that blanket doing though is it the blanket that is actually taking Randall’s beans or is it actually still Randall himself as previously thought find out next time on Randall Ball Z how’s that story I’m surprised I I I went as long as I did with [Laughter] it dude I I literally did nothing I can’t play Minecraft and say and and and tell a story at the same time that [ __ ] is so [ __ ] hard to do like I mean I mean [ __ ] I mean like it it probably works it it probably like helps because it’s like [ __ ] that’s basically what like a bunch of Tik toks do just random Minecraft footage and telling a story but like [ __ ] [ __ ] I can’t I can’t play Minecraft and tell a story dude that’s too much I I spent like the last 10 minutes doing nothing so I thought about Dragon Ball Z I don’t know what Dragon Ball Z is I said Randle ballsy also my game really doesn’t like this oh hello goodbye all right uh I need to give this Village a name and then I need to use the bathroom um where’s the Town Center Reddit stories yeah literally right that’s basically like what it is on Tik Tok or shorts Reddit stories with uh Minecraft game play uh where the hell there should be a bell somewhere around here hello Belle oh yes Belle Perfect all right um yeah so so we shall what shall we name this Village here why is why what the why why did the map Why is the map looking like this oh wait the map the map is loading like this because this is the current like level I’m on and these are the mountains and so those are the cave systems in those mountains at the same horizontal level that I’m standing at that is so cool um anyways the name of this Village shall be so we have bingus Village Dingus village now this Village shall be named Fus Village all right and with that I must uh use the bathroom so here’s what I’m going to do I honestly I like I I I actually don’t have anything prepared uh so I think the best thing I can do is maybe play my own YouTube video If OBS is actually okay with that yeah okay I might I might just play because like if I open OSU my computer’s GNA [ __ ] freak out again so I can’t stretch lemon but I can hydrate so I will play my latest YouTube video while I go to the bathroom also use this as a chance to check out my YouTube channel atj Musta we had a video from last week it’s it’s a pretty cool video there’s a thing about a hair dryer and toilet paper 30 essential tips to play OSU better highly recommend you check it out out but I’ll go ahead and show the video here just hold on hold on a second we need to let we need to let my computer catch up to what I’m trying to make it do give it a moment give it a moment I’ll give it a couple more moments maybe you’ll go to sleep it’s 5:00 a.m. dude go to sleep go to sleep go to sleep go to sleep don’t apologize go to sleep you need it also I think I should apologize because I literally can’t hold this like like if there’s a camera for under the table you would see that that that my my feet are doing a lot of things right now because I’m trying really hard to hold in uh my bladder so um yes I miss you too lemon I miss you too go to sleep have a good night’s rest and I’ll see you next week I plan to stream every Friday around the same time we’re going to keep this up all right all right all right all right uh video from optim settings to using a hair dryer here are 30 electrifying tips that will boost your rank faster than you can say 727 727 what do you see sh when you [ __ ] even if you’ve been playing for years I guarantee you’ve never heard of at least 12 of these avoid plugging any peripherals to an external USB hub keeping your Mouse tablet keyboard and even headphones plugged directly into the back of the motherboard will ensure you have the best connection quality for peripheral lency and it can help avoid inconsistent input readings in game posture is King making sure to get us close to the posture in this diagram will help you last longer and more importantly avoid injury from playing build the habit of looking at circles one at a time as early as possible there are scenarios when looking at multiple notes at once is beneficial but this is the core Foundation behind having solid reading before anything else your ability to play harder Maps is completely dependent on how good you are at reading notes if you’re still early in your OSU journey I would highly recommend sticking to playing Maps found in the ranked or loved section this is super important because in both OSU stable and Laser anyone can upload an MP3 file and make their own map this sometimes means you might come across some questionable maps in the graveyard and those tend to be confusing to play when it comes to getting better at OSU it can help to think of it like working out you wouldn’t go to the gym and immediately try to lift the heaviest thing you see right if you have a brain you know your body probably isn’t adapted to handle that kind of strain yet U basically follows the same concept when you first start out it doesn’t take much for your hands and fingers to start feeling really sore and tight so you got to build up the strength in your forearms and hands to keep up with the strain of playing the game next you are exercising your your ability to subconsciously read and process what your hands need to do while playing this may seem less straightforward but it does mostly follow the same principles as learning a new workout routine though instead of exercising your ability to form a mind to muscle connection you’re getting familiar with how playing the game should feel and how it shouldn’t feel turn background dim all the way up to 100% while it can be fun to see the background image storyboard or video while playing doing this will help you see notes more clearly and react to changes in Rhythm and patterns better you can change background dim here before playing a map or under a gameplay in settings turn background dim down to 0% this may be specific to OS stable but reducing background dim can actually help with reading lower AR don’t quote me on this but it may have something to do with how approach circles are rendered in game tip number 7.5 like this video And subscribe to the channel and I might lick your keyboard no dude we’re not starting this why is everyone looking at keyboards now you’re not even get the larger this channel gets the bigger the content and I want to make some big OSU content all right back to the video press control and the o key to quickly open your settings in game in U stable you can do this in the main menu song select and in a multi Lobby in U laser you can pretty much do this anywhere except while playing an actual map the settings menu has a search function just start typing to find what you’re looking for if you’ve just started to play the game chances are you’re playing with the default skin as iconic as it is using a w respected skin like yugan may help with reading anything you play especially for sliders and notes that stack on top of each other save time scrolling through the song selection menu by right clicking to Quick scroll to a specific spot in the list this function is turned off by default in OSU laser so you can enable it here in settings while we’re still in the song selection menu if you’re annoyed by how you keep finding songs for other game modes you can filter them out by typing mode equals OSU in the top left search bar find a map you want to try playing when you warmed up later start the map as if you’re about to play it then quickly exit out when you actually want to play it navigate to the recently played Tab and it’ll be right there waiting for you note that you’ll have to start playing the map for this to actually work on OSU laser if you’re playing with a mouse please enable bra input on top of disabling enhanced pointer position this ensures that your mouse movements will be closer to one to one unless you’re a mouse only or tap X player disable your mouse buttons here in settings are you fcing a cool map but your friends just won’t leave you alone toggle the setting off so notifications only pop up outside of playing a map are you mind blocked on a specific pattern in the map you’re trying to farm try sorting your song list by BPM and play another map from the same maper for a bit then try playing the Mind blocked map again speaking of skins please please toggle off hit lighting this will again help with reducing visual clutter for reading tricker patterns are you struggling to control your fingers when attempting to tap shorter streams and bursts there is an order of progression that will help tune your forearm muscles to keep up with those kind of patterns for most people you want to start with mastering triples try to find maps that have lots of triples the more triples the better backto back triples can be especially exhausting but equally rewarding the key here is to start slow and slowly speed up to your desired BP you can think of it as trying to play a really fast song with an instrument you got to start slow then slowly speed up until you can match that temp it is so easy to have fun playing this game but a side effect of that is how easy it is to lose track of time see how long you’ve been playing here in the main menu being aware of how long you’ve been playing may be helpful if you’re trying not to overdo things by in general it’s advisable to make your hands do anything else at what are you doing here bro speaking of hands try to play them as relaxed as possible without sacrificing movement the more efficient your hand technique is the less energy as you’ll be okay tomorrow it can Beal to play around with how much force you use to hold your mouse or tablet pen and tap in your other hand don’t let your brain melt okay from not getting in sleep switch over to the local rankings so that you only see your own scores on any map youc do you struggle with Hyper fixating on how your hands feel while playing this can be super distracting especially if you’re nervous while I’ve seeing a map so instead of focusing on how your hands feel you know the only reason this video took me two months your they are a part of your body and you are in control try your imag to visualize emotions sometimes I personally when I got I couldn’t do things for 2 weeks tapping longer streams this mental image helps neate any micro hesitations I have while tapping them here’s another one if I’m struggling to read a map fig can’t handle Ed screen are actually connected to my falling to tap those notes has actually helped me tremendously throughout my 9 years of playing did you know that you can a by the way how do you disable messaging from people that are not from your friends and know it’s so annoying uh it should be like right next to that oh [ __ ] I just launched o Su lemon it was nice knowing [Laughter] you [Laughter] [ __ ] oh no here we go again no no no yeah it’s true this time it’s not your fault this time it’s not your fault okay okay okay uh so in settings it should be like right um um player sound show Spectators automatically link beat maps of Spectators showat message notification sh automatically is ticker ah huh I thought that there was an actual setting I’m I I swear it there’s a setting because like like if you think about it there are like top players or like there are other OSU streamers um who have their OSU DMS blocked off to just mutuals or friends mutuals oh [ __ ] we gaming yo citran we are gaming okay wait so like is it the last one the last one is kind of it but it’s only for multiplayer games it’s not for DMS which I thought this was the the option for all DMS but that’s not it so I actually don’t no I swear that there is a setting for it because like whenever kesy place he doesn’t get like a billion like or like MRE like he doesn’t he doesn’t get like a bajillion OSU like people like people in OSU like ding him like hey hello hi like they don’t do that might oh okay I thought someone said my name um so like he clearly has his DMS privated to just mutuals right no wait the last last one scroll down all the way Cutting Edge generate conversion mappings runos updator Mark all maps played repair block private message Mees from nonf friends you did it you [ __ ] did it there it is I’m so glad my computer didn’t self-destruct congratulations lemon you did it all right uh I guess we got the tip 25 um if you want to see the rest of the tips um watch the video yourself to find out what’s coming next all right back to Minecraft all right Fus Village has been established we must now uh move on to greener pastures how are you doing citran dude I swear like my computer was never this bad my 380 TI like should not be like I I I don’t even know what’s a bottleneck in this case like it’s not really loading new world it’s just kind of kind of shitty whoa what is that black spot over there I got to check that out that looks like a crazy cave hello cats goodbye cat more Pumpkins I’m going to keep getting pumpkins cuz that guy was going to trade like some amount pumpkins for an enchanted sword an enchanted iron sword what is that cave is it the stream cutting randomly I hope it’s I hope it’s Spanish internet dude I hope it’s the Spanish internet cuz cuz I’m going to be honest right now uh it could also be my OBS just not liking Minecraft or something and then nothing else [ __ ] did twice just scam you you donated $5 where’s the notification what wait what are you talking about twice who’s twice the twice just scam you twice who is twice tell me I will I will personally show up to their front door and and and beat them up twitch wait you tried to donate $5 oh like did you try to send bits did did you try to did you did you try to send bits over no okay okay let’s go there together because I need to make sure that this is actually like if there’s something wrong I need to fix it just got to wait for twitch to get on with the program here come on Twitch twitch imagine lightning coming out of my hands when I do that twitch you [Music] will load come on come on come on this is my average twitch experience by the way come on come on you can scroll down I believe in you you can do it scroll down all right so this what the [ __ ] wait this is my merch store why is that the Donate link hello oh okay wait wait what the [ __ ] this why is the formatting broken this looks correct did I get it let me check I think it’s on YouTube no it’s on Twitch this is the twitch one yeah it should be going through twitch yeah what’s going on my PC today bro bro my um I I don’t know send help what did you don’t I don’t know man appreciate the support that’s a completely different link stream element what are you doing I have like two links one for my YouTube channel and one for my twitch channel it’s kind of [ __ ] up that I can’t combine the two into one stream elements donation location um okay okay here I’m going to check YouTube and see if it somehow magically went over to YouTube instead my YouTube account hey bober we’re trying to figure out where lemon’s money went lemon’s money um is uh it’s a mystery I don’t know where it went just try to figure out it’s funny [ __ ] me dude it’s not funny to me like [ __ ] like what if someone else tries to donate and then it’s like [ __ ] up right like okay literally last week it worked it worked you can see it right here 727 when do you see it it worked and yet it’s not working right now this is YouTube uh twitch Z okay wait so so wait lemon you clicked or did you copy and paste the this exact link is that what you did or did you click this this instead cuz if you clicked that instead that goes to streamlabs and there you [ __ ] are holy [ __ ] [ __ ] holy [ __ ] [ __ ] dude dude dude I can assure you this money did make it over thank you for the the the support thank you for the $ five there is no notification for it because I haven’t used streamlabs in over like four years so like I’ve no no the streamlabs notifications I’m so sorry I need to fix that right now holy [ __ ] uh yes let’s replace it uh-huh [Laughter] hey I would have never like that you know what that also means that also means I went at least four years without ever updating this link and I’ve only found out about it because the notification didn’t work for you also I I I need to fix that that embed how do I fix that it’s BBC code BCC b b BC code okay it’s just missing the parentheses submit now whenever anyone clicks that it should go straight to the correct tipping page that will actually show yes you can donate 420 or 727 or 1337 or 6.9 or 333 I actually don’t know what that one is I know what the rest are I don’t know what that one is anyways thank you lemon for uh having me uh leading to like helping me discover this discrepancy and helping me solve this uh by pointing it out update your stuff dude there’s there’s like so much stuff that I made that I don’t even know like everything to update I Tred like okay so like most of the stuff I’ve tried to update is mainly with Discord and like I just assumed that everything was ready up to date on my ttch but apparently not so like between today and next week I’m going to have to like make sure everything’s actually up to date but but yeah yeah yeah and then I have to update stream elements because it’s also for some reason oh I I just have to disable YouTube stream elements I think probably because yeah also that’s not showing up on Twitch chat but whatever whatever yeah I should have gotten your $ five I will okay here’s what I’m going to do I’m going to log into streamlabs for the first time in over four years and and we will see if I got your if I got your donation it would have been with twitch because I don’t have a YouTube uh streamlabs connection yes okay yeah tipping yeah yeah have fun thank you bro oh I was I was actually right I haven’t used streamlabs in four years wow actually kind of crazy all right all right um yeah thank you lemon thank you so much I will I will use this $5 in something maybe the next video maybe I’ll put it towards the next video because I kind of need it honestly yeah thank you all right I will now log out and never log in again because I I kind of became anti- streamlabs all right back to Minecraft getting some more coal hell yeah lemon we have the good feels here oh you’re finally off your meds hell yeah dude dude I’m actually really happy to hear that cuz you’ve been you’ve been dealing with that for a long time right yeah yeah you’ll be fine yeah yeah you will hell yeah now I can upgrade to a stone pickaxe let’s [ __ ] go I’m surprised that there are no mobs like immediately right next to me like this is Minecraft hardcore mode there should be like a billion creepers next to me right now yeah man get that [ __ ] sleep I’ll see you later man I feel like this is is probably not the best thing to do right now like I’m going pretty well this isn’t too deep into a Cave System but I’m like I don’t know I’m kind of getting to a pretty deep area it’s not that deep though actually but I don’t I don’t want to go too deep because if I go too deep I might not be able to get out and I might get swarmed by mobs and if I get swarmed by mobs uh The Adventures of uh bingus um will come to a close where the hell are the mobs I’m actually kind of freaking out there would be at least like one bat like at least one bat actually have like a good amount of coal I don’t know if I want to get any more dude what the [Music] hell legit I’m kind of freaking out there’s like zero mobs in hardcore mode never mind never mind never mind never mind never mind never mind never mind never mind never mind I will flank him I will flank him this doesn’t go to the same cave I cannot flank him my game is freaking out hello Minecraft there we go this is hardcore mode reminder to self hardcore hardcore there’s no turning back from hardcore hardcore hardcore hard hard hard oh now the Zombies come out huh all right uhhuh uh-huh uh-huh is that a spawner no that is a spawner man oh no okay well as long as there’s no opening to that spawn spor should be okay there’s another skeleton okay I I will I oops that’s a bed I will eat I will eat and get this [ __ ] iron that I’ve been needing for a while now and I shall uh take a little peek hello wow that’s kind of crazy holy [ __ ] oh okay yeah that’s that that that’s kind of crazy hello can I farm you guys I want to farm you guys yeah I’m going to farm you guys I don’t think they can hit me from up here right yeah no they can’t all right all right all right uh there there okay cool should be safe now hello Redstone hello bu it hello string and saddle Saddles do not stack what do I take with me okay I can take the bread Golden Apple bow what can I clear seeds Okay I could probably condense all that wheat [Music] into uh hay bales right hey yes yes yes awesome and I’ll just make bread and then I’ll still have wheat but that’s okay hello music disc hello iron ingot name tag for future dog that I forgot the name of i’ I I still feel I I hate how I forgot his name so easily um let’s see more Redstone I don’t think I’ll get the red I’ll take the Redstone CU like with some basic mining I can get that uh Golden Apple could be cool to take okay if I use the blast furnace to take care of this well that would kind of be a waste honestly cuz I’ll be wasting I have I have a ton of coal honestly I’m going to be I’m going to be very inefficient Industrial Revolution ass human and um waste one entire coal on just four pieces of iron in this blast furnace and I shall mark this as a zom spawn one all right uh I already have have a saddle so I shall take string could be good is there more string here no okay okay I don’t have Flint on me so I will probably oh I can stack buckets wait that changes everything okay okay all right oh but I I I I need to take the furnace back and I need to take this back to okay so I need to empty two items from my inventory could I just use a chest for fuel maybe I actually don’t know about that but that is very possible uh that is very true chest uh okay I don’t have a normal furnace so I can’t cook the food so so I only have one leather I guess I’ll put the leather away plus I made a wayo for this or like a marker for this so I can always come back to this chest if I desperately need one piece of leather but there’s like a lot of cows outside so I think I should be okay uh I will put this chest inside the chest I’ll put those pumpkin seeds I already have pumpkins so I should be good with that and okay now we’re okay all right that helped destroying one of the chests helped thank you all right let’s keep exploring I need more iron I have to go deeper for iron I’m going to leave this coal alone under normal circumstances when my game doesn’t lag I like or Minecraft crashes um I usually like to take every resource I see uh I strip everything from the walls of caves but shit’s too plentiful now so I got to leave [Music] some leave some behind but I guess in a way they makes it easier that way I don’t have to go to like find new cave systems or um like dig even deeper to find more of uh stuff later on I guess all right bingus let’s see where it leaves us off what uh I know what I’m doing create backup un load just in case this work World goes somewhere just in case the bingus the bingus Expedition goes somewhere the game froze again hey okay yeah I might be down depending on how late it is for me currently 9:00 p.m. Minecraft Minecraft protein Minecraft Minecraft Minecraft all right I got to think of something right now do I continue my uh my story from earlier I might I don’t know if I even remember the names though what was the mouse’s name the mouse had a name it was like a like uh it wasn’t Hubert no no it wasn’t the mouse’s name wasn’t Hubert [ __ ] um Hubert was not the name no the more I think about how Hubert isn’t the name the more the name sticks which is incorrect because if I decide to call the mouse HT now there will be a huge uh plot uh what’s it called like a plot like a like a story uh what the [ __ ] is going on with my did it crash again hello rert was it rert dude is my computer just not powerful to to to Minecraft rert was it rert because the the private investigator the private investigator’s name was like it like it started with a B I think and and Boer doesn’t sound right Boer Boer Boer no no not Boer all right [ __ ] Minecraft [ __ ] [ __ ] Minecraft [ __ ] here’s the thing like I’m kind of locked into to using the mods I have cuz the world is literally generated with the mods um like the most extensive mod that I have installed right now is tectonic and it’s just for landscape generation okay I’m just going to play I know what I’m doing let’s just get back into it okay I’m back on the spawner cool yeah I did that’s the [ __ ] problem that’s the [ __ ] problem I don’t know I don’t remember the original character’s name even the city was named after the like [ __ ] me dude I I I [ __ ] suck at names today I [ __ ] like I don’t even remember my dog’s name I have to like I mean I can cheat by going back into the live stream VOD to to find out what I named I finally named my dog right before dying but man okay okay um I need to go deeper that’s right that’s what I was about to do got to go deeper got to go got to go deep deep rock deep [ __ ] deep uh lock deep deep deep deep deep deep deep deep deep deep did you know that the guy behind Ram Ranch got arrested shit’s crazy deep deep deep no not my IRL dog’s name the Minecraft dog it was it was such a good name too it was such a good name it the name the name like I accidentally Came Upon the name whoa I don’t like this I don’t like cave formations like this they freak me out uh when I accidentally combined two words together in the middle of a sentence and I don’t even remember what that was it was such a good name it was like bilbert or something but it wasn’t bilbert it was there was no way it’s bilbert let me out [ __ ] all right I don’t know why I’m so reluctant to just destroy stuff oh my God those are creepers goodbye I think that’s my call that that’s my cue to leave this cave still daytime or maybe I I spent an entire uh day or two in the cave hard to tell with all the crashes all right we are still exploring this world I’ve have not found the spot to set up home base yet but I see some really tall mountains and I’m curious to see how this mod affects or placement on such large structures as these I have a feeling climbing this mountain is going to be a pain but I want to do it anyways because I want to see what the world looks like with this mod it’s actually two mods in one uh one mod we’re already above Cloud height holy [ __ ] that was fast is that Emerald no [ __ ] way oh but Emerald isn’t that rare anymore right as an ore I I’m stupid it doesn’t matter I can get more emeralds from Villages it’s fine everything’s okay everything’s okay everything is okay hey iron wait actually this is awesome my stream keeps buffering my bit rate looks okay oh you’re watching on Twitch okay it could be that twitch encoding is being shitty for you have you tried switching to YouTube just just for the sake of its Superior encoding oh my God this is this is awesome this is actually awesome there’s so much iron up here I don’t have to go into caves I don’t have to get lost I can just take iron from from the surface of mountains this is awesome yeah yeah give it a try oh my God there’s so much dude we’re eating good tonight getting that oxygenated blood we’re going to be so oxy ated bro and another vill dude this this [ __ ] generation’s crazy I love this okay never mind there’s another one I will not make the same mistake with this one um let’s ow Let’s uh I have a blast furnace uh where’s my blast furnace [ __ ] I think I left the blast furnace back at the spotter I don’t want to go all the way back down there I’ll just make a normal wait can I can I what what would what oh I can’t make wait I can’t make my own blast furnaces really I thought that was a thing I could do furnace I can’t make a blast furnace that’s crazy so I can only make a blast furnace or I can only get blast furnaces by stealing I don’t even have my crafting table [ __ ] um by stealing from Villages okay got it uh furnaces don’t stack I don’t think so I don’t I won’t make more than one uh coal oops coal God iron yes all right uh I’m going to keep mining iron here hey how’s the quality on YouTube I hope it’s better if YouTube has anything over twitch when it comes to live streaming it would be that um it it does encoding better simply because like they have more like like they they do it by default for all YouTube videos so like it’s like nothing to like do it for live streams I guess seven all right uh iron ah [ __ ] sticks uh uh [ __ ] uh pickaxe Yahoo um helmet yes uh shoes no not yet almost though almost [Music] shoes hell yeah uh and then um we’ll just make more uh torches and uh I’ll leave that in there okay now with the power wait I’ll just mine this Until It Breaks perfect now with the power of iron with the power of iron I shall not waste this Emerald yes wonderful I I now have one less oh wait wait I have 16 emeralds when did I get 16 [ __ ] it was when I was talking about Randall his name is Randall the mouse’s name is Randall holy [ __ ] I got all these emeralds without even noticing it because because I was too busy telling a story about how Randall lost his beans holy [ __ ] my memory is [ __ ] weird okay what am I doing what am I doing I’m doing something iron pickaxe Emerald iron iron iron oh yeah I wanted to see like what the top of the mountain look like like what the world look like from the top yes iron all right more iron another Emerald holy [ __ ] emeralds are not rare anymore that’s crazy uh would probably be good for me to fall to go to sleep cuz so cuz uh [ __ ] will uh [ __ ] will uh spawn like crazy up here I think ow uh cobblestone I I don’t know what what I’m doing here Perfect all right bed oops bed monsters who who the [ __ ] who the hell is [ __ ] oh you I see okay um [ __ ] cool is that another Emerald holy [ __ ] all right uhuh uh uhh yes and and and uh yes wonderful 30 ingots wow creepers don’t despawn during the Sun during the day [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] okay I’m going to get that other Emerald cuz holy [ __ ] it’s about to be stonks up in here cat we got Mountain cats up here another Emerald that is so epic whoa whoa okay there oh my god dude I’m going to have iron like for the rest of my life cuz this is hardcore mode and I might not survive I am so focused right now I’m getting iron and I’m getting to the top of this mountain oh this is this is the top that looks taller honestly it’s hard to tell damn okay so technically if I wasn’t live streaming I could have the render distance be even even bigger but if I did that right now my computer will self-destruct but I kind of want to see what it looks like so let’s try it out a hi did it just give up on me it might have given up on me oh no it’s floating ah it kind of looks the same May maybe it’s a little further no yeah no that’s kind of the same okay what if quality okay okay what if render distance radius what if I increase this from 128 to 92 oops what did I just do what the [ __ ] okay I have 11 uh okay 192 whoa whoa okay it’s actually running okay like this like my frame rate is not that bad whoa wait that’s another Village holy holy [ __ ] oh wait no that’s Fus Village no [ __ ] way what is that I can barely see what that is that could be like a mountain or like some kind of building maybe it won’t show up on the map CU I haven’t explored that area but damn okay and that’s legit like an ocean or like a really large lake or like an actual ocean what if they increase it even more 192 256 holy crap that is insane I think the only reason why it works so well right now is because like I’m super far away from everything and so because I’m super far away from everything it’s not like dropping my FPS so much well that mountain range keeps going I I still can’t tell what that is oh that’s the uh that’s the Pillager thing damn what’s over there it’s like dark brown huh okay I think Enderman I think I’ve had enough Emerald okay yeah I think this is I I think I’m satisfied yeah all right let’s start heading down and I’ll keep notes of that Emerald there’s there’s so many emeralds what the [ __ ] man but I need to remember to get that furnace with the rest of my iron okay so from there here skeleton it’s probably on the inside or something like there might be a cave uh where where’s my furnace thing okay I’ll just get the the uh Emerald first and then yeah there’s a cave somewhere oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] oh that could have been so bad that I could have that could have been awful aren’t they scared of cats [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] F Fu haha ha [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] okay okay okay okay okay okay I almost died I almost died the exact same I died the last time holy [ __ ] all right forget that Emerald it’s already night time I need [Music] to uh find my bed there it is holy [ __ ] [ __ ] okay all right safety protein all right let’s get this [ __ ] out of here I still have my pumpkin pumpkin seeds this Pro and I don’t have the golden apple oh man okay this means I did not I 100% did not get the goods from that chest okay I’m going to go back and get it it’s not it’s not it’s still not too far away the moment I get down the other side of the mountain it’s going to be too far away wait just just kidding it’s actually really far away but but also the whatever hop in Discord sure hello still connecting SK oh my hello is it there he is it is I’m like watching your stream at the same time I bet you hear two of me right now I don’t because I don’t have the audio for that for the audio uh for the stream I just I see you qu oh okay yes yes all right how’s your hardcore mode going my hardcore mode is going pretty okay I do not have a house um oh but nice very dangerous but I like it yes I’m basically a Wandering Nomad because this uh this this uh terrestrial generation is very very uh unfamiliar to me where the hell is this cave oh wait it was at the end mod you’re using are you using like a horizon mod or something cuz like that ring distance is insane uh yeah I’m using I’m using like something something Horizons and uh tectonics Horizon yeah there’s like a video like a YouTube video that like uh that uh talked about it recently and I found out about it and it’s it’s pretty cool nice I wanted to get distant Horizons but like is that does that murder your PC or no it actually so like initially it did but it’s because I was using it wrong I guess um so basically it’s like rendering the world around you a different way from vanilla Minecraft in a way more efficient way but the thing is is that if you if you try and just set it up out of the box and just enable it um it’s going to render the world around you in vanilla and with a mod and it’s going to make your PC [ __ ] itself um and so what you need to do is basically minimize your vanilla rendering distance to like like I don’t know eight or 16 chunks and then okay you should be free to like um increase your render distance in the mod itself oh yes interesting ski oh all right I’ve been seeing too many of those edits that like that’s actually in my vocabulary now I was I still am unsure like when to like I know what skib toilet is but I was like yeah like I know I know enough to know that like there’s like like there’s like a war between the toilets the toilets are evil apparently and and there’s like the CRT monitor dudes that are trying to defeat the toilets I guess something like that that’s all I know right and and and and apparently like the the toilet saying skibby yes yes yes is like like a bad thing no I thought that was a like a chubby dude shaking his Billy doing that I I have no idea what you’re talking about wait have you never seen the the chubby dude shaking his belly he’s going no that’s the original song okay that’s the original okay okay so CIT knows what I’m talking about okay good yeah yeah I know oh sorry should I been calling you J mus this whole time my bad oh I didn’t even notice honestly and honestly it probably doesn’t even matter yeah are we even uh audible through your stream you are all right hello twitch yes oh can I not unlock these doors okay so I’m stand corrected I came all the way back here for no reason for my off-road oiness oh this is the one where you just need to sign in between like the last week of May and March and you got this car oh yeah I wish they made a better looking Audi like this is what like the uh a A5 or something A8 right yeah I don’t know the A8 I think looks better but like actually I like the A8 but the A5 is kind of meh that’s maybe that’s why I feel kind of meh about this car I’m just kind of like me they just need to make actually goodl looking Audi like bro or I guess they did they made they did one tuner Audi remember that one that’s like the like S3 or something right maybe it’s definitely not like a it’s like a smaller one so no I think the best Audi they made was the Audi quatro the obey omnis oh yeah that is pretty sweet that is my favorite AI like ever um the the Audi TT is pretty good though actually I’ll give it to them I’ll give it to them dude they are so cute they’re like pill bugs yeah damn dude I I know it’s garbage it’s kind of dooky but I I want to get in Clips dude yeah yeah when when I visited uh Shaman my Dad’s friend was offered to let my dad drive his daughter’s Mitsubishi Eclipse it was like clean it was really clean looking oh what the hell it look it looked really new it was like you never see those like that yeah did I ever tell you that my dad that we had one that we had like one that he put like neon on too wait is it the same one I’m thinking of like the one that’s in GTA or are you talking about like the three 3,000 or something or like the uh I had the I think it’s like round right yes yeah okay cuz like that exists in GTA you know yeah um yeah we had that one the nice it was freaking epic dude but I think because I was like a kid we had to like sell it because there’s no point in having a board coup when understandable but I I did ride in it once and it was very cramped from what I remember in the back seat so I can imagine now I do not have enough room to get any more of this iron yeah I was going to say you know what when I was watching your adventuring I was like you’re carrying a lot of stuff doesn’t matter you’re in hardcore so I guess so yeah what uh so you got like the mini map and then just Horizons or something yeah and tectonic oh my God that iron bro yeah do you have 62 iron and you don’t even have your base set up yet no it’s stupid like every single one even even my run on Hardcore without these mods like I got Diamond before I got wood it was stupid I remember in the beginning of your stream you literally found some trees what did you say you were like you didn’t want to grab those uh yeah I I I’m like an oak tree guy I I I I stand oak trees I I I don’t like building of other types of wood for like no reason there’s probably like a place for it though for like color grading or something but or color balancing but but like for your tools it don’t matter then so you just mean for tools yeah for tools whoa wow that is a Rich Mountain it is it is to be fair though they made the mountains like kind of crazy after the update right I feel like mountains are more viable finding now than like caves that’s kind of heretical but I feel like that’s my my my experience yeah but that’s uh that’s what the new um but you that the training is modded right the generation’s modded yeah yeah so it’s even more extreme than usual oh I see and also like the way biomes uh blend together are different oh uh so whoa so like terra cotta is not normal yeah definitely I think it might be I don’t know I mean honestly vanilla Minecraft kind of kind of breaks Villages like this too anyways um no this is like Badlands Badlands has terra cotta like this this I’ve never seen a bad land Village though but then maybe I just like yeah no that does not exist yeah what the the fountain is Terra Cotta okay that’s actually wild oh you do not see that that is definitely modded what yeah this is that’s what oh yeah oh and Banners okay okay I thought I thought they do have some I’m going to sleep here yeah I don’t know if they have them on the fountains that would be wild they change how like Villages and stuff like generate now so like I don’t know or like they don’t it’s not like this just the same Village I I honestly I have no [ __ ] idea man like like Minecraft is so different from even 1.9 the last time we played that like I’m literally like every time I started playing a a hardcore run like I I I I was legit like just forced to be a nomad and then like on one of the runs the one that I started the stream with um I was I actually had a home base and stuff and then I [ __ ] died because it’s hardcore and I forgot it was Hardcore that’s wild you have a music disc bro yeah and I have a compass now did you make it or did you like no I just got it yeah yeah oh nice what is those watermelons watermelons it’s like a wall of watermelon I have no idea man I was not watching the stream oh you left oh no no no I I got kicked for idle you Jesus dude five minutes is wild look see those melons are tall yeah that is that is kind of janky the way they kind of just like blend together as if it’s just one melon it’s kind of crazy melon melon maybe this could be your little home Bas Farm maybe I kind of like the coastline this is always good holy [ __ ] they made the r n whoa just going crazy with this Fender always the way okay I need to name this Village something that’s funny that they kicked me for being Idol and they just moved me into another online session that doesn’t make any sense I what was the point then all right I guess invite me again okay uh oh shoot they have so they have so many cool libraries for the r new I think is like the Obscure pick isn’t it it really is but underrated so we have bingus Village we have uh we have okay wait I need to check we have bingus Village uh we have Dingus Village uh we have fingas Village what should this Village be named that to be zingis zingis so true yeah zingus Village do you wait King do you did you watch earlier in the Stream do you remember the main character’s name of the what was the the main character’s name for it was like it was like rert or RT it wasn’t it wasn’t rert it um [ __ ] I even remembered it randomly when I was talking about emeralds on that mountain what are you guys talking about the the the the the story of the mouse lemon made me [ __ ] come up with a story on the spot because I don’t know I started like improving a story about a mouse who lost his beans and hired a private investigator um but his name was not Hubert no it was there an R oh snap it was like rimble or something no no it wasn’t rimble f [ __ ] it’s crazy cuz I literally remembered and I was like I’m an idiot and then and then now I forgot again uh I mean honestly we can probably just go back in the video and find it yeah yeah that’s L yeah that’s literally the like the best thing to do you can definitely do that on YouTube too cuz like YouTube just has automatic like rewind ability or whatever um when starts to play uh let me what color no I think I’ll keep the for the red I think it’s pretty good the reation do all of us have a retin do some retinue races I honestly don’t remember retinue that or also I am curious about the new did you see the new lethal company update yes oh version oh the one with the butler the butler the giant like robot things Birds owl robots oh nice you want you want to hit that I think that or uh we could try the new the new game we got for free the content warning there’s also that yeah do we do we want all four of us in for that probably yeah when start to play but I guess V in for like a hot minut minutia as the kids say yeah do I want to 12K to see what this looks like with white stripes I don’t know if I want to I don’t know if I want to do [Music] that let me actually you know what whater purple what the s what the sigma what the sigma why do we have like the most like what is it not cursed but like they just like the most garbage like um what the sigma um what the sigma what Sigma bro um what the big map oh my God they have the ugly ugliest car on for the priz ride right now what is it the freaking Ferrari Berlinetta like fastb looking thing what the hell freaking whack as hell so ugly God honestly I don’t know there’s mud in Minecraft now what no there’s not that that must yeah there is wait what it’s it’s very this is it’s it’s like I’m in a mangrove forest and this is mud what I turn and I’m going to die because I’m walking right next for a ravine while my game is uh dying don’t do that no what the sigma yeah got to be Sigma okay dude like what how did I get wanted when I just called Lester oh oops yeah I forgot [Music] what truly that is what the sigma well you know what I might hit a might do a little quick little race real quick um oh and then we can hop into some lethality or something yeah yeah good let me see what do we got what do we got do you want to do like a Offroad race oh we could when MO STS to play um make oh yeah today I actually finished G Lagan oh I still haven’t watched it wait no no no wait wait G Lagan is yeah okay okay I thought for some reason I yeah yeah for some reason I thought when you said g lagon I thought you said Black Lagoon I never saw black oh gotcha I can’t remember if I finished Black Lagoon but I’ve seen Black Lagoon eggs yeah but pretty epic soon the American dream will come into reality whoa so this is like desert Beach that’s kind of crazy [Music] okay right yeah I’m GNA keep exploring this Coastline an invite King oh okay uh let me modify this car real quick um what’s the freaking a the sun’s about to set Jesus how many dominators are there um what the sigma okay seven all right what is this damn race that damn Daniel race yes sir I think I remember this one yeah it’s a little it’s a little goofy fly hook mechanisms all right can hit any sports car you like but just letting you know I’m hitting the retinue RN oh well you know I have to rise to the what is this wait is this a m shaft and broad daylight what’s it called Classics so I’ll do omnis ah [ __ ] okay wait does this mean that there’s like more M shaft around wait this is just a m shaft but it’s exposed to the surface what yeah some of them have openings to the surface what you talking about no like look at this look at this what the en yeah I’ve seen that what that’s not weird bro what that’s not weird the generation gets weird but like that’s not weird weird what do you mean [ __ ] I’m gonna die to a skeleton no way where’s uh oops sorry I try I want to try this car if it’s any good offro oh God and I should have brought the other uh Audi the audacious did you did you get this car oh my God the the omus is just G think I have it oh [ __ ] damn I think in a straight line I’ll be able to get you but like I think on these rows the ominus is King maybe wait I think I see a wait what are these lights not even running offro offro whe could be Lava but I think I see a village that could be a desert village oh what the S what the are you doing the risky buis oh we are doing the backwards oh oh oh I’m in the ponds I’m in the oh [ __ ] oh God oh God I’ve always hit the risky business oh [ __ ] oh nice okay this car isn’t amazing on the offroad but not the worst by far nice whoa God it’s over for you you just got mogged bro I did oh [ __ ] I just got mogged oh no we didn’t fall off a [ __ ] I had to respawn that’s what did me in oh I’m going to die I’m going to die I’m going to die I’m going to die I’m going to die I’m going to die what’s killing you oh god what the hell is that e what is that e brother brother what that brother okay I I really hope that this is a village and if that’s a village I might be safe what happened it’s nighttime that is Goofy [ __ ] this car is not what the how did I almost F taking a turn whoa bro my game’s laging so much I might die oh [ __ ] I’m going to need a roll cage or something okay okay as long as I get into a house I should be okay hello thank you for the bread whoa why am I like whoa my bra like to I don’t know what happened there I’m just going to sleep right here right next to these villagers uh there are monsters nearby [ __ ] God damn it Mr [ __ ] skeleton outside you’re going to kill me or am I going to kill you let’s find out there’s lava next to this house what what okay okay okay now all right we’re going to share the same bed but it’s okay you didn’t make a shield bro no bro all right uh excuse me make sh all right now time to loot this place and give it a name often you found like vill what what oh great I said I failed to join the session oh yeah cel thing now so this is Town Center so I guess it’s time for me to get this place a name it does look epic okay also hey hanging signs are a thing now that’s pretty cool you guys should oh yeah oh I think I that’s pretty epic okay so we have Bing Village we have ding’s Village we have finger’s Village we have zinga’s Village of course now this desert village needs a name wingus village wingus Village nice hell yeah the gospel of Binga spreads yes let’s go bread more bread zombie is alive during the day what is it doing it is under shade no it’s just in broad daylight I guess it’s not a zombie it’s actually taller than me that’s kind of freaky oh is it those husks yeah do H survive in the day no they don’t did you get by the way H I did not get your invite why are you in the house whoa online oh my God okay okay how do I switch my We R was it no that’s that’s shaders reloaded um how do I switch my weapon back to my right hand it’s F right F okay I need to kill a skeleton that’s just randomly in this villager’s house you just like accidentally swapped your off hand getting jump scared by a skeleton yeah are you why haven’t you eaten yet dude you’re crazy we not eating yet oh it’s because I’m sprinting around everywhere and like every five steps I take I go down three hot dogs corn dogs hot dogs yeah all right all right sent you the invite again let me see okay Wing Village okay wingus wingus wingus wingus wingus wingus with the lava dead rabbit I feel like I feel like thank you you have to make a home base dude yeah I I have like no space to for anything um you what is even rapid hide good I don’t know I don’t know I actually don’t know I’m going to condense more of my wheat but it’s not going to even out at all maybe I could just drop off this singular wheat all right I now have rabbit meat where the hell am I you know it’s actually kind of weird the biomes are still big but they don’t feel big anymore because of the terrain the Train’s interesting I like the I like the distant Horizons though I think that’s cool yeah it adds like a whole I think just that one little change makes it like so much more like interesting yeah okay okay I still want to F like find out what that is it could just be like a like a random Plateau but I want to see what that is I have to go through the mangrove forest which means I should build a boat so I can get there faster so I’m going to do that I’m basically doing everything but setting up a home base yeah all right sent the invite again k okay and now I must drop another item I’m what the heck I’m getting nothing in my list bro the heck I quit the game and tried toed do it again all right I’ll try joining a different server bucket sapling potato name tag well whenever you get to a safe place we can uh we can do Lethal lethal okay just constantly send invites and maybe one day it’ll work [ __ ] I can’t shoot wait I I’m dumb just [ __ ] drop off the boat and then take yeah okay okay never mind I’m dumb are you like looking for a specific biome or are you just like just expanding your map I’m just expanding my map at this point because any like biome is so terrestrially different that it like I I I don’t know where to build a home fa enough what is that this like the little in the forest is that like a weird what is going on over there that’s what I want to find out too right there yeah what is yeah are the oceans different too is it just like the land I don’t I have no idea the oceans have probably changed a lot like there’s coral reefs and [ __ ] it’s pretty epic yeah you still not getting anything King let me see yep I got it oh the hot Min yeah freaking thing man motor seays or you know what let’s do some super Nations oh we gotta hit him with the with the Wag the Vagner oh [ __ ] sunken ship oh [ __ ] hit that sunken ship dude oh [ __ ] I forgot this was a super you know what I’mma hit him with the SU BR why can’t I you’re going to throw oh [ __ ] I can’t open this chest for some reason I hit him how is the sultant RS is super dude take out a gen it’s so bad what the [ __ ] treasure map I can’t I can’t take this map have you guys ever found a Barry treasure map like after Tre wait yeah yeah we found it really I ch does it just like lead to another like sunken ship no no Buri treasure map literally shows you a chest with actual treasure in it oh bro it’s over for you I’m about to die I’m about to no no no I’m fine I’m fine I’m fine I’m we’re chill we’re chilling chill I turned on this slippies but it’s fine [ __ ] it’s for me the vagna I don’t know why it it uh it chose the RS you know what you know what they say slow and steady wins the Super Power race oh God oh my God you should have done first person dude I don’t know why but like I can I’m able to do first person I know I like first person I think it’s only I think it’s only Sav who doesn’t like wait there’s nothing the RS something looks like the uh the Lexus is right for GS I know it’s the old may I I kind of see it yeah is which one I keep forgetting which one I swear it’s the is but maybe pretty sure I somehow lost all of my torches yeah we we had a I think a is or LS but it was basically just a Camry I think it was really really uh base model not very special oh I see that might have been the ls the ls was designed comfortable sedan oh oh my god dude how what were they smoking when they I think this fact that you actually made it oh the million sucks yeah you spent the millions of dollars right to to what is this car doing I thought it looked cool I just like the flared fenders that’s all I wanted I wanted the flared fenders you really said all I ever wanted was to see you See You Smile oh my dude are these cars like holy how heavy are these cars dude I’m trying to Ram these cars these cars are not budging at all they’re just amazing okay have you tried ramming these cars did they change it or something these cars are like so heavy now oh no oh [ __ ] I think I see some buried sea or like sea ruins chicken what the chicken what chicken ocean chicken oh I oh you’re right ocean chicken that’s crazy holy [ __ ] dude I just could but you see this right have you tried ramming these cars they have they they are not budging I hit I hit a couple of them and uh oh man they can’t get too close to this place like you have this amazing Center balance on your car immedi saying they do or what oh oh [ __ ] again that’s so painful how it like it goes so slow yet so fast at the same time that makes no sense it’s ocean temp okay I’m going to hit this car head on uhhuh yeah W okay it just stops doesn’t matter but likeu like you know when you try to like uh how do I say like try to hit them from the side they usually the NPC cards really spin out but they’re are not doing that really I’ve every time I’ve hit an NPC cards like freaking destroyed me I mean they destroy me too but that’s what I mean they destroy me they’re barely budging I’ll try maybe if I hit one of these cars head on May you can try it and hit this van yeah you saw that right I like hit that from the side and that car didn’t even touch the the sidewall let me see try to make them hit the sidewall oh okay okay so wait they they do for you it looks like they’re actually budging it’s probably because my car is an actual brick though like maybe there’s like a spr carbon fiber machine mine is like a freaking brick it’s bricked up it really is I did not deserve win that I don’t know if I can even get the stuff from this chest I might just be better off like marking this as like un Otten uh Treasures or something golden carrots I don’t have much time I don’t have much time oxygen ow ow ow I need to breathe though let me breathe [ __ ] this hurts [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] okay okay okay okay uh pant you know you can double click on a if there’s multiple things you can double click on it to like gather them instead of having to one by one grab them if you know what I mean yes I found that out and that changed my life this is true really if I can make a door right now that be so epic I’m going to make a door like you know how when you go to a villager chest you’ll see like breads like all like scattered around oh oh yeah double click that oh I think wait all of these are enchanted holy [ __ ] okay need enchanted golden carrots what no golden carrot golden helmet of fire protection to Golden leting leggings with mending and golden sword with Unbreaking two which is actually kind of cracked because that means that the the Lesser durability is kind of canceled out with the higher attack power versus Iron so hit him with going to hit him with the okay I don’t think I need a compass well no I need a compass I don’t need it though but I need it because wait what the heck it could be used for something else I think like making something else [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] what do I get rid of what do I get rid of get rid of the raw rabbit no I’m I’m I’m going to eat the raw rabbit the raw Reddit yes now I can get the sword and then okay I’m just going to temporarily put the hay bale in this and I’m just going to trade it out uh for there we go I got that got that [ __ ] boom boom boom H that and then the golden carrots I will I I [Music] will gity what’s it like to hold the Gat of someone that you love RZ RZ have you ever been on an edging streak Ed Ed I can’t believe you memorize that I love that so much I want one of you guys to memorize it too so we we can like actually do the dialogue I I can’t I can commit I got to look up the script though I’ve only seen I might be in danger to you it’s so funny I think I liked it too I just had to go back and watch it no have it on uh Tik Tok me find it it’s just I don’t know even though I I haven’t even seen that Blade Runner 2049 like the way they say that inate inate like that kind of hits hard blade I I watched the first Blade Runner so I could I only watched it so I could watch the new one um and I haven’t watched the new one yet oh bro yeah but cool I need to watch it I like I want watch the first I don’t know if I’ll get the story if I don’t watch the first one dude the book is really good actually like UTD made me read it and that is the one W of UT is actually making me read that cuz that’s actually really really giving up the potatoes goodbye potatoes we never really hung out you oh [ __ ] yeah I guess not well what was your major it was like it was a tech oh I see yeah I was like in at Tech like maybe for one class in my entire four years right yeah I regret ACH bro a tech what was it like in a tech it was like yeah it was very like um if you messed around you got what you put into it oh I see yeah which was you know what I did oh I see I feel like it’s probably like I had a relatively well I was in the I was in the biot track so I was like I had like a lot of like I think I think for Bio I think it’s very good I don’t know how it is for the art right yeah I I wish I did you something like that too science is cool yeah that’s that’s kind of like I really like science a lot I feel like yeah I feel like for that’s kind of why I chose UT since it was like research school first um the negative about that is that because it’s research school first science classes were even like harder than your typical average science experience that but like they really did take it like super seriously um like a lot of people who that I know they’re like I went who other who went to like other universities were like [ __ ] mutd me this class that was like easy as hell in the University mad hard like there’s okay to make Anatomy as hard as they did but they made it hard as flood and I was like why like for why yeah God it took me all night to decide what to just abandon in my inventory for those golden items here we go man that just reminded me dude I took a class called medical microphysiology holy [ __ ] that freaking Professor holy [ __ ] dude like I never hated anyone until that literally is one of the most pretentious men I’ve ever met in my entire life oh no is the definition of the audacity it is freaking crazy he like he one of those ones who was like an immigrant but hated immigrants oh that’s really annoying yeah I was like bro the hell he’s like I’m never going to give you a a free grade because got to work for it and if you don’t do well then you’re just lazy piece of garbage and I was like what the hell and honestly he wasn’t he didn’t say it too far off from that either and I was like wow he’s like I came to this country and the ones like there’s people that come to this country and don’t try and be lazy I was like all right cool I guess anyway like yeah it kind of sounds like he’s like like stuck in the past or stuck in his head in the past or something maybe like maybe he just experienced something that like altered his entire life perception and he’s just stuck in that yeah but he was also really full of himself too so I think that didn’t make that didn’t make it any better okay yeah I think he I’m not gonna give him any benefit that doubt he deserves no benefit floating piece of coal let’s go it’s a singular piece of like with immigrants like they’re usually like people that are usually pretty well off so they can be pretty uh like how do I say full of themselves as well right so I can yeah I can see that like so some of them yeah it was just like I don’t know this man was just on another level it was crazy I I don’t like I’ve like rightfully I’m glad I don’t remember it as much because I probably blocked him out of my memory for my own health I just remember being like insanely irritated every single time I was in this class it one of those classes where like like he made it insanely difficult to the point where like his grade was skewed so that if you made a 70 in his really yeah it was like because it’s freaking whack as hell and he was not a good te but it’s okay we grinded we grinded and we got we got the they think yeah they think that people failing is good but no yeah dude I don’t know it was insane I remember people are just like he were like yeah like two people pass like awesome but it’s okay the skewing worked out and we got we got the we got the dub that’s all that matters I got it the wait what is oh it’s like snowing but only for like 8 by8 blocks in front of me you’re not performing your edgy do they make you goon you’re gooning streak oh sh what the hell I wasn’t even on the plane when it crashed uh oh billboard billboard wait did you invite me yeah I’m in your I’m in your server oh oh oh man this mod is kind of making me want to build my base on a highish place just so I can see the view do it all right I’m gonna get in here this might be place there’s like no dirt here though I don’t know how I feel about that does I mean I could artificially artificially goon yeah I could like what’s it called I could landcape this this this thing and and build a house on top of it and just have like an ocean view and a Mountain View and uh um pumpkin View and uh flower view are those chry blossoms I can’t tell I don’t think so it’ be like a whole biome now yeah okay I think I think I will and I have a floating piece of coal legendary I think that’s sign yeah I think I think that I think that’s the sign so I’m going to name this home I’m going to name this home we finally have home all right just oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] that almost killed me I have like no dirt where are you I just Dash house this is like the weirdest place them I’ve ever built a home but we’re doing it uh oh [ __ ] just like just like the finals the grade launch not [ __ ] oh I forgot the snack shortcut is just the thing I used to go manually for every snack oh my God crazy no no they changed that so that you know oh really okay I should make a chest I like how the the NPCs in this game also use like you need to touch the floor for them to be able to find you just like in Lethal company apparently that’s changed in version 50 oh snap yeah oh snap at least enough crackers yeah I didn’t look at the patch notes because I want to be surprised at what happens oh yeah I don’t know about you guys did you guys already check see everything that changed or no uh I did but I don’t remember all of it I a butler so I’m excited to see yeah all I know is yeah there’s a butler and that’s all I know so I’m curious very curious uh told you yeah right find me come and find me look at this this this is ridiculous okay I’m going to stash out right now give one sec okay sure what the hell where’s the sticky note with the thing can you destroy the sticky note on accident uh no you got to just look around for it the hell I usually it’s really easy to find where the hell oh what the hell 12345 all right dude for like a week straight I had you know that that that one like sound effect where it’s like this one guy who’s screaming what the hell and then and it’s like get get it get get get it or something I had that stuck playing on Loop in my head for an entire week for like no reason I know get get get sound I’ve never heard that oh got to get get no no no I I I is it’s like pronounced a different way like um I I’ll find the Twitter post it’s like a random Japanese meme that uses the the specific sound thing the hell are these guys I do love the what the hell yeah that is one of my favorite sounds bucket where the bucket left [ __ ] sadd Pizza huh pizza pizza pizza pizza pizza oops Pizza Little Caesar is got I gota say it’s not it I don’t remember what it’s it’s I think I only had like I didn’t even think it was intentional when I had it just like it was there oops how do I I this is like the most ghetto like home set up what the where’s this guy coming from this there it is wood oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] can I plant a tree here is this dirt still is this still oh my God it’s dir Co dirt you can’t can you you can’t plant stuff on Co dirt right honestly I have no idea of course dirt I mean there’s an oak tree right here but of course no you can’t okay cool okay cool um ouch do four and then I’m going to get I have not been to Bunker in five years well sit down your things so we can get up in there Yes actually I just had a sudden craving for Apex what Apex is that what you just said yeah well D when he said bunker when he said bunker I don’t know why lightning what the [ __ ] dude OG bunker I still miss season one Apex it’s so me too me too I don’t like apparently there’s like a bajillion more things on top of the bajillion things from the last time we played yeah I can’t play it here so I mean ex from that one time we tried to play yeah while I was here I haven’t played since then and I feel like they added like 500 things yeah I kind of I kind of I do kind of like it at the same time I’m kind of like I don’t like it yeah I feel like they they had like and kind of I hope they don’t finals the finals right now is like pretty good like wait what about the finals like the Apex was like a really good like fresh take on Battle Royale I felt like when it first came out and then now like the finals is like really good like as is and I hope they don’t try to like I don’t know like they don’t try they just focus on like what’s good and what’s working and not like try to be gimmicky not saying that Apex is like doesn’t but I feel like it’s not what it used to be I don’t know if that makes sense I don’t know maybe maybe it is good I don’t know and maybe just like this maybe it got to the point where like I’m just oh my what the uhbe just got to the point where like I’m just too good the game and it’s just like not even just me but everyone is really good so it’s just like really difficult the game now yeah there’s like it’s been out for long enough that everyone’s just good at the game maybe yeah um and like uh that has something to do with like how I perceive it now like everyone learning the game and being kind of goofy yeah try hard gamer um [ __ ] these freaking cops man aab yeah seriously okay okay maybe I shouldn’t have been saying maybe I shouldn’t say that on your stream I yeah I don’t know yeah maybe I won’t say that oh yeah wait hold I’ll give car wait wait oh there we go bro I say that with my chest aab oh god well we’re also on our gamer stream can’t let him get demonetized oh right that’s true is that is that to it may be what happen if I show my balls uh it depends on what kind of ball have you seen this car before what is that car what car that we just crashed and killed that man it’s a Jaguar right oh is oh it does not have that oh it doesn’t have the top on oh I see I see I see yeah yeah all right get that [ __ ] out of here all right and I like to do I just found out it’s really funny is piss off the NPCs and then like make them fight each other like just get a bunch of them really all right wait oh no this one’s a wimp oh okay okay maybe this one the Jeep driver definitely will be angry right all right are you mad all right there we go okay and then not now I now I make this guy mad what the all right now I got two guys oh no now they fight each other that’s even better how did that happen how did these guys get mad at each other all all right who’s winning blue shirt or white shirt blue shirt oh damn oh now he’s back for me I was na oh oh my god oh he’s chasing you he’s chasing you yeah yeah no no I’m getting in this car oh wait oh oh no oh my God oh my God they just killed this oh Oh my he actually killed this man oh oh my god dude what is with the cars they literally just killed his man so many times all right I guess we got a dip oh [ __ ] he kind of looks like looks like Donald clever his angle he kind of does do you have any uh sailes you need to do I was like no I think I’m good oh [ __ ] after us get out okay that immediately gave us three STS that’s wild we didn’t even do anything yeah we just watched some people kill each other what the where did he come from right these guys all right I think I think I’ve reached a stopping point for this Minecraft run we finally found a home base uh let’s see how far away is that from Island Duke Dennis yes I think it’s over 2,600 MERS away from binga’s Island that’s okay nice you were were you planning on going back uh I don’t I don’t know I mean this is bingus Origins like Bing Origins yeah this tiny island is like bingus Island part of the bingus archipelago with two other islands and maybe another one I don’t know I didn’t expand the map here and then uh oh we have Bing Village rip Caesar Dingus Village P Fus village zingus Village random Exposed on the surface level M shaft wingus Village this a hold on no no we got this and now no is it still dead no yeah they said it’s uh destroyed I have to make a claim no no check out we got this all right I heard um oh what no it disappeared [ __ ] yeah if the exhaust goes in the water then then it’s dead oh [ __ ] we maybe kind of hold I gota stop this hel Chopper yeah okay so I think this is a good spot so I’m going to go ahead and quit and um so how do you guys want to do this I could stream us playing lethal what or like whatever we’re playing you’re gonna stream lethal company yeah I could do it um unless if unless of Vis is uh playing then uh then I would have to stop wait why what’s what’s wrong with that uh cuz he doesn’t like hearing his own voice oh yeah oh God only have four stars we didn’t do I should bring in the tank you want to use the tank oh yeah freak it bring in the oh what the what did I just run into what just Happ I think there’s the rocks or something is that blue is that blue dot no that’s not the tank [ __ ] that’s St call him the tank all right I called it he said it’s bring it by I don’t know if you can see it I cannot see it okay it’s right next to us it’s literally right next to us wait go back go back other way I’m yeah and to the left yeah see okay I’m crash into all right let’s go [Music] this car in this other car why am I in this other car what the anyone who’s watching the stream knows exactly how all of this sounds ridicul wait where is it how did they impound your tank no way not a single [ __ ] hello I all right so I’m gonna go ahead and end the stream here guys so if you made it this far thank you so much for sticking around honestly I still kind of feel a bit torn about how I can’t stream myself playing OSU but you know it is what it is with my injury and I I I can’t can’t force it I can’t force it we tried last week turns out no no good so I’m going to go ahead and end the stream here um you know it was a good time it was a good time honestly Minecraft is nice Minecraft is nice especially with the mods we did die but it’s okay I will try to remember my dog’s name because I really think it was a really good name but uh yeah yeah all right uh next live stream will be on next Friday around the same time um if you haven’t already check out my YouTube channel I honestly commands probably don’t even work still I okay I’m gonna make that my goal I’m gon to make that my goal I’m gonna make that my goal I’m gonna make my goal chat is way too small I’m gonna make my goal to be that between today and next Friday I will set up basic stream commands basic extremely basic I’m not going to I’m not going to redo everything just extremely basic stream commands and in doing that that will allow me to make this whole thing easier but for now I I I’m just going to paste the the links manually again so with my extremely laggy uh Google Chrome installation right now just uh just uh give me a moment give me a solid moment all right so obviously for those of you who are on YouTube like you’re literally watching it like like the Subscribe buttons literally down there so feel free to subscribe I am I make OSU content uh and my next video is going to be an interesting one to say the least uh you guys have no [ __ ] idea what’s going to have [ __ ] happen I mean that’s I mean I kind of I’m kind of saying the same things I said about the laser buddy video but also also also this one’s this one’s going to be it’s going to be different we’ll just say it’s going to be different so uh here’s that here’s that link to my YouTube channel check out my videos maybe check out my optimization series make OSU run better on your computer not everything’s going to apply to OSU laser though so strictly for OSU itself um my latest video though is different because it also applies to OSU laser so that’s a nice thing um but yes uh feel free to subscribe leave a like on my videos comment anything honestly because like we’re literally just getting started and I would love to to get into a position where I can do bigger things in in the yosu community so yeah but that will take time to to uh to actually achieve time and persistence will pay off in the end so um I also have my twitch channel uh honestly wait wait there’s a better way to there’s a better way to do this there’s a better way cuz cuz literally I have a link tree and that link tree liter wait or I have my links right here okay okay this isn’t as convenient as link tree but it’s still pretty good it’s still pretty good what the hell I just want to copy and paste it it made like a link okay here there’s my there’s my twitch feel free to follow me there as well um right now I multistream it’s just because I’m a twitch affiliate so I get some nice things that I only have on Twitch that I just can’t have on YouTube right now but I also like streaming on YouTube because it’s easier for people to find me so there’s that um so yeah I I I don’t know if I’m going to keep up with multi streaming but we’ll see we’ll see but um yeah so that’s my twitch I also have a Twitter uh and I do actually post stuff now I do actually post stuff so if you want to follow me over on Twitter feel free to do so um everyone’s more than welcome to actually do that and I don’t know if that actually no it it did paste correctly all right so yeah that’s my twitch uh and everything else all right so once again thank you for making it this far hope you have a great morning afternoon evening day night uh bed and yeah I hope to see you next time all right see you guys later

This video, titled ‘🔴Playing Minecraft Hardcore (for the 1st time) until I’m released from osu! Injury Jail’, was uploaded by Jaymusta on 2024-04-13 04:14:57. It has garnered 55 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 04:56:04 or 17764 seconds.

Turns out playing osu! with ring index still uses your middle finger, so here we are

New Video is out!: Twitch: Twitter:

Tips: Merch:


osu! profile: skin:


osu! Optmization Guide:

osu! Live Stream Highlights:


Commands (Commands are broken): !commands !hydrate !posture !stretch !merch !area !donate !osuopt

– not working (yet) !redeem bigblack !redeem shitposter !redeem 1v1


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  • Destroying my School’s Minecraft Server in 28 Hyper Ways!

    Destroying my School's Minecraft Server in 28 Hyper Ways!Video Information This video, titled ‘I Ruined My Schools Minecraft Server’, was uploaded by 28 hyper on 2024-04-20 18:00:07. It has garnered 2512 views and 114 likes. The duration of the video is 00:27:33 or 1653 seconds. -I Ruined My Schools Minecraft Server Hyper SMP public: (where this video was filmed) Like ParrotX2 videos and the LifeSteal SMP, This SMP is like LifeStealSMP and OneTrySMP, this is the hardest Minecraft Sever ever! and it is also a lore-based server in the MCYT community. I hope you enjoy this video. Not only that, this server has the elements of school… Read More

  • Satisfying Minecraft Parkour & Pixel Art Surprise! 🤯

    Satisfying Minecraft Parkour & Pixel Art Surprise! 🤯Video Information This video, titled ‘Satisfying Minecraft Profile Pixel Art ( PPL Request YT ) Part 3,591’, was uploaded by Relaxing Minecraft Parkour on 2024-01-12 01:15:53. It has garnered 324 views and 33 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:13 or 13 seconds. Satisfying Minecraft Profile Pixel Art ( PPL Request YT ) Part 3,591 #minecraftpe #algorithm #artist you can get your short request video and post on your youtube channel mentioned me. if you also want to make your profile, just comment and then like the video. Please be patient if it takes a long time but I… Read More

  • Infernos MC

    Infernos MCCreative/survival just for fun server, join the discord to get on the whitelist, adults only please.(no adult rp I just don’t want to be responsible for any children) Read More

  • Longbirch Vanguard Roleplay SMP 1.20.1 Java Races Classes Quests Pets Mounts

    ⚔️ IP: MC.LVRPG.NET ⚔️ Java Version: 1.20.1 Dynamic Map Wiki Discord Trailer A unique Minecraft Survival/RPG experience: Embark on an epic journey in the realm of Longbirch! Forge alliances, battle dark forces, and uncover ancient secrets. Join us and shape the destiny of a kingdom! Features: 10 Classes 9 Races Tons of Quests An ever-expanding selection of Pets 6 Dungeons Deity System Weekly Updates Read More

  • PixelPvP

    PixelPvP🔥 **Welcome to PixelPvP!** 🔥Are you ready to dive into the most intense Minecraft PvP experience? Look no further than PixelPvP, where every match is a battle for glory!🌟 **Why PixelPvP?** 🌟🏹 **Epic Battles**: Test your skills in heart-pounding PvP arenas. Whether you’re a seasoned warrior or a newbie, there’s a challenge waiting for you.⚔️ **Custom Gear**: Arm yourself with unique weapons and armor crafted to give you the edge in combat. Personalize your loadout to suit your fighting style!🛡️ **Dynamic Events**: Join our regular events and tournaments to win awesome prizes and earn your place on the leaderboard.🏆 **Competitive… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Test it to flames!

    Well, with a score that high, I think we can safely say that this meme has passed the test with flying colors! Read More

  • Diamond Heist: Kaito Kidd’s Minecraft Caper

    Diamond Heist: Kaito Kidd's Minecraft Caper In the world of Minecraft, where creativity thrives, Kaito Kidd stole diamonds, pulling off sly dives. But fear not, dear viewers, justice will prevail, As heroes rise up, ready to set sail. With animations funny and full of cheer, Fangkuaixuan’s channel brings joy near and dear. Each video a gem, a delight to behold, So hit that subscribe button, let the happiness unfold. Pirated copies beware, for this is the real deal, Only on Fangkuaixuan’s channel will you find the appeal. So join in the fun, the laughter, the glee, And immerse yourself in this Minecraft spree. From classroom… Read More

  • TENGE TENGE Portal Upgrade: Now with Extra Spice! 🔥 #minecraftmemes

    TENGE TENGE Portal Upgrade: Now with Extra Spice! 🔥 #minecraftmemes When you upgrade your portal in Minecraft but end up summoning a catnap instead of a new dimension. Watch out for those sneaky zoonomaly creatures trying to steal your fire in the hole! #minecraftfail #catnapdisaster Read More

  • The Magic Five: Boys Love Part 6

    The Magic Five: Boys Love Part 6 The Magic Five: A Minecraft Love Story Meet Martin, also known as Marty, a Minecraft enthusiast who has embarked on a creative journey to share his story through animations. In his latest installment, “The Magic Five,” Martin explores themes of love and friendship within the Minecraft universe. A Tale of Friendship and Love In “The Magic Five,” Martin introduces viewers to a group of Minecraft boys who navigate the complexities of relationships and emotions. Through his storytelling, Martin sheds light on the beauty of love and the importance of acceptance. Embracing Diversity With a heartfelt message at the beginning… Read More

  • Uncovering Ancient City in Minecraft Survival

    Uncovering Ancient City in Minecraft Survival The Mystery of the Ancient City in Minecraft Survival Exploring the vast world of Minecraft can lead to some incredible discoveries, and stumbling upon an ancient city is a true testament to the game’s hidden wonders. These ancient cities hold valuable loot and unique challenges for players brave enough to venture into their depths. Ancient City Rewards Delving into an ancient city can yield a variety of rewards, including SCULK catalysts for farming other SCULK blocks, soul-related blocks, rare Ward and Silence armor trims, enchanted books, treasure items, and highly enchanted gear. These rewards make the journey to find… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft LIVE gameplay w/ Oakley – Survival, Hypixel, Hive

    Insane Minecraft LIVE gameplay w/ Oakley - Survival, Hypixel, HiveVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft LIVE! Survival, Hypixle, Hive & More’, was uploaded by Oakley on 2024-05-26 08:02:30. It has garnered 192 views and 10 likes. The duration of the video is 02:57:25 or 10645 seconds. #minecraft #minecraftsurvivalseries #minecraftsurvival #minecraftletsplay #gaming #survival #letsplay Skin made by @empresslittlebit – Read More

  • Unveiling the Haunting Cave Dwellers in Minecraft

    Unveiling the Haunting Cave Dwellers in MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft | from the fog | cavedwellers #minecraft #scary #3am #Herobrine #cave-dweller #fromthefog’, was uploaded by FortuneWarrior on 2024-03-24 16:00:43. It has garnered 119 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 00:12:32 or 752 seconds. HUGE thanks to curse forge and the mod pack is called cave horror project by justeriksk so make sure to check it out very fun modpack and scary. Are you brave enough to explore Minecraft Horror mod at 3am? In this video, we delve into the eerie depths of the game with Herobrine and cavedwellers, but is… Read More

  • “Insane Minecraft Destruction! Longest Path Annihilated in 2B2T” #ShizoClickbait

    "Insane Minecraft Destruction! Longest Path Annihilated in 2B2T" #ShizoClickbaitVideo Information This video, titled ‘DESTRUI el CAMINO MAS LARGO de Minecraft en 2B2T #minecraft #2b2t #shorts’, was uploaded by HalconDeHielo on 2024-05-19 23:00:15. It has garnered 466570 views and 65535 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:01 or 61 seconds. 🥤Uninteresting description🥤 ——————————————— ————————————————– ——– Video: ————————————————– ————————————————– — In today’s video I DESTROYED the LONGEST and HISTORIC ROAD of 2B2T, this path or BETTER KNOWN as “The SOUTHERN Canal” is a Water path that starts from the SPAWN of 2B2T to a SAFE AREA. Built in 2014, today it appears abandoned. but is it true? ————————————————–… Read More

  • 🐼 Mega House Items Haul! Live Now – Its Panda Gaming 🎮

    🐼 Mega House Items Haul! Live Now - Its Panda Gaming 🎮Video Information This video, titled ‘Collecting Items for house!! | Minecraft | Its Panda Gaming is Live’, was uploaded by Its Panda Gaming on 2024-01-04 05:40:12. It has garnered 128 views and 16 likes. The duration of the video is 01:24:34 or 5074 seconds. Hello everybody 👋 This is Its Panda Gaming , professional gaming channel 🎮 Here you will see my Highlights and Full Gameplays of the game Gta 5 ,Free Fire and Valorant. I’am a professional Battle Royale Player and Streamer. I do my best to record all games and that’s all enjoy watching. Don’t Forget to like,share… Read More

  • 🤯 Insane Miko Boiz Minecraft Mod IQ Test!!

    🤯 Insane Miko Boiz Minecraft Mod IQ Test!!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Mods iQ Test😲 #minecraft #meme #minecraftshorts #minecraftmemes #minecraftanimation’, was uploaded by Miko boiz on 2024-02-08 14:30:32. It has garnered 2527 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:45 or 45 seconds. minecraft,minecraft iq test,testing minecraft,minecraft pe,minecraft testing,minecraft test,minecraft iq,testing minecraft mobs iq,minecraft memes,minecraft villager iq test,minecraft mob iq,minecraft meme,testing minecraft mob iq,mob iq test in minecraft,minecraft mob iq test,minecraft mobs iq test,minecraft villager iq,minecraft mods,minecraft phone,minecraft pillager iq test,minecraft bedrock edition,minecraft but,minecraft funny warden iq test,minecraft warden iq test,minecraft iq test,warden,iq test,test warden,minecraft warden,iq test warden,minecraft iq test warden,testing warden iq,warden test,wardon… Read More

  • Intense Bedwars Competition! Who Will Win? 🔥 | Minecraft Roleplay Ep. 11

    Intense Bedwars Competition! Who Will Win? 🔥 | Minecraft Roleplay Ep. 11Video Information This video, titled ‘RISING TENSIONS (Competition Part 1) | Bedwars Avenue [ Ep. 11] | Minecraft Roleplay (MCTV)’, was uploaded by Vastelle on 2024-02-18 01:53:04. It has garnered 626 views and 49 likes. The duration of the video is 00:26:46 or 1606 seconds. Bedwars has caused Vastelle’s stress to skyrocket! Meanwhile, Marbey’s infatuation with Ghostie has become much more unbearable. *:・゚✧💜SEE MORE💜*:・゚✧ Minecraft, but it’s a new series consisting of REAL Bedwars players! And guess what?! I use REAL players’ Minecraft Skins! Comment your IGN, and I’ll get you in the background of a video! ​​​ MOVING IN… Read More

  • “Top 8 Songs of War Characters – Deathsinger Revealed!” #songsofwar #minecraft

    "Top 8 Songs of War Characters - Deathsinger Revealed!" #songsofwar #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘songs of war top 8 characters #animation #songsofwar #minecraft’, was uploaded by Deathsinger on 2024-02-13 06:32:53. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Read More

  • “Lurlene Crotty’s EPIC Pokemon battles in Minecraft!” #clickbait

    "Lurlene Crotty's EPIC Pokemon battles in Minecraft!" #clickbaitVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Pixelmon Mod: Catching and Battling Pokemon in Minecraft!#shorts’, was uploaded by Lurlene Crotty on 2024-01-10 10:56:31. It has garnered 3 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:10 or 10 seconds. Read More


    YOU WON'T BELIEVE WHAT HAPPENS IN THIS ANIME BEACH EPISODE! | Minecraft CDRSMPVideo Information This video, titled ‘O EVENTO CANÔNICO DOS ANIMES (Episódio de praia) – Minecraft CDRSMP’, was uploaded by Lioju_MJ on 2024-04-14 04:38:01. It has garnered 284 views and 70 likes. The duration of the video is 05:11:37 or 18697 seconds. Come join the lives and videos!!! Lives every day at 8pm (EXCEPT TUESDAYS AND THURSDAYS) Videos almost daily! SUBSCRIBE TO THE CHANNEL, IT HELPS A LOT! LARAY’S TWITCH CHANNEL: give her support! Youtube Channel: @laray_OFI OVERTAKE SERVER: CDR SERVER: MESSAGE BY PIX ON LIVE: SOCIAL MEDIA Discord: Twitter: Instagram: TikTok: Kwai:… Read More


    kevolve.netWelcome to, a free SMP server open to everyone, currently looking for Minecraft survival mode enjoyers. We run some good mods. Read More

  • Hermitcraft-style server recruiting SMP players, whitelist, 16+, Discord

    Welcome to Our Minecraft Server! We are a friend-based Minecraft server built around community and trust. We offer a classic survival SMP experience without major game-changing mods. Join us for events, hang out on voice chat, and play Minecraft together! Interested in joining? Fill out our short application form here. Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – I hope my grandkids can still play Minecraft

    I hope my grandchildren will be able to play Minecraft (assuming the servers are still up and running in 50 years) and won’t have to deal with Minecraft VR on their hoverboards! Read More

  • Craft a Hive, Survive: Minecraft Beehive Build Guide

    Craft a Hive, Survive: Minecraft Beehive Build Guide In Minecraft, a beehive is quite a delight, Craft it with wood planks, a simple sight. Place it near flowers, bees will take flight, Collecting sweet honey, a tasty bite. To get honeycomb, use shears with care, From the hive, it’s a precious fare. Bees in the hive, a buzzing affair, Protect them well, show them you care. Moving a hive? Use a silk touch tool, Carry it gently, don’t be a fool. Harvesting honey, a sweet jewel, In Minecraft world, a golden rule. So now you know, how to make a beehive, In Minecraft world, where bees thrive…. Read More

  • POV: I become MrBeast’s Minecraft guardian angel!

    POV: I become MrBeast's Minecraft guardian angel! POV: When you realize stopping time in Minecraft is the only way to keep MrBeast from giving away all his diamonds to random players. #MinecraftProblems #MrBeastSaved #TimeStopper Read More

  • NOOB vs PRO Building Battle Trolled with ILLEGAL Mod! – Minecraft

    NOOB vs PRO Building Battle Trolled with ILLEGAL Mod! - Minecraft Minecraft: NOOB vs PRO Building Battle with ILLEGAL Mod! Are you ready for an epic showdown between a NOOB and a PRO in Minecraft? Get ready for some intense building battles, hilarious moments, and unexpected twists with the ILLEGAL Mod! Meet the Players: Adem’s Channel: Watch the NOOB in action at Adem’s Channel Ahmet’s Channel: Witness the PRO’s skills at Ahmet’s Channel Don’t Miss Out! If you don’t want to miss out on the thrilling Minecraft entertainment, make sure to turn on notifications 🔔 so you never miss a new video. Subscribe and Connect: 🟥 Subscribe for Free: Join… Read More

  • Embark on an Epic Adventure with Minewind Minecraft Server!

    Embark on an Epic Adventure with Minewind Minecraft Server! Welcome Minecraft enthusiasts! Are you ready to start your own adventure in the vast world of Minecraft? If so, we have the perfect server for you to join – Minewind! While watching the exciting gameplay of “How To Starting the Adventure Minecraft!” by @gsxproooo, you may have felt the urge to dive into your own Minecraft journey. And what better way to do that than by joining a thriving community of players on Minewind server? With endless possibilities for exploration, building, and collaboration, Minewind offers a unique and exciting Minecraft experience. Whether you’re a seasoned player or just starting… Read More

  • Minecraft: The Ultimate Comparison

    Minecraft: The Ultimate Comparison The Evolution of Minecraft: A Genre Shift Recently, a video discussing the evolution of Minecraft has sparked a conversation about how the game has transitioned into a different genre without necessarily becoming better or worse. Let’s delve into this intriguing topic and explore some potential solutions. From Sandbox to Adventure: Originally known for its sandbox gameplay, where players could freely build and explore, Minecraft has gradually incorporated more structured elements, such as quests, NPCs, and storylines. This shift has transformed the game into a hybrid of sandbox and adventure genres, offering a new experience for players. Challenges and Solutions:… Read More