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Alrighty and we are live let’s let me pop out the chat copy the link put it in the layout editor paste it save changes top chat live chat share copy Boom Boom at notifications live now later stream but it’s chill let’s play some hardcore Minecraft I

Spelled it wrong but it’s fine bam and let me launch Minecraft what’s up my uh what’s up shoes I assume first is taken I actually have no idea if it is who knows um did I forget to make I forgot to focus the camera didn’t I ah there we go

I’ll make sure you guys can see my beautiful face in full crisp HD what’s up Petty what’s up tah how’s it going I do remember you what’s up llama Napper are you this llama are you gonna kidnap my llama from me you better not you better not kidnap my llama from me

What’s up Jitter what’s up Mr popular how’s it going how’s the day been it’s been pretty good I was hanging out with my girlfriend all day so that was fun it’s always night um it’s always night like for you you just always in night time what’s up not Layla Lila

Um my day has been good yeah it’s been good like for me like when I stream you mean because that is kind of how it goes man my girlfriend messed up the camera yesterday she went to close the lid on my camera and she just changed the angle

Entirely yeah that sounds about right though time zones and I stream at the same time roughly or generally similar times every night so it doesn’t surprise me technoblade Never Dies true um yeah let’s hop into this world so why am I here again I don’t remember

What I was doing at the base oh I was getting bookshelves so that we could make um so that we can get an enchanting table and make a little enchanting room out here I barely hear anything let me just fix that there we go okay cool we all right

Bam Bam Bam let’s jump in here beautiful beautiful what’s up anime how’s it going welcome to stream out of curiosity guys should I turn up my volume do you guys hear the game sound enough like I don’t know I feel like for game sound some things are just louder than others

So maybe it’s fine hey man can I have a shout out no you can’t um what makes hardcore fun for you building I like building I like building crazy things I like I don’t know I I have plenty of stuff to do I just like

I like making my world look all nice and I like making my functional stuff have more I like making my functional stuff have um nice decorations around it so that it looks nice in addition to working nice um okay I think I’m gonna need to break

One of these get a book get obsidian and then we’ll be good I’m a small YouTube please now why why why would I I don’t even know who you are and you probably don’t make good videos probably I could be totally wrong probably though um shout outs are useless true what’s up

Infinity hey man can we have a deep conversation about inflation in the stock market yes I would love to I don’t know anything about the stock market at all but yes I would be that would be so much fun let’s do it so inflation am I right guys

Okay I wait what happened I used to have like a bunch of ender chests there they are okay cool um Dash how do you do the thing where you take only one item oh it’s a thing in in item scroller and you if you hit control it lets you take one item

It’s an item scroller feature how’s your day my day is good I know a thing or two about inflation I know the channel points have already gotten inflated because uh too many because too many viewers but like I’m not complaining oh I forgot I can craft a brush now what a weird game

Um enchanting table okay so I do just need obsidian which I now have that and then we grab that and then we put that back and then we bam and then enchanting table beautiful I’m throwing that out I don’t care okay now we’re gonna add an enchanting table to this area because

It do be like uh this place does have a nice little uh or in uh pillagers do have enchantments on their stuff so I feel like it’s only fair to uh to give them some enchants this is not going to be centered unfortunately but it’s okay the pillagers you know what let’s make

It the pillagers don’t know that you don’t need this many bookshelves they’re just learning how enchanting works and stuff and stuff you know I forgot that there are the nice little oh this is a texture pack thing it colors the enchanting letters that go in that’s so cool

What’s up British breakfast why are brushes feathery copper swords I don’t know uh resource pack please if you do exclamation point pack you can find out what’s up frog man how’s it going do you like tomatoes I need to know I wouldn’t like eat one alone what’s up Nate what’s

Up Brusque I’m playing in 1.20.1 um I always tell my mom that she would be happy or that she should be happy I’m a failure because if everyone like me started a business it would inflate the economy too much that’s facts do you like Roblox I don’t building your

E-man farm in a world with my friend not only to support you but because we broke let’s go as you should Um you made anime loses Pride what did wait what did Anna what did Challenger do to anime um yeah there’s also the mods I want to add like some lapis up front or something maybe we could add like maybe we could even add like a whole little Library section

That could be cool instead of having like instead of having just like straight up this what if we made like these walls right these walls are just like this is like a library area and then we put this right here and then we add bookshelves like so on these sides

But then we’re gonna get rid of this for now and we’ll put a light somewhere else I don’t have any of that block it’s fine though um we could always just grab this block and put it there that works I want to have like you know how they have like

Different sections of the library we have like the different sections but this I wanna say is gonna be able to do level 30 because it has one two three four five six uh seven eight nine ten eleven twelve thirteen fourteen fifteen sixteen I don’t even know if it’s able to count

Those corners but one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve thirteen fourteen at least oh we drinking all right cool soon you will suffer from the hydration I’ll probably have to refill my water bottle goofia stream this guy’s just upset that they didn’t

Get a they didn’t get a shout out like uh why why would I give you a shout out goofy uh Roblox player honestly okay anyways let’s just let’s add one more there oh no you know what that’s fine we’ll do that and then I just want to

Make the library area a little bit more like that would be pretty good you don’t even deserve a shout out hey man no need to be mean but why are your shulkers so messed up are my shulkers even messed up right now aren’t they not messed up anymore or are they messed up

My shulkers are fine what are you talking about they’re fine um now you came up dude Mitchell stop I haven’t bullied people in a while Mitchell that doesn’t mean that you’re able to bully people now just because you haven’t in a while that’s not how that’s not how that works

You have to not bully people in general my chat is supposed to be relatively nice okay um Mr popular isn’t safe Mitchell why are you killing their confidence for no reason Dash said no and that’s the end yeah true also I didn’t even I I tried to be nice

And say like you probably don’t make good videos I didn’t say you don’t because I don’t know maybe they do how would I know I would not know and hence why I’m not gonna be like super mean and be like your videos are and I know it because I don’t know maybe

Their videos are great maybe they do deserve a shout out but I don’t do shout outs especially when people ask me the only way I would give you a shout out is if I organically stumbled upon your channel and was like wow these are really good videos or if you were like

Anime and you decided to make videos and they were also pretty good like if you’re like one of my mods who’s been around forever maybe I’d give you a shout out if you made videos and they also happen to be pretty good they don’t have to be the

Standards wouldn’t be as high I don’t think but they would still have to be pretty solid videos for me to give you a shout out because like I don’t know no one gave me a shout out why would I like unless you unless you make like insanely good

Videos I’m probably not going to shout you out because I don’t know I don’t need more competition on YouTube too you know I don’t like their pfp what’s up zombie gamer we know Mr popular um okay so I just need to grab some more leaves dark oak leaves and composters so what I

Kind of want to do is I want to grab a few planks and I want to divide up the library a little bit so that it looks kind of nice the library already looks pretty solid but I’m thinking I want to just add I’m thinking on

The ends like this I want to put blocks except um yeah what if we just move this up by like two blocks and then it goes right there oh but then it’s not actually then it’s not really working anymore I mean it does it should just be mainly decorational right like I feel like we should go for like decoration is nice over function is good I would think so let’s go ahead and just um chop down these last few and then bam bam bam now we have a little Library section and

What I want to do is we’re going to grab we’re gonna break this and break this and break this and break this and we’re gonna go ahead and put those in there and then we’re gonna put some planters right here oops oh I don’t have enough for this

You know what I can do to get rid of it I can just do that there we go that’s pretty good that’s pretty solid hello my favorite hardcore YouTube series thank you series YouTube uh what’s up yo I sent it what did you send there’s a video called roasting my friends on

Roblox and then they made a video a few days later responding to the hate all right is this on there on on the Roblox person’s Channel that’s funny um you know what whatever I like how directly next to the the big ice laser beam is just a enchanting room

And you know what that’s fine it’s cool it’s cool okay I’m thinking I want to get I need to get light over here somehow I just don’t know exactly how um what else did we want to add oh we wanted to add the evoker that changes the color of the Sheep

So let’s do that what’s up craft Nation how’s it going it’s actually amazing holy goodness see no my goal is to catch anime slip up one day dude that’s what I’ve always said anime is like too nice and good of a person for real anime is

Just so so wholesome all the time and it’s like how does it how did they do it I knew subscriber what’s up quam how’s it going or is is the B silent like lamb but quam Jitter catches me slipping up every day lyanna kid left after they didn’t get a

Shout out yeah that makes sense sounds about right oh that’s how you craft chiseled quartz okay interesting um okay so we need a sheep then um I think I have leads in somewhere there we go we need a sheep where is a sheep at you know what I have an idea okay

So in my last video I spent a while trying to get sheep and they kept dying so I have a better idea this time I don’t know if this is Splash or not I hope it’s Splash but it might not be it’s not Splash darn okay we can make it Splash though

Recently built it and the armor stand keeps breaking um that’s just a lag thing get rid of the armor stand there are two fences at the front break one of them replace it with nether brick fence and then hit the piglens directly through the gap foreign

I have ice in my water bottle because my girlfriend likes it but I don’t like it I don’t like having ice hey guys how’s it going wow there are a lot of you in here let me just thin out the herd real quick there are far too many of you

You’re causing me lag and I don’t want lag okay how many have I killed so far there are a lot of them in here dude my golly this is like way more than 20 isn’t it what is that this is the gas station oh you know what

I just realized that we never did we never put up the sign that says eat we need to do that as well remind me in a minute once we get the Sheep we need to put up a sign that says eat so that it’s clear that instead of being a gas

Station it’s like a food station for the ravagers W man does does something his girlfriend wants and deals with it you have suffered Samir severely wait what’s happening oh yeah I just deal with it Dash is desperate for his villager kills average Dash from four movement what is

Your is you anime your what you can change the skin of a Pillager to an isoliger that would be cool that could be like a neat little thing just for like funsies but Dingus what’s up dingus so guys how was your day yeah how’s everyone’s days going

All right I need a brewing stand and I’m just gonna turn this into we’re gonna turn this stuff into um splash hold on there we go I just need blaze powder which I feel like I probably don’t have on me but I feel like I can grab some from down here I need to add a little entrance back here I don’t know why I didn’t just grab it I couldn’t decide how many I wanted I just want one see this is the little chicken entrance I need to add like a ladder for me to get up and down somewhere but I don’t

Have one It’s fine that works um your mother that’s nice I’m sorry to hear that Mitchell the kid threw up in the pool oh that sucks oh that is a lot of Hoppers it is a lot of Hoppers it’s for uh it’s for our Auto Brewing System I’ve been designing and

Kind of failing but designing up a better Auto Brewing System for a while that I’m eventually going to replace that with but because that system kind of sucks what’s up high peen for real um he’s too Charming who’s too Charming um okay anyways now that we have our

Potions let’s go find a sheep and we’re gonna not kill it it’s gonna be awesome are you guys ready to not kill a sheep oh hey sheep you aren’t you we can die you wait who are you Mr wiggle dude we need to okay Side Track how the frick are the Sheep escaping

The Sheep how did you make it out of here oh they can climb the ladder here can’t they okay that’s probably how they’re escaping they’re climbing the ladders I think this could they get out from here as well uh yeah maybe maybe we should add like a glass

Last block there just to prevent them from escaping I think it’s just they climb the ladder and then get out that way okay maybe we can also round up any cats that have escaped as well I don’t know how else they would Escape because I think those are kind of the only

Spots that they could use to escape is these so if you want to get up there you just got to do a little jump what’s up uh Mouse here how’s it going balls you probably shouldn’t bite your nails also put on some medicine thank you for the Lark special

Balls indeed yeah for real okay let’s just break that and then come over to this one see there’s a guy over here he looks dude this is why I hate Enderman oh my gosh they really just be making my stuff look bad the chocolate I’m actually allergic to nuts unfortunately so I can’t I see you over there come back here die I hate you what a loser what a loser yeah that’s that’s good for you frog man oh free stuff oh not really anything actually valuable but free stuff indeed ah these Endermen love to just leave crap at my base oh

Why is there so many missing blocks of string here that’s interesting we need to fix that because they’re supposed to be string all over here so that the Iron Golems can’t spawn I’m pretty sure my iron golems haven’t been spawning for a while and this might be part of the reason

It might literally just be wow I can three shot them that is wild it I think it is just this okay we’re getting real sidetracked today but it’s okay we’re solving some issues with the Pillager Village okay four shots what’s up Astro whenever you have set by

An Enderman go make go to Enderman Farm to be happy true I should really build my Enderman Farm in my own world so that I can just have you know just just for the flex oh there’s another friend one whoever says me and chat first will can

Rename that one oh there are a bunch of friends two people me anime got one there are three friends okay there are three friend cats okay wait so we got Anime sat and Mr popular oof all right let’s rename those cats real quick we might find others

We might find others and then other people can get him okay let me put some stuff away though real quick because I don’t have room in my inventory for all of this junk anime uh sat gamer batgamer 80d 80 80d and then Mr popular bam you can name mine Challenger it’s too

Late nice typing Broski yeah I I kept Miss hitting I kept hitting the wrong numbers oh wait we also want string do I have string on me I probably don’t we need a bunch of string so that we can we need string to fix that so that the

Iron Golems won’t spawn in the wrong place oh that’s some string is that enough string I don’t think so that’s a little bit more that’s a little bit more uh uh a few more okay that’s um we can go name them and do that what’s up Michelle amen

So what is the plan like for today uh we’re just gonna be doing some random stuff decorating whatnot what’s Obama what’s up Obama big toes I will roast you if you take all of my stuff in the nether you take what what stuff Michelle do do I know you

Oh there’s a friend friend cat Mr popular has been named is this a friend cat no it’s not these cats are friend cats I think sat and anime the cat come back here come back here there we go animate the cat swag so I have a nice little texture pack on

That makes it so that um trip wires are visible and it just makes it a little easier for me to make sure that all of these blocks are spawn proofed so I like it or iron golem spawn proofed and for most people it’s like relatively invisible you know

It’s like from from far away you’re not going to notice it at all I’m gonna need to go get more string I’m pretty sure So I think they might not be able to spawn beneath this platform so I might not even need to do this I might just need to make sure that the hills are all spawn proof I don’t recall but you know what it is what it is we

Can spawn proof a little extra area if we need to because there were Iron Golems spawning here and I clearly placed some string so we can just go grab some more and then we’ll be we’ll finish it up um yes the Ender Dragon what’s up Adam Lobster how’s it going

I’m doing well how are you let’s have a vote if you want Dash to say to say Alta IV what when will this be a video I don’t know when I finish it um I cannot give you dates on that I need I have a full video that’s coming up before this

I would say like I’d say like two or three months it’s gonna be a while I’m not even done with the project and then it’s gonna take me a while to edit it I’m gonna be in school so it’s gonna take me even longer to edit it so

I would not I would not count on it being soon string that was the first box I grabbed let’s go hang on my opinion is the cream okay good guys did you see the 30 000 subscriber special I put out I put it out um before I got to 30 000

Subscribers but trust me it’s at the 30 000 sub special so you guys should go watch it if you haven’t already it’s definitely not just the video that I put out last and that I want people to watch I promise okay I would never mark something as a 30 000

Subscriber special to get people to watch it even though it’s just a normal video I would not do that that would be so bad so I wouldn’t do it foreign where is it yet the new video I love your packs thank you me too honestly I think they’re great

They make Minecraft look much nicer in my opinion and they still keep like 99 of the textures the same but or at least vanilla-ish and so it’s like good it’s like nice I think they’re I think they look very nice I think water must have destroyed these these string blocks at some point

Because I don’t know why they wouldn’t be here otherwise unless I just intentionally didn’t put them here I don’t know how those Iron Golems spawned there though we’ll see if if we get any more iron golems sad Gamers just chilling there oh see those were missing a string maybe

That’s where the guy spawned maybe that’s where this Iron Golem spawned but either way you can’t have unfortunately you’re the re you’re supposed to build iron golem Farms not like near a mountain but this was the best spot I could so I have to spawn proof all the blocks

And it’s not a huge deal but I use strings so it doesn’t look like terrible because string doesn’t render if you’re more than like 10 blocks away like you can barely see that string over there I beat Minecraft good job the cat named satgamer has a really cool name yeah for

Real is it possible to spawn proof a place with flowers I don’t think so I don’t think flowers stop spawning I’m like pretty sure they don’t so I would I would say probably not I would assume no but I’m not actually sure but I’m like no you know what I am sure you definitely can’t I don’t think that works oh there’s another friend cat Do I really feel like naming it though not really um do you PVP uh not often no OMG My bad I don’t have an anvil on me oh I didn’t I didn’t repair this I did not want to spawn here in the place of flowers okay now let’s go get that sheep Oh let’s also see if we can get that cat see there’s a cat up here foreign six whoa Dash pump six was trying to escape oh there’s another one oh there’s another friend cat okay I lost one of them me no no no I’m not I don’t feel like naming them

Guys I’m sorry it’s too much work we have to go get Dash from six though we lost Dash pump six oh we lost Dash pump six again because I looked I checked I checked my phone because pesto Dino texted me I think she got home safely Dash pump six protect me from the

Creepers the rest of the mobs I can deal with pretty easily but creepers if you can protect me that would be appreciated skeletons are also annoying though oh there we go Kitty what if we got out of here yes yes sir it’s working the cat is back in the in the Box

Whereas Dash from five I don’t know there might not be one I honestly have no idea by the way I’m going to spawn the wither storm no please spare me all right guys are you ready for this we’re about to be smart and we’re gonna not We’re not gonna kill this sheep this

Sheep this sheep is chilling this sheep is gonna stay alive and it’s gonna be good ready ready okay the Sheep got its lead broken but it’s fine it’s no big deal oh wow that made it sick let’s see can we make it through the ceiling through the roof

Oh my gosh guys we’re gonna make it through the roof oh my gosh that’s awesome see slow falling potions are op slow falling for the win let’s go rip Reuben yeah all right anyways that sheep is in there now let’s go and grab those two

Other cats and then I have to take a piss so I’ll take a little let’s take a little potty break in a minute I remember seeing cats somewhere over here aha I found you friend cat and other friend cat come hither yes join the rest of the village go back in here

Good job guys chicken you’re not supposed to be out and about accidentally placed grass on the Wither’s head oof that sucks because you hydrate yeah I did have to hydrate all right guys I’ll be right back how do I play an ad on YouTube guys how do I add an IT how

Do I add a mid-roll insert ad I just insert an ad I don’t know if it will work okay I just inserted another ad let’s see if I make lots of money now just kidding all right I’ll be right back guys I gotta go take a pee

The Llama will watch you guys to make sure no one leaves everyone say hi to the llama laughs all right I’m back who’s getting Rick Rolled llama is the chat mod yeah I didn’t get an ad either yeah I don’t know it might not have worked I honestly am not sure

See it tells me when I click insert add it tells me to it tells me to um enable monetization to turn on ads but it also then allows like usually it Grays out the option for turn on ads so I don’t know what’s up a broad seal Channel points a normal ad

I don’t know what you mean by that satgamer but maybe you should revoke that message if you mean something weird I got an ad oh okay good somewhat some people got ads swag I didn’t get one because I’m the only like bro y’all haven’t liked my stream yet SMH

Everyone go like my stream right now or I’ll be sad that’s all I’ll just be sad I wonder if we have any other any other uh black cats that escaped I want to find any escapees one day in like five years I’m gonna find a random black cat that that’s like

Not around or that’s just like in the wild and it’s gonna be weird but it’s gonna be it’s gonna have escaped from here I know that might be a little optimistic that I’m assuming my hardcore world will still be around in five years but you know what I’m goaded at this game I

Feel like it’ll be fine why are you in there oh interesting helping Dash come with publicity what’s up H cone how’s it going no weird stuff man for real my device does not say so there are seven likes oh maybe you have to refresh I feel like it’s probably because you haven’t refreshed

Hey Cat what’s your name oh midnight okay cool I just wanted to find out wasn’t gonna hurt you I poopied me too except not in the bathroom I just went and took a piss and then I promptly returned to my chair and pooped in my pants um

Anyways 32k yeah baby yeah that’s crazy I hit 30k yesterday and now I’m at 32. YouTube shorts are powerful man YouTube shorts are powerful Unfortunately they don’t make me any like they make me like barely any money it um but you know what with enough views maybe they could make me decent

Money but Tick Tock will probably forever make me way more money so like until until YouTube starts um paying well um that Tick Tock will be the priority and then YouTube shorts will be or Tick Tock will be the second priority to full length YouTube videos but YouTube shorts

Will just be whatever content I can fit on it because of the time length thing I’m not gonna make exclusive content for YouTube shorts because I don’t care and because money I like money and I make like nothing from YouTube shorts oh also are these guys working again oh they are

Nice since I killed those two Iron Golems now they’re actually working in my world download they were not working um oh you know what let’s just let’s like spawn proof this area I think oh this area doesn’t really need to be spawn proofed I don’t think but let’s just make sure we’ll check

Over here there’s a way for the Vox not to be despawned vexes is there actually how do you prevent vexes from despawning the dog party is over say bye see you later dog party because I would actually love it if I could make vexes not despawn because I

Want to use them as like a decorational thing but they all despawn can I get World download no you cannot people would claim that my builds are there so I don’t give out the World download I probably will when I die but other otherwise I’m not going to

Also people would probably spoil stuff for me I’d be flying around looking for an ancient city and someone would be like oh it’s right beneath you actually Jitter has a copy of the world Jitter has a copy of the world from like two years ago for making a thumbnail his

Copy of the world is insanely old but yeah he does have a copy of the world and you know what if someone like pays Jitter a bunch of money to to send them the Old World download like I wouldn’t even be mad make that bank Jitter what’s up Matt

How’s it going those like Afton they always come back for real I don’t know what that means but for real um I’m gonna put those in there those seem helpful um okay so we want to dye the Sheep guys chat chat does uh do evokers change the color of sheep

From red to blue or from Blue to red because I’ve I learned it’s not both ways so I need to know so that I uh get the right guy I guess I can always test I can always uh find out but he’s gonna be Wishing on his death now just for the

World download for real juter 100 billion dollars and ten thousand Lambos for the World download blue to Red okay so not red all right thank you thanks chat um that works that’s kind of a not my favorite method of getting blue dye but whatever red to blue Nathaniel is just lying I

Think the dog is hungry hungry say feed to feed um starve I assume if I can say feed to feed I can also say starve to starve it right if so epic um Just kidding guys I like dogs I’m just trolling you guys I’m just trolling I’m not a monster I’m not a monster I just murder thousands of innocent villagers for not giving me well they’re not innocent they didn’t give me good trades that’s kind of on them Loki like kind of kind of

Their fault should have given me better trades honestly so you know what Not Innocent um okay so we want to have an evoker we’ll get like how do we make it so that the evoker is kind of like um what if we made like a cell and we have

Like pillagers looking at the evoker or like yeah like a Pillager looking at the evoker and then the evoker is in there doing his magic but it’s like one of those like FBI holding cells that are like um you can’t like very seek secure you know

What if we did that on one side the dog needs seven foods yo is your extreme sound Muffler also glitched the icon won’t show up in my inventory anymore no my extreme sound Muffler is chilling what’s up Saint by the way yo Dash when are you gonna set up a P.O box

So we can set up random or send you random stuff uh probably not for a while I feel like uh I feel like sending me random stuff would be fun but I would also be worried someone would just send me like a decapitated head and that wouldn’t be as much fun um

We’ll do iron blocks I think for the Box I ate neon sheep 2.0 dang oh man you’re lucky try re-downloading it or something re-download it and maybe it’ll work um yeah we’re gonna go in here and we’re gonna like right right like here I think we’re gonna put

This is like the portal section and then like maybe maybe like right here we can put it right near the front I just need to figure out how to light this honestly we can just add a random shrub though I’m thinking right here would be a cool

Spot to have right near the entrance um would be a nice little spot to have a cell Um how big does a cell need to be they can’t send a decapitated head the place uh I’m pretty sure they check what’s inside before allowing you to send it yeah I don’t know to be honest I have several times he said you can do it in the config but I don’t understand

Nothing in the config I have no idea that sucks have you tried reverting it to an older version or something maybe maybe it’s like the version that you’re honest to is broken maybe an older version would be better I don’t know I’ve never had that happen to me though

So I really I really don’t know too much about what your issue might be fortunately I’ve never had that happen to me um question what is better than what is better F3 what there needs to be a second option you have 10 minutes till he dies oh the the dog Um no let him die yeah for real I don’t care about the dog how about you feed me instead Dash pum 4 needs ten dollars worth of donuts or he will die of starvation just kidding guys or am I maybe who knows how close does the evoker okay we have

To find out how close the guy needs to be for it to work do Alta four oh that’s a really good idea I I never would have I is that is that something I should do guys chat is this real um evoker sheep blue okay so what I want to know

Is if I trap this guy okay okay I see how it is if I trap this guy in a little box and then how many blocks away can the guy change the colors of the guy of the thing okay so one block is fine two blocks is fine

We should add on the ground like a little measurement thing so that it looks so that it looks like they’re like trying to measure how far away he can do it what’s up uh utkarsh has a gun what the dog doing who knows I didn’t even know they could change the color

It’s like a little Easter egg like how you can name them name the uh the vindicators Johnny and then they’ll attack anything okay what if we just let’s go by like twos one two three we’re gonna go like a lot further and let’s see Oh my goodness this guy can do it from a while We could probably look it up honestly okay so that guy’s too far we could totally look it up but that seems Less Fun okay so that many blocks and then let’s see about this one okay so this is the this is the max range so this is

So you have the evoker and then you have one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve thirteen fourteen fifteen blocks and then the second guy think the evoker is magical on God both the doctor strange from wish that’s epic can’t hear you

Is my mic actually muted are you guys just three people who all came in at the same time to tell me that I feel like it’s not I can okay thanks anime anime has thwarted your plans yeah I can hear myself I just opened it on my phone

Sound is gone you should try uh turning your volume up okay so this guy can go up to 15 blocks so that’s dope foreign in your headphones I think turn on your mic no I don’t want to I want to be a silent streamer actually silent streams are the best kind of

Streams in my opinion so I’m gonna not do that I’m Gonna Leave it and you guys are gonna deal with it so yeah so there I need signs ooh hanging signs yo I always forget these exist now and they will look cool become a silent V tuber why vtuber why

Not just a silent YouTuber what if I turn off my face cam and Mike and it’s just a quiet stream what if it’s just like all ASMR of the of the uh what if it just becomes like ASMR and you just listen to the block noises

You guys want like a little ASMR block noise stream how does that sound oh you got six that’s cool hey please turn your mic back on nah I’m I’m good he died yeah you know what man I got a lot of people I got a lot of chatters right now all

Telling me that my mic is off so I’m not even complaining yes boost me in the algorithm um okay so we’re gonna do since it can go 15 blocks this guy’s gonna sit here and then it’s gonna go one two three four and then it’s gonna be

A little thing like that it’s not a wiener get your mind out of the gutters guys okay it isn’t I promise you now it’s two wieners back to back good job Dash you made it look much better it’s it’s way better now so this is going to be a long room it’s

Gonna be right here and then it’s 5 10. 15. and then the second guy is going to be right here the Sheep is gonna be right here and then we’re gonna go like that and then we’re going to put this here I’m going to put two blocks like that right there

Oh I’m out of glass a mystery streamer man I need to report what do you say commenting boosts the algorithm then why do streamers get mad when I spam balls in their chat um I don’t actually know if Co if like having chatting it boosts the algorithm

For for streamers but also because like I don’t know if other people are trying to chat and it’s just all balls balls balls kinda I can understand why they might not like it I’m here what’s up Ryan how’s it gone it brought three alts and reported because

The streamer didn’t fall for his trick huge karshkosh don’t don’t spam balls please and E also don’t spam balls hey mods moderators what are you guys doing right now you guys wanna you guys wanna wanna wanna uh time out the spamming people please mods that would be pretty cool moderators mods

Mods where are you guys at do I need to time out the spamming people are they really gonna make me do things all right fine the mods are making me do it that’s so mean all right much better bro the one time where I go get ice

Cream they spam what’s up dog poggers how’s it going dude I wish we had I wish we had the mod check Emoji though a remote I wonder if I wonder if you can get better TTV uh emotes on YouTube streams I have no idea and I haven’t even tried

But I miss mod check what a good emote mod check was just it was like the SpongeBob one of the SpongeBob guys going like like looking around and it was like you know people would check for mods and then they did spam or whatever mob check good emote

We gotta get an L mod it’s in chat my fault sorry it’s okay toasty you didn’t even do it you just made a joke about it and then other people did it so it’s all right it’s all right no big deal I can always just time them out you know

But yeah the one time anime is in here the the people go wild without supervision the people they go crazy they go stupid ah dude I want to put something up here but I don’t know what yet uh what did Mr popular do Mr popular why

Are you getting all your oh Mr Puppy was just spamming the hover Dam dislikes her the algorithm and that’s what you’re gonna get that also is not how that works dislikes boost the algorithm mods anime you can just time them out you don’t have to thank you

Yeah I was gonna say you don’t have to like be so nice about it you can just time them out dislikes literally don’t hurt the algorithm dislikes help the algorithm so anytime you’re disliking a video it uh it’s fine like hate comments also like the algorithm doesn’t just doesn’t like know the difference

All the algorithm is No No’s is like engagement is engagement you know so you dislike a stream or a video you’re literally just giving them engagement so so stop it basically You’re just breeding engagement for their streams my uh my Tick Tock and Instagram short that is or my YouTube reel my Instagram sorry my YouTube short and also my Tick Tock that both the ones that have the most views on my channel are both also the ones that have the

Most negative comments of any post I’ve made and like you know it is what it is but it’s also like yeah it got a lot of a lot of negative comments and that’s that’s okay is fine but it’s also it’s true you know negativity is still engagement in the eyes of the algorithms

You can use Frog Light instead of sea lantern now I like I like the way sea lanterns look I don’t mind them I think sea lanterns look nice oh this is like outdoors I don’t want to mess with the outdoor section that’s pretty good and that I think that

Lights up this area as well okay so we just need to get the Sheep into its pen and then we also need to get an evoker in here so this guy’s gonna be in here I liked and subscribed because I’m a great person indeed what are you making

Now we’re making like a little testing area that is gonna be like um the villagers are testing how far the how far the evoker or the pillagers are testing how far the evoker can uh can make a can change the color of basically just like testing the limits of evokers

So we’re gonna put him in this little box like so I a little bit think it might be good to do like that and then we could just put straight up blocks around it and put like this and then a block like so and then a block like so and then it it

Barely even looks different that’s not bad um I remember in 2022 you wanted to make the megabase in 2023 now uh it’s almost 2024 and you haven’t even started yeah how did you raise up your girlfriend are you gonna make an End Rod chamber let’s not planning on it I

Risked up my girlfriend um I got the kindness Riz you know I got that I got that simple as dude I just I just was I just was a huge simp for her until she liked me and it works that simpris is unmatched bro okay I

Promise I promise you being nice to your girlfriend or to the person you’re into is a good is a good idea and like being overly nice is not a bad thing okay trust me I wish I had the simplest I never spammed use an auto Clicker or what

What’s up Dan how’s it going getting a good girlfriend and gen Z is crazy I think um I feel like oh I never waxed these I think people like to say that kind of thing but I feel like there’s more than you think it’s just you might be looking in the wrong place

If you’re going on Tinder and trying to find a date you might not succeed but if you go out in real life you are probably going to be a lot more likely if you like look for a girlfriend at like a bar I feel like you’re going to

Be more likely to find someone who’s not interested in like a relationship relationship than if you go and like join like a I don’t know a whatever Club if you join like some random club and meet her through that or you join her or you meet her through like a sports team or

Something like that kind of thing I think is a lot more likely to last that would be my advice you might just be looking in the wrong place and I’m not even I’m not even like I’m not like a relationships expert but I feel like I feel like there are plenty of people

Nowadays who are just into like the you know one and done type of thing but there are also plenty of people I’ve like plenty of women that I’ve talked to that have the same mindset where they’re like I hate how everyone’s like I don’t want a relationship I just wanna like

Get in and get out you know like you just have to look in the right place okay guys trust me you just gotta find find the right person look in the right place all right we just did that okay so now I wanna maybe add something on top of here but

No girlfriend no relationship did you meet your girlfriend at school or something yeah I met her through a mutual friend and um Orwell so my one of my close female friends uh that I had known for years um her roommate is my girlfriend or her roommate was my girlfriend I’m gonna eat okay there are four lines on this there we go girlfriend equals caught lacking what that’s trying to keep it PG-13 with getting it out yeah you have to look in the right environment yeah you do I don’t know I mean some people aren’t some people are just not like uh some people don’t got a positive outlook on relationship stuff in general and just don’t don’t believe in it anymore because they’ve seen too many too many tick tocks about cheating and whatever but here’s here’s one thing that I’ve

Realized okay guys one thing I realized is that the internet thrives on negativity so think about this if you’re ever like man women always cheat or men always cheat everyone in relationships always be cheating and stuff right if you’re thinking like that because you see a lot of tick tocks or

Whatever Reddit posts that say like my girlfriend of five years just cheated on me think about it like this a person would not post I’m in a happy relationship of five years they only post The Thing Once something happens if you’re in a very happy relationship ninety percent of people aren’t gonna

Post anything about it and then if they do it’s gonna get zero likes because it’s boring you know the internet just makes it seem like everything is really bad but it’s not actually okay it’s not all it’s not all terrible you’re not gonna you’re hopefully not gonna get cheated on

I have been cheated that sucks but I mean I’m sure it happens but it’s I feel like the internet makes it seem way more common than it actually is copper Golem was fine but Olay was better do I have any glow Inc do I really not have glow ink dude I need to make a glow ink a glow squid

Farm because I don’t have I I like always want glow squids like I don’t like them but I I want glow ink because it’s cool and I can’t find it let’s be a realistic eighty percent of Reddit stories are over exaggerated and faked that’s very true

But still there is a small percent of them that are not over exaggerated and not fake and that small percentage makes it scary like it’s it’s scary for me someone who’s almost I’ve been dating this girl for almost a year now I’m we’re almost at 11 months um

And I still like I still struggle with like thinking you know having those thoughts but I don’t know you just gotta you just gotta like hope kinda and trust her and make sure I don’t know make sure you got a good one before you and make sure you treat her right you know

Like I feel like one of the things that I do sometimes is I try to look on the look from the perspective of like the person who did cheat and just think about like why did they do that and a lot of the time it is because it’s like I don’t

Know you could have done a better job as like a boyfriend or whatever which is obviously not an excuse for cheating but it is like I don’t know it’s something to think about at least that’s how I think of it sometimes it’s like I wanna I wanna make

Sure that I’m such a good boyfriend that there would be no no inclination for her to cheat one of my goals in life is to be such a good boyfriend that if she ever gets another boyfriend after me he will she’ll he’ll always get compared to

Me because I’m way better than he was you know that’s my goal worst thing it was my birthday bro that’s wild and I think you were dating like the devil you got cheated on on your birthday or did she admit it or whatever on your birthday because like or like what how

Does that even oh I have glowing sacks sick that’s that’s horrible at least you know she wasn’t the one true yeah easy way to find out is if is if you get cheated on no she was doing the thing bro that what you’re not even the person who said it but um

Lucky bro what a response unlucky you got cheated on unlucky I wonder where else with that I don’t know what that means that’s that’s crazy that is crazy and like why like yeah I think you were dating like the devil my guy I think you I think you you

Didn’t find a good one okay that’s crazy though like you can’t wait until someone else until like not their birthday you know you can’t like wait wait another day that’s messed up that’s messed up man I’m sorry to hear that that is messed up oh brother that sucks that must hurt

That has got to be rough but you know what you got through it and you’re I’m sure you’re a better a better person now for it now you can now you can just know a little bit better how to protect yourself and who and like red flags to

Look for when you’re dating and stuff so that you don’t wind up with a monster you know getting cheated on your birthday is crazy she’d been plotting that for months yeah I wonder if she did that intentionally or not that sounds like it that seems hard to not do intentionally man

I’m a martial artist I broke that person’s jaw or person’s 12 Bones in his jaw and anger so you know that’s not very nice of you you know what I always wonder I always wonder how someone can like like if I knew if I was like pursuing a

Girl right and I found out that she had a boyfriend I’d be like oh okay I will wait my turn or I will go and like you either move on or you wait that’s like my mindset it’s crazy to me that people are like content to that

People are like willing to do that I feel like the only way I would ever be the what’s it called the Chidi you know is if they were like oh yeah I’m single and I would be like okay you know there’s a witch over there if they were

Like yeah I’m single then I’d be like okay cool but like if she was like oh I’m married I would be like oh that you’re a horrible person and like leave you know and I would make sure that she is aware that she’s a horrible person

But like people really just be like cool with like that kind of thing and that’s no bueno it’s no bueno at all I don’t remember why I have this higher up thing oh I think that was for something else oh there’s one I need to start a raid that’s why I am uh

Let me start recording Sometimes they don’t say their relationships MF say violence is not the answer and eat meat what Fire is an interesting thing come on guys girlfriends cheating is a 3.24 chance to occur it’s bad RNG yeah for real what’s up kimat how’s it going violence is the answer I wouldn’t agree with that um I feel like fighting over girl in the first place is sad that’s fairly true

Wait he came first what’s good why with my girl oh so you were the cheaty she was with him first man that that’s terrible I think the girl is in the wrong for cheating but breaking his bones did not help you or them yeah I mean see it’s kind of like

I I don’t I don’t get and I personally like okay well I get why because I looked it up and it gave some valid reasons but I personally kind of wish and kind of feel like cheating should be a crime but you know especially if you’re like married if you’re like

Married it should just be a crime but I also know there’s like actually there’s like valid reasons why it isn’t and those reasons pertain to like um how like if you get arrested you just like never get a job again and if you like if like someone cheats and then you

Get divorced then and then they can never get a job again then you just like lose all child support and stuff so that’s like bad so like it makes sense why it’s not a crime but like I feel like there should be more I feel like there should be some sort of

Punishment for it and I don’t think there really is um I don’t know I don’t think that I actually just I’m pretty sure I just started a raid and did nothing well you know what at least we can go enjoy the witch Hospital lovely lovely shower of potions

I used to get so pissed off when people called me vegan people called you vegan for what yeah bringing this jaw kind of puts a bad thing on your name for a future references since your future girlfriends would know you get violent at something you don’t like

I feel like violence in the case of getting cheated on is a is like a lot more reasonable than violence for other things it’s still not good but like I understand you know it’s like at least you had at least you had probably a like you had a good

Reason to break someone’s jaw however still not good but you had a good reason at least that’s how I think of it at least like there was a valid reason why you would do that what are y’all talking about we’re talking about violence gotta go it’s my

Office time I feel like if someone cheated on anime they would come back because they felt too bad I feel like no one would cheat on anime because anime seems like uh like he would be the perfect gentleman and they just wouldn’t do it you know anime is just too too nice

Too wholesome of a guy anime would be anime reminds me of Drake but not in like a cringe way and more of like a Wholesome Way in terms of like the anime the kind of guy to like honk me me me me when he sleeps but like not but like

Drake is like supposed to be this like hard this like hardcore like rapper guy so like it’s cringe for him but like for anime it’s like for anime it’s it’s fine you know we’ll have 462 XP yeah I’m kind of I’m rich you know kind of cool now GF Eagles

Caught lacking can’t get cheated on if I never get a girlfriend true true but like it but like having a girlfriend is fun though that’s the thing think about it man having a girlfriend is kinda is kind of epic it was not rich hey man I’m gonna get two thousand dollars on

The 15th from tick tock I’m not like rich rich but I’m like a I’m I’m like a little I’m a little bit a little bit wealthy I would say oh there are a bunch of things or I’m like becoming wealthy Tick Tock actually makes Bank bro

Tick Tock is is actually making like big big boy money right now okay Big Boy Monies Um he’s low-key Rich yeah I would always be in stress that she would cheat on me if you had a girlfriend no it’s not I think you need to get someone who you trust then I think uh utkarsh my advice to you would be find someone that you really trust I in

The past I was a thing with girls uh who were more who were more of like Partiers and stuff like that and like I I was a little more concerned that that would happen my girl right now like I’m I like really don’t feel like she’s gonna do it because I

Just I don’t know I feel like um I don’t feel I just I don’t know I know her pretty well and I I really don’t see her doing that at least right now I think if I went downhill like if I really start sucking maybe but like not

Right now and I think she’s just the kind of person who would just break up with me if I start going downhill rather than cheating on me I also I don’t really get the I don’t I don’t get cheating just like break up with them and then date the other person but

Whatever that’s besides the point I don’t know she’s great though and I I don’t know it’s a it’s a tough thing relationships are tough and like something that is hard about them is that when you get into a relationship you get some of the best feelings in the

World but you also by being in a relationship you get you you open yourself up to experience some of the worst relief some of the worst feelings in the world like I’m like head over heels for my girlfriend I get so happy when I see her

And stuff but then I also like if she ever cheated on me for example I would be I would be a mess I would be broken it would be like it would be like someone like kill like killed my dog or something you know I would be so upset

And I probably wouldn’t be able to go into work for like a week but it is what it is and that’s that’s like the risk that comes with it you know um that’s the risk that comes with being in a relationship and it it sucks that it that that risk

Is a thing but that’s the risk that comes with it and if you’re willing to take that risk then if you’re willing to take that risk then then uh go for it and find find someone you love but if you are not willing to take that risk then don’t and that’s also

Understandable plenty of people don’t ever take that risk and that’s I get it you know it’s a it’s a scary thing to do so I get why you wouldn’t want to take that risk but it can also be pretty poggers nothing can beat the worst feeling of

Losing ranked matches seven times in a row at 3am I don’t know it might there might be something that can top that feeling Dash I’m not willing to then don’t that’s fine that’s fine you don’t have to I’m leaving see you later kimat you work I do not my work is making YouTube

Videos and making tick tocks and stuff my work is content creation currently and like I’m actually I’m actually nearing an amount of money I actually um if I worked okay so if I worked 40 hour weeks which is like the most I would do even though I could

Do more because the place that I used to work did that I’d be getting paid like let’s say like 15 an hour or something and then um I don’t know how much that is but per week what’s okay let’s assume 15 an hour 15 times 40 times four so I’m actually

Making more I made more in the past month than I would have made working a minimum wage job so that’s pretty swag because Tick Tock is goaded and also Tick Tock gave me a oh blood is richer thank you very much char and also you guys help a lot oh what the

Frick this texture pack is weird why is there oh I don’t like that there used to be an exclamation point and I thought I removed it but it’s still there whatever W I’m too tired bro yeah so one of the beautiful things about content creation is you can really

Recycle content to a lot of different platforms like in a year I’m just gonna repost videos honestly or like in a few months honestly I’m just gonna fully repost videos and make more money off of them if they do well again because you can and also and also just the other thing

Is I can repost videos from YouTube to or from YouTube shorts to tick tock I didn’t have time to make a tick tock for tomorrow so my Tick Tock for tomorrow is going to be like five random tips from five random tips from my Warden video I made like a hundred

Hey oh there we go I made like I made like a hundred dollars off of off of that off of uh a tick tock I made on tips on tips and tricks to deal with the warden where are you going this guy’s an idiot I made I made thirty dollars off of the

YouTube video and I made like a hundred dollars off of a tick tock of the first part it was part it was it was part one it was a one minute video like Tick Tock is crazy but then like I also make a little bit of money off YouTube shorts

And stuff so it’s cool when I posted when I post a YouTube short and Tick Tock I make I actually make like enough money that it’s like I would be getting paid like minimum wage if I was to be making these you know if I was getting

Paid for the amount of time that I spend making each Tick Tock I’m probably getting paid about minimum wage at least at least minimum wage you know the YouTube video is not so much but you know what that’s okay because I do I’m do I’m having fun doing it I’m having

Much more fun doing it as well than I would be if I was like you know if I was making uh if I was like working at that old job I wouldn’t be having fun doing it so do I have a boat on me I don’t think I do I need a boat

Um I had Swift sneak what’s a lanky danky what’s the requirements to start getting money from Tick Tock ten thousand uh followers yo Josh I used your farm but I lost my hardcore World which Farm no I forgot I wasn’t crouched oh that sucks man okay at least it wasn’t my fault

Like I know that’s maybe a little harsh to say but glad it was not like your farm is booty and it killed me like the Enderman can’t get out so I’m always glad I would rather you die from your own mistakes than for me um

I need a boat because I need to kidnap that guy let’s go kidnap that boyo oh who are you and why are you who who do you think you are do you know who I am do you know who my father is there we go foreign

Ly evokers cannot deal damage to me or can’t take Thorns damage because um they’re stupid bless me evokers can’t deal Thorns damage to me because they don’t um they don’t have any direct attacks on me so if I just get this kind of boat and bring him away

Oh you know what hold on I should get a a name tag who wants the evoker to be named after them say me only 10K yeah uh bless you thank you me all right attack wins we naming it after attack what’s up BB’s Edge how’s it going

Y’all gotta be ready in chat if you want it W attack no sorry guys OCD goes hard what good I’ve been on background while playing Minecraft nice nice can you get shot thank you all right buddy all right mister all right mister Mr W tack and you get into the boat all right

Mister let’s go are you trying to hit me with his claws but he in a boat he don’t even know that how like how are you gonna get me dog okay well that’s rude let me just bring you over to here to the shore you’re stepping onto the crops

I’m so sorry I know I am but I’m pretty sure I was first but GG um for me for me it was tack tack shows up first on my screen then toasty then anime then BB said Dash I came back to tell you that I spended

120k and a Supra MK Mach 5. you should spend 120k on donating to dash pum for your favorite twist streamer or a YouTube streamer I mean sorry I’m still not used to this whole not being on Twitch thing it’s weird all right let’s go up here I need to um

There’s this guy’s in the boat I need a mine cart and then I’m also gonna need to just get him into the place so actually I think if I go through here he’ll be relatively close we’ll be pretty close by I can’t put a I can’t put a rail there though

You know I haven’t noticed any comments about the miss about the mistyped uh subtitle in my in my video what’s your PayPal or Apple pay if you do exclamation point tip you can find uh you can you can give me money here I’ll even do it for you

It uh it goes through stream Labs but I think it still uses PayPal I think it’s exclamation point tip there we go okay would you twerk if I sent you a hundred a hundred dollars to twerk that’s real tempting bro that’s real tempting because that’s a lot of money

I’d have to think about it probably not though probably not I have too much dignity for that and now I’m actually making money so I don’t I don’t think so that’s a little that’s asking a lot I feel like send him a hundred dollars I need to see his moves

100 Australian or Canadian yeah I I It’s gotta be it’s gotta be like a hundred of like real real US Dollars like or like currency equivalent you know if you send me like a hundred rupees that’s probably like a dollar in U.S money you know so that doesn’t count

Someone sent me a hundred I’d bust down well I make like a hundred dollars a day off of tick tock so like even though that’s a lot of money it’s like I don’t know I’d have to think about it I’d have to think about it Zimbabwe currency

Um I’m gonna put these back I’m gonna get normal rails because they are they’re better they’re just better they can turn they can twist and turn and stuff it’ll be better all right I’m gonna just do that and then I’m gonna do that and then that we need a mine cart

100 a day yeah roughly it kind of depends though I mean it’s it depends on uh it depends on how much on how good my tick tocks do I made a thou I made 400 in a day off of a tick tock or I made

400 like three days in a row off of one Tick Tock I posted that went really viral um but most days I would make between like 50 and like a hundred fifty dollars around ain’t no way well if someone someone sent 500 if someone sent 500 I would totally twerk yeah

I would twerk for 500. I was earning 36 000 per year good math that’s assuming that I continue doing it every day and that’s also assuming that it doesn’t go up or down it fluctuates like I said before um I had a day where I made 400 in a day

And also the other thing is That’s So the the good thing is I’m not spending like eight hours to make a single Tick Tock I’m spending like like two to three hours to make a tick tock The Tick Tock that made me like twelve hundred dollars took me an hour

And a half to make so it’s like that’s a lot of money for an hour and a half worth of work you know do I put it in this or do I put it I put in this in iron blocks would that be good I feel like iron blocks is solid

Do I keep it in the mine card or out I don’t know how’s your day going it’s going good how are you how’s your day going Dominic Joe Dash now that you’re rich are you going to invest in new PC or new parts I probably will eventually but I want to

Save up a bunch I want to get more money than I currently have like two thousand dollars is good but once I hit like five thousand dollars off of tick tock then I’ll probably invest in a new pc and get like Windows 11 finally which would be

Nice because my computer has been dying for a while I want to have like plenty of money that I’m that I’m chilling you know my PC isn’t isn’t that bad right now but I would love to I would love to get like a 40 90 and just be absolutely

Insanely oh geez be able to just have an insane nutty super computer you know run all my farms at at 50 TPS hypothetically how much money would you need to delete your Channel um like like a hundred thousand dollars or something it would need to be a lot I’ve made a

Lot and I’m gonna continue making a good amount of money off of YouTube and I also just like my channel a lot so it would need to be like at least a hundred thousand dollars probably more there’s a lot of sentimental value in my channel so

I’ve spent so much time on my channel too can you guys stop for a second Dash pum4 was slain by W tack imagine dude there’s so many vexes right now can you guys calm down though they do like nothing though because of Epic resistance there we go why are you

Going the wrong way where the frick are you going sir why did it just like Hello how did he just get into my boat what 100K is too low I would agree but that’s like the bare minimum I would think but no one’s gonna give me 100k I would just create a new channel dude this guy clipped into my boat what how did he do that that’s crazy

He just teleported into my boat I would make a new channel I know all the tips and tricks now I could re-upload the same videos too I’ve seen people do that I could just be like guys go subscribe to the new channel I think I have pretty much every one of

My videos still saved not necessarily all the tick tocks and stuff but all of the main videos I think I still have all of those saved fortunately yeah yeah get in the boat okay all right now let’s go what would you do if you died I assume

You mean in my world um I’d be pretty sad about it but what am I what am I really to do like other than be sad about it I would start a new world I would make a video on it get some get some uh get some money from it

But I really there’s not that much to do so it would mainly just be oh geez oh geez man come on why do you turn around oh my gosh this guy’s gonna go into the freaking Ocean or something annoying like that now turn that way owie now go let me push you okay

I would love can I get in and now go go this way we go this way yes we’re going and we’re and we’re speeding up and we’re going let’s go baby me and you together against the world Mr Mr Vindicator or evoker I mean Mr evoker we speeding we moving okay your stupid

Vexes are getting in my way here but it’s okay it’s fine guys it’s no big deal okay he’s in there and place down that and place down those blocks and he’s trapped and he’s got no idea that I’m here and now his vexes will slowly die you guys are gonna pay for this

I said you’re gonna pay for this I said there we go now you’re paying for this perfect good it was so rich he plays iron blocks like it was dirt yeah you can go back to your world after your death no I wouldn’t do that you aren’t a

True YouTuber if you don’t profit off the dead for real start a raid and kill his assistants whales are overpowered what vexes are new not really they’re many years was up Rendon how’s it going bro is trying to live nah I’m chilling dude this guy ain’t this this guy don’t

Got anything on me you really think I’m gonna die to a to an evoker they do like they do a little bit of damage not enough to really kill me I don’t think people have died to man when I play Minecraft it makes me realize that I’m just way better than

Everyone else at Minecraft because I see people die to a baby zombie and a spider I see people died of vexes like they’re not that hard man just just get good at the game honestly like it really it really isn’t that difficult I’d be playing with vexes like their toys and

People be dying to vexes like come on man be for real okay X’s ain’t that bad vexes ain’t that bad you just bat you know All right let me grab all this stuff I died the drowning that’s embarrassing bro so sad I actually almost died drowning one time because I boxed myself in while trying to get to a guardian uh to a guardian Monument and um and I forgot that I had mining

Fatigue so I couldn’t break out and I for and I didn’t have anything to breathe so I had to pop an enchanted golden apple in order to survive it was it was fairly close it wasn’t in this world it was a while ago the one guy with the four year hardcore world

Yeah that was that was uh filza and he’s just he’s just bad he’s just not good at the game you know he’s very good at building not very good at the game if you die to a baby zombie like let’s be real he ain’t that good at the game if you

Die to a baby zombie all right anyways guys ready um ready oh I don’t have my blue dye on me hold on I gotta get my blue dye and we can and we can we can do this I must suck cheeks then I can’t stay in a world for 20 minutes

That’s fine man you you don’t have to be good you know you’re well being good and bad is a relative Dash the person with thorns three on all his armor dude Thorns is literally good in hardcore if you disagree then you’re dumb there’s no reason to not have thorns on your

Armor and hardcore I’m very good at Minecraft also when I say like good and bad it’s very relative like to me 99 of Minecraft players are are bad I’ve beaten the game in 19 minutes you know but also like me like because I’m good you know because I’m good you guys are

Bad in comparison but you’re not actually like bad it’s just like you’re not as good as me you know like pesto Dino is like really really bad at the game compared to her you guys are like probably like prodigies you know dying equals L bad yeah for real I

Remember dying to an armor stand with thorns bro that’s crazy bro’s actually a narcissist I’m also a psychopath yeah don’t forget about that one I I was very upfront with pesto where I was like I am definitely a little bit of a narcissist and like I definitely think pretty

Highly of myself but you know what it is what it is she loves me despite my flaws so you aren’t bad but just are bad I’ve beaten Minecraft for nine years and I still or I’ve played Minecraft for nine years and I still haven’t legitimately beaten the Ender Dragon

Is that because you haven’t tried though I feel like I’ve heard of a lot of people who just haven’t tried because they just play like mini games but I don’t know what what what what what karsh don’t say that don’t say that don’t say that say that again and see

What happens you’re gonna get timed out don’t say that it’s not that hard to be honest yeah it’s not it’s not terribly hard but I don’t try I enslave chickens fair enough I never I’ve never wanted so much power I play Survival Wars I just don’t get

That far what did bro say you don’t need to know Brendan it’s a mess what is a mess oh wait so I need the blue dye what did I do with my blue dye chat what did I do with my blue dye who took my blue dye

Chat which one of you stole my blue dye I found a blue dye there we go all right guys let’s see if he does this thing I’m so excited he’s gonna do the thing he’s gonna do the thing ready ready guys He’s gonna do it again yo he did the thing again that’s so cool what a what a nice little Easter egg and like what a cool thing that we now have in the lab like they got they got like a little guy who just like changes the

Colors oh you know what I kind of want to leave this open so that you can easily dye him he’s gonna do it again I stole your blue dye it’s ugly Dash don’t tell anyone but Ian might make a new shulker Farm oh that’s cool throw my processor I5 core OBS what

OBS uses more GPU please give me a suggestion for best screen recorder I don’t have one I just use OBS or I use slops bro must have said something Avengers level threat it wasn’t great it was not a good thing to say turned it red because I am an evoker oh

Just put a dispenser and put die in it can you are you able to dye mobs via dispensers I thought that you couldn’t but maybe you can and maybe I’m insane well I am but like maybe I’m like maybe I’m misremembering things I didn’t think you could dye mobs using dispensers but

You might be able to in which case that’s kind of cool I gotta make a little a little blue blue dye Farm just to do that forever as long as the world has been the world is from like it’s almost like two years old now I think

Wait what’s the point of that hold on actually what is the the two-year anniversary of this world I have the first I have the recording still the first time I played on this world first day of easy mode it is from August 16th oh wait no I don’t think that’s true

How is it modified before it was created date created and date modified is it is it actually is the modified date the first one or is that see so it’s a it’s actually I think it’s actually from September 26 2021 is the first day apologies you probably messed with something like

Lan no I just changed the title what’s up game Lee how’s it going what’s up Landon how’s everyone doing guys um okay let’s let’s try this Theory can you die a sheep I don’t know don’t tell anyone though I’m gonna tell every whoops I wasn’t supposed to I forgot to put a

Block back hey sheepy sheepy poo come here baby come here sheepy poo I don’t want to go in front of yes yes yes yes come here come here come here no no no no no no no no no come come back I don’t have a lead and I don’t want to

Get aggroad by this guy yes yes yes yes yes yes yes okay we’re gonna put that there for now I don’t want to have vexes spawning on me dude That’s awesome though Ian’s Ian’s um yeah I don’t think I feel like Ian’s freaking shulker Farm is not all that good no you can’t that’s what I thought so you lied to me oh my gosh this guy lied to me guys what’s the punishment for lying to dash fun for

You don’t know it’s death real life death too so just uh prepare yourself I guess get ready 15 Chads are watching let’s go you guys don’t have to tell me how many people are watching though by the way um can you make that Enderman farm that does entity cramming in your YouTube

Short please why not just watch the whole video and I become a mod I love helping small streamers and the streamers I work for can give you a good reputation nah sorry you gotta be around for longer than like one stream to get mod said it would be three times cheaper oh

Swag what’s up Doom how’s it going do you know mallow I do not am new welcome in glad to have you here how’s it going all right that’s pretty swag let’s do it one more time for good measure I I love that that’s so cool um I already watched a YouTube short

There’s a full there’s a full tutorial of the Enderman farm that I made in the YouTube short though like I I just I can’t fit the whole thing into a YouTube short which is why I’m not gonna like make a Youtube short tutorial on it because I can’t fit it in

There and also I make a lot more money to be to be totally honest with you I make way more money if you go and watch the full video than if I if you just watch a YouTube short so I don’t even want to make a Youtube short because

Then I just am I’m killing my own income you know the Enderman Farm was cool thank you the disrespect bro just called you a small streamer I am a small streamer what are you trying to do um the next thing that we want to do is

Let’s we have to add a sign to this this is a a ravager eating station it’s supposed to be look it’s supposed to look like a little gas station but instead of eat instead of gas we’re gonna put the word eat because ravagers they don’t like run on gas but they run

On villagers so they’re gonna come up here and they’ll eat a villager and then once they’re once they’ve had their filled they’ll run away you know and they’ll do a thing I agree with you that’s actually true right it was cool though thank you um join the Discord to become 99 smarter

Very true Discord is a good place to be you can chat with me off stream and stuff you can find out when my next stream is gonna be pretty POG community over there as well we got some cool peeps I’m gonna put that in there I don’t

Really need I guess we’re just gonna get rid of this rail um I agree yeah okay wait so I want to okay how do we make banners that say e a and t I have to look up there’s like a way to do it Minecraft letter banners

There’s a thing that’s going to tell me the steps e is going to be show steps okay Step One is a full thing then step two okay Loom time it’s Loom Time guys it’s Loom time I didn’t become 99 smarter but I enjoy the place

Please guys join or I need or I need to pay rent this month it came 99 dumber when I came in well isn’t that what you want who doesn’t want to be 99 Dumber the world is way more fun when you’re stupid I ain’t even gonna lie

Trust me guys as someone who isn’t very smart the world is more fun when you’re dumb I’m only smart at Minecraft okay if you think I’m really smart or something you’re wrong I’m just I’m just smart at Minecraft okay so this is these should be like we

Should do like red and white maybe maybe we make red banners and then we do uh we do red banners and then we make it may we make the dye White what if the Avenger can’t eat the Villager I’m your newest subscriber are you really crazy good for you congratulations

You’ve now achieved life you’re now you’re now cool officially what’s a monkey has a gun Challenger took a massive L this month he went from rank three in Washington to rank five who else beat him other than other than uh parrot yo I’m back welcome back

Yes I am very very cool good for you I’m a sub nice me too except no I’m not because I’m not allowed to subscribe to myself I think you should be I think it’s kind of silly that I can’t subscribe to myself like I watched my videos I watch my

Videos probably more than most of you guys watch my videos because I have to watch them like 30 times when I’m editing them I have to watch the uncut videos bro it’s terrible they’re not fun to watch when they’re and out when they’re 12 hours long uncut footage you know

They’re way more fun to watch when they’re when they are cut up so basically I’m doing you guys a a great favor by cutting them so that you guys don’t have to deal with them um okay so Loom we go e so we’re gonna go that and then we’re gonna go put that

And then we’re gonna go to that oops that’s the wrong guy we’re gonna go that and then we’re going to pop it in and then we’re gonna do that and then we’re gonna pop it in and then we’re gonna do the middle line and then we’re gonna do the bottom line

And then we are going to oh that’s easy enough and then we got an e let’s go baby and now we need an a show steps how long are you gonna stream for I’m streaming for another few minutes I don’t know how long I’ve been going to be honest

Um let’s see I’ve been going for an hour 56 so far I’m probably gonna end in a few minutes though I gotta go to sleep soon so one hour I’m not going for one whole more hour what time do you start streaming it depends but around like 7 30 usually EST

A I would love to work as an editor the only problem is I don’t know how to edit and I don’t have the patience that’s a that’s a lot of problems that’s a lot of problems for for an editor I keep getting offers from people who

Want to edit for me I had one the other day that before they even sent me any qualifications or anything I don’t know why this was my fault I was like they were like I would like to edit for you and I was like for free and then

They were like no I would like fifteen hundred dollars a month and I was like brother I don’t even make fifteen hundred dollars a month which like is not entirely true because I do but uh on a good month I would but like jeez man that’s a lot of money

That they want and I don’t even know I haven’t even seen if they are good at editing yet I was like dude you gotta like send me some uh some pictures of you or some videos that you’ve edited or something um before I’m gonna like do that

I kind of want someone to edit my tick tocks I don’t like editing them nearly as much as I like editing full length videos and they’re much more they would be much more reasonable to get edited but honestly though the thing is the thing is my editing process my editing and my

Um and my filming process go hand in hand so much I don’t like make like a storyboard or anything for my videos so my editing and filming process go hand in hand so much that like I genuinely have no idea if I could even hand off my

Video to someone else because they’d be like oh I don’t have any footage to work with and I’d be like oh I need to make I need to like film it and they’d be like but how am I supposed to edit if I don’t have the footage yet and be like oh

I just like be sending like I could I could Outsource some stuff but I don’t know about all I don’t know if I could Outsource much foreign oh you know what let’s put these guys in the middle oops ready we’re gonna put e a oh wait hold on I actually want them

To be okay eight e a t there we go now the ravager will see oh eat and it’ll come up and Nom Nom delicious and then it’ll run away and it’ll be refueled to drive around for the rest of the day Perfect Epic well I have the patience let’s go how

Did you make it instant gold Farm did you make it on a video or did you build it yourself what I’m confused I need to upgrade my SSD I got like 20 Gigabytes left yeah I don’t have that much storage on my computer either I have a lot but like for for a

YouTuber I want more I want more so that I can keep random footage that I want to splice into other videos and stuff you know I’m using McDonald’s Wi-Fi nice let’s go um I don’t know what you mean by that Tyler that’s good that you have the patience Doom

I learned a lot of patience from editing I still sometimes don’t have the patience though sometimes I feel like a literal child the way that I throw temper tantrums over like over my editing software not working I got so mad yesterday I was editing and I clicked alt and dragged which for

Context it’s supposed to duplicate a file and it didn’t duplicate and I didn’t notice and so I added a couple subtitles and I changed it and then I had to like undo like 30 seconds of work to get back that that unedited file that I wanted because I wanted to have it in

Two places and I got so mad about that I was like yelling at my computer and I was like why and then I had to be like hold on why am I yelling about this what is the purpose like I’m not accomplishing anything by yelling about my freaking Premiere Pro being a little

Bit stupid sometimes I’m back what have you done uh I burned down a village no I don’t know what your name Dash yeah my name is Dash from four Bam Bam all I did was add a sign to the to the thing I don’t actually know when you

Left though but I added a sign to the gas station that says that I also what else do we have to do today I could go for another couple minutes but I don’t really have too many more ideas on what to do tomorrow we can start on like the we can

Start on like the supermarket I would think I need to stop sleeping or just AFK overnight so that this guy will actually get struck by lightning where can I advertise my mods in your Discord um self promo I guess I would prefer you link to like a moderance though I don’t

I actually like if you’re just gonna send the files then nowhere if you have like a moderate page then you can then you can link to that but I don’t just want you sending random files render don’t send sus links yes sus links or sus downloads or like I don’t really want them

Uh thank you for the AFK message Raymond when you go into your profile you can see that you usually home can you click on that that shows you all your videos and I’m talking about the instant gold Farm in your video short what can you like take a screenshot and send

What you’re talking about in the in the Discord because I have no idea yeah like Lightning McQueen you reach two hours time to end stream sorry I’m just really tired today guys and I also kind of finished my goal for the day so I don’t know what else to do really

Um tomorrow will probably be a bit longer of a stream I would think I usually don’t like intentionally cap it at two hours but I’m just uh I’m a little bit of a sleepy guy today I can’t use Discord because my electronic is not compatible with it oh

That sucks then I have no idea what you’re talking about did you know Minecraft is cool took it follow up to follow what I think that’s just random letters I think you just hit the middle button on your phone man I have school on Wednesday ooh that sucks

Well I hope that you’ll still have time to hang out on stream uh even during school but if not you know we’ll miss you anyways though guys I gotta end the stream here for tonight we got a lot done thank you guys for hanging out with me tonight it was it was fun

Um and yeah I’ll see you guys later chug nine Celsius now my heart would explode your freaking can’t play Roblox on Nintendo switch I didn’t know that that sucks see you later uh dang I I’m so sorry I have no idea how to pronounce your name thank you for being a member

Of them uh see you later toasty see you later render have a good night everyone have a good night Nathaniel and Anime and slime silai man and sorry for butchering everyone’s names but see you guys later bye everyone have a good night everyone see you later

This video, titled ‘EXPERIMENTAL PILLAGER TESTING FACILITY in Hardcore Minecraft! LIVE 🔴’, was uploaded by DashPum4 on 2023-08-18 17:13:21. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds.

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    Altitude Community IP: play.alttd.com Website: alttd.com Rules: alttd.com/rules Discord: discord.gg/TGqpzCJ Blog/News: alttd.com/blog Who are we? Altitude is a community-centered survival network that focuses on providing a home-like environment for players. Our server is designed for older players, but all are welcome to join. We’ve been serving players since 2015 and have created new worlds for every major Minecraft release. Features: 1.20.x Survival Map Land claiming with GriefPrevention Basic teleportation (/home and /back) McMMO & MyPet Dynmap: alttd.com/map Economy with player shops Custom warp plugin for towns Monthly server events Explore our custom features suggested by the community and built in-house:… Read More

  • Survival Legends

    Survival LegendsHello! Survival Legends is a community brought together by a group of friends who decided they wanted to open a Survival SMP that was free-to-play at its heart.The server is open to all, and we wish to craft an amazing experience for every player within our abilities!We are constantly trying to fine tune and improve the server and make it all the better!We hope you join us in ushering in a wonderful experience!Welcome to Survival Legends! Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “We’ve all had that one friend who never finds diamonds”

    Minecraft Memes - "We've all had that one friend who never finds diamonds"“We’ve all had that one friend who takes forever to find diamonds…and then falls into lava five minutes later. RIP diamonds, you will be missed.” Read More

  • Neighbor’s House Boom: Minecraft Movie Mayhem

    Neighbor's House Boom: Minecraft Movie Mayhem In the world of Minecraft, a tale unfolds, Of a son who blew up the neighbors’ abode. With beats and rhymes, the story sings, Of a news reporter who only responds in rings. Crafting Minecraft news with a grin and a spin, Icing every update with a playful grin. In every pulsing line, the truth takes wing, As the crowd knows your face, your beats, and your art, they sing. Leap into the verse, no need for a start, For the crowd knows your face, your beats, and your art. Just spin the finest rhymes, let the story sing,… Read More

  • Minecraft Erika Meme🔥| #litAF #savage #memelord

    Minecraft Erika Meme🔥| #litAF #savage #memelord Why did Erika go to war in Minecraft? To mine for diamonds, of course! 💎 #miningforvictory #minecraftwarrior Read More

  • Join Minewind Minecraft Server for an Epic Gaming Experience!

    Join Minewind Minecraft Server for an Epic Gaming Experience! Welcome to NewsMinecraft.com! Are you a fan of Minecraft videos like the one you just watched? If so, you’ll love the immersive and exciting gameplay experience waiting for you on Minewind Minecraft Server. Join a community of passionate gamers who are dedicated to creating a unique and unforgettable Minecraft experience. With a variety of game modes to choose from, including survival, creative, and PvP, there’s something for everyone on Minewind. Whether you’re a seasoned player looking for a new challenge or a beginner just starting out, you’ll find a welcoming and supportive community ready to help you along the… Read More

  • Future of Minecraft on PS Vita | Worth it?

    Future of Minecraft on PS Vita | Worth it? Minecraft on PlayStation Vita: A Hidden Gem Exploring the world of Minecraft on the PlayStation Vita is a unique experience that many may not have had the chance to discover. Despite the handheld console’s discontinuation in 2019, the collaboration between Mojang, 4J Studios, and Sony Interactive Entertainment brought forth a special version of Minecraft tailored for the PS Vita in 2014. Exclusive Features and Gameplay The PlayStation Vita boasts impressive specs for a handheld device, including a 5-inch OLED display, 512MB of RAM, and a 4-core ARM Cortex-A9 processor. The game cartridge for Minecraft on the PS Vita is… Read More

  • New EPIC Garden Build! Watch Now! – NordBerg Minecraft

    New EPIC Garden Build! Watch Now! - NordBerg MinecraftVideo Information time for another trip see what I did there another trip another trip we now you got us throw a fit oh yeah oh yeah throwing a fit to save the world I think if we do the Hamachi Nord host it and we copy his Hamachi ipv4 address and put it in our [ __ ] to connect to it’ll work and then we have per Nordy servy that won’t go a wordy and the hell do I have a stone sword for for stoning for getting stoned see I see what you did there all right… Read More

  • Baldwin’s Crafting Mishap

    Baldwin's Crafting MishapVideo Information my intrusive thoughts won this battle This video, titled ‘Whoops…’, was uploaded by Crafting Baldwin on 2024-03-17 14:30:15. It has garnered 8797 views and 255 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:12 or 12 seconds. Trolling in Minecraft is hilarious! LOL! Villager climbing trees, tree climbing, tree climbing minecraft! Minecraft gameplay, Minecraft accent, Minecraft staring competition. Minecraft jump scare, Minecraft scary, Minecraft lit, Minecraft Realm, Minecraft Survival Realm, minecraft tryhard, minecraft sweat, minecraft nerd, vanilla minecraft, modded minecraft, swag minecraft, minecraft drip, minecraft edging, super lit minecraft #minecraft #minecraftshorts #minecraftvideos #viralminecraft #minecraftrealms #viral #minecraftcomic #minecraftcomedy #minecraftmeme #minecraftmemes… Read More

  • 🔥 SG GAMER 3.0 LIVE NOW! SUB GOAL 650 🔥 #MinecraftMadness

    🔥 SG GAMER 3.0 LIVE NOW! SUB GOAL 650 🔥 #MinecraftMadnessVideo Information This video, titled ‘LIVE !!!! SUB GOAL :650.. #minecraft #live #bedwarsmalaalam’, was uploaded by SG GAMER 3.0 on 2024-04-18 14:59:40. It has garnered 79 views and 8 likes. The duration of the video is 02:04:04 or 7444 seconds. DISCORD: https://discord.gg/krbX9JpXCA https://discord.gg/8WGzdxn5 : k4f mcslp.pika.host My s1 lets play world play list : https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLroOC4vwIkQ4YCpVHHVwb_S4n6Kr1V9qr My letsplay series season 2 play list : https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLroOC4vwIkQ4FcN6HoqbDZjN51pn8vHgR @MrBeastGaming @Sudhy @Firetekzteepori @MrKidPinky follow it for join k4f https://youtu.be/xDtmJPwiDRc?si=R-Ool8xSaCjcGRqZ #minecraft #bedwars #live #stream #gaming #epic #clutchplays #intensebattles #strategy #community #fun #entertainment #anarchy #arjunmp #arjunmpanarchy #bedwars #bedwarsmoments #bedwarsmalaalam #minecraftlive #minecraftlivestream #malayalam #malayalamgaminglive #malayalamgamingcommunity #k4f #dribbles #pikaminecraft… Read More

  • Insane Adventures in Minecraft Hardcore 1.20 with Terralith!

    Insane Adventures in Minecraft Hardcore 1.20 with Terralith!Video Information everybody oh jeez oh you okay okay can’t have you getting at my [Music] dudes hello everyone I’m be Cal corn and this is episode 52 of hardcorn parth Series 2 uh we are in a Yellowstone biome here with uh my bunch of uh doggies here I’m not sure what their collars are acting weird hm that’s odd anyway we are on the road or well actually going across country heading back towards home uh I hope to get all these guys back with me so far we’ve lost a few though to uh creepers and such… Read More

  • Exposed: The REAL Reason Minecraft Lags

    Exposed: The REAL Reason Minecraft LagsVideo Information Minecraft Java Edition has been around for nearly 13 years now and has grown from a small inding game back in the day to the number one best cealing game in all of history so you would think that a large game raking in all this money from people across the globe would use it in a way to make their game better than it already is right well not really a Mojang’s case it seems it seems today that with every passing update Mojang puts out we see less and less actual content and an even bigger… Read More

  • Furious Thomas Exposes Juicy QSMP Moments!

    Furious Thomas Exposes Juicy QSMP Moments!Video Information finally oh my God okay okay what is the yeah can I have the stick please can I have the stick please it’s sharpness 255 and you didn’t even kill me directly why are you [ __ ] how can you be this bad at this game I know it this isn’t the clip I just want to know what it is why you sh why are you [ __ ] totally yeah totally and my dick is chocolate yeah wait is this it no where is I used where is it can I have the stick at… Read More

  • Insane Adventure in Hardcore Minecraft – Episode 191

    Insane Adventure in Hardcore Minecraft - Episode 191Video Information what’s going on everybody welcome to another ha the mods 8 Hardcore Minecraft video my name is Joshy GG and I let this run for quite some time and I have completed my emerald block uh five times um by little bit of time um probably about four hours just letting that do its thing for four hours AFK I had to turn my uh reactor downstairs or the low side down to like six burn rate so let’s go ahead and set this bad boy up and then let’s go ahead and turn off [Laughter] our turn… Read More

  • “Unbelievable Dreamgirl Minecraft Build in Pillager Village! 😮” #viral #shorts 🎮

    "Unbelievable Dreamgirl Minecraft Build in Pillager Village! 😮" #viral #shorts 🎮Video Information मैंने इन लोगों को पिलेजर का स्टैचू बनाने को कहा था देखते हैं इन लोगों ने क्या बनाया है अरे यह क्या नब ने तो अच्छा पिलेजर का स्टैचू बनाया है यह अच्छा लग रहा है मैं इसको 10 में से सात नंबर दूंगी अरे यह क्या प्रो ने तो बहुत अच्छा पिलेजर का स्टैचू बनाया है यह बहुत अच्छा लग रहा है मैं इसको 10 में से आठ नंबर दूंगी हैकर का देखने से पहले अगर आप मा खेलते हो तो लाइक करो और आपका मा का फेवरेट एनिमल कौन सा है आप कमेंट करो अरे यह… Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Battle: Girls vs Boys!! #trending

    EPIC Minecraft Battle: Girls vs Boys!! #trendingVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Girls VS Boys Parody #minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by Vishwas Saraogi on 2024-04-13 11:07:54. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Discord Server:-https://discord.gg/xH7vXY3hVs ———————————- Instagram :- Vishwas_Saraogi … Read More

  • Hardcore Anarchy – anarchy

    Welcome to Hardcore Anarchy Server! IP: hardcoreanarchy.gay This anarchy server has been running for three months and has seen over 450 deaths/bans. If you enjoy vanilla Minecraft with a twist, this is the place for you. Explore our badass leaderboards website to see who the biggest degenerate player is. Looking for a challenge? This server is not pay-to-win and offers no protected areas. Be prepared to face the elements and the dangers of the game on spawn. Are you tough enough to survive? Join our community where only the toughest survive. With a limited number of players making it longer… Read More

  • Lucky Panda

    Lucky PandaLuckyPanda is a survival Minecraft server offering a wide range of possibilities to enhance your Minecraft experience on 1.20.4. The server offers a community-driven economy, allowing every player to earn, sell, and trade goods with other players independently.For greater comfort and enhanced experience, the server offers Towny land claiming to protect against griefing/raiding by other players, allowing you to build something special and show off your building skills in a safe & fun environment. Join your friends in an amazing experience building your town and community.The server is running 1.20+, and everyone is welcome as both Java and Bedrock players… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – My Minecraft House is LIT! 🔥🏠

    Minecraft Memes - My Minecraft House is LIT! 🔥🏠Well, if this meme has a score of 988, then I can only imagine your house must be built out of diamond blocks and emerald roofs! 🔥💎😂 Read More

  • Beast vs Blocks: Epic Clash in 1 Min! #Animation

    Beast vs Blocks: Epic Clash in 1 Min! #Animation In the world of Minecraft, MrBeast reigns supreme, Crafting stories and updates that make us beam. With rhymes that ignite and a spin that’s so tight, He’s our favorite news reporter, shining bright. From Bottle Head Smashing to Chocolate delights, Protecting yachts and Lamborghinis in the night. Ages 1-100 deciding who wins the cash, In MrBeast’s world, every moment is a flash. So leap into the verse, no need for a start, For MrBeast’s rhymes will capture your heart. In every pulsing line, the truth takes wing, In the world of Minecraft, let MrBeast sing. Read More


    NOOB SAVES STEVE FROM HULK SMASH #minecraft Looks like Steve needs to level up his skills if he’s getting saved by a noob from the Hulk in Minecraft! Maybe he should stick to farming instead of fighting. #minecraftfail #noobtorelief Read More

  • Join Minewind Minecraft Server for an Epic Survival Experience!

    Join Minewind Minecraft Server for an Epic Survival Experience! Welcome to NewsMinecraft.com! Today, we stumbled upon a fascinating Minecraft Pocket Edition survival series episode titled “Hell.” While the video itself may not be about Minewind Minecraft Server, it got us thinking – why not join a server like Minewind to experience your own thrilling adventures? Imagine exploring new realms, discovering hidden treasures, and engaging in epic battles with other players. Minewind offers a unique multiplayer experience that will keep you on the edge of your seat. So, if you’re ready to dive into the world of Minecraft like never before, why not give Minewind a try? Join us… Read More