Insane Adventures in Minecraft Hardcore 1.20 with Terralith!

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everybody oh jeez oh you okay okay can’t have you getting at my [Music] dudes hello everyone I’m be Cal corn and this is episode 52 of hardcorn parth Series 2 uh we are in a Yellowstone biome here with uh my bunch of uh doggies here I’m not sure what their collars are acting weird hm that’s odd anyway we are on the road or well actually going across country heading back towards home uh I hope to get all these guys back with me so far we’ve lost a few though to uh creepers and such and uh some to Drowning uh so we’ll see if we can get some more food and uh get get these guys all nice and healthy and uh maybe get some new pups and maybe meet some new friends along the way if I can get some bones anyway let’s get down to it so we are heading roughly East uh that is that way and uh got we’re about 1,000 blocks south I guess and about 7,000 blocks uh West um yeah looks like a little cave there so we’re going to go up this way uh yeah I got the leather boots on so snow won’t be a problem but we’re heading east Let’s see we got some food here for the BS uh okay I need oh it’s right here in my and here that’s right cuz I used up all the bones all right guys uh get some space here let’s see who needs healing first off uh look like they’re all fairly good uh condition so so we’re going to all right focus on doing a little breeding then Pig’s over there but this way is east all right I get some puppies out of that I think so all right not sure how many these guys I got on me but uh going to try to keep them okay there’s another Pig there okay few more here no you and you there you go all righty let’s see what do we got are we still heading east we are still heading east East okay here’s the tricky part here uh looks like we got more water over there could try to go up the thing there see what we get maybe we’ll follow the the ridge here hopefully these guys won oh fall down and go boom that does look like some interesting terrain but we have looks like some uh contiguous over here oh we’ve got uh potential new friends over there but we don’t have we have no bones no I don’t want feathers oh chicken no [Music] no there you all go and there’s another all right hey guys just visiting going to try to head round over that way see if the land is connected here or no we got a little river in between huh could go for it should really let’s see uh is there a safe way down that’s the real question think if I go to the lower ground over here it might be a way down this way we got first time chatter here uh be toaster never tried any toasted bees myself but uh to each his own uh why do you have so many dogs well because I had a lot of bones when I started out in this trip and uh been feeding the wolves as I find them all right we’re going to head over that way I think um but I’m going to do it in the boat I don’t think they’ll follow me if I go in the boat but if I put in the land over there they ought to teleport over there’s some shallow bits here I should be able to go up I do want want to see what this biome is Moonlight Grove there we are no okay no stop it stop it oh my God y’all dang it come on I’m not trying to hit y’all but that’s the problem with the boat um all right I’m going to have have to bring these guys over here set them down sit sit you sit sit sit sit sit sit sit you sit I know come here come here come here come here what are you doing all right come on sit sit sit sit come here pup come here sit you sit everybody sitting all right stay there while I go get these idiots out of here oh my goodness no come on up come on up come on up teleport something there you are it all right okay guys okay oh my goodness you guys I swear all right let’s uh let’s get everybody going which way are we facing here that’s South um actually I need to sleep before something bad happens got a few of them Wok up at least hopefully they’ll protect me all right let’s see who’s sleep who’s who’s sitting everybody oh jeez oh you okay okay can’t have you getting at my dudes all right did he did he drop a thing I don’t think he dropped a thing dang it h we get a trident out of him another kid down there all right come on out of there guys my goodness did I lose any of y’all no didn’t lose any all right well I think you guys eat this stuff so uh uh let’s see okay well okay let’s see uh why is your collar dropping like that it might be because I had a um resource pack loaded that maybe change some things but didn’t didn’t quite reset properly afterwards is everybody is everybody up I think they are I think they sometimes you know pop up when you’re attacked so and uh all right so uh Northeast is that way so so we’re going to circle around there yeah moonlight moonlight Grove got a bit of amethyst ground here little ding now and again that’s one of the biomes at Teri thats oops careful guys careful puppies oh jeez okay and that looks like something a little different but guys something a little different over there too but we’re going to keep heading uh East over here I see some sheep those might come in handy I hear y’all I’m not messing with you right now what I’m after there’s a sheep over here I know I saw one here you are no don’t want that there we go that’s what I want okay who who is injured who else is injured I hear somebody whimpering okay all right so that all went to Healing all right that is East got be careful here because we got a big old cave under there it looks like Moonlight Grove kind of shooting day for night here who knows what that means all right we got pigs we got uh sheep we got we got a little pork chops here let’s see uh we got uh [Music] some doggies ready to breed I’m hearing whimpering you okay you you need come come where you come where you going where you going where you going giving yall giving you two cuz you are way down in health all right let’s get these all right where’s my uh Whimpy guy again I know you’re around here somewhere I know you weren’t completely healed where are you come on give need a priority here there you go get him guys all righty three more let’s see who needs it who needs it okay uh you’re stop sitting guys okay okay everybody’s up to okay Black Sheep good thought it was something else perhaps go fetch well don’t actually don’t just stay with me all righty what was that that was scary okay uh we are heading east all right moment I thought I heard a little hint of a creeper is it me stepping on something or is it St falling I wonder if the tree shapes are maybe getting some uh some of the leaves a bit too far far from the trunks or something that’s hopefully in a cave okay we’re going to head over here see if we can cross on land over here all right five let’s see who needs it and I’ll give it to one of the puppies I think where are the puppies there you go all right continuing East hey chickens let’s see is there a river down here or something looks like a river so what’s the best way down to the river might be over this way oh there’s a village over there um see get down [Music] here careful kitty kitties puppies East is over that way all right going to head over here uh or are we going to head to the Village H maybe not we’re going to go on across here I’m going to just scoot on across here real fast another one of these guys okay where are you I kind of do want to Trident but uh I want to get these guys to safety so not going to jump in the there and have them get skewered I guess we got to all right well I need to sleep all right let’s uh let’s Camp over here guys don’t need this right now okay okay let’s find a relatively safe spot here it’s got to be a cave uh somehow got to get around this that’s East could go farther this way this is I think farther south we’ll go around the mountain don’t have to go over it and uh digging through it might I mean might be doable but it take too long and have to light it up and all that okay this is yeah we are going east through the woods hopefully with nothing spawning in the dense Woods here that looks like more Yellowstone up ahead that sounds like skeletons back behind us yeah more Yellowstone and a village oh I hope this isn’t the same one that we passed by on the way out here hard to tell villagers all look alike uh come up over here hello good villagers uh I guess it’s just a small village just a few little houses here can’t really tell if I oh hello sirra I’m just trying to invade your home here sorry okay nothing there I really need hello excuse me let’s see uh East we’re going to continue on this way uh nice to visit you there actually let’s take a look and or did we do that one already we did that sorry just coming through the dogs all righty or Yellowstone it’s a beautiful biome if uh you’ve ever seen any of the demos or thumbnails trailers whatever for teralith they usually uh feature the Yellowstone biome pretty prominently okay we’re going to be crossing here or should we go over that way is that could that be a this is close enough I guess uh about 6,000 blocks to go just you know east to west to get home uh let me get across and I’ll check the north south again there we are whoa whoa whoa okay and about 1,300 to the South so yeah kind of thinking North would have been better from what I know of the how the uh the oceans go around home but as long as we can get someplace uh safe by the shore of our own ocean I can leave these guys on Shore someplace okay we’re going to head further south over here go around I can leave these guys on Shore someplace and then uh just F them over one at a time by boat I don’t have a goat with me I don’t have a uh don’t have any hay bills with me so it should be as simple as just bringing them across one at a time let me know if you get that reference all right we’ve got smoke over there I hope it’s a village was it there it is might be on the side of other side of the river but might not be okay looks like we have more Yellowstone that’s what it is tried to whack it as it went by but missed a bit hesitant to uh do that kind of thing uh we’re going to stay over this side just for navigation sake get him guys uh where’d you get him over here just one okay well it goes to a puppy then come on just to help him grow up B big and strong slightly faster all right we old vanilla Forest here sheep right I think I somebody sit anyone else sitting no okay all right we got a couple pups out of that [Music] uh can get through this way where are we at now 5400 we’re making pretty good time this time around a little bit easier terrain so far and I think we’ll just hop right across here what dog you smell that I guess not they haven’t built that into Minecraft yet I’m sure someone will come up with a mod so at some point I heard that there uh was a device shown at some show or another uh recently that uh would actually you know put out smells for you know atmosphere in uh in games one uh article I think uh at least in the the headline I didn’t actually read it but in the headline described it as a part box what time to be alive hello puppy sorry I can’t give you any bones cuz I don’t have any been you know sleeping at night so uh I haven’t really had an opportunity we’re going to cross uh you know what let’s just go ahead and sleep I think we should come on no move guys no bad dog let me sleep all righty let’s get on across and you see some bamboo up there uh that is one of the little modifications that uh teralith makes to uh the vanilla biomes few other things it does it adds uh adds I think a little more coarse dirt stuff like like this that we’re seeing here and more grass to uh ples all right let’s try to get up here so we can get a little bit closer look but uh yeah I think adding a little bamboo there’s something that they do up in the Cherry Groves here see a bit scattered around nice all right so we’re going to make our way down and I think we’re going to go and try to visit that uh Village over there if we can do so safely guys stop trying to push me over the edge literally and figuratively hello cows um seeds all right let’s see uh no you you okay how about you two all right I got somebody did I make them sit uh doesn’t seem like it oh you sat okay all right then let’s uh head on over here that is definitely another terth biome over there we are going to go visit both villagers and that biome going across guys okay up on a little Cliff there o kid you need to not be playing down in the caves there whoa okay that was a little bit scary hazardous Little Village you got here what we got uh nothing I can really use all right guys come on hey kids you want to pick my puppies I can’t give them to you let’s see not many houses in this Village come on guys not many at all a few campfires though which are a bit hazardous to the pups so we’re going to continue on all right Eastward which is Eastward that way all right we’re going to head on this way nice visiting y’all nice views here all right we’re going to head over here uh we’re in the highlands here there house over there and you can see the uh the slabs there and the terrain generation one of the Hallmarks of teralith but uh while they do make some modifications to vanilla biomes that’s not one of them all right forested Highlands uh this looks like the edge of another Village yeah hey guys we have some Highlanders here excuse me want to see if had a chest I can rumage through oh we’re going to get uh o oh okay okay um you know what I’m not going to have these guys walk through the fire not worth it okay uh East yeah very Stony ground here guys I think that might be Birch tiger over there we’ve been through before CH the berries oh what we got here okay nothing I need I’m pretty much set see y’all okay continuing on kind of inconvenient that uh skeletons are the only thing you can get bones from it’ll be nice to uh get the occasional bone from a uh cow or a pig or something may not chickens that would be too small really to count how far are we 4,300 okay not doing too badly glad it’s been Overland so far mostly short hops we had one long swim a while back I lost a few of my uh puppy Pals far south are we 1,00 nearly 1300 Highlands again get up here take a look back beautiful okay East word whoa whoa whoa I don’t remember hitting that button okay these little Stony spikes here they from what I understand it will generally denote that there is a Cave System down below right now we are looking to explore the uh the surface biomes another Village more [Music] Highlanders we can kind of see a long way off from up here all right well I guess we’ll go visit carefully of course there some portions of the the highlands that uh it’s a bit cavy we’re dropping the occasional frame here hey guys what’s going on selling some neat stuff huh well looks like uh Sun’s going down soon so I know you guys are going to bed and I guess I will be too oh hey kid uh anything worth uh swiping no that Chuck that in there with the others okay um I’ll Camp over here I guess come on pups that’s way come on no mine I did not put that there for you I’m getting any ideas about uh you know have more kids just cuz that’s there I mean if you want to fine but you know you can use someone to be mowing your grass I tell you maybe kids what you need all right oh armor over here all we going to continue on East thank you for your hospitality just mowing your grass a little bit here yeah I think you’re relying too much on the sheep all righty continuing Eastward it’s got to be in a cave a horse would be handy if I had a saddle I think there was a saddle back in uh back in that Wonder structure we hadit a while back 3700 are we going to make it home this time around we got arid Highlands oh getting a little warmer okay we’ll go around that are you trying to jump over it or anything like that what we got over here if it looks a little more lively Corner up there uh just River it looks like we got something more over here or is it is just a river running through this stuff and Highlands okay so yeah just a little Highlands from the river there we’re going to scoot across over here uh yeah we should be fine all right guys you don’t have to go through the water we going east yeah just need to check that actually got my compass here Jo home as a bit that way whoa careful fall in ah looks like uh we got another Village over here it’s like a savannah Village guess we’ll go check it out uh we have to cross over here all right we’re going to cross over here guys M very wide open spaces here oh big boies I’m not going to bug you right now we’re in bare Health now I think guys I see a kitty cat Don’t Be Afraid more maps and St don’t really have the space to uh carry that Compass I guess I’ll go ahead and take the compass you never know when that’s going to come in handy uh if I can whoa get uh a load Stone H then I can set that up so you know to navigate to whatever spots I want pretty We are continuing Eastward okay we got a little jungle up ahead Let’s uh about 3,000 to the west and about 12200 so yeah the home is like over this way or so that way um I’m thinking we want to go over cut over this way and cut North a little bit don’t fall in the hole guys when you all find the must be coming out of the cave over there think we’re going to go around the jungle here check those out the way I check it off to the side with the mouse but I think it just goes still goes straight in front of you okay uh the mic there out cave entrance obviously this might be clearer way through maybe maybe oh this is like all Mangrove swamp here oh yeah that is going to be difficult to get through I think we’re going to have to go around this definitely um home is straight through that way but we’re going to go around this there’s there’s just no way we’re going to be able to pass through this so we’re doubling back to the West possibly could have gone you know around it to the South but let me see if it borders on the water then yeah we’ll go back the other way but uh if we can go around it over this way Western end of it just seemed closer interesting you know what actually I think I’m going to swap these back on we’re out of the we’re out of the cold biomes let’s go ahead and get this on cuz we really don’t have anything other than mending on those boots so they’re not that effective and they certainly they don’t have the feather falling and and uh oh what’s the one that does the the water walking through the water uh dep strier okay this I believe is one of the structures that is added by the structur data pack whoa which I have loaded in here along with terth all right the shatters are getting long we’re going to go ahead and sleep guys seriously ooh more ruins over there nice okay I’m going to take that take a look at that come on no don’t y’all don’t come on I I just need to get in the bed dead nothing coming our way is it I’m trusting y’all to protect me if anything comes here come on there we go I could swear the sun was lower all right uh okay here we are if I remember right there’s nothing living in this thing here shouldn’t be anyway guys you got to stay back while I’m doing this all right seriously just trying to knock the stuff down so that uh yall don’t get caught up in it check that in there I don’t really need it you’re in skeletons but uh believe there are any in here uh bundle that could actually be of use but I don’t really know how to use those dang things to be honest and what do we got here light knock back piercing fire protection crystals some rabbit hides potion of healing nice to have H should I go ahead and take the bundle what do I bundle up how do you use it okay why do I have so many seeds seriously why do I have so many seeds take that that and that and this and this the little onesie twosies do that put that there so yeah got a few things there all right but the string and just cheuck in there uh any of this stuff I want I don’t know I guess I’ll take the amethyst shards although I’m pretty sure I do have a a geod somewhere um yeah POS the weak teas in there I don’t know why I’ve got wheat seeds I honestly do not know okay so the other structure I think was over this way think ah there we are that looks like some kind of a jungle ruin or something yeah cuz we came from over that way yeah I’ve never used the bundles before so I don’t really know how to get stuff out of them I think you just got to shake them out or something let’s go see what’s in this thing like uh few things a chest up there worth looking at this is a mission of exploration okay this just this jungle ruin here don’t see any kind of chest or anything but looks like it was fancy at one point oh and it’s pretty extensive isn’t it pretty overgrown too oh my this is pretty cool oh there a chest up there how can I reach it oh okay no uh okay okay all right oh bones I will take those uh Soul lanterns uh I don’t know that I really have a use for them but I got space at the moment so might as well all right down into there these ruins are pretty cool oh my more of these lanterns there’s there’s a lot to them it’s like a whole little it’s like a it’s like a little village of ruins like a little Fountain here oh Soul campfires those could come in handy for a uh shoot stop it all right I think we need to make a way out of here it’s uh well it’s no it’s noon it’s noon we’re fine chest over here oh okay take that and that what do we got there uh wild armor trim interesting can I can they stack they can stack good and I guess I’ll take the emeralds too and those since I got room okay so got this whole basically a whole village here frog spawn do I want frog spawn do I want to be here in the rain don’t know that I want to be here in the rain another bone yeah there’s ow a lot of stuff here o more frog lights I’ll take those those could be handy bundle those up nice okay yeah you know what the bundle the bundle is cool the bundle is pretty cool this is this is like a whole ruined City it’s like a whole ruined City more wild uh templates there those in there bundle’s actually pretty cool it’s basically like a a mixed slot there okay oh we got some uh look like we had a little bit of a raid there that I totally missed having not looked at my uh chat at all sorry about that okay but people are going to bed which is fine it’s late oh okay let’s uh grab some of this and uh more bones absolutely in case we run into some more friends uh let’s see yeah this place is cool o that’s pretty cool all right take that uh yep I think that’s going to see we can fit come on out there guys oh it’s getting night time you know what we’re going to Camp going to camp in here all right guys don’t stop jumping down off of stuff all right but to stop the rain at least hopefully nothing’s going to wander in here okay uh looks like there’s some more up there but maybe maybe that’s just prop ules or Sky I was seeing anyway yeah I think that’s going to good for this little city now let’s see East is that’s North East is that way so we’re kind of going around the thing now just make a way across here and up and over come on guys just teleporting Under Foot all right hello everybody looks like a Fair number of viewers right now uh the uh stream chat I can barely see any of that unfortunately I was very much distracted by those ruins back there uh to to welcome everyone so welcome very nice to uh have you around I see uh looks like I got a at least a couple of uh new followers here that I can see that uh fit in the little window on there b toaster and uh Slinky kid are the ones that I can see uh unfortunately the uh my follower account is scrolled off so I can’t uh tell by the number so if there was more hey thanks for following as well I’ll uh see if I can scroll it actually you know what I’m going to do I’m going to go ahead take a look at that and okay looks like that is it so that’s put me to put me to a modest little 37 but it’s more than the 35 I started the night with so thank you very much if you haven’t figured it out this stream here this series uh I’m doing I’m doing two different series at a time one uh is this one here here where I’m playing uh currently in 1.20 although it started in 11 19 uh with the teralith and structur data packs added on which uh add a lot of new biomes like the one we’re in the hot shrub land and uh a number of new structures uh presumably including that uh that ruin back there I’m assuming that’s a jungle ruin how far along are we pretty good uh looks like we got more Mangrove up ahead uh I think I’m going to cut this way this home is more to that side so I’m going to air to that side oh see y’all just step right in front of me like that my goodness H so anyway that’s what this series is and at this point right now I am on the Homeward leg of an exploration Expedition try to visit as many of the terorist biomes as we can in hardcore my other series is not hardcore just an hard level hard difficulty level SC down across here that one is in 1.7 so still kind of it’s basically the last uh version of Minecraft with that sort of you know more well well the pre pre 1118 uh terrain generation so it’s more in that scale but as up to date as you can get with that that one’s more of a longterm thing this one is more you know hardcore let’s see how far I can far along I can get and as you can see down below here I am currently on day 397 I’m a fairly careful player but uh out of these Expeditions you never know this is actually my second uh terrorist series the first one uh I don’t think I got actually this many episodes in maybe or maybe I did maybe I did get a few more but uh yeah it ended in tragedy uh I was about to go to the end to you know maybe try to get an elytra so that um careful careful careful my goodness all right which way are we going here that way is east uh we’re going to skirt more around the stuff here but uh yeah uh do I have a base yeah we’re heading in that direction right now it’s it’s fairly close to spawn um uh I spawned right near a um fortified Village which is something that terth adds fortified Villages and fortified desert Villages uh yeah this rain gets a little hazardous here and uh yeah I basically just moved in there w the place off to keep it safe and uh yeah develop trading Hall to get uh you know all the neat stuff so that I can go out and explore with confidence oh my goodness come back over this way I think yeah we’re going to go through that way I think all right make our way down puppies all right you’ll need some food um shoot check that all right well that bundle’s full um what should I get rid of I don’t well seeds okay all right guys uh who is injured like you still you and still you okay so we’ll call him the clumsy one all right right now we’re couple thousand km from base or a couple kilometers from base rather couple thousand meters and it’s going to be whoops roughly that direction so this might be a Terrain that we crossed heading west so we’re kind of maybe Recon converging on that which is fine actually will if that the case I think that’ll get us actually to basically the closest land that we can get to a base and then I can whoops have these guys sit and then I go get get a uh just F him over one at a time back over to my base cuz that last little bit is going to have to go over water I don’t think there’s any way around it if there is it’s really long all right looks like we’re going to be [Music] going okay nope that’s what I want all right where’s my uh injured guy here got any others who else has got the tail hanging low come on don’t be shy all right my bundle’s full so I’d have to get another to uh be able to carry anything else are we going the right way yeah roughly over this way uh looks like uh night time is coming and we’ve only got about uh 15 minutes left on this stream so we may or may not make it and we’ll make it a matter whether we’ll do it this time this is not a path for a village that is a path that uh the terth ads to uh do this biome do the Savannah more of a game path really fitting since we’re in a game but not that got up game I think I see some cherry up ahead let’s get on across guys path find a little find a little path all right more cherries which is cute and I think our little raid happened uh um after I went through the other little Cherry Grove before you can see this is something the uh the bamboo that is something that the terth do add I believe okay oh my goodness all right I’m going to back away because these guys will push me right over uh trying to get our bearings here that is the way home ooh ooh think we going have to come down over here here I’m thinking the terrain is going to be a bit easier over that side how far are we oh we’re kind of even with home it might be like on the other side of that okay uh think it might be easier to across and go over there got to take short swims cuz the dogs will absolutely jump in the water come at you come after you and they can only s swim for so long before they start to drown even though they swim up on the surface I don’t know if they just get tired or what these uh Granite spikes here I believe those are signs that there’s a granite cave down below somewhere uh let’s see I think we’re going to cut across here should be able to do it ignore those guys cuz I don’t really have a space for it there you go guys seriously be careful all right so we’re more or less heading right for it careful there’s oh there’s some treacherous terrain here uh let’s see how far out are we 1,400 oh my okay um let me get up here so I can see a little better look at what we’re going to deal with ah I think I think we’re going to have to come around over this way all right let’s see if we can get up here safely you doggies be careful I know that’s a lot to ask of you but I’m asking anyway 10 more minutes I might go a little bit longer because I was interrupted a bit by some texts which if you’re watching this later on YouTube uh you may not know anything about because I’m going to edit that out for an actual Village I don’t think so it didn’t look like it puppies I swear y’all uh see see what it looks like over here oh okay might be one that I’ve visited see if I can go down this way guys come on seriously just follow the path here don’t knock each other off and here we go into the village kind of sort of well yeah guys seriously yeah this might be one that we visited um this is a fortified Village this being the fort lots of structures around however if you do decide to make one your home uh note that there are some full blocks up on the tops of some of these roofs if you do not light up tops of the uh the houses oh yeah I think we did visit here um if you don’t light up the tops of the houses um you will very likely have uh mobs spawning up there all right this is eastwards that is towards home um I’m going to circle around there and see if I can cross at a narrower Crossing I don’t think when we visited before I don’t think I got to this structure over here I think this is just the something that structur added yeah these are the Stables L of hatte why is there drown around here whole lot of hay you get have my seeds the question is is there a saddle around here definitely here a drowned I did not see a saddle in there the other one there was a saddle maybe there’ll be one in here somewhere no doesn’t look like it no no saddle in this one inconvenient no thought maybe there was a a barrel hidden underneath or something okay all right so uh uh that is Eastward Village there we’ll I guess circle around here come on pups we’re going to hop up here circle around go to that Village maybe sleep in one of the beds I don’t care where my spawn gets set this is hardcore I am not coming back I’m not respawning anywhere unless I go to the end kill the dragon but that’s not really one of the objectives in this world the objective here is exploration you guys you you got a cow you you got grass in your floor I guess you’re not that surprised by the cows then oh yeah nice okay you got a little bit of a foundation problem there pal okay um I’m going to get you up for the good of the village trust me all righty thank you much okay so EAS is over here oops a big old [Music] crass all right you guys definitely have a problem down there all right head on East how far out are we th000 blocks still another kilometer to go we’re going to pop right over here get on Cross Country come on guys knock me off here this okay we might be getting close to home if we do make it home that means that uh between this session and the next in this world which would be a week away uh I’m going to have to review all of these episodes here okay um another 800 so yeah we’re going to have to cross over here shoot okay all right guys to double back over here don’t fall in please I know youall want to but please don’t stop oh my goodness oh yeah it it it does look really this this is this is actually um vanilla stuff at the moment but uh yeah the terth biomes are just absolutely gorgeous they are pretty heavy on the processor when they’re generating though so if you don’t have a beefy enough processor to handle it on the Fly um P generating is a good thing to do there’s a mod called chunky that can that can do that just through uh commands all right dang it this actually this looks fairly familiar I think we went out this way so yeah we’re getting close I think oh don’t fall in there guys way yeah I think we’re going the right way yeah definitely going the right way we are at the time when I would normally stop I’m going to go a little bit longer and uh cuz I think we might be able to get home in this session and if we can do that then uh yeah the next section s section next session I can work on getting all these good boys boys home okay uh guys don’t push me over the side all right I’m going to make for that and then get across there do it quickly as possible guys don’t fall in just wait I’ll get you across don’t worry about it all righty let’s get y’all all on dry land HP on over here boom here we go I’m wary of taking these guys uh across too big of a chunk of water so yeah just like 300 or so and then 200 North so I’m thinking yeah just we’re kind of going diagonal this way but spawn is actually a little bit north of my Village so we’ll go straight through this way can’t be that far but I know the last little bit’s going to be over the water and it’s been so long I can’t remember if I can see it across the water but yeah that last a little bit is going to have to be my boat okay I think we’re I think we’re near it uh yeah I think we’re going to be able to see it yeah this is this area here is where I was basically having a dirt farm and that is going to be my base all right so um okay got a nice little spot [Music] here all right we’re going to have oh my goodness so many all right we’re going to have all you guys sit no sit sit sit sit sit sit sit sit sit sit you sit sit where sit everybody sit and then I’m going to go across with one of y’all in a boat it okay how many of y’all got uh it uh okay so that leaves one guy walking around okay Clear Spot here get the boat get in the boat guy no in the in the in the boat in the in the in the boat what are you doing get in the boat in the boat in the why is there two of y’all where’s there two of y’all sit you in the boat in the boat boat dude wish I had a lead come on over here over here follow me follow me get in the boat there you are okay and let’s bring them on home and we’ll get the rest of them next time oh yeah very close to Day 400 and there’s good old home let’s see Gates right there so that’s where we’ll go for uh I think there’s yeah we got to watch out for the for the bubbles and there’s home there’s my idiots uh Hey kitties brought your [Music] friend all right and we’re just going to Chuck that in there and that is going to be uh it for today um next time around we’re going to go back and get all those doggies over one by one actually I’m going prepare a kennel first for them someplace to uh to put them keep them safe uh when we’re not out going places and uh and then we’ll go out get the rest of them and uh looking by the Shadows it looks like this day is ending so it’s a good time to end the stream so see you then bye

This video, titled ‘Exploring the West Pt7 in Minecraft Hardcore 1.20 + Terralith | HardCorn!: Terralith Series 2 – Ep52’, was uploaded by BCowcorn on 2024-03-04 17:38:39. It has garnered 3 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 01:32:52 or 5572 seconds.

HardCorn!: Terralith Series 2 – Episode 52 – Playing Hardcore Minecraft 1.20 Trails & Tales Update (world started in 1.19) with Terralith 2.4 Data Pack.

It’s my second hardcore Minecraft world with the Terralith terrain generation datapack, this time with the Structory datapack as well for added structures scattered around the world.

I’ll be streaming every session in this world, so stay tuned!

Here’s the seed if you want to play along or explore the surroundings for potential spoilers: 3388628236345552341. Make sure to add those datapacks or the world will be very different!

What did I work on this time? Picking my way along, seeking out shorter ocean and river crossings, I made my way back home, bringing my doggies along to within site of Upper and Lower Cliffton. I sat all but one of them down on the shore, and ferried the first one over.

For the future… I’m going to build a kennel for all my pups, then ferry the rest over, though I’m wondering if it would be faster to build a bridge. I also want to collect enough nautilus shells to make a conduit under Lower Cliffton. (Would a conduit allow my pups to survive in the water?) And I need to get those villagers off the cliff on the west side of town.

Long term… I hope to visit as many Terralith biomes as possible. And who knows what future updates of both Terralith and Minecraft itself may bring? And I’d like to make a spider eye and string grinder out of that dungeon I found diamond mining, since I’ve never made one before. And I’m thinking it would be useful to have an ender chest for these long voyages, so I may try entering the Nether portal to at least see what kind of Nether biome I can connect to, and hopefully get some blaze rods. And it might be nice to have portals on those Skylands islands too, if the way through the Nether can be cleared.

* Playing Minecraft 1.20.1 (world started in 1.19) with Sodium, Iris and Sildurs Shaders Enhanced Default, plus Terralith 2.4.5 (started in 2.3.7) and Structory 1.3.2 (started in 1.3.1) for enhanced world generation with many new biomes and structures. Plus a few other performance-enhancing mods.

* Livestreams: * Facebook page:

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  • RealWorld

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  • Minecraft Memes – “Avocado Almighty”

    I guess you could say this vertical slab is truly avoca-dope! Read More

  • Shelfie Mess, Minecraft Stress: Fix it or Regret!

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  • My First Minecraft House

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