Exploration! – MINECRAFT

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Oh hey welcome back I was offline for two days God damn I was supposed to like not stream on Tuesday but then my computer I was about to say something nasty words but now my computer just had to give up on life so I wasn’t able to stream

I have to do some reset spot we should be okay today also it was my intern like my internet and PC they just weren’t uh you didn’t know even how to explain it just wasn’t working simple enough first time that I’ve had to like skip a string pairs of technical difficulties I

Think at least hopefully that’s the case and today I was I was so close to skipping this stream because I got a new thing that I need to tear down my whole setup for then I was like I’m gonna do it tomorrow so what is the deal of today I actually

Don’t have the slightest idea I really do know hello Hamza I really don’t know what the plan is for today I feel like we probably are gonna do like a really boring mining stream and a little bit of explore exploration we need diamonds we are running out of diamonds that’s the main thing

I don’t have anything with me if I’m gonna go down into a cave so let’s go back quickly we are missing everything like a little bit of wood a little bit extra torches coal and [ __ ] like that like that’s all we have 17 diamonds it’s not that bad

But it’s still kind of bad and we have 14 iron and stuff like that so we are really struggling when it comes to that stuff and this as well I don’t think we need that I haven’t put this skin on I don’t know how skins work in the game nowadays

But that’s not my doing well at the moment I am unemployed but I am an electrician for my profession so I am trying to look for a job at a electrician so that’s what I would be doing for living if I had a job at the moment but I don’t sadly

So when I find a job that what I will be doing uh I think we’ll be fine with the pickaxe that we have at the moment I think we have a small cave here but yeah well we might as well explore this and see how deep it goes

We might as well do this well well well I can actually see that your profile picture is an actual bird nowadays it’s not a butt cheek y with a G string it is a bird oh it’s a little bit too high that’s better at the wrong audio settings for a moment

Surely you’re not a fan immediately but yeah how’s the weather in India at the moment it was always a butt cheek there’s no way that you can deny that uh oh you actually do swim down not there am I that bad I feel like you’re my biggest fan to be honest Okay so

Somewhat the same here in Finland at the moment where I live like I I’m a Finnish [ __ ] so it’s not that hot anymore now it’s only like plus 18. now it’s probably way hotter in India to be honest hello Dio oh I mean just trying to find resources

And hopefully not of not finding another ancient city that’s probably the main thing Christ that sounds disgusting really disgusting I would hate it uh sounds familiar but I would say that I don’t know 36 Jesus no thanks and am I good I am very good today

Also I like oh God my English is stuttering but yeah it’s making also my I’m really struggling to speak oh God damn okay let me compose myself so smeggy I also today finally got my what is it a new monitoring month so hopefully I won’t be having this shaky webcam anymore

So hopefully that’ll be a little bit better and also I won’t be staring at your souls because the webcam is going to be placed a little bit differently table is going to be getting a little bit sturdier just a small upgrade there thing you’re not that late you’re only well I

Wouldn’t even say that that you’re late you’re like five minutes late okay yep that like all of that should be someone fixed like of course the table is not this dirtiest but it should be about this maybe I don’t know I guess we’ll see it’s gonna be so much nicer sitting at

My desk it’s like the main monitor is like there and the other ones are like flopped down because it’s so we also it’s really hot I’m sweating but yeah I’m hoping to fix this I’m staring into the soul hopefully depends on where I place the webcam next

To be honest I was about to move my webcam because at some point I had it on my right monitoring it was like a sideways angle but I’m not exposing my bed it’s bad I’m not gonna be exposing it uh today it’s been like Plus 17. the last 15 at the moment

So not too much ew that’s like that’s the best like what is it temperature to go swimming at but that’s about it yeah it’s getting colder I feel like in few weeks we will have our first like negative day well that works as well if you have like AC and all that stuff

Are you in Spain oh well to be honest I should have guessed that you’re not back at home if it’s that hot it should have been kind of obvious okay I don’t know what I’m looking for like abandoned mine shaft probably be the best thing that’s annoying

I’m not even that deep I’m fit at 56. oh let’s [ __ ] off from here like we’re at 56. I can believe that oh where should I go I really failed by going into this cave I don’t know the way out anymore God damn it I guess we just need to find

A way to go deeper I was about to say [ __ ] it until I heard lava yeah it’s YouTube emote like I am considering moving to twitch but trying that out at some point soon that means that I can get some more content I’m gonna be streaming on Twitch

And then I can upload all the boards to YouTube so that’s gonna be like two different platforms and at the moment I have been recording my last building Ring playthrough and stuff like that so I am trying to find time to edit that into something but I don’t know I’m considering moving

To Twitch trying that out like maybe that’ll do somewhat better but I don’t know I guess we’ll see a water bucket with me okay this is such a bad idea but also again this is the reason why I don’t play in hardcore we can do dumb stuff like this

It’s it is what it is that’s also the reason why I’m trying I’m considering trying out twitch if that’ll help the channel grow a little bit yeah at the moment I just don’t have the time and energy like I’ve been so inconsistent for the whole whole summer

Basically I try to do my best but I really can and once in a while when I do stream if I I’m just tired it’s not like I don’t enjoy it but also there hasn’t been too many games that I enjoy as well oh [ __ ] I actually don’t know where it

Went down even [ __ ] uh yes Maggie do you want to start doing YouTube shorts for me you can do that if you want to I like I tried to do them at slump on it it’s such a long thing I guess we take our emergency potatoes yeah that’s kind of what I expected

It’s such a long thing to do more of that as well yeah that’s completely understandable I probably should get some building blocks as well but other than that I well at Water Pockets so we can actually go down there we didn’t spawn in a warden by dropping down there so I’m

Somewhat hopeful that we can go down safely but I guess we’ll see another oh yeah I never actually lit this place up so there’s a zombie in the pen foreign I guess we’ll see how this goes I don’t think we’re going to be getting those items oh voice crack those items back

I’m not feeling too hopeful maybe we can Well then again we went in a straight line so just following the Torches you’d be enough hopefully I kind of expected that to happen I really should have not went into this cave it’s so high up 56 or 57. and then well that’s a good stop

I do think that we’re going to be losing those items my brain is massive I don’t think we went this way oh [ __ ] we lost our emergency potatoes oh God damn I should have not taken all of them uh emergency carrots that was a big l f okay let’s take this set up

I really don’t want to break those that sort of these pants better than nothing um that’s definitely not gonna be enough also we lost the water bucket so we can use that oh God I probably should go back on this Frame I think we checked the coordinates somewhat before

We started digging down so you told me to and I really couldn’t care less if I died like that’s the best part about not playing in hardcore I can mess around as much as I want to dying doesn’t matter on that as well we didn’t go down that way we don’t we

Went up here apparently why would I go up why would I go up when I’m already so high up makes no sense I’m definitely lost and confused look I quite sure that the items are going to be despawned once we make it there especially at this rate

Like how long do you have like five minutes yes the chunks are definitely loaded in because we’re at the base that way this way I guess not torches if you go down there we did I guess hello Crafter so I think we went down here then yeah there’s torches

Oh we did oh I really oh actually no there’s water all the pickaxe is not gonna last up apparently it is oh this is such a risky thing okay well that’s too bad but then again we made it here so it’s fine unless I [ __ ] drown there’s one Warden thing

These are all the items just despawned oh [ __ ] [ __ ] you game oh it’s the ancient city again hey just despawned oh no and now I’m even getting touched by a dude I took it too slowly so this is another ancient city God damn I really don’t want to be in an ancient city

Yep Maggie is a little bit behind or delayed again as usual such a common thing yeah this is definitely a new city again okay this quickly a chat setting so I didn’t see that one oh really hitting my base there’s so many ancient cities I don’t know what I’m doing here like I

Am kind of just waiting to die yes this is definitely a new one there’s so many things there’s no way that I have been here interesting how the chat works if that’s the case okay I didn’t make it out I picked up XP okay I’m not gonna fight against it then

That’s having to go to spawn in another one but I’ll [ __ ] it it didn’t a lovely pair of pants now I don’t know why I’m doing this because I’m definitely not gonna be making it back up it’s so slow I don’t know what I’m doing here like I

It’s just a waste of time to be honest this looks a little bit bigger than the other ones I can’t believe that I lost the items I do hate myself for that uh what do we even have or oh oh I think we have Diamond pants actually

I don’t want to take that in case I wanna like I am going to be dying I’m gonna lose it if I pick it up I’m just playing a horror game at this point fine everything’s perfectly fine now how many wardens do we have oh that’s lighting displays up now

Once we come back here at some point someday Maybe it’s already lit up are we having died I really don’t know oh God this sounds terrifying there’s so many next to us I think thanks I hate it fine everything is perfectly fine can I please just die I want to make it

Back up not the final torch that I have but I can make a few more Jesus this game is easy okay I’m gonna die with fall damage at this point foreign how do I actually need to go and find one of them well probably I feel like there’s even more than just seven

And that would be my guess but I really don’t know oh there’s one did I fell into a hole oh I’m moving I can barely see anything it’s gonna be a nightmare when I come back here on like when I actually want to come back here and all the wardens are just here

And this has no pointer like I am waiting to die how have I survived for this long when I died so many times when I didn’t when I die well it’s surprising that I have or the game beings that I have left any of them alone

And that’s one d spawning but how I’ve been running here that’s another one despawning okay okay finally I actually needed to like go for the death uh let me quickly check back on this stream like what items did we actually lose this is my biggest question foreign just what items we lost

So I where’s my inventory oh look at my inventory I’m talking to myself like I’m a dumbass actually we basically lost nothing like yeah Diamond pants that’s probably the biggest thing other than that it’s like cold iron armor basic stuff a little bit of wood and then

Of diamond sword and tools that’s not bad we can easily make those again was it still worth it losing that all not really well to be honest there pickaxe and the shovel were some upload close to Breaking anyway so I’m not that sad about those foreign with it uh

Yeah we can make those into sticks everything not making 14 of those Are three nah I’m not gonna make any of those oh yeah we don’t have any iron to be honest ah it’s fine everything’s perfectly fine I still understand why I have this skin on but I I didn’t make it or put it on that’s like a default skin of the game basically

I don’t feel like I’m I lost too much like I don’t feel bad about any of this I can someone content with the items that we lost there’s like nothing to me a pocket might be on the top list I think I should probably be but it’s not

Ah I’m starting to regret my decisions a little bit more but of course it had to be an ancient city as well like of course not like I wanted to mine down here I’m hoping that I wouldn’t go into ancient city and that’s exactly what we ended up at

Like of course that had to be the case God damn it I’ve got three ancient cities right next to us and I feel like there’s definitely more than just three I thought they were supposed to be like a rare things but it doesn’t seem like it um

I’m just gonna get all the coal and iron that we have around this how much that’s gonna be I don’t know but it’s gonna be some amount I knew that there had to be more only one block block which is surprising so it wasn’t that bad like we now have

Even more iron than what we had before we died because I am forced to get it now probably should start doing something to level up a little bit we don’t have any levels is it worth going down here I don’t think so I don’t care okay that’s it

So 26 that’s a full set of armor but we already have most of it I love how fast this is suppose it could be faster but I still like it I do kind of want to make oh God so oh another one but I kind of want to do this deepest

Staircase that you can make in the game just to see how useful that would be not surprising that there’s no monsters nearby so we have already died three times Well Done by me I blame smeggy for the first death can you use the one that told me to do something dumb

I said we don’t have any levels yeah well we do have a little bit of a raw chicken and beef it’s not that bad and oh pocket there it is and I do want to make the shield as well and that’s about it I wish I could make a pink one

I really wish I could I kind of don’t want to use the Cherry log so I do think that we’re gonna go and cut down some trees which is going to be a little bit boring but it’s yeah let’s go and break that it’s gonna be fine look at that should be enough

Especially with efficiency it should go by summer first oh God I don’t have anything to eat so let’s go back why are there so many creepers I’ve really gotta load this place up good aim really nothing else to say about that and that’s fine I mainly have the fact that I saw the

Items and then I decided to go slowly just not to spawn in uh Warden but I really should have just gone by a little bit faster so annoying completely my own fault but still I still hate the fact that there’s an ancient city underneath us like why yes there’s too many

I liked it when I thought that they were rare and I’m so glad that I took a screenshot of something I’m guessing I will have the coordinates of this screenshot it’s gonna be the most boring thing ever but like what are you actually doing the

Game at this point we have a house set up we could do like villagers and stuff but I don’t think I’m gonna be touching them so I mainly think that it is just I don’t know actually killing Enderman so you can find the end portal like that would be something

Seems kind of boring getting levels but then again that’s kind of boring huh we do have our skeleton spawner somewhere oh that might be a thing to do I got XP farm but I think it is in ancient city like next to one again an ancient city there’s really nothing more

Yeah that is true like I am considering doing all the achievement but what would you what should we do next like here end of perils well I’m curious zombie but it’s kind of boring him all cat oh that’s good just a long thing got your fish probably nether we do have one skeleton

Skull which is nice some of the Wither I do think that we’re going to be doing this after the Ender Dragon we have a few diamonds so we can basically go for ancient debris but I don’t think that’s worth it just yet explore all Nether bios where haven’t we been then

Oh we haven’t been in the red Forest thing whatever that that is called so that’s one thing that we are missing and what about this successfully trade with a villager Summoner iron golem the [ __ ] read the power signal of a chiseled bookshelf using a using a comparator okay okay that’s something

Kill one of every mob that’s fine I’m surprised that I haven’t done this already considering the time that we have spent in an ancient city look at a gas this is a balloon yep that’s exactly what it is like looking at all of this there is quite a few things

Adventure Time like 36 out of 53 sounds like wide a lot but it’s I think it is I think it’s quite a lot um oh like getting looting three would probably be one of the biggest things just to be able to get into Paris a little bit easier

That kind of sounds annoying to do this oh god I’ve played the game so many times that like basic chores sound boring and annoying like I really wish that I could play the game for the first time again like I feel like that would be the most entertaining thing ever

Maybe adapt oh well to be honest I was talking about the Enderman the ones you dare do that I’m actually worried about dying I my aim is [ __ ] I can’t believe that I actually died to Enderman oh that’s sad I missed my swings like three times I think

That’s bad that’s really bad oh actually the blue forest biome in nether I think that’s that has a high chance of spawning in Enderman huh yeah I wish it was like like how does one decide to get dementia well I can’t hit my head against the wall basically

I could do that but I don’t think I would remember to stream it at that point either I feel like I’m gonna forget a little bit more than just the game I’m so glad that you’re still here I knew there was one one Swing Away still can’t believe that I died

A little bit lovely love the peaceful music how many left 29 yeah that’s not bad might as well get rid of this ax well there’s one thing would be to say even and do another efficiency one done because and then combine these two am I gonna do that probably now

Depends if it breaks during these two trees it’s probably gonna break [ __ ] final block I was actually considering saving it up if it didn’t break there but the fine on the Block it broke to be honest perfect timing I I’m not mad about that but God damn I was

Considering doing a thing with it say yeah [ __ ] it appear as well have a weirdest pathway like there’s so many games that I want to replay again for the first time like one thing would be uh I think there might have been a tree that I cut down that would be my guess

But I’m more confused about the fact that if that’s the case why did I not break the Beehive as well like Minecraft Terraria subnautica and probably eldenbring would be like the top four play four games to replay again for the first time that I wish that I could play

Mainly I probably I probably say ilden ring because that was so much stuff today for the first playthrough uh what do we want to do with this oh yeah my chests are organized but the placements are a little bit weird like there’s no same thing next to each other like it should be

Uh I don’t do that oh let’s go get the check the blue biome blue forest biome whatever it’s called in nether and we can go and hunt for the end portal today like why not I don’t think that would be too big of a thing to do oh it’s been more organized before

You better believe that I love organizing stuff most of the time you don’t have a I wish I could fast travel let’s go and get the golden helmet well uh yeah we’re here we might as well do that I was considering like mining all the golden blocks and crafting uh

What is a crafting table and stuff like that crafting a crafting table and forget about what is a crafting table Jesus I already forgot why I came here so smart oh dude probably sh we’d make a bowl like that would be a smart idea foreign feather yep time to murder some chickens

I’d say that they deserve it they have been a little bit [ __ ] that’s a lovely word [Applause] nine feathers should be fairly easy look at us just as I expected I really need to make a better pathway like I do like how this is starting to look like oh Jesus

Why I should put you on cool down for that I feel like you completely deter that I don’t even think you have a choice to complain about the fact if I put you on cool down God damn it [ __ ] excellent also I feel like the man touched me it’s

Maggie a little bit too good because he disappeared but he’s in Spain so I’m getting he’s on a vacation so understandable understandable so yeah this I don’t make sounds it’s scary find that biome to my understanding they have a better chance of spawning in a stuff yeah Enderman

It looks like the Enderman has pants on that’s such a random block but I love it understandably but I still hate it I can’t believe that I’m actually doing this oh I didn’t know that that’s a thing yeah Nice I think six things definitely is enough so I kind of want to get 16. if possible okay yeah there is a lot of them here so that’s nice this works as well like the bolts are not a bad idea because at that point I don’t need to lure them into it position

Oh I think I’m a really good luck with the drops can you teleport up here please that’s another one foreign do you kind of want to save that for some reason another one they really are spawning in oh well that’s good to know I feel like that’s been a thing always

Oh God I thought of God about you already ah my brain is small thank God I was next to this okay oh a really nice drop rates oh like every single one has given me one it’s not like amazing but it’s still really good in my opinion

Like it could be better with Looting of course I thought I saw Enderman well that’s another one I wish I was I feel like this would be even easier if I was hacking my aim is so bad like eight kills and seven ender pearls that’s lovely for my math is correct

This has been so much easier than what I expected surely they didn’t stop spawning in now I feel like they did oh there’s one hello I’m corrupt and you’re also not too bad well 50 minutes late but not too badly okay there goes my luck yeah really jinxed it

But it’s fine could be a lot worse like I’m not mad about getting that many in the in the pearls that fast like I kind of want to get to 16. and then go to the Fortress and get a few more of the powder I think it is

I feel like it would be nice seeing a just a random Enderman teleporting with a bolt I feel like I would enjoy seeing that I probably should be middle of the biome to have like better chances of them spawning in oh my parkour skills are amazing

I don’t know if that jump is doable but my attempt was still a [ __ ] it was still really bad I think that’s doable it’s definitely doable we’re gonna be here for the next 15 minutes because I’m just going to be trying this out let’s do that first oh there’s another one

Oh this is working perfectly I was considering getting a Clarity to move and settle their thing as well I’m this is after I’d say except I don’t have any luck anymore I really should have not said anything about it I’m so bad at parkour safe place

I don’t know why I put my hand here I’ve noticed it lately that I always if I don’t need to do anything with my left hand I put it here okay nice I got this how many blocks like that’s one block down and it’s like it’s definitely doable

I tried to get the momentum but I just dropped down I’m gonna be doing this although watch out that it’s only four blocks let’s see from here it’s like one two three It’s basically four blocks and it’s down so that that is definitely a doable jump barely made it to safety I can’t believe how many swings I missed interest I’m not mad about that I guess definitely better wish of doing this but I’m like this is doing going well in my opinion foreign

I don’t accept the fact that it’s not doable but four blocks is the longest jump that you can do and it’s above four blocks and it’s one block down I’m gonna die of full damage let’s just make this into a flat piece of land it most likely will be I wouldn’t be surprised

Like the edge hasn’t been changed I just made it a little bit flatter I try to get the momentum but I [ __ ] it up oh yeah and also can’t jump again ah oh that’s probably the worst thing thank you and hello Kika Chad that seems like such a doable jump

There’s one in well actually there’s two I was like two is not enough but one or one is is not enough you think I’m not close enough oh [ __ ] so do bucks take full damage in real life is that what you’re asking I’d say surely some of them at least depends on

How they land oh there’s three laughs I’d say that they do I can’t believe the fact that I only upgrade one That’s better than nothing no that’s the same one I hate the fact that I use one of the ender pearls I’m gonna put them there I like having them in the whole bar so I can see how many of them I have uh yeah sure why not I still probably should do your playthrough on Dying Light good stuff good stuff why was she bend over like that

I like how people are talking like in this school about the fact that I said that I’d be live in 10 minutes and I it took me like 20 minutes I was stuck on the toilet taking a massive dump is that what you wanted to hear that’s usually what happened I take a

Massive dump before I start a stream any more Enderman I don’t want to try leaving the game and coming back I definitely saw a pair of eyes there but I think I’m too far I’m definitely too far away from them [ __ ] it we can move away from this spot for now

Okay that works okay that works I don’t have any skills in the game templates any blocks in midair you can take this a little bit extra XP oh I have the game already so I don’t need to worry about buying it but also I played the zombies where oh

Zombies way too much that I don’t I don’t care about the game that much anymore like I have 2K hours in the game a lot of this on multiplayer as well but I have a lot of time on course Customs zombies at the moment for some reason I’m

Feeling really hopeful about the Modern Warfare 3 that is coming out this year like mother of all three two felt like it was gonna be a nice [ __ ] chord to be playing but it was so [ __ ] once I got all the camo or golden camos I stopped playing the game

I couldn’t care less there was no reason to replay the game play the game more oh God and they even failed like what I said Warzone was so bad let me stare at your beautiful eyes I played through dying like one like once not once twice and dialogue two I still haven’t even

Bought the game that’s something that I gotta do like we were talking about this at some point before us well on this stream and I’m like when I really don’t have anything to anything else to play then I think I am going to be playing that oh

I knew that I [ __ ] up yes I made it too small it’s fun we can reset the spawn so hopefully more things spawn in now it’s fine a lot of skill I don’t think anyone else has the skills to do that but we’re not that far away so it’s fine

It’s easy to just run back and take it without somewhere there like I didn’t even need my emergency potatoes which means that we’re really well oh God that could have been bad it works God damn I love playing the game in whatever this difficulty is and peaceful oh that could be bad

Yeah that as well that I feel like that’s it I’m too good oh I hated playing that well I loved it as well like The Walking Dead mod for this game or mod pack and when you’re when you broke your legs it was the worst thing ever

That’s where that is there’s so many more Enderman so I’m kind of glad that I died should be right about here there it is um maybe someday I don’t know if I’m gonna be touching this game for a little while after I beat the game it’s kind of a one-off play through

Maybe I wouldn’t say that to be honest I feel like at that point we might even complete the hardcore playthrough price is so much faster than those blocks thank you I look at the rest of the day you can craft the I thought I was saying that

I am gonna say that I will beat the game there’s no question about it didn’t even give me a thing I’d rather have my chicken there I feel like that’s a little bit more useful thing probably shouldn’t be looking over that edge in case it teleports behind me what about ender pearls

Did he actually fall into the lava and die early now I’m somewhat afraid to move oh [ __ ] Shield I already hate it that is true I don’t like I hate this Shield it plugs so much off your screen but I hate wielding I I mainly have it out of habit for like

Hardcore playthroughs where you actually need it oh he actually is here I knew that you wouldn’t die a little bit closer so you don’t fall off nice we have nine oh there’s so many this is what I wanted foreign blocks to pick up so it’s understandable that it’s the same

Oh that’s parkour again any Enderman to be seen am I aim is [ __ ] so basically can’t do that jump anymore the one time I made that jump I made it look so easy if we don’t count the attempts before but the one jump that I didn’t make look at me like that

It is but I’m just bad at the game I used to be a pro but not anymore are you close enough thank you yes yes like I won 16 perils and then we’re gonna go and find the end portal well he might be killing the ender

Dragon somewhat soon I think I am just gonna do like iron armor and see what I can do I’m gonna die out of fall damage uh What GPU do you have depends on that if it’s bad or not like this GPU to be honest because it’s a 30 60

Like I have a 360 and the heatsink that it has is from a 49 40 90 30 90. like they use the same heatsink so it really is like 60. okay well that’s like a really massive difference so glad that you cleaned up all the Dust

But again my GPU doesn’t go over 60 I don’t think I feel like it’s it get locked in like 59. just about like it really doesn’t run hot at all just the heatsinki’s men for our 30 90. I really don’t know anything about AMD

GPU so I don’t know if it’s good or not this is such a risky place to be uh there’s so many ways to fall down into lava I don’t think it’s bad I just don’t know exactly what it is like unless you have a 40 90

You can always say that it can be better but if you have a 40 90 then it really can’t be better because I’m guessing you have a some just a small bottleneck because of the GPU like I have the perfect combination both are decently [ __ ] just a tiny one

Like I have the 30 60 and ie7 900 700k gay God damn what a way to put your word it should be safe here uh what gear did you get oh oh your God oh God I read that wrong I was like what dear dear gear were you

Getting but no it’s that I got some more gear yep still only 11. goddamn oh that’s another one oh that’s one of these things I don’t think I want to go in there today thank you Sebastian that’s it that’s what it’s called I think I’ve only been to one of those ones

That’s what it’s called huh well that’s a thing for another day I’m not gonna do that today today’s plan is to find the end portal you don’t think that this is a safe set up but [ __ ] it laughs I thought there is different kinds well

We still might as well go there at some point like I’m guessing we’ll at least have something I don’t think it’s gonna be completely empty at least well maybe it can be I don’t know Fortress interesting that’s in a way better location than the other one I don’t know what I expected

And to be honest this is as fast okay well we still might as well explore that at some point I think the names matter that much it’s Sebastian that’s it that’s all you need to know oh there’s two of you exactly that’s what it is I’ve already been here foreign

Where did my dude go there I guess like this could be the final one hopefully like I feel like 16 is definitely enough to find the end portal if not then we just have really [ __ ] luck and what would be the best way to make our way into this Fortress because we do

Need some blaze rods and that’s kind of what I’m expecting like I want to have more than enough like we have one in demand here so we might as well kill them broth what do you mean by brah okay you didn’t get one um I could but this surprisingly worked out really well

Like the way that I I have been doing this like I know that balls are good well like we made one of these and sat and got seven in the Peril so that it worked out well in the beginning then I just started moving around surely are not going to shoot this far

You actually are what a bunch of [ __ ] oh boy then if we mine from here we should be able to make it there someone perfectly if my math is correct foreign yeah it seems like they’re really friendly there’s so many wither skeletons now like have they buffed the spawn weights off then

That’s fine yeah I really want to get a warm hug from a blaze actually jump up you cannot and that’s a basics you did a mistake my sir good stuff good stuff well done okay I don’t want to knock you down I want to get the heads no head

Like I had this I had to say it’s such a childish joke but I love it now I’m gonna do the biggest mistake of my life by shooting at this guy ah of course but what is the math we have four at our base so we need eight in total well we

Have one extra so there’s so many shitty things here I don’t want to be here I didn’t sign up for this [ __ ] what the [ __ ] why are there so many skeletons Jesus Christ the spawn rights are insane I don’t even have enough food to stay here for a long time

I actually didn’t even realize that there’s two of you that fall into lava um in PvP battle [ __ ] oh my helmet Rock I think that might be a bad thing well I actually do have an iron helmet with me so that’s a little bit better I don’t want to do that

I feel like it’s a bad idea oh there’s two spawners here tell us not really there’s so many places here but that’s fine I’m definitely gonna die I’ve regret my decisions I’m gonna do that so nothing comes from there I missed it they’re so oh I’m definitely dying now just in case

It really doesn’t matter I’m not playing in hardcore but I don’t want to find my way back here so that’s for we have a so it’s ten no it’s twelve of my mouth is completely incorrect I was so sure that this guy would have been dead only give me one nope um

To let us know I don’t think there’s any game that is like a zombie’s code or code zombies I only have one chicken I feel like that’s the main issue here oh what I mean I think it is time to [ __ ] off we got four we’re we’re gonna have one

Extra in the Peril but that’s fine just heal up as much as possible then we start heading back home God damn this oh boy oh I can’t heal up any more than this is there any random thing that I can eat like I can’t eat these mushrooms um probably not twisting Vines laughs

Oh what aim what a shot to be honest really [ __ ] here just in case let’s look at the coordinates I’m drinking a sparkling water that is the taste of strawberry and rhubarb like the main issue is that I don’t have anything to eat other than that I think we’re fine

Nah I got this this is such a risky thing like we might lose everything because I am doing this like not everything but everything that we’ve done in the last few hours I don’t want to hear that oh God I didn’t think about that oh God definitely some stuff blew down it’s fine

Emergency carrots what do we have here chicken that’s not good enough I was close but not close enough um it’s better than nothing yeah that’s good where’s the sound effect like this does it sound so slimy interesting um what else maybe a pickaxe nah we got it

We got it we got some pants that’s Gonna Keep Us Alive from the damage I am gonna make a gold helmet yes we don’t have one even to come back I’m gonna be uh well I’m gonna be there when once we make it back you just watch me

Yeah I’m gonna get my stuff back I’m feeling fairly hopeful about it I don’t think I was that far and there’s not too many enemies that get like ack road I don’t have a pickaxe I really do good I really do need a pickaxe um I started one is better than a golden

One I don’t know if it actually is but it’s definitely not fast though okay now we got this like 100 we’re gonna be getting our stuff back I’m just hoping that like we were at the edge so probably some stuff flew all the way down to Lava

But I’m I at least sort of the Ender Pearls didn’t drop there and that’s like the main thing but I’m hoping that we at least saved our diamond stuff and stuff like that like if my iron armor is gone that’s fine that’s perfectly fine by the end of pearls are the main thing

Maybe diving gear uh we already lost a set of diamond gear today because I was again messing around like I knew that I would be [ __ ] I was like I don’t have enough food for this but I was like I’m still doing this I don’t want to go all the way back home

And then come back oh yeah yeah yeah the place works as well I have four at my base but yeah that is through the place where it is well I didn’t think about them well then again Place robots are a lot easier than in the Pro so it’s not that

Big of a deal we lost them but it would be nice to keep them the main thing is am I gonna be able to find my way back I think I am I’m fairly confident about it fairly confident that I will find my way back like I’d say that it’s rideable here the

Entrance to their thing yeah there it is here to drop down a little bit lower but that’s fine we went across this Edge which is kind of unsafe but it’s fine again and this hole um looking new that these [ __ ] would be here and what is it even

Like I can’t think I can get one but I don’t know what it is oh of course more had this morning right there they spawned in front of my face that’s so unlucky okay that’s kind of what I expected what it would do like right there they spawned in in my face

That’s so unlucky or maybe I just didn’t see them but I’m quite sure that they just spawned in I have had my path cleared out I’m definitely not gonna be wasting that um yeah we gotta I’m not gonna be taking any armor it really doesn’t matter

Nah it’s still not that bad like I’m to be honest dying and going back to my stuff is entertaining for me at least like it’s a fun challenge in my opinion but that’s just really unlucky that they spawned in at least I don’t think I saw them or

They were there oh yeah [ __ ] I could have forgot about those already but the main thing is I know that it’s easy to go back I’m just hoping that I don’t waste too much time and they despawn that’s the main issue now It’s gotta be fast enough

I’d say that’s mainly unlucky like I made it past the two with their skeletons and then the two spawned in my face that’s unlucky nothing nothing else boy I am feeling a little bit stressed out because we spent like hour getting well and nether basically like a whole

Hour in the nether getting all the stuff and now just dying and losing it all it’s kind of annoying where like it’s there I went past it somehow well this is why I have the building blocks oh it’s up here I guess yeah there it is it’s even worse now it’s even worse

That girl you can mind this fairly fast well you should have been better prepared yeah the spawn rates are insane about all of it Jesus Christ I’m a parole with this game oh boy I think we got it all that’s insane I’m amazing at the game

That’s really intense but I loved it so much fun but God damn I’m actually considering using one of my ender pearls just to [ __ ] off from here that was kind of a risky thing to do oh boy I probably should have just ran back the same way I came from but [ __ ] it

And to make it a little bit more interesting I’m going to end apparel into lava that’s what I’m gonna end up doing oh God no I already know that that’s gonna happen the carrots are so [ __ ] it’s fine to be honest It’s Kind of Perfect that I have exactly one extra ender pearl

So I can leave this place with it yeah the worst thing is doing it in the end and dropping down into the void like that’s even worse oh I didn’t like that I didn’t like that that was actually close I was kind of joking about falling into the lava that was close

That was really close it had more curved or less curve to it than what I expected like it’s been a long time since I actually probably used ender pearls I thought it was gonna have like more of an arch to it but now it just went straight

But I haven’t used ender pearls after 1.8 so I guess that’s my mistake I’m happy to move away from here God damn yep like I am somewhat shaking still understandably so but still that was really intense I loved it but I’m not coming back here for a while now

The main thing is that we’re gonna go and find the end portal hopefully we’re gonna try our best and then make another portal there and go back through the nether back to our old base or this portal here really explained that poorly but that’s the plan for the end of this Frame

It’s still gonna take like an hour at least so I guess we’ll see depends I could be above the end portal like who really knows in the end in the end um I think so okay I’m just gonna make the Nether Portal it’s gonna be way faster going through the nether

And I’m just gonna connect to this but I don’t think I’m gonna be doing any more of them I feel like that’s about it like I’m not gonna be messing with villagers or anything either on display through it’s kind of a like a lazy playthrough

I built a home I build a farm and that’s about it then we’re just gonna be beating the game but I do think that it is time to murder some sheep what are pigs to be honest so gruesome okay these two are this surviving ones sometimes [ __ ] it let’s make it even worse

A little bit rude yeah that is true um yeah [ __ ] it murder a few of these as well I I don’t know how far we are gonna be running Uh how many of you are there two four okay there’s an even number of them so I’m gonna let the rest of them live foreign from the nether that was way too intense for me I really liked it like it was cool as [ __ ] I felt it really felt like an

Action movie but still um actually I do have coal a bit of chicken as well potatoes lovely okay yeah we had four good that’s kind of what I remembered oh it’s these things those stone stone swords can go there as well What else I think that’s about it I guess okay so 16 that definitely should be enough depends on how far we are like oh you don’t have the slightest idea like we have ran from the original spawn point of a 10K blocks to this location oh there’s no cold

That’s not going to be enough it might be enough I don’t know exactly I’ll put it here and put those there out it really doesn’t matter I have so many extra slabs from this place um well we have some levels so we might as well do some level one enchants level one

Probably should have checked what the other ones would have been I’d rather have done um two minutes I play whatever I feel like at the moment but I play a lot of different games mainly I’ve been playing Elden ring lately now that we’re on a little bit of a

Break from Alden ring Bob like whatever I feel like to be honest like tomorrow I’m gonna be trying out the Texas Chainsaw Massacre game like that is going to be tomorrow’s stream and then I think we’re gonna be back to Minecraft for a little while simply whatever I feel like playing

That’s mainly what it is that’s also the reason why they can stream as much as I do UPS it my channel is not big so there might be moments when I am just alone so I’d rather play a game that I enjoy so I can just sit there alone playing it it

Doesn’t feel bad so that’s why mainly play whatever I want at the moment I definitely want to do more suggestions at some point but I do want the channel to be a little bit bigger so it’s like people tell me to play this and then I play it and there’s

A lot of people watching it’s gonna be way more entertaining than someone tells me to try out this game I try it out and then that they don’t even have to be joining on that stream like that has happened and it’s kind of sad that’s why mainly play but either

Whatever I feel like playing take a little bit of Vlogs With Us Cobblestone and uh I’m gonna take a pink ball Psy knob just a weird Flex now the plot twist would be that the Eye of Ender goes immediately down well at least it didn’t go immediately down don’t break

Oh God that’s not a good beginning for this um I John I can’t make a portal if we go there so we’re gonna do that first also I need to feel this feel I don’t even think about that but yeah the main thing is that I play a

Lot of different games there really isn’t anything that I don’t play okay we have a water bucket there so that’s nice flint and speed so we’re gonna light it up and oh yeah what are the coordins for the portal as well that’s something that I completely forgot about let’s check this out quickly

Oh yeah I think I oh [ __ ] it I’m gonna put it in chat quickly so 850 100 and 10 is fine and minus 450. now okay those are the coordinates should be easy to find back hoping that there’s like a really easy lava pool that I can just find um

No that’s not what I need to do I think we have a few obsidians and there’s one portal there that we can just break down that works as well you don’t have to be so rude about it it’s just an easy way to remember it like

I would I can memorize it if you want me to but I might as well do that quickly also we’re going to be stealing the corners out of this I got a time you out soon can I even time out UPS Euro moderator can I do that even

Are you actually tried to tie me out God damn let me see you have been demoted you got a demotions Maggie I don’t even have any sticky notes but that would have been nice that demotion feels bad unlucky one of the I think one block went no it’s down there that’s fine

I can tap out of the game you have been promoted again I know that you don’t care and it depends we haven’t needed your work to be honest but it’s still handy to have in case you’re on the stream and someone decided to put dick pics I don’t [ __ ] know how how would

Someone do that I’m not speed so I don’t think that’s gonna happen I usually remember them that’s the funny thing like I normally remember them well now that I’m streaming and talking so much I feel like everyone saw the clip of speed like God damn

What a dumb like it’s it is an accident but he must calm down so nothing like that happens like how’s he already been banned off of YouTube or has anything even happened because of it also that is a massive hole yeah that was actually funny to see like he rarely broke his character

And the fact that he actually like really broke character was funny well yeah like it was an accident so it’s understandable that he yeah that’s what I mean like it was an accident so he probably won’t be getting bad got us well Mark I mean I should do that so I would

Be trending everywhere even if devil that would actually happen that I was trending I still couldn’t do it there’s like there’s no amount of money that you can pay me to do that especially at that point it wouldn’t even be on accident so it would be just straight up nudity

And no I’m not yeah I’m not going to do that I’m not even considering except for one million dollars alone you don’t want that on your PC or laptop I don’t actually know which one you’re well at the moment you’re probably using a phone Nope never gonna happen I don’t shoot me that’s rude like of course if someone like offered to pay me one million dollars to do that I would actually need to consider that like that would be so much money I didn’t even know that you were here at Kika chat but yeah see ya

And I hope that I have good luck and we don’t need to be running for like two hours to find it with about one million dollars I actually don’t know I probably would just buy myself a proper house and build a proper setup and I save the rest of it

And just start streaming more appears at that point I really wouldn’t even need to do anything except stream like I can easily manage the money or like the next 20 years and if my channel is nowhere in the next 20 years then that’s sad yes a proper setup

What do you mean my setup is not even that good it’s like mid in my opinion what’s up what I’m talking about like my PC and stuff like that it’s like mid-range might be PC oh hey little how do you screw I probably should throw another Eye of Ender

Well just kill me then you might as well do that at that point except we are a family of five so it won’t work at least some break of course it stayed up there oh the fact that I actually made it on the first attempt is surprising

But my setup is not that amazing like if I had the money I would definitely buy a new keyboard a new monitors and a new pc those would be like the first things that I upgrade and two minutes after that I really don’t know if it’s my mouse it’s okay

My microphone is okay headphones are okay like lighting well webcam as well for streaming purposes like I would actually get a proper camera setup but other than that I really don’t know but well a table a better table this table is [ __ ] what am I looking at oh I’m looking at my setup

Yeah I would definitely operate my monitors my PC and my keyboard keyboard well that was a Christmas present for my family like they were asking like what would I want and I really had nothing I would never buy that on my own of my old

Money and I was like yeah you can buy that for me I would not spend my own money like to be honest I would consider it because at that point you would have to do some work for me like I can easily send you this setup

And at that point you are going to be doing my shorts for me but I feel like you will happily do that with this setup I feel like I’m almost having the coordinates on at all times in case I die randomly well if I upgrade my P or like if I get

A new pc anytime soon we’ll keep that in mind it’s gonna be a really big thing to send it all the way there but yeah I definitely would consider it oh [ __ ] the rain is kind of nice to be honest okay so and we are actually really close to be honest

It’s already switching directions that like massively oh hello Jesus I hate this now me out of here oh so glad that I didn’t get too badly stuck there oh this is gonna be horrible probably like yeah we already went past it’s really close yeah that’s why I hate it

Any torches which is kind of annoying I do have wood which is nice I wasn’t expecting to find it this soon to be honest it’s kind of annoying yeah I wish there wasn’t that and this much to know in Finland to be honest the only reason why I hate

Winter in Finland is the fact that we have like it’s night time 24 7. like for the whole month of December we don’t have sunlight basically at all so it’s really awful and I hate it like that’s my main issue with with Finland like winter would be nice if we got sunlight

It’s going a little bit that way it’s broke down I kind of just want to go down here I feel like it’s gonna be in this cave well the city that I live in that would be the nearest city I’m not exposing where I live sometimes it really doesn’t matter not

Like anyone that’s gonna start Finding Me oh gosh oh I don’t fall damage from that interesting I’m just gonna wait for the daytime but yeah rubber near me well like I don’t care I live in that City yeah that’s what I mean like I don’t think anyone curious and especially since I’m

Yes that exactly almost I feel like that’s how you pronounce it in English I really didn’t know not B it’s a v and the a is an e and no s at the end but that’s about it there’s like two letters wrong and the final letter is just pointless so almost not bad

Thank you for the sunlight because I hate the night time in this file oh hello I’ll just forget it oh it’s one of these things oh yeah there’s two is now the ladder a not the first a the second a I didn’t even think about that but yeah

The second a it’s an e but the first a is an a oh you have a really rough day Roblox isn’t working that’s it yeah it’s now going down there so I [ __ ] knew that I don’t need to do this I did not get it back why don’t you disappear

I don’t think it matters [ __ ] knew that it would be here I don’t know why I started going up that’s fine it’s going backwards interesting we need to go down like here let’s get the coordinates again not bad well not today I guess it’s gonna be that interesting give me the thing back

I don’t know if I actually got it back foreign interesting uh they’re like it’s nice it’s like proper winters like we have a good amount of snow it’s not like annoying amount of like it’s like some locations in Finland like they have a little bit of snow but it smell like

Metals every other day like they don’t get proper snow so at least we get the proper snow that’s what I do like about it it’s not like shites nil but it’s just the darkness that I don’t like like I kind of don’t care about the coldness either it’s just the darkness

Sounds like a lot of fun that way I’m definitely going to be losing that one uh in here it’s like 22 hours during like December something like that like we barely get any sunlight and it’s awful oh wow so that’s how you reload all the chunks

What would I do there what’s the point in reloading them a whole do I still need to hold it why am I struggling yeah I’m gonna explode oh okay well my PC is too fast so it doesn’t work for me I didn’t even do it correctly right foreign

I really don’t get where you want me to go I’m wasting all of this but it really doesn’t matter I’m not planning on killing the ender dragon today I’m just gonna mind down like I don’t know if it is in the Deep slate part of it

I don’t know how deep it is gonna be yet a piece is too good it’s what I would say or that way okay I have a and I need like if there’s none we need 12 in total but that’s fine so if there’s like four four already that’s actually really lucky

There it is okay now the thing is to hunt for the thing oh not the deep dark as well why do you need to have both like [ __ ] off game oh wow thank you again at least we [ __ ] are you actually kidding me foreign thing that’s so unlucky why

To be honest that’s the fastest that I’ve ever found the thing I hate this why do I have to have that as well oh boy I’m putting that in case I die why is there like is it actually always just the deep dark when you go deep enough like is there anything else

That’s so goddamn annoying so we’re missing some but that’s fine oh yeah that is true there like I really can’t see [ __ ] that’s one I don’t even have the good pants have a good time playing that game he says what a ravine that’s insane I like it

Okay so you just won’t be chatting well that’s fine is that the one that we’re just bonding could it be that they really are but also they’re really annoying he also the warden yeah it wasn’t the one that we broke I don’t know why I always Panic so badly

But what can I do for that foreign has to be down there um yeah I’m not gonna fight against it please let me find the thing I don’t want to deal with any of this [ __ ] yeah 1.9 I don’t think anyone likes that update foreign when I first made it into the ancient

City and stuff like that It didn’t spawn in without it’s just getting really [ __ ] annoying is it 1.18 I thought it came like the deep dark came in 1.18 but 1.19 added Warden wasn’t like a two-part update like it didn’t update completely foreign okay well again I haven’t been following the game too much

In the last few years oh well I said to say that at that point my mistake is acceptable what the [ __ ] is the shittiest thing scream and see [ __ ] I know that I can but running doesn’t help hold on to be honest that walking helps it’s not me activating those let’s [ __ ] it

Well it’s actually really useful to be honest like at the moment I’m pissed off that I don’t have it yeah mending is lovely I [ __ ] hate this but give me a way to find the the spawning in things it’s just always going to be there I don’t have the slightest idea where it

Is such a shitty end portal that’s nothing more than annoying like it’s mainly annoying nothing else I still hate it happens you really don’t get that much like I’ve already taken down three entities and not in cities the ancient cities like I’ve been to three of them and two

I have completely cleared out that’s not that good in my opinion at least [ __ ] is still here oh I hate this I kind of want to just make a wool box made out of wool around the end portal and that’s it like that’s probably the shittiest end portal that I’ve ever seen

Just a random Warden somewhere around it that’s the issue somewhere how the [ __ ] am I supposed to find it I’m just gonna get all my TNT that I have and explode the whole thing still here uh I hate this Jesus well I haven’t been playing the

Game with the force on four seals at all okay final despawned I don’t know where where to find them what do you mean what do you mean what do you mean oh are you talking about the bone bile with the bones I thought that was part of like I’m

Talking about the new Oracle Loki archeology [ __ ] that’s what I’m talking about I thought that had some sort of force sales in the game that’s like what I’m talking about um where can I find this didn’t say that I’m not playing with them you know we’re missing three that’s not

Bad I don’t know we’re miscommunicating a lot what am I talking about yeah I don’t know what we’re talking about oh my brain is Tiny it’s tiny too many things going on my audio Max yeah I guess it is that’s the coordinates but somewhere that way has to be

Girly can’t chase me into nether just in case just in case who knows who really knows at this point here oh that’s so funny like we were here just not that long ago it’s not that shitty because I think exactly where we are I don’t want to look at the coordinates

Because I think we I know exactly where we are again the way up is annoying I kind of knew that that was going to be the case because I’m on the ground or transforming what I said stuff yeah yeah it’s here like we were here these are my blocks

Yeah exactly huh but it wasn’t really close by so it’s understandable it’s it’s definitely not that whole I already forgot which hole it is that’s fine now I wish that I looked at the coordinates it’s this hole yeah there it is now every hole is a goal so I never

Forget which hole to use oh yeah I’m just gonna mind my way up uh well I don’t have like sadly they don’t fit there but if it oh well I just wasted my water I didn’t mean to do that sadly they are too small but I can try my best oh good sir

Um two minutes I’m just gonna make a pathway it’s the straight line oh burn that’s so rude and how would you know I haven’t leaked it like speed test I haven’t had a mishap this is like I’m really doing something really pointless oh there again that goes well it’s kind

Of a it’s a pulp beam basically not like it’s almost a straight line to my portal sure they have enough blocks I think I do I keep misplacing them which is annoying that’s that’s nice it’s a nice straight line you know the curves are nice sometimes but not today

Not about that straight [ __ ] well that’s actually exactly what we are about but still how high up are we we do need to go up what are we going through a 108 I think like a 850 and or 50 minus 450 I think are the coordinates and 108 it’s the height like

I again I didn’t need to write them down but I did but I do remember them I have a massive brain but then again we found the portal in like two seconds oh you gotta love it like that’s one of the things that those things that feels a little bit cringy

Yeah so much that’s so much energy where the [ __ ] am I thought I knew where I am but I don’t think I do I go past the portal is that what I did that’s where I came from I think oh they’re so bad that whole location looks just so weird

But apparently I didn’t even uh what day was it when did I upload the video I might have been 14. I’m quite sure that I was actually 14. And what year 2016. I was 14 at that point like watcher really lost and confused here I think uh but yeah I’m born in 2002 so I was 14 at that point because it’s 2016. so your math is a child’s math like if I’m born in 2002 it’s there’s no way

That I have been 15. if you’re rude I can be rude as well I’m making this way harder than what it’s what it needs to be like I didn’t need to do any of this I can easily find my way there I just don’t mind into lava

Nah I’m I can’t say that you’re not rude after the conversation that you had with idiot in Discord there’s no way that I can say that you’re not rude it’s like pointless they just told you what game he’s playing and you just win in on him for no reason

Like let the man play what he wants to play oh yeah that too like I probably shouldn’t be saying let the man play well who wants to play because yeah yeah but still let him cook let’s say that I need a pee break we have been reloading chunks a lot of them foreign

Foreign foreign don’t be mad yeah I put him like you might be actually better at zombies than I am where should I put this webcam why I can’t wait to install the new arm I it is a [ __ ] like yesterday like my webcam isn’t centered yesterday it was

Like almost all the way to the left and now they’re right I don’t know how my thing like switches up so much like for me it feels exactly the same I don’t know why like I I’m personally centered but somehow my webcam is to decide

And yeah I I feel like you could be better at zombies than I am like I I’m not good at them just a little bit of lag that’s a little bit too loud I feel like it’s just you but who knows peaceful music I don’t even remember my first time playing

Like first time I properly played it was in Black Ops 3 but I have played them on like what I said Black Ops one and stuff like that I have tried them out but properly doing like Easter eggs and stuff like that I would say it was Black Ops 3 thank you

It’s such a pointless pathway like I really don’t need it what it is what it is I feel like everyone was scared the first time playing zombies like how would you not be those there I am probably gonna put the these things in this one

Bits in the theme of it uh yeah I guessed here there as well lap is I don’t know I really don’t know it’s just it is what it is like I’m I’m gonna make the pathway but I can almost promise you that I’m never gonna use it it’s just gonna be

There and that’s about it it is what it is exactly and I was really hoping that the finding the portal would have taken a little bit longer because now I don’t have the slightest idea what we’re going to be doing today anymore I was expecting it to take like maybe

Two to three hours well not that long maybe like Max two hours at like doing the whole pathway Nether and stuff like that you can look I do think that I am going to be ending this stream somewhat soon so it’s fine I’m guessing you are break-onate

Oh yeah now actually doing it the slabs well it is what it is I have I still have so many slabs on okay it’s fine what a lovely music your song How do you want to switch it up to go there but I need a I don’t know why I said it right now Like I don’t want to burn this whole thing down just as a joke about why would I do that I think when we are done with the series I feel like the plan might be to just burn the whole place down why not Works that’s actually nice that’s fine It’s so important um foreign I wish it was I feel like I would play a lot more zombies if it actually was peaceful [ __ ] flowers and [ __ ] [ __ ] and then we go and do the same thing I don’t think I’m gonna be making all the fences today I think we are like right

At the end of today’s stream like I really didn’t know what to do next especially like a small thing that’s going to take like half an hour like I don’t know what to do that is like that why did I come back through the Deep slate I didn’t have any footballs at least

Now this is actually the cobbled Deep Sleep it is I wasn’t I didn’t even remember if that’s the case I’m not gonna do anything here because I’m still planning on building a bridge all the way there suppose we climb [Applause] it’s gonna be so bad so I really don’t

Want to do it at least today the flowers are the worst thing ever here we do have this I kind of want to put like stairs at an angle let’s see well let’s sleep first and then see what it would look like there’s those who can see from the

Outside so I feel like it might be cooler did you do something interesting with it I Spy I don’t Supply anything right there if I make staircases with these yeah they are cobbled that’s kind of obvious but I still wasn’t sure um That’s not what I wanted to do I actually have the perfect amount I think I might do I still might continue like a pathway here and make some sort of a item some sort of a thing there I feel like this works better as a block yeah that’s better

Exactly what I wanted to do I actually just want to place one like that [Applause] I think it’s gonna look okay I don’t know why I’m so focused like I have my knees up and all that [ __ ] oh yeah I feel like it’s fine in like these situations but that’s like a massive

Part so that’s why I feel like it’s better doing it like this I think I actually don’t know but I think [Applause] [Applause] it’s at least some sort of a pathway that’s the main thing but do you think that once this is done we’re gonna be down for today oh God

I’m gonna try and see if I can figure out something else to do quickly it’s nice it could be a like a little bit better um I’m mad about it I’m still gonna be doing this like that’s the main thing I’m still gonna be running across the whole thing

We can basically put something in the middle of this something interesting like a massive water fountain but I don’t think I’m gonna do anything like that um well then a pathway to their portal that’s one thing that we’re gonna do quickly but that’s about it I think once this half of the portals

Done that’s when we hold it today [Applause] why would I do that now this is gonna be annoying also we might as well continue all the way here okay nothing was amazing thing but I really couldn’t care unless it’s gonna build something random foreign stats definitely not enough see

That’s not gonna help it be enough God damn it um oh yeah actually that is enough that’s like perfectly enough for this section at least and I think we need one more pair of staircases you have one here oh yeah almost enough if we didn’t waste any there like

Misplaced them I feel like we would have had exactly the amount that we needed do you have enough that’s good foreign to be honest so I might as well keep it there maybe the side fits and then we’re going to be going through I I didn’t know how to commentate

Building that’s the main thing or issue with this game I don’t know how we recommend it like wow a block oh [ __ ] I told I put it at almost max volume when we had that nice song playing the good music but I totally forgot to put it down

It really is like I feel like I can sit in silence and just build but I don’t want to Bear into your guys’s soul at least you guys know that you have one piece I’m staring into it but still I kind of want to leave that there and put some flowers in it I don’t know just some aesthetic pieces well that’s exactly what I made but it’s like a pointless one like I’m not gonna be using it but I never use Pathways that’s why I normally

Don’t make them I got two minutes I don’t this is probably the first world in like a long time since I made a pathway to any of my things like I never do Pathways because I couldn’t care less but yeah those are some nice and I feel like I would have made it

Look horrible if I made it like diagonally or if that’s even the correct word um what am I I’m gonna connect this actually you know you’re talking about those two yeah I’m thinking about putting some flowers in them I don’t know if I have any nice ones

And I can’t basically put the saplings they’re never gonna grow up or sunflower let’s see well I’m gonna let it be like that [ __ ] it and it’s perfect it’s perfect that’s exactly how I wanted to put them like there’s no mistake that’s how they were supposed to be keep Miss clicking

That’s exactly how I wanted to wanted them to be so I’m gonna let them be I didn’t know which one I was supposed to be looking for that seeds in here and that’s about it um actually no let’s go and cover up the base the portal with wool that’s one

Thing that we can do today and then we’re gonna be done I’m expecting that we do it then well almost we’re almost talking about the same thing but I’m gonna do like the wall of room for the end portal another portal I.E I don’t know it’s in a safe location so

I really don’t think I need anything for it you can do that at a later date when I come up with some sort of a plan for it oh yes we’ll it’s exactly the perfect thing that we should be doing we could basically do the Bastion today

But I feel like that’s better left for the next stream although we might die bill and we are going to be dying first just a little bit I can cut this down finally and this one as well a nice location for the portal we’re definitely going to be dying

There’s no question about it oh God I’m somewhat terrified uh yes I would be swimming tomorrow uh probably not Minecraft because we are going to be getting the Texas Chainsaw Massacre game so I think I will be streaming that tomorrow um soon I’d say soon I’d say that we’re gonna be trying

Out the Ender Dragon but yeah tomorrow is going to be Texas Chainsaw Massacre it’s it’s like dead by day like Bob I tell you a little bit scarier but I don’t think it’s gonna be that scary I don’t know I tried to get into the what is it

Debated but I didn’t get access to it sadly it would have been nice to play the beta and try it out but I didn’t get access well let’s wait for the [ __ ] to despawn and then we’re gonna go and do the thing uh they it is from the same developer so

It’s gonna be a lot more like Friday than 13th so I feel like it will be fun as well I didn’t watch too many videos on the game when people were trying out the paid about I think they see a little bit it seems fun

But it’s gonna be like it is from the same devil developer so yeah please see spawn hopefully it works oh God it’s already like this is why I hate when I’m late for a stream like it’s already midnight for me God damn I gotta go to sleep ASAP but I

Need to take my dog off for a quick walk as well we’re gonna be waiting for this thing this despawn all right guys and despawned just yet because I don’t think we have enough wall bar we have summer mode at least it doesn’t work sadly with the warden just please the Eastbourne

Oh it’s still here okay there it goes perfect this pathway’s so annoying but I’m not gonna be using this anymore around the whole place with wool and hopefully that fixes it like I don’t think I’m gonna be exploring any of the end dungeon as well it’s really unlucky they have like the

Library and stuff like that but I couldn’t care less because of the ancient city just all for nothing else okay and we definitely don’t have enough yeah yeah especially like if I waste blocks like these like I wanted to make it into a box but I don’t even care about that

I’m just going to make it a silent pathway there ah [ __ ] it I don’t have enough anyway so it really doesn’t matter it’s nowhere enough and just do the outlines of this I can but I just for some reason I want to make a whole room out of ball um

Like just a pathway it’s definitely doable for shits and giggles I want to cover the whole room in wool even for me yes and different colors as well it’s going to be so disgusting but I don’t care and this needs to be really high it’s not that bad

I just need to make this a little bit higher and that’s about it yeah don’t do that don’t even consider it but I’m gonna go back to base and then we’re gonna be ending today’s stream ly enough yeah I don’t think too many people care about it in Finland either but you still

Shouldn’t do it even if like people in your country don’t care it doesn’t mean that you should do it oh boy that’s gonna be such a long thing well to be honest not that bad well then again if your friend is like you can mess around with him if he’s fine with it

Okay I don’t know if we’re gonna be sleeping we’re gonna be looking at the sun no it’s the Sunrise it’s daytime well to be honest it’s good to continue from here the next time which is most likely gonna be Saturday hopefully I don’t know I might not be able to

Train on Saturday and Sunday Monday should be back but I guess we’ll see I do want to stream on Saturday oh yeah that’s really for today thanks for joining me and simply if you want to help the channel I’ll leave a comment something some kind of a comment in this stream

After I ended like say something say that I have a nice Pole I don’t know say something like all that helps but yeah simply thanks for joining me have a good rest of the day of the night or whatever time it is for you and yeah yeah don’t say that but yeah

Simply again thank you for joining me and we’ll be playing Texas Chainsaw Massacre tomorrow or at least that’s the plan but we’ll see thanks again thank you for joining me that’s been if today and yeah it’s not 3am but almost but yeah thank you and see you I misclicked and there we go

This video, titled ‘Exploration! – MINECRAFT’, was uploaded by Seitari on 2023-08-17 21:39:21. It has garnered 75 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 02:57:40 or 10660 seconds.

We have a home we have a decent setup so today it is time to see what the world has to offer! This time I will complete the game mainly because I won’t do hardcore. Playing hardcore is a little bit more interesting because there’s stakes in the game but I just can’t find the motivation to play it because if I die I lose everything so now I won’t lose anything so we can mess around a bunch! Join us on discord! https://discord.gg/8TaPn6JWqg (still a little bit of work in progress)

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    Unveiling the Secret Features of Minecraft: China Edition with Fundy!Video Information This video, titled ‘So I got access to Minecraft: China Edition…’, was uploaded by Fundy on 2024-06-08 13:15:42. It has garnered 631109 views and 46280 likes. The duration of the video is 00:15:44 or 944 seconds. Get a sweeeeeeeet deal on NordVPN here!: https://nordvpn.com/fundy Access to Minecraft: China Edition was.. not easy. But we did it, and oh boy was it worth showing! Hope you enjoy this one! It’s a tad different than usual, bit more documentary-style but nevertheless this was super fun to make, and I really hope you enjoy this one! Let me know what you… Read More

  • Krewso Cinema SMP: Orcean Update – Full Stream

    Krewso Cinema SMP: Orcean Update - Full StreamVideo Information This video, titled ‘Cinema SMP – Episode 11 “Orcean Update” – FULL STREAM’, was uploaded by The Krewso on 2024-05-17 14:18:25. It has garnered 232 views and 18 likes. The duration of the video is 02:00:56 or 7256 seconds. CINEMA SMP is an experimental Minecraft series that combines authentic, unscripted adventure with robust, improvised cinematography… LIVE! Tune into the streams to catch the events in real time & interact with the cast, or follow the story via edited highlight reels! Cinema SMP takes place in a modified Minecraft game/world, curated & overseen by the cinematographer. The players don’t… Read More

  • The ULTIMATE Minecraft Survival Challenge! EPISODE 1 🔥

    The ULTIMATE Minecraft Survival Challenge! EPISODE 1 🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT MULTIPLAYER SURVIVAL SERIES | MAXCIKO SMP | EP 1 | #SenpaiSpider #technogamerz #minecraft’, was uploaded by MoizXD on 2024-03-29 17:48:57. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. bixu #tecnoblade #senpaispider #senpaispider #psd1 #bixu #dream#yessmartypie#tecnoblade#technogamerz In this video I play … Read More

  • Minecraft Pro Builds EPIC City in 1 Year!

    Minecraft Pro Builds EPIC City in 1 Year!Video Information This video, titled ‘I build Small Village in Minecraft Creative mode 2024 Day 3149’, was uploaded by HU Smart Gamer on 2024-01-05 09:00:03. It has garnered 246 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 00:02:16 or 136 seconds. I build Small Village in Minecraft Creative mode 2024 Day 3149 Read More

  • EPIC PUBG Gameplay + Minecraft Dragon SMP Live 🔥

    EPIC PUBG Gameplay + Minecraft Dragon SMP Live 🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Dragon Smp Live | Live Smp’, was uploaded by pubg yt gaming 123 on 2024-01-04 15:22:05. It has garnered 2869 views and 87 likes. The duration of the video is 03:17:59 or 11879 seconds. Hi, I am Minecraft gaming creator so subscribe my channel for best content Read More

  • Insane Roblox stream series! Road to 1K Hive in Minecraft Bedrock!

    Insane Roblox stream series! Road to 1K Hive in Minecraft Bedrock!Video Information This video, titled ‘It’s been a while also Roblox stream later!! road to 1k Hive (Minecraft Bedrock)’, was uploaded by Rimin on 2024-04-03 11:42:06. It has garnered 59 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 01:43:12 or 6192 seconds. HEllo everyone im live playing some hive on minecraft bedrock and not only just live on YT also live on my Twitch so you can chech it out with the link below this so if you enjoy this make sure to share My Twitch!!: https://www.twitch.tv/theriminyt Also join the discord server https://discord.gg/cCvtdmv6rk Wanna help support the channel… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Survival Multiplayer with Myamara! #13

    Insane Minecraft Survival Multiplayer with Myamara! #13Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft 自由に遊ぶ/マルチプレイ #13’, was uploaded by みゃまらとカンパニー on 2024-01-16 16:17:24. It has garnered 41 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 03:43:03 or 13383 seconds. ■【This time’s members】■ Myamatan (pink cat) Matsuno-kun (yellow) Starfish Love (Shiba Inu) Beriko (red glasses) ▽▼▽▼If you enjoyed it, please subscribe ▽▼▽▼▽▼▽▼▽▼▽▼▽▼▽▼ ◆Youtube channelhttps://www.youtube.com/@myamatangame ◆Niconico Communityhttps://com.nicovideo.jp/community/co167210 ◆Twitter https://twitter.com/myamatan ▽▼▽▼ Thanks ▽▼▽▼▽▼▽▼▽▼▽▼▽▼▽▼ Live2D model ▶ Kunisaki Fumiohttps://twitter.com/fumio_kunisaki ▷BTP https://btp.peacecare.net/ Comment Viewer ▶ Comment app for streamers “WanCome”https://onecomme.com#VTuber #Game Streaming Read More

  • DazzerPlays GRINDS Ironman Profile F7 + Giveaway?!

    DazzerPlays GRINDS Ironman Profile F7 + Giveaway?!Video Information This video, titled ‘Grinding Dungeons (F7) then Ironman Profile GRIND (Giveaway???) Hypixel Skyblock!’, was uploaded by DazzerPlays on 2024-03-03 21:25:45. It has garnered 757 views and 63 likes. The duration of the video is 01:43:37 or 6217 seconds. DONATE ($1 tts) ➡️ https://streamelements.com/yedazzer/tip (LIVE) Twitch ➡️ https://www.twitch.tv/yedazzer #minecraft #minecraftskyblock #hypixelskyblock Second Channel! ➡️ https://www.youtube.com/soapiee Follow Me! Twitter ➡️ https://twitter.com/imDazzer Discord ➡️ https://discord.gg/GxuHWdkhUM Check Out My Hypixel Skyblock Island Members! Goochi – https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCkbD4P0wRdgFKlJUc_yMnNQ swerve – https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCPF6WdxyBDj7Cr1AO2rMvZg Check Out More Hypixel Skyblock Videos! Read More

  • JUICY Hashira Training?! | Demon Slayer: Bounty Killer ep. 12

    JUICY Hashira Training?! | Demon Slayer: Bounty Killer ep. 12Video Information This video, titled ‘OUR HASHIRA TRAINING ARC!?! | Demon Slayer: Bounty Killer [#12] – Minecraft’, was uploaded by ButterJaffa on 2024-05-30 16:00:37. It has garnered 50952 views and 3199 likes. The duration of the video is 00:26:36 or 1596 seconds. Heyyy Guyyyss & welcome back to Demon Slayer: Bounty Killer, an evolving series… meaning EVERY EPISODE things change in a new or big way!! Though the series we evolve as a Demon and get bigger and bigger challenges as we play, all for the setup of my next BIG series… Demon Slayer: Island Akuma!!! 💛 – Subscribe for… Read More

  • ambush

    ambushthis is a server with no plugins or mods or texture i don’t know what else to put here the server it’s normal minecraft ok what else do you want me to put here Read More

  • The Lodge: Semi-Vanilla SMP Whitelist Fabric CurseForge

    Looking for active and mature players to join a new long-term Java server The Lodge is a semi-vanilla server with mods such as player shops, claims and grieving protection, more biomes, graves, and more structures. Features include: Player shops 💰 Claims and grieving protection 🏳 More biomes 🪷 Graves 🪦 More structures 🏘 Routine events: Ender dragon fight 🐲 Halloween specials 🎃 Tournaments 🏁 And more Join us: Comment or DM for details on how to join and for additional information on the server. Discord is required. Read More

  • Cryptic MC

    Cryptic MCCryptic MC is a new Upcoming Minecraft Network containing Bedwars, lifesteal with Skyblock coming soon more info can be found within our website or in our discord if you have any questions or need support contact use on discord or via the tickets on our website if you have ideas/features you wish to have added to the server(s) in the future post them on the forums Read More

Exploration! – MINECRAFT