Exploring Alex’s Secret Caves in Minecraft!

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Did you love the caves and cliffs update then this is for you this is Alex’s caves one of the most adventurous Minecraft mods created by the author of Alex’s mobs this massive Forge mod introduces a series of extraordinary rare cave biomes brimming with unique blocks items and creatures let’s dive

Deeper on a Subterranean adventure and explore what’s hidden beneath in this mod showcase the main guide in the mod is called the cave compendium it’s basically a craftable guide book that allows you to see General content about the mod it kind of acts like an in-game

Wiki of sorts you can find these in loot chests or Barrels in underground cabins with a 50% chance although the crafting recipe will be on screen as follows the book provides insightful documentation about everything within the mod this is the biomes mobs and the general progression that the mod yields it’s

Broken down into chapters and you can unlock further knowledge to unlock this information particularly the five different biome sections you need to use the corresponding type of cave codex for that biome to obtain cave codices you need to complete the research of a cave tablet within the spunker table this is

The interface of the spery table you’ll need to provide a cave tablet which you can find within underground cabin structures which I’ll show you in a few moments and some paper you’re basically going to have to play a mini game where you decipher the cave tablets using the

Magnifier you can match the words from Clues from your trial and error attempts this is limited by the availability of paper that you have in your inventory for those those who struggle doing it the normal way I’ll display a handy little decipher guide from the wiki on

Screen right now which makes it a lot easier to do you just have to match up the letters to the English words and then crack the codes after using the Codex though you’ll unlock the information in the chapters within the cave compendium book The First Step though is to locate

An underground cabin which are found under the surface in the Overworld this is where you will find the cave tablets within a chest inside and also this is the only place where we can find the spun cre table to start the deciphers I do note that these cabins can spawn in

All of the Overworld biomes it can be difficult to locate these underground due to their Subterranean placement but if you do explore Min shaft structures you can find in their chests underground cabin maps and you can also buy these off certain cartographer villagers these will point you in the direction to the

Nearest undiscovered underground cabin which makes it a lot easier to find than manually doing so without it once you’ve obtained a particular cave codex for a certain biome in the crafting grid surrounded by eight pieces of paper to obtain the biome map for that cave biome after using the map and acquiring it

You’ll have to wait a few moments for the map to populate before you can use it this is because it needs to scan a 10,000 block radius of the surrounding targeted biome then you can just follow it like a normal vanilla treasure map to find the cave biome this is the magnetic

Caves it’s a dark biome illuminated by huge neodymium crystals this cave is is built up of a native Stone type called Galina which is rich in iron and it can be packed and smelted into iron pieces this is very dangerous biome to Traverse mainly due to the ferromagnetic

Properties of armor types chain mail netherite and iron meaning you’ll be magnetized around and there’s a decent amount of monsters with very powerful attacks which are dangerous and can surprise you for the wrong reasons as you can see there’s two different cor types of neodymium this is the main

Resource of the magnetic caves and it comes in two forms the Azor the blue and the Scarlet which is the red the Azor is the repelling force and the Scarlet acts as an attracting force of course based off the Sid of a magnum these pylons are called Galina

Spires which are topped by Tesla bulbs which erupt electric and lightning charges out of them and can damage nearby mobs if these are struck with a projectile or mind they’ll begin to rapidly pulse damaging lightning before exploding this is a telor it’s basically a hovering Android Droid that uses

Antenna to magnetize any iron tool and then it can use it to attack anyone from afar using the player’s own utensils against him from a range here you can see a combination of different mobs the bound droids which are flying automatons that fly around and cling to the ceiling and also the

Magnetron which you can see is the primary mob attacking me right now these mysterious robots are able to make a powerful shell to defend themselves by pulling in surrounding blocks to create an armor for itself and as you can see they’re pretty hard to defeat you have

To Target their head or their body core to do damage to them and they’re super tanky and they can also knock you up in the sky here’s an example of the magnetization effect when wearing wearing armor as you can see I got knocked back by an arrow from the

Skeleton into one of the crystal segments and I actually struggled to actually detach myself from it also note that this allows you to walk up and down them vertically but if you’re crowded by a group of mobs like I was in this situation it becomes almost impossible to get

Out here’s a nice bird’s eye view of the actual cabern itself and what you can expect within the magnetic Caves here’s a Showcase of all the mobs within the magnetic caves biome first of all we have the telor the hovering Androids that we showed earlier we have the magnetron which creates the powerful shell from surrounding blocks bound droids which cling to the ceilings of the caves and can Crush outsiders with

Heavyweight heads ferah slimes which are slimes made out of liquid metal that canuse together to become bigger and stronger and also notor which are small drones that can scan for any potential surrounding Intruders and then report them to their Allied mobs these are defensive mobs that aren’t typically

Dangerous themselves but they can call for Hostile Mobs to attack you then we also have the resistor Shield which creates a magnetic torrent of energy which Slams on the ground and can damage enemies as you can see this has some really cool effects and it’s particularly useful against magnetic

Enemies and using it within the magnetic caves Bio the primordial caves is a biome themed around prehistoric life of different kinds well lit by the Amber blocks on the ceiling this cave biome has a huge crevice underground and particularly is the biggest in size there’s a very high ambient light level rendered by the game in this biome The

Rock within the primordial caves is made up primarily of limestone with thinner layers of sandstone in between you can also notice the archaic Vines which hang and drape on the biome ceiling complemented by the glowing Amber clusters the primordial caves is home to many different species of animals and

Dinosaurs some of which attack each other and some of the completely passive and just mind their own business foraging this biome perhaps has some of the most atmospheric Ambiance sounds and music which really makes you feel immersed when playing you may also find the tribal campsite structures these are small

Humble abats hidden within the primordial caves perhaps lived in by tribe members although these AR mobs that you can actually find in the mod yet these are marked by cave paintings and murals on the wall NS and campfires on the ground and usually a second floor

You can climb up and access a chest which actually has some useful items of survival such as throwable Limestone Spears and other Survival equipment like Amber animal hides and coal very primitive things the Limestone Spears are pretty cool but they don’t particularly do that much damage to

Dinosaurs and they take a very long time to actually kill them particularly with this Triceratops Style dinosaur here which I’m going to show you as an Example you can notice the sub pteranodons aqua blue yellow theasaurus which you can see flying around the primordial caves with amazing ambient sounds these guys sometimes passively crawl on the ground or Roost within this biome and can also be tamed with trilo Caris which are taals which you can use

To tame them and make them stay follow or wand the player you can actually fly these which kind of perform in a similar fashion to a light Tri but much Better You can also use codfish to actually breed sub pteranodons as well the trosa is the apex predator akin to a tyrannosaurus which spawns within the primordial caves alone and immediately starts haunting for food you’ll not these by their loud Roars and thundering footsteps which causes other surrounding mobs to panic and run away

And it’ll also knock the sub tanons out of the sky whilst they’re flying this mob has a normal bite attack and also a thrash attack surprisingly you can actually tame these mobs as well but it takes a long and complicated process to do so you first need to stun it with a

Primitive club which stuns any mob and then feed it a Serene salad which snaps out of being stunned you then need to keep repeating this until the trem aurus is tamed kind of like in a similar fashion to how you can actually tame horses you can also mount it and use it

As some kind of fashionable War Mount which will attack any mobs which you actually hit Yourself W in a very similar fashion to how the nether works just like with Glowstone you can actually Mount the Amber Crystal nodes and actually mine them on the roof of the cave that is of course if you find a way to the top you can mine the

Amber as well as the illuminent light blocks which sit in the center of them which are called amberol which emit that rotating light which you can notice even from the very bottom of the biome as you look up to the cave ceiling this is the reishus a type of grazing blue and

Purple orous which is supposed to resemble a dinus you can see these strutting around the primordial caves grazing on various Flor surrounding them these are neutral although you can feed them a primordial soup which makes them go into a frenzy and knock down all the trees around Them Here’s a Showcase of all the mobs in the biome including the vum Raptors which are pack hunting Raptors that swarm prey in large numbers and can open doors and chests the grow to ceratops which is a prehistoric M based upon the Triceratops and can be bred using tree Stars And also the triloc haris which we mentioned briefly earlier these are small red aquatic arth prods found in every single small water pool within the cave resembling trilobites as well as mob spawn eggs we also have native eggs which are actually hatched for each species of mob inside this biome which

Is why you’ll notice that when mobs were bred earlier they didn’t instantly give birth but Rod they lay an egg instead toxic caves is a dark and dangerous cave which is filled with bubbling radioactive acid and uranium ore is filled with apocalyptic ruins and monsters like brainiacs and nucleus

Which you’ve probably seen from those huge Atomic explosions from the trailer there’s a very muted and quiet Ambiance to this biome with rumbling sounds Echoes and Faded clickers of Gea counters the walls of this cave are lined by the dark green stone type called rad Rock and blocks like sulfur

Which is constructed in Pillars around the cave along with sulf crystals uranium can be obtained by mining rad Rock uranium ore is radioactive and simply just having it in your inventory can give you the radiated effect which makes you glow this material can be crafted from shards to blocks and it’s

Used in many different crafting recipes in the mod such as for creating the nuclear furnace component the siren the rod and more the new creepers are cybor creepers which can create an explosion equivalent to a small atomic bomb as you can see if I kill it before it actually

Explodes you get a special achievement but I’m also going to show you what happens when you actually let it trigger and explode let’s just say it causes a whole lot of lag and a lot of blocks to break and in some cases you to either

Die or to be blown out of this world Literally and of course when dealing with radioactive waste always come equipped with the Hazmat suit shout out to anyone that notices the Breaking Bad reference here on the achievement you can also see the radiated effect which I have on my player as well from the radioactive

Elements in the biome perhaps one one of the most coolest elements of this mod is the ray gun weapon which reminds me of Call of Duty zombies but it doesn’t really operate in the same way that the cod zombies rayun does because instead of just shooting out projectiles this

Shoots out a constant beam which gets more accurate the longer you hold it down it’s basically projecting a radioactive laser which you can see really does a lot of damage over Time one thing that a lot of people have being anticipating is the nuclear bomb block which definitely for sure packs a big boom in fact it actually crashed my world it made that much of an impact it made me blow out of this world you basically right click on the Block and

Acquired the remote Detonator item and then trigger the explosion and then hope to God that it doesn’t Crash Your World which it probably will and you probably won’t see the mushroom cloud effect as you can see my world just got crashed and when it resumes I just got

Teleported to absolutely in the middle of nowhere near some islands this is the Abyssal Chasm an underwater biome found exclusively underneath surface oceans which are filled with Mobs like tube worms and strange ruins home of the powerful deep wands which are very similar to Naga and also Hall

Breaker the boss which you probably don’t want to see whilst you’re in a submarine this is an extremely dark biome which simulates the deep sea where you’d expect fish like anglerfish to reside you can hear sounds of submarines and the light has completely dissipated as you’re clearly underneath in the ocean trench

You can find some structures within this biome one notable one being the oxidized seab base which is home for divers and researchers which has been long abandoned if you break inside its walls and Traverse through its hallways which are pressure locked by iron doors then you can usually find some great loot in

Here particularly of note being the diving gear which allows you to swim in the deep underwater Pressure There’s also some resources like a blast furnace and upgrade station now for some mobs first of all we have lantern fish which are small bioluminescent fish we also have sea pigs which are deep sea cucumbers tripod fish which is Slender fish with still like fins Gama worms which are large

Fluorescent worms that gracefully swim throughout the abysal orasm then the AFF mentioned legendary mythical deep ones which are humanoid anglerfish the standard ones which cautiously stalk Outsiders and throw ink bombs at them if they get close Knights which defend their allies using Trident and mages which are humanoid moon

Jellies which defend themselves by manipulating the surrounding Waters moving gracefully through the ocean mind Guardians act as artificial Guardians which are anchored to the Sea floor protecting the oxidized sea bases and can cause explosions that destroy blocks even underwater hle Breakers are terrifying leviathans which attack any

Source of light whilst in the deep sea and they can actually tear Naval vessels to shreds which particularly poses a danger to you if you’re using the submarine although the submarine when driven by the player is mostly impenetrable to many of the mobs the bright flood lights that it gives off

Draws attention within the Abyssal Chasm particularly from the hole breaker itself and dangerous mobs the hole breaker is drawn to glowing mobs of all kinds and your submarine gives off a whole lot of light you can Ascend and descend in the submarine and you can go above water above the ocean biome and

Then descend all the way down into the abyss or Chasm into the deep water trench which is really immersive and this is how it really looks when you’re not using a potion of night vision it’s extremely Eerie dark and chilling but when you explore things like skeletons

And things on the sea Flor it’s really rewarding now I’m going to show you an example of emerging from the top of the ocean blanket and then submerging and going right down below to the very depths of the VIS orasm to show you just how deep it goes and we’ll begin from

The top of this ice Biome I also want to show you this really cool sea staff item that you can get which kind of acts as some kind of mageik weapon which fires water projectiles now as you can see the particle effects are really cool on the Sprites here but let me explain something even cooler as you

Can see on the ground now the particles of these water splashes which pop up on the ground are very reminiscent of the ones teased for Minecraft and lastly we have the four loone Hollows an extremely dark biome composed of Guan stone full of dark dangerous forces controlled by the under

Zealots which Patrol the biome itself who look for sacrifice vies to appease their dark Forces they prey to and to create more Watchers and Forsaken this is where you can find structures like the undel Burrows which kind of act as dark shrines with monoliths and different decorative pieces inside this is a more accurate representation of what the biome actually looks like when we modify the light levels by taking a night fishing

Potion of course the biome is usually pitch black and a lot darker than this but it gives you a better idea of what’s actually within it you can see examples of all the different mobs which are scattered around the spines and the general terrain these are the under

Zealots humanoid mole people that wear black robes worshiping dark gods they usually spawn in large groups and they live in darkness cuz they hate the light they can perform rituals and turn normal wild life of the biome into Abominations you’ll notice that these mobs can actually go beneath the surface and

Disappear and then they’ll return to attack you and Ambush you from different directions which makes them particularly hard to fight if you don’t have very good gear but fortunately if you do they don’t really do much damage upon their death they’ll drop items like dark tatters and sometimes a des dagger which

I’ll show you in the item demonstration later in this Segment glue moths are large moths that flutter through throughout the fall on Hollows and attracted to sources of light of course they have a lesser dislike of light to the mole people I just showed you they look quite graceful as they fly through the sky although I

Wouldn’t really like to see one in real life watches all creepy humanoids which are created when a glue moth is corrupted by the darkness they can possess their victims and force them to see the world through their eyes it’s kind of like you’re being stalked from a

POV shot on a horror movie which makes them kind of annoying to fight because if you get close then they’ll possess you in status and you have to see from their point of view again which gets kind of repetitive and annoying so you have to keep your Distance corrodents are large hideous rats that will borrow out of the ground to attack their prey but they’re definitely afraid of light so placing down a light source will help you in fighting them but just like the other mobs they can borrow under the ground and surprise attack you

And sometimes depending on where you are you might get attacked by more at once I entered into a fight with one of them and then another one came to attack me as well Vesper are giant bats that hang from the ceiling and they’ll swoop down on anyone expecting prey from the skies you may see them flying on the biomes but for the most part they’re just hanging upside down in the dark and due to their size and look they’re definitely more

Scary than the normal typical bats which you’ll also find within this biome and you’ll also notice that the cultists actually perform some kind of rituals or prey to these bats and they can also land and Nestle on the Head now I want to cover some of the cool Loot and items from the fall on Hollows including some of the weapons which drop and some of the armor sets you can acquire we have the cloak of Darkness armor set which you can craft from the

Silk which drops from the culus as well as this awesome Bell which I’m going to show demonstration on the squid which fires a set of four or five arrows in a cone another item the desolate dagger is a drop from the under zel Alters this item when you attack mobs summons the

Knives above them to attack them from above their head the more you attack a mob the more of these knives which will spawn around them and then slice them it’s a pretty cool effect most of the biomes in Alexa’s caves have their own native wood types as you can see

Thornwood is the native wood type to the fullone hollows which is a nice little wood set that you can build with there’s some pretty nice decorative pieces like this poer block but I particularly like the Thornwood boats and also the Thornwood chest boats which have definitely a really creepy Halloween

Vibe to them kind of like the from some kind of Timberon movie or something especially if you’re wearing the armor with the glowing eyes when you’re sailing at night on the water it looks really Insidious and epic thanks for watching this Minecraft mod showcase on Alex’s caves if you enjoyed this video

Give it a like and make sure to subscribe for the best Minecraft mod videos and showcases on YouTube as well as other games like Terraria and if I missed anything from this showcase or if you have any thoughts please leave them in the comments below and also tell me

Mods that you want me to cover next in the comments as Well

This video, titled ‘Alex’s Caves (Minecraft Mod Showcase 1.20.1)’, was uploaded by thebluecrusader on 2023-11-28 06:56:38. It has garnered 952 views and 44 likes. The duration of the video is 00:27:34 or 1654 seconds.

🌌 Alex’s Caves (Minecraft Mod Showcase 1.20.1) 🎮 DINOSAURS, TOXIC CREEPERS, NUKEZ, SUBMARINES, CRYSTALS & RAY GUN!

Alex’s Caves Wiki: https://alexscaves.wiki.gg/wiki/Main_Page Download the Mod: https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/alexs-caves

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Welcome to a new realm of Minecraft with ‘Alex’s Caves Mod’! 🌌 In this Minecraft Mod Showcase, ‘thebluecrusader’ explores the depths and wonders of Alex’s Caves, a mod that transforms your Minecraft experience. 🎮

Journey through the unique biomes like the Abyssal Chasm and the Primordial Caves. Watch as we delve into the Toxic Caves, uncover the secrets of the Magnetic Caves, and even pilot a submarine in the depths of this mod’s oceans! 🌊

In this episode, we’ll also test out the Alex’s Caves Nuke, showcasing the mod’s potential for both creative and survival gameplay. Whether you’re a Minecraft veteran or a mod enthusiast, this showcase is packed with insights and excitement. ⛏️

Discover why Alex’s Caves is among the best Minecraft mods for survival and creativity. This showcase covers everything from the mod’s walkthrough to a comprehensive review, giving you a closer look at the exciting features like the unique cave systems and the innovative tools and items it offers. 🔍

For Minecraft players looking to enhance their 1.20.1 experience with forge mods, this Alex’s Caves showcase is a must-watch. Subscribe to ‘thebluecrusader’ for more Minecraft mod showcases and reviews. Don’t miss out on the latest and greatest in Minecraft forge mods! 🎉

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Timestamps: 0:00 – Introduction 0:22 – Getting Started 2:53 – Magnetic Caves 6:51 – Primordial Caves 13:38 – Toxic Caves 17:18 – Abyssal Chasm 21:45 – Forlorn Hollows 27:09 – SUBSCRIBE

#AlexsCaves #MinecraftMods #ModShowcase #Minecraft2023 #ForgeMods #MinecraftForge #MinecraftSurvival #ModReview #MinecraftAdventure #Gaming” Alex’s Caves (Minecraft Mod Showcase 1.20.1)

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    CLIX REVEALS ALPHA GIRL IN FORTNITEVideo Information This video, titled ‘CLIX SHOWS CUTE GIRL WHOS THE ALPHA #fortnite #clixboxfights #twitch #clixfortnite #funny’, was uploaded by FortNutBr on 2024-03-06 11:35:53. It has garnered 4 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:58 or 58 seconds. 313,buckefps,clix,mongraal,motor,EU,NAE,NAW,Na central,central,Fn,Fortnite,Editing,Free Highlights Editor,Minecraft,Gaming,FUnny,Kids,Bugha,Dukezfn,SypherPk,Derekgraz,PilatFN,WebsterFN,Shorts,Tiktok,Tiktok CLips,Stream Clips,24Hr Stream Tags : fortnite PS5 controller sensitivity pc, fortnite PS5 controller sensitivity settings, fortnite PS5 controller sensitivity , fortnite PS5 controller sensitivity guide, fortnite controller sensitivity season 4, fortnite controller sensitivity x and y, fortnite controller sensitivity ps5, fortnite controller sensitivity bug, best ps5 controller sensitivity fortnite, fortnite ps5 controller building sensitivity,… Read More

  • Unbelievable Gold Farming Trick in Minecraft!!!🔥🤯 #shorts

    Unbelievable Gold Farming Trick in Minecraft!!!🔥🤯 #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘how to make a gold farm in Minecraft 🤯🔥#minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by Prashant Tech on 2024-01-13 11:43:20. It has garnered 7469 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:12 or 12 seconds. Today I am going to build a gold farm in Minecraft. This was insane. Like and subscribe This is not Minecraft but challenges. This is not Minecraft 100 days. This is a Minecraft short and tutorial video This video is a joke. So don’t take it to serious. #Minecraft #short Read More

  • “BirS Neo Discovers Deadly Chara Virus 19 in Minecraft!” #clickbait

    "BirS Neo Discovers Deadly Chara Virus 19 in Minecraft!" #clickbaitVideo Information This video, titled ‘Chara Virus 19 #charavirus #minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by Бирс Neo on 2024-02-28 07:38:45. It has garnered 178 views and 11 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:58 or 58 seconds. ТЕГИ, НЕ ЧИТАТЬ #funny #chara #charavirus #minecraftshorts #minecraft #mcpe #animation #mod #monsterschool #minecraftshorts #undertale #shorts #villager #addon #pokemon #tutorial #world #mods #edition #pocket #minecraftanimation #luckyblock #creeper #meme #app #ios #free #dinosaur #car #guns #download #editor #fnaf #herobrine #hack #dantdm #addons #minecraftpe #planet #tutorail #pixelmon #plane #tank #alieninvasion #maker #creator #furniture #pack #decoration #blocks #furnicraft #crazycraft #map #bedrock #mincraft #review #minecraftmemes #minecraftmonsterschool #tnt #evolution… Read More

  • Flicked SMP

    Flicked SMPThe #1 Minecraft Lifesteal SMP! Kill a player to gain a heart… This an amazing competitive server where you can attempt to take over and rule the server! flicked.net Read More

  • Altitude Community SMP McMMO Land Claim Econ 1.20.4

    Altitude Community IP: play.alttd.com Website: alttd.com Rules: alttd.com/rules Discord: discord.gg/TGqpzCJ Blog/News: alttd.com/blog Who are we? Altitude is a community-centered survival network that focuses on providing a home-like environment for players. Our server is designed for older players, but all are welcome to join. We’ve been serving players since 2015 and have created new worlds for every major Minecraft release. Features: 1.20.x Survival Map Land claiming with GriefPrevention Basic teleportation (/home and /back) McMMO & MyPet Dynmap: alttd.com/map Economy with player shops Custom warp plugin for towns Monthly server events Explore our custom features suggested by the community and built in-house:… Read More

  • Survival Legends

    Survival LegendsHello! Survival Legends is a community brought together by a group of friends who decided they wanted to open a Survival SMP that was free-to-play at its heart.The server is open to all, and we wish to craft an amazing experience for every player within our abilities!We are constantly trying to fine tune and improve the server and make it all the better!We hope you join us in ushering in a wonderful experience!Welcome to Survival Legends! Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “We’ve all had that one friend who never finds diamonds”

    Minecraft Memes - "We've all had that one friend who never finds diamonds"“We’ve all had that one friend who takes forever to find diamonds…and then falls into lava five minutes later. RIP diamonds, you will be missed.” Read More

  • Neighbor’s House Boom: Minecraft Movie Mayhem

    Neighbor's House Boom: Minecraft Movie Mayhem In the world of Minecraft, a tale unfolds, Of a son who blew up the neighbors’ abode. With beats and rhymes, the story sings, Of a news reporter who only responds in rings. Crafting Minecraft news with a grin and a spin, Icing every update with a playful grin. In every pulsing line, the truth takes wing, As the crowd knows your face, your beats, and your art, they sing. Leap into the verse, no need for a start, For the crowd knows your face, your beats, and your art. Just spin the finest rhymes, let the story sing,… Read More

  • Minecraft Erika Meme🔥| #litAF #savage #memelord

    Minecraft Erika Meme🔥| #litAF #savage #memelord Why did Erika go to war in Minecraft? To mine for diamonds, of course! 💎 #miningforvictory #minecraftwarrior Read More

  • Join Minewind Minecraft Server for an Epic Gaming Experience!

    Join Minewind Minecraft Server for an Epic Gaming Experience! Welcome to NewsMinecraft.com! Are you a fan of Minecraft videos like the one you just watched? If so, you’ll love the immersive and exciting gameplay experience waiting for you on Minewind Minecraft Server. Join a community of passionate gamers who are dedicated to creating a unique and unforgettable Minecraft experience. With a variety of game modes to choose from, including survival, creative, and PvP, there’s something for everyone on Minewind. Whether you’re a seasoned player looking for a new challenge or a beginner just starting out, you’ll find a welcoming and supportive community ready to help you along the… Read More

  • Future of Minecraft on PS Vita | Worth it?

    Future of Minecraft on PS Vita | Worth it? Minecraft on PlayStation Vita: A Hidden Gem Exploring the world of Minecraft on the PlayStation Vita is a unique experience that many may not have had the chance to discover. Despite the handheld console’s discontinuation in 2019, the collaboration between Mojang, 4J Studios, and Sony Interactive Entertainment brought forth a special version of Minecraft tailored for the PS Vita in 2014. Exclusive Features and Gameplay The PlayStation Vita boasts impressive specs for a handheld device, including a 5-inch OLED display, 512MB of RAM, and a 4-core ARM Cortex-A9 processor. The game cartridge for Minecraft on the PS Vita is… Read More

  • New EPIC Garden Build! Watch Now! – NordBerg Minecraft

    New EPIC Garden Build! Watch Now! - NordBerg MinecraftVideo Information time for another trip see what I did there another trip another trip we now you got us throw a fit oh yeah oh yeah throwing a fit to save the world I think if we do the Hamachi Nord host it and we copy his Hamachi ipv4 address and put it in our [ __ ] to connect to it’ll work and then we have per Nordy servy that won’t go a wordy and the hell do I have a stone sword for for stoning for getting stoned see I see what you did there all right… Read More

  • Baldwin’s Crafting Mishap

    Baldwin's Crafting MishapVideo Information my intrusive thoughts won this battle This video, titled ‘Whoops…’, was uploaded by Crafting Baldwin on 2024-03-17 14:30:15. It has garnered 8797 views and 255 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:12 or 12 seconds. Trolling in Minecraft is hilarious! LOL! Villager climbing trees, tree climbing, tree climbing minecraft! Minecraft gameplay, Minecraft accent, Minecraft staring competition. Minecraft jump scare, Minecraft scary, Minecraft lit, Minecraft Realm, Minecraft Survival Realm, minecraft tryhard, minecraft sweat, minecraft nerd, vanilla minecraft, modded minecraft, swag minecraft, minecraft drip, minecraft edging, super lit minecraft #minecraft #minecraftshorts #minecraftvideos #viralminecraft #minecraftrealms #viral #minecraftcomic #minecraftcomedy #minecraftmeme #minecraftmemes… Read More

  • 🔥 SG GAMER 3.0 LIVE NOW! SUB GOAL 650 🔥 #MinecraftMadness

    🔥 SG GAMER 3.0 LIVE NOW! SUB GOAL 650 🔥 #MinecraftMadnessVideo Information This video, titled ‘LIVE !!!! SUB GOAL :650.. #minecraft #live #bedwarsmalaalam’, was uploaded by SG GAMER 3.0 on 2024-04-18 14:59:40. It has garnered 79 views and 8 likes. The duration of the video is 02:04:04 or 7444 seconds. DISCORD: https://discord.gg/krbX9JpXCA https://discord.gg/8WGzdxn5 : k4f mcslp.pika.host My s1 lets play world play list : https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLroOC4vwIkQ4YCpVHHVwb_S4n6Kr1V9qr My letsplay series season 2 play list : https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLroOC4vwIkQ4FcN6HoqbDZjN51pn8vHgR @MrBeastGaming @Sudhy @Firetekzteepori @MrKidPinky follow it for join k4f https://youtu.be/xDtmJPwiDRc?si=R-Ool8xSaCjcGRqZ #minecraft #bedwars #live #stream #gaming #epic #clutchplays #intensebattles #strategy #community #fun #entertainment #anarchy #arjunmp #arjunmpanarchy #bedwars #bedwarsmoments #bedwarsmalaalam #minecraftlive #minecraftlivestream #malayalam #malayalamgaminglive #malayalamgamingcommunity #k4f #dribbles #pikaminecraft… Read More

  • Insane Adventures in Minecraft Hardcore 1.20 with Terralith!

    Insane Adventures in Minecraft Hardcore 1.20 with Terralith!Video Information everybody oh jeez oh you okay okay can’t have you getting at my [Music] dudes hello everyone I’m be Cal corn and this is episode 52 of hardcorn parth Series 2 uh we are in a Yellowstone biome here with uh my bunch of uh doggies here I’m not sure what their collars are acting weird hm that’s odd anyway we are on the road or well actually going across country heading back towards home uh I hope to get all these guys back with me so far we’ve lost a few though to uh creepers and such… Read More

  • Exposed: The REAL Reason Minecraft Lags

    Exposed: The REAL Reason Minecraft LagsVideo Information Minecraft Java Edition has been around for nearly 13 years now and has grown from a small inding game back in the day to the number one best cealing game in all of history so you would think that a large game raking in all this money from people across the globe would use it in a way to make their game better than it already is right well not really a Mojang’s case it seems it seems today that with every passing update Mojang puts out we see less and less actual content and an even bigger… Read More

  • Furious Thomas Exposes Juicy QSMP Moments!

    Furious Thomas Exposes Juicy QSMP Moments!Video Information finally oh my God okay okay what is the yeah can I have the stick please can I have the stick please it’s sharpness 255 and you didn’t even kill me directly why are you [ __ ] how can you be this bad at this game I know it this isn’t the clip I just want to know what it is why you sh why are you [ __ ] totally yeah totally and my dick is chocolate yeah wait is this it no where is I used where is it can I have the stick at… Read More

  • Insane Adventure in Hardcore Minecraft – Episode 191

    Insane Adventure in Hardcore Minecraft - Episode 191Video Information what’s going on everybody welcome to another ha the mods 8 Hardcore Minecraft video my name is Joshy GG and I let this run for quite some time and I have completed my emerald block uh five times um by little bit of time um probably about four hours just letting that do its thing for four hours AFK I had to turn my uh reactor downstairs or the low side down to like six burn rate so let’s go ahead and set this bad boy up and then let’s go ahead and turn off [Laughter] our turn… Read More

  • “Unbelievable Dreamgirl Minecraft Build in Pillager Village! 😮” #viral #shorts 🎮

    "Unbelievable Dreamgirl Minecraft Build in Pillager Village! 😮" #viral #shorts 🎮Video Information मैंने इन लोगों को पिलेजर का स्टैचू बनाने को कहा था देखते हैं इन लोगों ने क्या बनाया है अरे यह क्या नब ने तो अच्छा पिलेजर का स्टैचू बनाया है यह अच्छा लग रहा है मैं इसको 10 में से सात नंबर दूंगी अरे यह क्या प्रो ने तो बहुत अच्छा पिलेजर का स्टैचू बनाया है यह बहुत अच्छा लग रहा है मैं इसको 10 में से आठ नंबर दूंगी हैकर का देखने से पहले अगर आप मा खेलते हो तो लाइक करो और आपका मा का फेवरेट एनिमल कौन सा है आप कमेंट करो अरे यह… Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Battle: Girls vs Boys!! #trending

    EPIC Minecraft Battle: Girls vs Boys!! #trendingVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Girls VS Boys Parody #minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by Vishwas Saraogi on 2024-04-13 11:07:54. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Discord Server:-https://discord.gg/xH7vXY3hVs ———————————- Instagram :- Vishwas_Saraogi … Read More

  • Hardcore Anarchy – anarchy

    Welcome to Hardcore Anarchy Server! IP: hardcoreanarchy.gay This anarchy server has been running for three months and has seen over 450 deaths/bans. If you enjoy vanilla Minecraft with a twist, this is the place for you. Explore our badass leaderboards website to see who the biggest degenerate player is. Looking for a challenge? This server is not pay-to-win and offers no protected areas. Be prepared to face the elements and the dangers of the game on spawn. Are you tough enough to survive? Join our community where only the toughest survive. With a limited number of players making it longer… Read More

  • Lucky Panda

    Lucky PandaLuckyPanda is a survival Minecraft server offering a wide range of possibilities to enhance your Minecraft experience on 1.20.4. The server offers a community-driven economy, allowing every player to earn, sell, and trade goods with other players independently.For greater comfort and enhanced experience, the server offers Towny land claiming to protect against griefing/raiding by other players, allowing you to build something special and show off your building skills in a safe & fun environment. Join your friends in an amazing experience building your town and community.The server is running 1.20+, and everyone is welcome as both Java and Bedrock players… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – My Minecraft House is LIT! 🔥🏠

    Minecraft Memes - My Minecraft House is LIT! 🔥🏠Well, if this meme has a score of 988, then I can only imagine your house must be built out of diamond blocks and emerald roofs! 🔥💎😂 Read More

  • Beast vs Blocks: Epic Clash in 1 Min! #Animation

    Beast vs Blocks: Epic Clash in 1 Min! #Animation In the world of Minecraft, MrBeast reigns supreme, Crafting stories and updates that make us beam. With rhymes that ignite and a spin that’s so tight, He’s our favorite news reporter, shining bright. From Bottle Head Smashing to Chocolate delights, Protecting yachts and Lamborghinis in the night. Ages 1-100 deciding who wins the cash, In MrBeast’s world, every moment is a flash. So leap into the verse, no need for a start, For MrBeast’s rhymes will capture your heart. In every pulsing line, the truth takes wing, In the world of Minecraft, let MrBeast sing. Read More


    NOOB SAVES STEVE FROM HULK SMASH #minecraft Looks like Steve needs to level up his skills if he’s getting saved by a noob from the Hulk in Minecraft! Maybe he should stick to farming instead of fighting. #minecraftfail #noobtorelief Read More

  • Join Minewind Minecraft Server for an Epic Survival Experience!

    Join Minewind Minecraft Server for an Epic Survival Experience! Welcome to NewsMinecraft.com! Today, we stumbled upon a fascinating Minecraft Pocket Edition survival series episode titled “Hell.” While the video itself may not be about Minewind Minecraft Server, it got us thinking – why not join a server like Minewind to experience your own thrilling adventures? Imagine exploring new realms, discovering hidden treasures, and engaging in epic battles with other players. Minewind offers a unique multiplayer experience that will keep you on the edge of your seat. So, if you’re ready to dive into the world of Minecraft like never before, why not give Minewind a try? Join us… Read More