Extra Chill Minecraft Let’s Play (Part 31)

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And we’re back hello everyone we are here for episode 31. um I hope everyone’s doing well I actually did a little bit of stuff on my own now we have some organization going on um so that will hopefully not be as much of an issue going forward we actually

Have room get a little bit more on my floor here and we got some extra chests up here so look at that impressive okay now I have thoughts for what we’re gonna do first um I really want to okay how many fish do I have we are going to start setting up our

Cats everywhere because I have just been getting swarmed with creepers lately I don’t know why it’s so bad I thought they had more fish where’d they go maybe with them downstairs wait oh there’s more fish I hope Cloud works too but yeah we’re gonna breed more cats and we are going

To set them all around outside okay so I’ll save one fish to lead them I guess um because I’m done with these creepers absolutely done so let’s see uh how about you two first I just uh when I was oops oops okay I forgot to make you stand and you stand

Up a dish wait okay do it give me kitten oh it never gets old so cute okay now who’s next what about you wait come here and you okay do it oh so cute okay I think we just got two of the same kitten but that’s okay okay sorry no intro or anything

Um hello for those new here we are learning to play Minecraft together oh gosh oh they’re already going out oh no okay okay how about you hey look at this look at this come on yeah we’re learning to play Minecraft this is episode 31 so I kind of understand some things now

Okay how about you just sit here now you come on come on let’s go oh gosh wait oh there’s a kitten out here I mean I guess it’s okay oh you’re so cute but yeah anyhow I’m getting horribly distracted already um I am learning we are getting better okay come on little kitten

I guess you can grow up over here by yourself but y’all have told me that um kitties will keep the creepers away so that’s what we’re going for here oh you’re so cute okay you sit here I’m so sorry oh I feel so guilty making him sit there alone um

But yeah we’ll keep enough kitties inside to keep breeding oh so cute okay I guess we can steal some from the village too let’s take one more okay we’ve got a couple of adult cream colored ones in here so how about you come out follow me okay

So we are just gonna make this like absolute kitty kitty Heaven here because I mean not heaven isn’t they’re gonna die but having this and there’s a lot of them because I can’t deal with these creepers blowing up making giant holes that I never fill up Fair okay

I guess I need some more fish so we can keep on breeding them I did all this organization and I’m wondering oh I think I left my fishing rod at the fishing check okay we’ll go over there wait we should shut the door just in case when the thing can wander in here

But yeah so goals for today um oh first of all thank you for I think we’re at 179 subscribers we got a bunch over the weekend so welcome new people thank you very much and our goals this is going to be very chill because I’m very tired

Um if you watch the previous episodes I was traveling a bit was that one of my children why are you out here um I forgot I was saying oh yeah I was traveling uh so I’m home now but still uh different different background here just because I did not feel like being

Hot if I’m not hot I can play for a little while longer so that is why we are out here where the air is more plentiful it’s going to be like 109 degrees outside today so we need it um anyhow goals for today oh gosh it’s already almost nighttime

To finish the Villager house that I started last time so we can keep on how close are you breeding our villagers I want to make lots and lots of kitties oh good we had some other fish in here so that we can just put them all over

The island I just want to do like kitties and torches because we’re basically on an island yeah I think we’re totally like I think it’s completely an island except for the bridge I made um so I would like to just like light up the whole island have kitties everywhere and

Just like make it a little safer for me and my villagers and then we can go out and explore a little bit more um so yeah okay wait oh I forgot to turn the weird voice off anyhow I got home at like 11 30 last night uh I’m not a night person

It was very difficult for me I’m usually in bed by like 9 30. oh God that’s horrible um so I’m just I don’t know I know I’m on a different planet well that’s pretty look at that oh nice okay so maybe we’ll wake up and do oh

No the whole point of the fishing shack was for me to sleep at night but I wonder if I’m like too close to my other house because I do not want things to spawn around my other house so I don’t know maybe we’ll wait a little while on nighttime fishing I

Don’t even remember I do this oh I already have a kitty creeping up and my computer is where she can step on all the keys excellent bubbles did I do it wrong sometimes I don’t know the fishing confuses me I guess you can come say hi

You’re gonna make me miss push in the button now go away she just wants attention she’s one that just messes with everything when she wants attention this is a very scattered beginning I’m sorry okay we got more fish I’m leaving all those little little dingy things out there

Because we have stuff to do we have kitties to breathe oh maybe oh look at those pandas rolling oh oh my gosh that’s so cute I should really get another friend for my poor Panda just sitting there with uh I think he’s with like a chick two chickens in the Sheep right now

He’s happy he’s happy and living his life he’s a sickly Panda so he has to be in captivity okay oh we also needed to uh you guys explain to me I cannot just give my Farmer a composter I must also till his fields for him you grab my bucket oh they’re not

Okay we’ll get my bucket when we go back and we’ll till his little field and give it some water and stuff so he can actually be useful so right now he’s not but first we will do more kitties I can’t remember if I said when I was

Just getting started up here before I started recording I had yet another creeper come in and explode a giant hole I started to fill in this one but I figured like not even gonna worry about it until we have our cats everywhere to keep them away so who’s next

Fishing relay is much nicer than what I was doing before with just going in and slashing okay how about you or the same color oh well that’s okay wait you gotta get back up get back up get back up so I love how fast those kittens pop out so cute

So maybe I should steal a cat from the village now grip we’ll just read more get up you you wait wait oh no I’m sorry I’m sorry come back I’m so sorry okay now you’re not gonna be love mode because I hit you oh my gosh why isn’t this working okay

How about you the other one’s probably okay there we go they’re still in love mode kitties so cute okay now I think some of you are standing okay who’s going to come out we have many of you let’s go I’ll be so happy when the creepers won’t come near my house anymore

Hopefully that one’s following me put that one over here oh I love you I’m sorry why do I feel so guilty for just making them sit outside look at that poor little baby all by itself oh boom RDL fish okay I wonder if this is enough cats I

Mean I probably need to do more but maybe I guess I could take one more out of here so we have multiple calicos so how about you come in uh maybe in order to put this one over there but maybe we’ll put one over here

Are you coming oh there you are oh I love you okay yes okay we have cats all around the house I don’t know got one down there um like what radiate what radio within what radius they scare the creepers I guess they could just keep like one of each

Color in here so this one can come out too but they’ll be sad without all the cats on my bed maybe I’ll do another one seems like the creepers come from over here a lot so maybe we’ll do another one over here this is where the one came from this

Morning that made a new explosion I’m sorry Kitty you have to be alone I will bring you friends soon okay there make sure they all sitting so they don’t follow me in any Minds okay now bucket and I don’t remember if you guys I think you

Said I just needed to like till the soil and water the soil and then the guy will actually do the oh we should Shear some colorful wool too oh their sounds are so cute whoa when I started this all of my cats were asleep and they have all decided it is

It is time to play so sorry for that oh this is so cool sorry for background noises look at this so many colors how exciting all right yeah all that wool now we can make some more cute carpets and stuff I do want to

Try out oh I don’t think I ever put the loom back down I want to try out the loom for making like some cute pattern things yeah that’s where I put it maybe we’ll put the loom upstairs maybe a little crafting room up here okay you go you go oh the little meows

So precious okay I don’t really know how to use this so okay that’s a banner so you put like a banner or I don’t know what those other things are we’ll try to figure it out though um so my organization we have like my more commonly used crafting stuff and then my more

Just like random less use plus like emeralds anywhere else to put them um I did something paused and I fished up a saddle oh that’s exciting nice oh okay almost bedtime oh Kitty I’m so sorry so terribly sorry let’s put this away oh I’m already tempted to put stuff in the wrong spot

So I won’t do it though I won’t do it okay new morning so let’s go let’s go take care of this do I already have one of these I already have one let’s go get this farmer going and maybe we’ll steal a kitty from the

Village if there’s a cute one oh and I want to put more torches down oh I’m so scatterbrained okay I don’t know why I put so much thought into choosing that torch location it’s just light because it seems to me in theory that if I just light this whole island up

And have cats to keep the creepers out I wouldn’t really get many monsters over here because they would have to like wander all the way over um and one of you is explaining to me so like creepers and spiders don’t burn the cats will keep creepers away

So that would leave just where am I going leave just spiders and so like because zombies would have to walk aways and then they would burn so I feel like this makes sense I’m gonna do like my little oops I think I forgot to fill up my bucket too

Let’s do a little line of water here I forgot what I was saying but I think my plan is sound to just like light up the whole island and have cats everywhere and then I won’t get blown up anymore or like I could actually maybe even be outside at night a little bit

We’ll see that’s that’s my theory that’s what I’m gonna go with until when then one of you probably tells me I’m wrong wait why isn’t this working there we go I think I just pushed the button too many times ideas to get this all tilled for this guy

So he can be less worthless I did give him like oh look he’s already doing it oh yay nice okay get this all going is it going to be a bustling Village by the time we’re through which means we also need to finish building our little house over there a couple more fishings

Cats I guess this is just going to be our like I’ll probably go into the mines one time because I don’t know it’s exciting but this will probably be our like Island Improvement video get it all going hopefully these will all get that out of my way get watered okay there

Get that food going buddy I wonder oh Kitty okay so that’s a new color Kitty what I do with that fish you I don’t know if one fish is enough but hey oh yeah wait yes I know he’ll come to me right if I just have the fish out okay come

Here oh you’re so cute new color take it yes yes wait I gave him the fish and he ran away where’d my fishing rod go oh there’s another one why aren’t you following me okay don’t go too far Kitty I’ll be back for you come in give me fishy

Nothing’s happening give me fishy oh look at the water running there that’s cool come on fishy fishy oh that cat’s gonna disappear on me I’m gonna be so upset am I so bad at it I guess I pulled it too soon oh I see a stupid drowned out there drowner whatever they’re called

Just give me a fishy I just want the kitty please come on yes okay get that kitty okay where’d you go you you are mine look it look where that gets for you oh no don’t run it’s okay ah come here come here I won’t come toward you

I feel like it was easier when I just ran at them and spammed the eat button until they would do it oh no don’t eat I don’t want to eat I want to feed you guys why is this so difficult right now come on is this like a particularly like

Skittish kind of cat Maybe yes come with me come on you’re standing right stand up let’s go yay taking my new kitty home so exciting and then we’re gonna have to get a lot more fishies because now I have to breed this new kitty oh it’s probably like the most boring

Episode yet but it’s the best one because I’m making Kitty sanctuary so cute honestly I pick up all that water don’t I you coming oh I love you look it meet all your new friends so many new friends oh okay come on you come inside I’m gonna need you right here

We’ll get some more fish close time is it we got time we got time to get fishies I can’t believe I actually fished up a saddle too I didn’t think I didn’t think it would happen that quickly look so dumb okay we’ll pause real quick

I won’t make you guys watch me fish this whole time okay we got more fishies but we’ve also got what is this a puffer fish I wonder if that’s like special I have not seen one yet I’m gonna just put it into my inventory until I figure out

What I can do with it I won’t feed it to my cats because I feel like maybe maybe it’s something cool maybe I can do something neat with it all right let’s keep our organization system going put this in here see the problem with my organization system is I don’t remember

Exactly where I put things okay oh yeah this was like my really random stuff so maybe we’ll put the puffer fish in there until we figure out what to do with it and I didn’t okay yeah this is like I didn’t really organize but it’s food and seeds and saplings

Okay let’s let’s breed our new kitty oh so excited okay who are we gonna breed you with I guess we’ll try you let’s get you both up and now feed you don’t sit back down go love okay oh I hope it’s I hope it’s oh yes perfect

We got one of the new one oh it’s so cute okay I think that’s all we have for breathing oh okay it’s almost night time we’ll go to bed okay it says morning maybe we will bring one more Kitty outside and then do a little little mind day

Might be nice just explore a little bit okay so this is like my quick grab box for stuff I might use a lot um which we might I don’t know what happened to all my cobblestone I thought they had a bunch okay okay we’ll get some of that

Wait where did I put it oh no I think it’s up here get some for blocking paths or making stairs or anything I might need to do um we’re probably a little that far in the mine but I did have some ideas or one of you mentioned oh you’re so cute

Okay who wants to oh we won’t take any of you outside yet although you’re all sitting right I don’t want anyone teleporting into the mine with me and terrifying me okay let’s go oh okay I do like I like the effect of the cats sitting everywhere very cute

I’m gonna leave some more torches places too just light everything up not let anything spawn on my my beautiful island oops Kiki I love you okay let’s go I wanted to I can’t remember if I finished what I was saying oh I’m so scattered rain I wanted to start just like

Uh axing all the wood blocks in my way um so I’m not having to be scared looking around corners and just kind of I don’t know just keep opening this up rather than trying to wind my way through and not get lost because I get lost far too easily all

Right we already did some of this oh this is where it was just like so many creepers last time I don’t know why there were so many okay I know to me torches just putting one there right here I feel like I hear spiders so I wanted to just start taking all

These blocks in my way I’ll have to look around corners so much and get lots of wood blocks okay oh that’s a dark scary corridor oh I don’t like that I hear spider okay gotta remember where I’m coming from Aaron before I get that iron yeah ooh more is there more oh more

Oh I feel like I hear something coming to get me spiders at least it just sounds like oh we’re getting a lot yeah very nice okay okay let’s get out this hole I don’t like being in Holes oh I hear you and I see your ooh is that a chest down there though

That’s exciting I guess I didn’t really do these but oh boy oh gosh I feel like this is a trap there’s gonna be something to get me here so we’ll come slash all that next time oh I need to start taking all the tracks too lots of trucks for me to take here

Because that is a goal to get my whole above ground train track going but now that I got a test that’s what I should use for this fuel okay we’ll go a little further we can do a little bit more oh well look at that glad we went

Further just a nice little dead end my first diamonds you guys oh I finally got diamonds yay all you’ve been telling me I need to go deep enough to get diamonds well it did not go deep enough but I got Diamonds oh boy okay and lots of iron

All right after I get this iron we’re gonna get the heck out of here because I know what happens when I get good stuff let’s go maybe we’ll go the other way next time okay I kind of like having all these spider webs here because it helps me

Remember where I am oh I’m so excited yay diamonds okay I really like having that door there makes me feel much better about things go let’s go see what we can do with diamonds so I guess oh when you told me I think the first thing I should do with diamonds is

It a diamond pickaxe um I screenshotted the comment but I don’t feel like pulling up my screenshots oh but I’m so happy oh I have not been eating I should probably put some more food I’m sorry you’ll have to be outside kitties terribly sorry let’s put some light around you

Make it a little nice what’s over there okay this is where the other creeper came up to me I’ll close that up eventually but it’s just let’s just do some torches real quick since it’s light outside it’s for good measure keep those dang things from spawning everywhere

Night oh I should probably be getting some more seeds too I know should I use my sword for this I don’t remember where’s the pinky a couple it’s just a couple sorry if I’m using the wrong tool I know I make everybody cringe with my tool usage

There’s some light for you guys over here here let’s get some light over here maybe some light on the way to the Village yeah okay I wasn’t planning on doing this right now but sure some more torches out just light up everything oh wait there’s

A kitty oh that’s one I already saw a little baby so cute The Village doesn’t really have much light around it so maybe we should do this for them I don’t want any villagers to die off again go where’s our Sunshine oh it’s getting dark this whole place lit up for you oh

Is that new did someone do that I don’t remember that being there oh baby horsey maybe it’s not new look at it okay so I wonder if those are the plants I gave him maybe I do need to give him some more it’s getting dark I think I just got

Yeah I got a couple beetroot seeds where’d my Farmer go oh no he’s congregating I want to make sure the Beet roots go to him okay let’s try this I’ll go to him right yes just for you yeah get those planted oh so exciting I knew it was going to be inevitable

That I would start wanting to just work on Village and building and everything because that’s always what I do in any game where that sort of thing is an option let’s go wait I have more torches we can still be doing more put all our stuff away

I have a couple of golden apples now too so maybe I should be doing some stuff with horses all right a ton of torches around my house but I want more torches for the kitties yeah you need some light out here you can’t be alone oh I should make these all into jack-o’-lanterns

That counts as a light source of jack-o-lantern okay yes very good light everywhere now I forget what we’re doing I guess we need to put all of oh and we’ll make some more we have a lot of iron now so maybe I should really like actually get going on that oh look

It look at all those I made dang okay we’re really going along with the iron now that’s very exciting look I remembered the right one okay I’ll take some more dirt out to fill in some holes and stuff okay it’s kind of nice getting all those

Oak planks too let’s see if we have any other seeds I guess the farmer could do pumpkin seeds right maybe we’ll cook some meat too oops that’s okay so I have three golden apples um for some reason like on the last two I kept thinking I didn’t have any golden

Apples but apparently I did we’re getting quite a few quite a few rail things going too wow look at this go I don’t know what to do with the diamond I feel like I should just put it in my inventory for now and get more okay morning time I put a few things

Away and I’m gonna just stick my diamonds in here oh I made myself some Iron Pants and an iron helmet so not something right we’re getting we’re getting more geared maybe we’ll go down into the mines one more time because I’m kind of excited oh I’m already gonna put stuff in the wrong

Place you know I’m terrible oh I shouldn’t do it but I’m gonna do it I’ll fix it later I think I’ll pull that iron away too and get some more meat going oh it’s already getting so disorganized this well that’s where I should put my gold look look at that 16.

I might keep these to give to the villagers and I think I had a different I think I was putting all my wood over here yeah look at me go okay okay this is all right this is my quick grab stuff so we’ll put that in there

Put my bucket in there actually this is my extra gear not my quick grab stuff but oh wow all right down into the mine shaft one more time and then we’ll go do stuff with our villagers maybe we’ll finish our villager house and then make a bunch of bread

So we can get to breathing I just can’t see all the mines you guys though well now I just I just like the possibility of finding cool things can’t help it I think I’ll go that other way the way that I passed where I found the two mine carts let’s do it okay

Some stuff out of my way no I don’t have that many torches though at least I am full of food okay we will go this way I think do I do I like sound different now that I have a bunch of iron armor on I feel like my steps sound different I

Could just be imagining that though this is actually I feel very silly for not doing this from the start and getting all this extra wood planks that’s handy dupe oh boy it’s two-way isn’t it you know how I feel about these oh there’s more lapis see what’s down here first

Oh it’s three oh lava oh you guys know how I feel about lava has gotten me way too many times I’ll have to do something with that later wait I just saw some we are like good on our I mean sure I could run out very easily but this is

The most iron we’ve ever had so I really should do my shield and my extra gear and stuff give it to me I’ll accidentally make a hole and fall straight down that would be my luck okay let’s go this way oh scary Darkness over there I don’t like that

Oh I think that’s a Stairway down over there oh you guys also told me lapis uh I should save it for enchanting wait what do I hear I feel like I hear something scary oh gosh it’s this here completely in my way oh no oops that was really dumb torch placement

You guys I’m getting bold because I have gotten my stuff out a few times oh wait oh okay that’s scary I don’t know if we want to do that but we’re actually I feel like making good progress just kind of slowly getting this all lit up down here further and further each time

Okay that’s where I came from like these oh like why the sound so loud it scared me give me this give me this I feel like yeah we’re making good progress lighting this all up and I feel like we’re making a lot more progress just in general I mean it’s probably like

Not really considered progress since I’m not like I know you guys said like there’s wait which way did I come from oh no there’s stuff to do oh look I got it right in this game like you know like find bosses and whatnot grab these too

So I know I’m not really making progress in that regard but oh gosh I still have these two other directions to go oh No Just One Direction because otherwise the spider spawner I guess I came this way I just didn’t grab all these oh okay we should do that next time

Okay let’s remember come through the door and go directly left we’ll do that although we’re supposed to be helping our village it’s just addicting the exploration is addicting I can’t help it when I don’t die when I die then I don’t want to do it anymore for a full playthrough but

For now 23 Oak it’s full because I think I was using those a bit on the Villager house night everywhere put some light around our mind entrance too okay we gotta make some more torches no I know I use too many torches you guys tell me every time it’s okay

Oh yeah we need to harvest our crops too okay okay there really is like I can see how people just put like hundreds and hundreds if not thousands of hours into this game because like you could just like only focus just on like farming and building and nothing

Else and you could still have so much to do seeds seeds so maybe oh I kind of want to go back into mine but I also wanna finish the Villager house maybe maybe we’ll just we’ll go explore that one little part of the mine and then we’ll go do villager stuff

It’ll be good okay we made a bunch of more torches put some stuff away and we’re just gonna go go check that little that little downstairs out real quick and then we’ll get to our our villager activities get our village going better because I am really having fun making my Island cool

Let’s go and do more stuff with that and probably finish or I probably won’t finish the floor of my house today but I just have been like doing it a little bit each time before I start recording uh it’s almost done and I like it I’m glad you guys made me do it

So we’re just gonna go directly left so we gotta remember to go directly right when we come back oh it’s all a dead end okay wait oh don’t want to fall down the holes oh I don’t like this you guys you know how I feel about this

I feel like I hear things coming to kill me oh oops oops that was scary okay oh my gosh oh gosh okay so we gotta remember we’re just do a sharp turn there I feel like I hear skeletons or something or maybe I’m just hearing myself uh no

Why is it always one of you why didn’t you blow up I’m gonna fall down the hole trying to run away from him do you blow up why don’t you blow up jerk oh I thought they had to blow up I didn’t know you could kill them without them blowing up

Well that’s useful I had no idea water well dang I didn’t bring my bucket okay let’s go this way well this whole time I was just like slashing the creepers once and then backing up because I thought like I just had to let it happen

It’ll be useful oh I see a movement down there oh gosh what was getting me look at me what got me what is it oh gosh oh it’s a freaking Archer hate those jerk what now yeah yeah okay did it not gonna fall down that hole that would just be devastating to me

We’ll lose all my stuff again at least I’m not carrying all that much stuff and I have more iron now no there’s lapis there but I don’t know oh gosh you guys too many directions I think we’re gonna have to go do our villager stuff now

But I’ll remember this this will be our our next our next mission down here probably because it’s not I can kind of yeah I can find my way up here why do I hear growling where would you come from ugh okay okay let’s go have some light-hearted villager activities now

I’m I have my heart can’t take anymore it’s enough oh hey I didn’t die at all exciting okay so maybe I think it’s still pretty early in the day yeah maybe we’ll get our stuff and work a little bit on our villager house I have another torch

I should put more I’ll put more Torches by the villagers I think I was doing like Cobblestone and Oak Maybe so I put those extra Oak planks here we’ve got some cobblestone maybe I was doing Cobblestone stairs I don’t know we’ll go over there and see what see what I had going on

Foreign I’ve gotten over my guilt now I like having the kitties sit outside now it’s just cute but guys let me know if that’s enough kitties or if I I mean I’ll probably do more kitties eventually regardless but look how I left my door but let me know if that’s enough to keep

The creepers away Thank you Foreign I hope no one was watching that clip too closely because that was pretty bad oh those stairs are so hard to get them to like go in the right direction but we did make good progress I think we could finish that really quick and oh we should probably make two beds

To put in there because it’s gonna be our our big house so we need beds and we need windows that’s it right yeah we’ll finish up that house I want to see if our farmer planted more stuff too did I bring more seeds to give him no I didn’t but that’s okay

He’ll survive let’s go oh God so bad uh okay probably get this roof finished real quick he just kept going in the wrong directions so frustrating oops I forgot to put a cobblestones underneath there the hopefully that’s far enough okay now oh no I did it wrong

There was supposed to be a little more Cobblestone here because I was having I had them go to the end on the other side dang it dang it okay sorry guys you gotta just bear with me while I try and figure this out well see that looks wrong too you know what

Whatever I think it’s just I think I did like an uneven number you know what it’s a roof it’ll keep them safe in there it’s fine let’s see if I can get one more there yes oh actually went in the right direction oh I think I forgot to bring my bread

With me though the villagers is here too stairs door yeah now cute purple beds you are very welcome villagers oh look up with the windows in too so baby zombies don’t kill them right I think I broke some of the other villagers windows I wonder if

If I sentence them to death when I did that you guys want a little torch in here too oh wait oh my torch is right there let’s give you some some lighting there you go all right now now we’ll get our bread yes I wonder if I should

I don’t remember I don’t remember which ones I broke but I did break Windows somewhere it’s my let me go get my bread real quick okay we got our bread let’s make some babies the wrong oh yeah they’re kind of look at it look at they’re already baby

Making what’s going on guys let’s go let’s go in here should I give you some more and you’ll make me more boobies is this like a mated pair here or something I didn’t know they could do it without me I thought I had to be involved who else is around here I need

Some oh hi hi oops I didn’t mean to click on you but okay paper for an emerald or Emerald for a paper hey get out of there about oh what are you doing are you the one I already got okay I think you were the ones I already fed

Yeah I really need to figure out like when there their noises are so funny when they’re congregating time is I wonder if anyone oh gosh this came out so ugly oh my gosh it’s horrible why why is it so bad cute on the inside though hopefully someone will go in there

Let’s give them some more protective light I’m going to nurture these villagers now you did I give you any bread go maybe this will make you all get busy I think I already oh look it he’s in the mood oh yeah yeah okay I’ll leave you guys alone

Looked like I was interrupting you okay that should be pretty good I feel like there might be some babies come morning let’s look at his little this little crop area oh look at him go so yeah I think I do have to give him seeds each time

Oh you guys I saw this when I went to bed last night I finally got a bow so now I have to figure out how to use that I think I have a lot of arrows that I’ve saved over time just from people dying or skeletons dying so we’ll see about that

Oh gosh squirrel brain more light over here so easily distracted okay give me this give me the seeds seeds there’s a lot of grass over here I can get the grass and put more torches two birds seeds see beads seeds what time is it okay

I feel like we’ve gone through a lot of game days on this playthrough I haven’t been checking the recordings either so I have no idea how long we’ve been going for it feels like we’ve been going a little while okay oh it looks so cute from a distance okay

Okay let’s go give him all these seeds more light maybe some more light over here too pretty big island I really never come over here oh is it not no I think it’s I think it’s there’s a space over there I think it is an island which I like

Oh I need to get those for my kitties okay farmer where’d you go oh look at there’s children oh oh it’s working our village is getting big get over here here you go oops take these get those planted yay okay yeah so I definitely do have to give him the seeds

I’m a lazy farmer see if we can get a few more for him but I guess maybe he’ll like Harvest and get more seeds in your plant them now that gum started we got kids all around now look at this go okay we didn’t get any more seeds that’s okay

But the adorable site I wake up to in the morning oh I left my door open all night oops so I need to figure out how to repair this and figure out how to use that but that is probably not for this playthrough yeah what should we do for the rest of

This playthrough oh look at my sheep already regrew should we try to do something cute with their wool maybe we’ll do that next time boom look at the panda standing up oh so cute okay yeah well let’s Harvest some more crops real quick because

We need to get this going I wonder if I should just make a couple more beds to squeeze into the other villager houses oh look at this yes to probably bring some of these to the Villager but I want them oh so many beats I don’t think I brought how many carrots

Yet so maybe we’ll bring him some carrots oops that was only a single one okay we will plant some for ourselves though too carrots wheat beets I probably don’t need that many beads we’ll just do a couple and give the rest to the farmer we do want wheat

Because I should probably be breeding my cows more I kind of want to expand my cow and pig pens too I think he had enough wheat it’s easier to get anyways yeah I kind of want to expand them um I don’t really know why

But I feel like I should I feel like I should get them going a little bit more maybe I’ll go keep my Piggies a carrot or two you guys want to make some babies make another piggy baby we can fit More Cows in there right look at that packed Cow cow make babies Okay I guess we could make a couple more sheep too now they’re like oops never mind I like one wheat that’s okay but yeah now that now that I have colored sheep they’re a lot more exciting to me all right what we’re gonna do over here oh yeah give him more seeds

So he can feed them all oh yeah and I was gonna make more beds oh my gosh my brain’s going we’re probably gonna have to end this playthrough soon or one of you told me this isn’t the playthrough because I’m not oops completing the game this is the play session

But we’ll have to end this place session soon take them all feed everyone beets oh yeah I was gonna give him carrots too hey come back here take that giving you all sorts of stuff dude okay that should be enough so cute when he plants them look at him go so nice

But now that I’m getting so many villagers I really do feel like I need to do more to protect them did I just throw that instead of I think I did calendar I should probably breed more cats around the village too and have them sit

So oh my gosh why am I doing that yeah well since I am tossing torches I think my brain is pretty much gone and we might go ahead and end this one here um so thank you very much for hanging out oh I should get those two I’ll do that

Do the next time um if you haven’t already I would appreciate if you would subscribe and like this video and I will likely be less brain dead next time because I don’t have to go anywhere else this uh upcoming week and we’re still oh yeah we’re talking about

Doing live stream on a Sunday um so maybe this upcoming Sunday I will schedule it like several days in advance um just so there’s some warning and I anyone who shows up that’d be cool I’m sure it’ll be fun it’ll be cool to chat with you guys live and

Anyhow I’m babbling so I will see you guys next time bye Thank you

This video, titled ‘Extra Chill Minecraft Let’s Play (Part 31)’, was uploaded by SHALLIE CAT on 2023-08-08 19:00:31. It has garnered 218 views and 28 likes. The duration of the video is 00:57:23 or 3443 seconds.

Diamonds! Finally! Welcome to my cat kingdom. Thank you all for watching another episode of Minecraft Survival Let’s Play :)..

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  • Robo’s World SMP Whitelist Semi-Vanilla Java Bedrock 1.20.4

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Extra Chill Minecraft Let’s Play (Part 31)