Eyecraftmc – Exploring The Forgotten Past of Minecraft 1.0

Video Information

Minecraft has gone through a lot of big changes and updates over the years but what if we go back 19 major updates and 10 years to a simpler time to minecraft release 1.0 now minecraft 1.0 came out on november 18th of 2011 meaning that version is almost 11 years old which is

Pretty crazy to think a lot of things have changed between now and then and a lot of things haven’t so in this video we’re just gonna sort of play through the game and see what we can experience in this old version of the game and really answer the question

Is this version different from modern minecraft fundamentally or have updates just added new features and not really remove the feelings of old ones well for starters there were villages in this version although my skin is currently loaded in as steve all the functions of the game seem to be the same it’s funny

Because little subtle differences like for instance when i’m crouching the crouch being shorter now of course that’s much more of a recent change than let’s say minecraft 1.0 but just little things like that make the game feel a bit different it is also interesting to

Hear the old sound design of the game i feel like that’s honestly one of the biggest differences when you get down to it a lot of the sounds seem to be just a little bit less refined than they were before it’s also interesting because of course i can’t click and drag to make

These go across so i have to split them like this but we do now have ourselves some bread it is funny though how much more difficult it is to farm in this version as basically everything can trample crops i mean literally just walking over crops will trample them

Which definitely makes it much more difficult than in modern minecraft and of course animals could break it at this stage as well i mean there were no carrots or potatoes or beetroot at this point you could be planting and growing and so really your options were quite

Limited in terms of a food source now it is pretty crazy to think that this village structure was the exact same all the way up through 1.13 even though it was added so much earlier let’s see if the blacksmith still has loot and though there is not a

Blacksmith loot chest so this is definitely not as good of a loot structure as it was later and of course there was such a limited number of biomes as well i mean for instance here we’re in the desert and there is a tiger biome up there so there’s not

Really the system of biome borders we have today but something that has not changed nearly as much is the mining and caving element of the game and of course although 1.18 and 1.17 did a lot to change the mining system as a whole still a lot of the cave generation is

The same between both versions and more or less all the ores are still there and so of course the most basic parts of the game like crafting your first tools mining your first stone getting iron and coal those have really stayed fundamentally the same through the years although certainly some things have

Definitely not stayed the same as well like for instance this skeleton down here these skeletons are actually incredibly easy i mean if this was modern minecraft i would certainly be dead with those two skeletons there and out of the light there is some core right there as well and also some

Glitched floating water funny enough some of those glitches like that still haven’t been fixed as you can still get terrain generation where there’s water that generates in that should be flowing but isn’t and some things you might not have noticed that slowly changed through the years of minecraft are some small

Quality of life changes like for instance you’re throwing the cool down you can see that when it’s floating as an item not only does it not rotate but it only faces the player and it’s also flat you can see when you throw it on the ground there basically has a paper

Thin texture to it which is of course a lot different to it it is now with a really nice 3d texture that makes it look a bit more real and a little bit less like just a piece of paper on the ground but also say parts of the game

That are now more difficult or easier here and for instance like this with the creepers i was incredibly easy to kill that creeper it really didn’t explode very quickly at all and i didn’t have to worry too much now for instance this creeper here i might be able to make

That creeper not explode although i didn’t but things like these skeletons here are just incredibly easy to get even on low health with no armor they don’t really pose a threat but even with that the game does still feel more difficult but why is that i think a lot

Of it has to do with which stage of the game has been changed in almost every update and almost always the stage of the game is the late stages of the game the very early parts of the game of course have been changed somewhat like for instance mobs do not jump around

Randomly and are super easy to kill like this and even things like skeletons being really not an issue and of course with the old pvp system and yet outside of these things a lot of things haven’t changed almost at all like for instance the idea of going into a cave for coal

And iron and other materials what was the first version of minecraft that you played was it java 1.0 or was it a different one feel free to leave your answer in the comments below as it’ll be interesting to see how long people have been playing minecraft for now that we

Have enough iron to make herself this iron armor we can be a little bit more protected i’d say a lot of things are less intuitive in this version of the game but in sort of both ways so for instance here there’s no recipes in the crafting table of course but as well as

That the game is so much simpler so a lot of things you don’t necessarily need a recipe for once you’ve memorized the basic shape so for instance a pickaxe like this or maybe having a shovel just like this these things basically make sense and so there’s not a massive

Reason to have a tutorial on how to do certain things like crafting tools but i think also the skill of the average minecraft player has risen quite a bit since this era not just having to do with how difficult the game is although i would say this version is more

Difficult like for instance in modern minecraft most players would be having a lot of automatic farms and things like that but in minecraft 1.0 although you might have a mob farm and maybe like a giant sugarcane farm a lot of things either couldn’t be automated or if they could

The methods to do so weren’t really well known if known at all by the community for instance things like firming pigment for gold although it did happen and people did do it it really wasn’t something that most players would be doing whereas in modern minecraft that’s

Not really the case with a lot of players building massive automatic firms later in the game as overall certain things are made easier like enchanting i mean for instance right here i’ll try and kill the senderman which may end up killing me but i don’t actually think it

Will because the way the system of pvp works it shouldn’t actually be that difficult although the game is lagging a little bit for me and we got the enderman and even things like this right here we have a spider spawner that went right in the ground now this definitely

Cannot happen anymore in the game these little finds but there really weren’t many generated structures in this era of the game i mean there weren’t even desert temples and of course desert temples are in no way a new feature and so it’s interesting to see in something

Like this for instance let’s say the chests that we may find here could be really one of the only loot chests that exist in the entire game and we have some wheat and some bread and some gunpowder but a lot of things aren’t necessarily these easy places to get

Quick loot and with villagers being useless as well you wouldn’t really have the tools at your disposal to quickly progress through the game getting to the stage where more or less mining is useless because you have villagers and manual farming is useless because you have automatic farms this definitely was

A simpler era in the game i think the visuals though also play a really big role in how the game was perceived at the time like for instance let’s say we go to options and i turn the smooth lighting on because i had it off although this

Does make the game look a lot more like modern minecraft there are still things like the render distance on the farthest setting being very very close as well as this really large range of fog so for instance things that really are nowhere near the edge of the render distance are

Still going to look somewhat foggy i think even though this was the release of the game as well it really did feel unfinished i mean things like the villagers here they’re basically just jumping around randomly and hurting themselves on the cactus with literally no use overall for them and minecraft as

A game definitely does not feel unfinished anymore that’s probably one of the reasons why modern updates have started to change things about the game instead of just adding to the game although of course both are good i think that that is what’s going to start to fundamentally change how we perceive the

Game stuff like the ore mining changes of 1.18 although overall most players were fine with them they really did change the progression chain of the early game part i think that’s what really made it feel like such a big change compared to other updates like let’s say the nether update although as

An example of things being more difficult of course there is no off hand you can’t put the torches there and in bedrock there are some things like that where you can’t for instance put torches in your offhand but i think that this stage in the game because there is

Literally nothing you could put in your offhand it really removed the ability for a lot of convenience things you could do with that slot or there’s even items like the shield i mean the shield isn’t a really complicated item and you probably don’t think of it a lot but

Just the shield added a massive amount of ease to the game as for instance in a scenario like this it’s quite dangerous but i would have had the materials at this point to craft a shield i mean literally just one iron and some planks and that one item really does add so

Much ease to the game as for instance in this scenario here i wouldn’t have had to worry at all whereas i could have really died easily because there is no shield and even the underground fog is a rather strange feature i mean right here we can’t really see around very well

There’s also some sort of strange fog colors probably because it may be the night time or becoming the night time in the actual surface but right here we are at this bottom lava level and i think even though this minecraft world is a lot simpler than the modern minecraft

World because of things like the reduced render distance and the fact that most players didn’t have a very very large knowledge of exactly how the game worked the game as a whole felt a lot more unknown and also a lot more mysterious with things like herobrine and stuff

Popping up because players more or less didn’t know what was in the game and what wasn’t it wouldn’t be that much of a stretch to think that there might be something creepy in this game with a lot of creepy things like for instance the enderman but let’s take a pause on the

Survival aspect of minecraft 1.0 and see what we have in the creative mode part there’s actually no way of changing your game mode from survival to creative just standard in fact you can’t even open up the chat if you’re not on multiplayer in this version but we can create a new

World that’s in creative and i think playing in creative really does show how old this version is as if we go to the creative menu you can see there’s very few items that were actually in the game i mean so much so the entire creative menu wasn’t even full and it could all

Fit on one tab and even though there technically was a die for all 16 colors there was literally only one item which is wool that could actually be dyed in all 16 colors which means that if let’s say you made yourself a whole bunch of orange dye or green dye or really any

Kind of dye the only block you could use that die on was a wolf and if you didn’t like the look of wolf or something well you couldn’t use colors with it it’s actually crazy to think how long that was the case in minecraft i mean terra cotta somewhat changed that but it

Really wasn’t until much later that the players had more than just this one type of block to build lots of colorful things out of with only two types of flowers one of them being the very nostalgic rose item you can even see when placing these down lots of interesting differences like these being

Spaced apart evenly and always being in the center of the block and only having two of these flower types and so unless you want to decorate with maybe some ferns or some saplings your options really were very limited and i mean even the creative mode experience was more

Difficult for instance if i try pressing ctrl which doesn’t work to sprint in this version anyway you have to double tap space i’m not going any faster i’m just flying at the normal speed the only thing i could do is if i’m sprinting now and then i fly up while i’m sprinting

And i can continue to fly at the speed somewhat but the generation is also really broken in certain parts like for instance right here i have literally no idea what this has anything to do with with these weird water patterns here and stuff but the game was riddled with a

Lot of bugs there some of those bugs are actually still in the game today and another way that made creative mode more difficult is because there are no commands for instance you could put this diamond sword in here and you can’t afford the level of xp well there’s no

Bottle of enchanting to give yourself more xp and there’s no command to set your xp so all you’d really have an option for is to spawn in mobs well you can’t even do that there is no spawn eggs in the creative inventory so you would literally have to go around and

Let’s say maybe mine some ores to get yourself some xp and go from there as creative mode is really just having access to these different items and some of these textures are also quite nostalgic things like the diamond block texture certainly a lot of things that have changed about minecraft from this

Base level have really only been changed somewhat recently i would say that 1.13 and onwards is what really made minecraft into modern minecraft and even 1.13 only added things but 1.14 definitely changed them and 1.16 changed a lot as well as 1.17 and 1.18 that change in the style of updates will

Likely make minecraft feel less and less like minecraft 1.0 over time although of course some of the base mechanics will stay the same what never ceases to amaze me as well is the fact there literally was only one type of wood i mean yes of course there’s spruce wood and there’s

Different logs but in terms of actual wood there was nothing other than just what looks like the oak variety so if i were to grab these things not only are they just called wood and there’s only three types of them here if i was going to put this into the

Crafting table i wouldn’t get oak planks and i wouldn’t get birch planks or spruce planks i would just get wooden planks and these could be made into the wooden slabs or the wooden stairs but no matter what these items were made out of they would have the same texture and

Crazy enough a lot of that didn’t change until very recently for instance it would be many years after this update that trap doors of every color would come out or even things like the sign having more than just one texture of the oak that was added into the game

Somewhat recently and if we head into the nether we can also see some differences and something i was thinking about when i was in the nether the last time in minecraft 1.0 is the fact that at this stage in the game if you think about it overall the nether and the

Overworld almost had the same amount of features as each other and of course there were a bunch of different biomes in the overworld and that’s not the case in the nether but if you think about it the nether had the magma cube it has the pigment it had the blaze it had the

Glowstone it did have a lot of variety in the terrain as well as some unique block types although there wasn’t any nether gold ore there wasn’t any magma and there wasn’t even any nether quartz there was soul sand and there was also gravel as well as another fortress that

Was 95 percent the same as another fortress we have now it’s also funny too because the render distance in the overworld was much smaller in this version and yet the render distance in the nether was actually larger for instance i can see way further here than

I could see in minecraft 1.19 as of course there’s another fog something i also find interesting is the fact that mobs would become hostile towards you if you hit them even in creative let’s say i hit one of these pigmen they would all rush towards me as if i was in survival

Which is interesting they’d even try and get me the closest path they could so let’s see if i make a staircase for them right here that works you can see here they’ll still run all the way up to try and follow me wherever i go and new

Pigmen will follow me as well so in that way there’s some very interesting ways in which the survival and creative modes weren’t fully separated at this point and i actually kind of miss this super far away nether render distance as in modern minecraft it’s a bit more

Difficult to see where you’re going in the nether just like in this version it’s more difficult to see where you’re going in the overworld there’s something about the old lava texture as it was changed way before the texture update that is something quite nostalgic about this version as whenever i see that lava

Texture i know this is the old version of the game but here is another fortress another was of course the place where you got all the brewing ingredients as it still is although of course now it does serve a little bit more of a purpose although not a massive amount

More going through the creative inventory and there’s no water bottle there is only an empty glass bottle so for instance right here if i’d want to get some water i’d have to fill up this very old looking cauldron with some bottles here because i couldn’t just do

It easily and there also was no way of just duplicating items in your inventory in creative and so now i only have one water bottle and i have to manually grab another one a lot of convenience and ease of access things has really been some of the biggest changes let’s say

The blaze here it has a different texture and yet really the function of it is exactly the same i think the blaze rod texture might be exactly the same now but that’s enough time in the nether let’s take one more look at the minecraft 1.0 overworld well we appeared

In an abandoned mine shaft it’s funny you can see the torch generation isn’t quite correct as of course there’s no lighting update around that torch but now you can see it’s working correctly now there was a minecart with chest at this stage of the game it looks very

Similar to the current minecart with chest however the loot in the abandoned mine shaft would generate in standard chests and you can see it’s a little bit lacking compared to the loot that’s often found in abandoned mine shafts now i feel like the ocean as well is

Something i’ll often look at as a sign of how far minecraft’s come now of course the ocean was like this even just in 1.12 yet this completely empty ocean that really had almost an unchanging base sea level filled with just dirt and gravel and sand really does show how the

Game in a lot of ways was a lot more empty and sort of a lot more barren than it is now kind of leading the player to have to add the interesting factors to the game themselves you could fish in minecraft but there was no fish mob

There were birch logs yet no birch planks there were villagers in the game yet no villager trades a creative mode but no way to get xp and a soul sand whose only purpose is just to grow netherwort instead of let’s say now where you can make the soul campfires

Out of it the soul items out of it and even just something like using it to summon in the wither but they say creativity is best under limits and maybe that was the potential of minecraft 1.0 and of course the versions before it people had just enough

Resources on their hands to really make whatever they wanted out of this game as the updates changed the game more and more it turned into what we know today i’d say a lot of the most classic and nostalgic content in the game was made in these versions as it was so limited

You really had to use your imagination to see what the game was trying to portray with a lot of things but either way that was playing minecraft 1.0 make sure to leave a like if you enjoyed it and want to see more content like this as it definitely is not my normal and

I’ll see you in the next video goodbye from me and goodbye from this very frustrated spider you

This video, titled ‘Exploring The Forgotten Past of Minecraft 1.0’, was uploaded by Eyecraftmc on 2022-09-02 14:00:10. It has garnered 54170 views and 2114 likes. The duration of the video is 00:18:19 or 1099 seconds.

Exploring The Forgotten Past of Minecraft 1.0

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    Proto King Arche's Insane Hardcore Speedrun - What Happens Next Will Shock You!Video Information hello once again ladies and gentlemen this is your captain speaking please keep your hands and feet inside uh something I don’t know SW anyways uh we’re on a lucky number seven speedrun attempt uh hardcore mode uh this is the series so far of me failing considerably over and over again uh trying to speedrun Minecraft in hardcore mode so let’s get to it I am slightly defeat H uh so if you don’t know my last episode I I’m I’m actually recording this right after the last episode but the last episode of random battle an… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Hardcore Challenge on SuperFlat

    Insane Minecraft Hardcore Challenge on SuperFlatVideo Information [Music] [Music] sh [Music] [Music] uh [Music] [Music] [Music] w [Music] m [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] why [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] uh [Music] [Music] a [Music] [Music] w [Music] [Music] [Music] aha [Music] [Music] m [Music] [Music] [Music] what [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] yeah [Music] h [Music] [Music] a [Music] [Music] [Music] h [Music] h [Music] 2 days [Music] later one eternity [Music] later [Music] [Music] he [Music] [Music] h [Music] h [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] he [Music] [Music] [Music] nice [Music] [Music] ah [Music] [Music] [Music] h [Music] w [Music] sh [Music] [Applause]… Read More

  • Insane Editing Skills Revealed 🔥

    Insane Editing Skills Revealed 🔥Video Information he knows about the torch yeah I think I’m just going to kill him [Music] my death just motivated me more to find the torch for I can prove to everyone I’m not someone to be messed [Music] with some blocks in Minecraft shouldn’t be obtainable this includes Bedrock yeah I think you know where [Music] I’m going to be placing Bedrock to prove my Domin but right beside it will be a piece of carpet and a f [Music] [Music] [Music] what’s up chat what is up everybody oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh… Read More

  • Unleashing Devil Ninja in Hell SMP 🔥 | Road To 1k | Stay Tuned! #minecraftlive

    Unleashing Devil Ninja in Hell SMP 🔥 | Road To 1k | Stay Tuned! #minecraftliveVideo Information चिपक गई छाती सेम माम माम बिंग बि सस्ते नन तार है ढीली कौन कसे कौन कसे कन की बतिया बुझा के बस ट्रिप लेन [संगीत] दो लूप में ट्यू बज के थोड़ा हिट दुनिया परवा कर करदा खुश होके जीना ना की [संगीत] सरीदास कहते हैं इसको जी ओपी शोपिया ओ जी करते हैं सब मोजी हम इसके खी हो ओम माम माम बि बि सस्ते चिपक गई छाती सेम माम बि बि सस्ते तार है कन क कन क कन क कन क कन क कन कन कन कनन ब्रेन की बत्तिया बुझा के बस ट्रिप… Read More

  • Shocking Twist: Anori Sweeda’s Mayo Encounter | BLK CAT INFECTED

    Shocking Twist: Anori Sweeda's Mayo Encounter | BLK CAT INFECTEDVideo Information try again just kidding R the raw beef will always be mine hey hey leave EV alone hey hey let runic come on let the white man stop running so he wants his mayonnaise so much longer than mine This video, titled ‘While he didn’t take our deals, I believe he got his mayo in the end. |BLK CAT INFECTED EVENT’, was uploaded by Anori Sweeda the Dapper Seaweed on 2024-04-05 22:00:06. It has garnered 27 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:26 or 26 seconds. Look at him run #shorts #BLKCATevent #minecraft #vtuber Read More

  • Mind-blowing Minecraft house rebuild from 2013!

    Mind-blowing Minecraft house rebuild from 2013!Video Information y hoy tenemos Ni más ni menos que un episodio muy especial en el cual vamos a tener que estar construyendo la casa de señor solgar y yo mismo una casa que hicimos allá por el lejano 2013 en un Survival el cual grabamos con una Nintendo 3DS bueno hicimos cada cosa en aquel Survival la casa está hecha un episodio bastante chiquitaje de aquí pero que tiene bastante historia al final una serie con señor solgard la cual a día de hoy ya está desaparecida van así Bueno más o menos se ha intentado hacer una foto… Read More

  • “Naruto’s Crew Plays Minecraft!? Ep. 1” | EPIC REACTION | #anime

    "Naruto's Crew Plays Minecraft!? Ep. 1" | EPIC REACTION | #animeVideo Information yo black hole what you up to right now bro uh I did a little bit of mining a little bit of Min yeah all right so I just need a little bit more oh my [Music] God yo I just got an end PE do you want it yes give it give what oh no ooh this is pretty I’m going to hit it oh my God it’s a Friendly Creeper wait Z come huh look oh it’s a Friendly Creeper okay all they have to do is get to this iron block right here go that’s… Read More

  • Torn S3

    Torn S3Torn S3 is part of the next generation of networks. Designed to be for the players. Always constantly adding new ideas. Designed to be transparent. Features: -Plots -Pvp – Prison -Warzon IP: torn.minehut.gg Website. https://sites.google.com/view/tornmc/home Discord. https://discord.gg/5Kba3qq torn.minehut.gg Read More

  • VanillaAnarchy – Semi-Anarchy, No Hacks, 1.19-1.20.4, Vanilla, No Resets, No Mob Caps

    VanillaAnarchy.net Vanilla Semi-Anarchy Server Established on July 1st, 2023, VanillaAnarchy (VA) offers the ultimate vanilla Minecraft experience. World Size: 30 Million Blocks View Distance: 10 Chunks Simulation/Tick Distance: 9 Chunks Mob Spawn Distance: 8 Chunks World Resets: Never Start Date: July 1st 2023 Joinable on: 1.19 – 1.20.4 Discord: discord.gg/5UtbNtsDdp Our commitment to authenticity is reflected in our no-reset policy and minimal rules. Join us to experience Minecraft the way it was meant to be played! Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Would you survive this?

    I wouldn’t go in there unless I had my diamond sword and enchanted armor ready to go! Read More

  • Minecraft’s Hottest Clips of 2025 🔥

    Minecraft's Hottest Clips of 2025 🔥 I can’t believe in 2025 people are still getting blown up by creepers and falling into lava pits in Minecraft. Some things never change! Read More

  • Join Minewind: The Ultimate Minecraft Server Experience

    Join Minewind: The Ultimate Minecraft Server Experience Join Minewind Minecraft Server Welcome to Minewind Minecraft Server! Are you a fan of Minecraft and looking for a new server to join? Look no further! Minewind offers a unique and exciting gaming experience that will keep you entertained for hours on end. With a dedicated community of players and a wide range of features, Minewind is the perfect place to unleash your creativity and explore new adventures. Why Join Minewind? Unique gameplay experience Dedicated community of players Exciting features and challenges Endless possibilities for creativity Ready to join the fun? Simply enter the Minewind server IP: YT.MINEWIND.NET in… Read More

  • Warden Beam Madness!

    Warden Beam Madness! Minecraft Snapshot 22w15a: Warden Beam! The latest snapshot for Minecraft, 22w15a, brings exciting updates to the game, particularly focusing on the powerful Warden mob. Previously known for its close-range attacks, the Warden now boasts a long-range attack, making it an even more formidable opponent. Long-Range Warden Attack In a thrilling demonstration, players can witness the Warden engaging in long-range combat against the Wither. The Warden’s new ability to target enemies from a distance adds a challenging dynamic to battles, showcasing its strength and agility. Impressive Damage Output The Warden’s long-range attack is visually stunning, emitting powerful shockwaves that deal… Read More

  • Insane! JJ Builds a House in Mikey’s Furnace in Minecraft!

    Insane! JJ Builds a House in Mikey's Furnace in Minecraft!Video Information all right let’s get started today I want to see what Mikey is going to do he told me he wants to do some kind of experiment I’m interested to see what he’s going to do as we can see they are building some kind of mechanism it really looks strange I want to solve all the problems as quickly as possible and get everything out as interestingly as possible look it’s really like he wants to turn into someone it’s incredibly interesting looking anyway we’ll just have to follow it up and draw some conclusions I think… Read More

  • Minecraft Legend Myths Busted!

    Minecraft Legend Myths Busted!Video Information these are the scariest Minecraft Legends you’ve never heard of starting with a myth sent by ety on Discord and they say I know this sounds fake but don’t go to This Server something is wrong with the Statue here and it’s just a picture of a statue with an IP to an anarchy server and wa what what is this this is kind of weird this actually has a nice spawn oh wait there’s only one person on the server limbo 22 oh this is kind of sus guys is the scary stat to even real like… Read More

  • ULTIMATE MINECRAFT MADNESS! Day 1-5 Hardcore Survival

    ULTIMATE MINECRAFT MADNESS! Day 1-5 Hardcore SurvivalVideo Information This video, titled ‘BETTER MINECRAFT (1.20) || Day 1-5 || Modpack, Hardcore Survival || Full Play-through || Forge’, was uploaded by KILRtv on 2024-01-08 23:00:09. It has garnered 81 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 01:22:57 or 4977 seconds. It’s the beginning of an incredible, beautiful series of exploration, building, and discovery as we play “Beyond Minecraft” – A modpack for Minecraft 1.20 using Forge. In this episode, we explore our surroundings, start building our first house, and meet our neighbor. This is a full play-through and not a “100 Days” video, so you’ll… Read More

  • 🔥 EPIC ALIEN BASE RAID! 💥 #18 Garena Free Fire 🔓

    🔥 EPIC ALIEN BASE RAID! 💥 #18 Garena Free Fire 🔓Video Information got to wa RI tray like I’m young cuz I am in the scenes I got little more to give y’all the people I’m not St fo in G change uhhuh ha them more cuz I’m up and I don’t even fly up here I see rappers liing dark F High thingss I know they hiding but what you hiding from you TR you know I’m about to grill your ass [Music] hey it’s my time was on my time when i r be manipulate time like you do mind I’m sick and tired of the LI you… Read More

  • Crazy Grillium S1! You Won’t Believe What Happens!

    Crazy Grillium S1! You Won't Believe What Happens!Video Information hello everyone uh this is the Gillian reforged SMP or let’s play and I’m here with forest and fumble who is Wizard in game and we are the members of it we also have Sammy the bones he could not make it at the moment so he will be here later we have a few plugins we have our obviously simple voice chat plugin where we have proximity chat Minecraft and we do have a dead chest plugin when we die every all of our items going into a chest this is just going to be a survival… Read More

  • EPIC REUNION: Nappa and Vegeta back together in Minecraft SMP!

    EPIC REUNION: Nappa and Vegeta back together in Minecraft SMP!Video Information Nappa and Vegeta are reunited Vegeta hey it’s me Goku in today’s episode of Minecraft we fight the warden cooler demonstrates his power to Vegeta oh really you want to see my dust on power F then you want to see the greaty mighty cooler sure come at to me you stupid Warren and Vegeta makes fun of me oh yes he cut the lights off yes well we got to see now was I supposed to know that I’m going blind idea Karo oh you’re so smart shut up Vegeta stop making fun of me don’t miss… Read More

Eyecraftmc – Exploring The Forgotten Past of Minecraft 1.0