Faithful Familiars – What a load of SHIPS! ~ Episode Nineteen ~ Cottage Witch Minecraft

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Hello and welcome back to cottagewitch I hope you’re fed I hope you watered and I hope you rested your lovely beans last time we uh did a whole bunch more our stuff we set up our little farm and we got the first eye for the end but one

Eye is not enough for me babe so we’re gonna go look for some other eyes um I’m also gonna try and set up a little bit more of the r stuff someone was so kind um Scott hi I was so kind to leave so many lovely um comments of advice uh for me

Regarding our stuff so the one I’m picking of those comments to do today is I’m gonna set up the wand specifically for our Fireball spell um and we’re also gonna just edit that spell so it doesn’t destroy the blocks around it only harms why do I want it to

Destroy blocks I have a think about it but before that please get comfy get cozy settle on in and we shall get all right on into it yeah so first of all let’s I’m pretty sure we have the wand right and I say that because if we pop on over to ours

Nouveau over here that we have yeah see this casting wand already done Bates so we just have to find that casting wand within our stuff right now look there it is gorgeous now I believe do I want the thing is right do I want do I want to put dampening on the spell

Do I want to not destroy the blocks around it or do I want that to add to the I don’t know because it does destroy like the look and Um listen every action there needs to be an equal and opposite reaction right so I’m Gonna Leave the destruction of Fireball up and running because because I well to be frank because I can’t be bothered to change um but first let’s uh let’s go up uh and

I really do need to fix the staircase and you know finish the house and whatnot but for now let’s just pop this bad boy on there now if I’m not mistaken right we want to go not to Mage block and then we want to come to

Buy a ball and then we shift and right click if I’m not ones except effects and augments only what do I have on here effects and augments oh there’s I’m not allowed to it won’t take a form no okay I’ve got to test something real quick can I take that out

Temporarily let me just try can I cast this without a form is the question right oh um yes yes I can okay okay cool cool thank you Game I guess I’m just gonna don’t mind me oh would you could you not do we really have to do this right now

Yeah why don’t you step through my berries huh go away okay so it doesn’t need to have a form which is good which means I can just shoot the little shot out of the wand hopefully why can’t I just Place locks like a normal for all good all good yeah I

Wanted there to be a hole there thanks thanks game thanks a bunch game give me that can I at least can I yeah I will fix that okay I will fix that it was important for the testing process set spell all right now let me see

Let me see does it do anything if I shoot the spell if I shoot the wand does it do anything again I must test my hole ah okay it works [Laughter] yay okay so look now we’ve got a nice little uh Fireball spell in a wand

Um and that way I don’t have to take up any of my space in my book with the fireball I can get some more useful spells going potentially oh Jesus let me get some dirt we can get some more useful spells going potentially to just chill in the book and then just have

Ready to go on demand Fireball and someone told me this was at half the cost I’m gonna cover this up real quick and I’m I’m gonna set off another one and we’re just gonna see what that does to our Mana in the um bottom left-hand corner of the screen so this takes us

Down from one from 4 15 to that’s still pretty expensive still pretty damn expensive if you ask me it is what it is though babes at least it doesn’t take up extra room in the book which means we can have more room for other things in the book

Which is very exciting I think um why am I doing this I hear you ask well because that way stupid little spiders can’t spawn in there but I use less blocks lovely jubbly right okay yeah so today things I would like to do um I’m Gonna Keep some gold on me because

We may come across some starbuncles I forget what the I know that someone I think you said that the the whirlish sprigs would appreciate if you plant trees near them and then um the trick means what did the trigmies want I can’t remember I will have to I’m

Gonna look it up in a hot second I will look it up and we will take those things out with us um and see what it does when we present the various different Little Critters with those things so let me grab some oh lovely gold nuggets are just there and

Then we’ll grab just like a couple a couple trees like uh you know what we’ll take off a stack that’s fine and then let me just give me one second I’m just gonna find out what the the drink means one I’ll be right back okay so if we want to

Tame a drag me it’s going to be a wild and Horn and then um a lovely person also told me uh actually a few people have told me to potentially check out I’m going to take a couple actually the RS Nouveau storage system right just real quick I

Just want to have a look because I can’t find it in the book but the storage system would allow me to sort of as I’ve been told like Craft on the go spell prism but I don’t know where the storage is because it would be very useful I’m not

I’m not gonna lie that would be very useless a starbuncle wheel that merges in with create if I’m not mistaken void prism Repository alteration table T potion diffuser no depositor Source relay splitter I may have to have a look into this deeper in some way with some research on another stream

That is A-Okay but what we’re gonna go do right now now that we’ve got our little wand is we are going to go out we’re going to find ourselves so I’m hacking eyes because the closer we can get to the Ender Dragon the better I

Mama wants to fight it this I know it’s a harder end and I’ve not been able to solo this dragon in my other playthrough so I want to build up to that I want to Magic the pants off of this dragon and I’m so ready for it we found the nether

Eye I was thinking the black eye might be quite easy to find because it’s to do with berry treasure right so all we need to do is find um a sunken ship which would be super easy um yes yes I think we will start ourselves uh Master cleric it can be purchased

From a master cleric we’re gonna have to level up a whole hecking cleric how many emeralds do I have not many man like not many at all I feel oh no where did they go give me the rest of them as well where’s the rest here okay well

We can go try and do a cleric Master up a cleric right and we can also do for ourselves um I’ll look for a sunken ship I know we found one as well I don’t think we’ve got a map for Berry treasure let me come in as well because

We you know what we need to do we need to make a brush for my broom I supposed to do that last time and I didn’t um buried no okay no we have not picked up it do we have any kind of other Maps no these are just empty Maps okay

Well um how do I make um the broom the broom brush give me the enhanced room brush how do I make it how do I um make the wet enhanced broom brush I need water I need a regular broom brush and I need a bunch of these things

How do I make a a regular broom uh wheat mandrake root mugwort and yellow dock give me some bone meal real quick real Swift like I’m just gonna steal some of that thank you very much um yellow duck mugwort oh God God bless these plants for being able to do this right

That’s gorgeous as well um I know Mandrake yeah that’s not the root though babes crap how do I get the root how the heck do I get the root why can’t I remember how to get the fruit sugar oh no what do I do oh no uh Magic

Flowers I haven’t I definitely haven’t gotten it anywhere else have I no do I have to plant it in like regular ass stuff can I like no I can’t pop it there unfortunately I can’t just plant them either Mandrake flowers can I make seeds out of them no hold on

Hold the phone man man Drake how do I get the mandrake root um you know what we might just pop real quick let me go let me go to sleep and then we’re gonna pop to our little hexy swamp very briefly ignore that lag that was that was bad

Um we’re gonna pop to our little hexy swamp very briefly we’re going to get ourselves some mandrake root once I remember how we’ll be fine all right it’ll be fine um and we’ll take it from there because I do need I do it’s gonna break I can feel

It the broom’s gonna break white right when I need it to not break I can feel it in my bones okay so we loaded into the hex swamp and this little Fella’s here and I just realized that um one of the eyes that you need I think is the Rogue

Guy is from a jungle temple and I was just perusing his Wares if you will and right at the bottom here I will absolutely take a jungle Explorer map in hopes in the vain faint hopes that it will take us to a jungle temple and we can get that um

We can get that eye that would be fabulous let’s find some um Mandrake Mandarin with purple flowers purple hacking flowers I forget how it’s done it’s not you is it no it’s not you absolutely not you I am so chock full of stuff already purple flowers purple flowers that is leather flower bye

Actually you want to go is that what you want you want to go you bastard you moved out of the way really right well I do see a problem with the wand and I do want to get some good armor that’s going to give us the good manner so we really need to

Find somewhere we can just like Farm a bunch of XP that’s gonna be good you know okay Mandrake plant I have to right click it but even then I just like that that did nothing oh that did nothing that’s okay what about now okay ah but I can do that then

Okay well I got I got a couple Mandrake roots from that that’s pretty good I’m not mad about that at all in fact I’m gonna bring you along with me let’s go back I’ve got what I wanted from this place let’s get back home real quick where am

I face Island there we go and I’m just gonna plant this little bad boy on the corner there okay what else oh I needed wheat I needed wheat for my broom brush please if I may I will have that was bad that was bad form I’m not

Gonna lie to you that was real bad form it’s fine though okay you and you that’s fine let’s put some of you in there neither of you are ready to be harvested but that’s okay I’ve got some I’ve got some wheat not you but you and you

And then just pop you in there that’s lovely right let’s make a little let’s make a little broom let’s make a little broom brush I figure out what I need already I need lots of water I’ll tell you that for free so you know what bear

With me I’m gonna grab some water we’re gonna make ourselves a broom brush because we’re then gonna have to dry it I’ll be right back I just been prepping to put all the stuff in the cold room to make the broom brush and I’m just looking at all these things I didn’t

Notice I want that Thruster brush how does all make a Thruster brush how the heck do you do that how the heck do I must how the heck do you make a Thruster brush is it not possible to find like out in the Wilds is it can I not how do

You make that or like a moon dust brush wet Moon okay so there is a wet Moon dust brush right if you if you add Moon Dust how do you make moon dust babes and like this one is significantly increases broom speed and increases it even further on a full

Moon that’s so cool I love that how do I make the Thruster one this is I need to know I I need to know I really want the Thruster one anyway um I digress we need to make this bad boy right so we need um we need mug water leaves yellow dock

Leaves a couple of mandrakes four of the wheat okay okay um now we need the mug what leaves there we go lovely so we need like um one um I need like um one of you right and then also one of you I don’t know if that’s in the wrong

Position but it should be fine I think four of you bad boys and then luckily for us we’ve got exactly two of those and it’s doing it yes let’s go give me that broom brush and we will just slop it right on the um this here lovely okay perfect

So um oh did I have I not done that I have not done that I get a choice reward Mandrake give me the Mandrake after that give me the Mandrake I get a choice for oh no I don’t I get a random reward I got a tree of time

Sapling I don’t know what use that is to me do you have you know what I’ll plant it I’ll plant it Lord help me I’ll plant it I don’t know what you’re gonna do but I’ll plant you all right you go there and then I’m just gonna plant my little Mandrake plant

Here lovely let’s put the rest of it away we just gotta wait for that to dry unfortunately but dry it shell and then whilst we’re waiting for that to dry I am waiting for this Leviathan map to find so I don’t know what it’s doing it’s just searching if you can see

In the bottom right um left hand corner there it’s just searching I don’t know how I don’t I don’t know I don’t know let it search it’s it’s searching um but in the meantime I tell you what we can look at this bad boy can’t we okay okay so we

Um we are exceptionally Northwest we need to go Way Southeast do have we been very Southeast on the map oh you bet your bottom dollar we have and this is this is one of the villagers isn’t it but there’s also this area over here which was oh it’s the jungle area

This is where all the villages are okay this is oh I wonder if it’s in that jungle or am I just gonna find the village I’ll be really disappointed if it’s just the village we shall see anyway um how far away do we reckon this is going

To be like an overnight kind of oh it’s done oh that’s lovely is my plate still and my plate is still out here I’m just going to pop that on there lovely jubbly and then um I’m just gonna hop on this go in the inventory see this is yeah exactly just

Exactly I’m gonna have to make more broom brushes I’m fully aware but until then you know um this is fine I’m just gonna whack you get you on up we’ll have a nice little Kip real quick right and then we’ll hop off to that jungle and see if we’re anywhere near on the

Map I’m really hoping we’ll get a jungle temple with the exploration and additionally that there might be some sort of sunken ship nearby with a map in it maybe that would be lovely I think I’m asking for too much there right on our way we go where are you coming are you

Um ELD it’s it’s the villages I’m just not swamped down not swamp town we don’t want swamp town we want Elder Village ignore that little sound I’m so sorry Elder Village is this one of the ones how far am I okay um I don’t know if this is the one that we

Wanted but it’s certainly something right how far away are we okay yeah this is probably the closest one we’ve got are we any cloak we are we are closer we still need to go this direction though I believe so let’s just follow this along see where we end up in fact let’s put

The old uh look at the old broom involved shall we because why the hell wouldn’t we perfect okay right uh let me whack that map out I’m just letting them up load in but there are a couple of already quite notable features you can see there’s like a little

Balloon thing over there that looks quite interesting quite excited to see what that is but also also if you could look at the Fab and tabulous terrain generation over there it’s really quite stunning you gotta love the flat border oh man um but there are there are definitely

Other things so if you just look look there’s something down there not sure what that is the map’s kind of pointing Us in this direction somewhat so I guess we will keep following yes that is a jungle temple that’s exactly what we needed That’s so exciting heck oh my God there’s I know

Those are just trees they’re just trees it’s fine I’m gonna let the map load in some more and then we’ll pop into that jungle temple yes Louie I’ve come to Indiana Jones you steal your things probably not put them in a museum but only because I need them

For like reasons okay it’s just I just want to take the stuff that shoe this is mining yeah mining is what we need right we just need to get in the gaffe so let’s just mine those two of course there are creepers in here can I just like oh Jesus

I was looking for the one where did my wand go that’s unacceptable mate that is so an ex I can’t believe that I just shunted me wand in my pockets I can think so that’s in a probes I needed that to shoot stuff up with all right well

Obviously if you’ve ever been into a uh Temple you know that this is all rubbish and you knock it all down and you get rid of the Redstone as well get rid of that thank you very much let me break one of those and all just in case

And then you open it up look at that a cheeky little row guy how exciting how excited we can check out the other one if we really want to yeah yeah whatever ah unexpected unexpected diamonds not gonna lie pretty happy with that all right let’s uh whack out the sack first I reckon

Obviously I’m gonna take it all you know like I’d leave anything behind here I don’t heck and think so mate I don’t know why I bought the eyes with me I’m really not sure it is what it is um what else can I put in there I guess

This can go in there now I don’t really need the map do I and then you and you and how can you and why don’t we put some of that in there that’s fine some of that that’s cool okay cool thank you let me take that SEC from you if I could

And then I’ll take the rest of that because it’s free stuff that I don’t have to fight things for and that is a bargain in my book right okay so I guess first before we do anything let me just check out before we go home and we go looking for any um any

Other eyes I should at least check out the I should at least check out the structures that are around here you know like what’s this one over here that I’m sorry the terrain generation has me cracking up why did it why did it do that what is this what is this building

Is it going to lead me somewhere oh it’s just a whale it’s a very pretty well I like it quite a lot little jungle well that’s very cute I have to say I mean I’m not sure how useful it is next to a big River but it’s cute and you know what

Sometimes things don’t have to have function you can just enjoy them because they’re nice to look at or they’re there people enjoying things shouldn’t shouldn’t have to be also functional or productive people can just enjoy things because they want to enjoy things where is that big that there it is

Where is that big massive Tower that’s right in the skyline that you shouldn’t be able to miss Faith get it together woman all right it looks like a hot air balloon deployment Center I’m nervous I feel like it’s going to be full of grumpuses you know uh oh free Lantern I’ll take it

I’ll take some free copper and all thank you got myself an orange tulip and apparently that’s useful for some reason one of those there what is this oh there’s another crate give cooked Cod I will take yeah sure I’m gonna put these back though to be honest uh linked inventory pets can pick

Up items and teleport them to the owner’s inventory oh that seems kind of well that seems kind of good to me you know what is this place is it just a variant of those towers that we’ve been entering I may as well take these uh we’ve had white haven’t we

Those are two white tulips I’ll have a red just in case what is this tropical fish don’t eat it I’m gonna keep climbing just in case this has any kind of difference to it it’s a very cool Tower it is it is pretty cool I’m not gonna lie to you

I might have another free one of those give me the cooked cards too that’s just free food in the old Bank herding pets can be followed by wild animals I’m not as excited about to be honest so I’m just gonna leave that in there you know um what’s in here

I’ll have that as well pink have we had pink orange definitely had both of those free book not really all that bothered uh and then there’s just like this last little area yeah a cartography table Azalea cartography I’ll take a smithing table for free a thousand so give me the mossy

Cobblestone as uh Way Stone as well yeah absolutely you can keep your cartography table there fam uh I don’t need it I’m good this is quite a place what a view as well how lovely okay so next on the agenda is definitely uh let me pop down the old Brew marooni

Next on oh God this is a mistake this was a mistake can I just please I would love it if I could just like go go forth can I please go forth okay now what about if I do that are we good no no still stuck

What about now oh thank God any who’s it’s I would love it if we could just like go forth somewhere and find a sunken ship maybe that would be pretty popping if you ask me where did we come from that is not where we came from but if I

Hover over any of these areas am I likely to see a sunken ship that is what I am talking about babes okay let me can I pop a cheeky temp Waypoint yes I can um x marks the spot x marks that spot for us let’s hack in go there she is I

Don’t know if you can see that very well because um it’s dark but there is indeed a little Ship Shape right there uh but luckily for us what we could do is pop a cheeky Way Stone down I know how far away we are from any of the other ways

So oh my God what are you oh it’s a very pretty building oh it’s a very pretty building what are you oh my goodness oh it would be so rude for me to not have a cheeky pop in you know like what are you okay right you know

What we’re putting away Stone down we’re gonna go home we’re gonna come back when it’s nice and light out and we won’t be harassed by stuff okay well this is happening and I just can I just if I could oh get wrecked that’s what I thought zombie villager

Why do you look like a a little scuba diver buddy um okay I guess what I’ll do is oh I’m so excited to explore here where is that where is the there it is give me now will you just go away for two seconds please thank you um strange house

Do you know what the problem is is that I’ve been immediately distracted be fair of the two objectives I set today my face is still big I’m so sorry of the two objectives I set for myself today in this episode I have indeed gotten an eye

And I did indeed make that uh wand so realistically we’ve got like adventuring budget to spare oh a seed pouch tree fertilizer I don’t really want the seed pouch from being honest with you I don’t know what it does ah hello oh well this will be good this

Is how I get my XP back oh is it like a grave in here foreign oh you know what never mind immediately we got it back perfect you can keep your poisonous tati I’ll take the bone meal to be fair I will take the Bony you can keep your poisonous tattoos though

Uh I’m gonna take that you can keep these seeds to be honest oh Jesus oh geez oh hello I don’t think you want to be outside buddy okay we’ve got enough XP to go home we’re gonna be fine we’re gonna be absolutely fine if I could just like

What if you got nothing in there uh what have you got up here a little carrot on a stick I’m not all that bothered about okay so that’s that’s this area oh dead coral what’s that is that lichen that is lichen we got some melons as well What’s coming out of these blocks is there a way Zombie horse hello I don’t have my lasso I don’t have my lasso I need listen I’ll be back for you don’t you go anywhere I swear to God see why couldn’t you lot why couldn’t you keep a cheeky saddle in here or something

Or if you have like a lasso going somewhere I would oh babes I would I would dig that so hard nothing in there why does this this seems sus to me why is this glass like this what’s behind that oh it’s just stripped wood okay so there is an uppie area

There is upsies we’ve got some like little stools ah is this where you’re coming from you silly sausages and you’re just spawning underneath is that the is that the way that works this is nice a nice build I wish I’d found this sooner um hello now we good I don’t think they’re

Spawning up here for whatever reason three glass bottles I’mma take free sugar sure honey dapple why not you know what just give me just get realistically give me all of it I can’t fit all of it in annoyingly so give me the cough for a second right we’re gonna pop some of

This stuff in there okay um in you go I’m gonna do bonus ones uh you can go in there that’s Lush Fab Fab right you can stay out you can stay out that’s good pop in ah the Coffer is so good give me the do I want the Dirty Glass probably not

I just leave it beetroot soup give me all of this as well Kraken oh a honey bottle give me give me everything but the Dirty Glass is that’s what I want thank you what about this nothing I feel like some of these are just Decor yeah

I’ve been in there I’ve just I was just there babes can we can go up and then we’re just gonna take this pop that there grab this and up we go well we got up here then I listen I am just gonna like can I just break you yeah I know

I know but it’s got to be done oh lava wax gives the rider the shadowboard fight I think we already have that so I’m not gonna take it I’m gonna take this I’m gonna take these I’m gonna leave the rest to be honest what else have we got a clock okay

You can keep your clock there’s a shovel there’s not gonna be any secret things in there no well you know this turned out to be kind of cool I really enjoyed this place thank you very much I need that horse but listen I I of course I want an undead horse

Oh we need it to get struck by lightning no we need it to potentially drop a lost soul so I might have to kill it to get the eye which could be real sad but it might be our shot at an eye I’m just gonna hop down here yeah do I

Have I might have to kill it and I know that’s going to be real sad because I don’t think I can like mate it are they mateable I know I could be like saving all these villagers and like making them better and getting good things but I don’t care I’m not doing it

It’s effort It’s effort and I don’t want to do it okay am I gonna murder this horse I’m not gonna I’m not gonna and I’ll tell you why if the horses if that horse can be mated with regular horses I need to do some research give me a second

I just realized I haven’t gotten into that Tower and I bet there’s something in that Tower but um you can you cannot breed you cannot breed the zombie horses additionally I think there’s something in that Tower and I didn’t get into that Tower so I just I just need to figure out

Where’s my broom let me let me fly up into the tower but I can use this spot essentially as a way of getting XP for myself is there anything in the tower that I that I missed potentially no no it’s just a just a tower nothing to be seen here okay that’s fine

Let’s go over here real quick to where our little ship is uh but yeah we can use there’s so many zombie villager spawner houses in there uh spawner spawners spawners there are so many zombie villager spawners in there that um we can just use it to farm XP as long

As we’ve got the XP to get here um we’ll be fine all right we just wanna we just wanna hover right on over there lovely in fact I’m just gonna yeah yeah there we go perfect sharks in here is there a massive fan of uh big open bodies of

Water no they’re just like flying fish right we’re safe okay okay let’s do this so in in here first yes please please give me the eye that I’m searching for no no I uh let’s get out and up lovely no I no I so far unfortunately that is rather unfortunate

It is what it is though babes it is what it is oh maybe we’ll get some more tarot cards okay and then uh again we’re just gonna float right on down please ignore the sound create storage space shut up shut up computer oh mans oh there’s another one okay

No I no we wanted a map we don’t want the eye we want a map and there’s no map here how disappointing oh sugar there’s definitely not a map in here is there Rick no ah geez are we gonna have to go look for another ship okay or actually just

Looking on the map real quick actually let me get out let me let me get out Super Swift there’s definitely not another no there’s no other chests are there this is like a fully intact ship as well which um surprisingly I don’t come across that many of

Can this Waypoint go away now that I’ve like been to it that would be lovely right let me just hop up here and then we’ll see if we can see anything ship like anywhere nearby at all would be so Lush that would be so incredible We’re not

Gonna find anything are we now we’re gonna have to like Waypoint to a different place maybe there’s like this place over here which is I’ve I traveled through a lot of the ocean I’m not gonna lie to you um when we were looking for various different things I have traveled great suede swaths

Suede swaths great the amounts of the ocean I have traveled we must have come across a couple a couple odd little ships that I haven’t been in because I didn’t want to stop somewhere surely you would think you would come on now none I don’t believe you give me a dang

Ship right now you oh there’s one over here oh I bet I didn’t get that one and all I remember getting this one because there’s a village is this one did I get that one is that one is that one that I got is that one that I got

Or was it this or was that one okay so this oh there’s loads over here all right um that’s where the underwater temple is I don’t know if ah this is my hexy swamp isn’t it okay yeah let’s uh let’s go back to our little Way Stone

And we will travel to our hexi swamp and we will take it from there and we I swear to God we’re getting a map today I’m getting the damn that okay okay so just on the map wise like if we look here right now underneath us is

Part of a ship this doesn’t count this is uh like a little villager ship this is the underwater temple we initially find uh found rather and we are gonna need to go in it because another one of the eyes is in there we have to fight

The guardian and get one of the Guardian eyes but there is a shipwreck right next to it interestingly enough that we can go and have a look at and then um there’s also part of one here and then if we come back up this way there’s more of them up here isn’t there

Look there’s a ship there I think we visited but um in this whole area there were ships right so one of these ships one of these ships is going to give us what we need let’s just drop down have a cheeky Peak that’s the like please I’m back please I’m I beg

I I’m not asking for much but please please for the love of God consider giving unto me a map that’s it’s not what I it’s not what I want that okay but there’s also down here real quick could I please God God damn it maybe the other ship the one that’s

Right next to the underwater temple um will be more fruitful because now hear me out it looks more colorful like on the map it looks like it’s got like got corals and stuff on it looks like a big ship right um maybe maybe that’s what we’ve been

Missing I’m just not thrilled at the prospect of being near it you know because of the Guardians but um it is what it is we’ve got to try we’ve we’ve I I have to do it I have to try oh there’s there they all are that’s a big ship man

What the actual hat that’s like a downed pirate ship how fascinating please thank you right this is going to be terrifying so a sunken ship please have a map please for the love of God have a map please oh there was a book in there this is gonna be difficult I’m not gonna

Lie to you it’s gonna be rough should have bought um I should have bought the door with me oh god oh Jesus oh God I hate being near the underwater temples they scare me um anything I’ll take it oh Jesus I know I know I know I’m sorry I’m sorry

I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry please please don’t kill me please okay we’re fine oh no ah I am begging I am begging you to give me what I need please oh please please anything no anything oh there’s a book let me grab the book

And let’s hop back up real quick I should have bought a boat oh I should have bought a boat oh oh no oh this is gonna be so bad I didn’t think this through I’m not gonna lie to you I did not think this through the pink fish let me just have a

Look at what this says a second we came across a very interesting creature on our adventures today with a pink fish looking thing but it was rather playful and killed smaller fish much like a cat I wonder what it was yeah I wonder what it was pink fish looking thing okay

Um there’s got to be some more underwater areas around here right okay okay okay okay okay we can do this deep breaths down we go I like I like the ship’s Helm that’s very cool I have to say oh I haven’t been in this one yet no map no map at all okay

Um let’s pop back up but there is an Underside there no map thus far that’s absolutely fine okay and then down down real quick I may die I may die here I’ll be very sad um not what I was looking for but there’s definitely more oh good oh good

Oh good there’s a spawner down there oh how fabulous frick uh why do I feel like this is not gonna have what I want either oh it’s a guardian oh loads of Guardians oh no please leave me alone have you considered not not getting me could you could we her chance

Not get me I’m gonna find another ship because this one feels it feels I’m not gonna lie to you it feels a little risky and I feel like I’m not ready and we will come back I’m gonna find another ship um the is that no no thank you

No why are you near the ship I need can you please go away there’s a ship at all your proper like guard in it aren’t you like that’s right where I need to be isn’t it oh you butt can you please go away I need to get inside the ship

Yeah why don’t you swim off yeah buddy we just want our hat back what is that encounter a skelawag near a sunken ship oh does this mean I’m like in the right direction I did it did it drop anything I don’t think it dropped anything did it oh geez [Applause]

Please give me the thank you did it drop anything bones it dropped bones laughs and whatever this is a bone to pick oh gosh oh God I don’t know what it is but I got something I got something oh no there’s another one oh no there’s another one oh no oh hello

Please please oh god oh they’re riding them oh no no no no no no no no no please can I like absolutely not oh that was horrible no please I just need to get into that ship can you please just let me buy please please please please please please I have a

Limited time here oh I’ve already been in this ship have I have I no apparently so I put all of that time and energy into getting into that damn ship how upsetting oh this is the one I went to before did I leave anything here like

A map please oh please please it would make my day please please tell me I left a map here on the off chance no there’s nothing there um but what about down below it’s an empty map I really want to talk about it all right what about over here what about over here

Well you know what today was still a productive day okay we still made a little wand for our Fireball which is still popping like I’m sorry but look how cool that is look at and we just need to get some more Mana giving stuff for that to be even better

We did that we still got an eye today we still got ourselves a row guy today thank you so much for watching today friends I hope you have a crack in time zone you stay fed you stay watered you stay rested know that you love because I

Love you and I will see you in the next one goodbye You Beautiful People foreign

This video, titled ‘What a load of SHIPS! ~ Episode Nineteen ~ Cottage Witch Minecraft’, was uploaded by Faithful Familiars on 2023-08-23 10:45:03. It has garnered 152 views and 15 likes. The duration of the video is 00:50:03 or 3003 seconds.

Whatever happened to EYE EYE CAPTAIN?! 💜

Remember to check out this beautiful modpack right here and support the creator HeyKatu:

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Have a crackin timezone!

  • Zaheer’s Wild Minecraft Survival Adventure

    Zaheer's Wild Minecraft Survival Adventure The Exciting World of Minecraft Survival Series Embark on a thrilling journey through the blocky landscapes of Minecraft in this survival series. Join the adventure as our protagonist navigates through challenges, builds shelters, and gathers resources to survive in this virtual world. Survival at Its Core In Minecraft Survival Series, players must utilize their wit and skills to thrive in a hostile environment. From crafting tools to hunting for food, every decision matters as they strive to stay alive amidst the dangers lurking in the shadows. Building Your Sanctuary One of the key aspects of survival in Minecraft is… Read More

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  • Fufiworld’s Ultimate Skyblock Adventure!

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  • “Minecraft Survival Live Stream with EPIC Builds” #minecraftlive

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  • Just Bucket! SMP, McMMO, Economy, Jobs, Tournaments, SkyBlock

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  • Minecraft Memes – The ultimate Minecraft companion!

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  • Crafty AMA: Architect Player’s Minecraft Mastery

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  • Hotter than a lava bath in the Nether!

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  • Cheating on Minecraft Test Answers

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  • Minecraft Tipped Arrows: Quick & Easy Guide

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  • Ultimate Power! Alchemist Crafts Crystal Balls in Minecraft D&D Day 26!

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  • Ultimate Shulker Box Hack for Minecraft #shorts

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    "DOLANAN GAYENG: SKIBIDI TOILET ATTACKED US!" #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘KITA DISERANG MUSUH SKIBIDI TOILET #minecraft #gameplay #skibiditoilet’, was uploaded by Dolanan Gayeng on 2024-04-20 11:00:48. It has garnered 12236 views and 402 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:36 or 36 seconds. WE ARE ATTACKED BY THE ENEMY OF SKIBIDI TOILET #minecraft #gameplay #skibiditoilet #shorts Hey I’m Dolanan Gayeng Here I will play and learn to play various existing games, so we play together and learn together, there is no intention to offend anyone so,,, help like comment subscribe and share ya guys…. thanks you instagram: Minecraft Minecraft Indonesia Minecraft Adventure Minecraft… Read More

  • Insane Gold & XP Farm in Minecraft 1.16+

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  • UNBELIEVABLE: Noob Dominates TOP Games! 🤯🔥🎮 #gaming

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  • “EPIC TROLL in Bed Wars – Minecraft Battle!” #shockingbetrayal #crazyminecraftbattle

    "EPIC TROLL in Bed Wars - Minecraft Battle!" #shockingbetrayal #crazyminecraftbattleVideo Information This video, titled ‘Troll team mate in bed wars part 2 #minecraftnoobvsprovshackervsgod #playingmincraft’, was uploaded by Smart Veer Gaming on 2024-03-16 14:41:46. It has garnered 92 views and 12 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:30 or 30 seconds. #gaming #minecraft #pvp #viralvideo #minecraftpvp #minecraftmemes #pvpgod #minecrafter #minecraftpc #minecraftbuilds #minecraftbuildtutorials #minecraftdaily #minecraftdairies #minecraftpocketedition #minecraftjava #minecraftjavamods #minecraftjavaedition #minecraftdungeons #minecraftlegends #minecraftmoments #bedwars #dream #gaming Yours enquires- pvp gaming console pvp pvp montage pvp texture pack pvp video game pvp god pvp server pvp ventuer latest news pvp server ip pvp devil minecraft pvp video minecraft pvp tips minecraft pvp… Read More

  • Nabi Gaming – Unbelievable Minecraft Realism! 😱🔥

    Nabi Gaming - Unbelievable Minecraft Realism! 😱🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT REALISTIC MOD 😍🤤 #minecraft’, was uploaded by Nabi Gaming on 2024-03-22 12:15:03. It has garnered 5256 views and 88 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:10 or 10 seconds. MINECRAFT WITH ULTRA REALISTIC GRAPHICS Minecraft REAListic Graphics Minecraft REAL LIFE Extreme Graphics Minecraft in hardcore Incredible Minecraft Graphics Ultra REALISTIC MINECRAFT How to Build a Snowy Cottage How to Build a Starter House Minecraft Minecraft Blacksmith house Minecraft Snowy Cabin MINECRAFT WINTER CABIN MINECRAFT WINTER HOUSE Realistic MC RTX 4090 Minecraft best shaders Minecraft Shader Comparison Minecraft Ray Tracing Minecraft REAL LIFE Extreme… Read More

  • Epic Globeysweats xPiglegends Showdown

    Epic Globeysweats xPiglegends ShowdownVideo Information This video, titled ‘xPiglegends’, was uploaded by Globeysweats on 2024-03-05 04:06:06. It has garnered 2212 views and 47 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:28 or 28 seconds. hive pack folder,pack folder mcpe,cranexe pack folder,minecraft hive pack folder,mcpe pack folder,hive pack folder 16x,hive pack folder mcpe,best the hive texture packs,hive texture pack,pack folder, EvidentP in skywars, trapping in skywars, Evident, hive montage,pack folder,pvp texture pack mcpe,best pvp texture pack bedrock,best pvp texture pack mcpe,mcpe pvp texture pack,mcpe texture packs pvp,minecraft hive,the hive,hive,hive skywars,hive minecraft,hive shaders,best hive texture packs, hive treasure wars,hive bedrock,OvaPade,top 5 mcpe pvp texture pack,potpvp,pack… Read More


    EXPLOSIVE DIY MINECRAFT - UNBELIEVABLE KOLA BORE HOLE TRICK! #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘WAIT FOR KOLA BORE HOLE TNT #minecraft’, was uploaded by DIY MINECRAFT on 2024-03-26 12:07:25. It has garnered 11561 views and 294 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:18 or 18 seconds. #minecraft #minecraftmemes #minecraftpe #minecraftonly #minecraftpc #minecrafter #minecraftmeme #minecrafters #minecraftbuilds #minecraftpocketedition #minecraftxbox #minecraftserver #minecraftbuild #minecraftart #minecraftps3 #minecraftuniverse #minecrafts #minecraftdaily #minecraftforever #minecraftskin #minecraftedit #photoseedminecraft #minecraftfx #minecraftdiaries #minecraftskins #skydoesminecraft #minecrafthouse #minecraftcake #minecraftersonly #minecraftparty #minecraftindonesia #minecraftgirl #pewdiepieminecraft #minecraft_pe #minecraftdrawing #minecraftxbox360 #minecraftsurvival #minecraftisawesome #minecrafthouses #minecraftedits Read More

  • WorkSMP Realms SMP Bedrock

    Looking for Players for Bedrock Realm Join my Bedrock Realm with a unique story/lore element. Create your own story and immerse yourself in the world. If interested, message me at “sirwondernut” on Discord. Read More


    Looks like Minecraft just got a little more fabulous! 🦄🌈 Read More