Fire Spider Survives 100 DAYS! EPIC Hardcore Minecraft!

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On day one, I spawned in as a fire spider! “Oh cool, I got eight legs, and four hearts.  But whoa! I’m not a regular spider, I’m a fire   spider! That means I have to avoid water no  matter what. I should probably look around.”

I started testing out my new abilities. I can  jump high, run super fast and climb up walls. “Woo-hoo!” Just as I was jumping from tree to tree, a  swarm of tarantula hawks started to attack. “Ahhh! Where did you come from?” Quickly, I jumped off of the  tree and started running away,  

But these guys were fast. They  even took out some of my hearts. “Ouch, I need those.” Realizing that I couldn’t outrun these  guys forever, I decided I needed to fight. “I wonder if I have something that could  help me fight these tarantula hawks.” Just then, I looked into my inventory and I saw  

I had an item. Web-shot. Throw at  your enemies to attack or stun them. “This should work.” Quickly, I put this ability into effect and  started throwing webs at the tarantula hawks. “Wow, this is awesome!” I managed to bring down several w of the  tarantula hawks with my web-shot until  

There was only one left. He quickly  fled before I could take him down. “Ha, and stay out you flying fiend!” I proceeded to look around a little more  before I decided to call it a night.  On day two, I woke up hungry  and decided to make my first  

Web. I placed it in the tree and  waited. Soon, I caught a fly! “Mmm tasty!” Then I went and took a look  around. I stumbled upon a   hole in the ground and decided to check it out. “Maybe I can find some more fire spiders here.”

While I couldn’t find any more fire  spiders, I managed to find some stone,   but I couldn’t mine it because it required tools. “I better go get some resources.” Just as I was about to leave, a  bunch of badgers started to attack. “Ahh! Hey, what’s the big deal?”

These guys were tough, but I managed to fling  web shots at them and managed to defeat them.   They dropped some loot in the process.  I picked up a stone pickaxe and sword. “These will come in handy.”

With the pickaxe, I mined the stone and even  found some iron that I could use for later. “Wow, this hole is great!” After checking to make sure there were  no more badgers, I decided to set up   camp in the hole. After clearing out some  space, I set up a little place for myself,  

And even started to build other houses  just in case more spiders were to come.  One day three, I climbed out of the hole and  started gathering wood from the surrounding trees. Just as I was about to bring down  one of the trees, I heard a noise. “Hey, stop that down there!”

Suddenly, a pigeon flew down from the top. “What do you think you are doing?” “Oh, sorry, I didn’t know there  was anyone living in this tree.” “Well there is! You can’t  just go around destroying   everything you see like some kind of barbarian! “I didn’t mean any harm, I promise!” He sighed.

“Just be careful next time.” Just as the pigeon was talking, a falcon  came out of nowhere and started to attack. “Oh no! Not this guy! You  better run, little fire spider!” Instead I used my web to attack the  falcon and knock him out of the sky.

“Oh, thank you so much. That falcon has been  attacking me and my friends for a long time.” “You’re most welcome. I’m always looking for  ways I can help! Why was he attacking you?” “He is a servant of the Lizard King, the  evil ruler who enslaves animals with fear.”

“Oh no, that’s terrible! This Lizard King  sounds like he’s a real handful to deal with.” “My name is Percy, and I would be happy  to help you with anything you need.” “Thank you, I could use help. You know, I have  a place that you and your friends can stay to  

Keep away from falcons. It is underground and I  am still building it. Would you like to come?” “Most of the time pigeons don’t like living under  the ground, but that sounds like a safe idea.” On days four and five, I helped Percy put  together some houses for him and his friends.

“This place is going to look great, Zozo.  A safe haven, away from the Lizard King.” “You’re right. I’m gonna have to  see if I can get more critters out   of danger. I also don’t know  where any fire spiders are.” “Well in the meantime, I will stay here  and continue working. Before you go,  

I wanted to give you this.” Percy gave me some iron armor and a sword,  made from the iron I had found earlier. “I thought it best for your journey.  Take care my fiery spider friend!” “Thanks Percy! I will return.” Soon I was off to find the Lizard  King, when all of a sudden,  

The tarantula hawk I fought on the first  day returned with even more of his friends! “We shall have our revenge on you!” They all started swarming me with their stingers. “Ouch, leave me alone!” With the new sword, I managed  to defeat most of the tarantula  

Hawks, but the main tarantula  hawk was heading right for me. “I will defeat you and take  you to the Lizard King myself.” He was tougher to beat than the other tarantula  hawks. I even took some damage from him. “You may be strong, but I won’t be defeated.”

Dodging his blows with my speed and jumping  ability, I kept on striking him until at last   he was defeated. As he disappeared, he dropped  some bronze armor as well as a beaker of poison. “If I am going to come in contact with  any more of the Lizard King’s minions,  

I’m gonna need this.” On days six through eight,   I continued my journey to find the Lizard King.  Along the way I managed to find a village. “Hello? Anybody here?” I went through all the buildings,   gathering supplies where I could  find them, but could not find anyone.

“How could an entire village  just vanish like this?” I started hearing what sounded like  voices from one of the center buildings. “Maybe there are some villagers still here.” After following the voices, I  discovered who was in the building,  

It was the Lizard King. He had on  a huge crown and had big red eyes. “Yikes, those are gonna haunt my nightmares.” Gathering up what courage I had,  I charged towards the Lizard King. “Hey, why are you being so cruel to all  the creatures of this land? They just  

Want to live peaceful lives,  free from bullies like you!” The Lizard King looked at me with those red eyes. “The tiny fire spider who defeated my tarantula  hawks! You will pay for your actions! Attack!” Then all of a sudden, the floor started shaking,  

And from out of the ground  spawned a giant desert centipede. “Woah, this could be bad.” The centipede was strong, it had  over 20 hearts, and it was quick. “It’s a good thing I can jump and climb,  or this thing would surely take me out.”

Then I remembered I had the beaker  of poison, and prepared to use it   on the centipede. Just as I was about to use it,   the centipede attacked and knocked the beaker  out of my hand, shattering on the floor. “Oh no!” The centipede grabbed onto me,  

Shaking me around with its mandibles  and shaking the hearts out of me! “This. Is. Not. Good!” Just as I was about to lose my last heart,  the Lizard King commanded he let me go. “That’s enough. I still need subjects  to rule. You really thought you could  

Defeat me? Ha! Come back again  when you are worthy. Hahaha!” That fight did a lot of damage to me,  and all of a sudden, I blanked out. On days 9 and 10, I awoke to a different location.  It looked like one of the houses in the village,  

Only it was really damaged and  there were webs on the walls. “Ah! Spiders! Oh wait, I’m a spider too.” I climbed around the damaged house to  see if any more spiders were around. “Hello? Any other spiders around  here? Regular or fire type,  

Any will do! Or… anyone? Preferably  ones who don’t want to squish me?” I looked around a little more and eventually I  spotted what appeared to be a small normal spider. “Hey, where am I?” “Oh good, you’re awake. It’s good to see you up.” “Where is the Lizard King?  Where is the centipede?”

“You fought the lizard king and his centipede??  It’s a miracle you’re still alive. When I found   you they were both gone. I was really  worried you weren’t going to wake up,   but couldn’t not help a spider in need.  We brought you here to look after you.” “We? Who’s we?”

“Well me, and my brothers and sisters.” “Brothers and sisters? They’re more of you?” “Oh yes, at least 700. We  live in dark shadowy areas   near here under the protection of Daddy  Long-Legs. Would you like to meet him?” “Sure. Oh, and what’s your name?” “Marcy. I’m a jumping spider!” “Indeed, lead the way, Marcy!”

On days 11 through 12, Marcy led me to a  secret passageway where we climbed down   into a dark hall. Through the hall, we  came upon the cave of Daddy Long-Legs.   It was surrounded by several different  spiders of all different types and sizes. “Daddy Long-Legs, here is the fire  spider who fought the centipede,  

He has healed and wishes to meet with you.” “Proceed, good spider.” “I am Zozo, and I come to help fight  against the evil of the Lizard King.” “You are indeed brave, Zozo, but I am  afraid the Lizard King cannot be defeated.” “What do you mean? How can he not be defeated?”

“He controls the predators of the animal kingdom,   forcing us spiders underground. Any  attempt we have tried to fight against him,   he takes out numbers of us. I’m afraid  it is too risky for our survival.” “I understand your concern, Daddy Long-Legs,  but we cannot keep living in fear. Someone  

Has to do something. If nobody else will, then  I will. But I know together we can do better,   be stronger! Some of us might be squashed in  a moment, but surely he can’t stop all of us!” Then I could hear Marcy cheering from the back. “Huzzah, huzzah!”

Which leads to all the other  spiders starting cheering as well. “Huzzah, huzzah!” Daddy Long-Legs looked  convinced, and agreed to help me. “Alright, Zozo, you have made your  point. I will send some spiders to   help you on your journey. Perhaps we  truly can defeat the Lizard King.”

Three spiders volunteered to help me on my  quest: First was Taylor, a massive tarantula. “Haha, yeah dude!” Then there was Bruno, an orb weaving spider. “Do you need a web? I got a web. It’s a  nice web. Did I tell you about my web?” “This guy really likes his web.” “Yeah man!”

Finally there was Scarlett, she was a black widow. “I can turn anyone’s life into a tragedy.” “Well… I hope that will come  in handy for us. Nice to meet   all of you. Together, let’s take this guy down!”

On days 13 to 15 We arrived back at my  hole base. I didn’t know how Percy and   his friends were gonna take there being  more spiders, so I proceeded with caution. “Hello Zozo.” “Hey Percy. Wow, you got a  lot of work done! This base   is looking even better than I thought it could!”

“Thanks. I managed to convince some other birds  and animals to come make this their new home.” “You’ve done great! Hey, I  wanted to tell you something.” “Sure, what is i— Ah! More spiders!” “What the? What are these animals doing here?” “They look tasty to me!” “Yeah dude!”

Before this tension was to become a  battle, I had to calm down both sides. “Listen, in order for us to defeat the  Lizard King, we must stay strong together,   no matter what species we are.  Also, no eating the birds.” “Yeah!” “Alright, sorry.”

After that was over, I thought  it would be good for us to do a   teambuilding exercise and build a statue!  So, we first gathered up some poppies and   cornflowers. With those we made some dye. With  our dye in hand, we then got a lot of wool,  

And used the dye to change it’s color.  Now we could get to work on our statue! I hoped it could be seen as a symbol of justice   and goodness for all walks of life.  Can you tell what we’re building? 

On days 16 to 19, I got a chance to  meet all the new members of the base. “Hey, how are you? Good to see ya. Welcome!” I even ran into some unexpected guests. “Oh no! The badgers again!”

“Wait, we’re sorry for attacking you earlier. We  just didn’t have any other place to go. We saw   how you built this place and your friend  Percy said it was okay for us to stay.” “So wait, we’re all on the same team?” “Yep. We’re also really sorry  for attacking you earlier.”

“It’s alright. I guess I can understand you being   scared of someone trying to harm you.  Welcome to the base! I have said that   no matter our differences we’ve got to  work together to defeat the Lizard King.” “Thank you.”

Just as I was going around meeting new  people, I saw Marcy run in looking for me. “I am delivering gifts to you for your  journey. These are from Daddy Long-Legs.” Marcy presented me with a new silver armor and  sword with a special ability. Poisonous attack.

“What would I do without you and Daddy Long-Legs!?  This will be great for my journey. Thanks Marcy!” “You’re welcome. Say,   this place is pretty nice. Do you think  I can tell the other spiders about it?” “Sure. It’s not quite finished though, but  maybe when I’m done you guys can come see  

It. There’s a lot of you, so I’ve got to  make sure everyone is really impressed!” “Deal!” On days 20 to 22, Taylor, Bruno, Scarlett,  and I were off to catch the Lizard King.  On the road, Scarlett spotted some signs up ahead.

“We should be careful, it looks like we  are entering into the realm of the ants.” “Ants? Are they dangerous?” “They attack in numbers and can overwhelm  any creature bigger than they are.” “Even someone like Taylor?” “Yeah, dude.” “Well then we will definitely be cautious. I can’t  

Imagine anything worse than getting  dogpiled by a bunch of creepy crawlers” We scoured around for a bit,  when all of a sudden a giant   zombie praying mantis arose from under the ground. “Gosh, he must have been attacked by  the ants. Those guys are vicious!”

“Yeah, now we gotta put him out of his misery!” Bruno started making a web net to wrap the praying   mantis in and Taylor threw it  over the mantis, trapping him. “I think we got him!” Just then, the mantis started  tearing his way through the web net. “Don’t worry guys, I got this!”

I jumped toward the praying mantis  and started using my new sword. “Say your prayers now, mantis!” Within a few strikes, he was finally defeated  and I felt something inside of me start to   change. I increased in size and even had  more hearts! My attacks felt stronger too,   infused with even more fiery goodness.

On days 23 to 26, we finally got to the ant hill. “We need to be cautious, the ants could  attack if we are spotted. And I don’t   know about you guys, but I’m not interested  in becoming a zombie fire spider today.” Just then, a fireball flew  overhead. It was the ant guards,  

And they were shooting at us with trebuchets! “Ah! Talk about fire ants!” All of a sudden, Bruno started working  on what appeared to be a giant slingshot. “Great idea!” Quickly, we all worked together to form  the slingshot. Scarlet had some TNT,  

As well as some flint and steel. We decided  that would work perfectly for returning fire. “Bombs away!” We took out the trebuchet and sent  the ants running into their hill. “Way to go, team! On days 27-31 we decided to go inside the hill. “Wow, these guys have been busy.”

Inside we found a lot of cool items that I  could use for the compound and the statue. “Glowstones? I can use these.” As we journeyed deeper into the caves,  we saw a hidden message on the wall. “Sub-scribe? Huh, not a bad idea honestly.” “Yeah, dude.

A little further and we began to see  what appeared to be a story by the ants. “Apparently, Queen Ant was  tricked by the Lizard King,   and now he has a puppet Queen acting for him.” “That’s terrible! These ants should not   be under the control of a puppet  ruler. We need to do something.”

All of a sudden, something occurred! Ants  began to crawl from out of the walls. “Get back! I mean it!” We desperately fought against the horde,  swinging our swords and swatting at the   onslaught of ants. It was a good effort but it  wasn’t enough. No matter how hard we fought,  

The ants were too numerous,  and so they captured us. On days 32 to 35, the ants lead us  to the deeper parts of the ant hill. “Where are you taking us?” I kept trying to talk to them,   but they would not respond. It was as if  something was wrong with them completely.

“Hello? Can you hear me?” I kept trying to talk to them, but despite my  best efforts, they wouldn’t respond. Eventually,   we came to what I suppose is their throne  room. The Queen Ant sat there looking sinister. “Spiders? How disgusting! You will make a fine  

Specimen for the Lizard King. Though  my children and I are getting hungry!” “I am getting pretty tired of creatures telling   me they want to eat me. How about I  give you something to eat instead?” I looked up and I could see what looked  like a chandelier made of glowstones. I  

Fired a webshot at it, and the whole  thing started to come crashing down. “No! Not the chandelier!” It fell hard onto the Queen Ant, squishing her. “Wow, what a way to go!” On days 36 through 39 we   began leaving the hill. The hill  was even bigger than I remembered,  

As we wove through many different  hallways. We got lost more than once. “Man, how can one place  look the same at every turn? When we finally decided on a place to go,   more ants came toward us. If we couldn’t  get out, we’d be in real trouble! “Stay back! We’re armed.” “Well…technically legged.”

“No, please don’t hurt us, and  we don’t want to hurt you.” “Ok, then what is it you do want?” We are servants of the true Queen Ant.  When you defeated the other Queen,   we finally freed her, and  she wanted to thank you.”

“Well that’s very nice of her. I  am glad she is back on her throne.” “Feel free to come back anytime. If you  have any questions please let me know.” “I did have one question, how do we get out?”

“Oh right, you up, make a left, and  climb out of the big hole in the top.” “Okay, seems simple enough. Thanks.” “No problem. You can climb, right?” “Uh… spider?” “Oh, right.” On days 40 to 43,  

We thought it would be best to get back to the  compound and put these glowstones to good use.   Percy was doing a great job building places for  the new creatures finding out about this place. “If there is one thing we birds know, it  is how to make a nest to come home to.”

“You’re doing great, Percy! I also  thought these could come in handy.” “Glowstones, excellent! It was  starting to look a little dark here.” Right away, we got to work using the  glowstones to create light fixtures   around the compound. I also made sure  that these were built strong enough so  

That no one could get hurt if they  were damaged. The last thing we’d   want is for there to be another queen ant  situation. No one likes getting smushed. “When a spider builds  something, it is made to last.” “Also when birds, badgers, and  other wildlife chip in on the  

Building. It definitely helps in the long run.”  On days 44 to 50 I continued working on the  statue. I’m really excited about this one,   and feel like it’s coming along really  well! Can you tell what the statue is yet?

All of a sudden, I could see a little  jumping creature appearing in the horizon. “Marcy! It’s good to see you.” “Oh Zozo, I’m glad I found  you. I have terrible news.” “Oh no, what’s the problem?” “The Lizard King attacked the Spider  Base with an army of Scorpions!” “Scorpions?! Really?”

“Yes, they are one of our biggest enemies.” “That’s terrible! I’m so sorry. I really  didn’t think he’d be bold enough to take   on the entire spider nest at one time. I’m sorry  I couldn’t have stopped him from doing this. ”

“So am I. I wanted to tell you so you won’t have  to have the same fate. Now we have nowhere safe!” “Wait a minute, why don’t you  all come live at my base?” “Wait, really? Are you sure you  won’t mind us all living with you?”

“Of course not. Besides, us spiders  need to stick together. Plus,   I’ve got plenty of room here. There’s no limit to  the amount of houses we can make for everyone!” “Ha! I see what you did there! I better  go tell the other spiders right now!”

Quickly I got started gathering more materials and  supplies to start building for my new neighbors.   I took a good long while to gather the stuff  and start building, but it was all worth it. On days 51 to 53 all of the spiders arrived. “Woah, there sure are alot of you. Welcome!”

Among the spiders appeared Daddy Long  Legs, and I went over to greet him. “Hi, Daddy Long Legs. I’m glad to see you  are alright. You are all welcome here.” “Thank you, Zozo, for doing this. You have  given the spiders and many others hope.”

“It was my pleasure. The spiders sure are  honored and lucky to have a protector like you!”. “Oh no, Zozo, I may have  been their protector before,   but you are their protector now. However, if  you need advice, I will always be around.”

“I will definitely appreciate that.  I know you’ve seen a lot of spiders   in your day. I’d never be able to  lead anyone as well as you have!” Afterwards, I introduced Daddy Long Legs  and the other spiders to the rest of the  

Compound. They got along pretty well. I loved  seeing everyone so happy to make new friends! On days 54 to 57 the whole compound got together   to start building walls so  no intruders could come in. When most of the building was completed,   we decided we should celebrate  the new compound community.

Daddy Long Legs prepared to give a speech. “I am truly thankful that we can all live in  harmony, thanks to our magnificent friend, Zozo!” “Ah guys, I appreciate that.” While Daddy Long Legs kept speaking,   no one noticed a group of  Scorpions sneaking up behind Him! “Daddy Long Legs, look out!”

But he didnt hear me, and one of the Scorpions  stabbed in the back with his stinger! “Oh, no! Daddy Long Legs!” The spiders began attacking the scorpions,  while I tried to lead Daddy Long Legs to safety. “Just stay here, you’re gonna be fine!” “No, Zozo, it’s time… for me to go.”

“What? You can’t go! It’s not over.” “It’s okay, Zozo. Take care of them all for me.” ‘I will.” I stayed with Daddy Long Legs  until the end. When I checked   back the spiders won the battle. Sadly  it was up to me to share the sad news. 

On days 58 to 62 the whole compound worked  together to build a memorial for Daddy Long Legs. “Rest in peace, Daddy Long Legs. You’ll be missed   by us all. I promise I will  do what needs to be done.”

While we were sad at the loss of our  friend, we all realized we needed better   fortifications. We spent a good portion of  the days building up the walls and putting   up watchtowers. I was so embarrassed that we  were attacked when we thought we were safe.

“This should protect us. I just  wish I could have done more.” “Don’t go blaming yourself, Zozo. Nobody  could have guessed what was going to happen.” To take my mind off of all of this,  I went back to finish the statue. “Maybe this could give us some more hope.”

Now can you tell who our spider hero is? It’s   the most famous web slinger of  all time, Spider Man of course. Just as I completed it, Scarlett  showed up and told me a messenger   came to see me. We ran to the gate to  see it was the ant from the ant hill.

“Hello! What are you doing here?” “We heard about your attack.  We are sorry for your loss.” “Thank you. It has been hard for a lot of us.” “Our Queen wanted to give you something for your   loss as well as your fight  against the Lizard King.”

The ant handed over a wrapped gift and told me to  use it wisely. I couldn’t wait to see what it was! “I will definitely treasure this. Thank  you, and thank your Queen for me.” “I shall, and you are most welcome.”

“On days 63 to 66 I opened the package to reveal  a bunch of potions. Inside there was a health   upgrade potion. I took it right away, and I gained  8 more hearts! I took a look at the other potions.

“Stinger Shock: Can cause your enemy to be  paralyzed and allow you to either heal or attack.” “Boy, if I ever run into that  Centipede again, I am gonna use this.” I met with my friends and told them  that this would be my final mission. “Be careful, Zozo.”

“I will. I promise to return. We have  lost too many friends for me to fail.” “Good luck, Zozo. Go end this  monster once and for all!” Yeah, dude!” I said goodbye to my friends,   and then I was off. All I could do was  hope that I would see them again soon. 

On days 67 through 70 I journeyed  off to find the palace of the Lizard   King. I first traveled toward the abandoned  village where I first fought the Centipede. “I don’t see him anywhere here.” While continuing to look around, I spotted  what appeared to be an ancient door.

“Huh, I wonder how long this has been here for.” The door appeared to have weird symbols on  it, even symbols that looked like spiders. “I wonder what this could be.” There was an inscription on the  door that looked a little faded.

“I will come with water when it rains When sunlight comes, the water drains  To climb me is to achieve great gains.” I quickly realized that it was a  riddle, and began putting it together. “I got it, a water spout!  The answer is a water spout!”

With this proclamation of the answer, the  door cracked open, to reveal a chest inside. “Now I REALLY wonder what this could be.” I opened the box to show a full set of diamond  armor and sword. I quickly put them to good use.”

“Yeah, dude! I think I’ve been hanging  out with Taylor a bit too much.”  On days 71 through 74 I  traveled into the rainforest. Just as I was scurrying along the ground, a group  of howler Monkeys started throwing bananas at me. “Ah Woah! At least it’s just bananas!”

One of the monkeys was huge, he  must have been their leader. I   started throwing web shots at him,  trying to knock him out of the tree.” “You are not defeating me today!” I managed to knock several  monkeys out of the trees,  

Forcing them to run away. The  big Monkey was the only one left. “You might be strong, but you wont get me.” With one last web shot, I knocked the  monkey out of the tree, and cornered him. “Where is the Lizard King? Where is his palace?”

The big Monkey gestured over in a  direction. Afterwards, I went off that way. “You know, that monkey looked kind of  familiar. Ah, it was probably nothing.”  On days 75 to 78, I journeyed  along until I came to a river. “Uh oh. It’s my old nemesis… water!”

The river was way too wide to try and jump,   and I didn’t want to risk falling  in, so I decided to build a bridge. I was halfway finished when out of nowhere,  who was to turn up but the scorpions again! “You guys! I’ll make you  pay for what you have done!”

I readied my sword and prepared to attack. “This is for Daddy Long Legs!” I charged at the Scorpions, and they leaped  forward to attack me. They were strong,   and I could tell they were trying  to push my back and into the water,   but with my new armor I could hold them off.

“I’ll take you all on if I need to!” Then I remembered I had the potion, and  quickly used it against the scorpions. “Take this!” The scorpions began to move slower, and I could  see their attacks before they could make them. “Block! Stab! Slice! Gone!”

One by one, I took out each of the  Scorpions. I gathered a new item. “Scorpion Tail: Used to attack or intimidate  enemies. Also can be used as a disguise.” When all that was over, I continued  making my bridge to get across the river. 

On days 79-85 I finally finished  my bridge to cross the river. When I got to the other side, I found that the  only way ahead was through a narrow ravine,   but the entrance was guarded by two Scorpions. “Man, these guys are everywhere!”

While I could have attacked them,  I remembered that I still had   that Scorpion Tail in my belongings. I  quickly put it on and approached them. “La la la, just a disgusting  scorpion out for a stroll.” The guards didn’t seem to mind,  and proceeded to let me through. “Well that was easy.”

When I was finally out of sight, I decided to  put the scorpion tail away and continue on. While   journeying, I wandered into an open  field that looked… pretty desert-like. “Well this is a weird place to put a desert.”

All of a sudden, I heard rumbling and could feel  the ground shake. I knew right then what it was. Suddenly the Centipede bursted out  of the ground, just like last time,   and lunged toward me. It was  time for me to take my revenge! “Bring it on, leggy!”

That Centipede was still fast and dangerous  but i was much more confident this time around. “Oh no you don’t!” I even used the scorpion tail to  make a couple hits, but it broke   in the middle of the fight. So much for  disguising myself again in the future! “Take that! And this!”

Finally, I took out the potion again,  and used it for the finishing blows. “I’m worthy enough this time.  Prepare to be defeated!” The potion worked, but the Centipede  was still quick. Furiously,   I used everything I could to finally defeat  it. Just then I started feeling tingly. “Ooh, I like this.”

I changed into a bigger and more powerful  fire spider with even more hearts! “Alright now, Lizard King.  Prepare to meet your match!”  On days 86 to 90 I continued on my  journey. I was feeling really confident,   until I realized I had just  walked straight into quicksand. “Oh, come on! Who thinks of quicksand?”

Quickly, I started thinking of  ways to get out. All of a sudden,   I could see Percy flying overhead. “Percy, I’m glad you’re here!” “I can see that. How can I help?” “Maybe you can pull me out. Catch  this chain and start flying.” “Good idea. Hit me!”

I threw the line towards Percy and he began  flying, pulling me out of the quicksand. “Woah, that was close. Thanks,  Percy. What are you doing here?” “I wanted to see how you were. You  saved my life so many times before,   I guess I just wanted to repay you in some way.”

“Well you definitely did that. If  it wasn’t for you, I would be in a   really sticky situation. It can get risky at  times, wandering around out here on my own.” “You are definitely welcome, my friend. I  will let the others know of your progress.”

Just before he left, Percy warned me about  something he saw while flying overhead. “Be careful, I saw what appeared  to be a gang of bullfrogs coming in   your direction. They must be heading  to the Palace of the Lizard King.”

“Bullfrogs you say? Those things will gobble  spiders up in one bite! I’ll be sure to look   out for them. Thanks again, Percy. Take care.” On days 91 to 94 I finally ran into the bullfrogs. “Wow, those guys are big! I didn’t  know bullfrogs could get that big!”

For the most part, they didn’t  seem to notice me. That’s until   one of them apparently spotted me and  started shooting his tongue at me. “Yuck! I don’t need you tasting me!” He was strong, though. He even  took out a couple of my hearts.  

If I didn’t make a move, I was  going to be one toasted bug! “I can’t just keep fighting this guy forever!” I knew I had to out maneuver him, so I jumped  into a tree, and waited for him to get bored.  

Luckily he didn’t seem to be the smartest  of creatures, even though he was so tough. “Serves you right, I didn’t come  this far to become a spider snack.”  On days 95 to 97 I followed the bullfrogs to the  Lizard Kings Palace. They might have been strong,  

But they weren’t very smart. They  led me right to where I needed to go! “Woah, this is gonna be a lot.” As I got closer to the gate, I spotted  a message written on the palace roof. “Subscribe: Oh yeah, that reminds me. Be  sure to subscribe and like this video for  

More content. I go on a lot of adventures and  would love to have you follow me on them.” I tried to get through the front gate, when  a horde of Gecko Soldiers started to attack. “Out of my way, I got a king to fight.” I smacked the heck out of them,  

Until finally they were all defeated.  This guy really loved his amphibians!  On day 98 I ran inside through the  palace corridors to find the Lizard King. “Wow, this place is pretty ornate for a lizard.” “Hey, that armor looks kind of familiar. Oh yeah,  

I almost forgot that I had an adventure  as a knight. That was a journey. You guys   should definitely go check it out  when you are done with this one.” Through different rooms, I would occasionally  have to battle some of the Gecko Soldiers. “Don’t you guys have anything better to do?”

Despite looking all throughout the palace,  I couldn’t seem to find the Lizard King.   I was getting disappointed,  and even losing a bit of hope. I turned around and I could see what appeared  to be the ghost of a long legged spider. “Daddy Long Legs, is that you?”

“Yes, Zozo, it is I. I told you  I would always be there to help   you. Don’t give up, you are so close to the end.” “You’re right, Daddy Long Legs. I  must continue. I’m scared though,   I’m just a fire spider and I don’t  know how I’ll defeat the Lizard King.”

“You may be small, but you have the spirit  of a giant spider inside of you. And It’s   time to let that spirit out. I’m going to  grant you the power that made me so big!” Something started to happen. Magic energy  filled the room and I felt myself changing  

Once again. I transformed into a gigantic  fire spider! I had so many hearts now! “Thanks, Daddy Long Legs!” On day 99, I finally landed in   the throne room. The Lizard King sat on his  throne with his big red eyes staring at me.

“Well, well. If it isn’t the itsy bitsy fire  spider who defeated my minions. Looks like you   aren’t so small now, but I bet you’re  still weak. Come to face me at last?” “I will do what I must.” “Then you will..croak!”

Just then he flipped a lever and the  bullfrogs I had seen earlier came in. “Oh no, not these guys again!” Then I remembered I still had the  potion, and was about to use it,   when one of the frogs grabbed it with its tongue.

“Guess I’m gonna have to do  this the old fashion way!” Using my wall crawling abilities and spider  jumps, I dodged attacks from the frogs and   gave them some damage. It looked like  my attacks were super powered with   fire strength now. Soon all the frogs were  defeated. Though I could swear I missed one.

“Now it’s just you and me, Lizard King.” “So be it.” He charged toward me with lightning-fast speed,  giving me strong blows that did cause some damage. “You should not have fought against  me, spider! I am the Lizard King!” “Oh yeah, and how do you taste?” “What?”

Just then, the last frog I thought  I missed shot his tongue out,   grabbed the Lizard King by the  tail, and sucked him into his mouth. “NOOO!” I became hesitant, because I didn’t  know how the frog was gonna respond. “Hey, you’re that frog I fought with earlier.  I’m sorry for hurting you earlier. Truce?”

The frog just looked at me, then  suddenly spat up the Lizard King’s   crown. He croaked, then proceeded to hop away. “Well, I guess that means truce.” On day 100 I returned to the  base to see everyone there,   waiting for me. I told them all about  what happened with the Lizard King.

“Wow, I didn’t even know frogs could eat lizards.” “Neither did I, guess you  learn something new everyday.” “Zozo, I’m glad you’ve returned!” Yeah, dude!” “The Lizard King is defeated, now we are free.” “This would not be possible without  you, Zozo. Thank you, from all of us.”

“Now we can go back to living our lives in peace.” “And now we have a new home for  spiders of all walks of life.” Then there came a commotion at the gate. “What’s going on over there?” Suddenly a loud croak could be heard. “Frog!” “No, wait. I think I know him.”

Turns out, it was the frog from  earlier, come by to say hello. “I’m glad you could come by. Just  one rule: no eating anybody.” The frog agreed and I proceeded to introduce him  to everyone. This had been quite the adventure.

This video, titled ‘I Survived 100 DAYS as a FIRE SPIDER in HARDCORE Minecraft!’, was uploaded by Zozo on 2023-01-18 22:15:00. It has garnered 7296200 views and 91109 likes. The duration of the video is 00:29:14 or 1754 seconds.

In this video, I, Zozo attempt to survive 100 days as a FIRE SPIDER in Hardcore Minecraft!

#minecraft #100days #firespider

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    EPIC FLOATING ENDERMAN EGG HACK!! 😱🔥 #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Spooky Floating Enderman Egg Build Hack In Minecraft Pocket Edition 🤯🔥 #minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by PRINCE JOSHI VINES on 2024-04-19 11:10:00. It has garnered 65 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:11 or 11 seconds. Spooky Floating Enderman Egg Build Hack In Minecraft Pocket Edition 🤯🔥 #minecraft #shorts #pocketedition #princejoshivines #spooky Ram Ram Bhai🙏 About the Video:- In This Video I Show Tips And Tricks Of Minecraft. Spooky Floating Enderman Egg Build hacks In Minecraft Pocket Edition 1.20 New Update. I Not Only Play Games But Also Used The Instagram… Read More

  • The SHOCKING Truth About Minecraft’s Identity!

    The SHOCKING Truth About Minecraft's Identity!Video Information This video, titled ‘Is Minecraft Losing Its Identity?’, was uploaded by Techbot Gaming on 2024-03-12 18:00:28. It has garnered 5660 views and 351 likes. The duration of the video is 00:11:36 or 696 seconds. Today I go in depth on whether or not Minecraft has lost its identity/personality!!!! ENJOY 🙂 If you enjoy this video, I would appreciate a like and subscribe to help me reach my goal of 1k subs! Wanna see more? Look Below! Daiazal’s Channel: @Daiazal Is Minecraft Getting Too Easy?: Why Minecraft Updates Aren’t The Same Anymore: Lethal Company Success: Read More

  • Unbelievable Minecraft Server Hack in 2024! Shocking 1.20+ Java Method

    Unbelievable Minecraft Server Hack in 2024! Shocking 1.20+ Java MethodVideo Information This video, titled ‘How to Make a Free Minecraft Server in 2024! | 1.20+ Java’, was uploaded by RealJayden on 2024-01-06 14:00:42. It has garnered 15845 views and 232 likes. The duration of the video is 00:05:40 or 340 seconds. How to Make a Free Minecraft Server in 2024! | 1.20+ Use Apex Hosting to host your Minecraft Server! ➜ Here is a quick tutorial on how to start up your first FREE Minecraft server in 2024 for 1.20+! Please consider leaving a like and subscribing as well! Thanks! ★Social Media★ Instagram ➜ Discord ➜… Read More