Fireside 48 Charity Streamathon! – Minecraft with Twitch Integration! (pt. 1)

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I just feel like oh yeah wait I should be able to okay Okay God damn it Lord touchy oh God am I being attacked no stop it I am being attacked oh it’s a snake lose me princess I don’t even know where you are oh you’re so far from me waiting for the flag [Laughter] yeah I’m gonna restart the restart the

World yo we’re just gonna we’re just gonna start over Uh-huh All right I probably should have been out of the game to set up the content creator integration stuff anyway thank you you’re so slain by snake I was slammed by snake What a great start to Fireside veeb’s killed by snake Yeah lady this mod pack is kind of [ __ ] hard Oh no it’s really [ __ ] cool like I’m gonna absolutely Play Play This mod pack after this it’s very cool Do you mind if I stay unmuted Mick nope go for it oh Florida thank you so much for the resub I appreciate you Hello hi So the the folder itself needs to be unzipped okay but I unzip just the tiltify folder I don’t need the stuff I don’t need to like get the stuff that’s in the tiltify folder into the content creator content creation integration folder right Does that make sense no you unzip the the tiltify folder that I sent you and you just take the whole folder and put it into the CCI location oh because there’s already a tiltify in there stats donation constants chat okay I I think it did it When you uh open up CCI again like in the game give me a second I left the world because I killed got killed by a snake oh you can do it on the home screen oh it’s like a little Anvil icon I think There’s snakes in this Minecraft bammy’s hahaha yup and peeps already died no one yeah moment they went live I’ve literally died to so many I’ve done I’ve already died a lot in this mod back it did it when I tried single player last night it didn’t look like regular

Eating healed you is that is that right uh I just in this oh so I couldn’t eat in single player but in this one I ate and it did once my heat my hot my eating bar was full it started healing me like in Minecraft regular Minecraft

Oh okay okay yeah yeah it has like a separate like eating yeah like bar so if you are full and you eat you actually get a deep up oh but you can eat when you’re full that’s nice okay I’ve got the CCI interface open in Minecraft I love you guys I’m gonna go

Pee now before I start crying piss out of my eyes instead oh let me back there should be a Reload button okay and then on the far top left is a drop down it’ll be like default and you should see tiltify I do not let me go back to the menu

Config that’s your integration tiltify and the tiltify let me check our DMs oh this is an over wolf okay but I did the open folder config shenanigan Ray and the tilde5 folder is under content creator integration that’s where it should be yeah Maybe I just need to restart my game let me try Luckily mine opens a little bit faster than mix My CPU is a baby mostly videos yeah this mod pack seems really [ __ ] dope good choice I love everything in this mod pack it’s so fun I’m excited to show everyone like the coolest thing I’ve found so far is this [ __ ] kobold stronghold I yeah I was bebopping around in single

Player and I was I went through a little dungeon I found a bunch of little guys I wrote a reindeer I’m very happy seems very appropriate for Fireside appropriate hippo it’s called medieval Minecraft princess with the primer any primers sorry for the the delayed start we’re working on it

I’m just gonna be a human for simplicity’s sake uh because I don’t want to lock myself out of anything else because there are other there are a bunch of other races oh hey I’m getting twitch chat in Minecraft Cool what the [ __ ] you’ll have to send me your port yeah that’s kind of neat yeah it’s the default profile oh tiltify there we go I have so so I I click tiltify and just reload save uh yeah click reload and just in case uh save on the

Far left hand side there’s like a chat like button I guess oh yeah uh if you expand speed I’m going to recreate the world so we start completely fresh yeah we need to just share my screen on stream so people can see what’s going on yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah What the [ __ ] thanks for all the resubs what the [ __ ] I’m gonna have four exclamation marks so I know no actually I’m just gonna have one difficulty easy because this game is hard really hard it’s really hard I died to a snake earlier yeah Well I get loaded into the game you could like talk to people about stuff if you want or I could how it looked either way yeah we are streaming let’s let me go over I don’t need to run an intro we’re just gonna Boop hi everybody hello good morning happy birthday

Merry Christmas Eve if you celebrate happy holidays hello Welcome to fire the the kickoff the first stream of the Fireside 48 let’s go we’ve got some very special [ __ ] for you today with integrated Minecraft Mick and I are going to team up to try and protect a Minecraft village from your asses uh for every donation that you have

For every donation that you donate to the Trevor Project through tiltify we have a uh special event that will happen in the game that range from giving us food or armor or weapons to summoning every single boss in the game at once depending on how much you donate and a little bit of

No no no no no no not and also a little bit of The nut distracted me I don’t remember a little bit of cool stuff things Okay I’m I’m I’m in the game Ender dragonflox got it um allowed sheets land the port is hang on how do I know I will find you Okay bungle not stupid distracting exactly hi everybody literally good morning this time I haven’t had a morning stream in so long I’m gonna make this actually full oh full screen mode full screen why is it not actually in full screen halar there we go Color it’s not capturing let’s try a specific window a medieval Minecraft yeah we got it honey we’re gonna die a lot but it’s fine because we’re dying for a good cause yeah so here’s here’s the dealio folks uh I’m gonna cheat a little bit and I’m

Gonna give Mick and I a full set of iron gear otherwise we’re gonna have no chance in hell and we’re just gonna keep dying repeatedly for now and forever and that’s not gonna be fun for anybody except for you maybe if you’re into that

But I want to add at least you know a little bit of resistance for the absolute Onslaught that we’re gonna have um but here is the village that we we’re gonna attempt to protect from all the [ __ ] that gets spawned every time you donate to the Trevor Project there’s

Also a jungle temple over here don’t worry about that we’re gonna go explore that at some point probably um also the Goblin King stronghold is baby bear I just keep running just keep running away this is our this is our village that we’re gonna try to protect against the

Onslaught today this is our only there’s a huge [ __ ] hole here for no reason this is a freaky bird [Laughter] oh that’s that’s actually kind of oh my God I don’t trust herbs the fir the first person animations already look kind of cool but seeing you swing in third person is really really

Cool what the [ __ ] hang on oh sorry I didn’t mean to hit you are you healing from eating once you’re full you heal but I don’t know oh hell yes I wasn’t that hungry yeah the Overeaters debuff I had that last night oh there’s a tiny little man following

You beeps beeps there’s a tiny little man and there’s a boar beating up a snake oh it’s a it’s a gobby oh no oh we’re already getting fuckeroni and cheese we’re gonna die he’s attacking me we need that armor we need we need to go

Oh I got it I got it we’re fine maybe we yeah let’s just we’re just gonna stick in here there’s gold rotten flesh and stuff and things okay I got birch logs but anyway everything’s fine anyway yeah yeah we need we definitely need some protection let me uh

Uh not enough item should be yeah okay I don’t need them iron uh iron irons I have cheats enabled right I thought so then I yes you did Loretta let’s go 20 for the Trevor Project 50. happy happy holidays oh my God we have boys look at our

Suns they’re gonna be stuck in here we will dig that out we will dig them out fun gotta go laurito thank you so much I appreciate it uh okay okay okay you’ll probably need to like slash give I was hoping I could just use the uh not enough items thing oh wait

Uh there’s short swords bastard swords oh God there’s a lot iron Claymore oh God for twenty dollars okay I’m gonna No my sons oh please boys oh my God please oh our best voice you’re not even trying there goes our best I’m stuck on what are you still hey free Iron I guess you know it’s my friend [Laughter] uh I guess oh what did you just give me I don’t know

We’re not ready God damn it Edge oh Leona thank you so much for twenty dollars let’s go okay okay we gotta I’m already oh God why is it only spawning friends are they just I guess so uh slash give it it’s cold beard princess iron leggings helmet And I also get we get a sword right and like oh yes Byron chest plate yes I run I have a helmet a chest plate boots God God damn it yes boots and leggings boots yes and you already spawn with a shield and then I gave myself a sword to pickaxe and a neck not a bad idea iron leggies you can go iron leggies yes it tortoise

This is our son little HP with the thirty dollars let’s go you can pick oh a tortoise you can just pick him up oh you just have a friend now oh my God Oh my God How much did they donate me okay they’re kind of fighting each other okay okay they’re on accident okay okay some of them but some of them are fighting me oh God oh God okay what I’m dead get a water bucket get a water bucket In every time no you can pick it back up you can pick it back up yes maybe maybe we should make like a chest at a spawn place with that has armor in it probably it might be good I’m still trying to [ __ ] give myself stuff uh sword uh iron sword uh

Uh give beard Princess uh pick iron pick give oh okay beard Princess uh ax iron ax give me a princess uh what else we need what did you give yourself sword yes full iron suit of armor that’s my body yep uh should I do a shovel we’ll do a shovel just in case

Okay sword pick ax shovel uh we need like backpacks or so there’s so much [ __ ] in our inventory spawn bag okay I’m just gonna delete some stuff open my trash can we don’t we’re not building almost anything and we’re gonna die and we don’t need we

Don’t need no tutorial books get out of here peeps we need to set a spawn somewhere so bad all right all right let’s go find let’s go find a [ __ ] house for the bed in it it’s like night time oh here we go here we go here we go right here Oh another one okay all right all right okay all right well I had my spawn set and my last death should be marked right yes I can go grab my stuff real quick I didn’t have my spawn set please oh [ __ ] cause where is your spawn set there’s a baby bear oh

Oh Chad is [ __ ] Relentless okay to the project but also [ __ ] you just a little bit [ __ ] you so much okay okay all of your deaths are mine yes Merry Christmas Eve klutzy it is it is a chat torture Mick and beeps charity stream yes absolutely okay okay we’re ready I think

Yeah I just delete I just got rid of everything but like a couple uh wood blocks and the food from my starter stuff yeah that way if we if we get uh follow me okay thank you so much 20 and the Iron Golem Buddies that’s gonna I feel like those are gonna

Be very extremely helpful I think they took care of those skeletons oh thanks [ __ ] I don’t only hear them rattling okay yeah okay here’s here’s the Golems is there a let’s go is this your home oh well no there’s no badge surprise it’s a gift or a bomb oh

There’s a boxer here oh can I give myself another another copy of these for Mick is that is that permissible can I do that does that work um I was gifted a pair of echo right leggings that gives six armor three toughness and ten percent movement speed oh it gives

It to both check your inventory oh cool we got cool pants gold pass for the tracker projects let’s go we’re slightly better at murder now slow at Living hey I think that’s also my spawn point let me see if I can go steal a bed from a

Nearby villager uh yeah you want to put our Minecraft alert yes like a little sleepover like a little sleepover moment but mostly for um tactical advantage There are no beds in this Village what the [ __ ] DFG thank you for the ten dollar donut let’s go the tactic tactical sleepover Optical sleep over this oh in our house because I’m worried it will harm the villager oh I found a bed all right I’m coming back with a bed okay wonderful I’m just you know oh [ __ ] what 69

69. what 69. two of them what no hang on okay I got a place in my bed I gotta place my bed oh okay okay I’m coming I’m grabbing I’m coming the goblin oh my God what there’s so many babies what the [ __ ] no no why did it summon a [ __ ] ghost what

Is happening I need a better sword please what are those oh my God some of the villagers came to help us what okay asgar the arkman oh my God okay okay we’re fine we’re fine we’re fine we got this I’m making an armor oh my God okay it’s

Thank you for the [ __ ] water bucket challenge that was actually very helpful no no no no [ __ ] you arcmage he’s [ __ ] oh we got the ball yeah what are you gonna do the power of lust I got absolutely uh fuckeroni and cheese um but it’s okay uh we are we are brand

New Knights sent by the local royalty to protect this Fair village and we’re being attacked by an archmage sir I just work here oh oh I got an echo right oh Bo what okay what do we need how do we take out bag what does that mean chicken

Okay all right can we give ourselves arrows oh I think it gave me arrows oh oh well I’m giving me arrows arrows oh my god oh okay with some stuff for us do I have any more uh I don’t need the leggies what is this we’ve got I’ve got so many enchanted books

Does that do more damage no it doesn’t Okay uh trash can I get rid of some [ __ ] um not the arrows not the buckets uh not the food iron leggings can go animal fat feather ectoplasm what uh there’s so much in this mod pack I want to discover

Do you have anything for the ten dollars uh okay keep the carrot I guess and uh what the [ __ ] is that what are you what are you what the [ __ ] was that call him green it looked oh you know that Pokemon oh the village is on fire oh okay there’s one there’s

One building so far uh so the archmage just keeps regenerating Health um we might not be able to kill them okay where’s the archmage he’s invisible over next literally right outside our house he’s invisible yeah but he’s like marked and he’s cast he’s oh get [ __ ] on and he’s putting everything on fire

Stop because of the water yeah get him look at his ass slowly but surely we got it come on oh you can trade with him I I know that we’re literally stabbing you in the face for Jeff for a spot of training [Laughter] I’ve got gold if you’ve got Wares if

You’re gonna survive oh Oh now we’re fighting a bear no oh and it has a baby [ __ ] those babies [Applause] they’re on fire are you out and it’s on fire oh [ __ ] go get the beds go get the beds save the pads a bear is on fire inside it’s too late

It’s too late it’s a lost cause we gotta go to a different house did you get the best I got the bets I got the beds both of them yeah yeah what the [ __ ] what the [ __ ] what the [ __ ] are those well the good news is when you die you

Still respawn with anything people have given you that’s cool and great respawn with your pants and your bow great [Laughter] oh cause they’re Echo right yeah oh that’s really cool oh I want to explore this mod pack after this so bad please give us Echo right swords

Probably please give us a golden Hunter what the [ __ ] run you I like it’s cute and I like it but it gives the danger hugs this is so much [ __ ] chaos we’re gonna have so many Corpses oh [ __ ] me in the mouth hole no stop no no no no no no no

Okay okay okay okay okay okay we got we got it uh uh we got our beds in here I’m gonna put the beds up here I’m running fast of evil oh I fell into a hole smelter’s party bag that gave me a copper Ingot we don’t we don’t need no

Ingots we have no time to craft zombie arm uh we don’t need the animal fat no literacy I don’t know what that does uh rotting arms can [ __ ] off I don’t need no eggs right now Firefox okay okay okay literacy back what’s in here I got three normal books great

I wish I wish I could use the oh the map is littered with my dead bodies that creeper is wearing a Santa hat oh [Laughter] Oh uh the the chicken um it’s the the thing that I always get you you know this this creeper has a Santa hat mcfoolery has died by a creeper uh source of evil oh we got corruption as an item that’s what it is it’s not spicy

One of the times my body is one of the time takeout bag okay we got a bunch of food nature bag uh Orchid seeds Red Oaks happening why am I getting poisoned just walking over here there’s so much I don’t know Sticks and Stones back dungeon bag my

Turtle I still have him oh let’s go all right new goal protect the turtle uh over here this is this is our home base this is our new home base okay I like the whole right out front that I fell into before yeah yeah yeah yeah also the

My corpse is just a decorative yeah no I like yeah I like that Edition normalize being your own bare skin rug you know all right let’s let’s sleep let’s sleep so we can uh make a daytime so it’s slightly less horrifying maybe although things could be spawned on top of us

While we’re sleeping so I don’t know how well that’s gonna work it’s fine okay I’m scared oh [ __ ] Christ come on come on there we go okay you get it this little stack of books is so nice you get it I’m a bear skin rug because I’m a bear oh like a gay

Streamer no one of them real quick I forgot open map with M way forward to the bottom I’ll just chat check Auto remove death way points oh oh the map mod got so much better where is that uh waypoints in the bottom waypoints Options oh and you can remove all your old debt mm-hmm uh what’s it under options check Auto where’s that at oh Auto remove deathway points yeah okay and then we can remove all the deaths we have so far because we are good okay perfect I’m feeling good how are you feeling it’s okay I’m doing okay I have Lionel Lionel Lionel the tortoise I love all the tortoise I love them I love them so much smelter’s party bag iron ingots okay all right what’s what’s our next Cactus I have an ancient home that I

Think I can use a stack of books up here for no reason because we don’t have an anvil to apply any enchantments right now so they’re kind of useless maybe oh we could we maybe we can find a blacksmith oh there’s a crafting to oh we’re coming we’re kind of stacked in

Here okay we could maybe find oh hey there’s my dead body foreign I [ __ ] hope so they can’t all be dead yet well Yeah Tammy’s still kicking so why is there Ash in here uh crafting table on a furnace no Anvil so far okay I wasn’t able to interact with them the last time I tried oh my god do you have how are you on food oh my God then carrots we got an anonymous Dome of 50 where are you we got a group up we got a group up we got a group I’m over here That’s [ __ ] I clicked it [ __ ] off God damn it thank you for the 50 Dono but I was like [ __ ] you donating to the job my goal for this stream is to get one of those just one second for the 10 Dono God why am I I’m poisoned now

LMAO oh Phantom helmet what is never lost on death oh look up wake up horns oh cool yo we’re styling I like that we’re styling um pants a bow and a helmet that we never lose now that’s so [ __ ] cool actually this is you know we’ve died a [ __ ] ton

But also this is kind of badass I’m having a great time uh here’s some gold carrots for eating okay uh seven more Bridge some more some baked potatoes thank you that’s raw chicken uh some cooked Cod we’re good on food-ish maybe if we were keeping this world I would

Probably keep these golden Orchid seeds but we’re not oh God Lord teji with twenty dollars I don’t know we’re gonna find out okay now hey at least where we were outside of our house you breathing We’re fine everything’s fine and fun and cool and funky and quirky and funky fresh we’re so good right now we’re so good right now I’m gonna try to find oh there’s more house maybe one of these is the blacksmith oh okay okay okay okay yeah yeah a lot of a lot of little

Things over here manifesting black I’m in the Overworld oh did we do we have a [ __ ] slime chunk you know after after this I think I’m gonna use this world uh before we [ __ ] it up in order to play and just Discover it later it’s so [ __ ] cool what the [ __ ] it’s

Really [ __ ] cool dude I’m gonna plug I’m gonna plug these holes plug plug and holes we are you know we’re supposed to be protecting the village but you know what I’m also gonna repair it just a little bit yeah I mean listen that’s part of the protecting sometimes

I may have died Firefox looking for the thirty dollars for the Trevor Project what is that gonna do Oh my God okay okay we’re fine oh God oh no we can’t do that oh [ __ ] are they immune to bows how the [ __ ] okay we got it we got it we got it oh God I lost my arrows 12 bodies ago Oh yeah yeah fight forget him get him get him get him [ __ ] them up [ __ ] them up yeah now I’ll [ __ ] you up come on come on we got this no no okay okay okay nice hey hey we [ __ ] survived that let’s okay we’ve got a few more skellies to deal with

Oh oh there’s they’re stuck in the cobwebs over here oh tactical advantages one of them is skilled uh can I I can’t I can’t touch them let me let me try arrows they are bouncing off uh he might be glitched because he’s stuck in cobwebs I know I’m hitting him

I am oh sometimes oh this man’s oh this guy okay hey beef beef boy oh they hit so fast here I’m just gonna tank okay now Firefox happening oh nice nice get [ __ ] on get [ __ ] around and cheese would you drop anything good anything we could use a crystal

35 base draw speed wait can we can we sock it how do we socket our items what hang on if you click e and then there’s a little button to the left of your head there are other like there’s like a headpiece a necklace oh [ __ ] yeah

Can I can I put this gem anywhere Do we have to put sockets in it like I have I have literally no idea okay I’m throwing [ __ ] away we don’t need iron playing like single player I found like a little I found a glove that let me throw snowballs that’s pretty [ __ ] dope mm-hmm

I don’t need no books I don’t read gel I don’t need a crimson fungus [ __ ] off I don’t need you right now okay okay keep my water bucket warp stems can [ __ ] off okay yeah yeah yeah yeah I don’t know how a gem but it makes me feel good so I

Think the gems are craftables just gonna be socketed with a smithing table God damn can we craft one how do we how do we uh table Uh oh I have iron ingots we can I can make a smithing table let’s go six iron ingots as well if you need more I do not like the way that chopping trees work there we go all right give me that wood give me that good good okay okay okay uh crafting table

Poop smithing table yes socket my [ __ ] where are you with the swimming table item on the left gem on the right one socketed gem cannot be removed maybe you’ve already raised 589 that’s amazing just by the way just like throwing it out there that’s really cool

Holy [ __ ] what I’ve been so panicked I didn’t even notice oh my god let’s go Y’all you’re [ __ ] incredible thank you so much for supporting such an incredible cause oh my God okay but I’m gonna try maybe my helmet what do we need to enchant stuff an anvil yes which takes like three iron blocks so much iron yeah wait can we oh I wish Nature bag what do we got golden spine Cactus why did I open that I didn’t need any of that stuff uh onion coconut seedlings Spruce sapling [ __ ] off Sticks and Stones back I guess that could have some useful stuff in it maybe uh uh dungeon bag Ancient Tome music that’s called gold bread rotten flesh bone string chainmail horse armor sacred Scroll of regeneration a bunch of [ __ ] all right applies regeneration to Citizens around you at least most of the time oh [ __ ] I’ve got spells for us oh that’s hot that’s hot that’s some hot [ __ ]

Cole uh I’ll keep the gold just in case rotten flesh no depth Strider We’re not gonna do any underwater excursions probably not uh I would love to I’m keeping this because it makes me feel good raw chicken I know I don’t think we’re gonna have time to cook

Uh I’ll keep my enchanted books just in case oh my sword is about to break so I’m gonna Make another one because I have iron there you go bone meal Cobble uh I’m just gonna throw everything away except the wood and we’re fine I probably don’t need gold okay okay okay okay okay we’re good okay have we fully explored this Village because I have yet to find a blacksmith

But I do feel like maybe we could find one probably because I feel like it’s so big and like spread out it’s very big that is also a possibility a possibility uh furnace crafting table no this is not a blacksmith Rick hi hello workhouse Red House a red house

I don’t know oh wait is that the is that the goblin dungeon that might be the goblin stronghold it might be a dungeon gnome Art of War there’s a 45-page book in here in oh [ __ ] foreign this is so weird oh I got an iron ax okay oh hey uh press J

And pick a job oh what I’m gonna pick hunter because I feel like we’re gonna be fighting a [ __ ] [ __ ] ton of enemies today anything in here this is a guard Tower oh I found some ruins Maybe ish kind of there’s our Golems this looks like it could be maybe a blacksmith

Crafting table furnace at give me champagne powered oh yeah I ran into him earlier and he would not give up his champagne how dare you oh dude I might move in do it okay it could use some work maybe just a little bit Scarlett thank you for Lark I appreciate it

It’s a very cute little house I don’t know how they did all these detail blocks oh my God I bet building with all these mods is so fun yeah this guy will sell us four sea lanterns for two emeralds that would be really cool if we ended up building at all

Yeah it’s [ __ ] massive there’s literally gotta be a box you would think so but also a lot of these buildings are like oh wait do you snap it Barrel has Bunch cobweb oh actually it has a bunch of cobwebs in it which we could use for defense oh that’s smart

Yeah this was not the blacksmith though I got a diamond helmet what the [ __ ] good is my Phantom helmet oh well [Laughter] almost cool almost cool forrester’s Hut what the [ __ ] this mod pack is so neat oh yeah I saw that this is a little green slime okay or not green that’s

Blue what am I foreign oh so any mob you kill can just straight up spawn a ghost for no reason don’t shoot me I’m eating what no no stop it stop it could just spawn a ghost oh because I guess yeah cause you’re it’s dead it’s a ghost hey

We’re fine we’re fine everything’s fine regular zombies are beefy in this pack everything’s beefy this zombie has a full set of Enchanted armor what the [ __ ] all right I’m on the way I’m on my way I’m on my way well maybe it’s not a zombie oh it’s called a Pete

Damn it Pete I don’t I don’t know it is I don’t know no he is the name of it’s not damn it Pete from the hit classic Disney Pete uh what’s his name Pete Warren that’s not it but you’re over here named Yvette Christine not Lee Davidson I hear scary noises how do we how do we like uh the midnight as our battle music y’all I keep trying to come oh that’s like a little Rudolph oh there’s a whole body there’s a sleeping bison sleeping bison I found I think I walked in on some

Villagers getting freaky in a barrel villagers over there getting freaky in their table I’m gonna manifesting a oh there’s so much bread here okay nice this looks like it’s the oh they’re all stuck in little barrels they just um they’re big fans of Homestuck you know what I mean

Maybe they’re buckets and not barrels you’re right I should understand if you understand that reference I’m disappointed in you there’s an airship oh do we want to try to go up there I I mean they’re not currently torturing us so I feel like maybe we should

Yeah we’re not we don’t have [ __ ] tons of things being spawned on top of us all the time incessantly so oh wait Blast Furnace uh armor stands handball I’m not seeing I’m not seeing an anvil but it looks short as [ __ ] looks like a blacksmith okay I’m gonna be real when we were looking around these Villages before I 100 found an anvil so I know for a fact there should be one oh wait maybe I’m bald though

I don’t remember where it was because I’m literally the dogs oh is this the town hall Colony lost for words what is that oh is that the book that’s not in English no I got like an achievement oh well somewhere there’s a book that’s in some kind of script that I do not recognize people can you learn languages in this mod pack

That like you need to learn in order to read stuff that would be kind of neat that would be a really cool like and then like once you learn the language anything in that language is like transcripted I found a boss it’s a phantom it’s a named Phantom oh God there’s two bosses

There’s a haunted suit of armor oh god oh no oh I’m gonna [ __ ] die the boss oh God I’m oh [ __ ] I’m gonna die no no no no no no no no no no you’re for sure gonna die that’s so unfortunate should you need help should I help if

You can if you’re close enough oh I guess I could yum I’m not sure where you oh I hear it I don’t see you yes boss you went into the creepy boat yep yep it’s fine oh it’s on fire oh God the Phantom is lighting the building on fire oh now

Why did you go in here don’t set it on fire oh okay I killed the fan I killed the enchanted armor no you didn’t oh what the [ __ ] put it out oh my God he is hard How much health does he have so much Oh my god oh he dropped [ __ ] [ __ ] all right enchanted book placeable we don’t need iron um we don’t need fungus oh my God Enchanted iron sword oh nice also I found while you were dying this sacred Scroll of regeneration So I also have a regeneration scroll yeah I think that’s dope as [ __ ] I’m taking this opportunity to do some Inventory management there’s more Enchanted iron swords in here oh [ __ ] if you’d like a sharpness one iron sword I would love a sharpness one iron sword I’m gonna take these apples

I’m gonna take the gold I’m gonna take the saddle look at us look at us we’re making progress we’re sharing oh yeah and progress progress there’s some Enchanted bows in here there’s an Arcane gem iron mining Arrow what the [ __ ] empty map collected all the iron we could find we

Might be able to just make it though honestly I’m at five ingots right now I also have five ingots we need to get quite a bit of iron but we could keep looking how do you switch oh wow there’s a lot of ironing oh where oh

Oh [ __ ] what’d you get I picked up a bow it’s called an Elven try bow of the snipers plus 20 based Arrow image plus 15 base Arrow velocity and plus 13 total speed God damn God damn God damn okay oh there’s another one over here oh my

God I don’t know why it gave me like three uh there I’ve got some ender pearls some more armor some more gems I wish we could melt down the horse armor I think we can but it only gives a nugget yeah well I’m at 15 iron ingots oh really I’ve got 11.

Okay we need three blocks right for an anvil yeah so that’s I don’t know I see the craft 18 27. wait I can’t even craft an end though can you not want something else oh because I’m not at a crafting menu yeah okay yeah oh no I still can’t find it

This video, titled ‘Fireside 48 Charity Streamathon! – Minecraft with Twitch Integration! (pt. 1)’, was uploaded by VoDPrincess on 2022-12-29 22:50:10. It has garnered 10 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 01:03:16 or 3796 seconds.

Vod Date: 12/24/2022 | Protect the Village – Every dono interacts with the game! Supporting The Trevor Project!

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▬▬▬▬ Music ▬▬▬▬

Music To Wear Fingerless Gloves To by Punch Deck | Music promoted by Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License

Sexy by Bensound Music:

Music from Uppbeat (free for Creators!): License code: EVIVGIBYIQ02WKYB

  • Mastering Mace Enchantments in Minecraft

    Mastering Mace Enchantments in Minecraft The Ultimate Minecraft Enchanting Guide for Mace The mace is a new and powerful weapon in Minecraft, and with the right enchantments, it can become a deadly tool in your arsenal. In this guide, we will explore the best enchantments for a mace in Minecraft 1.21, helping you maximize its potential in combat. Damage Enhancing Enchantments There are three key damage-enhancing enchantments for the mace: Density: Increases the damage dealt by the mace’s smash attack per block. Smite: Boosts the mace’s damage against undead mobs like zombies and skeletons. Bane of Arthropods: Enhances the mace’s damage against arthropod mobs… Read More

  • My Human Lover: Minecraft Animation Story

    My Human Lover: Minecraft Animation Story Minecraft Animation Story Love: “Human is my Lover” Season 1 [Part 2] Exploring Chiang Tung City In this episode of the Minecraft Animation Story “Human is my Lover,” the characters find themselves in the vibrant and bustling Chiang Tung City. The map used for this episode provides a stunning backdrop for the unfolding events. You can explore the city yourself by visiting the map here: Chiang Tung City Map. Immersive Soundtrack The episode features an engaging soundtrack that enhances the viewing experience. The music sets the tone for the story and adds depth to the emotions portrayed. Here are… Read More

  • Unleashing Chaos in Minecraft | Creative Flight & Blood Altar!

    Unleashing Chaos in Minecraft | Creative Flight & Blood Altar! Minecraft Encrypted_ | CREATIVE FLIGHT & THE BLOOD ALTAR! Embark on an exciting journey with Nik and Isaac in Minecraft Encrypted_, where creative flight and the mysterious Blood Altar await in this modded questing survival adventure! Unleashing Creative Flight One of the most thrilling aspects of Minecraft Encrypted_ is the ability to soar through the skies with creative flight. Imagine the freedom of exploring vast landscapes from a bird’s eye view, uncovering hidden treasures and secret locations with ease. The Blood Altar Delve into the depths of the Blood Altar, a place shrouded in mystery and ancient power. What… Read More

  • Water Pit Wonders: Time Travel with Minecraft

    Water Pit Wonders: Time Travel with Minecraft In ancient times, I traveled with Minecraft in hand, Dug a water pit, infinite water at my command. Block by block, I built my world so grand, Every adventure, every challenge, I withstand. With each update, new features to explore, In this pixelated world, I always want more. From crafting to mining, my skills I hone, In this virtual realm, I am never alone. So join me in this journey, let’s play and create, In Minecraft’s world, there’s no need to wait. Dig deep, build high, let your imagination fly, With Minecraft by your side, reach for the sky. Read More

  • 25 Must-Try Minecraft 1.21 Seeds for Epic Adventures!

    25 Must-Try Minecraft 1.21 Seeds for Epic Adventures! Exploring the Top 25 Minecraft Seeds for the 1.21 Tricky Trials Update! Embark on a thrilling adventure with the latest Minecraft Seeds that promise to elevate your gaming experience to new heights. These 25 exceptional seeds have been carefully curated for the 1.21 Tricky Trials update, ensuring a fresh and exciting journey every time you play. Discover the Diverse Worlds of Minecraft From sprawling landscapes to hidden treasures, each seed offers a unique setting for players to explore. Whether you’re a seasoned Minecraft veteran or a newcomer to the game, these seeds will captivate your imagination and keep you… Read More

  • Breaking News: Minecraft 1.21 Data Pack Updates!

    Breaking News: Minecraft 1.21 Data Pack Updates! Minecraft 1.21: The Tricky Trials Update Minecraft 1.21, also known as the Tricky Trials update, has brought a plethora of exciting new features and improvements to the game. From data-driven enchantments to new paintings and jukebox songs, players are in for a treat with this latest update. Let’s dive into the details of what Minecraft 1.21 has to offer! Commands and Gameplay Enhancements One of the key highlights of Minecraft 1.21 is the introduction of data pack improvements that enhance gameplay mechanics. Players can now enjoy a more dynamic and customizable experience through the use of new commands and… Read More

  • Block by Block: Minecraft’s Realistic Encore

    Block by Block: Minecraft's Realistic Encore In the world of Minecraft, where blocks reign supreme, One block stands out, like a dream within a dream. It’s realistic, it’s unique, it’s a sight to behold, With textures so lifelike, it never gets old. Adispot takes on the challenge, with humor and flair, Exploring this block, with a sense of care. From mining to building, the possibilities are vast, With each new discovery, the excitement will last. So join in the fun, with Adispot by your side, As they navigate Minecraft, with creativity as their guide. With rhymes and jokes, they’ll keep you entertained, In the world… Read More

  • Chicken-Only Minecraft Speed Paint Challenge

    Chicken-Only Minecraft Speed Paint Challenge Minecraft Madness: Speedpainting and Chicken Evolution Introduction In the world of Minecraft, where creativity knows no bounds, Dasanye Wet takes on a unique challenge in the latest episode of her series. Speedpainting fan art while playing Chicken Madness Minecraft 1.20, she combines artistry and gaming in a way that captivates her audience. Chicken Evolution Dasanye embarks on the quest to discover the next evolution of chicken in her Minecraft world. From soul Sand chickens to mysterious purple chickens, each new discovery adds a layer of excitement to her gameplay. The anticipation of what the next chicken will bring keeps… Read More

  • Mombo Combo Legacy: Minecraft Halo Mashup Madness

    Mombo Combo Legacy: Minecraft Halo Mashup Madness In the world of gaming, where sounds take flight, Did you know Halo’s effects were made just right? With clay dogs for sounds, a unique sight, Matching animal noises, a creative delight. Random sounds for games, a common trend, Creating stories that never end. In Halo, a developer’s coffee machine sound, Matched a game element, a discovery profound. In Minecraft, the Ghasts’ eerie cry, Made by a composer, disturbing his cat nearby. At Orube, Gab is the editor’s name, Creating sounds for videos, adding to the game’s fame. In Mombo Combo Legacy, a chair’s sound, Used for a boss,… Read More

  • Crafty Base Building in Minecraft

    Crafty Base Building in Minecraft Minecraft Day 2: Making a Base Setting Up for Success In the world of Minecraft, our intrepid player is back at it again, this time focusing on securing a base. After a previous mishap that resulted in a blown-up base, it’s time to start fresh and build something more durable. The plan? Head into the woods, gather resources, and create a temporary shelter. Gathering Resources The first task at hand is to gather wood and stone to kickstart the base-building process. Chopping down trees, collecting saplings for future planting, and scouting the area for potential resources are all part… Read More

  • Lily ROBS OMZ’s Limbs in Minecraft?! – Parody

    Lily ROBS OMZ's Limbs in Minecraft?! - ParodyVideo Information oh gosh guys take me to the hospital I can’t feel my body I can’t walk what who stole my limbs where my hand and leg oh my God help us good morning and wait is today the day I think it is it is today is the day we’re going to the brand new amusement park they opened a new roller coaster I can’t wait this is going to be the most fun day ever we got to go quick though because I want to be first first in line so let’s wake up Roxy Roxy wake… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Manhunt Clutch by HyperlinkLuna!

    Insane Minecraft Manhunt Clutch by HyperlinkLuna!Video Information oh guys guys he’s he’s getting out of the cave come back to where we were I think it’s because we just outed hey man [Music] hi This video, titled ‘Full video on channel #minecraft #viral #gaming #manhunt #streamer #clutch’, was uploaded by HyperlinkLuna on 2024-03-19 04:38:22. It has garnered 446 views and 9 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:29 or 29 seconds. Read More

  • Minecraft Art 95: Insane Sand Art (Ghost 4)

    Minecraft Art 95: Insane Sand Art (Ghost 4)Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Art 95 | Satisfying sand art (Ghost 4)’, was uploaded by Chroma Noob on 2024-02-12 14:00:42. It has garnered 7719 views and 143 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:16 or 16 seconds. minecraft,minecraft but,minecraft izle,minecraft arda,minecraft troll,minecraft prank,minecraft funny,minecraft parodi,minecraft pranks,minecraft trolling,tรผrkรงe minecraft,minecraft animation,minecraft challenge,big house minecraft,minecraft parodileri,minecraft videolarฤฑ,minecraft pro vs noob,hรผsamettin minecraft,minecraft hรผsamettin,minecraft noob vs pro,minecraft yeni bรถlรผm,minecraft polat alemdar,polat alemdar minecraft,minecraft parodileri vs,shorts,#shorts,house cat,pets,cats,scaredy cat,ie offbeat,cat costume,domesticated animals,inside_edition,meow,inside edition,animal encounter,kitty,kitten,animals,black cat,funny video,viral video,family friendly,ie animal kingdom,funny video,funny videos,funny video 2022,funny fail video,funny videos 2022,funny fails video,funny fail,fail videos,funny fails,funny,funny moments,sapna… Read More

  • SECRET Minecraft Royal FF Hack ๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ”ฅ #viral

    SECRET Minecraft Royal FF Hack ๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ”ฅ #viralVideo Information This video, titled ‘minecraft viral hack ๐Ÿ˜ณ๐Ÿ’– #shorts #tranding #viralshort #minecraftshorts #viralshirtvideo #gaming #tot’, was uploaded by ROYAL FF on 2024-02-15 12:02:32. It has garnered 2877 views and 43 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:10 or 10 seconds. VIRAL MINECRAFT TIKTOK HACKS # 32๐Ÿ”ฅ ๐Ÿ˜Š๐Ÿ™‚!! | #shorts #minecraftviralhack34 ๐Ÿ™‚๐Ÿ”ฅ #minecraftshorts #gaming #viralshort #ttanding #gamingshort #subscr VIRAL MINECRAFT TIKTOK HACKS # 32๐Ÿ”ฅ ๐Ÿ˜Š๐Ÿ™‚!! | #shorts #viral #tiktok hacks #minecraft #hacks #viraltiktok hacks #ytshorts #ytshortsindia #4 #5 #6 #7 #8 #9 #10 #11 #12 #13 #13 #14 #15 #16 #17 #18 #19 #20 #21 #22 #23 #24 #25… Read More

  • Elidia

    ElidiaServeur skyblock en cours de dรฉveloppement, n’hรฉsiter pas a envoyer un message sur discord pour venir aider. Read More

  • Broomstix SMP Creative Semi-Vanilla 1.20.6 Claims Classic Bedrock-Java FlyOnSundays DynMap CustomEnchants PetTeleport

    Java & Bedrock Server IP: Discord: Join our Discord server with voice channels Online In-game Map: Check out our online in-game map Features: Backwards compatibility on the latest Minecraft version Bedrock and Java cross-play Hard difficulty Custom enchantments Teleport mobs with leads Free fly in the overworld every Sunday Land claiming with ProtectionStones Bartering economy system No griefing Main PvP arena with keep inventory Random teleportation in overworld and nether In-game private messaging, homes, player teleportation Minecraft-Discord integration Responsive staff Voting ranks and rewards Server shops, public market, tutorial warps Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “Optifine Drama: Mayhem Unleashed”

    “May Optifine unrest in distress, but at least this meme is scoring higher than my GPA.” Read More

  • Sponge Hunt & Star Trader: Minecraft Ocean to Badlands

    Sponge Hunt & Star Trader: Minecraft Ocean to Badlands In Minecraft’s world, where blocks reign supreme, I craft my tale in a rhythmic stream. From ocean depths to Badlands high, I seek adventure, reaching for the sky. In search of sponges, I dive deep, Through underwater fortresses, secrets to keep. Then to the Badlands, where terracotta stands tall, Building a home, trading for the ‘Star Trader’ call. With each achievement, my journey unfolds, In Minecraft’s realm, where stories are told. So join me now, in this pixelated land, Where creativity thrives, and blocks are grand. From ocean to Badlands, my quest takes flight, In Minecraft’s world, where dreams… Read More

  • Minecraft Battle of the Sexes: Boys vs Girls! ๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ˜‚

    Minecraft Battle of the Sexes: Boys vs Girls! ๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ˜‚ “Why do Minecraft boys always have to show off their fancy builds to impress the girls? Meanwhile, the girls are just out here mining diamonds and slaying creepers like it’s no big deal. Who’s really winning in this game?” ๐Ÿ˜‚ #minecraftgenderwars Read More

  • Nikku’s Epic Minecraft Parkour Adventure

    Nikku's Epic Minecraft Parkour Adventure Minecraft Parkour Gameplay: A Thrilling Adventure Introduction Embark on an exciting journey through the world of Minecraft with parkour gameplay that is both challenging and exhilarating. Join friends in conquering 25 stages of parkour maps, all while enjoying copyright-free gameplay that is perfect for sharing with your community. Key Features Experience the thrill of parkour in Minecraft with friends, navigating through intricate maps and obstacles. Test your skills and coordination as you jump, run, and climb your way through each stage. With no copyright restrictions, you can freely use this gameplay in your own content creation. Exploring the World… Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Add-On World

    Ultimate Minecraft Add-On World The Ultimate Minecraft Add-On Adventure Exploring the World of Minecraft Add-Ons In the vast world of Minecraft, the possibilities are endless. With the introduction of Add-ons on Bedrock Edition, players can enhance their gameplay with a variety of mods available on the Minecraft Marketplace. These Add-ons bring new features, items, and experiences to the game, allowing players to customize their worlds like never before. Adding Chaos to the Mix In a daring experiment, a Minecraft enthusiast decided to take on the challenge of adding every suggested Bedrock Add-On to a single world. The goal? To witness the chaos that… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft wins – 50 in one stream!! ๐Ÿš€

    Insane Minecraft wins - 50 in one stream!! ๐Ÿš€Video Information This video, titled ‘๐Ÿ”ด50 Minecraft Wins! | Hypixel Bedwars and Bridge with Viewers! [YouTube Shorts]’, was uploaded by KenDokoDa on 2024-05-26 07:12:56. It has garnered 497 views and 8 likes. The duration of the video is 03:26:44 or 12404 seconds. Use channel rewards over at Donations ๐Ÿ™‚ Playing Minecraft live with viewers! We are playing on the server Hypixel. To join you must have a Minecraft Java account and join the server to play. We are playing bridge, bedwars, and many more games with the rest of the gang! Join the twitch stream to control… Read More

  • Unbelievably Cursed Memes Compilation

    Unbelievably Cursed Memes CompilationVideo Information [ู…ูˆุณูŠู‚ู‰] โ€qui This video, titled ‘Cursed images #shorts #memes #shortmemes #discord #funny’, was uploaded by Cursed Memes on 2024-03-14 12:00:41. It has garnered 93 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:19 or 19 seconds. cursed images, cursed, memes, shorts, minecraft, images, cursed moments, minecraft shorts, vaazkl, cursed phub comments, memes for youy, cursed comments, minecrfaft, cursed phub, cursed memes, meme, the most cursed images, cursed image meme, debunked, creepy, explained, cursed images compilation, funny, cursed images meme, cursed images mii music, funny cursed images, cursed images scary, cursed images creepy, cursed images hilarious, callmecarson,… Read More

  • Unbelievable Secrets in Minecraft and Granny! Watch Now!

    Unbelievable Secrets in Minecraft and Granny! Watch Now!Video Information This video, titled ‘”Hello, Guys! Welcome to [GamingSyclone] – Let’s Explore Together!”#Minecraft#granny#games’, was uploaded by GamingCyclone on 2024-03-18 17:20:22. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Title: “Meet [Gamingsyclone]: Introducing Myself!” Description: Welcome to my YouTube channel! In this video, I’m excited to … Read More

  • SECRET: Real Tears of Obsidian Found!

    SECRET: Real Tears of Obsidian Found!Video Information This video, titled ‘Collecting some obsidian tears’, was uploaded by Definitely Not Animated on 2024-02-03 00:13:46. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. minecraft Additional tags (don’t pay attention): Minecraft, Minecraft animation, Minecraft realistic graphics, cursed Minecraft, odd … Read More

  • ๐Ÿฑ Meowzz purr-fectly dominates Minecraft Multiplayer ๐ŸŽฎ

    ๐Ÿฑ Meowzz purr-fectly dominates Minecraft Multiplayer ๐ŸŽฎVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Multiplayer’, was uploaded by Meowzz on 2024-02-24 14:38:46. It has garnered 5 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:08:34 or 514 seconds. Read More


    GRINDING BEDWARS TIL MY HANDS BLEEDVideo Information [Music] oh [Music] right [Music] now [Music] oh [Music] okie dokie you guys we are live I need to open up my chat on my phone which I’m doing right now um bro okay hold up one second do that bro don’t you just love it when you got your windows open and your doors just swing open that’s what I really don’t love um but why am I not showing my game okay I should be showing my game now tigo’s eating and throwing popcorn in front of me where’s my popcorn where is my popcorn guys… Read More

  • Intense Skibidi Toilet vs Minecraft Battle!

    Intense Skibidi Toilet vs Minecraft Battle!Video Information 3 2 one go [Music] [Music] need This video, titled ‘SKIBIDI TOILET BATTLE – SKIBIDI TOILET 14 VS SKIBIDI MINECRAFT 14’, was uploaded by Skibidi Boom on 2024-06-14 11:00:06. It has garnered 555 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:35 or 35 seconds. SKIBIDI TOILET BATTLE – SKIBIDI TOILET 14 VS SKIBIDI MINECRAFT 14 Welcome to my channel Skibidi Boom! I add voice acting, effects and analysis to all popular videos and deliver them to you. If you like my videos, click like and subscribe to my channel! skibidi toilet Credits: @DaFuqBoom Read More

  • Minecraft Battle: War Piglins vs Armored Villagers – Who Will Win?

    Minecraft Battle: War Piglins vs Armored Villagers - Who Will Win?Video Information great and whoever has the least amount of points at the end gets egged by the rest of us man what no no but now over at the castle things are heating up we have three piglin war machines going up against 200 villagers who do you think is going to win I’m going with the tanks I’ll go with the tanks too I’m going with the villagers This video, titled ‘Epic Minecraft Battle: War Piglins vs Armored Villagers, Who Will Win? #shorts’, was uploaded by Block Buddy on 2024-03-22 03:00:18. It has garnered 2669 views and 72… Read More

  • Insane HeroBrime Minecraft Animation Edit – Must See!

    Insane HeroBrime Minecraft Animation Edit - Must See!Video Information [Music] why you always in the around ain’t trying to tell what to do we trying to play cool baby I am play This video, titled ‘#viral #minecraftanimation #mc #edit #herobrime #minecraftvideos #minecraft #beyblade #amv’, was uploaded by @proarmy75 on 2024-01-07 07:29:15. It has garnered 9 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:11 or 11 seconds. Read More

  • Lords Jungle Pixelmon

    Lords Jungle PixelmonServer Pubblico Pixelmon, basato su un server fisico in Italia (Milano). Server con plugin aggiuntivi per rendere il tutto piu’ carino e divertente. Server PVE Read More

  • Prism SMP, Semi-Vanilla, Whitelist, Discord.

    Welcome to Prism SMP Community! Welcome to Prism SMP, where we offer a unique twist on vanilla-survival gameplay. We believe in a community-oriented approach where every member has a say in shaping our server. Join our Discord server to connect with fellow members, make new friends, and enjoy seamless communication between in-game and Discord interactions. Our server is family-friendly, maintaining a PG-13 atmosphere and promoting respectful conduct from all members. We regularly host community events open to everyone, including thrilling PvP tournaments and exhilarating elytra adventures. Joining is simple – just click the link below: Join Prism SMP Community FAQ:… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – I mean… creeper gonna creep

    Minecraft Memes - I mean... creeper gonna creepWell, I guess that meme is really mining for likes! Read More

  • Destroying 16 Minecraft Servers in One Click

    Destroying 16 Minecraft Servers in One ClickVideo Information This video, titled ‘I Crashed 16 Minecraft Pay-To-Win Servers With One Click’, was uploaded by 6x9c on 2024-06-14 21:58:54. It has garnered 1974 views and 86 likes. The duration of the video is 00:07:05 or 425 seconds. Watch as i crash 16 minecraft pay to win servers this video was insane and very old so pls like ๐Ÿ˜€ —————————————————————————————– if you have any questions or if i said anything incorrect dm me btw pls join my discord ๐Ÿ˜€ discord: —————————————————————————————– this is a very old video so the method probably doesnt work anymore on most servers. this… Read More

  • Veggie Tech: Minecraft’s Auto Farm Score

    Veggie Tech: Minecraft's Auto Farm Score In Minecraft, we built a farm so grand, Automatic veggies at our command. Carrots, potatoes, wheat, all in a row, Harvesting them all, watch them grow. The farm is massive, the work is tough, But the results are worth it, that’s enough. We toiled and labored, day and night, To bring this farm to life, shining bright. Now the crops are growing, the farm is complete, A masterpiece of automation, oh so neat. So tell me, dear viewers, what do you think? Of this farm we built, in just a blink. The next episode, what should it be? More… Read More

  • Minecraft slays Roblox ๐Ÿ”ฅ #gamerhumor

    Minecraft slays Roblox ๐Ÿ”ฅ #gamerhumor When you can’t decide between Minecraft and Roblox so you just end up playing both and neglecting all responsibilities in real life. #gamerproblems ๐Ÿ˜‚๐ŸŽฎ Read More

  • Ultimate Iron Farming in Minecraft EP-10

    Ultimate Iron Farming in Minecraft EP-10 Minecraft Survival Series EP-10 | IRON FARM! Unlimited Iron Glitch In this episode of the Minecraft Survival Series, the player showcases an impressive Iron Farm that promises unlimited iron production. The farm is not only efficient but also easy to build, making it a valuable addition to any player’s world. Building the Iron Farm The video demonstrates the step-by-step process of constructing the Iron Farm, highlighting key components and strategies for optimal functionality. Viewers are treated to a detailed guide that ensures successful replication in their own gameplay. Special Reward To keep viewers engaged, the creator teases a special… Read More

  • Gold & Quartz Hunt in Nether | Minecraft Ep. 38

    Gold & Quartz Hunt in Nether | Minecraft Ep. 38 Minecraft Episode 38: Collecting Gold and Quartz Blocks in the Nether World Survival Series Minecraft, a game of blocks, creatures, and endless possibilities, offers players the chance to reshape the world and embark on epic adventures. Whether battling monsters or building magnificent structures, Minecraft provides a unique gaming experience that can be enjoyed solo or with friends. Returning to the Nether World In this episode, our protagonist sets out on a mission to collect gold and quartz blocks in the treacherous Nether World. Armed with determination and a hunger for resources, they delve deep into the fiery landscape in… Read More

  • MERMAID FALLS IN LOVE with JJ & MIKEY in Minecraft!

    MERMAID FALLS IN LOVE with JJ & MIKEY in Minecraft!Video Information hey everybody this is JJ I got a new car I bought it for $100 I’m surprised it can even keep working for that kind of money it’s the engine that makes so much noise and heat and in general this car drives like a total Turtle I think I can drive to my garage and figure out what’s causing that loud noise I hope this engine doesn’t blow up my car how slow it’s going oh my God I thought I was going to drive this car like some kind of cool racer as usual I had… Read More

  • 51 Items Minecraft Will Never Add

    51 Items Minecraft Will Never AddVideo Information this tool makes building a breeze and this is a mirror that can duplicate any item and these are 51 insane items that Minecraft needs to add like this building Gadget this item revolutionizes Construction in Minecraft helping to significantly speed up the building process and while players can instantly build in different patterns and sections with the help of these items they can also copy cut and relocate whole builds with ease like this upside down Bridge even if the only way to cross it is with this awesome new slime armor it offers unique traits and… Read More

Fireside 48 Charity Streamathon! – Minecraft with Twitch Integration! (pt. 1)