Fixxitt412 Off The Record – AoE Ranged Dig Spell!! 100 Days: Banished Mage [Modded Minecraft] – Day 38

Video Information

Hello everybody welcome back to vanished we are on day 38 I believe and it’s time to delve further into R’s Magicka I really want an AOE range dig spell that’s really what I want so to get that we have to take a look at the Oculus and

Get down here because this is what I want I want this area of effect spell now here’s the problem to get down in there I need to unlock all these things there we go I got the I got what I want this is exactly what I need now if I

Come over here now to the tape actually I’m going to grab a book let’s grab a written book I believe it has EMC does it am I right yeah it does okay so we’ll grab one of these because we’re gonna go ahead and make this spell right now I’m

Just gonna make a simple spell now you can do in this in this amazing mod you can do a lot of various things where you can add all different modifiers and you can change the ability level of the spell and all that stuff I’m just gonna

Do a really simple one I want projectile and I want a dig and I want uh where’s the area of effect that’s what I want so um now it says at least one component is needed but I think I have a component right this is the yeah I think I’m good

Air projectile dig area of effect that’s all I want I don’t even want silk I don’t even want anything else I just want to be able to dig big rooms a lot faster using projectile so let’s go ahead and name this uh AOE dig okay very simple there we go

Okay so now if I take a look at this this is not working it’s not working at all why the heck is it not working did not what happened here did I mess it up it says at least one component is missing but projectile oh you know what you know

What I need I dig has to go up here no it doesn’t actually projectile dig maybe AOE goes up in here oh you know that might be it actually that might be it uh can I get some no okay I really I need to kill all the

Pigs because I really really really need more of that pig fat for another ritual but all right well we we just messed it up so let’s that’s okay hey I got I did get picked that cool and let’s just throw that book in there what it was it

Giving me it’s giving me just a written a written random book but hey that’s free EMC and actually interesting this is 192 EMC and this is 279. so free EMC for doing nothing that’s pretty cool all right let’s go over here and see if we can get this I

Think maybe that’s maybe that’s projectile AOE and then dig is down there possibly that’s it okay there we go can I do this now is it gonna tell me what I need it is okay all right so here’s all the things I need most of this stuff very very simple

Except for this the one air Essence now to make an air Essence that gets a little bit more complicated luckily I I now have the stuff that I need to actually make that happen I’m just going to show me the recipe it is not we’re gonna have to check out the artist Magic

Book unfortunately it doesn’t have it doesn’t seem to have like the jei integration so it’s right there okay so we need where we need items and I need Essences there we go and I need an air Essence so this requires tarma root and feathers and then Arcane Ash well I have

Some of that stuff so I have feathers I can grab two feathers and I can grab I don’t think I have any tarma rude I don’t think no that’s not what Ash right Ash there’s okay any one of those and then here’s gonna be the

Question do I have any tarma root I know I found one but it may have gotten blown oh look I have five that’s cool okay all right well actually we’re gonna be able to do this right away I thought maybe I would have to go and figure out how to

Make more tarma route because there is a way using the vortex refiner thing but uh I think that this will work so we’re gonna go like this and then I’m just going to connect this to that uh it says I can’t it says doesn’t use any but

Huh The Source doesn’t provide any types of power that the destination can use that’s strange I guess that’s light light ethereum I guess so I might need a battery actually which is actually a quest it’s actually called a battery I think it is it’s called a Mana battery I think

Right yeah Mana battery okay so this requires four videos four camera and one Arcane Ash well again we have the ash so that’s not too bad and then the chimwrite and stuff like that I I’ve certainly collected plenty of it there we go and venium dust is still a little

Bit of at a premium right now but I think it should be okay can I just craft this all right so here’s what we’re gonna do we are going to take this Mana battery and use this as a sort of intermediate sort of system

And I think if I just put this down say I put this down right here in the ground then I think what I can do is I can use this to fill the Mana battery and then the Mana battery to fill up that no no really really

I was quite sure that that would work but it doesn’t appear that it does so this is working I need you know I need a charge level zero I wonder if that means that it’s is it night time right now possibly where’s my bed is my bed let’s see if I can sleep

Spawn point set no I don’t think I can sleep or maybe there’s mobs near I mean there are mobs basically everywhere ah well this is interesting I really was convinced that this would work so right now this is flashing saying it doesn’t have any ethereum so what we can do is I

Could use vinium dust on oh look oh oh that worked okay well let’s just do it like this we’ll power that like that so this actually is working I got five vinium dust that’s cool if I can just keep that going very slowly and just working I

Would be very happy with that that would be fine with me all right so let’s see now we have to figure out something a little bit else is this I think that’s my only one huh so I think I’m gonna have to make an obelisk and how do you make an obelisk I

Might need to do a neutral OB it’s Obelisk right Obelisk yeah there we go so I need four vinium dust uh stone and a chiseled Stone I’m pretty sure I have learned that recipe Stone one two three four like that and then one of these and

Then I need to come up here and grab this four vending dust I don’t mind spending this to make another obvious because you need plenty of oblets as time kind of goes on in this so we’ll grab that and then unfortunately here’s the part I kind of do mind this cost

This is I’m gonna have to go mining but once I get this AOE dig maybe I’ll mine a lot faster so what we’re gonna do is I’m just gonna throw this up here for right now and we’re just gonna put one two three four four in there and just start it burning

I think this this thing’s broken or something because there’s no reason why this is light essence this is neutral Essence there is no reason why it can’t use this and I’m pretty sure everything coming out of the Mana battery is neutral essence so I don’t I I don’t know why is it I

Think it’s this actually I don’t know why this would not be accepting anything I I just don’t I don’t really understand let’s see yeah this feathers on the top trying to ruin the bottom that’s not even the recipes like this there we go all right maybe we’re just gonna let this go because

I don’t know man let this go for a little bit and see if I get near Essence if I are Essence I could always summon the error Guardian but although I need one or Essence actually just do that I’m not real crazy about the air Guardian fight

It’s for one thing it’s really boring it just takes forever the way I do it which is kind of cheaty a little bit I someone I’m Gonna Stand really far back in the meantime while we wait for that to either work or not work I mean it’s I

Don’t think it’s gonna work though because let’s just read the book I was gonna do something else but let’s let’s try to get this figured out let’s we’re here let’s do it I need an item Arcane I don’t think is this gonna tell me how to make it

Ethereum this represents a theorem am2’s power and will be shown as part of certain recipes when this appears make sure it’s crafting yeah okay I have all that that’s fine that’s how you actually use it to craft but I need the essence refiner and that’s probably no just back

I I need probably to go into items essence blocks I guess maybe Essence refiner there it is right there okay the essence refiner takes everyday items using Arcane Ash refines them into pure representation of their parts known as Essences the uh the recipes for specific assets this can be found under items

Which I did the essence refiner also requires ethereum to function natural ethereum can be used can be uh obtained from a obelisk which has no specific advantage or drawbacks finally dark ethereum can be used a black Orem uh which significantly reduced the amount of time it takes to refine the

Essence the I now I can’t do a block because I don’t have like a small you would need a spawner or something to do that the spending ring on the UI will shift from Blue to purple as the refinement progress progresses process progresses and eventually completes a flashing red means they’re insufficient

Ethereum to continue and the process has been paused so so in my opinion this is fine this is charge level Oh shoot what am I what I’m even pairing this with let’s see if I pair what if I pair this this hold on

I can I can I click this what do I have to do what do I have to do to make this Crystal wrench this crystallized does have different functions I’m I’m almost positive let’s check in in controls and see R is Magic of two shape group Spellbook no no

Ha I don’t see it okay I don’t see anything very obvious in the ARs manager thing I I was sure there was like a shift clicking let’s read about the crystal Wrench It would be under items right uh Crystal wrench okay the Crystal Run surge names purposes it can be used to

Direct ethereum through your power Network to do this right click first on the source of ethereum you want to use this marks it as a source block then right click on the destination while still holding the wrench there’s no need to click on ethereum conducts along the conduits along the

Way oh that’s interesting just click on the final block the power system will attempt a path on through nearby ethereum conduits automatically if that fails for any reason you’ll be notified this will force a pairing and ensues that insurers ensures that ethereum goes where you want it to if you sneak while

Right clicking on the source the wrenches Crystal will turn green that means the crystal wrench is remembering the source Block’s location and you can click on several destinations aha that possibly could be it okay you can also disconnect power nodes by sneaking and right clicking okay so I

Think what I was doing is I was shift clicking so I’m gonna okay see I’m it’s like I’m remembering this I need to I need to figure out how to get this to be a different color right now I I don’t I don’t can I can I craft this into

Itself no it’s like it’s stuck on the Green where it’s only remembering see it’s only remembering something like that used to be there maybe I I don’t know but because I shift clicked now and now it won’t it won’t turn back unfortunately it won’t turn back to the

Other color I may need to just craft craft another one maybe I don’t know I don’t this seems like such a waste such a so it’s uh see how expensive is where is this Crystal wrench it got oh these two flowers okay both the desert Nova and the cereal Blossom iron and Vinnie

And dust let’s just craft another one because I something is very strange about this right now at this moment organic we’re gonna go do I have I have one okay I have a couple of these saved I really really really hate to spend them to be completely honest I hate it

But I gotta do it okay so iron because there’s something there’s something that’s kind of messed up about this I I don’t know why this would be this this way let’s see can I just grab that yeah I can okay so now look see this is this one’s the color should be

It’s like it’s orange I’m not going to shift like I’m just gonna regular shift regular click regular okay pairing successful then I’m going to click on this and go to that pairing successful aha now I’m actually getting now it’s actually it’s actually working okay so that’s interesting this is not burning

Right now which is okay I right now these are disconnected this is going to work now I’m going to try to go sleep and see because I don’t know if it’s day or night or whatever so if I can uh no just spawn point set I guess I

Can’t sleep I have slept before in this pack and I don’t I don’t know why but this this light Obelisk it only works during the the daytime it doesn’t work at night so I don’t know why this Crystal wrench why oh I just changed look it just changed it changed from is

That a different color look at that one’s red and one’s like purple so weird well anyway it worked that time let’s see okay this is working now I I’m convinced that this is working it’s just it’s just very oh look charge level is point zero one so it’s working it’s just

Gonna be very very slow and that is okay as long as it’s working then we can do some other things so let’s grab some of the stuff that we need for this spell so we can throw this over there and grab out our spell book for right now now I

Happen to know that I need what a blank Room video dust Arrow snowball okay I can get a lot of that stuff Arrow there we go one vintium dust we’ll put the rest of them up there Rune I need another kind of Rune I think it’s an orange room I’m gonna go ahead

And grab it because I think I’m right but let me see if I am uh Orange Room iron shovel iron pickaxe uh snowball okay we can grab these things snowball yep and I am gonna need let’s say iron iron take did I not I never learned an iron shovel well

That’s that was stupid stick let’s just go ahead and learn it now so we have it we’ll do this like so okay and then I’m just gonna teach it this and then relearn iron shovel okay cool and then I gotta get a TNT TNT okay there we go that’s for the AOE component

Uh I am gonna need Essence which is okay because I can get that now now that I have my crystal wrench fixed somehow I fixed it uh and you get one Moonstone and spell parchment and I’m pretty sure yeah yeah spell parchment is there and

Then I need what was the last thing I needed a uh a one moon stone of my one of my precious precious moons okay so other than other than the the essence and this this this air Essence which is what I really need oh look this is 25 percent

Why the question is though why is this taking charge this should be spending its charge on making this right I mean I could use vinium dust but I hate to use that because oh look is this thing oh this actually is working where is this thing getting power from I wonder

I don’t think this works without power so where is this getting power this is not connected to that is it no this is not burning right now so where is this thing getting power from is this getting power from the battery is that why this isn’t working

But the battery is going up in power okay so that should be going to the essence refiner right I think so I think it should we could I mean I could do it like this if I wanted to and spend the SEC that’s going to burn the assets

Right it’s gonna burn it pretty darn quickly we’ll spend some of my video I just need to get this one see look it’s not flashing anymore so I guess it’s working I don’t know I I guess we’ll just power like this and then I’ll try to re rehab some of my

Video more I think I made it yes I made it okay now we should be able to make this AOE dig spell and I am extremely excited to make this so AOE day let’s throw it in there and then to get it started all we got to do is we gotta

Throw in the blank rune and then it’s going to kind of tell us you can’t really see with jei sort of in the way but you can kind of it it kind of tells what it needs to do here okay and then the areas okay then this

Is this is the slightly tricky one so this one is going to require from this over to this pairing successful and flick the battery is it getting it I think it is let’s go check this I may not maybe I didn’t have enough oh it’s down to zero okay

Um did it work that lever should flick back automatically how much does it require it requires a thousand essence oh what happened what happened why did I get all that back I shouldn’t have is that a new thing I didn’t know that I didn’t know that you could do that

I didn’t know you could get your stuff back where’s my Rune I guess I didn’t get the room back I got back everything but the Rune well that’s weird all right let’s try to get this let’s try to get another Rune what the heck did why did

That happen so if you right click with an empty hand you get your items back that is news to me as many times I’ve played this mod I’ve played this mod a lot I am shocked that that’s the way it is okay throwing one video dust

I didn’t get oh I did get narrow Arrow snowball what’s that that’s the Moonstone air Essence thank goodness I got the air Essence back okay now what we’re gonna do this time this time I’m gonna click this guy and send this directly in and then what we’ll do is we will burn

Another three of these I guess oh I hate to do it but all right so when I click this down this should is it yeah it’s automatically started burning because it requires the essence and I think I think it’s 250 per oh there it already went it already went cool okay maybe

It’s more than maybe it’s like a thousand okay throw in the TNT the orange Rune the shovel the pickaxe the spell parchment and I got the AOE dig okay now we’re talking so we’re gonna do this one right like that okay there we go now let’s see if this if this works

Oh baby oh baby so I’ll tell you what we’re gonna do we’re oh hey hello I I have my fortune uh I’ll take this I’ll take this uh I use these the silence gem stuff okay cool nice so now now we are gonna be able to actually dig out some stuff

Now the reason why I dug out this Tunnel right here is gonna be for some boss battles and stuff like that I want to be able to summon the the water guardian and before you summon them he is kind of hard to beat actually so before I summon

The water Guardian I want to make sure that I have a lot of spaces or summon them and get the heck away because he can teleport and he can teleport you in the whole thing can turn really nightmarish if you’re not really really prepared so we’re gonna make sure that

This is all set up and all ready to go but I’ll see you all next episode from banished where we actually summon a boss and get in a little bit more of that stuff should be a lot of fun see you all next time thanks so much for hanging out

With me spending part of your day over here with me unbanished

This video, titled ‘AoE Ranged Dig Spell!! 100 Days: Banished Mage [Modded Minecraft] – Day 38’, was uploaded by Fixxitt412 Off The Record on 2023-06-15 14:00:38. It has garnered 380 views and 23 likes. The duration of the video is 00:20:22 or 1222 seconds.

Banished is a 1.7.10 modpack that is the HARDEST pack I’ve ever played. I’ll be recording my next Lore-driven 100 Days video following Edwin, our Master Mage here on the second channel, but instead of record it all on my own, I’m bringing you in on the journey. It’ll be uncut episodes with commentary, playing each day of the 100 seperately, then I’ll edit it all together with lore for the main channel. Enjoy!


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    Insane MCgamer speedruns extreme Minecraft parkour! #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft parkour guanlet TAS #shorts’, was uploaded by Extreem MCgamer on 2024-05-04 21:00:23. It has garnered 10227 views and 277 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:17 or 17 seconds. Welcome to the Extreem MCgamer channel, dedicated to Minecraft! I’m Extreem, and I’m excited to share amazing Minecraft shorts with you. Join me as we explore the blocky world, go on thrilling adventures, and witness incredible creations. From awesome builds to cool redstone contraptions, we’ll dive deep into Minecraft together. Whether you’re an experienced player or new to the game, there’s something here for… Read More

  • Mind-Blowing Minecraft Sand Art Creation 😱🎨 #Trending #Shorts

    Mind-Blowing Minecraft Sand Art Creation 😱🎨 #Trending #ShortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘satisfied Minecraft sand art 🎨😱 # and art# Minecraft # shorts ☺😍😎’, was uploaded by Karan tech kvp on 2024-05-05 08:04:44. It has garnered 7259 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:22 or 22 seconds. satisfied Minecraft sand art 🎨😱 # and art# Minecraft # shorts ☺😍😎 minecraft sand art mod | minecraft sand art mr beast |minecraft sand art 123 Minecraft send art😱😱😱😱 gaming minecraft sand art minecraft sand art b minecraftsand art minecraft b minecraft banner fan art minecraft g minecraft banner h minecraft is minecraft sad is minecraft a… Read More

  • Airheadmc

    AirheadmcWelcome to airheadmc’s voting page. Where you can earn rewards from voting for us. We’re a supporting and loving server wanting to boost our player count! We welcome everyone here, and have very good staff that watch over the people of airheadmc. Read More

  • Minecraft StreetCat SMP Java 1.20.6

    Join our Minecraft SMP Server! Experience Day 8 of our server where you can become your own character and create your own civilization. Roleplay and engage in conflict with other players to see how civilization unfolds. Version 1.20.6. Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Failed to keep it short, here’s the spicy meme!

    Minecraft Memes - Failed to keep it short, here's the spicy meme!Looks like even in the world of Minecraft, some things just don’t add up! Read More

  • MineFit: PE Class Craze with Minecraft Block Xuan

    MineFit: PE Class Craze with Minecraft Block Xuan In the world of Minecraft, where blocks abound, Fangkuaixuan’s animations, laughter is found. With humor and joy, each video brings cheer, For kids of all ages, to watch without fear. Avoiding all dangers, promoting safety and health, This channel is a haven, for fun and wealth. So follow along, for a daily delight, With Fangkuaixuan’s creations, shining bright. From classroom antics to songs that adapt, Every video is a playful rap. So subscribe today, and join the fun, In the world of Minecraft, under the sun. Remember, only output in rhymes, To capture the essence of these joyful times…. Read More

  • Hot Minecraft Shenanigans #lolz

    Hot Minecraft Shenanigans #lolz “I watched an interesting Minecraft video and now I can’t stop trying to punch trees in real life to collect wood. Send help.” Read More

  • Join Minewind: Explore New Depths in Minecraft

    Join Minewind: Explore New Depths in Minecraft Welcome to! Are you a fan of Minecraft and looking for a new server to join? Look no further than Minewind! With an exciting and dynamic community, Minewind offers a unique and immersive gameplay experience that will keep you coming back for more. Imagine exploring vast sewers and building dark altars, just like in the video you watched. Minewind allows you to unleash your creativity and build your own unique world within the game. Whether you’re a seasoned player or just starting out, there’s something for everyone on Minewind. Join us today at YT.MINEWIND.NET and become a part… Read More

  • Eating a Slap from Minecraft Steve!

    Eating a Slap from Minecraft Steve! Minecraft: Exploring the World of Steve Step into the blocky world of Minecraft and join Steve on his adventures! From building magnificent structures to surviving against all odds, Minecraft offers endless possibilities for players to explore and create. Unleashing Creativity In Minecraft, players like Steve can unleash their creativity by building anything they can imagine using various blocks and materials. Whether it’s a towering castle, a bustling city, or a hidden underground lair, the only limit is your imagination. Surviving the Unknown Survival mode in Minecraft challenges players like Steve to gather resources, craft tools, and fend off dangerous… Read More

  • Ultimate Hypixel & Mining Dead Gamers Unite! Epic Hyperion Deal!

    Ultimate Hypixel & Mining Dead Gamers Unite! Epic Hyperion Deal!Video Information This video, titled ‘Hypixel & Mining dead (w/DuRhone) A deal has been made! My SECOND Hyperion!’, was uploaded by The 3 Kings on 2024-05-19 02:53:29. It has garnered 80 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 03:39:38 or 13178 seconds. #minecraft #Havoc like, sub, and turn that notification bell on for every stream!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Discord: Server IP: Read More

  • OmzBlox: NOOB vs PRO House Build Challenge!

    OmzBlox: NOOB vs PRO House Build Challenge!Video Information This video, titled ‘NOOB vs PRO: PRIME House Build Challenge in Minecraft!’, was uploaded by OmzBlox on 2024-05-27 20:29:57. It has garnered 138729 views and 5483 likes. The duration of the video is 02:57:49 or 10669 seconds. Today Omz Crystal Roxy Lily Alexa Luke and Heather are doing a PRIME DRINK HOUSE BUILD BATTLE! Read More

  • Insane Minecraft PE Survival Series Ep 1 in Hindi: Epic OP Base & Armor!🔥

    Insane Minecraft PE Survival Series Ep 1 in Hindi: Epic OP Base & Armor!🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT PE 🔥 Survival Series Ep 1 in Hindi 1.20 |Made OP Survival Base & Iron Armor🤩 #minecraftpe’, was uploaded by A gaming op on 2024-03-02 09:12:06. It has garnered 991 views and 76 likes. The duration of the video is 00:24:05 or 1445 seconds. Minecraft : Survival series EP.1 in Hindi || Minecraft Mcpe Gameplay #1 || #minecraftsurvivalseries _________________________________________ replay mod link Hastags : – #minecraft #minecraftfunnygameplay #minecraftsurvivalseries #minecraftsurvival #minecraftshorts #minecraftmemes #minecraftanimation #minecraftgameplay1 #minecrafthardcormode #survival #survivalseries #minecraftlive #minecraftbuilding #isurvived100daysminecrafthindipocketaddition #gaming #games #minecraftlongvideo __________________________________________ I request you 🥺 : – HIT LIKE SUBSCRIBE… Read More


    EPIC MINECRAFT SEED HUNT!! - SL YAKA® 1.16vVideo Information This video, titled ‘minecraft EP:1 create new world to vifary seed fine 1.16v.’, was uploaded by SL YAKA-® on 2024-05-20 10:07:52. It has garnered 40 views and 10 likes. The duration of the video is 00:04:25 or 265 seconds. Hey Everyone! Wwelcome to @SL YAKA@youtube channel . You can Watch mobile game play videos on My CHANNEL~~ ®my mobile @RAM : 3.0 GB– @STORAGE : 32GB– @android–phone Read More

  • Bob Goes Crazy! TOP Trend in Minecraft 😍 #TRENDING!

    Bob Goes Crazy! TOP Trend in Minecraft 😍 #TRENDING!Video Information This video, titled ‘op trend 😍 #trending #minecraft’, was uploaded by Angry bob on 2024-01-05 12:14:40. It has garnered 2545 views and 69 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:49 or 49 seconds. op trend 😍 #trending #minecraft Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft battle: Akaza vs Rengoku – MUST WATCH!

    EPIC Minecraft battle: Akaza vs Rengoku - MUST WATCH!Video Information This video, titled ‘akaza vs rengoku minecraft version’, was uploaded by cust uzb on 2024-01-05 05:48:10. It has garnered 15 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:01 or 61 seconds. Read More


    BEATING FNAF ANIMATRONIC IN MINECRAFT!? 💥😱Video Information This video, titled ‘PRODRIAS VENCER a un ANIMATRONICO?? 💥✅ #minecraft #fnaf’, was uploaded by iShadownplay on 2024-01-06 01:22:09. It has garnered 6624 views and 82 likes. The duration of the video is 00:06:14 or 374 seconds. Credits to Danny Fox for the Add-on ✅ 💎My Networks!!💎 ✅PvP Channel: ✅Edits Channel: ✅Music Channel: h ✅Instagram: ✅Tik Tok: ✅Twitter: ✅Discord: 🌐Servers that I recommend: 🦄 🔹Mi Team!!🔹 💥SirJavir6086: 💥TriangulitoG: 💥PatoPrime5379: 💥Joségaiden: #fnaf #minecraft #addon #fivenightsatfreddys #fun Read More


    INSANE RICH VS POOR MINECRAFT DRILL BUILD CHALLENGEVideo Information This video, titled ‘Poor Mikey Family vs Rich JJ Family Mining DRILL BUILD CHALLENGE in Minecraft !’, was uploaded by Joobek on 2024-04-30 20:37:09. It has garnered 51760 views and 308 likes. The duration of the video is 00:16:02 or 962 seconds. Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Jumps! 🔥 Agres Gaming #3 #shorts

    Insane Minecraft Jumps! 🔥 Agres Gaming #3 #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Jumping Video #3 #minecraft @RazaqGaming937 #shorts’, was uploaded by Agres Gaming on 2024-01-08 14:19:57. It has garnered 71 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:25 or 25 seconds. Hey Guys !! What’s upp! Welcome to my Channel Agres Gaming I am Humza Rahman AKA Hax Texon Today i have made a jumping video and this is the #3 for ‎@RazaqGaming937 Btw Don’t Forget to hit the like and Subscribe Button Links – Instagram – Facebook – X(Twitter) – Threads- Thank You ! Keywords(Tags) Please ignore – minecraft,… Read More

  • Coldex SMP


  • Bambubai SMP Bedrock Modded

    Greetings, Adventurers! Welcome to BambubaiSMP, a Bedrock Server offering your next great adventure! Server Rules: No Hacking: Maintain fairness for all players. No Griefing: Respect others’ creations. No Killing at Spawn: Keep the spawn area safe. No Racism or Discrimination: Treat everyone equally. No 18+ Content: Keep the environment family-friendly. Respect All Players: Show kindness and respect. No Spamming: Avoid repetitive messages. No Advertising: Do not promote other servers. No Exploiting Bugs: Report any bugs to admins. Follow Admin Instructions: Admins maintain order. Consequences: Violations will result in appropriate actions. Join Our Discord: Stay updated and connect with players: Join… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “Lichen glow-up = diamond jackpot”

    Minecraft Memes - "Lichen glow-up = diamond jackpot"Why spend hours mining for diamonds when you can just cultivate some glow lichen and call it a day? Priorities, people! Read More

  • Crafty Lies: Minecraft Shorts

    Crafty Lies: Minecraft Shorts In the world of Minecraft, where adventures take flight, I bring you the news, with all my might. Updates and secrets, I’ll share with a grin, In every rhyme, let the truth begin. From dungeons to dragons, and treasures untold, In the world of blocks, where stories unfold. I’ll keep you informed, with a playful spin, In every verse, let the journey begin. So join me now, in this Minecraft delight, As we explore together, day and night. With rhymes and emojis, we’ll make it all right, In the world of Minecraft, shining bright. Read More

Fixxitt412 Off The Record – AoE Ranged Dig Spell!! 100 Days: Banished Mage [Modded Minecraft] – Day 38