Fox Taming and How They’re the Best! | The Minecraft Guide – Tutorial Lets Play (Ep. 87)

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Hey hey there elites how you doing it’s me your boy time lapses here welcome back to the minecraft guide episode number 87 so i have to start with the time lapse today because 100 honest the last episode i wasn’t really happy with where it ended i didn’t like how

The sweetberry farm ended up looking in between episodes i did a little bit more work than i usually would do right now you’re looking at a bunch of sweet berries that’s a lot of berries right at the end of the last episode i waited around for a little while and did

A full harvest of what was grown off of that full harvest i just about finished planting all of the sweet berries needed a little bit more but i finished the job after that i took a look at the path connecting the pig farm to the sweet berry farm

And no pun intended it wasn’t very sweet had to fix that up then the path in the sweetberry farm that was definitely lacking by comparison then i ended up doing a little bit more decoration a little bit more work than you’ll see in a minute and boom that brings us to

This spot right here look at all of these sweet berries be honest have you ever seen so many sweet berries this is is crazy we have a gigantic sweet berry farm and a little bit more work that i did that i have to show you so yeah i did

More work off camera in between episodes i think the sweet berry farm is in a much better spot though it was definitely worth it so i have a fence over here spruce logs the dark oak trap doors those look nice to the path right here and then over here

Lots and lots of dark oak slabs to open this up a little bit more and then i thought these blocks right there the red netherware blocks they kind of look like like a sweet berry block right uh-huh yeah yeah so that’s what i was kind of going for there now using this

Thing is a whole lot easier it feels way less like cramped and claustrophobic which i definitely really like now i did one full harvest of this thing and this is what i have right here the thing is ready for another full harvest but i’ll be keeping honest with you guys i

Don’t want to do that right now so we’re not going to do that right now we’re not going to harvest the thing we’re going to take all of these sweet berries though over to our boy local peasant h local peasant h how are you doing in your shack you have

Not cleaned up since i last saw you not impressive at all time to make money for me please give me all of the emeralds you got let’s go over to the workstation and make sure you can refill your trades how do you not go on this table

What do i have to put there to make you not stand over there this is not where you work what are you doing what are you doing so today’s episode is going to be all about foxes after we managed to sell most of these sweet berries but this villager it has a serious

Problem it always stands on the crafting table and i can’t figure out why like what is it trying to do i i want to say it’s like path binding around the house somehow and trying to go to the back of the smoker i i don’t know though but when the

Villager stands on that table and and does nothing it makes it harder to refill these trades like come on buddy you’re next to your workstation let’s go let’s go i have other things to do h you disgust me this has been the most painful thing in the world 63 emeralds

That’s it all of these sweet berries and you won’t buy any really i’ve even moved the workstation out of that spot because the villager couldn’t figure it out it’s right there it’s easy now and it’s so painful we need more butcher villagers i’m stopping with the trading are you gonna actually

No you’re not you’re lying you’re lying yup gonna definitely need to get more butchers in there so that operation could be sped up because this villager is not revealing the trades very quickly i feel like my other villagers have reset their trades like way way quicker before sweep areas are

Pretty cool we can sell them to the villager but there’s a mob that appreciates them way more that mob the fox it’s fox time so the fox the plan for the fox area in this world i’m thinking we could cut right through these leaves right in here and then

Maybe set up like a cool cave we’ll talk about why we’re gonna do it in a cave uh in a minute when i jump to a little bit of a time lapse but yeah like a fox cave right in here this cave could probably end up being pretty big because check this out

Uh this area this hill is a pretty big hill like look at this that that’s that whole thing that we’re working with now i’m not going to make it the whole thing i think what we’re going to end up doing is keeping it pretty close to where the entrance is

Gonna be which is gonna be right in there but yeah this hill that’s gonna be perfect for a fox house right next to the sweet berry farm right next to the pig pen it’s gonna be great this is what i have left over from the last episode that many leaves

All of this wood and then uh for today we’re going to need some of these blocks probably different ones but these will be a start coarser snow podzo and stone now snow that means i’m gonna have to go get more snow because i am basically out of snow which means

Back over to the snow farm that we haven’t been to in like a long time right over here by the way how is that oh no oh no oh no the captain is gone the captain is gone the captain is gone i think oh i will have to investigate this farther

But this is not good boxes so foxes were added back in minecraft 1.14 and they were part of the tiger biome fan boat at the time i really didn’t want the tiger by him to win that fan belt thought it was big bad i didn’t really think that features were very cool

But in hindsight it was actually kind of amazing because of that fan vote we got sweet berries which are so cool campfires which are like great for decorating and really really cool super useful early on and then boxes absolutely adorable and actually one of the most complex

Layered mobs in minecraft i’m not gonna say it but i’m gonna say it if they’re like an onion yep that’s right i said it 24 years strong and i cry every time i see a fox okay maybe not maybe that’s what i meant by that statement maybe not

I guess you’ll never know foxes they’re super complex for example at night time did you know that foxes will actually go towards village not always but sometimes if it’s a snowy fox it’ll go towards the tundra village if it’s an orange fox it’ll go towards the tiger village why

Uh to eat the chickens that are in the villages no no joke like like it’s legit like you could look it up on the minecraft wiki it’s serious foxes do that which is so cool it’s something that is so small and i guarantee like a good chunk of you didn’t realize

That because i didn’t realize it until i looked it up but yeah it’s crazy foxes have so much to them now today i decided that we would put the foxes inside of a cave instead of like a pen or something like that because foxes pounds they have jumps like crazy jumps

Boxes can easily clear a wall or a fence so i figured well how do we stop that well we put them in a building but then i thought about it we’ve been building a lot of buildings so how about instead of a building and to honestly fit the cave hype that

I’ve been feeling lately what if we make a small custom cave for the foxes put a bunch of fences at the entrance so the foxes have no way out forever they’re trapped for their whole life but it’s good they’re safer in here and yeah so uh yeah that’s the plan that’s

The explanation the setup that’s why we’re putting these crazy jump creatures inside of a cape all right so for a shape for the fox cave i think this is probably good maybe it’s enough room i’m not 100 sure but but maybe so here’s how we can find out this is what

I was thinking right off the bat in the center of the fox cave there needs to be a tree a very specific type of tree so foxes uh naturally you would find them in the tundra or in the tiger bible which means fruit streets first trees are in both biomes i

Was thinking to help make the foxes feel a little bit more at home maybe a spruce tree right in the middle of here is this gonna be able to grow though is that not enough room uh no it’s enough room okay yeah yeah like that that’s a start

Definitely needs to get a little bit taller though so i’ll push that up make it a little bit taller and maybe make a little bit more space not 100 sure another blocks uh like i said coarse dirt snow podzole and stone lots of stone maybe even a little bit of

Terracotta too now if you remember we actually have a fox waiting for us already in the nether hub the fox that’s waiting for us right now is actually an arctic fox but i would like to get one of the orange boxes too if we breed the orange box which is

Confusingly actually technically called a red box and the arctic fox together then we’ll have a 50 50 chance of getting either a baby arctic fox or a baby red box i like the idea of having both types of boxes in here so that’s the plan now another good reason to put these foxes

Inside of a cave is because well unfortunately absolutely adorable but also hated by some mobs the polar bear and wolves actually will seek out boxes and take them out if they get close enough definitely not good even baby polar bears have turned on the foxes it’s seriously a problem and it kind of

Needs to be solved so easy to help solve that problem we put the foxes inside of a cave uh not that polar bears and wolves are actually in the jungle okay we’re gonna put them in a cave anyways okay we’re too far into the project no but good news for the fox

They actually aren’t at the bottom of the food chain the foxes can take their aggression out on the chickens rabbits cod salmon and tropical fish foxes will haunt all of those types of mobs foxes will also attack baby turtles because apparently they’re monsters foxes can also if they trust the player

Attack things that are attacking the players so let’s say i have a bunch of foxes that trust me a zombie hits me then those foxes might get bad at that zombie and actually fight back it’s kind of cool but uh trust how do you make a fox trust you

Well it’s pretty simple when you find a fox in the wild it’s going to run from you they’re massive chickens they don’t like the player until you breed two foxes then you’re gonna have a baby fox now that baby fox is going to instinctively follow the adult foxes so

It’ll run from you unless you can trap the baby foxamow isolated entirely from its parents if you manage to do that somehow the parents leave the area let the baby fox out and it won’t actually run from you the baby fox trusts you to make a fox

Trust you free two foxes the baby will then trust you the plan for our foxes every single fox needs to trust me which is actually pretty simple the box that’s waiting in the nether hub for us is the result of us breeding two foxes so that box trusts me

Then all we need to do is go find more foxes breed those boxes and then take the child home with us simple easy then we’ll have two foxes that trust us already we keep reading them all of the other foxes will trust us too but back to what they’ll attack

Foxes will attack chickens rabbits cod salmon and tropical fish if they have to they’ll jump over fences or walls to get to those mobs foxes can actually jump two to five blocks so they can be tricky to contain for the most part arctic foxes and red

Boxes are the same exact thing they just look different you find them in different spots but not entirely red foxes will actually prefer to attack chickens and rabbits the land mobs meanwhile the arctic foxes will prefer to go for cod salmon and tropical fish the water mobs you see what i’m saying these

Things are complex they have layers i don’t even know that before this episode now if you’ve ever seen foxes before they can hold the things in their mouth when a fox attacks something like let’s say a cod it’ll take the cod out pretty easily and then actually pick

Up the fish that drops it’s kind of crazy and hold it in its mouth now if a fox is holding a food item then eventually we’ll actually eat that food item but foxes can hold more than food foxes can actually pick up anything in the game that a player can pick up

So a pickaxe easy can pick it up the dragon egg yep that can be picked up a block anything anything that you can pick up the fox can pick up too so you have to be careful but thankfully foxes aren’t actually too interested in things that aren’t food

If a fox picks up something that isn’t food to get whatever it picked up back all you have to do is give it a piece of food if a fox is holding something that’s edible in its mouth like let’s say suspicious stew and it eats it then whatever effect that food would have

The fox will actually get in theory if you were to give a fox a golden apple and it ate that golden apple the fox would the would actually get the golden apple buffs why i i have no clue but yeah a fox with the regeneration of course that’s amazing

Definitely even more interesting though let’s say we gave a box of fire aspect to sword for some reason so so the sword that lights things on fire yeah then the fox attacks something with the sword in his mouth then the fox actually can use the fire aspect

Like it’s crazy the thing will be on fire you can actually use a fox to like cook chicken automatically but don’t get too excited it sounds really cool but it’s actually kind of tricky to work with on a farm i’ve tried before it could be done but it’s just very

Tricky so foxes attack and get attacked foxes pick up items and eat edible items they can get effects it’s kind of crazy at night time like i mentioned earlier on they can find villages too before the mob sentences out of the villages is crazy how do the foxes even know this stuff

That’s absurd but uh nighttime foxes are a nocturnal mob which means they’re most active at nighttime during the daytime they want to sleep but a fox needs darkness to sleep during the day foxes will look for a block with a sky light level of 14 or less

And then once they found that spot they’ll sleep what that’s gonna mean is that basically if the fox is under open air nothing’s in between them and the sky they won’t be able to sleep if they’re sleeping foxes will wake up if a mob walks near them

Or if the player walks near them if the player is sneaking the fox won’t wake up until the player is right next to the fox foxes will also for some reason not sleep if an arm or stand is within 12 blocks of them weird i’m so happy with what’s happening here this

Cave is looking cavey but i think it’s time to put the entrance on the thing i’m thinking two fence gates so we can get in probably i like that’s tough um maybe i don’t know maybe we put it like there or something i don’t know this is tricky

Yeah i guess that’ll work then we can just go all the way up to like the ceiling there this goes around here like that that’ll go up to there like that maybe that’s kind it’s kind of it but anyways we’ll go inside and check this out so i have lots of

Snow everywhere i came in with ice instead of terracotta of course obviously cobblestone mossy cobblestone it’s busy uh mainly i blame the torches the torches are ugly but it’s busy but i think it’s good also little skylight right there with glass i feel like that’s kind of cool i went

In with uh white and light blue glass i think that kind of matches the ice so yeah now time for some decoration inside of here the decorations are going to be insanely insanely simple we’re going to need sweet berries because foxes like sweet berries foxes like to eat

And uh with sweet berries they’re actually pretty big brain they can actually harvest sweet berries on their own and then eat them so basically they’re evolving we need to watch out for them i think we can put sweet berries maybe around the edge so we can walk in here

And not take any damage on the sweet berries look at the foxes by the way foxes are immune to sweet berry bush damage so you don’t have to worry about that so yeah some sweet berries in here we’ll have to let them grow to know if it’s enough or not

Ferns for sure that’s gonna fit this kind of theme this vibe in here so lots of ferns and then finally grass a little bit of grass sitting in here uh every once in a while it’s gonna look pretty good too now lighting in here is gonna be tricky so uh the torches are

Definitely not gonna be it torches are really bad i i don’t like them they’re just bad they’re not our friend i was trying to think about what we could do though like realistically what could i put in here to stop spawns because look at this this is so dark like that’s not good

Uh all i can think of is really maybe lanterns or something so maybe that i mean we could hide like jack-o’-lanterns in the ground under leaves but then it’s another block on the ground and it gets really busy looking so i don’t really know about that so i don’t know

Maybe like lanterns because i definitely don’t want mob spawning in here so so maybe like lanterns and every once in a while we could hang some from chains in the sky that could look cool to help light this up i i really don’t know if you guys have a better idea

Would appreciate a huge time like i just have no clue by the way i made this little tunnel in here i thought that would be kind of cool maybe the fox is going there and then they laid down oh so nice so nice yeah you know

That’s the vibe okay i’ve done it the lighting it’s done and i have one extra land and i think it took 13 lanterns extra lantern can go right there on the outside i moved the path over to here that’s perfect now basically all we need aside from letting

The sweet berries grow up and then we know if we have enough of those things is the foxes it’s a box time finally oh by the way another thing that i want to put in there just don’t really have enough for the stuff yet end rods i mean maybe i would have like

Enough but it just i just don’t have very much and rods would look really good in there as icicles though so we’ll come back later and add those so i don’t know if you remember but we actually did find a fox a while ago we

Found this box when we were on this map right here lots and lots of snow the fox has been living in the nether room right there that’s the box so this box is going to be insanely easy all we’re going to need to do is basically hold sweet berries and lead

It into the overworld over to the fox pen i think what we want to do first is find an orange box because that’s going gonna be a little bit more tricky if we could find an orange box and then bring it back and get that into the pen

Then we can easily come back with another hub move that one fox so first things first off to the icy biomes the icy biomes are down this tunnel right here we go down past the bartering hall and then down this one right here there’s going to be a portal at the ice

Spikes mouth and then there’s going to be a portal where i was bringing foxes here’s the icy spiky don’t eat that one though instead we want fox love portal fox love portal this portal right here if we go through this thing i think we should be near the arctic foxes

Oh we’re in a cave that’s right that’s right okay if we make it up onto the surface we should be near where the fox’s love chamber is i think it’s like over here on the ground somewhere ah yeah it’s definitely this leather boots nice okay yeah let’s check this out so right over

It’s somewhere in here and some oh right there right there we have two snow foxes down there in the ground but we already have a snow fox so red fox i swear i remember seeing red foxes right over here and the tiger but there’s a polar bear

That’s not good that’s not a good start polar bears boxes e yikes you better not have heard any foxes okay uh we’re looking for the red fox they’re gonna stand out hopefully we can find some in here before the polar bear found one i really hope that didn’t happen that’s tragic

I’m not gonna think about it that’s not a possibility okay yeah yeah it’s just not a possibility all we need to do easy find some foxes it might be a good idea to instead of holding the map i’ll hold these maybe maybe one will see it and walk

Towards me probably not i’m moving way too quick oh i think i found some i think i found some uh okay that’s a pumpkin never mind never mind never mind my coast is clear unfortunately coast is clear oh i found one i found one right over there but look at this there’s wolves

Over here so this is what we’re gonna do wolf stay in the pit stay in the pit you too i’m not taking you out you get to survive today but you have to stay in the underground pit okay you you don’t understand why it’s fine you don’t need to understand there we go

Ah no no no there’s one escape beat there’s one two okay look look look look you stay there just mine okay thank you uh okay okay we’re good now uh we just need to find that fox which is right over there hopefully there’s another fox with it

Even a child would do i could wait uh okay okay we have two foxes over there this is perfect so i think what we want to do is we want to either a get them in a boat probably get it in a boat uh or or b just just trap it but

Probably boat first and then trap it so here’s what i’m thinking if we move over this way like like around this way the fox is gonna run from us no matter what hopefully it doesn’t run towards that box and wake that one up but if we can move close enough we can

Drop a boat down and hopefully the fox will get right in the boat so look at that it’s laying down the beast was so beautiful nothing happening here okay nothing happening here we stay sneaking we stay sneaking we put the boat right there boom you’re in the boat that’s

Amazing that’s amazing we’re gonna back up and get away because we need to get the other boat okay is this far enough i hope this is far enough we get another boat mm-hmm look at this this is how it’s done bugs are they sleeping stay sleeping

This is the thing you can’t get out of the boat i’m sorry you stay sleeping perfect no no no no no no no no no no no no no no why is it doing that it didn’t do that before i don’t like that okay we try it again we try it

Again no sweet berries that’s bad i don’t know why that did that this is fine though look at this right here not a problem because boat right there you’re in the boat this is perfect all i need to do is dig a chamber so they can’t get out easy chop the tree

Down we’ll have room this is amazing this is amazing i wish i had a banner though i should have remembered that so i can mark these two uh just in case i guess there is no just in case i’m not gonna we’re not gonna need them again

Okay so this box is lowered oh no oh no there’s a hole okay so we lower this box into the chamber that’s perfect that’s one fox down i don’t think there’s any reason that the fox will try and jump out so we should be good now we just need the other fox lowered

In here perfect just like that i don’t exactly know how i’m going to get the child out of here quite yet but i’m not worried about it box number one you’re right here and you spawn with i think like rabbit high that’s cool boxes can actually spawn holding an

Emerald which is like absurd but there we go they’re freaking out that’s fine that’s fine look sweet berry for you sir wait no no that’s not how we do that all right sure sure i’ll take that let’s take that you look have that have that there you go okay okay they’re

Going to do that mm-hmm okay good now we just need to isolate the child from the parents it’s no big deal uh okay yeah yeah that works kinda okay no no i made a staircase and one of the parents got out so that’s great um yeah and this one’s sleeping okay

Okay that’s cool a child maybe maybe you jump out you may maybe you jump out of there yeah how about this look child look child no don’t sleep there don’t sleep there no no no no no no you don’t get out you don’t get out you don’t get out you’re

Not gonna make the child run away from me no got it i got it i got it the parents over there the child’s over here okay okay okay it’s good it’s good it’s good we’re gonna trap you in that hole i’m so sorry about that i’m really sorry

And now this one now this is gonna be a little bit tricky we have to get this fox all the way back over to the other portal and because it’s uh because because it’s daytime it’s gonna sleep if it’s in a dark area so i don’t exactly know how i’m gonna do

This but i think uh no that’s not gonna work we’re gonna have to use like a boat and like sail it because then if it sleeps it’s no big deal uh wake up please okay the leaves are gone it woke up okay okay it follows me all i need you to do

Is follow me no no no you know how to do this you know how to do this we do a staircase all the time come on come on okay in a boat perfect that’s all we need now we can get in the boat and row it all i need to do is

Watch out for wolves wolves are not they’re not good they’re not nice and there’s the other parent the original one okay this is amazing it goes full circle you’re fine you’re fine you can go back and find your friend hey okay okay or go that way it’s not

Gonna work though i’m going that way too all right so now we have a really tough decision to make because it’s nighttime so technically speaking here i might be able to move through this area at nighttime it’s gonna be a little bit risky but because it’s night time all i would have

To do is hold this and the fox should stay awake as long as it doesn’t go near any parent ones uh okay yes see check this out if i put this box on a lead there we go and then hold this it’s gonna stay locked on to me and it’s not

Gonna try and sleep i think we just need to keep our eyes on that and we need to watch out for other things like creepers yeah that would be really really bad but we’re almost to the snow so maybe it’s not gonna be that bad

After all okay keep it up keep it up in the snow i i can see everything because it’s flat and open i would much prefer to be in the snow biome please let’s go let’s go let’s go let’s go i think we’re really far away but let’s go

Okay i think i’m dragging the fox i think it’s just sitting down it’s sitting down and i’m dragging it it doesn’t want to walk but it’s still coming so so that’s good uh that’s really weird though all right new idea actually new idea new idea because look we’re out in the snowy tundra

There there’s nothing there’s no trees right so i could probably do this and it’s gonna stay really bright and then i don’t have to worry about any of the mobs you wait there for a second yeah i don’t have to worry about strays or anything and i should be

Able to just avoid trees and have this thing follow me theoretically i think okay out of the boat onto the lead let’s go this way this way this way right this way yes perfect it’s amazing it’s amazing this plan it works flawlessly your name is muriel

By the way muriel is the perfect name for you that’s amazing all we need to do is give muriel back over to the portal this is so easy this is all i need to do and i’m just watching out for like anything like polar bears i don’t want to have to take

A polar bear out but if i have to i have to but look at that right there we’re not going to have to this is easy i hope this fox doesn’t try and lock onto those grown-up boxes i don’t think it will i think we could probably just go wide

Let’s go down in the staircase oh it’s done it’s done this is all we needed to do this is so easy but you come on no okay this is gonna be a little bit tricky we’re gonna have to get this fox down the staircase uh while it’s sleeping

But it’s done it’s done mission accomplished it’s done all righty all righty let’s go to another let’s go to the nether go to the nether go to the perfect okay okay we go to the nether the fox is sitting there the fox is in the boat we roll the boat back home

It’s done it’s easy and it’s done this is so simple piece of cake and there it is the tunnel it’s been such a slow boat ride this moves so slow i i never put ice in this hallway i don’t know if i will still but it’s done it’s done so the plan here

We’re gonna move the baby fox first over to the fox fan then we’re gonna come back and grab the snow fox it should be pretty simple as long as i can actually make it there eventually one day i’ll make it there okay here we go right this way fox please

Fox out of the boat onto the leash right this way ignore the pigs all right up the stairs through the portal if we go through the portal quick i think we might still get the lead uh quick are you still on the lead you’re still on the lead perfect perfect right this way

Buddy right this way now this might be a little bit tricky but if we can avoid most of the trees the fox should stay awake uh there’s gonna be a little bit of trees but if we move quick i think yeah yeah you’ll pull right through okay perfect

Perfect now we’re not gonna go through the the redstone door we’re just gonna walk around the building that’s definitely a whole lot safer this part might be tricky if you stay right behind me though we should be good come on come on keep going keep going this way yeah thankfully there’s nothing

That i have to worry about over here because if i had to worry about like wolves being in this area that would be a nightmare i would not enjoy it at all thankfully it’s pretty clear and safe here for a fox at least okay right up this way you can make it

You can make it you can make it yes nice and then right over this way past spam up the staircase this way box falls asleep no big deal just pull it just pull it it’ll wake back up eventually right up this spot right here keep moving keep moving no sleeping yet you

Can sleep in a minute all right all right this way and into the beautiful house that i built for you come on come on no no it’s so close so close there you go there you go what do you think what do you think do you like it

I hope you like it okay go ahead and sleep i’ll be right back here goes nothing i don’t like you hitting the boat with the axe but there you go you’re free you’re free you’re free oh you’re just gonna right through you’re just gonna go right through

Oh you already know where we’re going your big brain your big brain will live the boat there i don’t need an extra boat oh my gosh this fox is the smartest box in the world all right all right you’re right there and now no okay fine i’ll eat yep that’s delicious

Okay cool hey can you get on the no you can’t okay that’s that’s cool that’s cool we’ll do this how about now no you’re still in the portal okay now you can let’s go right this way let’s go oh yes that’s right by the way your name

Here we are but wait where’s that other fox oh it’s over there that scared me way too much doesn’t give me way too much you’re a home my boy you’re home i ruined your fern i’m sorry i’ll replace it you’re home and you’re here too oh this

Is amazing so we can’t breed them quite yet hey you want to calm down i know you’re so excited it’s so excited look at this what are you doing what are you doing okay so maybe we give this box some berries to speed up its growth okay

Okay what do you have you have a lead give me the lead back please uh please trade me trade me my boy okay i’m out of sweet berries so hold on let’s get some more h is since you don’t really work very much well actually here you go perfect

Thank you so much oh it grew up it grew up muriel here you you have that where’s the other one there you are there you are okay okay okay more foxes please and by the way let’s trade let’s trade let’s trade how about that berries for everybody

Come on come on come on come on i know you want to give me the lead you can have that yeah you’re perfect thank you so much this is amazing we got a baby red fox red fox and the snow fox you were the founder of this kingdom

Nice yeah so foxes they are actually really really advanced they have like a lot of random things to them i’m thinking that we’re gonna use a fox or two from this new fox pen for a sweet berry farm an automatic one but that’s not happening today time for the comment

Of the day episode number 87 out of all the things you have built in your minecraft worlds what’s the one thing that you keep building because it always comes in handy so i can’t really pick one but i have three things to come to mind a storage

Building you know so you can store things iron farm automatic iron and a sheep farm for sure absolutely a sheep farm it’s free blocks why would you not make one but that’s gonna do it for this episode of the minecraft guy the fox cave right here that’s perfect now the foxes are

Gonna run around in here harvest as we bury bushes i think i might be able to get a little bit more in and i’m gonna try and come back every once in a while and breathe the foxes up the goal is to have like maybe like 10 or so foxes in this area

It’s going to be a lot but i think it’s going to be kind of nice these boxes are going to keep sleeping because i don’t have armor stands anywhere but i mean it’s a fox’s home right like i don’t need to keep them up i have the materials to build armor sand and

Honestly i was going to build an armor stand but i think the foxes can sleep they deserve it glamorous reitman thank you so much for the support thank you all for smashing the like button as always minecraftguide87 your boy the wattles i’ll see you next time Goodbye You

This video, titled ‘Fox Taming and How They’re the Best! | The Minecraft Guide – Tutorial Lets Play (Ep. 87)’, was uploaded by wattles on 2021-02-20 18:54:58. It has garnered 524950 views and 16694 likes. The duration of the video is 00:30:13 or 1813 seconds.

did you know that foxes can locate villages? yeah theyre actually pretty advanced. in this episode of the guide we import foxes to the jungle and talk all about them!


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  • Watch Fearless Gamers in This Hilarious Minecraft Video

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  • Minecraft Mindfulness with Ellie Finch

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  • Minecraft Memes – Lit tunes for real

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  • Hot Minecraft Momazo XD

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  • UNBELIEVABLE NEW Mods & Packs for Minecraft! 😱

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  • UNBELIEVABLE: Insane Minecraft Hardcore Monument Drain

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  • Unleash Chaos with MR. LIGHTNING – Minecraft Mayhem! #shizoClickbait

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  • EPIC SHOWDOWN! Mikey Diamond Battles JJ Emerald in Minecraft Castle

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  • EPIC Minecraft Build Battle Pt 41: Winner Takes All!

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  • Phobos SMP | smp, semi-vanilla | Java 1.20.6/1.21 | events, custom bosses

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    SZEDZIANOWO CITY (2017-2024) CREATIVE-CITY BUILDER [PL/ENG]Hello, Hello!More info in main page!The biggest Polish Creative City!Discover over 80 districts!- Project owners:WargroyPablito_mcThe Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “Yasssss Minecraft Queen Slays”

    This Minecraft meme is a solid 4 out of 10, just like my mining skills in the game. Read More

  • Zoom through Minecraft with Minebikes Mod – Ride in Style!

    Zoom through Minecraft with Minebikes Mod - Ride in Style! In the world of Minecraft, a new mod takes flight, Introducing Minebikes, motorcycles so bright. Craft them with care, fuel them up right, And ride through the pixelated night. To start your journey, craft a table so fine, With categories to browse, items to combine. Gasoline is key, for your engine to ignite, Refine it with coal, water, and might. Don’t forget the spark plug, to start your machine, Choose wisely, for different types are seen. Repair with a wrench, iron ingots in sight, Keep your bike running, in the day or the night. Paint your ride, with colors… Read More

  • Back in my day… #minecraft #memes

    Back in my day... #minecraft #memes Remember when you used to spend hours building elaborate structures in Minecraft, only to have your little brother come in and blow it all up with TNT? Good times. #velhostempos #minecraftmemories Read More

  • Market Shenanigans: 1,000 Days in Better Minecraft

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  • Noob vs Pro: Minecraft Showdown

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  • INSANE!! Completing EVERY Quest!! Minecraft Sky Revolutions Gaming On Caffeine

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  • Spooky Encounter in Minecraft

    Spooky Encounter in MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘bro got spooked #minecraft #scary #dweller’, was uploaded by Madi And Will on 2024-05-03 06:03:35. It has garnered 3799 views and 87 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:12 or 12 seconds. Read More

  • Shocking Twist: Crazy New Addition to Minecraft Server!

    Shocking Twist: Crazy New Addition to Minecraft Server!Video Information This video, titled ‘that one friend joins the minecraft server…’, was uploaded by jimdoga+ on 2024-01-17 11:00:24. It has garnered 12148 views and 461 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:32 or 32 seconds. that one friend joins the minecraft server… #minecraft #minecraftmemes #gaming #girl #vs #boy #funny #meme #shorts Read More

  • OMG! I ALMOST DELETED Minecraft?!

    OMG! I ALMOST DELETED Minecraft?!Video Information This video, titled ‘How I Almost DELETED Minecraft!’, was uploaded by enbentz games on 2024-04-14 18:00:07. It has garnered 53 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 03:20:27 or 12027 seconds. This is the story of Glaedred, and how he almost deleted Minecraft in his quest to maintain the Balance within the Shroud. “Before anything existed, there was a Shroud, and in it was a magical, immortal being named Notch. The world we know today did not exist, but was created from His own magic. One day, Notch got tired and lonely from being the… Read More

  • FREE MMOItems Plugin Setup Tutorial | EP01 #mrrjay #minecraft

    FREE MMOItems Plugin Setup Tutorial | EP01 #mrrjay #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘How To Setup MMOItems Plugin For Free Part 01 #mrrjay #minecraft’, was uploaded by MrRJay on 2024-03-18 06:02:11. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Today Iam Gonna Be Show You How To Setup MMOItems Plugin For Free Part 01 #mrrjay #minecraft If you liked the Video don’t … Read More

  • UNBELIEVABLE: God King Mew’s EPIC Real Base Build!

    UNBELIEVABLE: God King Mew's EPIC Real Base Build!Video Information This video, titled ‘I Started a REAL Base in Minecraft (2024)’, was uploaded by God King Mew on 2024-04-15 20:00:34. It has garnered 124 views and 13 likes. The duration of the video is 05:04:11 or 18251 seconds. In this thrilling Minecraft adventure, join me as we explore mysterious landscapes, uncover hidden secrets, and embark on quests that will test our courage and creativity. From towering mountains to treacherous dungeons, every block holds a story waiting to be told. **Survival Mode**: We’ll gather resources, build shelters, and fend off mobs. Don’t forget to like, subscribe, and hit the… Read More

  • OP Mining Item Revealed while Eating! #1 Minecraft Stream!

    OP Mining Item Revealed while Eating! #1 Minecraft Stream!Video Information This video, titled ‘Eating Food And Op Item || Subscribe|| #1 || Minecraft Live Stream’, was uploaded by MiningTv⛏️ on 2024-02-20 23:39:41. It has garnered 10 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:17 or 77 seconds. join Dc Hey folks! Watch me play PojavLauncher (Minecraft: Java Edition Android के लिए)! Join my Club on Turnip MININGTV ⛏️: Thank you for watching my PojavLauncher (Minecraft: Java Edition Android के लिए) stream. And for all the support you are showing! 🔥, If you liked my stream, please like and subscribe. It motivates me a… Read More

  • SahuPlays – INSANE MINECRAFT EDIT! 😱 #sahuplays

    SahuPlays - INSANE MINECRAFT EDIT! 😱 #sahuplaysVideo Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT EDIT 😍 #shorts #minecraft #minecraftshorts #edit #sahuplays’, was uploaded by SahuPlays on 2024-06-03 03:32:28. It has garnered 54 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:16 or 16 seconds. MINECRAFT EDIT 😍 #shorts #minecraft #minecraftshorts #edit #sahuplays Tags minecraft poppy playtime poppy playtime animation catnap huggy wuggy mommy long legs poppy 퍼거필러 번조버니 마미롱레그 bunzo bunny fancy refill 허기워기 파피플레이타임 smile critters critters 캣냅 poppy playtime chapter3 maizen pj pug a pillar aphmau aphmau games cash and nico nico cash aphmau aaron aphmau playing as minecraft aphmau minecraft mods minecraft funny… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Battle: Ignitor vs All Golems x100

    Insane Minecraft Battle: Ignitor vs All Golems x100Video Information This video, titled ‘Insane Fight: Ignitor vs All Golem Fight in Minecraft x100’, was uploaded by Utos Craft on 2024-05-31 20:41:22. It has garnered 534 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 00:02:37 or 157 seconds. Insane Fight: Ignitor vs All Golem Fight in Minecraft x100 minecraft song pewdiepie minecraft minecraft parody minecraft music dantdm minecraft minecraft song minecraft gameplay minecraft survival minecraft mods minecraft house tutorial minecraft soundtrack ssundee minecraft prestonplayz minecraft epic minecraft battles revenge minecraft sideman minecraft minecraft 建築 minecraft suro minecraft monday minecraft haus bauen pupolarmmos minecraft minecraft memes jacksepticeye minecraft… Read More

  • Doepiecraft

    DoepiecraftHello, this server is just made, we build a simple survival server to play with your friends on PC and Console. So its a Crossplay server! The server is just started so there are not a lot players yet! The bedrock Ip is: And the port is: 19132 Read More

  • Gapple Ultra-Hardcore Semi-Vanilla 1.20.4 Competition Prizes Discord

    Ultra-Hardcore Minecraft Server One life to live your best life. DoN'T DiE! Ultra-Hardcore mining for 252 weeks in a row. Yippee Ki Yay, Miner Crafters. Revive Competition If you die, you can earn a revive by beating the weekly Sunday competition. Team Competition Sundays at 12CT there is a special Team Competition, ongoing for 218 weeks. Prizes Prizes include a revive on the persistent ultra-hardcore world or an in-game advancement shout-out. Details in the discord channel. Server IP: or Goal & Score Goal: Stay alive and earn points. Score +1 per minute alive, +1 per experience point earned…. Read More

Fox Taming and How They’re the Best! | The Minecraft Guide – Tutorial Lets Play (Ep. 87)