Video Information

In this video I build a system to bring cows pigs sheep and chickens that separates the babies grows them up and then tickles them into a large variety of tasty Meats I also terraform a huge area and address a terrible mistake I made in the previous video Let’s create

Guys I’ve made a huge mistake as you know I’ve always tried to keep a very strict level of realism in my Minecraft worlds and builds because at its core Minecraft is a real life Simulator game hold on one moment while I fly up here with my Jetpack drink this potion and

Stand in this lava underneath an anvil that’s held up by a piece of string that’s not attached to anything and not get burnt so yes obviously everything in Minecraft is hyper realistic and that’s something I’ve strive to keep in all of my builds and Contraptions Contraptions

Such as this lava train that goes into a different dimension in order to fetch lava in order to power my power stations totally realistic jeez and builds like my power station that’s completely maintained and operated by monkeys hyper realism and speaking of power stations the most

Realistic thing in here are all of these aliens that I went to another dimension to trap put in these metal cages and force them to drink lava in order to heat up these turbines in order to create power it’s probably the most realistic thing in my whole world and

While we’re on the subject of Contraptions obviously another hyper realistic thing as all the monkeys I’ve got running my Logistics over at these industrial factories that just take Cobblestone and turn it into 19 different varieties of items including probably one of the most common resources in the world and that’s Soul

Sand very common just like real life and while we’re on the subject of realism my cable cars that are all driven by unique drivers have seats and carry wood and lava from this Cable Car area to a logging Camp the other side of that Hill that would definitely happen in real

Life hold on let me just throw this green ball I got from an alien so I can find somewhere better to talk to you about all of this perfect teleportation yes I do that regularly at home so yeah Minecraft totally realistic I would never ever do anything that’s not

Totally realistic and can’t be done in real life so when I built this A4 class Express tray and attached it to these Freight cont trainers you were absolutely right to lose your mind in my comments and my Discord about how totally unrealistic and practically impossible it would be for an Express

Train to carry Freight containers so you’re right I made a stupid mistake I’m a total idiot how could I do this the sir Nigel grzly that this train was made on would never pull Freight there’s literally no video evidence that I happened to show in my last video at all

Of this ever happening it wouldn’t happen Express train can’t pull Freight ever what a I’m just such a now you could argue that this single player world doesn’t actually have any passengers that need to be moved and I do have an extraordinary number of items that need moving so you know building a

Cool train to move those items about is a really cool idea and you could argue that all of the times in history when Express trains were commissioned to pull Freight instead of passengers that could excuse me from this crime that I’ve committed but that’s not realistic it just wouldn’t happen especially all of

The times that it did happen in real life particularly during wartime when there weren’t many passengers to carry about and the countries needed a massive amount of freight moving from one end of the country very very quickly and they used Express trains but clearly that wouldn’t happen even though it did but

It wouldn’t so I hear you I hear you I apologize for making such a ridiculous mistake and as a result poor old Nigel’s going to have to be decommissioned I do apologize Nigel but you’re going to unfortunately have to spend the rest of your days blocked away in this little

Tunnel unless by some freak of nature I just happen to have a surplus of passengers that arrive in this single player world just totally buy happen stance and then you’re required to pull some passengers but I do have to say that’s quite unlikely goodbye Nigel so

Now Nigel’s put away I’m going to do the right thing by writing my wrongs and building a freight train to pull this Freight wagons instead and here it is a freight train however guys I’ve done it again after spending ages building this in game I just trolled the internet

Archives looking for any evidence that this train pulled free but all I could find was a whole ton of videos of this exact locomotive pulling amtr Passenger cars I’ve built another passenger locomotive I’m so dumb what it idiot all right well you’re no good you’re going

To have to go away as well it was a nice freight train though but don’t worry peeps I’ve got a new idea that’s possibly the best idea I’ve ever had it will be 100% realistic no one will be able to tell me it’s not suitable for pulling these Freight cars it’s going to

Be the most suitable vehicle for pulling Freight that you’ve ever seen and behold in all of its glor story I have built a giant skateboard and to really seal this realism to prove to you that I’ve learned from my mistakes I’m going to bring over the most famous train driver

You’ve ever seen in the whole history of the world you all 100% definitely know them and they are the pope off you go Pope have a good time well that’s much better I feel a whole lot better about all of that now good and with all that

Out of the way I think I’ve had enough of being ultra realistic for now and I want to do something a little bit different so I’m going to build build something totally ridiculous which is a barn that has animals in it crazy however before I can start building over

Here I really want to sort out this terrain here see this is a total mess we’re going to be building here in a couple of episodes time and in order to know what level I need to build all of this on I really need to fix all of this

Up so be back with you in a minute well that is an absolutely massive difference compared to what the area was like four but there’s still a massive amount to do well just to go through a few changes that I’ve made we’ve now got a wall in front of this

Hotel and we’ve got some stairs up there with a whole bunch of lanterns on we’ve got some stairs there ready to join a path up to over there we’ve smoothed off all of that terrain and just filled it with snow and I smooth the snow down gradually bringing it down towards this

End here and then rebuild all of these little platforms where we’re going to have building soon I’ve also continued the snow line from where we’ve got it on our Factory roof over there along here around the corner and it’s going to then go around here and meet up with the

Mountain but I haven’t done any of that yet because this has taken me hours I’ve literally been doing this for about 3 and 1/ half hours I’m a little bit fed up a place in snow so I think it’s about time to move on and actually start working on this Barn area but

Unfortunately I haven’t actually managed to deal with any of the terrain over here yet but at least I’ve got a better idea of what level that’s going to be so now I’m going to have to build out a whole area’s worth of terrain over here

So that then I can build a barn oh Jeez Well that’s a big old area that I have now terraformed with a whole bunch of things in it that I don’t really want to go over and see so I guess I’ll tell you my plan for oh my goodness there load more over here where did they all come

From maybe I should have lit this area up oh jeez stop it no no no thank you okay so this area then we’ve got a two tiered area to be working on this area up here is going to have buildings and this area down here is going to have

Farmland and some animals in it and speaking of animals we’re going to have even more animals up here so this building is going to be some Stables where we’re going to keep horses this one’s going to be pigs chickens or cows this one’s going to be pigs chickens or

Cows and this one’s going to be the pigs chickens or cows well basically cuz I haven’t decided which one the pigs chickens or cows are going in yet in between all these buildings we’re going to have little farm track running down here and that’s going to run all the way

Down here towards the fields and then we’re going to do something rather interesting in order to harvest the fields but before we get to any of that the first thing we need to build is obviously the big old barn area now I was toying between the ideas of a

Farmhouse or a barn I wasn’t really sure which one to go with so I think it’s going to look more like a barn okay in order to make a whole bunch of materials that are going to be suitable for us we’re going to be making use of the

Chipped Mason table and the chipped botanist workbench which is this one on the botanist workbench I can make a whole bunch of different styles of hay blocks which is great and I can also make a whole bunch of different styles of gravel and this Dusty gravel here to

Me looks perfect for like a farm area concrete cuz it’s got that I don’t know mcky muddy but concret feel to it and what goes really nice with that is this sanded Stone just to add a little bit more of a stone type feel I guess now

This gravel also has these blocks and that one kind of looks a little bit like hay although it’s quite vibrant and this one I don’t know if we could use that it almost looks like it might fit in with the snow but I think it’s a bit yellow

For that one so we probably won’t be really be using those ones so let’s take the Boton this workbench and the Mason table and for good measure we might as well take everything else down there with us and that’ll just save us having to keep coming back up here every time I

Need some new blocks so I guess now that we’ve got that in it’s time to actually build the main part of the bar how hard could it be what could possibly go wrong hit that that time lapse music stuff I don’t know maybe if you’re enjoying this video

Don’t forget to hit that subscribe button it only takes a couple of seconds and it really helps me Out And there we go we have a little Barn it looks like Mr beard Stone storage system no no it doesn’t it looks like this picture which is modled off Loosely now it could probably do with a little bit more decoration and things later on but let’s focus on the inside which I’ve

Left completely empty ready for lots of things and before we get all excited about what’s real and what’s not this sort of place would probably be home to either animals or grain or something like that but in fact this is going to be a slaughter house it’s not a

Slaughter house I know it doesn’t look like one but that’s what it is see we can use deployers and we can give them weeds and we can basically set those up to breed animals and then we can separate those animals so that the babies end up somewhere else and then

When they grow up they can be dealt with but before we get too carried away with what type of animals we’re going to have in here we should probably check out the Farmer’s Delight mod and see what foods are available and the main Meats we’re really going to be dealing with are the

Beef patties the bacon the r mutton chops and the ham and the also chicken we need roast chickens in here as well so we’re basically going to be dealing with cows pigs sheeps and chickens and I think the best way to do this would be to have the main animals that we’re

Breeding up at this level here so they’re out of the way we’ll have some conveyors underneath them that are pushing the baby animals out to point so they can drop down we can then filter the animals that are dropping down into these side bits here so I think the

First thing to do will be to get a floor in and I think the best thing to do to save space is put the floor in it probably around about this level here and that gives us three full blocks there to deal with the animals before we

Hit this beam and then that gives us a little bit of room underneath for conveyors and then that gives us plenty of room down here for everything else and there we go we’ve got a floor in nice so the next thing I’m going to do is determine where all of the animals

Are going to be and we’re going to have four different types of animals so we need four different pens but before we start building walls and things I’m going to build some conveyors and the conveyors are just going to be in groups of three a little bit like that now we

Need an animal to test things and I could really do with a cow or something now there was a sheep kicking about over here while I was building but it’s probably despawned by now and typically when you need animals in Minecraft they all magically vanish I’ve got this huge

Grass area over here that’s perfect for things to spawn on but all we seem to get is these galada monkeys and a bunch of flies head into the woods then let’s see if we can find anything in here ah a sheep and a chicken perfect see

Obviously when I hold wheat a sheep will follow me but will it follow a deployer will the Sheep go to it or is it just no it’s going to totally ignore it you suck sheep okay fine let’s grab some and theight bars and stick them on that

Conveyor like that and then if we put some slabs across here can that sheep bit under those slabs to get out and yeah that sheep is stuck but a baby won’t be if I stick him in there get myself a little hand crank and then do

That there we go so that fed the Sheep perfect nice so we just need a couple of sheep in there and a couple of cows in there and a couple of pigs in there and then we’ll have to figure out how we’re going to do chickens cuz chickens are totally different

I want this to look Farm yardy I do want it to look like it’s part of a farmyard I don’t want it to look too industrial so that’s why I’m going with these iron bars cuz it kind of does look like animal pens right let’s go grab another

Sheep a couple of cows and a couple of pigs how hard could it be what could possibly go wrong ah another sheep perfect good sheep number two oh no no no no no no no no no no oh jeez I’ve put oh okay right we jeez maybe I should get

One from over here instead Villages normally have all the animals stashed away somewhere don’t they in fact there’s a little pen down down here that when we started this phase I actually came over here and showed you the pigs there we go whole bunch of pigs look and

A horse and a chicken Pig I feel very close to your bottom right now I hope you don’t need the toilet all right Pig number two I need you oh hang on a minute pigs are pigs have got a different height hit box oh yeah Pig and

Get straight out okay fine in that case if we put slab at that level will babies be able to get underneath it we need to find out wonder if pigs will eat onions not tomatoes do you want onion mate no tomato oh yeah they eat tomato excellent

Good that should give us a baby pig no the baby fits the baby fits perfect okay that’s Pig sorted out as well then oh what was that a chicken hello I’m hoping this chicken’s not just going to float away up here but it’s not trapped in so

Maybe I should make some fences and Pen it in chick chick chicken here you go I spy with my little eye something beginning with chicken is it what is it it’s a duck oh man I nearly guessed it I have spyed another sheep amazing right just cows then if those villagers got

Any cows I can see a pen over there oh oh wait no it’s got cows and villagers okay one cow oh a donkey oh you’ll be good for my Stables donkey don’t keep stables in a donkey no you don’t keep stables in a donkey right keep donkey in

Stables oh yeah right don’t stand on the other cow or get stuck in a wall perfect well done good job cow excellent we’ve got two cows two Pigs Three Pigs two sheeps and two chickens and a donkey and a raccoon riding the donkey because why not does your baby fit through the

Gap cows it does excellent good but now I’m running out of space in here to keep all these things in so I’m sorry baby cow but you’re going to have to come through here into my new pen there you go with your donkey friend your Pig baby

Friend and of course your best of friends the Ron there we go I don’t know if raccoons will escape from there so let’s put him back on the donkey and there he’s not going anywhere good now of course we’re going to need to be able to fill these things with the food items

We stick some shoots underneath those going into the deployers here we go so might as well stick a bunch of seeds in there and stick a bunch of wheat in there I’ll probably regret this cuz no doubt I’ll end up moving it all in a minute and some Tangy Tums in there

Perfect good right chickens there now we going to deal with chickens I guess we just need to make it really small so let’s for now just stick another slab there and let’s see don’t want you in the conveyor oh jeez now what have I done you stupid

Chicken can the chickens Escape no they can’t but the babies will be able to cuz they’ll be tiny and obviously the chickens are going to end up laying a bunch of eggs as well which is going to go into this system but that’s not a oh

Jeez there but that’s not the end of the world because we’re going to need eggs too there we go we’ve now got two little chickens in a hole if I put those bars there that’ll stop them jumping out of there and that should mean that they’re

Always going to get fed okay so now that all of that is in place for all of those animals the next thing we’re going to need to do is have somewhere for these conveyors to go so I guess we’re going to dig a big old hole in the floor here

Big old hole in the floor here and then we just run a few conveyors underneath these things these ones will feed that way these ones will feed that way and then ah but do we want to keep the animals separate are we going to be able to create some sort of slaughtering machine

That deals with with all of the animals or do we need to keep them all separate that’s a good question I don’t know okay over in my test World here I have come up with a plan to deal with the animals so we’ve got a creative motor we’ve got

A saw we’ve got a slab and we’ve got some Hoppers underneath and if I summon in a full-size cow you’ll see that that cow will take damage D and the items will get collected and that also happens with a fulls size sheep in fact it also

Happens with a full size chicken and it happens with a full-sized Pig however sadly it also works with a baby cow a baby sheep but fortunately for Ros a baby chicken doesn’t get killed and neither does a baby pick so how are we going to deal with sheep and cows well I

Think if I got rid of that slab and then put a cow there it’s still going to die it does what about a sheep yes it does but what about a baby cow no that’s absolutely fine and a baby sheep no that’s absolutely fine too but they are

In The Hoppers which is a bit of a problem so let’s grab a bit of carpet and Chu that on there try again the cow and the sheep will both end up minced but the baby cow is absolutely fine and so is the baby sheep and back on the

Actual world this thing couldn’t be set up better because we’ve got pigs and chickens going into these conveyors and we’ve got cows and sheep going into these ones so all we need to do is make sure that we keep the cows and the Sheep separate from the pigs and the chickens

Okay I’ve been a little bit busy putting in our killing machines so imagine you’re a little piggy or a chicken you coming down here you end up on this one you go around here you get shoved under there and you end up on that slab now I

Have no idea if that going to work to transfer them onto that slab without just slicing them on that so we might have to figure that out later on and then on this side because we don’t want a slab we’re just going to carry them onto the conveyor which will keep them

In that spot there so I guess all I need now is power and then to test this thing well power’s a long long way away I might because it’s so far away from our power station might just add a cheeky water wheel in this one and just use

That for now and for now I think five large water wheels will be more than enough now we should probably stick on a speed controller and the belts and the killing systems can all go at the same time that’s absolutely fine all we need to do now is divert that up there there

We go that’s got it into the lop and we just need to get all of this stuff powered okay I have this side completely connected all of the conveyors are going in the right direction and even our little s is going so now all I need to

Do is this side I’m sticking a horizontal gearbox there and one there and that keeps the belts going the right way and then all I need is a vertical gearbox there and there we go look it’s breeding the sheep and that’s breeding the chickens oh this is good but they oh

They are going down but he’s fighting very hard against those conveyors to get back to his parents oh there’s a baby cow in there but it’s not moving maybe we need the belts to go faster but have we got anything oh we got some XP down

Here I get oh oh dear H we don’t want XP at this point here oh no where comes the Sheep is it going to work it’s working so now that’s just going to wait till it’s grown up oh good we’ve got a pig down here but it’s not going on the slab

I thought that might be a problem the baby cow is very much still in there why are you in there baby cow oh and the cow’s grown up now oh no well I think I may have solved all of my little problems now upstairs is a little bit

Different from last time I showed you and that’s because everything is now floating on top of these iron bars so by squeezing them into a little box like this we can be more accurate with the deployers feeding them to breed them we can also using the little iron bar

Underneath make sure that there’s hardly anything for the babies to stand on and once we’ve got enough adults in here that will actually make sure the babies get pushed off even more all down onto these conveyors down at the bottom here we got a whole bunch of things going on

Down here as you can see we’ve got a bunch of cows lined up ready to go and we’ve got a pig as well but still no chickens yet and I think that’s cuz the chickens get minced before they should do oh no that little piggy jumped and he

Went in the sore and he died yeah that’s a problem but he grew and it died and I got porw chops okay one problem we’ve got here that I can already see is that these cows and sheep are backing up which is not ideal so realistically I

Need to redo this so they all fall down a hole into the same spot and then I want to use a deployer down here to actually give them even more wheat to grow them up faster so that they can get minced a bit quicker and here in my

Creative world here is my little plan we’re going to have a conveyor it’s going to drop down a couple of blocks there’s going to be a piston at the bottom and then there’s going to be our slabby killing machiney thing and then if we simulate a chicken and a Pig a

Baby ones going down onto that conveyor they fall down the hole and they will get pushed up onto the slab and then that way when they grow up they’re going to get minced perfect so here we go we have a brand new system in place that’s

Hopefully going to do the job we need it to do so what’s going on is we’ve got a couple of Pistons at the bottom here and two shoots on either side I decided to mirror this up and use pistons for both of them just because that way we should

Be able to cram a few more animals into the spaces on both sides and not having a backlog so if I’ve clicked that lever both Pistons go you’ll see a little egg was down there that just got popped into this Hopper there and we’re collecting

Quite a few eggs I haven’t tested it yet no doubt none of it’s going to work power Connect Animals breed give me lots of babies there we oh of course anything what the yeah there’s a couple of baby chickens there but they’re not falling off fall off oh the the baby cow’s

Falling off now that’s good news so there we go got a couple of baby cows in there that’s good and XP there again does that mean we’ve had another chicken oh here we go we got baby pig coming sort of there we go what happens no that

Worked the pigs work going to break my way through here and I’m just going to throw a whole bunch of eggs onto these conveyors and hopefully get some baby chickens so that we can actually see what’s going on here oh that went that one went on that was okay well I was

Going to do a little bit of AFK and see how this thing went but I can see already we’ve got a problem you see this little piggy is trying to wee wee wee run all the way home but it I just need you to oh jeez well clearly things here

Are not perfect we’ve got a big pig up there and we’ve got a big pig coming what how did oh that’s happening again should you by the very very small amount of things we got going through here it’s a roaring success and the fact that we

Got a sheep on the outside here as well and a large cow up there oh my goodness yeah this is why it’s not been a roaring success so I guess realist ically this whole thing’s going to need a whole bunch more work the other thing I really should be considering here is using

These blades is probably not going to give us the maximum we can get from these animals if I was to use deployers with swords with looting on for instance I’d get a whole lot more but this is not something I want Millions from it’s just something I want to run over time to

Occasionally fill up some food things in order to occasionally feed myself that doesn’t need to be crazy but it does need to work okay after a lot of faing about in this creative world I think I’ve got something that is suitable for pigs cows and sheep unfortunately not

Chicken but here goes so what we’ve got here are the command blocks that spit out the baby animals and they’ll grow up in 200 ticks which is about 10 seconds underneath that a couple of blocks down is a conveyor pushing everything this way with a trap door at the end with a

Stair in front of that and above that we got a water stream and if we look at the hit boxes of the animals as they come down none of them can reach the water stream if they even if they’re on this slab until they grow up but as as soon

As they grow up they’re going to go into the water stream come on Pig there we go and they get pushed straight into that saw there and because the stairs hit box is smaller that means they can get pushed right up to it and even if we’ve

Got a whole bunch of things in here nothing gets pushed into the saw until it’s all grown up and that’s all working absolutely perfectly and with a whole bunch more fiddling I think I’ve just fixed my chicken problem and it’s quite easy we just have a conveyor coming over

Here onto a slab underneath this saw facing in that direction and when babies come down here they just sort of drop off the edge there and then queue up but then when they grow they die that works perfectly well with a good bit of poery later this whole place is looking

A lot tidier and we kind of have a system in place here and I’ve decided instead of using water to use a fan the idea is the animals will get blown by this fan and this conveyor onto these trap doors here they’ll stay there until the grown up then they’ll be big enough

To get into the fan and then it’ll hit the blade anyway while that’s running I’m going to start building the chicken system and look at that Circle of chickens it might be a bit too many okay everything is now in downstairs the chicken machine is prepared I haven’t

Tested it yet but I can’t see why it wouldn’t work I’ve turned everything off which is why that sheep’s not dead so let’s turn everything back on hopefully that sheep’s going to get minced it is that’s good news and hopefully we’ll start getting some chickens down here

Soon oh there we go we got one straight away that’s good is it going to make it down the hole it is is it going to make it across here onto the slab without getting killed go on little chicken don’t fight against Destiny but as you

Can see most of them like to just completely defy wind and conveyors and they’re trying so hard to get back to their mothers don’t feel sorry for them it’s just a game they’re not real they’re digital cows they’re digital pigs they’re digital sheep and chickens they’re not real just a game oh well

This one does look pretty realistic there we go another chicken you can do it all you got to do is get down onto that slab without dying but the creative world they didn’t die at all this one is is exactly the same but they never die

The babies don’t die when they hit that one if I trap a mummy Chicken in here little mummy chicken don’t escape and then I do that ah okay well that’s weird if it’s tracking its mummy it dies it’s also doing the moonwalk but if it’s not

It lives why well I’ve done a whole bunch more fiddling around in here I’ve moved things all around and I’ve made it a million times better so now we’ve got this entire end of the room here totally both Farms are over this side of the room both of them have deploys in to

Feed the chickens and feed the cows and feed the pigs we’ve got rid of the conveyors inside which gives them more room to grow up although if we do get a lot of babies in here they do push themselves into the fans which is why we’ve now got the deployed to prevent

Them from happening so they can grow up faster and as a result of this we are actually getting quite a few drops mainly eggs a bit of chicken some feathers and a reasonable amount of beef leather wool pork and mutton and I’ve replaced all of the andesite bars around

Here with glass for two reasons one everything kept getting stuck on the edges because bows are not a full block and two I wanted to be able to see in here the only other change I’ve made is to our power I’ve got rid of the water wheels and put this massive big wool

Block in here instead to act like a windmill even though it’s the ugliest thing in the world it just gives us a little bit more power and it’s very very cheap and we’ve got a whole bunch of speed controls in here and a whole bunch of chass and things controlling

Everything going and it’s all on and offal now so everything’s going well now there’s a couple of things I still need to do in this part of the process and that is to automate getting all of these items in here and ALS so now automate getting all of the items into the

Deploys as well so that could be quite tricky because I also want to use this bace here and this space here to actually process the meat and you might be thinking why aren’t you using lava to kill them when they grow up instead of these stores well it’s because I don’t

Want it cooked I really need the raw beef and the raw mutton and the raw pork chops and the raw chicken in order to process it to do what we need to do with the farmers’s Delight mod back in the basement I have expanded it all and added another big old windmill thing

Down here giving this another 8,192 Su and the reason for that is in order to process these things we’re going to need a lot of power and the reason we’re going to need power is because we’re going to be using some knives and we’re going to use these with

The create slice and dice add-on to make a slicer and that slicer is going to water make that for us I need a turntable that’s easy and now I can make a slicer I believe with this slicer we can grab ourself a knife for instance a

Flint knife and then I think there we go we can just oh we only need one we can attach that to that and then that just chops things up and guess for this we could probably use a Depot no we can’t use a Depot oh all right it’s going in

The wrong direction throw another Cog there to invert it choke it back on Stick its knives back on there we go it’s not moaning at me now stick a chicken on and there we go wow look at that okay and that’s giving us chicken cuts and bone meal as well huh now the

Thing is does the type of Blade matter and does it take durability no there’s no durability damage on there we got a whole bunch of chicken cuts and bone meal okay with three of them then we’ll give one a diamond one we’ll give this one an iron one and that one’s got flint

And we’ll see if it makes any difference at all depending on what type of knife it is okay I’ve got 10 pieces of chicken for each one of these one there one there and one there let’s see what happens do we get different items are they different speeds or does it really

Not matter I don’t think it matters that gave us 20 and 10 that gave us 20 and 10 and that one gave us 20 and 10 yeah so it really doesn’t matter what type of knife you use and they don’t take durability which means we can just stick

With Flint knives cuz we’ve got millions of Flint something like this should do the trick we’ve got an item Vault here with two brass funnels coming out this one is only allowing leather and wool through because we don’t want that to go through our slices and that’s going to

Come along this belt onto this one and go straight into there this one is denying leather and wool and it’s only allowing 15 items through the times if there’s more than 15 pork chops or beef or mutton in there it will allow 15 through at a time and that gets split

Onto these three belts and it’s 15 because 15 is divisible by three that means we’re going to get five items through each of these tunnels two of them so 10 will be turned into their sliced variants and the other one will just come through clean into there and

That means we’re storing all of those things at that point there which can then be collected later on Flint knife for you and a flint knife for you let’s reconnect it and there we go those are getting sliced that’s good nothing coming out the middle one but the one in

The middle is just going straight through oh of course that’s not going in oh jeez okay stop I’ve got a plan let’s get rid of half of this Vault pick up all that stuff make it slightly bigger in this direction extend these belts a little bit put those funnels back on

There and then we grab another one of those and then put that there that should be going in the right direction now good so now we’ve got two slices going in the right direction earbox back on there we go we’re getting two lines that are processing the meat now oh

That’s good and then like I say a third of it’s all just going to go through there there we go we got a wonderful little minting set up on this side slice in yeah mincing that’s what I said right now I just got to do exactly the same

Thing over here for the chicken this time it’s a little bit different but not massively we’re denying eggs and Feathers cuz we don’t want to mince those and in that filter we’re allowing them through we set that to 15 again this is on fource split to allow five

Out of each one we probably don’t need two mints in machines for this one because we’ve only got chicken coming through here and it’s pretty slow but I’ve added them on anyway just for symmetry more than anything else so if we throw a bunch of chicken into there

We should eventually see that chicken coming through this funnel here when it gets into the machine all of the eggs are going through and there we go the chicken’s going through and it’s getting minced oh and we’re getting bone meal as well I forgot about that so there we go

Both of our little setups are complete we should get a whole bunch of meaty things through there whole bunch of meaty things through there now all we got to do with those things now is get them collected that said there’s not too much point in collecting them just yet

Because we got nowhere to send them see all of these items are going to be going to our little houses and Factory things that are over here but they don’t exist yet so there’s absolutely no point in designing the system to get them over there until we know where they’re going

Oh no we’re still getting items on top of that how how how am I supposed to get those out oh jeez this system sucks oh he said it was all good well it in theory it’s really good okay I think I’ve solved a couple of problems now so

We’ve now got the blades there the water running under it the shoots underneath the water hopefully that’ll be enough to pick the items up and these deployers are now coming out across the whole thing which means even if they’re on this side it’s going to be able to reach

That said this lamb doesn’t like tomato so it’s not really going to grow up but eventually it’ll move when more things come down it’ll get pushed in front of some weat and the way I’ve done that is just by pushing everything in a little bit and just having Hoppers going into

The back of the deployers now and that means that this should I keep saying it but fingers crossed it should actually work now I guess I’ve got to watch it again jeez how okay I can fix that that’s okay guys don’t worry all I got

To do put in even more of these stupid things and then and then just connect them there we go why is there no power in there oh that do work like that oh jeez how am I going to connect that oh no uh one there and one there no over oh

That’s why it’s not working it’s overstressed guys right yeah oh jeez right we’ll just we’ll just turn things down a little bit hopefully we can save ourselves a little bit of stress dress don’t know how baby one got in there but it did that’s not ideal well haven’t

Sitting and watched this for a while it’s all working okay apart from these deployers the only problem is that these deployers are not always getting the right animal and it always seems that sheep stand in front of tomatoes and pigs stand in front of wheat but there

Is something I can do about that what I’m thinking is something like this couple of deployers and item Vault and interface and they would be filtered to only allow tomatoes in one and wheat in the other and then just on a mine cart they would be able to run along the side

Of this things poking the stuff in but the c will need to run along this bit of track here which I think there’s enough room for and then we wouldn’t need four barrels with all of the different items we’d only need one with a little interface on it and that should work and

Because this is a Contraption there’s nothing to stop us putting the walls back in like that and now nothing’s going Escape but now that I’ve done this and put it all back in place I’m kind of thinking a tool box would be better because then we can actually determine

That it’s going to have tomatoes and wheat in it and not just by pure chance so let’s smash all this to bits again fill that one up with wheat fill that one up with tomatoes and let’s just put sticks in the other one so absolutely

Nothing else can get in there and now it shouldn’t be able to fill up with too much but it will always be able to get tomatoes and wheat all right before I can go turn everything back on I of course need to fix the mess that I made

In here which means I need another sign which I don’t have any on me apparently ah uh oh oh this is bad oh I got cut in half by a mechanical saw

This video, titled ‘I built an AUTOMATIC MEAT FARM in Minecraft Create Mod’, was uploaded by FoxyNoTail on 2023-12-01 17:15:00. It has garnered 59120 views and 2820 likes. The duration of the video is 00:33:24 or 2004 seconds.


I build an automatic animal farm using the Create Mod Slice and Dice Addon. The farm automatically breeds Cows, Sheep, Pigs and Chickens, separates the young, grows them using deployers and then harvests the meat using Slicing machines to create Bacon, Beef Patties, Mutton Chops and Chicken Cuts.

Download the Mod Pack from my Discord:

I’m having a great time discovering the Create Mod in this fantastic Minecraft world. Filled with mods that add new biomes, terrain, mobs and so much more, not to mention the Create Mod.

Join me as I explore Create and build an industrial world inside of Minecraft.

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#minecraft #createmod #create #letsplay #survival

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