FuzionTimmy – I Played Minecraft Dragon Block C As OMNI-KING GOKU For 100 DAYS… This Is What Happened

Video Information

Yes you read the title right today we’re going to be playing as Omni Goku not just Omni Goku Omni King Goku this is going to be by far the most insane Dragon Block C video that I’ve ever created sure life did so I have to Gohan Beast I’ve did Black Frieza and I’ve

Always thought man these guys are just so strong a lot of you guys Wonder Timmy why haven’t you done Goku yet why haven’t you done the main character of Dragon Ball because it’d just be way too simple however I figured today we would give Goku the proper respect because how

Look at it like this go KU is the most powerful character in Dragon Ball right all right he always sure he’s not number one there are people stronger than him currently but that’s because the story needs to go on we all know that at the very end Goku is

Going to be the strongest Goku is just that guy now what happens when you make the strongest character become the Omni King you give Goku the power of the Omni King and he’s quite literally Unstoppable I mean you got you guys can talk about God of destruction Vegeta all

You want but an omni King Goku would be unstoppable and let me just say I’ve Rose the stack cap to where it’s pretty much Unstoppable we’ll be so strong here we’ll be able to one shot pretty much anything there are special forms not even in Dragon Block C that are going to

Be within this video I’m talking like a god key I’m talking like there is God forms not the normal God forms I mean there is beyond God forms you’re gonna see stuff here that you don’t see in any other Dragon Block C video but wait hear

Me out you’re gonna want to hear this I have started my own Minecraft server and it is completely free if you have Minecraft Java Edition go to 1.18.2 and type in the ipfusion.cube.pro and you’ll be able to play with other fans on my server this will be in videos it is completely free

And if you want to hang out with me go download that heck you could play it while this video runs in the background I highly recommend you go check it out there’s a full spawn and I also did a stream on it the other day if you want

To go check that out as well as you should go check out my Discord in the description below so you can go hang out with other fans I highly recommend you join the server and the Discord now one last thing before we get into this Omni

Goku 100 days I have to tell you guys that you should leave a like comment and subscribe I cannot stress this enough the reason why I say this is because it is statistically proven that if you like and comment and you do all these things to interact with the video YouTube’s

Going to pick up on this and it’s going to put it out to more Dragon Ball fans so if you want to be able to see the more videos like this I need you guys to help get it out by liking commenting subscribing and sharing anything helps

Most of all always drop a like and second of all you want to see more subscribe and then leave a comment let me know what you guys thought about the video that’s gonna be it though let’s get to 100 days as Omni King Goku alright so let’s grab this freaking tree

We gotta go and charge up our key and then we’re gonna get off of this tree and we’re gonna uh just start exploring uh oh crap I forget we don’t take fall damage I was so scared bro I’ve been playing normal Minecraft so this is kind

Of weird for me I’m pretty excited to do this one though because this is gonna be unlike any other Dragon Ball when our days I’ve done so far I’m also planning on doing a key build that’s right I’m doing a key build I’m gonna try doing key moves I’ve never done that before

And I want to see just how strong we can get our key moves to be like a gigantic Spirit Bomb or something that’d be pretty fire uh wow I went shot that cow I don’t know why I’m surprised but wow okay anyways I gotta go get my TP up because basically

By the end of the day I want to be able to get up to corin’s uh Tower I’m gonna get some sensu beans get a nimbus cloud and then I also want to be able to go up into the Time Chamber because that’s the best place to train if you’ve watched

Dragon Ball you’ll know that the time chamber is the fastest way to train I’ve done this in my other videos as well but like I said this is gonna be a little bit different than usual I try and spice it up every video this one’s gonna be very different we’re playing as Omni

King Goku meaning that we’re gonna Blitz through the story and there’s gonna have to be other things that we have to take on hi everyone I’m just really excited to finally be back and recording Dragon Ball it’s been like a couple weeks since I did a Dragon Ball video as perfect

Cell but it feels like it’s been forever I’ve been taking a little bit of a break uh by break I mean I’ve been working on a dozen other little projects but I mean like a break from like the 100 day style videos for the most part because I was

Just doing them back to back trying out a lot of different stuff it’s been tiring but you guys always always inspired me with your comments and I just want to say that like I put up a poll asking what you guys would want to see the most and over 70 of people said

They want to see Omni King Goku for the people that want to see Majin Buu or beerus that’s also going to come up soon they’re just going to come after Omni King so don’t be sad they’re not out of the picture I’m just doing Omni King Goku first and I also think it’s

Probably the most exciting because no one’s ever done it and no one’s probably ever going to do it I’m that guy okay I’m the guy that’s gonna make these random ideas come true so if there’s a random video that you want to see made let me know that goes for any anime mod

Not just this literally any anime model Minecraft give me ideas I just might do it alright for the people that are still watching right now I just want to let you guys know I might do a cyberpunk edge Runners 100 days and I also might do some sort of Tokyo Ghoul 100 days

Something that like people just don’t really do because I feel like it’d be super freaking awesome no one does it and it would just be really entertaining I’ve never seen it you guys probably never seen it it’d be cool so if you want to see that let me know what you

Think in the comments section below uh but I think I almost have enough TP to finally get up into the Time Chamber I’m very weak but I just want to get up into the Time Chamber to be completely honest well I guess one good thing is I’m getting a

Lot of food like I’m getting so much food just imagine getting this in survival like all right guys I got like a stack of steak who’s ready who’s hungry and without Goku eats yeah you’re gonna need a lot more than that I’m wondering if we’ll be able to actually

One shot like Broly and stuff or like jiren like I wonder if we’re actually gonna be able to do that it’s gonna be insane we’re gonna be unlocking all kinds of crazy forms speaking of which right here you can see that we have this whole second menu this is a different

Mod I talked about in my last video it’s the J ones DBC Essentials mod look it adds like namekian healing ascended Super Saiyan blue Super Saiyan rage Destroyer God keep Mystic Android overcharge all kinds of stuff we get Super Saiyan Rose we have demonic key Quick Charge Alter Ego there’s all kinds

Of really cool stuff that you can do in here and my idea is that I’m going to be trying to get the god key and then maybe it’s Destroyer form there’s a lot that I’m trying to do here I’ll try to go up that where’s the oh there it is there it

Is uh yeah I think we pretty much have enough TP to get into the Time Chamber now the quicker we do the better oh it’s on top of the tree that’s weird it’s never like that normally never seen that I have them hops though it’s okay I can

Hop up really really high sand hops we should be basketball players I’m not gonna lie imagine like sand basketball that’s all I’m gonna say just imagine Goku just dribbling across the court I mean he’d have them hops though I mean seriously Space Jam but have you heard of saying

Okay I’ll shut up hi there I’m glad to see you here once a day I can give you a sensu bean if you need any I’ll get a flying Nimbus since the bean and I can learn skills but obviously I’m not strong enough yet but the main thing we

Want is that since the bean in the nimbus cloud because now we can come up to corns look out not cool ones look at me not commies look I said corns look out corin’s Tower and kame’s look out okay here we go it’s really cool if there’s like Easter

Eggs that you could find but that’s basic but I like it this is definitely the best dragon ball mod on Minecraft there’s probably never going to be another mod like this for Dragon Ball I think there might be one other one but it just I don’t think it’s just good uh

Anyways yeah I think we’re gonna just try and see if we can go in here if we can that’d be nice hello Trunks Vegeta I might have to learn some moves from you guys in a bit um I’m the king Goku right I feel like he’s a neutral presence but

He leans more to the good side right so like I might try and be neutral might not be able to see because it’d be really cool to get some certain moves but I don’t know if I have to be good or not and I want to see like what we can

Do I feel like we’re more of a neutral Force I feel like Omni King Goku is not exactly gonna be like the freaking nicest guy but he’s definitely not evil so definitely leans more to the good guy’s side especially if it’s Goku uh we have emperor pilaf saga no I’m not

Trying to do that right now I’m trying to do some Shadow dummy training all right here we go so now we can start doing the show don’t be training our tp’s just gonna start spiking um it’s got let me let me just let me just kill this

Guy real quick 50 TP yep all right it’s already spiking are we lost but we already have like 60 TP not bad so I’m going to use the sense of being I guess I’m gonna have to eat like raw meat to try and get my stuff up a bit more

I’m gonna go ahead and add more strength and then just do some more Shadow dummy training uh maybe go to turbo mode I don’t think I’m really strong enough to kill the shadow dummy shed I don’t think but we have really accelerated growth so we’ll be able to get strong in no time

Compared to the other 100 days this character is op we’re talking about Omni King Goku so it’s like we grow fast we go really fast I’m not even using all my full power actually I’m only using 40 let me bump that up a bit that’s probably why we’re losing so hard

There we go not to mention that the shadow dummy is basically just a clone of me so and it makes sense it makes sense that I’d be losing a little bit also I don’t know if you guys like it but I have like the little angel thing

In the background it’s pretty cool this is the Supreme Kai outfit it’s not actually the Omni king outfit but that doesn’t exist so this is the next best thing I still think it fits perfectly though so you guys didn’t think I was actually gonna get that strong in that amount of time right

Behold 15 000 TP already not to mention I put a little bit to my stats already just to make myself able to handle the shadow dummy but 15 000 TP saved up that is incredibly fast and we’re just starting out this is gonna go crazy so I

Think first what we’re gonna do is we’re gonna go unlock our potential I think that’s gonna be like one of the first things we pull off because I want to go ahead and get our potential unlock so we can go up to 55 I’m gonna immediately start unlocking our full power because

We have to tap into all of it right from the get-go I think that’s a smart idea next I’m gonna go put some more into mind and we’re gonna try and get our fly because we need to be able to fly like if we can’t fly it’s gonna really hinder

Us uh be a hindrance to us so we can fly now yeah I kind of like that we just stand there just floating it’s pretty sick on top of that I can go and cut down my tail my tail is officially gone yeah okay now it’s getting there it’s getting there

So we’ve cut our tail off and then now I could force it tell Ray girl what the frick no I’m good uh we’re gonna go ahead and put some in the spirit get a more of a key pull I can correct I can crank this up so I

Actually spin more and I think I’m gonna put some more into my strength Constitution Lots into my willpower basically I’m trying to add more key damage and then uh Constitution again now let’s go unlock a key move because I think we can uh we probably could put some into mind

Okay let me buy I can buy command man that will be perfect so I can now have a command that I can use put more in a willpower all right we’re officially used all of our stuff but I gotta say it’s not bad unfortunately it’s night time which

Isn’t good for us but we now have 77 000 power level our HP goes up to like um 747 not bad we still have our Nimbus of course and we’re ready to go I think we got a pretty good start going already we’re already getting really strong

Really fast like 77 000 power level right off the get-go like it’s only been a couple days that’s insane I’m gonna use my Kamehameha though I want to see what this looks like wee wait wait for it oh yeah I got like that little boost effect like I can dive in a way

Um anyways I want to see if we can actually destroy stuff with our Kamehameha because I’ve hardly done this so there’s a cow down there let’s try and actually use our move all right kamehame oh it doesn’t do that much damage but you know what we’re gonna roll with it who wait did

Okay clearly our commandment is not the strongest thing in the world probably because we’re just too weak not gonna lie all right let’s try that again this time let’s get closer and we’re gonna fire it at this cow okay it instantly killed the cow but it

Did no destruction damage so I guess the Kamehameha does not blow up stuff which I guess makes sense uh we’re about to run out of key though so I need to start getting food now I would love to train more but unfortunately I don’t really have any food

And that’s really bad for us what we can do though is we can get up on the nimbus cloud and go find some sheep let’s go find us some sheep what I like to think in my head is that we’re like Omni King Goku but we haven’t unlocked

All of our powers yet you know we’re still trying to tap into our full potential story wise this doesn’t make much sense like you’re not gonna see Omni King Goku trying to hunt for sheep but this is Minecraft so bear with me all right so I officially made the

Competitive at home am I going to call this home I’ve been using this bed and I was thinking I came up with an idea right so instead of trying in the Time Chamber maybe there’s a better place that I could train one fit for an omni King

So if I was going to Masterpiece here can I teleport oh boy guys I think I know where I’m about to be training Shadow dummies can be trained with anywhere and I’ll be honest I gotta be honest the TP gain within the actual time chamber is just a weight

So technically if I brought a weight over here I could okay wait if I brought away over here I could train at the tournament of power there’s also another tournament over there that I could be training at I need a proper area for me to be training at

Because I don’t want to have to just be in the Time Chamber all the time it just doesn’t make much sense for an omni King instead I should be in the null realm or most of the greatest battles of all time take place so I’m going to ask for a

Weight here and say 10. and oh I give me a heavyweight okay then well that that works perfectly all I gotta do is put that on my body uh as a weight I’m so slow now but yeah now I can actually train this is a really weird looking weight I’m not

Gonna lie but I can actually train here at the terminal power and I can start training in a really cool looking place to me that’s what I care about I need to start powering up though because I’m not even close to my full power this guy’s

Stronger than me uh but with the weight on it’s basically the same as being in the time chamber and it just looks better it looks a lot better I’m training him at the turn of metapower in the null Realm I’m doing what an omni king would do you

Know but Omni King’s not gonna be training on Earth during the time chamber I’ve almost killed this guy all right he’s dead all right 709 TP not bad not bad at all we gotta keep cranking up that mine so we can get even more all right at least I’m gonna go train some

More man I might have to go back and get some food and stuff or get some Sun Tzu beans because I already am running a glow but I’m gonna come back and forth and just keep buying Shadows that means here okay guys so I did a lot of

Training and I finally came out of the null realm I got some sense of being stocked up we’re ready to go I got a hundred thousand TP the moment I hit 100 000 I said I was done like that’s that’s all I’m doing so what I’m gonna do is

I’m going to put this into strength I’m gonna go and put that uh 40 strength I’m gonna move this up to 10. I can move that up to a hundred strength uh I do want to go and get our super form which means I’m going to add some mind

We got our first super form you know what I really want to get just a bunch of mine because the TP again is really slow that might have been a little too much mind not gonna lie but we’ll roll with it potential unlock potential unlock potential unlock potential unlock oh I

Can’t do any more dang man just imagine if I could I think that’s all I can really do though can I yeah because now I need even more TP I might have put way too much into mine there I’m not gonna lie but in good news what we can do is go

Ahead and raise our potential unlock to a whopping 70 and then we also can go ahead and use super saiyan we should have our super form Oh wrong button okay so let’s go ahead and go Super Saiyan we’ll unlock our first form we’re starting to tap more into our power

Annie Dana aha we’re officially Super Saiyan giving us 1.6 million battle power at 70 that’s huge I think now we’re officially ready to start doing the actual story so we’re gonna do is we’re gonna head down here we’re gonna go and TP home and we’re gonna go start

Doing the story missions because I think if we start doing the story missions now we can get a lot of TP get some dragon balls up and do a lot more so yeah there’s also a ton of animals here I I swear I actually missiled Minecraft

Because when I play it on DBC it always just reminds me of how it used to be the cell Arena has been found well that’s useful either way let’s go ahead and start doing the actual story we’re about to one shot most of these characters oh I

Have to find master roshi oh no master roshi where are you I’d even think about master roshi I always forget about him he’s in the ocean somewhere well this is uh this is not gonna be easy I keep hitting this Darkness listens button this is like the Minion

Mod that I haven’t used since the black phrase video by the way I I’m running out of key fast so I’m going good on my super form clearly I should upgrade my key pool more I have gotta find where the heck uh this this um ocean biome is we gotta find an ocean

Biome that way I can find master roshi I think I’m gonna hop on the flying Nimbus just so I don’t waste a lot of my key and then we’re just gonna go find master roshi this always takes a good bit though because for some reason even if

You find an ocean it doesn’t guarantee that you’re gonna find master roshi maybe I’ll try and find a rocky bomb in the meantime too because I’m gonna need that oh look there’s a village old classic Village so I have yet to find master roshin I’m about 3 000 blocks away however I did

Find the rocky biome and we’re gonna need this for whenever we fight Vegeta and Napa so I officially found one of the things that I needed but not quite all that I needed I still have to find master roshi I did find an ocean blind but like I said it doesn’t always

Guarantee that you’re gonna find something and I just got unlucky and I didn’t find something what I would do is I’ll go and set this as Rocky that way we can come back here later now I have to continue searching for the master roshi house or also known as like kame house all

Right I officially found another ocean I started going to the right and I have about 4 000 blocks out now but I’ve been traveling right for a while and I’m hoping that maybe that now I found another ocean that I’ll be able to find the kame house I don’t know we’ll see

Either way if it doesn’t spawn very soon I’m about to find another ocean but this ocean yeah let’s go Comcast has been found oh I see it on the mini map we’re coming up on it finally we found the kame house we can finally talk to master roshi we also

Have the rocky biomes that’s another thing out of the way we’re good to go now we just have to actually do the story we have everything that we need we just gotta train a little bit more and once we get finished with uh as far as

We can get to the story and we’re just gonna start getting really strong really really quickly now all right so here we are hello master roshi yep here’s your present and uh what kind of key techniques do you got okay absolutely nothing basically all right so basically

Now that I have this out of the way just just in case I need this again which I probably shouldn’t but just in case I’ll go and set this here uh now I’ve officially found the common house let’s go we’re gonna do for myself well I guess we are like that sounds selfish

And I’m gonna say to protect all right we got another this which we don’t need let’s go back home finally you teleport home and now we can start finding people but I learned one thing from my past videos never fight someone strong near your base because they might use a key move

That can blow up your face now we’re not we’re not at like the Frieza sock or anything so it’s not like we’re in huge danger but if you get to like the sand Saga or higher people can just blow up your base and it goes crazy

So we gotta be careful by the way so now we can kill yamsha uh please get him out of my face said you’re just a kid story-wise we’re supposed to be a kid but it does not even matter bro all right we’re just oh my goodness all right everyone gear up don’t stand

Up they’re all dead protect now they’re in mechs oh but what you’re all dead you’re Garb I’m not even in a form I’m in my base how does that make you feel now I gotta kill Mecca pilaf combined uh that still got one shot this is how it

Should feel uh we got the tournament Arc which I don’t really need this for I will keep the Dragon Ball though now we have to kill bacterian oh please oh please what is this supposed to be bro do you not get the okay I didn’t one shot him for once

That’s that’s a change let me just I better one shot or I’m gonna go Super Saiyan hey I’m down here Jackie I’m can you stop popping okay I didn’t one shot him but counter argument super saiyan it takes a bit to charge though like a lot to charge like uh it

Takes like the bar at the top left takes forever to charge up into Super Saiyan but here we go it does I go down very quickly though so we have to be careful kill Jackie chunes all right so now he’s has full power let’s see it let’s see it

Bonk dead that’s what I’m talking about you actually made me use one of my forms I’m finally starting to tap into more of that Omni King power and you can really tell I’ve able to one shot at all of these weak guys I mean to be fair I

Should be able to take on like sand Saga level stuff by now I literally have super sand each person I kill gives me a little bit of TP so I only get stronger ninja Murasaki yup get you out of here this is just too easy oh we have a sword

Now I’ll go and use that just to get a little bit more damage in to protect we’re just gonna go until eventually we just can’t take anymore and then we’ll go train that way we can defeat everything every time I train I’m Gonna Get huge power Buffs it’s not even funny

How much power Buffs I get each time I’m still one-shotting them all right I have another Dragon Ball looking pretty good I like how this Katana looks I mean Omni Goku is not going to use a katana but TDS wood ads now I can uh I go ahead and

Unlock another Super form if I could have more TP probably unlock more of our uh Power 75 80. that’s what I’m talking about we get stronger every minute every time we fight we get stronger and stronger I don’t even have my extras added okay there’s a lot of you there is

A lot of you this could be a problem this could be a problem since I’ve been that was a problem just a little bit because I was mainly running out of key and they caught me off guard uh either way though doing good to protect kill staff officer black Mecca

Bro please I’ve had enough mechs this is supposed to be Dragon Ball not drawing in the Franks or Akira or any other cyberpunk kind of anime okay I didn’t even have mix but we’re not gonna talk about that it’s not gonna be Gundam okay not Neon Genesis oh okay there we go

Invisible man dead he’s become a lot easier he used to be such an annoying person for me but now it’s just like not die look slow yeah I would use my key moves but I just I don’t have strong enough key moves yet Spike all right let’s go Spike I guess

Dragon Ball the spiku alright so now I’m I’m honestly I’m a really big fan of this Dragon Ball Minecraft mod like this is definitely the best dragon ball Minecraft mod that I’ve ever played there is a Dragon Ball super mod but I feel like this Dragon

Block C Mod is just the best for Minecraft uh I’m in Detroit I don’t think that comes even close to it I don’t think there ever will be because nobody’s really going to want to just try and outdo this one if they do I’ll be surprised now people

Do add on to it though uh here’s chatsu please it’s child suit dude it’s chaotsu I’ll use my last sense of being and then after that we’re done Krillin maybe we’ll be able to get through all the original Dragon Ball Saga in one run

I I just have to get like I think two normal dragon balls and then I’ll be able to summon shinron which will be good because we need more sense of beans we need more power we need more power all the power I mean what’s he gonna do

Say no I’m the Omni King okay it looks like I’m about to die uh I don’t want to risk it so what we’re going to do now is we’re going to take a break and I am going to go back home and what I’m going to do is I’m going to

Sleep after I kill this creeper and then I’m gonna go up there back to the Knoll realm get some sense of beans start trying again we need to get stronger unfortunately we’re just not quite strong enough yet but we are making progress we’re getting closer and closer

To our full power every day okay guys so I just got out of the time chamber and I’ve got over a million 6000 TP which is pretty freaking huge and the reason why it’s gotten so fast is because of this mind increase we already get a lot more

But on top of that we have mind I also believe that we have something called the zenkai Boost that was added in the other mod so basically when we get close to dying we actually get a zenkai boost and get even stronger so like we get a

Lot of TP very quickly and that’s why I said it’s all probing the Omni King Goku we have Goku plus Omni King meaning we are just that much stronger and what we’re gonna do super form super form super form we’re not holding back anything we’re just

Going all in now I will say we need a little bit more mind so we can now get another Super form I wonder how far up we can go now I gotta see the Super Saiyan grades that’s fine but I don’t really care I’m gonna go to Super Saiyan 2

Which that’s not Super Saiyan 2 that’s super saiyan too 6.3 million battle power now you don’t really see the lightning unless I’m like holding my Turbo but I can also hopefully go up to Super Saiyan 3. Super Saiyan 3 not exist okay it’s I don’t I don’t own it yet all right what

I’m gonna do is I’m gonna go ahead and unlock Super Saiyan 3 because I’m not playing no games this is Omni King Goku man we’re not holding back now we can go to Super Saiyan 3. we have the power of Super Saiyan 3 Omni King Goku this is getting absolutely

Insane now just imagine me having long Super Saiyan 3 white Ultra Instinct hair okay I ran out of I ran out of it okay I gotta get more key which leads me to the next thing we’re gonna upgrade key we need more of a spirit pool

Like big time we gotta just amp that up like a lot amp up our willpower amp up our constitution just a ton we need a ton of this stuff and then more mines we can grow again faster next time also so we can get potential unlock

And okay I can’t get the next form but I have maxed out potential unlocks we can we can use 100 of our power now uh we’re just getting stronger and stronger and stronger I’m gonna go ahead and put a ton into my key so now I should be able

To use a lot of my key abilities and they’ll actually do a ton of damage hopefully that’s what they’re supposed to do uh I’ll go and use another since the bean why not so now what do I look like when I’m at full power that’s the question

Now obviously I don’t have Super Saiyan 4 power yet I don’t have Mystic I don’t have the god key or anything like that but already we can go up to 100 battle power and even in our base form we’re not even at our full we’re gonna be like

20 million Power by the end of this maybe more definitely more definitely more 22 million battle power on our base we have 10 000 key and then if I was to go to our strongest form which would be Super Saiyan 3 we go Super Saiyan one Super Saiyan 2 Super Saiyan 3

And we go all the way up to 200 and pretty much 290 million battle power that is crazy RHP is 4200 we’re actually getting so strong so fast I’m gonna hop out of my form because I don’t want to over exert myself uh we’re we’re definitely ready

To fly through submissions right now I’m not gonna lie I’m gonna go see how much like our damage is with our comic uh command man Kamehameha whatever you want to call it I say Kamehameha as like a short sense but obviously you say Kamehameha if you want to say it like way longer

But a lot of people don’t know that so I’m just pulling that out like you can say it either way either way I want to try using the Kamehameha see how much it does It’s just not quite there yet I mean a thousand I got like a thousand three of damage is not bad it could definitely one shot one of these lower guys that I’ve been fighting but that’s about it it’s not enough I’m gonna try killing some of these guys

In my base form so I don’t even have to use my actual Super Saiyan form if possible because if I can do that it won’t be so exerting and I can get even further kill symbol with one shot oh yeah we don’t need our form yet we have yeah I

Think we do have 22 million battle power right now like that’s kind of crazy I’m reading my black Frieza video I had that and that was like when I was flying Frieza and I was like man this this is so powerful now I’m having that this early on

Timbre let me one shot you let me one shot you where you at guess Ultra Instinct never mind I got him okay I did not one shot him that’s that’s that makes me a little nervous all right now we’re gonna try oh we got another uh

Got another one of those okay so now what we’re gonna do is let me use my move hold up can I have one shot King Piccolo with the command male wave oh I definitely can time to die King Piccolo bong okay key moves are a little bit

Better than I was expecting wow I didn’t have to punch him at all I took no damage and I got that kill all right we’re definitely gonna go for a key build here that was pretty fire not gonna lie I can’t believe that just killed him

Whoa drum relax how much HP you got you’re even weaker than King Piccolo please I’m not even gonna waste my time with you let’s go and get you out of the way King Piccolo again didn’t I literally just kill you I’m not gonna bother using kamehameh Wave on you because you’re just you’re

Just not worth it Rhino oh another Dragon Ball I need one more I wonder if I don’t give it to me or not I don’t know I got talked to call me now call me my man what’s good okay awesome so now next Piccolo Junior Saga

All right let’s go back and let’s finish off the original Dragon Ball Saga we’re getting to the point of where we could probably even fight Frieza which means we’re gonna have to take a trip to namik soon wow we’re about to have a lot going on

For us maybe we’ll even get the seventh Dragon Ball let’s be really sick all right let’s kill the cyborg mercenary towel he’s dead all the original characters from original Dragon Ball I mean to be completely honest they just don’t hold up against a power level this

High I have literal Super Saiyan 3 and I’m not even using it in my base I can one shot these guys canonically that makes a lot of sense so it seems that this is Piccolo’s son his power is incredible I mean was incredible was incredible

He’s gone uh and now I can probably go and kill his full power Piccolo it’s nothing easy and now we officially enter the sand Saga the sand Saga is cool and all that don’t get me wrong but uh they’re not gonna stand much of a chance against me

And that’s because I’m actually gonna go into my Super Saiyan state I’m not gonna go to Super Saiyan 2 just super saiyan 1 and that’s already quadrupled my power level and I can’t one shot them but I might as well be this is kind of crazy

Homer wait for it oh that goes up a lot faster never mind keep moves are really good that multiplies huh um uh we’re just we’re just gonna act like that didn’t just fade into nothingness you know because that that was not supposed to happen where’s the other Cyberman bro what what

Bro I mean I say creepers but where is he oh my God okay well there they are um okay that works I mean I didn’t have to kill you all again but I guess I will either wait now that’s done and now I can kill Raditz who’s looking for me

Goku but that’s not gonna work it’s just not working hey you’re dead you’re gone and I don’t need this I don’t need any of that I’m literally holding back on you right now none of you are gonna make me even use my full power in any way I’m sorry

Okay now I gotta gather some dinosaur meat and kill some Cybermen let’s just go and get the Cyberman part out of the way man I don’t if y’all don’t stop bro okay okay okay okay okay okay okay okay let’s go and use a sensu bean

I don’t have to use Super Saiyan 2 yet they are not about to force me to do that it won’t be you guys that make me use that kind of power you’re not even Sans you’re not even of My Blood get out of here

All right so now I just got to gather up some dinosaur meat this will uh take a couple days oh let me just go and kill this guy oh dead oh I can just one shot the dinosaurs this is gonna be so easy all right I

Finally got all the food I needed I’ve gotten held up I slept it’s daytime let’s get over there and let’s do this we’re officially gonna start taking on the sand Saga for real this time now we actually gotta take on Vegeta and Napa now there’s a trick to this that a

Lot of you have taught me over time that I’ve remembered and it’s basically that Vegeta won’t attack you unless you attack him not until you’ve killed Napa so basically the first person is gonna attack me is Napa while Vegeta watches but you just simply just gonna sit over

There and watch while Napa and uh not just gonna try killing me this is bad I should probably form up I need to form up now okay there we go now he’s dead see their last turn I was expecting that almost killed me without my form I

Definitely need to at least use my form how much TP I’ve already gained it’s getting crazy and now we can go to Namek and you know what I think we’re gonna go ahead and get Dynamic just to go and see what all the buzz is about actually wait you know what

Wait we’re at sensu beans oh I’m an idiot I haven’t been collecting senzo beans I’ve used them all up I mean I do have some dinosaur meat that’s something but I should probably collect up some sensu beans or I’m just gonna end up getting destroyed even with

My maxed out form I don’t know if I’ll be able to do it ah it’s a little risky but I might try it but first let’s actually summon Shenron let’s go ahead and summon our boys Shenron over here we got all seven Dragon Balls we all wishes I’m kidding so we can do

Many things here I think wait a minute Shenron I think I know exactly what I want three sinsu beans thank you that is actually perfect timing now that I think about it so now we can head straight to namik and uh we’ll go and fight Frieza and the

Frieza Force at the ginuforce and everyone basically and now we can also get healing liquid this is essential if we skip the healing liquid now I can actually train even easier maybe I’ll make like a healing station within the null realm that way it’s not so bad

Because like I can easily get some healing grass down there and I’ll show you guys what my setup looks like when I make it now I can actually start collecting this bad bad boy there we go get some medical Moss get some get some medical liquid soon I can’t wait

But let’s actually go ahead and uh yeah we’re definitely knocking that next form but what we can do is we can go ahead and put some more into our strength it just gets multiplied to protect now let’s kill some Frieza soldiers we’ll we’ll go we’re gonna go

Into Super Saiyan too let’s go ahead and increase our power a little bit more bro can you mind your own business I also have a lot of access to Dinosaur meatball which is pretty cool uh either way let’s go ahead and do this I have my space pod just making sure

Don’t want to miss out on anything whoa there’s a lot of you but you’re all getting destroyed matter of fact let me just uh introduce you guys to my little friend armor huh well I killed one that’ll do man there’s a lot of you okay well I don’t really care to kill

All the dinosaurs no thanks I think I just want to focus on the actual story I can kill dinosaurs anytime our strength just keeps increasing I’m not even at my full power yet protect now I’m gonna kill suey suit okay there we go he’s dead now let’s go ahead and

Let’s kill the Doria the Dory is like the pink guy right yeah yeah yeah you were like a weird looking dude especially in the show that’s all I’m gonna say okay we have one of the meccian dragon balls now these things are huge and they also do

Three times more of the wish a granting than the actual dragon balls on Earth do so they’re way more valuable but they’re harder to find I do think I get a dragon ball radar from these quests though so that would be really nice protect we do have a

Dragon Ball radar now uh it does not seem like we’re having any sort of dragon balls in the area though which is unfortunate however if I fly around a bit I can probably find some now here’s the Ginyu Force these guys are actually pretty dangerous will they make me use Super Saiyan 3

Though that’s the question guess we’re gonna find out I bet I bet I’m gonna have to use Super Saiyan 3 against Frieza at least because Frieza is quite the powerhouse go ahead and eat this meat get back up to full HP and now I think it’s time to

Fight Frieza or am I mistaken we have three of the namekian Dragon Balls we need a lot more if they’ve actually summon uh but I don’t remember the guy’s name but you know who I’m talking about we gotta summon the dragon I know shinron’s the Earth Dragon but I don’t remember

The name of this one I don’t know if he’s called Shenron too but we’ll see either way let’s kill Frieza we’re gonna go ahead and form up when he forms up I suppose never mind I’ll just go ahead and form up I’m officially Super Saiyan 3. please please

You freaked out when you saw Goku go Super Saiyan one I’m over here super saiyan 3. this is a big Power leap all right you should be crying and begging for me to not kill you Frieza like this should be like not even discussion at this point I’m gonna let you form all

The way up go ahead Forum three uh-huh all right I’m so scared let me go and hit you some more it’s a miracle that I haven’t already killed you to be completely honest all right there’s my space pod mistake mistake okay now he’s in his final form but he

Hasn’t gone to his final final form yet I’ma let him do it go ahead get into your final final form hey hey hey that’s my my power pull okay I’m about to kill this guy now these freaking dinosaurs were actually hitting some mad damage okay now he’s

Almost in his final final State his final final Final State I need to kill him now I gotta kill him now now before it’s too late yeah he could have went up one more transformation but I’m not about to let him that was close Frieza shows me that I can never let my

Guard down I almost got killed there definitely need to get stronger I met my full power and I was barely able to defeat him even with all those swimsuit games before I let him warm up but it’s all part of the game I shouldn’t have to

Hold back I shouldn’t have to go full power I shouldn’t have to actually go full power like that oh there’s uh I’ll be taking that so now if I get two more dragon balls on Namek I’ll be able to summon the namekian dragon so I think it might take some time to go

Find those two dragon balls that way I can summon and get even more sensu beans for my training but also for the missions coming up ahead speaking of which we need to go back to Earth to continue the story I also need to go catch some medical

Grass because I’m gonna need a lot I’ve officially found all the dragon balls I’m gonna go and get on my form now I don’t need that kind of speak out turbo mode and let’s summon the namekian dragon man these are some big dragon balls okay parunga that’s right parunga dude I

Forgot your name for a bit there I think you have more HP than shinron too which is interesting wait how do I Please can I can I talk to you okay one evil spirit three diamonds sensu beans I can make three wishes here hmm that is interesting well I really don’t need any of these other ones but I could use is a lot of sun supine so I can train even more

That’ll help me out a ton now that I have this and my medical grass it’s time to get back to Earth I’ll make the liquid and then I’ll be able to train within the no realm this is going to make things so much quicker I better get

All my forms so quickly now nothing’s gonna be able to stand on my way I’ve officially went ahead and made my medical liquid station right here so now every time I come here all I gotta do is just hop in here and start a shadow dummy training this is going to make my

Training so much easier next time you guys see me I’m gonna be scary scarier than I already have been I’m never gonna let something like what happened with Frieza happen again all right guys I’m officially out of the no realm I’m not gonna lie that takes forever for you

Guys just like a couple seconds for me it’s hours these training sessions are no joke that’s what I said like you guys have no idea how much effort goes into making these videos and you can see here that I’ve got over 10 million battle power while it is easier now that I

Don’t have to use sensu beans and I have a healing pod it still takes forever good news is I went ahead and got percent for unlocked and I’ve also got 40 extra mind I put a little bit into my mind to make sure it was at 400 and it’s

Been really helping me out this whole time I like saving it up just so you guys can see me get to a certain point and then I can just dump those stats in so I’ve I have Max potential unlock Max super form uh I think you know what

We’re gonna go ahead uh we’re gonna go and grab the god forms we’re not holding back at all God of destruction form I think we gotta have maxed out God form first we’ll come back for you we’ll come back for the god destruction form I don’t think we’re ready yet

What we will do is we’re going to go ahead and Max this out uh one way or another let’s go ahead and do this and then go ahead and max out the God form so now we can go to Super Saiyan blue and Super Saiyan blue Evolution getting pretty high now you

Know what I do want to wonder I wonder if we can go ahead and get our God key you have bought God key that’s what I thought now I just gotta figure out how to activate it all right so now I should have God key now I’ve ascended to God

Key you can actually see the aura around me I officially have God key around me at all times it just makes it a little bit quicker to charge a Little Bit Stronger it also looks cooler I constantly have more I’m gonna be doing more damage overall and my key shall

Charge even more you’ll see I have like a multiplier pretty cool now obviously I have the god Kino that there’s more that I can do we’re gonna wait to do this though and we’re gonna stick to the normal game for now and we’re going to go ahead and put

10 we’re gonna go and amp up our mind more and we’re gonna go ahead and amp up our strengths we might actually start doing a hundred that sounds good to me let’s go and get our dexterity up we’re definitely gonna need that your Constitution up go strength up oh it’s building now willpower

Our key because oh wait oh no I’m starting to run out already I’m gonna put as much as I can to spirit because we need a bigger key pull and uh yeah should go by pretty quickly so now we are we’re at 1.4 billion we’re not even at 100 power this is getting

Crazy this is getting absolutely insane I told you guys when I came back my power was gonna Skyrocket every time I train I get literal like a hundred forms like it’s not even crazy uh not not even funny I said it is crazy trust me it’s

Crazy all right I keep tripping up my words so this is Super Saiyan God now I have super saiyan blue then we have super saiyan blue Evolution now Ultra instincts next not to mention I still have the god destruction form look at this 44.6 billion key or I guess battle power

More of that is insane and we’re just getting started on top of that I should should have my God key you can’t use God key with this form oh so I guess the god key doesn’t work with God forms that’s okay maybe it’ll work with my God destruction form

Either way this takes out a ton of key I can already feel it draining me however now I can actually use my God key it’s going to use a sense of being to get up to full HP and let’s go and use our guide key and then now

Wow look at that our Key Bar just accelerated either way now we’re faster we’re stronger we’re better and we’re ready to do even more so I’m actually going to go ahead and upgrade that fly five times making our fly even faster you know and uh now we can continue the story now

We have to find the biome planes because apparently we need to go and kill Frieza and the plans by him I don’t know exactly where planes buy him is but it shouldn’t be too hard for me to find one so I’m gonna go looking actually I can

Already see one in the distance on the minimap so we can go up there and we’ll be able to continue the story there I’ve already talked to Kami and I basically think I have to take out Mecha Frieza and Mecha King Cole now they weren’t working in the last video because

Apparently DBC was having a glitch but hopefully it’s been fixed now if not it’s gonna immediately crash my game we shall see for some reason they’re bugged but we’re about to find out will it work will it not without the find out kill Frieza soldiers

Okay I was about to say I was like bro I’m not on Namek look I am instant killing them I’m that strong I’m not even in a form and I’m killing them like just imagine how strong I’ll be at my my full potential I wonder if I’ll ask

People to one shot Broly because my stat cap is completely off now King cold and Mecha Frieza oh they work now right protect oh no it shut down the server it doesn’t work no no I guess what this means guys is that basically the story does not go further

Than this however there is the Broly story and with the strongest I’m getting we’ll be able to take on Broly soon so we’re gonna still do the Broly Arc and we’re gonna focus on getting stronger I want to see just how strong we can get

If we max out all of our forms and just get our power power as high as it can possibly get what if we max out all of our stats get the strongest forms get all the key moves like everything and let’s just see how strong an omni can

Goku can actually be I’ve officially done it I’ve shattered my limits and reached a hundred million TP in one sitting now to do this I upgraded my mind a ton and just that has allowed me to get a hundred million TP and you know what that means first off

We’re gonna go ahead and get the forms that we need so we’re gonna go and get Ultra Instinct I’m gonna get God of destruction and now we officially have both of these a god struction form the skill got destruction unlocks the power to destroy everything but only if your

Heart is ready for it accessible in the action I now have got a destruction on what does that do I wonder I guess we’re about to find out it’s taking a bit to charge up it’s a little your alignment is too high to use grab destruction Max alignment 80.

I think I need to have like a neutral alignment to actually be able to do this that’s not so hard okay now it should work I’ve officially fixed it now I should be able to go to God of destruction oh man I mean the god Keys kind of throwing off

The Kohler I don’t I don’t really like that but if I was to charge up and we look evil God destruction form does a lot wow it quadruples our stats is that scary that’s really scary now let’s go up to 100 power let’s see what 100 power looks like this

Is getting pretty crazy all right so about about 50 billion I might go ahead and guess I can’t use other forms on instruction no I cannot okay however what I will say is that I can go here and I can unlock like Destroyer overcharge your Bot

Overcharge so now I should be able to like overcharge has been selected set to guide key so that’s God key all right all right all right all right all right I see so now uh what else can I get maybe I can get Super Saiyan Rose the monarchy Quick

Charge Quick Charge is nice I do like quick charge I’ll take quick charge because if I can charge up really quickly who wouldn’t want that who wouldn’t want that like just imagine if you could charge up really really quickly because it’s really slow normally now as for power what does Destroyer do

Maybe I could stack Destroyer on top of God destruction form and make myself that much stronger let’s see so you can’t use God key with this form oh my goodness you see that purple let’s send it to destroy okay so the god key wore off but now I’m in Destroyer

Form and God destruction form and while it may not look like it right now if I was to actually go and look at my settings in both of these I’m getting a 5.25 multiplier here and then right here I’m getting some multiplier that’s not telling me all right

What I will say though is that basically although it looks like I only have 45 billion battle power it’s not showing what’s on this other mod so I probably have about 100 to 200 billion battle power right now and I haven’t even put in my stats so we’re gonna do is we’re actually

Gonna go ahead and put this into our strength our constitution and wait we can just go ahead and put all that in there I put most of it into strength we’re basically on a one shot we have 1.5 trillion the idea is I want a one shot we are getting insane

This is crazy 102 000 HP um I see this purple Piccolo you look super purple from here uh we she looks for purple everything looks so purple this is scary now it’d be really cool if I could have stacked like Ultra Instinct on top of this but I don’t think I can

Maybe I can use it when I get to low HP though either way we’re starting to get really really crazy I wonder if I could like change my hair to be like white and long I’m gonna see if I can do that I’m gonna see you guys soon I need to do

More training I want to Max up my stats before we fight Broly that way we’re as strong as we can possibly get before the episode is done with my hair’s still purple that’s funny so I’ve changed my hair to be longer the Super Saiyan 3 style and I want it to be

White I want to have Ultra Instinct but I have underestimated the power of omni King Goku and more ways than one firstly I’m incapable of taking damage quite literally if I do take damage it automatically regenerates I can go into Kaioken times 100 right now and you’ll see exactly what I mean

I’m officially going to be in Kaioken times 100 and both of the mod forms oh wait it actually is it’s working now Huh maybe we can’t do ultra Instinct okay we’re gonna try then maybe watch you be able to do it okay for some reason it only did it and one of the mods for me and not both so my health would not drain that much I was physically not taking any damage but it

Seems that both of the mods both simultaneously have Kaioken times 100 I start to lose a lot of HP now when I get slow I might actually be able to use ultra Instinct and that’s the idea I want to see what the white-haired ultra Instinct mastered Ultra Instinct version

Of my character looks like hopefully I don’t regenerate faster than Ultra Instinct activates because that would be pretty unfortunate but right now it seemed like we might have a chance to actually do it we’re at two quadrillion at our Max stat cap now not that’s out of the way enable Ultra instinct okay

It’s working we’re trying an ultra instinct okay hopefully we oh Warren sign okay this is good we have maxed out Ultra instinct we have white here oh oh it’s beautiful oh my goodness so this is what it would look like that is terrifying I know I have like a

Different face now but I feel like it fit better than the other one wow we have white long Super Saiyan 3 hair the angel logo behind us we are completely Invincible this is basically as strong as you can possibly get let’s charge up our power to Max obviously two quadrillion is probably

Going to be the max that we can see but trust me it goes much further than this wow on both of these we’re having these huge multipliers and we’re also having Ultra Instinct we can dodge punches so while we might look weak we are factually as strong as you can get this

Is the strongest I’ve ever been even stronger than perfect cell I thought cell was strong I am incredibly strong right now it is actually scary just how strong I am it is breaking my game it is lagging a bit just from how strong I’ve managed to become every video it seems like I

Get stronger you guys should start making a meme about that you should tell me every video he’s getting so strong now he’s breaking the freaking game because yeah that’s exactly what’s happening I’ve maxed out every stat I’m having boost on every stat I’m doing everything possible now to get even

Stronger I’m gonna go ahead and activate the Destroyer form and Ascend into Destroyer so now we have not only masterful Trends things we also have to destroy your form we are just getting stronger and stronger I’m at one HP that’s not part of the plan uh

Uh that that’s not part of the plan uh let me descend Destroyer why do I have one HP maybe I’m not able to stack forms like that one HP is a little scary if I can’t already one shot the guys I mean think about it I might be able to one shot him

Little drinks near completion let’s go we are officially at Master Ultra Instinct again but I only have one Health so if I get hit at all I’m dead so let’s just hope that I don’t now let’s do the Broly Saga I think this is gonna be pretty awesome

You’ve challenged Vegeta to a sparring mat I didn’t even get to hit him are you Ultra instincts different so basically what you’re telling me is my mere presence alone he tried to attack me and I just backhanded him and instantly killed him so you’re telling me I don’t even have

To hit him my aura alone just straight up I what ah I don’t even have to hit him anymore I don’t even have to hit him how is this possible he’s learning as he fights what are you talking about he got instantly killed Broly okay you’re slightly more buff now

Oh okay so it didn’t instantly kill you there but looks like I did so it doesn’t even matter he physically cannot hurt me oh my goodness so I’m not able to one shot him anymore unless he attacks me I think or something I don’t know but here’s legendary Broly my aura just one

Shot him I didn’t get a chance to hit him there I tried but he was already dead and then that’s it you’re telling me nothing can kill me now I’ve reached a point of being so strong that my power level is so high that with Master old

Ultra Instinct I can have one HP but no one can ever even touch me I’m so strong that no one can even affect me you can’t hit me you can’t key blast me you literally can’t do anything and even if you did it wouldn’t even affect me like

That is terrifying to think about this is truly as strong as I’m ever going to get in DBC right like there’s no way I can find a way to be stronger than this right right guys right like there’s wait a minute the next video is gonna be

Majin Buu and Majin Buu is able to absorb people so what if Majin Buu absorbed Omni King Goku I’m just saying well guys I hope that you enjoyed this 100 days video as Omni King Goku this video might have been a little bit shorter than normally you might have

Seen me skipping some days but that’s because there was a lot of training arcs and unfortunately the story wasn’t there so there’s a lot of boring content that I just want to cut out but for the most part I feel like this is a really fun video and we’ve never been this strong

We have officially used Ultra Instinct and it is getting even stronger technically I can use the destroy your form and it just gets crazy I didn’t even have to hit them I’ve evolved to a point of where quite literally if they even try and attack me they get

Instantly backhanded and killed like it is it is insane just how strong Ultra instinct is especially when I’m Omni King Goku and I have Max stats all of my stats are completely maxed and they’re being just so amped by everything I feel like this video has been the most insane

One I’ve ever done like the fact that I was able to just backhand them like that and just instantly kill them when they tried to attack me like I I mean it is ultra Instinct it makes sense but the fact that I was able to instantly

Destroy them I feel like that fits Omni King Goku let me know what you guys think in the comment section below is there something I missed is there something I should do next let me know and if you haven’t already do subscribe drop a like and I’m gonna see you guys

In the next video there’s a cow right behind me I’m gonna ignore that but uh yeah like I said dropping a like subscribing commenting all that helps out a lot so if you want to see more Dragon Ball like Dragon Block C content let me know in the comment section below

This has been Fusion Timmy signing out

This video, titled ‘I Played Minecraft Dragon Block C As OMNI-KING GOKU For 100 DAYS… This Is What Happened’, was uploaded by FuzionTimmy on 2023-01-02 15:47:01. It has garnered 659008 views and 17020 likes. The duration of the video is 01:00:30 or 3630 seconds.

This video, I play as Omniking Goku in Minecraft Dragon Block C 100 days! I decided to do OmniKing 100 days in Dragon Block C! I hope you enjoy, and if you want to see me do a 200 days in dragon block c minecraft, do #200days in the comments!

#goku #dragonblockc #dragonball #100days

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    Kerem's Mafia Mishap: A Minecraft Mayhem Tale In the world of Minecraft, Kerem falls from on high, With the evil mafia, they take to the sky. An action-packed episode, full of thrill and surprise, Watch until the end, don’t believe the lies. Subscribe to the channel, for more tales to unfold, Join the Discord, where stories are told. All in good fun, with characters so grand, Imaginary worlds, created by hand. Using Blockbuster mode, for a cinematic flair, With music by Kevin MacLeod, in the air. So leap into the verse, with rhymes that ignite, Minecraft news, shining bright in the light. Read More

  • 10 Sneaky Minecraft Interior Design Hacks

    10 Sneaky Minecraft Interior Design Hacks Exploring Cute Interior Design Ideas in Minecraft When it comes to creating the perfect living space in Minecraft, the possibilities are endless. From cozy bedrooms to stylish kitchens, players can let their creativity run wild. Let’s delve into some cute interior design ideas that will elevate your Minecraft builds to the next level! 1. Cozy Living Room Retreat Transform your Minecraft living room into a cozy retreat by adding plush sofas, a warm fireplace, and soft rugs. Don’t forget to include decorative elements like paintings and potted plants to add a touch of homeliness. 2. Chic Bedroom Oasis Create… Read More

  • Oops! Man Accidentally Rides Boat in Minecraft VR Hardcore

    Oops! Man Accidentally Rides Boat in Minecraft VR Hardcore Exploring Minecraft VR: A Wild Boat Ride Embark on a thrilling adventure in the virtual world of Minecraft VR with MayonakaGAMES! Join the excitement as unexpected events unfold in this hardcore gameplay. Unexpected Encounters As our protagonist attempts to put an enemy on a boat, a hilarious mishap occurs – both the enemy and the player end up on the boat! The unexpected turn of events adds a touch of humor to the gameplay, showcasing the unpredictable nature of Minecraft VR. Immersive VR Experience MayonakaGAMES takes players on a journey through Minecraft VR using cutting-edge technology. With the Meta… Read More

  • Escaping a Simulated Universe! | Nik & Isaac Minecraft Encrypted

    Escaping a Simulated Universe! | Nik & Isaac Minecraft Encrypted Minecraft Encrypted_ | ESCAPING A SIMULATED UNIVERSE! #1 [Sci-Fi Questing Modpack] Embark on an exciting journey in the virtual world of Minecraft with Nik and Isaac as they delve into the mysterious realm of Encrypted_. This sci-fi questing modpack promises a thrilling experience filled with challenges and adventures. Exploring the Simulated Universe In this unique modpack, players are tasked with escaping a simulated universe, adding a fascinating twist to the traditional Minecraft gameplay. The questing elements introduce a new layer of complexity, requiring strategic thinking and problem-solving skills. A New Generation of Stoneblock Stoneopolis, the setting for this adventure,… Read More

  • Born for This – Minecraft Animation Music Video

    Born for This - Minecraft Animation Music Video Minecraft Parody Song: “Fight for This” – Born for This Introduction In the world of Minecraft, creativity knows no bounds. From building magnificent structures to battling fierce mobs, players immerse themselves in a realm where the possibilities are endless. Adding to the excitement is the latest Minecraft parody song, “Fight for This,” set to the tune of “Born for This” by The Score. The Song and Video The song, performed by Abtmelody, captures the essence of the Minecraft experience. With lyrics that speak of courage, perseverance, and unity, players are inspired to take on any challenge that comes their… Read More

  • ☀️ Shaded SMP – Survival, Lobster Pots, Custom Gear, Weekly Challenges, Skills, Community Events, NO Whitelist, NO Resets, 1.20+, Java+Bedrock

    ☀️ Shaded SMP - Survival, Lobster Pots, Custom Gear, Weekly Challenges, Skills, Community Events, NO Whitelist, NO Resets, 1.20+, Java+BedrockServer Information Server IP: play.shaded.gg Discord: Join our Discord community Hello, fellow Minecrafters! If you’re looking for a new SMP survival server with a friendly community, check out Shaded – the best SMP survival server in 2024! Features and Benefits: NEW! Lobster Pots: Purchase from Aaron the Angler at /pond and sell your catch back to him Land claiming, grief prevention, custom gear, skills, economy, shops, and auctions Free ranks, kits, and perks through voting Quests, events, and challenges for entertainment and rewards Join Shaded today and experience a new way of playing Minecraft Survival. Just copy and paste this… Read More

  • Happy Tree Friends – Friendly SMP Server

    Happy Tree Friends - Friendly SMP Server🌳🌟🌳 Welcome to Happy Tree Friends! 🌳🌟🌳Are you on the hunt for a fun, mature Minecraft Server? Well, look no further because you’ve found your new virtual home right here with us!At Happy Tree Friends, we pride ourselves on being a friendly, lightly modded, Java SMP server that is all about community and camaraderie.From our full Discord server with voice and text channels to Geyser integration for our Bedrock players,we’ve got everything you need to dive into the world of Minecraft with a smile. But wait, there’s more!With features like live in-game chat, Bluemap, and 1 Player sleeps, your game-play… Read More

  • Vanishing Boards: World Save Woes in Minecraft

    Vanishing Boards: World Save Woes in Minecraft In the world of Minecraft, a legend is told, Of signs disappearing, a mystery to unfold. If your notice board vanishes into thin air, Delete the world save, don’t just stand and stare. Game Koala shares this urban tale, With a warning that’s sure to prevail. Subscribe to his channel for more gaming fun, And remember, in Minecraft, the story’s just begun. Read More

  • Skibidi Toilet: Creeper Edition

    Skibidi Toilet: Creeper Edition “Why did the skibidi toilet cross the road? To avoid getting blown up by a creeper in Minecraft!” 😂 #gamerhumor #minecraftmemes Read More

  • Sneaky Survival Start in Minecraft

    Sneaky Survival Start in Minecraft Minecraft: A Chaotic Start to Survival Embark on a thrilling journey in the world of Minecraft, where survival is key and chaos lurks around every corner. Join the adventure as you navigate through a vast landscape filled with challenges, mysteries, and endless possibilities. Exploring the Unknown Step into the shoes of a brave explorer as you venture into uncharted territories, uncovering hidden treasures and encountering dangerous foes along the way. From lush forests to treacherous caves, the world of Minecraft is yours to discover. Building Your Legacy Put your creativity to the test as you construct magnificent structures, from… Read More

  • EPIC cow-playz+ Fortnite Highlights!

    EPIC cow-playz+ Fortnite Highlights!Video Information This video, titled ‘Fortnite Clip 1’, was uploaded by cow-playz+ on 2024-05-13 05:26:43. It has garnered 6 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:38 or 38 seconds. tags, (from @ColdPug ) Why are you reading thisthis Minecraft YouTube video was made on Hypixel. Hypixel is a server with lots of games, such as Bedwars, Skywars, and Minecraft’s biggest MMORPG Hypixel Skyblock. Hypixel has has a lot of notable players, such as Dream, Technoblade, and Tommyinnit. Hypixel Skyblock is Hypixel’s most popular game. Some of the popular items are the Hyperion, Necron armor, Storm armor,… Read More

  • The Untold Secrets of My Minecraft Friends

    The Untold Secrets of My Minecraft FriendsVideo Information This video, titled ’39 SECRETS About My Friends In Minecraft!’, was uploaded by Nico on 2024-06-13 03:00:07. It has garnered 314988 views and 5198 likes. The duration of the video is 01:11:13 or 4273 seconds. Cash & Nico Merch! https://cashandnico.com/ Today, Nico learns 39 SECRETS about his friends in Minecraft! Nico and his friends reminisce about when they found out each others secrets! Will this bring them closer together?! Watch to find out! #Minecraft #MinecraftMod #Nico #NicoAndCash Read More

  • 🔥Insane! Build a SECRET Mansion in Minecraft! #shorts

    🔥Insane! Build a SECRET Mansion in Minecraft! #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Starter Underground House Tutorial🏠 #shorts’, was uploaded by HellFrozen on 2024-04-21 06:00:38. It has garnered 242886 views and 13223 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:58 or 58 seconds. ⬇️ Download Build ⬇️ https://hellfrozen.mcmaps.app/download –My Socials– https://wlo.link/@HellFrozen –Music– #Minecraft #MinecraftBuilds #Minecrafttutorial Read More

  • “Shocking: Pillager Attacks Baby Villager in Minecraft! 🚨” #viral

    "Shocking: Pillager Attacks Baby Villager in Minecraft! 🚨" #viralVideo Information This video, titled ‘pillager don’t attack on baby villager in Minecraft 🐯#minecraft #shorts #viral’, was uploaded by Nishu jaat Deswal on 2024-05-19 01:30:14. It has garnered 10427 views and 210 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:20 or 20 seconds. pillager don’t attack on baby villager in Minecraft 🐯#minecraft #shorts #viral#dankmeme #follow #game #minecraftmeme #art #shitpost #dailymemes #gta #games #minecrafter #minecraftonly #like #explorepage #instagram #cringe #playstation #minecraftdaily #minecraftserver #mcpe #videogames #minecrafthouse #spicymemes #comedy #offensive #fortnitememes #minecraftideas #minecraftxbox #explore #minecrafts #love#minecraft #memes #meme #dankmemes #minecraftmemes #fortnite #funny #gaming #gamer #funnymemes #memesdaily #minecraftbuilds #lol #dank #youtube #edgymemes #anime #offensivememes… Read More

  • Soni PlayzZ reveals ULTIMATE SMP app! 🌟

    Soni PlayzZ reveals ULTIMATE SMP app! 🌟Video Information This video, titled ‘Best APPLICATION for Dynasty smp ✨ by a girl ✌️@RsKPlayZ @ItsGreekyBoy’, was uploaded by Soni PlayzZ on 2024-05-12 07:04:17. It has garnered 492 views and 23 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:01 or 61 seconds. Best APPLICATION for Dynasty smp ✨ by a girl ✌️‎@RsKPlayZ  ‎@ItsGreekyBoy  . Minecraft application by agirl ✨✌️ I am new in this journy so support like and subscribe ❤️ . owner -@RsKPlayZ @ItsGreekyBoy . co owner- @GamerzEra100 . hastags – #daynastysmp #applicationfordynastysmp #rskplayz #itsgreekyboy #dynastysmpapplication . tags 🔑 Minecraft SMP applications application for lapata smp dynastyamp application video… Read More


    INSANE TOILET SKIBIDI PRANKS - MINTOON CRAFTVideo Information This video, titled ‘COMPILATION SKIBIDI TOILET: DANGERS BEHIND CHEERFUL 😱 – MINTOON CRAFT’, was uploaded by MINTOON CRAFT on 2024-03-21 09:45:02. It has garnered 0 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:07:14 or 434 seconds. COMPILATION SKIBIDI TOILET: DANGERS BEHIND CHEERFUL 😱 – MINTOON CRAFT MONSTERSCHOOL #MINECRAFT #MINTOONCRAFT Don’t forget Subcribe, like, comment and subcribe guys…!!! https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC-hc7SaWZvnY-1FHUTWdf2Q?sub_confirmation=1 Welcome to the official “MINTOON CRAFT” channel! Dive into the thrilling world of Minecraft animations and Monster School adventures with us. Join us as we embark on epic journeys, explore new realms, and face thrilling challenges in… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Bed Wars Gameplay #176!

    Insane Minecraft Bed Wars Gameplay #176!Video Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT BED WARS #176’, was uploaded by LuisKly on 2024-04-03 15:00:21. It has garnered 437 views and 15 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:19 or 19 seconds. MINECRAFT BED WARS SIGMA # HYPIXEL HYLEX MUSH #bedwars #hypixel #minecraft Read More

  • “EPIC: Тапок пропал в Minecraft! 🔥” #clickbait

    "EPIC: Тапок пропал в Minecraft! 🔥" #clickbaitVideo Information This video, titled ‘Этот тапок улетел от меня в майнкрафте!🔥#minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by Firma on 2024-02-19 10:33:26. It has garnered 10875 views and 662 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:31 or 31 seconds. Read More

  • Sakuna tries insane anime mod in Minecraft PE 😱🔥

    Sakuna tries insane anime mod in Minecraft PE 😱🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘I try anime mod in Minecraft PE 😱😳💯 can it’s #minecraft #minecraft_pe #anime’, was uploaded by Sakuna gaming101 on 2024-04-21 11:43:51. It has garnered 108 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 00:32:31 or 1951 seconds. Read More

  • Kraken Network

    Kraken NetworkKraken Network is a server that has various Survival game modes such as Regular Survival, Enhanced Survival, Skyblock with lots more survival type game modes to come soon! Read More

  • Second Sky SMP – Semi-Vanilla, SMP, Whitelist, 1.20.4, New, Community

    Welcome to Second Sky SMP! Second Sky is a brand new public SMP focused on community, creativity, and storytelling. Similar to the Hermitcraft style, we offer a space for players to make friends, create big projects, and participate in group events. What We Offer: A player-driven community Building opportunities for individuals and groups Trust-based economy No world resets Interactive elements like wars Plugins: Coreprotect for anti-griefing Proximity Voice Chat Squaremap for live online mapping Player Heads and Armour Statues Book Note: We are on Java Edition only! To join, comment your Discord username below or add Jhrangers#4332 and send a… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Blue and packed ice: Infinite Weight!

    Minecraft Memes - Blue and packed ice: Infinite Weight!Looks like we’ve found the secret to creating a black hole in Minecraft – just stack enough blue ice and packed ice together! Read More

  • Hogalalla’s Hero: Himlands Saved Me!

    Hogalalla's Hero: Himlands Saved Me! In the land of Minecraft, where creativity thrives, HIMLANDS is the place where adventure arrives. With Pennybrine leading the way, full of charm, Crafting stories and rhymes, causing no harm. In episode 2, the mystery unfolds, Hogalalla’s power, a tale to be told. The light shines bright, in the depths of the game, As Pennybrine explores, never the same. Join the journey, with each twist and turn, In the world of HIMLANDS, there’s always more to learn. So grab your pickaxe, and your sword so keen, For in this realm of Minecraft, the adventure’s unseen. Read More

  • Diamond Golem DESTROYS All Golems! 😂💎 #minecraft #meme

    Diamond Golem DESTROYS All Golems! 😂💎 #minecraft #meme I guess you could say the Diamond Golem really rocks in this battle! #punsfordays Read More

  • Surviving 200 Days in Minecraft Hardcore

    Surviving 200 Days in Minecraft Hardcore J’ai Survécu 200 jours sur Minecraft HARDCORE Embark on an epic journey through the first 200 days of a hardcore Minecraft survival adventure in this thrilling video. From the early struggles to the depths of the underworld, every moment is filled with excitement and challenges. Join the adventure by subscribing and hitting the notification bell to stay updated! Surviving the Unknown From gathering essential resources to building shelter and fending off dangerous mobs, the first days in Minecraft are crucial for survival. Our protagonist navigates through the wilderness, facing the unknown with courage and determination. Each day brings new… Read More

  • Ultimate Guide: Rare Police Hat in RDR2

    Ultimate Guide: Rare Police Hat in RDR2 Minecraft: A World of Creativity and Adventure Minecraft, a game developed by Mojang Studios, has captured the hearts of millions worldwide with its endless possibilities for creativity and adventure. Players are immersed in a blocky, pixelated world where they can build, explore, and survive in various environments. Exploring the Vast World of Minecraft In Minecraft, players can explore vast landscapes filled with mountains, forests, oceans, and caves. They can mine resources such as wood, stone, and ores to craft tools, build structures, and survive against hostile creatures like zombies, skeletons, and creepers. Building and Crafting One of the key… Read More

  • Sweaty Kids RAGE in MC Skywars Trolling Montage #2

    Sweaty Kids RAGE in MC Skywars Trolling Montage #2Video Information This video, titled ‘MC Skywars Trolling Montage #2 – Lets Play – Funny Moments – SWEATY RAGING KIDS VEINS ALMOST EXPLODE’, was uploaded by SoupyDoup on 2024-04-30 04:28:50. It has garnered 17 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:11:01 or 661 seconds. Minecraft Sweaty kids getting trapped and trolled on Hypixel Skywars. EYEBALLS POPPING OUT OF SOCKETS! VEINS BURSTING THROUGH NECK! RAGERS Subscribe for more episodes Let me know what else you guys would like to see IGN: souperheromc Server: mc.hypixel.net Music: Zedd – Find You ft. Matthew Koma & Miriam Bryant AK x… Read More

  • Terrifying Minecraft Statue

    Terrifying Minecraft StatueVideo Information This video, titled ‘this statue is more scary than caves #minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by burning potato on 2024-03-26 02:48:15. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Read More

  • Dronio Steals Friend’s Diamonds in Block Prison! 😱 #minecraftsurvival

    Dronio Steals Friend's Diamonds in Block Prison! 😱 #minecraftsurvivalVideo Information This video, titled ‘В Minecraft украдешь алмазы друга – в блоковой тюрьме. #viral #minecraft #minecraftsurvival’, was uploaded by Дронио on 2024-03-09 15:00:14. It has garnered 3103 views and 340 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:42 or 42 seconds. Podpishis https://clck.ru/38a5gQ https://clck.ru/38Rffc #shorts #minecraft #minecraft Sign up for a free trial English lesson in Minecraft with your parents, here is the link: ➜ https://clck.ru/37cpim Our social network social network https://dronio24.com ➜ https://dronio24.com SUBSCRIPTION MOTION GRAPHICS FOR VIDEO DESIGN ➜ https://clck.ru/37hFR8 Buy a Collection of AI ART Images 100,000 AI-Generated Images ➜ https://ai.beauty Digital Art Monetization https://displate.com/acr/wine-empire?art=5b9d0b5248011 DOWNLOAD… Read More

  • Discovering Creepy Abandoned Minecraft Worlds

    Discovering Creepy Abandoned Minecraft WorldsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Exploring Weird and Empty minecraft servers’, was uploaded by 617semaj on 2024-01-12 08:16:56. It has garnered 29 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 02:39:31 or 9571 seconds. Broadcasted live on Twitch — Watch live at https://www.twitch.tv/semaj617 Read More

  • Insane new Halloween PvP area in Minecraft Smp

    Insane new Halloween PvP area in Minecraft SmpVideo Information This video, titled ‘ñew pvp area in Halloween smp #minecraft #gaming #gameplay #shorts’, was uploaded by Yh_gamer_01 on 2024-05-29 13:02:44. It has garnered 45 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:45 or 45 seconds. Read More

  • Unbelievable Power Moves in Monster School

    Unbelievable Power Moves in Monster SchoolVideo Information This video, titled ‘Monster School : Skibidi Toilet và SpeakerMan Làm Chủ Sức Mạnh -Minecraft Animation’, was uploaded by Queen TV Girls on 2024-01-10 08:58:25. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. monsterschool #minecraft #animation Monster School : Skibidi Toilet and SpeakerMan Master the Power -Minecraft Animation. Read More

  • Join Paul2Craft for a wild Minecraft party!

    Join Paul2Craft for a wild Minecraft party!Video Information ah da haben wir doch Audio Freunde auch sorry ich laber hier seit 5 Minuten und und keiner keiner sagt dass die Audio aus ist na sollt auch merken Leute was geht willkommen hier zum ersten Livestream auf Youtube seit 6 Monaten mit im großen change sind wir zurück ja mit Videos Shorts und Streams hier auf Youtube Videos und Shorts B suboptimal aber vor allem Streams ja einmal im Monat bin ich ab sofort offiziell wieder live schön dass so viele da sind was geht was geht Hex herrafterat play TV TZ oder real Henry willkommen Stream… Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Mods Guide & FREE Download!

    Ultimate Minecraft Mods Guide & FREE Download!Video Information hello and welcome to all toy reviews so hello uh parents Minecrafters Gamers whatever you want to call yourself today it’s your pal o and today we’re going to be doing some uh something a little bit different there’s no toys around this time of year it’s always like a quiet period so of and I’ve rediscovered Minecraft I don’t know about you guys but it seems like every 4 to 6 months I kind of like feel like playing Minecraft again so I boot it up and I I have a lot of fun and suddenly like… Read More

FuzionTimmy – I Played Minecraft Dragon Block C As OMNI-KING GOKU For 100 DAYS… This Is What Happened