Game-Breaking Encounter: DoubleDW 2.0 vs Piccolo | MC Season Finale

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Yo we’re back and I have been sick for the past week and a half but luckily for me I’m starting to feel a little bit better so we can finally record the next episode and this episode would actually most likely be the last episode of

Dragon Ball I mean I don’t know why it wouldn’t can we get fish in here I don’t know I need fish for a Raleigh let me just go over to the river also we have last episode we had these Dragon Balls I literally did nothing with it there’s

Water right here actually are there just fish in here we can just go get fish from like the river I see things on the map there has to be fish in here right oh there’s one I see it come here don’t think you can run for

Me oh got you and it’s a salon of course but yeah we have all these dragon balls and I legit did nothing with them last time we played so I think we’re going to summon Shenron today that’s another thing we have to do we have to of course

Do the tournament which should be fine I mean it is going to be pi Piccolo Jr which is am I going to eat this I am it got all my energy up so that’s good like that was still kind of a waste but yeah we have to fight Piccolo Jr which will

Be pretty difficult I don’t know if you guys did see but we have Goku here for good reason too as far as things we have to get today we have to well you guys wanted me to get um the endurance thing from kamei we’ll see about that but what

I wanted to do was some training and I figure we could you know go to the hyperbolic Time Chamber key blast the dummy for like 10 years and get like I don’t know 20 TP or we could train with Goku cuz Goku is still a thing at least

He will be in my story oh my God there’s a Dragon Ball here oh speaking of Dragon Balls there’s more literally like around here I saw like two more there’s one up here somewhere there it is and I think I saw one like down here it’s around here somewhere

It’s not like we need it we have basically 14 already you know we’re just going to summon Shon we we have 14 let’s just do it now but yeah we’re going to fight Goku a little bit later like legit right after we do this do we sumon

Chinon like right on our house why not I think we just put these down and we’re good right do I click it maybe yo Shenron please you’re embarrassing me brother I don’t know how to do this give me my dragon balls dude I guess let’s

Try it like over here I could just be doing it wrong I have no clue maybe we have to put it like in a specific order eh if it that’s definitely not it maybe like that oh my God that scared me oh my God you will be granted one wish what is your

Desire why are you so loud oh my God bro please let me turn this volume down before I give myself a heart attack hopefully that’s fine I exited out of it oh my god I’m an idiot there’s no way you just leave do I just use the r you know what

Whatever just do it again oh that’s way better so it looks like we have a lot of wishes actually we can do he’s gone hello three diamonds let me do this before something messes up man three Diamond 3 Tech chip tier one I guess that’s for like the dragon

Radar I don’t know what that is three suu beans is cool a Katon Shard could be good revive a player revive and bring here we have one wish I I really don’t know what I want uh kajan Shard look sounds cool give me three centu beans thank you shinon you know you’re

Invisible I don’t know what happened to you give me back home dude I just wasted seven Dragon Balls I’m going to bed man oh yeah I didn’t even oh my God I think Goku just protected this I didn’t even mention aale or these guys oh my God an Enderman I need you to

Die oh my God Goku he didn’t even drop an in Pearl I feel like it was his fault but yeah I changed A’s look I guess she’s kind of like a teenager now cuz we’re supposed to be teenager cuz like it’s been a three-year time skip last

Video technically I know aale is like an Android or whatever so it doesn’t make sense but it makes sense for me for my story I’m trying to tell also these guys are from Dr slump they literally do nothing and this one’s sinking into the ground just don’t don’t even worry about

That man we’re going to do a lot more with custom end PCS though in Z but Goku you’re the whole reason I’m here today Diego please dude I can’t even click on him he’s bugging man but yeah I have Goku here because instead of training with the training dummies I feel like we

Can spar with Goku and have a way a better time so I’m going to show you guys what I mean by that right now I got to prepare cuz I want him to kill me change my blast to Kamehameha and let’s do this Goku let’s do this okay yep yep

I got to watch my health he doesn’t do too much damage maybe I should up his damage but I think this will be way more fun can I do the blast there we go oh my God he’s fast he’s like right on me dude oh and I missed I messed up the

Blast all right go oh there’s a creeper you know what Goku give me a second I’ll handle him boom we got that blast off at least come on goou I ain’t done with you he was gaining Health yep oh I’m at like half Health oh

My God all right but yeah there we go took out Goku and he is back ready for more training and you can see in the bottom I don’t know if you saw that but we got 200 TP I did a lot of research on

How to do this man so I think we fight Goku I need health I’m going to die so so I think we can fight Goku instead of doing the training in the hyperbola Time Chamber oh we already have this cook and I think that’ll be more fun for me and

Way better for the series cuz you guys really wanted me to just up TP gain I think instead of doing that we do it this way I just think this is a more fair way of doing it so I think we train with Goku for a bit and then we’ll go do

The tournament come on Goku I I’m pretty sure he has a blast if I get far enough away from him let’s just go up he so fast though I I don’t know if he’ll be able to shoot it oh my God he shot it it’s really just going to be fun oh my

God he’s actually doing a lot of damage to me man there we go oh my God he’s still alive Jesus Christ dude I’m going to go through so much food fighting this guy if I fight him again I’m dead cook salmon is pretty good though but the

Fact that I got this working it makes me just like so excited for Z cuz we’re going to be using custom NPCs a lot more in Z please let me use this oh my God Goku please I want to hit you with this there we go

Oh my God and my phone went off too Jesus Christ I didn’t even do much damage to him come on Goku you’re almost done there you go oh my God yo this is a struggle I’m going to need more food how much CP do we have we have 1,500 oh my

God that’s so good so you guys wanted me to get endurance which is at Kam’s Lookout do we go there I guess so let’s go ahead and get a Raleigh she can come with us I don’t think we need to bring anything with us so yeah let’s get going

AR Diego I know I haven’t I haven’t used you at all I should probably bring them with me sometime but we’re trying to get through this hopefully is following me looks like she is yeah she’s good enable turbo mode there we go H turbo mode is

So good man but yeah one more thing one more thing about Z cuz we’re going to be doing Z next episode pretty much or we’re going to be starting Z next episode I think we will get a new map for Z so like this whole map that we’re

Playing on right now I think we won’t be using it anymore I think this is the last episode you guys will be seeing it hopefully hopefully CU if everything goes well we’ll be playing on like an actual Dragon Ball map I’ll bring all my stuff that I have in my chest over to

The new map and I’ll like get all my stats and stuff correct but that’s only if we you know actually get the map but yeah now we’re going to go to the comedy Lookout we’re going to get meditation and we’re going to see what we do with

Our TP right now did I say meditation I I meant endurance I don’t think we’re going to get meditation right now man I feel like this place gets further and further away every time I come here come on rale Kam can you make your place a shorter distance from my house please

Also what do we need we need endurance I still don’t know what jump is like why is jump a thing also we can force our tail to regrow I know at least one of you guys didn’t want me to get my tail cut off but yeah I imagine we could get

It back I guess we only need it for like Super Saiyan 4 or whatever but endurance give me endurance oh we don’t have mind oh my God Jesus Christ dude mind you know before we even do that let’s do this 540 TP I can’t miss out on this

Although now it’s just it’ll be better to just fight Goku for this TP but 540 is still 540 oh there we go 540 I’m not going to do the other one because that one takes so long learn skills give me oh no no no we need M there we go four

Five how much mine do we need 10 how how much mine do I have I have five 6 7 8 9 10 oh my God I think we only have six no we have eight okay we need to do it a couple more times a I should have fought

Goku more man now we have to do the other one oh I’m sick freaking air boxing man I really don’t like this one and 580 there you go we need two more mind boom boom okay we have the mine and how much did it cost Kam oh 150 we

Should sa it yeah there we go so what do you guys say endurance was there’s a chicken here dude get out of here how do you even get up here I should have let him live dude I can’t believe I I didn’t even question that what did you guys say

Endurance de though I think you guys said it just increase defense so yeah that should just be good for us I think we can upgrade it too yeah we can upgrade endurance here the skill endurance gives you additional percentage based on the incoming damage reduction yeah so it’s better defense

But now I think we go to Corin and get a suu bean because I always forget to do this Corin give me a suu thank you wait can they only stack to five I guess that’s fine and I think we go to the city yeah cuz we have to do the World

Tournament I’m pretty sure that’s what we’re doing right now aale let me go get she’s probably attacking somebody oh there she is she’s just floating come on we got to go to the city and the sun’s going up too oh this is perfect wait what am I looking at right now is that

The moon it’s fading away I think that’s the moon icon under my energy I think it was a full moon it wouldn’t have mattered anyway cuz we don’t have our tell anymore so we can’t even do great up if we wanted to yo I must be high I’ve never passed this up anything

Special up here of course not something up here are these berries oh they are berries berry bushes I’ll take it oh my God I fell off and we’re near the city exactly where we want to be to the World Tournament Arena and a rale we have people already here

Waiting for you cuz you’re definitely not going to be helping me here so you can wait here I don’t need you to jump in and help while I’m fighting Piccolo turn off turbo mode cuz we’re losing energy I can’t even eat the berries I think we’re

Good to start though I can’t think of anything else we have to do I don’t think we need Goku or anything it would be good if I were to do some more training with Goku but I am not going all the way back there dude I didn’t

Even check exactly what we have to do oh yeah it’s literally just mercenary tow okay it’s legit the tournament with like 700 energy I think we I think we’re good yeah why not let’s just jump right into it man start oh my God okay yep to our

Rematch is now lock on and you’re done you should be like oh he’s not really he’s not really I need health there we go yep oh yeah it’s over for you to oh you’re dunzo get out of here buddy ah he still did a lot of damage to me

Actually me these senu beans put that in my hot bar just in case I do not want to accidentally die give me my TP I need this to protect semi finals Tien has gained a lot of power since you last fought him kill Tien shinan we got to

Fight Tien again I did no training almost no training uh Let’s do let’s do Constitution I want to put everything in the Constitution honestly oh well I guess we can’t anymore I should have did more training with Goku I did literally nothing push come to sh

We will go train with Goku again but yeah ten let’s see what you got buddy I should be fine let’s do it okay yep let me get my distance ten should be able to fly yeah all right T let’s do it oh my god he has so much health all

Right T I wish I had a Raleigh for this situation let’s do this though I’m really bad at the beams let me get to the ground maybe it’s better on the ground good thing he can’t teleport to me also it doesn’t look like he has a beam he should though he should have

Like do on Ray or something something all right we’re 100% I want to get a lot of damage in boom Oh okay we hit him a couple times I don’t have any food on me yeah I think we have to just pop us into being here unfortunate but we have to do it

Yep Oh okay okay okay okay okay uh oh my God there’s still on right let’s just do it oh you you’re backing up you you coward let’s go yep just do it I’ll pop another one oh I didn’t even need to oh my god dude I won’t pretend I’m not wounded but it’s

Only my pride only your pride bro you literally wounded my spirit bro oh my God bro what did T oh my God hey good thing we’re getting a new M good thing we’re getting a new map I didn’t even think about this being a thing did he do this with dodon Ray that

Small be did all this yo you’re a lucky announcer you could have been dead but you know what that let me know actually before we even do that give me my TP please final match it seems he is Piccolo’s son his power is incredible okay so next is Piccolo uh aale we are

Going home or I could train against you honestly I guess we’ll see where did she go she like dis oh there she is is come on rale I think we are going to train actually so I don’t have to go all the way back to my home just to fight Goku I

Think we can train like in here or something I don’t even have much food left we got to eat our big dinosaur meat yeah I think we train with aale oh I’m actually taking a lot more damage it’s probably cuz I put in that Constitution

There we go nice yeah I can like fight her like twice potentially I think we only put up the stuff in a constitution I don’t think we put anything in dexterity there we go oh my god oh she almost killed me there do I eat my

Dinosaur meat I think so I think we got to go back to get more yeah we’ll just eat it and then we’ll get more dinosaur meat before we fight Piccolo but for now we’re just going to fight a rally and try not to die oh my God just knocked me off the

Arena oh I actually have to run oh my god oh Jesus Oh I might die here come on oh my God that was was almost sketchy I don’t have any I don’t have any coal yeah I think we just got to go out and get more dinosaur meat how much do we

Have now 1,700 oh that’s great we did no damage to Tenn so I think now we do actually need strength unless we want to upgrade something like these we get like five mine and do more potential unlock I’m not sure though I think we increase strength yeah 42 strength I don’t have

Much health I wonder what what we can do to a rale now let’s just eat this roll all right we’re at 539 let’s see what we can do to a rale with our strength up it’s pretty good that’s pretty good like she took like 200 health so technically we could

We could probably do it again this is risky let’s just do it go for it oh yep there we go okay nice I do it again I’m going to die but we did get more TP for from that forun one I think we put more

In a strength oh we we can only like do one but yeah now I think we go get some dinosaur meat we’ll come back and probably train more we’ll see but yeah I think that’s the plan now where are we going again we are going oh literally

Straight cool and yeah the rocky biome is like over here somewhere I wonder how destroyed the city is going to get when we fight Piccolo I mean I don’t know we’ll stay in the area of the World Tournament as R AR Soldier here I feel like there’s definitely going to be some

Deaths in the crowd that’ll be funny a dinosaurs already perfect hopefully you help me yeah there you go I’ll keep turbo mode on oh did we one shot a r of an Army soldier are we that strong now I guess we are let me turn off to a room I don’t

Want to waste all that energy yeah we’ll take out some rare army soldiers too why not they do give good XP so we’ll do something with that also let’s see if we can do this oh my God how did you see me he didn’t even see me he just blind

Fired I see how much damage this does oh wait take him oh he’s dead what a beam oh my God we game get out of here Bozo you too oh I fot we don’t even have coal I got to remember to keep coal on

Me so I can cook this meat that I get nine should be enough we might get 11 here yeah we have 11 now that should be enough to deal with Piccolo oh there’s another one here we’ll get 12 cook this up and then we’ll go back to the World

Tournament we also just need to eat food in general so we’ll try to find like a cow or something what am I seeing what is this is this mud I guess it is I don’t know what we’ll do with that but we’re just going to get wood so we can

Get some charcoal I don’t know why I’m doing this with my fist I literally have an axe in my inventory what am I doing man oh there’s a cow I saw it let me put the furnace down first throw this in here and let’s just do this unnecessarily come here Cal

Don’t think you running for me he’s running just snipe him I missed of course I did come here dude oh you have friends that’s perfect boom you’re dead and one more for the road I’ll let you live and your friends too not you though

I think we use our XP and put it all in smelting again oh we’re at the max that is pretty fast I thought we could do it way more I guess that’s fine what else can we do then more items we harvest in blocks I guess sure let’s just do that

Oh you can only do it three times that took a lot of XP I think that’s enough food I think that should last us we should probably get more but I I think we’ll be fine all right let’s go back to the city or and me go up high too so you

Don’t attack the creepers and stuff on the ground don’t need that right now all right I think we do a little bit more training with the rale before we do King Piccolo we’ll actually train through the night and then I think we’ll do the King Piccolo fight hopefully how much TP did

I oh we only have 181 yeah I definitely think we fight aale again let’s do aale especially with our strength we should be able to get way more training in so yeah this would be really good for us oh oh my God I almost did it again I was

Going to die we only have two more steak we can’t train that much more it just drains our food so much oh my God I I messed that up really bad oh my God she got so many more hits off on me than I did her all right 1,600 I think

We keep doing strength 52 strength I think we eat our last two steak and see how good we do now I guess that’s good it feels like I’m not doing that much more damage I could be though I think the rest we get we put into dexterity or Constitution

Y’all know I really like Constitution so I might put it into that do I want to fight her again uh sure let’s risk it why not okay yep it’s getting close oh Jesus all right give my dinosaur meat that doesn’t even fill us up to full

Health anymore I think we fight her one more time yeah there we go and eat this and I think we fight Piccolo we’ll get some r first though oh my God look at all this look at all that dude all right how much more TP we have 1,200 I think we do

Constitution yeah okay we put everything in Constitution I think we’re ready I actually don’t think we’re ready we’re going to go for it though push come to sh we’ll just Retreat I ain’t dying here I have five C beans the Shadows coming back yeah it’s definitely from this

Island here to stalling for time let’s go let’s do it oh my God he did so much damage oh he’s fast oh I’m dead uh Jesus Christ we’re just going to spam centu beans let’s just do it yep yep oh I can’t oh my

God oh no no no dude how did I forget I actually forgot oh my god dude I legit figured this out last episode I swear dude last episode I literally said you can’t spam centu beans how did I forget already whatever dude I knew I was I

Knew I was dead I knew he was going to pack me up oh no I don’t want to be back here dude how many is this the second time I’ve died well like no actually I remember I died there so this must be like third time I’ve died yo can you

Just put in a good word for Me 3 minutes D just send me back man I don’t want to be here we could see King Kai because some of you guys did want me to get Kaio Ken I think I’ll save Kaio Ken for um

For Z so I don’t think I’ll go talk to King Kai yet I will do this though why not I don’t think I’m strong enough to fight these now they have 2,000 Health yeah I’m definitely not strong enough to fight them yet there is stuff here

Though I wonder if I can take some of this stuff with me let’s just try it why not oh no I can’t yeah unless it’s because it’s in a safe zone or something let’s go like out here and see if we can get some wood cuz there is stuff here can we

Use this wood oh we can might as well do this to pass a time and we can make a crafting table that’s perfect Sacura sticks hopefully we can use that oh we can a Sacura pickaxe is that an emerald what is this I don’t even know yo this

Pickaxe is pretty fast though oh we can even make a cobblestone pi a I guess it’s cuz the wood I’m I’m Legit dead dude look at me this is actually tragic oh there there’s wood here hopefully I can bring this stuff back with me I

Think I can I think last time I brought the slime stuff back right there we go regular sticks this isn’t Emerald I don’t know what this is let’s get some magma cubes as well I can get this though I don’t know what this is it looks cool what’s that JJ interesting

And then there’s this pink stuff what’s this Lenor I don’t know what any of this stuff does oh my God I’m in lava we’re fine I am out of here I think we go this way somewhere oh no it’s over here just follow my death marker and we’re back

All right King yemma send me back dude revive home sweet home we have to do more training I think just a little bit we almost killed him we legit almost killed him I think if we just like he was really fast if he was a bit slower

And we got to eat our Dragon Meat we definitely would have won he was just on me man I couldn’t get away fast enough I guess having more dexterity would help yeah I think that I think that’s what we’ll work on come here in man yeah I

Think we go back we train we get some more dexterity and then we’ll fight Piccolo again I can’t believe we still died even after all that training we did I legit did not know he was going to be that strong sheep you have to die I need your mutton oh there’s another Enderman

Oh there’s two creeper die there’s the other Enderman I don’t know if I got any ender pearls I think I got one and I am out of here that’s all I need I wonder if he shot a blast I don’t think there’s any holes in here righta yeah besides

That one a look my gravestone realiz wdw YT we have all this stuff in our inventory how do we open this I just break it yeah let’s cook this while we’re here get our inventory back together wait is my thing not working anymore oh do you lose everything when

You die oh that is tragic I didn’t know that you lose everything when you die that sucks I guess it doesn’t matter all that much I guess we’re going to go fight AI again we don’t really have a choice I think this is the only time I actually had to

Stop to train I didn’t didn’t have to do it against General blue when we died last time but I guess we got to do what we got to do R don’t kill me please I can’t I can’t go back there oh let me be careful look at my health okay don’t

Fight again don’t don’t get cocky what did I say I was going to put it in dexterity or constit let’s do get 60 Constitution I think that’s what we’ll do we’ll get dexterity and Constitution to the same I feel like they both pretty much do the same thing well no

Constitution gives Health dexterity gives defense that’s basically the same oh my God I didn’t think she would kill me oh I’m down bad Jesus Christ oh I’m an idiot dude I wasn’t even paying attention yo King y I’m back you’re going to be seeing me a lot here 3

Minutes oh my God I hate it here dude all right I’m back finally I got to do the fly of Shame back to the city cuz I wasn’t paying attention why do my character look so so weird from the side here like head on he looks fine when you

Do this it looks like so strange over here all right I’m R I’m coming back for my revenge we’re supposed to be sparring you weren’t supposed to send me to the afterlife my stuff back all right run it back I w’t let you do the same thing you

Did to me last time actually pay attention now trust me that won’t happen again oh yeah you’re getting packed up there we go let’s do one more let’s not go overboard all right eat our food man she’s getting a lot of hits in on me I

Feel like I should be way stronger maybe I’m just missing a lot yeah the doing this again is kind of risky there we go okay nice oh my god dude she she like Gets behind me and I can’t see her she gets a lot of cheap hits in on me do it again

There we go okay yep do not do it again okay I think one more session and when our health gets low we eat our Dragon Meat and then we call it there we go yep yep I think that’s last one our Dragon meat oh we’re at full health too oh

That’s amazing I don’t know if that’s enough though oh we have 3,000 4,000 let’s do two Constitution let’s do dexterity just put everything in dexterity 76 that should be more than enough I think we’re definitely ready for Piccolo after getting 4,000 TP is furnish is still here goodbye yeah I

Think after getting 4,000 TP if we still lose to Piccolo we’re in chambles I’ll legit quit fighting if I lose to Piccolo right here I’ll give up martial arts I’ll stay in other world are we at full health okay I just need to make sure we’re all fully yeah yeah we’re fully

Charged uh we’ll do turbo mode Let’s do everything we can this is the final fight I think oh my God he still does so much damage Jesus Christ Piccolo oh no no no no no no yep centu Bean how much health does he have oh Jesus Christ all right Piccolo

Yep no okay oh oh Jesus Christ do it again yep just eat food Jesus oh my god dude get me out of here oh my goodness dude he’s destroying everything oh he’s dead oh my my God oh my God I’m in a crater Jesus Christ look

What he did yo look at this I didn’t even oh yeah some people definitely died or he actually didn’t hit any of the seats you guys got lucky what did that happen hey no casual no casualties I guess he is a good guy oh I’m out of

Here though get me out of this Serena I ain’t coming back oh my God give me my KK actually you got to give me a lot for this one man I died like three times Piccolo has oh oh no no there’s no way you didn’t need you

Only gave me oh my God they only gave me like 600 TP for that is this a joke yo look at my clothes look what they did to me you only give me 600 TP there’s actually no way we have to train bro imagine I didn’t do this training thing we’d be

Stuck here um I think dexterity helped we’re still very weak I think we do mind and we work on um on potential unlock I think that’s what we do we have like three mind yeah I think that’s what we’ll do we’ll fight a Raleigh and try to work on potential unlock she’s going

To kill me let’s do one more I know it’s risky we have to take risk here I don’t have much food let’s just eat it man 182 we’re going to have to go get more meat too this is tragic man this is so tragic they actually said Piccolo unleashes

Full power like how much stronger can he get we’re fighting him in a city by the way if the city gets destroyed you know it was in the cards it’s not my fault I’m pretty sure that’s what happened in a show he blew away like the whole

Tournament Arena I would let you help me a r but I want to I want the ones I’ll give him his I’ll give him his uh his respect I’ll give him the one V one that’s what Piccolo did in the show I mean Goku so we’ll do it here I don’t

Know why it’s not smart he literally killed me he’s probably going to kill me again no matter how much training I’m doing pleasei please oh dear God oh no oh Jesus Christ I can’t be risking it like that man we only have two more dinosaur meat left do we still

Have big dinosaur meat I guess we check no we don’t also we only have three centu beans left the fact that we even have to like use centu beans is sad like it it costs so much TP to do all this stuff you would have to train so much I

Thought you guys were playing about um about me needing like way more TP but no like we legit need so much TP it’s insane you guys want to me to change the difficulty apparently you get more I will look into doing that but for now I

Think we’re good how much TP do we have 4,000 yeah this is way better let’s do two more mind and we do potential unlock boom that’s potential on like three so we should be able to get to 65 yep that’s perfect and that did increase our

Battle power a lot how much faster can we take out our ret I think that’s good it seemed about the same honestly it’s a little bit faster I guess how much more do we need for poal lot 405 okay so it’s still the same so let’s do five mine oh we can do

It again boom so it’s at level four so now we can go to 70 oh I don’t think that helps all that much yeah it actually doesn’t help all that much I think I’m wasting TP by doing potential a lot oh we’re out of food oh my God

It’s at times like this where I wish I had just set up the farm cuz we have no way of getting food by other than going out and killing things for it so yeah I guess that’s what we got to do now you know I came into this episode expecting

Like kind of cruise through it I did not expect it to be this difficult we have to go back to the the rocky biome to get more dinosaur meat cuz we’re definitely going to die against Piccolo if we don’t have dinosaur meat I want regular like steak and stuff too just for training

But I think dinosaur meat should be priority and there’s one right here perfect I knew you were going to jump off you guys have no regard for fall damage I don’t think anything can kill me here our health is kind of low I think we’re fine though oh his rocket

Might do damage to me oh I one shot him all we have 12 dinosaur M again and we’re hungry so I think we look for some food oh here’s cows right here Perfect Look the raw beef I think we if we can get a lot of just regular food that’s

Not dinosaur meat that would be great just for training is there anything we can do with this N I don’t think there’s anything we can do just increase furnace speed dude my phone just went off like 50 times what’s going on literally nothing all right we have 13 more Dragon

Meat I keep calling them dragons dude dragons and dinosaurs are similar bro you really can’t blame me for calling them dragons we have 14 more I have a furnace somewhere where is it what is this wait where am I it’s so dark I can’t see anything all right there we go

Oh it’s a village I legit don’t know where I am is this a blacksmith it is what do you have in here for me hopefully it’s something good please I can’t even open this oh I can’t even oh my God I think my game is Frozen yeah

The cows aren’t even moving all right man I’ll be back uh so uh I just reloaded my game and this is what I’m seeing I don’t know what happened I can’t even look at the map I think it’s I think it’s over man it says on my comm’s Lookout I can’t do

Anything my inventory is empty too I don’t know what happened this happened before but it was like episode 1 when I was starting the world I am moving this is so weird dude yeah I can’t even like start the game it’s saying waiting for Server data like in a void there’s black

Spots around what is this a symbiote I’m in like Purgatory yeah yeah I I don’t know what happened this is probably why you should have backups um all right so it looks like I fixed it I had no faith I thought it was over I’m so sick of my phone

Going off dude but yeah we’re good I legit thought that that was the end of the world there’s a witch here come here witch die oh he dropped so much stuff I’m poisoned but yeah what I had to do was take out the biomes of Plenty mod cuz I guess

That was messing some things up I’m looking for my furnace though it was over here somewhere there’s even more dinosaurs let’s just kill these guys it’s been so long I I lost my train of thought all where’s my furnace oh it’s literally right here I don’t know why I

Hit it for myself but that’s a lot of Dragon Meat dinosaur meat I mean so that’ll be great for us do we have TP left over oh yeah we have 2,000 2500 actually I’m going to die I’m I don’t know what to do I should probably just put everything in the dexterity cuz

That’s what you guys like I’ll Trust you guys I’ll just put everything to desity oh you can only hold 16 Dragon Meat in a stack I feel like I’m kind of wasting XP can’t you enchant this stuff it’s literally going to break Piccolo’s going to break our armor just put everything

Into this we have like one charcoal left over as matter of fact give me this axe we’ll chop down some trees do we use the power pull against Piccolo cuz we’re not going to use in Z I did say I wanted to use it this will probably help us

Where’s a rale there she is I’ll think about it use against these guys like major major Metatron oh my God that was two hits how do we get more clothes though is there a way to repair them oh yeah literally three hits with the power P I know why I haven’t been

Using it also this is going to be the the longest recording ever usually my recordings of the series get pretty long but we have to do so much training here I don’t want to die again I I just feel like he’s going to be so much stronger

Than he was in the tournament and I feel like if I was to fight the tournament Saga Piccolo again I just die I know I beat him once but I feel like that was a fluke I think we should just go around and get like more meat so we can do more

Training yeah there’s like a couple of sheep here I guess we’ll try to get some mudy yeah there’s actually a lot of sheep here I spawn here a lot oh dude there’s so much all right 23 mutton I think that’s a good amount we have our

Furnace right yeah we do okay so we cook this up and we’re going to do more training uh actually let’s do charcoal first but yeah we’ll cook this up and we’ll do more training all right let’s do it we have 23 muden so that should be

A lot of Health we can get back all right I think that we’re done training we ran through all of our mud we have a couple more steak left just get to full health how much TP do we have 9,000 330 do we put all that into dexterity maybe

Maybe get to 100 dexterity I really want Constitution too let’s put the rest in the Constitution okay 100 dexterity 80 Constitution that has to be enough it has to be now we have three centu beans and we have a lot of dinosaur meat and we also have a crater in the arena I

Think we’re ready though so let’s just spawn him like here he shouldn’t be in the ground oh this is so risky man let’s do it he didn’t get a cheap hit off on me oh it’s raining the cenery he does so much damage dude oh he’s

Big oh he almost killed me too I think we’re good though oh yeah that the training we did was so good dude oh my God that training paid off so much and we still almost died oh this rain looks horrible dude get me out of here where’s my bed let’s

Go to sleep I can’t believe we still almost died we can’t sleep man I would fight in the rain it’s just too much it’s way too much we’re definitely not fighting out there all right I just turned off the rain I don’t even know if we have to do more it

Seemed like he just got big we might have to fight him again I’m not going to lie oh my God I really don’t want to fight this guy again we fought him so many times oh what’s next to protect a long journey much time has passed and many stories will be born

From the events you went through it’s over life seems to be going forward in peace but don’t become too soft who knows what might still come oh my God we’re done oh the Sans Saga get me out of there we are not doing the San Saga

Right now how much TP did we get we didn’t even get much they are so stingy with the TP just put it in a constitution whatever but we are done finally it took so much like look what happened to us dude look at our outfit we barely even beat Piccolo in that

Second fight we didn’t die though so that’s good but that is it right that’s Dragon Ball done we’re not done with the video yet I know it’s going to be a long one y’all got to bear with me man it’s been a long time coming we died like three times

This video we won’t die again hopefully I say hopefully because we are going well first we got to show our home where is it turn that on where is it is it that way I guess so okay let’s go home was that a bed don’t tell me I just saw

A bed oh my God those are beds they’re like broken there’s no way I’m not even going to sleep there it’s night time I’m not going to sleep there I’m actually sick that I just saw a bed there I’m so sick come on rale we are out of here but

Yeah I want to do the Ender Dragon I figured why not I think we have enough oh no we got to go to the nether we have diamonds yeah we we can we can do something there’s a lava pool literally right there too I think we have one

Closer to our base so we should have enough lava so yeah I think we can do the um um the nether we can go to the end beat the Ender Dragon and then I think we can call it oh my God home sweet home also Goku is still here maybe

We’ll bring Goku with us why not I need a rest what’s up gachons I think that’s how to say your name I haven’t seen Dr slum I just know of them ah The Sweet Sound of zombie dying in the morning how many inner Pearls do we have we have

Eight don’t we have more speaking of Ender Pearls I see I hear an Enderman are you still here of course not oh my God he’s over there he’s trying to get away dude oh right here please tell me you dropped the Pearl oh you did oh you’re a

Goat you are the goat arale I would have missed him all right do we have more ender pearls in here we do we have two more I think we will have enough ender pearls for it uh like I said we can we can bring Goku with us why not all right

Goku should be good let’s just get this bucket do we have more iron we can make two yeah let’s make another bucket and we’ll go to this lava pool that’s somewhere around here also get water I don’t know how that happened lava pool is right here um I forget how

To I forget how to really do this I think we just do that that and put water on top yeah I don’t want to accidentally like mess up oh my god oh no oh oh oh no oh Jesus we should have enough okay I think we’re

Good we still need flint and steel yeah but other than that I think that’s good let’s go get some flint and steel and then we’ll go to the nether we got to find a fortress so we can get um what is it blaze rods or blaze powder I really

Don’t remember I haven’t played Minecraft in so long all right iron now we need Flint there’s right there perfect go to sleep and boom boom and let’s get going oh the dragon Ball’s not even Stone anymore let’s just get it why not we won’t get all the dragon balls

Again but there’s no harm in having them all right boom all right you guys you too Goku get in the crystal I’m not going here alone I don’t think I have anything that makes the nether different oh Lord oh I’m already getting attacked you guys following me you are Goku do you

Want to handle this you have a beam there you go Goku oh a gas tier I don’t even know what you can do with these but we are looking for Fortress I wonder how long it’s going to take to find a fortress oh I’m running out of energy

I’m going to die I’m going to fall in lava what’s that like that’s Tinker construct yeah we have to actually eat food to keep our energy up I should have brought more I didn’t even think about how long it would take to find this and we’re about to run out of energy there

Has to be one around here there’s a gas dude actually my barrage I don’t think it does damage yeah it literally does nothing it just pushes him back and waste my energy all right turn off turbo mode I should shoot a beam at you boom Oh oh my God I missed of course

You know what I’m I’m coming up I’m so sick of you dude come here I can’t fly that fast can I just hit this back sure I’ll get the achievement oh my God I guess not just kill him I think a r killed him oh my God another one are you

Serious is that it oh my God finally dude oh dinosaur me gets a lot of energy up if I would have known that I would have been at some you guys are also being annoying getting a crystal you too are rale I got a find this

Fortress oh oh my God that’s a jump scary I did not expect to find one wither skeletons hopefully they don’t kill me why do I feel super short I mean I am but all right you guys can get out come on hopefully this place has Blaze

Spawners also I have no clue where my nether portal is luckily we have a map where’s go who oh there you guys are I hear blazes oh there was one at least they spawn here there’s one behind me too we’re looking for spawners oh we actually found something he’s covered in

Glowstone oh my god let’s go up oh never never mind let’s go down go through the glow stone oh I hear blazes oh there’s a spawner here he like blocked off Goku can sense them too oh my God perfect yep your fire does not mean anything to me oh my goodness

Dude it took so long but we are here how did you get out there Goku do you drop Blaze right I don’t think he drops blaze rods if they attack all right you know what that means getting back at a crystal and I get my blaze rods in peace

We have seven I think it’s blaze powder and ender pearls oh yeah so we actually don’t need that much so I think one more boom boom and yeah 11 Eyes of Ender one more blaze rod for the road and I think we’re good I’ll set a waypoint though I

Don’t know why but we will boom blaze rods now where is home I honestly have no clue we’ll just make our way this way push com to shove I’ll just rewatch The footage and find the coordinates actually you know what I’m going to do that right now I don’t have time to be

Going in the wrong direction for 20 minutes okay so I got the coordinates I think we can do it like this so Y is 60 I think it’s- 114 I already forgot it man NE 150- 114 and like 60 is the Y so that way so yeah

We just make our way here and we’ll get out of here hello what is that it’s lava oh my God this game’s so weird ooh XP free XP I’ll take it oh and we’re here oh it would have been tragic if this got exploded from that gas we’re good though

And we’re home and we have a visitor I’m not going to I’m not going to attack you I’ll spare your life oh my God I guess Goku didn’t what are you looking at Goku are you okay I don’t think you are come on Goku it’s not that serious all right we have 11

Eyes of Ender I think we just go for it so it’s that way in my eye boom we’re going this way we’ll go all the way to the city actually we’ll see if it’s further than that hopefully it’s not all right so now that we’re in the city

Let’s pop this oh it went back oh that is great did I lose that I don’t know I could be blind it’s very dark let’s go to sleep in turbo mode a turbo sleep yeah I think I lost that in PE it went this way though all right is it still

This way oh no it’s back so I think it is under the city it’s over here still oh my God I’m losing them okay it went down it’s right here I lost another one this is actually a joke all right it’s legit down here let’s go we fell through the map look at

That I wish we could put stuff in our off hand can’t do that in this version oh oh my God it’s literally right here I thought it would be lower all right now we got to find this place can we not click this button hello do

Buttons not work I guess not just break this down can’t see anything I have no clue where a Raleigh is give stor just put this stuff in the inventory as well cuz I have so much stuff here I’m so lost okay I guess it’s not down here oh

We can go this way seems like a good way to go oh this goes down oh no I hear silverfish that means we’re close oh we’re here destroy this we have eight Eyes of Ender yeah that’s enough it’s not enough it’s not enough we need two more

Oh God we’ll set a waypoint here we’ll call it in Portal make it purple boom we have in Portal right there I think we can dig up no problem it’s going to take a while also we can even do this to mine faster oh the mining faster definitely does

Work oh no we’re underwater just keep digging up all right here we are we’re free I don’t know where aale is that’s where we went down though where is she actually can we find her let’s teleport to her oh she’s all the way over here come here R

We need to go get Goku we need two more ender pearls and then we’re good so I think we just wait till night time and then we find Ender Pearls and good thing the sun’s going down too I think we can go to the desert I think I have a I

Don’t know if it’s true but I feel like Enderman spawn more in the desert I could be wrong though all right things should be spawned now I’ll look on the map we’re looking specifically for Enderman I don’t care about anything else oh there’s an Enderman please drop

An ender pearl oh you dropped one okay we need one more oh I see an Enderman I see it on the map oh my God it was there I think it teleported I no it’s still here I think I see it somewhere here it might be underground yeah it’s

Definitely underground oh that is tragic oh I see another one there it is please drop the ender pearl of course you didn’t I think we we’ve been in here before I’m not sure though how the sun’s coming up I don’t think we’ll get it we only need one more

That’s unfortunate oh no we have when did we get oh my God I bet you guys been screaming at your screen when did we get two ender pearls I’m not even going to question it I I I don’t I have no idea how I didn’t see that but that should be

Enough for the portal oh here’s our Temple we can actually check it like I said I feel like I’ve been in here already I’m not sure though yep we’ve definitely been in here all right it is time but first you two have to get in the crystals and we’re down oh I forgot

This place was underwater yeah this whole room’s flooded now H that’s fine boom and don’t accidentally use it boom Oh we did it oh my god I didn’t even mean to go in we did it though all right oh oh oh my God Goku you guys oh we’ll

Go this way actually come on guys all right let’s do it it’s time oh there’s so many Endermen let’s just destroy these I don’t even know if we need to oh my God he hit me I think we have turbo mode enabled can I oh my God I don’t

Even need to maybe one of them will take them out actually come swoop at me again come on Dragon he’s scared he’s all the way over there dude he’s avoiding me oh why are there so many are there usually this many yeah he’s legit avoiding me let’s just hit

Them I’ll destroy him oh he’s coming at me you’re done no way oh my god there it is what was at like five hits oh my goodness give me my XP oh the thing spawns there oh so much xp so many dead Enderman sounds oh I love it 76 levels ooh the

Egg isn’t there a way to get this like if I uh where is it oh there it is oh one Ender’s mad at me I don’t know who though they got a problem with me they can come handle it oh I think Goku handle it oh my God all right I think

You do it like this and that yeah oh we have it we have the dragon egg what can we do with that I have no clue I don’t think you can do anything with it but what I do know is that was the easiest in dragon fight of

My life and also you two have to get in the crystal get in the crystal there oh my God and Ender’s mad let’s get out of here there it’s still mad during the in credit screen what is this hey but there you have it we beat Minecraft and we

Beat Dragon Block C at least the um Dragon Ball Saga and I am not watching all this exit please and we’re back why not end it at comm’s Lookout actually no we’ll go home kamy’s literally done nothing for me oh my hair’s gone oh my

God oh my God are you serious dude what happened happened did it get singed off when I went through the portal I’m bald now oh look where we are though the village I’m not going back there it’s probably overrun with zombies what I will do is go home and we’ll see if we

Can fix our hair I’m looking like Krillin you know what I’m looking like dude oh my God there’s someone in my head I look like the dude from Hunter Hunter you know the um the guy who looks like saitama I think he’s like a samurai

I don’t know why I look like him I think it’s eyebrows also don’t know why I thought of that immediately oh there’s a dragon ball that was the one I was looking for we’ll keep it there for now we’re going to go to sleep he spider’s

Trying to attack me oh good job Diego where’s this Dragon Ball whenever I’m looking for it I can’t find it oh there it is you guys can die here we go Dragon Ball I think we have like two you guys can come out and yeah oh yeah my hair please don’t look

At that you guys do not want to know how long it took to get my hair back oh my gosh dude I don’t know what’s going on on but anyways yeah that’s going to be the end of I guess season 1 of Dragon Block C this video took forever to

Record and I am tired oh my god oh okay she can fly I thought she was just going to fall off but yeah hopefully you guys did enjoy the season again season 2 we’re probably going to be on a different map hopefully and we’ll be doing Dragon Ball Z I think we’ll do

Super on that map too but yeah just like all of my other videos if you guys do have any tips be sure to leave them down below anything you want me to do in the next series or I guess I guess it’s the same series but you know anything you

Guys want me to do in Z let me know down in the comments and I will be sure to check them out but yeah hopefully you guys enjoy it if you did be Diego please if you did be sure to hit that like button subscribe and comment I’ll catch

You guys in the next Dragon Block C video peace out y’all

This video, titled ‘Piccolo Broke My Game!!! | Minecraft Dragon Block C Season Finale’, was uploaded by DoubleDW 2.0 on 2024-01-16 16:00:39. It has garnered 500 views and 35 likes. The duration of the video is 00:54:46 or 3286 seconds.

Bro broke my game twice…

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    Uncovering Minecraft Seeds: Java & Bedrock Edition Minecraft Seed Finder Tutorial Are you a Minecraft enthusiast looking to uncover the seed of your world to utilize it in a seed map? Look no further! This tutorial will guide you on how to find the seed in Minecraft for both the Java and Bedrock editions. Exploring Minecraft Seeds When delving into the vast world of Minecraft, the seed serves as a unique identifier for generating the terrain and structures within your world. By discovering the seed, players can share their world with others or revisit specific locations with ease. Java Edition Seed Finding In the Java Edition… Read More

  • 🔥 Epic Battle: Summoner vs Magician in Minecraft! 💥 #clickbait

    🔥 Epic Battle: Summoner vs Magician in Minecraft! 💥 #clickbaitVideo Information This video, titled ‘Fallen Summoner vs Magician #minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by 金くれちゃんねる@お金下さい🍈👑 on 2024-05-19 15:37:34. It has garnered 109 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:39 or 39 seconds. Read More

  • Mining Madness: Hardcore Minecraft Adventure

    Mining Madness: Hardcore Minecraft AdventureVideo Information This video, titled ‘Day 1 of Hardcore Minecraft’, was uploaded by WaxVOD on 2024-03-08 22:02:53. It has garnered 818 views and 54 likes. The duration of the video is 01:55:11 or 6911 seconds. WaxFraud live stream on 03/07/23 we back Read More

  • SECRET METHOD: Join my Minecraft SMP NOW!

    SECRET METHOD: Join my Minecraft SMP NOW!Video Information This video, titled ‘How to join this public minecraft server? | minecraft public smp’, was uploaded by Shulky Playz on 2024-04-17 01:30:07. It has garnered 496 views and 50 likes. The duration of the video is 00:02:00 or 120 seconds. Hi everyone , i am shulky and welcome to my channel i hope you enjoy this video😊 make sure to subscribe this channel for future updates my social media instagram- discord username – shulkyplayz discord server – also watch this – public server (shulky smp) ip address- ip – port – 29986 _______!______!_____!_____!______!______!______!__ #… Read More

  • 🔥 EPIC MINECRAFT BUILD – Reaching the SKY! 🚀

    🔥 EPIC MINECRAFT BUILD - Reaching the SKY! 🚀Video Information I’m at the lowest point in Minecraft and I want to reach the sun to do that I’m going to have to climb this crazy Tower of structures and complete challenges along the way here we are at the bottom of the world G Dude Looks Like I’m in jail or something all right there’s no time to waste it’s time to jump into the sun why do I want to go to the sun I don’t know seems like a nice place for a summer home or something oh gosh bad guys I don’t like that I… Read More

  • Unbelievable: Transform Minecraft w/Shaders

    Unbelievable: Transform Minecraft w/ShadersVideo Information I know you told your friend you’re not okay and tell me what’s WR why you never said you felt that way guess you’re trying to stay strong and fake smile until I look away but I’ve known you too long it hurts to watch your blue eyes Fade to gr as you fade away as you fade [Music] yeah I’m about to fade away cuz every time I wake up I feel like it’s Monday something’s going wrong with all the chemicals up in my brain all a sudden I don’t look at anything the same way… Read More


    "INSANE TEIVRIM CRAFT BUILDING IN MINECRAFT!!" #minecraft #buildingVideo Information This video, titled ‘Импровизирую на лету – строю в майнкрафт #minecraft #майнкрафт #bildings’, was uploaded by TEIVRIM CRAFT on 2024-05-10 03:14:53. It has garnered 5 views and likes. The duration of the video is 01:35:39 or 5739 seconds. minecraft, minecraft, minecraft but, mine, shorts, in minecraft, compote, video minecraft, survival, games, compot, minecraft shorts, trolling, compote in minecraft, fixie, noob, fixie minecraft, trolling trap, minecraft animation, novel compote, Edison, trolling in minecraft, edison, minecraft but, mcpc, in mine, mcpe, air, fixeye, minecraft video, noob, minecraft server, girl in minecraft, minecraft pe, meme, domer, minecraft hardcore, steve, edisonpts, memes,… Read More

  • Epic Minecraft City Revival – No Talking!

    Epic Minecraft City Revival - No Talking!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Live Stream: City Renaissance Challenge Episode Twenty Three (no talking)’, was uploaded by Green Newbie on 2024-03-25 02:33:29. It has garnered 6 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 01:51:50 or 6710 seconds. Continuing our journey with the City Renaissance Challenge: We worked on the bridge today and changed it from a dirt bridge into something a little nicer. Read More

  • “Insane 2B2T Minecraft Noob Builds Mega Base in 22Days!” #clickbait

    "Insane 2B2T Minecraft Noob Builds Mega Base in 22Days!" #clickbaitVideo Information This video, titled ‘New Minecraft Noob Plays 2B2T ✅ Try Building MEGA Base ✅ Day 22 IRL #minecraft #minecraftsurvival #2’, was uploaded by MrDon on 2024-03-22 01:50:31. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Decided to try minecraft and it was more fun than i have always thought. Made me want to try build a mega base and a lot of the … Read More

  • Insane Challenge: Drawing EnderDragon in Minecraft!

    Insane Challenge: Drawing EnderDragon in Minecraft!Video Information तेरी बातों में ऐसा उलझा जिया बैठे ही बैठे मैंने दिल खो दिया तेरी बातों में ऐसा उझा जिया This video, titled ‘easy Minecraft EnderDragon sketch #minecraftshorts #ytshorts #shorts’, was uploaded by Alok art studio on 2024-04-22 17:41:00. It has garnered 123 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:15 or 15 seconds. Read More

  • Honeybeeks Public Anarchy MC

    Honeybeeks Public Anarchy MCA public hard mode vanilla anarchy survival server. While the server is anarchy, we aim to break the game, not each other. PVP and griefing is allowed with purpose, but discouraged without. Vanilla with plugins to encourage exploration and building. PLUGINS: Dynmap AdvancedTeleport SmoothTimber Read More

  • LanderYT SMP: Semi-vanilla, 16+, Whitelist, LGBTQ+ friendly

    Welcome to LanderYT SMP! If you’re seeking a hermitcraft style SMP, look no further! We are a community established in October 2021, and we’re on the lookout for new members. Our server has been customized with minor adjustments to better cater to our community. Feel free to reach out if you’re interested! Server Details: Server IP: (contact “landeryt” on discord) Read More

  • Earth Network

    Earth NetworkWelcome to Earth Network, the ultimate Minecraft server experience! Dive into our diverse gamemodes: conquer the wild in Survival, master the skies in Skyblock, and brave the depths in Underground Survival. Each mode offers unique challenges and endless adventures. Whether you’re a builder, explorer, or strategist, Earth Network has something for everyone. Stay tuned for more exciting gamemodes coming soon. Join our vibrant community and embark on your next Minecraft adventure with Earth Network today!Discord: Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Bro Forgot To Turn Off His Lava Tap

    Looks like Bro is helping flood the virtual world instead of saving it! Read More

  • Crafting Cash in My Minecraft City | Time Banked

    Crafting Cash in My Minecraft City | Time Banked In my Minecraft city, a bank I did build, With timelapse magic, my vision fulfilled. From planning to finish, each step in line, Crafting a masterpiece, a sight so divine. Gathering resources, preparing with care, Every block in place, a grand affair. Step by step, the bank took shape, A testament to creativity, no escape. The final reveal, a stunning sight, In my Minecraft city, shining bright. Inspiration for builders, a joy to behold, In the world of blocks, stories untold. Like, comment, subscribe, don’t be shy, For more epic builds, watch me fly. Minecraft magic, in every rhyme,… Read More

  • Minecraft meme got me yeeted 🔥😂

    Minecraft meme got me yeeted 🔥😂 When Minecraft cuts you off, just remember it’s not personal – it’s just trying to keep your brain cells from getting too addicted to building virtual worlds! #MinecraftIntervention 😂🔨🧠 Read More

  • Surviving 100 Days with Herobrine in Minecraft

    Surviving 100 Days with Herobrine in Minecraft Minecraft Survival Horror Adventure: From the Fog Embark on a terrifying journey in the world of Minecraft with the mod pack “From the Fog.” This mod pack introduces a host of eerie creatures like Herobrine, Cartoon Cat, Siren Head, and many more. Follow along as the protagonist navigates through this spine-chilling adventure, encountering a myriad of challenges and dangers. Exploring the Terrifying World of From the Fog Step into a world reminiscent of Minecraft’s early days, with outdated textures and haunting sounds that set the stage for a truly immersive experience. The protagonist must gather resources, survive the night,… Read More


    SJIN'S INCREDIBLE WORLD-CHANGING SPELL in Hells KitchenVideo Information hello and welcome back to enchant the world all the mods 9 magic mods last episode we looked into growing crops and developed the colony a little bit check out the worly sprig Farm now we’ve put down loads more seeds and decorated it a bit and this place looks really h and bustling and also it’s generating loads and loads and loads and loads of crops for us the question we have now is what are we going to be doing with all that food and that’s why I’ve prepared an area over here which we’re going… Read More

  • Legendary Gamer vs Pillager Outpost

    Legendary Gamer vs Pillager OutpostVideo Information si tú quieres bailar jugar pintar cantar tú puedes venir a mi casa La idea es compartir te vas a divertir si quieres venir a mi casa quiero invitar a jugar a mi casa todas mis amigas y amigos quiero saltar bailar y lo que tengo compartir contigo Chipi chipi chapa chapa dubi dubi daa mágico mi dubi du Chipi chipi chapa chapa dubi dubi daba daa mágico mi dubi tú quieres cantar yo te voy a enseñar si quieres venir a mi casa y digo a mi mamá que diga tu mamá This video, titled ‘DESTROYING PILLAGER… Read More


    🔥EPIC MINECRAFT NIGHT W/ VIEWERS!! JOIN NOW!!🔥Video Information holy [ __ ] a stack of gold for eight golden apples bro you’re tweaking that was all of my gold dang and I wasted two of them just to get my H back that’s crazy bro broke now back like whoever that was talking about pizza should share facts facts big facts I got y bro pull up big facts big facts kok key slam now I mean I just came from a restaurant so not really but I mean Fast Metabolism so it’s like I’m going to eat whenever you know yeah the um the dude… Read More

  • Unbelievable: Top 10 EPIC Seeds for Minecraft 1.20.4!

    Unbelievable: Top 10 EPIC Seeds for Minecraft 1.20.4!Video Information welcome back everybody to another episode here of the top 10 seeds Series today ladies and gentlemen it’s such a variety 10 seeds is so many for me to cram into into a video the way I do my videos so there is a little bit of starter seeds there’s a little bit of advanced seeds and there’s a little bit of seeds that you probably don’t even want to play on but they look absolutely beautiful now this was recorded in Minecraft jav edition 1 120.4 uh trrain generation should work in Bedrock but you know structures… Read More