Gaming On Caffeine – Minecraft Encrypted | UNLIMITED ELEMENT GENERATION MACHINE! #17 [Modded Questing Survival]

Video Information

In the last stream we were working on setting up this Fusion multi-block reactor over here this machine allows us to take elements and combine them together to make new elements that previously we didn’t have access to this is super useful because at this point in time our goal is to complete the pack

And craft the finished program end of file item to do that we have to craft together these four creative items the creative generator creative fluid tank creative Blaze cake and the creative motor along with a bunch of ultimate ingots a bunch of netherite a few more ultimate singularities and some creative

Essence and that’s really what we are now singularly focused on doing and the reason the fusion reactor is helpful there is that in order to make the ultimate Ingot we need a lot of ingots for elements that we currently don’t have the main one that we looked at in

The last stream was gitria him because the only thing currently stopping us from making the other brother to the fusion reactor the fission reactor is yetrium yetrium is required to make the fission core and yetrium is currently an element that we don’t have a large

Amount of in fact I think that we made our first bits of yetrium in the last stream we did indeed and the plan for today is going to be to hopefully set up a system to automatically duplicate a large number of any element that we

Already have one of the idea here if we look at the recipe for yitrium is that in this pack there is a special custom recipe for duplicating elements and it’s this one right here if you combine one of any element in the game with one skystone and 500 millibockets of water

You can basically double that element and so the idea here is that if we need to make a bunch of ethereum in order to make a Yeti remain good specifically you need 16 yetrium per the atrium dust which you can then smelt into one get streaming if we want to get 16 nitrium

All we should have to do is Place one gitrium into a basin from create using a mixer and a superheated blaze burner if we do that we should then be able to combine the one Atrium with 16 Sky Stone and eight buckets worth of water and that will produce as the yetrium

Required we need to do that for every single element on the list here the good news is that we don’t quite have to do it as much as initially thought because as I mentioned in the last episode really all we need to do here is craft one creative Supply upgrade because once

We have one creative Supply upgrade we can use this kind of in the same way that you would use a creative vending upgrade in previous packs in that we can use it to get an infinite amount of any item that we already have at least one

Of and so basically we need to make one of these which is four ultimate ingots and four ultimate singularities with one creative Essence once we have the one create display upgrade we then also need one extra of each item so in total we need five ultimate singularities and

Five ultimate ingots and I guess also two creative Essences although the creative Essence is very easy to make once we have that we can use four ultimate ingots and four ultimate singularities to make one creative Supply upgrade and then we can use the creative Supply upgrade on an omnidirectional Hopper to get an

Infinite amount of ultimate singularities and an infinite amount of ultimate ingots using the one extra of each that we have and at that point obviously that allows us to make an unlimited amount of creative Supply upgrades and once we have an unlimited amount of creative Supply upgrades

Making all of the creative items here is incredibly easy the generator is just an Ultimate Energy cube with a spy upgrade the tank here is just a tank with a spy upgrade you get the idea the cake is a blaze cake with a spy upgrader then finally the creative motor is a regular

Electric motor from create with a supply upgrade and we can then craft all those together very easily into the finished program so the hard part is just getting five each of the ultimate singularities in the ultimate ingots the ultimate ingots I don’t think are going to be quite so bad the ultimate singularities

Are going to be a little trickier because every single one of these singularities requires ten thousand of a given item and that means that we’re going to need 50 000 oxygen we’re going to need 50 000 encrypted ingots we’re going to need 50 000 nitrogen 50 000

Hydrogen you get the idea we need a lot of stuff but we’re going to start though by seeing if we can’t set up that system that’s going to allow us to duplicate any resource that we like so to make that happen we do need our Blaze burner

And I think what we’re probably going to want to do here is almost certainly upgrade our boiler right now we’re generating 2048 stress units from our one boiler here which is being powered solely by our campfire but I’m hoping that what we should be able to do is

Drop this guy down and if we can continuously give fuel to that Blaze burner that’s going to increase the amount of power that we can generate from this boiler you’ll see just with the fuel it goes up to 16 384 and we could even get more out of

This as well if we make the boiler taller and add even more steam engines to it and for that we are going to need more copper sheets that should be fine we have a bunch of copper lying around we can go ahead and drop that over here

That’s got a very slowly but surely start doing its work I think do we have only takes to make that faster we do nice oh of course because we now have 16 384 uh stress units once we have the sheets we can do this and if we get four more

Fluid tanks which by the looks of it is going to require four more barrels that is fine that’s also going to require some more slabs that is also completely fine let’s just make a bunch of those and then let’s see about crafting up a couple of barrels we only need three but

You know we’ll make a bunch anyway just to be safe we might end up making this a little bit taller in the future but if we do something like this this is going to increase the capacity of the boiler and so now although with just the one

Blaze burner it’s still only going to allow us to produce 16 384 stress units if we were to add a second Blaze burner here and feed that as well we will be able to run two of these engines both capable of producing 16 384 stress units the reason that we need

That much stress is that I want to set up this element duplication system many many times like I want to have maybe eight of these mechanical mixers all going at preferably Max Speed which I believe is 1024 stress units at the max so these right now are using 768 they’re

Pretty close to Max if I crank this all the way up to 256 you’ll see that this thing here is indeed using 1024 stress units and so if we wanted to run 16 of these we would need one dedicated engine for that and it’s not just the mechanical mixer that we’re going to

Need we do need more create Contraptions on top of that specifically we have to automate the production of skystone skystone thankfully you can make by deploying lithium onto stone stone we can of course generate an infinite amount of using our igneous extruders and we can make more of those should we

Need them and lithium of course we can duplicate in the same system that we’re using for everything else lithium is the one exception to the rule here where you actually get three lithium for every one lithium that you put in because of course lithium is required to enter your

Knowledge to make the sky Stone to make more of any element so we kind of need to set up a system initially to duplicate lithium and then once we have a staggeringly large amount of lithium we can then use that lithium to produce a staggering a large amount of any

Development that we like the tricky part about the blaze burners is keeping them fed right we need to keep them fed continuously with fuel thankfully create adds a very easy answer to that question and in my opinion a very cool answer to that question as well that is the

Mechanical arm this one right here and I think right out of the gate I’m gonna try and make two of these I want to use one of them to feed the blaze burners underneath our smeltery here and I think we’re also going to need a second mechanical arm in order to feed the

Other Blaze burners that we’re going to use to duplicate things like lithium let me quickly grab some lithium out of the system here because this is the first thing we want to duplicate not yetrium in order to duplicate the lithium we need a superheated blaze burner which

Means we need to keep the blaze burners fed with blaze kicks so we are gonna have to automate the production of the blaze cakes which I don’t think should be too difficult getting an infinite amount of lava shouldn’t be too bad and the blaze cakes themselves are made with

Sugar which we can easily ultimate eggs which we can get from chickens and a cinder flour which is just netherank pulverized we can make Netherrack automatically using the material Stoneworks Factory if we have an infinite amount of lava and water and again the water is easy with the sink

And the lava we need for this anyway so we do need to set up an infinite amount of lava so that should be fine but my point was that we’re also going to need a second mechanical arm to feed all of the blaze burners that need to be

Superheated with blaze kicks so if we want to make two mechanical arms we need two of these Precision mechanisms these are made into the mixer four iron nuggets one brass casing two regular Cog wheels and one large Cog wheel that shouldn’t be too bad a brass casing of

Course we do need to do using the spout and some copper casing and the copper casing we get with a copper sheet and a sight casing so and a sight casing I think I have a decent amount of yeah we have 11. now we also need more breast

Casing for the actual arm itself so I’m going to need four of these that is actually completely be fine now to make this work I’m going to have to temporarily steal this place better from here although what I think I might do real quick right now we are out of

Blair’s powder we’ve just got four and we don’t have any Blaze or rods either so what I think I’m probably going to want to do is grab our blade spawner which is inside of this cardboard box quickly go and swap that out for the Wither Skeleton spawner which is

Currently the one placed down in our mob farm that’s going to allow us to start getting Blaze once again which is going to come in useful later because we’re going to need quite a lot of Blaze burners in each Blaze burner does require 16 blades powder oh my God

So while we wait for the uh the blaze rods to come in let’s head back over here and temporarily I’m gonna go ahead and steal this and we’ll place this down under our mixer like so once we have that down we then need some of those copper plates that we made previously

Let’s go ahead and drop two of these and two of these we can then heat this guy up and turn this down to allow it to run then realize that I actually need four of these not two of these so let’s do that again and once we’ve got all four

Copper casings we then need to grab our spout which I believe should be hanging out in the system if it’s not it might be hanging out around here it totally is okay that’s cool so we currently have lava in it I think we need to change

That because I’m pretty sure we need uh brass in here we do so let’s get rid of this and then instantly replace it we can then get rid of this temporarily and if we grab a fluid pipe just like we did previously we should be able to connect

That up like so make sure that we have a wrench so we can disconnect that and then of course re-break this again because now it’s full of cobalt we did lose a little bit of cobalt there but that should not be a problem for us and

Then now we need to make sure that we have brass at the bottom of our smeltery which we do set that to extract that’s going to fill up and then from there let’s just drop all four of those onto the deeper and one by one those will be transformed into Berets casings which

We’re gonna take and should be able to hopefully craft up somewhat easily into the mechanical arm we do also need some more Branch sheets and some endocyte alloy and a side alloy I’m fairly certain we have we do indeed and then brass sheet wise we don’t have a lot but

We do have our metal press over in here let’s go ahead and get a stack of brass sheets going and while we wait for that let’s grab some of the big and small Cog wheels and real quick I think I will go and teach our system how to make some of

The basic create items here just because I think going forward we’re going to set up quite a large create system to duplicate all of these elements and being able to request things like big wheels and small Cog wheels and even things like shaft as well is going

To be very useful for us we can then take four small Cog Wheels to Big Cog wheels and then I think it was just iron nuggets we needed after that uh so let’s drop in two of our brass casing four small clock wheels two big wheels and a bunch of iron

Nuggets I don’t think it was that many iron nuggets but I don’t think it also matters if you have too many either it does not so let’s take some coal Heat this up and that should be that we should have everything we need to get the Precision mechanism and we should

Also then have everything we need to get our two mechanical arms one and two nice let’s do a quick Quest claim for that one cryptocurrency you’ll love to see it and the benefit of the mechanical arm here is that what we can now do is we can grab another Depot

Which we did accidentally make too many alveolia but that’s now nice to have we can then place the repo down let’s say for now maybe right about here then let’s move our Blaze burner back over to the boiler like this with the arm you have to specify your

Inputs and your outputs before you put the arm down and in fact I’m going to move this the depot here I’m going to put the depot here basically we can right click the arm onto the depot and it’s going to say take items from Depot you could right

Click it again to make it deposit items to Depot but in this case we do want to take items from Depot in this case we’re going to take call from the Depot and then we’re going to right click it onto the blaze burner and we’re going to

Deposit items to the players burner um you can’t change this to take items from the blaze Runner because there’s it’s impossible there’s no item you can take from The Blaze burner once you have your inputs and outputs set you can then place the mechanical arm down and this

Mechanical arm now when powered will take items to the depot and give them to the blaze burner for example if we put some call onto the Depot and then we spin the mechanical arm which is going to require a small Cog wheel like so again for now we could show it off with

A crank although momentarily we are going to connect it up to our main network if I were to do something like this and spin it we’ll see the arm hopefully grab the call ticket and pass it over to the blaze battle nice and it’s going to keep doing that until the blaze

Burner is full on coal and the blaze Banner can take a little bit of coal like this call isn’t wasted it increases the amount of burn time that the blaze Banner will burn for and but this arm will keep taking coal and keep giving it to the blaze burner until the blaze

Burner can’t take any more and then the blaze burner will slowly burn through that coal and once the blaze burner can accept another piece of coal the arm will then take it so no coal is wasted during this uh this situation here which is good and the even better news is that

If we quickly go ahead and grab some of the blaze rods that we’ve been getting from our belay spawner we can then craft those down and in fact actually is it better to crush these with the crushing Wheels it is we get three instead of two blaze

Powder per blaze rod and we have a 25 chance of getting extra blaze powder as well so I see no reason not to run those very quickly through our set of crushing Wheels here and once we have those we can get our second Blaze burner place that down next to the first one

Underneath the uh the boiler and then we can actually specify that the mechanical arm take from the deeper but give to both Blazers simultaneously thankfully The Blaze burner itself is not too difficult the empty Blaze burner that is it’s one Netherrack and four iron plates we can

Then combine all of that up in the combiner to get ourselves an actual place burner and then if we place that over here we can now pick this guy up and this time we want to specify that I want it to collect from here and then

Deposit to both here and here we can then place it down and again if we start to crank it’s going to take the call and by default I believe it will evenly distribute the call between the two Blaze burners it totally does nice there are some configuration options available here if

I get rid of this Cog wheel real quick we should be able to see yeah right here it says uh when multiple outputs available round robin if you want you can use the scroll wheel to uh to change that while holding the wrench so now it says when multiple outputs available

Prefer first Target or we can scroll again false round robin or back to round robin a force round robin basically means it will give one item to this and then it will only give like normal round robin it will give an item to this then

Try and give an item to this but if it can’t we will give another item to the first one first round robin means that it will give an item to the first one but then it won’t give another item to the first one until it’s given an item

To the second one so you kind of again enforced around Robin vanilla us with regular round robin will be fine and I think really the only final piece of the puzzle here that we’re going to need is our digital resource simulator if we take this which currently is full of

Platinum and we place it down over here what we should be able to do fairly easily is is craft up a chipset for coal that being this one um I think we are going to need another null chipset which means we are going to need another shocker shell so we need lutetium and

Calcium carbonate both of which I’m pretty sure we have glutathium and calcium carbonate we do indeed fantastic let’s go and grab ourselves another short shell boom boom we can then craft up a basic chipset and craft that into a cold chipset just as soon as we Craft eight blocks of coal

And then from there I’m fairly certain we should be able to place this into here like that and I think that we can just use regular old item pipes to extract from the resource simulator and send the call directly over into the Depot right now there’s 51 call there if

We set that to extract and grab an ultimate item pipe we can do this and then now slowly but surely of course chat is right I do need to put my quantity and speed upgrades in there even without these I think it might have been fast enough but especially with

These it is going to be fast enough the depot Works in a bit of a strange way you’ll see right now nothing is moving over but if I take the call off here um I’m fairly certain oh interesting okay so it’s trying to extract the

Chipset let me go in here and add call to the white list that should hopefully mean there we go look at that we got a full stack of coal transferred over and I’m actually intrigued I don’t know if it’s going to take like if it’s going to

Keep it full or if it’s going to wait for it to be empty before it moves another stackover it doesn’t really matter either way yeah and I think it will wait until it can move some over before it does so but either way this should keep both of our

Blaze burners full of fuel the only thing we need to do now is actually connect this mechanical arm up to the rest of the system to make sure that it will continue running constantly and in fact we should be able to do that fairly easily if we just do something like

This but not in that way if instead we do it like this and like that there we go look at that the arm is going faster now because we’re not manually cranking it and it’s going to keep both of these fed and you’ll see right now we’re still

Only producing 16 000 stress units via this one steam engine but if we look at the boiler it is currently level two and can output 32 700 and 68 stress units I’m fairly certain in order to get that amount of stress out we need to get another steam engine as per usual these

Are fairly easy to make we do need one golden plate let me bookmark the engine and quickly grab at least one gold plate here we can once again speed this right up now fantastic let’s make yet another steam engine like so and this is perfect because this steam engine is the one

That I intend to use to power our resource duplication system so we can add a shaft to this one like so and now we have two steam engines which are both outputting 16 000 stress units each uh the 16 000 on this one is not at all

Linked to the 16 000 on this one because they’re both pulling from the 32 768 that we’re generating with the boiler so real quick what I’m going to do now is craft up I think maybe six mechanical mixers to mix the sky Stone in the water

I think two deployers to allow us to turn skirt a stone into skystone as well as six more Blaze burners to actually run the uh the mechanical mixers all right so not too long later and we now have six more Blaze burners six more mechanical mixes six basins a few more

Depots and two deployers to go alongside our current mechanical arm so my plan is to build hopefully a somewhat compact system here we’ll see how well that goes but I’m thinking of having the mechanical arm in the middle and then I want to have my six basins around that

So I’m going to do one two three four five six like this because we’re going to automate the production of blaze cakes we’re then going to have a Depot that the mercaclan pulls Blaze kicks from and feeds all of the uh the blaze burners right uh we’ll maybe have that

You know not bear maybe like uh here right that’s where we’ll put our place kicks then we need to have basins on top of each of these and then whisks on top of each of those like that I then think we’ll do something like we’ll get some more gray simulation block

And I’m gonna raise the uh the next two Depots up like this just so they’re in line with everything else and then we’re gonna have our deployers here not like that we’re gonna have our deployers here and here like this and the idea here of course being that those deployers are

Going to make the stone so we then need a sink another sink which we might not be able to make we could be low on clear I think that is indeed the case I don’t think we have any clear at all which is a bit of a pain in the back side we

Should probably almost certainly definitely make the clay chipset just because otherwise I have to keep going back to the mining Dimension to get dirt or just to our system to get dirt and then breaking that down and manually using our chemistry to make clear which is not the hardest thing in

The world but is a bit of a pain in the back side to still be doing this far on into uh into the pack okay so there’s 10 Claire that is more than enough to get us the other clay chipset and we do have that extra shocker shell from earlier so

Boom let’s go and drop that in temporarily in place of the uh the coal here so if we just do one of these take this guy out and then maybe do you know one of these thank you we can then grab a couple of stacks of clear and that should hopefully carry us

Over probably for the remainder of the pink but going forward if we need more clay it’s just a case of putting the the chipset here back into uh the resource simulator right we can then craft up a bunch of blocks so melt those over in our rainbow furnace and that does remind

Me that what I might want to do here potentially is um is upgrade this diamond furnace because as I mentioned earlier we need a lot of encrypted ingots we need 40 50 000 encrypted ingots yeah we need a lot of encrypted ingots right now we have uh two 3 200

And we are now getting encrypted off faster or we should be getting encrypted off faster thanks to our um speed improvements over here it looks like right now it’s this guy that’s a little slow because he’s not connected to the rotation speed controller we can change that if we just rotate this guy

Not like that but instead like that we could then try and add in maybe like another gearbox here and connect to that guy up do we have a spare gearbox the answer to that question is no but that’s fine we can make a new one and then if we do

This I don’t think that of course that does affect our crushing Wheels we are going to need another one uh to counteract the counteraction of the uh of the rotation so if we do this that gets the cushion Wheels going the correct way again we can then take some

Of our shaft do something like that that’s going to increase the speed of this guy quite substantially which would hopefully mean that these guys over here are working much faster at getting as encrypted or the problem then is how fast we are smelting it which is currently slowed down by the uh the

Bonsai pot the Bonsai pot is currently our limiting factor however the good news of course is that we do now have a new system very nearby that is generating call first right and so although it’s going to look real janky if we do something like this that should begin taking call over here

And making that just a little faster and then of course from there if we go to the the iron furnaces mod we can also make the speed augment with a little bit of paper to allow this thing to go just a little bit faster than it already is

It’s possible in the future that we might end up swapping this out for the Rambo furnace if we end up with a large amount of encrypt at all but for the time being that’s not going to be a problem just to be on the safe side I am

Going to go ahead and grab a few of these uh draw upgrades in the hopes that we kind of passively back up on encrypted all here I don’t think I’m going to come back later to 50 000 I think we are going to have to improve our system here that’s producing it to

Make it much much faster with potentially many more deployers and especially many multipliers generating the actual encrypted matter itself but for the time being this is going to be a lot faster than it was previously either way back over here this is coming together and I think what I am probably

Going to do is craft up a bunch of laser nodes from layers and place those in between the basins here the idea with this is that we need to set up a system that uh also we were making a sync that’s what we were doing did I have uh what it

Takes to make the sink I do nice okay so the sync can go down uh let’s say right about uh here maybe and the good thing about laser IO is that we can transfer things around without too many pipes so once we have more nerds I’m going to put one between each basin

Like that we could also use this node to extract water from the sink and give it to all the basins and then I think we also want one uh here as well that’s going to allow us to interact with all three of these Depots as well and I

Think we might also need one here so we can provide items to the deployers because what we need to do is we need to provide Stone to the depot here which should be easy enough then that’s going to get deployed with uh with lithium to produce skystone that skystone that

Needs to be taken via one of these nodes and given and distributed between all of these basins these basins also need to receive lithium which we can take from whichever node has lithium I think we are going to have to put a storage draw down somewhere to actually hold the

Lithium but we can take that lithium that’s in a storage door divide that up as well between all the basins and then we also need to give them all water which you can take from the sink and using the laser nodes divided up between the basins once they all have water

Skystone and lithium they’re going to start to produce more lithium that lithium then needs to be taken from the basins are given Bank to the deployers to be used on this one to make more lithium to be given to the basins in the form of skystone with more lithium and

With more water to duplicate the process and infinitely create the process of producing lithium that’s the plan it sounds a little wild but I think this should all work now before we can go any further with this we do need to get those blaze cakes up and running because

We need an endless supply of blaze cakes being given to these Blaze burners before anything can be done so the twitch chat has reminded me about this fantastic item from create here this is the hose poly this is super useful because what it allows you to do is it allows you to

Generate an infinite amount of any liquid that you have a large amount of specifically if you place the hose Play Down basically it acts like a pump so if I was to place it into like a small pond and then start extracting from it it would slowly but surely drain

The pond of its water however the way the create have coded it makes it so that if the pond quote unquote that the hose pulley is pulling from contains more than 10 000 blocks of a given liquid it will treat it as an infinite source and won’t actually get rid of any

Of the the liquid so what we can do is we can take the hose pulley through to the nether place it down over a large pool of lava and while 10 000 blocks does sound like a lot I don’t think it’s that much I think it’s maybe 21 by 21 by

21 is that right almost it’s like maybe 22 by 22 by 22. almost that’s 9 000 blocks but basically you need like a 25 by 25 by 25 block area full of a given liquid and if you have that you can then place the hose pulley on top of that liquid and

Basically pump an infinite amount of that liquid out of it so to make the hose poly doesn’t look too bad we’re doing a dried kelp block and right now we don’t have that much dried kelp and we also need another copper casing which should be fine let me go and grab

Another one of our irregular casings and also let’s grab some more copper sheets we can then of course as we did earlier combine those up in our currently working mixer we then do have enough kelp which is fantastic we can take that and smelt that over in our rainbow furnace that’s

Going to allow us to craft up the block of droid kelp at which point we can get the hose poly we are then going to need to get ourselves some Ender tanks to allow us to pull the the lava back from the leather to the Overworld thankfully

We can purchase Ender tanks from the eShop let’s get two of those submits and submit the only other thing I think we’re going to need is a fluid pipe and then potentially a a pipe upgrade as well to actually extract faster from the hers pulley and we could

Also do with our crank as well to allow us to initially lower the horse pulley to its desired level so now if we head on through to the nether we just need to find a large pool of lava which I think we should have basically right next to our nether portal

We do nice now I’m fairly certain that the hose pulley will tell you if it’s acting in infinite fluids mud now we can always go a little further afield here just to be safe because I think that uh the area right by where we spawn is a

Little shallow but if we come over to Here For example and we put down the hose poly I think you can put this anywhere by the way like I could put it up here and then we can use the the crank to uh to lower the hose pulley down into the lava

Once it’s down in the lava we need to extract from the horse pulling like this and into our tank like so so if I set this to extract is that going to work it is currently set to extract even though you can’t really see it there and if I

Do this this is full of pink slime that is to be expected let me do a quick slash home that is because we need to uh to color our Ender tanks because right now we already have Ender tanks being used to move all of our pink slime

Around so let’s grab just a little bit of blue dye which I like to use mostly because it’s the easiest to make we can then do a quick flashback and then let’s color this uh white blue white and you’ll see this is full of lava it’s got 32 buckets worth of lava

And if we look at the hose poly you can see that it does say bottomless Supply the target body of fluid is considered infinite so this is going to produce an infinite amount of lava and that’s it it’s done it doesn’t require any active stress kinetic power it will just

Continually produce lava and pump it into the Ender tank which is a little bit insane but we can now make sure that we chunk load this area by going to FDB chunks and clicking on the chunk that we’re in let me f3g I’ve of course I’ve built this right up

Against the chunk boundary but that’s fine we just need to make sure that this chunk right here is loaded nice we can then get rid of those chunk boundaries do a quick slash home and if we go ahead and place this Ender tank down we can see that this is pink slime but

If we do this uh if we do this it’s now full of lava nice so that’s that bit taken care of that should be infinite lava available for us the next part of the problem is the blaze cake base itself which we need to do using the mechanical press over a

Basin and we need Cinder flour sugar and an egg so the first ingredient we need here is Cinder flour Cinder flour thankfully is potentially the easiest ingredient for us to Ultimate because the Netherland can be made with the material Stoneworks Factory do we have what it takes to just make another

Material Stoneworks factoring the answer to that is no and to do this the lazy way I’m just going to go ahead and steal some of uh steal this other material Stoneworks Factory because I’m fairly certain we’re not going to need more than 2048 silicon for the remainder of the

Pack here we can take this material Stoneworks Factory and place it up here somewhere so I think what we will do is we’ll place it down maybe right about there we’ll then grab another flux point we can then place that down on the right about here make sure that’s connected to

Our Network which is this one also I did completely forget to mention that of course we did set up our induction Matrix in the live stream which has been slowly but surely backing up on juice we currently have 760 so about three quarters of a billion

RF stored up in here which sounds like a lot but it’s probably enough to run the fusion reactor over here for about like seven minutes which is not long at all however I think we’ll be more than enough because we don’t need to run this for seven minutes straight we only need

To use it to generate individual resources which is fantastic over here let’s grab our and a tank and we’ll put that down potentially right next to the material snowbox Factory that is completely fine and then assuming this is the front let me see if I can get this set up

Correctly if I set this to pull is that going to pull lava in it is not oh of course you need to extract from the bottom of the uh the Ender tank I always forget if I do this now it’s working okay so I think this is

The right side that is filled with lava fantastic we’ll then just go ahead and make another sink they are very easy to make especially now that we have all of that clear we can put that down on this side set the left side to pull into the

Top slot there like that that’s going to begin filling up with lava and water we then want to set it to Netherrack and nothing we set the rest of these to nothing that’s just going to produce netherank and then we want to make sure that Netherrack is then pushed out of the front

Like that that’s going to place another racket here that Netherrack is then going to make its way down into here in the form of cinderflower nice we then need to take that Cinder flour and craft it up or compact it up sorry with sugar and eggs so sugar

Is makeable in a couple of different ways the um obviously we can grow it from sugarcane and there are a couple of options here as to how we could grow sugar cane however somebody in the twitch chat did request that I try and craft this using chemistry which is

Seems fairly simple to do actually the uh the sugar cane we can make in the compactor and in fact the sugar we can make in the compactor from sucrose and sucrose is carbon hydrogen and oxygen which are not too difficult to get carbon we can get from alcohol which we

Have an infinite amount of being made right behind us and hydrogen and oxygen you can get from water H2O and the water is also infinitely acquirable from the sink and if I’m not mistaken I believe alchemistry does add a wear it does the atomizer to turn an actual liquid into

An element or in this case a compound so we can use the atomizer to turn water into the element that is water and then we can use a dissolver to break that water down into hydrogen and oxygen we can then send that hydrogen and oxygen combined with carbon over to a combiner

To make sucrose and then it’s second combiner to make sugar we can then take that sugar and pump it into a basin that’s below a mechanical press and we should be good to go at that point the only thing that we need is eggs and for eggs I think just a regular

Vanilla style massive number of chickens is going to get the job done for us we do need some more calcium carbonate and we’re doing some protein we’re gonna have to get at least one regular chicken first and then ideally even more regular chickens after that so let’s see if we

Can’t make like a stack of eggs here and then use those to get an infinite amount of eggs going forward once again Chet has pointed out that we don’t do any of that we can just use our delightful dirt so we’re up here if we turn off our mob Slaughter Factory so

We’ll set it to Redstone mode uh run with redstone signal we can then open this up temporarily the reason this is currently not working is due to the fact that this floor is covered with grass if we break the grass it should start spawning passive mobs very quickly

Including chickens we can then quickly cover this up so we don’t lose any of those animals but if we grab a a mob imprisonment tool from industrial for going what this is going to allow us to do is grab and move any individual mob

For us of course that mob is going to be chickens so if we can get in here preferably before all of our chickens die we should be able to grab the chicken like so and we’re going to take our chicken and place it elsewhere

So all we need to do now is set up a little area where the chickens can actually do their work and I think it’s probably just gonna be somewhere up on the wall here I think we can go with a very simple kind of standard vanilla

System here if we just take a hopper place that down above let’s say a regular old storage door we can then box this area here in like so and then from there we can just start to fill this in completely and utterly with chickens we do of course have to

Make sure that they can’t get out and so we might end up dropping them in like from the roof if we go over this way and we do something like this we can now just slowly but surely move chickens over from the uh the delightful dirt over to

Above This Hopper and those are slowly but surely going to produce just a large number of eggs for us okay so we’ve got a bunch of chickens in here I’m not quite sure of the exact number but maybe like 20 ish chickens and it was a little

Bit you’re getting eggs we might need more chickens potentially I’m not entirely certain just yet like how fast we’re gonna burn through the blaze cakes um in order to figure that out though we are gonna have to just set it up and and get it going so let’s go ahead and steal

This mechanical press and let’s also for now let’s go ahead and steal this Basin as well and I think what I’m going to do is I’m going to put that down somewhere over here maybe just like this okay we want to rotate this to face that way so

We can have a gearbox there and then also a gearbox here to allow us to run that rotational energy down and into the mechanical press we then need to pump all of the items that we’re going to need into that that Basin as well so that is where

We’re going to need to get more of our item pipes we’re going to of course run the eggs down and into here and we’re going to somewhat awkwardly run the cinder flower around like we could have went down but that would cover up the door and I think yeah that does work

Which is fantastic so let’s just disconnect this and then maybe just run that across and connect it there again we’ll disconnect it there so it doesn’t connect and just to be extra safe we’ll also lock that draw two eggs and so now we’ll set this to extract as well and uh

Disconnects this oh no there’s nothing up there I thought it was a connection above that set that to extract as well uh let’s make sure that we filter this to only extract the center flower so add Center flower submit fantastic let’s take everything else out of here that’s not

Center flower eggs or sugar right now we’re not actively making sugar but we do have a fair bit of sugar in the system we have about 512 so we’ll drop that in manually just to see if that works it does indeed it’s very aggressive but it does work and then we

Need our spout right so I’m going to go and steal the spout from downstairs the one that is next to our smeltery let’s take you and then we’ll put this somewhat nearby so this needs lava which we’re gonna put from here and this is

Where my um my setup is going to kind of fall apart but it’s gonna get a little bit spaghetti chat but I think that’s fine we’ll put the spell maybe like here that might seem like another location but I want to have the depot beneath the spout like that we

Want to make sure that’s not connected and we can put those back in uh over here we should replace this with a draw not a not just a chest but that’s a problem for future Isaac and then let’s get uh let’s just get another Ender

Chest there’s no I was going to run a fluid pipe from here around and into there but we have infinite cryptocurrency or we that’s not true we have a large amount of cryptocurrency we could make infinite if we wanted to but right now we’re not actively making it

So we don’t have an infinite Supply but we have more than enough to spend a little bit on another Ender tank let’s put that down like this can I rotate that with this wrench I cannot it’s a little annoying because again we have to extract from a

Specific side so what if I do there still awkward let’s do this that way we can use our fluid pipes to extract down and around into the spout like so again you do want to make sure that you’re doing this on the right frequency if uh you have multiple

Frequency setup so you don’t end up filling your spout with pink slime instead ideally we would like lava to be in that uh in that spout so let’s quickly do something like that there we go lava is being made fantastic and then from there we want to be able to get the blaze

Kicks out of here and up into here and unfortunately I don’t think there’s an easy way for us to do that with pipes simply due to the fact that there’s no input filtering on pipes you can only filter from the output side so what I might do then real quick is uh take

These item pipes and connect them on the other side so if we do this that’s still connected there then we can disconnect the pipe here run this down set that to extract and that should if we extract it again only extracting the blaze kicks which we can

Do with yet another pipe upgrade uh that’s going to allow us to take those Blaze kicks up and transform them into the place cakes that we actually want to make so we’ll do this we’ll take out the blaze cakes We’ll add those to the filter submit we can then drop basically

Everything back in here that should send just the waste kicks up there fantastic it does indeed and then that should it’s not to work and he totally does fantastic that’s making the blaze cake so we want then all we need to do is send those Blaze kicks down over to here

And I have a sneaking suspicion that that’s just a little too far away for a laser nut although if I put it there it might just work let me grab my laser wrench can I connect you to you I totally can fantastic okay that is fine then let’s grab

A couple of laser connectors which I might end up putting down on the corners just to make this look a little nicer because while we could connect this node directly to this node and it have a diagonal laser I think it’s going to look cooler if we just connect them like

This where we connect this one to here and then we connect this one to here so we don’t actually have any lasers penetrating the middle there um it’s just a little thing but I think it’s going to look a little nicer and it’s not too expensive either let’s do this

And this and then let’s quickly connect all of these up so that is connected shift right click right click shift right click right click shift right click right click and shift right click right click those wall now connected this is connected let’s connect that up again just to complete the circle shift

Right click right click and we’ll also do shift right click right click connect that up as well fantastic so I think all of these laser nodes are all connected together so now we need a bunch of cards to allow us to move the items to where

They need to go okay so if we’re gonna make this work we’re gonna have to be quite particular on the the filtering here because we have a lot of interconnected uh nerds that are all going to be connected together so what we want to do here is we’re going to set

One of these cards to extract and we’re going to put that card in here so it’s going to extract from the East side which is the side facing the deeper we do want to make sure that we grab at least one of these Blaze kicks and we’re

Gonna use that and we’re gonna white list in here in order to whitelist we are going to have to get a basic filter which is easy enough fantastic let’s go ahead and add blaze cakes to that we’re going to set that to allow and then

We’re going to put that in to here so now that’s all we’re going to pull Blaze kicks out because we don’t want it to pull the empty Blaze cake base then over here in the down section we’re going to say insert and we’re going to do the

Exact same thing we’re going to add a filter for blaze cakes we’re going to put that filter in here leave it set to insert and then put that in the down Direction and so we should see Blaze kicks there fantastic then we can pick up our mechanical arm we’re going to set

This to input and we’re going to set all of these to Output we can then put this down and then now what we’re going to to do is actually connect that up to our new steam arm here which is going to be easier said than done but I think what

We’re probably going to do is break this place it back down vertically like this which you can do with the wrench like this and then I think we’re just going to run that kind of down under and around to here I think that’s gonna be

The easiest way of doing it so let’s get a few more gearboxes and see if we can’t connect these two up and there we go so this is working all of these are super heated whether or not we can keep them superheated is that is to be seen I’m gonna turn this off

Temporarily because I I don’t want to be wasting our blaze cakes if we can avoid it so this is working however we do need another rotational speed controller because right now everything that connects to this shaft that’s coming from here is going at base speeds and I

Want all of these mechanical mixers and these deployers connected to this but also going as fast as they possibly can and for that we are going to need to get another rotational speed controller which means we’re gonna have to make yet another spout and we’re also gonna have

To make yet another Precision mechanism but none of that should be impossible all right so there is our rotational speed controller that wasn’t too too bad and then we’re gonna take our Cog wheel and we’ll just go and connect this down here so we’ll try and add that into

The line that is going to make this a little bit more tricky but should be fine what I’m going to do is I’m going to lower this down by like one or two extra blocks before I add the one block should do it before I

Add the uh the shaft here before I had the gearbox then we’ll put down our speed controller like that we’ll then place down our large Cog wheel like this and then that actually I think let’s just save a gearbox because now we can put one gearbox right here connect that

Up like this set this to the max 256. fantastic that’s now for spinning at full speed you’ll have to see it and so up here this is now basically ready to go we just need to configure everything actually it’s not ready to go the last thing that we need is an igneous

Extruder and I think I’m gonna make two of these of course I need to get more copper casing for this that is completely fine let me bookmark the igneous extruder and let’s grab yet more copper sheets I’m gonna make two of these let’s do one two one two three

Four and then of course give this guy some fuel fantastic and we also need some Constantine gears we don’t have any Constantine but that’s fine Constantine is an alloy that we can make utilizing both nickel and copper that is not going to be a problem for us oh look at that

We have one block of Constantin in the smelter are you ready to go fantastic if we go ahead and pull that out we can craft the Constantine gears manually with an iron nugget which is very nice indeed we don’t have to use the gear cast although we could have done if we

Wanted to I’m impatient so let’s just do one of those to make that cool down just a little bit faster and then let’s craft up two Constantine gears and two igneous extruders we are then also going to need two magma blocks that we’re gonna put underneath our English extruders along with two buckets

Of lava and two buckets of water so I think what we’ll do is down here I think I’ll put the igneous extruders like here and here that’s gotta leave space in the middle for me to put a node which is kind of what I’m after and then we can

Have the larva and water just on either side so if we do something like this that’s going to leave us space we’ll do that just for continuity and we’ll do the same on this side as well we’ll get rid of this one here and this one here that’s

Where either the lava or the water is going to go most likely the lava again just for symmetry let me grab another gray simulation block I’ll put that down there and then if we head on back in which is easier said than done when you where you fly at the bottom there it’s

Uh it’s quite the the Trek back around but we should then be able to uh to deposit our lava and water there and then just cover it up the reason I put them here is that we can then put another node right here and that’s going

To allow us to extract from the igneous extruder and send those items up and around through the nerd Network to these uh these Depots here so once again here in the interest of continuity let’s go ahead and somewhat jankly put down a laser node under there I think the laser

Node will stop the um the lava from flowing like if I put a laser node here we can then connect this to this and then this up and around to this yes that’s connected fantastic we then want to get ourselves some buckets fantastic let’s get two buckets of lava

And we’re gonna put those here it does work fantastic and here nice the gray simulation block there is burning that is fine uh we don’t talk about that and then over here we’re going to put down another simulation block we’re going to grab the two buckets of water one and

Two and we’re gonna put those here and here and then of course we do need to go down and switch out the block underneath the igneous extruder for magma block so we need a magnet block here and here and that should allow these to start producing regular Stone it does indeed

Now we are going to need a lot of stone if we want all of this running um at the same time so let’s go ahead and make some more integral components I think we’re probably going to want to go with the maximum tier here that being the other resonant integral components

Which thankfully I don’t think are going to be too difficult for us to make we’ve made the uh the hardened ones before uh there was then the reinforced version which requires the hardened version with some signalum and some electrum signalum we’ve made previously thankfully there is a create recipe that makes it super

Easy to combine copper silver and Redstone electrum is just a silver and gold in our smeltering and then as for the resonant version the same again endurium we’ve made before it’s ender pearls platinum and lead in the mixer and then lumium is also hopefully easy enough to make it’s not they didn’t add

A custom recipe for lumium that is fine and that does make the lumium a little bit more tricky it means we’re going to have to first make some aluminum dust with Glowstone Dust silver dust and 10 dust and then smell that lumium into Lumi Mingus still not particularly

Difficult but one more extra step that isn’t required with the signalum and the endurium but that is fine so let’s see then if we can’t make two more resonant integral components okay so a little while later we’ve got a stack of endurium a stack of siganelum and we’ve got 16 aluminum which we’re

Going to smelt or 16 lumion blend which are made from tendust which is 10 in the dissolver silver dust and a glowstone and then with all of that I think we should be somewhat good to go so we also made some more in bar as well let’s

Craft up two golden gears we can then craft those into two of these uh regular hardened integral components we’re then going to upgrade those to the reinforced via the use of two uh signalum gears and by two signal on Gears that cause mean four signal and gears let’s put those

And those back in the system so two three four that’s going to let us make two of the reinforced integral components just as soon as we get some electrum that is what I forgot to make for that we need some silver and some gold my first check is going to be to

See if we can make it in the induction smelter we cannot that is fine it means we are gonna have to go and do it in the smell tree but that’s not gonna be a problem for us once we have some electrum let’s craft that down into

Ingot form and we should be good to go so let’s get two of the reinforced integral components good stuff and then from there let’s craft up at two and by two I mean again four lumium gears and then we’re just missing some hardened glass I believe we did make some

Hardened glass earlier uh we did indeed it’s nether quartz obsidian and sand that should all be stuff that we have in abundance nether quartz we have obsidian we have and Supply surprise sand we also have let’s put all three of those in here and then give this a bit of a an acceleration

I think four is actually all that we need so let’s put all of this back into the system and then craft up one and two of the resonant integral components nice so we’ll drop both of those in to each of these igneous extruders they go in the augmentation slot and make them

Uh four times faster than they would otherwise be which I think is going to be required so now let me do a little bit of an inventory clear let’s get rid of more of this stuff and then let’s grab some more item cards actually let’s just

Go to uh laser IO because we’re going to need both item and fluid cards and I think I might actually start with the fluid cards here we’re going to get one of these that we set to extract and we’re going to put that into the bottom

Of this node here so we’re gonna go down and extract that’s going to extract the water from the sink and then we want six more fluid cards which means we are going to need more buckets here for the first time maybe ever we’ll use the block of iron recipe to make a large

Number of buckets and then we’ll do one two three four five and six there’s not really much filtering that’s required here because we’re not going to be moving more than one liquid around so in this case we can go over to here and in the North and South sides we can set

Those to insert water that’s going to begin moving water from the sink up around and into both of these we’re then going to do the same over here we’re going to say East and West both have enter on it that’s not right at all take those out we don’t want water in the

Depots and we want to do that over here again on the south and the the north side and then also over here this time on the West End the east side and that should begin to fill all of those up with water especially if you put them in the right slot

Nice next stop before we turn this back on I get this spinning gear we need to do a few things we need to take the Stone from the igneous extruder so let me get some more item cards here and we need to send that up to the Depots right so

Let’s go ahead and set two of these to extract and then we’ll put these in on the east and west side like that so those are going to extract the stone and then we want to insert that on the West and East Side up here but that’s what we’re going to need

Another basic filter two basic filters I think you can filter both of these at the same time let me take a little bit of stone out of here and let’s go ahead and right click that add Stone to it and then in here we’re going to set that to insert filter for

Stone here insert filter with stone we’re then going to put that in here and in here and now both of these are going to get start going forward we might have to increase the transfer speed or you know overclock some of these nodes we might have to make a lot of them faster

But let’s just try and get the proof of concept down if we can then let’s grab a draw we’ll put this drawer right above the top node here this is going to be our lithium draw right so I’ll put some lithium into here like this so now we

Need to extract from the top here and we need to insert that into the deployers to deploy downwards to the Depots now let’s go turn them into Sky Stone once they’ve been deployed which is fine so let me get more item cards again we’ll grab three

This time we’ll set one of these to extract and we’re going to put that in the up section that’s going to extract the lithium then we need some more basic filters two of them because we need to specify that we’re going to insert lithium so here insert card lithium insert card

Lithium one of those is going to go here the other one is going to go there and again instantly we see those acquire some lithium this one might have taken a lot of the lithium on the up card here we can’t set this to a round robin true

So that’s going to divide the lithium between both of these instead of just sending it to one which is exactly what we are after so these are filling upon lithium that’s going to get deployed and turn the stone into Sky Stone so then we need to get more item cards

Because now we need to get to the extract and we need to get six that insert the two that extracts of course are gonna go either side here so we’re going to put in one extraction card here and one extraction card here both of those actually do need to be filtered because

We don’t want them extracting the stone we only want them extracting the sky Stone so real quick if we grab our crank we can do something like this and do that one manually just to get as a sky Stone so let’s go to the filter skystone and then add that to both of

The extraction cards so both of these are only going to extract skystone they’re not going to extract regular Stone then we need to get I think six more basic filters because we want to insert to all the basins but again we only want to insert skystone we don’t want to insert

Regular Stone and currently everything is all connected so the stone here would get transferred over if we didn’t add basic filters thankfully the basic filters are easy enough to make and getting six of them should not be a problem so we’ll do six and then in here

We’re going to set all of those to skystone and then if we just grab all of these we could also go ahead and put one of each basic filter into each one of these insert cards and then each one of these insert cards is going to go into

The side of the node that corresponds with a bit in so here here here and here so now Sky Stone should get 10 out we do want to make sure that in here these extractions are also set to round robin and Round Robin that’s going to distribute the sky Stone between all of

These basins here and then the final piece of the puzzle is to also take lithium from this drawer at the top and place it into the basins via an insert card so there is already an insert card in here for skystone I think we can just

Hijack those for lithium as well if we add lithium to that list lithium will get sent there so I think that’s going to work I think the lithium will be extracted it will be round robin to everything so lithium we’re going to both deployers and into all six spaces

The longer an even distribution of the lithium the stone is being extracted from the igneous extruders and Center these two Depots the lithium is then deployed onto the depot skier that’s going to produce skystone the sky zone is extracted and distributed between all of the basins

That’s going to produce all the stuff we want there the final piece actually might be to add an extraction card to each Basin as well because we need to extract the lithium that’s in the Basin it’s like the excess lithium and send that back around to the draw up here

This is where things get a little janky as well but should be fine I think we’re going to need to get a counting filter here because we need to extract all but one lithium we need to make sure that we leave at least one lithium inside of

Every single Basin to ensure that more lithium can be made so let’s make six counting filters we’re going to take these we’re going to put one lithium in we’re then going to take six more item cards we’re going to set each one of these to extract and we’re going to put the

Counting filter in that should in theory extract lithium but always leave one lithium inside of the Basin in doing so I’m making sure that there’s always lithium in the Basin to produce more lithium and I think one thing we are going to have to do here is utilize the channel

System uh real quick we’re gonna have to put an insert card up here the channel system is usable here because otherwise we’re going to have a card like two cards in here one that’s set to extract lithium and one that’s set to insert lithium and that’s just going to kind of

Negate and mess things up I think so with the insert card we’re going to change it from the channel 0 to channel one which is the orange Channel and we’ll do the same on all of our Basin extractions as well so here we’re going to change this to Channel Zero as well

So now the extraction of lithium from the basins and the sending it back up to here is separate it’s like a completely separate channel to the initial extraction and distribution of lithium so no lithium is going to go for example from this base in over into another

Basin it’s going to go from here back up into this drawer and then that drawer is going to decide where things need to go and we are going to have to make sure that we use a key to lock that top drawer to lithium do I have any more

Lithium I do because it’s going to get extracted quite quickly I think so if I do this and this there we go that’s perfect let’s quickly go and make sure that all of the rest of these are set to channel one and not Channel Zero so I think that we are

Pretty much good to go here let’s give this a try um actually before we give it a try we do need to get some more Cog Wheels because the last thing that I want to turn on is the mechanical arm because I don’t want to waste our Blaze

Kicks if we don’t have to um so before we turn that on let’s make sure that everything else here is connected up placing down cogwheels like this means that if one of these mechanical mixes are spinning they’re all spinning and then from there we need to make sure that we can get these

Deployers online as well which I think is just going to require a few gearboxes and some creative shafting okay so this ended up being janky that I thought it would be but I think this here will work we’ve used six gearboxes so we’re gonna have the Gear power here or the shaft

Power the gear is going to go down and then shaft power is going to continue on up into this like that so I’ll have a shaft uh gear there Cog wheel that goes up then these three gearboxes go up and connect to here to spin all of the mixers and

Then the gearbox here is connected to this one which is connected to these two these go forward and connect up to the deployers so I think this somewhat compact little system is what is going to allow us to duplicate resources uh specifically elements so

Let’s give it a try shall we if we put this down here things begin and things began going very quickly the sky stone is taken the whisks are going down we want to see basically the whisks down permanently which is obviously not happening but the system does work you’ll see we’re

Gaining lithium here 21 22 23 24 lithium is being made I think basically what we need to do now is just increase the speed of everything I think we need overclockers for all of our nerds and for our cards I think the node over clockers are more important here because I think that

The um because some of these cards a lot of these cards have oh gosh yeah the crank is just going eh um let me uh get rid of that um let me take this away the uh because we have a lot of cards that are doing a

Lot of stuff like this top card here I think the node overclockers allow a card to use I think we only need two I think basically you need one overclocker per one extra card that you want the nerd to be able to use simultaneously so for the

Sides that have like two cards we need two note overclockers to allow them to use both simultaneously or maybe just one actually one two three four five six seven eight nine yes I think you can use one at a time but then if you add one note over clocker I think

Now you can use two at a time and then if you put in eight overclockers which is the most you can use nine at a time so I think only one is required actually and then for nodes that have three cards I think these need two

And it basically just allows the node to do the uh to use all three cards at once whereas without those overclockers I think it just uh kind of Cycles through them and so it’s still pretty fast but not as fast as it could be so now that we’ve overclocked most of the nodes

Actually all of the sides of the notes I think need overclocking let’s go and get some of the regular like card overclockers these ones here I’m gonna get a bunch of these 51 is is a lot but um we want to be able to accept like the extraction rate on the lithium to

High and and fast that’s going to move that lithium around quickly because we want the lithium getting to these deployers as fast as they can right you’ll see the next problem is the extraction we’re on the uh the stone by the looks of it like the stone is not

Being extracted fast enough so let’s do this again we’ll transfer a stack per tick if we can and we’ll do the same over here we’ll transfer a stack per tick that’s probably excessive like they probably don’t need to be going that fast but this is more ideal they

Should allow a lot more of these to stay full on skystone which is exactly what we want next up I think we’re going to want to speed up the extraction of the sky Stone again we’ll do the same thing here we’ll set it to like maybe we’ll say it’s like 32 per tick

Oh I’m gonna set this to a lower number I’m gonna set this to like 16 per tick just because I want to make sure that the round robin is still working I feel like if I set it to a stack per tick it’s probably not going to

Um round robin as effectively I think it might send a snack to the first one and then wait to send us next to the second one which is not exactly what I’m after whereas now I’m hopeful that’s sending that round in the in good time it looks

Like all of that is receiving skystar which is good and uh we’re still not full upon lithium like our lithium is still being distributed around um I think we do want to make sure that the deployers are a higher priority I’m going to set these to Priority One

Whereas all of the basins are set to Priority zero because we want to make sure that the lithium is going to the deployers first because the deployers are needed to make more skystone which is what is needed to make more lithium as well so that should be working

Though I can’t help notice you’re not working next time I think the the thing that we might want to speed up is the extraction again like here I think we want to extract as much as possible like we want to pull that lithium out everything again you’ll

See is leaving one in there but so we want to extract the lithium as fast as is humanly possible for us to do so and set it background to the drawers so the problem now is that we didn’t set up that Sugar automation so we have

Sugar obviously and we can add the sugar to the system here and that’s going to bring everything back online again right now they’re all just not spinning because they don’t have superheated uh Blaze burners underneath them as soon as they do get superheated blaze burners they should get going and again this is

What we want to see we want to see like the whisks ideally constantly in there and now you’ll see the volume is the water the water is not being extracted fast enough that again is fine it’s a solvable problem which you’ve got down and then set this to mix basically

Transfer as much as we can 8 000 Milli wickets per tick is perfect that should hopefully keep these nice and full and again we want to see these whisks constantly down which they are nice look at that 200 210 220 13 14 15. like we’re

Making a lot of lithium this is nice and so this is the system that we plan to use and I will come back in a second and ultimate the sugarcane because otherwise without the sugar we’re not going to be able to keep this running for very long

At all we can do this but it’s not going to be permanent but this system right here is what we’re going to use to generate large amounts of specific resources so for now I’m going to leave this running to generate large amounts of lithium let me get a um a storage

Upgrade here and by that I mean let’s get quite a few of these uh storage upgrades if we can which we definitely can do here just to uh to make the lithium drop nice and big because we will be holding thousands of of lithium so if we’re going to our chemistry to

Automate the sugar we’re going to need to dissolve of the atomizer the compactor and the combiner the atomizer here is the the first step I think for getting water and then the compactor is the final step which is where we’re going to get the sugar from so

Putting this somewhere is gonna be the tricky part let’s put the atomizer down if we grab some more item pipes real quick I’m gonna do something like this I’m going to disconnect that just in case that causes any problems which it might let’s put the atomizer like here and that way we

Can just extract the sugar that we get as the final product down into the base and on the same line we’re already using so going into the compactor we need a combiner so we’ll have a combiner there that can extract down into the compactor the combiner here is going to make a sucrose

This stuff right here will lock the recipe and then before that we need carbon which we’re going to get from a dissolver so let’s take all of our dissolvers and put that maybe oh let’s put that like here and here so we need the coal going into here then it’s

Going to go across and get that’s going to turn it into uh graphite we don’t need to break the graphite down into carbon carbon down over into the combiner that combiner is then going to uh get the carbon we then need the hydrogen and the oxygen that’s where the atomizer comes in the

Atomizer is going to turn uh liquid water into actual water but then we need a further dissolver so I need one more of these actually to turn there to water into hydrogen and oxygen so let’s do again somewhat gently I’m thinking about the fact we have a

Sink over here we can go to the sink but that’s actually fine let’s do this here let’s do this here and then let’s make one more sink and let’s put that here so we want to be able to extract the water out over enter there that’s gonna be fine let’s grab a

Couple of flux points if we can we’re gonna put one of those here to connect to all three of those fantastic we can then put another one of them maybe here and connect to that and then from there we could potentially we could potentially just use energy pipes but

You know we’ll just put another one down here connect to that and then we’ll just request one more why not and we’ll put that down underneath the um the compactor over here let’s do that and boom okay so this should be receiving water it is it’s making water which is

Fantastic we’re then going to take all of that water and extract it around into here so we’ll set that to extract that’s going to receive water and it’s going to make hydrogen and oxygen then over here we need coals a coal is currently all the way over here now

There are a few things we could do we could get maybe like an inner chess system or something set up to actually move all of this or alternatively given that we already have a um a very I sorry pipeline set up across here we could do something like this we’ve made this

Wonderfully compact system over here but if we just do something like this we can run coal across the room over and into our dissolver that’s going to make the graphite then we can extract all of that graphite over and into here that’s going to make carbon and then we’re

Going to need to get ourselves a um another laser node here because for that we’re going to need more laser connectors because we used all of our logic chips to make overclockers so let’s make another stack of raw chips and go ahead and drop those in like that

That’s going to get smelted instantly and it’s going to allow us to make some more laser connectors and from there some more laser nodes and the reason we have to use laser notes here as I’ve shown previously is that even if you lock a recipe in the combiner the

Combiner still allows items to go in the extra slots and if there’s ever an extra item in even if it’s an item the combiner needs like extra oxygen it will stop the recipe from working so we need to do this and this and we can use the item pipe for extracting here that’s

Going to be fine but we have to use laser IO with a counting filter to make sure that we never have more than 64 carbon 64 oxygen or 64 hydrogen in the combiner at any one time which should be fine for that we’re going to need two more counting filters which does require

Another set of basic filters that’s not going to be a problem we then need some more item cards I think four item cards is gonna do it for us we’re then going to set two of those to extract and two of them to insert the two that are set

To insert are what are going to get the counting filters one of them is going to get a counting filter for carbon and again we can just put a stack of carbon in there that’s fine the other is going to get the counting filter for uh whoops

For hydrogen and oxygen so hydrogen and oxygen uh we might run into some slight problems here with overflow because there’s twice as much hydrogen being made here but no that’s fine because the the sucrose requires twice as much hydrogen as well that’s perfect you’ll love to

See it okay so in that case let’s set you to extract anything you to also extract anything we then want this one here that should only put in a stack of carbon mix and then we’ll do the same here they should only put in a stack of hydrogen and a

Stack of oxygen mix and then both that hydrogen oxygen will be combined with the carbon to make the sucrose the sucrose will go down into the compactor the compactor we are going to have to set specifically to the recipe for sugar so we have to wait for our first bit of

Sucrose for that to happen but then once that’s done we should be good to go at this point the only thing we’re missing is yet more overclockers in this scenario though we only need the card overclockers not the node overclockers because we’re not using more than one

Card in any side of any one nerd so let’s just set you to extract a stack at a time and then we’ll do the same over here we’ll set u right here to extract a stack put a tick that should fill these up this is going

To work nice and fast those are going to get exported around there let’s request a few more ultimate pipe upgrades just to make sure everything’s running as smoothly as it possibly can be let’s go boom and boom and boom I don’t think this is gonna be a bottleneck no

The atomizer’s got loads of stuff in it that’s fine and then down here which is to make sure that this is set to this and there we go that is good to go the sugar should get extracted and should get sent down here it is indeed at this

Point the only thing that is slowing us down is eggs actually so this is all working we’ve got six thousand lithium so we’ve got the lithium nice and quick which is good but the trouble is eggs we’re not getting the eggs in fast enough okay so we weren’t getting eggs fast

Enough to keep up with the speed of our create Contraption so what I’ve done is I’ve moved the chickens up onto the roof to allow us to get more chickens in here and what I’ve also done is I’ve gone back through to the Nether and I’ve got

Yet another mob spawner the plan here is that we’re gonna craft up a chicken spawn egg this one right here using some charm fragments which we should be getting over in here we are indeed we can then combine those up with just a regular chicken egg

To get the spawn egg and then just like we did with Blazers and with wither skeletons we should then be able to transform our regular I think right now it’s an imp spawner into a chicken spawner that’s the plan and that’s hopefully going to allow us to get a

Large number of chickens from there we can just use something like an item collector to collect all of the eggs instead of a regular Hopper and we should be good to go so let’s get rid of the Cobblestone here let’s shift right click this away let’s right click with

The chickens and then now just like we did before we can use things like sugar and clocks to increase the speed at which chickens spawn okay so it turns out the chickens need grass to spawn I do also think that we’re still going to run into the issue of them not being

Able to spawn due to the fact there were too many chickens here there are a few things you can do to counteract this if we look at the spawner we can see all the upgrades you can use a dragon egg to ignore the conditions completely

Um or you can use a gas tank here to increase the number of allowable maximum entities it says the modifier cannot increase above 32 though which is not ideal because we need well over 100 chickens for this to work so what we’re going to do is we’re going to

Move the spawner real high up and then we’re going to place down the grass I’m hopeful that the way this works is that we can place Vector plates on top of the grass and then just have all of the chickens pushed towards the the center and have them fall down and

Because the the chickens don’t take fall damage they they should be fine so we’ll do this we’ll grab one more dirt just to make this even and My Hope here is that uh much like the the mobs before them that the the vector plates will work and so we’ll put

Down Vector plates pushing them all to the center like that what was going to get rid of the Cobblestone beneath it and we’re already getting some eggs which is fantastic so we’ll have the vector plates pushing them all towards the center like this okay so they do spawn

But somewhat awkwardly only with the spawner at ground level so I think we’re gonna have to swap the block that they get pushed her so they get pushed around and into that block there so if I take my Vector plates and do something like this that should work and they should get

Slowly but surely like it’s gonna take them a while to fall down but they should slowly get slowly but surely get added to the pile there and we could of course make the vector plates faster the more faster vexplates available and uh we can also on top of that accelerate

The speed of the spawner If we’re going to accelerate the speed of the spawner it probably is worth accelerating the speed of the vector plates but to be honest I think this is fine the chickens are coming in slow but surely we don’t want to leave this on forever because of course we don’t want

An infinite amount of um of chickens we only want enough to get us enough eggs to keep things going so what I’m going to do is I’m going to make this a regular item collector and then I’m going to upgrade that with an eye vendor which we can have our system craft for

Us into an advanced item collector and then from there we’ll just grab a regular old storage door we’ll place that down probably right over the hole that we just made previously so we’ll do something like this or put down the item collector like that that’s going to collect almost all

Of them we’re doing to increase the the radius here and we don’t increase the Y range just the x and z to make it larger and if we go in here and click range shown we can see that the range is now more than big enough to collect all of

The eggs that are being generated we’ve got 12 eggs in there and hopefully we’re gonna get a lot more chickens coming in slow a bit shortly and then we can take those eggs and just use a regular old item pipe to move them down into the other egg drawer obviously we don’t need

Two egg draws but it’s easier just to do something like this and connect this up to the pre-existing egg drawer system all right this is working it looks like we are finally getting enough eggs you’ll see here we’ve got uh a nice backlog of um

Of eggs coming in I did see the blaze cake backed up a second ago I think again much like with these deployers things move over in batches same with over here as well things don’t always move over instantaneously but uh things are moving over Place kicks being made

I think we’re getting more than enough eggs we have a lot of chickens up there like a staggering number of chickens but this system is indeed working and so now basically between streams we’re gonna go ahead and leave this system chugging away hopefully we’ll come back next time

To a very large amount of lithium because we’re going to need a lot of lithium in order to make all of the um the singularities thankfully not all of these require this setup it’s not like we have to get 50 000 of each of these uh elements from this system here most

Of them are makeable in other ways but we are gonna have to do it with a few of them specifically we’ve kind of run through it with the twitch chat and I think helium Krypton and fluorite are the three that we’re going to have to do

With this setup so we’re going to get enough lithium to produce those then maybe some extra lithium for some of the other ones potentially as well but hopefully between streams will gather even more lithium will get even more Krypton to 7000 Krypton here again we need 50 000 so we’ll let that keep

Running and keep doing its thing I might add a few more um deployers over here to get even more encrypted Matrix it seems like that is what’s slowing us down currently like this end hand keeps running out of encrypted matter but we are well on our way to completing this

Pack next time we’ll come back we’ll craft up the ultimate Ingot so we’ll go ahead and probably end up finally setting up that wall of storage draws for each element getting the periodic table of elements up on the wall and uh and then once we have that we can then

Start filling it in we can get all of the ingots made here these require a lot of the elements that we’re going to need for the wall as well once we have all of the ingots we only need five of each Ingot which means we need 80 of each

Element this one right here again some of those most of those even I think are going to have to be duplicated with this setup here which again is why we need a large amount of lithium because we need 8A lithium for every Ingot that we can’t make easily otherwise so like Cobalt we

Can make easily but things like Molly Bender we’re going to have to use the duplication system full so we’ll use our Fusion or fission reactors to get one molybendum and then we’ll use this system here to duplicate and get 80 once we have 18 we’ll then turn it into Ingot

So we’ll put it in the automatic crafting table and we’ll do that for all the ingots here until we have five ultimate ingots then we’ll look at getting the ultimate singularities again not going to be as hard as I think people think it’s going to be but going

To be harder than some people don’t think it is it’s gonna be tricky but I think we can make it happen we can get ourselves a creative Supply grid and then once we have one of those we can make everything else happen very quickly but those are all future problems for

Future Isaac for now I’m gonna go ahead and wrap up this episode there foreign

This video, titled ‘Minecraft Encrypted | UNLIMITED ELEMENT GENERATION MACHINE! #17 [Modded Questing Survival]’, was uploaded by Gaming On Caffeine on 2023-01-03 00:00:03. It has garnered 26561 views and 714 likes. The duration of the video is 01:23:19 or 4999 seconds.

Minecraft Encrypted | UNLIMITED ELEMENT GENERATION MACHINE! #17 [Modded Questing Survival] with GamingOnCaffeine ★Minecraft Cave Factory | A NEW GENERATION OF STONEBLOCK! #1:

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Music Licensed From Epidemic Sound

About Encrypted_ Modpack: Encrypted_ is a sci-fi questing modpack for Minecraft 1.18.2. It contains technology mods such as [Mekanism/Create/Thermal] and magic mods such as [Blood Magic/Hexerei/Mahou Tsukai/Mana and Artifice]. It also has CHEMISTRY! Progress through different mods and build complicated machines and factories, with the goals of crafting creative items and achieving greatness! You start in an empty simulation, where your goal is to get back to reality!

#Minecraft #Encrypted #Modded

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    Sly Hardcore Minecraft Challenge: Leather Armor Only!Video Information This video, titled ‘Hardcore Minecraft but only with Leather Armor! | Stream 6’, was uploaded by YertaPain on 2024-04-09 06:35:34. It has garnered 780 views and 20 likes. The duration of the video is 02:21:10 or 8470 seconds. Yoo this is Stream 6 of the Minecraft Hardcore Series! Today I set up the villager farm (mostly) so that I can have good trades for enchanting! Lets see how long it takes me to beat the ender dragon! I hope you enjoy this stream and be sure to subscribe if you enjoy the fun! If you want a Text… Read More

  • Dronio’s Explosive Minecraft Adventure! #viral

    Dronio's Explosive Minecraft Adventure! #viralVideo Information This video, titled ‘В Minecraft с Компотом – яркий фейерверк веселья. #viral #minecraft #minecraftsurvival’, was uploaded by Дронио on 2024-03-08 13:45:00. It has garnered 11491 views and 1639 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:46 or 46 seconds. Podpishis #shorts #minecraft #minecraft Sign up for a free trial English lesson in Minecraft with your parents, here is the link: ➜ Our social network social network ➜ SUBSCRIPTION MOTION GRAPHICS FOR VIDEO DESIGN ➜ Buy a Collection of AI ART Images 100,000 AI-Generated Images ➜ Digital Art Monetization DOWNLOAD THIS… Read More

  • Fuzzycub builds dreamy starter house!

    Fuzzycub builds dreamy starter house!Video Information This video, titled ‘I BUILT A CUTE COTTAGECORE STARTER HOUSE – OLYMPUSCRAFT SEASON 4 EPISODE 1’, was uploaded by Fuzzycub_ on 2024-04-17 17:59:46. It has garnered 324 views and 40 likes. The duration of the video is 00:26:40 or 1600 seconds. Join the Bear Cave Discord : Olympuscraft SMP is a Modded 1.19.2 Minecraft java Server. Check out the other members here! @CodeMC1 @styrkatMC @RobPlaysMinecraft @CallieBuilds @dergrietz @saigeyplays @MB_C-137 @BeardedSurvivalGuy @zinjy @jblader111 @MasterCWG music licences from Epidemic sound. Read More

  • INSANE! EPIC Wheat Farm Tutorial! – Battle Lock Gamer #3

    INSANE! EPIC Wheat Farm Tutorial! - Battle Lock Gamer #3Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Making Wheat Farm Episode 3 || #3’, was uploaded by Battle Lock Gamer on 2024-02-27 16:17:32. It has garnered 400 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 00:06:26 or 386 seconds. Minecraft Making Wheat Farm Episode 3 || #3 Minecraft is a game made from blocks that you can transform into whatever you can imagine. Play in Creative mode with unlimited resources, or hunt for tools to fend off danger in Survival mode. With seamless cross-platform play on Minecraft: Bedrock Edition you can adventure solo or with friends, and discover an… Read More

  • “UNCOVERED: Terrifying New Minecraft Mob at Night” #gamer

    "UNCOVERED: Terrifying New Minecraft Mob at Night" #gamerVideo Information This video, titled ‘New mob in Minecraft – Deeper And Darker #minecraft’, was uploaded by Night Gamer on 2024-04-08 13:00:44. It has garnered 5050 views and 185 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:57 or 57 seconds. New mob in Minecraft – Deeper And Darker #minecraft Read More

  • Daekock’s Mind-Blowing JFK Mega on Mars! #Minecraft

    Daekock's Mind-Blowing JFK Mega on Mars! #MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘JFK Mega – Auf zum Mars 🚀 🌍 #minecraft #JFKMEGA #atm9’, was uploaded by Daekock on 2024-02-28 12:00:31. It has garnered 453 views and 13 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:32 or 32 seconds. Livestream on Mon – Thurs: approx. 6:00 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. Fri – Sat: approx. 3:00 p.m. to open end Sun: approx. 3:00 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. Follow me on: Twitch: Youtube: TikTok: Instagram: X (Twitter): Youtube playlist: #minecraft #JFKMEGA #JFKMEGAPROJEKT #atm9 #allthemods9 Read More

  • Minecraft PVP with DISASTER

    Minecraft PVP with DISASTERVideo Information This video, titled ‘I Cheated with //DISASTER in Minecraft Build Battle!’, was uploaded by Mongo on 2024-05-30 17:00:00. It has garnered 716757 views and 14305 likes. The duration of the video is 00:29:25 or 1765 seconds. Mongo and Wudo are doing a build battle except Mongo is cheating! Does Mongo win? Watch to find out! This video was inspired by Maizen, Mikey and JJ, Milo and Chip! #Mongo #Minecraft #MinecraftMod Read More

  • New Minecraft Speed Test: Golem vs. Axe

    New Minecraft Speed Test: Golem vs. AxeVideo Information This video, titled ‘WHAT AXE IS FASTER IF IT WAS A CAR IN MINECRAFT’, was uploaded by Goleeem on 2024-03-24 20:00:07. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. memes #meme​ #Minecraft​ Thank you all for watching. #Minecraft​ #meme​ #memes tag: minecraft, minecraft hunger games, … Read More


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  • MineRealm SMP Semi-Vanilla Public 1.19-1.20.6 21+ Staff Legit Custom Plugins

    Welcome to MineRealm! Over 260,000 unique players have joined since our launch in 2010. Join one of the longest running public SMP servers today! Server: Website: Trailer: Watch Here Discord: Join Now Rules: View Here About MineRealm: We focus on keeping core gameplay close to vanilla Enjoy infrastructure, mega builds, and land for your empire No items or blocks spawned by staff Custom-coded gameplay features and grief prevention system Join our Discord Server for updates For more information, visit this forum post Join today and be part of the MineRealm community! Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Axes = Ultimate Power

    Well, I guess you could say axes are really… cutting edge in Minecraft! Read More

  • 🔥REAL LIFE MINECRAFT WITH CHATGPT 😂 #minecraft #meme #funny

    🔥REAL LIFE MINECRAFT WITH CHATGPT 😂 #minecraft #meme #funny “Cuando ChatGPT intenta construir una casa en Minecraft en la vida real y termina creando un desastre de proporciones épicas. ¡Al menos no hay creepers en la vida real, verdad?” 😂 #minecraftfails #chatGPT #constructiondisasters Read More

  • The Monster’s Arrest in EcoSMP

    The Monster's Arrest in EcoSMP The Monster Has Been Arrested | Monster Marauder Part 14 Breaking news on the EcoSMP Minecraft Towny survival server! EcoSMP officials have successfully apprehended the notorious Monster Marauder. The monster is now being transported to a top-secret facility, ensuring the safety of all EcoSMP towns. But the question remains – what about the stolen treasure? The Hunt for the Stolen Treasure The Monster Marauder, in a final act of defiance, taunted authorities by claiming that the stolen treasure would never be found. However, hope is not lost as brave adventurers have discovered six mysterious keys scattered across the server…. Read More

  • INSANELY RARE Minecraft Advancement Hunting LIVE🔴

    INSANELY RARE Minecraft Advancement Hunting LIVE🔴Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Advancement Hunt | Episode 3 (LIVE🔴)’, was uploaded by Inselphia on 2024-06-04 08:41:19. It has garnered 64 views and 9 likes. The duration of the video is 01:46:45 or 6405 seconds. The marks the second episode of the LIVE Series where I will try to get every Minecraft advancement. However, I have a mod that adds over 1000+ advancements to the game! Come join and have some fun! Read More

  • Minecraft Bedrock: The Conjuring 2 House Build

    Minecraft Bedrock: The Conjuring 2 House BuildVideo Information This video, titled ‘THE CONJURING 2 HOUSE IN MINECRAFT BEDROCK…’, was uploaded by Pucheku Gaming on 2024-03-22 07:32:34. It has garnered 407 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 00:25:56 or 1556 seconds. ┗—————————————————————————ᐷ ☠️░H░ ░o░ ░r░ ░r░ ░o░ ░r░ ☠️ ┗—————————————————————————ᐷ 🗡️WELCOME TO PUCHEKU GAMING NEW VIDEO⚔️ ┗—————————————————————————ᐷ [•.• New Video •.•] The Conjuring-2 In Minecraft ┗—————————————————————————ᐷ [•.• Links•.•] Discord :- YouTube :- ┗—————————————————————————ᐷ [•.• Download Links•.•] Creator:- ┗—————————————————————————ᐷ [•.• Popular Videos •.•] ✅How To Make Replay In Mcpe:- ✨Mcpe Best Useful Mod:- 🤯How To Add Shader On Pojav Launcher Rendering Replay:-… Read More

Gaming On Caffeine – Minecraft Encrypted | UNLIMITED ELEMENT GENERATION MACHINE! #17 [Modded Questing Survival]