Gaming On Caffeine – Minecraft Sky Bees | POWERFUL ENCHANTING & XP DUPLICATION! #20 [Modded Questing Skyblock]

Video Information

In the last stream we were working on a little bit more in the way of blood magic we set up this extremely tranquil incense altar down here on at the lower level of our base allowing us to uh imbue our sacrificial knife with the tranquil powers of this incense altar which in turn

Allows us to get more lp every time we use the sacrificial dagger up near our blood altar now between streams i have gone ahead and made quite a few more blank slates we’re going to need so many of these in today’s stream so i’ve kind of got a

Head start on that and we’re currently making even more as we speak i’ve also done a little bit of work adding more rooms to this setup and i’ve also rearranged the runes a little bit as well to make things a little bit more symmetrical and we’ve still got our runes to capacity

Our runes of speed and our runes of self-sacrifice but we now have more runes of self-sacrifice and more runes of speed making the actual craftier faster now you may notice that the tranquil altar uh while still extremely tranquil is looking a little bit less woody

Than it did at the end of the last stream as you can see we have a lot more fire now which is not necessarily a bad thing it definitely doesn’t look as great i don’t think obviously the reason for that by the way is because even though these uh bits of

Oakwood down here are not flammable because they’re not really awkward they’re chiseling bits but uh the fire still spreads up and the other logs do still burn not a terrible problem uh because fire is still a tranquil block so it does still count towards the enzymes altar

And if we get our divination sigil here you can see in the top left that we are still at at the maximum plus 120 on our percentage boost there so we are still doing just fine that might change once we upgrade to the the one stone path um but before we get

Started with too much blood magic today chad um and i do want to do a bit more blood magic because hopefully by the end of today’s stream we’re going to have automated the production of steel casing so we can request it from our refined storage system

And have as many of them as we want automatically made for us but before we get to that um i do want to start with something that’s going to seem a little bit out of left field but it’s going to make sense once we get around to it later on

In today’s stream so i want to start with a little system that is going to allow us to generate experience so if we wanted to make for example some bottles of enchanting or bottle zone enchanting we can make these in the solidification chamber with experience liquid experience

And glass bottles the problem is getting the liquid experience now thankfully you can make liquid experience using experience confections and most importantly you can make them with gas tiers in doing so you get a certain amount of experience back now i believe guest tiers are the best option here and you’ll see each

Different item gives a different amount but the core idea is that one experienced confection plus one guest tier gets you 1200 liquid experience you can then use that 1 200 liquid experience with three sugar to generate one experienced confection and so as long as you have a good supply of sugar

And gas to tears you can effectively duplicate the amount of experience that you have infinitely and in doing so generate infinite experience at which you can then turn into bottles oh enchanting which we could then use on ourselves to get more levels which is going to come

In useful later on in today’s stream because i do want to do a little bit of enchanting before this stream is done again the reason why it will become apparent a little later on down the line so essentially what i’m thinking of doing here is just basically duplicating

At this kind of setup above just like right here um but this time we’re going to export the sugar to the uh solidification chamber and we’re going to export the gas tiers to the melting chamber and then we’re going to have the experience cycle round so i am going to build this

A little wider the reason for that is that i would like to have a tank in the middle that can store any excess experience and this allows us to get like a bigger backlog now i don’t know if i mentioned it in the the live stream but we did craft this basic

Fluid tank uh the reason we crafted this and uh it’s from mechanism and super easy to make but the reason that we crafted it is that a mechanism has a mode switching feature so right here it says item mode switch by default the hotkey is

N so if you hold the tank and press n you can toggle on and off bucket mode and in bucket mode you can use this tank as basically a bucket that can hold 14 buckets worth of fluid so what we did is we brought down

The uh tank that we have full of lava the quantum tank placed it down used the basic fluid tank here to take out 14 buckets worth and then use that to place down all this lava as opposed to having to individually place down every single lava source block instead

You can just use booking mode here right click to pick up or shift right click i believe to put down which is super useful i am going to empty out the last of this lava here though because i would now like to turn off bucket mode and instead grab

A fluid cable and use this as a buffer for excess experience okay so this setup here is almost done we are going to have to make this experience pile on here because we use this to get our initial experience confections now you can see there it says use sugar on an experienced pylon

So to make this we need two vines one hopper two lime dye one fire charge two nether brick and one crystallized amber we have just made a crystallized amber and we already had the the fire charges there so really we need lime dye which we can now make using the rgb honeycombs

That we’re getting from our rgbs now that we have those up and running and we also need two vines though so to get at those two vines we do also need uh some nether bricks i will begin smelting up some nether egg in our furnace upstairs but uh to get the

Vines i think our best option is to simply grab some of the jungle seeds that we got from i think sifting dirt right at the start of the series if we go ahead and plant those down and give it a quick shift i think actually if we do like something like this

We should get a giant jungle treat and then of course we can grab just some regular old cheers uh quickly take care of this guy with our nether white pencil get out of here ghosts but then we can go of course uh just uh ftp ultramine all of the vines there

And that should be pretty much everything for the the experience pylon which says that by default it collects xp orbs nearby but it also says players above so i’m thinking that if we just put this down and then stand on top of it it might collect our experience

It does if you press shift uh whilst on top of that it begins to suck the experience out of you and so now what we should be able to do is take some sugar right click that sugar onto the experience pylon and boom we get a experience confection and it looks like

It used one bucket worth of experience to get that now we are going to need a few of these if our system is going to work effectively so i’m going to dump basically all of my experience here into this pylon that’s going to get us four experience confections and so

On the lower level here and we will take down that tree soon don’t reach it but essentially what we have is we have an exporter over here exporting sugar directly into the solidification chamber much like we were doing with sticks beforehand in this one we then have another exporter exporting guest tiers into

This item router the reason we’re doing it that way is to make sure that we only keep a certain number of gas tiers in the melting chamber uh once again we’re using this guy the regulator augment currently set to 50. so you shouldn’t put any more than 50 gas tiers in this melting

Chamber so for example if i take a few out here it’s only going to put more in once we get below 50 then tops it back up 250. now the problem that we’re currently running into is that the modular router is sending the gas tiers to the left-hand slot

And we need it to be in the right-hand slot because if we look at the recipe here they do have to be in the right slot in order for this to work if we tried to give this power right now it wouldn’t do anything in fact let’s go ahead and request

Two flux points we’ll put one down here and one down here make sure both of those are set to the gaming on caffeine network and yeah this is not producing experience it has to be done this way around so what i’m hoping here is that i’m hoping that doesn’t happen which

Hopefully should be doable so what we should see happening ideally is we should see the uh the fluid being pulled out of this basic fluid tank here over into the uh the solidification chamber so chad’s telling me that you can only pull uh fluids out of the bottom of this tank

Which might be correct but i think we probably don’t want to use these fluid cables because as i mentioned before they hold unlimited amounts of fluid so all of the fluid that would be stored or hopefully should be stored in our experience tank is probably just going to end up being

Stalled in this pipe even if we do get it to work and so what i actually might look at doing here chad is tinkering around with something we’ve not really played with yet and that is the the fluid modules for the modular routers so let’s put one router here and one router here

We’ll then right click on this fluid module and we’re going to set it to right and you’ll see on the right hand side here there’s an error saying that the fluid is coming into the modular router which is correct so we want to put this fluid module in here and what that

Should do is that should pull fluids out of the melting chamber into the item router and we are going to need a few more of these modules so let’s go ahead and grab some more cauldrons and make a few more of these because we then want to have another module

This one is going to send from the item router elsewhere so we want to flip the arrow just by clicking on it and then we want to make sure that the left is selected so now we put this in that should now be set to pull fluids from the melting

Chamber and send them over to the fluid tank now if we hover over this and press i it does specify that the router’s buffer must have a fluid container item in it basically you have to put something in this slot that can hold fluids that

Could be a tank that could be a bucket any item that can hold fluids can go in that slot for now though if we just put a bucket in like so that should now move any experience made in here over to the basic fluid tank that’s the idea um hopefully

Obviously we can’t see it working right now because there are no fluids in the melting chamber but hopefully if we do the same thing with this guy we’re going to see it work so right hand side pulling in left hand side sending out and a bucket

And there we go it is working um i did mess up the the right hand side one there but that is now going and experience confections are being produced and so all we have to do from there is take our regular item cable and then run that up and

Around and over into here we’ll set that to extract and so now the confection should make its way over into here and again we want to make sure that it goes in that left-hand slot so the question now is is the confection made fast enough to get put back in here

Hopefully the answer is yes but it looks like the answer is no unfortunately okay so a little bit of time later i’ve been talking with the twitch chat trying to figure out a way to uh to fix the guest here problem what we’ve done is we’ve set the item router to require

A redstone signal so it won’t send a guest here over until it has a redstone signal and then we’ve added a redstone clock here with a 20 tick delay so essentially what we’ve done is we’ve kind of slowed down the melting chamber the problem was arising because the solidification chamber takes 100 ticks

To produce the confection but then over here the melting chamber only takes 60 ticks to melt that confection so we were using the confections faster than we were producing them which meant no matter how many confections we had we were always going to eventually

Run out and as soon as we run out the gas tiers would overflow into the left-hand slot and things would break you can’t do the recipe the other way around so we have to make sure that there’s always more experience confections in than gas tiers with this redstone clock here

We’ve slowed down the gas tier insertion so that now we start with 13 confections one is used it goes down to 12 but then before the next gas tier comes in it goes back up to 13 and the cycle continues so ideally this should continue running and continue producing experience

We’re already at 15 000 millibuckets of experience in here we can hold up to 64 000 in this tank with a further 14 000 in this tank here and so hopefully later on in at today’s stream we can come over and produce a fair number of bottles of enchanting

Hopefully quite a few of them and use those to uh really bump up our experience level so we’ll leave this running while that’s running uh let’s head on over to our blood magic alter so one of the first things that i would like to do today

Is i would like to upgrade the altar here to tier 4. not only is that going to allow us to upgrade the intense altar down here with one path but it’s also going to open up certain rituals that we’re going to need if we’re going to automate the production of steel casing

So if we grab the old that book here and if we quickly get rid of the drops that we got from gus earlier in the stream let’s go to blood altars double at alta and then let’s visualize the tier 4 altar here and if we right click right about there

It’s going to show us what we need we need i think it’s uh 28 more runes as well as some stone bricks and then four of these bloodstone bricks right at the top and the bloodstone bricks are where things get a little tricky because to make the bloodstone bricks

We require regular stone easy enough along with a weak blood shard now the weak blood chart is made in the the arc which is an abbreviation for the alchemical reaction chamber so all we have to do is put an imbued slit or a master blood up into the alchemical reaction chamber along with

One sanguine reverter now this guy the reverser here this is where things get tricky because to make the reverser we need a hellfire forge which in and of itself super easy to make in fact we can probably go ahead and make the hellfire forge basically right away

Here yeah we have everything for it and we can place that down over next to our alchemy table right about here and this ui we’ll use in just a second but uh back to the old blood chart here to make the reverser we need one block of stone

One shears an imbued slate and an iron ingot all easy enough the hard part is that if we hover over the arrow here we need a minimum of 350 will and this recipe will use 30 will so basically we have these uh tataric gems right here so we type in

Tartaric into jei there are four tiers of titanic gem and each gem can hold a different number of will this one can hold 64. then 256 then 1024 and then 4096. we have to get the third tier the one that can hold up to 1024 because this recipe requires a minimum of 350.

So we can’t fit 350 into the lesser gem we have to go with the higher gem now when you make these they originally start with zero will inside of them the way that you generate will is in one of two ways you can either do it the old-fashioned way

Which is what we did right at the start of the uh blood magic streams and we made the soul snap you throw a soul snare at a mob if you then kill the mob you get its demonic will if you have a titanic gem i’m pretty sure the wheel will just go directly

Into the gem you don’t get it in the form of an actual demonic wheel like we did the first time around uh but alternatively you can also make the sentient sword this uses demon will to unleash its full potential and contains raw will so basically if

You kill a mob with the sentient sword it will increment the number of wills in your titanic gym by one and so effectively i’m pretty sure that we’re gonna have to kill 350 mobs with the sentient sword if we want to make the reverter which we need to make the

Bloodstone which we need to upgrade also which we need to get higher tier rituals so to make the sentient salt here in the hellfire forge we need one titanic gem with one iron sword this recipe requires zero well because of course you don’t have any well at this point in time

And the petty tartaric gem which is the first tier here is one gold one redstone one lapis one glass and then one will which you can use just a regular demonic world for this so let’s grab one redstone one gold one lapis and was it one glass yeah and one glass

Now i don’t think we currently have a demonic wheel lying around we do not um however we can go ahead and make a snare here in fact we probably already had some stairs left over we did if we take that and if we go and throw it at a mob

These zombies here handily in the right place at the right time as soon as you see those particle effects you can kill them up and it should drop oh he he’s gone it should have dropped a demonic will now for whatever reason one of our bees has escaped

No i want to okay it’s probably gonna be easier here if we actually just go through uh two than never to do this so let’s try this again here let’s uh throw oh he picked up the okay so we’ll throw a snare at this guy

As well um i think he should drop the wheel either way there we go so now we have uh two wheels if we do a quick slash home here we can now use this over in the old uh hellfire forge with our redstone gold lapis and glass

Like so and that is going to craft us apathy tartaric gem nice now we can take this and we can put it back in with an iron sword and again this one doesn’t require any will so we can actually take the will out and that’s gonna get us

The sentient sword now we can look in the book here and if i’m not mistaken the sentient sword actually gets more powerful the more will that you have or the more wills that you have inside of your tataric gem so the sword is kind of

Linked to the gem which uh right now is gone we have to make another one because we just used our titan gem uh to make this all so let’s quickly get another uh redstone gold lapis and glass but yeah the sword will look at how many wills you have

In the tatar gym and it will deal more damage accordingly so the more wills that you have on your person the more damage this sword will do out of the gate not a particularly powerful sword but as we level it up it should get more and more powerful

Now this kind of leads me back to the experience setup because i would like to try and enchant this sentient sword to be a little bit better and do a little bit more damage before we head through and try and kill 350 mobs with it and by head through i

Mean the nether i think that’s probably our best bet for killing 350 mobs so if we’re going to enchant this we’re going to need a couple of things of course first things first we’re going to need an enchanting table which thankfully uh we should be able to make fairly easily

We just need one regular book which we can make we have a little light on leather but uh boom that is done and the traditional wisdom here and we’ll put it over here for now and also chat is yelling at me to get rid of this treat so i will quickly uh

Get rid of this people are just shouting timber in the twitch chat which i assume means isaac get rid of the tree so there we go the tree is the tree is gone but uh normally you would put bookshelves around the enchantment table and that would increase the uh

Level of enchants you get now we do have a mod installed that mod is called apotheosis and that adds these uh three tiers or these three uh i guess aspects of enchanting uh there’s eterna there’s quanta and there’s arcana and basically as we put down bookshelves

Around the altar these bars are going to fill up and they each have different effects so the higher you’re a turner the higher level enchants you can get if you get this all the way up max i think you can get a level 100 enchants

Quanta is a bit of a weird one the more quant you have the more variable your enchants are so this one’s a little confusing but according to the wiki it kind of adds an element of randomness to your entrance so if you have a super high quanta

When you go to enchant something there’s a chance that you get like a super an even higher level of enchantment let’s say you go for a level 50 enchant there’s a chance with a super high quanta that you could turn that into a level 100 enchant just by chance but there’s also

A chance that it could go down it’s not always a good thing so the higher your quanta the higher the randomness is i guess but you can get like really swingy enchants so you could click a level 80 enchant and actually get like a level 160 engine which is just crazy

Um or you could get like a level 40 enchant right which is less than ideal but we’re probably going to cycle through these multiple times um so we probably want a high quanta at the zen arcana the higher your arcana the more likely you are to get

Rarer enchants so if you get the super high you’re more likely to get things that you wouldn’t normally get like the heading um or anything like that now with basic uk shelves here uh you can see that uh each one gives you plus one turner

And you can get a maximum of 15 a turner with a bookshelf so we could use those however as you can see there are better shelves available to us uh things like the hell shelf gives you a turner up to a maximum of 22.5 and they give you quantum

Eterna by the way goes up to 50. you can see right there at current value 0 out of 50 and the maximum level enchant that you can do is two times the a turner so if you put down uh 15 oak bookshelves that gives you an attorney of 15 which

Therefore gives you a maximum level enchant of 30 right which is standard minecraft stuff whereas with the hell shelf you can get up to 45 level enchants however we could take this even further because i believe the best option is this guy right here the draconic

And shelf this could this can get you all the way up to that maximum 50 eterna thus offering us level 100 enchants now whether or not we’re going to have enough experience from our little system over here to actually use level 100 enchants is yet to be seen however

Um we should be able to make maybe not these because we don’t have the dragon head but we should be able to make the tier before that the end shelf regular which does makes our faulty it’s a little lower but it also has a higher quanta and a higher arcana and

This i think we can make it’s made with ender pearls dragon’s breath normal bookshelves and then end stone bricks so regular bookshelves we should be able to make fairly easily we are going to have to get some more leather but we do have a zombie b now so we should be able to

Make quite a bit of rotten flesh and use that to make the prepared flesh that we can smelt into leather and the pearls we have in abundance and stone we can actually make fairly easily with lava and a glowstone in a barrel so over here we have our regular old

Barrel in our system we should have a tank that is full of lava from earlier in the series when we had all of them crucibles running uh yeah we still got well over a million buckets of lava there and so if we quickly do something like this

And like this we can then go ahead and grab some glowstone and if we uh rapidly right click with that glowstone we should get a stack of endstone nice and we can craft that up and of course we get a stack of endstone bricks so we can use those to make

The uh outer edge i guess of the bookshelf the only slightly tricky bit is gonna be the dragon’s breath however this is where our bees come to save us because we can actually get dragon’s breath in the centrifuge using ender honeycomb and if i’m not mistaken

Our ender b’s are actually inside of the tier 4 apiary here so i’m thinking what we should probably do is i’m going to temporarily take away the sender module the polar module even and that pulls from i’ll take all the polar modules out for the for a minute because what i want

To do is i want to specifically get the ender combs and i want to run those through the centrifuge with some glass bottles in the bottle slot what that should hopefully do is that should hopefully give us a chance to generate some dragon’s breath you’ll see it’s a 25 chance um but you

Do get nine if you can get uh that 25 chance with a ender honeycomb block and given that we get i think is it eight ender honeycomb blocks per uh pollination here uh we do have a pretty good chance to get at least 18 and the dragon breath when

We uh when we run it through the centrifuge which is more than enough because we’re only going to go for 15 of these end shelves okay so eight ender honeycomb let’s throw that in over here i think just having these glass bottles in is is enough

It does seem to be enough did that get pulled out it did look at that so that’s our first nine dragon’s breath well let the rest of these run through here because if we get more than nine dragon’s breath that’s also good okay so we did get the uh basically

We got exactly what was statistically likely for us to get we got 18 uh from eight blocks so i did make my first uh batch of leather using the prepared flesh recipe but chat did point out uh as per usual that i am a fool and in fact if we

Get the alchemy catalyst back under our mana pool and we can actually use the mana that we have in the manifold uh for a one to one rotten flesh to leather recipe as opposed to a four to one like to make it with the prepared flesh you have to craft full rotten flesh

Into one prepared flesh and then get you one leather whereas with the mana pool one rotten flesh equals one leather just straight away and for now we can go ahead and drop all those in and i have temporarily moved the zombie b over into the tier 4 apiary so we are

Going to be producing a lot more rotten flesh for at least a little while i put down one little flower from back there but that should be all of the leather that we need if we quickly craft up some planks we can then hopefully craft up 15 regular bookshelves of course after

We craft up uh some regular books how are we doing on paper we have zero paper of course we have our sugarcane over here for just this occasion so boom and boom that is 53 bucks more than enough from there boom and boom there is 17 bookshelves again

More than enough and so hopefully we should now have everything it takes to make the end shelves we do we’re missing a little bit in the way of end stone but once again we can just grab some glowstone and uh quickly right click on this barrel over here

And a few more end stone bricks later and that should be everything for the remaining and shelves nice we got 17 a few too many but still fine so over here let’s go ahead and throw those all down we’ll do one two three four five six seven eight nine and then i believe

If we put down 15 that might give us the maximum amount of a turn up it’s not going to show us our eternal until we put a an item in there so let’s grab some lapis and do this and yes our eternal is currently at 40 which is the maximum

That you can get with the ender shelf now you’ll notice that our quanta and our arcana are a little lower now we can up the quanta again i don’t know if it’s necessarily a good thing to use the quanta but i’m all for adding an element of randomness to this so

One other shelf that we can work with and the shelf that i feel like i would be doing the pekka disservice if we didn’t make is the b shelf which is this guy right here this takes away some eterna but gives you 100 contour it fills up

Your quanta bar so it adds just ultimate randomness to your uh to your setup so let’s go ahead and make another bookshelf we are going to need one more book for that and boom so i believe if i’m not mistaken if we put this down let’s say we’ll put

In the middle bank just for uh symmetry sake that’s going to bring our quantum up to the max so maximum randomness but we also now only have 27 on the eterna even if we put down the uh other end shelf there that does bring us back down

To 30. so our max level now is 60 but i think we can still add more of these to push it back up even further yes now we’re back up at 36 that gives us the max level of 72 and i think if we get two more end

Shelves here we could put them here and here to bring that back up to 40 to give us the maximum level chance boom boom and hopefully yeah that puts us back up at 40 which again is the maximum we can get without going to the draconic

End shelf which we can’t do just yet because we haven’t fought the end dragon uh or haven’t been you actually don’t get the dragon head from fighting dragon you get it from ships in the end but we’ve not been to the end yet so we don’t have

The dragon head however we can still get level 80 enchantments and with our super high quanta there’s even a chance that we get like level 160 enchantments which is uh which is super nice chat is reminding me to put my modules back in the router here that is a

Good idea we did have to get another batch of dragon’s breath which is why those were taken out but at this point chad we need to start looking and seeing if we can’t get some levels so we can start actually using this system now you’ll notice that our

Solidification chamber here is very full which is good so earlier i mentioned using bottles here to make bottles of enchanting however chat has pointed out that i can just consume the confection so you just take a confection and right click and you get levels from

That so i think what we’re going to want to do is probably make another maybe two solidification chambers because essentially what i’m thinking now is that uh i’m assuming that we can pull uh some of the uh liquid xp out of either this fluid tank or the solidification chamber here or both

And begin using that to make confections and kind of start to slowly but surely siphon confections out of the system and make use of some of this uh you know 80 000 millibuckets of of essence that we have right that’s the plan um what i might do

Is maybe let’s put this here let’s get a fluid cable let’s put that here and then going to take out these fluid modules that’s going to stop the 14 000 buckets here being moved over but i’m hoping what i can do is i can start to pull

The 63 000 directly out into here so at that point we can then go ahead and get rid of this fluid pipe we can turn this back on so that’s going to start moving at this experience again but now this experience over here we can use for making even more of these uh

Convections but the convections that we make down here are going to be ones that we just consume not ones that we pipe background to make morexp out of okay so chet has handily helped me out here because uh we could just pull we don’t need these extra solidification chambers

You can just take the xp directly down into the experience pylon and then from there we can just grab sugar and we can just keep right clicking the sugar to get more experience pylons and as always if we do this with a rapid right click we get you know just all of the

Experienced pylons at once all of the confection sorry um at once and so there we go got 62 if we go ahead and just eat all of those we get 41 levels which is high but not really as high as i was as i was hoping however we can

Do this again here right we do have another 41 000 millibuckets up at the top so if we do the same thing again with this and this i think it’s fine if we take out some of the experience here because we do still have uh some confections over in in this

Right hand slot so extract stop extracting this is now once again folding through my buckets this should continue to work there should be enough confections in here to keep this system going uh basically i think we just took like one or two off of this number here

But let’s go ahead and grab our sugar let’s once again pour that out and then consume all of these 50 okay 50 levels i think is probably fine um it’s a little unfortunate we did maybe go a bit overkill on the uh on the hell shelves if uh if that’s not

What we needed uh we could in fact actually take some of these hell shells down because i think if we can get this uh a turner value down to 25 we can probably get like a bang on level 50 enchant okay so we’ve removed some of the end

Shelves and actually put down some oak bookshelves because these add a one point to the attorney here and now we actually have an option that is bang on 50. so let’s go ahead and click it again we could get some we could get really lucky and get some really good enchants with

The quanto we could get unlocking and get some pretty bad enchants i’m hoping that we get lucky here but let’s have a look uh we got sweeping edge six ender five ben of the arthropods eight and knockback three okay um i was kind of hoping for maybe like

Smite could be useful sweeping edge is definitely useful knockback less useful although that is the one that we did know um end of five i’m actually not sure what ender does a bit of the auto parts if you come across any spiders this thing is a spider killer now in the future one

Thing we can do is that there is a enchantment extractor you can make this from industrial foregoing and you can basically remove the enchantments from the sword and apply them to books so you could reapply them elsewhere so um at some point we could look at removing the uh

Effects from here and then maybe putting other effects on when we get more experience and i guess actually we are at level 48 for some reason i always assume that we’re going to use all of our levels whenever we do that we don’t and so what we can do here actually

Is we can make this extractor right okay so check is telling me that the disenchanter from cyclic is the same thing but cheaper this is just emerald’s obsidian and an enchantment table so let’s put this down like over here does need power that’s fine we can request a flux point

And just put that down right about here make sure that’s set to the right network and then i believe what we can do now is that we can grab some books and we can begin to pull some of the enchantments off of this guy so we change that to always active

Uh it’s gonna start pulling these off so we got knockback three uh we got sweeping edge six we got ender five and then uh ben at the arthropods eight if we can make uh one more book here but essentially once we’ve pulled all these off we can go in for another

Another enchant right and try and get like another level 15 and see if we can get something a little bit better and then if we want we could even put certain things like you know maybe uh bend the arthropods back on later on down the line if we really wanted it

Even though i don’t think it’s gonna be particularly great okay so i got a bit more experience here because i kind of want to get this level 51 enchant because sharpness seems pretty good again hopefully we’re gonna get some good look that was incredibly bad luck so this

Is kind of an example of just how bad the quanta can be for you because we got 51 levels we got sharpness one that’s what we got we got sharpness one right okay so we’re gonna take that off of course that’s all we want uh thankfully we didn’t use too many

Levels so we can uh we can try again here but hopefully that’s all a bad look hopefully next time we’ll get uh super lucky okay let’s try a 45 knock back two by heading three the heading definitely something we could have done with uh earlier in the series for sure

We’ll go for 48 c in fusion four not really something after but uh i’m not quite sure what life mending does sharpness six is useful life meaning one teleportation c infusion four scavenger one and sharpness six live mending takes some of your health to repair durability oh that might be that

That’d be pretty good actually i think i might stick with this chat in the future we could come back and try and get some some better enchants for now i’m gonna put a chest down here and put the enchanted books in there uh we can come back to that um but for now

We actually have to start doing what we uh what we need to do and that is killing mobs with this uh sentient sword so we have our petty uh tataric gem uh also real quick let me collect this guy before he uh falls off the edge there but essentially

Now we have to kill 350 mobs again we do need to remember that as we kill mobs the damage will get high you’ll see before we actually went from five to ten there um on damage because we now have one one will i don’t think it goes up quite

So much every single time uh but it will go up over time as we get more and more titanic will in our plateau gem okay so not too long later so we have almost a full 64 at wills in our petty titanic gem what we’ve gone ahead

And done is we’ve made a little pigman spawner so here in the nether the fortress by the way is just over in that direction so that’s where our portal is we built it far enough away so that mobs are not spawning in the fortress but over here we have a

Big platform that is covered in vector plates uh these are basically conveyor belts they’re fairly easy to make and they’re made with sugar slime and then blank plates which are made with black dye and stone uh black guy we’ve made from our rgbs and from our black petals

And stone we have from our material stormwatch factory but essentially mobs can spawn on these and as they spawn on them they get pushed to this hole that hole then drops them down to here the drop takes them down to a low enough health turtle so that when we

Hit them with the sentient sword they instantly die a few of them are spawning on this little platform here that’s not a huge deal we can get rid of those guys fairly easily but uh the idea or the main idea i should say of this system is that we have an

Elevator we use the elevator to go down to a lower level this lower level is far enough away from the top platform to where it causes the pigment to spawn and you can hear them all the picklings as well but you can hear them spawning and

Falling in once a few of them have fallen in we can jump up we can kill the ones that respond in and then we can dip back down and repeat the whole process over and over and over again of course right now we don’t actually need to do that because we currently

Have a full uh petty titanic gem here what we need to do now is we need to upgrade to the next tier of tartaric gem and that being the lesser titanic gem to do this we do have to spend 20 and we have to have a minimum of 60

In our current gem thankfully we have 64. i’ll just shy off uh so we need one diamond one block of lapis and one block of redstone all of which we have and so back over here uh now there was some confusion in the twitch chat the hellfire forge is quite smart if

You’re if you have to use a satellite gem in a recipe so for example this one right here it will pull the will out of that gem so we don’t have to have a second one in the right here it will just pull the 20 from here we should still end up with

Uh 44 in the next gem there it is and you’ll see this one currently has 44 and can now hold up to 256 and so now uh we just need to go back and do the same thing over and over again until we can make the common gem and then once we have

That we need to go over and over until we get to 350 will once we have 350 will then we can make our reverter so diamond block of gold imbued slate and lesser tartaric gem with over 240 will quality again we can put it in this slot

Here again it should use the other will from this tartheric gem and we should get our common titanic gem which now has a world quality of 191 so all we have to do now chad is head back one more time and get this up to 350. once it’s up to 350

We’re good to go and there we go 358.98 demonic well that actually didn’t take too long it took a little while but it didn’t take too long and so now we should be able to put this here together and we’re only going to use 30 wheel now we have

To have 350 in there but it’s only going to use 30 of the 315 that we have uh we do need one more imbued slate that’s we’re gonna have to put a new stone in here the imbued lever is turned on we’ll do a quick uh dip to get tranquility

And put some more blood in here i think that should be enough blood there but we’ll do one more deposit just to be safe let’s quickly grab a new set of shears as well as one stern and a one iron so one iron and we’ve already got the stone iron shear

Stone common titanic jam and hopefully one imbued slate into the hellfire forge it took a while chat but there we go we have the reverser so now all we have to do um is actually make the uh alchemical reaction chamber uh which thankfully is a little easier does require two more

Slates but again thankfully that’s not going to be too difficult for us what 32 stone in there and that should get processed into two imbued slates as for everything else i think we probably have it yeah we need a furnace here and that’s everything apart from the

Slate so uh let’s just make sure we do have enough life points in the old altar here uh my heart’s not refilling which usually means that i am out of meat in my older meat feeder and two imbue slits later boom and boom we have the arc the alchemical reaction

Chamber down right about here and this guy does not require any form of power we just have to put in the reverser like so and then if we’re going to make the bloodstone bricks we just need the weak blood chart the weak blood chard we can get

With just a master blood orb into that uh chamber unfortunately we don’t have the master blood yet because that’s actually the tier 4 bullet orb and so for now we are going to have to use this recipe down here with the imbued slate which means again we have to put one

More stone in over here thankfully though we have all of the runes of cell sacrifice and the tranquil altar underneath it so getting the extra room here shouldn’t be too bad and again if we look at it with the divination sigil you’ll see in the top left there that the uh

Number is going down quite quickly because of all the speed upgrades that we have making this nice and fast imbued slate goes in and slowly but surely that’s gonna definitely produce at least one of the weak blood shards and we have a 20 chance to get a second

We didn’t get one but that is fine and then we can craft one weak blood chard with one stone and we get eight large bloodstone bricks and so now champ finally took us a while but circling background if we were to re-visualize the tf4 altar should be able to probably make this

Happen so we needed 28 more runes uh we do have 112 blank slates so that’s more than 28 and we should also have a ton of stone down here because i don’t think we’re gonna quite have enough in the system but we do have over 2000 in this drawer thanks to the material

Stoneworks factory so let’s for now we’re going to craft 28 blank ones of course in the future uh we could upgrade these to be any room we like we also need 16 i think stone bricks we already have 14 so let’s make one more batch they’re taking us to 18

And that should be everything that we need for the tier 4 ulcer and then we have it so now if we right click with our divination sigil we should see tier 4 we do beautiful still the same capacity because we’ve not put in any extra capacity upgrades although now

We do have 28 more rooms worth of space to add more capacity upgrades more speed upgrades uh more of any kind of upgrade that we would like and i think that’s probably where we’re gonna have to wrap things up for today i was hoping to get the steel casing

Automated today but i apparently underestimated just how long it was going to take to get the uh enchantment stuff set up to get the titanic gems to kill all the pigmen and all that jazz so next time we will come back we will look at utilizing this tfl alter

To craft a master ritual stone that being this guy right here as well some ritual stones and some higher tier slates we don’t you don’t need the tier 4 altar to make the master ritual stone however we need to get this guy the ritual diviner brackets dusk the dusk bit is important because

It requires demonic slates demonic slates are made in tier four blood altars so we need the tearful devil for that next time we’ll come back we’ll turn our imbue slates into demonic slates we’ll use those to set up our first ritual which is hopefully going to allow us to automate

The production of a life point so we don’t have to continually bounce up and down on this elevator to refill our blood altar and in turn that’s going to allow us to fully automate the steel casing if we can constantly send life points into the blood altar here uh one last thing i

Will do though before we wrap up for today is i will upgrade our tiles those being our stone path to warm stone path so we’ll take these we do need the higher tier blood orb we need the uh the ma sorry not the master yeah we need the

Master blood up so we do need one more uh weak blood chart here thankfully that is just one slit so once again we’ll drop this guy in right about there uh now to make the master blood up we do need 40 000 lp so we are gonna have to add uh first

Of all some more life points to this and we’re also going to have to add a few more capacity runes here again thankfully i don’t think the capacity runes are going to be too difficult for us to make here uh just buckets imbued slates

And stone so what we all got to do a little bit of sacrificial knifing uh which i probably should have done before we uh removed the stone stairs all right champ a little while later we’ve made seven more runes of capacity we have 50 uh 40 000 lp in

Our tier 4 altar if we drop in our weak blood chart that number in the top left there is going to start rapidly decreasing and so any second now we should receive our magician’s blood orb which we can then craft with our path i then put down some of the stone path

Again just to increase our gain from the tranquility altar but uh we’ll pick those back up this guy is done we’ll take this get rid of this recipe here blood orb plus stone path equals one stone path that’s probably more wants the path than we need

But we can now put this down and so hopefully going forward we should be able to get a 200 boost to each deposit on top of all of the bonuses that we get from the uh runes of self-sacrifice and also because we’re a tier four altar uh

We could if we wanted to add even more runes of self-sacrifice to increase it even further i don’t necessarily think that’s gonna be worth it because hopefully in the next stream we’re going to automate the production of lp anyway uh this is basically just to uh

Tires over until then to make our lives a little easier to make things a little faster but let’s just quickly fill in the rest of these here and there we go we have a 109 percent boost we’re not quite at that max 200 that’ll be because we don’t have our

Dark oak logs down we could if we wanted to uh re-add in some of the dark logs here and i’m assuming that would take us back up over 200 199 of course these aren’t going to burn again as soon as the fire spreads but there it is there is the maximum 200 boost

To our deposits almost a doubling from where we were previously but for now guys i’m going to go ahead and wrap up today’s stream There You

This video, titled ‘Minecraft Sky Bees | POWERFUL ENCHANTING & XP DUPLICATION! #20 [Modded Questing Skyblock]’, was uploaded by Gaming On Caffeine on 2021-03-21 00:30:00. It has garnered 58546 views and 1620 likes. The duration of the video is 00:49:46 or 2986 seconds.

Minecraft Sky Bees | POWERFUL ENCHANTING & XP DUPLICATION! #20 [Modded Questing Skyblock] with GamingOnCaffeine ★Minecraft Volcano Block | SURROUNDED BY LAVA! #1:

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Music Licensed From Epidemic Sound

About Sky Bees Modpack: Sky Bees is a 1.16 skyblock mod pack with quests that uses the resourceful bees mod as it’s primary source of resource generation, other notable mods include: Ex Nihilo, Powah, Industrial Foregoing, Astral Sorcery, Mekanism, Refined Storage & Botania! The pack also features many recipie changes, creating a completely new progression through the different mods!

#Minecraft #SkyBees #Modded

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    Dominion Minecraft Server Welcome to Dominion Minecraft Server Join our community of like-minded adult players for a true vanilla Minecraft experience. We focus on community, player interaction, and fun without any over-the-top additions. Experience weekly events, monthly competitions, group projects, and more. Our whitelist process ensures a safe environment for all players. Apply to join us on Discord HERE Learn more on our website: Our Founding Philosophies: The Vanilla Experience Dominion preserves the vanilla Minecraft experience without any game-altering plugins or benefits for donors. Transparency We believe in transparency with financials and community issues to maintain trust. Community Voice… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Cracked endstone brick: The Ultimate Game Changer (sarcasm)

    Minecraft Memes - Cracked endstone brick: The Ultimate Game Changer (sarcasm)“Cracked endstone brick: the building material no one asked for, but we got anyways. Thanks, Mojang!” Read More

  • Cave Dwellers & Crop Tenders: Minecraft 1.8.9 Achievements Pt.2

    Cave Dwellers & Crop Tenders: Minecraft 1.8.9 Achievements Pt.2 In Minecraft 1.8.9, achievements in sight, Mining, farming, building, all day and night. Expanding my farm, animals in tow, Enchanting room, portal room, watch them grow. Fence around my base, to keep safe and sound, Baking a cake, fishing around. Learning new skills, editing with care, Becoming a pro, with videos rare. Noise suppression for the mic, text commentary too, Speeding up the boring, for a better view. Minecraft adventures, in rhymes we tell, Join me in the game, where stories swell. Read More

  • MLG drop in Minecraft with spicy Wi-Fi

    MLG drop in Minecraft with spicy Wi-Fi When your Wi-Fi is so bad even the MLG drop in Minecraft can’t save you from lagging out of the game. #WiFistruggles #Minecraftfails Read More

  • Bobert Ross Takes on Castle Leslie – Minecraft Cities & Castles

    Bobert Ross Takes on Castle Leslie - Minecraft Cities & Castles Exploring Castle Leslie in Minecraft Introduction In the latest episode of Minecraft Cities & Castles, the dynamic duo of Castle Leslie enthusiasts, featuring Frayte and the narrator, embark on a thrilling adventure to explore the ancient site of Castle Leslie. This historic location boasts a modern castle that has undergone numerous expansions and rebuilds over the generations. Castle Leslie: A Blend of History and Modernity The journey through Castle Leslie in Minecraft reveals a fascinating blend of history and modern architecture. The castle stands as a testament to the evolution of architectural styles, showcasing the intricate details and grandeur… Read More

  • Ultimate 0 CPS Bridging Challenge

    Ultimate 0 CPS Bridging Challenge Minecraft’s Most Insane 0 CPS Bridger Embark on a thrilling Minecraft adventure with the most insane 0 CPS Bridger! Dive into the world of bridging like never before and witness the incredible skills of this Minecraft pro. Server Information For those eager to join the action, the server IP for this epic gameplay is: (Premium) (Offline) 0 CPS Godbridge Tutorial Learn the secrets behind the 0 CPS Bridger’s incredible moves with this tutorial video. Starting at 2 minutes and 57 seconds, you’ll uncover the techniques that make this player stand out from the rest. Check out the… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft 1.20 LIVE REVENGE Adventure – EPIC #14

    Insane Minecraft 1.20 LIVE REVENGE Adventure - EPIC #14Video Information This video, titled ‘Aventure en Hardcore sur Minecraft 1.20 en LIVE (La Revanche) #14’, was uploaded by Râ-moon on 2024-05-10 20:39:42. It has garnered 85 views and 10 likes. The duration of the video is 02:09:45 or 7785 seconds. Hello, welcome to our Minecraft survival in SEMI – HARDCORE, for the revenge of our old adventure, the version is 1.20 with the new updates of course. My goal is to stay alive as long as possible and of course to share as much as possible with you. The whole adventure will take place LIVE every Friday on the… Read More

  • 100 Days of Mod Madness in Minecraft!

    100 Days of Mod Madness in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft 100 Days ADDING RANDOM MODS Every 5 Days’, was uploaded by ArcherKirby8 on 2024-04-06 11:59:20. It has garnered 148 views and 15 likes. The duration of the video is 01:17:03 or 4623 seconds. 100 Days in Minecraft, but I add random mods every 5 Days. If you have a single mod to add, suggest it in the comments below or in the Discord! It does need to be 1.16.5 FORGE and have either a Curseforge or Modrinth Download. This is Stream 11 of the 100 Days. #minecraft #minecraft100days #100days #moddedminecraft #minecraftmods Read More

  • Impossible Challenge: Killing Warden in 16 Seconds?!

    Impossible Challenge: Killing Warden in 16 Seconds?!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft: Killing The Warden Is Not Hard In Minecraft | 16 Seconds Enough | Minecraft Hardcore’, was uploaded by TG Morris on 2024-02-25 03:30:16. It has garnered 49 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:27 or 27 seconds. #warden #Minecraft #MinecraftGameplay #MinecraftBuilds #MinecraftSurvival #MinecraftAdventure #MinecraftCreative #MinecraftMods #MinecraftSeries #MinecraftTutorial #MinecraftTips #MinecraftTricks #MinecraftRedstone #MinecraftWorld #minecraftcommunity new trick to kill warden in minecraft in 16 seconds without hacks, #MinecraftFun #MinecraftChallenge #MinecraftLife #MinecraftGaming #MinecraftMaster #MinecraftMagic #MinecraftBuilders #MinecraftExploration #MinecraftFantasy #MinecraftWonder #MinecraftBuildingTips #MinecraftPro #MinecraftJourney #MinecraftSkills #MinecraftCreators #MinecraftEnchanting #MinecraftAdventures #MinecraftPixelArt #MinecraftInnovation #MinecraftDiscovery #MinecraftCreation #MinecraftDesigns #MinecraftEpic #MinecraftAwesome #MinecraftInspiration #MinecraftAddict… Read More

  • EPIC UPGRADES: Underwater Base & Tech Boosts!

    EPIC UPGRADES: Underwater Base & Tech Boosts!Video Information This video, titled ‘NEW UNDERWATER BASE & TECH UPGRADES! EP7 | Minecraft Tech Spirit [Modded Questing Skyblock]’, was uploaded by CyberFuel Studios on 2024-04-14 19:00:25. It has garnered 3990 views and 129 likes. The duration of the video is 00:51:52 or 3112 seconds. Minecraft Tech Spirit | NEW UNDERWATER BASE & TECH UPGRADES! EP7 [Modded Questing Skyblock] ► Support Us on Patreon – ► Join our Discord – ► Follow us on Twitch – ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ Tech Spirit: Your adventure begins on an island. You’ll have to explore the oceans to find the basic components needed… Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Modpack: Can You Survive? Ep.1

    Ultimate Minecraft Modpack: Can You Survive? Ep.1Video Information This video, titled ‘Modpack Better Minecraft : เอาชีวิตรอดแบบจริงจัง Ep.1’, was uploaded by SakuMo on 2024-03-19 02:45:06. It has garnered 5 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:20:14 or 1214 seconds. Please press follow. This one started doing seriously at first. If I did anything that was not to your liking, I apologize here.. Read More

  • Crazy Update! Kamen Rider Universe Addon for Minecraft PE

    Crazy Update! Kamen Rider Universe Addon for Minecraft PEVideo Information This video, titled ‘Update!!! Kamen Rider Universe Addon For Minecraft PE/Bedrock 1.20’, was uploaded by CARBON32 on 2024-03-02 11:06:01. It has garnered 6822 views and 153 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:04 or 64 seconds. PLEASE LIKE, SUBSCRIBE & COMMENT FOR SUPPORT ME ❤️ DISCORD : INSTAGRAM : DONATE : ______________________________________________________________________________ Download : Creator : @creatoraddonpemula Music : @Infraction – No Copyright Music : Once Again Please Like & Subscribe ____________________________________________ THANKS FOR WATCHING. #minecraft #minecraftpe #mcpe #addon #mods #games #gaming #arcade #demonslayer #kimetsunoyaiba minecraft,minecraft pe,mcpe,kamen rider,kamen rider saber,kamen rider mods,… Read More

  • INSANE Mini Toast Sky Alchemy with Twitch Integration!

    INSANE Mini Toast Sky Alchemy with Twitch Integration!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Sky Alchemy | twitch integration enabled’, was uploaded by Mini Toast on 2024-05-14 09:10:50. It has garnered 3 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 03:20:33 or 12033 seconds. Powered by Restream #vtuber #smallstreamer Read More

  • EPIC MINECRAFT MLG DREAM BOY 💥🎮😱#music #shorts

    EPIC MINECRAFT MLG DREAM BOY 💥🎮😱#music #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘minecraft best mlg, dream boy mlg, 🥰🥰😎😎 #music #shorts #shortvideo’, was uploaded by AB GAMER66 on 2024-01-11 02:40:00. It has garnered 2115 views and 69 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:17 or 17 seconds. In the expansive realm of Minecraft, a subculture has emerged, giving rise to the Major League Gaming (MLG) scene. At the pinnacle of this digital sportsmanship stands the enigmatic figure known as the “MLG God,” often affectionately referred to as the “Dream Boy MLG.” This individual has transcended the boundaries of ordinary gameplay, elevating their mastery of Minecraft to… Read More

Gaming On Caffeine – Minecraft Sky Bees | POWERFUL ENCHANTING & XP DUPLICATION! #20 [Modded Questing Skyblock]