GamingWithGarry – Ultimate Minecraft Compilation (Part ∞)

Video Information

Get ready for the funniest Minecraft compilation on YouTube we’re gonna watch the most hilarious Alex and Steve moments a super heroic rescue from a dad and even watch the most insane Minecraft meme that can’t be explained starting off in a village which seems very peaceful and very normal until you

Realize Alex and Steve are looking to the Village to go ahead and steal things from this Village and you guys know when there’s Villages involved you want to run up in the houses and steal everything right right drop the video like if you agree villagers normally have really good stuff diamonds iron

Swords all types of weapons and oh this villager left this door open that’s great for Steve and Alex and Alex wants nothing to do with it but there’s a chest we’re taking everything everything inside this chest we’re taking with us because this is how we’re gonna win and

Beat the Ender Dragon oh yeah Alex go open that chest that yep open that one what what okay this is a dream come true we now it’s time to go yep we’ve gotta leave put away those emeralds and it’s time to escape they have to leave without being

Seen and cannot do any damage they just all the they just store all the carrots this villager worked very hard for those carrots and as you guys know it’s time she’s stealing all the potatoes dude this is oh my this is the best whenever you steal from Villages

It’s a good feeling when you have all this free food because you don’t gotta worry about nothing oh he just found the library he’s gonna steal all the books this is perfect and oh my God this guy’s just brushing his teeth they’re stealing everything from the chest and somehow they’re

They’re inside dude this guy’s just brushing his teeth and the chest is gone now okay someone’s gonna notice that all this stuff is oh oh no oh my Iron Golem down oh my dirt now they have iron and they stole the Bell they were literally and they’re stealing the

Entire house while this guy is sleeping in it okay this is just wrong are they gonna leave the bed or they he’s pooping you’ve gotta be kidding me this poor guy he was just trying to go number two and now he has no yes villagers uprise run yep it’s now Steven

Alex versus villagers and they’re riding on My Little Ponies Well uh oh and that’s how the village was destroyed but luckily they’re back at the house and they’ve just gone ahead and realized wait a second these oh my this is a this chest is alive wait oh oh my it’s eating everything holy oh dude this

Oh this is the best animation I’ve ever seen my a bunny oh my God I love cute little bunny what are you doing out here all alone you know we were just at a village and we raid the village and now the chest is sort of breaking through everything no

Oh my God he’s eating everything wait a second he’s in the oh that’s the bunny okay that is just wrong that is just wrong at the end of the video I grand opening world’s first Glass Museum okay the whole museum is now destroyed okay there’s Bedrock is he gonna

He just ate through he’s literally eating through everything oh not the nice little look how happy he’s on the train he’s eating pancakes oh God oh God in a donut oh geez this is bad the chess is about to eat everything oh he’s getting bigger he’s legit getting

Bigger and bigger as he eats bigger things that’s what you get Alex and Steve that’s an iron pickaxe dude you can use it to him diamonds he’s already digging straight yeah he’s he’s already got yeah he’s Alex he’s already gone Steve don’t do that never dig straight down

Everyone he’s dead he’s he’s alive yes he survived okay guys he didn’t survive run science team things okay you see that’s that looks better or not that’s why you don’t think straight down dudes oh my gosh and he’s not gonna respawn now luckily after learning never to dig

Straight down Steve noticed that Alex is sleeping sleeping Steve oh geez Alex you sleeps she’s sleeping Alex she’s sleeping she’s sleeping can you see yes no no oh good you’re awake okay so I found something super duper cool what did you show you but you know whenever you’re

Ready out here waiting he just woke her up to show her that he found something cool if someone did this to me I’ll be very mad because I love sleeping okay what is it it better be so oh ender pearl is that wait is it did you get all the way over

Here Alex that is pretty cool to the Ender that is pretty cool yep Boom Baby Boom baby teleportation yep how cool is that and let you break it okay Alex like that’s gonna everything is completely fine you broke it definitely not cracked totally broken look before you say anything

I need to make clear that I’d plant this what was it that’s what happens oh no that is go this is what happens if you have a broken ender pearl is he a creeper it’s all he is and you don’t get it you almost got it one more thing with your hair

Oh my gosh Alex you’re so funny I can’t wait to see what you come up with next oh God is that chicken about to eat the other part don’t you dare oh no he’s a chicken this really cracks you up I like that one a lot oh what is that a

Command block or something interesting would happen wait did Steve turning is that a why is there a blaze chasing a villager wait he’s a command block I wish I had a cool hat okay command blocks can wish anything a burger oh I wish I had a tongue a

Tongue huh what what were my hands out what’s happening I wish I would go away there we go you need your body get a body well that didn’t go quite to plan how about let’s try anything else hmm I wish I had more friends whoa command block friends I wish all my friends

Too boom don’t do that I don’t know I just wish for things and they oh no there were dudes oh I wish someone would save us what Dan no no I wish I could eat a chicken he’s a chicken command block there you go there you go he’s a cheetah

Now oh God why not just get rid of the dinosaur oh my gosh I wish there you go holy he almost died I wish something interesting would happen did he just turn into a minecart oh man oh man what look at these new wheels that lightning fast lighting fast Minecart the same as

Before though yeah what these are like custom s talking mine carts racing Minecarts I’m not really no I no I uh it’s raising time three two one get ready start your engines because you’re about to see the most epic race of a lifetime I’m excited okay oh there’s a three two one

Go okay my money is on the the guy with the flame see Flames always make things faster that’s how it works okay what is is silver even is he just a standard boring Minecart look how come he’s I think he’s going too fast by the way I’m just Silver’s just taking his sweet

Time you know he’s enjoying the scenery it’s a beautiful day in the Overworld and blue is flying literally Silver’s like not even even close he’s trying his best but his best really isn’t that good if you think about it and Blue’s just like I’m gonna win but I was gonna slow down oh

Oh my God he almost killed the Sheep the Sheep’s in the way she sheep hey oh slow and steady wins the race oh well I hate you that’s oh why is there a villager in him Pistons they have faces too wait okay they both have faces well they’re talking blocks

You even lift you even live bro yeah prove it prove it I said it show us what you can do push push it this is awkward he’s not he’s not really doing a good job okay wow wow that I told you that’s very impressive you try that is really that’s a

You got this you got this I believe in you what the heck is that Houston ah it’s an astronaut what uh oh Spock Spork Houston accomplished pranks at different ages starting off with 90 years old if you’re a 90 year old Minecraft player you’re pranking your friend like that easy see

He’s now drowned but at 50 you’re spawning a lot of creepers putting diamond blocks your friend’s gonna go oh my God he should know better no diamond spawn up here and then kaboom baby now that was at 50. but 25 we’re gonna put an iron door down right a bunch of iron

Doors we’re gonna put a stone pressure plate down and then we’re gonna drop some diamonds there and once your friend goes to grab those diamonds on the stone pressure plate you’ll notice boom locked in easy traps but at 20. we’re gonna make a dispenser rails with TNT carts

And of course cake everyone loves cake when he goes to grab the cake boom he blows up at 10 years old we’ve got a command block that summons skeletons then a light weighted pressure plate click on me sign Bing Bang Boom coloring it your friend goes oh my God a

Sign click me okay then boom skeletons Galore that you see nobody wants to mess with that nobody wants that but the five-year-old wrong they’re on something else they’re drinking that g fuel they’re ready to game they’ve got buckets of puffer fish they filmed the brim of this little Waterway they’ve

Gone ahead put Moss carpets over it right and you won’t even know that this is moss carbon you’re gonna think it’s grass your friend’s gonna go get these diamonds and that’s when you get them bing bing boom here you go there’s the diamonds your friend’s like oh I gotta

Get these diamonds of course what was that noise ah boom poisoned he’s dead just like that just like that building portals at 90 years old now these are different ways to build a portal nether portals are pretty easy to build right and they’re simple This is

How I build my Nether Portals okay maybe nope never never mind not not like that all right I build normal Nether Portals like a 50 year old right 50 year olds maybe you guys build them like this too they’re super simple I don’t know how you can get even more crazy with another

Portal like that’s a normal way no wait what lava wait a minute 25 year olds building lava what Hold Up Wait A Minute I’ve never seen another portal be built like this boys with with the Swift that is so extra 20 year old nether portal look at this oh Speed Run is that

Is that what what what ah listen this is so extra that is so all right 15. well how can 15 get any crazier How did he do that wait five year old look at the music it’s speeding up it’s crazy what is he building here what the heck is this okay he’s Among Us this is how you crash PCS at different ages starting off with 90 years old we’ve got TNT we’re lighting it easy

Explosions no problem Java crash right at 50 years old we’re creating a nether portal so big and so high that well yeah when we go through the nether it yeah it it it yeah exactly 25 years old we got command block Redstone and oh my God that’s so pretty

Look at that it’s just spawning from the Scott oh oh look at yeah oh oh that’s yeah that that’s broken at 20 years old that’s so much TNT there’s no way you’re gonna be able to survive this it’s obviously gonna crash look at all the anbills game over look

It’s lagging it’s it’s literally yep it’s broken but at 15 years old what are these bamboos in and sugarcane oh yo bro for a second to those bamboo and five years old whoa oh my yo what hey yo hey yo what do you mean crash your game

There’s no way this is a thing right there’s no way a five-year-old Crasher game by just pigs going at it oh my gosh I I didn’t know this was a thing pepinos what have you created oh my God how to build different farms at different ages starting off with a 90

Year old okay 90 year old This is How I build farms right I just wait well actually like I see them but 50 you put it near the water Bing Bang Boom plant the seeds Let It Grow bread for days beautiful 25 years old though you plant

In the water you see very smart very very smart he’s sort of stepping on the the farm I’m not sure what’s going on there but you know he’s getting there 15 year olds though they’ve got a whole new strategy they’ve got one little plot of water to build their amazing Farms which

That’s crazy hot wait oh whoa what that’s a legit pyramid thank God the five-year-old is insane he did Among Us hey water bucket MLG at different ages 90 years old he was too old to put the water down 70 you got this bro easy huh you literally missed all right 50 years

Old double wielding buckets what can go wrong hey we landed it 35 oh boom dang feather falling right before he hits the ground okay 35 years old I see you 25 years old off the boat okay you know what that wasn’t as impressive as a slime okay

No way he lands in the water too oh 15 Cactus what what what what 14 we’re in space now there’s earth water dropping onto Earth we’re gonna drop all the way from Earth from space all the way in down wow that was impressive but at 10 years old dropping from space 360 dropping

Through the what at 90 years old they would just make ladders all the way up and that would take forever nobody wanted to do that but at 50 years old we get to that point where okay we’re using stairs right we got those nice steps going easy peasy

But once we speed up to 25 boys it’s a little bit crazy much faster Pace we got some good things going for us but at 20 it gets really crazy like anime ready crazy that is a crazy looking staircase it gets higher and higher with every single platform we’ve got all types of

Different variations but when you get to 15 though oh man that’s legit almost crazy like we are zooming baby look at us go but then at 10 years old this is where the yo here we go take my bottle of milk I’m going up the cake baby

We’re using pigs baby and we’re going as high as possible actually broken actually broken yep a baby oh what the white oh heck no what is going on this is a baby the Herobrine is really throwing stuff she’s like get out of my house woman is she gonna throw him in the sewer

She just threw a baby in the sewer the wolf saw the baby he’s trying to get help it looks like Herobrine oh he’s talking to his owner the chef no he doesn’t want meat he wants you to come dummy come on oh my gosh the chef doesn’t understand he

Thinks that the guy that the dog’s just gone crazy oh some delicious kebabs yes everybody likes kebabs zombies like kebabs yes oh dude the dog gets free food everywhere that’s a good neighborhood even the baby’s like hey yeah come on yes yes come on

Oh no but don’t tell me he’s a dog run over something crazy oh what the dude the dog just attacks everybody that’s not good the baby’s still in the sewers holy smokes oh my gosh she just said yes oh no oh bro this dog is really trying he’s

Literally telling everyone in the town that there’s a baby in the sewer but no one understands a dog oh gee oh my the mom just left on a boat that was the mom that put the baby in the sewer dude it’s raining the babies in the sewer he’s gonna drown

Oh no way come on dude oh he stole the he stole the umbrella he’s like come on old man come on the old man gives up doesn’t go for the umbrella bro this is crazy oh the dog is literally trying to tell every single person yo we’ve got a baby

In a sewer but no one’s understanding Oh this is bad dude this is very bad this dog is even going in other people’s houses taking the taking their favorite toys oh holy smokes this is oh the dog just killed somebody that is not gonna help the baby’s in a boat in a sewer just oh the cops are now

Looking for the dog because it caused it is he going to the dude this is ridiculous is this the is this the dad He’s not having it oh they’re calling the police okay okay oh they’re gonna capture the dog now bruh this is just getting crazier you’ve got to be this why would you feed him a cake it’s oh yeah right there come come Yeah he there’s a baby in the sewer oh my oh what is the dog doing oh oh yo oh man oh this is about to be bad I’m in my you’re gonna throw a brick on them yo oh Man did they just kill the dog oh he’s alive he’s gone dude you see hello yes we found the baby in the sewers the wolf was trying to tell you dudes they call the ambulance ambulance here you see he’s been trying to tell them oh no oh no wait the dog died

Bro they killed the dog I’m sorry they killed the freaking dog and he was just trying to help the Baby Bro oh my God this is crazy That’s his son No no no they should have they should have asked more questions they should have asked more questions on how the baby ended up there right you see now he’s yo okay so this is what happened he went looking for the baby and he noticed that the baby wasn’t in the Cradle you see

But the mom wait he thought the baby died she’s cheating on him oh no is that his brother but the baby’s still alive this is crazy yo mommy having it oh oh wait this this is another story if the baby wouldn’t have been in the sewer and

Was just left out instead so this is like two stories in one like what if this happened instead this Baby’s literally like becoming Tarzan they’re chasing chickens okay well they’re not very good at it all right crying Noob over here is teaching his brother how to shoot a bow because

They’re going hunting for bunnies what there’s they are so con oh they smell it go pee noob oh look at them drooling you know something was there it’s literally a baby that was a baby yeah they found the baby Herobrine do what you gotta do bro look at him hey oh oh

This is bad He took a picture he took a picture of the baby yep that’s your baby now but they’re missing now you see you took too long man but now he knows that his baby’s alive that’s important oh it’s a trap that’s for sure a trap you can see

Yep oh mama mama wolf is coming now Mom oh He just killed the mama wolf he’s like hey that’s my baby bro why are they always kidnapping babies in this show it always gets crazy Herobrine just lost his baby oh they forgot to lock it they forgot to lock it do not jump out oh my God dude this is intense literally

Kidnapping stealing kids this guy just lost its mom oh man go get your son go do it get on let’s go oh snap he lost not only his son but also his brother he’s training the baby for gold bars it’s a baby oh no yep that’s my baby dude he’s like

Nope you need diamonds for it if you want to buy it you need diamonds he’s like please that’s my baby man wait where did he get these diamonds from he got the diamonds from the guy that that is stealing this dude’s wife he bought the baby now

Oh but this wolf doesn’t know and he’s hungry he’s actually starving no food in there just rotten food oh oh sewer now he’s all smelly and gross yo I don’t know if there’s a baby remember He’s got cookies though Oh yes oh no mama pig ain’t having it oh wait how come some kids just have me on them like that like they just got me in their pockets they’re just like yo here you go I got tons of meat the baby’s drowning Dude he just saved your babies he was legit drowning why is the kid walking like that still no walking you gotta walk like a human no he just fell over it you gotta learn how to walk man you can’t be walking on your on all fours like you’re some kind

Of Tarzan still you’re not oh no oh oh my God that whole car just exploded and now they’re and now they’re chasing oh yeah it’s a trap it’s a trap yep Get Wrecked they put them in in their pound you can’t get out of those bars man you can’t it’s not possible

He hears he hears him calling for help oh he’s trying to teach him how to walk teach him how to walk dad what are you doing oh we left the door open yo everyone just broke out oh just like that they’re all out get wrecked get freaking wrecked

Dude he misses his best friend his brother he’s so sad no he doesn’t want any of those he wants his he wants his brother back there they are let’s go they reunited oh yes that is a good feeling right there oh oh no oh no

Yes he saved them from the pot oh no you gotta take him to the doctor oh geez why is it always happening if someone’s always getting hurt or dying in this show noob’s coming back oh sorry sir we didn’t mean to hit you that was an accident oh pigs not having it though Oh no is is the pig gonna steal the baby the baby stole the wheels baby store yo the baby legit stole the wheels of this scooter oh this is bad what is that thing is that like a little bomb it is a bomb oh snap holy yo this pig just tried exploding

The kid’s house yep easy get caught get caught you do the crime you pay the time baby How come this baby knows how to dance like that They missed the train did they just miss the train wait where did the dog just go where oh What now they end up on the train tracks wait why is the kid oh no oh no oh this is bad he’s about to die move oh no oh no no bro the kid’s about to get run over hopefully the dog saved him dog saved him this is crazy

This is better than some movies Absolutely insane so where are they now they’re they end up making on the on the train they did but boom his girlfriend came to wait his legs just work all of a sudden oh the dog ran off the train you’ve got to be kidding me and the Dad’s sleeping oh no no

No dude that is so sad no no no no he’s gonna jump is this kid what is he doing dude what the heck I swear this kid and his dad and the and the dog are crazy legit crazy all this work for love oh no these guys are back

Oh my they made her into a cart dog oh these are the guys from the pound yo that’s so messed up Oh and the mom that’s the mom the mom’s boyfriend ended up finding a new girlfriend dude this is crazy and the dog and the horses fell over because he’s so tired get in there dude go find your son the horse is legit dead the horses the horses died

He’s like yo come on get in I’ll give you a ride oh my I don’t understand how the kid ended up back at the train station looking for the dog with the dog ended up coming back but now the dad’s missing the mom had found a new boyfriend and

Hopefully the happy ever happening story here and there he is perfect the dog the dad found the dog but they’re gonna go save the dog that in the skeleton house oh it’s over Holy smokes yo the dog keeps running off with this girl and that’s the mom Yep yep yep that’s your mom that’s your mom kid the one that left you in a sewer don’t you forget about it because Dad’s a crazy psycho that hits Mom all right we’ve got a whole inventory of stuff so wait did I is that my arm am I dragging my hand

No no no no no no do not put the okay what are we sharpness five we just sharpened our hand no bro this is wrong this is no okay legit just sharpened our hand okay are we about to go chop the pigs don’t don’t do it oh my God

What it’s like you just learned martial arts okay that’s pretty cool I’m not gonna lie adventuring another mine okay camera with the lava don’t want you don’t want to fall in love but there’s diamonds okay this is found diamonds yep tell your friend you found diamonds get them

Over there there we go come on over Steve let’s go get those diamonds baby you want to put some Cobblestone over the diamonds or water buckets Wait what huh wait a minute what what he’s mining lava hold up wait a minute this guy’s mining lava how is this and he got the diamonds how is this possible nah man oh one of the diamonds just burned I heard it okay but now we’re back home and honestly we gotta craft

Some stuff we got some sticks we’ve got the diamonds we’re gonna make ourselves a nice diamond sword but wait what if you do it reverse wait a minute a reverse sword no you can’t use it upside down sword what oh it’s action upside down sword no shot it works it wait

He just he just unalived himself he just stabbed he just stabbed himself all right Steve’s got some sand now what are you gonna do with this sand here three two one what are we counting down go what oh how oh we’re getting some water for our cauldron all right we’re filling this

Bad boy up now we’ve got a lava bucket and if you throw lava in here nothing’s not huh what what why did that why would you it just what okay now you’ve got lava everywhere you’re causing a forest fire but wait there’s something in The Cauldron what

Is that I I can’t really what obsidian no all right we’re placing some Redstone down we got a nice little it looks like a cactus farm easy peasy you’re gonna lever all right so we’re gonna put a chest here now this is a cactus farm uh with the Hoppers it

Pretty much puts all the cactus into this chest for you so you don’t have to do any of the hard work right so it grows you use the levers okay um okay ah Wait a second that’s not supposed to happen oh look at the world limits okay what are we building right now putting Cobblestone down a piston a lever and then oh hold up we’re breaking the rules oh what the heck is this what the heck why why are we even adding what what yo

They’re just chilling they’re actually stuck inside it’s like little Jacuzzis okay he’s like yo that was my friend yep your friend just died dude yeah I they can’t fly up in the water it’s wow okay we’re outside of a village and that’s the beautiful moon don’t you wish sometimes you can

Just touch hey don’t touch the moon how did he do that how did how did he just grab the moon oh we’re getting some wood what is so easy to get in Minecraft all you need is an ax you get some Easy Wood no problem I don’t see anything wrong

With grabbing some Easy Wood and this is the last tree we need to have a nice bye have a great time guys Why did that tree just float away all right we need some food we’re running really low on food there’s a pig what the tree hat all right there’s another Pig here why is everything flying away that that’s not fair all right we’re creating an infinite water source as you can see

We’re actually we’re maybe building a farm it looks like we’re gonna throw some water buckets down boom all all this um all right infinite water nice putting a little farm Down Easy there you go working together I see what’s going on here dude this is great your first Little

House you’ve got water Buck wait what how is he how did he just plant I’m not gonna even ask all right it’s time to go back home and the home doesn’t have a bed so let’s get some slabs and wait a second wait Cobblestone bed what who wants to sleep

Nah bro no that looks really uncomfortable that does not work that does not actually work and what he died he broke his back yeah don’t don’t sleep on Cobblestone beds that sounds like a terrible idea dude we’re just adventuring what can go wrong on a beautiful Adventure okay there’s

The Border we’ve got our fat loots iron pickaxe Enchanted iron armor decked out and we even have a diamond sword but what do you think if you don’t don’t no guys you can’t go through it’s it’s a it’s a world border you it’s not possible to go through this you know goodbye Wait wait okay luckily now now we’re in the nether we don’t have to worry about all that world border stuff all right we’re fine all right guys as you can see we are there’s a lava wait we are trapped we have lava buckets but there’s no way out we are literally trapped

Got any block stuff no we only have buckets we have some oh we have we don’t have a lot no we have none do you have any please tell me you have some blocks don’t tell me are you about to no don’t go swimming in the

He’s lava walking since when how is that possible look at him go okay maybe you you don’t have the same boots I knew you were gonna I knew it I knew that was a bad idea I knew I knew he it’s those boots he had special diamond boots oh I

Love Mr Fish we got a water bucket what we just joined this axolotl we just joined him wait a second wait a second don’t hurt him don’t know why is there a campfire guys don’t do it too they’re cooking the Axolotl okay that is wrong that is actually wrong

No okay guys I don’t know if I can take more of these Minecraft memes because getting what he’s telling okay okay these guys are selling nothing string who wants to buy string leather pants no thanks pal I don’t want your dumb whoa guys guys I’ll buy the leather

Bands I’ll buy the leather pants it was a joke it was literally just a joke what the heck look at us we’re under the world Under the Sea what effect at P Darkness okay that should make it super dark wait that is very creepy that is effect at player night vision okay Max

Night vision whoa whoa yo that’s yo those are the Shadows okay that’s a little trippy I’m not gonna lie look at it that’s the teacher the teacher’s leaving school why would these are the students oh yeah when the teacher leaves everyone’s throwing a party that’s the best yeah throw the

Books we even got game boys uh oh why are they they’re they just fart oh no no no let’s watch some TV what’s on the TV anything good what oh oh oh wait oh no oh no yeah no always getting the teacher left guys there’s no one to save you right now

Don’t be scared don’t be scared wake up creeper gas oh geez the Lights Went Out Of course everyone’s scared of the dark oh gosh another portal oh Mommy Long Legs is coming out of the nether portal oh no oh that’s creepy yep it’s happening oh she’s not happy oh god oh whoa look

At her she looks so real oh he just slapped that girl that’s a book that’s a good book that’s a good book oh she sees this the school’s a mess the classroom oh yeah you better hide that game oh that’s not good this is not good guys you’ve gotta clean up the classroom

Mommy Long Legs is here to teach as you can see one plus one equals was it equal Jimmy what does it equal ah what does it equal give her the right answer you know the answer you know the answer don’t mess this up no wait what three it’s not three no what

No you dummy oh no oh no she’s looking inside his head for a brain brain missing brain missing oh wait did he just get put in the jail because he got the wrong answer that is not how School works there is no jail in school one plus one equals three guys

That is she doing squats in the corner oh no oh one plus one equals two guys two oh God don’t tell me is he okay now he has to get the right answer re minus one one plus one equals three minus one technically that’s right he gets a lollipop let’s go okay but Apple plus banana equals oh gosh what is Apple Plus banana equal oh geez It’s gotta equal something like He just eat the apple and that He just pooped out the banana and and apple no no no no that is not what she wanted to happen in school why would you put poop on your ew do not put do not poop in your classroom guys one plus one plus two holy okay obviously the answer

Wait what these numbers okay that’s gonna be really hard my brain’s hurting here how are we gonna one plus one plus two okay it’s gotta be like nine no no that can’t be right white everyone yeah he has no brain either just put him in jail yep everyone’s going in jail it oh

No he knows okay what is it what what a strong a man with lips mommy he gets the whole chest what is that equation oh no she went back in the ender portal oh no oh the Creeper’s sad he’s really sad but he just woke up hit O’Brien’s back okay

In the beginning we saw Herobrine leave the school Herobrine has returned Mommy Long Legs was a substitute teacher and all they’re throwing stuff on Herobrine is Herobrine the real teacher or was Steve the teacher I don’t even remember it’s been oh he’s in trouble throwing the lava rods take that that’s right oh

And he’s got a second one okay is he gonna throw the second one he’s chasing after him get him nope you can’t hide in them you can’t hide in the trash can pal you better be afraid you better be scared is he hiding on an anvil yep

You’re in trouble pal oh he’s beating him up oh the whole school just moved while he was beating him up that’s crazy oh he’s hungry food time hey Zombie Pigman Wait did he just he wait did the zombie pigman just nice cook up pork he is poor everybody wants some oh no oh no don’t tell me are they gonna both oh good I thought they were gonna put the whole pigment on the grill saved he’s filling up his bottle with

His tears skeleton oh oh they’re teaching him how to cook why how can you burn steak why did he put that on his butt he literally put steak ah he put booty snake you just diarrhea on the Slime what is happening in this animation this is crazy

Yep as you get skeleton don’t be feeding your teacher Booty’s safe all right zombie it’s time for you to cook don’t laugh at skeleton no no no let’s see what you can do cook up some pork waste cookie and Apple cooking an apple what what a golden apple This is the best cooking class ever okay what are you gonna get with diamonds come on he gave him an a he gave him an a the first a of the class yep everyone’s jealous everyone’s they’re all jealous they’re all just jealous don’t be jealous all right cheese

Creeper now your turn now you saw a creeper was sleeping a lot what is he gonna cook is that butter what is Burgers everyone loves Burgers cook the burger yes oh he’s drooling Herobrine he just ate the whole Burger off the grill he needs more what how does he

Need more but now creeper needs money yes Blaze Rod no poop wait I’m confused why was he gonna go poop okay now this is an Enderman but it’s like an ender woman it’s now her time to cook and why is she farting that shouldn’t be a thing uh-oh oh he’s sneezing oh Superman’s out the window everyone go looks your man’s out there dude is that poop oh oh she added hot peppers to that sandwich that she got out of her butt that means the sandwich has poop in it you guys must have missed Superman he flew away oh God Oh he ate it he ate it he ate it he ate the poop sandwich with the pepper in it it’s a spicy one oh she’s in trouble yep that’s that’s a hot spicy sandwich guys you may not want to come in those farts are gonna be deadly deadly spicy farts oh gosh

This video, titled ‘Ultimate Minecraft Compilation (Part ∞)’, was uploaded by GamingWithGarry on 2023-05-21 16:00:21. It has garnered 1015315 views and 12721 likes. The duration of the video is 00:50:29 or 3029 seconds.

Ultimate Minecraft Compilation (Part ∞) 👍 Drop the Video a Like if you enjoy it! Subscribe too!

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  • Zaheer’s Wild Minecraft Survival Adventure

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  • Airheadmc

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  • Minecraft StreetCat SMP Java 1.20.6

    Join our Minecraft SMP Server! Experience Day 8 of our server where you can become your own character and create your own civilization. Roleplay and engage in conflict with other players to see how civilization unfolds. Version 1.20.6. Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Failed to keep it short, here’s the spicy meme!

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  • MineFit: PE Class Craze with Minecraft Block Xuan

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  • Hot Minecraft Shenanigans #lolz

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  • Join Minewind: Explore New Depths in Minecraft

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  • Eating a Slap from Minecraft Steve!

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  • Ultimate Hypixel & Mining Dead Gamers Unite! Epic Hyperion Deal!

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  • OmzBlox: NOOB vs PRO House Build Challenge!

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  • Insane Minecraft PE Survival Series Ep 1 in Hindi: Epic OP Base & Armor!🔥

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    EPIC MINECRAFT SEED HUNT!! - SL YAKA® 1.16vVideo Information This video, titled ‘minecraft EP:1 create new world to vifary seed fine 1.16v.’, was uploaded by SL YAKA-® on 2024-05-20 10:07:52. It has garnered 40 views and 10 likes. The duration of the video is 00:04:25 or 265 seconds. Hey Everyone! Wwelcome to @SL YAKA@youtube channel . You can Watch mobile game play videos on My CHANNEL~~ ®my mobile @RAM : 3.0 GB– @STORAGE : 32GB– @android–phone Read More

  • Bob Goes Crazy! TOP Trend in Minecraft 😍 #TRENDING!

    Bob Goes Crazy! TOP Trend in Minecraft 😍 #TRENDING!Video Information This video, titled ‘op trend 😍 #trending #minecraft’, was uploaded by Angry bob on 2024-01-05 12:14:40. It has garnered 2545 views and 69 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:49 or 49 seconds. op trend 😍 #trending #minecraft Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft battle: Akaza vs Rengoku – MUST WATCH!

    EPIC Minecraft battle: Akaza vs Rengoku - MUST WATCH!Video Information This video, titled ‘akaza vs rengoku minecraft version’, was uploaded by cust uzb on 2024-01-05 05:48:10. It has garnered 15 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:01 or 61 seconds. Read More


    BEATING FNAF ANIMATRONIC IN MINECRAFT!? 💥😱Video Information This video, titled ‘PRODRIAS VENCER a un ANIMATRONICO?? 💥✅ #minecraft #fnaf’, was uploaded by iShadownplay on 2024-01-06 01:22:09. It has garnered 6624 views and 82 likes. The duration of the video is 00:06:14 or 374 seconds. Credits to Danny Fox for the Add-on ✅ 💎My Networks!!💎 ✅PvP Channel: ✅Edits Channel: ✅Music Channel: h ✅Instagram: ✅Tik Tok: ✅Twitter: ✅Discord: 🌐Servers that I recommend: 🦄 🔹Mi Team!!🔹 💥SirJavir6086: 💥TriangulitoG: 💥PatoPrime5379: 💥Joségaiden: #fnaf #minecraft #addon #fivenightsatfreddys #fun Read More


    INSANE RICH VS POOR MINECRAFT DRILL BUILD CHALLENGEVideo Information This video, titled ‘Poor Mikey Family vs Rich JJ Family Mining DRILL BUILD CHALLENGE in Minecraft !’, was uploaded by Joobek on 2024-04-30 20:37:09. It has garnered 51760 views and 308 likes. The duration of the video is 00:16:02 or 962 seconds. Read More

GamingWithGarry – Ultimate Minecraft Compilation (Part ∞)