Gawr Gura’s INSANE BLAZE ROD Adventure

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Do Do So i see you guys are taking bets on how many times it’s good you’re gonna die well hot jokes on you i’ve already died twice Just setting up the stream yep it’s gonna be one of those streams everybody anyway let’s get started shall we shall we get started everybody let’s you like the music isn’t it cute and it cute i thought it gave a really good feeling for the upcoming adventure oh and look at

That it’s about to do a different one look at that the magic of a shuffle playlist Okay hi wait there we go okay so here’s the thing right everybody oh you missed me oh you are so cute thank you i missed you i got i got some good rest what are you doing here when do there’s so many salmons here and there’s so many salmon get here

They’re swimming upstream for the winter or something at the big eyes on this puffer fish anyway what was i saying oh that’s right i got a lot of good rest and i’m ready to play some minecraft you guys ready to watch some minecraft we’re going to try and find uh

Well you see we have to like find another fortress first and foremost which i was not aware of and then after that that’s when we can start getting the blaze rod so we’re going on a bit we’re going on a bit of an adventure today are you excited Local fish local fish asks for blaze rod can i have your blazer on no give me your blaze rod no What am i doing okay so i need like well okay here’s my idea right if we just go into the nether is this okay is this a good idea if we just go into the nether right and we pick a direction and we just go that way we’ll bring

Like a um like one of these and some of these right we all like we’ll just pick a direction and run i’ve already started running in some directions but it’s uh not looking good so far excuse me we’ll have to see how it goes bring a

Boat why would i need a boat in the nether how does that work Look at all their sweets Let’s blend some wheat first does that sound like a good idea yes maybe we just gotta find out the the coordinates of a fortress and then once we find the coordinates of of a fortress um assuming that we live long enough in order to uh find the coordinates then we can

Come back we can pack up all the stuff that we’re gonna need to why does this happen i don’t understand and then we can go no i don’t want to bring a weapon i mean maybe like a stone sword or like a bow or something no i don’t want to bring anything

No we’ll do some sword no we’ll do uh iron sword no we’ll do a yeah yes should we ah okay whatever an axe no i need speed things are faster than another also i need a golden hat unless i’m just willing to like What is this this looks like it’s serena is this from ina what is this what is it Enchanting book alluding to riptide 2 sharpness 3. kryptide who’s this from there’s no to it from on it it’s got capitals it’s got to be ena it’s got to be ena yeah it’s inna proper proper grammar it’s got to be ena yeah you know definitely you know

As you say it’s a proper capitalization right ena i don’t think callie knows anything about enchanted books really so it could have been cali and i don’t think i don’t think i’m not sure if chiara knows about them and i know i would not have said something so proper No okay so let’s go and make some bread why did i go all the way over here guys i’m being a i’m being a i’m being a shark brain right now give me a second to warm up how is everybody let’s have some chat while i figure out my brain

Sorry i died so many times and scrambled me a little bit i’m a little i’m a little uh a little scrambled right now i’m a little scrambled a little bit of scrambled egg bread okay we’ll put this in the trident thank you ina let’s try and find something

Nice for inanna do we have anything nice for ina i don’t know i feel like enoch in has everything in game i’m not really sure what else i could possibly get her a blaze rod i was some blaze rod dad take the trident with you no But are you crazy oh yeah you can see ah busted yeah so i’m a little i’m a little uh a little scrambled let’s not take all this bread with us i think that’s a bad idea uh let’s do um yeah that’ll be good all right let’s go

No we need a gold hat or something yeah we need gold armor you think uh okay let’s go find some gold stuff to make some armor with because those piglens are annoying maybe i didn’t see it because my eyesight is a little a little dodgy but like i was

I was wearing gold and i got attacked by one for no reason one of the piglets just came after me i was like buddy can i help you are you lost all right we’re looking for gold do you think there’s any gold in the community jess huh

Just make a set of iron armor oh that’s right i don’t have that anymore okay we’re gonna make some iron armor and then we’re gonna make some gold armor too those piglets are make an iron did you open the chest what do you mean anybody you got some golden gold anybody gold okay

We’ll take this ah look at this What is sweeping edge power okay wait let me put this back golem torture how is iron made i don’t really understand like what goes on up there are like the villagers killed by the iron golem do they kill the iron golem is that how that works hi thank you for your super chat

Thank you who was that let me see let me scroll up snappy boy if you’re getting blazeballs you should open up a potion shop on the server if i do if you do i recommend calling it all right it’s not no no no no A potion shop i don’t know the first thing about potions okay we have to gear up before we go in there all right so uh our weapon weapon weapon we need a weapon i think it’d be i think they’re kind of cute i think i saw one of the like bigger minecraft

Channels i’m not really sure which one it was or maybe somebody told me about it what are we looking for a little more sword but somebody like a group of people they made like um Like a like a storefront like everybody had a different store where they sold stuff and it was like a big community selling area i’m not really sure that’s as far as i went with my knowledge okay there’s no other weapon here let’s take a uh wow wow wow is there any wood

Wood i am looking forward to that’ll work hermitcraft harmony i don’t know baby All right wait you can make sticks from this right right right right stick stick Oh sorry give me a sword please thank you uh we’ll do another one just to be safe that’s not a sword that’s a shovel oh boy do i have any stories stick sounds like a like a steam-powered engine like a train and then it uh goes are in equipment and then we

Have a woote okay there we go All right let’s go find that another fortress thing who’s ready for an adventure yeah what’s up friend i’m back and this time i got gold so that’s right as you’ve all right anyway okay let’s go should we bring a strider maybe later anyway okay so before the stream where i died a

Shield i don’t need a shield why would i need a shield i’m just gonna be running in one direction should i bring a shield anyway this is where i died the first time what’s it called when an organism can create new life a single what’s the process of a what is it mitosis

When a when a single cell organism can create new life what is that cloning i have no idea okay shield i just i just came all the way here is there uh stuff to make a show maybe mitosis was that right what is your problem sir what is this guy’s problem with me

Okay we’re gonna go get a shield yeah that’s right mitosis look at that okay we’re gonna get a shield i’m dying i saw a shield here man my my english is not here today your shield you can make a shield afterwards oh it took an arrow to the shoulder

Ah that’s gonna hide that’s gonna hurt wait what is this i saw a super chat and i want to read it okay i missed it i missed it what happened wait i missed it use gold gold for what what are you saying to me jason thank you jason you’re getting fit

With ring foot i had a boy it’s good to get fit all right let’s try this again what’s that guy’s problem with me are they like mad at me for uh for no reason I need to collect some of this uh what is this called another another award another rack what is another wart what is what is what is the nether Is he dying unfortunately not is there like any tips you guys have opening chests oh they got mad that i opened it well how are they mad that i opened a chest that doesn’t belong to them that doesn’t make sense does it look at this i’m gonna open this chest

Yeah what are you gonna do about it huh yeah do you guys have any tips for figuring out where to i know from a little bit of research that i did it’s kind of Is that something what is that a ghast ah I went that direction and i died a lot you guys are mad and i murdered the the little piglen mister i’m sure he would have grown big and killed me so i was that was just forethought all right that was just a lot of forethought let’s go this way Do you think they’re more likely to spawn over like lots and lots of water Go west or east west or east where are we okay where does this have a has a compass right where am i pointing east west uh it does tell me here right okay who’s got a compass no we have to build a compass right i feel like this music really fits

What’s happening right now hello Should we build a compass what can i just can i just use myself so okay this is north here north south never eat soggy wafers waffles wings who knows it says on the screen yeah where hold on let me find it let me find it ah minecraft vanilla vanilla vanilla

The nether facing south okay okay i see it i see it i see it okay so this is south east soggy eat never waffles wait what okay never okay do you get what i’m do you got my mind uh float never eat soggy waffles never never points north towards the nether portal

You guys can remember that huh n for north for another portal yes all right awesome i’m saying that for me as well so let’s go this way this is east right never you sell your waffles okay wait what never eat sorry well so i went west earlier

And that’s where i died a lot so let’s go we’re going east right now Is grab your backpack grab your pickaxe some bread vamanos she can’t eat away Is there like a specific what is it called chunk or or blocks that this will this will spawn on boys and girls i have no idea what i’m doing okay so this is the enderman forest this is enderman forest i dub the oh what is this green or blue

Can it be up here should we explore this way i’m pretty i’m surprised like has amelia found i feel like amelia should have found a portal of some a portal another fortress Cyan is teal are you sure ah This is a bad idea Can we climb this oh that’s a lot of lava this is a bad idea guys what do i do okay what should i do Why do i have a feeling like it’s here okay do you know i have a feeling that is here find an easy place to run Waitresses only spawn in nether wastes biomes is that true i don’t know if that’s true don’t run into the black scaling scaling skeletons what there’s different skeletons oh i think there is different skeletons Hello oh i did this i did this because i want to go here but i don’t know how to go here how do we get down we gotta get down here so we can explore all right we got a parkour because there’s a lot of lava here well what’s another waste biome

What is that okay this is a tree so this is oh not safe to dig down there thanks for your super chat get a boat why do we need a boat welcome to the descent down into the another Uh crimson forest biome please keep your hands arms fins feets and legs inside the guru vessel at all times don’t make eye contact with the enderman and have a beautiful descent thank you get boat okay tell me why get a ball get a ball get a dish get in that

Get on i can’t say that Oh god oh god okay okay well all right let’s get lost screw it right we’re made as well we may as well is that a wait this is bad this is gonna be is that a fortress please can i just get some like good luck and just have the fortress like

Show up do you know how great that would Be hiya boys maybe not boys hiya guys there we go there we go ow okay let’s onward we know you know what you know what i’ve started to learn about i picked up a new hobby and as soon as i picked it up i was just thinking to myself wow i’m

Terrible at this but you know what the only way you’re gonna get better at something is by doing it so we’re gonna just do it and i’m gonna do it you do your hobby every single day you’re going to get better it’s impossible not to be i’ve already had a

Spiel about this before so i’m going to shut up now do you guys want to talk about anything oh bad oh bad oh bad wait this is a lot of lava um why do i feel like i’ve seen a fortress before is this how you find it am i doing this

Right is it essentially just ow i feel good about this look at this oh yeah this is a good sign i feel listen guys i just i feel it in my bones okay I just some things you just you just feel all right I can see it now it’s gonna load in hastily over the big uh thick uh air surface area of the what is this lava we’re gonna see because it’s got like big what is this arches it’s called arches or something it’s gotta be here it’s gotta be here Feel good waist biome i don’t even know what that is what color is it red does scare me wow all right look at where we are huh There’s no coming back from this i have no idea where we are I don’t feel good about this guys i don’t know i still feel good oh this is so dangerous not to fear good idea wait this looks like a dead end this looks wait wait wait wait this looks useless this looks absolutely useless i thought i had a good feeling about this what happened Bum bum i can’t see that far how long do you guys think it’s gonna take me to find one of these wait what hey i’m trying to see what you guys are saying Lava at the top will clear up the entire lake yeah but how exactly am i supposed to put water on it if i can’t bring water into another uh-huh please don’t oh jeez this is the end protect me well this is the way in okay oh oh Oh he’s tiny look at this look at this little guy oh how scary you’re so cute you’re so Civilization protect me Hello sir or ma’am is this all sand hey it’s so sad okay Listen that’s not the first time i’ve done that’s number three three three number four number four i’m already a bit salty from that all right well what else is there to do except go back in i what Do you guys think i was close three deaths not for death this floyd is a i didn’t grab any water before the stream this is a bad idea famous last words No ah Anyway i put wood here hello wait i’m over here hello nice okay drink water i should drink water i don’t have any hair though i don’t got any water we’re going in with just this everybody just this nothing else nothing more nothing less just this Whoa king metroid hi just got home for my birthday dinner from olive garden just wanted to give some luck to my very good shark king metroid happy birthday friend happy birthday did you get some breadsticks in here huh did you make him sing happy birthday to ya

What are we doing we’re going in because i’m impatient and i want to find this fortress happy happy birthday gold armor yeah whatever listen i don’t have any gold i literally have no gold can you where where okay we’re gonna go see uh we’re gonna go this way Can i steal any gold is there any gold we can steal here My daddy i doubt it i doubt it i doubt it wow this is a bad idea there’s a lot of piglets huh i swear i feel like i feel like i’ve looked out over like a big pool of lava and seen the arches of a

Of a fortress i don’t know where i was excuse me excuse me guys where was i where were we can you give me that i don’t have any please be okay there’s no gold here this is bed okay bed you don’t bring food you don’t bring shield i didn’t bring nothing I brought absolutely nothing because i know i’m just gonna die anyway why am i gonna i’m too lazy i’m not gonna do it pom-pom i’ll just kill anybody that comes in my way so amelia’s been here so amelia’s been Please let me take this thank you make armor i’m getting there i’m getting there Yeah let’s make some make a piece of armor kiara made the round okay so did he or see anything Okay what can we make we can make nothing hats boots anything boots nothing all right not very good should we give him the fill then let’s take this rail where does it go is this gonna dump me into some lava oh boy this is gonna be good today’s gonna be good

Oh fortress where are you hiding uh hey look lava wait i have a feeling i know where this is oh maybe this is the lava i was talking about because i do remember i remember looking over maybe hey this is pretty didn’t she do like a like a nine hour stream recently

Did she build this during her nine hour stream oh it’s like purple ah how am i supposed to take in the sights when i can’t even look up without looking one of these guys and they did she really built this all this is crazy this is crazy

This is ah don’t look at me this is so much real i just go Hey it’s a portal wait i haven’t been here what is this This what did she find this portal i’m so confused the portal goes to japan what that’s crazy What are we doing down here kiara huh what is this I’m confused i don’t understand what this is should we go back What is this foot Thank you what should we do with a drunken sailor what should we do with a drunken sailor early in the morning we should give the drunken sailor another fortress I guess we we just go let’s just start exploring that Oh there’s a lot of is there something up here ah excuse me thank you Guys this is overwhelming i don’t even know where to is this something i should have done before the stream like should i look like founded before the stream is this even enjoyable i don’t i don’t know i’m timid i’m not timid i’m just concentrating the heck

Man where’s dr where is down this is down this is up okay let’s go up There we go this is exciting it’s so exciting exploration Oh great i’m gonna hit this back i’m gonna need this back why are you coming after me why does everybody want to kill me screw it we’re going right to the source come here you get a better shot nerd come down here and find me like a man oh this is bad

We’re just gonna run we’re just gonna run we have nothing to oh we can’t run anymore oh serpentine it lose interest eventually they always do see what did i tell you well there’s another large pool of lava maybe we can go down there and see if we see anything

What do you guys think huh Oh great what is your problem oh i’m not wearing any gold that’s his problem okay bite me then yeah find me look at that go back and tell them tell them all what you’ve seen Why are there so many i want to get down there we just came all the way up here all right guys where was kiara’s railway going huh just out of curiosity do you guys know where i was going Chad is very behind for me this is kind of difficult to keep track of what’s being spoken about ah techno gouda techno do you like techno music i don’t really know much about genres i just kind of like yeah that’s nice i like that oh that’s not what i like though

I am uh can we make that jump yes It goes to japan that was a joke it’s not a joke what are you guys talking about like generally seriously i bring it down go to the portal oh the portal takes you okay now you’re making sense before you weren’t making any sense time to parkour down this hill

Until i inevitably run out of space okay there’s where i want to go i see now i see we’re going to drop down huh Look at this charcoal right there we go all right Oh wait east and west i just remember east of west east and west okay we are facing west east west east north way one west okay this is west red line is west blue line is wait rent wait oh south east east east east north east uh east All right do you guys get that Made me flinch i’m scared I’m not feeling so great about this i gotta be honest with you i can’t see anything you think i need a strider do you guys we should get a strider don’t you think has anybody ian found the fortress does anybody uh don’t look at me Waste Hmm Yeah please what No one’s found it what nina found it i wouldn’t be surprised head west you need armor and food i know i don’t want it to get it though How did it find it was just chilling and going in a certain direction probably i think i’m being impatient that’s fine I just want to get the blaze rods Ina did not find it okay where are we by the way oh that’s right we took the rail okay let’s uh I don’t know what to do we just gotta wander i guess keep wondering what should we talk about while we wonder Just casually walking over the death lake yeah i’ve died so many times i don’t i really don’t mind it okay let’s gather this so i can make hats so i can eliminate at least one mob that’s trying to kill me all the time that would be nice wouldn’t you think it’d be nice

Wouldn’t it be nice okay Is this the way this is the way This is not the way this is the way do we go up or down oh my goodness which way is this facing north east do you think it’s that light it might be that way i wonder can you eat the mushrooms or is he gonna poison me it must be able

To eat these mushrooms these look like normal mushrooms guys up for some fun guy brown mushroom can you eat raw mushrooms no it doesn’t give you the option okay we might starve to death this might be good she doesn’t know she doesn’t know what what do you mean sir bonehead thank you

You got back in the creative creative spirit i’ll continue enjoying what you guys do and now i go back to being a lurker in the comments thank you sir bonehead i’m happy to hear that creativity is very good please don’t come after me please no please no please no please

Ah get the safety they make mushroom soup i don’t have a crafting table though But let’s see where uh whatever can you does this automatically does this teleport you within the nether or does it send you outside of the nether automatically i don’t know anything about minecraft other than the vicious funny well we might as well go out let’s see oh dear oh my goodness hey nice Nice soup beet soup i need a bowl of course you need a bowl ridiculous where are we even where is this okay sleep here oh okay well that’s not good all right anyway back into the nother we go this is bad oh god why did i do that okay well anyway Take food that’s not my food though it’s not mine onward You guys want me to steal from kiara well change of heart i thought you didn’t want me to take anything from other people’s why the sudden change huh okay we’re gonna get a strike no see i feel bad because if this was just me playing by myself and i had a strider i

Think i would do it but it’s a shared strider there’s got to be something here ow all right well let’s head back and we’ll we’ll make some armor we’ll bring a little bit of food ah i see why did i miss what did i miss what did i miss

Uh we watch you for you not what you do oh thank you dark mandra go thank you thanks thanks hey quinn i can’t speak for everyone but i don’t think he needs to worry so much about whether what you’re doing on stream is enjoyable oh danielle crib thank you

You guys are sweet thank you hey home again home again okay now we can make some stuff quickly without dying hopefully please okay we’re good okay now let’s make something and give it to the boy they might starve to death this could be interesting we’re going to give some

Stuff to fill we might as well please don’t come after me i literally have done nothing wrong hey what happened here bill i want to play some gotcha give me ender pearls please don’t throw it into the fire All right that’s not what i need oh ah feel it yeah come here give me give me the goods phil i’m not torturing phil we’re just what is that we’re keeping him safe he’s nice and safe here what is that really really where’s the button how do i get into this

How do i get in oh he’s trapped in there forever all right anyway i don’t know what to do maybe this was too daunting of a task to choose to do on stream Bum oh we’re gonna go get some food we’re gonna we’re gonna try not to die on the way back ah i’m gonna eat all right what do i eat what can i eat that’s in my inventory huh nothing but All right let’s go get some food eat the nether quartz I suppose i could if i was desperate enough all right let’s get some some uh some food maybe i have a i don’t have any saddles i really don’t have anything um oh well uh i made bread now where did i put it Can i just eat wheat it’d be a little crunchy but it wouldn’t be that bad i don’t think one two Can i ask how difficult how difficult it is to to find Okay on a scale from one on a scale from one to ten ten being uh damn near impossible one being ow really easy How hard is it to find very hard Well that’s always comforting about a seven or a ten all right guys it’s orangy all right time to pour golden what should we bring we need some stuff we’ll bring in the bread we’ll bring some of this every time i bring stuff i just die i just explode

I’ll bring a bow i’ll bring some i’ll bring three shots that’ll be enough don’t you think we got sore we got a pickaxe we should be dude should we bring another maybe another one Girl bed bed what about bed oh yeah respawn nice all right should we go back out i mean back in i mean back under bring the bed why should i bring the bed i’m just gonna blow up if i go into the nether what does the bed do

I mean not the bed the boat what is this oh god i don’t know Make a shield okay i have a shield we can just use that one Da boat equals no fall damage wait that’s kind of smart we might as well let’s go let’s bring a boat i didn’t even equip it though i don’t understand i don’t know how this is gonna work ah don’t blow up on me now what is that damage what is that hitbox

That’s what i should say Land boat it’s not just a car a land boat it’s a land ball guru it’s a vehicle all right screw it let’s go back in Wasting all this time hanging around not doing much of anything did you get blaze runs my friend we haven’t even found we have to find i haven’t no is the answer no oh i need the thing on the stick guys should i do it I don’t even remember where i was i need armor i do need armor i don’t want to like go through all the the iron i’m just making all right we’ll do it we’ll do it we’ll do it we’ll do it if i listen if i die if i die with the

Strider that’s on me Any armor any armor any armor we got turtle legs we got books and stuff okay so we’re gonna we’re gonna bring the strider then let’s bring the strider Wow i believe i have the stick it might be down here i think it’s down here because you need to stick with the mushroom to make him walk you have an iron farm we do have an iron farm inaudible where is it oh excuse me real okay that’s a transport where what else

Do we need let’s build what was i gonna do ah iron okay yes I need boots okay let’s go oh wait we can use this chest equals brain hey you know what they say though they say a messy space is a sign of brilliance so at least that’s what my mommy says that’s my bread bread Hey boots nice all right now are we ready you guys think yeah i think we’re ready oh we’re not ready so much seed i know i’m a seed master okay let’s go okay we’re gonna we’re gonna take this bad boy for a spin we’re gonna take him

Out for his daily dose of exercise hello strider are you ready we’re going on an adventure i promise to keep you safe look how happy how fast do you go how much horsepower you got funny friend friendy friend friend and buddy friend friend me buddy pal can you jump

Is this the max speed There we go Onward to victory that’s that’s oh let’s go this way that’s that’s that’s that’s why is his health so low how do we help his health oh that’s because he’s out of lava okay he’s fine don’t worry about it he’s fine he’s good oh not good not good

Why why why why why why why this is not what we want we list we have we have a very tight schedule okay we don’t have time we don’t have time to fool around here come on come on Come on oh i’m not good okay all right all right all the way all the way all the way up all the way out come on hi oh oh why are you up there please don’t take fall damage All right Okay hi double decker hello are you ready can i ride this boys we got the double decker bus let’s go Wait this isn’t gonna work Um can you come off of a friend please Wait how is this supposed to work how do i get him off the thing how do i take the can i take the saddle off this guy how do i take this ah how do you take this out off help you can’t can i get him off the push him

Do i have to kill him i don’t think i’m gonna get a strider i think i blew my chance i really think i blew it please for the love of all things that are strider worthy okay okay okay nice all right let’s go this way onward onward shift right click Huh no no okay shift right click well that doesn’t work oh geez press e thanks for nothing guys well i guess we don’t get a strider then ow Why are you standing hi i don’t want to kill him this isn’t my strider the other one was not my strider either i feel bad i no i don’t all right oh okay is there any saddle laying around here maybe we can use saddle saddle saddle Kill the bottom one it’s not mine to Kill Why Catch another one i don’t i don’t have any oh i could couldn’t i i i i i i don’t know what to do in this scenario i really don’t know what to do you know what no i’m gonna be nice i’m not gonna kill it we’re gonna go suffer some more

Let’s go is there any way that we can uh oh well let’s go I really feel like strider would be nice israeli does anybody have a cell can you make a saddle you cannot make a saddle you think i have a saddle lying around no what do we do it’s going too fast i can’t read this press e write it and e That’s e right e On my horse oh that’s right we can get one off your again ah ah You’re organ the organs not can we take it off the organ oh well let’s try we might as well cause i want to take Again I’m sorry what yeah well this is gonna be a problem why are you getting out so easily you’re not supposed to be bigger brain than i am yoga where’s my stuff called all right let’s just do dirt push it down try jumping out of that one buddy okay let’s take this Nice can we still ride him no all right that’s fine though horses don’t always have their saddles on they don’t have their saddles on when they’re in the stable uh according to barbie horse avengers sources He can’t get out right because if he gets out then i really can’t get him back wait what did i do this chad’s so behind it’s not normal no it’s on a little late little lamb see there you go try now you’re good huh yeah yeah okay so we have a saddle

Let’s go get that buddy buddy buddy pal We’re gonna have to go find the new one i just realized no there’s something that i like to no we’re going to take the we’re going to take the the railway we’re going to take the railing because there’s hope your day’s gone i just got off work

Thought i stopped by to see the world’s cutest shark thank you please never lose your pma your positive mental attitude and have fun in today’s stream hey thanks warrior thank you Is that a star wars reference i don’t even know what that means star wars star wars i’m brown thank you streams are always an adventure with a lot of unexpected happy little accidents hey that’s a bob ross reference you guys remember when i played when i

Played uh what did i play it was tabs oh as callie would say back inside day right back buckings of the day ranches is it I like tabs a lot that was a lot of fun Okay let’s eat something there’s gotta be there’s gotta be a strider nearby there has to be we’re gonna look for strider and then we’re gonna traverse the wide open orange sea of lava Okay where do we get how do we how do we get them to come over here is this like quicksand no okay we’re fine okay we’re good gotta get to the other side all right i know what i want to do what should we name our strider we’re

Going to get a strata we should name it Name it oh god i have no idea don’t mind me just clearing out some of this netherrack real quick kevin you can name it kevin i guess i kind of want to name it tony let’s name it tony tony strider that sounds like a superhero name doesn’t it Up in the sky it’s a bird it’s a plane no look it’s tony strider All right let’s go we gotta hit that one very carefully Oh boy i’m not nervous are you nervous ah okay okay we’re good we’re fine this will be fine don’t worry about it i have this under control Okay we’re gonna start leaning a bit this way Don’t jinx me stop no come back all right we’re gonna have to call it over we’re gonna have to call it over with sweet uh uh sweet what is what is it like when you call a cat over here right or something like that how are you doing okay Come here tanya you look like a tony you want to be tony you want to be totally no you don’t want to be tony please nice nice nice nice nice nice nice nice nice nice nice nice nice no no no no no no b tony okay oh baby we got tony

We got tony welcome to haul live ian tony we’re gonna have a great time with tony this is bad all right we’re gonna spin around ponies fast look at this let him go oh look at this i feel like i’m on top of the world or in this case

On top of the strider all right well we’re just cruising now let’s go let’s just do a loop you can just do a little break Yeah jump in the lava i dare you i’m untouchable now are you a new pumbaa huh and turn you into beef jerky pumbaa I want to write a song about riding a strider all right there’s nothing over here we’re going to go this way pork turkey yeah where’s that like beef not beef jerky pork turkey i’m gonna turn you into a saddle pumbaa how do you feel about that

Can you make a saddle with leather or saddle something you find like that must be something you’ll find i think i can never remember All right doesn’t look like there’s much here strike on time they’re cute they make cute noises i like it pump up You’re getting stuck with the d um boy you better lawyer up We seen anything yet everybody huh [Laughter] safe safe are they friendly all right this is a corner let’s go this way We gotta go deeper let’s go this way then you see dead what this is floor is lava this is flora’s lava you’re right let us Look the few striders Okay okay okay i need you guys to to write down i mean we need to we need to write down um we need to write down uh what’s it called when i hit f3 coordinates any questions requirements mean accordance coordinates corny’s according to coordinates okay clarinet

Clark does have a bastion though is that like the the things okay i’m gonna write this down what are the coordinates uh 235 55 minus 401 should we explore ah hey guys how good is this i was getting a little panicky because i was feeling

Like oh no what if i don’t find anything in the stream but we found something yo it’s huge oh it’s huge i’m so happy we went and we did the strider look at this we found it oh we found something it’s pretty big where should we park uh where should we

Park the tony bus huh excuse me oh it’s huge yo it’s too chewy yo it’s like actually huge like i’m not exaggerating whoa are they usually this big where’s the top of it how do we get in It’s so dangerous listen i i agreed i agreed to do this i just don’t want to lose tony because i he’s my ride back and also it led me right to this and this is normal all right well let’s park the bus somewhere a tony bus

Dig up uh is that a good idea can i stand on him while i dig or something okay ha ha ha that was almost really bad okay um what do we do go park tony first yeah let’s park him i’ll park him on this side Is he gonna wander off Should i like uh enclose them in an area oh god what do i do okay thank goodness thank you let’s uh Make a bridge hold on hold on uh okay we’re gonna do this I need to stop scaring myself like that okay Is I’m concentrating Oh is this gonna go bad hold on is okay should we be fine this is fine is this okay this will be fine okay we’re gonna put one here okay we can’t do that all right all right all right all right all right i’m scared sayonara goodbye Help me Oh oh it hurts oh it pains me right in mine kokoroki Foreign My all right well what do we do now ah jeez ah she’s oh geez what do i do i don’t think i’m gonna get back there in time because i don’t have okay now i kind of want to oh chase ah jayce What do i do go back and what kill the other strider kill the one so that i have the one that has the saddle Go get your stuff do you guys remember where it was it was in the middle of nowhere The only other strategy we have is this one i don’t want to have to kill you but i feel like i i should can you just let him get down over your head please Please coordinates we do have quarantines it was 55 minus 401 g5 35 where are we three five six so we took the we took the portal thing no we took this right Why does this hate me so we’re not gonna kill it i thought about it but we’re just gonna i don’t have anything to do anything with oh this is whatever okay my stuff is good is gone you know what it’s fine everything is fine we have the coordinates we found a

Fortress we have the coordinates tony’s fine we just need to figure out a way to get back to it eventually eventually it’s fine everything will be fine everything will be fine i remember it’s actually it’s around this way isn’t it it’s like back around this way but i

Don’t have i literally have nothing how how long does it take for your stuff to respond has anybody been keeping track we’re under the coordinates you guys you guys forget that it was it was a big sea of lava you forget that part five minutes we’re not gonna make it Because it was like this way and then we went over this way oh god wait i don’t even have anything i can’t collect anything no there’s no way i can get back i have to go back I don’t have anything we have to go back because i have i have literally nothing and there goes my ride god when it rains it pours huh okay we’re gonna take this i hate this game burning passion get out oh look who decided to come back ah

So we gotta go back we’re gonna go back and we’re gonna get a pickaxe or several yeah my stuff is whatever i didn’t have anything important on me right i just had like basic stuff which is why i brought basic stuff because i knew that was gonna happen it’s fine it’s fine

It’s fine it’s fine Just need to dig a lot all right Ah oh dear okay um okay uh geez my boy brain is just in overdrive right now okay let’s make some stuff we need wood what would you do oh oh i can’t control tony anymore oh yeah i can we have a fishing rod we just need one of those mushrooms

We need we need wood We need food Okay so we’re gonna get i’m sorry i really my brain is um working in overdrive right now okay so here’s the game plan the game plan is i’m going to avoid the puffy fish we’re going to get the thing what’s the foothold i don’t know what that is

Pretty much we’re just i’m planning on just digging our way there do i have any stuff in the furnace i do cook that for me please We’re gonna take a lot of this you think we can dig there we’re going to try we’re going to try we’re going to try and try i’m going to take dirt can we use dirt dirt it’s good that don’t hurt um we’re going to take i’m going to take one of these

I just want to like scope it out does that make sense i’m expecting to die at least one more time Uh that’s what i’m looking for hey guys i’m excited that we found it we found we have confirmed coordinates of a fortress it’s a start does it have what we’re looking for i don’t know but is it a start yes am i happy with that yes you have no idea well actually you

Probably do because you’re probably just as excited as i am okay let’s go what do we have we have enough we have enough we’re gonna go ah any more weapons uh yeah okay I need gold is that jason again thank you so much for your super chat yeah armor oh armor that’s right i need gold as well i don’t have any gold armor Why is there zombies are zombies in the bottom of my house ah that sounds like the zombies in my basement armor that’s what we’re doing armor anybody have any gold i can borrow it’s kind of important but not really that i have gold armor break the spawners no i’m not planning

On no no no you don’t break the spawners for the uh the rods you gotta like corral them you gotta farm them that’s what we’re gonna that’s what i’m gonna try and do That was the that’s the goal is it gonna work uh i honestly have no idea do i have gold in the other chest i feel like i have some gold maybe not a lot There’s zombies in the basement oh is that isn’t it i’m not your name James my bad my bad just here to flex my camera thanks james sorry about that it was a similar color and my my brain went oh red red with with with with teal name hi david thank you david hey good i’ve been subscribed for a while

And you’ve been a shining light in the darkness too bad you can’t get any vitamin d for me am i right probably a good idea to bring materials to build a portal when you get to the fortress wait how does that work how does that work

Oh god my brain is just too small for this Baby Hello looking for gold got any gold in here friends oh we do we got a lot of gold actually Take shield goodness me oh my i kind of want to just build a big land bridge is that a bad idea it might be a bad idea oh boy i’m not sure if i’m ready to go back in here it’s not exactly a fun time

Yes it is yes it is good it’s a wonderful time it’s a splendid time you have so much fun in the nether so much so much endless fun in the nether isn’t it fine listen if amelia and kiara can build those huge railways why can’t i build a bridge i can do it

I can do it just fine right please tell me am i please don’t please tell me Disney a couple of these easy fix all right let’s go so we have our coordinates here yes chef oh great aghast everyone’s favorite uh okay so maybe if we stay at this level 300 wait really this is the right way if you can build a door you can build a bridge thank you that’s absolutely right okay 335. all right let’s press w Wait i missed super chance i feel bad if i miss super chats deals and yell we should know that both boats exist the top lava for just long enough to get a single jump on them ah that takes training though i am i’m not the best for that but maybe sometime later

Five deaths thank you wings five deaths it’s not that bad it’s not that bad is it I have cookies here did you guys i wonder if i have any stories i never have many stories from recent because we haven’t spoken in a while um um It’s unfortunate it’s like my brain goes blank a lot you guys going we know maybe i’ll think of something okay so this is right this is going down and this is going up so we want to go this way it’s this way Okay okay okay why am i why am i nervous why am i nervous Um um okay we’re gonna We’re gonna extend this Yep isn’t this fun we’ll be okay this way i’ll just do single bridge we’ll be like tightrope walking just go around no we’re doing it this way because this is this is the right way it’s just not very safe right Yeah we just have to go oh oh no pop Yeah drop down All i’m seeing is the boogers in your nose come down here and fight me find me i don’t think you can see me that’s fine with me Is this a bad idea this is fine will you stop it i got stuff to do Leave me alone i got i got a bridge to build i think he just wants to keep me company we’re good we’re good dig the block underneath him no i’m okay he’s just gonna chill there i think boom boom Ah isn’t this fun look at us go look at this dig just a bunch of friends sitting around try not to die netherrack uh oh i don’t like the sound of that we’re final we have cover we have cover we have cover we’re good Watch out for lava oh okay i didn’t think of that okay well this is a good sign you see this you see how this lava yes guest is not good Okay go up no i don’t think i will Ah why would i go up what is the point Chop chop chop okay we’re almost out of this right hey kiara pro tip don’t fall my my hand is cramping because i have such sturdy grip on the shift button i found the uh i found the uh a fortress that’s what i found we’re one step closer to being able to fight

The ender dragon how exciting is that it’s nice in that exciting Oh okay that’s fine i guess This makes me nervous ah yep there it is there it is uh uh we gotta go get more wait let’s check coordinates oh boy it’s gonna be a long it’s a very long run very long bridge we’re gonna be building But that’s the only way we can get back so okay let’s go get some more yeah lava dripping it’s gonna be fun yay remember gouda i couldn’t catch that i’ll have to look in a second hold on one second There’s so many guests i’m so stressed out this street Hello this game scares me all right this is fun we’re doing fun hi this stream it is i don’t know why it’s getting to me this game is just real man where do i even get another iraq without it you just take a risk and you start digging

I guess well let’s do that then Have you guys started eating uh extra healthy like thank you as it is the new year Let’s do digging up such a great idea isn’t it no salad i haven’t touched a salad yet either salad smelling who needs it who cares for it oh ah ah oh easy oh not easy not easy not easy okay okay there’s more there’s oh that’s it okay okay okay this is fine

I’m gonna find more another right The tiny ones don’t attack okay well that’s good to know let me close this let me close this let me see the super chat i miss i’m sorry guys uh random closure rumor if you want the farm blaze rod don’t destroy the spawners yes i do know that

You gotta get it so you can just get out the toes mr rooper god i love you in your videos when i’m depressed or sad i watch your videos and they make me laugh till i cry oh i’m so happy thank you i’m happy you feel that way uh about the content

Uh i hope you have a nice day night thank you mr root beer i hope you have a good day or night and i’m happy that me being stupid makes you happy i know what’s up buddy we’re gonna go get some another wreck i’m gonna stop talking because my brain

Just doesn’t wanna work today so we’re gonna take it easy then we’re gonna take these in sorry guys is that like an introvert thing i’m like i don’t know oh what is that what are they saying Oh christ okay anyway is anybody else here an introvert i’m just so happy being quiet but that’s not exactly i don’t know Introverts rise up quietly I don’t know sometimes but what do people call it like their social batteries sometimes my social battery is really good and it’s definitely my my social battery has definitely gotten a lot better since like i guess since i started all alive you know um but i still have days i guess today i

Feel like today is one of those days my social battery’s just not exactly great and part of me wants to apologize but also it’s like this is who i am you know it’s tricky I hope you guys can understand though i guess seeing other hallows that are much more talkative it makes me wish that i could be like that which i i know i can i just need to give my self uh some more time to honestly i guess to

Adjust and stuff but i don’t know i’m rambling does anybody else does anybody else relate to that okay we got more another wreck be yourself yeah i would like exactly i would like a social battery upgrade please more capacity Or maybe i don’t know my software update i would like a brain that isn’t quite so scattered so easily that would be nice Is this the right way this is the right way he’s gotta go a bit a little faster Maybe i’m tired maybe that’s what it is i don’t know i don’t know it’s not a big deal not everybody’s gonna have a really explosive chatty day and that’s fine i guess today’s is that day for me that i’m kinda i know stuff happens you know when you stream a lot

And uh maybe it’s like the perfectionist in me deep deep deep deep deep deep down inside but i don’t know something like this you gotta take good days and the bad days because the bad days are about to happen you know or maybe not even necessarily the bad days but the

Every day is going to be a little different and that’s all right as is live content i would think maybe i’m wrong i don’t know what do you guys think maybe i’m overthinking it i have a tendency to overthink why am i rambling so much please don’t touch me boom bah okay Does my rambling make sense maybe have you guys ever been on a bouncy house or bouncy castle i don’t know why but they scare me i do like the smell of rubber though do you like the smell of rubber rubber really what do you do when you’re when you what do you do I’m just ah wow gouda what’s up with the brain all of a sudden good eye you okay i i think so i i don’t know Wow we’re gonna get in a bit Just gonna take it nice and easy One step at a time okay should we go up this way then and then going up this way would be a good Idea sorry i don’t want you guys to like worry or anything i’m just blabbing you know just blabbing just blabbing to blub as i do oh i need that can i go up this way we can i’m scared okay we’re like halfway halfway there i think xp all right all right all right

Is this a really dark for you guys i can’t tell i didn’t bring any torches maybe i shouldn’t what’s coming up to the floor is that lava lighting’s open okay good to know up up up up up up nice Okay 290 we’re almost sort of there Just a little bit longer wow okay we’re good we’re fine we’re fine with everybody hello oh goodness me yeah take your toes out bring it oh face me you mad i took some gold When i took gold whatever will you do what are you the keeper of gold please don’t hurt me i’m sorry i didn’t mean to take your gold Just kidding yes i did okay oh god should i bring torches i feel like i need torches to light my way otherwise i’m not gonna know where to go we’re gonna go back and get torches everyone we’re gonna go get torches Uh i think i already forgot the way back you guys ever got the way back Is it just a straight line isn’t that just a straight line Oh why did i do this um Did i come from upper from down Ah yeah what am i supposed to do with you Mommy tommy come on i was taunting it’s different Can i make like quick torches or something i can’t okay this is bad I’m just gonna i’m just gonna um i’m gonna go straight like you guys said we’re gonna go nice and straight straight line right to pumbaa just kidding we’re gonna take a detour not just kidding just kidding kidding again i’m full of jokes i’m joking i’m just joking We’re gonna take a wide turn around pumbaa right into another puma why is there so much stuff that can kill you please tell me i find this right away please oh please okay this looks familiar we went by this right right guys Um Um guys i think i’m lost Hey not lost just silly Yay saved Look I oh no oh this is where i die anyway yep why there’s so much stuff that can kill you okay we’re just gonna go in this way i’m just gonna we’re just gonna go in i i just we’re gonna go in okay i gotta make repairs okay we gotta all right okay

Oh my goodness how far away oh okay well any torches we’re gonna go get torches What does that portal go to i wonder whose portal is that is that like amelia’s portal maybe minor setback as is minecraft the jewelries a minecraft oh my back hurts oh that’s what i was wondering i already told you guys that never mind wow not absolutely nothing

Nothing interesting happens in my life i was about to tell you guys about my my back in this chair but i think i’ve already talked about that man what do you do i’ve never experienced something like that before what do you do that’s not a very good feeling do you guys have that

With your friends too i’ve already talked about this as well am i having a crisis on stream I think i need a granola bar and a deep breath all right what are we here for uh torches that’s right Ah oh nice i don’t even think these are mine but oh well okay now oh Do i need a hug ah i don’t think it’s bad it’s just you know it’s like i think it comes i think it comes back to the hole i don’t know i don’t know i don’t know i just can’t just have another i’m going to stop talking i’m going to stop talking

So now we have torches so now hopefully we won’t get lost quite as easily she says all right it should be good let’s go hydration and a cookie that’ll be nice i have cookies here that’s right big old cookie tin Do i have any good dreams lately um i don’t I don’t dream i haven’t dreamed in a while i get nightmares yeah let’s let’s let me wait for the comical music to start so this has more of a a comedic undertone i think that’ll be good yeah i have nightmares um when i dream i don’t have good dreams

I haven’t for a very long time So is life you know it’s always life I’m a little jealous of people who can dream especially the people that dream so vividly man what were you oh this is the way we went Okay i see I think i have to sneeze again uh-oh I don’t know if i’m to have the uh should i on to auto tune and i’ll determine is this high tune auto tune cartoon okay watch now the sneeze is gonna go away typical yeah it’s gone it’s all right we have the button prepared now Wait this is bent wait a minute pumbaa this is like a hansel and gretel Right Oh nice nice nice good one nice nice nice perfect oh now we’re getting somewhere okay here we go does he remember my crimes probably not Nope we’re good okay onward should i build well those from here we’ll build from here this is a good idea isn’t it watch i’m gonna back up butt first into a thing of lava aren’t i uh I’m excited to watch the princess bride that’s a really good movie i’ve seen it before i’ve seen it a few times actually you killed my father prepare to die it’s gonna be good man i have absolutely nothing to talk about well here we are here we are in another

Here comes the autobridge train all aboard as you wish a barbie watch along you guys want to watch a barbie movie would you sit through a barbie movie there we go we’re getting close now look at this that’s a good sign Excuse me yes that’s a resounding yes that’s surprising i was gonna make you guys wait till my birthday and then i’m like i’d be like you’ll come to my birthday my order my birthday week watch along right but everybody you guys are down to do it now let’s do it

I think about that for birthday i think it’d be fun to do like a week of birthday watch-a-long parties like little mini i don’t know and uh we can watch every shark movie imaginable good and bad like jaws and like sharknado and stuff like that what’s the other one there’s one called

Like like depth deep d maybe that’s not a shark movie it might be a crocodile movie the garage broke dia donde There it is why should not have a blaze blaze rod spawner cue my tears hey tony here tony is that usually where the spawner is right here oh that’s a spotter look look oh that’s a spawner there’s a spawner right there shark boy and lava girl yes

That counts but that’s got a shark in it Let’s go to that side i guess I don’t have a zoom in so i have no idea what spawner that is is that a blaze is that a rod spawner Oh boy it’s funny finding nemo is a is a shark movie technically we can watch finding nemo i like finding nemo that’s cute emo sin Hey guys excited to watch the 3d debut huh what is it gen 5 is cd or it’s polka right love polka oka senpai she’s just happiness My brain is so preoccupied with this this is so sad building blocks All right so we’re above that’s really good no no no no i’m excited i’m so excited okay what do we do guys should we drop down no we’ll die okay well then let’s Okay we’ll do the sun Come this as well This place is freaking huge look it just keeps going what we’re gonna go this way this place is absolutely ginormous Ah yeah I wasn’t aiming there minecraft okay here is where we go up there we go how’s this look Yo look All right stream’s over we found the blazer on guy we found the blaze raw guy we found one blazer on guy it only took us two hours any more torches i have another stack oh i have lots of torches see don’t worry about it don’t worry about it look

Look at him he sticks out look at how bright he is shine bright like a blaze rod now i’m going to keep going i’m not i’m going to sit here and cry Oh minecraft please be nice to me just for a moment oh he’s way over there How do we go about this how to get down What is that spawner for i don’t know i have no idea i literally have never even seen one of these in game ever this is the first time i’ve seen one i i don’t even know i i i is that tony that’s tony right there i think somewhere here what do we do

I don’t have a boat i have nothing use the vines should we just drop down though or is this a bad idea Um how do we go about doing this build a boat should we try the building the boat thing maybe we should go get tony because that’s pretty much our only way out of here should we build a ladder should we go get stuff to build like a ladder

Look how big he just keeps going and going what do we do amaze here ame hi hi how are you what did i may say amen look what i found it’s a it’s that thing did amma say jump what did she say I think i think i’m absolutely i don’t know what to do like i just saw wait wait on my site on my side whoa Um uh okay what do we do why why are you here you can’t be here Oh this game is so cruel to me I’m stuck between lava and pig what do i do okay we’re gonna drop down we’re gonna not drop down we’re gonna uh we’re gonna uh we’re gonna We’re gonna have a sit and we’re gonna have a think we’re gonna have a thing we’re gonna gather our thoughts a standoff i’m gonna lose though i always lose against the pumbaas i don’t know what to do i just died i don’t get it i need to find tony

They’re like really badly though Okay what are trees trees use the trees they say use the trees What trees Trees okay like these trees here like jump across the trees is that what you mean wait i think the pig left wait where’s the where’s the pig where’s the pickle This is uh we’re gonna oh she’s i need um Make a boat from the trees oh okay i’m probably gonna die because once i get there it’s like all right now what all right anyway we’re gonna go in we’re gonna be like a secret agent ding ding ding ding ding The boat reduces fall damage all right how does it do it do you jump and then you use the boat or do you jump while you’re in the boat oh that’s not good okay let’s make um yes okay Boat that’s a bowl hey how do you build a boat wait a minute wait a minute why is the music so scary Boat So Thanks chad thank you thanks for the gotham yes got me real good Uh all right then what do we do now gotcha yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah okay you got me you got me real good i i literally don’t know what to do okay we’re just gonna we’re gonna go back then we’re gonna go back and we’re gonna think about this We’re gonna we’re gonna get down and we’re going to we’re going to go this way We’re just going to keep going and we’re going to drop down towards the front of it or where it meets up with the land against here Somehow do i know can i build a fishing rod out of wood then that makes sense if you can’t bring water into the nether why would you be able to make a gonna be string okay string we’re gonna go back we’re gonna get straight Why did they fly up at me like that is that normal is that normal i i i am so i am so clueless i have no idea how to do this at all okay okay okay okay okay we’re gonna go this way we’re gonna find our little look at our torches yay yay

I’ve pretty much exhausted all of my minecraft knowledge this is officially absolutely 110 uncharted territory for my brain these torches are great though We gotta make something to defeat uh tony with tony the strider nice piggy not so nice speaking not so nice piggy not so nice piggy nice baby baby nice baby You need to use scaffolds oh i don’t have any bamboo don’t tell me there’s a pig in here okay scaffolding that would be good although i would think you’d want to dig underneath if those guys can fly upwards what are they the blaze If the blaze rod guys can dig can fly up at you then i think you want to attack from underneath and we want to like get the get the spawner so like like i said earlier you just get the toes i don’t like how you deal with the enderman right That’s what i think that’s what i think i can really use some water right now is my voice starting to go now i’m just tired welcome to tired voice gouda i’m your host galgura and today i’m going to try and talk Sand would work sam for what what are we trying to do that great look at the size of that one Well golly i never seen one that big before what do i do Okay okay okay okay he’s gone he’s gone no he’s not he’s not he’s not his mother we can make him he’s slow he’s slow Okay string oh it’s so nice it’s so green what hi watson what did i say what did i say what did i say i don’t get it what did i do what did i do what did i do pom-pom what’s that face for i want ice cream wait that’s not what i need

Hi that’s what i need fishing run ah but you can’t deal anything with this why are you guys telling me to use the crimson one It’s literally it’s like useless like actually useless is there any wood over here you make sticks oh wait did i just blame you guys for something that wasn’t even your fault today Um sorry about that All right how about we build some uh a ladder no that wouldn’t that wouldn’t work wow yeah what should we do we gotta we gotta get okay we gotta at least get tony meg we need a lot of stuff because i’m gonna go down we’re gonna go down we’re gonna that’s

What we’re gonna do no we gotta go across we gotta build a big bridge Okay so we need um we need lots of building block expendable building blocks so i’m thinking dirt yeah this looks good right now this is fine okay so we got a lot of dirt okay we’re gonna go back we’re gonna eat i’m gonna um boat no we don’t need a boat

Listen i don’t wanna use a boat because i don’t want to jump down on top of anything oh yeah i do god i did it again what is that what’s wrong with me what am i stubborn Boots huh scaffolding i don’t have the stuff to build a scaffolding wait what do we do for scaffolding it’s bamboo right this is ian’s bamboo though i don’t want to take in his bamboo No we’re gonna we’re not gonna be scaffolding no we’re gonna we’re gonna drop down with the boat technique i need you guys to walk me through that please what did i’m gonna say chad’s going too fast i can’t keep up with the way but i’m gonna say what did i say

Later later bye bye squishy what did i say it goes fast There’s tons of scaffolding at the end of the ppp tunnel oh okay but she was scaffolding though Can you wait okay so scaffolding can you build down the scaffolding Does that make sense can you build down like if i’m up here can you put scaffolding here and then go down or do you have to build up with scaffolding scaffolding falls like sand it drops okay we’re just gonna do it this way then we’ll try this way if this way doesn’t

Work then we’ll go back for the scaffolding we’ll try the scaffolding way right now we’re going to do the bolt technique the technique we’re going to do the bow trick we’re going gonna drop down okay so this is our land mass right or this is our lava

We have lava here there’s land on this side and then the fortress is on this side along with tony right so we’re gonna land here with the boat technique and we’re gonna build a big bridge across the lava uh right to tony and then we’re gonna get tony and we’re gonna

Put him in a safe place so that he can be parked easily without me dying does that sound good you want it to fall it’s going to fonda Is that bad boat is a mistake i don’t know what to think i honestly have no idea because i i i i don’t know this game at all can i trust you guys you guys told me that you could build a boat with the with the the another wood and that didn’t happen Scaffolding is better i don’t know what to do i’m conflicted i’m so completed what do i do Well oh well we’re just gonna go press w off we go believe in chad you can’t say that after you told me to build something build a boat out of the netherwood Oh oh oh go speed speed speed go go go go go go go go Well there’s a lot of pigs oh there’s a lot of pigs oh there’s a lot of pigs don’t mess up good i don’t mess up Myself All right nice Boat is riskier but easier than scaffolding oh risky well i really my timing i can’t time the you know the gas when the guest uh shoots its stuff at you i am really bad at timing that so maybe this won’t be that great this will be a bad how do you do it

Do you like jump in the boat And then push yourself off Aha why are there so many All right i’m just gonna do this Two hours and no blaze rods what’s that my friend what’s that that’s a walking blaze rod that’s a walking blaze rod where have you been you’re two hours late you’re one hour late my bed get down i’m trying i don’t know what to do how does the boat thing work

Let’s try the boat thing oh this is gonna go Wow that’s one way to do it in it What do i do i’m gonna get back up Though just hope that i have enough to like boost myself up i guess that’s what’s gonna have to be we’re just gonna have to go straight up literally all right well anyway we don’t have a boat anymore because i’m should i go up and get the

Boat i feel like i should go get the boat we only have one and it’s up there now it’s high what do we do Screw it we’re just gonna park right on this Here we go He’s in there somewhere so we’re on the right path i don’t think i’m gonna have enough blocks at this point oh my goodness you girl very short Ah Oh my goodness we’re gonna be here for a while no No we gotta go this way guys we’re gonna go this way guys Why is another so scary this is not gonna help my nightmares at night it’s gonna make him much worse i’m gonna wake up in a cold sweat thinking i’m still stuck in this nether This is much better though look at this we’re ready we’re ready we’re ready sorry it took so long for my brain to process that but it is what it is you Know How do you know i’m here Ridiculous absolutely ridiculous now you’re toast buddy why can’t you hit me Oh stop it I hate those things oh sorry say so this yo those things are rather displeasing to my powder I’m so happy i could cry why is the funny music going to start when i’m about to build a bridge what is this supposed to mean huh all right we gotta go this way let’s go okay let’s go let’s just let’s just go we just we’re doing this

Just go for it girl just go for it there’s one way to do this and you’re doing it right now just just do it just do it just do it Pony Tony please help me i’m scared Tony Tony Get back are you tony i’m relinked with tony Yes okay we’re good Now what do we do Now what literally now what what do i do do i start digging here is this hollow inside or can i build like oh oh too close too close too close too close too close what is that we’re breaking ground everybody Okay we’re gonna try this again we’re gonna try this again we’re gonna try things a little differently here okay good to know good to know good to know what was that for You see what i’m gonna try and do here could this go absolutely horribly terribly wrong yes go ahead and block it off that’s what i’m gonna try and do okay nice as well please don’t eat please please nice and slow no no no no no no no no no no no no no

No no no no no please come in here it’s nice and cozy up this looks like chocolate i’m going to chocolate house with this you just not want to come in is that the thing is that it how am i supposed to make you come back

Here how am i supposed to block you in if you’re being like this huh what am i supposed to do No and she’s oh gotcha gotcha nice I’m gonna take a breath hold on sorry i wasn’t looking at chad i was stressing out over this game one three three eight if you’re looking for purposely by shark movies my two suggestions are goose shark and house shark yes they exist house shark that’s like me how shark i

Don’t leave my house hi gouda uh at this point i make a path around the wait oh no no no big brain hyena hi hyena big bright did you want to make a bath around the ground or you stand to make stairs but otherwise tedious either way always fun

Ah to watch you thank you voda yes we did it we did it well we did something it’s not right tony it only took us three hours what took us three hours but here we are So now i think ideally it would be too you know to be quite honestly i have no idea now get the blaze rods um i’m gonna die If i get the blaze rods uh but we have a bridge started so i guess we can just how do we dig up just like up up at this point whatever we’re going up later tony i’ll talk to you later buddy i’m gonna lose my pickaxe it’s dark in here Don’t die easy Just don’t die easy are you new here are you new to my stream it’s really dark in here We know spiral stairs oh Yeah well we’re not committed to this we’re gonna do this right now how tall is this thing spiral staircase does make more sense though i’m too short my screen’s too up high i think i have to raise my i have to raise my chair because i can’t see it’s too dark

I’m too short hold on all right i do okay i can see a little bit better now just a little bit though this kid will take it we did it terrible fortress a terrible fortress indeed So we in the fortress now like officially this is us in the fortress Let’s go take a peek What’s this what is that hello Is anybody home what is this what is that I’m just a nice visiting shark Guys look at this hello i like the sound that the box made when you walk on them it’s like like glass almost is that nice oh piglet there’s a different type of skeleton mob right Am i gonna get lost oh this is a maze i don’t like this am i a bit above am i am i should we go down no we know the blaze rods are upstairs let’s focus on upstairs we’re going up you know what i’m gonna never mind i

Don’t have the material as you say we’re gonna make a truly the worst mob why replant the work what do you do with wart what does netherwort do what can you make with another one is this something you need for the ender dragon pumbaa it’s really the worst mob spawn possible pumbaa No please despawn do something all right oh well we’re gonna go this way then Okay it’s fine it’s just noise it’s just ambience we’re good what is that noise What’s that noise what is that noise okay i don’t like this i don’t like this at all i don’t like this what is the noise eat okay i’ll eat That’s a blaze that’s what we need So they’re here he sounds like he needs a inhaler hello sir do you need respiratory aid sir i’m sorry i’m coming in huh i don’t understand how do i um can i parkour through the window let’s go to the window wow i really don’t like that sound This is a bad idea Oh oh guys look Oh chest what’s in the chest oh dude i’m gonna die so fast here i’m gonna die so quick big brain later loser Oh baby oh baby oh maybe you know what it’ll be safe here There you go he’s here oh there’s our chest ah okay uh do we have any armor on okay we have got some some armor Okay okay okay This is my mommy come here show me those toes hello come on come on let me see him let me see him oh you’re mad are you angry are you angry you sound like darth vader i only move All right if you’re going to be difficult then i guess i’m just going to come to you then right i forgot he could fly Can’t fly through one block can you ah please don’t tell me you can’t oh nice shot but you missed dirt doesn’t burn right Come here are you doing he got mad he doesn’t want to play anymore i’m gonna get out of this you guys how am i gonna get out of this i really don’t know i’m gonna get out of this this is so everybody’s horse is gonna have some nice armor Adventuring’s easy adventuring is so easy just kill it already i’m getting there don’t rush me How many shots can these guys take nice shot oh you missed he did he did did we get one nothing i didn’t know there was treasure to be had in here it is pretty easy to kill you’re right hear another one though i think i’ve blocked this off for the most part So the idea is to find like a like a spawner let me take this chest give me um i don’t know what to do guys okay i feel like this is something i should do not alone should i wait and do this for somebody else oh a chest There’s another one let’s go get him i’m scared of no blaze man he’s just a little scared because he can’t see where he’s coming from hello where’s the spawner mr blaze man i want to go up that’s right that’s right that’s right is down we want to go there’s lots of

Entrances i didn’t realize that wow okay let’s go back Do i take this it’s just diamonds and another one um i’ll leave it Okay let’s go down yes yes just diamonds fly me in it’ll find its way back eventually i don’t trust myself really okay we’re gonna go up and kill boom boom because i want to come up here Cuz we gotta find the standing there menacingly all right and that’s the end of the stream i want to say thank you everybody for coming to my three hour minecraft stream in which we managed to find and uh i was gonna say penetrate but maybe that’s not the right word we were able

To find and enter another another fortress right wow what incredible stream content today abs round of applause for everybody involved absolute round of applause well everybody i’m gal gura and i would like to thank you all for coming to my minecraft stream i will see you all again very soon okay everyone

I i love you all very much and i can’t wait to play more minecraft i’m very excited i will i will see you again soon okay okay goodbye goodbye goodbye You

This video, titled ‘[MINECRAFT] BLAZE RODS’, was uploaded by Gawr Gura Ch. hololive-EN on 2021-01-08 06:26:40. It has garnered 636357 views and 35595 likes. The duration of the video is 03:08:29 or 11309 seconds.

alright how bad could it be? puh #gawrgura #gawrt #chumbuds


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  • Unbelievable! Surviving 4K Days Underwater in Minecraft Hardcore with Kazumi in Malaysia

    Unbelievable! Surviving 4K Days Underwater in Minecraft Hardcore with Kazumi in MalaysiaVideo Information This video, titled ‘MALAYSIA 4K Days In Minecraft Hardcore | Under Water’, was uploaded by Kazumi on 2024-02-20 08:52:22. It has garnered 170 views and 12 likes. The duration of the video is 02:20:12 or 8412 seconds. Donation Link: =========================== =MY SOCIAL MEDIAS= -= TikTok – L1l Kaz -= FACEBOOK PAGE – kazbrahh -= INSTAGRAM – kazumi. cs -= Discord Server – Read More

  • daKatz Goes Back in Time on Minecraft SMP! (Ep. 13)

    daKatz Goes Back in Time on Minecraft SMP! (Ep. 13)Video Information This video, titled ‘Playing On A Minecraft SMP Like Its 2012 Again (Episode 13)’, was uploaded by daKatz on 2024-01-11 15:00:03. It has garnered 519 views and 17 likes. The duration of the video is 00:44:13 or 2653 seconds. 🌍 Welcome to Episode 13 of my brand new Minecraft adventure on the “Some SMP” server! Join me as we explore a unique survival experience on this freshly created server. The IP address is “,” so feel free to hop in and play alongside me. 🎮 In this series, I’m taking a different approach to content creation. I aim… Read More

  • “INSANE Minecraft Tips to DOMINATE | @MulticortT” #minecraft #shorts

    "INSANE Minecraft Tips to DOMINATE | @MulticortT" #minecraft #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Les PIRES astuces Minecraft de @MulticortT #minecraft #shorts #minecrafttutorial #noob’, was uploaded by Oeslai on 2024-05-03 15:42:02. It has garnered 24233 views and 1385 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:59 or 59 seconds. ✌ This is Oeslai, subscribe and everything will go well 😏 ✨It’s a totally original CHANNEL that will make you smile thanks to its ENTERTAINING and VARIED content!!! 🔔Activate the notification bell ↪️To be informed of my next videos! PROJECT GOLD ROBLOX is available on our discord!!!😁😁😁: DONATIONS : 🟣Twitch : 🎶TikTok : 📸Instagram :… Read More


    HUGE HIVE LIVE COLLAB STREAM! MUST SEE 🤯Video Information This video, titled ‘🔴HIVE LIVE WITH VIEWERS COLLAB STREAM W/ @ProfMush ??? 👀 | !subgoal !discord 🔴’, was uploaded by On1can on 2024-04-29 09:11:52. It has garnered 260 views and 21 likes. The duration of the video is 01:38:55 or 5935 seconds. Hello! Im a Minecraft Bedrock Hive Streamer and YouTuber, I hope you enjoy the content :3 Just Grinding Hive Minecraft Bedrock / PE / MCPE / MCBE Today Doing another Hive Stream 🙂 BEDWARS HIVE BEDWARS BEDWARS HIVE BEDWARS HIVE BEDWARS BEDWARS BEDWARS OMG BEDWARS DISCORD: #hivemc #hivelive #treasurewars #mcpe #mcbe #minecraftbedrockedition #minecraftbedrock #pvp #bedwars Read More


    INSANE KEYBOARD GAMERS - 🚀MINECRAFT SPECIAL LIVE EVENT | JOIN NOWVideo Information This video, titled ‘🔴MINECRAFT LIVE | SPECIAL EVENT TODAY | MINECRAFT | JOIN NOW | India’, was uploaded by CRAZY KEYBOARD GAMERS on 2024-03-04 05:16:29. It has garnered 125 views and 20 likes. The duration of the video is 01:36:16 or 5776 seconds. 🔴MINECRAFT LIVE | SPECIAL EVENT TODAY | MINECRAFT | JOIN NOW | India insta :- To Enter SMP – Use – /register [password] and always remember your password replace [password] with your password to login – Use – /login [password] replace [password] with your password Minecraft 1.20.1 Java / Bedrock / PE Join The… Read More

  • 🔴 LIVE Late Night MINECRAFT Madness with the Bois!! 😱

    🔴 LIVE Late Night MINECRAFT Madness with the Bois!! 😱Video Information This video, titled ‘🔴 late night MINECRAFT with the bois – LIVE🔴| maybe some Q&A |’, was uploaded by OVDR on 2024-01-28 09:35:23. It has garnered 136 views and 8 likes. The duration of the video is 03:38:18 or 13098 seconds. 🎥 In Today’s Stream: We are playing Minecraft Survival with the bois! Will I die to “natural” causes , or will I die trying? Watch to find out! 💬WEBSITE: 🟣DISCORD: 🔵TWITTER: 🟢Join this channel to get access to perks: 📦PLAYLISTS Can You Survive ► Mod Reviews ► Silly Vids ►… Read More

  • Top secret Minecraft sand hack revealed! 😱🔥 #HerobrineVSgod

    Top secret Minecraft sand hack revealed! 😱🔥 #HerobrineVSgodVideo Information This video, titled ‘which sand wins #minecraft #animation #herobrine #gaming #minecraftnoobvsprovshackervsgod #minecraft’, was uploaded by @MR ALI GAMER😎 on 2024-02-28 11:00:34. It has garnered 297 views and 19 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:21 or 21 seconds. Read More

  • EpicGaming SMP semi-Vanilla Vanilla Minigames

    Server Information Server IP/Address: Survival Server Features: Mobheads Playershops Death Chest Teleports Ingame Ranks Ender Dragon respawn Minigames: Soccer Horse Race Build Battle Bedwars Ice Boat Race Parkour Boost Sheep Wars Additional Information: Server Version: 1.20.5 (1.20.6 opening soon) Events: Regularly scheduled events with over 60 already held Community: Small but active community with 5-10 daily players Interested in Joining? Leave a comment for server details and a past event video! Read More

  • Emeralds SMP

    Emeralds SMPSURVIVAL focused 1.20.4 server!Java and Bedrock can both join, Bedrock IP is Port: 25561Being survival focused, that means there is No /tp, /homes, and keepinventory is Off!We do have an in game /shop to buy blocks, ranks, spawners, sell blocks and items! The focus is survival, so the prices reflect!We are non p2w (no external store or crates, Non p2w ranks may come in the future)Every person gets a guaranteed Ender Dragon spawn/ fight the first time they enter the end dimension!We have /vote rewards, along with vote party where you receive diamonds, claim blocks, $, and sometimes a… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – *Hot Minecraft Meme: “and if we have a water bucket hahaha”

    Looks like they’re prepared in case things get too hot in the game! That’s some next level Minecraft survival skills. Read More

  • Plane Crazy: Hilarious Minecraft Animation Flight

    Plane Crazy: Hilarious Minecraft Animation Flight In the world of Minecraft, where creativity thrives, Our favorite news reporter, spinning rhymes that jive. Updates and news, all delivered with flair, In every verse, the essence of gaming is there. From funny animations to unique experiences, Each video brings joy, no room for grievances. With characters like Stress and OdoKentang in play, The world of Minecraft comes alive in a playful display. So like, subscribe, and share with glee, Supporting Kulpi Semungku, the channel that’s key. In every frame, unforgettable moments unfold, In the extraordinary world of animation, stories untold. Read More