Get Infinite Streaming in Minecraft with Donations!

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Start it it’s already started guys the timer is started oh wait um wait morning bu my chat is not working one second guys hi Bobo hello big k Mark use give my friend8 week so you’re broke o hello dstd what’s good hell X oh I’m just dying

Didn’t uh one second me add wa stre give me a Second my headphones G me a second start a VC my headphon start a VC don’t ask why I’m connecting to a bomb VC I just named it bomb all right let’s uh how is moderator okay we’ve already used up four minutes of the stream starting almost let’s get right into all this

Stage oh yeah yeah one sec bam hello that was loud as heal okay uh hello hello get the crap out of me get the crap out of me for that I just send you my like digits on the back of my steam gift card I have finally made a YouTube channel

Nice dude if you actually give me like a steam gift card I’ll count it towards it because I only have um $20 what I count it towards it because a lot of people don’t have PayPal if I if I actually use it and get

A game for 20 bucks on Steam I I’ll I’ll add time someing up guys oh GTA 5 on um steam is G more laggy than usual because I have that’s true look it’s wax you going to who’s this many people an eth uh um I gotta go check DMS real quick

And see what they said oh say Clos MC Frosty and Creeper gold MC we might be able to hit 300 members on the Discord this this this like today maybe how many members on right now uh it says go to college 27 yeah you could probably believe you can ED

It I’m going to edit this message don’t go to college yeah don’t don’t go to college give KK money yep college no I might go to trade school honestly yeah don’t who pays for college people I don’t oh yeah gu WK Channel WK wow happy birthday I’m so happy for

You I wish you don’t die in a fire I guess that’s a it’s literally W okay people people ask me that question too much honestly what’s your YouTube it’s just my name um did tellone y do you want to know my room to manage everything oh H doesn’t have many

Players on it right now I’m do you want to know what my stream you’re lagging now very you’re very laggy bro no one right now no uh is it just me like is he lagging helper in my Lobby no he’s laggy Min you’re lagging out we can’t

Really hear what you’re saiding we can kind of make it out but it kind of where internet is dying one to let’s see I don’t like this kid oh my I just a kid I don’t like this kit we’re going we’re gonna we’re gonna we’re goingon to number one Victory Royale fornite

I’m coming I’m coming I’m coming what G eat this food no dang it GG’s I just I’m comboing kids where you go just quit spam them quit spam him Victory re I mean what teabagging him nothing uh so tired right now bro you’re tired what time did you

Go to bed when did you not uh 2 a.m. I could not sleep bro I was so excited I couldn’t sleep either I was my family so I went bed at like N I burned to death yeah I was say what I did want to build or something

What trying to get a legendary weapon I’m on Hop yeah my f I always try to get arus it feels like the easiest one to get oh goodness that that that that message is messed up I’m live on PVP Le lag of Viewers me so much what we’re doing me wait does um W tree have stage perms uh oh no not yet okay how are you wait are you what yeah it’s how do I wait how do I oh they disconnected never mind bro today they they T they stage okay oh I was okay

What everyone really right now oh oh oh crackle see a crackle I want eat thisa holy sh what was a CR with a crit chain what the heck bro spam clicking he’s panicking chat going to eat this gap for fun bro this gap for fun as well little rude oh look

Look be okay you might hacker that’s a joke by the way that’s knocked out sure I should they just lagged out but that’s the point oh and they left run okay can’t touch me Can’t Touch This D I was doing the exact same thing bro okay wait guys there’s so many

People want to One V one I’m only going to do like One Time One V ones each then we can do mismatches or something the Legacy KB is so weird can’t touch This what is the cap of your stream actually a week how about that a week uh the cap my stream no wait I already talked to my mom like half of my stream is only 48 hours oh okay because of just scheduling through our personal oh yeah that’s true you have

Personal Liv as well yeah well no that’s not true actually you can um leave your computer running and just leave something background I could but like at the same time I I would need to check it every 12 hours because the streams delete YouTube deletes streams if they go over 12 hours

So I need to do like four parts of this stream if it lasts that Long I’m just going to chug these gaps cuz I can oh we don’t talk about sleep we did not talk about sleep I’m very tired C we do not talk about sleep with me either I my sleep is horrendous oh left the stage um I can go like a week without sleep

And that be tired for like one day all righty I’m going to do like two more duels and we can do rest um bro what is this oh Rex Rex Terry you want to join stage or is bro I’m in a PVP Legacy I invited you to speak man speak because

They’re probably give um can you hear me so my stream will probably not a sound because I’m using bro Poison’s annoying who me of course poison it’s annoying okay Anyways h h H um I was about to say how are you anyways you you should open some music for your stream if you want yeah I’ll open it in a second only L stuff for seem are copyright now so after fight at least wait did the timer freeze wait the timer’s

Frozen oh I didn’t have the tab open I did not have the tab open I have to have it open I think the stream is longer than it is 17 minutes oh what the come on you you can do it Beed KK if anyone wants to see a stream that’s

Really laggy go to mine use this one that’s the only way to get lag use this one instead oh my God KK you’re KK are you winning I think so oh my God k i yeah don’t get popped now yeah I know it’s it’s kind of nice crackle is my Miss so

Loud this is the only way of double ping are you guys in the no CLE it’s kind of bad it’s only goodness what versus are we in um versus n versus n versus nine I’m going to try to do you not know what what what what

What I I mean dude of course your ping is better is good right now for for how your ping is my ping is absolutely terrible they got on stream nice no I can yeah I’m streaming my thing is usually better and my FPS is dropping like crazy the L

Mean I personally think that’s a skill issue no no no no no no no it’s not a skill issue you obviously don’t know what high quality streams look like this is obviously it my high quality and my game doesn’t lag period so I think you

Just have a skill no no no no no no no no no no this is high quality this is totally high quality I’ve never seen higher quality your oh okay there is no better quality than this this is the best I mean there is exist but no one using

It this is the best game play you have ever seen I’m not even play I’m just spectating I’m spectating K beating someone up I love beating people up we all oh Dam I was not expecting that response go I I don’t know how many people will

Donate but I want to donate but I don’t have well you have a steeve gift card yeah I was sitting right next to my desk it’s on my desk right next to my hand I mean just shoot shoot shoot a DM I mean what I might at save for Christmas so I

Can buy Call of Duty those have to hurt bro power five power three never mind I’m good I’m good bro am I lag like 12 hours straight that’s nothing I’m pancake it’s a pancake in the Stream pancake it’s pancake here it’s pancake pancakes with mind guys guys we should we should get

Potato on I don’t know if potato right now oh my God we should get potato on stream we got to no we got to get detective potato on no give me the potato please I’m going to eat need potato crackle get your over here no I need potato you don’t need

Potato look at look at dude you see he needs potato he needs my SC is definitely not laging uhhuh oh potatoes here oh my God I got a oh my God hat my life potato it’s potato hair it’s potato oh wait AR do you know potatoes in um German version I mean p

German or not goingon to lie imagine my mom gives me BR well people people should like send me Dollar and then it’ll be longer Yep this will be my longest stream ever that I’m fully commentating guys guys to SP milk to smug to smug does that sound like a good idea K uh

Maybe okay I’ll do it and then I’ll tell him to join stream how I you still fighting bro oh my goodness I don’t like this kid yeah potato I’m worried that some guy is going to pull up with like $500 imine someone donates like $500 me by the way potato it’s a potato

Potato potato potato potato the potato the potato do I accept Sky Block coins uh I don’t play Sky Block so dude accept Kakey accept it’s obviously crack If he if someone said that I’ll accept a gift cards I I think I’ll accept gift cards as well

So if somebody wants to run to the store with their dollars and send me a gift card that will work too if I don’t have any PayPal because my country doesn’t support PayPal so I can’t use it for now yeah I I don’t know okay okay I’m

Just waiting for someone to KK how big of a Sean that someone would actually if someone if someone donates like 200 bucks one person notice that much I I I just instantly add like 48 hours to it I’ll add the cap instantly there’s an SMP that uh I’m

Going to go to I’m going to stream the start of like 20 minutes something mil milk milk not trying Tok milk milkk if you so far no you talking about I’m already a little worried that it’s just going to end I’ve been planning this so long yes I know potato

The best combo ever it’s milk and Pepsi I don’t drink Coke for some reason that’s because I don’t do code I will not finish that smut him potato are you guys married yet it’s a smug donut wait didn’t didn’t me say I’m summoning I’m summoning smug what is that supposed to

Mean is smug here where is smug not there smug should be here we should get smug on smug yes I’m trying to summon smug right now smug trying to suon smug damn I call summon him is doing something else potato oh this potato potato are you in C

Mar oh my God they’re they’re married let’s go oh my God it’s three months crackle why did you not tell me crackle you never told me oh what where I wait which which stream I feel like I feel like right now the most lik toate I’m want to be

Honest CU smug smug canceled his 10 pound uh when he sent 10 pounds he cancel or actually no I tried to cancel it and I told him to cancel it because I actually didn’t get the money cuz my oh right messed up so he still has yeah

Yeah I remember remember oh oh I I thought that was somebody so so and got kicked out I wasn’t that that that must be okay okay if potato donates it’s it must be like 20,000 potato is rich in potato C is like 20,000 don’t agree yeah potato potatoes rich and

Potatoes yeah potato was just Rich KK bam oh oh oh I’m I’m I’m soon summoning smug smug is soon s summoning he’s soon getting summoned he just sent me that it will be on in soon all right oh crap smug yeah you can or no

It’s not smug potato you can you I do owe you $2 you owe him $2 you have to do 20 minutes we though even though it says even even though there is noing there is noing there is no passing oh my God potato sace European go stop 328 806 so 34806

Right oh my gosh stop what was it what did I say 348 348 348 34806 way $2 from from potato must equal more than just chips well was from potato yeah but potato it’s like kind of the same yeah but it’s potato I’m going to leave the stream

Faster I’m I’m planning on playing Sky Block baking donuts and editing doesn’t surprise me what if I donate a potato dude that must be worth like a million how would that work it’s from potato he’s giving away his own kind wait a you got poison is there milk buckets I don’t like the

Poison guys I summoned a wild African he I also do not like being poisoned we okay okay guys I’ve summoned a wild African what you know Pro Gamer it’s a wild African William bro half po do the same thing because uh yeah damnn he’s so good at spelling potato yeah oh my

God thiso me I call smug will be on in like 20 minutes so let’s hope there will be another potatoes I want this match to end team I mean I mean the wild African the wild African search little KK on YouTube let me murder you please your

Kit is not fun wait how wait this is three rounds wait who who’s think that K was just made it toor YouTubers and you fell for it I’m take off all my armor I was done uh KK KK could you like send in yeah yeah um should we do mix matches yeah okay let’s see list nine members wait 10 members okay 55 on my hoplight kit they’re dead already oh goodness I’m going to eat my long shot oh my

Goodness let’s go W ping I killed him I just B hug W ping huge W this must be the best W ever oh dang we we just dropped that team dang yeah it was kind of unfair he attack Nea was trying to get my friend to understand how to how to find your

Hello oh my God it’s that it’s it’s the potato the potato man it’s the Potato Man y who’s this is that an elephant techno blade yeah it’s good do te dude yeah let’s go he’s so good at spelling there’s no e techno blood I don’t know how to spell it Tech this this is so unfair so is a crystal kit and hoplight Crystal and hoplight look

Dude why did you do that that’s so unfair it is we’re going to lose but let’s sh oh good they off oh no being fair all they being I was like 10 blocks away what how what did not expect to die from that now he was frozen we lost a fellow Soldier no you no you’re you lost person with dou lost no techno blad no never Tech BL he has the same pain as you we’re taking off all his armor he’s giving us a dude if he somehow dies it it’ll be funny oh that hurt that hurt de you’re just destroying him he’s

Putting back his armor of course he is K could you add Pro Gamer could you add Pro Gamer to the the he’s rning down be careful be careful bro this stream is big kind of seems like a pro game damn okay he’s obviously a Pro Gamer and

Not the biggest Noob on the planet Pro Gamer who’s Pro Gamer hey don’t go down go down do not go down over theing best in the world African that I wild African what do you mean by did he get lost okay this is kind of racist I

Promise I’m not racist promise I’m not RAC do that yeah okay no I’m not black in my country they’re literally black people me we both know you’re lying cover up cover up what are you talking about I’m definit go racist oh he’s going down okay whatever

He’s gonna boom you yeah I just realized that we lost the wild African why did you not help yo I just joined oh okay ax I just joined so yeah someone someone said axe in chat so why not yeah it’s the tech tech was techno blad let’s kill techno

Blad because he’s obviously a a highter he got them highter what what did my I got I got I got me I got papa no potato potato don’t run in I’ll protect protect too bad at it come here oh let’s go potato GG’s chat you clutched up wait why do you have

Armor stop running stop running You’re Dead come on don’t potato whatever you do don’t die then we’ll have to Su CRA go oh more rounds yay by the way crackle crackle you you can’t let potato die where’s my potato C it’s the law oh Las got double

Crit holy [ __ ] he has to save me but that’s not the law you went in front of my arrow KK you went in front of my arrow sorry apolog I want got him wait potato oh no he killed he didn’t die he killed ow yeah

Let’s go thank you you can do it you can do it potato let’s Go start saying the Soviet Anthem jeez let me in where is yo you wkk to be able to do that pass where’s 22 lies I saw him what where are you yo 22 lies let’s do just wait a minute just wait so te get in just wait just wait till the wild

African can go in afri no I’m kicking people because uh they’re offline they they’re not on yeah I I’m just I’m just telling you to wait so the wild Africans can he wants something so okay the wild African has joined those are some Gucci glasses I just I I

I just I just now see them oh my God I’m messaging half though because I half Donald Trump’s what no he’s all damn I’m color blind I don’t know I don’t know damn he got those glasses he’s he’s he got them premium glasses off wish what was the name those premium

Wish glasses every Lo is Donald Trump race no it’s from Alibaba crackle crackle crackle come here come here look at them premium glasses from wish where you at wait what I’m coming okay wait where are the glasses are yours look on KK look on KK with those premium glasses from

Wish D just like yours just just just out yeah mine are stuck on my face off mine’s better no mine are mine’s better because they’re glued on my glasses we all can agree we all can agree that brown is probably the best thing ever neumo wait we started which which which which team

Oh okay uh so sorry sorry crackle you can’t be with your lover forever you can’t be with your lover Forever are we singing now no are we singing now soon smug wait smug real quick smug real quick you know that that that 10B trans relates to $13.50 so I’ll just count that as 14 so if you donate 10B it technically counts as 2 hours and 20 minutes

GG it okay so does anyone have does anyone use y here does anyone use y yes okay knows now to get that clear that’s all blocks blocks blocks blocks help crackle donate donate crackle no IX I box myself I box myself chat same um I don’t box myself that’s so

Lame take no blood I’m going to save you my boy I’m getting killed by men that backfire didn’t it try hard that backfire didn’t it 400 ping easy potato I don’t know which team potato potato I’m saving potato yay potato’s overpowered bro he’s a he’s a deadly weapon of of mass destruction

Yeah I’m mining out of my byebye mint byebye enjoy The Voice come on everlock I hate okay no hat is strong board you can’t say that okay we can’t sayit you can’t say hey I know everlock don’t it’s CRA yes I got out easy easy okay where’s the last potato I’m

Coming up his back up no potato no my bad my voice crack you just block me off you blocked me in no no no blocks for you who’s in here oh somebody where are the children it’s only 2v2 wait every just committed got him I mean where are they where is the other

Person f3a f3a oh he I can’t fall down bro I don’t see him any in the middle of the map in the middle of the map okay smug is going to soon be yep he will be soon he I I I the same time

Bro I got I gotta turn off wait cords uh what cords milk milk milk milk milk milk milk milkk I see pixel the wall I see his pixels through the walls bro f3b hit box hit box why are the Australians the wall and why is and why is my love not

On and down he’s down no wait he’s right here all right kamic is also not on right which one okay that’s a public don’t get farmed bro don’t get farmed no no he blocked off yeah I’m Farm him don’t crit him I’m breaking the other block now I

Understand why the hit him twice Australian on why soon enough why okay now I understand why the Australians are not on it’s to I am for the yeah I I completely forget that it’s day right now because KK live bro it is 7 a.m. almost what yeah well

It’s almost 3 p.m. for me and 400 p.m. for the wild African what why do you call him wild African because he’s because he’s come on W why no let’s go please tell I’m not no I’m not on crackles no on CRA from me Sweden I Sweden for Sweden for

Sweden for Sweden you’re Africa not behind this mountain bro ow who shot me it was not this is for swen for oh no no it’s potato the obviously the dead player uh in the game the the best there potato that’s potato okay no I’m soato I’m running

Away from potato bro he’s jking us out oh never mind I killed the King stop killing me kill crackle crackle crackle you you kind of have to get revenge now I’m dead he’s King me even though KK is on your is on our team you have to get revenge

I’m getting shot oh my God no I’m getting laggy oh my God getting laggy oh my God W ping W ping getting shot CLE cra cra we’re shoot we’re getting shot at every side bro I hit k i oh my God almost died from Fall damage no I died chat byebye chat byebye

Chat you can do this you can you can win Teo wasn’t my team yet Pro Gamer African boy you can’t do this the wild you you are master of bows Africans use B doesn’t don’t they no I’m I’m sniping again te I made everyone on stream Target try hard try’s the best try

Hard’s the best B Target try hard everybody talking no guys try hard only try hard here I’m going to snipe with you okay oh my God I hate B so badly I will literally where they are going go and you with your W ping are getting kills w

P I was shooting at behind someone behind you potato you V potato potato potato don’t kill potato you can’t kill crackle I’m getting killed yes it’s 112 it is 112 the 911 is wrong it’s 112 everyone knows British people have 999 they all 112 everyone know wa go home Goot every I

Am he killed 22 lies no is not that good potato died yes guys my stream is definitely not laggy and there are definitely people one V2 no very lagy and my no St fornite and check your DM you don’t me that gift card buy another kill it’s obviously 911 if

If potato says it’s 91 then it’s obviously 9 I been able to get it anyways wait a minute guys look at the wild African doing what for while why do you have come on wild African I have made everyone racist don’t use Dolly skin smug on smug ha F squid don’t use Dolly

Squid I mean I’m me see here smug yet milk milk milk milk milk milk milk milk you have some oh that’s unfair I’m coming from the back everyone go like like the is that the actual code okay okay okay what what game should I get you can pick for me buddy Min mint

Mint no anchor Anor I got how much is on it games I’ve been told whoa sub end no one’s watching and it will probably make it so I have better fps what game should I get or how much is on it I’m playing with uh 20 30 20

Okay so I’m just GNA I’m just gonna add 20 to the stream right after I all these games look weird bro all these games don’t seem fun milk cuz your your dad left from M doesn’t mean that you have to guys guys guys guys guys listen everybody go everybody go watch the stream everybody I just got given guys I just got given a

$20 steam gift card I’m gonna count it as something so go watch the stream uh PP lasma is W I’m gonna give you I’m gonna give you I’m gonna give you a donator roll okay okay iend wa it got deleted I I’ll remake the donator rooll somebody one of the staff deleted

It should buyat mug you’re not you’re not the top donator anymore but you are a you’re also not a donator Min like you are but you’re not cuz it got cancelled I want disc got deleted let’s mug talk I’m trying to find a game that’s like $18 Mortal Kombat smug

Talk GE Dash is like5 I have Dash yeah I have it let me Che I already have five of the jackbacks party packs I have uh this game that I’m not gonna click on I have be G Drive What cosmophobia Mortal Kombat 11 milk milk milk milk um

Milk milk I don’t want milk milk no good game milk milk milk F brother guys I found a game that’s 13 13 33 milk milk Milk Milk Milk okay yeah I just added the I just added it it actually worked okay that is I have $20 added to my

Account so I’m going to add two hours and 20 minutes no wait no wait three wait wait one two three three hours and 40 minutes I’m ring three hours and 40 minutes 3 2 one 42 so six or SW for for Sweden it’s going to be right at

7 hours and 1 minute and 42 seconds you know why 7 hours 1 minute and 42 seconds yeah definitely long I I believe bro you just bumped this the stream from three hours all the way to 7even hours guys guys I found a game on for $13 a

Game ra survival wait it’s it’s lasted bro that’s crazy it has lasted almost an hour which means that the stream is going to be lasting in total right now eight hours we’ve gone through the first hour D oh damn um KK KK we should a crystal we should a

Crystal only anchor only we should do crystal we should do crystal no anchors oh my goodness okay wait I’m I’m going to I’m going to look around on Steam slightly longer later fine fine whatever whatever I’ll do it later okay everybody let’s say a screeny everlock if you don’t if you

Donate $1 million then I’m giving you my entire Discord server I don’t I bet I can give you 1 million amibian dollars that would be like 500,000 US dollar no wait yeah I bam got the screeny chat okay Dam I bet let’s wait bro look we can just wait

Okay fine fine let’s hop in still need more people right I have not used 10 V10 stuff in a long time because my parties are just big enough for it get that timer bro that’s we’re going to open today um put put put to yes maybe but there’s also an SMP that’s

Starting that I joined like last night but I I’ll play that one as well but there’s there’s a one that’s the attribute SMP I got I was last night I was all yo was good I joined a VC and they’re like whoa you have good editing

Whoa do you want to join the S&P I said yeah other people just had to apply I I just got in I’m just I’m just cool like that and the sharpness is going to be there bro I just pearled into that bro I’m bro I’m not

Even I’m G to I’m going to stretch I need to learn aners again I haven’t played it’s so long that goes there that goes there okay I’m good which team are I had completely forgot how to play Crystal yeah same H po yourself you know there is a chance that

Mr Pancake would come back and just be D and like give me like 20 bucks which would be another another long time more like oh we have not apples $20 legit legit adds three hour 40 minutes I I purled into a crystal at the start of the game I PL into a crystal

Okay I was wondering how you died potato is hiding in his little house that’s my teamate sorry crackle sorry crackle I mean it did like zero damage so it’s look we’re teammates we’re teammates D he he’s he’s famous of killing teammates he just does no yeah

You I may may not have killed someone a few times what see everlock is killing me I told you he’s yeah well I’m kind of famous with one person for doing that yeah yes CLE is back with anchor spamming no I I still got going to learn it I I have a

Lit really like like like like got to learn it we got the where did that P to to teamwork no potato no don’t do it potato don’t do it potato potato don’t do it don’t do it okay this is bad no don’t do it

Don’t do it no no no no no no no you’re not how am I this is smug I’m doing good good yes good sure you have all the donuts okay good good attacks me I’m no he died no yo oh that’s that’s a person oh that’s a person it’s

Potato potato potato potato potato hello potato potato it’s potato potato why did you die why did you die look it’s 22 lives it’s that I’m coughing bro those glasses are sick I they’re see-through I want to see let’s go where is he how much time for me to change my

Name to potato WK bro chill I’m red and you po potato oh goodness potato potato Um how much do you think that’s worth my a lot of Mone oh my God I popped twice wait wait wait my internet again I’m I’m back okay I’m back we’re going start please imagine po um imagine imagine Liv you have I don’t know I don’t know I don’t know I don’t

Want to be like unfair because it kind of it’s it donate stream and um could we play that again an hour an hour oh oh he he left already to go change it dang potato changes his name to potato WK right now no a no way I got to see this first

Before I add an hour bro there’s no way it it should have been crackles last name last name what crackle Cracker cracker yeah crackers I like crackers called like that many times bro potato left potato just booked it bro yeah potato booked it tot potato become detective potato as well become detective potato yo smugs Donuts send you a donut skin you’re going to have to wear it I’m I’m bake Donuts

Today potato I’m bake yeah po potato skin yeah for the settings what okay mug I’m sending you I’m sending you the uh File no banana no milk I’m gonna break you fkk you today I can’t find a file go to search Minecraft donut skin and and get the first one milk milk milk milk milk milk milk milk milk milk milk shut up everl okay I was G to say everl

If you’re G do that it’s another hour if anyone adds if anyone addscore wkk to their main account I’ll add an hour because that’s just that’s just crazy dude no it was it was this one see this one on stream go to stream and right there milk mil milk milk

Oopsie Donuts yeah Che the HS with Everlock doing oh my gosh that’s two hours if he does imagine imagine imagine mint Kaka WK try hard side oh my good we’re have to get a screenshot everybody’s changing their names to WK at the end bro bro I check mine check my profile no no no you have to got to

Change your uh Minecraft username to it _ w KK that’s that’s part of the deal not Discord Discord that’s not worth it you have it stuck plasma plasma my bad bro just there’s nothing special to pronounce it I potato potato just messaged me and said done it’s kind of

Very is he gonna join right now you know T gonna join right now where is he where is it where is he you can’t hear me okay I can hear him no no no no no it’s 22 Liv uh oh okay uh potato is getting logged

Back into his account because he has to re relog in to a bad lion I tried bad lion once and I I like uh I like feather more it’s just better hi CLE High 22 lives I really don’t care I just use Lun that’s it bro how do I change my

Name uh wa you’re actually dude dude bro no I want you to stream for 48 hours you’re doing so 48 hours is the c yeah we’re making you stream till you can’t no more making me bro listen I if if listen I’m going to if the stream goes

Out long enough I’m going to set up a sleep stream come on you you you cannot sleep here’s a Twist you can’t sleep no you better should have slept yesterday well I slept four hours chat I slept four hours last night I was so excited I was so excited it was like

Christmas bro it’s potato month away potato WK oh my goodness no potato why oh wait you got po your name that’s I’m going to open a ticket with PVP Legacy and ask them if I can get 64 player parties you know your name only after a

Month it’s only after a month you got to use this for a month n guys guys are you in a fight like dual no okay potato I’m adding I’m adding 1 hour to it okay 64 48 37 748 37 9 48 you can do slfb wlkk and then it’ll it’ll show where

In that hour though was crazy te no don’t te how change name blade is good wlkk br don’t use it where are you like on oh my goodness I’m I’m messaging P Legacy real quick I’m streaming my I can’t figure out change name do sign into your

Account and then go to change name on profile yo I found KK I didn’t even try I’m streaming my sub oh I’m I’m delling something somebody dwelling you probably lose uh he has the same ping as me so I think it would be is going to be fair

Yeah it’s not fair if I do in because he has like always 80 ping bro wait smug did you just say bet to change your name you’re changing your name smug smug changing his name smug donut don’t change your name I swear if I see if I see smug donut w w donut

What I you’re donut anime where’s my where’s my where’s my where’s my my uh my webcam we’re turning webcam on bro GG an anime donut is with person without a I’m just gonna make a new account with it I just sub it’s 30 bucks bro it’s 30 oh it’s money I forgot 30

Bucks how long is stream that that 30 bucks would La would would translate to four five 5 hours and 40 minutes oh my gosh I did not realize how oh my goodness I not smug what the heck we’re adding the time 746 so 8 46 whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa

Again Don what is that oh my goodness donut looks like a cupcake he’s a he’s a he’s a donut yeah there’s a lot of sprinkles look at all the sprinkles a lot of sprinkles bro whoa that looks cool what what’s this Mr Mr Galactic has

A essential mod and has a bunch of cool Cosmetics on wait wait wait show me show me in the Stream go to stream go to stream yeah I got to see I don’t have oh nice Wings I’m going chop them off get out of here bro get out the sprinkle is covering your

Eyes right there on the that side wait do those $2 count as a donation cuz KK would have given them to me when I got PayPal yes potato that counts technically I I have to make the donator rule so I’ll make it later but look at tab you press tab wk’s donut and

Potato wkk mean we we need a screeny potato and potato and donut smug donut come here where did mint go yeah uh 8 hours 44 minutes and 26 seconds just I’m I’m soon on again I’m soon on again what happened using we Shacks wait

Let me let me get let me get a really good screeny bro guys back up wait wait guys you got I got it I got it you got some oh why it’s it’s just with this guy gu because it’s potato and and and this guy with W kicking name dude I also

Got oh you did we need another screeny oh my mint Chang his name as well okay we need another screeny we need another screen mint you’re crazy you forgot the Big M yeah you forgot the capitalized him mint you missed it no guys come on mint crackle buddy potato potato potato come here

Potato potato potato potato it’s so hard moving in where’s po I don’t know where’s po po where’s potato he said oh he no PO no no don’t don’t don’t do that what are you doing here what are you potato KK bro Frosty’s uh Frosty’s at like a lot of subscribers bro crazy

He’s getting his friend potato is getting his friend oh my gosh bro boys what’s up boys what’s up wait guys press Tab and you read like you read like four names with WK and two three four yeah bro Lego boy yo that’s wait I guys 9 hours 42 minutes

Night you got to stream in the middle of the Night I’mma donate you 100 so yeah what yes do it do it do it do it do crackle c yeah I’m dead serious I’m too broke broke but I’m a robber bank so yeah I’m a I’m a be right back be right back he’s scanting his mother’s I’m be right back I’m

Going bro there’s no way if he he’s getting his mom’s card he’s robbing a bank technically yeah I swear dude if bro actually donates like a hundred I don’t even know what a hundred EUR is okay um so basically 100 100 I got um yeah 109 United States dollars

Okay I got I I got I got check what wait how can iate I changed my Xbox profile to add wlkk in it hey yo I got my mom’s credit card how can I donate that’s only worth like 20 oh you get your credit card

Bro yeah how can I donate see real quick real quick we got to figure this out because you can’t you can’t don’t it’s on the website it’s only PayPal oh crap I have sweat bu come on come on but but but we can we can find a loophole somehow I think okay I’m

Just kidding I’m too broke bro I’m not going to use any money I’m just kidding I will nuh nuh not a chance I’m noty and I’m too broke broke I have like 49 cents in my uh change your name the link is in announcements the link is in announcements go to announcements and

The the streamlabs link is there I’m gonna add it to stream I’m gonna why more people has to get K names Li try hard he’s sweating licking okay no I’m not saying that try hard try hard try hard you you know try hard you have to switch your name you

Have to switch your name sweaty KK do that no I just realized we need a crackle wlkk no no no already wait every everyone that changed their name to have W techno techn techno blore W KK no not techno blood is good why not that’s not cool you

Did KK KK is making a bigger to than we could ever imagine my name into this okay I’m not R 10 hours 38 minutes what why is here Pig step no get in there guys guys we need more think more people pause I didn’t think people would actually Chang their names

Cuphead Warrior W oh wait wait oh wait not yet he didn’t change wait wait wait please please please please pleasee get in there yes potato potato potato’s Our Savior potato’s Our Savior what what happened I’m I’m getting a little sick Bro yeah stream no no sleeping no

Sleeping I’m a little sick guys I feel a little sick I think I need to end the stream not any drugs you know it’s it’s illegal bro I’m not I’m not going to I’m not going to actually end it I did the timer says 10 hours 38 minutes and 40 seconds 36

Minutes we need more people I bet that Ki is just gonna suddenly like like turn off turn off and at one point and I’m just gonna shut off shutting down guys we should make this a 48 hour speed so he just turns off let’s turn off guys let’s make this a sleep screen

So so no sleeping in stream no sleeping in stream if KK falls asleep okay wait in 10 hours that is 8 9 10 11 12 13 12 1 two three four five it’ be 5:00 P PM when the stream ends right now LOL that’s when I go to sleep

Yeah what other way can we get the stream longer uh dollars because money money I don’t else money something else money something else than money money I swear please I I’m I was asking for donations but I don’t want to take all your money don’t donate $300 lying

He wants all your money saying $100 question mark $200 question mark $300 question marks how about $400 mug he’s doing this stream how many how many he’s expecting money I’m dying ly I’m not lying I don’t want to how much money how much money does have

To how much money does to throw in the SM smug I don’t want you bro if smug donates oh my $500 for medical bills donate how do you mentally y out of this stream bro guys we’re trying to make K Cry No let smug smug smug yeah we can

Play now we can play now but smug genuinely if youy if you are an insane person and donate something like a 100 bucks do that if you donate something like that I’m just I’m adding I’m adding like I’m adding it like donate 20 bucks a frog everyone rejoin the party re re

Dop jooin W because when you change your name it kicks you out of it yeah yeah okay I’m back he kick at offline froggy where’s froggy is Froggy in The smug smug SM you don’t have you I said I don’t think it you guys are joking around but it it’s it’s it’s he wants your money I’ll probably remove I’ll make my mom I’ll make my mom like allow me to remove the 48 hour cap if somebody donates that much because

That would that would bring it out to like five days you’re just gonna yell bro smug smug just went give a sec after you said $5,000 will do mug I’m good bro he said it’s loading dude no there’s no way yes everyone bro my stomach is hurting

Bro it’s like feel sick at the thought of needing to stream my me sleeping you should have like slept like for I don’t know 15 hours yesterday like I couldn’t I couldn’t actually I guess I could but dude I was so excited for today’s stream like genuinely so excited

That I just could not I just could not sleep mint use drugs for Sleep BR sleeping pills yes sleeping pill that’s what I me those are drugs rest in peace WK I will now donate $10,000 okay I don’t believe you guys die we we gonna make him St smug smug said

PayPal’s being a pain the official wants to uh join I’m sweating I’m genuinely sweating the thought of needing to stream my sleep and then have that on YouTube for the rest of my life yes you just can take it off bro I’m I’m leaving all these Streams

Public oh my god oh crackle I I didn’t you’re not in I didn’t I didn’t mean to not let you in look at tab wk’s donut WK potato KKK WK why am I spectating I’m killing thek he’s killing one the Techno the Techno blad wlkk tried to come to my rescue but I

Failed W there’s so many Haven eaten anything today so yeah be right back we’re doing e stream everything I do for the next 10 hours is on stream bro all all the four people who changed their name to wlkk have died except KK KK you’re the only wlkk

Left two light you got this I’m at two hearts BR wait 21 is on what Teo Teo change your name to Pro Gamer dou wlkk G’s oh my goodness nice wow wait what I think my brother will kill me wait it’s actually it’s actually my account so does it

Matter you’re trying to cut me off bro next I’m do all wkes versus others I have I don’t know how I can make that happen dud that’s not I wish thing ever all W KK all KK against everyone else that would have been so that would have been so good don’t agree

The kks are killing the kks GG’s there no blood no no the potato got there there so many W there there’s so many KK why is there five kks PayPal wait then pay wait wait wait I will try 10,000 bro W KK eat a donut then PayPal would let

Me I swear you know what you know what smug if you donate more than if you actually donate that much there’s another there’s another W there’s another you have to put on you have to Finland who there’s a Finland KK there’s a Finland KK Nick in the spawn look at tab look at

Tab I wait I’m looking he’s in the SP it’s just the thunder outside it’s like yesterday we had a thunder stor at school it was pretty nice KK hates us probably KK do you hate us for this oh my goodness can I only can I only add like 40 minutes to the

Stream he’s not going to say that no it’s going to be an hour you said that yourself I forret this 11 hours and 29 minutes oh smug yeah so um if if smug donates like a larger like an a number to pay for me ordering a doughnut I’ll order a

Doughnut to my house and eat it on stream yo wait I I what if I tell the owner of PV Legacy to SL Nick everyone to W don’t don’t I don’t know I I that won’t count that won’t count that won’t count that won’t count because they’re not actually changing their

Usernames W yeah yeah all the wks oh my God good is the if the owner if the owner of Legacy changes their name to WK like their actual Minecraft username I think that they they I they wouldn’t do that I don’t think they do

That I hope they will do that you know I you oh everl knows the owner I hope that there someone got even more people potato do you know more people that you could get to change their username to wkk PVP yeah mint mint Ollie we should get all yeah we should

Get on M he’s coming in five minutes I told we need to tell oh let’s go Teo Teo you should you should also change your name te SP change your name I’m going to ask my brother to Discord server mint we G have more people mint yeah if my brother comes home uh

I’ll ask him if I can change it yes one two three four in game right now and some of them aren’t even in the party one guy just changed it for no reason other than he just changed it he like no no this is USC I I don’t like

USC wa wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait I have to count how many KK there are uh I’m getting on Tab right now but there’s I think there’s I think there’s six of them two there’s four there’s four in the game there’s four four four in game

But there’s there’s five that changed their name one two no six no there are five that changed their name and you’re the sixth one six then there’s six because of we’re try throw lava themselves back up buddy no no let me Gap up Let Me Gap up Let Me Gap up oh let’s

Go bro smugs actually donate is actually freting he said we’ll be back soon after PayPal I don’t know but he left the game he said he’s he’s to get them bro technoblade I’m a fellow KK don’t kill me your team just your your guys dude just set your teammate on fire not me

X why is he killing me you suck what is wrong with you yeah yo let yo [ __ ] for Sweden it’s for Sweden I I just messaged in my in my uh ticket on Legacy can I have temp YouTube rank for my Channel’s birthday to see if they say yes

Watch it’s for Glory it’s for Sweden it’s for the Swedish people it’s for our homand it’s for our nation it’s for the love of God you suck you suck people damn it for Sweden I’ll be so happy if PP Legacy actually gives me 10 for YouTube rank or just just my Channel’s birthday

That’d be so cool bro KK YouTube rink oh my goodness is my dream I guess this is the end this win no oh man why why did I know normal click why did I normal click that’s what you get for just as you know I’m s i sucking yeah just kill me bro

I don’t give up no one gives up who does that I was one against three three like my mom said my mom said why are you doing it at 6 a.m. no one’s going to join and I told her all my EU viewers are going to be

There yeah for Sweden for Sweden come on come on I know you’re on the opposite team but for Sweden every luck come on it’s for Sweden you viewers are crazy a few us viewers but I’m pretty sure nearly everyone here is EU except the wild African yeah he’s African I summoned the wild

African he and I got to summon his second one bro what yeah he’s summoning a second wild African the wild African is summoning a second wild African I need to go grab my phone guys it will be a it will be a ol I okay y luck die kill

Everlock ever luck it’s for swed and don’t you dare OPP every luck I know you’re on the opposite team but come on it’s for Sweden you got to die it’s for Sweden it’s for Sweden it’s for Sweden everlock for everl for Sweden everlock just die die from me

Even though you are my teammate you are betraying betray guys I could be G to hop because my mom just called you have mother called him ask him where you ever luck ever luck for Sweden for Sweden for Sweden swed dude imagine imagine Legacy owner gives me

YouTube rank just okay K KK K hear me out you get a ping PVP Legacy o owner or I don’t know whatever gives the rank and then no rank you say you have the channel birthday birthday and uh you’re GNA stream like both most of the time and PVP Legacy so yeah

That’s so yeah ever luck for Sweden for Sweden everl I will help you my dear friend oh my God kill crackle every killed kill the guy from lva yeah ah I got someone every luck well okay no SP Che whoa got him okay I’m back got him yeah bro there’s too many of

You fire support is moving in wait why can’t I see you guys okay everlock sucks he’s so bad he can’t even play he can’t even play everlock so bad he lost oh there you go so oh I didn’t GLE ever luck W yeah this this is what I

Want to see this is what I want to see this is I could have W myself yo yo Pro Gamer wild African it went past than enemy oh I missed bro smug is still trying to get that working still gone bro my game is so laggy come

On right now the top donator is Mr Pancake yo oh who’s this don’t interrupt I got to kill him please interrupt no yes try hard try hard let’s go let’s go try hard sorry sorry ever sorry you’re the last person you’re the last person sorry

Ever luck ever luck you got this CL up ever luck I’m so sorry I’m so sorry I’m so sorry ever everl I’m so sorry wait what actually the only reason I think one of the I think technically he plasma is the top donator with 20 bucks to

Ste I’m the dop donator I don’t know okay okay I am the top Don donator you don’t bro everlock is cling up right now let me see sorry everlock it’s for our homeland ever luck it’s for our homeland sorry kill them all ever luck it’s for our homeland I’m

Sorry I have to do this when I go into full screen my uh uh Mouse disappears my inventory yes gg gg don’t doed to sacri what sacrifice we have to make sacrifices sometimes we sometimes have to make sacrifices sorry sorry it’s for it’s for our homand sorry every let’s join everyone join in On let’s Join MC man hunt Okay yeah sure uh uh go to lobby lobby three uh what what what what let me try to find MC um let me just addit uh big MC which lava did you say kk uh three three okay yeah because it’s kind of hard to see on screen because

Otherwise the screen is really laggy for me is that a parkour that’s watch lag stream why don’t you have a rank I just what am I supposed to do yeah can see we have to donate we have to donate for him to get Bank oh potato’s going AFK for like two hours wait

Smug is smug still here please tell me smugs here yeah he’s in milk milk milk milk milk come on no the goat this milk this milk is making me feel funy you m him we all want muted what what was that jum guys I can’t join why because my Minecraft

Crashed okay get out get out get get this uh we can everyone go to game modes and go to Lava Rises na lava Rises okay and a every already chaos yes CH why not why not the other one yeah why NA why NA most most of the people watching are

European but I get I get I get good ping though but most of us are European fine fine go to go to EU oh my god um where can I where can I change it get the [ __ ] D join you join Teo no swearing no swearing teon

I’m swearing OE he doesn’t want to join but but you’re but you’re on stream you’re call you’re call S you’re on stream a v oh well you might be able to pull the stream to my first stream with 1,000 viewers Rascal’s here we can do a man

Hunt yes rashal is here oh my goodness he’s one of the netherite Ring everyone say in chat that I pulled up all the wkss that are here do SL jooin when you get into EU do slash jooin you’re gonna leave ever look we’ll do Manhunt we’re going to do Manhunt soon okay don’t

Leave after read after this one right after we’re done with this we’re going to do man hun oh wait this just classic auor rizes yeah bro rasal right now I’m on I’m on I’m can you run what do you mean give me the dirt I cannot get it oh [ __ ] I had

To accept Bo I want to be the runner against everybody else to be honest just one game that’d be crazy you will lose fast I I will probably I I will lose yeah there’s no doubt about that probably no 100% sure like there’s a there’s a chance win but like that’s that’s

Definitely everybody everybody go like this stream please cuz I might be able to get this stream to one to um 1,000 views because it is going to last 12 hours bro what stream which stream your stream said it guys he said said the L I just lik K KK I’m soon

Back I’m just going to make some tea okay I had coffee I just had a coffee lava’s here how did he how did he die someone’s already building up damn I need more blocks everlock is dead wait lava already yeah there it is on I was trying to get high

Ground I’m just I’m just watching your stream to know what’s happening stream sniping I mean what no G to come stream snipe you just now going to craft a bone snipe you down from there actually I get pretty decent Ping On EU even though I’m not EU I have

150 I I got 200 two uh 2,000 yes how do I join you on my computering out oh it’s not a face reveal bro I already I face reveals at 1K I’m at like almost 10K now but still yeah the people that haven’t seen my face is a face reveal to

People how can I join you guys all good all good guys I’m talking to you hello oh it’s a MC and you do uh the little compass and then you go to Lava Rises EU and do SL jooin actually I don’t think you’re going to be able to get in just wait

Until we do a um manh hunt this is this when you join in you’re be in lava on this one cuz it already started oh my God no permission I can’t find guy people on This Server wow I what the okay oh wait is now all right

Nice oh here we go here has a Min exactly who fell someone just jumped oh no he was sple how does he have armor what oh there was a blacksmith someone want a team let’s get let’s get a gap on the Doom let’s make sure that the people

That are not in the Stream don’t win they got we got to make sure they don’t win bro why is he so stacked someone has a bucket a shield and chest PL helmet get killed right now in two okay lav level’s 99 pvp’s on right now pvp’s on

Now got him oh my God he oh he ladder clutch Never mind I’m get him I need to make I need to make some ladders chat oh your stream is so far behind what is what is his SW should be it shouldn’t be too far behind compared to what it used

To be compared to what it used to be it shouldn’t be too bad I almost got him it used to be like 30 seconds yeah I think it’s 30 seconds what how in stream you just crafted 11 likes yo everyone like a like a w KK is three years old guys I

Know oh wait I just disliked I just like again oh I can see the lava now whoa um KK why can’t um why do you have to registrate your email on your Discord server what yeah my friend tried to join your Discord and he said um he just send me a

Screenshot where he had to in verify your his email account to join the server oh because he needed to yeah I GL clutched clutched CH y wkk w wkk Gill I am the W you’re the L what yeah wow what is so rude it’s in your name dude

Fact oh my gosh I just missed this L guys about oh whoa whoa whoa no I tried to get away I Tred to get away guys do you do my most deep voice like actually trying this sounds so funky guys what’s going on hey guys what’s going on

Let’s good Chad yo this is me now hey guys what yeah we’ll play man I’m gonna I’m gonna get in the party with uh rasco right now Lobby one you said rasco there is okay invite me guys I’m in I’m in just open the party to the publicas that’s a

Person I’m going back to Lobby I’m waiting for you guys H what should I join H just join McMan hunt. yeah yeah I’m on there guys have I kind of I kind of oh half for $14 so half is using the $14 right now why do you first thing why do you

Owe people money what did you do owe half money KK uh he want to stream K can I join can I join your man hunt please no BR it you can join you can join I wasn’t talking to you I watch uh BR just got roasted he wasn’t all what should I

Join y MC yeah I on there I am on there and on on there what should I join uh go to Lobby one use a Nether Star and go to Lobby one unless you’re already in it no I’m and then say invite me in chat

And then you’ll get an invite from from somebody you can it’s public you can uh join in oh okay just a big man Lobby one ask no I am in lobby one mhm oh wait I got to do this parkour somebody just FPS I got 15 FPS wait is smug still

Gone oh my God the FPS drop uh everybody like the stream first but um uh go to MC on 1.20.1 go to Lobby one and then do SLP join uh Rascal Rascal YT yo Jamesy Boy I need to open Minecraft opening hello all a smug what is smug doing

Aren’t you guys like friends or IRL KK KK what should I join P joinp join rashal it’s rashal YT rasco ytk I’m gonna recruit a couple hunter or a couple Runners with me when we start I don’t like that kid he pushed okay we are pulling 10 viewers

And we’re about to hit two hours in the Stream bro damn who’s watching like 13 hour stream end up w Wait you can do SL kill I okay hi mint hi minty only can’t join the DC server MC Manom okay and then go to oh goodness 12 people in the party yo what guys what am I meant to do oh yeah you’re n okay guys ever luck I’ll see which one are you I’m gonna recruit like two people to be Runner with me are you in

Lobby look for the people first and pick a couple people wait come on wait B how mint I’m mint hello mint i s you something I’m GNA be back in two seconds how do I join uh do slash do SLP join Rascal Ras YT the server won’t open MC

MCM a n hu hey I’m in I’m in I’m in okay dop join Rascal YT but go to uh go to uh Lobby one first purple headed grow bro I’m about to do a I’m about to do a Minecraft uhle headed bro Manhunt but it’s like check your snap

Snapchat I send you something oh two people just Jo bro how I spell Rascal I don’t know how to spell uh r a s k h u l YT it’s watching a wild it’s full we got to start it wait okay oh man I feel bad now we have a

Thunderstorm bad you didn’t get in okay I I guess we can start it um just plasma you can uh wait until we uh wait wait until we uh play one round and most likely somebody’s going to most lik somebody’s gonna leave okay listen no my love didn’t get

In don’t pick Runner guys don’t pick Runner I I’m I’m going to I’m I’m a runner I’m a Hunter I’m a hunt you I’m Hunter okay I’m gonna pick I’m gonna pick yo let’s all pick Runner just just for for fun okay wait no and and KK is a

Hunter H you can be Runner H you can be a runner why I’m picking ha and me me me me me me me I’m you Hunter and want wait what did you say no start it no dang it people are all being Runners there’s so many Runners holy crap

No there are so many Runners so laggy yeah oh my God what’s happening kill kill the runners I’m on kill kill all the other ones first don’t don’t kill me okay what no no okay I’mma kill kill KK where are you no kill the other ones first bro see you let’s kill

KK I’m not that bro I’m Hunter bro get some wood only half to was supposed to and then I was going to pick somebody else we have one two three one two three four extra Runners two four two four six Runners we have six Runners

No I need a dolphins SL got got dolphin yo no you got it no I’m gonna I’m gonna play this out and we restart people already dying guys where’s the where are the runners I got two olds KK is running nuh oh [ __ ] no I missed I got

CH I suck no I’m getting some tools I’m getting tools who needs tools how many tools should I do no except on us get you get another Hunter on you or another Hunter on me there’s two of them wait what is there yes thanks for the Boost thanks for the Boost it did

Nothing it did nothing oh my God what yes let’s go after him I’m I’m I’m I’m a thankk you the guy behind me I don’t know bro there’s no way I’m pulling this off there’s no way I’m pulling this off man I said you’re going

To die in the beginning real fast I said it nuh to obious G dang it I said it okay let’s restart let’s restart let’s restart cuz people were being stupid what’s your name yeah stand still F yo F my man everyone go like up the stream get it likes

Likes why are you not liking it lick the stream everyone everyone you got to lick the who is r now and I got why did I get invited to their party I’m actually die I’m actually people are goofy bro a bunch of damage oh my God I literally ran off where

Is in this moment am I meant to leave yeah am I meant to leave he got he got a shipwreck bro he’s by himself he’s getting a full shipwreck I need food I run out he got a treasure Barrel he got a treasure Barrel in in MC manh hunt there’s

Treasure barrels inside of the inside of the ships he’s got food and stuff right now I’m in a random um item battle what is a random item battle guys he’s he’s stacked he’s he’s the only Runner That Got Away bro and there’s there’s another there’s a r

Portal okay I’m okay okay what is a random item challenge uh it gives you random items like nine stacks of random items every now and then I just got a lot of magenta GL blazed terracotta what’s the structure oh wait why is the timer cut off on my stream he’s trying to fish

Me I got to fix this real quick guys no you can let it be no just going to edit it real quick on the right and just make it Les pick Oh wrong way on the left like guys in which direction is the now going oh thanks I found a SHP wreck just

Destroy I think on our left there is the runner no I just saw a boat does somebody has have food for me I need food yeah I need food as well points long ago I’m at the we at the wound portal I’m I’m just running I mean

Walk how do I become a hunter again forgot how to do that oh God no I have a stone oh I see him he’s camping our Tower oh wait here’s a fire nice I’m going to take bro he’s just going to he going to build up knock you guys off and then

Run just don’t build up as well that’s it back up is coming I just m leave get leave him up there until until backup comes backup is here do I want to be a runner me that’s that’s cheating you some blocks everl ever luck half on me when uh when we

Restart oh okay we got the whole gang pulled up right here I he crafed armor he just crafted iron armor from the Shipwreck that he got he’s going to drop he’s going to drop he’s going to drop yeah I’m going to drop you guys has a 5 one but he has an

Iron I got enough blocks to to Up N he go back down oh he’s jumping he’s jumping he’s jumped he’s jumped he’s getting boat he’s getting boat he’s a boat ‘s a boat guys use your boats go after him I don’t have a boat yet I hear more sheep bro can my game

Stop lagging so so much thanks finally oh they’re fighting they’re fighting let them die let them die let it it let it sh up and basically yo GG’s guys okay this time we or uh rasal can you can you add timer like a warm-up timer is there a way to add

Like time that I P open yeah get get out of here and do SLP open we’re going to get p p p p plasma here go to go to plasma okay whatever go to go to Lobby four or no Lobby one my bad and then join the

Party do p p join Rascal YT I’m just waiting there’s space now we’re out out there’s space now so Rascal can you can you set can you set like a one minute timer that the Hun that the hunters are frozen it gives us a little bit of a little bit of a chance

Yeah so we don’t die I found Lobby yeah W okay wait no SM donut he’s back how does one join uh go to C man I SP gamer join let’s go k oh oh he’s here join KK yeah do you have two monitors on your

PC I do yeah I’m about to get to okay I want to get to if if uh I get a new computer at Christmas I’m GNA get to I like old one now I I might just ask for Christmas like a a better monitor cu the ones I

Have are um 60 60 hertz and they’re 24 in I want to get like a 150 htz and like 32 in monitor the ones I have are kind of cheap for cheaper side do you have a which graphic card graphics card do you

Have in your PC uh I have a 4060 but it I my CPU is bottlenecking it cuz my CPU is is worse than it hey Rascal I’m I’m at the King of the Hill Place what’s going on Rascal everyone should go to I can run shaders with good FPS but still

Not run Minecraft at like 20 2,000 uh I get like a decent I get like 60 FPS no problem usually I get 60 FPS in other games not in Minecraft 14 viewers yo you also all the happy birthday to WK whoa what are they doing help guys yes smug

W Wait are you in the game or something no we’re fighting in the arena oh uh when will we startop the man hunt uh we can start right now I I would like to can you can you set the people to roll Rascal so they don’t all pick Runner hi hi in

Chat my sister’s calling me Dam it 10 here 11 here okay I’m a Runner I’m a HTO yeah everyone someone else show there I got 87 ping wow I think that’s the and 3 32 FPS 30 31 I want to be Runner but I can’t so I just getat up half and every luck pick pick Runner no I I took Hunter bro I swear he better

No dude oh my gosh did he change he did change Hunter freeze timer 60 seconds let’s go we have 60 second warm up get why am I walking oh no I’m I don’t know back here I oh my gosh okay okay come on come on South 20 16 15 14

13 keep on uh keep running nine eight seven six five four three two one dire they wed y you’re gonna get that GNA hop out and get it okay yeah a you stole my log come on I’m getting it right all right bet gra grab it and hop back in oh my

God oh my God I sword you yeah what’s on the sword what do you get fire nice nice nice That’s G to be so annoying for them nuh we have you got bottles of water though no but no buts of water but or water anyone chasing us

Yet I think we have I think we have enough time for you to drop down into one more structure before the people on us or maybe two yeah uh yeah yeah yeah uh there’s a VC you can go to my Discord on what I got kicked got oh my God bro

Bro what the hell okay it’s kind of fine it kicked us out bro it’s okay at least it didn’t kick us out like halfway through it you know yeah better now than later yeah oh there’s no oh there’s no at Discord command here I’ll if you go to my

Profile on you you can go to WK on YouTube and my homepage it’s there why is the party I’m just installing mods on feather CLI I did the correct thing and chose Hunter because I’m a good person totally and I’m not just coping hey guys could you make it that

The got disconnected I think the countdown for the hunters isn’t like 60 seconds like 30 seconds wait wait sm’s not in wait sm’s not in sm’s not in and rasco rasco wait where’ rasco go he crushed I think oh he typed last second wait rasco where did you where’ you go

Oh wait we have to reinvite people everybody do slub do slub and let it start I want to get a a m outfit on my skin let’s see anyone help me achieve this goal everybody do SLP join Rascal YT all right join where is knocked you off I’m chasing you Down I’m still running now I’m chasing you got you hey me me guys oh smug donut hello um KK I made it smug oh no oh there he goes I need to add another hour to your what I need I never got to change my name because I just find out uh

What I can’t find him uh I’m in the I’m in lobby four every go to Lobby one oh I’m in lobby one now do the shout Commander you you can’t fight fair one it’s only been two hours and I’m tired then go sleep I can’t

Bro BR what should I join again I can’t find it dop join rasal oh wait I’m in lobby two that’s there we go hello IO have to hello you excited for the start of the attribute SMP oh my God no way I’m probably GNA like get off train PVP or

Something uh we’re GNA it’s a 15 it’s only 15 minute grace period and it’s freefor all going to be a blood bath the first day yeah okay I’m running off there’s Elemental in there by the way like element it’s mint still here okay what no mint left did I get killed or

Something man gone no there monkey from party Yo it’s WK well they’re not in it though so I got I gotta say it I’m playing for I was about to kill a kid someone else KK come on uh sky and ever chunner half CH KK oh oh my God people stop choosing Runner oh guy who pushed me off ah sorry

Bro could you move thanks oh my God have welcome crackle oh yeah than dude someone else yeah somebody El dude this dude also whatever whatever wait the hunter free timer is only 10 seconds dude oh goodness let’s push yes what the [ __ ] oh my God this spawn is so

Crazy it was a restart it was a restart it was a restart because uh Red Sky people people were people were not picking uh the right thing and um red oh my God who Hunter dragon is cool stop it guys I got be back

N I just have to get cetch a catch a spot at my house it’s like I’ll be right back all right I’m back how did someone get sneak 100 I there’s probably like a who is talking I don’t know is half yeah what up boys I got a I got

A I cannot see stuff for like the longest time I can’t see stuff forever the jungle or uh yes oh my God why am I good it’s only us three yo Chef Bread’s here minute is perfect bro and Mr Pancake yo wait one second I I’ll pull

You guys up once I get to a good position to yeah okay I can ride a boat okay let’s go uh I’m I’m crafting my Crap turn up the clest music I got one I’m coughing super slow I’ll make an ax I’ll make an ax instead 12 nine eight wait stop I’m making I’m making an axe yeah I’m just run run 4 seconds 4 seconds run I just took theable place the and

I’ll get in get in oh my God why am I drag these people up I got to drag these people up to VC I need I need a need a stream mod bro risen from the dead hello pan okay you get it you get it I’m I’m gonna look in

F5 and see if I’m spawn us I’m going down too I’m going to the other chest oh iron iron yo why is there I got a treasure Barrel I got a treasure Barrel what’s going on uh people donated people donated a lot and people changed their usernames a bunch somebody

Donated and I donated $20 I don’t know it was my $20 steam gift card that’s been on my desk forever we’re opening this quick Sam KK 10 hours tough life bro take that take that see that that potion take it take the potion yeah I can live

For you if you if you want to take a nap hello bro is your mom going to give you like a whooping can I can I just can I just say something I haven’t been on in probably like two weeks I’ve been dead I’ve been pulling the Mr Beast

Challenge all I know I just woke up because I woke up and my Legos all my Legos just fell so now I’m sitting over here looking at my $200 Lego spaceship on the floor bro what yes I’m so sad right now honestly I’m going toit suicide all I

All I know yesterday I was playing UHC and I’m so bad at Minecraft right now it’s not even funny took my crafting table SK yeah I think think I’m I think I’m gonna stay on as long as KJ stays on I probably be here for 10 hours for about

10 hours bro if you stay hour crazy I stay on more than 10 hours bro I stay on like every time I play a game I stay on for like 24 hours just today I stood yesterday still to like 3:00 a.m. just playing I went to sleep it was 88 a.m. I

Woke up it was 9:00 a.m. I had to go I had a lovely night honestly yo people just came out of nowhere all they kind of I’m play you uh we’re on MC on me right now I’m in a and I wanted to get this

Week for U out of the window wait I’m going to get wood we need to stop at a nearby tree just no not not that this takes too long go closer to a a more accessible tree for me to run to let’s just get off here Y

How put me handful and you on the same no stop calling me that like handful that’s need to eat this because name is hand this no it’s not halfs let’s get stone right now let’s get stone buy that name from KK 30 minut stream D oh my God bro I’m so

Tired how do you hit that it’s already it’s already lasted two hours and 30 minutes yeah I’m G to figure out how to change my username another hour after now they’re on us to get and when there’s like one minute left I just like donate $100 that’s foul make have 12 hours of

Live hey KK there’s a spawner under you so his doesn’t finish oh wait you’re hunter hunter hunter hunter you got him K okay in 10 hours and 20 minutes I’m going to donate 20 bucks so you just get 20 bucks of I the yeah of course so when there’s 10

Minutes left before you can go sleep you’re G to have an extra like wait just saying every time you have to use the bathroom you have to show yourself using the bathroom I don’t definitely I’m good bro yeah bro yeah we take it should we

Take it we got to take it we got to take it yeah we could okay let’s take it K how do you li your skin how do you like your skin you didn’t tell me how you lick your skin oh it’s w get the entire

Time it’s a w skin I don’t know what you’re talking about what shirt you got I have a Pixar shirt on he doesn’t have one I have a right now I’m in pajamas right now epic I just woke up so I’m in my bed right now [ __ ] I woke up in like

Like 5:45 a.m. not not W not waking up to my alarms and I started a stream at 600 a.m. yeah had to wake up at 6 because it started how much hours have you already been streaming uh 2 hours and 30 minutes oh my God I will kill myself though

Truthfully you started stream at 6: a.m. yeah you had to wake up early holy [ __ ] I had to wake up early so I would end early in morning somebody somebody drop somebody drop 100 so we can keep this going on for a week straight the Cs hours cap is 48 K

What really want people to have I have a question I have a question what would happen What would happen if you go past your school days like say if it’s like Monday you have to go to school are you gonna stream during school hours or you’re just GNA I haveo I’m homeschooled

Oh yeah that’s crazy I forgot monkey that is we’re gonna have we’re gonna have to watch his mom teach him there’s so many Hunter bro bro it’s going to become an IR guys I just joined MC man hun where that we could go there and

Look if there’s a cave they in the cave no we should go for a cave we need to we keep Bing away until we find lava pool and um wait how much iron do you have five I think I’m not going to check my inventory because it’ be a little bit oh

I have five I have five yeah we can Speed Run the game yeah we can go another I have pickax don’t gear before watch too much recp wait a minute yeah kind of recp is the only knowledge of speed running they have to be honest yeah honestly I don’t even

Know really quickly bro I open I open YouTube you know why the first thing I see on YouTube gun Gumball versus dream what you have the weirdest YouTube the cartoon no let me explain let me explain let me explain there’s drama between the guy like the actor one as well and Dre two

Yeah two things yep okay hop down I’m Gonna Keep what is the purpose of that bro you this I can’t explain streaming you might get the so I’m just not going to say anything I’m I’m boting over I’m boting over to the boat theed to the boat building over to the

Boat where there Ru portal in water it’s it’s a bad it’s a bad one it’s B one I’m G grab the food though all right I’m getting out I’m to Dr a portal in the water K about Dr the water right now what I get you should have done you should you

Should have done $1 one hour no1 hour title Minecraft but donate equal stream longer part one because no no no because it it could go out YouTube YouTube deletes the streams if it goes over 12 hours so I if that I’m doing part one part two part three

If it goes out that a good bro he’s going to be like watch him be like all right guys part two is going to be starting like two minutes he comes back in an hour all right guys let’s start part two all right all guys part

50 to sleep it’s GNA be like it’s money I’m gonna craft a crafting table and have my IR ready to make a bucket can you drive oh portal over there portal over there left just keep going just keep going be like give me over give me over some kelp that’s really

Tall kelp that’s really tall I can place the crafting table craft the bucket I forgot I had Block Minecraft won’t load wait what something went wrong launching your game you just keep going I got a bucket nice I have a f nice okay we have

Everything to go you need if I was you I would get cobwebs before you go oh yeah sure thanks thanks for the info B so you go to the nether I blow you up if and if I find you I can just set my spawn point

I have a every everyone can see this I have four TN this right behind us on this LIF on this LIF I’m going to build a redstone trap that every 3 seconds wait did one Runner die I’m the worst PP oh I got out I got out and I broke

The boat I’m so stupid are people here how us on the play I’ve heard that the people people are saying that the stream’s pretty delayed yeah it is I it’s delayed I think 20 10 second isn’t bad and 20 it’s all right if it’s 20 oh I see a

Shipwreck I kind want to go for it we are okay I’m gonna go for bro I have seven instances of Minecraft open oh my God how far did you go I’ll be right back I’m going for this for like 3K block all gamer what’s good I saw you

Yeah what’s going on I’m just like right behind y guys I’m on the origin what’s going they just turned want a singular piece of of Robbie okay what is that can you not kill me maybe is this have is INS that’s true I already have an

Advantage KK as soon as I join I hope I hope I’m a um a hunter so because all I need is a water buck get Cobb and some La I almost drowned he’s going to go for you he break it I broke it don’t hit me

Make sure not hit me yeah let them go let them go let him go let him go yeah he’s low I got some more iron from this shipwreck yo somebody turn on x-ray get full diamond and just toast them no that’s not fair yeah y that would be I’m

Playing legitly bro is xray allowed on my just I don’t think it’s allowed on the server I have one one one boat oh yeah yeah my bad I found a wait am I late to this why is it 10 hours now by the way handful just like to say you change oh my

God if you if you look at tab a bunch of boy there you go buddy someone just saying I just like to say you changed my life to a toggle Sprint truthfully bro yeah I I didn’t know about it until like a month ago and it’s just so much

Better oh yeah another KK you changed my life I my life you see to 100 you see land but you’re going the wrong way Bo normally I would have like six wa I’m budy Buddy Buddy Buddy okay wait show something stop stop stop stop stop he wants to show us something

I I block the off except for one thing uh break the bed I think you should break the bed stop breaking it I want I’m then we no I want to show you something and you’re not letting me I’m found I found a ru I’m checking the enies there’s like

10,000 enies under there no mercy my no mercy bro why are there so many people with Pokemon skins now what I just people with Pokemon skins in a row impressive half um oh there’s an yeah yeah yeah can I One V one you really fast I need to warm up I haven’t

Played in like four weeks okay I think it’s been a week it’s two or three weeks I haven’t played cre good because I have a valid reason I was playing alen R go let’s go never mind this thing doesn’t have [ __ ] dude we have R so far but

Nothing bro I’m like in the ocean in the middle of the ocean bro KK is supposed to teach me sword he’s never teach me sword bro this man was lying hard bro all right what server are you on man hunt oh I I have a ping from attribute

SMP one and a half hours there what just slfp me here’s your boat take your boat I dropped your boat oh yeah hey you you burn the pigs oh somebody definitely came through here I’m finding okay I thing bro hey yo Rascal don’t steal my food I’m back y back

MC oh my myad actually my bad I found a sand Island and I’m so bad at not hitting you we need to do one where we don’t the food please wait for you to get out this mineart no oh my God no Lava bucket is crazy not going to

Lie bro fire r with the lava buckets go crazy I’ve hit KK more times than I I’ve hit I keep on thinking I’m playing new keybind so I keep on hitting oh my God I’m so slow in my pods bro I’m so slow in my pods I I’m

Actually going to be horrible at this game we might set a chance actually like they up I forgot my in like an hour We’re going to have like two full diamonds on us yeah yeah okay come on let’s uh I didn’t grab water oh my God I thre we need to we go

Mining hop in a cave you have to oh wait have to I died anyway so yeah I was going to say you could help us with spectator but how do you get so good at Minecraft and I only been playing for like two months already and I’m just like

Horrible Jesus Christ it’s called a skill issue yeah exactly he knows what he’s talking about yeah I’m not taking a weak break anymore bro forget is teamco don’t team kill what who said that no zombie I’m not get who said I’m team killing who no freo’s team

Killing I haven’t seen anyone in a while except I saw Rascal and he stole four no three all I got to say this kid is so much like I don’t know if there’s protection on the gear well this kid is very tanky oh I see someone got to go to the end

And then just Camp there with full diamonds and do bro was going to put a tnt mine cart in the end we are gonna drop TNT in the yeah look what I have they can be on they can be on the island oh my godo I’m just gonna lose this no

Way how do my my weakness is bad Bas okay okay I have a plan if we need to run we can just build up I remember the first time I played half full I could even like like not even like I could even like stand up against him now

It’s like I can stand up against you but not for long oh ples okay that’s cool my sister I think saw lava chicken I like how my water goes the other way water physics laa pool we a cave I fell down in the cave by accident I clutched I clutched I clutched I

Clutched wait what I Chang my username you’re gonna have to change you’re gonna have to redo that oh goodness get down get down get down I didn’t mean to do that I press the wrong button Dead with me get down fell down I fell down I fell down more get down get

Down I’m surprised you guys are still not dead no I pressed the wrong key that’s how long I haven’t played Minecraft bro this this way get some of this this has knock back on it hold I’m about to be so annoying it’s about it has punch on it that’s why I can B

Boost yeah KK we should run good iron wait how do you just I bet I’m in M all now I’m going wait for you guys to either die or win everyone about to pull up on us yeah oh my God they mining down on us oh [ __ ] um Runners are you under

Underground m m shaft Escape through the M Shaft come on come on with me sit together so we can send a chance guys could I get I’m to myself I’ll be back come here come here s together if I know how to Bow boost I would bow boost but I

Haven’t learned that yet so oh what is it we need to group how to like do it all the time I need food bro do you have any cooked food bro I need food Mountain why didn’t that hit you oh there’s people wait I see what you’re doing you’re doing that in here

Emergency no the thing is you’re good at sword I need learn sword I really need learn you know what you got from the treasure okay take two take yeah should I no wa I need that bro there’s something on my jacket that’s being so annoying and itching oh you’re lagging you’re lagging you’re

Laging that’s Legacy we could try bait him oh I wish this was was h I could just m let’s not use this right now it’s not worth it oh right let’s here hold on to two though oh my go there F3 plus oh I forgot that’s my cobwebs there’s F3 plus

A3 I see one guy I see two guys I see the mining I can see the mining particles I just can’t see them yeah yeah yeah how many gaps have you used that much here here I’m gonna make make a bucket I could do anything I had 30 gaps left I had

Like I had 20 to 16 I want to play my kit okay okay you need a flashing warning jeez go the other way we need a you have two iron two cooked iron oh [ __ ] three people are mining down four people are mining down we need to use

The emergency we need to use the emergency no yes it’s like um all over flash Warning by the way on stream check the party now over us they are over us over here they over here guys guys guys Hunter go I get I changed my

Name oh my God I need get tear tested in this that’s why playing this so much F has left the party what bro my eyes hurt people but they are I’m wearing I have to wear like what called glasses have a take this K we can take them we can take them

Yeah yeah come here come here where you are yeah they know it’s a trap they know it’s a trap yeah Escape they here I’m so bad at Minecraft I took that weak I’m like horrible now hold we know yeah I took that weak I’m horrible now we know he where did he go

One I’m on one oh thanks oh my God why did I lag I see you I see you nice I’m I’m with you I’m with you lock is in the M right now I crossbow didn’t load yo one is mining down right now over there that actually got you that is

Crazy not going lie you good bro there’s something in my like jacket that’s just scratching the my neck come here come here look F3 plus a down and you see a person I can’t see I can’t see people my f3a is Goofy no yeah it’s feather

Feather does oh I see them right here Ras I don’t know how it works for some people wait wait oh they have a bed they have a bed we need to go find it find you find the bed I I’m doing the wait get back here get back here get

Back here right now wait what the heck okay you’re gonna need to add now I changed my username yeah take one gold piece take one gold piece for the ne take one gold piece for the nether okay I know I’m close I know I’m close y I see where

They have the bed I see where they have the bed I’m just like no okay wait wait dude come here come here right now come here right now come here right now come here right now come here right now come here right now ever luck now ever

Come here think I think I’m going take Saturday or Sundays to play this game again it’s just going to holy crap I’m horrible to be a runner now are you dead no I have a sharp for Sharp for axe let’s go sharp for axe oh my bad

I’m good all good I’m I’m almost dead though they have a bed set they keep coming oh I see yeah I see him he respawn already he’s in the water what is this mountain oh my God this place it’s a guy who wants to run guys where’s over here

H over here yeah where I’m so bad oh my God bro oh wait I just R past you oh yeah what bucket bucket strap bucket strap bucket strap land manhood welcome to the stream L what is this water I’m so bad it’s not even funny I mean I am probably like I

Tier four TI three in this okay just block yourself in and bucket the water doesn’t exist when we’re going to start a new manhood oh they have a bed up there oh there’s two full iron guys there’s two full iron guys over us y I found something there two full IR iron

Full iron yeah my B I didn’t know who you were do Y where are they y Pro Gamer where are they need to run for there’s a guy guy here we got run we got run him down I don’t I don’t know how to he he doesn’t he doesn’t sure this is

The one who was already comboing me in every single game he had he had um he had a obsidian I have five obsidian now I’m combining all all the a the full guy the guy come on come on we got to okay so oh diamonds diamonds yeah I know he had diamonds

There wait you took my water beathing okay mistake yeah let’s go now we so dead those two iron guys are probably mining down now I see Iron yeah you saw that L too oh I see one of them mining down yeah I’m not good at sword 100%

R okay okay no [ __ ] I just disconnected just in stream take him down oh yeah his up his House’s making a base why is the sword taking long I think it’s I don’t know if for sure I’m noticing that too um where’s my taco not working I justed my this should be like

Full I see them I see them I see them I see them I see them they’re yes they sorry right right broo I okay I can’t win go go go run yo yo us us water they up they out out people Hunters Hunter Hunters follow the tracker follow the tracker we need

We need to group how do I already have one Gap bro kind of I know I can come here come here we could we could we could we could this is like the perfect place I don’t know if we can drop them how could I be so forgot how to land

Crits I’m none of my hits take this I haven’t so long none of my crits are crits right there I forgot to land half of mine were not crits as well okay so definitely getting out okay I thought it was just me being bad to be honest but bro my like actual Just

Hits weren’t register follow the tracker follow the tracker oh yeah you’re dead this I haven’t bro you have I saw you literally on every single day I haven’t played like what is it I haven’t played like a week two weeks I think Elden ring has changed

Me I might be dead I’m killing KK I’m killing KK he’s not he’s I cred him out with with an IR czy that is crazy I’m trying to get him right I haven’t played so much Bedrock bow PVP nice how how how do you catch me oh how did you catch

Me oh my I just blocked off I am so confused how you just caught me I I you’re spectating hi red water I I went I have like 10 hours left 10 hours 4 minutes oh my God my heart is beating so brly change my name g 11

Hours you Chang your name yeah I’ll send a message oh my God my heart is beating oh my God bro the power of I’m hitting you but my shots are just going through you hit you right there hit you right there thank you thank you I can’t oh my God wait wait wait

There’s people that want to join there’s people that want to join guys there’s people that want to join hold hold on let me join let me join let me join let me join hold up hold on hold on come on some on on people that want to join

People that want to join Y what do you say I joined the runners I join the runners y back out back out I’m I’m going to pick I’m going to pick a couple people again but different people this time wait wait I’m sorry if I’m roasty I haven’t played IP join Rascal

YT is p when you get in go to Lobby one lobby one does his name have any no it does not you could just send inv everybody where is he KK where are you see you brosi is not in lobby one you’re in lobby four I’m in lobby four go to Lobby

One everyone go to Lobby one oh my God yeah two and a half hours in and you already have like three hours in oh three hours in and you already have 11 11 hours way I ch’s birthday do have to join you should join would be very funny I already joined with a

Pumpkin so I need to play UHC again I’m I think I’m going to get tested is here a person called yeah that’s kind of crazy I think we have everybody there yeah start oh yeah let’s do let’s do Rick do random item challenge I want to do

Manhunt we can do Manhunt still we’ll play one round of Rick and then one round of Manhunt and then I have an I never played I have Haven haven’t played so many things so I don’t know you guys want yeah yeah we you gotta add another hour to that

Timer I did wait if we change your names you have to add other hour if we change it if you have uncore wkk at the end oh I so your M don’t choose rolls don’t pick no R you have everybody pick you talk how about your Minecraft yeah I might

Change did it two two random people on PVP Legacy did it half you did it or no random I don’t think I G to do it I think I like my name I have to teach my name to just Chef R to see if that’s unoken why better

Yep what was that what would I do if I donated $50 or if you donated $50 uh red water I would add how long is that I can’t join I can’t join anymore I would no it that would add like let me let me think real quick when does pp turn

On bro somebody picked a roll I’m green I’m green team with a couple people who’s Red Bro and voal voal yo why this guy let you that he restart it won’t let you okay well smoke donate don’t don’t donate 3,000 it’s crazy the some guy just started hitting me for

Two four a will get picked you anyway rasal but um it would be seven hours it would add seven hours $50 is about seven hours see that’s what I said I think I said it was about 6 I can’t place crystals anymore whoa if you want to Red you can but you

Don’t need to at all oh come on I got to push back just P away because he scared a portion of what I earned today I’m doning into CA Foundation as well I I know people know that but some people don’t yo KK is trying to be a monkey what nothing

Yeah yo should we set up the Ultimate Team should we set up the Ultimate Team what do we think team already bro we should make an alliance this is on the this is on the D nutp who who who wants to be with in a team with me

Please anyone who’s that who is I feel like Minecraft is just lagging in general feels like M who are you nothing I got a lot of I got pink conrade I’m something very fun oh you can hit people you can hit people already yo do something very fun

For everyone your name is real cool 8 hours and 30 minutes basically by G GG’s CH take this take this take this one yo that guy has a netherite helmet are you thinking what I’m thinking I got two kills I got two kills I got two kills that’s crazy

You do that be CRA and I would add eight hours and 30 minutes to the timer I’m let’s go that way everybody bro’s attacking me okay no you want the SM let’s go who wants give me a sword bro CJ wait wait if red water if red water donates

$50 then that’ll that’ll make the stream go into the night which means Forever on YouTube there’ll be a there’ll be a uh WK sleeping stream oh my God there’s a village I’m watching that I am watching the whole thing can you take all your socks while you’re on your bed oh do you

Sleep with socks do you sleep with socks uh no I don’t no no one sleeps with sock and actually enjoys it but I have a blanket so I’m good wi oh I hope it’s hot in your room what I’m window I’m gonna open my window hi guys how you guys doing I got

Puffer fish half half you want puff fish my my my team you’re my new teammate now okay hi how you doing hi how you doing you got wood wait you got got axes I got glass I just got replaced I just got replaced wait KK you can make a chest oh this is

Beast I okay we actually team you actually want to team actually want to team actually okay that is crazy bro I have fish water bucket and a oh boots I get boots I get boots here who wants to team with got here take that wait wait I can

Get water here take take this I I already have a lot of Axel I got water okay sh that was a little if I’m be honest I just get replaced like that that’s crazy I’m saing that to my clip okay I can craft if you ever get

Diamonds or or iron or something we can IR go let’s build up let’s just sky base I don’t have any wood oh here uh I can’t really oh wait I can craft it and drop itut donut let’s go over the water chase you that hurts he almost killed me with one crit

Yeah that’s a a nether I think R run I yeah he does way too much damage where you at yeah in the sky can I come ah okay Place Bucket Place bucket chasing me I’m also in the sky a guy pushing youy pushing you pushing you stop running after you half

Behind you half behind you behind you behind you I got this there’s lava there’s lava we can get lava I have I I don’t think he has a weapon he has barely no gear you can take it you probably one honestly who wants team he’s on the Run need help got got it I got it I got gold chest plates got swords I I can’t get them take this take this yo K there’s a guy with full netherite North West let pick up these chest plates yo Northwest break cross crossbow chat I had arrows

On my dead body you guys can’t pick it up oh crap I got you m pick that up pick that up think you guys lose this not losing this we’re not losing this oh a person a person a person get over here I see if you would have had me I could

Have won that fight you know wait he’s dead you die oh B of a problem oh he got boots as well yo you’re just saying coms bro oh come on toing up oh he got I he got TNT is not speaking English got my back I’m actually making rasco had to

Leave so this is the last game we can play on here because the I don’t have big parties whatp you’re in uh attribute SMP it’s starting in 40 minutes 50 minutes I’m sending my application I’m sending my application give me a minute make sure I get my workout in

Workout stream we’re I’ll get a workout right after don’t build up don’t build up I put a block above my Head most liked and most viewed stream won this God Godly y I wish I kind of wish I didn’t kill you or had I would have a team right now yeah you would like now I know I can’t trust you bro so uh a defenseless man what do you do to

Him all right I’m back I just got deleted you died yeah oh my goder for real I don’t TR you donut imagine having the chef red texture pack that never after this you want get on Legacy and building yeah I’m going to hop on Legacy after this cuz as left the

Party anyway so we can’t we can’t play another round and attribute is soon attributes in like 45 minutes yep half full you’re in it too I’m guessing yeah I was the person that invited KK no I I just joined what is what is this what is this I just sort of showed

Up Yeah you sort of sort of just join the world with Essentials what is the twist what is the twist I don’t know look at me me convince me no actually I just said in an application right now you invites only oh Red Water Dam slide invite slide invite question

Mark Mark I can’t it’s only uh JJ’s server JPS or JJ y look at my briding briding to this sky base is crazy yo KK convince owner to send application bro no I get on one ax there is like Elemental man falo and axel in there as well I know I know

Falanu I know limits and sharpness is going to join bro yo send application I need one one this he might yeah most likely I have ideas I already have uh trap designs on a single player world for him hello bro I have diamonds fell you left Diamond

Great content oh wait you know I’m good at Redstone uh guys GG’s what what’ you get you got diamonds I also got to oh come on and then he get and then he gets wooden axes thinking that’s going to do anything what about a diamond helmet yeah I’m getting

That bro it’s okay it’s top light bro you have the warrior helmet yeah yeah of course of course yeah I forgot about that one oops uh okay I want a team who wants to join my base I’m going to I team half hi yeah I killed I I I replaced his teammate that’s

All I brainwashed him into thinking that I was the one that I brainwashed into him thinking that I was his teammate 100% he just stabbed me 16 times my blood came out of my body and yeah so on but yeah know he convinced 100% we’re going to make the craziest sky base

Ever I thought this was a na looking sky base oh well just like to say that I thought it was but it’s not looks like a toaster yeah it looks like a it looks like California backwards oh it does you you build the boot build it looks like C back

Backwards yo you have to look at and then and then this section that you’re in on looks like uh Vermont or something yo guys no it doesn’t I’m G to fill this all in does not look like Vermont it did look like Vermont Delware or Vermont which one is

It need he’s going to drop TNT mine carts puffer fish not aish are you on about I’m tired I’m so tired right now bro can’t blame me I mean AEL doors doors oh my God pop pop pop off door PVP bro act like act like act like act like you’re playing Crystal

Bro y someone someone tried to come to my place guys I think it’s raining guys I do think it’s in I can’t confirm I think it’s raining I could be wrong though 5c I don’t know I one no I’m some people get better better delays some

People get forward the stream as much as you can like like a yeah just make it like times two speed and then wait for it to go forward where are you has the biggest that one sky I’m g go on leg see right now what is sky base there’s a village nearby oh

This is my there are two Sky Bas I’m gonna practice on Mine mine’s better mine looks like California wait wait wait let me what’s I don’t remember the name he on him um got my puffer fish I’m can I visit someone like the one with with wooden SK

Base I have no way of getting down I I thought of this I don’t have no way of getting down from the sky base I got doors I got doors BR is not getting down not hitting the gritty yeah this is my base board there he

Is I’m going to go to a public service I need to practice so hi bro I get W I got wood I sent my base cours in chat don’t raid me please I send my base courts in chat please don’t ra me yeah don’t don’t ra me guys i s myute private

Also I’m not going to kill you I’ll join hi I have made Tower of guys I’m gonna have to it’s just me after died in a fight and guess how I died guess how I died heet my was so good that I died okay we can meet at my

Base I have smithing templates and Ne I’m about I’m about to go and get full netherite guys hold up I have two probably kidding don’t don’t listen I have helmet and Boots I’m following you by the way you’re not gonna kill me right uh what who said that I’m I’m no definitely

Not yeah I’m gonna let you live 100% we could tell wasn’t you because you’re lagging so bad bro oh is that my base CS what think you’re the king no I’m the king Myas come to my base by the way I got nether sword I have a diamond sword mine’s

Better I’m starting to think i’ms buil a skon skull base my I’m half I I’m half NE actually half NE half Diamond who is this kid I have everything in the right but the helmet smoke donut yeah smoke donut you can team with me yay why do I always get observers what

The heck if I have to I’m gonna was just hitting my shield like Po off I’m going to escape you okay wait here I’m gonna Craft You full diamond no you’re going to craft me full diamond we’re g to clean this enti place up bro

Oh my God you hit that please tell me bro dude KK K has has more people changed their name or have people actually donated yeah yeah a lot of people change their name though kind of crazy I think there’s like seven existing W kks uncore

Now so what are we Ser are we playing now uh I’m going to be playing on a on a private SMP soon what’s it called attribute SMP it’s invites only I can’t even play it but I would like everybody everybody to join I but I kind

Of Minecraft or I mean everybody on one server all from KK it’s gonna be like everybody’s going on a gun to team with KK I can see why he would no te team cap is five players oh God more vo this I’m just deting team cap on the

Private dop I play on is only four I hate it I can’t I got my team okay I don’t need I have the worst team and I’m stuck with it why can’t you leave it okay lag come on um because then I will literally have no teammate this guy’s crazy actually

Cuz everyone else got full teams then um make someone betray their team and Jo did he die Team dude someone is full yeah okay every crack left potato Donut oh my God and then I’m actually scared I’m gonna go backy to get back my old ways I starty to get back my old

Ways handful I think I got a netherite axe I’m going to expand my base even more yeah I got axes here take an axxe I’m gon to combine two this one you can pick up you pick up that one oh wait you have one oh okay my

Bad I have gone through too much water bro W no it’s not I’m dying right now um yellow concrete I’m seriously gotten every single item I need to clutch except for a lather dude I’m I can craft ladder you you like Ladder oh what y yes mug look take this oh my God bro this kid is so weird I’m so happy yes oh my God you’re I’m sad gonna pray to God cake is actually for right you’re winning this bro no you’re not if I go def I just don’t talk I’m

Gonna be doing something so bad where’ you go like is that YouTube it’s okay it’s okay we got to go find people go here Che I’m definitely not watching stream check my base I’m gonna come and kill you oh my God this I think KK is coming to my base I

Yeah that’s a little have a feeling KK’s D check my very very nice base it looks like dying inside the fact that I have to stream like a long time yeah I kind of okay you need to add me to the server cuz I’m made I have to do everything for

You that is okay buddy I Chang I changed my username C is made so it works but the way you just say it bro just like please thank you I have issues Anyway come fight me I’m the king of this oh wait I can make a crown you are

Not the king you’re the king think you’re the king bro thinks he’s the king I’m the king wa who the pull the Nick 30 pull the Nick a 30 bro you think you’re the king I’m he not him cuz I’ll never be him I even have a clown of

Course we’re gonna we’re gonna we’re gonna have to kill you KK’s favorite thing I’m going to sing it good break the so can’t clch my God no way think you’re the king I’m the king you think you’re the Roblox King I’m the Roblox G yeah you you think you’re

A you think you have a g not my fortnite character you have a in Ohio I’m a inop he’s going to drop some should I sing in German Swedish or English can you not I want I I can also early in the morning he voted he voted he voted he

Voted I’m exploring the outer exporing I’m literally like up but had to aband his yo isn’t me half am I in the wrong isn’t me like when you’re trying to land AIT it’s not Landing a friend is that PVP Legacy or ping Jee buddy uh cheese buddy

O oh I so wish I could sing that song it would be funny is that oh yo oh my God please tell me you didn’t get anything good oh my God no way they’re full dry you think Buddy you think you should team up just realizing he’s like oh wait a minute I’m

Outnumbered in real life I’m going to die IRL I don’t know why I’m playing Minecraft it is time I’m so tired my Got it by a beating what where the journey will end I know where to start tell me I’m too young to understand on a pass by open up my eyes well that’s fine by me wake me up when it’s all over when I’m Wier and I’m older all this

Time I was finding myself and got him I don’t even see the ground cuz I crate you oh my god next to my base he’s next to my base oh nice thanks CRA is next to my base on the I have to help my sister so I can’t

Annoy you guys crackle I I hope you win I know I found why he knows he knows he knows why I wanted to annoy you rank oh um okay I don’t need that he’s at the at the base That Base we just holy [ __ ] I’m dead bro um what else diamond

Pick I’m not only ding oh see you man kind of St okay I’mma bridge to one place cuz I saw only CH push one of them down tree or something what is yeah that’s my okay no I found the sky base that’s what I found that’s my base

Bro I’mma bridge bridge to to it cuz cuz I want to I want to check it out I see that people try to attack it so probably KK and look is there I see them they’re under my base I see him I see you you see

Me I don’t see you they are at you’ll see our blocks placing very soon I mean diamond for Meen what is that more concrete yeah I’m going to play H after okay who’s bridging with diamonds what smug smug donut he’s just Rich guys he’s a we bit Rich I’m gonna hop

On I could have made diamond blocks to bridge with I didn’t though yeah byebye I can Bridge with diamond blocks as well do it um I don’t want to do it though cuz it will be waste of I got to run now cuz you are teaming up and yeah yeah that’s

Unfair actually that’s not allowed it is allowed when you guys do it it’s not all St speed bridging if you have a shovel you can SLE them sers huh shovel in oh crap yo yo is dead I’m not I’m alive there’s water bro I’m shovel I’ll be back up in a

Second if you have like a bow or something um yeah but I don’t hello hello chat uh can you guys like the stream everyone that hasn’t please the LI the I refuse lick the stream or else I will lick it s stop stop sweating this game

Are they fighting you guys are you guys playing fortnite right now yes I’m playing fortnite right now didn’t tell I didn’t ask you I asked cackle and bro said I didn’t ask you Jesus Christ that is why I like my I will never be able to mentally recover from this moment now

Why would no oh yes I got one where is he he’s up there oh I see KK now crap where I get these guys are cranking 90s right now bro 90 is not you’re at high limits oh crap byebye use the dream trick jump out what

Byebye is gonna be so sad did he jump did he jump come on did he jump mug did he jump what I see him I have a question is there a hands half full we just let the VC yo K is there a chance that when you

Hit act Shield is there a chance it can break or is it 100% not dead just Frozen uh sorry what it’s supposed to be somebody it’s supposed to be 100% chance okay noing fight him in the 50x this K we fight him in the 50×50 Border just just let the bonus shrink

I’m being attacked I don’t know if you was cheating or what but donut is so sweaty is this boat is lagging C you got this it’s a one one you can just kill him if you’re good I’m not that good where’s my boat okay it was ghosted I both ghosted this is BR

You’re just invisible right here guys about to win cuz I ran the opposite direction why would you ever kill smug change the name to Donut just to add an extra hour to your stream I could I couldn’t kill him bro I couldn’t kill him but you killed me but

You killed me smug just cooler I mean what thing is the most W person here Ohio you know the he’s got the Ohio R drop ANS drop anvils drop anvils I have changed my name why would it be I mean yeah wait so if I just make

Minecraft if I just make Minecraft alss and change my name do that still count Uh I don’t know CH my name then I Chang my that border CL frze I froze I froze help okay okay okay if I need to name change my name no do I need to ah I place it down smug run smug live I almost watched

It goodbye smug yo you get you got a rest in peace GG’s smug wait actually KK peace oh all right see you I gave him the win I gave him the win G someone someone changed your disc okay I’mma leave now I got to do some business two people changed their

Discord names instead of the Minecraft I changed both I changed both my all I if you guys uh watch stream because I’m going to be you guys can see in this VC but I need to join a private VC for the SMP just for a little bit and

Then I’ll join back here just you can watch the stream and see what’s going on I I will still leave so give me the IP give me the IP it’s private up what’s up KK bro this isn’t like the actual kit but like something like it it’s a drink kit so I see

Those strength pots are banned on the server or strength strength uh attribute what the [ __ ] yeah the end is freaky bro they get freaky at the end yo I’m watching archel video now I finished that arual video yo look at the cape I have on I cannot break your

Shield wait did I hit you with that bow I don’t know not paying attention to that why did I Pro bro I’m so bad yo yo yes he bro yo n it got to stop bro was getting juked bro why’ you that I didn’t mean a pearl I didn’t mean a pearl

Bro what are y’all playing wait did you add to the group chat yeah I did yes smug that launched you that’s crazy the strats go crazy is it only invest yeah Chef bre it is Jesus how much money have you made you 20 like $32 not keeping it all though saroma Foundation is

Wait what are you talking wait what happened uh he’s doing a today’s my Channel’s birthday and I’m doing a donate equals add time to the stream and right now the stream is at 10 hours 20 minutes how many people donated uh like one two I think like three people right

Now oh you got n what was that turn around what are you doing I mean I got two ask wait D how do you know how do you know WK lkk uh I forgot did you do you remember USP re for USP uh no not really okay it wasn’t it red

Water oh yeah it might have been how do I meet red forget though it’s crazy you’re do you’re doing a face cam stream yeah that’s not the server kit are you guys playing on server kit or what the we can play on attribute oh try hard I missed a water

Bucket clutch you’re about to hit 10K yeah I’m pretty Dam close did you start off your Channel with shorts yeah I’m trying to switch to long form right now oh you look like rollers but you sound so much older uh like two years ago that was not

The bro yeah three years ago three years ago I look very young that was like yesterday bro two two years ago during USP I sound so young bro know what USP is USP is my my first Minecraft server I owns for a little

Bit I think we got to Jo stage now for a month bro oh yeah we have to yeah there versus six I need to start so we so we leave start me and bunch of other start not stream Stage what Hey hey hey hey hey hello everybody flip Hello everybody welcome to the start of the attribute SMP hello everybody Welcome to the start of the attrib P shut up welcome to the start of the attribut Oho JJ shut up holy fit all right we’re gonna we’re gonna

Let a couple people up what’s that bacon no we’re not that’s not true that yeah yep we’re gonna let up WL KK yeah let’s go he’s about to dox you I’m kidding I’m kidding how do you feel how do you feel about the um climate change um neutral mean what neutal y

Neutral dude so what do you so like if you have two eggs and you um smash one on JJ’s head how many eggs do you have left uh two just one of them are on his head oh dude you’re smart you just passed the quiz no yeah Robo what stalling are you

Trying to like what dude bro there’s this guy he’s like quickly making the grace period thing uhhuh who’s that guy you want to know him is his name robot attack by any chance no maybe probably not I got to tell I got to tell everyone to join CU like these

People that reacted are not like paying attention because they do not disturb on so I got to like tell them yo so you just going to message everybody join stage guys no don’t say y just say like uh attribut starting join his name is Buster his name is Buster

Okay okay my bad my bad okay so I want all of you in stage right now to go the to go to the announcements Channel click on the uh reactions and the uh no third last message and then DM everybody that’s not in the call JJ don’t bro oh my God

I’m kidding I’m kidding I’m J guys don’t do that I’m just kidding guys don’t worry yo denial join up right now it’s starting oh [ __ ] we got to oh flip you got to whitness at Tomic yeah you’re selling not bro he just posted the he just posted you’re

Actually selling no you actually sold 30 seconds ago you’re bannned yeah is dying yeah no way guys all right I’m going to I’m I’m going to let up another person everybody if you want to get up put your hands up we’re going to let up Ruck luck and xenite and

Y oh yeah I’m not actually I might not go to the server start CU I’m playing um fortnite ranked right now so I don’t know forite I can’t leave I can’t leave out take piss I didn’t think I was going to get okay shut up and die in a

P okay fine Thomas is forced me to get on so what rank are you in Elite I’m Elite I’m I’m Copper to Copper is not a thing oh so guys I’m in a unranked um a put your hand up and then like aing up a can put

Your hand up right now there can only be uh two people at a time so okay a can put put your hand up right now and then I Ain up he’s girl a literally your hi bakey why is dis leaf on fortnite bro hey why is everybody how is this guy in

Champs he’s a cheater he a cheater guys why did they just get the message I and on because I’m getting on [ __ ] yo JJ you’re leaking the IP because of you not yes better play thisp and make JJ really happy how did dude you literally how are

You on bro we checked it because of essential oh my god oh right he has Essentials whatever bro is here too dude I’m never adding any of y’all on essential again my godo hi all right no you could just make an announcement with the IP okay guys being useless right now make wait

Yo yo yo y yo yo okay uh the attributes that you guys have right now are not going to be the ones that you have it so no no fine fine fine JJ should I do it or no Sor we’ll restart it when uh the Ser starts super focused I keep forgetting

I’m streaming yes oh why is aen still here hello Aken oh byebye a up oh my God angon is on fortnite why is everybody yeah I was in that guys the spirit thing is about to happen in a minute no we need to get all 28 people in here

Trust I’m dming right now cuz people have dut stve they’re available they just have JJ why are you a furry I’m not I just why is half streaming like half half I forgot to add that the rules I literally told you Dad that you’re selling wait no is it no wait let me

Check the rules same yo same with the IP okay oh no stream sing is in the room sry Robo make an announcement with the IP you’re being useless right now bro the server starts in 10es still do it still do it it’s fine I’m going put it in info I’m putting in info

Okay at everyone I’m going to quickly put this like server daming every single member ever limits is joining the server server starting in like Samurai why is r samur on Roblox yeah call all y I’m letting up some people um you get porch and TV Masky porch you’re

Dein this [ __ ] how do you deing oh he’s talking yeah I know what’s popping chat what’s popping how’s it actually yo I think we should I think we should give everybody the attribute that ever know yeah we should do that we do that we should do that yes or

No yes yes yes yes yo what the flip all right yo JJ actually like keep armor that’s good it’s like the best one or the second best I don’t know uh yeah you’re getting in here why is topics in a fortnite match okay’s on oh crap on right

Now T Ser starts in like 10 minutes oh no I don’t Robo give us saturation yeah Robo you’re selling guys everybody pull up to the everybody pull up to these exact coordinates there’s going to be a lot more people joining in like an hour by the way cuz people just wake up late

Don’t send like CS IRL in general bro oh my God shut up guys just to remind you like just in case this is the server oh sh Rob I’m streaming I’m actually so stupid bro oh my God what’ you do guys everybody click F3 and

D click F3 and D it’ll it’ll clear your chat that would be so that would be so um cool actually pressed it and I was like wondering what was going to happen it clears your chat that would be so cool of you guys Robo what’s border guys we need to get 10 seconds

Approximately and it’ll um exactly 10 seconds dude give us give us saturation devil Shivers when Mr Nice Guy gets angry everybody just got saturation for a second um thank you sir you you get saturation during should I DM Commander to join or zeni are you like Ops with him

Ops I hate Commander okay okay I won’t I won’t I won’t matter of fact I’m Banning him from the server right now just because of zenite my Pooky what the heck that’s kind of ssy no Zen’s like actually like a bad person like I’m not even kidding zenite

No not Zen wait Commander wait my take a I better yeah you would be better you are better than apologize the F isy doing guess I kind of did literally all right how many people in the server can someone count one two guys wait look at yellow dragon in here

Guys yeah whose keyboard is that what the flip hold on wait if I unde on voice chat am I going to hear a lot of screaming I’m gonna do too no nobody’s talking at all like oh yeah everyone that everybody get voice chat yo why can’t I hear I can I

See anybody’s name tag like I can’t tell if people have voice chat or not everybody end unde on voice chat please dude this is so sus yo Robo could you send a voice who is blockman 5555 RPG is 5ell ismaning needs to like okay all right wait uh get

Demonetized no but there’s okay but literally the server on white list wait Che who whed I might be I might be low tier 4 I test go the this has not been on oh my God list off you o BR everyone’s on Essentials everybody get voice chat everybody get voice chat

Okay what time is it it is yeah no breaking blocks stop singing oh my god dude guys let’s do that stable now though me where we all stink pay I’m at a pay phone trying to go home the IP is a private private JJ JJ

JJ um JJ JJ Maxi shut up JJ for real JJ uh then I just screaming at [Laughter] people all right please most people try to get voice chat for example limits can you undan Wait why is limit not in Sage Li get in stage liit get in stage Li get stage everybody spam limit get in stage Li get stage get stage bro who did the incorrect that’s VI yeah limits is not did you see the thing that I sent you no what’ you send

Me in chat look in chat wait in Minecraft chat yes in Minecraft chat I I SL messaged you it guys what did he message me we need don’t read it out oh my God JJ bro don’t read it out okay so what do we do join us private how do we test

That JJ guys why did viz gaming leave the game Okay so how do we test it right we have one minute to test this okay okay yo we got this we got this hey hey we can’t start yet guys it’s not it’s not time yeah play for week and okay we need to test something real quick to give us

Like it’s all’s by the all no JJ I’ll just do it I’ll just do it um I’m gonna just do it manually okay Robo I’m deing you no actually Robo can we reset the now all right we’re resetting attributes uh everybody who stole the lamp we resetting attributes we’re resetting

Attributes we’re going to reset attributes we’re going to restart the server and everybody join back lamps Zen you’re banned zenite you’re banned Zen why are you in a made outfit why you in a made dress JJ JJ actually I think people don’t want attributes to get reset maybe no we’re resetting we said

It we’re going to reset we said we’re going to Res okay guys you get the blame JJ for this you get to blame J for this I’m so sorry it’s all JJ’s fault it’s all JJ’s fault it’s all JJ’s fault it’s all JJ gives you gives you like more

Armor bars fault it’s fault shut up okay okay after this we’ll give it like 30 seconds or no like 10 seconds after everyone joins and we’ll like release the Border all right guys also Robo I’m depping you after this all right after I set the Border yeah after you set the

Border I’m not Whit listed red how are you not whitelisted all right I I think we should just leave him on wh list I think that’s fun yeah guys we should just uh guys the IP is in info all right put your name in white list then put your name in white list

Attack speed I got I got attack speed oh my good wait TV I don’t think you put a slash in okay everybody let’s take this down time it’s not down anymore everyone join back I take it back Li wait I have the same attribute hat his attribut

I don’t so it it worked what does Health do okay so Health uh you see how you have an extra heart yeah that’s what it does how do you put voice chat on fether chat okay so that’s like a you problem and you know YouTube tutorials exist so okay everyone join the

Server oh oh oh hold on we need a white list we need a white list guys we need a white list white list add I zenite wh list add limit red live yeah you okay now you’re all right he’s already on if you’re not whitelisted tell me okay okay

If you’re not white listed ping me or JJ all right right I think are you is everyone on the server is everybody in stage on the server let me count guys one two three I’m kidding I’m kidding okay can I start it can I start

It uh yeah do it and then do both of us do it and then ready three wait a second I need to start my recording guys oh oh yeah [ __ ] I got to start recording wait bro okay we got this uh give a speech oh yeah give a speech guys we

Forgot about that okay so no shut up Robo I’m going to do it okay guys so this is the P give the speech no shut up this is the attribute S&P the attribute s SMP is a server where you have five different attributes that give you different powers now what is this

Speech I hope everybody has a good first season I know we have a lot of members but we’re going to cut down on the inactive ones and all right whatever whatever I’m just starting it I think with that it’s the start of the attribute S&P robot that’s your que Robo that’s

Your que you’re selling Robo that’s your Q that’s your Q Robo go that was so epic we got de up both of us all right go everybody go in your VCS or whatever uh I don’t know byebye voice chat voice chat hi guys good what’s up guys Robo

I’m going to I hate Robo for calling me bro I’m guys what’s up guys bro I got none of that I got obsidian let’s go hey bals No Limits sorry but I’m going to have to be taking these off of your hands all righty let’s see how this plays out chat

Hey hey hey CH hey CH hey CH getting I’m getting I’m getting can you switch me to armor for my bit I mean what I the flip I’m literally so I can’t do it I I’m literally de darn it man buy wood bro hey can I buy some can I buy some

Wood off someone son uh there’s wood everywhere no I’m not I’m not allow what are you gonna buy the wood with homie I’m not allowed to use any iron so or anything oh you can’t even use like tools or like what I can use tools I can

Only use tools I can’t get I’m not allow to get the achievement bro doing epic challenge bro I’m only going to be using iron armor armor do it go away I’m doing screw you that wasn’t me that was not me no I’m done n who did that oh my

Life ducky I’ll split it with you if you want okayo Robo P you got that I need a letter I need a letter I need a letter I need the letter no please it’s the only thing I can use all right oh there’s three uh whatever drop me

One all right guys I’m still in stage so I’m going to dip uh go to your VCS bye you the stage yeah I Clos the stage I close the stage balls whatp thisp has got me feeling pretty pretty weo I’m just gonna stay inp I will in this I decide to kill everyone

Go to the end is crazy I see you later peace all right see you enjoy your time at the end peace why is bro yo wait wait yo porge porge JJ JJ yeah I forgot to set the timer for grease so uh I just said it okay for 15 minutes right now yeah

Now okay what what attribute 15 minutes uh I don’t want to say cuz there’s like this stupid idiot right here why don’t we join a group then bro oh my God no but like I don’t like joining groups red live if you steal my wait why

Don’t okay JJ Why Don’t We join the type of group that allows other everybody else to hear us but like we can hear each other also then make it homie thanks for the crafting [ __ ] dude how did this guy take it I have pick a priority join back in Sim what happened to

Stage hi chat back hi I am finally back it started going to find this gold block make sure no one else gets it I won’t get it no one gets it hey hello good now uh I was just mining the gold block here so no one else gets it hi limits

What’s good hi limit hi limit what’s good that one guy I’m doing a challenge limits who what your challeng I’m only to Li I’m I’m only GNA be allowed to use better I asked limits who who’s limits oh wait yo limits What You Got What

Attribute you got y want a team I haveed how did this random guy called limits get in the server but I can’t get in the server this is not fair favor bro plasma isn’t a random guy uh try hard maybe might be able to join the server I say I should join the

Server do you do you have a crafting table I’m I’m bored I have nothing else to do with my life yeah how do I join the server had five wood which is come on your fat ass in here your f [ __ ] where do I have to apply

Um there’s no applying this invite only oh man drag bet favoritism I say what I need is a shipwreck all my fellas what no limit says getting that is so it’s all good I’m and then find the bro you’re not gonna kill Li is my buddy and I’m

GNA find and then I’m GNA get the IP from his computer and then I’m gonna join bro has a whole villain Arc planned drag again dang bro he needs to get dragged a lot oh might I get this bro oh my fellas give me give me out give me out

Give me out give me out give me out give me out give me out I give me food please oh saturation that was a blow saturation a suspicious to saturation dude let’s go that just instantly healed me hello hello can you guys hear me what’s up what’s up buddy all right

What’s up just saying if I didn’t take that weak break bro I would have been like probably like tier three yeah that’s what I’m thinking um maybe no one really tests tests it anymore so how long do it take you to get tested I like instantly I just joined the queue and got

Tested I get tested right now what are we thinking what we talking about facing south which means I have to go this way what you I’m do not I’m gon play two more games I’m gon play like probably five more games I’ll see five games go

If they do if they do good I’m gonna get [ __ ] tested because I was making simple mistakes remember I’ve been playing I’ve been playing more controller because I’ve been playing Dark Souls oh that one guy it’s I don’t know like what I said if I didn’t take that

Week break BR I would have been like I is not chatting I thought you in that furry SMP I thought that was the furry one what bro well can you ask the per ask one the people can I make join of joining I have a I have a I have a YouTube channel like 700 subscribers I have subcrib I

Have I have um 20 subscribers I’m W what’s the chance of me getting in with like 700 subscribers uh pretty high what about me me but I have but I have your name in it in my and so like I I boost my chance by like 1%

Probably but I have 20 subscribers and I don’t make and I’ve not posted a Minecraft video yet this kid is getting buffoon on bro oh my God I just buffoon on this kid oh Dag Mr Pancake bro just like the thing he’s a server booster he’s getting treated like that

That’s crazy I’m clipping that K does not care about his fans 2023 I scared you I hope you die hi bro didn’t you say sharpness is joining bro I see when he’s back when he’s back from vacation when is that I don’t know a year probably bro goes on

Vacation this is oh my God what is this kid’s water bucket bro he just W to play I’ve never I want to play that because I it’s funny it just be funny if you were to stop complaining about it you might have a chance to get in

Okay joking about it because I’m bored I have nothing else to do I’m just playing fortnite bro yeah that’s what I do if I’m Bor too honestly I I usually play elen Ring I play Elden ring a lot that’s why I came back to like Minecraft Java and I’m like it feels

Like I’m learning a new language again because I’ve been playing so much like controller also been playing a lot of um what is the other game called gr turmo because hello it was Black Friday yesterday I got like 16 games on sale there was like a razor keyboard for like

$10 look if I asked to join will you um like back me up or anything or just like well if you ask to join they’re probably going to say no because you don’t have any content posting about Minecraft no I have to do two streams two it has

To be about Minecraft right I’m I basically play different T games GES I all my videos are streams so um basically I do have two streams with you actually because I know one of my I know one of my YouTube channels and my alss I just post funky Friday stuff because why not

Think they’ll accept that KK the funky Friday oh my God KK’s first SMP let’s see how long it takes until rage qu and bro is not gonna have a nice base because he can’t build bro oh my God KK about to throw with the base KK is

Trying to be like me with the bases bro he needs me to build him a base you actually got two tested in UHC though I’m actually flabbergasted from that I’m so bored about to hop on fortnite yo KK make the sm’s pickaxe bro make the sm’s pickaxe real that doesn’t sound very good

Two how did JJ just get an iron pick what yo KK drag Mr pancakes bro he’s still waiting down there or realistically you should give me mod so I can drag people would be very funny okay I’m back so yeah this server is the server is the Y okay what’s the teer testing

Server and hold on another thing drag Mr pancakes he’s been waiting down there bro and he is invited to speak okay yeah back to I was saying what’s the test server what oh I have it if you want me to invite you to it you invite me to it

I probably ready in it invite you real quick I I’m see what happens I’m gonna get tier tested worst case in I get low tier five or high tier five I don’t think I’m gonna get high tier five yeah you’re most likely getting at least low tier four 10 seconds left

Until imag get okay SMP there’s five attributes attack speed uh movement speed strength speed or or strength I mean you can get strength Health uh it’s basically bits it’s basically blits there’s so there’s a bunch of different effects right and um I got attack speed and every time you

Kill somebody you get a level up and my attack speed will just keep going up and up until axes are the same speed as Sword and the max is six oh Grace spe is in I would when I when I die hear me hear me wait pause

When I when I die I um what is it sorry when I die on server I lose a level yeah and when I get to six levels I have one life left and if I die I get banned and then I have to have a teammate revive

Me this might be dumb but try to get as much levels as you can so you can get a axe bro you’re actually do the same thing as a sword and get sharp his IV on that axe yeah if I sh I get sharp his five on

Axe yeah you’re going to do hit and then try to get fire aspect just on a sword a normal sword and that you’ll have one fire sword and just just like a normal axe as it’sit like a truck what is this Ki there sorry I might have to pull some strings

To get in that server bro did you use do yours on PVP Legacy what did you do yours on you K okay America I’m back question I have to use so what did you get te on PVP Legacy uh mcpb Club because I’m guessing that has the

Original kit you should I play around on that is people better on that bro uh a little bit I think hold so how do I how do I send how do I how do I send this in hold explain first seconds hold up wait sorry what

So how do I get in qu you have to you have to go to enter weit list and then enter it click Na and then type in your preferred server and it’ll add you oh is it how see enter oh is it request test a request test yeah

I have to do I need to I need to might die here yo I don’t see I’m gonna run into somebody soon bro I I don’t see I don’t see you mining I literally I literally I see applications test your applications request support request the test enter waight list right here

Uh what is New York servers again is it like na East uh probably yeah NA East I think it’s I think it’s just na right put in a I don’t yeah East MC what if you like load your five you’re we not getting it let’s see how let’s see how bad I

Throw because hello I made a mistake when you have me in a cob I press M which my stupid you to wait till it a tester is active oh I already send it in bro I’m waiting for the rate list oh nice nice you’re gon to get tested

Soon you only test once a month by the way okay it doesn’t even matter if I do get tested once a month I because I’ve been playing for two months so I don’t matter if I get tested now I learn I’ll just learn I don’t care it’s all learning

Experience oh let have speed running the nether that’s bro that was my strategy and I had to go AFK a few times of course still need to go to the ne I Bas I really hope nobody’s uh stream Bly it’s against the rules just people still would do it though going

NE find a lava pool will they send me a DM what oh yeah you’re probably DM actually should I open my DM shouldn’t I yep High tier one would go crazy imagine imag bro PS High tier one the thing is I’m not good at swords watch it screw me over bro some

Kid gonna put me in a sword combo who did you who did you teach us against was he actually good at the game or some of them are like Mad at the game I could have beat him I’m being honest you couldn’t beat him I I I could have beat

Him I could have he was a low tier a low tier three and I could I I almost killed him three times during the test what’s the like what’s the best you could do in your opinion if I kill him like all three times what are you

Thinking if you kill okay so there’s six rounds if you win four out of the six rounds you are guaranteed at least I tier three maybe two out of the six rounds or three out of six rounds yet if you get two or three you’re definitely most likely

Going to be getting high tier four or possibly low tier three I one all them try hard I don’t know it’s invite only I could try to talk to the owner yo listen to me I might I might if I go like if I leave it’s between I’m

Getting I’m locking in I might lock in for this you locked in or not you were just playing like let’s just go for it I was just playing I wasn’t really trying I might lock in if you really try do they you to record no but you can for

Safety reasons like the messing them like giving you a a lower tier also you don’t want them to boost you if you try to avoid them boost getting uh tier boosted I’m gonna I’m gonna um avoid I’m I know to avoid I’m gonna mess up so much I’m probably gonna unbind like my

Q&m you should yeah I don’t know because the only problem is if they put me in a sword combo GG there there’s no way I’m getting out of it that’s the one thing that’s why I want to L sword but I I would teach you

But you don’t have time yeah well I mean you’re be streaming for 10 hours if you get in a if you get in a sword combo just back out we’re no way yeah yeah I just s yeah I don’t I don’t fight it it’s not point let’s see I just need I’m hoping

To God because I forgot in East PVP Club they give you more cobwebs so I’m going to probably not use cobwebs while I’m going to use them a lot the only use the kit that they use for UHC is on there on yeah I saw I saw the only

Problem I he is that you can see their HP on East PVP Club know why there’s health indicators but it’s fine I don’t care yeah hate that bit I’m going to remap that that’s not going to be M because I’m going to I’m going to hit hit that once I’m going die

Hold on and how do I how do I preset my inventory to organize uh you do slash edit I think edit kit just k something oh my God this kid is just comboing me holy crap holy crap I’m dead this kid is insane bro I’m making easy slip UPS though because I’m my

Hands are cold that’s not fun might coming CL yo my hands are freezing bro they’re Tsing right now by the way there’s managers on some kid just that got demoted to high tier three the moded to high tier three yes dang that’s sad I feel like the only part on my

Screw up is it I get nervous that’s the part that’s just going to let’s see let’s see let’s see because I know I can beat you if I’m in the zone I can beat you yeah you can beat me you almost beat me multiple times I also had half a heart one

Time I’m tring to get a good player bro he knows what he’s doing oh my God BR white heads are freezing leave my crafting table I love I love my course how was that some going pretty good A little I haven’t ran into anybody I’m really worried someone’s going to jump

Me biggest biggest I me you have attack speed H just all you need is cobwebs BR you’ll be fine I can tell you right now attack speed level one is not much more it is barely noticeable attack speed six though and axe just crits like is like

It seem a little bit faster than sword with sword you can almost spam click like one 1.8 but it mojing her it it cuts it off cuz Minecraft is doesn’t allow bam clicking to a certain level if you know I know I learned I learned a lava bucket trick I want a r

Roll I that’s I feel like that’s the best one unless there’s a strength one oh wait what I’m saying I wouldn’t roll it it’s not worth there is a strength does it give you like permanent strength or is it just like your weapons get strength uh it’s permanent strength

You see I like the attack speed because if you get if you level it up you can your Axe can be hell over yeah I think I think attack but speed speed at level six you can just speed around and run away super quickly like you can you can combo overpowered the

Saturation my brain my brain is not braining oh my God this kid playing more ax I’m about at least took play a the death like he was SL by that midnight oh my God I had the triple Gap guys I’m just shocker whoer whoer whoer Whopper Junior triple double whoer game

This video, titled ‘Minecraft But, Donate = Stream Longer PT.1’, was uploaded by wlkk on 2023-11-25 17:54:37. It has garnered 279 views and 15 likes. The duration of the video is 04:33:53 or 16433 seconds.

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inspired partly by Joe caine I guess

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    Welcome to DQX Online Community! DQX is an online community that was established in 2020 as a place for people to connect, chill, and play games together. We currently have 5 active players and are looking to expand our community. Main Attractions: Active Staff: Always ready to assist Events: Regular contests and activities Role System: Obtainable roles with perks Economy System: Money drop from mobs, shops, and more Protected Areas: Player market and village plots Quality Hosting: Smooth gameplay experience We value community input and encourage discussions and suggestions for improvement. Join Us Today! Visit our Discord server for more… Read More

  • Cherry Grove Seeds: Minecraft’s Planting Pleasure

    Cherry Grove Seeds: Minecraft's Planting Pleasure In Minecraft’s world, cherry groves do bloom, With seeds aplenty, each one a boon. From mountains to lakes, villages to caves, Explore the possibilities, be brave. Seed 20, mountains and cherry groves so grand, A sight to behold, in this blocky land. Seed 19, a large cherry grove awaits, Explore and discover, open the gates. Seed 18, a cherry grove by the lake, A peaceful spot, a perfect break. Seed 17, a ruined portal village to see, Adventure awaits, come with me. Seed 16, a double ancient city to explore, History and mystery, what’s in store? Seed 15, a… Read More

  • Hot Minecraft Memes: Loopin’ & Laughin’!

    Hot Minecraft Memes: Loopin' & Laughin'! “Why did the creeper go to therapy? Because it had too much TNTsion!” #minecraft #meme #funny #loop Read More

  • End Fortress Hunt & Ranch Owner’s Home! – Chill Survival – #16

    End Fortress Hunt & Ranch Owner's Home! - Chill Survival - #16 Exploring End Fortresses and the Ranch Owner’s Home in Minecraft In the latest episode of Minecraft survival gameplay, our adventurous player embarks on a journey to discover End Fortresses and work on the ranch owner’s home. The world of Minecraft is filled with endless possibilities, and our player is determined to create a stylish and unique environment while enjoying the thrill of survival. Discovering End Fortresses The quest begins with the exciting task of searching for End Fortresses. These mysterious structures hold valuable loot and pose a challenge to even the most seasoned players. Armed with determination and a… Read More


    DINOSAUR ZOO - BREED & TAME FOR BABY MOBS!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft DINOSAUR ZOO HOUSE MOD / SPAWN DINOSAURS TO BREED AND TAME FOR BABY MOBS ! Minecraft Mods’, was uploaded by MC Naveed – Minecraft on 2024-05-21 11:15:00. It has garnered 10613 views and 294 likes. The duration of the video is 01:13:57 or 4437 seconds. Minecraft DINOSAUR ZOO HOUSE MOD / SPAWN DINOSAURS TO BREED AND TAME FOR BABY MOBS ! Minecraft Mods – In todays Minecraft Dinosaur Mod we will spawn Trex Indominus Rex and other types of dinosaurs and find them a home inside our Dino Zoo that could replace Jurassic Park… Read More

  • Minecraft Hardcore: Medieval Survival!

    Minecraft Hardcore: Medieval Survival!Video Information This video, titled ‘I Survived Minecraft Hardcore In Medieval Times!’, was uploaded by ConnorIGL+ on 2024-03-06 17:32:03. It has garnered 2263 views and 138 likes. The duration of the video is 01:15:48 or 4548 seconds. Hardcore Modded One Block Survival! ➔ This new modpack series inspired by PaulGG in #minecraft #hardcore is so fun! Not sure if we can make it to #100Days but we can try! ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– • CTRL [Code IGL] 10% OFF ➔ GFUEL [Code IGL]➔ • Elgato ➡ • Merch ➔ • Twitch ➡​ • Twitter ➡​ •… Read More

  • Unbelievable! Surviving 4K Days Underwater in Minecraft Hardcore with Kazumi in Malaysia

    Unbelievable! Surviving 4K Days Underwater in Minecraft Hardcore with Kazumi in MalaysiaVideo Information This video, titled ‘MALAYSIA 4K Days In Minecraft Hardcore | Under Water’, was uploaded by Kazumi on 2024-02-20 08:52:22. It has garnered 170 views and 12 likes. The duration of the video is 02:20:12 or 8412 seconds. Donation Link: =========================== =MY SOCIAL MEDIAS= -= TikTok – L1l Kaz -= FACEBOOK PAGE – kazbrahh -= INSTAGRAM – kazumi. cs -= Discord Server – Read More

  • daKatz Goes Back in Time on Minecraft SMP! (Ep. 13)

    daKatz Goes Back in Time on Minecraft SMP! (Ep. 13)Video Information This video, titled ‘Playing On A Minecraft SMP Like Its 2012 Again (Episode 13)’, was uploaded by daKatz on 2024-01-11 15:00:03. It has garnered 519 views and 17 likes. The duration of the video is 00:44:13 or 2653 seconds. 🌍 Welcome to Episode 13 of my brand new Minecraft adventure on the “Some SMP” server! Join me as we explore a unique survival experience on this freshly created server. The IP address is “,” so feel free to hop in and play alongside me. 🎮 In this series, I’m taking a different approach to content creation. I aim… Read More

  • “INSANE Minecraft Tips to DOMINATE | @MulticortT” #minecraft #shorts

    "INSANE Minecraft Tips to DOMINATE | @MulticortT" #minecraft #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Les PIRES astuces Minecraft de @MulticortT #minecraft #shorts #minecrafttutorial #noob’, was uploaded by Oeslai on 2024-05-03 15:42:02. It has garnered 24233 views and 1385 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:59 or 59 seconds. ✌ This is Oeslai, subscribe and everything will go well 😏 ✨It’s a totally original CHANNEL that will make you smile thanks to its ENTERTAINING and VARIED content!!! 🔔Activate the notification bell ↪️To be informed of my next videos! PROJECT GOLD ROBLOX is available on our discord!!!😁😁😁: DONATIONS : 🟣Twitch : 🎶TikTok : 📸Instagram :… Read More


    HUGE HIVE LIVE COLLAB STREAM! MUST SEE 🤯Video Information This video, titled ‘🔴HIVE LIVE WITH VIEWERS COLLAB STREAM W/ @ProfMush ??? 👀 | !subgoal !discord 🔴’, was uploaded by On1can on 2024-04-29 09:11:52. It has garnered 260 views and 21 likes. The duration of the video is 01:38:55 or 5935 seconds. Hello! Im a Minecraft Bedrock Hive Streamer and YouTuber, I hope you enjoy the content :3 Just Grinding Hive Minecraft Bedrock / PE / MCPE / MCBE Today Doing another Hive Stream 🙂 BEDWARS HIVE BEDWARS BEDWARS HIVE BEDWARS HIVE BEDWARS BEDWARS BEDWARS OMG BEDWARS DISCORD: #hivemc #hivelive #treasurewars #mcpe #mcbe #minecraftbedrockedition #minecraftbedrock #pvp #bedwars Read More


    INSANE KEYBOARD GAMERS - 🚀MINECRAFT SPECIAL LIVE EVENT | JOIN NOWVideo Information This video, titled ‘🔴MINECRAFT LIVE | SPECIAL EVENT TODAY | MINECRAFT | JOIN NOW | India’, was uploaded by CRAZY KEYBOARD GAMERS on 2024-03-04 05:16:29. It has garnered 125 views and 20 likes. The duration of the video is 01:36:16 or 5776 seconds. 🔴MINECRAFT LIVE | SPECIAL EVENT TODAY | MINECRAFT | JOIN NOW | India insta :- To Enter SMP – Use – /register [password] and always remember your password replace [password] with your password to login – Use – /login [password] replace [password] with your password Minecraft 1.20.1 Java / Bedrock / PE Join The… Read More

  • 🔴 LIVE Late Night MINECRAFT Madness with the Bois!! 😱

    🔴 LIVE Late Night MINECRAFT Madness with the Bois!! 😱Video Information This video, titled ‘🔴 late night MINECRAFT with the bois – LIVE🔴| maybe some Q&A |’, was uploaded by OVDR on 2024-01-28 09:35:23. It has garnered 136 views and 8 likes. The duration of the video is 03:38:18 or 13098 seconds. 🎥 In Today’s Stream: We are playing Minecraft Survival with the bois! Will I die to “natural” causes , or will I die trying? Watch to find out! 💬WEBSITE: 🟣DISCORD: 🔵TWITTER: 🟢Join this channel to get access to perks: 📦PLAYLISTS Can You Survive ► Mod Reviews ► Silly Vids ►… Read More

  • Top secret Minecraft sand hack revealed! 😱🔥 #HerobrineVSgod

    Top secret Minecraft sand hack revealed! 😱🔥 #HerobrineVSgodVideo Information This video, titled ‘which sand wins #minecraft #animation #herobrine #gaming #minecraftnoobvsprovshackervsgod #minecraft’, was uploaded by @MR ALI GAMER😎 on 2024-02-28 11:00:34. It has garnered 297 views and 19 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:21 or 21 seconds. Read More

  • EpicGaming SMP semi-Vanilla Vanilla Minigames

    Server Information Server IP/Address: Survival Server Features: Mobheads Playershops Death Chest Teleports Ingame Ranks Ender Dragon respawn Minigames: Soccer Horse Race Build Battle Bedwars Ice Boat Race Parkour Boost Sheep Wars Additional Information: Server Version: 1.20.5 (1.20.6 opening soon) Events: Regularly scheduled events with over 60 already held Community: Small but active community with 5-10 daily players Interested in Joining? Leave a comment for server details and a past event video! Read More

  • Emeralds SMP

    Emeralds SMPSURVIVAL focused 1.20.4 server!Java and Bedrock can both join, Bedrock IP is Port: 25561Being survival focused, that means there is No /tp, /homes, and keepinventory is Off!We do have an in game /shop to buy blocks, ranks, spawners, sell blocks and items! The focus is survival, so the prices reflect!We are non p2w (no external store or crates, Non p2w ranks may come in the future)Every person gets a guaranteed Ender Dragon spawn/ fight the first time they enter the end dimension!We have /vote rewards, along with vote party where you receive diamonds, claim blocks, $, and sometimes a… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – *Hot Minecraft Meme: “and if we have a water bucket hahaha”

    Looks like they’re prepared in case things get too hot in the game! That’s some next level Minecraft survival skills. Read More