Getting OVERPOWERED Tools with Mending Books | Abnormcraft SMP [S2E12]

Video Information

Am i on live not television hey guys curious uh drunk curious here i’m not actually drunk before the before the youtube gods go ahead and banish me from the face of this earth i am back with another live stream and today i am playing on uh abnormcraft

Remember that one time in when i tried to stream this before and it didn’t work well that’s because rosalind’s tablet was broken and it didn’t work on her half so that meant the stream for everyone couldn’t work it might still be broken so and if it is broken then that would be

The second time i’ve embarrassed myself in the past two weeks on youtube specifically because apparently i have the need to keep a record of that stuff titled this episode just please work is i’m very much that is a very marketable episode name indeed listen okay my episode

Episode titles are weird for me okay why do i not have a single mending book on me i feel like i’ve been betrayed by uh okay do i have i have my tools back eb family it’s the queen bee rose and b queen b is might be here they might not

Be here who knows but you can finish your intro i hope that the stream actually works please serve or work please serve or work that should be the chance please server work please server work let me make let me drive my entire fan base off the screen by being cringy please server work

Stop okay no um it still won’t let me connect are you sure it’s the right ip i don’t what well don’t read the iep out the me texted me over discord that you the ipad you have in there if you read the ip out loud i’m going to be pretty upset with you

It’s one two three sing with me you ben you are now banned from server because you just exposed me now people are gonna dox the server whatever the hell i don’t know how they do that because it’s a server hosting service but still i want to make funny

Okay is there any way you can check the ip like you like a shield mode or something so you can check it what the frick is shield mode i don’t think it needs to be that insane i’m going to go ahead and turn off game capture because i don’t want

You guys seeing what the ip is yeah you guys will get nothing but the my face in this black screen well you know what you will get uh super golf trust me it won’t last as long as it would as it did last time i i actually think they probably enjoyed

The super bowl and welcome probably more than minecraft because of popular demands who knows i might actually get more people here okay 184 uh don’t do it don’t don’t do it you did not hear that okay that’s wrong it actually starts with another number i was doing that for a joke okay

It starts with um one two three abc are you serious like i was actually trying to drive the message that i that that that was actually the case what i was trying to sabotage the people watching the stream and the thinking that it wouldn’t be the thing okay i

Need to sort this out now and if i don’t soon then everyone’s gonna leave okay this is the ip sent it to your discord paste that into the server okay i’m going now going to screen share again turn that off all right there we go now you guys can

Actually see minecraft i know you probably love super golf so much i’m sorry you get that next saturday this saturday no actually not this saturday no this friday maybe not this friday because i have something to do this friday so i can’t do this friday i life is hard i

Am locating the server oh god i am worried i am scared i am scared i don’t wanna know what freaking crunchyroll is and there’s one person saying it’s watching it’s just a video not a bow block stream no brought to minecraft wait no it’s super golf all right oh yeah

No it’s 40 craft no it’s frobleen low handsome man in black hole ooh it’s just a video not a bow block stream i guess i’m not streaming my half yes this is just a video your entire life is an illusion but my omnitrix needs to recharge and

Hey the reboot add-on is back it’s not oh i’m awesome now if you guys think it’s super golf then you might want to rethink that because when is the last time i streamed super golf on a tuesday but oh wait there’s a house okay my i never stream super golf on tuesdays

My half of my stream is going to be non-existent curious is probably going to be the only one actually streaming yay because i’m literally great that means i get to retire so guys if you did enjoy no i’m joking okay what am i what am i actually even doing

That’s right getting over power tools with mending and i need to make the venture back home because i decided to set my spawn point in the village so i can’t spawn back home once you know it oh [ __ ] off i don’t have op guess what i’m an arcade oh i don’t have

It either what the fudge can you give that back to me no please i can’t i actually can’t oh without complicated methodology simmer swimmer definitely the same thing okay why can i i can do game rule kick list tell raw can i do tp commands aren’t enabled i don’t think

Because it normally only does that when commands are enabled that means i have to restart the server and bore these people even more ah the people are now going to murder me in real life because i can’t give them a good stream no well what are your final wishes rosalind because well

Actually no i’m the only one that’s going to be getting being put six feet under by my own fan base right now i might be oh i don’t really have a fan base not i think about it i just haven’t would you guys actually do that you probably wouldn’t if you do

Then i’m probably calling the police on you and probably putting you in a mental facility because honestly if you want to put me six feet under that’s where you belong oh that’s essentially saying that they want to kill me okay do you think they don’t belong in a mental facility no no

I misheard what you said okay i don’t remember what i missed it as but i know i’m deserted what am i doing i have atd and now announced publicly maybe even that part of hyperactivity put in there that’s why that’s why i said that’s why that’s why i said mention

Meds in the past that’s the reason guess what’s on the internet now i can’t take it back i mean you could just tell them that you were lying about it that might well now if i do that it’s gonna be obvious that i do do that for a

Live because you just exposed it hey now you further cemented it into the concrete wall of the internet i mean i complete i actually completely forgot what i was doing okay right i was making cheats work i can’t focus and that’s gonna be an issue i know allow cheats

True aka rosalind may ruin the world well not ruin the world just cheating the world same thing no hey that’s mean but it’s true at least the cheat in the world part is true i mean it wasn’t like i was about to do that oh no no no no no

No no no no omg easy bedrock bedrock redwood what does redwood have to do with this this is minecraft not super golf okay is the server back on now just without rejection ah i would love to see myself yelling and hollering like this for next hour and a half i don’t even wanna

I don’t know maybe i’ll want to do this maybe it’ll just be me faffing around for 90 minutes or 60 depending on what i feel like doing probably 60 if the title of the episode is getting overpowered books with mending chat is the most random thing in the world i agree

But this isn’t even the peak of random chat you see in order to see that you need to click on a live stream of mine type that with super golf in the title where there will be endless people to send the most random crap in chat you can imagine

Now i can oof a doof myself what you said you would actually say crap on your channel and that isn’t a swear word first of all i’m kidding i’m gonna pretend like you’re not kidding for comedic effect why don’t i always record videos in this state because i feel like it actually

Quite funny guess because it’s all it’s usually like early in the day when i’m not energetic but now i am okay i am hopefully back in the server and you can hopefully actually give me the opportunity splash kick i’m joking that’s the opposite of what i said it’s opposite day don’t you know

No no it’s not how to join your server when you’re playing super golf that is a question that will be answered on the super golf stream because it’s pretty straightforward okay but super golf doesn’t exist right now because i’m not playing it that is how the universe works if

If i am not doing something it doesn’t exist totally how it works what the [ __ ] am i even doing right books uh does that mean a certain addictive thing doesn’t exist because you’re not doing them drugs i tried to avoid the word whatever i’m not gonna make money off of this video anyways

You were going to give me operator status that’s what you were going to do d-op ultra d-op rosalind that’s once again unknown command this is a scam this whole game is a scam ah i can’t why is omnitrucks not recharging what is going on i can’t actually execute the op command

Okay whatever i’ll do it this way i like that it’s not like this really gonna get much out of there anyway do you say something about ads you don’t even get abs on your videos you don’t have to worry about this i’m talking about your house

I think all my emeralds got deleted when the world got transferred so yeah that’s an issue what about my emeralds your emeralds are probably still oh they’re probably gone too whatever i’ll give myself a stack and pretend none of this happened emerald what about me you still gotta give me 64.

600 no no i obviously didn’t have that many emeralds give at a congratulations I probably didn’t quite have a stack of emeralds but a free money i’m worse than roseland sometimes when it comes to cheating yeah you are especially when i’m when i’m not on medication that is supposed to prevent me from acting like a drunk loser can we play hide and super golf why

This is minecraft we’re not playing super golf right now wait okay and nothing you say will sway that i’m sorry what the actual frickity frack is dunction i don’t know why is that not working why is my omnitrix why is my life box no i am going to fix this i i

Keep inventing new ways of saying boken and i will admit that right i also had more than two arrows but hey that’s fine it’s just a theory a not game theory it’s a curious theory you can actually play super golf in minecraft you remind me of that one

Video i made a while well not a while ago like a few days ago of me playing super golf in minecraft it was a map that was a lot like super golf but it was in minecraft oh yeah and i remember i left the comment where where you were saying like

I left a time code and a comment and oh hey my emails are here good for you because i had my emeralds on me so they got deleted wait no is this yours or mine i think it’s mine because i keep my broken armor i know right yeah yep

Chat is the most beautiful thing wait no that’s your stuff i don’t know what is going on don’t you steal me at diamantes yeah wait wait do you have 18 diamonds how do you think i’m supposed to answer that question i don’t have i don’t have a

Record of all my diamonds my stuff is on one half and yourself is on the other remember okay uh okay do you have one two three okay am i running in the correct direction seven butter swords in your chest i don’t think you would have kept that many but i’m checking probably not

Okay but i want to check just to make sure because i don’t want you stealing me stuff no but still but it’s fun that’s fun i do i need to turn you into the fbi i’m kidding please i am dialing fbi totally yeah everyone watching my half could probably

Contradict that oh my god can we break a record for viewers in my minecraft stream 10 viewers well on the way what the one stream i don’t actually get to stream my half and you get like freaking a lot of viewers billions yeah i think it might be just a few le a

Little bit less than a billion just a little bit yeah 999 9999 there we go 9999 so that means i still have 900 that means i still have 99 999 million 998 000 people watching or 990 000 people watching 13 viewers oh my god this could be the greatest minecraft stream in history

Okay maybe i should act well because i could probably make decent money off of this if it gets up like 40 which is a little bit more than 13 but it might happen just watch it we’re like oh when you just mentioned the dreaded word minecraft that’s when everyone just clicks off

Minecraft let’s see what happens it’s just a science experiment after all oh fell into ravine are you sure you won’t get lost you don’t have your map with you i don’t get lost totally not definitely not reminding me of that one time i got lost i have a coordinate map

And that’s all anyone needs to navigate crap in minecraft totally wait i’m running maybe i am lost i was running the wrong dirt you’re cheating i must you can’t follow me like that you cheating [ __ ] hey language that’s actually not good h i’m sorry i want to say that over and over and

Over again but you know what can i get the monetize from saying [ __ ] i don’t know or can i clearly use it as a are you gonna get lost in any second now i call it you know what i am lost in my thoughts yeah know what payback

You know what pay back a bit slash fan is not a command damn it and that’s for calling me what you did is that not cool at all but it’s fun like stealing apparently is a joke oh no [Laughter] okay i won’t do that i need to actually do productive things such as

Not die and not offend people i think that’s pretty important use java so i can play with you i don’t it’s not that simple buddy okay let me just go ahead and press the magical convert the java edition button and load this on my job and load this on minecraft job edition

Totally can do that in like five minutes definitely one hundred percent oh you’re in the net oh god you’re fast i’m going ultra speed before you’re under netter and probably using the ice boats i don’t know why i would expect it ice boats dirt or glorious thermos glorious thing

Keep inventory yeah what the heck blame rosalind okay this wouldn’t i would not have keep inventory on right now if rosalind was not born okay ouch i am saying some very uncool things and i am sacrificing my own reputation for comedy which is actually the exact opposite of comedy

Curious swimmer is now cancelled later i’m still here aren’t i but seriously how am i not dead off of youtube yet like or at least to in rosalyn’s eyes how am i not dead for saying the things that i have said and saying the truly cruel and unnice things i have said

Make him three i don’t know what that means he won’t understand basic things you might regret saying that you little i’m joking i’m just messing with you people in chat god temporist or i mean cheryl brown sorry how you are how are you live 20 minute and get eight viewers it’s something

Called super golf and drugs and combining those two things that causes those streams to get more views super golf drugs and addiction to those super golf drugs that is how three years old other dude are you roasting rosalind i think i think someone in chat just called you a three-year-old rosalind

Yep you’re admitting into it what is your reaction to that did you did you just leave the call no i’m still here i’m just okay you’re not that fragile okay that’s good ouch okay the people no that’s a compliment that’s a freaking compliment the way you phrased it was more like a

Backhanded compliment right there you’re welcome that’s that’s a i’m pulling up maui right there what i you should be saying is thank you for insulting you and ruining your life even though i didn’t even insult you that time okay first of all pronouns he her second ball not three i said he

I think this is where my life and i said he or they or something along those lines no i’m talking about the other guy yay i don’t have to die this time that’s good tough boy okay i don’t know if i’m gonna be so tough if rosen goes all forearm

Status on me and absolutely rips my life away from me in front of my very eyes yes okay affirming i’m going ultra speed to the village to the very much ultra village that is not at all ultra and i’m saying it just for memes because apparently adding new word ultra

In front of everything you say is funny but didn’t you create like the nether portal thing there yes i did and i it doesn’t spawn you at the village because bad design i really don’t want to have to sleep here but i feel like i might have to

It’s moments like these when you realize that you done that you done fricked up you’re the liberian right yes i did say librarian i want two mending books thank you all right now i can drown myself and go back home i’m about to break my life with your chat what

Anything new with your chat nevermind seven very ultra yes i think this is probably one of the first minecraft live chats that have actually kept up remotely with what i’ve said this is like the best minecraft chat i’ve had so far in a stream i might do these more often now ripperoni

But ripperonian tony but because i’m now back all right so anything new with the person who says who called me a three-year-old uh yeah i’m gonna press the big fat hide user on the no no no that but not that extreme i’m gonna put them in timeout

I was just asking if they said anything new yeah but now they can’t say anything new for the next five minutes okay what did they say i said make him three not that he oh oh i’m sorry i i am so sorry make him oh i said make him three

Not he is three but that’s basically what you’re saying though make him three and you provided reasoning for why that should happen that’s that you can’t get around that by saying make him something or saying that he isn’t it now nice try buddy notice oh my god world record six viewer

In a 21 minute stream i think that person just roasted me i don’t know if it was meant that way but probably wasn’t to be honest maybe maybe you kept up with my minecraft streams maybe you know how much people hate those oh yeah anyone remember when i had a horse here

And i actually killed it that was unexpected anyone remember that everyone’s here is like i have and i have mine i have my amnesia the worst of all diseases okay power i am not putting mending on my bow i am not that stupid or brain dead for that matter

One thing i will put mending on is one of my armor pieces armor plus mending book equals better armor it’s like here put it on my pickaxe you buy your own freaking mending books this is capitalism banned in north korea even though youtube itself is banned in north korea whatever the nether

Hey curious when you end what do you want me to do look like a fake roll it’s can man yeah can man doesn’t have the icon what i don’t know what you i don’t know what funny words you people are what you magic people are saying to me i get that

To an extent can you decrypt their magic for me rosalind i don’t think i can i’m not magic sadly you said you just said you can decrypt magic go ahead and do it i said i got the reference you were making not uh they were making oh okay

Why do you exist swear on stream actually please don’t i can make money off of the stream and i don’t want you to ruin that okay run as fast as i can okay get put your legs in the ultra drive because ultra is the king of memes

Totally and totally not something that i just say is the king of means me me me me yes means yes this is statistics class wait where what i swear this portal is right by the village last time means i guess that could also mean something else mean is mean what’s the definition of

Mean what’s the definition of definition what’s the definition of meme definition of definition i actually looked that up and took a screenshot of it i now have the definition of definition immortalized on my phone uh yes the most useful definition you need to know the definition of

Definition in order to search up the definition of definition yeah this looks like you said what if you don’t know what definition means what if you’re just brain dead then you’re screwed okay this is definitely not near the village i am like i thought you said okay because i called

No one brain dead i don’t know well i’m like so right whether i wanted to be or not okay i’m gonna go ahead and make more books so i can turn them in the mending books wait you need a book for a minute i

Left the thought wait i do have a book i got very lucky i actually brought a book with me without knowing it what’s the meaning of meaning the meaning of meaning is the meaning class dismissed grade a teacher that was curious swimmer and that was his ted talk

Yes shortest ted talk in the history of mankind curious please do so another super golf livestream please you’re gonna have to wait until not friday because i can’t stream next week this week unfortunately at least at the time that i normally would so the week following that

Okay so you see the meaning of meaning is meaning is meaning is meaning the meaning of meaning is the meaning of meaning is the meaning of meaning as meaning of meaning is a broken record player which is what i’m now demonstrating because i have now opened a meaning black hole

Yeah that will follow everything in this path including curious swimmer and simmer don’t forget about curious simmer in fact if kira simmer was dead this world would probably be a better place that’s rude more curious would the world be a better place though because then me six would be the one

Doing all the ranks and stuff on the server and curious simmer is so much funnier than me six me six says like gg leveled up and curious simmers like new things are coming maybe but they never do they sometimes do not always but uh it’s like out for torture simmer he

Works so hard to announce things for you and then you go and throw him under the bus like that he’s gonna post like fishing links in the announcement channel now and i can’t believe i refer to curious simmer as a he instead of an it even

Though curious simmer is a bot on my discord server no one needs to know that part no one there no no curious zimmer’s not a bot i was joking i was just further throwing kyrie simmer under the bus for comedy because i am so good at destroying my reputations reviews which is

The exact opposite of what any functional human being should be doing but in case it wasn’t obvious i am not a functional human being i am almost dead that’s good i if i wasn’t in alien form i probably would have actually been dead in real life no god no no

That’d be really bad yeah yeah abnormal to be cancelled if rosalind was six feet underneath the ground you know what i mean yeah i mean i am half of the series quite literally i make up half of the series sorta i mean not right now as far as viewer distribution is concerned then

Yeah you probably okay all right i’m gonna stop my sentence right there even though you probably knew exactly where i was about to go with that well i i know but i’m just like i don’t want to know don’t want to know no no no i’m intentionally singing this off key so i

Don’t get a copyright claim i know the songs i’m trying to come up with the parody where it’s stick pick axe mine diamond creeper explode oh no i am dying 10 f 10 singing skills uh why they just take damage out of nowhere what what what are you the new tesla bot curious

Well it’s confirmed curious swimmer is a new tesla robot alexa play my music play my happiness playlist well oh no but i am dead never mind the board stream of all time i cannot believe i’ve just won this grand grand prize the bordest book board streams i’m fake goodbye

Just everyone is now just pretending to leave the stream are you all trying to play a psychological warfare with me supergirl pro is oh what am i not praising you with enough super golf there’s never enough super call not on curious swimmer no not a curious swimmer there is never

Enough super there is no such thing as new too much super golf in on this freaking channel bye well it seems like the stream is collapsing so i am now retiring too much golf i have overloaded you with super golf on a not super golf stream i can’t believe i’ve just achieved that

I know you over fed them super golf they od’d on super golf oh dude yes demonetization those uh super golf because i prefer the super golf as a as a dog you know what i mean by that multiple times curiously to try golf it i’ve heard of

That game i think that’d be funny if i put super golf in the title then that then it’ll get views i know that just just puts dying in super golf irl super golf in real life and it’s a photo of me using a putter in a mini golf course like it’s a driver

Or just or just dying in real life super glob beating myself to death with a freaking golf club oh god how do you do that i don’t want to know you guys know the best y-axis to find diamantes it actually says diamonds but i went spanish mode briefly it’s 12 or 11.

This it’s when you want to play minecraft but you a super golf youtuber yeah if you want to play minecraft but no one loves you for anything but super golf so you have to use really unconventional means of getting views to your channel such as putting super such as making references

To super golf in your titles when it’s not actually super golf sleep sleep sleep on sheep places sure thing i’ll go outside and sleep on el shipo totally how you say sheep in spanish you know what i mean snooze sleeping sweep on a dead sheep i said sleep sleep

On it okay i’ll grab the sword then and murder one of your sheep and sleep on that no no wait oh wait no this is a dead sheep no this is a disassembled jeep no super golf no view that is how reality works when you’re curious swimmer

I am going to protect my sheep now i’m going to go protect my sheep how good of a job do you think you can do of that oh well brick i have to deal with zombies first fuff you want to test that theory yeah that was good i wanna die

You just broke my armor hey you were the one who said that okay my armor is almost dead just put it out it’s missier already if i donate on the website in the description wait hold up wait donate and join my no that’s an outdate that’s outdated i’m

Sorry you can’t donate from there you can’t donate from the website anymore you gotta pay me money through the channel membership system you want me to break the rest of your armor for a yeah not if i do this first hey i’m sorry i need to keep finding a way

To keep the people entertained even if it’s at the cost of my own reputation that doesn’t sound good at all that’s i’ve milked that way too much a little i mean if you keep doing this it might actually be true just do it i deserve it you’re right there

I’m joking you’ll never take me life you know like i was gonna say no i could survive that fall right damn it multiple times that darn darned it why is my phone keep wanting to shut off you’re streaming a video so you shouldn’t stop on me still dead that’s why i didn’t give

Rosalind the pride of killing me okay i need to actually get crap done and i don’t know what to do let me take all my wheat to the villa that’s just cheating come on now okay i’ll do so okay let me just take care of that and this is it

What are you about to do there wait now i can’t even get out oh no i can’t even i need to find the village again uh rosalind please be a normal character they don’t like you being forearms you hear that whoa whoa they don’t like ben 10 my audience

Is flaming ben 10 right now a little too bad because suck on a duck people but what did i do oh i know i think i know what i think i typed in the wrong function ben i’ve almost thought you said fen for a moment which isn’t a real word

No you said ben 10 makes that makes sense oh you’re in the middle and now you just came out i came okay all right i’m gonna stop right there yeah it’s probably best that you do and don’t finish that joke yeah yeah because that would be a very

Easy way for me to have all my money stolen in an instant and probably to get my channel terminated oh hey there’s lava under here where the village the villages where the villages i refuse to take you rosalind because i am the lava and i will not there ever take darn why

I will put you in the creative mode so you can’t die to lava or no more irritatingly i will give you resistance a lot so you cannot die to lava or even even even better even more irritatingly specifically i will give you fire resistance forever so you cannot die to lava

Here let’s test that please do because i didn’t actually give you fire resistance Yourself that’s that’s that’s not just is it there we go and now i want to test something here let’s go uh wait actually yes do that so now that i can win this argument because my argument is that the lava can’t take you and now it won’t no let’s

Turn into gray matter untransformed i think this should work i think all right uh where am i going where where am i going and where do i need to go okay it’s cows anyway so okay i need to go this way all right ice boating let’s go

Ultra boating in minecraft now this is actually boating with a little bit of ultra no yep you fell from a high place you mega because of a resource back i have applied well it did get rid of fire resistance when i untransformed though and even if it didn’t i have buckets

And i have access to cows that is a good point half of them are babies but who said you couldn’t milk those i guess minecraft itself did okay i am about 5 000 miles off course okay go back the opposite direction thank you very much because i know the village was

Definitely in the four thousands in terms of coordinates curious this tree farm and then we have another sign that i think i might have wrote bow down to the cows of loyalty the cows have made their own government it’s we have created cow nation it’s not mini it’s more powerful than

The united states yes but is it more powerful than a forearm alien seriously that the forearm alien could defeat the entire us government who knows knowing ben 10 in plot armor they it probably could i mean heck way big probably could i mean i don’t know why because way big is way

Bigger and way big does way big things yeah way big those things that are way big everyone wavey could just step on everyone in like a matter of minutes i’ll just wait until they until until they get nukes involved i’d love to see way big try to combat that especially in large quantities

Then again plot armor you gotta remember plot armor so that means that way big can actually survive anything as long as ben is the one that is being way big anyways the omnitrix as of uh i believe after ultimate alien uh is later no i think it’s after ramen

Trips to calibrate say say something in chat if you think i’m lost because you’re right i mean also ben in human form by the way the omnitrix made it where he survived the [ __ ] unit oh no you have been banished you have just had my monies taken away

From me by swearing on stream thank you so much it wasn’t on purpose you will now owe me whatever money this stream could have made which i have absolutely no freaking clue how you’d actually pay me anything as far as that you will sponsor my video for me

Because of the fact i just lost all my money from you joking about how den ben 10 destroyed the the the root and tootin in the universe i almost dropped an f-bomb because you did but i mean i there’s still a chance i could get monetization on this

Well ben actually survived a universe basically he he survived it so hard that he stole my money okay okay can we can i continue please can i continue okay i’m gonna get like four more mending books and then i’m gonna trade uh a freakity frack ton of wheat

And then get more emeralds and then go ahead and trade that for we are mending books because ben 10 survived a [ __ ] universe and then was able to basically um contain it and then it’s really weird but yeah i’m going to take it versus ben 10. that’s what someone in my chat said

Here’s some reverses rosen’s words i will milk that joke until the end of this stream until it becomes unfunny what joke i’m curious now the security slimmer if you will you’re curious when you simmer food you’re also curious when you swimmer food it doesn’t make grammatical sense but it does now even slim

Swimmer food oh my god swimmer uh things stop stealing me bed farmer that is definitely my bed that is totally my bed and not to mention that dominatrix like then literally got crushed too by the stone big old stone thing and survived in human form i don’t think that’s as impressive as

Ben tends as ben 10 saving the the i want to say it for comedic effect but at the same time if i say the if i drop too many bumps and the view actually will get demonetized and that’d be bad [ __ ] that’s different okay i didn’t i didn’t

I didn’t put the k part in it but okay except that probably sounds so similar to the actual word that i’m probably gonna get a rep rep points taken away from me anyways farmer who cares if you i did not mean to do that you were standing in the

Wrong place farmer that’s why i punched you you punched a farmer what on accident because the farmer was in the way totally and not because i am bad at minecraft you didn’t trade with his farmer did you you traded with this farmer i don’t know but how dare you

You know what that means farmer it’s execution time hey that’s my farmer i don’t care i win get in the bloat the boat oh yep uh it’s hit the gas hit the gas go go go you can’t possibly catch up with me unless you accelerate fire at you i will

Literally shoot fire at you but the farmer needs to die it is a trade wheat no yes yes it does but it but it but it takes the composter and and it prevents me from being able to assign another farmer that actually does trade wheat look take it take your take your farmer

Before i get fired literally literally not only like i get before i get fired i don’t know how roseland would fire me when i’m the freaking well i mean technically we’re both the bosses of our own things but yeah but fired was more meant to be flamed roasted literal

Edition here let me show you the simple voting ultra skills be like yes i appreciate your comment that was way too close you almost started a london fire mister i mean this entire village would have been burned to the ground if you were just a little bit off

I knew what i was doing no you didn’t they excited are you sure yes are you really really sure because i have lost confidence in your boating abilities oh ho ho i am in water okay so i have a better idea i have a better idea and that’s mine would and use that

To make a new set to make slabs which you can use to make a composter you actually had six function entries i think that means that i think one of those commands is prepare curious swimmers funeral did that hurt yes it did and if you shoot me one more

If you actually kill me i’m gonna be pretty upset i’ll let you teleport back okay i mean i’ll spawn here but still i need to be the things for people to laugh at right well if i was streaming it would be something for my half to laugh at so yeah

But you aren’t streaming that’s the point okay who says i’m not secretly if it’s an unlisted stream or a private stream then it honestly wouldn’t even matter yes he did i really need to stop using that as an alternative because a it’s not even an alternative i’m just putting

At the end of it and expecting that to bypass youtube’s filtration it’s gonna end up biting me in the butt one day because i think if you count those i think i probably already dropped four f-bombs to stream which is bad really bad but now i have a new farmer and it’s my

Farmer and if you dare mess with my farmer i will execute slash ban i i already know that’s not a thing because you know you kind of said that earlier i’ll put you on the ser i’ll remove you from the white list there you go i don’t think you even have the white

List it is enabled i can enable it i can put you on the yeah that’s why i way to blacklist people why are you a leather worker you’re a crime to humanity you’re corrected humanity ow you’re uh uh yes you are the most divine thing bow to the farmer worship the farmer

How about bo the farmer what nevermind i don’t understand your words your magic your funny words magic man in other words take a bow draw an arrow point it at farmer let go slash b bb yes definitely not b a n no no no no i wasn’t about to do that eu

Village noises the farmer god the farmer the farmer kill rosalind oh i don’t think the farmer stands a chance against a literal crystal person but okay the people in chat don’t know that slash bv it’s bv remember remember the bean command any of you that are in my discord server and while

Simply shebo is still moderate you probably remember the bean command that didn’t actually do anything but it was used to it was used to submit joke bans like i literally almost killed curious with iron armor with just like if i would have hit curious one more time then i would be ultra dead

Farmer decided to be funny to crank up his prices so i’m going to boycott him and it said i’m going to invest in mending books yes i am now the mending king what did i do with my other mending books oh yeah right i used them

Okay all right i just need to wait for the next day or just trade with the farmer with the increased prices and then i should be good to go i am i’m literally destroying a tree for no hey that’s my farmer what the f it looked like you were trying to hit my

Farmer this isn’t your farmer okay say you’re farmer your farmer’s right there trying with the other villager this farm is level two it trades wheat that’s how you know it ain’t your farmer it looked like you were trying to kill it okay i yelled awfully loud i probably

Made my parents wonder what the heck was going on in fact i’ve been yelling the entire time i’m surprised my voice isn’t dead yet what did i just do why did you do that i don’t know what just happened curious what’s the brand of your pc the

Pc i’m using right now is a custom build there we go good this is new no one will ever notice that part of the corners missing no one will know who they’re i know they’re villagers anyway they won’t even know but i’m the mayor okay i think the mayor is the person

That you should be hiding it from okay but there are no people who actually have to report it to you and you don’t know about it but i do except you don’t i do it’s right here i see that there’s a fence here that is not normally here no

There are fences missing that are normally here and there used to be a cobblestone block here i don’t think i’m hallucinating rosalind it’s called fact no you’re hallucinating no i think you’re the one hallucinating no i’m pretty sure it’s no no no you know reverse card you know reverse card again you

Reverse reverse card it’s no you you i’m i’m in the middle of something mama rosalind calling out to his mama be like her her i did not say his okay especially at that sound especially cursed because i said rosalind which is a female name you’re going back to the house right yes

Oh wait is your respawn point still at the village yes so i have the boat back to the house because the nether portal i was a big dumb dumb to use the slash band command you must be an operator of minecraft server the band command is used to add a player to

The service blacklist or ban list to ban the player from connecting i know what the band command is and this is better off edition and better our condition does bedrock editiony things yeah i wonder can i ban someone with the console i’m gonna try banning myself i mean

I’ll give better off this they do have better multiplayer okay slash tv i’m gonna assume you’re at the house i think wait wait wait i wanna wait oh god dang it i was gonna do something okay all right grand finale i’m gonna try banning myself i’ll unban myself after i’m done this

Would be a good way to end the stream wait actually before i do that i’m gonna go ahead and put a mending book on on my on my pants i’ll like it awesome sweep to where you don’t have to worry about your respawn point or or night time all right

Grand finale after i put after i enchant my uh leggings with mending that’s an important first priority of mine bop oh stupid water all right let’s do this grand finale i’m about to end warm craft forever ban curious swimmer never mind i cannot ban someone in bedrock edition you didn’t hear that

Is there a command that’s like that is there a b blacklist command no dialogue was i don’t even know uh that’s like an education edition thing that doesn’t matter to me add a remove fog settings file what how did i survive that drops the given loop table in the world me mob event

Msg oh uh okay i’m not gonna do this unless curious uses mc education edition i think you’re not operator i am operator this this is bedrock edition i tried putting it in the console the server console that is like the highest level of operator there is

And it didn’t work so yeah i’m just going to end now i can do the next best thing which is kicking myself so hope you guys enjoy if you can make sure if you didn’t enjoy it make sure to leave a thumbs up and also subscribe if you haven’t already

Link in the description i forgot to give you guys a funny reason to subscribe but i couldn’t edit it in any way so it didn’t matter i’ll see you guys all next time later oh i didn’t okay take two i’ll see you guys all next time later later there we go

I i don’t

This video, titled ‘Getting OVERPOWERED Tools with Mending Books | Abnormcraft SMP [S2E12]’, was uploaded by Curiousswimmer on 2022-03-16 14:40:32. It has garnered 326 views and 13 likes. The duration of the video is 01:00:48 or 3648 seconds.

In this stream, me and Rosalyn B are going to be playing some more Minecraft, and specifically on the Abnormcraft SMP series. I am going to be exploiting that mending villager that we made in the last episode to get tools and armor that’s indestructible.

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  • Zaheer’s Wild Minecraft Survival Adventure

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  • WorkSMP Realms SMP Bedrock

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    Looks like Minecraft just got a little more fabulous! 🦄🌈 Read More

  • Animal Instincts: Transform in Minecraft!

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  • AI’s Outrageous “What If” Ideas! (Minecraft Sketch)

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  • Craft like a pro: Diamonds are a MUST in Minecraft FTB Revelation! 🔥

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  • EPIC Minecraft Build Battle: Who Will Win?!

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  • Frosterplayz travels to Mars in Minecraft?! 🚀

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  • Craziest Mini Game Madness with IcyCraft!

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  • Pemwen’s EPIC Minecraft Adventure! 🎮

    Pemwen's EPIC Minecraft Adventure! 🎮Video Information This video, titled ‘Playing Minecraft 💖 (100 Sub Special)’, was uploaded by Pemwen on 2024-06-03 22:28:01. It has garnered 14 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 00:29:35 or 1775 seconds. SUBSCRIBE 💎 ==================================== 🎮 Discord: ====================================================== Tags 🏷️ ====================================================== #gorillatag #flashback #epic #gtag #vr #gorillatag #oculus #vr #gorillatagupdate #gtagghost #new #update #gaming #games #gtag #gorillatag #oculus #vr #gorillatagupdate #new #gtagghost #update #gaming #games #gorillatag #vr #oculus #gorillatagupdate #update #new #gtag #gtagghost #awsome #gorilla #monkey #viral #video #viralvideo #viralshorts #vlog #viralshort #videos #valorant #art #newupdate #news #shorts #short #shortvideo #subscribe #like #shortsvideo #shortsfeed #comedy… Read More

  • “Join Now for FREE Public SMP 24/7 Minecraft Madness” #live #smp #minecraft

    "Join Now for FREE Public SMP 24/7 Minecraft Madness" #live #smp #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft SMP LIVE || PUBLIC SMP 24/7 JAVA + BEDROCK || FREE TO JOIN #live #smp #minecraft’, was uploaded by Sesav gamer Live on 2024-05-31 20:08:14. It has garnered 152 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 01:23:20 or 5000 seconds. #MinecraftSMP #GamingCommunity #MinecraftersUnite #MinecraftSMP #GamingCommunity #MinecraftersUnite 🎮 Join the fun on my Minecraft Public SMP server! 🏰 Explore, build, and conquer together with fellow Java Ip: Mcpe Ip: Port:49350 🔥 #MinecraftSMP #GamingCommunity #MinecraftersUnite #MultiplayerMadness #BlockyAdventures 🛠️ #CraftAndExplore #BuildTogether #SurvivalMode #sesavSmp #JoinTheFun 🌐 #VirtualWorlds #GamingJourney #OnlineGaming #GamingFriends #MinecraftRealm 🏡 #ExploreAndConquer… Read More

  • Insane Enderman Revenge Prank 😱 | Minecraft

    Insane Enderman Revenge Prank 😱 | MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Enderman Funny Revenge 😂 Minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by Neuro DerNIER on 2024-01-08 04:30:01. It has garnered 10432 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:09 or 9 seconds. Enderman Funny Revenge 😂 Minecraft #shorts Enderman’s Revenge: A Minecraft Short. Watch how an enderman gets back at another enderman for stealing his block in this hilarious 8-second animation. #minecraft #enderman #shorts #minecraft #minecraftindia #minecraftshorts #minecraftfunny #minecraftanimation #minecraftenderman #minecraftrevenge #minecraftprank #minecraftmemes #minecraftgaming #minecraftvideo #minecraftyoutuber #minecrafttiktok #minecraftchallenge #minecraftcomedy #minecrafttips #minecrafttutorial #minecraftmods #minecraftserver #minecraftbuild minecraft minecraft india minecraft shorts minecraftfunny minecraftanimation minecraftenderman minecraftrevenge minecraftprank minecraftmemes minecraftgaming… Read More

  • AfiqNajmi46 S7 SMP

    AfiqNajmi46 S7 SMPAfiqNajmi46’s SMP Season 7 Version : 1.20.4 Up time: 99.895% Online mode: false Discord SRV available Awesome datapacks and plugins Free of lagg 24/7 support Bedrock/Java supported 1.7-1.20.4 support Port:5690 Discord: Read More

  • Fabulous Miners SMP – Whitelisted – Released Today – Non-toxic – 1.20.X

    Welcome to Fabulous Miners! Welcome back to our simple SMP server for Java & Bedrock players. We focus on providing a non-toxic, friendly experience with levels 1-20 that you can level up through various tasks like mining, breeding animals, and crafting items. Earn income by selling items to our server shop or other players through chest shops. If you love Minecraft features, this is the place for you! Apply now and join our Discord server for more information: Join Our Discord Read More

Getting OVERPOWERED Tools with Mending Books | Abnormcraft SMP [S2E12]