Grian – Hermitcraft 6: Episode 5 – FLYING & DIVING

Video Information

Hello my name is grian and welcome back to another episode of hermitcraft I don’t know where my stuff’s gone I think I’ve actually worked through all of my diamond armor so I look a bit silly right now might as well take this stuff off there we go normal skin pretty

Dangerous but I’m sure we’ll live the first thing we’re going to do in today’s episode is get rid of this but I actually need to go and grab the rule book from mumbo’s base which I believe he left in a chest for me I just didn’t

Pick it up so this is the first thing we’re gonna do now we’ve only got 27 fireworks which is not a lot it’s not a lot at all so we’re gonna have to be very conservative with them very conservative which is why I’m just going to Glide to mumbo’s base and not

Overdo it okay we can we nail it I forgot I forgot that I take damage whoops got the rule book and now we need to go and find someone to tag I wonder if we can launch ourselves up ah no we’ve got 25 fireworks to find someone

And tag them and this is going to be Majestic if we don’t do it on these fireworks we’re in trouble and the problem is I don’t know where everybody is I did say last episode that I was going to tag someone on a completely different island or a different District

But since I don’t have many Rockets I might just see if Scar’s next door if he’s not we’re gonna have a look somewhere else scar there he is is he AFK he looks AFK oh oh come on dude AFK my dude I can’t tag an AFK it’s against the

Rules the self-imposed rules we’re down to 19 and we’re not finding anybody I almost think it might be a better idea to find someone on foot and then go and launch myself into the air and chase them down because this is the quickest way to find someone but I’m using all of

My stuff just to do it there’s someone I found someone I don’t know who it is I don’t know who it is but there they are next this is gonna be tough oh wait did I just see a horse I’m pretty sure I just saw a horse [Laughter] oh Carl

Oh I thought you were my next victim I’m sorry my dude I didn’t mean it uh we’re gonna have to find someone the old-fashioned way oh wait uh we’re up we’re up we’re up foreign oh what the what I just I do I oh I was just about to hit

Him I don’t think he’s here anymore that was the strangest thing he teleported there to there and then just vanished I I think we should just still go and find someone because we still got an opportunity I was so close to being able to get him looks like yes I see someone

See I don’t know exactly if they’re recording but we’re gonna go in for the swoop we ready we need to go quite slow need to do a slow descent I don’t know how to do this who is it stress monster come on no hide hide hide hide hide that that

Nothing I didn’t fail I didn’t fail at all you saw nothing and she’s AFK oh she said of course this is harder than I thought this is harder than I thought I just thought of something though if someone is going around with the tag all you got

To do is go AFK and then they can’t get you bit of a loophole in the whole thing right so we’ve had two failed attempts one of them wasn’t my fault one of them I just messed up majorly I see him I see him

Can I do it no no he’s ready he knows right we’ve got three more Rockets we’ve got a couple of attempts at this I I refuse to tag someone normally now we’ve got to get him but he’s is he hiding in there he’s hiding in there somewhere I can

Sense it I’ve conceded that Cub has won this round because I’ve run out of fireworks I am fortunate enough that Tango here is going to give me a bunch of oh oh God I’m gonna give him this oh he’s giving me so much gunpowder oh this is brilliant this is absolutely

Brilliant that was a very quick exchange thank you very much Tango okay so now all we got to do put the gunpowder and we got a lot of fireworks if that’s not enough I don’t know what is there’s stress monster that’s stress monster there but again AFK it’s got and

I got it oh yes I got him I got him yes haha tagged my boy [Laughter] success success so we have successfully tagged iskau now and iskel is pretty much a rival to me in trouble making and I’m excited to see what iscal is

Going to do once he has come up with a plan to tag somebody oh oh no no no no no no no no no no no no oh my goodness oh my goodness the Phantoms oh that’s not good oh that’s not good oh I need to I need to get my diamond

Armor back to full oh that was terrifying can I have a fight mid-air with these Phantoms that’s gonna be so cool but I need to I need to get more Health First we could do this ah ow okay maybe not Maybe not maybe this is a date this is amazing thanks

This girl because this is dangerous now we’re in dangerous territory Okay so that’s gonna go on the bucket list that’s going that is 100 going on the bucket list okay mission accomplished everybody I’ve given him the rule book whoa what’s going on there I’ve given in the rule book and I have

Given him everything he needs so I’ve connected up this platform here with a couple of water elevators which are easily the best way to get around and I’ve made this very short tunnel doesn’t take long to get across at all and it links pretty much directly up with my

Base so it’s pretty handy and we’re gonna pop here number six killer Phantom while flying and elytra that is going to be an excellent challenge because that was scary I’m gonna need to get myself some diamond armor and actually repair some of this stuff so this is going to

Be the layout and it’s basically one giant circle now this doesn’t look like it that one looks like it’s shorter but it’s not I promise and I’m gonna actually hop into another world to show you the design that I’m gonna go for but first I actually want to go and fly over

I know I said I wasn’t going to use the elytra too much but I know mumbo’s been working on a base and oh really let’s try that again I I’ll get used to elytra at some point I promise let’s try again oh okay so I know that mumbo’s been

Working on a giant base oh my goodness there it is and I kind of want to take a look at it first so that oh my goodness this is massive oh wow so I wanted to get a good look at this before I start mine because we are

Working together on some projects it might be cool eventually to link up our bases so I don’t want to go too far out of the norm here it looks like it’s a little bit squashed it could do with maybe being a couple of blocks higher I think but on the hull

That’s not bad that’s really not bad this is going to be a really cool base I imagine I don’t know what his big plans are for it but I’m really intrigued so actually mumbo’s and I’s base are fairly fairly similar which is interesting mine is actually going to be more of a

Cylinder whereas he’s gone for a sphere mixed with a bit of hexagon action and there he is himself I don’t know what he’s up to Hey Mama let’s go and say hello shall we oh I forgot about full damage again oh I had 40 levels oh no [Laughter] oh that’s so typical what you’ve got to remember is that whenever I’ve used elytra in Minecraft I’ve always been in creative mode so dive bombing has always

Just been a thing that I could do without harm well that was quite a way to say hello no tigrian dive bombing out of the sky kills you and I’ve lost 40 levels 40 levels his base does look cool look at that that is a very impressive

Looking thing so I assume that he’s gonna like build from that Island to that one and then hopefully he should be able to see my Island from his furthest one so yeah this this could work has he taken my elytra I paid good money for that

He’s taking the mick out of my shovel having efficiency too and I was like well yeah but where are your wings oh my goodness uh that was brilliant so Mumbo clearly knows how to fly better than me Builders weren’t Made to Fly I don’t think so how do you okay let’s go

In a bit gently more gently ow still did it so mumbo’s saying that he doesn’t really like the octagon shape that’s going on with his base and he might have a point it is very very rigid but it depends what his ultimate goal is I personally think it could work but it

Depends on what his ultimate vision is for this build you know I’m basically saying now what’s your ultimate plan here because if it’s a death star I could get on board with that the he said it may become a Death Star so he’s gonna connect I assume these

Islands up because these are all belonging to Mumbo and then this is my base out here oh it does look really small it does look really small if we look at the proximity mumbo’s mumbos is bigger numbers is a lot bigger my ones really Diddy really Diddy

I did wonder about making it bigger but I was like hmm if I start something too big will I finish it this looks ridiculous look at this yeah I think I’m gonna have to make this bigger at least by another 10 blocks because my plan well actually yeah let’s

Go and talk about my plan and slowly descend nailed it so at the moment this is the size of the base as it stands it’s 33 block radius so from the middle to here is 33 blocks and that’s what it would look like when I put it together now

This does seem like quite a big space and it is but the plan here is to bring it upwards quite High let’s say 20 blocks so it won’t actually be a cylinder the whole point of this design is that it’s going to slowly sort of lean outwards like almost like a flower

So imagine that it does that all the way around so the entire shape of this base will lean out across there so I’ve just done a bunch of cylinders to try and create a shape now this isn’t accurate at all this is not accurate I’ve just done some very quick cylinders

Remember we’re just trying to get a basic shape so the idea is that this entire cylinder is going to stretch outwards and then there’s going to be a bit of like a circle it probably will end up more this kind of shape than anything I just did a bunch of

Cylinders to try and take it uh in a bit but that’s probably more like the shape it’s going to end up being so then that goes around and then we’re gonna do another layer so we’ve got another cylinder now also made out of glass I’m not entirely sure

How tall to make each layer maybe this one needs to be a bit on the smaller side or maybe they need to all be equal I’m not sure this one will also Edge out and lean out into the open area to give it a bit of shape like so

And we’re basically going to repeat this pattern maybe twice so one two and then another one on top and finally probably three layers is what I’m thinking to give it its full height and after reviewing it it’s a really good job that we’ve done this I think this layer needs to be the

Smallest and it needs to get incrementally larger so this one is probably gonna be like 15 blocks high then 20 maybe even 25 on the final one it’s really hard to tell now this does not look good I’m not even gonna pretend like it looks good this is just a good

Idea to get a sense of the scale that I’m going to be building at it doesn’t have any detail it doesn’t have anything further but there’s something else that will be like a really important part of this let’s Top This bit off here before we add one of the biggest features of

This okay so we kind of get the idea it looks a little bit like a modern cake but trust me it’s gonna look slightly different to this one of the biggest things that I’m going to add is three really big towers and it’s actually going to be a diagonal now the

Perfect diagonal here is right here so something along the lines of this is going to be added to the sphere so the towers need to be taller than the middle bit but they also need to be not too short so they really do need to be quite imposing so I’m thinking maybe a

Hundred blocks tall that would work quite well this should look really cool I’m just a little bit scared because even though this isn’t the full thing it’s not looking as good as perhaps I imagined it but these things often have a way of working themselves out and if it fails

I can always just blow up and start again but this is a lot of resources I haven’t collected nearly enough glass to do what I need to do I really haven’t so this is the basic concept remember there’s gonna be three towers and this really looks like some sort of Tony

Stark headquarters that we’re making here all right I think this is a good good opportunity to really just crack on with it and see what we can come up with all right let’s head back into hermitcraft I’m actually really scared to get started on this I really really am

Because well it’s not it’s not as simple as just going for it like I did in the test world because I have commands I can undo them redo them once I put something in it’s a bit more final I’ve always been pretty good at freestyling but now I think it’s time to

Just go for it so let’s just let’s just go one well I’ve slightly messed up because the platform stops a bit short but while I’m building this it’s a good opportunity to kind of let you guys know that I’m actually going to be going away for

About a week and there will still be videos I’ve been preparing really really hard I’ve been obviously focusing on hermitcraft a lot because I’ve been enjoying it to no end but it does mean that when you see the videos in the coming week it will be videos that are

Pre-recorded so any interactions or anything like that they will have happened a while ago so the reactions might be a bit delayed or something like that okay and that’s pretty much it for the circle this is gonna be the base layer of what we’re working on it

Doesn’t look particularly big does it it really doesn’t look big and that’s a slight concern actually that it’s not big enough I mean that’s going to be a lot of resources on its own but I’m just sort of thinking about how it’s going to fit in in the grand scheme

Of things is it gonna is that too small maybe that’s the second layer that is this big I mean just comparing it to the size of mumbo’s Base look at this absolutely massive absolutely massive but my one not so much but then I guess

The inside of mine is going to be a huge functional space I don’t know if mumbo’s just going to keep that as a mostly open sphere of some kind so mine’s more of a solid structure I’m wondering if it even needs to be just a couple of blocks bigger just a couple hmm

So the idea here is to kind of make a little base that the whole building is going to sit on but this is a very precious material and I’m racking through this very quickly but I’m pretty happy with this so to make it solid I’m just gonna put water all over it and

Then it’s going to solidify hopefully yep as it touches it it turns into white concrete itself so this is a pretty quick way just by using the powder as a source building block rather than like because otherwise I’d have to take this concrete powder next to us water source and then mine it

To acquire that and then use this block to place it in wherever I need it to be so it’s just a bit more of a lengthy process than building it in the sand first place and then just placing some water it’ll drip down and then it will

Be all sorted I think the other thing worth mentioning while I’m lugging away trying to build this as quickly as possible is I don’t want my entire hermitcraft episodes to just be building this let me get this straight this is a huge project and as I’m bulking up

Content for my little trip away there’s no way that I’m just gonna make entire episodes dedicated to building this this is going to be hundreds and hundreds of hours of work so I’m gonna have to find other things to occupy me for these episodes while while this is sort of

Ticking away in the background I do want to get this really really underway and that’s what we’re doing now but I I am I know what the design is that I want to make I kind of showed it to you but I don’t think that I’ve actually got

It under control at all I think that I’ve made this too small and it might end up being incredibly underwhelming and that seriously worries me but I have a contingency plan it’ll mean more work in the future but I have a contingency plan if things don’t go well

And this looks too small I’m going to make an entire bigger segment underwater yep that’s what I’ve decided I’m going to do so if this turns out to look wrong we’re gonna make another one underwater which that’s a tomorrow Green’s problem that’s not a today green problem

It’s kind of hard for me to explain what I’m doing right now because I honestly I’m just freestyling and I don’t really know where this is going quite yet so it might be a little bit of a bear with me here I’m making stuff up

My my idea here is to just bring because I feel like this circle is that little bit too small my idea is basically to have this pillar system go extend outwards a little bit and then have that that be the base this would be

The top of the base of it and it would be slightly bigger than this circle here I’m just still trying to work out the Kinks okay and I think that’s where we’re probably going to leave today’s episode this sort of progress is going to take a

Really long time to make so for the most part I’m going to be building this slowly off camera over time and wait hold on a second what’s hold on who’s who’s touched this who has touched oh is this one of them Bumbo things I don’t know Bumbo

I know Mumbo but I don’t know a Bumbo I I think it’s a joke from a previous season I think there was like season five that they all made these things that with a mustache and they were called Bumbo so I guess this would be Bumbo squid only

I I don’t know the meme I’m not sure I can be part of this because I wasn’t involved in this but you know what this is such a dashing mustache is it made out of coal oh it’s a coal mustache that you don’t get much more manly than that he’s been down

There mining in the mines and he’s got a mustache made out of coal I’m gonna leave that I like it it’s gonna end up being mostly not me at this point that wasn’t me the mustache wasn’t me I just made the Squidward house and it’s just

Gone on from there I just spotted these eyebrows I was like what is this anyway uh this has been a brilliant episode we’ve made some progress I can see this working out really really well I honestly can and also it’s a good time to mention that

It’s also a really good time to mention that buildstone the the group that me and Mumbo are forming together you guys went nuts with your suggestions your artwork your fan art unbelievable but someone actually put together a really nice idea for a name and now it but for me this is between

This is the foreign and now for me this is a really big deal now I’m pretty sure that the logo that we made to begin with now that was just that was just a tester that was just an idea it was a prototype it probably won’t end up looking like that

But someone suggested a really cool name for our group so at the moment buildstone is the one that I suggested a user on Twitter a user on Twitter suggested Architects oh it’s brilliant because it’s a Pun It’s a pun architect is obviously someone that makes buildings but Tech is kind of like the

Redstone sign of things so that is a proper cool name and also you know buildstone I I could go either way at this point so there’s going to be a poll on the video in the top right hand corner there’s a little dot with an I choose which one you prefer buildstone

Which is literally building and Redstone put together very creative of me of course or Architects which is like architect and technology which is a really really good pun and depending on which one we choose we’ll make a new logo for it as we see fit and then we’re

Gonna sort of line them all up or like come up with a few different designs and decide which one is going to be the final one we’re in the very very early infancy of the architect or the buildstone group The Little collab between me and Mumbo is in its infancy

We haven’t really discussed too much about what we’re going to do yet so this is a good opportunity to have a say in how this is going to pan out I need to light this up ASAP or go to sleep at least because otherwise I’m gonna get really annoyed because fixing problems

Is a lot harder than just making them in the first place ah well that was easy well that is the end of today’s episode I’m going to continue replicating this all the way around and take a look at the supplies because I’ve taken a big chunk out of

The white concrete powder Supply I haven’t even got started on the glass yeah I feel like this isn’t going to end well for my supplies at all this this is this is this is the foundation not even the start of anything this is just this the the very first layer and I’m already

Running out of materials so this is probably a really good idea as I could just fill this in with a block maybe packed ice or ice itself or the glass I do want it to be slightly different to the rest of it so maybe packed ice or

Normal ice and I can use the inside of this as my base for the time being until we really get going and we’re able to do a bit more so that’s it from me thank you very much for watching everyone I hope you enjoyed this video and I’ll see

You in hermitcraft episode six goodbye

This video, titled ‘Hermitcraft 6: Episode 5 – FLYING & DIVING’, was uploaded by Grian on 2018-08-06 17:00:04. It has garnered 4174669 views and 87499 likes. The duration of the video is 00:26:32 or 1592 seconds.

Hermitcraft 6: Episode 5 – FLYING & DIVING in todays minecraft hermitcraft episode grian is flying everywhere and maybe learning from mistakes. We did a very rough plan for the base we’re working on and discussed a lot of things along the way!

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The Hermitcraft server is provided by CubedHost. You can get 25% of your first using this url

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    100 Days of Insane Minecraft Challenges! Exploring Day 15 of the 100 Days Challenge in Minecraft As the 100 days challenge in Minecraft continues, our adventurous player dives into day 15 with enthusiasm and determination. The day is filled with completing ground work tasks, showcasing the player’s dedication and hard work in the virtual world. Completing Ground Work On day 15, the player focuses on completing various ground work tasks, marking a significant milestone in their Minecraft journey. The sense of accomplishment and satisfaction is evident as each task is ticked off the to-do list. Final View and New Discoveries After a day of hard… Read More

  • Who Are You!? Minecraft Gaming Edit

    Who Are You!? Minecraft Gaming Edit Minecraft: A World of Creativity and Adventure Step into the blocky world of Minecraft, where creativity knows no bounds and adventure awaits at every turn. Whether you’re building your dream home, exploring vast landscapes, or battling fearsome creatures, Minecraft offers endless possibilities for players of all ages. Building Your World In Minecraft, players have the freedom to create anything they can imagine. From simple houses to elaborate castles, the only limit is your creativity. Use a variety of blocks to construct your world, shaping it to fit your vision. With each new creation, you’ll unlock new possibilities and challenges…. Read More

  • Insane Close Call: Creeper Almost Destroys Hardcore Cloud Minecraft World

    Insane Close Call: Creeper Almost Destroys Hardcore Cloud Minecraft WorldVideo Information This video, titled ‘I Almost Lost My Relaxing Hardcore Minecraft World to a Creeper’, was uploaded by cloud on 2024-05-08 19:00:19. It has garnered 517 views and 40 likes. The duration of the video is 00:35:35 or 2135 seconds. In this episode 10 of a hardcore minecraft playthrough, cloud builds a spider spawner xp farm, then goes mining for diamonds with fortune 2 enchantment in the best level 30 enchantment room. Then we go get full diamond armor in the mines, finding skulk along the way. We also build a cozy cottage in Minecraft hardcore. Join the Discord:… Read More

  • Sneaky Makeover: Cloud City Revamped

    Sneaky Makeover: Cloud City RevampedVideo Information This video, titled ‘Cloud City Has Never Looked Better’, was uploaded by Surrept on 2024-06-06 07:54:14. It has garnered 5965 views and 40 likes. The duration of the video is 04:14:30 or 15270 seconds. Today I will be playing Minecraft and Making The Biggest Build EVER! #minecraft #hypixel #bedwars #skyblock Read More

  • EPIC 24/7 Cracked Public SMP LIVE in Hindi! #MinecraftMadness

    EPIC 24/7 Cracked Public SMP LIVE in Hindi! #MinecraftMadnessVideo Information This video, titled ’24/7 Cracked Public Smp | Minecraft live stream in Hindi | 24/7 SMP | JAVA + PE #Minecraft #SMP’, was uploaded by Optimum Timex Gaming on 2024-05-26 23:23:21. It has garnered 181 views and 22 likes. The duration of the video is 01:09:27 or 4167 seconds. WELCOME TO MY LIVE STREAM ❤️ GUYS YOU ARE ALSO READY TO CHAT WITH ME PLEASE JOIN US QUICKLY AND BROTHERS SHARE LIKE AND SUBSCRIBE TO IT You Can Watch Videos Early And Much More Benefits Join the Membership and Enjoy : MY SECOND CHANNEL LINK :… Read More

  • EPIC Sonic x One Piece mod for Minecraft PE! ⚔️

    EPIC Sonic x One Piece mod for Minecraft PE! ⚔️Video Information This video, titled ‘New One Piece Addon ✨ For Minecraft Pocket Edition 1.20.51 🍎’, was uploaded by SONIC GAMING on 2024-01-08 17:09:35. It has garnered 2571 views and 29 likes. The duration of the video is 00:07:46 or 466 seconds. .. CREDIT : @lawfy4630 … . .. … Tags & Hashtags #️⃣ minecraft ryp animes, anime magic, ninja skills, minecraft heroes, creative gaming, subscribe now, like button, ryp addons, minecraft worlds, epic quests minecraft pe 1.20 popular mods mcpe must-have addons best minecraft pocket edition modpacks mcpe shader mods top-rated minecraft pe addons minecraft pe furniture mods mcpe… Read More

  • Unbelievable Roblox and Minecraft chaos! 🤯

    Unbelievable Roblox and Minecraft chaos! 🤯Video Information This video, titled ‘Playing Roblox and maybe Minecraft🤫🤫🤫’, was uploaded by Miguelgaming0207 on 2024-05-31 00:49:34. It has garnered 29 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 02:46:35 or 9995 seconds. I’m going live and playing Roblox with fans Read More

  • Insane! Rithwik’s Mind-Blowing Zombie Logic 😱

    Insane! Rithwik's Mind-Blowing Zombie Logic 😱Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft: Zombies Logic 😅#shorts’, was uploaded by Rithwik Playz on 2024-03-10 07:06:00. It has garnered 7098 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:20 or 20 seconds. minecraft, j and mikey, maizen, mikey andj, ij and mikey minecraft, minecraftj and mikey, maizen minecraft, j and mikey roblox, siren head, shorts, minecraft ghost, roblox, mikey and j minecraft, sonic, choo choo charles, maizen roblox, sakura, granny, herobrine, jj mikey, chainsaw man, minecraft shorts, minecraft minecraft, choo-choo-charles, jj and mikey minecraft 100 days, minecraft mikey and j, monster school, tiktok, obit, mikey and jj roblox,… Read More

  • Ultimate Brony Minecraft: Fixing 80 Ponies?

    Ultimate Brony Minecraft: Fixing 80 Ponies?Video Information This video, titled ‘Bronytales Minecraft Server | Repair 80? Maybe? | #110’, was uploaded by PassionateAboutPonies on 2024-05-17 17:04:17. It has garnered 110 views and 13 likes. The duration of the video is 03:02:04 or 10924 seconds. We’re creeping ever closer to MCMMO repair level 80. Sneaking up on it. Stalking it like prey… ============================== Server: Resource Pack: Shader: Mods: Mine Little Pony: Presence Footsteps: HDSkins: Lamb Dynamic Lights: Lithium: Sodium: Phosphor: Mod Menu: Better Dropped Items: Illuminations: Iris Shaders: Mambience: Logical Zoom:… Read More

  • Crafting Adventures: Pixel Perfection and Build Brilliance

    Crafting Adventures: Pixel Perfection and Build BrillianceVideo Information This video, titled ‘#MineCraft #CraftingAdventures #PixelPerfection #BuildBrilliance 7’, was uploaded by GameHive Hub on 2024-02-10 11:10:06. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Dive into the endless possibilities of the blocky universe with our Minecraft video series! From epic builds to thrilling adventures, … Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Pocket Edition Animation #Shorts

    Insane Minecraft Pocket Edition Animation #ShortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘minecraft animated video minecraft pocket edition #minecraft ..#shorts. .’, was uploaded by Prominecraftyt on 2024-03-06 08:06:34. It has garnered 4 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:15 or 15 seconds. minecraft animated video minecraft pocket edition #minecraft ..#shorts. . 💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙 _____________________________ ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤ minecraft minecraft but minecraft shorts minecraft mod minecraft challenge minecraft speedrun camman18 minecraft minecraft animation ,minecraft update ,minecraft manhunt, minecraft seed, minecraft but challenge, minecraft funny ,minecraft but i cant touch grass ,minecraft facts ,minecraft rarest, minecraft speedrunner ,minecraft 1.20,minecraft how to ,shorts minecraft ,minecraft but you cant touch… Read More

  • Rylex

    RylexWhy You Should Join Rylex SMP: Experience the ultimate blend of camaraderie, competition, and integrity by becoming a part of Rylex SMP. Our community thrives on friendliness, healthy competition, and equitable gameplay. Our dedicated and skilled staff ensures a seamless experience, while the opportunity to form teams, forge alliances, and even ignite epic conflicts promises an unforgettable journey. Join us to not only enjoy the game but also to be a catalyst for unforgettable narratives on our dynamic server. Read More

  • ObsydiaMC SMP 1.20.4 Jobs LiveMap Economy McMMO ArtMap Bedrock Support Community

    Welcome to ObsydiaMC IP: | Minecraft version 1.20.4 Bedrock Port: | Semi-Vanilla | Economy | Jobs | McMMO | Custom enchants | Player Shops ObsydiaMC is a new Minecraft server that started in April 2024. Join our friendly community and enjoy various plugins to enhance your gaming experience! We strive for a welcoming and inclusive environment where everyone feels valued and respected. Join our Discord (DISCORD.GG/QNTCDDENFH) and visit our website at to join the adventure! We look forward to meeting you! Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Minecraft: Crafting Drama-rama

    Looks like this meme needs a little boost! Maybe it’s a diamond in the rough? Read More

  • Desert House Build: Minecraft Survival Made Easy!

    Desert House Build: Minecraft Survival Made Easy! In the desert, a house stands tall and proud, Built with skill, creativity allowed. A cozy oasis in the sandy land, Crafted with care by a skilled hand. MadenPlay is back with a new creation, A desert house, a sweet sensation. Using blocks and materials with precision, Creating a home, a true vision. Follow along, subscribe for more, As MadenPlay’s builds continue to soar. Check out the material list provided, For those who want to be guided. With music by Kevin MacLeod, The atmosphere is set, the mood is stowed. A desert house, a Minecraft delight, Crafted with love,… Read More

  • GODLY MINECRAFT SHOWDOWN 🔥 #minecraftmeme

    GODLY MINECRAFT SHOWDOWN 🔥 #minecraftmeme Why did God create Minecraft? To show off his building skills, of course! #divinecreativity #minecraftmastermind #godlygamer Read More

  • PC Gamepass Challenge: Day 6 – The Fun Quest Replay

    PC Gamepass Challenge: Day 6 - The Fun Quest Replay Exploring the Exciting World of Minecraft with TheGuill84 Join TheGuill84 on Twitch for Live Minecraft Adventures! If you’re a fan of Minecraft and love watching engaging gameplay, then you definitely need to tune in to TheGuill84’s Twitch channel. With a variety of live events and streams happening regularly, there’s always something exciting to watch. Connect with TheGuill84 Across Various Platforms To stay updated on all things Minecraft and TheGuill84, make sure to follow him on his different social media platforms: YouTube Main Channel: TheGuill84 Main Channel YouTube Clips Channel: TheGuill84 Clips Channel Twitch: TheGuill84 Twitch Channel Twitter: TheGuill84 Twitter… Read More

  • 1,000 Days in Better Minecraft: Day 0

    1,000 Days in Better Minecraft: Day 0 Welcome to 1,000 Days in Better Minecraft [Creative] Embark on an epic journey in the world of Minecraft as you join a player on their 1,000-day adventure in Better Minecraft [Creative]. Explore the wonders of this virtual realm and witness the incredible creations that await! Discovering the Perfect Island Our player spawns on a picturesque island nestled within a Blush Sakura Grove biome. Surrounded by natural beauty, they are ready to begin their quest for creativity and exploration. Materials Collected Equipped with a variety of materials, our player is prepared to bring their visions to life. From Regular Light… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Challenge: GuiltyFlygon’s Homestuck Scavenger Hunt!

    Insane Minecraft Challenge: GuiltyFlygon's Homestuck Scavenger Hunt!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft All Advancements: Part 4/13 (Homestuck Scavenger Hunt)’, was uploaded by GuiltyFlygon on 2024-04-14 17:34:05. It has garnered 104 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 03:27:08 or 12428 seconds. Happy birthday to that one weird webcomic or whatever. ———————————————————————————————————– GuiltyFlygon Discord: Twitter: Patreon: Support the stream: Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Hardcore Auto Farm Challenge!

    Ultimate Minecraft Hardcore Auto Farm Challenge!Video Information This video, titled ‘I Survived 100 Days BUILDING AUTO FARMS in Minecraft Hardcore! (#10)’, was uploaded by LegionVee on 2024-04-05 18:00:22. It has garnered 233267 views and 1718 likes. The duration of the video is 03:29:22 or 12562 seconds. #minecraft #100days #1000days #minecrafthardcore #moddedminecraft #minecraftmods #minecraftbuilding #minecraftasmr I Survived 100 Days BUILDING AUTO FARMS in Minecraft Hardcore! Check it out and let me know what you think in the comments! This is the 10th video in my original hardcore world (1000 days). If you enjoyed this, it would mean a lot if you leave a like on the… Read More

  • Astrobacon’s Insane Houseing Adventure!

    Astrobacon's Insane Houseing Adventure!Video Information This video, titled ‘Hardcore Ep. 1 Houseing’, was uploaded by Astrobacon on 2024-05-21 17:14:13. It has garnered 19 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:07:12 or 432 seconds. Part 1 of a 12 day adventure of daily uploads of simple minecraft videos be sure to subscribe and join the discord to stay up to date! Discord: 0:00 Intro 0:13 Finding a base 1:33 Settleing down base 1:41 Building and Wood gathering 2:26 Sleepy Time 2:29 Morning 2:35 Moving to the ocean, Building a bridge & gathering materials 3:36 Near Death 3:41 Building a… Read More

  • Mind-Blowing Minecraft Parkour Secrets Revealed!

    Mind-Blowing Minecraft Parkour Secrets Revealed!Video Information This video, titled ‘Satisfying Minecraft Profile Pixel Art ( PPL Request YT ) Part 3,540’, was uploaded by Relaxing Minecraft Parkour on 2024-01-08 13:27:22. It has garnered 733 views and 94 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:01 or 61 seconds. Satisfying Minecraft Profile Pixel Art ( PPL Request YT ) Part 3,540 #minecraftpe #algorithm #artist you can get your short request video and post on your youtube channel mentioned me. if you also want to make your profile, just comment and then like the video. Please be patient if it takes a long time but I… Read More

Grian – Hermitcraft 6: Episode 5 – FLYING & DIVING