Hardcore Day 3815 – A Crazy New Project

Video Information

Foreign Good morning good afternoon good evening good night and today we have an exciting day ahead of us guys let’s see what’s in my glow like well that was not supposed to be foreshadowing that was totally foreshadowing I’ve been um I’ve been a busy busy little B I’ve done a lot over

The last few days guys and uh actually yesterday I was my day off um I went to an amusement park theme park called afterlink in the Netherlands was absolutely amazing had a great time and then last night I played till pretty late I uh I wanted to get some hours in

But I was too tired to really design anything anymore so instead I went ancient city hunting I’m kind of hooked we got 22 Enchanted gold apples now and I did the second Lo-Fi stream over on lunar second Channel you can find it on my channel Pages

Um I’m also I put a playlist up on the main Channel and I’ll uh once it’s filled up a little bit we’ll promote that wowzers 200 days left bruh I know I know things are are moving real fast um let me show you guys around because I

I’ve done a lot I’ve done a lot and today on Lo-Fi we did something that went way quicker than expected now you guys all know that if we jump down there that’s gonna get us into the base but Tyra then you go to the warden where

Well I was extra careful I did have one Warden that spawned in and then it went uh it notified me is what the subtitle said or noticed me and then it noticed me angrily and that for that freaked me out like my uh my adrenaline went

Through the roof I was I was wide awake all of a sudden it turns out it was it was looking on looking at something else yo Looney I’m a hyper polyglot Zombie Pop does that mean that you you talk a gazillion languages is that what that is

Um guys I wanted to show you something else because right now we’re gonna take this route and you might be able to tell that something’s different here because usually if we look down here we would see the storage room um but I’ve I’ve been building here

And this is only part of what I was doing but it’s the part where we’re gonna continue today and it’s gonna be really really really cool working on this um to give you a sense of why we’re doing this let’s go into the main base and everyone check it out article will

Visit yours streamlagging um it seems like you’re the only one asking and I don’t really see a uh I I don’t really see lag on my screen okay guys Normally we go into the storage room right here we’ve done this a million times Well actually we’ve we’ve not done this a million times because usually uh we jumped out into the base hang on let me fix my there we go but I did some work on the other side

Let’s go check this out this this is going to be truly amazing because day 4001 not only do I want to have the bottom part of the base done but I also want to have it to where we can walk around the world without being able to

Fly we’ve been working towards that for a while now and earlier today I did this which honestly turned out much better that I uh I anticipated it would because it went real quick it went real real quick but we have this hallway now this tunnel and that leads all the way

Into the green area now you guys have seen the green area but I’m just gonna keep walking for a little bit and you’ll get a feel for how this works now welcome to the stream Hydro where I welcome green lay I see frostburn Pizza Time welcome uh Leroy and Supernova Are

Here pradeep Andrew welcome I see RX and then we finally make it over here and that leads into the green area I’m still gonna keep walking because this is actually turning out so cool we can look around the base here currently the ice pillar is a little out

Of place because we have yet to get to the blue area but I’m just I’m just gonna keep walking I’m just gonna keep walking and then I figure we I have a couple options because uh as you guys noticed 184 days left is all we have before day four thousand

So I want to try and use those days as good as possible Do I have a texture pack for connected sea Lancers I do but I don’t think I’ve used it I’ve I haven’t replaced any sealanters okay so then finally guys we get to this place and here the wool path continues again so I was thinking about

It what are the things I want to be doing before day 4000 comes around I almost flew off there um This year or the defense don’t grow Vince the Beanstalk did grow it’s it’s been growing it’s what beanstalks do okay so guys there there’s a couple things I want to do um before we get to to 4 000 days um I I’ve been foolishing up the terrain

Here but here where all the shulkers are I want to build the greenhouse because the greenhouse is going to look amazing and it’s gonna make a big big difference we did the waterfall on Sunday which looks so cool I’m so stoked how that turned out we did the Beanstalk last

Week uh which has a little Parkour in it but we’re not going to show that right now it’s probably crazy that your Xbox probably couldn’t even render in the base Rock what is your render distance on Xbox I could emulate that I’m gonna welcome to the stream

Um but guys I I thought if we do the greenhouse here and the the green area around it what is the other best thing that we could be doing and I feel like it’s finishing a pathway I feel like it’s finishing the pathway to the point

Where we can start and start a house and walk it as far as possible now we just did this part here with the bridge here for today’s streak not Rick nice and then here it finally turns into a light blue wool account I think if we

Can keep it from being wool up until this point that is pretty neat um but right now there’s an area right there that is completely blue wool and I think that is the thing we’re gonna do but once we commit to that that’s a pretty big room so either it’s going to

Be a very very long tunnel um or it’s going to be one big space and I think making it one big space it’s uh it’s the best option here finish the blue area too or uh I don’t think we’re gonna be able to do that that’s too much

Work we gotta make like this the smart choices open cave good heaven yeah that’s where my head’s at so let’s check that out uh bg2.1fire okay so guys if you just joined we already walked this park Dustin dude thank you for the five do you believe a

Love at first sight I should have went by again weekly dusting pickup lines uh uh okay Quality quality um we’re gonna put Dustin into a book and let’s see goes in the book is a bonus name okay so guys I think this is where things go wrong

This exact spot and I think this is what we gotta fix this this is like the biggest change that we can make or well the the biggest small change that we can make something that we can do in the days that we still have and then still

Make it look amazing so then this part right here once we go through this ring this is gonna be a uh a tunnel like on the other side um hang on in that area from last stream I think should be a loony Tavern with names of all the patrons future Air

Force we have um uh we we have all your names in the Hall of Fame I want to try like in the base we got to be really careful with storing more information because it’s gonna get super crazy easily yo dude thank you for nintend grind never stops can’t go firm can’t go

For a wheel on that also guys today we started the the short Arc first of many shorts that is uploaded we have a we have a bunch that are um uh currently being worked on are written out recorded Looney isn’t it third of August it isn’t the third it’s eight

I think it says yeah yeah Dustin this is uh European European node notes so eight oh wait that says the eighth of uh of March so you actually good point good point good point psycho what are we gonna do so we’re gonna be working on this room here guys and

I think before we do anything we gotta figure out the skill for it Zombie hope starting school tomorrow I I know even a little bit excited for it I get that vacation is nice Okay so guys what I thought is we need a room where we come out of this place and before we actually build it oh my God Dustin thank you for another five hang on I gotta put a bunch of names in there uh Club Fisheries goes in there uh we’re gonna put Moritz

Uh Statler in there uh pupata and then JoJo boy one two three uh that’s for Dustin Dustin that was for you to eat and then one more hit him nice okay so guys I was thinking maybe we opened up this uh this Archway a little bit

Um so it doesn’t really feel like like this is a door so much but rather a uh connected cave if we mind this out we have to absolutely make sure that we get the whole thing built up otherwise that’s gonna be that’s gonna be bad hmm Okay since I’m Looney story to ask but can you tell me where to find connects to Sea lanterns be looking forever uh I think if you go back into my streams by even if just by like two weeks you’re gonna find a link to the pack that I

Used it used to be in the description I took it out because I don’t reuse it right now I’m ever changing the storage room not until we finish this project that search room works great for me okay guys I think the first thing we got

To do here is make sure we know the skill for this uh for this room um so we can use that ceiling I don’t want to go too high up oh I almost forgot something we gotta put some markers down here because this is going to be really

Cool if we set it up right let me so this is what I was thinking guys if we use an Ender Pro let me uh can I can I do this some way oh I can well just imagine we we use that teleporting device we just ended up here

This where we fly out of the base but if we change our mind I I kind of want to be able to get back down there without teleporting and we’re gonna be able to jump down there Dustin just started hardcore world it’s so hard already in the mindset of quitting

Dude don’t be in a mindset of quitting uh we’re gonna put more in the book and a weird name goes in the book dude thank you for another five so I don’t have my spy glass do I oh my God guys I gotta get blocks I gotta get

My spy glass and I gotta show you what’s happening here all the W’s Callum you just hit 700 days on your hardcore World gee geez dude congratulations okay wait let’s let’s go into the base the usual way real quick Assassin I don’t really know uh the answer to that question dwarf being built like in the home of the Lord of the Rings will be perfect for the cave that that like will work for any cave ever right I think it’s a little bit in that direction okay um

I’m just gonna use these blocks because there’s too few of them to carry him around um okay I need snow more than anything recently beat hardcore for the first time Pablo yo dude congrats that’s Epic why do I have a glowing sugar this is glow Lycan and I just used it to build

I’ll put it back down here it made for that tunnel that we just followed into the green area um I think we also need is there a water bucket or let’s get it from Bartholomew He’s got buckets Vince the Beanstalk reminds you of Pearl’s Beanstalk in Empire’s one yo guys I legit have not seen that and that feels bad since Looney made a new hardcore will almost have full diamond armor that that’s almost always a great moment okay that’s not exactly what it meant to

Do but it will work um I think my first oh Jordan loving for the streak we’ll see we’ll see okay guys this doing what we’re doing right here um not thrilled about it because I really don’t want to accidentally dig a hole in the floor and have water spilling everywhere

Um but it’s important because we’re gonna have a pool here in the middle of the room and that pool is gonna be our exit strategy from the top and we need that as a as a reference to drink hot water yeah that looks like a very hot spring you’re right

I think Bartholomew is surely going to end up with a short of his own I mean now that Cliffside Pony has one And then just saw your shirt about Cliffside horse nice jaw tells her thank you thank you we have loads of Villas Looney reason why I asked you last frame if you would stream yesterday was because I wanted to have three years streak streaming on my birthday future Air Force yo That that didn’t happen I uh I had my day off yesterday but that’s kind of crazy that we had it for two years though we’ll be a good water League now this would not be a good water leak if this ends up leaking we’re gonna be in trouble but it’s gonna

It’s gonna it’s gonna look good and I I don’t think I should mine out the bottom at any point new shirt’s really good guys I appreciate all the all the compliments did anybody uh have uh feedback on the short something that you didn’t like about it I’d love to hear that even if

It’s just a tiny node can promise you that I’ll I’ll change course because of it but I’m really interested to hear uh anything you you might know like what shaders do we use spicy toast um complimentary Shader what are we doing today I’m I’m about to

Uh to give you the best show until I can bear them with me one second because I gotta feel this water in well one second might be a bit of an understanding that’s poor negotiation on my part let’s go uh a minute can we do a minute

I think I’m gonna be able to pull this off in a minute [Applause] Honestly doing these water buckets is a little tedious but somehow I really enjoy it I do wanted to see you say clips and phony sooner well that’s that’s like it’s not really shorts back that’s just you liking your horse’s name a lot what’s under there can we look

Um we’re right on top of the storage room currently a good time welcome dude thanks for being here fire I don’t even know if I said hi to you but uh but hi thank you for being here sir I’m sorry dude you enjoy it right during the intro I couldn’t speak

Looney here and now don’t you worry sister welcome back you said that on the Lo-Fi stream today as well guys if you if you’d like to have some uh some content to put on in the background while you do some work um I’ve been doing Lo-Fi streams on

Twitch for a while and we moved them to the second Channel on YouTube uh there are also links as a playlist now on the main Channel where you should be able to find all the Lo-Fi streams and Lo-Fi stream is literally me playing in this world no microphone

No camera and all the progress because that is kind of crazy I do like occasionally type 2 guys through game chat because you can read my screen clearly um but those uh they they got really cool because I get so much progress done play Mario oh dude thank you again for another five

Girlfriend and I are celebrating 16 months says my butt thank you for the five future of twitch streams so I think what I’ll do on switch um currently I don’t think there’s gonna be twitch streams soon because I really really like that we can archive the Lo-Fi streams and have them in a

Playlist if we do them on YouTube um but what we’re gonna change on the work what I’m gonna do with twitch eventually is I really like twitch because twitch doesn’t have an algorithm that punishes you if you do something different so what that means is I can do

Whatever I want on on Twitch so if I ever want to play a different game just for laws I think that’s where we’re headed Dustin with another five dude thank you um what does the AFK time require to reach the level limit level limit is you have 10 seconds

What is the AFK time that very much depends on what oh my God Firestar is counting me down Dustin I’m gonna say um more than seven and a half year more than seven and a half years is my final answer I don’t I don’t know if that’s true okay um

I’m a little I’m a little sussed out to do this guys Boris is 200 000 hours I set more than seven and out well that is more than seven and a half a billion years that’s that’s a long time I feel like it wasn’t emphasized that he

Has Cliffside Pony but more of a horse on a cliff with more animals I’m trying to um I’m trying to to uh process the feedback from himself I feel like the first part of the short was never about it being a Cliffside Pony and I think that’s why we make the

Choice the way we did could work but we need to bring it I think back a few blocks why are you scared dude you probably see how slow I’m moving I’m scared too like I’m I’m pretty terrified at what I’m about to do right now Because I don’t want to put potato in here and this is going to be a little sketch Wallace Line welcome to the Stream Okay um that’s not centered on that room either wait so it needs to be one block out this way Thank you okay that that could be that could be all right potentially What’s a crazy new project I’m gonna jump but I’m gonna show you but I don’t know if I can jump here I’m not gonna jump unless I know I can jump I need I need my spy glass we’re gonna get it sanction was a new project the new

Project is um we’re focusing back on the pathway and we’re gonna do something on that pathway that’s much bigger than intended Golden Apple before to jump yes but I still think it’s too high oh my god there was a skeleton behind me leave of Faith another one

Starting to sound like DJ Khaled here Dustin with another five dude absolutely wrong not even close 29 million years of straight AFK at the Gold particle oh my God gold particle Farm is that a thing Okay so this is a very complicated way of saying you’re never gonna get to Max XP level

Right or are we uh we’re gonna put Bethel and x master in the book oh but they’re both gonna get there online okay guys I gotta check somewhere over here we have pie glass there there we go oh now this is easy because this teleport puts me exactly

Where I need to be for this I hate that the line is scuffed Okay okay okay that looks like it should be fine Okay that’s just leap of faith as you’re gonna get it oh my God Chaz with that going wrong almost zero still still hated up still absolutely hated that okay but we did some good research okay so guys let me explain what we’re doing um

I want to be able to get down into the basement a couple couple of ways and we have this shoot right here this is the leap of faith that goes into the lower part of the base that’s how we usually get down there but then this blue pathway is basically

A wool pathway that’s going to go all the way to the bottom of the cave just walking uh which is is pretty cool Dustin dude another five not really if you use clumps you can push it way further and it’s if it’s written 29 alts it will take only nine months okay

That’s that seems entirely viable Andrew straight AFK with 29 people Andrew any one decides is gonna go in the book and then Chase is gonna go in the book as well courtesy of Dustin’s five okay guys so I’m gonna walk this pathway only one more time

But then then you have an idea so if we go through here this wait hang on okay this is totally not worth it but I’m sort of committed to it now okay now now we have speed so now we can zoom through this wait this is gonna bring us all the way

To the bottom of the perimeter which is kind of wild not this tunnel this tunnel is only going to get the start of it when it feels good to be here again after Lo-Fi stream 360. now yo thank you for coming to both streams today that’s Epic

Some Gala back to Looney Adventure after a wild wild month with the Looney nights dude thank you for accepting the membership guys film is the longest running member on the channel and no nobody nobody’s gonna beat that because he was also the first member Okay so guys the one way we get down here is through that uh jump where is that jump actually it’s right here so usually this is how we get into the base and the new project that we’re going to be finishing before 4000 is the alternative routing and the alternative routing

Is through here now the way I want to do this is I want to make this into one big room rather than a tunnel and then only once it spirals down here it’s gonna go into a tunnel so this room is its own separate project and I think

It’s uh it’s pretty large so we we have potential to make something really cool out of it um let me get my uh inventory somewhat sorted Sandra got full diamond now ggs dude for completing it okay let’s Tower up there Finns any of you considered Disney voice

Acting how how does one get into that I would love doing that but I don’t know guys voice actors are like that’s a job that that’s something that people practice for for years that that’s a really remarkable skill backsat ggs congrats I have been doing a lot of talking into

A microphone that is true fire do I already have a room design planned um Astro I have a little bit of an idea but I think we’re mostly going to figure it out today uh together we’re not gonna do a whole lot of um uh was all placing I think

Finisher on works at Disney okay I asked if uh if if she wants me to voice Act that’s usually know how that works foreign voice actors you’re not talking Minecraft here but people who do that for movies Minecraft live Minecraft is your favorite game as as it should be I I get

That this this game is crazy okay so guys I think the way this this is gonna work is I don’t think we’re gonna keep a lot of the um uh Basalt visible so I also don’t want to build too much Basalt on the walls I think these walls we can uh we

Can do it without actually um do building a wireframe I think we can build it in one go because it’s going to be kind of similar to this room over here um which is the uh the entrance room that we use if we take the leap of faith

Um but we’re gonna have to keep this open oh my God this is gonna be scary oh yeah I’m gonna hate this I need to look all the way up there Brock what is this monstrosity dude welcome good to see you what what is what is the last you’ve uh you’ve seen

Then I can answer your question um I think oh that is some I’m currently on a two block Gap so that will be here that will be there oh do we really keep it that small that’s that’s asking for me to put the totem on that

I think we I think we need to open it up a little bit what is the last you’ve seen the waterfall okay okay Brooke have you have you seen the the walking route that we uh we can use to get into the cave because usually we take the shortcut and

Right now we’re working on the on the walking route because it’s almost 4 000 days and on day 4001 I’m gonna be doing the thing where I don’t use my this is a fantastic Circle I’m I’m so I could not be more proud I am so proud

This is this is some of my best work oh this is this is actually making me nauseous Brock you’ve not seen a walking path okay so you know that you know the leap of faith uh that one I’m uh I I know for a fact that you do uh let’s see if this Okay hang on hang on okay so normally we we walk into the base and then we um there’s an alternative we always teleport out here and then if we go down to this spot we have that main gate love the main gate still super super happy with that

But then four thousand one days I’m not gonna use my Elijah that entire stream uh so I gotta be ready there’s there’s got to be a way to get to the bottom of the base how much of the bass is finished I think we’re we’re past the Midway Point that’s

The only thing I can say I I’m gonna guess that that’s an i ib21a with the 250 this electric horse is going to be so cool the Elijah course goes all the way around this we haven’t even been there today and then um I’m gonna put mlgl in this in the book as

Well as bonus name ml thank you for being on the Lo-Fi stream too I appreciate that so this is for Brooke and everybody else if we want to go all the way to the bottom of the cave there that’s where this monstrosity comes in because this is how we’re gonna

Be walking down and then once we get here all the way down so this is going to be a big room we get to this area this is small cave and then across the um the storage room on the other side there’s a full-fledged pathway that goes all the way

To the green area and that’s where the waterfall is so that basically leads us there and it’s all hidden and sealed in I I gotta try that jump again guys that jump is is the first thing that’s gonna work out because if that doesn’t work out we’re gonna die and I don’t

Want to die because I kinda it’s lb oh I’m I’m sorry I’m sorry let me fix that I had I had to guess there um let’s make that lb 21A Samuel how long do I think this Project’s gonna take the room that we’re starting today I think we can get it

Done in a couple days Okay since this is a two block Gap that we’re jumping from and then that one down there this shouldn’t be two blocks that’s done this should be three blocks or one because otherwise it doesn’t Center in the room this Archway has a one block Center so we want to have this centered

Let’s make it let’s make it three Circle building is on point guys I don’t I don’t want to hear any complaints that one’s gonna be a line of three as well oh my God what am I doing why is this four blocks long okay now now this is the moment where

You guys can complain but at this point it’s valid I earned that Momsy welcome to the stream guys say hi to my actual mom who’s who’s got a straight going too I think this is day four for her okay so that one’s all right but now we

Gotta move that lower Circle over by one that is so scary for me that’s a long fall this coffee love it we don’t look we don’t love scuff circles guys scuff circles gotta go we we can’t be celebrating scuff Circle what fire starts saying the mountain is

A scuffed Circle that this is another Circle it’s it’s fire fire it’s an organic it’s an organic it’s not that I messed it up as a circle that’s not how that went that’s okay that’s kind of how it went meat pizza another awesome Looney stream lucenga has a winning combination nice

Okay so this is gonna put us down here um now there there’s some other things I want to do here guys so I think we’re gonna build this room from the inside out usually I will build outside in and what I mean by outside in is I built the uh the walls first

And then I fill in the area that we we um we end up with but in this case I’ve built the floor and I think that’s all we need I think from right here we can’t just progress through the pathway and I think it’s uh I think it’s pretty

Straightforward Let’s uh just go and get some blocks for it the only downside from oh oh I’m I’m down to age Rockets this is not good what Farms do I plan to have I basically have all the Farms that I need right now base is absolutely full of it which is

Why this place looks like this like we’ve we’ve have a lot of resources to build with okay Step One is I need a barrel uh to drop my stuff in and then let’s do that first and then we’ll pick up the rest so cool mom’s gonna watch this or stream that’s the best Okay okay I think it’s very cool that my mom’s gonna watch the stream guys that’s uh she’s super nice about it too okay uh oh my God I’m now down to six Rockets I gotta Focus up here focus is lacking severely okay we’re gonna pick that up but All right let’s uh go in through here step one refill the rocket box Otherwise we’re gonna have to use our walkway oh we can use thing Banner Banner better okay nice looking at Rockets I know I know I know we’re doing it we’re doing it don’t worry about it it’s not the first time I’m out of rockets Um can I can I answer this maybe is maybe available or a viable answer I want to go with maybe I’m looking in on maybe that’s my final answer it may have happened to happen before like once or twice don’t make those what do you mean fishy

Don’t make the thing Banner pattern but they’re awesome but I already have one um okay then next up we need to go uh Oh my God why did I step on that we need to go down into the cave dude slime wire here 115 night vision okay we’re gonna bump that on the way up won’t be the last time that I’m almost out of rocus guys I’ll tell you a secret

I still have this one I have the backup Rockets a full circle box oh I was I was kind of doing better than you expected right Okay these snow blocks and then a jungle planks jungle slabs they have those here bubble did we get all the armor trims I did since last week I have smithing with style and that was the last advancement that I still needed to get so we’re back to a full complete advancement run Okay drop these drop these Oh guys we are going to use this shortcut here all the time so that’s kind of cool foreign hang on I’m just gonna grab it from my chest okay jungle slabs mud bricks snow blocks I bet you Looney’s not gonna be able to find his ax Le don’t be like that I got it right here I know what I’m doing Um we’re gonna need this and then I think Step One is built the pathway up um we could just do we build on top of the wall I think so I think so that’s gonna be uh that was a pretty bad call there uh bubble like you you’ve done better with it

Are you sure about that that better not refer to I know what I’m doing I I hope you’re not you’re not questioning that Okay um speed build this all the way up there I like this palette a lot I think we’re we’re gonna keep using it still works Alex what is my favorite armor trim um I’m I’m a I’m a Pathfinder I’m a member of the Pathfinder’s guilt so I I gotta rock that way finder kit this is the only option lorian are we extending the pathway today well we’re building a room that is

Gonna carry the pathway all the way um all the way to the K floor we’re close we’re close so by day four thousand we’re gonna be ready with this I think this room guys we’re gonna build it up over the next two three maybe four days and it’s gonna look really really

Sick and then we gotta still speed run the greenhouse oh my God I I can’t wait I can’t wait we’re so close to four thousand modern jungle wood is really nice Petter never thought about it they work so well together uh I think this one needs to go up here

I think occasionally we’re gonna need to build some doubles but it’s fine remember to like the stream says pupata guys that is actually not a bad reminder because I see how well there’s 300 people here and we’re under 200 likes wow the moment I expanded my window it

Was on 169 that that’s pretty that’s pretty cool I’ll give you that but guys if you’re enjoying this dream and you haven’t liked it yet please consider leaving a local there it helps with YouTube algorithm and I think I think you guys have been doing a

Really good job with it because uh it’s been busy of late it’s been really really busy ready to watch a movie Ash which movie are you gonna gonna watch oh and that let’s send the likes flying guys that’s epic thank you so much what is your favorite part well

Everything that we’ve built since uh since day 3000 I’m kind of curious I think I think I have a favorite my favorite might surprise you Okay missing one here oh you’re ready for the 4000 Day movie Yo me too there’s a format 4 000 movie isn’t out it’s still gonna make that thing the Pathfinder launch dad well no no since day 3000 so only over the last 818 days Alexa I need to watch the tour to give the answer okay fair enough fair enough Jack’s cave is alone coming so well yeah we’re uh are combing along so well we’re really really getting it done um I’m gonna put these here and I need torches hang on Watch the 3008 movie yesterday was a masterpiece shifts yo thanks Oh my God good game gaming Looney I heard you know linksy you should talk to him and complain about that he has slept 21 he slept 21 000 times what that’s a crazy eye number guys there’s there’s nothing anybody can say to take anything away from linksy

Because linksy is literally the goat uh but 21 000 times that’s crazy that’s so many that that’s it it’s not just many it’s a very very high percentage of nights left So not even absolutely many but relatively many that’s kind of crazy where you can buy multiple block styles of the same color to protects are so inspiring that’s not my like technique I I’ve uh I don’t know where I got it from I’ve just people do it and it’s crazy

Linksy hasn’t seen a phantom in years I’ve read hoyberg yo thank you for the five dollar dodo dude much appreciated and a dream where I ruined something in Minecraft world with Looney and he installed stream and ruined my reputation Louisville Discord I would never do that I would absolutely never

Do that why’d you think I’m that mean we’re gonna put Ash in the book is about his name dude thank you for the for the five that’s much appreciated um what was I say oh yeah a while ago I was talking to Dame well Dan has all sorts with the two

Bands as well Phantoms are bad for my heart I choose to sleep that’s fair that’s fair I was talking to Dame to Diamond Dame at the time um at his world that he deleted now uh camelli CTO is gonna or camilito is gonna open the book as well um

Game Who at the time had his hardcore role that was over 10K days uh which he has since released at the end of the or deleted at the end of his uh um sabathon but in that world they met over 10K days and he had 12 fed some

Kills which was so funny to me like I’m currently at like 8 000. and this is this is not a conversation about better or worse it’s just a conversation about different play Styles yo Ash thank you for the five what is that what is that currency

X was already in a book to be fair loony it would be the one to just laugh it off and remake the entire thing while smiling yo that’s that’s Google but I’m gonna put speed pilots in the book um Singapore dollars is what it was and an

Eric from Oscars in the book as the bonus name as well because uh Ash had already gone into the book as a bonus name Why would you delete your 10K World um I I have so I have not been enough or on them stream enough to give a full answer because Dave is an interesting character I I love Dave I think Dave is uh Dave is a great Builder but Dame is also absolutely naturally gifted

When it comes to entertainment he’s super super funny the thing with Dame though is that if you’re not on them stream the entire time you’re not going to be able to distinguish reality from fiction because Dave is always memeing so a thing that can seem like a serious thing could very well be

A complete joke and I so I don’t really know what’s true but at the time when they deleted this world he he said I’m gonna play on this world for as long as the subtle tone goes on and then at the end of sabathon I’m I’m gonna delete it and Dame had already

Um about a year maybe a little bit longer before that I had already deleted a long hardcore roll at that time three thousand days and back then he played it off as him accidentally deleting it later he owned up to it that it was just a marketing stunt he was just gonna be

That guy who deleted his world accidentally and uh get people excited to see a new one from that and that totally worked like it it I think it tripled or quadrupled um his viewership in a short period of time and as I said Dame is a natural

Entertainer so he he kept that going like he kept people there um but now this time he said I’m gonna do this for as long as my uh silicone last I’m still gonna have the world and then at the end we’re gonna delete it um

Subathon came to an end he he did delete the world on stream to me that is a magical moment to watch because you can see that it’s truly emotional uh just because of how much time he’s worked on that how many things or many moments he shared with people on that stream on

That world um but then after that I come back to his channel and his um and this is where where I like I’m in the dark and I don’t really know what happened uh his bio said that he was gonna change or he he was gonna instead

Of play Minecraft uh he was going to be an absolute God of a gamer and um uh go and play no no hit Elden ring streams um I did I don’t think I made a side speed pile I fixed it um but uh so I don’t know if he ever actually did play eldorado’s Dream I literally have no idea it’s can confirm nerdy and I um then I knew that he was gonna play no totem for a while

Uh which was like a very Dame thing to do because I think in his previous world Dame has Pope 22 totems or so uh some of those really scuffed and that was just his playstyle he played in a way where you’re at you’re absolutely gonna do something dumb and play its Autumn he

Would like fly down full speed and then use elytres or use Rockets to go faster and just hope that the resistance B can build him out so it’s it’s it’s just it was the Dame way of life So eventually I I know that right now he’s holding his

Totem again and he’s building crazy things as as he does um so long story short if you are on switch sometimes and you like watching Hardcore Minecraft definitely check out Dame the dime for sure because he’s not a family friendly but he’s one of the funniest people there

Um also I I literally don’t know why he deleted the world um to what extent he was wanting to play no totem or maybe do the element thing I I really don’t know you should probably ask him and he’s gonna he’s gonna make a joke at you as you always will

Um okay hang on I need my ax and I need night vision I think what I’m gonna do here guys is just put that night vision shulker down for a minute um because usually if we’re in the base we’ll fly to the night vision dispenser there but it’s gonna be in a really

Inconvenient spot for the entirety of us working down here we’re quite far down with this I do feel like here it’s a little bit narrow foreign Vacation oh that’s true you just got back opinion on channel points good game I am I think Channel points are awesome uh they work really well on Twitch but we had questions about whether we’re gonna use Channel points on YouTube now and even though there’s plugins where

You can do it I don’t want to do it on YouTube because um generally it’s this so people are not going to be used to it a lot of people have no idea what channel points are or how to use them and if you join a stream which you

Expect to be a YouTube stream and then it’s all about Channel points and all sorts of craziness is going on it’s going to be pretty hard to uh to understand what is going on and for a lot of people that makes it a high bar to join so instead of like sticking a

Sticking around and figuring it out uh they’re just gonna go like okay I didn’t get this place and uh head on out and on YouTube that’s uh that’s a risky way to run a business let’s put it like that foreign but they’re a great feature like if it was common common practice

Absolutely go for it okay guys before we continue we gotta check that this is still viable Uh quick let me refill my water as well sorry about this but I thought 25 times and only ones that you flip had subtitles future Air Force that’s your coin flipping not mine I’m not worried about it Sound bar slime Shader welcome to the Stream Ben welcome to the stream as well quite the path yeah it’s lengthy okay this this still works Oh my God that’s never gonna feel right it’s gonna look real good but it’s never gonna feel right maybe we have to change that a little bit have it be a little bit safer where it’s it doesn’t feel like you’re going through a dropper foreign

Look like a dropper but not feel like a dropper and what I mean might not feel like a dropper is that I I have to aim now I have to change direction depending on how much momentum I’ve come in with that feeling’s gotta go although I only saw the star PVP game

Building a massive PVP game hopefully be able to play with someone okay PVP Arena and Sarah are super fun to build except when you build them the clown Pierce way because then it’s just it’s just a square wooden books you go in there and somebody’s gonna get murdered

I would not step into that has purpose to give a shot of adrenaline literally will wake me up it could it could that could work yellow Jay all right this um let’s go put this here okay guys we’re almost at the top Joseph welcome to the stream what are we up to today

Um we’re building one more big room I literally guys I’m stressing out about getting to 4K days and uh finishing up the things I I want to finish up but I did something today and after that it was only logical to also do this because what is going to happen day 4001 we’re

Gonna not fly we’re gonna only walk around my world we’re probably gonna use uh CM bruh uh even though I don’t know if they’re better horses than Cliffside Pony but if you know you know if you just watched the short Cliffside Pony it like he

Might be real fast but we can’t get him off that block uh so we’re gonna tour around on ether Z or bruh um and we need a way to uh walk to the bottom of the base and we can only do that if the pathway looks good and I think

I think it’s going to be so much better if um we can have a path that looks decorated until we get all the way in the base it’s gonna feel way better eventually you need to do a PVP tournament in this base guys I would love that

Can you imagine how good that would look that that’s gonna be some sick content okay If I my world gets corrupted what will I do uh cry in a corner loudly that that’s the worst scenario okay guys I gotta run down here and play some torches do it do what corrupt my world oh my God okay guys I think this is uh that’s gonna work

This actually looks kind of interesting that light blue as a contrast to what uh to the pathway like it okay guys before we finish this up um I think we can actually take a couple of these out and then we get to connect it up differently okay I think guys

So what’s gonna happen is from the top we enter enter here how much night vision 130 perfect um then this is gonna be a cave and this doesn’t need the same pathway I’ll show you why in a minute because that that’s literally gonna be a tunnel and then that spirals down here

And then finally and this is why we’re building that whole room once we get through the storage room to the other side I’ve done this and it looks super super cool mom see heading out gonna walk the dogs yeah thanks for being here um I’m gonna shortcut it like uh use my

Elijah to get through it faster so if we get through here this puts us in the green area and from here we’re inside the main base uh Cave love that so then we can fly over here uh up night vision and I think we gotta start thinking about

Terrain uh so let’s bring some blocks in there it’s people I’ve never seen this place where are we that’s all that we just went through didn’t exist before I I’ll show you guys where it is because it didn’t exist before this afternoon I made it earlier today on the Lo-Fi stream

Let me show you where it is it’s kind of crazy um but first we need blocks Squid plays welcome to the stream whatever we’re working on I’m gonna show you that too all right let’s uh Two Max is fine um let’s go grass and rooted dirt of course dirt we can get rid of this and then uh rooted dirt coarse dirt and I think maybe drip Stone uh we got that over here Bo did a lot of work this afternoon is

What I’m getting we went so fast on Lo-Fi stream I I really I don’t think anybody thought I was gonna get that much done including myself okay guys let’s get back up there um oh this is gonna be interesting when will I finish the castle not the cave

Um after day four thousand I think that’s the four to five thousand day Arc foreign again we just gotta get in here I I do not trust this jump maybe there’s a better way to be doing this yo Luke what if we do this any direction that we get into that we

Just jump against that pillar like that Okay if we put something in the middle there that’s gonna work a little better because then it kills your momentum and you’re going to fall straight down through everything um okay wait I’m not ready I’m not ready I need something else the armor stand in the middle is that what you’re saying

Okay wait um I need a sugar of stone luckily the storage room’s right here see if I are thanks for the help oh my God we’ve been at it for an hour already that’s crazy uh stone is right here and then I need a stone cutter

What is the path for guys we need a way to walk to the bottom of the base and we need it to look good armor stands becomes a Fall Guy okay okay okay I I think I think we’ll build something there for alignment Um okay wait this is uh this is not very smart to have all this stuff here what are we gonna do okay I’m Gonna Keep it for right now but we’re gonna have to move it in a minute thank you We need to build this all the way around as a reference line not necessarily a reference line I want this Pathway to feel like it’s um it’s built into a cave it wasn’t wasn’t there before and then we need to build the terrain around it to support it in a way where

That feels viable foreign ER cave much like this one that we go through when we enter the base now Okay I think let me do this I’ll put a snow block there so we know that we have to change that up rip all right squint why don’t we make it like drip Stone if we’re in a cave we’re definitely gonna put drips on in a room

But I want to have some um some terrain features like just dirt low mountains all that um some Ledges and I want to have falling water I think falling water is gonna be super cool here oh my Kellen powdered snow is is literally the worst it can be so annoying

And see you later thanks for dropping by I hope you enjoyed the Stream and thank you for the Dono as well will water Slow Me Down We’re not gonna fall through the water there’s gonna be water there but it’s not like uh It’s not gonna slow us down as such I don’t want to be slowed down and let fall that looks really cool Okay let’s build the other side as well I just love the stream always thank you imagine dying because of llama’s bit yeah that that’d be kind of embarrassing that that would not be a good look Is it today it’s it’s Tuesday right why are there so many people here where where did you all come from that’s crazy I really appreciate it but it’s I’m just looking over to the red I see a number of people here I’m like that’s that’s kind of wild foreign Is mostly industrial never really saw the need to build cool things you say salt and sold a need in past tense like did you change your mind on it qutm welcome to the stream I hope you’re doing good RX puts Soul Sand on the bottom to push you out yo I like that that’s that’s a really good idea uh we’re gonna try it out okay this looks very narrow so I think this has got to be snow wherever I’m putting snow right now guys um they’re basically markers

For where I want to add a block no but that that’s false though that one can just go like this date kind of create kind of crazy kind of crazy progress Um okay you want to see the progress update too okay okay guys let let me build this uh this thing up and uh I’ll show you what we all did today because the stream title could have very easily been different I could have also called this stream

I did an insane amount of progress a title could have said that the uh the pre-stream prep was wild today because it was I I got so much done today when we’re doing Lo-Fi stream we I got so much done that we’re building this room now I was

Never gonna do this before 4000 but then this afternoon I moved so quickly that I was like yo we’re gonna be able to pull this off and it’s gonna look amazing but I’m I’m feeling that uh almost 4K days ner like stress I I’m like we gotta run now we gotta run everything

That we do from this point on we gotta try and move as quickly as possible yesterday I was I was ancient city rating because I I got really hooked on it but there’s not gonna be any time for that anymore ancient city rating is like the new end

Busting all of a sudden I was too scared to do it last week and now now I’m like let’s go oh Mike and into building I wanted to make it so I have a farm for every block and forgot that Minecraft is meant to be about exploring it’s great I don’t think Minecraft’s meant to be about anything but I think it’s um like if you want to get a farm for every block

I think it’s a fair question to ask like what you gonna do with the blocks then where are you gonna put those are they just gonna be in a chest okay a quick sip of water let’s do the progress update guys Let me get night vision here bit of an exception Flores night yo that’s awesome I uh wish you best of luck with uh with the project um guys okay the the status update what we’ve done is wild so the path um you guys know that it runs all the

Way from the start house damn dude with another five pounds would you watch a Minecraft Youtuber who doesn’t do hardcore huge builds I feel like the bar is set too high for new creators okay that’s that’s a question that Chad has got an answer for you uh we’re gonna

Put Jordan in the book as a bonus name and we’re gonna put OG cash in the book as a bonus name so I feel like um well there there’s first of all the reason that there’s so many hardcore creators and so many Minecraft creators in general is that people watch it like

If there’s not enough people to watch it you never get that many people but I’ve recently seen some really really cool uh just Survival series and I know that a lot of people who went into hardcore content at one point are thinking about moving back to um to survival because

Hardcore’s cool but it’s also very saturated and it forces you to play the game in a certain in either more careful way or a very sketch way where you have old backups and you do act like you’re cool but you’re not really playing an art world but basically people get really careful

If they’re playing legit hardcore which means that there’s other ways to play the game that aren’t like way more exciting than um because they’re so much hardcore content so I think that there’s definitely definitely a room I also think that the reason that the bar is so high

Um is because it works like there there’s a lot of people wanting to watch Minecraft content and if there’s a lot of people wanting something then there’s going to be a lot of people competing to make that’s something for them um so I think it all depends on on your

Goals and and what you want to get out of it but I do think that there’s there’s space uh for something different okay guys so that was the room that we’re gonna go through uh but the reason that we’re building that room now heidberg with another five as well

Content stimulates your ADHD brain keep up the good work thanks dude we’re gonna put a barn up a coffee shop in the book because oilberg was already in a book and then valixar goes in as a bonus name as well I gotta take another one of those potions guys um

Spiraled thank you okay so this is the whole reason that we just made this entire walkway and somebody just asked me where is this loony where are you now and I realize that’s a very fair question because this entire tunnel didn’t exist for before uh this afternoon like earlier today

This morning it was a um it was a blue light blue wool path and right now this keeps on going keeps on going keeps on going until finally it comes out here and that puts us all the way to the green area so this this route we can

Walk it way way way from the starter house to the bottom of the base which is actually sick I’m gonna walk it until it doesn’t go any further and then I’m gonna walk in like the further I like you should be able to do that but what I

Meant is uh there’s a layout for where this path is gonna go um but it’s it’s gonna end because eventually we get to this cave here and this cave is smaller than the one we’re just working on but the reason I decided to do the top off first is this one

We’re only gonna get to it much much later so I would rather have that walkable path be perfect as far as possible then have it somewhat completed everywhere that pathway then goes here How do I get no damage when I impact something while flying um I do get damage let me show you how I will get damage if I fly into something like that but on Java edition if you fly straight into a ceiling it doesn’t do anything so don’t fly downward or

Sideways but on Java Edition flying into the ceiling you’re absolutely fine um so that was a lot of progress but there’s other things that we’ve done as well we’ve built the waterfall on Sunday which looks pretty magical right now and I’ve also lit up the pathway I don’t

Know if you guys saw that but this um the lanterns are here and mostly all the Torches are gone except that I just spot it oh there’s a couple I I’ve missed a few I’ve missed a few but mostly I’ve put lanterns there instead some campfires even so this area is uh

Is coming together and because of all that I felt like you know what we gotta do that top room as well there is there are 370 people here guys that’s insane also we got 280 likes which means that someone might be you might be you let’s not click that uh let that like

Button yeah if you are enjoying it please do so helps us out with YouTube recommendations Valentine was times do I normally stream uh they’re on my channel Banner so I have early days and late days and oh there’s the stream schedule and then the twitch occasional unannounced Lo-Fi

Streams they have moved to my second YouTube channel so you can find those on YouTube as well and you can find the playlist of the Lo-Fi streams in the um uh playlist page all here right here on the main Channel okay so guys we’re gonna continue this because this

Pathway runs down but it doesn’t really well exist yet um I think what we gotta do it’s a got you with the leg yo thank you I think we gotta start making terrain for this to to be built off of um okay let’s let’s take a second and think about it this pathway

Here I think it would be really cool if there are Parts where it’s um where it’s like fully on the terrain and I also think it would be cool if there’s Parts where it’s not quite on a Terrain but we built some pillars so to support it Uh let’s get the blocks and uh start building with the terrain I think we’re gonna let’s go grass or do I make money with the second channel it’s not monetized yet but it won’t be long okay I think still about here a little bit further so about here we can just support it

Looney said you like the Wool with the path well what I said Joseph is I like the colors they kind of surprised me and I’m not gonna keep him here at all um but I might like uh use light blue wool as an excellent Block in a similar

Palette in the future because it could could definitely work Brent maybe supports some of the bridge from the walls I like that thought a lot have some of it suspended rather than supported also yeah yeah we’re definitely going to build support parts from the wall here as well

Um but I think we gotta we gotta move our storage stuff meowing dog do I have any Minecraft Youtuber friends it’s kind it’s kind of inevitable after a while you start knowing people so there there’s a few physical Chase trying to deny it but like that that’s not really gonna work I

Might leave this barrel for now Why can’t I dye my hair blue well I could potentially but I don’t think it’s going to work as well Looney TV sounds like a great Channel it does sound like a like a great Channel I like the word loony just like the not not as a not even as a YouTube name but as a word I like it I like a word a lot and I think it for any sort

Of entertainment it could definitely work okay this uh seems to work finds and leaves his details could definitely work could definitely work okay um and then we need dirt there coarse dirt there uh probably don’t need Stone not yet at least so let’s put those back What does loony even mean silly crazy goofy something like along those lines one dollar coins here in Canada are called loonies I had no idea that’s kind of cool definitely like the Looney Tunes as a kid I did but it has nothing to do with the channel name Looney means voluti it kind of does kinda does can’t argue Samuel pink hair part of a loony brand it is but like if that that’s interesting to me because the pink hair came before I think I think the brand makes sense because of the hair Okay I think we can um support part of this Some darker cores and now some of the grass is gonna just naturally turn into normal dirt foreign I was gonna make this sand but I think we might have to go with just grass actually I feel that I feel that makes sense Parker says Luna you have a girlfriend well if you guys were paying attention to stream you could have heard her oh my

God I’ve had a few moments we’ve we started dating in October and she’s awesome okay um then this outside area oh there’s a pretty significant hole there good to keep in mind um where does this side go okay wall is going to be here we might have to make this be grass as

Well I feel like this this guys the pace I’m clicking at right now that’s like Lo-Fi stream default everything moves so fast if I don’t have to talk which is cool but I I like so if I were to choose between only doing these streams or only doing streams

Where I don’t have to talk I would 100 percent Tuesday streams like this this is way way way more fun way to do this but at the same time I like I like it when the progress moves real fast and Looney has anyone sold the treasure

Hunt William nope how far have people go so that’s not for me to answer I know the answer but I I can’t give it to you like you anything treasure hunt I’m not here to give you information I’m just here to wait until somebody solved it Okay then this right here is gonna be does my girlfriend play Minecraft she’s only played it once on an Xbox controller she I don’t think she had ever used an Xbox controller before I don’t know I don’t know if she has earbuds here maybe she can’t hear me but

Yeah she was so bad it was Unreal never seen anything like it it was like wait wait so the character moves like this looking forward I gotta move my mic out of the way I’m gonna punch it so like this that that’s all like it’s a 30 minutes

To build a dirt house it was a lot we did we did laugh a lot while doing that though I could have said this clip to her doctor uh I’m sleeping on the couch sounds like me playing Minecraft psycho okay okay Enderman are awful at taking the grass blocks and moving them somewhere else I know like I the world is fully vanilla guys except for that there’s a texture pack or a data pack that turns off Enderman grief siberius yo thank you for becoming a channel member let me uh put your name

In that book um I I doubt it about it so long like am I gonna turn into mangere evolve am I gonna keep it initially I never thought of it but then I I saw like uh I heard Monk’s home talk about it and I was like okay that does

Make a little sense because terraforming is so discouraged by by Enderman grief like you really you get to a point where you don’t want to do it anymore but you want to do it and then you’re gonna start using blocks that just don’t look as good because Enderman won’t pick him up

Um okay oh we gotta put some torches here on the inside or it’s gonna be a mess what’s with this the treasure hunt uh Treasure Hunt is in a world download so if you check out the World download in the video link link is in chat you’re gonna find everything you need there

Worse worst Minecraft features anime grief it’s Enderman grief is an interesting one guys because I I understand the functionality but it goes a lot against a lot of other decisions that developers make because for example take um uh I gotta figure out where this goes one sec

Okay that should work uh take the choice to to change up how light level uh light levels of mob spawning work where before it used to be that mobs could spawn on light level seven and below or light level six and Below um whereas now that I got changed to

Light level zero and I think the entire Community love that love that change and the reasoning behind it from a game developer’s perspective was it’s just gonna enable people to make much much cooler projects that they can then still spawn proof and and make those projects sustainable that was a great choice for

Just the community um I think Enderman grief is in that same box like it’s discouraging people from dreaming big and or while dreaming and building so I I feel like there there might be a chance that that gets changed would a waterfall in the middle of the

Rising path look good it would look amazing Nemo and we’re definitely gonna do this like we need some some water falling into this uh foreign we might actually decide where that comes from right now How long you downloaded ice call that song yesterday then listen on the listen to it on headphones while building you started placing Vlogs everywhere in desks I can see this funky electronic beats kicking yo building songs are a thing guys don’t underestimate them like your builds can can get 20 better just

By having the right song at least eighty percent like that’s major quick sip of water looking for a way to build a permanent Minecraft world which your boyfriend probably just vanilla any tip for good servers and Quality of Life mods um honestly I I don’t have a ton of experience with servers I feel like there’s a lot of Hosting companies that could help you out with that like anything basic will work you probably don’t need something crazy um as for the quality of live mods I literally don’t know

Maybe vanilla twice is a big one that everybody uses uh that one works but even without any like anything else just vanilla have a server could be awesome I would probably I would probably play vanilla with friends but that’s just me like personal preference okay guys I I want to have

Water falling over there somewhere let’s just bridge out to the side Find the right place to drop it down How did me and my girlfriend meet um at a music festival last year we have mutual friends and just ran into each other there felt cool and then after a while like a couple months later I got her phone number and texted her because I I was

Like I was still curious a while later I was like that’s just uh see if she’d be down to grab a drink and that just worked um okay I think we need to build it a little bit further out same we have a play Terraria before

Love that game I’ve put over one and a half thousand hours in yo you’ve been playing that seriously that’s cool um I I never like uh I liked Terraria a lot but by the time I discovered it I was already doing Minecraft full time and you can only have one full-time game

At least if one of those games is your job like you can’t have multiple games and then still make that work that’s not entirely true but for most people treasure on video gave me chills it’s exciting stuff like that’s what the world was made for and I would recommend

If you haven’t started that whole treasure hunt yet um even if you you don’t intend to solve it and you just go through a little bit of it I think it’s going to be a really nice experience oh I have such a cool idea Mr Minecraft yo thank you for it too

Good afternoon from the US it’s it’s 28 p.m here it that is uh a solid seven hours behind me that’s kind of crazy Mr Minecraft is going to go in a book and tinged is gonna go in as well good to see you hope you’re feeling well W America okay Oh guys this room is gonna be so so cool you’ll you’ll see why why I’m excited about this Okay I probably think that we should do this in okay we made a we made the tiniest mob farm oh my God that’s Epic what festival did we meet um it’s a festival in the Netherlands called down the rabbit hole All right let’s get this one in here um I’ll leave the bucket oh did I misspell Mr Minecraft that’s no good not even close well well pretty close but not close enough okay that was the slowest attack I’ve ever seen manassio dude thank you for the 100 rupees hey

Looney love your Lively Minecraft my content keep inspiring stay awesome dude thank you awesome shining that dude thank you for the kind words Mr Minecraft with another two don’t put you in the book you’re already in the book no you were in a book before uh Mr

Minecraft I have a I have a book per day so signed with the wait I think void skip is already in the book who I’m gonna put in now no void Skip’s not in a book nice uh it’s gonna go in the book as a bonus

Name for Manas then we’ll put Virgil in from Mr Minecraft second Dono and Andrew Belle is a bonus name as well there you guys go imagine if I had spawned in a swamp rather than a snowy biome and then turn that into turn the snowy by him into a

Swamp instead the other way around as you said that I just read it out without thinking about it and then I immediately envisioned like a swamp base in in the snowy biome that will like I could totally do that I use Hall of Fame tour

Um I’ll put the books the the book in at the end of the stream and then uh you guys can see it then okay I think this corner was two or this turn was too wide Thank you all right let’s um go around the outside make this a little bit wider Sharky what are my thoughts on the new villager uh changes I I think they’re changing them for the better I think uh so I’ve seen a lot of complaints and the

Main complaint that I see about it is hey this this makes the game too hard it ruins the experience for casual players more often than not I think if you’re gonna throw out the world ruins the experience you’re gonna have like a good way to back that up because that’s a big claim

Um I’ve I’ve not seen any argumentation that to me set they’re ruining anything at all uh because realistically what is going to change villagers are gonna be uh nerfed so they don’t they can’t get every book trade regardless of the location whoa Mr Minecraft with another two

What are we doing maybe the code is built do you think you’re working on the entrance uh entrance cave um okay guys wait let me finish up that villager uh thing uh lorian goes in the book and Noah as well courtesy of Mr Minecraft’s Dono so what what is

Changing with the Villagers This only affects Librarians so villagers that sell books now villagers that sell books they can have really cheap trades even if they’re not cured um for any type of book on any level of enchantment regardless of where they are um so you can just re-roll trays until

You get your perfect trades what does that do and why are they fixing it well what that does is it takes enchanting out of the game because rather than enchanting you can get all the crazy engines that you need by just making sure that you have um two villagers breed them and then

Re-rolling trades until you have everything you have so than um when you take that out does it ruin the game I don’t think so because there’s a lot of ways to get all the enchantments you need like every enchantment that you could get from the villagers you can get

Them a different way you can get them either from an enchanting table you can get mending from fishing you can find armor that’s already Enchanted you can find tools that are already Enchanted so basically there’s now what the snapshot changes is that all the other enchanting methods that are currently

Not being used because villagers are too op are now going to be uh all those other stress are going to be viable which makes the game more fun I think so what how does it change it you now need a villager to be in a certain biome

For it to get a trade for example if you want a mending trade you need to have a librarian in a swamp and then as a Master Level trade it will get mending I need to get a dirt choke I know What version did I start playing Minecraft in um 115 . right before the nether update came out Laughs William you’ve tried to treasure hunt you’ve got Evan playing it for over 500 Minecraft days you’ve been stuck in one place in the treasure hunt for over 400 of us I think you’re not alone in that experience it’s a hard hard treasure on but that’s gonna make it all the cooler

When somebody finally cracks it Um I need dirt do I have that maybe I have it here do I like 120 update yes awesome I think the armor trims are cool but I really really think that the exploration aspect of it being forced to explore more is a really really good addition Mr Minecraft with another two Demon

Slayer is the coolest name is that you’re old by any chance I’ve been I’ve been trying to figure out if I know you under a different name is is Demon Slayer the coolest name is that what you’re saying Nemo the Lego goes in the book and Demon Slayer goes

To the book as well now Minecraft needs to make swamp villagers because they don’t exist currently I think mending is a super LP enchantment so it’s kind of cool that to get it you have to bring a villager elsewhere I like that principle a lot This is going to be super cool Fill out your changes could be good but they need to do other things as well like removing the penalty from your regular Anvil upgrade Anvil repairs if they do there are plenty of opportunities here um I I don’t know guys I so Minecraft is currently set up in a way where You kind of max out your gear at the beginning and then you never have to worry about it ever again I don’t know if that necessarily makes the game better I I do I do um agree that there’s more things to think about but I don’t think that nerfing villagers needs to be made up for in some sort of way I think villagers just need to be nerfed and then we can look beyond that because they’re failure trades are way

Too op they take so many cool things that are in the game and that people would enjoy if they used it but are not getting used because you you really don’t need it you have a better option What are we currently building Rexel um this is part of the uh the entrance into the cave if we’re gonna walk all the way down um so we’re decorating the entrance room and right now I want to have water flowing down into that Lake there or a little pond Netherite repairing netherite tools is already never worth it but you have mending right there are ways to get mending Philip making villagers uh um volume bound doesn’t mean that you don’t have many Okay um now we need ice let me uh see if I have that I know that I do actually oh I forgot to light up Ali Deli Ali are we gonna put the world for download eventually yes but not for a while I want to finish the base first before I do so Glow squids in a waterfall would be crazy for sure um what did I say I need an ice Yo demons Lair welcome to the Stream So is Mr Minecraft your all that that’s what we’re wandering Will there be a treasure hunt in this world would I tell you if there was Marion we’ll say I’ve never managed to find many outside of villager trays playing pretty regularly across a few versions over six years okay but this argument says you’ve never run ran into it um but there is also like you didn’t need to be looking guys look at it this way right

Um how many of you have completed all the armor trims like how many of you guys have found all the armored uh the older smithing templates because those things are incredibly hard to find Like if you want everybody who wanted to find them by this point has pretty much found him am I right saying that those things are hard to find like it’s easier to find a mending book outside of a villager trade it’s just that we’ve never looked for any of it because we

Don’t need to because villager trades are op P so I think I think there’s arguments to be made that fixing that could make the game better not worse never made that one every armor like wrecker up not everybody’s is built like rackets like you can’t you can’t have

Record up as a standard for yourself Demon Slayer is not your all to God Mr Minecraft okay okay my bad I’m sorry for uh for asking uh both full moon goes in the book and Ryan vasu as well thank you for another two crowbarb NCD loot has mending a lot this

Is true this is true guys I pretty much like 85 percent max my armor and tools from going to the end beginning of this world like I got pretty much max level armor by speedrunning the game and then just collecting it from NCD uh chess in one go then combining it

It was not hard there’s there’s other ways to do lots of things and I think it’s a it’s sort of a waste if one feature in the game is so strong that you never have to think about any of the other ones because there’s cool things I feel like it’s comparable to um

You need armor to beat the game yes but no maxed out armor you can do it with sub-optimal stuff I’m not saying go in there in leather but you can get Pro 3 without mending easy Mr Minecraft with another five dude probably only person I donated to on YouTube dude that’s crazy

And it’s a lot to uh thank you very much I appreciate it uh RX is gonna go in the book and ties for boom is going to go to the book and there’s plenty of W’s there nice thank you Exotic steps have I ever gotten struck by Violet lightning in Minecraft I have it’s a funny funny question that you asked that because I used to be terrified that would happen I like season one at some point I learned that you could get struck by Minecraft or by lightning

And whenever there were thunderstorms I would just stay inside because I I wasn’t sure if it was enough damage to kill me and then I went and Googled that Demon Slayer hey man I’ve been watching since season one nobody even knows me that’s sad dude of course we know you of

Course we know you hahaha you’ve been here for forever and you’ve been really really present too okay guys I like this a lot but that water stream that’s falling down needs to be a little bit wider I gotta figure out where like which side it needs to be wider at

Looniest stream you’ve been loneliest loneliest I’m gonna assume as autocorrect um let’s check this uh oh my God you guys lost lost your birds to lightning strikes that’s sad Okay guys that water stream is a lot better right like now like this um this must be kind of hard to watch in terms of what is this room gonna look like because we have all that snow up there like we’re we’re working in the messiest place oh my God there’s zombies

I probably just washed my torch off Is that fortunate is [Applause] Sammy what are we working on and where is this I think the best way I can answer that is by flying up because this will give you some reference so this is where we end up with the ender portal teleporter

Um and we have a way to walk down all the way to the base and to be able to do that I need a walkway and that’s where this cave is so this is basically a transitional cave between the main cave and the uh the entrance Chase those CJ loon you haven’t seen

Stream in a few weeks wins on holiday which was fun yo love to hear that good stuff okay let’s uh um let’s put these back here I I need to drink some water guys hang on Nemo widest cave you’ve ever seen yeah that roof is temporary we’re gonna fix that ceiling Gilded yo dude thank you for joining us here and that’s awesome We’ve been making tons of progress too so it’s probably gonna look a little bit different did you see the world tour or which one did you come from well the greenhouse uh build start AJ probably after this cave because this cave in the greenhouse are like the two

Things I still want to do um I gotta I gotta build at least uh one other line real quick Because these lines are kind of how much room we have to work with markers Mr Minecraft with another two this will be my last donation for a while dude you you’ve done a lot thank you so much that’s much appreciated we’re gonna put gilded in the book first stream nice

Saw the video series thing the Thousand Days nice dude thank you for joining us and I’m bluebird23 is going to go in the book as well so Gilda if you’ve seen this video series you know where that book is gonna go that’s gonna get you uh in the um Hall of Fame Jake Looney guess my streak are you on like 20 Speed pilot why did I use the 3500 day world for the world tour and not the 3800 um because if we put the take the 500 Day Tour uh we’re gonna be able to uh like do it in between a thousand day videos spread the content I like a round number for that Jake’s 17 streak nice I was pretty close wait this is this is this is wrong what no oh that doesn’t work anymore I hate that we need to fix that yeah I would laugh at things say hi back please

Oh that’s sad that’s sad I need to find a find a fix for that texture pack probably because I work with OptiFine non-sodium now Miguel how do I fall in love with Minecraft I actually thought it was a it was not a great game and it looked bad

Um until I played it for the first time and once I played it for the first time I was sold I was like oh okay yeah I shouldn’t have assumed that this was not a cool game because this is epic Gilda dude please don’t ever feel sorry about that

It’s not necessary you shouldn’t be expected not by me nor by any other streamer as well the fact that people do it to start with is crazy and you guys watching the videos literally all the support I need and can ask for also fine as custom NC models I bet there’s um

Uh there’s a mod that could go into sodium to fix it as well Brandon dude thank you for five dollar Dono as well guys donations are crazy today keep coming and it’s so many different people as well um let me make sure that I get your name right Brandon

Huffiness and then uh lava is going to go in the book as a bonus name foreign I’m so glad that’s a thing now Oh my God guys I realized that this jump here like this this hole in the ceiling this is gonna stay here but me knowing me I’m gonna make this super scuffed I’m gonna make this barely able to see so it’s gonna get like narrow but if we make that right

It’s gonna look real cool Shadows died for a second it’s uh YouTube YouTube chats Frozen first name that is uh in the book or first name to say something okay Juarez already in the book uh good game gaming is gonna win it good game gaming

And I miss a Minecraft dude you said it was all how many gigabytes does my world have I don’t know but it’s um more than it was a few days ago because I’ve been exploring and that’s the number one driver of world size um Lewis and Rick’s will go in the book

As well oh that says right so let me fix that All the bites Okay I think good game actually don’t play Minecraft but I still watch Minecraft content for five hours a day I I bet you’re not the only person that does that like I know that there’s a bunch of people who watch the streams pretty much all the time and have never

Played or haven’t played in ages which is to me is awesome Jank do I like skiing or or snowboarding I I used to always uh skateboard back in the days I recently started again um so you’d think that I I was into snowboarding but uh the first time I went on winter

Sports holiday I went skiing and skiing is like my favorite feeling in the world so I I did snowboarding for one day but I’m uh I’m on team skiing Yours today is your birthday congratulations dude I hope you’re having a great day Loading why don’t you have the full grass blocks I actually um hang on we gotta go down into the base let’s take a weird route um so connected uh grass is a OptiFine feature and I currently use sodium so I don’t have OptiFine features but also

I I got it on lithium and then I got it or sorry on uh I got it on sodium or Iris and then it worked but it worked differently and I didn’t like the way it looked so then alternatively wait let me let me just show you um resource packs fast better grass

That’s what we want but it looks like this and like it’s nice but it’s not all that and then I I switch it back and back then I liked it more I I have used a lot of dirt since so maybe it works now I I just feel like the non-full grass

Blocks feel a little bit more minecrafty um what’s the new project join late so I I just made wait let me let me show you part of it wow pop out of that that’s a dream in half okay guys we have this green area which now leads into a tunnel

And that tunnel goes all the way to the storage room so that tunnel’s gonna help us walk to the um bottom of the base from the starter house and since we got that far uh there’s one more room that I wanna decorate so we can literally have that

Pathway ready to go by day four thousand and that room I feel like it’s big enough to call a project because it’s this entire place Bluebird have I ever tried flying without any Elijah so I I bet that this is not the answer that you’re expecting but yes um I I sometimes do streams where I I can’t fly or well actually it started as dead Shield challenging me to uh not five or ten minutes and whenever that

Happens I I end up using my ribs I tried it instead thank you Mix the performance Boost from sodium uh five is so much dude that’s crazy I saw that it was out but then I have to re collect all my mods which is literally that’s going to take you an hour with how many mods you need to sort of

Uh emulate ultra fine performance or um wow emulate OptiFine look is more what it is because performance is better of course The performance up by another 100 is wild considering how well it already runs Did I try writing any of the flying machines when you blew up the world Luke Um no I don’t know if there were writable this design I think so you just hoping one of the Minecarts I don’t know I don’t know if like a player will stick in there or it gets bumped off Could you because you just need to download version five I did that but then I booted up my Minecraft and I got a got an error message Something was incompatible Stone in a river for protection oh yeah for sure like that that dirt is gonna that’s not it but we’ll get to it Um okay I like that Way of Spawn proofing after torch pen either slabs or or better looking light sources that there’s loads of ways to uh to spawn proof guys I usually how to spawn proof is not that much of a a struggle like since it’s it’s now light level zero to have something uh

Spawnable it’s kind of easy to prevent that okay I kind of want to build this Underside out of stone I like how everything looks so messy while building and it starts things slowly less and less messy yeah that I I love that I love that it starts out so bad there’s like this rule that every build I make has got to be ugly before it turns good

TJ was spectating the stream the one with no mic or video but wasn’t able to comment because you were moderating oh dude I hope you enjoyed it thanks for being there Mr Minecraft with another five dude have I ever tried 2b2t harness server out there if your content is geared towards younger people then don’t make a video on 2b2t I feel like 2b2t for creators is inherently dangerous But um I don’t think I’m gonna make video on there I I really I think that an increase server is existing is super cool I just don’t think that it’s my game um I’m gonna put another two names in there TJ goes in the book and

Then uh we’re gonna put tachata in as well and I need another sip of water Christian welcome to the Stream okay I think I wanna build like a sand Bank over there First I’m here so far loving it Simon zarines I I had to read your name twice that one that one had a hype High uh probability of me messing it up I still may still have messed it up but anyway thank you for being here much appreciated

2bct is way too time consuming for such a popular streamer I think uh Gilda does everybody go in the book no the way it works is um I’ll put everybody who donates in as a small thank you and if somebody’s already in the book I’ll grab another name and I’ll

Also just put a bonus name in there every time so it’s a bit of a random uh random thing Gotta Get Lucky but being here a lot pretty much uh guarantees it Soo dude thank you for the help see you soon Luca haltake they should Nerf elytra didn’t they try to do that recently and then they made it better I I see I see what you’re saying like um How would you Nerf elytra without because Elijah has a big impact on the game so how do you Nerf it without if people are mad about villager trades getting Nerf they’ll be outraged over elytra because a lot of people fully depend on that so how do you nerve elytra in a way

Where people go like okay that’s reasonable And that I don’t think that’s where it was coming from uh Jay I was legit curious Yeah Boy Joe thank you for being here happy as well how’s life both sat he doesn’t do book requests but what if I donate so I get in the book but then he’s just saying can I get in the book uh then I’m gonna say yes you can I don’t know if this is really a loophole though uh I was live okay this area right here is gonna be Stone so we’re gonna leave that for right now rocket cooldown would be a way too Nerf hit make it randomly kill the user love that suggestion Okay guys we got we gotta think about this terrain I have an idea I think that’s true how are we doing I saw that you were streaming how is the Stream did you manually redirect everybody here let Laguna raid wait wait wait wait that means something else hang on hang on

Hang on I think they’re I think there’s a way that I can fix that legs bear with me bear with me I don’t think the man is alive anymore but you should be able to redirect now and I can believe guys this is this is this is shameful

How was I not subscribed to lagundo that’s uh that that’s a bad look thank you that doesn’t make sense don’t do it right now well I didn’t put the redirects up on but it’s enabled for people that I are I’m subscribed to so I’m like wait a second this man should

Be able to raid he can redirect bring back the balloon hat we can’t just do that every day okay okay okay no no my bestest this friend it’s unfriended me this this is bad this is bad can I now not be a part of the seed anymore is it not allowed forever

Okay we’re making more stupid places where I can jump down my base and potentially die also why is my mouse so oh yeah I hit the DPI button Justice for Laguna for sure squid I just did that jump and then not looked at the screen that’s not how you do that

Okay guys um I can’t climb up here anymore put Laguna in the book for conversation that that seems that seems more than fair I like that um so to China is gonna get her own page there well we’re gonna add more people there but um so we do I

Think it that gets one more space there you guys looking good Um oh come on this can’t be that hard okay okay okay guys can we can we imagine that this went very smooth there legs I I hope we can still be friends I’m so sorry I didn’t mean for it to go down this way okay

Um I got I think I need Stone and and lots of other resources as well Lex love the book nice do you guys want to have a very quick show around the base I gotta get some resources anyway I’ve been working on this place for well

Over a year now and we’re still not close to finished but it’s coming along uh let me take a sip of water we’ll fly out this is the main base it’s it’s supposed to be or it was supposed to be at one point in time um

A uh a witch farm and then I happened and I I just never stopped so right now this is uh it’s my full-on industrial area for everything but it doesn’t really look like that anymore shaders are called complementary gaming water yes so the room we were just working in is down there

Um but we don’t use that a lot but I made a deal like we started tradition that every time I get to A Thousand Days on the stream after I will not use my Elijah so day 4001 we need to be able to walk into the base and that’s somewhat tricky

Um because the bass looks like this and there’s there’s not really like we get in here with a leap of faith and that just sends us on our elytra all the way down I just see that I still missed one corner where I haven’t made the uh made the walls down under there

Um but older Farms are uh they’re scattered across this place so recently we’ve been working on the green area and the green area is where we uh where we’re gonna be able to walk down over this pathway throughout the entire section we can also jump down here and uh Navigate the Beanstalk like so which is not recommended but very very fun oh my God I missed it We have night vision here which we use a lot that comes from a dispenser uh somewhere out here and back there there’s the uh the full-time Brewery and we’re still decorating all the rest of these areas they’re all gonna have their own like color Conrad you just came from legs

Stream I hope all of you guys had a good time there and then right here um it’s the room we’re working on now and this should let us walk the entire way to the to the base floor okay um um I forgot to take my blocks we we gotta get down here again I think I have all the resources that we’re gonna need somewhere here um that looks like Granite good stuff and the side um don’t need the dirt we do need die right See you later legs dude and enjoy your dinner thanks for dropping everybody off that much appreciated and guys if you just go here warm welcome um money mangrove all right so what am I gonna do the soulsen I literally just took it I just slammed a door in my face

That’s optimal am I gonna section all those areas off with walls or will it remain one large open space now it’s meant to be open it’s meant to be able to to fly around down there okay we got it what’s the new project this room guys we

We need a walking transition and it’s it’s a form project that’s how many blocks up is that I think like 60 or so we’re gonna be working on this for a couple streams but it’s going to be very very well worth it um I think I’m gonna put my

Sugar boxes here this is stupid design okay that’s mud and Mangrove roots and then here we go granite uh die right and the side those are potions don’t need those and a Soul Sand let’s do that first love I’ll see you later thank you for being here

Okay guys I wanna I wanna try something it’s a good suggestion so what if we build a little Soul Sand area there let’s try it see if that works Fat Cat plays yo been two years since I’ve watched this event a man hardcore while it’s still going two years since I

Watched his man his hardcore will still go it’s not it’s not I died in April of last year this is a new world but it’s uh getting equally crazy this should work oh my God I put it in the wrong place we literally missed that by a block or so

Send particles can create lag true true but if things are cool you gotta you gotta Just Go With It okay let’s try that again Devious Dino full circle moment love fellows welcome back it’s good to see you okay this should do it guys this should do it yeah that’s not the best flying I ever did but it was also it was a proof of concept that did work okay let’s put those here

Uh actually devs I uh I didn’t literally uh like I I didn’t see those not quite sure oh and now we need um I should make it deeper where the soul sound is I don’t necessarily want to make it deeper though limit let me check what you said though Can we reach 500 likes yo we’re way close to that okay I do get what you’re saying Guys if you’re enjoying the stream but you haven’t liked it yet please do leave a like helps us out a lot with the YouTube recommendations um I think I want to investigate this maybe Temporary endocyte blocks okay we do have room to make it bigger Let’s uh let’s let’s do it do I consider pick block out of Joker’s cheating pick blocking out of shulkers where you stack your shulkers and you have basically infinite inventory that’s um that’s a far stretch from

Vanilla but I I don’t really have a guideline like okay this is cheating this is allowed I think everybody should pick their play style but pick blocking out of sugars that gives you like that’s pretty much Infinite Source fill that one gap on the side like this

Gap or this Gap we’ll get to it we’ll get to it gilded see you later thanks for being here 99 saw that thank you nightbot just don’t think that all our issues are forgotten now ball has been so rude guys since it’s unreal um I mean Spyglass this okay this is our

Falling falling block See matarinis do I have plans on winning new next stream is um tomorrow about this time 15 minutes earlier than it is right now what would I rather lose sugar box or Elijah if we have to give one thing up um I’d be able to play without sugar boxes I think

It’s a difficult call though so playing without elytron is a change that will grow on you you’re gonna just interact with the game differently um playing without sugar boxes it’s gonna force you to uh develop your organization skills you’re gonna have to properly manage your inventory if you’re gonna do that thank you

Probably start actively using the ETS for storage I like Thursday which hour are we starting same as today literal exact same time Please make it an extra little Sanctuary will be so cool but it would also introduce a lot of entities to the base and entities are the literal worst thing for lags so I’m gonna be really careful with that one I like the suggestion though because it would look really really epic

Wait where is that okay I built this out way to that side I don’t think we’re gonna use that Foreign chat doesn’t move for more than a second you think is broken I get that I get that oh thought I messed up Maybe this was a bit too deep no I think it’s gonna be fine It may look excessive right now but it’s gonna give us some room to fall into that area and then like swing back up with the uh With the Boost from the Soul Sand I did go out a little bit far to the left Okay I’ve definitely flooded something there I I gotta check if all my Redstone doors work after this because we’ve dropped some some water down there for sure what are we building crazy entrance hall that we can walk through we’re gonna be working on this for a while guys a couple days

Maybe we have some Coral yeah I’m definitely gonna do that that’s actually part of why I built this uh this place because I wanted to use Coral but in the base I don’t have an area where it makes sense to me but it’s so nice and colorful that I

Wanted a room where we had it imagine it breaks some big farms Well it can’t fall that far down but also I’ve studied all my Farms so if something breaks I’ll be able to figure out why it doesn’t work anymore and fix it Lisa it is so insane thank you thank you

We’re like every time every week it gets a little crazier I’m really really enjoying this whole process I used how is this base foundation for the world well basically everything that we’re gonna build after this we’re gonna have the resources for it most of our resources just come out of his face Okay okay now we need to do the Soul Sand again [Applause] okay now let’s retest it I think it’s gonna work Then I saw that video about sugarcraft I like that a lot okay that is cool you guys think they’re super sonic achievement in my in Java Minecraft who do I don’t think so let me try this one more time guys okay hang on one more time at least on

What’s the longest I’ve played in a row um the 100 days no sleep challenge I was uh I was awake for 42 hours and I played 33 hours of Minecraft okay wait guys I I literally wanna figure this out because I think there’s a cool the mechanic is a little iffy but

I think there’s a really cool way to get out of that pool third time is a charm exactly so I have to wait okay well not exactly but we can we can work off this this is uh good start with the design um guys we’re gonna continue building the

Uh mountain behind me and shaping everything up and we’re gonna make a lot more progress before stream is over but before we do that I’m actually going to take a quick break for just a few minutes get a cup of coffee and then we’re gonna continue so uh if you guys

Are gonna be here in a couple minutes that’s awesome you’re gonna see the rest of the cave if you’re heading out then I want to thank you so much for uh for watching the stream hope you enjoyed it I’m gonna be back in like three four

Minutes so uh if you want to stick around that’s that’s great and I have something for you because the world looks pretty sick right now but it all had to start something or from something and this is how our world looks about 3 800 days ago enjoy Thank you thank you Foreign Thank you foreign Thank you Foreign Thank you Foreign Hey guys welcome back I saw I saw the coolest question just now why were there two dragons Derek um you can do funny things in Minecraft the game uh well it’s quite it’s kind of breakable but the dragon thing actually got patched there was a moment in time where you

Could fight multiple Dragons by luring one out of the uh um Center but by sending them through a Gateway and then this game lets you spawn a new one and the old one would come back once it uh One was his fans it found its way good times good times um guys I need Stone and then we’re gonna continue building this cave I’m not muted but that’s that’s kind of oh that’s a prank I’ve never I’ve never heard that before it’s kind of unique opinions on cookies best butter meal Okay Foreign oh my God face Brazil one that was an appropriate response I was typing that and then I and then I saw that my webcam was over the next job I know you guys know that he has this moderators on voice chat that’s true but my moderators like they tried they tried to sell it opinions on cookies did he answer did he did he say anything wasn’t looking here with silent was like what he went real silent too like real real silence Good stuff foreign lapse uh which time lapse do you mean I can point you in the right direction do you mean the one uh the one during the break because the break movie thing you can find on the second Channel With sound effects pretty pretty nice actually Mission Phil we’ll get him next time I I don’t know about that you’ve been saying that for a while now I’m a little too confused you guys so maybe maybe here’s a tip what is the second Channel um it’s called lunar you can find it on my uh uh channels page

Oh it’s a commandsu okay you can find it yet There you go We need to find a new prank yeah you need some variation like I’m very ready at this point I’m about to end my break and I I’m like I’m talking to my girlfriend Emily I gotta I gotta go stream and deal with this this muted

Prank first so I’ll talk to you in a bit it’s like it’s rather it’s rather predictable I started to break it to you guys I hate to be that guy but like it’s yeah it’s um I kind of see it coming now okay no okay thank you Mini Looney because I don’t play along with the pranks do you want me to pretend that I like think it’s real Pringle alt now well guys you’ve been doing it for three years like that’s a long time Not fun Looney James will do it regardless I know I know it’s not I I get that it’s not really about the victory Is it one of those like this prank has gotten to that level where it’s it’s more important to participate and to win it’s one of those things Okay one is welcome to the Stream I hope you’re doing good Jordan you fell for it okay fair enough fair enough as in you thought you were muted is that what happened oh my God talk about falling for it on on Minecraft 2 it has happened before that I actually was muted and then didn’t believe you guys because of this

So that that’s those moments are kind of gold um my first reflex when I see muted in chat is go like oh okay that’s that’s not real Which is is no idea if you’re actually having technical difficulties it takes people out to catch on as soon as I hear like uh falling for it in combination with the Minecraft stream I immediately think of all this like gotta be hundreds of times that I’m watching somebody’s stream on Twitch and

Uh somebody activates one of those creeper sounds I always think that’s me It’s first person to ever say her name correctly Um night vision Okay some of that dirt needs to get replaced Then dude that that’s that’s really cool that’s really really cool I love that I have been it How much iron do I have yes like Joker boxes of iron blocks many many Is it just you or have you never seen the back of my head well okay guys get ready this this is gonna be an experience I I gotta like uh plug out the earphones and I’m I’m gonna spin around which means that you’re like barely gonna see the back of my head

Because well there’s gonna be a chair there but get ready you’re ready this is an experience here here it goes here goes I I hope I hope you guys I hope you guys thought that was that was remarkable get ready I know it’s real it’s really there it’s it’s sick I know you guys didn’t think that was real right Looney 360 confirmed the clip Yo thank you for the two Euro dodo uh this this is gonna go in the looneyville Discord I already know it let me uh put Udo in the book and then yeah boy it goes in as a bonus name but he’s only getting one capital letter there

Madeline I really want this I want that that’s like super late stage design but I’ve thought about it before and I’m I’m committed I think this needs to happen okay this is almost good strategic Riptide pools is is like the move that’s such sick design

One Capital got it yeah we got it we we got everything reasonable about it like there’s there’s limits there’s limits Worry I’ve been here too much to play that card that doesn’t work Okay um I think guys we’re gonna grab a bunch of stone and then build yo Jordan dude we need a 360 meditation move that that’s literally what I did I like I I went for it I’m I felt like so grounded by the time I spun all the way around it was amazing

Jordan do play thank you for the 10 is gonna go in the book and then we’re gonna put honors in the book as a bonus name and I’m gonna take a sip my coffee first melon giant Overworld holds up for Striders we have a Strider in the base

It’s very cold for a long long time now so I’m kind of gonna have to do that like I’m gonna be in trouble if I don’t um wait Oh my God he was on that block that block is dark RX drink coffee out of a glass there’s nothing wrong with coffee out of a glass We’ve had some fights over a weird ways of consuming things but coffee out of a glass is completely acceptable You usually I’ll grab a cup actually but I was curious to see Looney’s land of Origins since it sounds like he’s from a dutch-speaking origin and he was able to say my name with W which most languages don’t pronounce I am in fact from the Netherlands but we gotta keep the stream

Chat in English that’s a way to do it so everybody can follow what’s going on but that was a like that was a whole lot of reasoning usually people just go like then you need alone Guys I’m sorry I’m sorry I have to keep this this chatted English so now I’m timed out I’m gonna mute myself for 10 seconds I like Back so we can just build this uh Stone uh part of the of the backside as I was saying happened aha guys now you got it that’s so that’s what muted that’s what muted sounds like you got that that genuinely made me value I pronounce it in such a dumb way too like

Matthew Blankenship yo dude thank you very much for the uh for the membership Uh guys the coffee is a Nespresso uh I don’t know exactly no like it’s off red Nespresso um it tastes great no sugar no milk I need cheers Jax what makes Minecraft fun um you’ve been here you’ve been here for so long you know why it’s fun you’ve played it plenty we don’t have to explain that to you a heidberg with another two dude thank you when you went to get coffee also got

Coffee dude that’s the move that that’s how professionals do it you wait till you hear the the word coffee and then your uh caffeine addiction kicks in and you just go and get it that’s how you do it it’s very very uh very standard move Kofi field Minecraft Goldberg fact

Minecraft is fun because Tower well it’s moments like Tower where you go like yo this this is it amaranthine was definitely not Laura welcome to the Stream Your swiftness potion when having fresh glass of coffee I I like that having to drink swiftness while you’re having coffee just do it to make sure everybody knows foreign did it feel bad being called out this quickly 121 coffee update I just just like I like I like the Ring

Of it but just give me the end update already like give me biomes in the end just like don’t even worry about all the rest of it mud core yo thank you for another five after everything you’ve already done this week made my day with the cliff cow in your

Short release today no this is back where you release the short till you start to face how’s he doing uh Cliffside cow is like he’s he’s the OG like he’s always always been there hang on let me uh put mud Corp in the book Cliffs like cow is doing epic

I love that it like do you guys know how many Cliffside animals we have now Chicken Go welcome to the stream good to see you box one did you shave your beard Jacks dude I I love that that trade stream went well so much that was so fun both of us were super nervous about it like we we were both okay

So I think we both experienced it kind of the same way we were both like really okay to go and do that and we were just like okay we’re just gonna wing it and it’s gonna be fine but then at the same time while we were doing it

Both of us were super nervous on on how to execute it how’d you do that like we both were we talked to each other after the streams after both of them finished and we were both like this one of the stupidly hyper conversations like a little bit too fast

First melon one of the first three we’ve watched since I’ve lost the old world looks great thank you dude I think I feel like uh okay okay wait wait I’m before I say anything I’m kind of curious where your head’s at old world compared to this one

Um what did you like more and why if you’re coming in fresh I’m really curious where your perspective’s at least I had a long live stream I think we’re gonna run a little bit late today I think we’re gonna go uh usually I’ll do about three hours which is uh 30

Minutes from now and I think we got a little bit of extra time in the back today at which point all moderators are absolutely good to go if you guys don’t want to stay around go and do whatever you got planned if you do want to stick around you’re more than welcome to

This one because not many hours sleep and this base just crazy started house too okay love the nether castle mountain is really cool first melon yes I do I do like out of everything I do miss the nether Hub nether help was kind of kind of crazy [Applause]

All right like the fact that everything feels new and refreshed since I haven’t been to season one since start but join after 5K days I think that’s true for a lot of people Hiccups you’re gonna get banned you’re gonna this this sort of behavior is like that will get you bad I’m not a vengeful person but you can’t keep bringing up Sky triangle that hurts my heart none of that was true guys well except for the a hurting my hard

Part that’s definitely true oh my God I hate Sky triangle the worst thing about it is that it’s never going to go away like I should have I should have just moved it like I should have fixed it because now I died before I could so it’s never like

There’s no way it’s just it’s gonna be there forever I love it because it shows your world is upside down and it always will be that was that wasn’t the sky triangle issue that was that was the banners that that was fun though like that imagine having a world for six thousand

Days and finding out I think you built everything upside down that was literally what it what it felt like for for those of you who don’t know the context so in my old world um I call that world the Looney adventure and I had a city in the in the

Ocean and at city um when you looked at it on a map or like when you flew over it was just a bunch of buildings in districts but when you looked at it at a map it spelled out the loony Adventure in the water um and it was a super cool design but

Here’s here’s the catch once I had like different parts of that City done I started putting banners on the map and if you name a banner and then you look at it on a map you’re gonna be uh you’re gonna be able to read what it

Says so you can put labels on your map which is super cool except that for me everything was upside down so either the Looney Adventure was all the way upside down or every Banner that I ever placed was upside down and I oriented everything from that loony Adventure

Like sign on my world like that that just reading it out so six thousand days of building 2100 hours and everything was upside down bad times bad times Andrew rip triangle yeah Sky triangle gone never never to be uh never to return thank you for that nine months

I’m still supporting sorry can’t watch a lot if we don’t allow okay guys with a message like this I have no choice but to fly around and show you um it’s kind of it’s kind of crazy and I Joe I know just how to show it because

We’re already kind of in the right place um let me grab another swiftness potion let’s let’s just start from the entrance so if we fly out of the castle Apologies had to clear my throat if we fly out from the castle and then back in here um we usually jump straight down the middle but we’re actually not going to do that right now because if we don’t jump we can see how much progress we’ve actually made

And Miss Walter excited Jax oh if you missed a lot like I think for everybody this is gonna have a lot of changes um let me open up the door so usually what we do is we run up here and then we jump down into that hole uh

But we’re getting ready to approach that slightly differently because there’s now also this room and this is actually what we’re working on so you can see these lines here um this is going to be the ceiling and this is going to be a large cave now we can sort of walk down through

We got falling water we’re gonna have all sorts of terrain features plants and this is just all in all gonna be a pretty special room I’m gonna uh just fly around here eventually that puts us down here and the reason that we’re building this so we can walk down is that only four

Thousand and one day stream I’m not going to use my live travel Stream So I want to be able to get into the base without having to fly well I’m gonna take a shortcut here this is gonna be a tunnel where that blue uh blue path currently is and then once we

Get to the storage room I’m actually not going to close the door we can go across here I’m gonna use swiftness now and let me boost night vision as well uh because here there’s a door and this door closes behind us leads into a tunnel now and this tunnel goes

All the way around I only Built This today earlier today on the Lo-Fi stream which is on the second Channel um exclamation point lunar will put it in chat so you can find it and then if you uh go down here this tunnel goes for a while but I

Really like the way it feels and eventually that tunnel will put us here in the green area and a green area is the area in the base where we have lots of vegetation lots of plants but it’s also the area where we first enter the

Base so the the lower part of the base Now we don’t have to walk here um you guys probably know but if you don’t know there’s a shortcut where we jump down with very light trap but this this pathway is just going to keep going and we’ve we’ve done some detailing we’ve switched out some uh

Torch span for proper lanterns we made support so the pathway looks like it actually could exist if we go through here we’re gonna have to build another cave but I’m not too worried about this one just yet I’m gonna skip a little part here and then we jump down here

And that is how that pathway is gonna run so that’s the way you’re gonna have to go you want to go all the way now this one uh goes through another pathway down there I don’t think we’re gonna bake those over the next few days I don’t think we’re gonna do that before

For a thousand days if we fly out we see some more details we have built the waterfall if I switch haters the water is always blue but if I go into complementary Shader water is a tricky thing because it looks transparent so we put blue blocks and accents behind it so

The waterfall looks blue here you can see what the normal watercolor is so the blue blocks behind it make a big difference then we made the Beanstalk to make the green area come alive and then over on this Plateau here where you see all the sugar boxes

Uh that’s where we’re going to be building your Greenhouse every next few days here we have the Slime River and the Slime River actually uh goes into here and then through a small little slime River and the river goes into the Slime Lake and the Slime lake is an interesting

Spot you can see that splashes out there and the Slime lake is being harvested by the slime Refinery and I think tomorrow we’re gonna do something with the Slime Refinery because I’ve been waiting for this to fully oxidize it’s just about there uh so that means I can now uh

Um scrape some of these blocks with my ax like this and then wax them to uh take their final uh take their final color um Refinery has interior as well sorry dude you gotta go some sugar boxes here still but the Slime flows into a big like cauldron or

A bat here and then it gets sent into the basement Really love marks Greenhouse did I see that one yeah that was super cool I don’t think we don’t quite have that much uh room but we’re gonna build some like the interior for monks Greenhouse is epic I think we want to have a similar feel to that so here right now

Guys you can see that these are all green we’re probably gonna either bring them back to this or this but I want to have full control over design features so that’s why I let everything fully oxidize um here we have some more interior and this is the Slime Refinery so we have

That big fat that has pipes coming out on all sides and then those pipes they go to refining stations and in refining stations you see the Slime dripping out I would love if this could be green um but right now I it’s got to be it’s got to be blue or a

Member Monday stream win so those are not going to be on a regular schedule they’re gonna happen when they happen and this one might actually take a little while longer than normal um because or then what’s going to be normal because I’m really pushing to get

Two movies to you guys before the end of the year and that means I have to save up some uh some work hours first which means that on Mondays I’m either out or I’m literally just grinding hours and a lot of the time I’ll do both so

Yesterday I had my day off for example but also yesterday I was working till 2 A.M to uh just get the the grinding done um I think that’s it mostly for the for the programs over the last few weeks guys like last two weeks let me fix my Elijah

Luffy you’re more than welcome thank you Felix Harper green potions in the cauldrons you can’t really color that in um in Java Edition in Bedrock you can make it green it doesn’t work here whatever Crystal depends uh curse of Vanishing literally like all my armor is

Based off of armor that I found in the end early on and curse of Vanishing doesn’t really do anything uh if you’re in hardcore because well if you die You’re Gonna Lose Your World not your stuff so there’s just not something to worry about you must cut down bird houses to make

More birdhouses wow These people it looks bad the girls on the bands look bad no it really doesn’t matter I’ll retire my arm around 5000 days guys we’ll get a new one okay let me get night vision and then we’ll uh teleport back up there and continue working was yesterday because I would have had a stream on my birthday deserves a day off then you know me at a late happy

Birthday hope you enjoyed it okay this is gonna look real sick I love when somebody say oh that never mind never mind don’t retire retire what oh the armor why not it’s cool put it on a on an armor stand somewhere and just take new stuff Is my Sunday still a day for myself or is the schedule different lufu um we have uh Monday is my day off currently okay I need to put some torches here at least for the time being Jax retire on 5000 days no no you you misheard what I said is I’ll retire my

Armor set and get a new one not me not the world just the armor Why is Monday today off because it’s a slow day for streams anyway so I think I’d rather um uh if if I had no like restrictions on which day or no no other factors to factor into what uh which day would be my day off I probably choose Sunday

Because it kind of makes sense but then Sunday is a day where a lot of people are free so usually streams are are pretty nice and busy welcome back Um I think I think I gotta figure out where this Stone line goes It’s also super duper vanilla shaders nakunaki I I’ve not seen those Are they recommended to try okay I just realized something guys I’m using normal Stone and stuff there but we come out of a deep slates cave here Naomi I feel like a lot of streams have been busy recently regardless of which day it is true we got a pretty significant Boost after uh 3008 movie which is awesome thank you okay guys I think what I’m gonna do is um I’m gonna use stone colors on that side

And then right here uh we’ll we’ll add a little bit of deep slate to kind of connect that in Lion King that I stream every day every day except for Monday Um I don’t really want to build that terrain fully up there I can do that later tonight let’s find something interesting to work on um Jake you’re back we’re actually see the World download you mean the season one World download that one we can put a link in uh in chat

But the new world does not have a download and it won’t have a download for a while Okay I think guys we need deep slate and then we uh we need to connect this uh this terrain up um so let’s get a sugar box I think that’s Cobble deep slate that we’re using there right no it’s normal deep slate how long will I stream a little while

Longer guys a little while longer I want to make a bit more progress I don’t know how much deep slate I have though okay Plenty nice Sharky wouldn’t set up to her not soon guys not soon there’s no plans for that but the thing you’re gonna get guys is

Some more shorts which we posted the first one today so if you didn’t check that out yet give it a look and let me know what you guys think about it foreign Like I feel that that’s a major difference right also I feel like because you’re a part of it it’s easier to both relate to the content as well as just trust it Hey um where’s the D plate This is always going to be where with the textures but I think I decided that it doesn’t matter for me so let’s roll with that cool short looking nice what we’re gonna try and do with the shorts guys is just make some like funny small stories about interesting Minecraft things and the way

That they uh They’re part of this world okay I think I think I like this part but the beginning part of it was not steep enough Foreign ERS where I like shorts um there’s more there’s more clearly but monk has something interesting that he can do with shorts uh which I think we can do as well because MOG has an interesting Minecraft world is literally what it is like mog’s world is unique in many ways and there’s

Not a lot of people that have a world that compares to mog’s world and I think in a different way on a different level in a different game mode uh that that applies to this world as well so then if you have that strength play it out lufu thanks dude One is I I’ve heard that complained a lot but I I think that only applies if um essentially if that happens uh if Shorts end up hurting the channel so first off I don’t know if you can one-on-one um make that comparison and say hey views are down we made shorts so fuse

Are down because we made shorts uh it could also be that the videos you made after that moment um they were just not doing as well as the videos before because either maybe the videos were not as good maybe people didn’t care as much anymore or and this one’s much more likely

Um and it’s one that’s very hard to analyze maybe your competitors did better and I think that that is the thing that happens a lot so fuse on YouTube are always under pressure on some level um because everybody’s trying to get those views so the other thing

Is that uh whenever you make content that you can make really good shorts but then have the long form content not be great content like there’s a lot of short creators that struggle to get long-form views because they do very well with shorts but then it’s hard for

Them to keep that same level of interesting uh content in a longer form or they make sure to cater to a very very different audience and then you um you have trouble making that uh translation from one type of content to the other one or transition from one

Stripe of content to the other one but I think there’s a lot of examples of long-form creators that have a massive benefit from um from the way they use yours I think it’s something where I think it boils down to to two things I think one analyzing your views

In a vacuum is really hard and ineffective so if you think that your views suffer for a certain reason you gotta be aware that you can almost never be sure that’s a reason because there’s a lot of information that you don’t see in your analysis such as competitors

Um and then there’s the other thing and that is fusing one type of content don’t naturally translate to another type of content for example um the 3000 Day movie is uh cruising towards half a million views those half a million views are never gonna be people like entirely made out

Of people that are also going to then watch all your live streams because different people like different things it doesn’t mean that the live streams or the movies are a bad idea it just means that some people watch all of it some people watch a little bit and um

I think the most important thing to consider is try and make content that people will like and they’ll like the content for for you and the way that you do it and if you can get that effect in any type of content it’s always going to have a positive outcome

On uh on all the rest of it so shorts are going to be a puzzle I don’t expect the shorts to be like go booming hard from the start but I do expect that over time will get better at it and it will definitely help story but that’s like the bottom line of

It okay I want to see what that looks like from the other side Andrew see you later have a good night like you’re narrating in a thousand movies Top Class blooper thank you dude thank you I I think that um I think that we got like the formula

That we want for the uh for the movies now and that was it was a quest to get there watch all of your cones that were thank you dude um but but I also think that the way that we do it a thousand Day movies right now

Is not the best way to find a new audience and that is a really important part of um doing YouTube like you gotta uh not forget about the people who are all already here and why they’re why they’re here but you also gotta always find a new audience because people are

Going to move away from a certain kind kind of content so if you only cater to the audience you have over time it’s it’s gonna fade naturally and it doesn’t mean that you’re doing a bad job or that people don’t care anymore it’s just people live life so

You gotta also find something new and I think shorts are much better way to do that than movies so if you can make sure it’s that long term say hey you should probably watch these movies because if you like this short you’ll like them then I think uh there there’s a lot of

Benefit to because in there Jay see you later thanks for being here um I think this line is going to connect over up there hello I’m faded a looney I was wondering how you progress and build so fast or about how many hours you play per day faded I am

I wanna like I made a goal to make another two movies for you guys before the year is over so four thousand and five thousand days and ever since I made that like made that goal committed to that goal I think keeping track in an

Excel sheet how many hours I am I play Minecraft today and I’m averaging about six hours every day uh no days off and I do have days off so that means that there’s days where I’m over to six hours or well over to six hours I think

That’s a part of it and the other part is also like I’ve built a lot I’ve gotten quick doing it Lion King love that do you ever fall asleep while doing a stream I think like guys imagine that like imagine imagine this imagine this happened only once

Do you think that would not be brought up literally every stream like if that happened you guys would know like there’s no way okay I gotta foreign six hours is insane I know like it’s it’s work it’s work will be so bad for streamers falling asleep while streaming like that must be weird I don’t you don’t do it as one other players simulate but I am inviting you to one of your our events anyway different events and the other other YouTubers that do them I’ve um uh I’d be down to do that at some point once but I really don’t

Have time for it right now and I have a like I have a couple ins there’s a couple people that invite me on the regular to-do list bathtub streams when EJ how do you know for sure that I’m not in a time right now you can only see me from the shoulder up

I’m I’m looking at the design here guys I’m trying to figure out how to so wait let’s talk about this uh this space this cave and how we’re gonna decorate it um this pathway spirals up so it effectively when we’re walking it it spirals down

But we gotta think about it as if it spirals up because you don’t build a bridge down you build a bridge up always so we gotta figure out a way that this is supported all the way through and I think that right here we can build our own Terrain here we have

Some terrain elevation so I can imagine that we put pillars there to support it up until around here and then maybe like this section we can support again and I feel like right here we might have to hang it from the ceiling never thought about it E.J Memphis may be better

Some people stream themselves sleeping that’s true that’s true but that’s different than actually doing it in the active stream and I’m falling asleep or I built the cave first now I want to think about how the cave uh flows before we fully build it because if we built the cave like it’s

Not gonna give us the turn like I want to shape the terrain so that we can build the supports that we need and this area right here in the middle we’re not going to be able to um we’re not going to be able to build like

A Terrain support for that so maybe we gotta start here Lion King you can live streams yes you can and you should or at least it would be much appreciated if you do because that helps with getting it recommended to more people so if you guys haven’t

Liked stream yet bump it to 500 likes now we like we’re so close you guys can do that as we speak foreign that doesn’t happen a lot there we go this is 502 nice 508 keep them coming Okay guys this is uh this is weird what I just did But it’s also this is some cool stuff because I can do something really really nice with this we already have this this terrain here that kind of supports it heidberg yo dude thank you for another two live stream I think everybody just did it jumped way up uh we’re gonna put con the

Great in the book courtesy of hoydbergs don’t know who’s already in book and then we’re gonna put at least on the book as well I did the last one by internet internet on off on off on off hey what happens Whoa 600 is on the horizon we went to 517 there okay guys listen uh to where my head’s at Sky horse welcome to the stream Danny welcome as well and Mr Raptor didn’t say hi to you guys hope you’re doing good I’m thinking we make like a little rock formation here

And then on top of that Rogue we build an actual constructive pillar like a brick pillar and then we build plants around it to make it look like it’s a little weathered let’s start with the stone I can make this uh a little bit more massive than it needs to be

Uh or a little more solid I mean can I hide an item frame with a wooden pick in the building technically I could but I I don’t want to because I’m super careful with adding entities item frames are end seasons because NC lag is the worst NC leg kills large bases like these

Hard to think about slippers the the pillar as in you don’t see it the visualization for it I’ll get there I’ll get there I’ll help you out okay that works well to Chillin yo welcome to the stream okay guys that’s just that’s gonna work that’s gonna work

For sure and we’re gonna be able to make that real cool gotta make sure we get to 550. I don’t I don’t know guys there’s no need to push for it so usually what happens well is wait for a little while until a bunch of new people are here yo I like these

Lines this this is it has sort of an uh circular shape there something really cool by using lots of plants then or back there this works now let’s think about if we need more support pillars what is the worst hate comment I ever got I I don’t know some sometimes people

Just like uh wanna try and get a reaction but I I always look at it this way guys if somebody really leaves a hate comment like a super super hateful comment um a lot of the time they’re they’re only they’re only trying to do one thing they’re not even trying to communicate

Anything to you um they’re only gonna like they’re saying the nastiest thing they can imagine to see if somebody would reply to it so the best option that you have is don’t reply to it just like because there’s no real meaning to it it’s just somebody like trying to get a reaction

So honestly don’t know what the worst hate comment is I I do know that I like the one that it is I’m 100 I’ve forgotten it there’s no way that I actually remembered it I remember it Luke thank you dude I know what the worst hate comment is it was

Disgusting oh my God that was terrible I remember exactly what it was damn you nightbot how Nightfall gave me zero percent cracked why would you do that why would you still mad I’m still fuming If a mob spawns because you’ve left the dark area she’d beat it to death with a torch um no no you you like normally you seems like such a chill friendly person like are you are you all right today are you okay should I said help

So mean when I bought my goodness I know I know my first unhinged guys don’t sleep on nightball it’s so vicious okay okay I’m seeing I’m seeing options in this room um we make a pillar down there in the middle okay I have my mission let’s do this okay done as requested

That was solid coaching guys I would have never imagined that myself okay um Maybe Right about here now I put us the best I mean cookies and eyeballs kind of nice but not always you know it’s like that one friend that sometimes has a really bad day but like a really really bad day Okay guys what I’m doing with the Snows I’m figuring out where we build another Stone pillar like that one over there I think it needs to be here instead lipo’s kind of nice but not always Luke what was that sound you made a sound that made me believe that a

Creeper fell on that one snow pillar that I was building and I was like that’s not possible then I realized it was you but I had no idea what that sound was it sounded it sounded like a creeper that fell down onto a block and took

Fall damage that one sound that will get you properly freaking out uh where’s the stone sugar you expected that it’s that one but it’s not there’s no way I’ve used all my stone I was here okay there’s there’s actually no way I’ve used all my stuff I I like I did not

Sounds like the best I don’t know that’s the worst sound roll knife well is not a real person but he’s very toxic for a bot I’m uh I’m kind of curious how we’re gonna make this look decent have I been to Denmark I have I have I’ve been to Copenhagen and I uh I really really loved it there foreign city in the world as in place to see but I really like living in Utrecht the

City where I live now and after I visited uh Copenhagen Denmark I was like this is like if I wouldn’t be living in in your truck I’d be okay living here this is a cool place to to just live it felt very comfortable and safe and nice Lion King did I buy Lego no for a while because it says it’s really expensive but I definitely grew up playing with Legos as a kid and it was it was my like full on favorite with nothing close behind 527 likes sick on Thursday thank you for being here see you soon oh and Denmark did I buy Lego no no no I went to do something uh pretty cool in Denmark I went to record a video clip like a music video artist I was working for

Artists I was working for who’s uh currently my my friend who added some movies with me we’ve been on adventure like we’ve seen things Did I ever consider starting producing music you call it Looney Tunes Kalina okay okay see what she did there Okay this needs some texture but right now I just wanted to make sure that we could get the shapes and I think I like the shape Both of these feel believable like they could work they’re strong enough to put a put a pillar on there and the the bottom of the pool needs to be decorated still so we don’t have to worry about that Simon welcome back just came back from football training I hope you had a good

Practice dragon is down Dragon gone This is like one of the first times guys this is literally crazy 3825 this is how many we’ve played here and this is one of the first times I’m building with stone like starter house is a little bit of stone but that’s not really building it was more repositioning as in

I dug out Stone there did I eat the book no no no I haven’t is right here guys you can’t just accuse me of eating the book that that’s a major crime you can’t just randomly say somebody did that that’s a that’s a class a felony reading

A book like we we can’t just go and hey you did that late on the stream what is he building flee welcome dude good to see you uh we’re working on um you know what I’m I’m gonna I’m gonna tour and show you new prank failed okay okay okay I see

Expanding the Arsenal okay that was sick flying I literally wanted to place that book I’ve never done that I don’t know why I thought of doing that foreign ER here supporting the pathway pillar here supporting the pathway and then back there we just need a wall okay this is good progress

Um let’s uh let’s answer that question like what are we building and why and to answer that question we need new night vision nice because I’m running out in 15 seconds um and I need a speed potion okay first things first let me fly out of here

There’s a couple cool things to show here so thing number one is this right here you know what we’ll do this that’s the very last thing um if I want to go and walk all the way from starter house we have a pathway that goes pretty much all the way there

Goes up to the mountain and then here it goes around into the top or here it goes into that lower area of the castle now we’ve done a lot today and not only on stream but if we go through here usually what we do is we jump down into the base

We go straight here and right now we’re not going to do that because on day 4001 I’m not gonna have my elytra so running around is gonna be the only option and then we need a pathway that can bring us all the way to the Bottom now the

Pathway was a temporary wool line and today we started the project of ending that so the pathway goes down here through this cool cave so you can see the reference lines here that’s how big it’s going to be um and that’s going to be one room that has to be fully decorated

Then it goes around here we’re gonna have a redstone door in this corner and then it goes into the firework engine room which we’re going to decorate that wall then it goes out here and it spirals down in a small tunnel once more to go into the main storage room through here

Once it goes through the main storage room we all here and now I’m gonna use my speed potion because this is a long run but this tunnel is brand new oh my God guys I’ve said like five times to stream I’m gonna show you where that tunnel is

And I’ve never done it so I’m gonna do that in a minute because we we can literally we can end the stream before a show but this entire place is new can I visit the Hall of thousands Lisa yeah we’ll go there we’ll go there I want to

Show the Hall of Fame anyway so this pathway guys goes all the way until it hits the green area and then in the green area we can now walk mostly all the way down and that’s important because day 4001 we tend to do or we intense to do exactly that I’m going to

Take a shortcut here and this place is looking pretty good so all of that happened today let me show you where that pathway actually is and then we’ll uh we’ll go to the hall of thousands um to get to the pathway what’s the Hall of Fame Lion King well you’re about to

See we’re gonna end the stream there and it’s the perfect spot to do just that so if we throw the ender pearl back here um let’s go back to that same room because we also made this entrance which honestly looks super sick I need a

Um I need an easier exit like a block that I can jump on but that drop is really really cool um then for the answer as to where is that pathway that we just walked through so here’s the Hall of or here’s the the central storage unit you can see that

It’s it’s pretty closely surrounded by Basalt now this here is the pool that we’re working on and then this is that all tunnel now we just walked through it goes all the way around here and down here so it’s Blended in pretty well uh let me see if the Elijah core still works

Oh yeah that goes easily overhead the lights of course rings are a reference guys but this is uh by the time we complete the base we’re gonna be able to fly around here I’ve sealed this one up which is no good because we had to fly

Into the storage room here I have also sealed this one up yeah I need to open up some stuff but that’s gonna take some easy uh easy holes that will fix it Alfie was a project um it’s a big big entrance room that is part of the walkable path from the uh

Mountain Top into all the way into the basement okay then for the Hall of thousands let’s quickly go there and then guys stick around because you’re gonna have a chance to get your name in the book in just a minute I literally don’t have any golden carrots anymore I think I ate the

Stacked this stream okay Hall of Fame is down here A whole thousands is this how do you make such a used cave Frederick I just bombed out a perimeter and then from there I’ve been decorating it for a long time now all of thousands guys that book there in the corner

That one’s up next good stuff green area so cool it feels so alive right we gotta do a couple cool things in a green area before we uh get to the end of the Thursday Arc we still have to build the greenhouse 300 viewers again it’s kind of crazy

Guys today’s stream has been wild okay uh this here this is Hall of Fame and all of these books let me grab one August 5th to 2022 and swept gifted so many memberships that day I remember that day it’s so cool to open a book and then like remember what happened

Okay and then here guys uh this is where the book for today goes but before we do that let me open it up and see if I can fill two pages of names that are not in there yet uh super Lupine 777 is gonna go in uh Mr Beast fan Army

Is gonna go in the Stream uh or in the book uh good album might have been in a book but I’m not quite sure I don’t think so Lion King 26 goes in the book oh next page what’s fully Lagoon does that was given uh yes sir it’s gonna go in the book

Caitlyn artist in the book guys please don’t spam if you have member privileges be gentle be nice uh of course those in the book make red goes in the book um Alfie mape goes in the book and uh Vega gaming they’ll put Sharky in Shaq baragan uh oh wait um I think Hayes name is spelled like this uh I has cookies Chad’s moving so fast Joseph Lovell goes in the book And I have room for two more people and there’s exotic zaps and then uh Sophia Bolo vladiage and then we’re signing off for August 8th 2023 sliding glass and as I said that one’s gonna go right there I want to thank you a bunch for watching

Today I had a blast this was a really fun stream we got a lot done um tomorrow you can expect me to do a Lo-Fi Stream So if you want to check that out I’m gonna put the command in the Stream chat right now with this lunar you can find my second

Channel and on the second Channel I do Lo-Fi stream so tomorrow is going to be an extra stream and then tomorrow evening we have a late stream for right now guys thank you so much for hanging out hope to see you soon damn dude thank you for the two

Pounds thanks for a great stream again dude thank you for all the support and everybody thank you all supported thank you for being here hope to see you soon for right now I have a great rest of your day and until we meet again Looney out Foreign

This video, titled ‘Hardcore Day 3815 – A Crazy New Project’, was uploaded by Loony on 2023-08-08 20:40:40. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds.

I Survived 1000 Days in Harcore Minecraft… I Survived 2000 Days in Hardcore Minecraft… I Survived 3000 Days in Hardcore …

  • OwenP’s Minecraft Mayhem

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  • Join Minewind Server for Epic One-Shot Moments!

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  • Join Minewind: Experience the Ultimate Minecraft Adventure!

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  • Transform Your Minecraft Experience at Minewind Server

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  • Join Minewind: The Ultimate Minecraft Survival Experience

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  • Insane Minecraft Clutch 😱 Watch Now! #pvp #shorts

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  • Ultimate Lucky Block Staircase Race

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  • 🔥EPIC Minecraft House Build: INSANE Hanging House Tutorial!!🏠

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  • Unbelievable Witch Farm & Collection in Minecraft Forge 1.19.2

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  • TheCrib SMP Java + Bedrock 1.20 – Supports all versions – Survival – Community Events

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  • Simply A Server

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  • Minecraft Memes – Minecraft Beef: Real Spicy Beef!

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  • 999 IQ Minecraft Mastermind Destroys -356 IQ Noob

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  • Ultimate Minecraft Build Hacks

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  • “🔧 The Ultimate Minecraft Mechanics Guide!” #shorts #shortsfeed

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  • Redstone Mastery: Double Block Swapper Tutorial

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  • “Bunny Craft: INSANE half Nether portal tutorial!” #Minecraft

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  • Kashan Mc: INSANE Near Miss in Minecraft! 🎻🔥 #shorts

    Kashan Mc: INSANE Near Miss in Minecraft! 🎻🔥 #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft:That was so close …🤯(World’s Smallest violin)#minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by Kashan Mc on 2024-02-01 13:50:18. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Title: “Minecraft Showdown: Who Nailed It Best? | Epic Build Competition Unveiled!” Description: Get ready for the ultimate … Read More

  • Insane Survival Mods in Minecraft – MakiTuna’s 600 Subscribers Celebration!

    Insane Survival Mods in Minecraft - MakiTuna's 600 Subscribers Celebration!Video Information hello humans nonhumans and the undead my name is makuna and welcome to the 600 subscriber special now if you’ve seen my community post and asking you what I should do for 600 subscribers you might be confused why I’m in the mods and buildings world I just wanted to do the intro here so I can create the world with you guys and we can start the survival world together and like from the start so I also be surprised if I create the world and I see it a bit then I’m not as surprised now… Read More

  • ibxtoycat – Ultimate Disaster Add-On – OMG Moments

    ibxtoycat - Ultimate Disaster Add-On - OMG MomentsVideo Information hat and I just got back from a lot of accidental flights and weird chaos that led me being in Sweden uh with Mojang and I want to talk about all of that however first let’s check out the insane disasters add-on this just came out this week and it is the highest rated add-on on the marketplace right now although not with many reviews it’s also the tide most expensive at $8 is it worth spending $8 for tornadoes and meteor showers earthquakes and blizzards well today I figured so you don’t have to I will find… Read More


    EXPLORE THE NEW NANA SHINKU HOUSE IN MINECRAFT!Video Information H こんばんはどう もそや [音楽] で [音楽] ちゃよこらせん とみんな何もよく気づい たよく気づきましたねツイートしようあれ それツイートしてないよ ねよく気づきました ねゲリラでやろうと思っていたのだ が よ よいしょはいということで皆様チモンで ございますそやはえ入れてくれてん の ありがとう配信誓そうかなって思ったら YouTubeも更新してる えーそうな の ありがとうえ 優しい通知も入れてんの すごいじゃーんそやんち そしてなんも ない何も ない今日ちょっとあの喉がなんかあんまり あれなんですけどえ何もねえのよ平らない よな全ての木を貼りつくしあのでも木が なさすぎて困ったのでとりあえずあの桜を ひたすら植えて全てこいつを借り取 るっていうあの作業をねしているのだが いや何もないんだよ ねそうていうかねごめんあのね喉ねが ガラガラしてるのはみんなのそやがね風が 治ってないとかそういうことではなくて そうやってあのコーヒーとかはミルク ティーが好きなんだけど乳製品飲むと喉が こうなっちゃうんだよ ねで今絶賛ミルクティー飲んでるんであの 喉がもう本当こうなってるんだよねすい ませんあの全然気にしなくて大丈夫なので よしさが順調に原木が集まってきており ますいいですね入品向いてないのでは自分 でも思うんだけど入品大好きなん だ大好きなのよだってココアとかも飲め なくなっちゃうんだ よこれ全部カ取って 木をねゲしたいわけなんだけどみな見て ほしいそういえばここの偽物のそやが作っ た木を桜に買えまし たどうです かなんか桜これがいいよねこの花びら四角 が2個ってくるの がそう偽物の木がそして次郎 ですそがね回この次郎はシャルちゃん ところで不機嫌になって攻撃性の高い顔を 合わせるだけで怒り顔になるワンちゃん だったんだけど1回骨上げ たら違うわ3個骨上げたら仲間になんなく て逃がしたくないから壁にこう包もうと 思ったんだけど間違えて殴っちゃってそっ から舟でしたうんそしてもう1回 チャレンジで骨をあげたら仲間になって くれたっていう可愛いやつですそそうい あわごめんごめんごめんちゃ餌食べたいの よ餌をそやが うんそうでそやねこの次郎のために生きて いくと決めたのでそれがこのブランコに 乗ってそのそばにいつも次郎がい るっていうでこうやってみた時 に寂しいなってねやっぱ 今桜の木がね集めてたからね植えてある からなんかあれだけどここもなかったんだ よ木がも広大な大地なったんですよもう ただただ とりあえずみんなでみんなでじゃなくても いいんだ けど何を作ろうかなっていうのを決め たくって さまとりあえず港みたいな船場みたいなの 作りたいんだよねえ今日は船場やりたい けど よしねえ港みたいな船つき場みたい 噴水あちょ寝る助けて寝る寝る寝る寝る 寝る寝る 寝る村にしたいの えそやとしずみさんあのの老後をこう 見据え [笑い] た老後を見据えた街にしないとえまずえ港 でしょまず 港老人ホ老人 ホーム老人ホームを作らないとえあと誰か が酔ってくれたえ噴水 でしょ ゲートボール 上だめゲートボール上はあじゃあ分かった… Read More

  • Unbelievable! Minecraft 1.8.9 Secrets Revealed!

    Unbelievable! Minecraft 1.8.9 Secrets Revealed!Video Information al [Música] e [Música] sient di te quiero chingar te voy aar Déjate llevar el celular si está conigo no te va pasar [Música] nada tu est Mándame tu mu arrim de tik conmigo en su que conmigo cabrón Pon avón lo bón sup para m yo por ti [Música] me quiero chingar voy aar para asegur si está con no te va a pasar nada lo [Música] dejar Yo quiero contigo y tú quieres conmigo [Música] pon tu conigo es gata se acabó el que la rompe soy yo me la robó de menor otra noche dándote… Read More

  • Shocking Minecraft Lies Revealed by PrestonPlayz!

    Shocking Minecraft Lies Revealed by PrestonPlayz!Video Information oh that sounded good no I freaking hate this huh huh well this one definitely busted and doesn’t work now I need to go cool down in the bathtub or something piece of garbage garbage doesn’t even work huh like everything else in this game it’s all busted hey and my Minecraft crashed perfect in these videos we’ve covered everything from ghosts to living entities inside of mountains but our next myth is probably the scariest yet players have found a new entity that is more terrifying than anything we’ve ever seen blood Steve you have to start… Read More

  • Craftiland

    CraftilandEs un server completamente survival para la version 1.15.2 (y otras pero es recomendable la 1.15.2 por la compatibilidad de items y plugins) Read More

Hardcore Day 3815  – A Crazy New Project