Hardcore Minecraft Time • @GeorgeNotFound Twitch Live Stream [ Full ] 08/01/22

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Hello hello it’s me i need to do the thing oh it’s loud there hello what are you doing what do you mean what am i doing anything i’m doing what am i doing i’m live that’s what i’m doing hello everyone it’s me i’ve returned when did i last stream i don’t know

It feels like it’s been a long time uh how do i find out i wanna find out 23rd of december seven two weeks two days two weeks two days okay okay anyway um hello let me move this over here actually all right well i’m here so wait what’s my title

What did i put it to okay yeah hardcore minecraft time so if you weren’t here last time two weeks ago um i made this hardcore world and today We’re going to go thank you i literally haven’t touched it since so if you watch the last stream you’re not missing anything and if you’re just watching it from this one you’re not you’re not missing anything either i just i basically what did i do i started i spawn in a jungle biome

Then I walked around i made a tree house i got pets i went in a cave and not nothing in particular happened in the cave but anyway let’s just play uh how do i do it yeah and thank you guys for all the subs thank you so much

Uh who gifted subs who was that one second ah it was amanda g was here thank you so much for the subs thank you for the five gifted and thank you everyone who’s resubbed thank you thank you okay it’s time to re-enter george’s no death hardcore no deaths it’s loading

What it was just like void what if it’s all just disappeared wait what it’s raining look who it is why is it laggy oh my god they’re still here they didn’t forget me wait where’s the oh he’s in there salt pepper sappy sappy Look at him isn’t he just delectable just so delectable look at him And salt you know i don’t know if i like salt in the boat don’t kill the cat don’t kill the cat please wait where’s the boat oh my god okay this is the boat here no wait where are you going no wait come back come on back come back

Come back no no no no no no no no no no no sappy savvy oh my god where you going where is he going oh god no okay everyone’s running away stay can you stay there okay there’s a zombie okay one thing we learned last time hardcore is actually hard and everything

Does a lot of damage oh no where’s my shield i don’t have a shield and why is it laggy why do i hear a chicken oh my gosh the song again it’s the song okay no no no no sappy stop in the boat we have an idea you yes

Yes come to here come to me come to here okay you this way oh my god okay everyone everyone is so like come here come on everyone’s like running away stop come here this way come on okay you all right listen sappy when you get back where you belong in the boat okay

Outside of the boat is dangerous for you the boat keeps you safe okay you want to stay in the boat at all times yeah this way come in here get in there get in the boat there you go okay and you back over here oh my god okay salt salt

Get off the block oh my what no the wrong way go that way nice why can’t i move you is because of the vines okay stay there okay look perfect nearly okay there look you two are friends and you you’re also friends but no okay i’m gonna go i’m gonna go sleep so

What’s the plan i don’t really know to be honest i kind of like i kind of want to go to the um i kind of want to go to the nether like i i know oh i know like it’s extremely dangerous but i kind of want to do it so so yeah

Um kimberly thank you for gifting five thank you uh where’s that zombie gone is it hiding oh it is easy all right so hmm i need better food i only have two steak how does like so i’m not good at hardcore minecraft how does how does everyone do it like

How do they get like food farms what how does a food farm work what do i do like i just have bread from a village and look this is my bread farm there like five pieces of wheat um congrats thanks for your thing ten thank you gretch

George a whole bunch of people made a really awesome website for you uh for hitting 10 mil at gnfrost on twitter or i was blocked out i can’t see it um i will check that out actually let me write that down uh okay i got it um

Oh i thought the music stopped for a second uh thank you debbie for the bit thank you i will check it out um and mac wasn’t found gifted sub since cecil gifted subs love lullaby lilly uh and that’s it thank you guys for the subs thank you all right

I need ah this is like hard i don’t know how how to do anything wait how did did you answer me i don’t know if anyone even knows the answer how do i how do i how do i make a food farm what do i do

Ask phil i feel like phil might be asleep i don’t know why i feel like phil goes to bed at 10 o’clock 10 p.m it’s like 2 a.m almost um food farm food farm what if i make because ideally you want like steak right or like pork chops okay i think

I think like one of the the big things they do is like um poglin farms right and they just get infinite cooked pork but i don’t know how to even do that and then there’s also how would i make a cow farm i just breed them

I guess i could just make loads of cows and then get like a fire aspect sword wait how do i make an enchantment table what do i need nothing apparently um i think i need two diamonds i need books obsidian okay i think i think this is

The plan i’ve got it here’s the plan the plan is simple i need to mine because i need diamonds okay i need diamonds so i can enchant i need enchantments so i can protect myself because this is clearly not enough for me because everything hurts me a lot

So okay i need i have loads of bread okay this is what i want what else can i have oh i need to make another shield because i lost my other shield hmm okay uh shiner thanks for gifting 10. thank you thank you and kimberly and fuverji

I hope i said your name right thank you and that girl star as well thanks for giving something i love lullaby oh my god everyone’s getting subs thank you guys thank you all right um and also this is my epic treehouse if you can’t tell it’s very epic so i need

What do i need a cave hmm so wait diamonds what what level is best for diamonds now because they changed it it’s not it’s not 12 anymore because they made like the the new the new like lowest is like minus 64. 50 minus 58 all right you know what

This is what i’m going to do this is what i’m going to do i’m going to strip mine at minus fifteen actually that’s not a lame strip mining but how do i get that low are they are their caves at minus 58 i feel like there’s not

Okay what i want is i this is like dumb i left now i’m coming back um i need crafting table i need i’ll take some iron with me uh i already need sticks but i do need sticks but i guess i can just make them when i need them

I kind of want more wood i the thing with cutting down trees is i want to cut down the whole thing but it’s a jungle tree okay you know what i need to be decisive let’s go over here and just chop wait this is a normal tree but it’s still tall

Okay let’s just cut down this tree here okay oh the tree’s gone okay cool but i still want more that’s not enough wood this one these are like weird trees right like are these like jungle oak trees because like they’re in a weird kind of structure this isn’t this isn’t what

Normal trees look like is it why do i have an iron sword i don’t even know um okay well now i have a lot of logs i don’t know why i haven’t why do i have axolotls no okay why okay i need to make my mind up why

Am i so indecisive this is what okay this is what i’m doing i’m gonna go bank these axolotls because i don’t need to be carrying axolotls with me that’s just that’s just seems stupid right that seems stupid but i do want a bucket a bucket is important what else okay before i leave

To go caving what else do i need for for caving um do i have a bucket no all right everyone tell me what i need for caving because i don’t know what i need so i have a bucket torches i have torches shield okay i’m saying torches furnaces okay

Furnaces that’s a good idea furnaces ah furnaces i’ll take four so then i can keep cobble i mean i’ll get more cobble whilst i’m down there anyway torches shield pickaxe okay i’ll take an extra pickaxe i’ll make one now okay shield clay no coal i don’t have any coal but i can

Find some all right i think i’ve got everything bed what for do i actually need a bed i don’t even have a bed what do i need a bed for guys i i don’t need clay i just don’t all right here’s what’s gonna happen take the water bucket

And then i need to find a cave that goes to deep i’m gonna go deep is this cave good i don’t know we came in here before i’m pretty sure but okay you know i’m going to differentiate wait does anyone have the chords of that other cave that i wrote down one time

I don’t have it i don’t know if anyone has it someone has it but it was like it was kind of far away i think someone just put minus 18 000 in the chat no that’s not where it was hello pinix i’m not speed running i am not i’m slow

Running i’m actually extremely slow running um as you can tell uh does anyone have the chords i don’t know all right whatever i’m just gonna i’m gonna run until i find one um look i’m speedrunning i know i know the speedrunning tactics you get sticks from these things

Uh love lullaby thanks for the five thank you thank you mace yeah the mesa cave system i’m pretty sure it was this way right yeah there’s the mesa okay are these actually the chords minus minus 800 minus 150. everyone is putting different coordinates how is this you know i

Should never have trusted anyone i should have just wrote them down myself you guys can’t be trusted that was just here’s what happened okay this here’s exactly what happens with twitch chat one person will say it and it will be wrong okay and then everyone else just wants to get

In on the action and they also so they copy it and then it’s like a chain reaction and everyone just ends up typing it wrong so and then you never know who to trust and then everyone’s typing different things everyone’s copying and pasting things from other people and

No one knows what the truth is i’m sure someone put some okay someone put minus okay i believe minus 800 140 i don’t know why i believe it but i do okay i think this is why people said get another bird because because now it’s night time but here’s the thing

If it’s night time there’s more mobs on the surface which means there’s less mobs in the cave right so then it’s safer for me in the cave so i shouldn’t actually sleep but like for right now it’s gonna be annoying to get through here maybe

When i was at this mesa biome last time did i have i don’t remember if i had like armor i don’t know i don’t think i did actually um tasha thanks for giving five thank you and star tv thank you whoa like a ravine but not a ravine and now it’s really dark

Fine i’ll leave the torch though am i over 400 blocks away okay it’s like all the way oh oh watch this so i jump down here so i jump down here with the water okay fine i’ll do it like this oh wait that’s scary i don’t want to do that

Oh god oh god what have i done ah what what am i doing i’m gonna die i’m gonna i’m not gonna no okay all right danger is fine like i just have to stay composed i need to not look at enderman and then i’ll be fine okay caving oh god like this wouldn’t

Normally be scary oh my god oh my god all right it goes deep it goes deep i’m just go i’m going down i’m going down i’m not i’m not scared anymore i’m not scared of caves the bat’s on fire the bad died okay it is pretty dark down huh ah iron

Okay it’s get it’s scary here uh oh god okay uh frieda and lily thank you for gifting subs and not pixie thank you and skye is cooler thank you for the subs uh hey george have you had an amazing day so far my day’s been interesting so i i went to

Bed so okay here’s i’ll tell you the story i’ve been wanting to stream this for the last few days actually maybe even like a week like the next the next stream of this world but then i was like i would wake up at like late like really late and it

Would be too late to to stream like obviously it’s like never too late to stream but like you want to stream at like a time where people are awake you know like most people are awake even even now is it’s kind of late but still anyway the last

The last few days i’ve just been waking up so late anyway uh i finally woke up at a good oh my god stop now i finally woke up at like a normal time today but that’s only because i slept for four hours um so then i was like okay and this is what

Happened i woke up it’d only mean four hours of sleep and i was like ah i can’t get back to sleep so i was like okay i’m gonna get up so i got up and i was just chilling i was like okay now it’s too early to stream because it was

It was early this was like i don’t even know like 4 p.m my time or something so like in let’s say like uh la it would be 8 o’clock i think 8 a.m so it’s pretty early wait this is like a one of these okay i mean i guess it’s cool but i

Don’t care anymore um so yeah i was just i was just like chilling okay i’ll stream soon i guess i’ve got all day to prepare for the stream okay the spikes do damage if you run on them and then then i got tired and i was like uh okay so i’ll i’ll

Sleep for an hour and i set an alarm and then i didn’t i didn’t wake up from the alarm and then it was like midnight and then now i’m here i don’t even know like how that story started or if it i don’t even know how i got there but i

Don’t even know what my point was the point was oh my day my day that’s what it was my day has i woke up and then i got tired and i slept and i’m back anyway that was kind of a dumb story but whatever i told it anyway um i think it’s -58

Does this cape go deep enough i don’t know redstone uh cupid tw things for the five and hallow thank you thank you my inventory’s like getting full already of stuff so this cave doesn’t go deeper this is the end that was a good story i mean i don’t think it was like

You don’t have to lie you don’t have to lie okay it’s fine the story i all i said was i slept but but thank you for saying my story was was good i missed i let you just miss the crap okay i’m gonna run out of torches as well i need to get

Oh okay this bit goes deep lava lake oh god okay all right guys keep your eyes out for diamonds where am i i’m oh i’m at y54 okay this is good there’s wait that why aren’t there just diamonds like all over the walls there should be right i think they made it so

Diamonds or even like ores in general i think they made it that’s less likely to spawn on the surface so you have to like dig more which kind of sucks actually that’s kind of lame but i guess like because of the why is it so dark

Should i like add gamma so we can actually see is that do people do that i feel like i should do that wait diamonds actually where okay yes okay everyone’s saying yes okay uh okay let me eat this look up where where okay everyone relax

We are getting i think i need to close the game okay everyone relax relax don’t go anywhere this is what’s happening ready i go to my minecraft folder and i go to settings no options okay gamma wait it’s on one why is it on one okay okay whatever let’s make it five

I only have it on three okay i’m launching minecraft again everyone relax it’s launching okay minecraft’s coming back okay um minecraft okay we’re back we’re back let’s see what it looks like are you ready is it gonna be epic and light please please work okay we can see oh my god it’s beautiful

Oh there’s a oh okay there’s a whole area above me that i didn’t even know was there all right we can see everyone we can see i don’t even need torches anymore look i’ll just still make a difference but like i don’t need them okay cool we can see

Ah i need okay i’m telling you guys i’m getting a haircut i don’t care i need a haircut this is annoying me why are bats so stupid wear the diamonds everyone said diamonds where there’s no diamonds where that’s a skeleton there’s no diamonds there’s literally not diamonds

Hair costume i don’t know if i’ll do another haircut stream to be honest i don’t think i will just because like i’ve already done it you know like it would just be the same i actually um when quackity was here i wanted to do a haircut stream with him because i would

That’d like be different you know um like my hair not his hair but but like he would just be there being an idiot in the background you know but he’s gone so that’s not happening anymore where is i just need diamonds do they the diamonds just not spawn on the surface

Anymore do i have do i have to dig and i lost the cave now hmm i need i need cave where did i come from that’s all right left i think why is it light oh because of these things okay redstone i don’t know why i’m getting redstone

You know actually i am getting redstone because redstone you can make cool stuff with that and i need i make cool things i’m gonna make some cr okay actually oh i watched um oh wait wait what how did it how did it float on lava and then die whilst in water

Okay i don’t know i don’t know what just happened uh interesting all right cool whatever let’s just let’s go this way oh that could have been bad i almost lost my water uh where is where are diamonds there’s just no diamonds oh look there’s like a little mini cave um

It’s eric’s with 5 000 bits and no message thank you so much for the bits but you didn’t put a message thank you thank you and soft and then thank you for getting five and uh everyone i i don’t know how to say when it’s like aaron but with an eye

Thank you for the gift itself as well thank you i don’t know there’s no diamonds okay here’s what i’ll say new caves are cool what i don’t like is that it’s like impossible to find diamonds now how am i in this cave and there’s not a single diamond anywhere you know

You know what i mean where are the diamonds where are they where are they what if i swim up here and like i’m at y minus 30 and down here it’s minus 53. okay strip mine at 58 you have to dig all right fine fine i’ll dig

Uh cupid hq with the 10 bomb 10 bomb thank you uh let me up here say diamonds again why diamonds strip mine is the most efficient way fine 54. so wait what is the best way is it 58 is 58 the best the best level uh people are saying

54 someone said minus 64. that’s not true that’s not true uh demi gifting 20 star star tv gifting i can’t even tell i think 20 wait is that 20 as well i can’t even tell thank you guys so much for the subs thank you my friend trisha is swag okay

Thank you for the bets i do i just want to say that your streams slash videos never fail to put a smile on my face and always help me feel better when i’m uh when i feel down on you so thank you also congrats on 10 ml

World reserve thank you angela thank you thank you minus 69 no way minus 69 that’s that is nice nice all right i don’t trust any of you i have to do the work myself minecraft 1.18 best diamond level minus 59. all right see all i had to do was google it

Okay minus 59 let’s go we’re at 59 let’s go google says 59 i trust google over you guys i’m sorry do i really need my shield out here i can just i don’t even make a difference if i hold the torch hmm okay uh and blue rose thank you for the subs

Thank you for this wait surely it’s better to go one above because bedrock’s here which means if i go up one like there’s chances for diamonds to be here right hmm okay fine i’ll trust you 58 i think 58 is better wait why did it say 59 what did it say hmm

If you want to get around the whole digging process you can use the best minecraft 1.18 seeds to find diamonds quickly what i don’t need seeds to find diamonds okay look ready check this out diamonds in ten nine eight seven six five four three two one are you ready okay never mind

Okay no no no this was the block i tricked you into thinking he would be here but actually actually it’s okay it’s not that diamonds like really this hard to find wait what if i do the thing where like how do you do it wait like uh is this better

Now it’s really dark okay i’ll do this is this better am i oh i have another pickaxe that’s fine okay look i’m at 58. okay now i’m professional is this better yes or no no why i’m going like twice as quick so i don’t have to mind two blocks

I hear another cave davey thank you thank you so much for the 20 20 again thank you and the real uses thank you and corey corgi with the 2000 bits thank you just saying george hello thank you for the bits you’re exposing less blocks i don’t think i am wait

Actually i guess i’m exposing like the same number of blocks right but i’m going further so it feels like i’m doing more it’s the same number of blocks right because when i ex when i expose this block it exposes one two three wait one two three four five and i

Expose this one and it does another one two three four one two three four actually it’s better to do it like this because this one oh because the breaking the sec the second one breaking the lower one exposes five blocks one two three one two three four five

But exposing the top one exposes four so for every two you’re exposing nine but for every two here i’m exposing 10 and it takes the same speed so it’s actually it’s actually quicker this way so everyone’s saying no unless i’m wrong i think i just outsmarted you actually

Because look i’m digging like i’m going the exact same speed that i would be able to normally i’m not going slower but like i just realized if i want to get back i’m gonna have to crawl through this whole tunnel okay that’s fine my ear is itchy okay um so maybe um

I think i i just did did big brain i don’t know where are the diamonds though this is like what if my pickaxe breaks wait i have more iron it’s fine i can always make more i just really want diamonds this is and if this wasn’t quicker then why

Would anyone ever do this like you see people do this right they’re not just doing it to be cool i mean i am but like that’s not what everyone else does it for right where are the diamonds this is this is annoying i just want diamonds where where are the diamonds diamonds

There’s no diamonds i hear lava this way this is just like the longest diamond such i didn’t think diamonds were this rare i’m at -58 just go in the cave i was in the cave i was in a really big cave not a single diamond it could be below me there’s no diamonds

No diamonds um sav powell i don’t know how to say your name and aaron lena thank you for the subs guys thank you there’s just nothing this is nothing this cave this cave is trash how is there nothing here am i doing something wrong ah my pickaxe is actually gonna break

It’s gonna break this is an l cave my pickaxe is gonna break it okay i refuse to accept the the pickaxe is gonna break before i find diamonds it will not break before i find diamonds it will not break before i find diamonds it will not break before i find diamonds

It won’t it won’t what okay i don’t know what i do am i doing something wrong am i i feel like i’m not i’m just strip mining but like okay i’m confused because so they made it so you can’t just find diamonds in caves really like it’s a lot rarer right because

I ran through that that cave was massive and i was super low down and there’s no there was not a single diamond if that was old minecraft you would like almost guarantee see a diamond on the side of the walls right so mine under oars i’m i’ve barely even found oars okay

Here’s an oar okay i’m mining under them bedrock where are the diamonds hey the new update sucks for diamonds good for everything else terrible for diamonds go down a level if i go down a level then i then there’s bedrock below me and there’s less chances for diamonds right go higher

Go too low stop crawling what do i do you guys told me to come down here you guys told me to come down here take to the left fine what do you mean you’re too low they’re only in caves go up what no we didn’t go up

Go up where okay what what level do you suggest i go to 11 why 11 no there’s no diamonds at y11 well there are but like i didn’t i think there’s like barely any right you guys are switching up i finally you know what

What do i do what do i do tell me you’re too close to better or go higher all right i’m going back to google how to find diamonds minecraft 1.18 the minecraft diamond level is anywhere below layer 16 but the minecraft 1.18 update modified ore distribution and previously diamond spawned anywhere below y16

Were equally likely to appear on each lab level layer however in 1.18 diamonds still spawn below layer 16 but become increasingly common as you dig down to bedrock the best minecraft 1.18 diamond level is minus 59. and then the or distribution here look at this open image save image here

And then i’m gonna drag it in here look you see this guys look minecraft diamonds where are they it’s this is too small for me to even read it um is that diamonds i can’t even i can’t even tell what the which one the diamonds are okay the this one’s the diamond but

Is this diamonds i don’t even know okay look so this is how diamonds spawn now uh look so they’re more common the lower you get so if i’m at why 16 they’re like so rare it’s like a sliver and the more that you get down the more likely it is okay

And then it says reduced air exposure which means when an ore is about to be placed if it is exposed to air then it has a chance of being skipped so like when the world is generating if it’s exposed to air now there’s a chance that it doesn’t show there so

Basically what it’s saying is now diamonds spawn less hmm they spawn less when exposed to air it’s like in a cave on the walls it’s less likely than not in a wall like it has to have no air touching the block but it doesn’t have to but it’s

More likely and the lower you are the more likely and it’s between 16 and -64 and it’s the most likely like right at the bottom so you guys are saying go up i feel like that’s not a good idea are we all in agreeance here now please stop crawling why why though okay

Tell me why i should stop crawling why should i stop crawling george i told you my friend trisha is swag now i’m swag okay sam you are swag i believe it thank you for the bits okay why should i not crawl tell me why you’re exposing more blocks by mining too

You would uncover three more blocks but listen hear me out when i’m doing this i’m mining at the same speed i’m not going any slower right like maybe if it like took me longer right but it doesn’t okay but like look at this ready when i

Break this block okay this one here and right now i exposed one two three four five blocks if i expose this one i just do it this way if i expose this one now it exposes one two three wait one two one two three four we already see this

One it only exposes four right so this one exposes five and then when i expose the other one it exposes four but because i can do this one just as quick as the other one we’re exposing like one extra per block now so technically we’re exposing more by crawling right

You know what i mean not how it works why not why not i can’t believe i haven’t found a single diamond this is so dumb yeah it’s the four plus five yeah so like okay for every okay whatever look this is what i’m going to say doing this check this out ready

I exposed five four that’s nine five four that’s nine five four that’s nine five four that’s nine okay now check this out so i exposed every time i did that i was exposing nine blocks now when i do it five five ten five five ten five five ten you see you see

I think crawling is better right i mean i could be wrong but it seems like this is right but like i don’t know i think i don’t know i am i i don’t know if i’m wrong but oh my god my pickaxe how do i mine this much and still not a

Single diamond i just this is like i don’t know this is very controversial 50 like half of you guys think it’s right half you think it’s wrong i don’t even know what the right answer is but but the thing is you see people dig like this

So then like why would they do it i don’t know uh cameron thank you for the gifted subs um hi george i hope you’re having a good day i love you can you say hi liv hello liv hello um how do i find diamonds i don’t i just don’t know um

What did you get for christmas um honestly like what did i get i got i got like these uh it’s like a box of chocolates but the thing with me lapis we did it we did it thank you thank you so much wow one two okay and it’s actually a good amount of

Diamonds oh my god oh my god it’s like christmas all over again thank you i got six diamonds is that even enough six diamonds oh my god it it finally happened it actually finally happened here we go diamond pickaxe ah we did it we actually did it

I like by the time i finally got it i wasn’t even that excited to see it like i couldn’t even be happy for it because like it i i so deserved it ages ago it’s so dumb but yeah we’ve we’ve done it we’ve done it um 10 000 bits from

An interesting name um congrats on finding diamonds it only took four hours no it’s been 51 minutes but thank you uh thank you for streaming george i miss you thank you so much for the bits yeah it has been a while since i streamed it has finished christmas story okay i got i

Got a box of chocolates yeah i’ll show you i’ll show what they look like they’re like little um wait is it gonna melt on my hand i don’t know but like hang on oh god it’s like getting under my nail okay hang on okay they’re like little chocolates like this like they’re penguins

Focus see it’s like little penguins and they have uh oh it’s melting on my fingers um ah get it back in the box okay i need like wash my hands now hang on wait and they have like caramel inside hang on wait i’m gonna wash my hat okay

Uh so i got those but the thing with the thing with me so um when i get like i always get like a chocolate present there’s always a chocolate present and the chocolate it takes me so long to eat it like look at this out of the the 16 i’ve eaten three

And it’s not because i don’t like them i do like them but like i find it really hard to eat a lot of chocolate i don’t know why like i’ll eat like one every so often i don’t i don’t know why like okay okay wait actually you see now that

I have the diamond pickaxe it might be quicker to do the other way because it mines too quickly um wait does it no oh it’s because i was mining the other stuff the whatever the other block is um but yeah i don’t know why but i i

Just like if i eat too much of the chocolate even like two of them like it gives me a headache so i’ll just eat one every so often um so yeah like usually my chocolate presents last me months like literally months um but this is this time it’s actually

Better like i used to get like like this like big like slab of chocolate but this is easier now because like it’s like all in like little individual things so i don’t have to like have this big slab of chocolate just exposed to the air this whole time yeah chocolate makes me

Too much of it makes me feel sick and like oh no my water even like oh hang on but um oh my god i i want to mind some of this obsidian but i don’t want to die how do i get in here no uh okay i can get obsidian from somewhere else

I can get up sitting somewhere else it’s fine um did dream get you anything no and that’s fine because i don’t i honestly i don’t really like getting presents right he knows that i don’t know it makes me feel bad i don’t know why i didn’t ask him for anything i didn’t

Get him anything either so it’s fine i remember like everyone was like oh my god what did what did drink it george and i’m just thinking like oh i mean in giving anything but look it’s fine i don’t i don’t want presents i actually i i i hate

Getting presents i don’t know why i i honestly just wish i i never got presents i don’t like presents i don’t know why it makes me feel like awkward like i don’t know it makes me feel bad like i don’t want i don’t like it when people buy me things i even like

I don’t know i don’t like it when people buy me stuff it’s it’s weird um even like oh okay this isn’t actually a lava cave wait diamond i mean lapis um isn’t there a thing where there’s diamonds near lapis isn’t that like a thing how do i do it

That’s what i do the how do i do trunk borders there’s something to do with a chunk like don’t you go to the edge of the chunk i’m at the edge of the chunk five blocks north i actually think that’s right i remember okay five one two three four five

Then you’re meant to dig down but i’m already down so there should be diamonds like round hair somewhere right wait they patched it in 1.18 wait go up as well okay diamonds no diamonds maybe did they patch it at 1.18 they did hmm

What if i go to the end of the chunk i feel like they was going to like going to the end of the junk wait how long is the chunk here there’s the chunk um uh and 1.16 was working perfectly but looks like they passed it oh okay okay

Another redstone where’s redstone oh here no okay oh well looks like how do i oh i just changed my render distance looks like you can’t do it anymore wait is that where we came from where did we come from we crawled in through there we did okay interesting hmm okay

I’m gonna go back to crawling i still need more diamonds i think wait do i need more diamonds i guess i do i kind of want diamonds for armor as well i need diamonds for enchantment table i think you only need two right and then i need diamonds for armor is this

Is this actually the most efficient way i think because of the new height update that’s why it’s not working i guess so i don’t know i don’t know but i want i want more diamonds uh when are you finally going bold we’re wait waiting george smh you also get better at the game

I’m i’m already optimally skilled at the game okay but when am i going bold soon actually very soon what if i use up this entire diamond pickaxe and don’t find diamonds again i love it this way i feel like whenever you used to hear lava it would be like

An open cave of lava but now it’s like maybe it’s cause i’m oh it makes sense i’m at the bottom of the lava lake now pause the music oh this way maybe oh hello waxing head stream do people wax their heads is that a thing like i

No memes i really do want to be bold like for a bit i just want to see what it’s like i feel like it would be like i feel like it’s something everyone should experience but i don’t know i think it’d be cool literally imagine just not having hair like that’d be cool

Dude jack jack already doesn’t have hair actually i guess he does but like yeah i’m talking about literally no hair like you you wax it off like there’s none left all right can you say i love you to me and my friend trisha your swag if you do hmm

Maybe i don’t want to be swag everything about that oh i just like x-rayed a tunnel and there’s nothing in here i wasn’t even rewarded for going through the x-ray in the tunnel no stop it i was kidding no i’m gonna i’m going to do it i’m going to shave my head

There’s nothing you can do to stop me now it’s happening it’s happening the hair will be gone i really do like this like it’s actually annoying me i always have to do this it’s always in my way what if i just got rid of it all it’d be so much easier

I don’t know jack manifold 2.0 no jack will be the george not found 2.0 i’m gonna i’m gonna reinvent the boldness and he he’s gonna be the copycat oh my god this is so annoying stay out of here get a mullet how do you get a mullet i guess you just

Have to make it long and then and then um and then cut the front i guess come on come on come on what am i why am i getting so much obsidian okay i need i want to get i want to get 14 so i can have like a clean nether portal

You know the edges um completed and then i want to get how much do i need for an enjoyment table for i need 18 headset hairband what i worked all i can do is this look i kind of put it here and i put it behind here like headset hairband

See but it comes out a bit after after a little bit this is like the new headset hairband oh my god it kind of looks like i got a haircut now like my hair looks short wait this lava pool was only one deep it’s kind of weird isn’t it normally longer like deeper

Okay there’s enough for a portal and then i need four more for the obsidian for the enchantment table oh but i need books wait i can get books from like um a library um but then i do want more obsidian i mean no i want more diamonds for

Armor how much diamonds do i need i think i 24 8 plus 4 8 plus 4 is 12 plus 5 is 17 plus seven yeah 24. so you need 24 for the full diamond armor set oh wait i have enough upstairs now 58 55 56. 87 58 okay

Am i really going to be here until i get 24 diamonds like okay what it wouldn’t make sense to do actually is leave now enchant and then come back because then i can have like i could get fortune should i just go up should i go to the surface

Let me actually go to the surface right oh lapis okay let’s try it again five north one two three four five wait oh no never mind i was gonna say i could go in like a test world and test it out but i can’t really i’m going to take anyone

Spectator but you can’t you can’t see the blocks when you’re in spectator fine you’re not swag george not found please please no i want to be swag what what how will i survive not being swag it’s okay i don’t need to be swag well thank you for the bits

I need a small tattoo idea please help oh god this is too much pressure i don’t i don’t know i don’t know what to suggest you know tattoos that’s a that’s a permanent thing i don’t know if i can just i don’t know if i can just suggest something it seems risky

You know um britney jeanette and actually maddie thank you for giving subs as well thank you if you go bold it wasn’t my fault and i was never here and i just never said a thing that’s not even true like that’s not even true uh have a great stream george have you

Seen encanto no what is encanto i don’t know what that is 404 why is everyone saying 404 for like oh god ah for like the tattoo wait i think i actually had this idea before and i went you get like 404 but it’s four and four on the other on each

Side of like your belly button something the belly button is the o or the zero i guess i think i’ve said that before that’s a dumb idea though don’t do that it’s a disney movie i i’ve like barely seen any disney movies like whenever like whenever anyone asks

Me what’s your favorite disney movie i i let you do this i go google i search disney movie and i go that’s weird i literally haven’t seen any of these like how have i not seen any of these this is popular films on disney plus no

I want to see actual disney movies not disney plus list of walt disney pictures films okay i’ve seen this is like a horrible way of saying it’s like on wikipedia it looks horrible so i can’t only be bothered like to like look through this list it’s just

For some reason it’s so this is so hard for me to read i just want to see like the name with the picture of the movie i don’t want to see it in a table i give up i don’t want to look at it but i’ve barely seen any disney movies i

Haven’t seen frozen i haven’t seen the marvel movies uh i don’t know i don’t know why i just haven’t i’ve seen the first spider-man the very first one i think i guess that’s a marvel movie actually i don’t think that’s even technically a marvel movie right i think i don’t think it is

Have you seen moana no i haven’t i’ve like seen none of them gold actually do i want gold fine i got the gold i’ve seen toy story but isn’t that pixar ah i’m gonna do that finding nemo that’s pixar as well isn’t it i’ve seen i’ve seen finding nemo i’ve seen toy story

Um i haven’t seen star wars wait pixar is disney someone just said that is that even true i feel like that’s not true pixar is disney okay disney owns pixar apparently okay i’ve seen pic i’ve seen some pixel ones i’ve seen up up is like pixar right i feel like

A disney movie is not the same as the pixar movie though they’re like different like pixel movies are actually good no i said that okay there it is everyone’s getting mad now i’m just wasting there it is there it is everyone’s mad and that’s fine you just you just you just don’t like

Good movies i guess i’ve seen jungle bug wait jungle book i think it’s disney i have seen that one i’ve seen like some of the older disney movies i’ve seen bambi jungle book um i feel like um lady and the is probably disney right like those are like really old though

I’ve probably seen lion king but i don’t really remember it to be honest uh cinderella i don’t think so i’ve seen i have seen ratatouille actually i think pretty sure i have but a long time ago calling me dream hello dream Copper here just checking in for one how are you doing this diamonds he left the call what was that um how did wait how was he even playing it through his mic like i didn’t know dream knew how to do that that’s like a george that’s like a

George thing playing things through your mic interesting i kind of want to get more diamonds i want more okay fine should i go up and get diamonds Dream dream how are you playing it through your mic Dream dream Dream dream how are you playing the the song how was he he left again how is he doing that like dream doesn’t know how to do that that’s not dream like doesn’t even have a go xlr how’s he playing it through his mic how’s he doing that wait what if he got one

There’s no way he got one jim would never get one why is he just i’m confused i wanna i wanna know how he’s doing that and why he’s doing that wait what is that this is mineshaft Mineshaft that means there’s diamonds in here i can find diamonds diamonds i need chests whoa okay at a dead end it’s a dead end lapis okay you know what lapis trick but this time from higher up maybe it works here oh god all right five blocks north one okay

One two three four five and down i don’t think it works they fix that ah i just need diamonds whatever whoa shiny skeleton stop okay um snf is your Okay whatever it’s fine it’s fine um why is he playing that song though i don’t know um oh no way wait okay fine i’ll mine it that’s just one okay yeah no i forgot i only go up because i need i need fortune i need fortune i’m wasting my time

Because every diamond i find i could have fortune on it why am i only level 16 how do i get levels i need levels okay i’m gonna okay this is the plan the plan is no uh no i wanna go to the mine shaft but i also want this

Oh my god my diamond pickaxe is like half broken no stop okay here’s what i want to do i want i want to explore the mine shaft because i can find diamonds just naturally in chests right there is a name tag though it’s stuck in the web uh

Name tag i don’t need this tough all right anymore anymore any more minecarts it’s a minecart please diamonds i mean that’s the second time i’ve done that lapis um i don’t know the stalagmites they’re kind of annoying actually just get they they make it hard to move

Around they do look kind of cool though they do look cool this minecraft sucks hmm yeah like this does look cool it looks cool i’ll give them that but it’s annoying that’s enough what what is that as smf is that’s not you made a song smf is smf is Just check copper here just checking your copper here just checking involve copper here just checking in for what you made a song What how is it did he i’m just i’m so confused i i don’t even know what to say like he made a song i think that it’s part of dream’s new song clearly like i that there it is i linked it it’s a song that he’s making he’s working on that song

And it’s going to be called the song is called goggy interesting song all right i didn’t get all this cave i’m just i’m getting out because i need to enchant and i’m wasting time because every time i mine a diamond it could be with fortune so wait um um what’s it called

Enchantment table um okay yeah four obsidian two diamonds and a book but then i need the bookshelves as well okay i need i need a village with a library i need it now um i missed it nightmare deluxe thank you for giving subs sorry i missed it and i’m not

Uh give two thousand bits with no message thank you for the bets thank you all right oh it’s nighttime hey what who shot me you die die okay oh no no no don’t stop stop um okay that was close that that was very close too close i can’t even kill a spider

What is wrong with me what why do they make baby zombies so strong it makes oh it just saw a block oh my god get in the boat there we go huh they’re both in the boat Grass block okay [Applause] yeah like i almost i almost got filtered right then right then and there this is oh my god dream this is not the time oh god did i look at it there’s another baby zombie dream stop dude i’m i’m what a gay dog he’s checking him out Chill dream please dream Drink is so loud there’s phantoms there’s baby zombies james stop no what My my axe broke dream stop it’s a village oh my god How are you doing this wait what am i doing oh my god oh my god i almost just died like a billion times is that a desert temple what a nightmare deluxe how many subs is that i don’t know that’s a lot thank you so thank you so much nightmare deluxe thank you

And ciao with the gifted subs as well thank you guys so much for all the gifts it subs what is dream doing like he’s not even saying anything he’s just playing dumb songs oh my god okay wait wait oh it’s gonna say where did my pickaxe go golden apple shop for book

Riptide 3 book saddle it’s like pogging at everything that’s kind of cool though that’s like good that’s a good good thing good desert temple right like that’s that’s a pretty good desert temple considering like there was no diamonds that was a good one um it’s my first time using twitch i’m

Not tech savvy and didn’t know you could write a message yep you can write a message there you go now now you know for the future thank you so much for the bits thank you thank you that’s very epic I feel like this is copyrighted just checking in for one last time Smf is dream stop What is this I’m going to kill the cat i’m going to kill the cat snf is what are you doing i don’t understand is there a library in this village how much do you think an iron golem how much damage do you think it does to me like with full armor

Should i test it i kind of want to test it insta kill i’m in full iron though there’s no way okay oh bread where are the where’s the library where is library all right i’m gonna go see how much damage the iron golem does to me where’s the iron go on

Well there it is wait sir are you good would you like some assistance i can heal you i can heal you i’m saving you i saved it i saved her there you go i’m a good person that’s my good deed for the day uh i i really want a library

Wait there’s two i wait what there’s two iron golems this is two villages what what wait what if he could breed iron golems oh my god imagine baby iron golem please please minecraft add add iron golem breeding plea oh actually that would be like that would be like an iron farm i guess

Oh my god that’d be so cool i don’t know why that’s cool but it just is isn’t that cool is it just me or is that cool that’s cool right iron golem breeding like baby iron golem but then like you could technically just breed iron which is the problem i guess

What if what if to breed them though you had to use like like four iron i get to use two on each of them because they give three to five iron when you kill them so on average over an infinite amount of time there would be no increase in iron in the game

You know there you go i worked it out i worked out how to solve the problem you just use two iron on each of them so you use one and it gets like mildly happy then you use another one on it and then it like gets the hearts around it you know genius

Is that my is that my jungle i don’t think that’s my oh maybe it is i don’t know whoa there’s so many cows here what if i make a cow farm right here okay fine i will fine if you insist cow farm it is let’s go turn over what do you call it

What do you call it when you like get all the cows together i don’t even know um how do i do it so i need this and then i need let’s make them with fences um so i need to do uh how do i make fence hmm fence um fence okay like this

In a world where dnf does not exist crime runs rampant but there is one man not found How is dream spending his time making whatever we just listened to how how is this something that he’s actually putting his time into and i i really wish i could hear it but like it lagged like 90 of the time like what is he doing a dream 28 million subs

Spends his time making a dumb song oh i didn’t mean to do that like dream and how instead of doing that edit my video for me please please please please dream please please edit the video would that would be so cool and awesome if you were to edit that video oh my god

That would just be the greatest thing of all time it actually kind of would but oh i don’t know how to edit i forgot i need help oh my god this tree is big wait i dropped the bed didn’t i what was that what i don’t even know what happened in that song

What happened like why did it start lagging in a world where dnf does not exist crime runs rampant but there is one man one partnership One duo that can stop the madness brat not found [Applause] Dream talk say something talk to me stop playing your fantasy songs what is going on where is the fence i don’t have planks oh my god it’s raining why is it raining why is my ear itchy there’s my bed oh my god so dream is here

Oh my god is that a baby zombie oh my god it is my fence is my friend saved me um i just i’m lost for words but look at this i don’t know why i’m getting rid of all my stuff is just if some reason it makes me feel better okay so

What if what if what if oh wow one really one i just needed whatever um okay look this is this is our cow our cow pen our pen for cows my nose is itchy why am i itchy i’m itchy okay okay now get rid of all this okay and then okay cows

Follow me i am the cow whisperer i am the cow whisperer i’m going back to the hair this bit original og minecraft music cow whisperer what’s up guys cow whisperer here look at me i’m gathering cows let’s go cows come with me i’ll get some eggs whilst i’m at it

Hey you you stuck down in the water come with me this way i’m saving you okay wait what is happening spamming make your lapis into blocks to free up inventory space everyone copy and paste so he sees um i mean i guess i don’t think it’s that important

Guys why is everyone saying that that a bot is that a bot i don’t even know hey you you think you get get out of here no you don’t you come with me okay so then the cows come this way uh how do i stop

I think i feel like there’s a bot how do i stop them then i have a command that gets rid of all the same word i don’t know how to do it towels this way um right fine i’ll work it out google also bought uh delete uh message

Okay uh oh it’s the it’s nuke then you do colon nuke this okay and then you do this i did it i’m a mod i did it i did it look i’m a mod look the chat’s cleared that’s actually kind of cool i got them i did it mod george checking in

All right now i know how to do that in the future as well that’s kind of cool it just will win everyone’s got banned i don’t know if as a viewer can you see like the band messages i don’t think you can maybe you can i’m not sure

But like for me it just went like everyone died okay we need more cows oh you can’t see it that is very sad but just know it was cool okay it was cool okay i’m just like scooping up all these cows it’s cow scooping time

Come on are there more i felt like there was more maybe not okay let’s go i guess that’s all of them and then i mean cows oh my god they love me look they just they they need the food wait where the fences i’m holding them

Okay so now they’re all in there and now check this out the other cow that the sheep has regened its wall so now i get more and then i can make carpet which means i can do this so now i can get in and out and look at this read all the cows

Dream [Laughter] [Laughter] all right you understand what is this [Laughter] what is that okay do you get it what’s happening dream dream speak wait is that me is that from today i’m crying nevermind today what was so funny what even happened what was that where was that from dream

It’s just a totally random clip i just found on my computer from us like you were telling oh this it was like it was before the bee video and you were telling me to give you’re like you don’t come up with a video idea in the

Next few hours i’m doing the bee video we’ve all just started why were you recording no i don’t remember i think i clipped it or something i don’t know we were making a thumbnail or something i don’t know what what have you been doing this whole you made a song hello hello All right he’s gone again jim just shows up plays a song or or gives us law to a clip of justice laughing and leaves that’s it look at my cow farm though wait wait how do i make a book okay i need leather i’m sorry cow we already

Already had lava i think whoops book installment table uh wait i need i need bookcases i need why did i make this this thing here where am i i’m at 650 minus okay wait i’m screenshotting the chords um i guess i’ll try breed them again that’s not been long enough okay

Um so i need what do i need i need bookcases bookcases i could technically put this on a sword though i can make a shot for a sword because i have a i have an anvil at home i mean like okay i know what to do i need more

Obsidian i don’t i can’t do it i want to make like a portal here and then wait can you make a portal here that then goes back to spawn so that i don’t have to run like all these blocks or i could have just made a cow farm near spawn ah

I don’t know wait the bots are back what are they saying oh i see it all right i’m gonna do it again and see what happens i did it again they got banned okay i did it i deleted the spam i deleted it i did it wait they’re doing it again

Okay wait watch this ready i’ll do it again i’m going to fix it i’ve been doing it again then all i have to do is this okay i fixed it I’m a mod i did it i’m so i’m just so good i’m a mod i’m a streamer what else am i i don’t know creeper um i need okay i can i can think i can do this iron these things these things wait that was dumb i didn’t do that boom okay

Oh it’s sub only mode now i didn’t do that but it’s sub only mode now which you know that means it means you can use your free twitch prime do you guys know what twitch prime is i think you do all you have to do is link your amazon

Account if you have amazon prime to your twitch account and you click subscribe you load you check the little box that says use free prime sub it’s literally free and then you sub with prime and it’s free dream i’m gonna be here you’re back on music okay i have background music already though

It’s okay i’ll and this custom is better it’s custom okay i paused um it’s not custom but it’s just like wait since you give dj it’s fine i’ll be here in the background just djing what you’re doing you know okay dj fine you might want to

Maybe share your screen i don’t know i mean it’s probably better but yeah i don’t know customize it based on what i’m doing but yeah okay i’m sharing my screen thank you um wait what hello How is this custom this isn’t custom Interesting okay i just want to see if he switches it off he’s not changing the music he’s not changing it Why is he not changing isn’t it supposed to be changing i know you’re playing music based on what’s happening you’re the man the myth the legend george i know i know i am i don’t know i don’t know if this music fits i don’t i don’t think this fits

Okay yeah the way back to back to normal uh and bailey and thank you for the giving subs and debbie thank you hello dre and gog hello how do i say name ayla hello hello my house is right there oh my god wait it wasn’t even that far away Oh my house it’s right there What Wait as i just realized i thought i thought i came i started over there Didn’t i Didn’t i go that way how am i from over there Oh i dug that way that makes sense actually oh this music does work this music is perfect oh my god oh sappy Nice very nice Okay so we need another village i think there’s more villages over this way that way These songs are amazing dream is my new favorite streaming for this dream thank you so much for providing such great music it is just so perfect and optimal for the situation dream wait play that one play that one Play the epic one the epic one Yes the epic one the epic one oh let’s go i’m the best Okay that was like death swap oh it’s the special tree Look what it is village but is there a library Look at the jumping zombie look It’s on Beat can’t believe minecraft is made to be on time with music I’d already been to that village guys it was already looted that though has not been looted do i dare go over there gonna be scary scary scary music should be playing all right here we go here we go Yes george are found it’s time to take on the pillager outpost i see you pillagers and i’m not scared i will kill you despite your enchanted crossbow and your other village over there oh my god that probably has books in it here we go Die no this is wrong music is the epping music this is This is an epic All right shoot me easy 360 no scope idiot Come on all right i’m cleaning them out i’m going to loot the village thingy the house what’s going to be in it keep watching to find out here it is oh my god that is good loot wow Wait No I’m not scared Oh god i should be scared maybe Yes let’s go oh my god do they just constantly spawn or something it’s not christmas Oh my god oh my god i have i have the effect so if i go to that village it’s gonna start a raid no i need milk i need milk where do i get milk i need my cow farm is this where’s the milk music i milk you for can i milk you It doesn’t work oh my god there’s an idiot So just go to the village is there is there a um i can’t even tell if there’s a library these idiots just constantly respawn how do you stop them can you stop them oh god there’s a baby zombie right into my trap I need milk I don’t know if this music fits to be honest okay is this does this mean something bad’s gonna happen soon this is a manhunt music What does it mean what does the music mean It means there’s a cow nearby ah i don’t have a bed i can’t sleep I need i need i need i need cows where are the cows Where’s the cow by them uh i just need one cow why is the desert so big dodge doesn’t weave where are the cows why does every skeleton have an enchanted crush uh bow is that like a hardcore thing okay there’s an ocean that way a gold zombie i need milk

I just want to go to the village My shield’s gonna break soon four spiders just spawned literally at once where ha ha i’m gonna get lost i’m gonna get lost i don’t even have iron i can’t make another shield ah why is this desert so big Oh my god the desert is just massive yeah i know the i know i have a cow farm but like that’s a long way away right now i thought maybe it’d be easier just to Oh my god the dj it’s kind of cool should i just hire a dj for all my streams so i can have custom music happen at cost right the good times i see the thing the music changes that’s kind of cool Oh my goodness nox crew mcc in my hardcore world Oh No way keep it playing we got a golden apple an enchanted one no way i’m eating it okay i’m not let’s go that’s sick where’d it go wait did i eat it oh it’s here look at it okay the hype moment’s over apparently coin stream what’s that like a notification Wait how comes my calculations So What what Uh i’m gonna die maybe Yes Oh my god liz gifting a hundred please thank you so much for the 100 gifted selves oh my god thank you so much that is a lot a lot of subs liz thank you thank you Oh my god thank you so much liz with a hundred Where do i go oh my god It’s right there the fortress is hit the fortress is here How do i get over that how do i get over there we bridge okay we bridge we bridge we bridge Look at this parkour Music hello hello music the dj died hello okay we’re back We dig through the wall Five four three two one fortress five four three two one fortress I’m in I’m in Okay dramatic silence i see silence for effect from the dj great use of music or lack thereof oh no it’s it’s one of it’s a soul biome that means they spawn like a million uh it means they spawn a million uh of the bad guys Here we go this is my moment i’ve waited all my life for this oh god i just dug into the spawner oh god I’m cracked Okay i’m doing it i’m doing it my axe is low okay come on i’m taking any damage not a single point of damage yet my shield is low my axe is low i have two blaze rods i don’t even know what i’m doing with these blaze rods what am i here for

Oh god i have five blazer rods why am i getting blazers i don’t know i don’t know what do i do do i leave no i’m not a baby i will stay i will kill all of them Shoot me idiot you missed sue me my shield’s gonna break oh my god my shield broke oh my god my shield broke it broke it my axe broke I have no i have no weapon i have no weapon how do i get out where did i come from where did i come from oh my god uh where’s the way out Unless you don’t have a weapon Kind of suspicious a little bit of netherrack on the floor I’ve done it Yes I did it that was cool dj dreamer creation for making george’s gameplay even more epic thank you for the dj dream appreciation it means a lot to dream okay uh should i get level 30 from mining quartz we need some quartz mining music there it is there’s the quartz mining music

Mag wasn’t found with the 20 thank you mack thank you All right let me get some of this well there’s like an island over there if you guys want you can also hire durian to do djs at your parties he’s uh he’s for hire this is his like this is like his resume like a live million dollars an hour

Only a million dollars an hour guys this is a good price it comes with a dream a meet and greet as well built into the price think about it um for payment you just donate to the stream my stream i’m his manager Didn’t miss the beast like one like a have a birthday party soon or something Okay level 28 nearly 29. should i jump in the lava and see what happens No okay What are they doing in there there’s two of them in there Interesting very interesting I think we should uncover them and see what they’re doing let’s see let’s see what they’re doing in there Ah What so I didn’t want to see that i did not want to see that uh the mexican thanks for gifting 10 thank you music’s a bit quiet it’s not quite picking up through your mic dream There you go oh that’s my portal and we’re nearly at level 30. Oh my god this is it come on level 30. Wait i think the puzzle’s this way okay you know that was a good visit to the other That was just the greatest visit to the nether i could have ever asked for why does everything have enchantments Um okay i still need um i don’t have a shield oh no i still need um library a library oh god why is it fight music what does this mean am i going the right way i don’t even know i don’t know where i’m going blue rose

The mexican thanks for giving subs thank you i’m dying unless you die i’m dying this is bad i need milk okay milk cow juice where there’s no planes by him i don’t even know where the village is from here i’m lost i’m disoriented i don’t know and mack wasn’t found with the gifting

Subs as well thank you thank you oh my god i have no shield i have i have no shield i need a shield what What is this meant to mean i don’t even have a weapon oh wait the village is right here then i can’t go in because i have a bad omen ah wait it’s in the golden apple get rid of it right did i get you i got you ah i don’t have a weapon

What should i do do i make a diamond sword there’s no cows here i don’t even know if there’s a library in there like i’m getting i’m getting obsessed with this village can i even tell if there’s a library hey tell me if there’s a villa a library

In there can you see one I don’t think there’s even I can’t i don’t think there is right There’s no there’s not even a library though what is that oh it looked like it was floating for some reason and w20 giving a hundred subs thank you so much i think i meant to say your name is andrew thank you so much andrew a hundred gifted subs thank you so much wait Thank you so much for the good subs thank you there’s a library in the stronghold wait what if i found the stronghold should i just go find a stronghold stronghold time wait where’s my cow farm i think it’s this screenshot the cow farm is at 650 minus 100.

Oh god i’m like completely opposite way dream i’m too lazy to keep djing i’m sorry why i’m just too lazy it’s just it’s i’ve ran out of songs and i do so many and it’s just like is this is this what you meant should i

Just go in the village and start a raid okay dream look one last thing i only asked one more thing i’m gonna start it right now it’s no it’s fine i enjoy your raid enjoy your raid george what do you mean enjoy my raid enjoy your raid well like who’s raiding you

No i’m ready i’m raiding the village okay wait there’s a blacksmith quick quick quick quick i gotta do this really quickly there’s nothing in here oh god i’m gonna die this is bad why am i still in here i don’t even have a weapon um oh no wait there’s a double blacksmith

Please please please please please let me out ah oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god hey look i lost my uh my bad omen at least but i don’t think that there’s no library can i sleep okay uh there’s no library wait did the where’s the raid

Oh it’s still here okay i’m just gonna leave hey i i’m sorry village you’re gonna have to deal with this one on your own uh-huh i didn’t even get any iron from the chests fine what if we just go and we just go to the stronghold

Like it might even be easier to go to the stronghold than look for a village that has um and look for a village that has what you call it a library because i know how to find the stronghold like the strongholds easy to find and i got blaze

Rods now so i can i can go i’m pretty sure i have ender pearls at home unless i left them at a cow farm i don’t i don’t even know just get sugarcane how many how much sugarcane do i need probably quite a lot right hmm a lot three per book

And then you need three books per blog and then you need like how many blocks you even need i don’t know uh andrew with another a lot of subs i can’t tell how many that is how many is that i can’t see that looks like a lot though thank you

So much thank you thank you thank you um you need 135 wait um what am i doing okay the sugarcane hair um wait who else gives it subs i just saw someone else i can’t even see there’s too many andrew subs oh my god thank you so much andrew uh

Wasn’t there another person oh here uh star tv as well thank you so much thank you thank you oh i need the leather as well but i have a cow farm now so you need a 135 sure can that’s what like two stacks basically and a bet two and a bit stacks

Oh yeah that might take a while but i could also just run around this desert there’s like oh wait there’s a village right there there’s a village wait i’m pretty sure i’ve been to this village right i feel like i’ve i’ve seen this like the small village

Have we seen this i feel like we saw this already wait i might be able to just get all the sugarcane like i don’t think this is going to take that long actually but i also kind of want to go to the stronghold because it’s kind of fun um have we been here

I don’t know i don’t even know what the library looks like there’s a guy writing books what does that mean is it a library um okay library the first house is one wait bennett’s already knew but it’s already new okay look so i need an axe okay fine i’ll make a diamond axe

Fine if you insist diamond x and then i don’t have silk touch but that’s fine because you don’t lose books right you just lose the word yeah you get three okay so this is nine bookshelves wait how many bookshelves do i need for a full enchanter how many do i need

Do i need this lactone no i don’t need 15. so wait i already have nine and then i can probably make the rest just for sugarcane right i mean how can you tell that was a library i guess it just looks like that okay um so if it’s 15

And i already have nine so i have nine out of 15 is the six remaining six remaining out of 15 which is less than half um so then half of the sugarcane is like 70. and i already almost have 70. so i i can make all the stuff now i think

I have everything i just need the i just need leather i’m pretty sure i can make all of it right now but i don’t know so we need to go to the cow farm the cow farm was six fifty zero essentially six fifty zero okay let’s go to the cow farm

I think we can get a fill and chance from this i think surely surely we can 650zero wait is this my house right here hmm i don’t know there’s so much sugarcane huh what’s my goose thanks for getting five can we get a virtual hug i don’t know can we

I just like ruined that lake for a little bit of speed virtual hug okay virtual hug here there i don’t know how that started as a as a virtual hug but that’s what a virtual hug is i don’t know i don’t know how that started

Oh it’s like a desert no what is this bayern it’s a wooded badlands that’s also a jungle neat thank you you’re welcome there you go look i’m gonna start a forest fire huh okay there’s my house i’m like right here okay so then the cow farm i want a way to like make

The cow farm more accessible um and then i’ve got um i guess i don’t think i need all of this i’ll just like break it so i can still grow i’m being renewable it’s a renewable resource look at all look at all this sugarcane so oh i might not actually have enough love

Enough leather i probably won’t i’ll probably need more cows actually uh yeah i’m gonna run out of cows probably but we can breed them so i can kill them a railway i can be cool actually i make like a railway that goes along here like through the trees somehow but if i

Make like a tree top thing it comes like through the trees and then once it gets out of the jungle it can just come out the other side you know there’s so much cocaine what tree coaster yeah exactly tree coaster because the cow farm is is just over here i’m pretty sure

We could also it probably would just be easier to move the cows closer to be honest that would be a lot easier it would save time it would use less resources and it would just be better in general but the tree coasters kind of cool there they are they’re the cows

Uh francesca fay with the 10 thank you and sasha with some uh with the giz as well thank you thank you it would be more fun with um with the thingy with the railroad but like do i really want to have my cow farm be all the way over here i don’t know

Uh food finally the apples um virtual hug back to you cogs and don’t forget to trade for resources if you want oh like from the village i guess i could trade with them uh oh and keep an eye out for a possible lead for your animals

How do i get leads wait don’t i need like slime i think i need i just need slime okay so i breed all these cows okay and then my iron’s still smelting i just realized i was like i was shift clicking all of the iron out but like i it literally wasn’t doing

Anything because my inventory was for so smart i am just so smart okay it’s bedtime soon wondering trader where drinking milk i don’t have the the bad omen anymore because i spawned the the the raid um that was five thousand thank you so much uh spicy suit that is a lot of bets

Thank you thank you thank you thank you so how do i make books i need paper and then wait all right fine i just need to kill them i’m sorry okay let’s just see what this does so i think you just do like hey it’s one leather pub burke oh

Yeah i’m gonna need some more cows i think yeah that’s i’m gonna need a lot of cows how many cows would that be so i need 15 times three 45 oh i don’t need that many actually i only need 14 more 14 more cows and there’s one two three four five six

Seven eight nine ten there’s almost enough already there any more that i can breed no more to breed okay so we need a wafer how long does it take for a cow to grow there’s two more leather in my chest wait where rotten flesh uh oh here i’m an idiot okay okay cool

Wait i need twelve one two three four five wait one two three four five six seven eight nine ten ten okay we just need to wait for like two to grow how do i grow the cows i just wait how long does it take i should make a shield that’s true shield

Shield shield shield okay shield um feed them wheat wait no it doesn’t work wait can i feed the oh how much wheat does it need what i just gave it like 30 wheat but i do have a lot like do i i don’t even know which one i fed

I’m just gonna spam i’m spamming just breathe just grow grow cow grow grow is this like doing anything Okay i wasted it all right i don’t know how feeding mechanic works i’m sorry uh you know i don’t care let’s just slow them one two three four five six wait they dropped multiple leather eleven wait wait why am i counting this wait i need one more

Oh he didn’t even drop leather that time that that one didn’t drop like that okay boom we have enough we have enough we’ve done it paper um leather 46 i don’t have enough wood okay we need uh 11 x 6 we need 66 logs planks 66 plancks let’s go

Okay a stack in two stacking two which is 17 logs i need 17 logs okay okay we’re nearly done we’re nearly here two more but i’m gonna get the whole tree cool we did it we have a full enchanter it’s time it’s time okay uh what wait where’s bookshelf

When i have the bugs i don’t wait oh okay i have 15. we did it we did it uh wait where should i make it i guess i should i guess i should make it at home right but where would i even put it i don’t know

I don’t even know where i would put it let’s just put i’m just gonna put it here for now maybe i don’t i don’t know i don’t know what to do i don’t know what to do um uh tree house but where just like on the floor i don’t

Really have space in the house i oh wait okay so i need this home would look cooler okay what if i make like a little under okay underground thing i bring these with me underground thing um bring this with me are there any cows that can be bred okay you guys breed um

Breed i mean bread breed okay so um okay i’m going back home um my gnf merged from birthmarks wait what is birth must finally came that is exciting i’m glad i’m glad i hope you like it it sounds like you do um what is birthmarks like christmas and

Birthday that like when your birthday is on christmas i don’t know i don’t know i’m glad the merch came obviously it came i’m glad you got it there you go um so house is just over here um interesting i think what i want to do is i want to build like a little

Cave like you just go into it and it’ll be like down so it will be like just near the base but like you just go down a little bit you know but where where to go i think we’ll do it like right near the base of this like the main the main tree

I think let’s see like what if it’s just literally like down here down here you know what is this down here and then we can make it all jungle themed you know make it jungle themed somehow okay yeah whatever let’s just do it right here i don’t have a shovel okay let’s go

Um sam what did he say wait 500 gifted if you lost all 10 of your hearts um no wait how much is that 500 2 500 you want to pay me to delete the hardcore world i don’t i don’t think i can do that i like the offer

But i don’t think i can do it i’m sorry wait it needs to be a three-wide entrance or one let’s just do one 500 gifted that’s the deal make it five million gifted and i’ll do it no i can’t i can’t there’s there’s too much law in this world okay

There’s too much law we can’t just die i can’t believe you’re trying to pay me to delete my hardcore world and what if you scammed me no i didn’t i can’t do it i’m sorry oh okay okay what if it’s just literally right in here right here ready make the room yeah

I didn’t get totems of an undying how do i get the totems you need to go to um i need to go to like the the mansion right sweet i put it like right here probably oh it makes light that’s kind of cool okay it’s gonna be ugly at first but

We’ll make it look better oh you can get it from raids as well yeah oh raise will be hard because you have to like complete the whole thing i think mansion would be safer until maybe i get like better stuff so wait how do i do this i go like

I haven’t made an enchanter in so long okay so i think i just go like like this right okay you gotta at least do like this surely maybe not in the corners how do i do it is this right three by five what does that mean wait i need corners not the corners

I have six left what do i do with the remaining six like three hit okay you can do it however you want okay like that but it’s uneven now okay well it worked but like it’s ugly i mean we can always get more books in the future

Right now we’re gonna leave it ugly because i’m too lazy to think of the design but we will make this beautiful this will be beautiful one day wait we should get the anvil and put it down here i think the anvil is up there um no oh it’s in here okay andville

What if we put it okay let’s just put it here for now whatever i want to fix this how much does it cost that’s not even worth it three diamonds doesn’t even repair it okay so wait what has happened oh because i renamed it um so what should i do

Should i make another pickaxe i guess i should just make a fresh pickaxe and enchanter fresh pickaxe it is what okay fresh pickaxe i didn’t mean to throw that one out all right we already got an efficiency for enchantment what’s it gonna be i’m breaking three i did it i did it

I did it for unbreaking three fortune three there’s no way that’s awesome so i just need mending can you get mending from enchanting i need more levels i need an xp farm how do i get i can’t believe i just got that i’m breaking three fortune 4 fortune wait i’m breaking three fortune

Three efficiency for Not even efficiency five what i don’t think you can get efficiency five but you can from like um merging um okay well that was cool oh i should make a chest for down there okay chest we will make this room cool eventually but for now whoops what else can i put in here

Books okay cool use the sharpness book i could actually oh no i want to make a diamond sword i don’t i don’t have enough diamonds wait i might have a diamond up in here possibly i should have named the pickaxe at the same time as oh wait you can’t

Name it at the same time that’s enchanting i’m an idiot oh i have one diamond okay look do this what is that that that that i’m just kind of interested to see what it says i will get smite four okay no look we can do sharpness four on the

Wait that’s not even that good though just sharpness four i need like unbreaking as well and looting um no i feel like you say no you save the sharp four until you have sharp four right and then you use it to get sharp five that’s how it works right that’s how you

Should do it so i think you like i lost my other sword i needed that i guess i can just use this it doesn’t matter okay this is what i’m gonna do i’m gonna do this and this to reset the enchantment and then it’s fire expect one

You can get fire spec 2 though right should i use this in shaman or should i like get rid of it like this isn’t good right like first i mean fastback one is good i guess it’s good actually because but isn’t fire respect rare and get rid of it reset okay fine fine

I don’t have a grindstone how do i hit grindstone how do i make it grindstone oh it’s a slab a smooth slab okay a smooth slab why it’s very weird okay smooth slap smooth slap smoosh love and then I have no wood psych i do grindstone nice grindstones never like die do they you just use them forever okay so put this one in I’m breaking three i should probably get that one right should i go get level 30 and and do this one yes okay okay i need five levels uh that goes there i guess i’ll leave this in here for now efficiency too oh i have obsidian i can make a portal

Okay i don’t know where i should make the portal i can make like a cool portal somewhere where can i make a cool portal i don’t know but for now we’re gonna make an ugly portal because i’ve got places to be the nether i don’t wanna make it look cool now

But we we have to like make everything look cool you can also use the sharpness book on your axe would be really strong as well yeah cause like most people just use axes right wait should i do that instead but yeah i don’t even like i almost never use a sword anyway

Okay wait oh whoops wait a second fortune in the throat that’s kind of dumb wait what in thomas do you want an axe you want unbreaking and you want unbreaking sharpness efficiency right i guess this could be all of those on one and then you because you can’t you can’t get you can’t

Get sharpness on the axe through enchanting you have to use it in the anvil but i need i need fire aspect for the for the cow farm but for now i can do this wait where did the coal go i thought i had call until my call slabs it is

Oh there’s so many questions i don’t know what to do i left it in the cow farm chest oh oh yeah because the call was there okay that makes sense um block of coal in my inventory i think that’s obsidian you’re looking at uh what do i want oh i need levels

Okay so the question is i don’t know what the question is i don’t know what i want um but maddie has gifted subs three times and i missed them so thank you maddie for the for the gifted subs and yadara thank you i missed subs okay i honestly

I don’t know what i want with my i need it in chan i need fire respect which i got rid of for some reason i guess i didn’t really need fire spec 2 for killing the cows but also eventually i can probably just get a way better way of killing the cows

Like a better food farm okay i’m just gonna go through here and see what what’s in here oh it links back to the original portal wait when i go back through here it’s not going to take me home it’s going to take me to the cow farm wait no it’s not

It’s going to take me to the middle of nowhere wait it’s going to take me to the middle of nowhere right wait this is the same place isn’t it is this the same place wait is it i can’t even tell wait oh it’s different wait this isn’t the original place

It looks so similar i think i thought okay i guess it’s in the same place i just realized we can finally get diamonds now because um because we have fortune three okay yeah this is this isn’t the same place but it looks kind of similar because my my um

My portal was up on like a little kind of thing you know what i mean you know what you know what i mean it was similar my god i should have written down the chords how about this i’ll take a screenshot like this and i can’t get lost

I’m not even wearing gold this is dangerous um i have my gold boots i do this pickaxe is kind of op um so i just need to get to level 30. i wasn’t even looking and i was just digging really quickly down i could have ended so badly um okay um hmm

Yeah this is like way quicker this pickaxe is actually insane three hours i have been here for three hours time flies when you’re playing minecraft okay i just want to get to level 30. uh where is the quartz wait is this drop xp oh it does oh not that much though

Uh okay sorry uh okay when are they level 30 boom okay oh puzzle this way this gets like no xp okay up here and in okay let’s go let’s go let’s go what do i i don’t know what’s going charm i don’t know what to do

Oh it does bring me home okay cool perfect what to enchant the axe with fortune three and possibly other things or the sword with unbreaking three and possibly other things and then we can also add sharpness four to the axe we can also do both like i can just go

Get more levels and we can do both uh okay a lot of people are saying axe i think i don’t know it’s close to 50 50 but i think more acts and i kind of want the axe actually now i’m thinking about it i guess i’ll just use this one it’s

Basically basically four i don’t even have any other diamonds anyway so i i couldn’t okay let’s do it see what happens efficiency for i wouldn’t get on breaking though ah that’s good but we didn’t get on breaking wait i can probably enchant like books right yeah i’m breaking fire aspect

Should i take after level 30 though i get so many far aspect sharp three um impaling for that good no i don’t want that power looting one these are these enchantments suck i’m losing so many levels oh my god loyalty wait loyalty three that’s kind of good right

I know i’m wasting xp but like oh i’m blocking oh i’m blocking it i just wanted to be faster like to get between them wait is it gonna be the same now what’s it gonna say now that’s the same do i do i want loyalty t3

I know it’s for a trident but like i’m going to get a train eventually and then that makes it like come back actually do i want loyalty no i want the one that lets you fly i don’t even really want loyalty i guess i do but like i don’t need it

That’s kind of trash i don’t need loyalty i don’t need loyalty okay um i want a cool enchantment knockback efficiency i’m just going to keep going until i get something cool i’m breaking three on the sword we already had that actually oh my god i suck pissing lure knockback loyalty protection

Unbreaking wait they’re not changing what’s on the bug i’m in the oh it’s oh it is changing never mind why these enchantments like terrible protection three these suck these and gentlemen suck get mending i wish would it say mending here i don’t know if it would bane of arthropods

Like these suck fortune two you can’t get many from an enchantment table oh okay so like like why why don’t all these enchantments suck like surely this should be fourteen three you know because i have low levels surely not though like because it says you need

Level 30. even if i had 30 levels it wouldn’t change what this is kidnap a villager i could go i could make a villager guy at the at the cow farm hmm i don’t know i mean like it doesn’t the enchantments don’t aren’t dependent on my current level i don’t think so anyway

Diamond axe should i just i need an unbreaking book wait i was looking for an unbreaking book i want an unbreaking three book that’s what i want i’m just gonna keep wasting levels until power four kinda good i’m breaking three books are hard to get uh enchanting is so hard

I’m missing a bookshelf but no because it goes to level 30. you need more levels why is on braking so hard to get again an unbreaking villager go fishing there’s so many options i don’t know what to do it’s so hard why is minecraft so hard

I’m going to write down the chords 0 63 3. it’s basically zero zero that’s kind of cool to know my my porcelain my spawn force was zero zero okay you’d be better off getting a village go fishing in the lava okay um okay so this is a lava wall it’s like exploration music

Yeah let’s see how quick i get to level 30. i don’t know how long it would take honestly what’s the how do i make an xp farm do i need to like do it with and it’s like with enderman isn’t it yeah nether right oh wait that’s true i want

Netherray i want to turn this into a nether right pickaxe how do i get another right what what uh why access should i look for netherright i guess i should why not 15. okay 15 for netherrack i mean nothing right oh it will burn i just look for another right now beds

Beds do make it a little easier um but what if i just didn’t use beds wait how much netherrate uh ancient debris do i use need like four i think right four okay so i need four and you can find them in like more than block like chunks of one veins of one

Like possibly i could just go down there and just mine and find two veins of two really quickly and then i don’t even need to go get beds you know and then i can make this into another pickaxe i just try it actually i have some tnt wait where did

I come from uh huh okay okay fine this is what i’m gonna do i’m gonna go back i’m gonna get the tnt and then i’m gonna see what i can do see if i can find some netherright um is it definitely just four or is it five i don’t remember

Before okay i’m sleeping uh bum bum bees bee it’s like bumble’s bee but with an eye uh get us up thank you thank you oh okay i didn’t mean to do that okay so let me just give her some stuff The chest is full cool so okay what do i need i need tnt which is at the cow farm so the cow farm okay fine i’ll go to the cow farm but the cow pumps far away i don’t have my boat the boat is like right here i think okay

This is why the cow farm needs to be closer place tnt on chunk border at y15 why on the trunk border is that actually better oh barbara’s hut thank you for gifting five subs thank you does it actually matter if it’s on the on the edge it does

Why though on the chunk border why i wanna know why where’s what’s the science what’s the science you’re more likely to find some on the trunk borders okay fine wait i’m going the right way aren’t i oh yeah there’s the village okay so we can also use this village to do some

Village trading stuff um but not now because i don’t know how to do it i don’t even know how to do it how do you do it how do you village trade i think you just you have to find i think it’s the library a librarian right which probably isn’t even at this

Village i’m probably gonna have to go back to like the other place that i found which i don’t even know where it is i might have to check the vod to work out where it is um oh you just need electron okay you can just the clergy

Yeah um you can just i think you can just put down electron actually oh you can’t even breed them yet wow okay so tnt i have nine i don’t even have that much uh is there anything that i should bring back i have another golden apple uh I don’t really need anything else from here okay um okay i’m gonna go back um hmm so i have nine tnt i think that’s enough to find for ancient debris i don’t know wait there’s a whole river here uh i could probably like oh it goes up to there i don’t know

But i don’t i don’t have i don’t have beds though i guess i could have i could have just got some i’m an idiot i’m an idiot i was literally at a village okay i’m gonna get the beds from the village i have tnt and that might be enough to get me

That might be enough to get me the nether right uh jacitron 17 thank you for the gifted thank you thank you okay let me in where are the beds one oh my inventory is like it’s not optimal i have a lot of stuff oh okay uh melina thank you for gifting five

Thank you oh my god that sound that’s such a throwback sound that’s like uh from like speedrunning um emeralds whoops i just broke the house this is also like speedrunning getting all the beds i’m basically speedrunning right now that’s what i’m doing oh my god the noise um

Watermelon goose with the five thank you awesome watermelon goose no that’s a funny name watermelon goose okay i think that’s all the beds and that says some in here which there might be um there is I need the cactus i need the flower pot there’s so many beds they really do just have a lot of beds there’s so many i’m like running out of space okay that’s the last one i think uh okay iron i just like took everything from the village

Oh i didn’t mean to do that okay let’s go back it’s time to get the nether right uh how do i say your name vira i don’t know how to say your name i’m sorry but thank you for the five gifted thank you take coal okay

Okay i’m getting it i’m getting it i’m getting it i’m getting it i’m getting it needed a lytra that’s what i need walking around it takes too long i need elytra oh loads of the cows grow up i think okay uh that’s redstone wait i don’t have coal oh it’s probably in the

Furnaces wait what am i doing what am i doing bad okay i think that’s good So i have nine tnt i have a lot of beds surely i can get enough to make this into another pickaxe i would think uh bailey and trinity bop thank you for gifting five each thank you thank you okay um house should just be right over here

Uh aaron name with the ten thank you aaron thank you okay oh the boat’s right here okay cool let’s go let’s go let’s go the house is right here the portal should be there okay cool let’s do it another right time never right now the right another right near the right okay

Oh i missed i need i need some wood i guess i’ll fine i’ll get this through wait i probably shouldn’t have got this tree this tree has character wait where did it go okay because i need another chest chest chest chest there oh that’s not what i wanted yeah all right

Green bed cyan birds lime beds okay so then what don’t i need to go to the nether i don’t need this this this this this i’ll keep this i need this i don’t need a water bucket keep some of this okay beds okay perfect uh okay let’s go another right time

I’m not even in the portal it’s never right time all right so i need to go down to y15 i’m at 52 okay we need to be careful i don’t have a fire resistance potion wait this could end up really badly i technically haven’t uh what you call it uh enchanted golden apple

So oh so i technically have a fire resistance potion but it’s not quite what i want to use but i do have experience doing this this tactic so i i i know how it can go um and it can go bad but yeah we’ll see i’m probably just gonna watch this i’m

Gonna dig right into it right right as i get huh okay so we’re at 15. we need to go to a chunk border that’s the wrong one okay that’s it so wait this is the trunk border where do i put it like here yes or no here all right someone said yes people

Are saying yes okay i feel like you you don’t all know the answer but whatever i’ll i’ll trust you so i need my clinton steel i get a block so i think i put a block here i’m just going to run away okay wait where’d they say

Always dig a line then plant the tnt roll running run okay so you always do it on the border why does the i don’t get why you do it on the border i’m at 13 and they go up 14 15. so here’s the border wait where is the border is that the border

Wait is this the border here why am i being dumb i know this is the border okay so i put it here here there nothing i’m gonna get the xp though quartz for xp wait oh no i’m being an idiot okay i was like is this another trunk border no this is

The same one that i just did 12 13 14 15. so i go here oh okay okay chill out so this is the border wait no i don’t why the colors are confusing i keep forgetting which one is the border color okay that’s the border color okay i know

What to do now i go here here there okay nothing okay that’s the border so i do this this boom nothing okay i’m getting unlucky okay let’s try a bed okay nice this is scary oh i messed up still nothing okay go to the edge of the border am i not

Mine along the border instead like where am i not doing it right like i have to go like here oh cause then it’s like a double border so i need to do it like here right no stop stop okay so here is like a double border and there’s also

Oh god this is so scary and hardcore uh felix the fifth thanks for gifting and also von thq and just in time for orange thank you oh how is there nothing i’m getting unlucky i guess they could be like under this fire but i don’t see ah

Okay so we keep going until the next border which is here uh blue rose as well with the 10 thank you blue rose thank you boom boom boom nothing never mind okay we got one we got one we did it we got one nice whoa it takes a long time to mine hidden

In the depths obtain ancient debris all right one out of four all right wait i need to go a different way then right okay i’ll do it like a long hair where’s the next border there wait it’s another wrong way i need to go this way now uh yeah whoa

The lava spawned on my head it went on my head was i meant to do oh my god okay uh my god okay i’m not even digging in the right why that was too close that was way too close and this is gravel why is there gravel i’m going this way

That’s way too close like actually way too close wait oh i’m not even at the border anymore where’s the border wait how do i find the border wait this is the border here i’ll just do it here okay if if that happens again i’m just gonna have to like eat the

Golden apple like the enchanted one this is this is so risky it happened again it happened again oh my god in case you guys don’t realize by the way this is hardcore so like if i die it’s over uh this is scary my helmet broke i don’t like this anymore

Which way do i wait where did i even come from i don’t even know this way okay i’m gonna go this way i just want to strip mine for i don’t want to use explosions anymore it’s too scary and dangerous i need fire resistance that’s what i need

But how do you even get it i need magma cream wait i can technically brew potions right now i didn’t get the i didn’t get what you call it um okay we have three nice not nice i can trade for it that’s true um okay

Look i only need one more okay i can get one more i just want to get one more i want to turn this pickaxe into another pickaxe and then then i’ll think about other stuff later why is it this dumb biome what about this way okay this was good

We did it we did it we did it when we survived for now we might we might have done it we did we haven’t got out yet uh okay let me get this nice okay i’m getting out i’m getting out how do i get out of here which is the way out

I don’t know the way out uh this way when my pulse was zero zero why oh cause i’m not wearing gold anymore wait i should probably wear gold okay i’m wearing gold okay i mean that was successful kind of i mean it was it almost wasn’t

But that was good that was actually good like wait that yeah it was easier than diamond except with diamond i didn’t nearly die like a bunch of times but no that was that was i i would say that was a success for sure right so now i can make the thing

Okay let me out portal right there and out clap clap easy clap bobs love you thank you thank you for the gifted and also montana january thank you thank you okay check this out ready this wait oh my god the tree was part of my base

I knew i should have deleted that tree oh no ah i need to plant another tree there i literally like destroyed my base whoops okay that was a mistake i i knew i should have broken that tree i knew it i knew it where was it planted like where was it like here

Does anyone know like hair i don’t even know i guess we’ll see what happens was it here was it it kind of been there it was here maybe it was up i don’t even know let’s see did it work kinda okay we can we can always get more

More leaves all right it’s fine it’s completely fine another right scrap gold another ingot oh my god it’s the first one and then i think i need this smithing table boom nether i pickaxe I did it i did it i’m the greatest i’m actually the greatest so what’s next i think so i think what i want to do i think i want to take this pickaxe uh i want to okay wait i need mending so that i can fix this

I need and then i want to um go find loads of diamonds with it because it’s got 14 3 then i can get full diamond armor and then i can go find more netherate turn it into another arm and i can max and charge it all then i’m maxed and then i can

I can just do a bunch of stuff but i think for today i’m done i’ve been going for 3 hours 40. i think it’s time um i think it’s over yes it’s over uh so yeah i think it’s time it’s time to depart but perhaps i will stream again soon

Like i know i know i said that last time and then it took 16 days um i don’t i don’t know why it took me so long to stream i don’t know but maybe i’ll stream tomorrow who knows if you’re not following click the follow button

Now click it now and if you don’t have uh if you don’t have like the bell rung ring the bell it is on by default by the way so you don’t have to click it if you if you haven’t unclicked it um but yeah um

Thank you guys for all the subs and the donors i appreciate it a lot thank you and also follow follow the stream we’re trying to get to 20 million followers by the end of the month so follow uh do i have anything else to say i don’t know i don’t know

Do i have anything else to say i don’t know um i don’t know bye everyone bye oh and carl’s live i’m gonna raid carl let’s call he’s playing fortnight wait is it friday he’s playing fortnite friday wait who’s he playing with pretty good foolish and sam there’s some crowns down

Here they have an empty spot um is there any more bad guys over there what’s it called how do i play fortnite what’s it called epic epic games let me see i’m probably gonna do like a one million gigabyte download as always there’s always just a massive

Download every time i go to play fortnite every time i’m not even signed in alright whatever i’m gonna recall maybe i’ll play fortnite with them i don’t know it depends on how long it takes to download alright guys bye bye bye

This video, titled ‘Hardcore Minecraft Time • @GeorgeNotFound Twitch Live Stream [ Full ] 08/01/22’, was uploaded by xDream SMP on 2022-01-08 13:19:31. It has garnered 32705 views and 907 likes. The duration of the video is 03:43:30 or 13410 seconds.

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Here is Where GeorgeNotFound Streams : Watch GeorgeNotFound with me on Twitch! https://www.twitch.tv/georgenotfound?sr=a

Tags – #GeorgeNotFound #Hardcore #Minecraft #GeorgeNotFoundLiveStream #GeorgeNotFoundLatestLiveStream #GeorgeNotFoundNewLiveStream #Dream #Technoblade #TommyInnIt #xDreamSMP #Twitch #LiveStream #NewStream #LatestStream

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  • Mysterious Love Interest Revealed! Watch Now – Minecraft Roleplay Ep.2

    Mysterious Love Interest Revealed! Watch Now - Minecraft Roleplay Ep.2Video Information [Music] [Music] we could do this right we find the remedy you stay with me till the morning light till the morning light tell them more than like tell them more than like yeah morning cage how did you sleep I didn’t drink any coffee but I can’t be rude to her and not respond morning Autumn I didn’t drink coffee yet but I’m hoping that I can get some from that Cafe in the city you are so lucky I wish I could get some coffee I desperately need it that’s what happens when you choose morning… Read More

  • C Craft

    C CraftWillkommen bei C Craft! Suchst du einen Server zum chillig spielen? Dann bist du hier richtig! Wir werden eine Stadt bauen und jeder kann einen Laden öffnen! Join einfach und hab spaß! REGELN: Griefen verboten Hacken verboten(auch Xray) Family friendly bitte Komm vorbei und probier es aus! VoiceMod installiert bitte joine erst den Discord Server 🙂 https://discord.com/invite/kcJz7yQQnh eu5226868.g-portal.game:28931 Read More

  • Rosefall SMP 1.20.1 Survival with Dungeons & Bosses and Custom Items & Events. NO Whitelist

    Rosefall Minecraft Server Server Address: play.rosefall.net Join Our Discord! discord.gg/rosefall Key Features: Custom Vanilla: Experience Vanilla Minecraft with custom materials, items, and weapons. Dungeons and Quests: Explore dungeons, complete quests, and uncover mysteries. Player-Driven Economy: Shape the server’s economy with player-run shops. User-Friendly Land Claiming: Protect your property with Golden Shovels. Free Ranks: Earn ranks with exclusive perks. Friendly Community: Join our mature and respectful player community. Custom Textures: Enhance gameplay with custom cosmetics and more. What is Rosefall? Rosefall is a unique Minecraft server with a touch of magic, publicly released on April 5th, 2024. Explore diverse landscapes, towns,… Read More

  • Drazulyn Middle School

    Drazulyn Middle School✧⋄⋆⋅⋆⋄✧⋄⋆⋅⋆⋄✧⋄⋆⋅⋆⋄✧⋄⋆⋅⋆⋄✧⋄⋆⋅⋆⋄✧⋄⋆⋅⋆⋄✧⋄⋆⋅⋆⋄✧⋄⋆⋅⋆⋄✧༺𝐖𝐞𝐥𝐜𝐨𝐦𝐞 𝐭𝐨 𝐃𝐫𝐚𝐳𝐮𝐥𝐲𝐧 𝐒𝐌𝐏!༻ new event starting soonʟᴏᴏᴋɪɴɢ ꜰᴏʀ ʙᴜɪʟᴅᴇʀꜱ/ᴄᴏᴅᴇʀꜱ/ᴛᴇxᴛᴜʀᴇ ᴍᴀᴋᴇʀꜱ ᴀɴᴅ ꜱᴛᴀꜰꜰ✧⋄⋆⋅⋆⋄✧⋄⋆⋅⋆⋄✧⋄⋆⋅⋆⋄✧⋄⋆⋅⋆⋄✧⋄⋆⋅⋆⋄✧⋄⋆⋅⋆⋄✧⋄⋆⋅⋆⋄✧⋄⋆⋅⋆⋄✧A New 16+ modded fantasy RPG Minecraft Server Where the adventure and excitement is endlessthere’s much to explore and do in this magicalServer with just over 100 mods (1.20.1 forge java) in the world.We hope for you to join us in this epic fantasy Journey, indulge yourself in the vast unexplored lands of our world and make new friends, new memories and even experiences within our community! ‧˚₊꒷꒦︶︶︶︶︶꒷꒦︶︶︶︶︶꒦꒷‧₊˚⊹What We Have To Offer:ᯓ★Lore/Roleplayᯓ★Character Creation ᯓ★Faction Creation ᯓ★Active minecraft/discord serverᯓ★Lore eventsᯓ★Everyone’s welcome!ᯓ★Hard working and quick staff team˚̣̣̣ ꒷︶†︶꒷˚̣̣̣︶ ͡𑁬♱Ồ ͡… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Expanding Brain: Minecraft Edition

    Looks like this meme needs to step up its game and get a higher score! Read More

  • Dockside Journeys: Stone Mason’s Solo Showdown

    Dockside Journeys: Stone Mason's Solo Showdown In the Stone Mason Docks, a solo adventure unfolds, With Minecraft gameplay, stories untold. Join the stream replay, from 6/8/2024, Where creativity and fun always soar. Support Music Free Gaming, tips and subs are grand, Merch and wishlist, at your command. Join the Discord, for a community so tight, Where gamers unite, day and night. Follow the channel rules, keep it clean and bright, No swearing or politics, keep it polite. Respect the mods, and each other too, In this Minecraft world, let your creativity brew. Read More

  • Minecraft Rainbow TNT: Explosive Gay Pride! 🌈💥

    Minecraft Rainbow TNT: Explosive Gay Pride! 🌈💥 When you accidentally set off the Minecraft Rainbow TNT and suddenly your world becomes a fabulous explosion of color and chaos. Who knew destruction could be so stylish? #rainbowexplosion #minecraftfashionista 🌈💥🎮 Read More

  • EPIC Upgrade: Our Minecraft Backpack is INSANE!

    EPIC Upgrade: Our Minecraft Backpack is INSANE!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft – CREATE – We Just UPGRADED Our BACKPACK’, was uploaded by L0rdG1gabyt3 on 2024-06-12 06:27:39. It has garnered 35 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 04:10:01 or 15001 seconds. What an adventure! All the trouble we get into with such a simple task, UPGRADING our DIAMOND BACKPACK! From Creepers and Endermen to Piglin Brutes and Dropbears, we are fighting for our life! Oh, and we have a jetpack now too!!! Self rolled Create modpack! Join my Discord! https://discord.gg/Xkvpk7qywS My mod that allows minecarts to load chunks: https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/cartloaders-forge Read More

  • The Terrifying Fear Nightfall Mod Pack – PC Gameplay

    The Terrifying Fear Nightfall Mod Pack - PC GameplayVideo Information This video, titled ‘I played the scariest mod pack in Minecraft: Fear Nightfall PC Gameplay #1’, was uploaded by Filltrix Sinhala on 2024-05-26 14:30:24. It has garnered 20891 views and 1975 likes. The duration of the video is 00:30:28 or 1828 seconds. Subscribe කොරලා “🔔” එක ඔබන්න Friends! ╔════════════════════════╗ Welcome to the first episode of my new series! In this video, I dive into the terrifying world of the Fear Nightfall mod pack in Minecraft. 🕹️💀 Fear Nightfall is known for its spine-chilling atmosphere, creepy creatures, and heart-pounding surprises. Watch as I navigate through the darkness, face monstrous… Read More

  • Femil17 Creates Unreal Minecraft Loop! 🚀 #viral

    Femil17 Creates Unreal Minecraft Loop! 🚀 #viralVideo Information This video, titled ‘Making Perfect Loop in MINECRAFT!! #viral #shorts #minecraft’, was uploaded by Femil17 on 2024-05-09 00:21:52. It has garnered 6 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:07 or 7 seconds. perfect loop in minecraft. #minecraft #shorts #short #loop #video #viral #trending #viraltrending #mcpe #mc #minecraftshorts #minecraftpe minecraft,minecraft but,minecraft shorts,minecraft mod,minecraft challenge,minecraft funny,minecraft but challenge,minecraft tutorial,minecraft 1.20,minecraft facts,minecraft update,minecraft speedrun,minecraft survival,minecraft seed,minecraft tips,minecraft memes,minecraft how to,minecraft tiktok,minecraft rarest,camman18 minecraft,minecraft fun facts,minecraft but i cant touch grass,minecraft but you cant touch the color,minecraft,minecraft rtx,minecraft in hd,minecraft short,realistic minecraft,minecraft in real life,real minecraft,minecraft meme,cursed minecraft,minecraft… Read More

  • INSANE Survival House Build in Minecraft 🏠🤯

    INSANE Survival House Build in Minecraft 🏠🤯Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft | How To Build A Survival House⚒️’, was uploaded by mhdminecraft build on 2024-06-09 17:21:02. It has garnered 21 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 00:18:29 or 1109 seconds. #minecraft #howtobuild #minecraftbuild #minecraftbuild Learn how to build a survival house in minecraft with this step by step Tutorial. for beginners, if you interested in this video do like and subscribe, =====Game info===== Game version: 1.20.1 java edition Shader:complementary shader replaymod for recording #howtobuild #minecraftbuild #minecraftsurvival Read More

  • 🔥 INSANE Minemen Fireball Battle! | hienshi – So clean #shorts 🚀

    🔥 INSANE Minemen Fireball Battle! | hienshi - So clean #shorts 🚀Video Information This video, titled ‘So clean | Minemen Fireball Fight #shorts #minecraft #minemen #fireballfight #hypixel #bedwars’, was uploaded by hienshi on 2024-01-05 21:00:21. It has garnered 3974 views and 83 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:31 or 31 seconds. Read More

Hardcore Minecraft Time • @GeorgeNotFound Twitch Live Stream [ Full ] 08/01/22