Harry Potter The Movie (Minecraft Roleplay) WIZARD BATTLES!

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Get him Jerry get him I got my money on Jerry Zimba Balazs I oh that’s some crazy spells what do you got Bailey what kind of spells do you got in dormitory doobly-do that spell sucks Jerry’s no no notes that oh it’s too powerful oh it’s too powerful for Jerry you’re

Scrambling his brains don’t scramble his brains Bailey please stop please really okay Billy Billy okay your your spell’s are way too powerful you you can’t be doing the dooblydoo really do what’s wrong with you reserve it for when we need to fight the dark wizards oh they do bleed ooh for the dark

Wizards I thought it was just a game yeah bill you’re using some serious Wizarding spells on Jerry he can’t handle it you almost killed me you almost killed it with the dooblydoo Billy do you need to acknowledge eyes I’m doing an ugly Gouda Lisa who do know

Billy DubLi spell to undo the dooblydoo me to do and I’ll do a wobbly goobidy goobidy goobidy goobidy well happily is it working do we undo the spell stone scramble his brain I think it’s no I think his brains are always scrambled yeah what’s I’ve said oh I didn’t mean

It Jerry I didn’t mean it was just a little joke it was just a little joke on I take it back by the way I just want to point out where did where to EE go ie we got very distracted and we were having a

Hoot of a time getting all of our school supplies and EE just kind of up and disappeared on us I think we might have lost him in Diagon Alley but do do it he must really care do any of us I think air is the question he’s lost when mom

And dad are gonna be mad at us yeah but we’re wizards so who really cares about EE I anything really care let’s just leave up he’s probably somewhere lost in Diagon Alley being tortured by dragons Green got by goblins and yeah yeah you see cherry really agrees with me the usual

He just got trapped by my goblins and Dragons and all that stuff okay so I have a little bit more money with me do we really do yes do we wanna do we want to have any fun before we leave cuz it says we have to exit Diagon Alley

Blad Midnight’s what to have a little bit of a hood of a time here and buy some sugary treats before we leave Diagon Alley what do you guys say I vote yes yes just a magical type okay we’re gonna have a little magical time and get some sugary sweets at the sweet shop

Billy you may order whatever sugar oh my god this place is amazing Buy me some jellybeans Bailey wait I’m gonna I’m gonna look in the back door here we have apple flavor beans a chocolate frog give me a chocolate frog I want chocolate frog Jerry what do you want to do see if they have Jerry cats he loves his Jerry cats cat do we have

To do Chuck good Jerry cats please oh no no ask say say specifically the chocolate Jerry cats look exactly now you have do you have chocolate Derek cats because he’s sure they ordered some but they’re they’re not there yet how they ordered the chocolate Jerry cats dude they’ll be they’ll be

Coming in later okay chocolate Jerry that’s later oh my god this place is so cool look at the movie are these pictures movie yes they are all the pictures are moving on Dudley is missing all this magic I can’t really see it too well it’s just like pixels slowly

Vibrating on my screen but it’s still magical gigantic cake it is a lovely cake I think I might take a little morsel of this here cake I already have diabetes oh wait a second yeah maybe I don’t want diabetes okay let’s see what other stores that we have

That we can explore we have general store we have oh my god bat war see the Clippers oh this is like a beard a beard trimming Oh maybe do some your beard maybe yeah Jillian do you need do you need a beard trimming cuz all wizards have wonderful beards oh

There’s a beard trimming store right just yonder for nice mustaches I went to bit your beard let’s go to the beard trimming shop or rent oh my gosh see if you could get a trim oh he’s getting a haircut oh that’s so cool Bailey pop a squat you

Got to get your you gotta get your beard trimmed do you even have a beard you’re not a true wizard if you don’t have a good beard you have a beard maybe I’ll cast a spell Billy Bailey come over here I’ll cast a spell I’m gonna cast high

School to give you a beard of evil wizard Tuffy Bailey it’s true all female wizards have beers you guys really true I’m gonna give you I’m gonna cast my beard see okay give me a beard then I can just trim it off instantly in this story yet

With another spell okay here ya give you my beard spell we’re guarding beard Llosa we got you bullosa did it work did it work I don’t see a beard I don’t see a beard maybe my school says she seems more shaved now oh thanks well I don’t I

Don’t think my my beard spell worked all that well okay I’ll get better as my spells when I go to school when I go to the witchcraft wizard in school but for right now I want to keep exploring who were in the back alleys come with me

Come with me to the back alleys oh it was kind of dangerous back you Wyatt it did it got very quite dark alley oh let’s go check out in here there’s some people they’re having oh this guy’s got a plant the dark alleys what is he doing with this plant he’s

Just carrying a playing around put that plant down mister this is so great look at this I can’t talk to any of these people you guys want some gold yes oh my god oh my god give it to me hey I got it Gold yes cuz I’m the leader of the squad

So I get all the gold a gold yes judge I am the evil leader no Dudley right before he went missing appointed me as the leader exactly do same way let’s have it let’s have a Wizarding duel to see who can be the leader you want to go

Up against me are you serious I will cast the best beard spell this world has ever seen and you shall tremble I ate okay well I’m gonna cast the real spoke because I’m gonna hurt you okay yeah because you’re saying I’m not the leader so I’m gonna hurt you for

Discipline this is not an overreaction do it already wait yeah wait cherry cherry tree well what’s what’s a wizard spell would tell me it I don’t know I did have a good really you can’t be listening to this you can’t be list you can’t be listening this zom-baby

The classic okay okay are you ready Jerry you should be the judge yep Jerry asked to say three two one before we can begin our wizard in battle five two one seven doesn’t know how to count that’s Zim Bobby no Jerry you casted the spot the kitty

Casts a spell on me Bailey Jerry cast a spell on me I don’t feel so good I would I’ve deleted a get Jerry you’re supposed to be the judge you’re supposed to just be the judge here suppose a when to fight that’s wrong judge jury executioner

Bailey does this count do you you have to vote to Jesus and all the rules and the guidelines he followed brands perfectly no he did great I was gonna work out this fell Jerri casts a spell before Bailey is my right-hand man your man I didn’t know you’d I didn’t know

That I didn’t know you’re a man Bailey is this true that’s not true I’m his right-hand woman he can’t spell very well okay okay fine I’ll agree to it I’m smart I’ll agree to it only because I lost I do not want Jerry to cast that spell on me again

Because it gives me a little bit of diarrhea every single time I don’t actually I was suddenly relieved of that need right after he cast the spell I might need to buy some new robes but other than by deed of new robes what did

We have to take the trains oh we have to take the train we do have to take the train but there’s so much to explore here there’s so much to see what else wait there’s mail oh my god I could have flying by that is so cool

Did you need to go that almost do you have do you have letters that you need to do you have any letters anyone sent me letters yes Jerry you’re the leader so we’ll follow you where where do we need to go you you get to pick you you get to pick he’s the

Leader we all have to fear it follow me you have to follow Jerry I won fair and square but I don’t want to get diarrhea again so I’m gonna allow him to be oh the rights we’ve arrived wow she’s such a good leader dad’s amazing this is what you get Bailey for

Appointing Jerry as the leader truly a magnificent sight is what he does well I was leading this we we were on task we were on plate we got so much done and now look at us we’re getting absolutely nothing done we’re running in circles casting diarrhea spells on people

Specifically me I think you’re just bitter because you made you go in your pants I I’m very bitter yes all right at least there’s a chest here wait there’s a chest an attack oh my god he’s right ooh coins I got it he all mine I knew it I got

Everything on the brain side about you open em what is would the bank say that’s gonna be previous I don’t be greedy otherwise you’ll pay dearly I’m not gonna pay I’m gonna keep all the money and why would I pay if I’m the one who has all the money that doesn’t make

Any sense philia Jerry’s got tight schedule he’s a busy boy and a leader of our outfit oh it to the junk store the junk store junk and then the Train okay so he wants to go to the junk store and then he wants to go to the train which is here oh can

We even open a gamble and japes visited milk shop oh it’s closed oh okay yeah it does look I mean wait we can go in here oh wait this is just like this is the the place we’re in we don’t need to go in here just the shop was a

Joke all along okay shall we leave I think we need to it says we need to exit Diagon Alley which is here do I need to press something press F Oh press it yeah stand back here it goes again wait for the magic we are leaving Dudley behind I’m just

Gonna point that out to everyone Dudley is gonna be trapped inside Diagon Alley you’ll be fine he’ll be fine go on I’ll see you at Hogwarts okay thank you thank you how good so we have to go to the train now this way follow me yonder

The leaky cauldron so we have to pass through the leaky cauldron oh my god this is such a cool spell look at me I’m I’m sweeping Dudley so stupid for not believing our magic okay this way this way follow me even though Gerry’s supposed to be the leader

Wait hey I’ll let Jerry lead I’m used to have always been the leader so it’s weird for me Fumi you better not mess it up and lead us in the wrong direction Jerry yeah oh he did win a walk to Kings crossing station so we have to go to the

Kings Crossing station Jerry he’s gonna go in the wrong direction again Bailey this is not the right he’s such a bad leader don’t do it I knew I’m going to the magnificent it’s freakin brick another dead end this is a brick it’s a brick Jerry oh my

Gosh look at all these box o just there is a lot of boxes we’re still gonna follow you Jerry we gotta talk to you it’s the rules you know what’s what what do I know okay so you can go well I have to leave what

Do you mean I what I mean I can go I can go where go ahead I have to leave you – do you – new dance and find the way Oh the leader is appointing me head of navigation that’s what’s happening ego he’s dead you finally leveled up who headed

Navigation Kings crossing Wow telephone box how British ass telephone box oh very very British because he’ll British yeah because pure British people use these to teleport to different dimensions if you don’t know that they call them the doctors and they teleport around Doctor Who no they’re called the

Doctors doctor what would you not know which doctor I’m referring to twelve it’s a Doctor Who doctor this Doctor Who did you get the joke I’m making ah did you see Doctor Who it’s a TV show Oh big been discovered oh it’s the tower it’s the clock tower it’s called a Big

Bend I can’t see it can you see oh it’s amazing yeah oh yeah oh yeah bed ten it’s bed ten um does huge it’s amazing to look at I like that that is just alcohol sprawled in the streets we found Ben 10 very cool you know we are getting

More toward the direction I think we need to be going there’s this lovely statue everything is just so magnificent as we walk through the sprawling sound all the people aren’t about as well oh look at these pigeons I dare you I dare you barely to run into the pigeons that

Spook him spook all them pigeons oh here the pigeons are right there hey right there run into the pigeons you are I got you scare pigeon yeah that’s that’s a true which which powers dude this is so good River right Wow we’re passing the river look at this

Stay sick with me fellas do you know how to run you got a double tap w oh my gosh okay we’re almost there almost there I believe King’s Cross okay we found the King’s Cross this is freaking huge look at all this alcohol oh my god people are

Dancing London wizards everyone are you drunk baby will England sure is a drunk country this is so much alcohol all over the street look at this oh my god this is like a little tea shop we gotta get some tea we gotta order some tea before

We get to the station which the station is just right over there perfect look at all that oh my god that’s wonderful do you need to order some tea real quick Billy thirsty my throat hurts Oh your throat hurts okay here yeah but it gets you some tea ooh there’s a

Little jukebox I love his music oh my God look at your ego he is a dance maniac oh my goodness he got this wheel in it Billy you can you add dance him have a dance battle just a little tear spittle real quick you guys are balling

Amazing who’s casting spells of all he dances to he loves it he loves the music okay can we order food here all right doesn’t seem I can order the food I can turn it off okay we really they won’t serve our kind here maybe because we’re wizards and they only serve muggles they

Wanted they were didn’t they’re never BR something to you we are still wearing all of our Wizarding clothes maybe muggles might might find us out of crystal wearing them yes or Gerry said it could be because he’s too good at dancing he got jealous yeah it’s probably true he’s probably jealous of

His dance ooh Billy watch me I’m gonna jump into the pigeons huzzah good those are so good I love it alright so we are at the station walk to King’s crossing we finally arrived at Kings Cross II now we have to find platform 9 and 3/4 19 3/4

Everyone find a way to platform 9 and 3/4 okay so you need to find platform 9 and 3/4 if I remember correctly from the movies which I’ve watched many many times it’s a cross we have to cross okay whoo careful careful Jesus you got a world look both ways

Bailey you need to go back look both ways you need magic my magic will save me you have to walk across the the railroad traffic properly by looking both ways no one’s there we’ll look again got to make sure wait in the middle of the tracks you have to make

Sure I can’t sit wait behind me no there’s no train that can come up that way okay where is platform 9 and 3/4 good sir 9 and 3/4 do you think you’re being funny do you there is no such platform okay there’s no platform is nine and a quarter smooth

There’s a lot of ginger people oh my gosh will these gingers hello hello dear first time at Hogwarts you can tell me how to get on to can you tell me how to get onto the platform my dear not to worry all you have to do is walk

Straight at the barrier between platform 9 and 10 don’t stop and don’t be scared you’ll crash into it just very important best do it all a bit of a run if you’re nervous okay so we have to do a bit of a run into the wall

You’re gonna May to the war who goes first okay wait a second we have to we have to determine we one of us shall go first I vote me I vote alga me rock-paper-scissors okay rock rock paper scissors are you guys ready okay three rock paper scissors rock I did rock Billy you

Didn’t say anything I did paper well we have to do it again okay okay rock paper scissors rock paper not freaking Jerri you say it’s so slow Bailey you gotta go quickly okay Jerry did it right he’s alright okay Jerry got paper yes so Jerry you

You get to run through first but we’re all counting on you Jerry to do your best run to show us how to do it run and smack your head into the wall like a true wizard I am speed he’s gonna speed look at him go wow oh my god he actually

Teleported Wow that I did not expect that okay that was thousand he’s gone did you see that he just he just paper ice into thin air it just you up and disappeared okay the Jews are given us some creepy looks they all have the creepy same face

Except for this one this one’s kind of cute hello no no this one this one’s much better I like I like this one and their piggy nose okay you ready I’m ready I’m gonna toad hunt new quest search oh wait I have to go to the platform Jerry’s completing quests without us okay

Three two one oh my god I did it platform 9 and 3/4 Wow look at this finally this is crazy oh my god Hogwarts Express 9 and 3/4 tell these little people like I meet their creepy smiles hello oh my gosh this is so cool old warm magical brooms in a kitty cat

Look at this kitty cat Oh this is so cool should we try to talk to people and make friends before boy I sought to this guy I want to make friends of something have a conversation have you found Trevor yet Trevor Neil Neville Longbottom no he’s looking for

Trevor I don’t know where ever where Trevor is search the platform to find Neville’s toad a toad where about what it told me on platform 9 and 3/4 a toad I see now ooh ooh a treasure chest who would have taken a toad Oh Jerri did you get all the treasure oh

It’s just a jukebox we need to find the treasure Bailey where do you think and when it’s believed you I wanted that no dancing we need to find toes you guys I found a load of money we should split it up Divya between the three of us so

There’s four I say I get two and Bailey you get one that’s fair okay I’m sharing the gold I’m head of navigation very good any money forget jay-z but I’ve had it navigations I need the money to navigate I need the money to navigate properly and let’s take a vote

I have to pay you as the leader yeah see Jerry esta pay me so I need to oh wait should I actually how do I go into my inventory I’ll give you some gold how much she wants I don’t think I can actually drop it it doesn’t give me the

Option to drop it I’ll just keep that in mind for next time 1000 I can’t pay you 1,000 that’s absurd Jerry where we’re gonna find this toad I suggest we all split up and scour this place looking for a toad and let’s all split up everyone split up look for the tone I’m

Just gonna run you’ll go the other way I’m gonna look on this side you look on that side Oh a large glass ball that contains smoke which turns red when its owner has forgot something take it see if you can find the front self shuffling cards self shuffling

Cards while you’re fighting a whole plethora cool things but we need the toad where is the toad and we can’t progress forward without the toad here we can get on top of the Train this way whoo oh my god this is a hard jump I think you have to do some parkour for

The true Detroit okay wait here whoo there we go I’m on top of the Train you have to do some parkour oh I found the toad come on it’s easy here I’m gonna get the toad I don’t know if you guys if you even need to come up here

I’ll just grab the toad F to collect the toad there we go return to Neville with his toad Trevor okay Bailey go meet us back at Neville and I’ve got the toad here with me he was on top of the Train how the heck were you supposed to find

That Neville with your buck teeth ah you found him thank you very much I lose stuff all the time okay press okay toad hunt completed at from 9 and 3/4 so we’ve completed the toad on speak to the train conductor so we have to go to the train conductor now and then

Board the train all right over here very good hello there train conductor all aboard Hogwarts Express we’ll be leaving soon find compartment on the train and we’ll be off in no time I will do that so we have to find a compartment on the train Bailey are you here with me yes

Where did where did have we lost him do you see us behind you behind you okay we all need to find a compartment on the train and then we can go find an empty compartment in the Train it’s an empty one oh here’s one simple enough but forever- jerry come hey Doc

Oh we’re gonna go to Hogwarts I’m so glad Dudley didn’t get to come with us big crumbly just like shows up what if he’s already there okay are you guys prepared for our train trip to Hogwarts are you ready Bailey yeah you’re ready how ready are you you’ve done everything

How about Jerry that’s not very ready that’s very little bit I am ready he sounds extremely ready okay guys off to hot I’m invisible oh my god where did you guys cast a spell out of me or something I’m invisible what is really did you cast a spell on me did you cast

A visitor I can only see my clothing what the heck happened Jerry did be more careful with your spells okay off to the witch wizard in witchcraft school of Hogwarts and wizardry yeah [Applause] You

This video, titled ‘Harry Potter The Movie (Minecraft Roleplay) WIZARD BATTLES!’, was uploaded by Samgladiator on 2020-03-11 22:57:24. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds.

Harry Potter The Movie (Minecraft Roleplay) WIZARD BATTLES! Harry Potter in minecraft EPIC adventure map! We play as …

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  • 🌴 LIVING LARGE on YouTuber Island 2 πŸ€‘πŸ’° MINECRAFT

    🌴 LIVING LARGE on YouTuber Island 2 πŸ€‘πŸ’° MINECRAFTVideo Information This video, titled ‘LIVE – WIR WERDEN REICH ✿ YOUTUBERINSEL 2 ✿ Minecraft’, was uploaded by Flauschi on 2024-01-14 12:32:47. It has garnered 11570 views and 805 likes. The duration of the video is 02:04:38 or 7478 seconds. *πŸŽ‰ Don’t forget to subscribe! 🎨 Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/flauschiyt Production Music courtesy of Epidemic Sound: http://www.epidemicsound.com * all links marked with an asterisk are affiliate links / advertising βœ”οΈ This video is child friendly / family friendly! Read More

  • Insane Speedrun: Anya Masters Minecraft Kung Fu Panda DLC (No Deaths)

    Insane Speedrun: Anya Masters Minecraft Kung Fu Panda DLC (No Deaths)Video Information This video, titled ‘Speedrun Minecraft Kung Fu Panda DLC – No Death + All Boss [No Commentary]’, was uploaded by Anya Gameplay on 2024-04-21 01:14:59. It has garnered 216 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 00:20:50 or 1250 seconds. Minecraft Kung Fu Panda DLC – SpeedRun + No Death + All Boss [No Commentary] This adventure map is filled with action-packed battles, epic showdowns from the movies, and pand-tastic co-op action, so sharpen those chopsticks and start practicing your kung fu kicks – it’s time to unleash the Pandamonium! Read More

  • Mind Blowing Indonesian Minecraft Animation – Must Watch!

    Mind Blowing Indonesian Minecraft Animation - Must Watch!Video Information This video, titled ‘β™ͺGak Pake Lamaβ™ͺ Animasi Minecraft Indonesia [Prisma 3D]’, was uploaded by RyMoon on 2024-04-23 22:36:45. It has garnered 285 views and 30 likes. The duration of the video is 00:03:17 or 197 seconds. Thank you very much to those of you who have watched this video πŸ˜€. Collab With : Retqi : https://youtube.com/@Retqi?si=yMW83x6PPoVklK8g Liszz : https://youtube.com/@Lisz-gak-kece?si=b4kyddQbCsdObZay _____________________ Original Audio: https://youtu.be/adq15m54YI8?si=q4wHVmLE9mPnjD_S Map : https://youtube.com/@IanMCAnimID?si=x18y0Q0YD4xjRuU4 Thank you to: Allah SWT, Parents, Prisma 3D YouTube Subscribers. I hope you enjoy my video πŸ™‚ Hastag: Minecraft, Minecraft Animation, Minecraft Animation, Mojang, Minecraft Music, Minecraft Song, Minecraft Indonesia, Minecraft Song. Read More

  • Glory4Glory

    Glory4GloryΒ‘Glory4Glory! π™Ώπšπ™Έπ™Όπ™΄πš πš‚π™΄πšπš…π™Έπ™³π™Ύπš πš‚πš„πšπš…π™Έπš…π™°π™» – πšƒπ™Ύπš†π™½πšˆ 1πŸ”πŸŽ.𝟐𝟎.πŸπŸ’πŸ•.πŸ•πŸ“:πŸπŸ“πŸ”πŸ“πŸ— π™΅πš„π™»π™» π™Ώπš…π™Ώ πšƒπ™Ύπš†π™½πšˆ 𝟷𝟢𝟢% π™°πšπ™Άπ™΄π™½πšƒπ™Έπ™½π™Ύ πŸπŸ”πŸŽ.𝟐𝟎.πŸπŸ’πŸ•.πŸ•πŸ“:πŸπŸ“πŸ”πŸ“πŸ— Read More

  • CleanSMP – SMP 1.20.4, Money system, Survival, Java, NO Whitelist

    Welcome to Clean-SMP.World We are a new Minecraft server seeking active players to join our community. Our server offers: A clean vanilla map without claims and other world-changing plugins A money system where you can earn by selling items A shop with essential items like enchanted books and ores The freedom to build with friends, while keeping in mind that griefing is not allowed The challenge to become the richest player through farming Join our discord community: https://discord.gg/ye72wNkTCG Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Minecraft vs. Fortnite: The Ultimate Showdown

    Minecraft Memes - Minecraft vs. Fortnite: The Ultimate ShowdownI guess you could say this meme really mined its way to the top with that score! Read More

  • Zombie Showdown: 1000 Dogs vs 1000 Zombies

    Zombie Showdown: 1000 Dogs vs 1000 Zombies In Minecraft’s world, a battle unfolds, 1000 dogs versus zombies, stories untold. The wolves howl and charge, teeth bared in the night, Against the undead horde, a fearsome sight. Armored wolves join the fray, a fierce display, Clashing with zombies in a deadly ballet. Level 2 wolves, armored and strong, Against armored zombies, a clash that’s long. The fight rages on, in pixels and blocks, A mob battle for the ages, no time for talks. Watch the chaos unfold, in this epic scene, In Minecraft’s realm, where battles are keen. Read More


    REDSTONE MONSTROSITY DESTROYS GOLEMS: Epic Mob Battle! The Redstone Monstrosity may be tough, but let’s see how it handles a group of angry golems armed with nothing but their fists and a whole lot of attitude. It’s like watching a bunch of toddlers take on a giant robot – except in Minecraft. Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Wind Burst Player Bounce!

    Ultimate Minecraft Wind Burst Player Bounce! Minecraft 1.21 Pre-release 3: Wind Burst Player Bounce Change Wind Burst Enchantment The latest Minecraft Pre-release 3 update brings exciting changes to the Wind Burst enchantment. This enchantment now allows players to bounce 7 blocks up per enchantment level. However, at level 3, players will bounce a whopping 21 blocks up, posing a risk of fall damage upon landing. Players are advised to have a target locked in or other means to mitigate the fall damage before hitting the ground again. Data Pack Version 48 Update In addition to the Wind Burst enchantment changes, the data pack version 48… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Saga Review! Must-Watch Now!

    Insane Minecraft Saga Review! Must-Watch Now!Video Information This video, titled ‘Rating My Favourite Modded Minecraft Series (From the 2010s)’, was uploaded by Manic Bestia on 2024-06-01 18:34:01. It has garnered 43 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 01:09:43 or 4183 seconds. I promise there won’t be any Herobrine jump scares in this video. LINKTREE: https://linktr.ee/ManicBestia SUBSCRIBE: @ManicBestia SECOND CHANNEL: @CrummyCaketin [Video game modding (Modification) is the process of alteration by players or fans of one or more aspects of a video game] The modding scene of early minecraft was whacky, today I showcase some of my favourite ways YouTubers would use… Read More

  • Ultimate POMNI Challenge in Minecraft

    Ultimate POMNI Challenge in MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘JJ and Mikey save POMNI CHALLENGE in Minecraft / Maizen animation’, was uploaded by Mayzee – Minecraft on 2024-05-08 13:00:19. It has garnered 99724 views and 1071 likes. The duration of the video is 00:11:02 or 662 seconds. Minecraft NOOB vs PRO: POMNI CHALLENGE in Minecraft / Maizen animation Today JJ and Mikey save Pomni from The Amazing Digital Circus In Minecraft. We hope you enjoy our videos! Have a great day! Watch a new video! #maizen #minecraft Original Maizen channel: @maizenofficial Read More

  • “EPIC SG GAMER LIVE NOW! SUB GOAL:650” #shizzoclickbait

    "EPIC SG GAMER LIVE NOW! SUB GOAL:650" #shizzoclickbaitVideo Information This video, titled ‘LIVE !!!! SUB GOAL :650.. #minecraft #live #bedwarsmalaalam’, was uploaded by SG GAMER 3.0 on 2024-04-18 12:57:03. It has garnered 15 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:04:02 or 242 seconds. DISCORD: https://discord.gg/krbX9JpXCA https://discord.gg/8WGzdxn5 : k4f mcslp.pika.host My s1 lets play world play list : https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLroOC4vwIkQ4YCpVHHVwb_S4n6Kr1V9qr My letsplay series season 2 play list : https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLroOC4vwIkQ4FcN6HoqbDZjN51pn8vHgR @MrBeastGaming @Sudhy @Firetekzteepori @MrKidPinky #minecraft #bedwars #live #stream #gaming #epic #clutchplays #intensebattles #strategy #community #fun #entertainment #anarchy #arjunmp #arjunmpanarchy #bedwars #bedwarsmoments #bedwarsmalaalam #minecraftlive #minecraftlivestream #malayalam #malayalamgaminglive #malayalamgamingcommunity #k4f #dribbles #pikaminecraft #k4f #K4FMINECRAFT Read More

  • STAMSITE exposes all WRONGS in 2024 Minecraft life!

    STAMSITE exposes all WRONGS in 2024 Minecraft life!Video Information This video, titled ‘Alla FEL i “My life in Minecraft” 2024!’, was uploaded by STAMSITE on 2024-03-01 16:30:06. It has garnered 16819 views and 1083 likes. The duration of the video is 00:18:30 or 1110 seconds. Playlist for this series: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLp5oigUIqFWSHkfZ5YJq1cqb1aVf6E9x6&si=yakL4IfweqjB3tz7 Draw pixels here: https://display.stamsite.nu Party Bots Youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/@PartyBotsOfficial 10% off if you use the code “STAMSITE” at X-Gamer: https://x-gamer.com/stamsite – Buy merch here!: https://stamsite.nu/sv/ – Streams take place here: https://www.twitch.tv/stamsite – Stamsites Gaming Community (SGC): http://www.discord.90gq.se/ – The game’s Discord is here: https://discord.gg/2UdqpDwTBT 00:00 – Intro 00:19 – Episode 41 04:41 – Episode 42 07:25 -… Read More

  • Insane Secrets: Modern Underground House Build Minecraft

    Insane Secrets: Modern  Underground House Build MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft | How To Build a Underground Modern House🏠’, was uploaded by Pulpyx on 2024-04-15 16:02:40. It has garnered 389 views and 8 likes. The duration of the video is 00:15:07 or 907 seconds. An Ultimate version of an Underground Modern House. Level up your Minecraft Journey by Building this. I have included everything you need in this build. So have a look and believe me, it’s quite easy. Creating Builds that require less time. If you like my work then feel free to support this channel by Subscribing. Also you can suggest any ideas… Read More

  • Mind-Blowing Minecraft MOB Madness ft. Jared Merlin

    Mind-Blowing Minecraft MOB Madness ft. Jared MerlinVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft MOB World 2 Ep 3’, was uploaded by Jared Merlin on 2024-03-27 02:46:29. It has garnered 0 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:54:31 or 3271 seconds. You can also find me on… Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/IAmJaredMerlin Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/iamjaredmerlin/ Video created & edited with Microsoft Clipchamp Opening sound provided by Pixabay Read More

  • Discover Hidden Secrets in Epic Cave! Minecraft Survival S1E4

    Discover Hidden Secrets in Epic Cave! Minecraft Survival S1E4Video Information This video, titled ‘EXPLORING A CAVE | Minecraft Survival | S1 EP4 | VOD | READ DESCRPTION’, was uploaded by SquirtNugget1 on 2024-05-24 07:30:03. It has garnered 6 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 02:09:31 or 7771 seconds. ✨Welcome to my channel!✨ Here is a Minecraft Survival VOD series where I explore a new cave! I find lots of new things around my world and more! I even found some cats and you won’t believe what I named them! I hope you enjoy this VOD! If you would like to watch any of my… Read More

  • “ULTIMATE Minecraft Watermelon Minigames – WIN big prizes!! 😱” #lastgametitanium

    "ULTIMATE Minecraft Watermelon Minigames - WIN big prizes!! 😱" #lastgametitaniumVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft sonOyuncu titanyum Karpuz / yΓΌksek ΓΆdΓΌllΓΌ Minigames // Guard Γ‡ekilişi #sonoyuncutitanyum’, was uploaded by SeFqYEAHHH on 2024-02-12 15:53:59. It has garnered 36 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 00:10:16 or 616 seconds. #titanyum #titanyumpvp #sonoyuncu #titanyumpvp #titanyumpvp #sonoyuncutitanyumsurvival #sonoyuncutitanyumsurvival #titanyum #sonoyuncutitanyumsurvival #sonoyuncutitanyumsurvival #titanyumpvp #sonoyuncutitanyumsurvival #sonoyuncu #titanyum #sonoyuncutitanyumsurvival DISCORD https://discord.gg/Af2pgUEZ 🚩CLICK TO SUBSCRIBE TO MY CHANNEL: / @blacksh4rk_baank craftrise the kingdoms vs craftrise the kingdoms open space craftrise the kingdoms raid craftrise bug craftrise 1.2 craftrise gezlos ahmetdeniz thekingdoms craftrise survival crafrise skywars craftrise thekingdoms raufai captain pilot emirsty thekingdoms cashing… Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Fox House Build πŸ¦ŠπŸ”¨

    EPIC Minecraft Fox House Build πŸ¦ŠπŸ”¨Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft | Cute Fox House Build Tutorial 🏑’, was uploaded by Krafter on 2024-01-12 16:00:31. It has garnered 152 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:09:24 or 564 seconds. In this Minecraft Tutorial video, you learn how to build cute fox house in 2024 + interior . If you enjoyed it, drop a like and subscribe to my channel for more!🀍 β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€” ᐁ SOCIALS ᐁ β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€” Discord: https://discord.gg/NEshEh2bZd β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€” ᐁ MUSIC ᐁ β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€” song i used in background : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nEoaHiVNNS4 β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€” ᐁ Chapters ᐁ β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€” 00:00 intro 00:40 layout 00:49 head 02:49… Read More

  • MinionMC

    MinionMCJust some basic survival multiplayer world to play on and have fun. Come join if you want some basic vanilla smp just for fun. minionballs.us.to Read More

  • Dark Hearts 20+ – Realms

    Welcome to Dark Hearts 20+ Bedrock Realm! This bedrock realm is looking for players ages 20 and up to join. Our realm is about a week old and features cool mods such as one player sleep and shearing sheep for OP loot. Currently set to peaceful mode with survival and keep inventory enabled, we plan to adjust difficulty and inventory settings as we progress. Join us for long-term fun! Rules: Main Rule: Ages 20+ only. Maximum of 20 players in the realm at once. No direct invite link; provide your gamertag for a manual invite. Respectful behavior is a must…. Read More

  • GenuineMC Semi-Vanilla [Semi-Vanilla ~ 1.20.2]

    GenuineMC Semi-Vanilla [Semi-Vanilla ~ 1.20.2]GenuineMC is a Semi-Vanilla Minecraft server that is run by an amazing community! We have attracted individuals of various ages and nationalities who have all found themselves at home on our server. Their voices have helped shape our community and have helped us prosper for 11 years as a Java Minecraft Community. Their voices have allowed GenuineMC to become what it is today!As a team, we strive to create a warm and welcoming environment for new and current players. We also strive to meet the needs of every player, as well as listen to their personal comments about our community…. Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “Crazy conspiracy in Minecraft”

    Well, I guess you could say this meme really “mined” its way to the top! Read More

  • Tree Planting 101: Minecraft Mode Mastery!

    Tree Planting 101: Minecraft Mode Mastery! In Minecraft, trees are key, don’t you see? To survive and thrive, plant them with glee. Different types to choose, each with a use, Find saplings in Survival, no need to abuse. Pick the perfect spot, where they’ll grow tall, In Survival or Creative, plant them all. Dark Oak trees, giants in the making, Follow these tips, no time for faking. Like and subscribe, for more Minecraft fun, Join the community, a new adventure begun. Plant those trees, watch them rise, In this blocky world, reach for the skies. Read More

  • Minecraft meme: When you find diamonds in lava! πŸ”₯

    Minecraft meme: When you find diamonds in lava! πŸ”₯ “Why did the creeper go to therapy? Because it had too much TNTsion!” 🀣 #shorts #minecraftmeme Read More

Harry Potter The Movie (Minecraft Roleplay) WIZARD BATTLES!