Hat Films Minecraft: Craziest Hat Corp Moments!

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When I think of my future all I picture is him what good day good day good day and welcome to the very first episode of a very exciting new series you’re not going to see this from afar are you you’re not going to see this people aren’t going to know to

Come here for their deeds yeah that’s it I mean we beautiful I’m not it looks amazing this guy looks oh [ __ ] save me kind of building I’m rubbing my legs Ross yeah don’t rub them too hard they’ll disappear they’ll disappear if you keep rubbing them expand on what we’ve already got or do

You want to why am I so slow all of a sudden all right oh you’re cring me my shift button was held down why am I crouching I seem to be holding my shift button down we still haven’t come up with a good slogan for hatp no we need

To do that what’s yours is mine what’s yeah what’s yours is mine yeah that works you want Apple yeah ber well come get an Apple then you you liid money for me it’s all tied up in hedge funds and so many Hedges and bushes so many funds

In the head it’s all tied up it’s all that’s what it means right these berries barely gave me anything that wasc me Tores hello what no some sort of mug 800 mug 800 mug me off that’s our hat cor maybe that should be ITP official we

Don’t have a phone line there yet got s Power 800 mug me off off oh this is the front of the hillside this front of the Hill side guide gu gu guid guid there’s an echo in here is there an echo guide okay see this is what we do at hatut we

Trade tra we tra trading mine ferociously trading I just gave him significantly less potatoes for the carrots great trade done trade done trade Empire trade Empire dangerous place Minecraft isn’t it accidents can happen they should happen ha cor accidents can happen yeah nice yeah what

If we um what if we built like really elaborate railroad system underneath all the other people’s um properties easy access and then we could easily and just pop up and then just and then we have literally like a a [ __ ] like sewer system we can where we come horri

Network yeah it takes [ __ ] and then like that sounds amazing that sounds really good but like it’s very elaborate and we’re going to need to find ways to dig fast and like large amounts yeah we need to establish I mean we got lofty Ambitions an unpaid worker is a better

Worker live to work not work to live don’t look outside don’t look outside all uh punctuated there with the full each word they were like you can’t work your this to death and I was like look we put on nets all right we put Nets and we give them we give them

Gr fcking put up nets yeah that’s horrible be all right yeah well it’s forceful go on do you have any sorry does anyone have any water who’s making all this bread that’s baked potatoes oh who the [ __ ] is making all this bread it’s baked potatoes making all these

Baked potatoes who doesn’t oh [ __ ] sandwi diamonds you [ __ ] got diamonds [ __ ] you TR your [ __ ] expiration we need a [ __ ] the chest we need a we need a sorting system to rival all sting systems yeah TR well we need to weaponize that sting system we

Need I would [ __ ] love it if you looked out a weaponizer sorting system so it sorts the bombs and sorts the lava all over them guys guess how many diamonds I got eight [ __ ] seriously didn’t you need to guess cuz I told you straight away it really

Shouldn’t eight no too late oh no told us St I guess eight HP ladies news don’t ha they’re up 33% they’ve started increasing them the stock load stocks are up bye bye bye bye bye bye bye move your stocks now 25% off everything on a scale of 100 to

150 why are we starting at 100 scale of 48 I don’t know why not start at 100 huh I don’t know why does it always have to be one to something always change exactly you can’t always be the norm change the nor M manganes or okay yeah

It looks like a triangle Ross it’s a Golden Triangle Force gem yeah yeah I’ve got 19 19 [ __ ] all of that what I think it’s got an afro with an afro comb you come back up yes I’ve got a Thro hat [ __ ] I’m put that on no I need

MJ Michael Jackson where is he look look for the little tiny little shitty Shack uh it’s the hint tiny little sh shitty yeah no it’s really nice actually I remember we spent so much on an architect lavish designing that I know well I mean spend money to make money

Haven’t you now I’m pissed I mean you yeah I don’t like you when you’re pissed You’re a Mean drunk oh it’s got a nice little hair thing in it Jesus oh my God I’m going to fill this that is something weaponized X test one test one subject one tree one let’s do

It oh [ __ ] it’s gone it’s gone it’s gone out of the park he Corp success wiped it off the face of the going on YouTube or Vimeo oh Vimeo Prem probably well that’s how hatau got established some guy went off to the mountains he came back with

Two slabs when no no no you you read it wrong it was slags oh came two slags yeah what what specimens though eh yeah well boom oh look at that tree go down hold tree gone by the force of my ass well that’s uh I’m alive just fall no I’m alive yeah

Right for example this one’s got grinder on it yeah and it’s my favorite app I know it’s your favorite app yeah you told me so basically what we do promise is uh uh sounds like something out of like Mar away gra that Force no I like that where you going to

Put the base them why is what is wrong with me well I don’t know actually I mean I’ve been asking try this all the time I can’t I can’t pick this being eco-friendly and I was like [ __ ] hold on a minute yeah I’ve got oil here then

What do they say dirty dirty oil they’re like mate don’t touch that oil you fiend and they were like and you were like I’m no fiend a’t no Fiend to make a metallurgic infuser Christ get working Mate we have osmium s oh [ __ ] off you having a laugh he’s having a bubble bath manganese dust and iron dust okay that’s fine calm down calm down stop it oh [ __ ] H what no guys I can see something in the ground go on what what does it look like there’s there’s a

[ __ ] room with a nether portal in it faces wait there are faces in the water what is that did we ever make a room with the nether portal in it no no it’s right near our us though pink runes the C and the P are going to be on the running down your

Leg good one good one [ __ ] a he’s dead he’s gone that’s it there we go bye Ross back so area mode activated is good yes that means it will do a 3X 3 by three sweet by sweet by sweet you mean yes down yeah the sorry I didn’t see the oil

Before [ __ ] you [ __ ] you don’t you get me in the [ __ ] lava I’m going to [ __ ] go nuts if you do that I’m going to go nuts if you do that I’m going to go [ __ ] insane if you do that someone help is he going to go I don’t want to

Go in the lava because I have [ __ ] that’s good too good sounds awfully like it’s going to going in the lava [ __ ] off if you break my you broke my freaking pickaxe oh you’re terrible how did you not escape the lava so horny right now and really yeah that’s for sure that’s

What we do we just oh you [ __ ] [ __ ] oh my God God damn it just get away from the lava the [ __ ] I was literally Walling it in at the time I was literally doing and then I [ __ ] you’re terrible Ross right electric pump you

Can’t put it in no that’s not what it’s for know before that gizmos Pistons such an intricate system just that’s the output at the end oh skeleton with a tardis on his head is coming for me I can smell I hate that I smell it I smell it

Uh a tank I need a tank spank my wank tank you have a wank tank yeah go for it mate go it’s deep oh it’s deep let me get in as well it’s deep it’s so deep swimming in money there so much oil I’m swimming in

Cash oh I’m stuck underneath a rock guys so guys I was stuck underneath a rock for a second I thought I was going to die it’s so D I can’t get out help was a mistake oh God no AUST AUST glob no nightmare up and we’ll create

Some massive pipes to make our trade Empire really really like yeah invasive into the world you know we don’t we’re not tidy we’re we’re here you know here we’re mainly underground like [ __ ] currently like moles angriest richest moles you ever met I’ve created a pump I’ve extracted

Some oil so oil and [ __ ] is going to be shat out under there and piped through [ __ ] pipes all the way up into the [ __ ] cess pool that is Ross’s rooms hello Ross’s woms Alex mhm how you doing mate you had a bit of trouble I’ve lost a lot

Of gear now and then had a bit few explosions down the down the mine happens you know uh the entire Arcane B got blown up but luckily I to save it then I got killed fell from lava then me and tro rescued my first gravestone but I got killed again and got second

Gravestone so we dug the first one out great went to dig the second second one out lava actually came out and destroyed all the items and here we are um demoralized I mean I I’m I’m feeling good I’m feeling upbeat oh this skeleton’s got a creeper hat on and

That’s amazing oh I’m going to get this hat so bad that’s made my day uh I’m going does take much they’re bit touchy feeling if you know what I mean oh really yeah oh they’ve been put my [Applause] way presenting arous being touched I don’t

Know do I have to do it again no there you are dangerous things that really oh [ __ ] death oh [ __ ] there he goes right hungry chest can go there by this bad boy up how does that feel Ross LOL he’ll regret this day you don’t want to [ __ ] with that

Corp employees what the [ __ ] [ __ ] me what was that yeah the um creeper just exploded near the house I’m just going to repair these uh blocks [ __ ] hell me toss me toss my salad [ __ ] everyone did the same laugh as well like in a row it’s the Wheezy

Dirty love all right Ross it’s spangling can go away and it won’t all pop out again you like that wouldn’t you I there you are you little [ __ ] it’s a limestone cowboy [ __ ] you both got that [ __ ] love that where’s the [ __ ] or chest you haven’t noticed how much we

Swear I really need to turn it down all right from now on let’s have a swear jar all right nice Swear free it’s not going to [ __ ] there it is piece of dirt Ross has already amounted this off in fact we’re going to take this outside

It’s going to be a tower it’s going to be the swear Tower and it’s going to grow by one block every time we swear okay I need to to make some [ __ ] bricks how do I do that do I need clay F and do I find clay underneath near

Rivers I don’t think I have it but I need it now oh you got [ __ ] if you don’t give it to me now I promise you won’t wake up tomorrow because I will [ __ ] you because I need that aisey day cuz you’re a prick and I’m coming

For you where’s my clay you [ __ ] p i [ __ ] hell okay so uh where is it [ __ ] oh no it’s opening hours from Monday to Friday are 2 p.m. 2 215 p.m. 60 miles away you are [ __ ] closed for lunch at 210 opening 213 [ __ ] you P closed for stock at

214 Jesus reopens at 21430 seconds 205 uh well I’ve got exactly the that’ll do for now then it’s a hazard it’s a risky business Ross remember you did sign and the contract on the dot line saying we are not liable for any major casualties suffered from constructing a giant hat

Corp logo in the found to be the occasional error uh [ __ ] Jesus what it goes quite far up Farr does it ever far up I say far up got n could be or it could be the so Dam generating that cob I’ve actually found some Cobble which is interesting

Good luck dear friend I found some M I made a [ __ ] I made a watering can do you think the first person who tried to drink cow’s milk was considered insane get off that get off my cows I doubt it get off my cattle you look oh

[ __ ] you it’s delicious oh it’s tasty it’s raw straight from the stream no no please stop It Dang Dang Dang Dang Dang Dang Dang d d d there’s diamonds I found diamonds I found more diamonds right Diamond would you like a diamond I’m picking up this lava filling this [ __ ] tank with

Buckets of lava it is great I just got another bucket let’s all have a masterbate what is this you’re like in it it’s a carpenter’s bed what get a duvet and everything oh that looks [ __ ] stupid got so weak it’s over for me [ __ ] falling death recently let me

Put a battery on it or something um yeah so I’m going to make [ __ ] [ __ ] where the [ __ ] was that it was on the Otherside it’s fine Jesus sounded so close I say it’s fine look at all this [ __ ] now on the floor uh tent to make a personality

For yourself you 90° one so that it can be seen on the map as hack Corp golden losos dryad Chastity is it lasso lasso is it like look like a lasso yeah okay dryad Crystal they are fresh from the promised land and so need lots of care and nurturing basically just cage them

Up or something thing as you know the first Tastee is always free I look forward to doing business with you in the future ridg dog just turn off the [ __ ] what happened [ __ ] it [ __ ] it [ __ ] I didn’t realize my area of effect thing was on and I blasted a hole into lava

Beneath you idiot that’s going to cost him long term oh my God finish the it’s Crystal too long too long I think we might might have a slave she’s got lovely eyes what you mean a real slave sorry she’s wearing slave wait what what are we talking about here this is what

Why’ you have a slave can’t have slave these days why not we’re not going to pay them and they’re going to do work for us who’s that where is it where is it where is it who’s doing work for us I want to see see I’ll make a little type

Work are they doing going on that little nugget of yours nugget head of yours nugget a lot I’m going to level with you n there’s not much going on guys oops I picked it up you picked it there go they don’t well they’re gender neutral right they don’t have rights is that what

We’re saying here no I’m saying they’re gender neutral no doesn’t mean they don’t have rights what we using them for they’re going to mine for us they’re going to they’re I mean they could be the front end you know anyone that comes to buy anything goes to them first okay

How does that work why have you separated them both cuz they don’t like each other very much you trying and kill each other gets very aggressive you kiding me are you kidding me are you killing him are you kidding me are you are you murdering me what’s happening

Here I don’t know Ross what do you want there’s two I don’t know what they do know what they do they look fantastic what’s the point them come on just explain it to him he’s he’s he’s flailing all right crystal tell me what you do ARS Maga

2 hello I’m AR Maga 2 I don’t know what they do oh more diamonds guys this is getting out of hand oh Chastity you got any answers there’s only lava around here Smith go don’t turn around and face the wall that Bea yeah there is yeah

Yeah there is lava U Dan where are you you over here [ __ ] up get back in get back in cage we’ve got an escape oh [ __ ] just kill us we’ve got don’t kill that’s a present from there’s a [ __ ] ton of lava just around the corner as well diamonds you are being

Naughty don’t treat them like children stop this no no get back in your yeah that’s it naughty that’s it okay we got these lasos lass lassos lassu people often ask us is it horrible to be around Trot do they yeah and I think we know the answer

I think we’ got it I’ve been asked that actually no I specifically that wording is it horrible I think you you talk to yourself no oh this is nice militarize monetize weaponize hack hap militarize monetize weaponize got a bit of lava in the drum the pump’s going got a bit of lava in

The drum got a bit of lava in the drum got a bit of lava in the drum got a bit of lava in the Dr can I turn the generator off in the drum got a bit of lava in the drum got a bit of lava in

The drum got a bit of in the drum eat don’t eat that food you die eat Some got a bit of lava in the drum got a bit of lava in the drum got a bit of lava in the drum got a bit of lava in the drum got a bit of lava in the drum got a bit of lava in the drum got a bit

Of lava in the drum got a bit of lava in the drum bit of [Applause] Lava that you down that in the drum oh I can see you guys uh stay there guys run away run away [ __ ] I actually legit said run away then cuz always accidentally missed the bucket um where distinguish can you go run Away serve the remix all right I’ll make an electric pump [ __ ] just I missed the bucket again I missed the uh the drama again I almost fire that’s why suddenly the intensity of the servo inre 10 fold oh right saying there’s no oh that sounds like it’s cost

Him no it’s okay it’s okay eat some food don’t die that’s how it works that’s how it works that’s that’s the method good [ __ ] [ __ ] sakes it’s okay [ __ ] F it’s okay did you lose the bucket no I no I didn’t die in lava I died next to

The lava saved [ __ ] off tro yeah TR you better than real ball buster TR because of this all right this is one incident one incident TR reset reset the clock trop don’t be a dick don’t be a dick trop yeah I he’s crying this is what you

Done trop this is what you got listen to a bit of lava on my skin he’s balling I had a bit of lava on the skin he’s balling his tits off why aren’t you pumping for [ __ ] sake it’s really nice i’ done wrong no

No god let’s get the [ __ ] out of me they saying no fluid the [ __ ] myself Jesus you’re not the boss ah no not like this no don’t let it happen no what are you actually doing that’s causing you to come the Lord is my shepherd not very good are you Ross not very good a drum full of a drum full of lava a drum full of no I don’t want to say the rhyming word oh the rhym word notu he’s got he’s got a drum full of come drum full of come drum V sound boards guys soundboards pump on the

Cobble [ __ ] hell I’m on fire again [ __ ] sake I need a water sauce we literally G this entire time without being on fire yet you’ve done I’m working with lava you can’t blame me when I’m working with lava you know that sucked it

Up [ __ ] no you there it goes oh we are a camp pigs [ __ ] it’s the name of the game and we say Skyrim yeah I think we’ve we’ve almost got two more tanks full thanks to your endeavors yeah don’t call them busy ring ring ring ring I won’t call

I’m calling them up stop pretending to ring hello is that HR yeah we got [ __ ] scaving Bast I’m not skying he’s a sking bastard I’m doing all the work no he’s not no he’s not Hello they’ve hung up theyve done too much they weren’t ever on the line guys [ __ ] pH

Guys if you don’t believe that you’re [ __ ] mental Whip It Bop It smash it wank it oil it crude it wait what was that last one one of them wasn’t a little bit different wank it that’s the one frig oh no he’s just talking about ships it’s a frig

It’s a class of ship Ross has had some bad news HR have been on the phone so so what’s What’s happen mate what’s HR on the phone yeah and and it turns out due to my claim for my throat being very sore for breathing in fumes yeah they’re saying they’re not paying

Me this month so I mean how’s that going to impact your um your life it’s going to impact me massively um I’m going to have to default on my payments right Jesus and I um in fact in dire stets I mean have you thought about getting a

Second job ban though I think you might go someone it doesn’t no you’re in D I’m not in D Straits what please don’t be mistaken I don’t have a second job don’t tell each child that please you got a second job no don’t tell them that Ross

In trouble with HR they’ve heard that he’s got a second job so Ross uh we hear HR heard about your job yeah they how’s that impacted your working life through some words I accidentally said they seem to think having in a band called di stre which I’m pretty sure aren’t together

Anymore so I mean di streets are together actually um uh I’m not I’m not any part of it Ross has had a call from di trits management he’s in some trouble Di’s called me they want a copyright claim for all the me for all the terms I

Mentioned that I’m part of D Straits mistakenly [ __ ] but it just turns out I’m just in a really shitty situation with with a lot of legal claims and no payments the ban shitty situation of gold Ross it turns out out there’s a band of B shitty situations and they don’t really like me

Mentioning them either and just I just can’t do anything I’m just having extremely hard time if you’ve got any money or you know it just cuts away and you’re just like rocking the boat one day they might pay me join us again received a call from E

Because he’s used up all his credit calling all these different people unfortunately I have no phone anymore it turns out he got annoyed because I spent a lot of money and I can’t pay them so I’ve got no contract I’ve got they took the iPhone from me I had an iPhone it

Was fancy nice but no more your prospects for a job now then oh I’ve got to stay down these mines stay down here keep loading this uh bucket without gloves get some lava fill the drum you know the situation and uh yeah it’s a pretty dire situ oh no I

Can’t it’s not very good but I’m pretty sure I can go in in one direction towards oh [ __ ] [ __ ] hell just keeps on getting sued for saying people’s bad names it’s really merciless right hemworth in back don’t know Heming back oh there it goes there it goes there it

Goes I feel like we’re on some sort of uh cash based system we’ve already lost like on Blue P 20,000 how much is Barrel contain it’s going to fill the whole thing 200 has 256,000 my God drums are ridiculous filled it 256 times God what an explosion that’s a

Force tree it’s been there for ages wow what why is it golden cuz it’s made of force TR that’s not a thing it is no y packs full of things ARS magika I made more guys come slogan go on oh no way if you ain’t toiling hat corpse

Spoiling get it if you ain’t toiling hat corpse spoiling I heard it the first time so you’re going to spoil the company if you aren’t working right yeah which is what I do most of the time I tend to just spoil the experiencing games for most people you seem to be

Yeah yeah so what are we doing tr get wa SM tit Riden you win his collection of did it again he knocked te all over his keyboard guys what the [ __ ] sorry TR what were you saying before we started you never knocked te on anything was that is that

Two two in a row and it’s I think keyboard is wet and also I’d argue that you can swallow quite a lot what have you seen me you go out like [ __ ] miso suit mate I just don’t know want to say that how bad’s your keyboard mate is it

Bad it’s all sticky yeah oh no it’s tea how sticky can it be it’s not tea there is it oh F uh okay uh just kill that [ __ ] zombie where is that [ __ ] he’s always making noise I can’t concentrate mate where is it I don’t know but it’s

Been around for ages I just want to kill it I want it for S oh he’s here where’d you find him right meate he’s been trapped in the walls the whole time sorry mate I’m going to put you out your misery please I’m hungry oh you can

[ __ ] eat my sword mate Goble it down Goble it down what are you killing oh I almost died then okay how much of this do we need three [ __ ] no going to die here then we SM drowned creative ways to die you doing Ross I am I’ve just collected a shitload

More marble I’ve got enough marble to finish sign so now I’m working my way up back to sign with very little life left oh cool I’ve got no food and you know I’ve sacrificed most of my time and energy on marble but it’s worth it because just Beau you got loot

Right [ __ ] that was really close where was that it’s okay the base is fine four five yeah yeah yeah it’s working I believe I’m going to get picked up by a dick Sorry by little angels picked up by dick take way to the clouds hold your

Wiener they will you know I’ve seen them do it that’s what a dick is for it’s just a holding stick for Angels it’s an angel it’s an angel’s hook let me see let me just come down let me figure out you haven’t made any way to get down

Have you no not it’s not realistic way no the only way you’re a stupid bastard aren’t you you’re a stupid [ __ ] bastard God they sounds so horrible holy [ __ ] oh there’s loads why there so many from where they come come from what the [ __ ] is going on they loads of them

Where did they all just suddenly come from no they just come out of nowhere just got a plunge on his head be Farmers be Farmers Chastity Crystal Farmers you can go outside I know but there’s a sign saying don’t go outside don’t go outside one of the many

Motos if you don’t follow that sign bad things will happen recently this week we’ve uh decided to go down the Seedy jazar route in terms of our theme Musical theme and uh there’s a there there’s a shack what this popped up all of a sudden here what’s this piece of

[ __ ] what is it right next to yeah what they I know where it is yeah who’s this oh look at that what is it what is it what is it hey Strife hey you like this huh wow coming into our territory building a bigger Shack than us trying

To steal our sles this has G me a good idea take chity oh [ __ ] what’s happened what you can’t say that what oh god hold on I think I can catch it up what oh [ __ ] water’s pouring into our base how I can’t get out of here St Smith I’ll

Leave you alone for a second oh god what have you done it’s just gushing are we underneath a river or something I have no idea what you mean oh it’s really coming down how did it happen though can you I was mining just really made a lot

Of holes in the in the okay than you made mistakes yeah yeah you want to watch out for this drippy ceiling it’s bit of giveaway bit giveway there it is yeah don’t dig that yep no I can’t access any of these chests it’s probably CU it’s lagging mate I mean everything

You’re talking about is lag right I’ve got osian ore and osian dust trop oh what is it you do jeez that’s crazy clipboard come on yeah just put your uh put your Cobble on it and or that’s cool why are zombies alive in the daylight [ __ ] off cuzz they got helmets oh there

[ __ ] know how to do it I it’s nice but I won’t be building a perfect cylinder mate why not cuz you know he’s going slice the balls off that’s why he’s going to slice them don’t like to build a don’t like to conform to the norm yeah he’s crazy it better be

Symmetrical nvo oh you know it will be there’s two things I want to get off my back right now you and you so get off my back yeah okay well that’s two of me all right Smith no you got them jetpacks no I sold them on the black market mate

Time to ruin somebody’s day wow yay it’s a little [ __ ] baby zombie I don’t feel bad die doesn’t feel bad you get like a bright one you will cut that baby zombie’s face right off oh gold try using gold gold gold more gold as cut lry it might not

Work but but it will look real gold expensive expens people will say what lavish Cutlery you have you have good claps out mate very timid and quiet in the back one clap man so [ __ ] smooth I need help I need help [ __ ] help no one’s help me where are you

Where are you ah where where were you made a nice Cube and you’re digging into it now stuff’s going to spawn behind there is it and it’s going to be like all the [ __ ] time got like places up you know in case one day I was going for

Lava yeah you took giant dump in lava giant dump in the lava and it just solidified into some instant molten burnt black log it was like a burnt black log but it was it was floating on top of lava for a while before it sank in and thene horrible stink seen the film

Volcano I have yeah like when that guy stand in wait is it volcano or is that I can’t remember Char [ __ ] largely the same film is the digital Miner okay Jib Jab Jib Jab ji jab Miner the oil is on fire where are you I joke before but

It’s definitely inside the tank it’s no it’s not inside a tank it’s just it’s loose it’s a it’s a free fire a viscous it’s catching fire on top of a bed of water it’s it’s my favorite film I can’t see [ __ ] what’s wrong with your bird the

Oils on fire oh my God TR look at it I don’t I didn’t think it would actually be on fire no I didn’t set it on fire I came across it I think the Lava said it on fire why’ you follow me I warned you I

Warned you FL FL me any [ __ ] bastard Flames not flam idiot hello hello adventurous Warrior of the night look at the flames and tell me how to get to my lava [ __ ] could be done I didn’t do this I’ll point out this is nature this is a

Natural occurrence I have come across it in in the world in world so where did you come from where did I go where did I come from coton Jo so you work on that I’ll start work on the digital Miner okay right if I go creating some sort of like where

Demon layer listen all right we’ve got things to protect Deeds look at this we’re going Sinister listen all right [ __ ] happens people build things near our base oh that is one of our mots actually [ __ ] happens and we need to fortify so yeah so this is you know this

Is the what the direction we’re going in we’re going in we’re going into a cadb purple color cadry purple cadry purple we absorbed that company yet we’re still working on the working out a weaponize it now recently so we’re just still things with them it’s like popping candy but nuclear

Blows your jawer off yeah instantly instant death uh try another one oh that one’s good that’s hidden what’s the mean which one’s the door it’s not going to be the central block surely but it is but it is actually that’s a good point change it let’s move it okay but don’t

Tell me don’t don’t don’t don’t show everyone don’t tell me not to fly I simply got to okay all right TR where’s your thing I can see your atom right in the middle of that chest Ross I feel like like when I have a conversation

With you a little bit of like we comes out yeah yeah yeah yeah yes well I don’t know why though it’s reallyfe you need to sort that outad infection oh thanks for announcing it to the world sh the jetpack isn’t charging hold on let me just um yeah I just face

Pal the desk uh what you got to come down to the hydrogen thing we just said that the jetpack doesn’t work on that you give me something I can feel are you a closet YouTu YouTube fan huge [ __ ] huge there’s no point in going near you I need to

Um what is this [ __ ] I switched on my jet pack I didn’t I didn’t toggle it around fast enough so [ __ ] me I think I just [ __ ] myself he just [ __ ] oh what is that horrific smell I think it smells something like a I think I might have ate a dead Animal need to find clay need to find clay let’s find clay why they called flux buddies they’ve already tagged us why are they fluxing each other fluxing each other’s brains out over and over and over again like Drive each other crazy just flucking away fling flucking up flucking

Up your words I’m flucking up my lines what lines it’s all scripted what are you reading why you guys didn’t get a script nobody sent me a script I’ve literally been working off a script this entire time you bastard what’s this over here hey Ross you want come in here and get

Freaky with me uh I’ve been in there actually for a long oh I got H be that’s where it’s coming from chy gave me H be guys a [ __ ] sakes chasty me she’s a wild blood disease I I feel like I need to do some sort of damage here ceramic

Die damage don’t break anything tro I’m just going to take a block right a block just feel like I need to bone meal my need just a really annoying block bone meal and [ __ ] you [ __ ] you flux buddies how about that what did you do those broke a

Glass window oh yeah thw a brick through it nice a brick on the inside oh what the um should I make two uh P the [ __ ] cheating son of a [ __ ] spawn witch going into creative mode [ __ ] [ __ ] Che how do I take lava out the drum I put the lava in the

Drum but now I want the lava out the drum out the drum honestly I’ve only worked on it when it’s going in my knowled is One Direction oh [ __ ] Ross has had a phone call I mentioned One Direction in a in a fit of rage Y what you done playing my

Spare time play in his spare time Ross yeah right I do that it’s called it’s called a micro for [ __ ] sake you know You’ been trying to find a block that uh yeah I know is indestructible so this is the open you like the rain rain Hall

Really nice yeah this is actually the opening to our Silo so I’m the rainhall I’m going to go up here and I’m going to the rain look look we discussed this we had a vote nobody like rain hle all right nobody lik it enjoyed the rain hle

We call it the Gaper we can call it the Gaper all right gape Silo one a sign down so uh Gap Silo one I’m going to cover this up with some draw Bridges with um with grass or dirt in them so what we can what we’re going to

Do we’re going to have it hidden in the in the Hillside and then when we’re ready to rain down fiery destruction we flip a switch and it all comes back and reveals Gap Silo one what about our nipples um what you mean what do they Chief what what he’s raising a good

Point how on Earth would this chafe our nipples doesn’t matter you don’t know what mean a busy worker is a better worker DJ hat Max CEO yeah right have to reemphasize the title another one really classic quote you know in the early stages of hat cor I hate this Limestone floor Al Smithy

CEO it’s a really solid did I say that yeah yeah what he hated the floor has it changed now no he’s still there so it’s still there oh Oh you mean in the main room with all the chest in yeah that’s [ __ ] horrible yeah so you know it’s just some bit of History

CR as free as the wind blows as free as the CH shot blows he blows pretty Freely 32 enrich Alloys I need yeah let’s think that’s one that’s good cuz sometimes we do have to prepare make sure you sign it off with DJ Max CEO oh hold on how the hell to make a blank cast do I have to make a freaking thing smelting thing why why do

You need to do that I need a blank cast for the drawbridge oh yeah what we going to do next truck [ __ ] hell I don’t know that threw me off can I make can I make a deal with you you take that Panda off your head and I won’t hit you in the

Face mate what’s wrong with my panda really just really rubb me the wrong way mate oh yeah that noise [ __ ] best sound effect EU Focus hey is there a possibility we can make that sound four bit uh two bit yeah yeah oh now break break it down I got 22

Grout and now I’ve got Gout oh he’s he’s got oh no I’ve got a bake grout now I’m not claying with you we need more clay [ __ ] I would like to clay with myself at night I’m clay with myself right now are you chut up clay with with

You if you like I’m going to touch someone’s butt cheeks something being built I don’t know yes come outside come outside really oh my god oh god let’s go outside oh [ __ ] it’s building a force field it’s faking huge oh what’s it powered from oh wow fuel holy crap is

Going to drink fuel that you wouldn’t believe this is a huge force field yeah oh God oh my God so we need like that many so what you so holy crap put 64 in that that’s going to be even bigger I would double it yeah but we’ll see also

The amount of power Jane I’ve seen force fields before and I know this is going to take a ridiculous map oh [ __ ] Mana creeper Jesus boom boom boom CHR here say CHR here say hey Chris hello it’s me I’m the weo guy I don’t care Trot I don’t care about

Your jetpack or anything think you do with it oh stick it up your right up your bottom put it up there Trot put it up there mate I’ve already got several things find what could he find CH have enough space let’s go nuclear guys yeah we should I think

Let do just being oil men’s fun oils just it just runs out too quick it literally just gets sucked up and it’s just like yep done sometimes guys hat needs to change you know yeah we need look look away from oil because it’s disgusting and sweet take the shield

Down we need a name for it uh call it Shield like Avengers shieldx excelsia excelsia know let’s call it excelsia the shield can we call it barrier contraception contraception troan Trojan skin put up the troan shield put up the DX put up the DX call

It all right so let’s break it down to the last three we got DX skin with a Y oh God [ __ ] skin with a y such a horrible brand it’s a good good Condon though I reckon I mean I’m I’m not [ __ ] reviewing it I’m just saying

That one’s actually nice oh it’s not too bad this one doesn’t te when I’m going at it it’s still really baggy though it’s so big why people make small small we condoms why it’s like you guys listening on what I say it’s weird [ __ ]

I need to make some paper so you need a couple more do need a a tart what you [ __ ] call me a tart come in there and rip your [ __ ] dick off oh you’re all right you you got some stuff here take you out to the senseless no don’t beat me no Mr

Froo uh I’m looking for [ __ ] paper something as basic as that it don’t you know smelt it up you’ve got to smelt it up not set correctly paper from trees what is this this world you don’t get paper from wood you get it from reads you’re crazy man some sort of

[ __ ] I like you but you’re all you’re all crazy everyone knows paper com from best place to find just near the W yeah it could be Papyrus hell so today are the Sesame Street we’re going to be uh doing uh Miss Piggy Miss Miss Piggy Miss Piggy oh

Hey why are you looking at me like that ker where you want me stop looking at me with those lustful eyes k oh I’m going to Miss Piggy I’m going to bang the [ __ ] out of you oh no don’t do that ker me well you know you said I could do whatever I

Wanted oh but don’t use the handcuffs kery no I’m just I’ve got a hammer I’ve got a claw hammer I bought with me that’s some weird as an [ __ ] G you’re not going to enjoy this Miss Piggy I’m really no qu no no where’s the Cookie Monster he’s got

Hair oh no he’s doing more hair heroin sounding you high I love heroin oh no Kirby cookie your gateway drug they always said it inting it into his Achilles heel that’s the only hole he’s got left it isn’t falling apart no next up crocodile not crocodile let’s go outside

And play I don’t like you [ __ ] anymore go out the door no piggy please stay you we used to be both buddies but now we’re not Papa can you hear me’s not from that take your clothes off now uh Soul Mill yeah do you want to sleeping Miss

Piggy oh come on let’s go and play Alum wrong me we used to be exclusive now we’re [Laughter] not oh such a weird crossover it’s from it’s from Frozen Ross I I know it’s from I know I know buddy it’s from Sesame Street really somebody fli the force field on a fancy

Watching so make cool oh M we got such limited fuel we can’t just just do that For Your Entertainment son we’ve got loads of fuel figure out a way to get more fuel we’ll [ __ ] do it oh we won’t pour out of oil no one runs out of

Oil no one runs out of oil let’s just be frivolous with it let’s invent stupid things power let’s do that come on you bastard burn it up [ __ ] turn it on I’m waiting activate the skin [ __ ] it’s on oh it’s working it’s working oh it’s working back up we will

Be defensible in the evening we can defend ourselves love lifts us up where we belong should do a miss the eagles fly on a mountain high mountain high exhausted all the Dandy can I call Gandy I request a different name it’s G Gandy gray or whichever

Shared point the fil I’m going to call you gandal the brown it doesn’t sound as good what Gand gandal the brown SC off the shitty you’re covered in [ __ ] you’re a piece of [ __ ] candy you’re forgetting what I’m doing cuz of these [ __ ] Miss Piggy Impressions blacking out adopting

The character hey Miss Piggy time to take your clothes off okay right there K me [ __ ] iron ax what I’m looking for I really need some torches uh [ __ ] off make some wait so saw us in a row you you kidding me or yeah go on M go

Three in a row yeah you were saying yeah what I made just go down to I don’t know here may it’s the other you’re [ __ ] kidding me what do you mean other Sawmill another one’s made out mechanism aluminum don’t know I just need some paper I just need some [ __ ]

Paper three sawdust in the top but that’s mechanism I I built the wrong Sawmill truck he built the wrong saw trck F well [ __ ] [ __ ] up my dick that sucks God what you built the wrong [ __ ] saw sawm why do there have to be two Sawmills there so many [ __ ] mods it’s

The first one that comes up as well it’s probably pretty easy to make to see uh I heard you say that I led a little bit wooden construction okay so there’s a lot of wood involved in this one H minum do you fellows happen to have some

Aluminium or as the American say it aluminum aluminum oh we done this it’s um I’ve forgotten what it’s for now Jesus what is it for what are you for it’s part of the um what are you system for us to make key cards what am I doing wrong

That’s a mariculture sawmill yeah so I need a different power source yeah no you you need to build the mechanism s Mill you built the Maric culture one he’ll get there eventually the poor fcker it says underneath it does yeah there’s only three mechanism is precision s Mill yeah takes a lot of

Sh Ming I I don’t even I don’t even know I mean what he made every kind of every kind of with the one I need welcome to Saw Mill hour we’re doing a full rev if you want a [ __ ] saw come to me I’ll make anys I SW made the right one [ __ ]

Boobs blaming on someone else that was the last he’s any refining I think I am really trying to work on my own thing actually no I’m not I’m working on stuff for you still that’s the [ __ ] trick some [ __ ] aluminium does it even spawn in this world that’s

A great question Chris over to you Ross hello so Ross I’ve got paper Ross has got paper um Chris on the other hand back to Chris hello Chris aluminium how’s it going yeah I’m going okay back to Ross Ross all right how’s your day going got my paper he’s got some paper

Is that rapper paper or is it like you know paper paper biometric it’s just you just shouting paper and expecting people to understand what you’re talking about no I need paper no he’s not biometric something or other biometric are you going to try and measure the length of

Your penis is that what this is all about yes Christopher oh [ __ ] hell Christ M the leveling on that to rain that in so I I pulverized some obsidian ingots it’s okay I’ve got it I can use this where you at where are you I’m by the [ __ ] oh God I’m by the

Chest oh God he’s by the chest so that I can get aluminum okay it’s a good shout it’s a really good shout CH shout alarm it’s going to be a giant up in your face and around your mouth it’s really [ __ ] sick why is he doing all of this pooing on

Me rting of [ __ ] now 44 Focus matrixes how much H Glass do you need oh [ __ ] you suck your own deck you little no you can’t say that [ __ ] you well you could oh go [ __ ] yourself of you f [ __ ] he said it he shouted it oh Jesus

Really loudly sound like Father Jack P yeah right everything’s [ __ ] we know this get it’s right we need to get it right all take big dum P chest put it in freezer and stab you to death with it that’s not going to work you can’t use

The shagger I guarantee I can make a shagger you can’t use the shagger against me I man use the shagger to got a [ __ ] dog I can get you safety is about safety for all of us oh I’m going to G you with a shagger it’s the shagging it’s happening no I don’t

Believe that’s what a way to go what a way to go oh [ __ ] can I sell any of my stuff to someone else to get it back to get some maybe there may someone else’s o curious oh there Ross you got steeling got spare you kidding me steeling got spare

I have 46 if you want some TRS pleas TRS you seen furnace generator any I down in a cave right now and I’m really on a mission TR I need furnace generator you’ve seen furnace generator TR have you seen my left it’s gone up inside gone up inside

Me like there you [ __ ] go TW where was maybe you should watch it story and see visually available I think it is the first one a man dislocated Leg playing rugby and paramedic came in to relocate his leg it was a new paramedic and they go don’t

Worry I’ll pop it right back in socket but as paramedic popped it in socket he got his bollock lodged in cup and so the leg just bolted back into the the socket area and the [ __ ] bollock just got crushed by the man’s muscles and tendons he he he screamed well did

He there you go reenactment like it yeah reenactment was it like that it was reenactment reenactment yeah reenactment I’m quite pleased myself I’m exract yourself I’m pissed off with you he’s annoyed oh [ __ ] oh okay I’m alive sorry I just whenever they say what the [ __ ] I

Just join in with them oh [ __ ] yes indeed what the [ __ ] what the [ __ ] I agree well no no what the [ __ ] you a what God damn it Ross what put it in the pulverizer you get two you do you think I’ve been paying attention TR do you

Think the amount of times I’ve taught you that yeah it’s unbelievable and the amount of times I listened zero he’s got Point Dr that’s the point I’m making yeah so we’re completely out of power we left the force field on oil and fuel is gone yeah and I I did set up lava

Generators um to try and counteract that but it’s still not enough I mean there is a tiny Slither of fuel in here what is the answer to this TR CL terrain well big reactors okay big [ __ ] nuke speaking of a constant use of power I’m going to pin myself against the ceiling

For the remainder of this episode okay so oh right you’re just using the power up though you’re going to fall out of the sky I can see it pissing out of you so it just needs a bit of water you spawn that in as well no feel like

Spawned in you spawned I literally built all of this why’ you spend your time spawning these things in you can build them you can build them TR you can spend some time building them you can you can I did I spent a whole oh wait hold on pray silence for that sound sample

Project Guth butt G butt nice it’s is an acronym for guard from unwanted freaking flux buddies using terrific technology nice in practice basically make a force field which we’ve done into a degree no we need to make another one generating power oh wow and this is now going to power w

Do I have to be holding it when I walk through or not I I don’t know to be honest so until we actually try that out I know how it works what happened it just fell out of the air you ran out of no no I used an ender pearl and it just

Died on contact cool Jesus why did you use an ender pearl there are pretty valuable uh [ __ ] can you um can you also can you get it to uh Mine The Gap that’s pry funny it’s a good pun and I’ll ask it uh will you mine the Gap it says [ __ ] off

That was a terrible joke that so by putting these little stars sort of like a Google search if you don’t if you want to just search a random anything you put a star on the end don’t you that’s that what’s happening I think so but it’s

Also lagging the whole server I can see everything but you’re not moving I you can see everything so I’m just slowly getting it all back so I just quickly mined Some Coal behind um chid and Verity’s uh living um and did you warn them about the

Building did you give him a notice I gave him six weeks notice six weeks nice that’s good six truck back mind it anyway there’s a hidden tunnel behind the ore is it so I knocked some ore and there’s a tunnel that leads to the outside oh wow I don’t know whether

That’s something we made maybe it was but it’s pretty pretty obvious so I’m I’m going to block it up yeah cover that [ __ ] up how’s the smelly [ __ ] going over there I’m just about to do it um oh I think I’m in a node tro what God Su node

How do I get out oh God no how do I get out okay tro teleport me I’m trying get me out I teleported you to me oh wait what the [ __ ] happened was it actually Su where am I now uh where are you I saw

Your face and then I just I’m back at the spawn oh right so I didn’t TP you in time oh so where’s my where’s my loot is it near you collect the Essences up you got the node or you got my stuff I got the node I don’t know where your gravestone

Gone was that what the node was you you just punched the node Yeah I broke it was that the node yeah I thought that was my Tombstone where’s my Tombstone it was on it but now it’s not there oh what so it’s gone do you reckon it broke it

Must have deleted it oh no that’s what you that’s really bad because I’ve lost a lot of stuff what did you lose the atomic disassembler all the yeah all the obsidian [ __ ] everything [ __ ] hell hor so unforgiving Jesus it’s been kicked twice now we lost all the digital

Minor stuff yeah right and now we’ve lost all Ross’s stuff has taken a massive the stocks are dropping and hat Corp are dangerously low um here’s a question how do I make bronze I get a stack of How Sweet It Is to beov by TR I needed the feeling of Chris Trot

Hands caressing your B down my pants that’s horrible he’s got such rough hands I sound him every day really rough hands got a lot of excess skin Oh suddenly there’s a horrible smell on the server oh Shin’s online TR on my heart I’ve got issues I don’t know where to hug you or

Catch you huh just go for it just do it already touge me anywhere we’re a grower not a shower yeah boy that’s a quote from big old girl don’t don’t judge a book by its penis cuz it’s tiny she was born making s with her hands with

The so much the sand girl is coming the girl is coming she’s going to touch you she’s a monster she’s misunderstood was like us she’s not as bad as you think but she might be no no no no she’s a monster she’s a monster she likes s she likes s

Cast her out of the community she touched my dog now the dog is a sand just be dude can we do that all the sticks looking for grav big grav mate a grab gra I’ll do anything for a bit of GRA oh go on smack some grav in me

Arm there’s no injection that will grab is so expensive so thick substance to put need better than eating no I like to think I’m the Hugo McLoud of mes so you’re going to fire this Hugo McLoud sorry not moud what’s his name you’re an idiot it’s Kevin McLoud [ __ ] hell how could you

Get his name wrong because that’s what his son’s called I know his son vaguely what yeah what’ you mean when’d you meet him name dropping he went to Sherborn for boys which I used to know some people there in it’s a private school the Hugo Cloud yeah you met him no well

Not really I know him just [ __ ] sold aoxy memory card to his dad yeah um anyway that’s why I got confused do you reckon we could weaponize the Sun that’ be cool as well could that be a goal of yeah somehow burn everyone I think we could do it fire righteousness mate skin

Care I could do it without even like I think we should start c as well can we increase the temperature of the Sun so that the cult sorry the cult idea was really good I like the idea of starting a cult yeah yeah is that where I put it

Or no is it draining put it in the put it in the plus plus adds minus takes wait I can’t see a plus I’m looking at electrolytic separator no you’re in the wrong one then you want to look at the gas tank oh [ __ ] little [ __ ] sorry guys why do you love

Me whoa ho [ __ ] just start wailing nobody loved me nobody loves him that’s sad man you’re a freak oh marry sad girl they said no cuz you’ll die straight away I don’t care I’ll die in love this see this is the musical happening the warus wants to marry sand girl and

He doesn’t care because he’ll die oh TR how much touch me lover pleas no no your turn to son I don’t care look at me I’m a monster kill me kill me kill me oh wow that’s pretty bearded man enters with a knife he’s going to kill you oh my God

He’s telling me to eat [ __ ] eat sh eat sh he’s telling me to eat sh literally won’t stop telling me to [ __ ] lever it out oh no how no one else said oh no no one did it yeah the thing what does that say Ross never really enjoyed that joke also

You can camouflage the drawbridge as well Ohing um yeah we need a [ __ ] ton more um one ini initiating Gap Sil engage oh it’s closed wow that’s amazing where did Gap Silo go where’s Gap Silo I oh it’s opening here it is where is a gap Silo oh that’s great so we have like a a

Rain hole that can be gaped Over da oh so I hooked up this smeltery when you’re out there can you see we can get some sand as well uh h two more two more Master and Commander doesn’t usually do things like that he’s above it yeah he’s above his job position I don’t know if you can

Tell in the title Master Commander do you see uh sand Grabber in that title sand Grabber sounds bit weird well that’s someone else’s job then isn’t it s and grab I love the way we powering everything with this tiny little coal generator God 10 fuel rods five control

Rods there’s a missile oh [ __ ] that is awesome Target’s too close so we need to move the target away oh yeah so you can get this thing that like tells you what coordinates you’re at can you Ross truck can you specify coordinates outside or something I’m at the missile location okay right

Launching okay nothing happen oh yeah it’s gone I can hear it oh it’s in the air missile is in the air it’s rotating and it’s coming down hard and fast it hit near the church yeah yeah it’s a bit inaccurate cuz it’s only tier one and it hit the water and didn’t blow

Anything up it’s going to fit in this hole basically it’s going be delet fit in your old Tru break activating the reactor oh it’s going so up some heat running at 0.02 M buckets per tick 183° 5° 87 is filling up with power nice everything’s got power everything is

Power and guess what what’s that he doesn’t he doesn’t know guess what we can turn back on we can turn the force field back on oh the for for field the skin is back on on we we need to Lo we need we need to put the controls for that near the

The Silo because if I fire it off with this force field we create a a thingy explosion oh I’m tripping out what the [ __ ] what’s happening what I don’t know but I’m tripping out and I’m really fast oh on the concrete concrete floors makes you faster okay so it’s gone in I’m not

Tripping out my my vision’s gone did you eat something weird I don’t know you just ate something I ate some bread though might have been bad bread oh d yeah you’re poisoned like to press e and it says a little effect by the side speed night vision and

NAIA well you’re blind drunk [ __ ] right Smith right y this is amazing this going to be really trippy to watch9 these are great Tunes whilst I’m building a nuclear Village car take my bre take my Village away oh my God I want bigger bigger nukes basically okay that be good know

You know would be good I don’t need to be told I’m building um not not too far away from yeah you heard him uh not too far away accidents do happen they happen so you know accidents will happen that’s hack that’s the way they will happen and

They should happen because Bey you make you learn from mistakes what did you say I’d be unhappy I’ll be un I’d be extremely unhappy I very unhappy very unhappy with you unha um so I’ve move the digital minor top jokes half of these trees are like [ __ ] dug into the ground it’s

Ridiculous wao boring alarm oh audience audience something boring happen something boring just happened something really really dull happened just now wish to do with trees these are dug to the side of the Hill a lot Le look at these trees they’re dug to the side of the Hill found some

Time oh cheeky sorry cheeky cough you [ __ ] oh leather what are you wearing leather oh obvious I use it all on me first oh you’re such a you person I’m such a me guy do we need Limestone as a thing cuz I’ve got loads of limestone uh yeah if

You want to make it look like a dirty hostile floor then which we do it really does it dir well I think I’ll make a road out of that then [ __ ] yes a microphone why do you want to make one of those a where that little [ __ ] go I want a

Little hand job from a penguin penguin Mr handy P Mr handy that for you now hello Mr Handley he’s getting off light recently oh he he hasn’t had much to do he’s got red raw flitters like he used to kinky little [ __ ] oh he’s so kinky

Being attacked hey you hey buddy we put the sign up we told you the road would be closed for 3 weeks starting now it’s fine it’s fine zos came to save the day thanks mate you changed the day changed the day today he’s an all powerful he’s uh he’s consciously watching over

Us all times all at all times doesn’t make us friends with him though cuz he’s done some sabotage style things against I can predict that in the future he’ll do the same yes but for now he is our Our God God is a bit much CHR so have we have we got zombie

Brains apparently if you smell zombie brains you get a piece of leather what the [ __ ] F we should have probably it I’ll put it in the chest nearest like all the gear the force field the big long one thanks babe don’t that you’re my boy blue [ __ ] off I’m going to stab

In the neck oh you’ll get you he’s just joking right in the neck he’s just I’ll do you I’ll stick you like a pig kind of I’m going to bury you deep buddy I’m going take you out to a mo and no one’s ever going to find you I’m Mark grave

Son tell me more what this isn’t a compliment I’m going to do you I did a pun tell me more a you did a punny okay I I’ll kill you quick for that one than right did a punny one don’t let me bleed out I’m

Going to stab in the btle wa oh he’s just spawning [ __ ] in look it’s Jin where where are the police where are the police there isn’t he a member of the cheap police that’s it exactly so’s response is banging your mom which is probably not too far from the truth

That’s what the police get up to they’re corrupt corrupted you heard it here folks good bang corrupting family members no not been as stupid as you Ross what I didn’t call it hand glider just keep making a fake Village cuz you’re [ __ ] weird that you guys tell

Me the fake Village was know your game we just want you away from us what are you doing over there so you can make a new life over take off all right Bray me watch BR me with your dumb brain I watch the CCTV later this a do one FPS doesn’t matter

I’ll fill in the blanks miserable a little bit oh [ __ ] whoops I was in cheat mode then oh nice police the che police ask them where they are now where are Che police now police [Laughter] free oh [ __ ] hell just just say you want to report her I’d like to report I’d like to report a cheat to the cheat police uh I’ve done something terrible exactly you’ve done something terrible you feel bad about it and you want to so

When we scam them we’re going to scam sh guys just wait wait guys we’re all getting [ __ ] hand gliders you excited yeah I’m really excited how did you get 64 okay TM mate that’s why I am sayy Smith yeah there you go hey Ro hello hello

[ __ ] off hello ah hello it not work mate you die you died yeah it turns out if you right fcking died scroll wheel the old hello yeah I’m still here he’s trying to talk to you oh he’s still there TR meate I can make your Bedrock nice Flintstone thing no he’s literally

Just got your bed he’s moving around this is not going to this is not this is going to be part of nuke town there TR all right what it’s going to get nuked is it like a gas tank that supplies the town with with it gas it’s just a weird

Looking building Tru you like making weird [ __ ] don’t yeah how do you spell manganes H oh I’ve done it it works I made it and also Diamond what these what a rhyme pretty [ __ ] obvious it says disabled oh no cuz I got chat off mate

It’s not even in chat it’s a UI thing oh it is yeah no it is in UI that’s fair enough [ __ ] ID you idiot you animal can you disable the foro cuz I can’t get just riding around inside hey buddy it’s great in here M it’s [ __ ] great we’re

Having a party got big bag of cocaine you’re on your own big old bag of cocaine mate just disable the force field okay I’ll make a wheat farm djx CEO and he did and he [ __ ] did shitty room with wheat in it yeah I did it wow

I’m having a real trouble here it happened zero graph seon is great floating round floating round the moon well don’t worry cuz I found a whole [ __ ] vein of it here oh TR veiny Tru is it straw veiny get your hands off it you filthy bastard he’s so

Filthy see what you’re doing with it youy bastard [ __ ] now I’m all loomed up it’s really I can do it really quickly nowadays just L my whole body in seconds someone done something naughty on the server who could have done it Che blaz what’s the

Number oh there we go there it is we’re out uh thank you very much LA loveely game of fives join us next time if you enjoyed this episode then I see her where abouts are you where I’m at the Village the new Village the new the new Village all

Right [ __ ] I’ll put the force up so she can’t get in I know what she’s what she’s playing that crazy little fluxer my blood she’s got your blood kill her I’m chasing her down okay she needs to die can’t keep fluxing us up like that come make flucker right in the

Face going to try flux I’ve done this kind of thing before flux her flux her mate okay guys going to flux flux her into the next Century mate we’ll do she’s pretty [ __ ] fast I know yeah don’t know what she’s got May she’s using a hand glader this way

All right stop ading handl how much how how much the company that make those hand gliders pay you a lot you how do you use the hand glider again [ __ ] love those hand gliders you just right click okay once I need more jungle wood shift you

Speed me up oh [ __ ] oh I can pass through the ID cards are working you’ll be happy to know don’t use this TR he’s threatening what he going to use on this pecul species okay just W down some notes oh oh I’m in a bubble God she put me in

A bubble did you not get out of it temporary she escaped she’s gone mate like the wind where’s all that sand mate put in the chest mate all right mate [ __ ] off I just asked a question yeah what and I answered don’t laugh it’s not funny it’s

Not a joke it’s not a big joke I found it so fun where’s all the [ __ ] gunpowder gone there was a [ __ ] ton of it I moved it what you st accusing me of everything where’s it gone oh it’s there Jesus TR is right here [ __ ] sake tro

[ __ ] off here’s your fault here trying to help you you stink like [ __ ] Tru he smells like poop you smell like like but also means none of our enemies want to go near me so go to a doctor why do you smell so bad buddy and I ask him why do

You smell like [ __ ] and he says I’ve been bathing it just shits in my face like I’m a piece of [ __ ] oh and I say no why are you why are you [ __ ] in my face [ __ ] oh yeah nice you’re making the Assassin’s Creed logo

Yeah why you why is it tear dropped I just I I want to make it taper off at the end and then it just turned into a teardrop this is not a village this is an art installation this is an art installation what the [ __ ] we’re going

To Nuke the [ __ ] out of it well it look good when you blow that would it I guess what the [ __ ] guys there is oh my God Tai everywhere there’s you as for it got chilies [ __ ] everywhere chilies chilies yeah they’ve grown like exponentially out of Shin’s base and now

They’re encroaching on our land as well oh my God they’ve gone over the [ __ ] River and they’re over into our land oh spider eyes spider eyes inside my rectum SP with spider inside my [ __ ] a While sounds what happened I have very little health I really need some [ __ ] spider eyes so bad if you go to pressing e then you press options at the bottom left and then you switch your Venita cheat mode then you switch your stay Crea then you press e and get spider

Eyes oh weird I got a load of spider eyes okay I’m here now okay well that’s Weird I’m just looking at my Inventory We’re leaving together and I don’t know the words who knows we’re together with it hurts show me your penis CH only way we’ll make it through I don’t really like chst because he’s a massive you yes a female Sheep I’m dreaming of a white Christmas just like the Us where the SLE dri and [ __ ] [ __ ] I’m not sure about the third man in this quart the Christmas stop it’s me snow Christmas we really got to talk to this guy what are you doing what the [ __ ] okay third from the back what are you

Doing what are you what are you doing [ __ ] songs what is that you Ti songs what that what [ __ ] W oh he’s saying you right yeah yeah oh this is awkward Merry [ __ ] Christmas no no Merry Christmas for you no you’re out the you’re out of the band

No [ __ ] ho where did that go oh no lag it’s not a Merry Christmas big style for me young man is that a nuke in the sky I said young man try and cover your eyes because that flash you will be blinded now vaporize your big ass it’s fun to stay at the

YMCA the nuclear explosion will ruin there’s lots of young nudes for you men to explore you can hang out with all the nukes you adore big instrumental big instrumental guys yep W launching missiles in the air this is a warning is it I don’t know oh it’s up

It’s eyes on eyes on it’s Away Eyes on pull back h in is she there she’s around she’s flying I think she’s in the middle she’s she’s in the middle she’s saying oh guys oh my God this thing has some serious flight time jeez I’m watching it

I’m in the air I’m in sky cam you fall following it I’m tracking it as best I can is trying to stay in the air but just real she’s in the teardrop I’m saying will she go into the teardrop it’s low visibility it’s a it’s a nighttime explosion she she’s asking where where

We are it’s coming it’s coming about to impact it blew up everything I could even didn’t even see the explosion she survived oh he died and she survived she survived what it detonated in the air it detonated in the air it detonated way above the structures that’s my oh I got

Knocked off by the [ __ ] she trapped don’t tell her what to do don’t tell her how to leave it don’t worry guys when I um when I built the first nuke I uh I built a secret redundancy guys a secret redundancy yeah I’ve I’ve got another nuke opening gate side of

Doors who who who hold on Christ what should we get further away this time yeah I think so [ __ ] hell okay I’m going to stand on this mountain side I’m going to stand on this one I’m going to be safe over here guys I’m getting horrible radiation

Poisoning in here thing is cuz it’s raining nothing’s going to die who Clocky I have no idea they went up in Flames oh Jesus the light such a storm one launching okay we’re watching the area let’s see what happens nuk away nuclear test Village nuke and

Transit ah cam 3 is Cam 3 is chasing cam 3 in Chase mode nuke is still in Flight oh I see it it’s coming down it’s coming down on target tracking Target detated boom it’s detonated it’s ruined most of the village is not entirely ruined there shards left my God the tower remains

Intact and it’s a beautiful day look the day is is is bur up we absorbed the rain with a nuke oh look at this we just we nuked the weather that Village has been utterly destroyed fear us fear Fair Hat we have power we have it this will be

Your base P your and it won’t be a test Village that’s right [ __ ] this this is not a joke that’s amazing this is not a drill hey uh do you want to try launching one other thing that apparently there’s another really cool one I can I can quickly show you guys

Sure uh cam 1’s going to stay in range 95 95 this is going to be good Ross yeah I’m going in what do you mean you’re going in take my belongings oh [ __ ] kid me camera one’s going into POV mode no no oh [ __ ] what [ __ ] it’s going off in

The base oh God the base there was a redstone signal it’s crashing what oh what you mean the switch was still on gapo has been destroyed oh [ __ ] what [ __ ] in the base oh god oh no oh CH suffocated a Wall H film’s delivery by Rich Dog golden lasso dryad Chastity is it lassu hello introduce yourself hello she’s quite shy how’s it go nice outfit hey how’s it it’s not how you CH them up uh all right crystal going to make them feel at home in hat Corp oh where chass

She’s ran off mate she’s immediately R she like this she she’s gone she like hot dog down tunnel with her where’s she gone there she is look she’s there I can see her come back you’re making a making a scene she’s literally there not helping our business deals come on she dropped

Her bang she always causes a scene nightmare come here JY City suffocating Wall there’s blocks falling everywhere it’s amazing isn’t it oh my God what’s going on what’s Happening did our whole hat no no no no no just The Silo thank God basically oh [ __ ] no the actor’s leaking oh no I need to back a base immediately we’re trying to it’s there’s

Box everywhere oh God I can’t remember and chasty suffocated in a wall how does she get pulled into she must have had a stone block like fall on her or something butcher alive did you hear that Crystal’s like sh oh god what the [ __ ] happened uh you were there you you

Were you were around we could extend Gap solo out oh missile project is just called CH the next Gap is called chassity she was wide open she was wide open to and then and then crushed into a pulp uh everything has been improved from the new patented

Chest dump sting system to the sitting drown seating area sit what to the relaxed patented sit and drown seat area no I mean I mean the actual elevator block we had that before well yeah but it’s it’s now got that’s the most exciting thing about that isn’t it no

The doors are cool yeah I’m not excited well Welcome to our new base oh yeah do you remember the flood that kept coming through the ceiling cuz you kept breaking the the roof I remember this so I’ve converted into a water feature makes sense there glass there is that hardened

Glass again or were you going with fuing glass [ __ ] about the [ __ ] glass oh she’s on 10 health she’s really low can we give her so to like heal she does tomato yeah eat she’s fine she’s traumatized still yeah she wouldn’t come out she’s mourning the loss of dear dear

CH a new to-do board well hold on you just skipped over choral oh my god oh is that Harden glass yes it is hard and class that’s right [ __ ] woo guys put on your hazmat suits there we go guys you come in you flick the switch and that closes

This door here that means that if anything explodes you’ll die but the rest of ha cour will be safe okay thank [ __ ] well you might die depends on if you use the emergency skape patch show you in a sec oh no we oh [ __ ] we’re on fire we’re dying we’re Escape jump

In and so and we land in oil right land in oil what are these things fire stuff at come oners they’re empty right now because we have haven’t actually got potions okay but uh these will fling healing potions uh how do I Char charge it is it saying zero out of

10 from radiation you should have worn your radiation suit oh no you die from radiation i di missile tube 2 away oh God [Applause] away sounds like exploded exploded it’s away it’s away I think I don’t know nothing got damaged so I’m presuming didn’t I say this but

Oh lordy oh Lordy where is it it’s on it way mate it’s on it way it’s on its way apparently I see it I don’t see it yet Lo another Sky I can’t see it in the night sky I see something I see it here it

Comes I see it coming camera one’s going up Chase mode it’s coming down it’s coming down that’s a big one it’s a blue one it’s blue big old blue one wao whoa oh my God what’s it doing it’s sending blocks it’s like they’re floating W that

Looks amazing oh my God the blocks are like floating it’s an anti-gravitational missile that area should now have anti-gravity so you’ll drift off wow oh my God and 129 oh [ __ ] almost died I died oh [ __ ] 62 and 129 okay locked in don’t don’t send don’t don’t do that cuz

My Grave’s there right 62 and 129 I’ve locked in Rockets away oh please don’t already G my hand stuck inity again the it’s [ __ ] out of my hands I’m sorry the M’s gone M you got moments mate oh wait no Something’s Happened it’s crashed what server’s crashed completely

I think you just got disconected I you just did I think you just got the whole thing’s gone yeah by the way tro that miss that missile is not on the way away oh my God good launch good launch good launch close inside the doors nice launch nice launch launch

Chase cam on that no no no chase cam guys Chase cam is out of action all right just it’s all down to cam one it’s down to cam one to get this Gold Cam 2 died is dead waiting for cam to small step for hat here it is giant [ __ ]

Hole in the world I see it’s coming down all right here we go M you ready this is a off moment oh my God it’s spurting block to me holy [ __ ] oh my God oh my God they’re coming back down y they come mate this is what went

Off in our [ __ ] base oh my God you can imagine why it blew a hole in the reactor oh it’s made such a mess yeah mate it does does sped blocks everywhere oh he missile away going on three makes such a good noise this is for you chassity I don’t

Know this is for you I worry that I’ve left my uh my my gravestone unattended that’s going to really be an fine yeah there it goes does it just create a L cre I’m going to come to you a sec hold on literally created a chunk that’s hilarious so [ __ ] up way

Mate what happened sorry he he was hovering inove thing what where does it create is that it here is it here yeah oh man and the other one is just there where where there where you see that flat land uh it created that chunk oh we should do

Like multiple launchers and just try and create a whole area like 3 time we got new plans so reu I’ve been Beav away all night you’re a beaver now yeah I’ll take you a war us on the side I’m a bit of a beaver he’s a bit of a beaver he’s got a

Huge Beaver comes to the new to-do board on the uh top floor you know we want to uh [ __ ] leave the switches alone I turned them all off now you just turned them back on again I didn’t switch anything you turned it on me all right

Get in there take your TRS off what that’s not a secret oh I don’t want to do that bit go again collecting some lunch guys hold on I need a bit of carrot you know Emerald there as well me [ __ ] oh ouch sorry you got you guys

Hungry for that team nice so this the placement holders Place holders right and dunan died so if you could all do the ha cop thing with open up chat and cap sock on and laugh there we go we lur there we go guys that’s great good job

For hat Corp brilliant that’s you know that’s what we do we so inight fear I like shave beavers what he what he likes sh you can’t say that he likes shave beavers no this will make TNT from Cobble nice that’s amazing and sorry just from Cobble yeah

That’s really good Ross look I mean we got so much Cobble yeah ready Ross stand here it’s like P pan just got Stop Believing oh I’m seeing it there it is it’s happening look at all the TNT oh my God I’m leaving just Cobble guys let’s go and let’s go and threaten someone

With this what do you think Smith yeah what going to blow you up with this that that was BL up the Bas up he’s placing blocks everywhere it won’t ignite don’t tell him don’t tell him okay all right I believe just um broke it if you do run

Out of durability it will just what the [ __ ] is that wait there’s someone invisible here oh god oh she tried to tag lock her right switch the force field on switch the force field on now she’s trying to tag lock me I need to run cuz she doesn’t have me Jesus ah

She’s invisible why she do this there you go I’ll fly about a bit lock her in is a force field on ah okay we need to go I thought something hit me right a [ __ ] hell you ain’t leaving right I’m going to go to the dungeon bait yeah where we we

Need to we need she can’t we need weapons she can’t get to us under I’ve got to disassemble she doesn’t know the way right where’d she go don’t know but I’m out here why can’t I go down wait stay here oh [ __ ] secret button anyone got Sonic goggles where we can see the

The sounds that she’s making oh yeah where have they gone oh they’re in hat pack mate so they’re actually in a different uh different series Al together I’m opening the doors was down at the time oh she’s she’s hurt me I see her she she’s got a rocket launcher go

I’ll open the door ready she’s dead go Li coffee Duncan it was it was go go go Duncan don’t don’t take his uh give him his CH temp what no no no we have to sell bargain with him we we have to sell it back to him yeah all right should I

Seal it off oh let’s make a chest for it I I didn’t have anything on me so all right um lamp of fertility got jet pack be good if we had like an ejection where we could literally fire you out with the rocket or something just like I’ve got to

Go come on I’m out of there fire it fire it oh [ __ ] hold on right go go right I’m right solid doors are opening one away nuke missiles oh my God gone away oh there is’s closing so close to The Silo is dangerous away nuk oh my

God oh that’s a big one W it’s so close it’s gone dark it’s so close guys it’s so close to the area it’s a nice try and then Al Smith you suff get in a wall oh what happened Smith what happened Smith I don’t know the shield was closed it

Shouldn’t have happened like that what do you mean what happened this is a massive nuk what the [ __ ] oh my God we didn’t even kill them how much Landed It cover where are they oh I know what happened all of the there’s Rock everywhere oh god what happened did you

Rejuvenate everything here let’s assess this I think you rejuvenated this whole chunk no I launched the first missile not the second missile the first missile was a nuke okay mate this is rejuven no something exploded and it it it made the Rejuvenation missile explode which must have then rejuvenated the whole area all

My work all my work on the nuke facilities gone oh my are you kidding me [ __ ] is it actually all gone it’s all gone all of it what the [ __ ] happened well it [ __ ] up what were the fail safes guys no no no no they did something so we’ve lost our nuke sign

Already I am not rebuilding I think I’m going to cry oh my I spend so much time on it he really did he I think I’m going to cry Jesus Christ [ __ ] oh here no more rejuvenations here’s my Jetpack the nuclear facility fell victim to what’s now officially referred to as a major

[ __ ] to summarize a cataclysmic chain of pain began by launching a nuke remarkably close to the base triggering a Rejuvenation missile inside the facility following the stage 9 [ __ ] storm the legit Builder department rose to the challenge immediately restoring the facility to its former glory it’s incredible just how fast they

Legitimately work golden shower yeah operation golden shower brilliant okay that’s what this is going to be called so ramping up our nuclear and offensive strike capabilities operation golden shower will begin today oh you can pick this up again it’s a legit build I think it’s cuz they cheat everything in mate

I’ve got suspicion we got no evidence no there’s no evidence it’s not North Korea I will reap the rewards though hello all right Ross so we need one tunnel ball what what are you doing [ __ ] you I’m making a tunnel ball sorry sorry sometimes that’s no that was a bit strong strong

Actually no it was you going to apologize no not at all no I wouldn’t think so don’t apologize the first rule at HAC never apologize apologize for never never [ __ ] sorry why is that a rule we have here don’t apologize for your actions that’s going to be a rule

Apparently I’m going to put Mr hany back in his Sly sauce s sa 34 chest that’s a bit much isn’t it um you’ll notice also with this upgraded B there are workbenches all over the floor yeah I was going to say where the [ __ ] I need Bo is

Created uh-oh here he comes so [ __ ] loud when someone like comes up the elevator sh a break my ass work work work wait what was that last bit nothing give me bricks uh what’s the second rule of hack called Alex Smith second rle don’t ask questions don’t ask questions

I didn’t know that that’s the that’s you ask a question [ __ ] you these rules are incredibly C dve oh there is some real nuke waste over here and nuke Zone B [ __ ] me let’s going into a water supply the main river oh God man those fish I

Really hope it does affect the fish somehow be hilarious mutates them to large three eyes three-eyed gogg eyed fish freaks that’s what we want [ __ ] [ __ ] freaks mate are you making some now [ __ ] is wrong with me TR priming track launcher track booster tracks Tech te track track 66 activate a

Track so many [ __ ] tracks which track do I want where’s the [ __ ] standard track track you got I mean I said it while you sing [ __ ] ass off I’m Christin aqu mate he’s are you you can be Mariah care if you like gone yes G you look like Mariah Carey All I

Want For Christmas your life doesn’t it really a decent Christmas song and you saw it every year those royalties are enough to you know bet still find a a small fortune small small army small army i’ I’d start an Army in some sort of run down Central African country you got

Those other coal bricks what you [ __ ] kid me I got seven truck holy [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] idiot like [ __ ] a prick pu sound great horny horny rub my belly horny else that’s a Furby it’s a it’s a it’s a decommissioned Furby I’m so horny prototype the oh I’m

So horny Furby sex F extra furry Furby wank me off Furby like furries have a Furby is this the rare wank me off Furby it’s rare it’s ultra rare wank me off Furby only one of its kind covered in jizz oh my God what the [ __ ] is this

Small pocket for J guys come down to the secret secret base right the bottom what’s happening there what the [ __ ] is this is it the penguin is things uh you have the penguin to his own the VES oh my God look at it that is incredible it’s a slime with a hat the

Hat a face [ __ ] sliming with a hat what are the chances that’s so amazing let’s box it in I want to keep this you want to keep it yeah I’ve got lassu yeah lassu it I I don’t know if he’s going to lose his hat properties L right I guess we’ll box it

In he can be Mr grey Mr grey he’s the front end of hat call hello Mr grey here should probably be at the top shouldn’t he yeah should we try and push him out a bit I don’t know how we get him up try you can’t get him up to the elevator

Just lass him mate holy [ __ ] I had the perfect number of blocks to write the word [ __ ] that’s Ru number 64 have the perfect amount of blocks for the on at all times there you go mate copper molten hepit what the [ __ ] is this TR what have we created there is bronze in

There though I think it’s cuz there was goldon oh there is copper and oops Yeah smell the wood smell the wood smell the wood really try is there something in the the head I wanted to blindly use it in public nice word mate what mate thanks mate looks good doesn’t

It it’s very nice today’s word by this is what is this stuff I need to make transfer pipes for you didn’t I it’s cuz it had tin copper and gold apparently made hepatis but because there’s no more gold hepatitis we made [ __ ] hepatitis we’ve made an illness let’s spread it

Pop the pipe on there I did just put it on there pop the pipe on I just put it on there well I’ll put the pipe on there though can you take the pipe off of this one and put put oh oh my God guys I got an Ingot of hepatitis

Actually we need to accept the fact that Smith is complete B end for who how how can we do this where did that come from [ __ ] my what is this h no gobler I just want to make [ __ ] this was a go rail bed oh coov does

That there he is oh Mr greedy Jesus Christ what the [ __ ] on his face why is he so happy right click this coov and put the bucket in the top where the buck is sorry that’s disgusting but yes oops wait what where did it go I not doing the Simpsons

Intro I actually ped it somewhere I don’t know where I P it what I accidentally poured it somewhere do you have some I’m going to do put the Cal Coke in the drum drum put a bit of Creo in the drum put a bit of Creo in the drum oops spilling off Wait someone just nudged me was it the the feeling to move your feet to this great beat is that what nuded you I just realized I was increasing the pitch of the Beats as I was going along it’s New Wave so we made the Jurassic Park theme on on on not

Blocks yep that’s our productivity handle oh look at this lovely sculpture here what TW sculpture oh Ross you changing you [ __ ] idiot you changed it all that’s right [ __ ] you ruined it oh no you [ __ ] rule eight always whisper your threats that’s a rule all right so threats aren’t real threats

Unless you’re Whispering them we’ve got a rule number 15 here shut your [ __ ] mouth Ross is that oh that’s the legitimate rules I remember that one rule number seven always Mumble your insults um or unlike Alex Smith always Mumble never apologize is actually rule

One of what the [ __ ] is this up here why is there a lamp of wed J oh but on here it says oh [ __ ] there’s actually a sign up here that says one of hatop try say this is like flux buddies [ __ ] I know what lamp of fertility does it

Helps things grow but makes us Randy I don’t know why go banging his weird head um no he’s going to make a load of growl for us that’s fantastic news okay I will whistle a light and Hearty tune if you are satisfied with the progression of a certain thing in hat

Corp whistle a merry tune that’s rule number 80 of hand and round it off with a nice flare yeah I did that I’m going to mine straight down you’re all the same no I see down to the green little with I thought it was the red um roof is that um chili wowers

I can show you a while you sure it’s not just cuz of you know lack of air right so morus right here I swear Mor’s version of I can show you the world featuring shining Shing sunshine I don’t believe you sunshine take the red pill or the blue

Pill I don’t give a [ __ ] [ __ ] the one NE your name even spells one my God it [ __ ] does today I learned my name is awesome an a of one I can’t see it I search the internet for anrs of one turn that yours fits perfectly my

Parents thought [ __ ] it let’s call a NE oh that’s not weird it’s just a username just a username his name’s really Mr Anderson Mr Anderson Mr Smith points out my name is not Neo it is Mr rers my first name I don’t shut up there you go guys Matrix

Never thought you’d hear an aladdin Matrix crossover song there you go I can show you the world featuring morus and Neo and a little bit from Mr Smith Mr agent Smith Oh Smith dying well there we go dith got’s he’s actually just fulfilling rule 102 of hator is always

Have a cold virus always have some form of illness during the winter that way they can’t be you can’t be attacked by that virus by immunization are you guys up for um just dropping the force plugging in some random coordinates into the nuclear launcher and see what

Happens knowing us we probably end up destroying ourselves uh-huh uhh he’s oooing and he’s ahing it’s oooo aha game sounds like a band o uh with the latest Hit I’m not sure how to pronounce this but I’m pretty sure it’s uh top of the pops this week is uh ooh ooh UHA with the great you’re a regular on top the Pops to on you yeah is that actually a thing yeah just that

Block above it oh that’s why V is D oh and we managed to crash server time to go back into the server what about Mr grey oh he’s dead he’s dead Mr grey is dead this is an announcement to everyone Mr grey is now dead he’s not greeting

Anyone if you want to be greeted you be greeted formally GRE elsewhere do you want us to bring him back from the dead you want a taxi to me Mr GRE just to greet your [ __ ] face every morning disgusting let him rest in peace so I put

The sorry are you stuck in there truck I didn’t realize how [ __ ] big it would be Jesus so big what do I do you going to cut your way around what is it the tunnel ball thing really big so [ __ ] big are you um where are you

Oh man oh hey mate what the [ __ ] it’s ridiculous look look at the tail of it on this back end so should we just have Ross running behind it with torches the whole way yeah we’ll light up they’ll call him torch boy I mean I call him that anyway so now

It’s actually relevant what you doing on here you [ __ ] hey more tracks to add in there go catch up with it mate it’s steaming ahead not really no it’s just here actually no that’s the sound of a timer wait oh did they they planted a bomb here somewhere

Wait is that a what you know when um you go down the escape hatch yeah and there’s a timer are we down near that this is our Escape bunker oh we can link it up so the when we go down when we go down the escape hatch we

Will’ll end up in here oh look yeah there’s a careful little ticker that’s the timer yeah oh right there it is there we go that was [ __ ] close Jesus Christ we right our [ __ ] base it was literally perfect the same it’s perfect same block that wasn’t even planned that

Was planned that’s ridiculous that wasn’t even planned that was planned that’s nuts it’s not even planned and it’s coming down it’s reach’s Peak it’s coming down it’s coming down really hard very nice what’s Telemetry like oh it’s very good getting right into frozen wa and we have an impact holy [ __ ] I

Died almost blew up oh [ __ ] you were too close to it nucleus T to success I inor the get out of that one you flew too close to the nuke like a bridge of a water God and there a soloist coming in over

TR V oh [ __ ] I can see on my map what a crater oh is that where it landed [ __ ] I’ve gone the wrong direction that crat might turn me into a master beta yeah guys I just realized pressing uh the bank n resizes your mini map oh it’s

Like full screen o do you want to see it in full D you shut up bastard you’re going to watch it in HD you’re going to have a look at it in [ __ ] I definition you’re going to have a look at i h High I don’t care I ow I

It is it’s most of R doll’s books R doll doll do do doll you know I know oh [ __ ] airport what I don’t know what you’re saying airport yeah that’s I imagine that conversation would take place cuz he’s gone to like a W Smith and he’s he’s found

Rll sorry rll and oh R doll Scottish haven’t been toor actually Scottish strong been toor is it nice you got BFG if anybody going all hold on let me finish Pizza crunch me someone put [ __ ] in our food did they what oh you are you oh you’ve done

That thing again it’s I think it’s fertilizer we’ve we’ve got I’m pretty sure someone’s just been [ __ ] up our food mate I’ve got carrots go go eat the carrots let [ __ ] car you hungry prick am you prick you hungry bastard I’m so ill what of God one of us he still going

Justice like one of us if I like this just a stranger need to refill my jet pack how do I do that where where do I go follow me the sick Warus downstairs I’m in the you got a [ __ ] I’m going to spin my head to make you not wared don’t worry about me I’m not even here I’m actually down the bottom with the tunnel pole what are you doing up there what what are you doing up

There don’t I’m down I’m down by the tunnel po shut up have you added the they made Mr show me your meaty imagine if you were like living down here and then suddenly this just [ __ ] tunnel Bo just sorry living down here yeah there’s like little pockets

Where you could like people don’t live underground like that they can TR this is the world of Minecraft oh it’s magical anything you imagine oh I’m cured thank you legit Builders is it milk is milk literally help did it really yeah but you have to get a

Certain kind of milk I was going through the mall they gave me a wide selection just a bit of milk sort you out sort me right out yeah I’ve got a whole stack of C that’s I need that where are you um I’m in a chili chili wowers you’re

Actually at chili wowers yeah [ __ ] Christ in a drunken Haze I had to go somewhere Ross to milk a cow I had to milk a cow do you have do you have the coal cook on you yes sulfur plenty of sulfur in there sulfur what soul for cash soul for

Free soul soul for cash he how long how far along all the way to the [ __ ] Damascus steel [ __ ] Damascus steel everybody loves a bit of Damascus steel I don’t want to make Damascus steel why not mate we’ve got so much of it now I don’t want it how do I reverse

The effect Tru stop the train I don’t know where it is I’m above the land I need you to go to the end stop the train stop the train no I’m just going to get I’m going to get my I want to get off get get me off the train uh stop this

Train stop this at once wonka wonka you hear me you [ __ ] trippy bastard you’ve been doing that LSD are youing LSD LSD crazy drug in the late 70s l s d what does LSD stand for oh I used to know that Olympic sport dance tiny Olympic taking away the Olympic SP take

Away the O you’ve got Olympic that what it stands for that’s not what even that what wobbling oh no I know just do it already why is so far from your microphone it’s a bit weird wasn’t it hello hello back there I’m in the I’m in the m I’m coming

Up can’t you hear me hello send send some oxygen down I’m the Bud’s dead the pudgy was dead it’s gone totally limp s it up oh I the bird’s dead haven’t got anything for dinner set it up should I put kettle on oh and where is it give me tin inot

Ot Ot [ __ ] Ting got so much Ting got coming at me ears Ting got [ __ ] Ting [ __ ] OT do you want extraction fan like one above oven what the [ __ ] you want Ross you know like extraction fan God you’re a piece sh on when cook you

Switch on when cook when cook when cook you just turn it on I’ve just lost the stone I filling up all the water with graet just lost a stone I thought that’s what this thing is supposed to be just lost the stone you lost a stone in weight amazing you

Wasting away mate brick we don’t have a good food situation here so yeah yeah it’s out it’s outputting um where’s it going too uh [ __ ] no huh [ __ ] nose don’t call me [ __ ] no just make sure everything’s working and then we’re we’re okay let’s create some more splits

Yeah I think it is rule number never YN only yearn 17 always know where you’re going before you go never leave before you’ve left that’s okay well let’s hope it just doesn’t feed into that pulverizer rule number 18 everything you think it means is probably what it means it isn’t there

You go that’s what that means that’s just even the basic one you can make them bigger [ __ ] off faster TR yep [ __ ] off me ah right thank you anything else yeah smell some rubber mate so I’m going to put that in there right thank you being a complete

Pricks balls 22 anodes can I make blue dye out of the [ __ ] thing she’s going to make some blue dye blue dye blue dye he doesn’t care about blue dye blue blue D just wants to make blue to make a blue Guy wait which direction all the way up there need a lot more fuel for this I’m drunk Dr the fuel drunk drank all the [ __ ] fuel do can I do anything with this crot oil genitals um all right alternative to lubrication Ross burning yet at least I use it for that

Oh it does sting a bit pis what he’s saying actually it burns as he’s oh ow it wilts the penis oh it wilts oh it’s wilting so much coal Co I don’t know what to do oh my God and it gathers in another chest at the end what’s good about this

Is you can’t pick it up it just stuck stuck on the conveyor I’ve got a point where it says be weary where there is a there is some sort of Base there I’m not sure what it is but not weary going be [ __ ] naked are we yeah I’m going to

Be weary by the time I get there so no don’t be wary about it there’s nothing to beware about TR will be underneath them cuz it really is [ __ ] slow holy [ __ ] I mean look at this not too bad it’s probably the equivalent of running but it keeps glitching

Out no it’s not running that’s for sure oh [ __ ] rubber banding my way back cold and hard there’s a reason there’s nothing else like it cuz no one else wants to [ __ ] do it well to Shag in a cave disgusting it’s damp disgusting cold wet there’s no dry areas at all

Like it’s just a horrible experience I’m still well up for it though he’s still up he’s mad Keem for it that’s the thing that’s the nice thing about you know war is are used to the seea banging in caves what’s what’s banging in caves between friends well yeah exactly wanking himself into

Oblivion yeah it’s nice down here no one no one can hear you scream or wank must be a hell of no one can hear you scream sorry I have scream Winks it’s high pitch like Ross did that’s the noise I make uh upon uh just mercilessly bashing

Away so it’s um CH doesn’t like that at all it’s it’s a it’s something that you need to get used to I mean cuz on your own down these it echoes down these tunnels if you just add a nice Echo effect thanks stopped there you go and

That’s good that’s you know that’s don’t give me a stop point for the echo yeah no well it hasn’t completely stopped it’s still no em stop that as I travel down and past some dirty nuclear um actually no let me just refer to the rules here um rule number 15 shut your [ __ ]

Mouth thank God it was inside the head I was really worried it was going to be no screen wins because those are the best I mean you haven’t shut your [ __ ] mouth yet that counts just sorry I was just I was passing some nuclear waste and I

Thought I’d smash smash one out on this cart it’s only fair tell me Bo tell me youing your job tell me Bo are you doing your job I think who it is uh-huh uh-huh I’m a uh-huh he was a boar oh man it’s barely moved I feel like got to stay

With it to make it make sure it does job looks like a knob God tunnel B it’s so slow it’s such a slow bastard of a b uh-huh uh-huh He’s rock hard hard what the [ __ ] you typing in text chat for what you want is it cuz he’s obeying the rules what’s the rules [ __ ] why is he chatting like that paes me a bit oh here you go there’s a block of M in here I’m

In a mine what’s see what’s happening in the mine you having a scream wank he’s having a screamer oh that’s why he’s having a screamer yeah [ __ ] how was it screamer it was all right actually why do you have to go to text chat to do that Focus you got to

Focus sometimes you have to be quiet final you to respect the final scream respect the art of the scream [ __ ] no more screaming exciting and this is what does that mean disgusting what’s OO so mean couldn’t type properly he’s done he lost control hard to type with one hand is it

Hard to type don’t believe him Mas [ __ ] head him with his fatality Crystal was slain by Al smiffy what what what just [ __ ] kill Crystal Crystal you killed Crystal no she’s not getting a montage what kill her she’s dead mate why though I need reasons she

Came at me funny no she didn’t she’s not like that she’s a gentle being I’m going to have to take you to courtsmith that what court is there in this world small claims court nothing serious like what five grand you’re stuck down on mine right which you often are gone there’s

No wood down here is there no have a look around is there any wood I see I can’t see the tree for the see wood for the trees what the [ __ ] is all around your stone stone get the stone stone there you go get the Cobble I’ve

Already got loads of Cobble don’t throw it at me and then uh craft it like you would sticks you get stone tool rods what the [ __ ] y [ __ ] you got some coal you got some coal there mind yeah I got bit coal put that on the put that on the [ __ ] thing I

Don’t have any Co mate torch you make [ __ ] torches out of stone [ __ ] down here so you never have to [ __ ] leave that’s too much what was trying to suggest FR us yeah is your down there for Life what yeah see L mate why I’m [ __ ] out of here mate I’m [ __ ] G

You got a long way to go good Lu eating the Torches mate sprinkler basically why you put it on the end here this one I’m going to put you on my put you on his am I am I going up there oh stinky up here smelly where yeah back yeah to life back

It to reality back to life back to reality same again reality that was so stupid Dirty Bastard okay oh what the [ __ ] how did that what happened I tried to break the chest instead I broke you Jesus what the hell going on holy [ __ ] [ __ ] I confed I’m having to walk this cuz I don’t want to TP cuz I’m scared crash the server yeah I’m scared too bastard bastard bastard bastard Bast bastard bastard bastard bastard Dirty Bastard you bastard bastard bastard where are you B it I’m here it

Works L close my eyes as I pressed enter I think it’s like Shin’s Farm is the crashy area Don’t Go Near it are can we combine them to make you shut the hell up yeah seems like we can cool Ross he’s gone Ross Ross unfortunate cavat is it

Also shuts Ross up is that unfortunate no I don’t think donkey dick Hob Goblin knob gobler they came through here a few weeks ago Goblin knobs wherever they went big old gobblin hob gobblers those hobgoblin knob gobblers terrible terrible end terrible way to go terrible way to go Goblin

Knobs what am I ding from ah zombie you crapped up on me Matilda tildo Matilda a tildo like a tiller a tildo which one is it a tildo AO Matilda AO sounds like a sneeze that’s that’s what he said all right it’s really laggy in here yeah hey

Do you want to start like a really unstable experiment and just leave it going I’m going to create like a timer which goes off every millisecond this one recharge pedestal no I mean like they’ve got a um what they got they’ve got one of the big thoric like Arcane

Table just create re starts really complicated leave it go well I’m see this doesn’t seem like it’s got entrance to oh oh wait there’s a pad here why is their big reactor got different color material in it to ours uh that’s different I’ve gone upstairs

Smith we charge pwder oh W mind if don’t mind if I do using some power are you mate you know you’re [ __ ] nuts three finish Ramsey’s jumper four new cat films to death five Shin never forget new cat films to death scratch that one off their list that’s not Happ needs to

Do this which creates a condensed explosive repuls sorry repulsive explosive okay so that’s that one why is it repulsive is there a picture your face I’ll put that something how sorry okay all right so the next sorry what was that was that a joke no could tell me it was so [ __ ] unfunny

What [ __ ] you no stepping stone all the way up all the way their Bas he got a tiny tiny Winky and he wants to be your friend he wants a tiny tiny Winky Winky doesn’t want to be your friend no no cuz his winky so small you won’t like my all his

Winky will make you feel sick winky so small you won’t like him at all cuz he’s got a [ __ ] Tiny Dick tiny [ __ ] winky a really [ __ ] small one you won’t like him at all oh please tell me more tell me more is there something wrong with your face

Tell me more tell me more is there something on your face ah tell me more Sumer loving having Applause what’s There sounds like steezing it’s weird it’s actually really unsettling imagine I’m imagining it’s just sneezing now really like oh you’re [Laughter] right looks at me you’re not right slimes slimes everywhere why are they things slimes love it in this [ __ ] little this Bay oh get off

[ __ ] shagun if you could would you I have H you didn’t know they love me Ross horie slime shagger slimes over my life sometimes right now I’m negative way you’re very naked Trum [ __ ] you what are you wearing your Christmas pudding I’m just saying you’re

IM pie can’t you tell no it look like a bird shat on you right CH you need to make something that creates water buckets as well now CH create something that fills and puts out water buckets oh yeah oh H help oh my God my lips are so chapped why are my

Lips so chapped why can’t I make this thing golden cuz he’s a maniac maniac on the floor any sense and he’s done sing like he’s never danced before cuz he’s a maniac manc on the floor you might want to make two dancing like he has never [ __ ] danced before Up [ __ ] [ __ ] czy right in his head go near this guy he’s not a nice guyc he’s a Pricking Christ chins Farm load slowly hi bro broke both shins tripping over the web of pipes in there I lost my wife because I came home irradiated and got my knob stuck in a pipe I quite liked it what Binky was slain by n oh no that’s just why we

Should get rid of the SW in Zelda so yeah the um then we Retreat to Nuke HQ and nuke the [ __ ] out of them yeah [ __ ] son [ __ ] yes [ __ ] yes all right so first step I’m stuck on the Ceiling what I didn’t get any of them you both go off in two tangents yeah thought I wanted to it’s Ground Force mate yeah sound like ground I miss Ground Force man I thought that was actually pretty good show all right can we bring it back is Alan tit Alan Alan

Tit [ __ ] Alan tick Alan titch Marsh though in all seriousness tich Mar tit Marsh TI MC tit tit Mar tias ABY TI Alan Tinus Alan can you hear that you hear that irritating irritating that’s Alan titmus for you oh [ __ ] Alan TI tinitus [ __ ] SES howy alanus how do destroy this [ __ ] Basin

[ __ ] the Basin instead we got this ridiculous reactor that doesn’t ever seem to suspiciously run out of power mate it’s legit it’s not legit illegitimate has the word legit in it it does illegitimate word leg I don’t know what the the numbers in there somewhere don’t don’t mix up the numbers I can’t

Remember the website’s name sorry I’ve got the actual sign here that I wrote down come to you Ross come come to you this we n could last forever oh will all the air it’s on fire I just Brown my underwear in the air I see a a pink and

Black Block in a tree one sec I’m just on the phone oh hello he’s on the blower hello hello all right what is that Nigel no Steve Nigel’s on his lunch break I didn’t realize you employed someone else no he’s he’s a guy we used to work each

Other off can I have a rail gun Jesus why why you going to come out your budget though what budget you know the budget we’ve been eating into ever since we started building stuff for what is that quot on that you about five five quid so far you know we’re going to war

Right yeah cool you right to go to war yeah no we we don’t mind all right sweet well say I Nel for me yeah when he comes back from waking the other guy off yeah I’m Anno you put it on speaker cuz I didn’t want to hear that you didn’t

Want to hear that who’s that prick in the background don’t don’t bring me into I can see why you employed you now yeah all right cheers have fun yeah I got given three three rail guns guys three yeah pretty generous aren’t they St get off the [ __ ] toilet oh [ __ ] the phone on

Didn’t hang up why don’t you just hang up yes that worked holy [ __ ] holy [ __ ] have line up you have to match up okay let’s do it again it just doesn’t it’s cool how it drops a casing as well right okay ready yeah love the sound the sound of War okay test it

Out oh holy [ __ ] a fire good fire again okay this is how we negotiate a ha and again let’s do it again just keep firing they’ll be crying what are you doing whated I think it clipped something sake you aim down I was aiming at the island and it

Just [ __ ] oh what which island the island with a tree on it yes that’s two ladies and G there two he sneeze his brain out he sze brain part his brain out through his nose God welcome what does Ross appear to be sitting on I don’t know oh it’s just the

It’s the negotiation seat it’s a negotiation how how explain the technology behind this negotiation so basically we get what we want or he fires it at your front door yeah uh pretty much stand back stand back stand back standing back you’re not doing anything stand back stand back what does this do hold

On it’s not properly Up Stand Back films guarante for this oh there was no call in the generator please don’t fire the negotiation gun we are so embarrassed are you guys having uh per performance qualities holy [ __ ] my God yeah you like that did my god

Oh oh my God Jesus Christ it really blew a hole so you want peace no stop my God again stop what did that go through my god wow I didn’t even see what happened that’s quite impressive you done might us though guys I mean no we’ll be back whatever Kim like d shaking

St I think we can leave with this guys here’s what he said you’ll be you’ll be the future not to see the flux buddies those flug buddies what’s our next course of accident guys what the hell’s happening what should we do should we step two Ross can you oh God

Push for like a [ __ ] oh God it’s awful yeah it’s quite a rocky it’s like um some sort weird like Doctor Who travel like here we are we don’t know where we’re going going oh oh [ __ ] what is this got handguns and shades Red Heart canister what the hell is I’ll

Show you where to put the canisters but get your apples on the hot bar get your sword on the hot bar get your jetpack on get in there Christ that’s what handgun does Guys open Communications on the ceiling so just so you know that damage was was by a

Handgun y a handgun it’s insane it’s like a TNT oh [ __ ] oh my God they’re pretty powerful open communication hell my jet pack why is it not switching on open Communications the hand open the communications oh my God I can hear them get out of here down my jet Pack’s not [ __ ] working

Yes because you probably inor D it clear the way clear the way light of okay fire fire fire I’ve got it kill them in my honor gents kill them no I can’t find to the void the Quarry it’s already empty by the looks of things but I’m going to do it well the

Quarry the quar the [ __ ] them we mean business the Quarry see they’re really worried about the cob mate oh enabled go get out of here Ross oh [ __ ] what’s happened what happened the quar was blown up King out the bl by holy [ __ ] godamn it we need to oh

My Gear’s gone again I’ve lost my gear three or four times do these things we need to reassemble to rec coordinate another effort oh we got G no we’ve been nuked something’s been nuked what they have loads of golden apples oh we’ve been nuked oh you’ve been nuked we’ve been nuked you’ve been

Nuked who’s been nuked has been nuked I don’t know what’s going onbody someone been nked somebody somewhere died from radiation from radiation that’s how bad it is out here guys D let’s unleash our nukes we need to get back to our nukes sending a volley this let’s un secret

Weapon right teleport to me [ __ ] sakes why would you do that [ __ ] idiots I’m not dead yet it’s not kicked in there we go get to me Lads I’m in I’m in it Shield’s closing only one person they closed they closed launching solo 2 only one person activate them so that they

Don’t 2 is away Sol is away good luck Soldier [ __ ] hell okay prepare secondary okay right yeah we’ got nukes oh God we’re being hit hit we’re being hit mergency Escape hat should I open it no not Yet Christ I’ve got nothing on me I’m B with a cucumber seed R should we shake no there’s no time for that I’m sorry let’s let’s load up another one get two other coordinates holy [ __ ] we’ve got nothing on top got nothing on top [ __ ] I’m bailing we need to bail your for

Out get leave the entrance and turn right there’ll be a portal on your left hand side as you walk into the C follow me what follow the bar this is it okay they’re still here too they’re mocking us where are they they’ve revealed our Creative Energy

So I at this I don’t know where this portal is but I it’s all gone to there’s no portal all gone mate it’s radio still the obsidian survive youur Ross no I’m in the wilderness M eyes doce me oh god what have you become destroyed off the hat cop yeah oh God so

Hor at least you’ve got a crater you hang on to those drives and um I take them back off you cuz I am I falling I don’t understand how this became a thing I what was it what happened to you we have won what happened to you we got to

Find those hard drives Kim we did it Lads we scammed a lot of them I can’t believe you swindled everyone into beli in the Deeds we’re legit bons exactly yeah and that insurance St at the end really took my balls that did oh mate do you know how much that

Insurance was ridiculous you meal pissing off the [ __ ] buddies they go all out nuke on your base just for the massive insurance payout that’s how you do it that’s how you do it Here’s the final legit Builder gift made just before they caught onto the wage scan

Enure your retirement I don’t think you ever pay thanks Nigel thanks Nigel oh look at this beautiful oh Mr BL they’ve been breeding Mr Hand on the side as many blows as you in heaven this this is ridiculous yeah enjoy L take your turns guys come on let

Them out let beautiful let Run free guys retirement funds over here oh what’s in the retirement fund go on check it out oh it’s so gold emeralds more emeralds [ __ ] oh look at that God a it wasn’t even worth half of this but I’m glad we

Got got all out we got it all the rest of it in the floorboards don’t worry I like the way that even though this is our ultimate retirement all the beds are still next to each other we can sh on this bed though am I right don’t worry

Guys this is just a platform for us to off of nice picture of us he’s far too excited wasn’t supposed to go off like that we did it lad we did it this we ended the series wonderful we end we ended a series that’s how that’s done oh

That’s how it’s done I mean we what’s theirs is yeah exactly oh nice good day good day indeed wo milk for everyone oh reminds me of Skyrim

This video, titled ‘Hat Films Minecraft – Hat Corp | Best Bits’, was uploaded by Not Hat Films on 2023-12-08 18:00:26. It has garnered 2676 views and 247 likes. The duration of the video is 02:28:24 or 8904 seconds.

sub to @hatfilms FINALLY A MINECRAFT COMP!! i even drew pixel art for this thumbnail so you better enjoy!

TikTok: hatfilmstok Ko-fi: r2dala

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    Unbelievable: _rgk's Mind-Blowing Potato UpgradeVideo Information This video, titled ‘The New Potato Update’, was uploaded by _rgk on 2024-04-01 17:02:41. It has garnered 114 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 00:03:06 or 186 seconds. Like ParrotX2 videos and the LifeSteal SMP, a Minecraft Server Not like Dream SMP or Tommyinnit or Technoblade or any other Dream SMP members. This SMP is like LifeStealSMP and OneTrySMP, this is the hardest Minecraft Sever ever! and it is also a lore-based server in the MCYT community. I hope you enjoy this video. Not only that, this server has the elements of school SMP… Read More

  • I RULE Minecraft like a GOD! (VIRAL SHORTS)

    I RULE Minecraft like a GOD! (VIRAL SHORTS)Video Information This video, titled ‘I am the God of minecraft #viral #shorts #minecraft’, was uploaded by Max gaming on 2024-02-19 15:44:39. It has garnered 37 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:23 or 23 seconds. #minecraft #viralshorts I am the god with these effects. Read More

  • INSANE UPGRADE! Minecraft Server Ep. 15

    INSANE UPGRADE! Minecraft Server Ep. 15Video Information This video, titled ‘The Survival Series Minecraft Server Just Got a Upgrade! | Ep. 15 | Minecraft Survival Series’, was uploaded by COOL OWNER on 2024-01-12 21:34:04. It has garnered 250 views and 9 likes. The duration of the video is 00:11:01 or 661 seconds. I love mods! So why not add them to the server? #minecraft #minecraftsurvival #minecraftmods In today’s video, I’m going to add 260+ mods, on my Minecraft Survival Series SMP! Hope you enjoy and remember to Like & Sub! Thank you! 🙂 Read More

  • Discovering Secret Treasure in Ocean Monument! 🌊🔥【Minecraft】

    Discovering Secret Treasure in Ocean Monument! 🌊🔥【Minecraft】Video Information This video, titled ‘【 Minecraft 】LET’S GOOO KITA KE OCEAN MONUMEN!!’, was uploaded by Fukutsuki Kairi on 2024-02-28 15:31:57. It has garnered 1197 views and 27 likes. The duration of the video is 02:53:22 or 10402 seconds. Top Up All Games & Trusted Vouchers Hassle-Free? Just Gemushop.com 😉 and don’t forget to use the voucher code DISKONKAIRI to get an additional discount of 3% for every transaction above IDR 50,000. Follow the social media for interesting events too! 👉🏻 https://linktr.ee/gemushopid ================================================================== Halo semua, your pretty sleepy here, kairi chan desu! Now, gimme your money! https://trakteer.id/Kairi%20Chan/tip?quantity=1 Stream Rules [ID]… Read More

  • SHOCKING LIVE: On1can Streams on Hive!

    SHOCKING LIVE: On1can Streams on Hive!Video Information This video, titled ‘🔴HIVE LIVE BUT IM LIVE ON HIVE :3 🔴’, was uploaded by On1can on 2024-04-15 09:34:29. It has garnered 216 views and 16 likes. The duration of the video is 01:53:33 or 6813 seconds. Hello! Im a Minecraft Bedrock Hive Streamer and YouTuber, I hope you enjoy the content :3 Just Grinding Hive Minecraft Bedrock / PE / MCPE / MCBE Today Doing another Hive Stream 🙂 BEDWARS HIVE BEDWARS BEDWARS HIVE BEDWARS HIVE BEDWARS BEDWARS BEDWARS OMG BEDWARS DISCORD: https://discord.gg/2w9qWzb5Cm #hivemc #hivelive #treasurewars #mcpe #mcbe #minecraftbedrockedition #minecraftbedrock #pvp #bedwars Read More

  • Insane Luck! Minecraft One Lucky Block Challenge!

    Insane Luck! Minecraft One Lucky Block Challenge!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft But We’re On ONE SUPER LUCKY BLOCK!’, was uploaded by Nico on 2024-06-03 03:00:14. It has garnered 303384 views and 4622 likes. The duration of the video is 00:19:04 or 1144 seconds. Cash & Nico Merch! https://cashandnico.com/ Nico and his friends are on ONE SUPER LUCKY BLOCK! Using the lucky block they can get super lucky items or unlucky items! What will they find inside the lucky block? Watch to find out! #Minecraft #MinecraftMod #Nico #NicoAndCash Read More


    APHMAU's SECRET BLOOD MOON FAMILY PARODY!Video Information This video, titled ‘APHMAU Having a BLOOD MOON FAMILY in Minecraft! – Parody Story(Ein,Aaron and KC GIRL)’, was uploaded by Aphmau Fan on 2024-03-25 18:36:54. It has garnered 30363 views and 121 likes. The duration of the video is 00:20:28 or 1228 seconds. in Minecraft Video compilation you will see: Aphmau Locked on ONE BLOCK But We’re ELEMENTAL in Minecraft! – Parody Story(Ein,Aaron and KC GIRL) 🔥 Press like to this video and subscribe to my channel, bro ! Write in the comments who you like Ein or Aaron? 😅 This channel contains the best compilations of minecraft… Read More

  • Spread of Civilization – ValhallaMMO – Seasons – Realistic Economy – Real Farming – Dynamic Borders

    Join the Fight for the Brand New Mill of Fertility and Hellsword Objectives! Double Experience Weekend – Time to Play! 🎉 Join Us on Spread of Civilization Today! 🎉 Server Details: IP: Discord: Join Discord Dynmap: View Dynmap Version: Java 1.20.4 About Spread of Civilization: Welcome to Spread of Civilization, an innovative Minecraft server that offers a unique and realistic gameplay experience. Collaborate, trade, engage in diplomacy, and interact with the world in a way that feels real! Features: Real Economy: Engage in player-to-player trade, set up shops, and become a master craftsman! Infrastructure Over Teleports: Build connections with… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Terrifying Minecraft Jumpscare!

    Minecraft Memes - Terrifying Minecraft Jumpscare!I guess you could say this meme really mined my craft – I mean, scared the living daylights out of me! Read More

  • Motor Gang Trio: EfeKan, Ali, and Baby at Work!

    Motor Gang Trio: EfeKan, Ali, and Baby at Work! In the world of Minecraft, a gang was born, Ali, Efekan, and Baby, workers sworn. Together they built, with blocks and with glee, Their motor gang, as far as the eye could see. With tools in hand, they crafted and mined, Their adventures in Minecraft, one of a kind. From building grand structures to exploring the land, Their teamwork and skills, always in demand. So join them now, in their epic quest, As they build and explore, giving their best. Subscribe to their channel, for more fun in store, In the world of Minecraft, they’ll always soar. Read More

  • Minecraft’s Spiciest Seed Memes

    Minecraft's Spiciest Seed Memes “Trying to find the best seed in Minecraft is like trying to find a needle in a haystack, except the haystack is made of pixels and the needle is a diamond block.” Read More

  • Minecraft: STALKER Transformation

    Minecraft: STALKER Transformation Exploring the STALKER-Inspired World of Minecraft Imagine stepping into a post-apocalyptic world, reminiscent of the eerie atmosphere found in the popular STALKER series. Now, thanks to a creative Minecraft player, you can experience just that – without the need for mods. By utilizing Optifine, a resource pack, and a vanilla world, players can immerse themselves in a unique gaming experience that brings the haunting vibes of STALKER to life. TheZone Map: Pripyat City One of the key elements that make this Minecraft world stand out is the meticulously crafted TheZone Map: Pripyat City. This map, available on Planet Minecraft,… Read More

  • Insane Challenge: Surviving 100 Days as Pokemon Trainer in Hardcore Minecraft! Catch ‘Em All!

    Insane Challenge: Surviving 100 Days as Pokemon Trainer in Hardcore Minecraft! Catch 'Em All!Video Information This video, titled ‘I Survived 100 DAYS as a POKEMON TRAINER in HARDCORE Minecraft! Ultimate POKEMON अभी मजा आयेगा |’, was uploaded by TechnoBreed on 2024-04-21 07:53:24. It has garnered 8362 views and 226 likes. The duration of the video is 00:08:17 or 497 seconds. Join this channel to get access to perks: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC_s32QnrCRWIhKS4G6h1nmQ/join Welcome to an extraordinary Minecraft adventure where I challenge myself to survive 100 days as a Pokémon in Hardcore mode! Join me as I dive into the immersive world of Pokémon, taking on the role of a trainer-turned-Pokémon, facing numerous challenges, battling fierce opponents,… Read More

  • Surviving 100 Days of Plagues in Minecraft

    Surviving 100 Days of Plagues in MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘I Survived 100 DAYS of Plagues in Minecraft’, was uploaded by EYstreem on 2024-05-18 03:00:04. It has garnered 2429779 views and 40714 likes. The duration of the video is 00:22:01 or 1321 seconds. I Spent 100 Days in MEDIEVAL Plague in Hardcore Minecraft! Will I SURVIVE the APOCALYPSE? Play Minecraft with ME and be IN VIDEOS! 😝 Just click the ‘JOIN’ button here ▶ https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC-g_O9HWb5B0rVDG1hLd5Hw/join 👕 Buy EYmerch: https://eystreem.store/ 🎮 My Minecraft Server Address: play.eyserver.com You can join this server on Bedrock Edition (Phones, Consoles and Tablets) and Java Edition (PC and Mac) ❤️ Tik… Read More

  • 🔥Minecraft Hardcore Cursed Treasure!?? #shorts

    🔥Minecraft Hardcore Cursed Treasure!?? #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘⛔ ⚠️ ❌ MINECRAFT HARDCORE – Tesoro Maledetto #shorts’, was uploaded by Fabio Mason Minecraft on 2024-03-18 09:53:29. It has garnered 7359 views and 206 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:09 or 9 seconds. ⛔ ⚠️ ❌ MINECRAFT HARDCORE – Cursed Treasure #shorts YOUR FAVORITE VIDEOS: ➡️https://www.youtube.com/shorts/MyQhGlORFho ➡️https://www.youtube.com/shorts/_IhW9BQFc3I ➡️https://www.youtube.com/shorts/NFm6MGvKHbc ➡️https://www.youtube.com/shorts/FBGTKK5X9vA ➡️https://www.youtube.com/shorts/2cU-DatxI4E MY FIRST TIME IN HARDCORE MODE: ➡️https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bs8xQMidpMQ At 500 subscribers I will no longer use the teleportation in Meson-Potamia. At 1000 subscribers I will return with the web Cam 📮​MY CONTACTS: ➡️​https://www.instagram.com/fabiomasonofficialp/ ➡️​https://www.tiktok.com/@fabiomasonofficial ➡️​https://www.twitch.tv/fabio_mason Read More

  • “Mind-Blowing Minecraft Island Attack! KingFuchsy” #clickbait #sneakpeek

    "Mind-Blowing Minecraft Island Attack! KingFuchsy" #clickbait #sneakpeekVideo Information This video, titled ‘Neues Minecraft Projekt| Insel Attack| Trailer #minecraft #trailer’, was uploaded by KingFuchsy on 2024-02-10 07:54:18. It has garnered 784 views and 27 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:56 or 56 seconds. Read More

  • Intense Finale on Respite SMP – Chaos Unleashed!

    Intense Finale on Respite SMP - Chaos Unleashed!Video Information This video, titled ‘The Chaos of the Respite SMP – Part 2: The Finale’, was uploaded by FineMiner on 2024-01-10 18:30:09. It has garnered 100 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 00:11:05 or 665 seconds. #minecraft #smp #pvp Video: The Chaos of the Respite SMP – Part 2: The Finale Part 1: https://youtu.be/GM7t3PmYH7c?si=f4niRuclmgnStMiR Chapters: 0:00 Intro 0:31 The Chaos of the Respite SMP 1:12 The Fight 10:35 The End 10:53 Outro Join the new Discord! – https://discord.gg/JRJTbPHxpV Subscribe to the channel! – Socials – Twitter: https://twitter.com/FineMiner7 Email: [email protected] Spotify User: https://open.spotify.com/user/315ky6przouxva7qmyqb2ap24oqi?si=4937a0f70c6d4202 Discord: FineMiner#5662 Secondary… Read More

  • 🔴🔴🔴 Epic Minecraft Donut SMP Live Raid!

    🔴🔴🔴 Epic Minecraft Donut SMP Live Raid!Video Information This video, titled ‘🟥🟥🟥 Minecraft donut smp live!!! — Rating Bases —🟥🟥🟥 — ( Teaching my friend how to CPVP )’, was uploaded by Zachary on 2024-04-29 03:17:10. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Minecraft #Donutsmp #Fun #Entertainment. Read More

  • Bizarre INFESTAÇÃO de kiwis em Minecraft! #shorts

    Bizarre INFESTAÇÃO de kiwis em Minecraft! #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘A INFESTAÇÃO de kiwis… #shorts #ksmp #minecraft #vtuber’, was uploaded by VamppyChan on 2024-04-04 17:55:27. It has garnered 13789 views and 1883 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:19 or 19 seconds. Read More

  • INSANE Superhero Lucky Block Race ft. AndyCraft!

    INSANE Superhero Lucky Block Race ft. AndyCraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘SUPERHERO LUCKY BLOCK RACE In Minecraft!’, was uploaded by AndyCraft on 2024-04-07 22:30:02. It has garnered 68300 views and 1304 likes. The duration of the video is 00:14:33 or 873 seconds. Today I did a superhero only lucky block race in minecraft with my girlfriend and my friend! Read More

  • Insane Herobrine Chess Match in Minecraft! 🔥 #viral

    Insane Herobrine Chess Match in Minecraft! 🔥 #viralVideo Information This video, titled ‘Herobrine chess Klassic Scorpion in normal speed|Minecraft animation|#meme #virel #shorts #herobrine’, was uploaded by Barnava Gaming on 2024-03-29 06:30:14. It has garnered 30 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:09 or 9 seconds. Herobrine chess Klassic Scorpion in normal speed|Minecraft animation|#meme #virel #shorts #herobrine minecraftanimation #minecrafthindi #monsterschool #monsterschool #minecraftshorts 🤗 Follow Me On Instagram:https://www.instagram.com/invites/contact/?i=wq2igapqk7lx&utm_content=o22km2w ❤️️Vlogging Channel :@barnavavlogs 🤗Support ► https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCau4Rs-tvAtE23sjFFfKkcA/join ❤️️Join Our Discord Server!: https://discord.gg/crBXKxqdTJ 🤗For Business related queries:▶ [email protected]: ❤️️Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/barnavagr/ I hope you enjoyed the video if you did Please Do Subscribe For New Videos, like & share. 🤗❤️️… Read More

  • Spirit of ECB

    Spirit of ECBThis is a Vanilla SMP server with very little plugins and an unmoderated raw community. We do not moderate the chat and leave most players alone. Chat and work together with others to become the most powerful player, or work with others and build something magnificant! If you want no moderation, and build protection this is the right server for you. Proximity chat enabled through the Simple Voice Chat mod Read More

  • The Chicken Coop – Enigmatica 6 Modded Whitelist 21+

    Join our Enigmatica 6 Modpack Server! Are you looking for a social and active community to embark on modded Minecraft adventures with? The Chicken Coop is the place for you! We are a mature and friendly community dedicated to enjoying modpacks at a leisurely pace, building a beautiful world, and engaging with each other. If this sounds like your kind of Minecraft home, visit our Website to learn more and request an invite to our Discord server! Server Specs: CPU: AMD Ryzen 9 7950X3D Ram: 20 GB Hosted in: Europe (US players welcome!) Whitelisted: Yes We hope to see you… Read More

  • Vanilla Survival (No Hacks NO Resets)

    Vanilla Survival (No Hacks NO Resets)No HacksNo ResetsNo ModsJust pure Fun on minecraft the way the game was intended to play!Please consider voting and supporting the server! Big loveLynxHQSimpleminecraft the best EU survival server! Find My Youtube and Twitch LynxHQ Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Spicy snapshot silliness

    Well, at least this meme has a higher score than most of my exams. Read More

  • Crafting Cozy Ponds: Minecraft’s Aquatic Encore!

    Crafting Cozy Ponds: Minecraft's Aquatic Encore! Welcome to the world of Minecraft, where creativity reigns, Today we’re diving into ponds, where tranquility remains. Join me in this Let’s Play, as we craft and design, Creating cozy water features, so serene and divine. Watch as we transform our world, with nature’s touch, Enhancing our virtual landscape, oh so much. Sit back, relax, and enjoy the soothing sounds, As we build and decorate, our virtual grounds. So come along and dive into this calming gameplay, Where Minecraft magic is on full display. Let’s make our world a little more tranquil, it’s true, In this peaceful adventure, just… Read More

  • Smoldering Minecraft Genius

    Smoldering Minecraft Genius When you accidentally craft a diamond pickaxe instead of a diamond sword and your IQ drops to -920. #minecraftproblems #shouldhavereadthecraftingrecipe Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Shenanigans

    Ultimate Minecraft Shenanigans Minecraft, But With OP Items… Minecraft, a game that has captured the hearts of millions around the world, is known for its endless possibilities and creativity. But what happens when you introduce overpowered (OP) items into the mix? Let’s dive into the world of Minecraft with a twist! The Introduction of OP Items Imagine exploring the vast landscapes of Minecraft with items that give you unimaginable power. From weapons that can defeat any enemy with a single blow to tools that can mine through any material effortlessly, OP items completely change the gameplay experience. Unleashing Chaos With OP items… Read More

  • Join Minewind Server for a Desert Survival Challenge!

    Join Minewind Server for a Desert Survival Challenge! Welcome Minecraft enthusiasts! Have you ever watched a thrilling Minecraft survival challenge on YouTube and thought to yourself, “I wish I could experience something like that”? Well, now you can! Imagine surviving 100 days in a desert-only world, just like in the intense challenge you watched. The thrill, the excitement, the adrenaline rush – all of it can be yours on Minewind Minecraft Server. Join a community of like-minded players who are always up for a challenge. Test your survival skills, build magnificent structures, and explore the vast desert landscape. With our unique gameplay features and dedicated staff, your… Read More

  • Turning One Piece into Minecraft

    Turning One Piece into Minecraft Minecraft Meets One Piece: A Creative Fusion Exploring the vast world of Minecraft, players often seek to bring their favorite characters and stories into the game. One such creative endeavor has led to the recreation of iconic One Piece characters within the Minecraft universe. Embracing the One Piece Spirit With a surge in requests from fans, the creator took on the challenge of crafting beloved One Piece characters. From the spirited Monkey D. Luffy to the skilled swordsman Roronoa Zoro, each character was meticulously designed and brought to life in the blocky realm of Minecraft. Character Showcase Monkey D…. Read More