Have I Lost My Mind? Fever Dream VOD

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Yeah You testing good testing good that’s not what it’s supposed to look like one second uh um that’s not it there hi there I am I this is MAV on strike I freaking wish I had a maid no no no I’m not that rich yes uh how do we sound I’m sorry if

That video had sound it didn’t look it didn’t hear anything but yes hello I have to do it because sponsored and uh um I’m going to eat dinner with you guys that video I played guess what it’s right here it’s right here some TexMex Taco turkey tacos right here smothered in everything we’re

Going to eat it cuz of cost related issues I mean oh for here yes that’s fine that’s understandable and we heard videos music but no audio well I wasn’t talking there was no talking there was just a music from the video but I didn’t even hear

The music from the video which is why I was so confused okay so I’m going to go ahead and get in the game and I’m going to I’m going to get somewhere safe and just kind of stand there and eat and we’ll see what people do you know what I

Mean maybe I’ll head to spawn or something yeah I wasn’t sure if it would I didn’t really care like if you want the volume you can go listen to it on Instagram or at Twitter I’ll post it on YouTube later but yes yes I am here um

Um I need to go torture some people I should record this to one second and I’m going to turn the volume down on this music got to torture some people might need to tell my aunt about your hellofresh code hi yes hi bowo what’s it do though so you do the code basically

When you’re checking out and it gives you a discount I can’t say exactly the amount cuz it changes depending on how many servings you pick but it’s like 50 to 60% off your first box and then you get a free extra item a breakfast item basically um but yeah like she can try

It once and then if she wants to never try it again and cancel it totally easy totally fine you can even just skip weeks until you feel like it you know whatever welcome back Jeffrey I like to donate that’s fair Mingo that’s fair fair stream tutorials being easy did

They dream tutorials what do you mean stream torious they just add what add what what are we talking about adding what gave King andon wings and lightning and took them and I had to heal at the guy so like well that’s fair uh devices and GPS was gorp whatever gorp is they

Were just talking about oh I this I have this I hear her I was in the wrong skin guys she’s watching us I was the wrong skin just watch it over us this is a fever I’m in the wrong skin guys like a trolly Guardian Angel exactly I this is

The best yes but um the the the Church of gorp I guess or whatever they are I don’t know exactly what their name is um they they’re pretty expansive and uh they they the members I’ve met which is only one uh as far as I know seem to be

Quite quite nice I’m just concerned about the gorp thing cuz they they seem very d dedicated very dedicated thank you for the $10 dang there’s a whole block and everything um is that better and then the uh of the holy boat settings yeah dup audio I had a tweak

Settings because of uh playing on unorth of blocks so let’s turn them down a little bit now where’ they go yeah we go I can’t see the other side it just looks like water to me like water I don’t know would you like a ride sir yes please why did that not

Work yes uh during during the first uh day of the server same deal everything was oh my goodness gracious help help me I’m so stranded guys I can’t do anything here you go oh no I must I must give you that oh no and that

EG and and oh no and that oh no and that oh and this getting fre and thank you and this I have to go down to the bottom of the ocean oh I’m going to drown before get no I like that you can’t have that and this and she’s still throwing

Stuff and by the way this is a waffle I don’t know why you kept calling it whatever you were calling it but it’s a WAFF wa oh that’s what I thought it was just like some s of sweet bread oh there there she goes oh there’s a nope you are not you

Are you are going to go this way Mr drown you’re not allowed here you’re not allowed near the the Monarch not near the Monarch okay okay they are allow compared to me yeah that makes sense that’s why I was like let me know that would be interesting I can actually audio inut

EP cuz it comes through Minecraft so why are you not dead yet Discord calls are already better there thank you for the $2 jeez summoned a new goat oh y my goodness hello J dra’s head for my I don’t know if Jam you can hear me I’m streaming I should really uh oh

Really I love goats you are on stream Jam you are on stream hi stream does that mean I win I like goats and he’s a ghost we both are well at least you have it for a war room if you wanted a war we

Both are are we have are we are we are we doing any War are we doing any War who knows I’m a very peaceful person so y’all like War H goat y like only only when when we need to only if it’s consensual exactly exactly I just was half buried and

God oh when we just like to mess with everyone don’t mind us don’t mind us thank you for lurking Prince thank you I am live the server oooo person yes I think I’ve had too much sugar today I haven’t had sugar I just had sugar so now I’m

Feeling chaotic too much sugar so chaos accurate you’ve eaten too many cookies Al you’re going mad at least the goat is alive oh you were there the Grim Reaper is watching us I think we should be careful uhhuh I am always watching I have I have one I have one oh

My goodness okay never mind I I don’t have one uh note to make it’s a chinchilla or C okay this is this is not chill it’s a mouse but I is adorable oh my goodness gracious adorable okay it’s a rat it’s rat is adorable the mouse

He’ll eat you I apologize I apologize a convenient lightning bolt does okay I deserve that I love him I loveat he’s a rat this is’s so cute he’s so cute I love him silly silly ah I can’t who rat is this I don’t know can can I have the rat

For the archive and give him a little home you can have the rat he’s mine I have so many you can have the rat thank you very much I shall take good care of him I shall get him some cheese and and and and some a warm bed WAFF and I’ll

Make sure is taken very good care of cheese I love cheese cheese my command go bur yeah chees for the rat cheese don’t temp Jam he might eat it if it hello Little Goat I love fluffs hello goat oh oh goodness oh no there you go I’m sorry

Oh oh my God that poor goat J cannot stand up against the monarch oh my goodness Monarch has has I’m a horrible person yep everyone knows that monarchs are chosen by divine right so exactly you had to say that you’re a horrible person when I was mid bite of a taco dude come

On I yeah cuz I’m a horrible person clearly I can hear you in spectator you don’t have to switch back and forth that’s true I’m pressing the button so so much but I forget which one I’m In where yes hi bye hi bye I have left a dent in my F3 and F4 keys by the end of today just get new keys oh my God fever dream merch keyboard keys that say fever dream yo fever dream key caps yeah they can’t be that expensive right that that that’s

Got to happen I mean honestly I don’t know what to do I’m just trying to eat and I can’t really play until I’m done eating I’ll leave you to eat no I’m bored to be fair I’m only here to procrastinate editing so oh you know what that checks out cuz you can’t

Record anymore you’re full up yeah mhm yeah who edits on a Sunday anyways oh I find it amazing some people are yet to realize I’m behind the lightning bolts like has anyone noticed that lightning only happens when I’m online mm Dron said it was happening when you weren’t

There oh yeah well I guess that was a storm then maybe I don’t know they couldn’t figure it out F dream replacements for your W and S key you having fun over there yes I didn’t want to do that I have to adjust your volume oh

My I have to turn you down really low uh you’re a bit peaky oh oh no it’s not like terrible but a bit peaky oh I see what happened my editing software took control of my mic and made really yeah eating ASMR that’s basically what’s happening who let the lava who did

This I have no idea let’s go there’s PP PE hello I’m above you I on this ghost what is this I not here hey you want to look out there’s a zombie there we go okay there a go over here Jam you’re you’re echoing real

Bad give me a sec my mic s something weird oh this is is cute yes Loki has created a lazy lazy river with our new pet clar can I have a boat uh I don’t have one on me oh what am I do I’m in creative mode guys why am

I asking why you creative mode why why this is anmp come on I on let’s argue admin abuse on fever dream huh let’s talk about admin abuse let’s talk about that friend admin abuse all right here we go here we go wonderful you do sound better still a

Little bit a little bit of echo but yeah it’s fine it’s fine I’ll be I’ll be a little bit quieter it’s it’s Improvement um this is what this was intended for right yeah okay cool good to check out I’m going to eat some tacos okay okay this is just this is just a

Wonderful site oh my goodness what his hat over there where oh my God what is that what the who did that armor stand that’s beautiful work it’s a friend that’s a who did that uh Liv did that Liv is literally awesome I was seeing a lot of messages in chat saying

Live triggered armor stand yep yep so that makes sense that tracks I don’t think she’s finished either oh no what is she going to do to what an alri horror that is a good work good work Liv it’s an Abomination and it’s amazing Liv is awesome man I can’t even think of

That she is so awesome it’s like a worm the wandering Traders we the wandering Traders it’s an octopus welcome in welcome in yeah your sword was little in the face I’m not going to lie I’m so sorry it happens I guess I you guess what do you mean you guess well the

Server is just huge mhm mhm and they’re getting bigger MH they are getting bigger crazy nothing you can do about it ignore them the wrong skin this it’s a fever dream yeah what do you mean that’s the right skin H it’s the correct one what did I just a work of art right

Sunny it’s a work of art hi welcome hi you want to get on a a lazy river why not Jam in the boat with the goose you need your own boat though I’m sorry bud oh God I’m in a oh there’s a sky down there you’re true wondering where that hold this is

Wonderful this is so nice I need to look for peace yeah this is Zen it is Zen I’ll be right back oh all right you guys uh what does the goose have to say okay and you’re disturbingly good at that years of practice why why years of practice

That’s that’s my first question Channel branding or something yeah I sacrificed part of my throat to do that it hurts but it’s worth it so you made the deal with the eldrid god to be able to speak like a goose got it okay yeah well this is

Just this is a dream I forgot to mention I am streaming but chat says the wandering Traer is clearly just extending his head to say we’ve been trying to reach you about your car’s extended warranty reaching three at once yeah all three people that live here there’s more of us there’s five three

Closest the three closest you know yeah yeah specifically them and it’s probably for their boats here in the water you know extended warranty on your boats for the the LA River mhm mhm boat Insurance oh yeah that’s the worst kind of insurance guy yeast don’t need insurance they are the insurance true

Mhm I think I I think I’ve been insured by a goose before actually did they eat the you’ve been injured at work I heard affle your biggest competitor have you heard an accident Sam you haven’t heard of afflac have you what’s that it’s an insurance with a duck oh

Yeah American thing in England it’s American you’re going to have to look at up take some inspiration okay afflac insurance this is oddly therapeutic just going around here with a it is all I’ve been doing today is collecting materials and I I think I needed this honestly

Everyone needs this oh Dragon I think draon needs it see how many boats we can get in the lazy river oh he left Dragon a back dragon is back in we are so backing we so backing can’t spell he’d be slacking if he didn’t come back in mhm let’s get cracking oh no

Hold on he has to get in here I’ll just TP him no no I should be recording no you shouldn’t you should be editing you know this oh true you know this I’m here because I’m not editing mhm can’t record you have no more space I like looking at our names on my

Journey map it’s great loading into recording gear oh s it I’m recording I have 15 gigs left you’re going to make that 15 gigs work yeah it worked hard for it money might as well start recording myself just in case yeah B take your time it takes a

While to reset up a new pc so seriously take your time like pressing any buttons or anything you’re just chilling with the homies man why is it unsubscribe you’re unsubscribing why are you unsubscribing for me no I just subscrib I was already subscribed and now it’s

Lies lies sorry call me a liar I mean YouTube was how dare it mhm what do you mean by what’s going on today I got no plans aside from eat this and then hang out with people maybe build something but I don’t know what I’m going to

Build brought to you by Camp 64 um what I’ve got the wakes mod where it leaves a trail when boats and stuff move and with the amount of boats going in a circle it just cannot process what to do with the wakes and it looks so

Silly this Pond is not ponding where am I what are the cords here uh you should be able to find it in the nether 600 just say kind of 550 just say 550 550 is or some sort why does he not understand what I mean come hang out sir

If he’s not found it within five minutes he probably doesn’t know what relaxing is that is fair other way I was recording a completely like oh there’s a skeleton unrelated clip help hi Loki now Loki come join hi wait he’s exactly where I was reason he’s exactly where I

Was staring at you guys no Loki you asked of these Lions oh did you not give Loki one any yet he’s not been given Lions yet no you got waist Stone on your head mhm yes you don’t wear waist Stones do we have waist Stones installed no it was uh

Okay you want to explain the lore and the was Stone so basically on unala blocks we are mostly vanilla but we use W Stones cuz we can’t be bother to move far loading the F dream world I I originally had it in single player just to mess

Around with it a bit more before we set up the server mhm so I forgot that due to it being the same instance as on ala blocks it would spawn with waist Stone so when we put it on the server there were just a load of those waist Stone

Spawning platforms but without wa Stone so I that explains it that explains it I wondered why there was Way Stone Platforms in The Villages but no way stones and then we decided stones for a joke ah um I’ve never seen one of those act the way Stone platforms I love

Gaslighting people into thinking we have a mod we don’t just doing it whatever part the dream also your face keeps like glitching out into something else it’s scaring me yeah it’s dream yeah I think uh PP said yeah understandable PP you said you made this lazy river right uh

Loki did Loki did there you go of course Loki Loki never does Loki get off the server I need to know well he is currently uh Gathering but he ever get off the yeah he he he does sometimes okay when he’s working his IR out job I

Guess oh I well whenever I’m on he’s on and I’m like uh sleep maybe he’s one of those people that BRS BR he has he has to he he’s getting tens of thousands of blocks for his build mhm of course he is small builds small just just a little one he said it

Was 75,000 just a tiny oh that’s rookie numbers yeah I got pump those up let’s ask Dr it has not been 5 minutes yet so that was Terri any plans for today’s stream no other than eat my food fair enough we’ll do this for two hours then I mean yeah stream done

Mhm oh my God my taco exploded oh no yeah stream it’s like a hot tub stream but okay okay no whoa whoa whoa who art it’s in it’s in the art category it is Art life imitates art life could be a dream life could be stop escaping Let It Be I hope someone

Sleeps I hope someone Sleeps yeah we have plenty of room for a dragon everyone how many people on the server can we get into a b am I spamming it enough don’t make me be the server ghost don’t make me swap over there we have ride 10 out of 10 would ride again and still won’t stop

Can’t stop won’t stop Yes clearly I’m brainwashing you guys chat with this lazy river that was the entire purpose um I’m going around and around I’m getting hypnotized we have one more person that might be able to H or get tped oh jam abuse I promise it’s abuse spicy admin abuse spicy

Slban I am admin abuse yeah you are oh hey hey Captain Sam you’re the captain of that boat now well I’m still welcome to the Lazy River it’s lazy cuz a lot of us should probably be getting editing or building or something done what are we cont creat oh I’m muted

Hi hi hi hi I’m muted I’m Jam nice nice funny Sam you sound like a dad I do I’m a dad to visc no Jim not Sam go on Jam Jim Sam I Am yeah I am heart of hearing my heart of hearing I’m pe oh my God oh

My God it never stops stabbing people now it’s been like two seconds of relaxing you can’t relax for longer than 2 seconds NOP I’d like to see you try oh jeez at least not me hold on now hold on now don’t let’s uh uh slap me I’m out of

This oh what was what I want those why you dropping your shoes in the water okay we already said it’s a hot tub stream we don’t need to show feet not at least till hour two of the stream you got to wait make them wait for you wait you wait till I’m what

Taken off next oh excuse me excuse wow I didn’t think for the security oh here hop out of the boat what’s it called put ass check out my task list tell yourself yeah you you did a thing hop and loser we’re going the I could do

This all day hop and loser we’re going to therapy sessions my chat says okay all right I’m becoming a member why have you got a pizza my money is in my account yet excuse it’s not exp is holding a pizza or coin or something it’s a crumpet classic musical instrument

Crumpet does nobody know what cret are ah yes nature is healing nature is healing how do I corrupt everyone around you it’s very easy sunny it’s called being myself it’s a Talent come on I just I just don’t care let’s be honest here it’s not something that can be learned has to be

Experienced you get to my age my old age you know just don’t care Jam put your sword away day we didn’t have G or boats back in Jam day he couldn’t make custom models and he cried a lot I’ve always been able to make custom models don’t lie don’t lie I was born

Making custom models I am a custom model you adoped the block Ben there you go I was born in it bounded by it it was perfect I didn’t use am missive textures until I was a man I mean possibly true I don’t know oh my goodness the pond is glitching out

The wakes mod has had enough it’s gone completely white that’s why I don’t use the wakes mod you should take a screenshot of it it works until you have this many boats going around in circles in the same take a screenshot of it so we can see how crazy I

Have I’ll put it in the Disco we got two Nethers we got two diamonds a naked guy and a very large Goose that was yeah that was the joke sunny that was the joke that was the whole point of the joke bra sunny sunny I love you to

Beds that was literally the joke Butters is coming let’s go whoa Butters I know you’re sick that’s why I’m laughing so hard I know you’re trying sunny I get it but please do it more goodbye I have a mission a mission from I got to deliver Trident to people

Ooh have fun with that don’t die though Trident or do die I probably will yeah there is I I forget what server I’m on dream dream we all die J oh no it’s okay just keep pushing it oh that was actually that’s my dad’s name oh my

God oh I hope not actually he sounds like he can be a problem for many people I saw the goose from Welcome to the goose I copy I copyright claim traffic jams welcome butter Butters get in a boat how is it how is it doing this it’s

It’s water no time to explain join our hot tub stream we reach the life stories part already traffic it’s a good thing my base isn’t far from there you reach 50 subscribers I’m going to take my shoes off oh oh wait who’s going to reach 50 we need to

Actually know so I can tell people to right let’s sub if if you’re not subed already what are you waiting for bring 50 hold on who need Butters is Butters that need 50 what do you at Butters I don’t remember uh I I don’t remember to be

Honest but I have 49 no I don’t you do not have 49 get out of here I have 338 yeah oh no I have yes I remember number Butters what are the odds of that I’m not going to lie all right quickly two people un subscribe unsubscribe no I have

3,678 so that’s good that’s a bit more than 50 mate just a bit more but yeah I’ll ask two people to unsubscribe for me it’s okay okay Butters good luck I believe I believe okay oh now we have an iron person so we have the diamond boat the netherite boat the naked boat

And the iron boat the goose boat oh I have invisible Lama do you I also hi welcome get boat get in boat get in y and roll forward casual bre yay n welcome to Zen yeah you don’t have to sub to everyone B but if you want yeah

It’s look at the water stream sputters when you put the gate in and you put a block down the water flows down and it gives a natural water push that the boat follows until it hits the next one we’re so perfectly evenly spaced out it’s wonderful yes it’s so spaced out also

Happy birthday BMA oh yeah happy birthday oh happy birthday this is your lazy river birthday happy BM bmth you that works happy BM B Chad says happy birthday happy b day to you beautiful hon hey Archie yeah totally fine what happened to me I’m eating I’m

Just eating tacos I think this hang out in a pond I do think that this is the max amount of boats though no there can always be more there could be one behind me there can be more yeah until they start bumping and then it’s bumper boats no more Lazy River yeah

About how are you wearing a wa Stone on your head don’t question fever dream I’ll get you banned they said someone’s got to sing Happy Birthday with the Bane voice now um good Lu happy birthday to you Batman oh happy birthday to you Batman and that’ll be a YouTube short in

Two to three months please wait for it don’t mind me she’s wheezing yeah I have a feeling you were anything we say could become a YouTube short imagine this becomes a YouTube short imagine I am on a YouTube short hi I’m in a YouTube short to the

Viewers hello crash crash crash this is a YouTube short now Jam actually channeled his father and made a traffic jam we’ve been shortened You’ been short okay we’re not we’re not gling all that’ll be a short cuz ined on it got back into it back into it no wait Jam

What are you doing stop being stop being like your father go Jam don’t be like your father I have no sense Direction I drive you can’t drive you just got backwards I’m just everyone who comes in I’m going to yell at them to get in the boat right we’re good we’re good yeah

Let’s yeah we’re back in it we’re back on track oh hey that was smooth out that was smooth like butter why do I have so much coal you see the funny thing about butter but you are smooth I like to eat butter thanks but not butters for it’s like you just like jump

On a stick of butter I used to as a your your stream still traumatizes me I know it does butter I haven’t done it in like two years though buttery don’t do it ever again only two years You’ you’ve been butter clean for two years well I no cuz I cook with it

But I haven’t eaten the stick in about two years it’s good that you’re grab some butter no no not right now butter stream I already did already an we don’t go back to that butter stream stream with the butter on and plus Butters is traumatized holding a butter

Block if anyone wants I will take a tried and I will also take a tried got a spare one I think got it oh fight fight F oh it’s at free durability that’s okay yeah oh no oh oh oh here’s a mining book too I’m going to at least it’s a

Tri for intimidation here we go please please please got it why is this so entertaining just to watch above no there yeah it’s Med meditation I’m so sorry I screwed everything keep going keep going oh okay okay here you go it it it went faster now it’s bur yep now

It needs find an boat goo what the hell is it I will definitely need to get a creep orb on the lazy as well oh my the boat went bur is this is is this a villager Hydra what what is this yeah it’s a weird Hydra

Thing I I’m not going to question it I’m just going to it’s asking about your boat’s extended warranty Butters oh oh no I I am getting I am getting super dizzy the way don’t get into my extended War yeah going like that I don’t I this why are you talking

To squid Squid’s not online I am dumb why didn’t anyone want to tell me that before cuz it’s funny mhm I mean that’s fair it is kind of funny it’s funny to watch you talk to ghosts I am the G stream content say that out loud say it out

Loud let’s all spin we should all spin Jam say it out loud thank you this is so this is like the spinning made a crash first of all nice first of all flying away you spin me right right like a goose F baby a dragon dragon actually up terrible singing w

W singing wonderfully dra noain get in the boat no time to explain any right click right click broken I’m stuck the gate go that story of my life oh no no that’s so sad CH we’re getting a boat to go to therapy so it checks out five

Boats is like the like the perfect amount of boats six boats is too much this is all science guys science what you mean is I came here and I ruined it all you made the science is good the science the science is good actually it’s turning out pretty good I’m just

Keep getting hit by the the goose zombie there we go mind yeah cuz you’re in creative mode no I’m in survival yeah he’s been in survival for a bit yeah what yeah it’s just targeted on you this time oh hello it was my fault get in the boat no time

To explain get in the boat the boat so who’s uh whose cool castle is that one up on the hill hi oh that’s mine yeah there people nice expl it’s beautiful and Sam getting a boat there’s dino bones in there if you want to see so

Where are we we are in what the East uh the south north south south south south south everything is are you claiming King of the South because I just bumped into another person claiming to be king he’s right I’m not the king I’m the wizard I’m the based wizard

The the B wizard get in the boat get get no time to explain get in a boat no time to explain get in a boat get in a boat get in a boat get in’s boat get in dr’s boat get in it there you go look at this look at this the

Whole we have everyone hit now it’s Beau everyone and their mom and their goose is in the boat where’s L just everyone in their moms is goose in around here not their moms hello goodbye isn’t this beautiful isn’t this such a lovely bonding session it really is all right so um my favorite

Color is red um yeah that’s all you need purple o like M purle mine is blue same actually I have the hex code for my favorite color where is it you really have the he Pacific Jam I have course have the I know you’re the color

Guy but I didn’t think you’d have the hex code for your favorite color Jam let’s go around sharing names I’ve had a long time to think about my favorite color on this apparently I know my RGB code for my favorite color0 okay oh wow oh wow wow that’s

Great wow like a really nice dark blue that’s amazing wow really nice I just like purple in general mhm that’s good that’s good I like dark purple like a like a royal purple said the hex was actually a color and I don’t like purple no purple is not not a good color that

Checks out what’s the hex code Jam uh I’m still trying to find it I I have it written down somewhere is that a sea lion a did you know everything changed when the fire Lion’s attacked you asked for these Lions I think there’s only one person here I hav

Given lions so far I want a lion I got one oh wait I haven’t given Lions to buses buses you ask for Li roller coaster like that have gone horribly wrong all right they are have been requesting roller coasters now why why does pizza I just

Realized dra I love that you’re so these Lions okay I’m taking off just for a second so I can haveon I need to someone closed the G you did ask for those lions lions yes everyone asked for these Lions I distinctly remember I don’t care where they came from I had sea lies but I didn’t have a

Line so if you’re actually sitting in Ocean doesn’t it look like you’re just riding one of these yeah yeah it does top one recently I love SE 1 2 3 4 5 six is a Brant C what is it where’s where’s the wind L I love ff2

F38 it’s a it’s a shade of red of my Discord banner I got to oh my God that’s so bright I know yeah the che out the Lions have names oh Jesus no that’s up to you that is bright but yeah my favorite color is also my weapon of

Choice cuz it removes eyeballs can I see it I have a name for my I’m learning so much about you jam I’ve already named my when I finally get a lion oh oh what’s it going called it’s going to be called Richie you know it’s like hello hello are these the Lions you’re

Looking for that’s a funny like why are the Lions thear I’m trying to get them I’m going to name one of the Lions Panther and I don’t know the other one name panther make sure to catch Lions if you haven’t already we can you might as

Well open up a zoo with how many different animal I’ve considered it I’ve considered it you should but it’s just a zoo it’s just lions in it and a goose it’s just all the different kinds of lions yeah I mean he’s got a lot of geese models I’m not going to lie he

Could make a wholeo yeah so do we now for some reason Liv made like three or four 500 they’re all the rage man can we see a Gees are so in we have a trffic jam what’s happened here like his father traffic we don’t talk about Pap we we

Don’t talk about our daddy isues oh sorry my bad you L for these jam issues oh jam Jam dad issues or maybe not I’ll just what the lions are so big man Butters I love how you’re dancing with it somehow thank you thank you I don’t know how

You’re doing it but I appreciate it I’m just looking in different directions and it’s working okay you are I love how big they are they’re very squishable sows for these lions are the squishmallows go butter squish you if you’re not careful Butters go if I could

I’ make one I I’d ask I’d ask if one could be my bed so we could I could snuggle with the lion every head actually there is a data pack that lets you put a banner on your bed so if you get someone maybe someone I know named

Kaz Kaza yes to make you a banner that looks like a lion face you could put it on your bed and make it look like you got lion sheets is amazing she has a mustache in a fancy suit Kaza does not have a mustache Kaza Kaz the banners Jam Kaza

Has a mustache Kaza baners Kaza Kaza mustache has a mustache it’s just under her chin you are literally on an SMP with them come on oh my speaking of Kaza I got the Kaza Ingot yeah actually is K and are the same person they are not they are the same have you

Ever have you ever seen them in the same room together that is the real question no but if they are then I really commend them on their accent switch cuz you got one definitely British and then one Scottish and it’s a big switch hang on Scotland’s still part of britsh shut up

You guys definitely have a Welsh accent do you want me to tell you that you have a British accent no exactly if if you told me I had a British accent I you would get mad I may throw a goose at you but it would

Still be factual if you told me I had an English accent I would throw a goose at you and it would not be factual so I would throw an AV Goose at you see so Kaza has a Scottish accent so in other words get out of

Here Farm geese on the server all we have to do is call Jam British yeah he actually call British that’s factual no English so what you need to do is you create an audio clip that you play over the voice thing just continually set calls Jam British and you just stand

Still with a hopper beneath you just stand perfectly still the easiest rst ever hey King I am I’m making welcome in welcome in Raiders Brett wolf bun bun hey hey pink duck hi I love I love the emote so much is the Welcome to our hypnotizing chill uh

River where we just hang out and talk he’s he’s a captain dra just dra I have have a bone to pick with you what’s that you just followed me on Twitch I know I know it’s because I’ve been on YouTube most I sort of I abandoned twitch for a

While okay oh I just know of ttch is the sun sunny I just yeah the sun is Sunny the sun is Sunny I can’t see as well oh the moon could be a bit of a long time since I my shaders don’t show it hold on there it is there’s Sunny I haven’t actually seen the sunny face yet backie you got to look up with they SK no sunglasses no no it doesn’t work for me is to be holding like three uh 300 tons it is very reassuring that Sunny is looking down at us that’s for sure thank

You for the king ring and Don as well welcome in you my smooth my Sandstone has done smelting your your smooth Stone your your cheese my cheese your cheese is right there do you think it’s aged enough uh no I need to put it on the shelf for

Like a couple of years that might be a good someone needs to make a cheese cheese aging facility now with the endstone it just has to happen yeah oh I guess it has to be king Elfie cuz King Elfie picked it up oops your knight who’s supposed to

Protect aged man it’s a looks soft it looks soft yeah there’s no time to explain get in the boat yeah get in the boat no no you don’t have a choice Jam I don’t want jam I dare you to eat the cheese dare you to eat the boat okay oh what happened

Cheese ah is it chorus fruit I I think that yep I’ll TP you to me don’t you dare don’t you dare you asked for these lights you asked for this Tepee you asked for this is that block oh my God the vat you ruin the VA

Clar this is what happens when you call me English oh okay claring is Clarence Clarence still on the boat okay cool CL goodness yeah Clarence yeah fun fact every time there St anywhere in the world it’s because a Welsh person’s being called English that’s checks out that explains a lot

Why you guys have so much rain yeah I need to know what what is Clarence cheese yeah we retextured endstone to be cheese looking also the Clarence is the goose mhm yes okay but how how is it moving its head don’t ask questions it’s clearance it’s cuz it’s

Alive it’s a living Goose it’s a living Goose I don’t know if I want to be in the same boat as this go moose goose is the goose is loose it’s just a straight up go oh my goodness gracious what the hell chicken yeah chicken is the Moose block

The Moose goose is that a block hold on it’s a moose Block it’s a moose block yeah never seen a before it got picked up who picked it up D got it they even him in Canada all the time I think oh I mean Elfie would know about that right

Oh oh no there’s a Canadian here oh no what have I done what have I Elfie is a Canadian yeah you might want to watch what you’re saying around him he might get you uh after after anyone’s about to call me English the one he’s scared of the

Canadians the most yes I’m very scared of the Canadians I would know but geese can be scary sometimes right Canadian goose they are the men Li I do have a Canan Goose model but it’s not on the server I could put it on you should bring it on for the Canadians yeah okay

I need to raise an army the people that polite have got to be up to something Honestly though right like you can’t TruStone we’re so nice because we poured all of our malice into our geese mhm makes sense makes sense I’d never thought about it night it checks

Out it it’s like the one ring except for it’s a lot of geese oh um okay here’s here’s an idea um and and you guys don’t have to take this idea but what if enderes were Canadian geese because they come out of nowhere they’re super aggressive and

Annoying with the a model I’d have to work with that would be so hard to do cuz I can’t remodel them I can only retexture them but I could try that is fair I like as do not this is not an idea taken but like with command could an Ender might be

Programmed to hold something um I don’t think so they can ride like you can do with other mobs like zombies and stuff yeah but I don’t have a hand slot I could probably do something like trying to track a mob to the end of M cuz um 4

Break big behind the scen secret how the riding bees data pack works is that there is a pig stuck inside the bee with a sand that makes sense and that’s and that’s how this the sit works it’s the skeleton horse that spawns underneath yeah secret fever dream behind the scenes we

Actually keep innocent animals Hostage to make our things work definitely hostage it’s dragon’s fault he has a great facility I mean you’ve seen circus I you might be interested in I have a diamond they are well fed with leather boots at all right over here follow me something

Make black bench leaving this until someone English a fight a p English help what’s that who what why are you killing each other hello J behind you this is a hole that is a hole Don you are correct how did you know you this I I don’t know I guess

I’m just smart you are so smart big brain right there oh observ right Dr have you seen the inside of P for’s wizard base Tower I haven’t seen the inside yet that yours is the giant castle yours yeah it’s good time for a tour So Co looks awesome oh wait

Have you seen this drag I like the Old School radio thing over here where did he go oh jam was killed it’s a TV Jam was killed TV yeah RP I should just go into survival at this point there we go why you tell teleporting to me cuz I

Spawned far away where did dragon go here I flew up oh you flew up oh I had to look inside the tower oh wait I have did you to ah okay Interiors Interiors are hard Interiors are hard Sunny skeleton this my St killed me oh nice very very cool this is awesome I

Found this earlier cuz I was exploring and giving everybody cookies and I was just impressed this is this is oh I’m being eaten by a dinosaur oh no whatever will you do it looks like with the way Stone on top of you you’re like keeping his Jaws Pride open it oh my goodness

Yes it does very cozy I will protect you all from the dinosaur the dinos our hero you never dinosaur anywh one cooler than me you can have that wow all right so the inside of the Tower yeah it’s a bit cramped uh cuz it’s a bit bit small I don’t know if everyone

Will fit in but we’ll give it a shot well we’ll fit if we just stand really really really close together and pretend we like each other I think it’s like entity cramming is at like 30 things so it’s fine the the living room what are you talking about this is spacious yeah it’s

Not very nice what broke the boots a not the boots with the fur not the boots with the fur it’s a crumpet it’s a it’s got butter on it actually love the texture you’re disg graceful all right so can we move in upstairs is it free uh I’ve got yeah a

Couple of floors can’t believe you after all we’ve been from what’s the rent I need to know and is there like electrical involved and then also do you have a washer dryer somewhere uh no oh I also noticed my furnace is sideways when I well I’m sold

Oh oh no well well that was sad There Goes lion you asked for the oh wait this I heard this was someone’s favorite block I heard this was someone’s favorite block get it out of here get it out of here get it out of here you know like I thought you love purple

Disgusting it’s not everyone here yeah it is you really like striking yourself with life it’s fun it’s fun theast I don’t think it’s that fun honey it wouldn’t be a Wizard’s Tower without lightning strike in it let’s be honest wake up in the morning um with an

Alarm I wake up I don’t I don’t take caffeine so I just children are great alarms they are where’s sunny you can you can ride the guys around oh wait hold on hold on we should do a group photo real quick on the staircase here like those awkward group

Photos where it’s one person on each step I don’t know yeah but group photo on the steps up here get on the step stand on theer below stand on theer it will shoot yous oh that’s what that is wait blinking you stand on the Geer and it shoots you up oh

Wait what that’s cool I guess we could have used the Geyser get oh that is amazing it looks like it looks like llama spit I’m not going to lie I think two people can go they use the same particles yeah oh they do okay that makes sense then that’s amazing oh I

Should probably take the lion off you can get up oh goodness I for that to be fair we got one more I did ask for these Lions R photo photo everyone where’s the camer I’m just got to get out of five mod because I will walk this thing if I try to

Do look at this is that better that’s better that’s perfect look try get a screenshot with my face is doing the weird thing it does okay J I almost got it I got it I got everyone in One let’s go and I don’t even have free count

Let’s go that’s impressive oh it spit at us beautiful don’t mind that it’s cuz I’m in the middle ah yes yes yes that was beautiful do I send at theot photos I don’t know what he’s looking for but you know hello down there oh don’t think hello screens hello come up here

Hello I don’t think he can hear Hello I tried who we saying hi to B is down there by the portal oh we left the goose over there oh there’s two people over there there’s someone else as well up the hill come here why what jth everyone look of a

Frog balloon it’s a frogo I know the Frog balloon is crazy you’re right crazy how the Frog balloons only work when I’m online I know right H there Jo join the picture well we got to check the terms of the least I know we got to talk about that people yeah yeah it’s

Okay camera please tell me that stand on the geyser you can get up here if you stand on the geyser you can do it someone stands on theer and shoots up to the middle of the [Laughter] Photo what did you do now live forever with the geese in the sky there there he is to stand on the Geer oh jam careful Jam going die there you go die jamp a th oh jam oh jam look at this is this everyone online right now is it I don’t

Know I can’t there’s more there’s few it’s okay there’s a couple yeah thank you we go we’re missing Sam this is beautiful ghost a ghost all right now if you guys haven’t noticed there’s a weird wandering traiter uh eldrich [ __ ] down Castle um I’m scared down here how do

You not go to Castle I fly it’s a worming Trader I hate a worming Trader go you see this is what happens when you when you don’t accept the trades the reason thank you for hang much I get it I know a lot of people are scared crap this happens it’s terrifying

I love them I love it but it’s terrifying give it the keiss give it oh hey that’s hold on bonus points for the other heads right yeah you think I can invite one over to be my roommate you could try you know anybody’s looking for a place to

Live so cool maybe the idea that someone thinks to make this I approve right see see Liv Liv seems like very like lovely innocent kind of person and then she makes stuff like this she makes eldrich beings yeah she makes incom awesome yeah yeah Li is awesome it’s like it’s in her

Name something wow horror behind my comprehension this is awesome got the moose in it yeah it does have the moose in it the Moose block the Moose oh my goodness this food this like made there like heads yes yeah and it’s not finished by the way

Made with an armor stand it’s made with multiple armor stands and it’s not finished no I thought this was just a full custom model no no all armor stands no they’re all armor stands this live custom live armor standed live armor stand how did live do the net know

About these uh there’s multiple armor stands oh yeah they they look at that thing here did you know don’t try to view the H must go into this some crumpets some crumpets for are invisible let me eat my cauldrons where’s the goat block Jam hello there hello jamy oh the

Goat block goat block uh well if you craft three Spruce trap doors with one white wool block you can craft the goat block okay show it I know what I’m doing once I get home is it white wool yeah yeah white wol white W catch you later oh don’t don’t break

It with your only break it with pickaxes yeah oh my God look at his eyes it’s a new block I need to go and add that to my house does anybody have a white wall wait so if you use doors in a wall but it’s at home and it’s thank you why how

Did you months a whole year there’s a roof on it for a reason that’s AB crazy if you have enough wood and W you can craft so many goat blocks and build a house out of them like two wood to well you know who has wool the King

Of the North I might just live inside house I think I’ll make my own do Ser broke the goat a problem with the goat block if you place a goat block on top of a goat block it turns into this can you can you I no you can’t I have three

Now there also screaming in my face if people know the old Secrets the old lore of Minecraft then the answer be obvious P texture I about say TR yeah I’ll probably make my own I’m sorry dude oh wait I have W with me right now anyone want a stack of wool

Who doesn’t have wings yet I can make a bunch right now okay does everybody have wings on I don’t wings I have wings they’re just almost broken right now they have mending but I have to I have to repair them oh crazy you need put Unbreaking

Three on them hold on I took the angel back needed it to make my camera thank you what the hell holy bottles czy I don’t know what just happened I don’t know what just happened wow get oh no who knows what just happened where I get myself some wings

WIS he’s a goat that’s a little crazy back on a little crazy is anyone selling wings no no no you do a mission for it Butters there’s a free a free Quest these there’s a free Quest Jam what’s the location for the elyra quest it’s just off for show from SP we

Going to heal up this Tri I’ll type it in chat in a secondus 130 if I do it get there you go that’s that’s where you get the elytra course Butters in chat best buts go to those cords and do it it’s a good day

Good it really isn’t if I break my bed and go yeah you can do that oh hi Amelia oh hi see you here I see you here oh hi hello hi everyone hi oh hi oh hi the The Vibes The Vibes oh my God the Lazy River oh yeah the lazy river boats

On there’s too many people for the lazy no we can make it fit we can make it fit I believe make it I believe fit in there please all right now let’s play roulette I’m going to shoot a bow up in the air wait wait wait wait wait wait there’s a mini game

At there’s a mini game at um bye there’s there’s a game that we actually made called a soup game where oh yeah yeah you miss that in the middle oh God okay I I have to drop my food CH basically super it’s it’s called a super

Roulette so um wa i p don’t shoot the arrows in case Clarence Gets free there you go you don’t want to free Clarence they’re gone now oh I just hit you in the air oh okay you saved Clarence made a really crazy shot the other day where you just shot

Someone out of theid a that was don’t have enough arrows to keep going actually worked wow oh man I need some we should play superx that was I think I have arrows I’ll throw them good luck get them they’re behind me Butters get them get them oh you guys aren’t not

Mo most of you guys aren’t up to date with super roulette so I hav’t play this like five days yeah oh why does it so long it waed on her made him long you deleted her from existence what the hell my bad my bad no no Clarence is loose the is

Loose the is loose the go is loose it’s a zombie in the boat get back in the boat get back in the boat I Jam I cops I really want one one of these cops at my base all right and again everything is fine [Applause] oh it splashed my face I felt

It I saw her life FL I think this is landed on oh oh thank you for my arrows back oh you’re welcome I threw three and now they’re they’re all back in my inventory I picked one up again I have two face it keeps going with the water I

Can’t yeah I can’t I can’t get it just keep they like never Escape there you go hey guys I got I got one Arrow you know what I keep for D to do is let my freaking if your boat breaks you’re out up let’s go well good thing my boat can’t break

Cuz I’ve got the oh oh it was the middle did it was the middle of a gate oh no I think Don picked it up I I no I don’t have it I it’s right behind you wait was it right behind me it landed in the water on a block and

Someone picked it up oh at least p joed in let’s see let’s see I got now we’re back vibing this go is so fun vibing all the Vibes does anyone else have any arrows nope I’m out uh nope no we’re just chilling have sticks though if you

Need crap so I have sticks does anybody have feathers and hold on one second you might have to sacrifice you for hey Butters oh my God look at this what’s happening oh wa what I defend I defend somehow magical Arrow I can’t get them f with the

Current I don’t think there I got some they’re over here there a whole but there’s two stacks over here I think on the edges help meing your head in the boats all right I don’t think I have enough B your ability area oh rip all right that’s fine I’ve got enough are you

Sure I’ve got yeah yeah great yeah I might have to make another also I know I know the cheese block are in stone they’re great oh my almost got PE I think it’s just fing on PE that’s a weird Arrow system it was close I didn’t mean to get the

Boat I was about to say I was like wow you really want peep huh it’s understandable I’m I’m an easy target very uh I mean have you seen the creepers there’s an uncanny resemblance yeah it’s a bit weird I don’t blame you for wanting to all right special round

Try to go oh wow oh that’s just going to hit me isn’t it probably what do you have on that TR do you have like any a chance on it uh I have no idea just got the this realistic these would go straight up and hit me in the

Head did you hit the actual person ODS of that all right again I think what we’re learning is that Butters needs to work on AIM um for shooting straight up shoot you right now I have enough arrows to do it I don’t know where I got them from but I

Wonder where they came from it’s crazy what have thought goodby it’s crazy this this is scary I’m surprised it hasn’t hit me yet oh there it is there you go someone else got it the arrow heard that and took it personally world it’s like you want a Bett I

Watched it change course mid earth oh in the hole in the hole we didn’t get that one you’re so good at this I believe in you this is highly entertain entertaining I almost said entertaining entertaining entertainment entertainment would thought I can speak English I promise I English is overrated

Man I believe it true is who words I really hope we don’t accidentally kill Clarence I mean we can make another Captain Sam died instead oh I’m going to jinx it again AR I watch out clar okay that was that was actually a bit too close to you kill Clarence it will be

The end of your days prepare to die no no be the end of your days I will churn you so is that’s such a specific [Laughter] threat the only thing that can FR me at this point is I’ll say she’s going to eat but on stream again do you not get what

Churning means it means making the butter no I know okay round and round inside oh at least it didn’t hit Clarence we’ll take it I didn’t spell PE right I’m so sorry oh it’s invalid now cuz you didn’t spell it right P what no spell it wrong again TW 2024 P

It’s okay I’ll just keep going keep going oh caught in 2K C for 202k oh oh traffic jam jammed not again somebody close gone I think the spirit of jam is with us does anyone have a bit of string so I can make enough a boat

There we go why do you need there it is a technical support well I’ve got I’ve got like 30 shots left I have a crossbow oh crossbow oh people get in the boat that was so threatening oh I have rather close I have the boat there oh no no it won’t

Let me play why am I getting pushed look at me I am the captain now ah there where did you get a bat I have one wait who just give me a crossbow oh I just threw it I didn’t know where it would go oh

Butters you know out of all of this I think Butters has lost twice yeah I don’t have food why don’t you have food do you have anything I um I have a stack in 12 goat blocks you guys got to try some cauldrons they’re delicious cauldrons are I had two cauldrons actually that’s

Right I had two cauldrons e the cauld oh is you’ve lost three times oh the carrot the carrot get a carrot oh I picked it up ready go get the carrot what the hell go get it I’m going to chase the carrot chase the carrot G

Pang there you go I will eat it oh wa what the hell delicious so delicious why are the why does the boats feel faster when they’re empty they get a little more yeah it’s not I’m not trying trust is it just me and Clarance fighting boat a boat’s out it’s get it’s

Getting a bit ridiculous honestly are they growing yes the sword is I know that is oh my goodness gracious you shall not pass I passed anyways hacking just call it out I’m hacking how did get how did that happen I have no idea all right Clarence

Wins yay CL and B and B bow he’s right there no Technic techically I did lose when Clarence lost I’m just trying to protect him CL got hit earlier Clarence wins yeah you go I’m loving this this is built this good on you this is this is beautiful

Speci I never knew you could still make an the goat will watch the goat shall judge this is wonderful I love the screaming shoot oh oh it didn’t work they all scream what happened oh no they only go one direction oh that baby blame the texture

Maker oh you have like The Arrow is like lodged in between your shoulder and your head so it’s like going through your it’s G it went through your shoulder just a flesh off I wouldn’t uh oh it’s gone oh CL is out hey look guys

I’m fine the goose is loose goose is the goose is loose clar it’s okayu I’m just got to push his boat towards it okay there go y there’s the buddy I think Clarance is blind not going to lie I might have shot another arrow up and it might have no

More shooting arrows Clarence has gotten out one too many times many he’s just a child just a child he’s just a boy he’s just a boy he protect him Butters let me show you where to go for the the the wings are we going yeah we going well thank you for

Visiting cam 64 I hope you enjoyed your time leave a positive yel you tip your waiter I’m I’m right why are we tipping waiters is there a restaurant uh oh I I’ve beened about 50 blocks that way oh are you you you in the rainbow or you with Gertie G

Okay yes so you’re just have 32 Sandstone blocks that’s my that’s my tip right but come here thank you I was actually collecting Sandstone earlier well then have more because ier from making the AR so if you need that’s a great question there we go this way all right let’s play again forward

Good luck sorry I had to check my map down I had to check my map no yes oh there’s iron down there that’s nice that’s is that a bee who left the bee oh they randomly spawn I never understood why they always appear um well they like to pathf find weirdly

There’s two bees do you see the other be was that I don’t see that was that was there is another be by the boat I’m blind I see by the boat okay here’s what we’re going to do hold on hold on one second to the P oh oh no

Come here oh the admin has become admin there we go I think I might have figured out how I got all these arrows now I wonder how I wonder is it ridable yeah it is get on it go over it come here I got a flower

I’m stuck in the boat I’m stuck in the boat I know it’s weird hold on let’s go a little lower come here be not that low you’re going to die in the water dude come here come on right click on it there you go here we

Go uh no that’s why I have to hold the flower bowel let’s get the other be come on this way no Butters off a FL it won’t work like that we’ve tried it’s a little borked come on what happened oh it was paying attention to

You oh so it was kind of working yeah it was kind of working it just didn’t go forward all right there you go perfect now let’s get the other one grab another saddle we’re just taking a slide detour a slide it’s fun fun detour though how do you see the other how far

Your chunks oh behind us it’s okay you go up hold on let me get this one there you go you get it there you go right let’s go back Butters it’s dipping me in the water is it interesting my feet are wet here we go perfect good job guys

When do we get a flower on a stick it doesn’t work we’ve tried it it doesn’t work the data Pack’s too old they didn’t update it sucks I know but at least this works that confused the bees don’t want to drown him yeah no drowning can you pull them off why you

Fishing me why you fishing me come on bees let’s go a little high why you fishing my be J have you ever SP B oh you guys are in the same this is a horor this is this is hold on this is I am I I don’t know if I

Want to be this close to you at the moment I don’t think I want to be this place oh why are you levitating him he’s on a be jam he left oh oh yeah no it’s cuz of the the the the Frog oh yeah the Frog that’s right SL by CL oh no

I know Clarence really wanted to go after him we’re almost there yeah this way come on bees let’s go I love the fishing rod it looks like you guys are like holding a rope that’s why I did it it’s so cute we got this um I mean if if bees can keep themselves

Up come here good job come here come here come here you’re right the Frog does levitate itself Jim I’m sorry I’m sorry how could I be so silly it doesn’t happen too often though like it happened the first time after like having this frog for days wait does it only work when

Jams no it does work without him no it’s happened before when Jam’s been offline but yeah but it mainly works when he’s onl I don’t know I haven’t been online enough to test have to ask everyone else I need to more active that mean yeah that would work be more active Oh

Shot who did you hit the be or him it I don’t know I didn’t take damage oh no it must have been a be no it was B oh I didn’t take damage I’m hitting you with my face oh weak I can see it go down a bit

That’s what the statement is Butters is he lost me he lost me ah come here come here come here come here silly little bees I’ve got to break my fishing Bo I’ll give you a new one oh no hoay don’t worry about it don’t worry about it we’re going up we’re going

Up what are those ores on the wall ores carrot oh it’s a carrot oh yeah carrots you laugh me again how do you keep oh my oh oh that one worked really well hey come back here what the heck what the heck oh no no no you lost me I

Know I know we lost B we lost B hold on it’s like try to keep track of children a little bit a little bit it’s okay we’ll get there I need to get the bee not not the person we’re so close you’re too close oh oh I heard that I’ll get

Another one when we land all right up up I can’t fling bows while we were testing this I took Jam all the way up so so high that he couldn’t see anything luckily for me I have a 100 plus render distance that’s an B come here good be that that’s so

Cool I didn’t know they could spawn on this um it’s just cuz of the data pack I can see the volcano from here just make sure when we’re over get even crazier looks terrifying your skins keep glitching if I jump right here if you die then you might go back to channel 64

I me where we’re over the water oh then you’ll be fine I thought we were on the ground almost oh my is this Jam’s house yeah it’s a spawn house on come on is is that just all item frames made P yes that’s great it’s like five pieces

Or something see I imagine if we could do that in Minecraft without having to do Custom SE wouldn’t that be interesting it would be amazing I mean even like mods can’t really do that not perfectly and down there that spawn where you would spawn crazy I remember I

I have been there before Oh my crazy all right we’re almost there is it perhaps that massive torch what torch I know it looks like a torch it’s a castle it’s like a little castle thing the bees are glitching again come on which be is

Who I don’t know which be is mine we’re so close there’s B1 and B2 if you want to just jump in the water you can get to the little island I’m tempted to jump over the island if you can yeah I have a water bucket I might I I

Could clutch it you could if you wanted to if you die I’ll TP you right back we are beginning our Des oh oh and thank you for riding the be beautiful IIs B Airline said slabs that’s time in the water nailed it it would have been all right if there wasn’t a slab I know slab’s got to mess it all up all right read this sentence yeah and set your spawn oh I should have just tried to set

My spawn off the start oh yeah you could have tried that that would have been fun be free my bees be free where where did the saddle come from I got it in creative mode cre ah so totally legal yeah it’s very legal just like these arrows uh-huh mhm

Very legal do you know many things have been brought in don’t worry about it it’s a fever dream speaking speaking of things that could potentially be eye on this h two conversations happening right now oh yeah Butters what butter I need an ore from you need what type of ore it doesn’t

Matter I just need an or yellow one where’s the red thank you very much you’re welcome I the quest what do I do now still purple press this is it oh wait no he did the quest oh I do have free cam Oh Why didn’t it take jamy oh

No should I click it again you can try see if it works oh that worked there we go that should do it that should do it that uh Butters finally got there I think maybe we just had to like leave the area and only one person could get teleported or something

Maybe I don’t know dog is freaking out I want to wait until Butters is done with it hello I need food though go back over here hello hello I’m going to get some food quick um bone meal ah a little bit of food thank you just a

Smidge since the Tex made me lose all my food ooh Subspace bubble GG that was some damn good tacos very good hello Jam there you go waiting for Butters waiting for Butters I love these candles though they so good I wish when I pressed F1 that would go

Away I got to get like up now that is a uh a view and a half B was what what was killed yeah exactly what what I have no idea oh oh the next level Target isn’t working uhoh uhoh this is why I’m glad that right now I’m scared to go

Look oh so bowel went first oh that’s what happened oh I see I see but the bricks it could be worse it could be worse it could be brown mushroom block looking at this with the armor stands like watch uh you did the thing yay now I need to get firor you

Need to get what fireworks fireworks you want you want to know a secret maybe have that oh now here’s a secret okay upside down they are they are uh if you want more you can go to let me type it in chat they don’t work backwards right no they don’t no they don’t

Look you go there fly there real quick there will be a store you can either buy some or if you read the signs make sure you read the signs if you say in chat all hail King of the North you can take a stack for free or whatever it says on

The signs but yeah go there how much is it TCH buy I don’t remember you’ll have to go check but it’s like a stack a day for free oh okay so if I just I should lost man mhm oh tell you make your own but no go there first to read

It they grow up so fast oh my goodness this is oh my God tracking oh dragon I’m just following Butters to see if Butters sees it I can’t wake up I’m allergic that’s funny there it is I wonder if Butters is going to see it all is fine his Butter’s not going to

Notice no there it goes me stop that recording come on come on come on come on come on come on come come come on come come on rebooting it’s still rebooting waiting for it to figure out oh there we go just so small huh my God this is insanity

Crazy crazy Butters hasn’t gotten back on yet the flying with tiny wings is so cute I’m sorry no no it’s fine I’m looking at bottle a feel like a bumblebee yeah it does feel like a bumblebee I don’t okay okay there and we just go over the

Mountain and we’re here oh nice this is these are very pretty trees oh I love this cool thank you but uh this is this is just all the outside stuff so this is where I’m keeping the Farms currently and my storage until I move it downstairs but I have uh my

SPS hi Dad and G welcome in what on Earth is Jam doing so many Invisibles Bow’s back here oh jam is making another house where are we oh over here okay that makes sense that makes sense back to Butters where is oh that’s that’s a cool biome hello there we go

Beautiful I’d move in there ah yeah that checks out yeah Butters get over there get over there Butters four places oh Mountain yeah Mountain I forgot about Mountain Butter’s figured it out one Diamond has stacked you have one stay in chat say it say it just save the [Laughter] thing over here over

Here and over here oh it’s gunpow scared me I saw you in spectator and I thought you might be watching me but I was sure hooray well I I I live very far from the north anyway so it be fine it’ll be fine cuz it’s great now I fly back mhm there

There yeah I just made like a little uh agenda like we talk about this now then this then this oh all the colors yeah hey we’re not joking about the colors is this rainbow it is Rainbow yeah we do you trying what are you trying to build

I don’t know oh yeah it’s right this is looking up so nice though they’ve been doing such a great job BMA over in here oh that’s a big tree Ren of course Bowa oh he’s over here too loky damn with the pit what is happening that was weird he just floated

For a hot second oh I’m not getting the world to load oh that checks out about it or just in general first and that I see yeah this this would have given you a lot of sandstone yep and mud bricks and terracotta uh I wonder if he’s doing an outro for he

Knows but one of the two one of the two well met B well well meant you are filming an outro that’s what I thought it looked like it hey that’s why I didn’t hop in creative mode and scare you or anything I had a feeling it’s like I

Know you don’t oy me me when I don’t live in the North hello where are we oh this is new Hello Dragon must have done this oh my God Dragon Pizza Moon some more hi Dragon definitely I didn’t even know that Dragon did tunnel but of course he

Did that’s what dragon does best that checks out all these tunnels oh he logged out and logged back in must have been a relog real quick I don’t think much more has gotten done with tunnels though yeah I don’t think so over here back here right there we go let’s just go back

Through here real quick I am filming an outro iron orange so me Dron I will outro you oh my go you will outro me okay what does that entail toodle pip I okay Captain pineapple I am not Captain pineapple I beg to differ with that

Accent I am jamot oh what was that what do that’s the thing you were talking about that it does the screaming face oh oh I didn’t see that until just just now oh anyways uh that’ll be a clip in two 3 months thank you for participating oh

This is have you never seen a face that does that no faces do that what is this hole why is this hole uh what about down here oh there’s a oh there’s a spider in there there’s a spider in there there’s a spider in there why don’t they light up their house

Oh oh god oh there’s a baby the baby the baby the baby no thank you the baby literally dropped this stupid did I pick it up I picked it up thank God that was so big for what reason for what reason spider is still in here got clear out the spiders what else

Is up here oh thank you this house is dangerous whoever lives here I love it it’s very pretty but it’s very dangerous and let’s swap this out real quick and I need to get food before I die starvation I cannot believe that ttic made me had to drop all my food

That was so not fun but okay okay but okay it is what it is oh I should actually look in the chest to see if there’s actual already ready that would be smart Cs on oh yeah cursed vines that is still normal that is normal that is

Seeds I have anything in here I just have a bunch of stuff good okay so I do need food some food real quick and I’m probably probably going to have to uh stop stuff to edit I’ve just been procrastinating those Iron Golems are so loud oh I could have gone into omel

Let’s house and actually like made gotten bread from himot about that that’s fine though that over here I didn’t want to do hay bales why did I do hay bales red thank you my bad throw that in there Perfect all right now the question is who do we raid out

To let’s just go right here yes classic F5 mode while I go look let’s see do I hear no I hear a noise oh I hear someone hi BMA oh hi I I was about I’m about to end my stream that’s why I was like where am I I’m still oh

Wait you’re ending your stream and I’m still streaming oh are you on YouTube right oh my yeah YouTube and twitch both YouTube and twitch is freaking out hold on you should do should do a raid for me especially because it’s my birthday I’m trying to get my computer to work

Hold on hold on all right it’s freaking out hold on U there it is there that’s YouTube and then over here there we go perfect okay yeah go right out say happy birthday anyone in chat uh I need to write actual message like that yeah oh here comes the ra

Guys that start that go here do that that message is there that’s perfect all right do it ready ready Wy ready three four two I can stop my recording go and go yes

This video, titled ‘VOD ~ I HAVE A FEVER STILL!!!!! ~ Fever Dream 2 #ad #hellofreshpartner’, was uploaded by iondis on 2024-01-15 13:53:21. It has garnered 71 views and 14 likes. The duration of the video is 01:56:07 or 6967 seconds.

Hosted by MC Collab Station: Which is a platform for Minecraft Content Creators to network, grow, and collaborate together! If you’re a Minecraft Content Creator, of any size, come join our Discord! (The whitelist for Fever Dream is now closed.)


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  • SECRET Minecraft Server – Join Our Elite Team Now 👾

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  • Unbelievable! How I turned into a mermaid named Gracie

    Unbelievable! How I turned into a mermaid named GracieVideo Information This video, titled ‘The SECRET Way I BECAME a Mermaid!’, was uploaded by Gracie on 2024-03-10 16:00:35. It has garnered 2419 views and 48 likes. The duration of the video is 01:46:09 or 6369 seconds. The SECRET Way I BECAME a Mermaid! Gracie, Jamesy, Louie and Sophie are playing Minecraft. Follow Jamesy! – https://www.youtube.com/@JamesyMCYT?sub_confirmation=1 Follow Our Roblox Channel! – https://www.youtube.com/@JamesyGracie?sub_confirmation=1 Follow Louie’s Channel! – https://www.youtube.com/@LouieMC?sub_confirmation=1 Gracie is Jamesy’s Girlfriend. Its spelled Gracie, not Gracey or Grace Z. #Minecraft #MinecraftMod #Jamesy #JamesyandGracie Read More

  • EPIC Bedwars Madness ft. Hardcore Survival!

    EPIC Bedwars Madness ft. Hardcore Survival!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Bedwars and Hardcore then bedwars again’, was uploaded by TeamUnderstone on 2024-05-24 21:37:11. It has garnered 188 views and 21 likes. The duration of the video is 06:06:02 or 21962 seconds. #minecraft #bedwars #hypixel am very bored and my internet is sort of stable so why not try to livestream again? also if you feel like damm this guy isent a complete moron and i might wanna watch him again then join the discord (idk dont really got a reason for people to join it) or just subscribe becouse that helps https://discord.gg/GQx66SfVNg Pc Specs… Read More

  • Unleash Ultimate Power in Life Steal SMP!

    Unleash Ultimate Power in Life Steal SMP!Video Information This video, titled ‘Becoming Overpowered In This Life steal Smp’, was uploaded by Fire_line gaming on 2024-03-26 02:48:04. It has garnered 276 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 01:31:47 or 5507 seconds. Hey folks! Watch me play Minecraft! Thank you for watching my Minecraft stream. And for all the support you are showing! 🔥, If you liked my stream, please like and subscribe. It motivates me a lot. 🙂 And share my channel with your game friends. 🙂 See you on my next stream!!!, #minecraft #livestream #gaming #games #gamingvideos #livetipsandtricks #mobilegames #minecraftlive #minecraftvideos #minecrafttipsandtricks… Read More

  • Unbelievable! ZEEL H GAMER dominates ALL games! 🔥🎮

    Unbelievable! ZEEL H GAMER dominates ALL games! 🔥🎮Video Information This video, titled ‘FREE FIRE MAX ATTITUDE VS ALL GAMES IMPOSSIBLE🍷#minecraft#freefire#pubg’, was uploaded by ZEEL H GAMER on 2024-03-24 14:32:04. It has garnered 5629 views and 260 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:21 or 21 seconds. Read More

  • ManaRush

    ManaRushManaMC is a Survival Multiplayer Server where killing your enemies will grant you 10 Mana, but be aware for others, because upon death you lose 10 Mana as well. This Mana can be used to purchase perks and upgraded items from the special Mana Shop, and provides a large competition to outperform your opponents. Manamc.net Read More

  • HomiezClub SMP Vanilla Whitelist Java

    HomiezClub SMP HomiezClub SMP Homiezclub is a 100% vanilla survival server focused on collaborating to help each other achieve our Minecraft survival dreams. From building, to adventuring, to redstoning we do it all. There is room for just about any playstyle on our server and we love to hear new ideas. Key Features: 3 years old Awesome people and builds Whitelisted server Java and Bedrock compatible Server Information: Whitelisted for exclusive experience No required mods, but recommended modpack available Reset end cities with major updates We strive to provide the best collaborative, chill vanilla survival experience! Java 1.20.6, Bedrock Allowed… Read More

  • Minesory!

    Minesory!Welcome to Minesory – Your Ultimate Minecraft Adventure Awaits!Dive into the enchanting world of Minesory, where your imagination knows no bounds! Whether you’re a seasoned builder, an adventurous explorer, or a redstone engineer, Minesory offers an unparalleled Minecraft experience for players of all ages and skill levels.🌍 Why Minesory?At Minesory, we believe in creating a vibrant, inclusive, and fun environment for all Minecraft enthusiasts. Our dedicated staff team works tirelessly to ensure the server runs smoothly, and our community-driven approach means your feedback and ideas are always valued.Join Us Today!Are you ready to embark on an unforgettable journey? Join Minesory… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Real crafty creeper tactics

    Wow, this meme is scoring higher than my grades in high school! Read More

  • Guard Your Realm: Vulcan Anticheat Tips | Minecraft 1.8-1.20 Hindi Tutorial

    Guard Your Realm: Vulcan Anticheat Tips | Minecraft 1.8-1.20 Hindi Tutorial In the world of Minecraft, where blocks reign supreme, Vulcan plugin is the key to keep your server clean. Protecting from hackers, with cheats they deploy, Vulcan stands strong, like a shield of alloy. Roiz Gaming, the master of Minecraft lore, Shares tips and tricks, to keep your server secure. Join the channel, for perks and more, And dive into the world of Minecraft galore. From KillAura to Vape, the cheats they try, But with Vulcan plugin, they can’t fly high. Stay vigilant, keep your server tight, With Roiz Gaming, your future is bright. So craft your world, with… Read More

  • Minecraft Battle of the Sexes: Boys vs Girls! #lit #minecraft #memes

    Minecraft Battle of the Sexes: Boys vs Girls! #lit #minecraft #memes “Girls in Minecraft: spends hours building a beautiful house with intricate details. Boys in Minecraft: digs straight down and somehow finds diamonds within 5 minutes.” Read More

  • CSGO甩手舞 ft. 方块人

    CSGO甩手舞 ft. 方块人 Minecraft: Exploring the World of Blocky Adventures Embark on a journey through the pixelated universe of Minecraft, where creativity knows no bounds and adventures await at every turn. Dive into the world of blocks, monsters, and endless possibilities as you explore the vast landscapes and build your own unique creations. Meet Blocky Xuan: The Mastermind Behind Minecraft Shenanigans Blocky Xuan, the creative genius behind a myriad of Minecraft animations, brings humor and joy to players worldwide. With a knack for storytelling and a passion for spreading happiness, Blocky Xuan’s animations are a must-watch for any Minecraft enthusiast. Discover Blocky… Read More

  • Join Minewind Minecraft Server for Thrilling Survival Adventures!

    Join Minewind Minecraft Server for Thrilling Survival Adventures! Welcome to NewsMinecraft.com, where we bring you the latest and greatest in the world of Minecraft! Today, we want to talk to you about the thrilling experience of surviving a whole night in a scary house in Minecraft. While this may not be directly related to Minewind server, it does highlight the excitement and challenge that Minecraft can offer. If you’re someone who enjoys pushing your limits and testing your survival skills in Minecraft, then you need to join a server that can provide you with the ultimate gaming experience. That’s where Minewind comes in. Minewind is a vibrant… Read More

  • BoraLo’s Sneaky Minecraft Mod Pack V3

    BoraLo's Sneaky Minecraft Mod Pack V3 BoraLo CODE-MAN Mod Paketi – Minecraft BoraLo MOD V3 Merhaba RSmoody ailesi! Bugün sizlere çoğu kişinin istediği BoraLo CODE-MAN mod paketini sunuyoruz. Eğer bu küçük minnak YouTube kanalını büyütmek istiyorsanız ABONE OLUN!! MODU ALMAK İÇİN DİSCORDA GELİP ABONE OLUP BİLDİRİMLERİ AÇTIĞINIZA DAİR SS ATMALISINIZ. Discord : https://discord.gg/jcxk5rqfxX Reklam iletişim vs; [email protected] Key Features of BoraLo CODE-MAN Mod Paketi BoraLo CODE-MAN mod paketi Minecraft oyuncuları arasında oldukça popülerdir. Bu mod paketi, oyuna yeni özellikler ekler ve oyun deneyimini geliştirir. İşte bu mod paketinin bazı öne çıkan özellikleri: BoraLo Codeman Mod BoraLo Codeman modu, oyuna yeni bir soluk getirir. Yeni eşyalar,… Read More

  • Unbelievable Secrets of Minecraft Bedwars 😱🔥

    Unbelievable Secrets of Minecraft Bedwars 😱🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘💀 #minecraft #memes #tutorial #gaming #art #trollface #beauty #roblox #bedwars #funny #kayi’, was uploaded by Saitani Gamer on 2024-05-12 15:49:39. It has garnered 511 views and 11 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:14 or 14 seconds. Minecraft Minecraft gameplay Minecraft survival Minecraft building Minecraft tutorial Minecraft mods Minecraft let’s play Minecraft adventures Minecraft crafting Minecraft Redstone Minecraft farm Minecraft house Minecraft mining Minecraft PvP Minecraft mobs Minecraft farm design Minecraft exploration Minecraft resource gathering Minecraft village Minecraft biomes Minecraft seeds Minecraft world generation Minecraft caves Minecraft enchanting Minecraft Nether Minecraft End Minecraft Ender… Read More