Hermitcraft 9: Episode 42 – MY MINECRAFT BROKE

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[sniffs] Yeah, do you smell that fresh Minecraft air? That’s right, I’m back and there’s a lovely surprise for me. Immediately. Mumbo? Now I’ve been away on holiday. I basically dropped an enormous chicken machine and ran for France but not even France could protect me from Doc.

So, it looks like he’s returned the favour. There’s a lot of chickens here. Weird. Ah. Yeah, Mumbo might be wanting an explanation. Any- Any ideas about this? [MUMBO] Is this your first time realising that your whole base is covered in chickens? [GRIAN] I’ve been hiding in France. I poked Doc

And then I ran to France. [MUMBO] Yeah, your base has been very full of chickens for the past few days. [GRIAN] That’s okay, I like it looking like this. [MUMBO] [laughs] I mean, I thought this was something that you’ve just added. Like you know, I’m never sure.

[GRIAN] No, I’m with my family. [MUMBO] About that poking Doc thing. Can we just like come this way quickly? I think we need to talk about something. [GRIAN] You got my sign, right? You saw the sign? The sign explained everything. [MUMBO] Yeah well I did, I mean it explained-

You know, it explained your emotions I guess at the moment that it happened. I’m kind of curious… So what has happened here? Is this- [GRIAN] I physically cannot explain how it happened but all I did was kill a zombie and then it blew up. That’s genuinely how that went down

And then- I don’t know if Doc was expecting me to to fix this but this is where- This is what I was left with here. I don’t know how to fix this! You know what? I’m off to France again. [GRIAN] I can’t. [MUMBO laughs] [MUMBO] Well, I mean that’s fine

Like the vault door is fine but can you explain the other stuff that blew up? [GRIAN] What other stuff? [GRIAN] What else blew up? [MUMBO] The other stuff! [MUMBO] It’s quite big to be honest with you, dude. Like, the vault door is kind of okay but I mean, I wouldn’t mind

Like a brief explanation of this area back here. [MUMBO] Yeah I mean… [GRIAN gasps] [MUMBO] I mean, the entirety of my base is gone. [laughs] [GRIAN] That wasn’t me! [MUMBO laughs] I mean… Are you sure it wasn’t rigged up at the same time? [GRIAN] Er…

[MUMBO laughs] It’s all gone when I logged in. [GRIAN] Did he? [MUMBO] And it was just gone. [GRIAN] Ah- Oh my- Oh my! And he left the farm. [MUMBO] Yeah that’s pretty- Doc’s pretty precise, I guess. So I guess he’s pretty good at that. [GRIAN] When I killed the mob,

I did kind of like run the other direction but I- I only saw the explosion of the- Dude! [MUMBO] Yeah, I expected kind of more of a sign to be honest with you. [BOTH laugh] [GRIAN] I expected more than a sign to explain this. [MUMBO laughs] [GRIAN] Ehm…

Have you got a flint and steel at all? Right well, I’m gonna relinquish this. [GRIAN] This is not best friend behaviour. [MUMBO] Ah no! AH! GRIAN! [GRIAN] It’s not best friend behaviour. [MUMBO] GRIAN! [GRIAN] It’s not best friend behaviour. I didn’t even know about this.

[MUMBO] I feel bad now, I feel bad, Grian. [MUMBO] I feel really bad now. [GRIAN] What? [MUMBO] I was joking, I blew up my own base. [GRIAN] Why would you do that?! [MUMBO laughs] Oh Grian! [GRIAN] I had the crown Mumbo! [MUMBO laughs] I wasn’t expecting you to react like that!

[GRIAN] I felt awful! [MUMBO] Do I have to take off my crown now? [GRIAN] I felt really awful I didn’t even know! [MUMBO] You can have my crown. You can have it if you want it! It’s a worse crown. [GRIAN] This is a tier 3 friend, Mumbo. [MUMBO laughs] I know.

[GRIAN] I already have a tier 3 friend- Oh. [MUMBO] You’re back. [GRIAN] I was so upset that I crashed the game. [MUMBO] [laughs] Wait did you- [GRIAN] I just crashed, I just like instantly crashed. [BOTH laugh] [GRIAN] It was like it manifested my mind like my mind was like stalling and crashing

And so it decided that Minecraft couldn’t handle it either. You did this! I thought I was going crazy! Because I swear I saw it! But I went on holiday and I just forgot- Oh my… Why did you do this? [MUMBO] I mean, there was two reasons.

Number one is I wasn’t like the biggest fan of my base. I had made it just a bit too small. Number two: I was so curious to see if I could pay a Hermit to blow up someone’s base without them knowing that I don’t like it. And Scar did it.

Scar actually did it- He said yes before I mentioned the diamonds. [GRIAN] So you got free demolition services? [MUMBO] Well no because he still took the diamonds. [GRIAN] I’m surprised you didn’t ask- I mean, I would’ve done it for free. [MUMBO] Yeah that- See

My plan was I wanted to ask people that it would be like a moral dilemma and that’s why I wouldn’t ask you. [GRIAN laughs] You knew what I was gonna say. [MUMBO] [laughs] Yeah. But Scar was a surprise. [GRIAN] You know, that’s- That’s a big relieve and I’ll be honest with you,

That crown wasn’t earned by me, I got it from Doc in that whole thing. All of it felt wrong. All of it felt wrong. And if I was responsible for blowing this up then I definitely don’t want the best friend crown. [MUMBO] Right okay okay.

Does this mean I get my crown back or are you keeping that one? [GRIAN] I’ve already got a tier 3 crown. They’re not worth much, Mumbo. It’s the best friend crown that’s important. Well I think that was the only one. That I’ve seen. So that- Okay, something about your base is crashing me.

[MUMBO] Something about my base? [GRIAN] Yeah so every time- Let me test, let me test. So if I go over here- [MUMBO] Is this like a new weapon created by Doc? [GRIAN] You know that this wasn’t me right? You know that I left the sign but you know it wasn’t me.

[MUMBO] Well yeah, I know that- Yeah because I looked underneath and there was bunch of diamond ore with redstone and that’s like Doc’s calling card. [GRIAN] And did Doc tell you he was gonna do this? [MUMBO] No. [GRIAN] He didn’t tell you that he was gonna blow- [MUMBO] It’s the funniest thing.

[GRIAN] If he had done this out of not diamond ore he could’ve you know, said it wasn’t him but there’s just no way. It’s like he signed this “Doc was here”. [MUMBO] Yeah yeah, literally. [GRIAN] See, I feel like this is probable cause for you to

Blame Doc and I’ve been having some issues with Doc, Scar’s been having some issues with Doc. I mean, I can just write your name down in this book of people that might be upset. You know. I’ll make a book. Yeah, a little upset book. [MUMBO] I mean, I’m mildly upset.

I would describe myself as “mildly” to- I mean what’s past mildly? Is there anything past mildly? [GRIAN] Miffed. [MUMBO] I don’t know what comes after mildly. [MUMBO] Miffed! I’m miffed upset. [GRIAN laughs] [BOTH laugh] [MUMBO] I’m absolutely miffed upset. [GRIAN] So we’ll get together with Scar

And maybe we’ll be a little upset together. Mildly miffed. [MUMBO] We’ll be mildly miffed together. Do we need to like- Do we need to come up with an animal? [GRIAN] Yeah we need an animal. [MUMBO] We can talk about that. [MUMBO] That’s something that we can talk about-

[GRIAN] For now, I just put your name down in the book. [MUMBO] Yeah, you don’t need to go that far just yet. Alright, this is exciting and I’m also slightly nervous and terrified. [GRIAN] Noo. Starting a fight with Doc is never, never been a problem.

You’re probably gonna lose more than a door. [BOTH laugh] [GRIAN] There’s quite a few more chickens than I anticipated and it may not look like that much until you look down. I don’t even know how he got them here. Did he- Did he bring these ones or did he just spawn new ones?

Anyway, I found a technique that feels highly unethical. This is like the cruelest thing. Look. Aw… Because it- Ah I’m so sorry. Okay, let’s do the big ones. Oh look, there’s the clicking. Oohhhh my goodness. Oh my goodness. Oh this is- This is gonna be so bad. [lots of dying chickens noises]

Oh my- Well, at least it’s repairing my stuff. I am surrounded by shame. [gasps] Oh my goodness. They’ve spread everywhere. They’re all under the base. They’re all everywhere! I mean the future- Okay, I’m kind of getting a taste of my own medicine now. There’s no way there’s nearly as many

As I put in Doc’s base. I mean, as the man in the chicken costume put in Doc’s base. But you know, this technique is pretty effective. It’s not gonna take me too long to clear these out. This is a chest that our feathered friends should never see. Wait wait wait wait wait.

You can- You can write on the back of signs?! [MUMBO] Yeah no I literally- So this just happened. This has happened. I was walking up my stairs and then I clicked and just put an “S” there and I was like “Have I written off like Grian’s sign?” and then I realised-

I was like “Hang on a minute!”. [GRIAN] I wasn’t actually just reading that. [laughs] [SCAR laughs] [MUMBO] Guys, leave my sign alone! [SCAR] That was really fun. [MUMBO] What did it ever do to you? [SCAR] It’s done everything. [GRIAN laughs] [SCAR] Oh no, Grian’s in! Grian’s in! [MUMBO] Ah! Leave it be!

Leave it be! I will not take this vandalism. [GRIAN] This is graffiti of the highest order. Wait you can write on the happy face, unhappy face back of signs now sub to Grian. [MUMBO] We’ve discussed this at length. [GRIAN] We’re all here because we poked the goat and the goat poked back

And we wanna poke back again. The only one that’s kind of innocent here is Mumbo who just got his front door blown off for no reason so he’s the real victim here. [MUMBO] I am! Now my sign’s been vandalised but I’m willing to let that pass

Because I feel like the two people I’m about to go into an alliance with were the people that vandalised my sign! [SCAR] Wait, there’s an alliance? [GRIAN] Oh yeah yeah. [SCAR] I might have missed something when I was yawning. [SCAR] Take down the goat? [GRIAN] Yeah, remember those chickens we-

[GRIAN] Well, some of them made their way back to my base somehow and… [MUMBO] I’m a vegetarian. This is awful! [GRIAN laughs] [MUMBO] I mean, I have no clue. All I know is that my door’s been blown off. That’s all I know. [GRIAN] Well anyway, the perimeter poses quite a threat.

Shall we go and investigate? [MUMBO] Yeah so what is the- Okay look, I feel like we need to like maybe recap a little bit here so. My door gets blown off. I don’t understand how that happened but it turns out, Grian exploded it but it was Doc’s fault.

[GRIAN] It was Doc’s fault and Scar got a load of wither skulls in his base. We’ve been banned from the perimeter, I’ve got a load of chickens and he broke both our portals. [MUMBO] Yeah, so that’s a lot. [SCAR] Wait, he broke your portal? [GRIAN] I was okay just

I was vibing up until the point he messed with your door via me like you don’t mess with the whole friendship thing, right? [MUMBO] No, no I agree there. I absolutely agree and so we’re- So we’ve all been wronged. [GRIAN] Yeah. How do you defeat a goat?

[SCAR] You push him off a cliff. [GRIAN] What’s the predator? They’re notoriously good at staying on cliffs. [MUMBO] Yeah, that’s like their one thing, Scar. [GRIAN] That is like their one thing. [MUMBO] Scar you- You mentioned the one thing that they’re really good at. [GRIAN] They’re really good at standing on cliffs.

[MUMBO] Staying on cliffs, yeah. [SCAR] Fine! Just carry on! Carry on, I’ll just listen to you guys. It’s fine. [MUMBO] I mean like eagles? Eagles are pretty responsible for- for killing goats I think. [SCAR] We poison his grass [MUMBO] Yeah we could poison, poison. [GRIAN] Poison? Let me check.

[MUMBO] Is there anything that is poisonous for a goat? [GRIAN] Plants… Poisonous… [MUMBO laughs] [GRIAN] How many people look this up? You know the little yellow flowers? Buttercup? [MUMBO] Yeah, you’re stood right next to one. [GRIAN] They are- [laughs] They are poisonous to goats. [MUMBO] So we could be the buttercups?

[GRIAN] [laughs] We can be the buttercups if you want. [MUMBO] That sounds like a- [laughs] That sounds like a 60’s psychedelic band. [GRIAN] It’s definitely like the the least threatening plant on this list. It’s like a beautiful little yellow flower and so I’m happy to be a buttercup.

[MUMBO] I’m happy to be a buttercup. [GRIAN] And take down the goat. [SCAR] I’m so excited to be a buttercup. [GRIAN laughs] [MUMBO] I want to be a buttercup. [MUMBO] We’re a bunch of buttercups over here. [GRIAN] Yeah, little group of buttercups. [MUMBO] Little group of buttercups. [SCAR] Who’s a cute little buttercup?

[gasps] Wow! Is that a buttercup? [GRIAN] It’s not quite a buttercup but it’s yellow. It looks poisonous. And and and and we can always greet each other by saying What’s up, buttercup? [ALL laugh] [MUMBO] Yeah! [MUMBO] Yes! [SCAR] ♫ What- what- what’s up buttercup ♫

[GRIAN] Okay, we’re definitely setting up camp here. Mm yeah let’s just set up camp here, I think we’ve had- this is the best meeting ever. We’ve formed a group, we’ve come up with a name, like what else do you expect? Like this is how meetings go. [MUMBO] Yeah.

[SCAR] This is the most efficient meeting I’ve ever been apart of. [MUMBO] Yeah yeah. I mean, yeah. [SCAR] Excited to call everyone buttercup? [GRIAN] I mean, that’s the most exciting thing about this. [MUMBO] Can we get outfits? Can we get nice like floral like 1960’s outfits with bandanas and things?

[GRIAN] I’m just thinking, I’m just thinking. What does it look like- What does it look like if we have just some eyes peering over the top into the perimeter? [MUMBO] I mean, yeah that’s quite a cool idea. [GRIAN] Just so he knows. [SCAR] I like this.

[GRIAN] Just so he knows that we’re watching. [SCAR] This one is one block taller. [MUMBO] It’s fine. It’s fine. [GRIAN] It happened again. [MUMBO] I know, I could see. I think it’s to do with falling sand, you know. [GRIAN] Could be. [MUMBO] Look.

[GRIAN] No no, I’m glad I decided to make this out of falling sand. [SCAR & MUMBO laugh] [MUMBO] Now if you’re saying something annoying, I can just- [GRIAN] No! No! [MUMBO] Okay. [GRIAN] This is an incredible power you have been gifted and I urge you-

I urge you to use it well. [MUMBO laughs] [GRIAN] I cannot figure out- I can’t figure out why this is happening but it is happening, falling sand crashes- Noo! Do you have any idea how long it takes to get Minecraft loaded? [MUMBO] Okay, do not worry.

I’ve told him that we can’t do it. We did- I just said, we can have like a top tier level strat here because if you’re ever in danger, we can just drop a piece of sand and you can just be like whooop! [GRIAN] You have no idea how annoying it is.

Scar, I see it in your hand. [MUMBO] No he’s- Yeah. Watch yourself Scar, otherwise… [SCAR] I put it away. [GRIAN] I mean, the other thing is if the conversation gets boring or if Scar starts yawning. I have a- No!! Alright buttercup. [SCAR] Grian, I gave away my shovel and the concrete powder.

[MUMBO] Yeah yeah yeah, it’s all been confiscated. Look, I know we said that we have had a very efficient meeting. I do feel like things have gone sideways. [GRIAN] Things definitely went south on this new discovery. [MUMBO] [laughs] Yes.

[GRIAN] I feel like now that we’ve got it out of our system, we can just let it sit, alright? Everyone has got their kryptonite. It turns out mine is falling sand. [MUMBO laughs] Anywhere in the local area if there’s a piece of falling sand. [GRIAN] I’m off.

[MUMBO] Your Minecraft is just like Oh! That’s a bit too much! [GRIAN] I wanna stress that before I went on holiday there was nothing wrong. I’ve come back from holiday, nothing’s changed except falling sand now hurts me. [MUMBO] [laughs] That is such an obscure bug. [GRIAN laughs]

[MUMBO] But it’s so funny. [SCAR] And you made it! This is like, you made these eyes and you literally can’t touch these now. [MUMBO] Yeah, these can’t be removed. You do realise as soon as Doc is removing these, you’re gonna crash. You’re gonna know when they’ve been removed. [GRIAN] It’s an early alarm.

Alright, shall we actually go and see what this looks like? [MUMBO] Can I just check something? Can I see how far- Can I just quickly check the range? [GRIAN laughs] [MUMBO] Can I just quickly see how far away- [GRIAN] It’s so annoying to crash!

[MUMBO] Please? Just once. [SCAR] It’s for science, buttercup. [GRIAN] Alright alright. [MUMBO] Please, buttercup, please. [GRIAN] Fine alright, buttercup. You go out of render distance for the first one. [SCAR] Oh no. [GRIAN] Nooo! That’s quite a range. [MUMBO laughs] I was just saying, we could set up a redstone clock with a piston

[MUMBO] and a piece of sand. [GRIAN laughs] Nooo! [GRIAN] I’d never get back on the server! [MUMBO] You’ve been soft kicked from the Hermitcraft server. [GRIAN] Guys guys guys, lets- Look, I’m gonna put on my disguise so that I can go back in the perimeter.

Let’s go and see what this looks like at least. [MUMBO] Okay okay. [GRIAN] If we can keep our sand in our pockets for like five minutes. Let’s see what this looks like. That’s- That’s pretty good. [MUMBO laughs] [SCAR] What is? [GRIAN] Do you see they eyes?

[MUMBO] Do you reckon it needs some eyebrows? [SCAR] Oh! [laughs] [GRIAN] It definitely needs some eyebrows. [MUMBO] And is that where we’re gonna set up the base as well? [GRIAN] Yeah, that’s where we’re gonna set up camp. That’s buttercamp. [MUMBO] Buttercamp, okay cool yeah.

[GRIAN] I’m gonna set up a little tent and a camp and this is gonna be where we live now. [MUMBO] What is that buttercup song? I’m trying to think what it is. [SCAR] We can make up a buttercup song. ♫ Oh butter, oh butter, oh butter you- ♫ [GRIAN laughs] You are abusing

[GRIAN] the power- [MUMBO] He’s not here, he’s not here. [GRIAN] Alright, that was easy. We’ve free flowed a few tents. Look at camp buttercup. [SCAR] Oh my gosh. Look at how beautiful they are. [GRIAN] It’s adorable. [MUMBO] It’s actually really cool. [GRIAN] If Doc takes this down,

He’s officially the bad guy in all of this. [MUMBO] Yeah. [SCAR laughs] [SCAR] You can’t stop a flower. [GRIAN] Oh and I’ve got something that finished this right off. Look at this. [MUMBO] It’s the Hotguy thing. No okay yeah. [GRIAN] It’s a sniffer egg.

[GRIAN] This- This beautiful creature. [SCAR] I’ve never seen one of these. [GRIAN] This will be our mascot? Our pet? Our weapon? [GRIAN] Whatever. [MUMBO] Our weapon? [MUMBO] Wait. [MUMBO] Is it- Okay, yeah I’m on board for it. [GRIAN] They’re pretty loud. [MUMBO] That is true actually, yeah they are really, really loud.

[GRIAN] Right, I’m gonna have a little look at your base. Mumbo’s lovely tent. [MUMBO] Don’t go inside! [GRIAN] Oh! [laughs] [SCAR] What’s in here? [MUMBO & GRIAN laugh] [SCAR] I’m gonna point out the floor makes this look like this is the toilet. [MUMBO & GRIAN laugh] [MUMBO] Look alright. Look.

You two, you guys are great builders and everything like that, you have no idea how much energy I spend. [GRIAN] Scar! Yours is so pretty in here. [MUMBO] Wow, this is lovely. [GRIAN] I’m gonna- oh. I can’t add petals in- [SCAR] Oh Grian, look at this. Look at the artwork, Mumbo.

Look at the artwork! [GRIAN] I wanna say that wasn’t me. [MUMBO] This is good, this is good. [MUMBO] I’m feeling a little bit inadequate here. I mean, look, you have no idea how embarrassed I was as I was building my tent. I’m kind of proud of how it came together.

[GRIAN] Everyone’s tent looks amazing. Everyone is a beautiful buttercup. I love this. This is the cutest campsite I’ve ever seen and we’ve even got a little board here for our notices and just three little buttercups minding their own business. [MUMBO] Yeah, that’s the only notice that we need. Currently anyway.

[SCAR] Very cute. [GRIAN] So yeah, I’m- We’ve achieved a lot today. We’ve build a little camp, we’ve- [MUMBO] Yeah, formed an alliance. [GRIAN] Formed an alliance. [MUMBO] Given ourselves a name and we’ve written on the back of some signs. [GRIAN] [chuckles] Yeah. [MUMBO] I’d say it is a job well done.

[GRIAN] It is a job well done. Buttercap? [MUMBO laughs] [GRIAN] Buttercap? [SCAR] What? [GRIAN] Buttercup. Oh this one says buttercup. Buttercup Scar’s tent. Buttercap Scar’s tent. [SCAR] Oh shoot. [GRIAN] Wait what? What did you do? What did you do? [SCAR] We’re making new rules.

This is a new rule here, Grian, on this sign. [GRIAN] No friendly fire in the camp. [laughing] [MUMBO] I’ll do some work on finessing this sign a little bit so it matches up a little bit better than the other ones but- [GRIAN] What does that mean? That means no dropping sand.

Why did I crash? What did you do? [MUMBO] Scar dropped some gravel because you pointed out his spelling mistake. [GRIAN] Right. [SCAR] I had it in my inventory. [GRIAN] No gravel, no sand, [GRIAN] no falling blocks [SCAR] You know what happens if you can’t make a rule? [GRIAN] No!

[MUMBO] It was a spelling mistake, alright? You don’t have to- [GRIAN] What’s the consequence for friendly fire? Because that was immediately friendly fire. [MUMBO] Yeah, he did do that immediately. [GRIAN] Yeah so we need some consequences here. This alliance is falling apart so quickly! [SCAR] You can push me into Doc’s hole.

[MUMBO] Yeah. [GRIAN] Yeah. [MUMBO] Or maybe- [SCAR] You can punch. [GRIAN] Good, wait is he? Is he just gonna- Oh. [MUMBO] We’re so bad at this. [SCAR] There we go. [MUMBO] Seriously. [MUMBO] How are you gonna get your stuff, dude? [GRIAN] Yeah, have you thought this through? [SCAR] Pfff…

Watch this, watch this, watch this. Oh no no no no! [MUMBO] I think he did it. [GRIAN] Yeah he did it. [MUMBO] We seem to be getting close. [GRIAN] Did you know that they called them baby sniff- Oh there we are! They’re called snifflets. [SCAR] Oh look how cute it is!

[MUMBO] It is very, very cute. [GRIAN] And now it’s even cuter! xX_GoAtEaTer_Xx [laughing] [GRIAN] Destroyer of goats. [MUMBO laughs] The noises it makes are horrendous. Well this has been a wondrously- This has just been chaotic. I would describe this as chaotic actually. I was gonna say efficient

And I was gonna say it has gone well. [GRIAN] Do you think that this is threatening? [MUMBO] Super threatening, yeah. I’m scared, I’m scared out of my wits. [GRIAN] You think Doc’s gonna be scared? [SCAR] Well, first of all this is gonna knock his socks off. Wasn’t expecting this.

He’s gonna come at the camp, he’s gonna look at this and then he’s gonna see Hotguy’s face and he’s like pff can’t mess with him. [GRIAN] And then he’s gonna see xX_GoAtEaTer_Xx and he’s gonna run. [SCAR] Yeah, he’s gonna run. [MUMBO] Definitely yeah. [SCAR] It’s gonna growl at him like [growls]

[GRIAN] Well, we’ve got ourselves a rather beautiful buttercup camp and… Oh oh oh oh. There we go! Phew! I almost got caught there. I also added each of our eyes in great accuracy so that we can keep an eye on what’s going on. From here it looks pretty good. It looks pretty good.

While I clean up the rest of these chickens, I’m just gonna do a quick reminder for my signed TCG card. There is a link in the description and the pre-sale ends at the end of July. So they won’t be available after then and remember, they ship in December 2023 or beyond.

I’m super excited to get my hands on the cards and I’ll probably do a livestream or something of the signing process. But for now, that is the end of the episode and I shall see you in the next one. And no, I haven’t figured out why falling sand is making me crash.

This video, titled ‘Hermitcraft 9: Episode 42 – MY MINECRAFT BROKE’, was uploaded by Grian on 2023-07-06 19:26:59. It has garnered 1325737 views and 85284 likes. The duration of the video is 00:24:03 or 1443 seconds.

Pre-Order your signed Grian TCG Card here: https://creocards.com/products/grian-collectors-edition

Hermitcraft 9: Episode 42 – MY MINECRAFT BROKE

TCG Disclaimer: The additional cost for the signed card is to help cover the cost of shipping the cards to hermits for signing and the cost to ship them back. It also covers the cost to have them manually sealed in the hard cases, no additional value is assigned to the signatures. #ad

Pre-orders close at the end of July 2023 and you can expect to have them in your hand in Winter 2023.

#minecraft #hermitcraft

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    Block Battle: Minecraft vs Roblox - The Ultimate Showdown! In the world of gaming, where choices abound, Minecraft and Roblox, which one will astound? Both have their merits, both have their charm, But which one will leave you feeling warm? Minecraft, a world of blocks and creation, Building and exploring, a gamer’s sensation. Roblox, a platform for games galore, With endless possibilities, always wanting more. So which is better, the question at hand, It all comes down to personal demand. Do you prefer building or playing with friends? Both games have something that never ends. In the end, it’s all about fun and delight, Choosing the game that… Read More

  • Soundcraft: Cube Xuan’s Location Quest!

    Soundcraft: Cube Xuan's Location Quest! In Minecraft, sound can guide your way, Listen closely, don’t go astray. Cube Xuan’s animations, funny and bright, Bringing joy and laughter, day and night. Fangkuaixuan, the creator of fun, Crafting MC animations, second to none. Avoiding harm, keeping it safe, For all the young gamers, in every place. Subscribe to the channel, don’t miss a beat, For daily doses of joy, oh so sweet. Minecraft facts, shared in rhyme, Keeping the community, in perfect time. Read More

  • Gray Hair & Tattoos: TikTok Shenanigans

    Gray Hair & Tattoos: TikTok Shenanigans Minecraft Adventures with Sad! Exploring the World of Minecraft Robert’s insistence finally paid off as our favorite content creator delved into the enchanting world of Minecraft. With the company of their Mod and Friend Sad, the gaming experience reached new heights of excitement and fun. Building the Bean Mart During a recent TikTok Live stream, viewers were treated to a night of ordering, stocking, and planning as the Bean Mart took shape in the virtual realm. The captivating gameplay had TikTok viewers on the edge of their seats, eagerly anticipating each new development. Join the Adventure! For those who… Read More

  • 10 Hilarious Ways to Push Boundaries

    10 Hilarious Ways to Push Boundaries The World of Minecraft: Exploring lag3 on the Jamcraft Server Embark on a journey through the virtual world of Minecraft as we delve into a snippet of gameplay captured in lag3.mp4 on the Jamcraft modded server. Despite facing a ping of 283, the player showcases their mining skills in a challenging environment. Unveiling the Gameplay In this short clip, the player navigates through the server with a ping of 283, highlighting the challenges of playing with high latency. Despite the obstacles, the player engages in mining activities, showcasing their determination and skills in the game. Exploring the Jamcraft Server… Read More

  • Village Machine Madness on InstantSMP! | Ep228

    Village Machine Madness on InstantSMP! | Ep228 In the world of Minecraft, where blocks reign supreme, We revisit BucketSMP, in a virtual dream. Village machines previewed, in Episode 228, Updates and news, in a rhyming display. The presenter, bucketsunset, with a smile so bright, Guiding us through the server, in the dead of night. No new developments, but a glimpse of the past, Exploring old areas, where memories last. The enchanting table, untouched for so long, The village machine, where villagers belong. Fixing up the old, making it new, In the world of Minecraft, where dreams come true. Water disasters, flooding the land, But with a… Read More

  • Crafty Commerce: Minecraft Shop Surprise

    Crafty Commerce: Minecraft Shop Surprise In the world of Minecraft, a tale to be told, Of a player who opened a shop, so bold. From zero emeralds, they made millions, it’s true, With a Super Pickaxe, mining blocks through and through. Roaming the world, gathering resources to sell, Their shop thriving, a success story to tell. But beware, for a thief tried to rob their store, Yet they prevailed, cutting down forests galore. Upgrades bought, licenses acquired with glee, Even selling stone shovels, earning emeralds free. Cheating the system, their profits soared high, In the world of Minecraft, where dreams can touch the sky…. Read More

  • Block Bedrock Rocks, Mobs Flock, Who’s on Top? Minecraft Showdown!

    Block Bedrock Rocks, Mobs Flock, Who's on Top? Minecraft Showdown! In the world of Minecraft, a battle unfolds, Block Bedrock faces all mobs, bold and cold. With each swing and each strike, the story’s told, In the rhythm of rhymes, the tale unfolds. From Creepers to Endermen, they all come near, But Block Bedrock stands strong, without fear. In the heat of the fight, the truth is clear, Block Bedrock reigns supreme, that much is clear. So gather ’round, let the story be told, Of Block Bedrock’s might, brave and bold. In the world of Minecraft, where legends are sold, Block Bedrock stands tall, a sight to behold. Read More

  • Discover the Shocking Truth Behind Snucoedik

    Discover the Shocking Truth Behind SnucoedikVideo Information This video, titled ‘snucoedik | Unidxntified’, was uploaded by optimizer420 on 2024-02-28 18:13:26. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. dexland #mineblaze #combotage Minecraft, Combotage, DexLand, MineBlaze, KitPvP, SoupPvP, Rape Series, NoDebuff, … Read More

  • Insane Mining Chat: Stephanie finds DIAMONDS!

    Insane Mining Chat: Stephanie finds DIAMONDS!Video Information This video, titled ‘【Minecraft】Ngobrol sambil nambang, otw bikin Beacon full diamond’, was uploaded by Stephany Partisha on 2024-02-01 06:26:50. It has garnered 359 views and 45 likes. The duration of the video is 03:16:21 or 11781 seconds. #StephanyPartisha #NontonSteph #vtuberindonesia ▬▬▬▬⭒❤ Donation ❤⭒▬▬▬▬ ✧ Trakteer: https://trakteer.id/stephany_partisha/tip ▬▬▬▬⭒❤ Social ❤⭒▬▬▬▬ ✧ https://twitter.com/stephanyprtsha ✧ https://www.tiktok.com/@stephanypartisha ✧ https://discord.com/invite/wQfMvsm6tM ✧ https://www.instagram.com/stephanypartisha/ ▬▬▬▬⭒❤ Affiliate ❤⭒▬▬▬▬ Top Up Game diskon up to 20% Kode Promo: STEPH https://www.mbahgaming.com/ ▬▬▬▬⭒❤ Rules ❤⭒▬▬▬▬ ✧ It is prohibited to discuss politics, ethnicity, religion, race and intergroup (SARA). ✧ Avoid controversial topics. ✧ Please be polite and respectful to… Read More

  • UNLOCKED: Free OP items on Sky Block – ControllerZ

    UNLOCKED: Free OP items on Sky Block - ControllerZVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Pe Sky Block W@controllerZ’, was uploaded by CONTROLLER Z on 2024-02-18 15:54:08. It has garnered 171 views and 12 likes. The duration of the video is 03:10:13 or 11413 seconds. Welcome to our gaming channel, where we bring you the best in mobile gaming and live streaming. Join us as we dive into the world of gaming, playing popular titles like Minecraft and BGMI (BattleGrounds Mobile India). With daily live streams and exciting gameplay, we aim to keep you entertained and hooked. Whether you’re a gaming enthusiast or simply enjoy watching epic gaming moments,… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Showdown: Cave Spider VS Llama!

    Insane Minecraft Showdown: Cave Spider VS Llama!Video Information This video, titled ‘[マイクラ100VS100]洞窟クモVSラマ#マイクラ #マインクラフト’, was uploaded by 竹松のゲーム実況 on 2024-01-10 10:00:07. It has garnered 2562 views and 23 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:51 or 51 seconds. #gameplay #gamestreaming #minecraft Read More

  • Insane Battle: RafaelG vs Crazy Fan in Minecraft Igloo Build!

    Insane Battle: RafaelG vs Crazy Fan in Minecraft Igloo Build!Video Information This video, titled ‘construirea iglului de pro in minecraft vs fana nebuna..’, was uploaded by RafaelG on 2024-01-11 17:30:14. It has garnered 688 views and 45 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:57 or 57 seconds. 🔴 *ENTIRE VIDEO CLIP :* https://youtu.be/0vI_tzH2reE 🤑 ENEBA – *THE PERFECT PLACE FOR CHEAP GAMES:* https://www.eneba.com/?af_id=RafaelG5 🔥 Like, Subscribe! 🔔 | 🍿 Enjoy watching! 🥳 ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ ►Subscribe: https://www.youtube.com/@RafaelG 🍀 ►Secondary Channel: https://www.youtube.com/@RafaelGRM 🍀 ►Contact: [email protected] 📧 – For Business inquiries 💰 ►Devino Membru: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCQYR942cicWdxBAidMOvWDg/join 🍀💰 ►You can donate here: https://www.tipeeestream.com/rafaelg/donation 💰 💳 (I appreciate every donation!) ►Discord Community: https://discord.gg/fPJxWpuF9p 🔊 ►TikTok:… Read More

  • Epyckej Minecraft Serfer

    Epyckej Minecraft SerferTired of the same old SMP experience? Are you ready to take your Minecraft experience to the next level? Do you want something new and exciting? Join EPYCKEJ Minecraft server! Whether you’re new to the game or a seasoned pro, you’ll find a warm welcome here. So come on in and let’s start building some unforgettable memories together‼️ Java 1.20.1 + Bedrock Latest https://discord.gg/gdTsj836KG Read More

  • Kingdom Of Arcadia – Realms, Mature, 18+, Community, Bedrock, Discord

    The Kingdom Of Arcadia Realm Welcome to The Kingdom Of Arcadia! We are looking for more players to join our realm that features light role play and world-building elements. Our trade economy and lore date back to 2019, documented through in-game books and historical builds. We are currently looking to repopulate the world and welcome everyone to create their own cities. Earn a seat at the castle’s round table to vote on big decisions. We also play other games like Dead By Daylight, Fortnite, and Modern Warfare 3. We are looking for adults only and aim to foster an accepting… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Constructive criticism: you suck at Minecraft.

    Wow, I didn’t realize memes had scores now. Does that mean we can trade them in for prizes? Read More

  • Nightmare on Minecraft Street: Evil Lives Here

    Nightmare on Minecraft Street: Evil Lives Here In the depths of Minecraft, a horror map awaits, The Orphanage, where fear dominates. Shadows lurk, friends turn to foes, Every step taken, danger grows. A chilling narrative, a tale of dread, In the darkness, where fear is fed. Worse than Herobrine, Cave Dweller, or Siren Head, This horror map will fill you with dread. So brace yourself, for the scares that lie ahead, In Minecraft’s first horror map, where evil lives and spreads. Read More

  • Minecraft Battle of the Sexes: Boys vs Girls! 🔥

    Minecraft Battle of the Sexes: Boys vs Girls! 🔥 Why do Minecraft boys always have diamond armor and swords, while Minecraft girls are just running around with a flower in their hand? Priorities, ladies! Read More

  • Watch Fearless Gamers in This Hilarious Minecraft Video

    Watch Fearless Gamers in This Hilarious Minecraft Video Minecraft: A World of Endless Possibilities Embark on a journey through the pixelated world of Minecraft, where creativity knows no bounds and adventures await at every turn. Dive into the realm of blocks, monsters, and endless possibilities as you explore the vast landscapes and build your own unique creations. Discover Exciting Features From building towering castles to mining deep underground for precious resources, Minecraft offers a wide array of features to keep players engaged. Create intricate redstone contraptions, tame wild animals, or embark on epic quests in search of hidden treasures. Unleash Your Imagination With its sandbox-style gameplay, Minecraft… Read More

  • Minecraft Mansion Madness

    Minecraft Mansion Madness Minecraft: A World of Creativity and Adventure Minecraft, developed by Mojang Studios and published on May 17, 2009, is a sandbox video game that has captured the hearts of millions of players worldwide. Originally created by Markus “Notch” Persson, the game allows players to explore, build, and survive in a blocky, pixelated world full of endless possibilities. The Origins of Minecraft Markus “Notch” Persson and Mojang Studios introduced Minecraft as an Early-Access title for PC in 2009. Since then, the game has expanded to various platforms and consoles, receiving regular updates with new content to keep players engaged. Gameplay… Read More

  • Minecraft King Strikes Again – GXC’s Devastating Depression

    Minecraft King Strikes Again - GXC's Devastating DepressionVideo Information This video, titled ‘Cobey – The King Of Minecraft Brainrot…’, was uploaded by GXC Is Depressed on 2024-05-10 18:00:17. It has garnered 1007 views and 57 likes. The duration of the video is 00:07:13 or 433 seconds. Modern minecraft suck man 😔☕️ ===Shoutouts=== Channel’s Artist: https://twitter.com/AsteraSuccubus Channel’s Banner Done By: @JeffSkyward Weasel: @DeWiesel ===Music Used in this video=== -glue70 – Coral Fumes -jinsang – Summer’s Day [v2] -You reposted in the wrong neighborhood (Full version) -C418 – Droopy likes your Face – Minecraft Volume Alpha -Super Mario Bros. 2 Overworld Theme -Terraria OST – Sandstorm [Extended] -Persona 3… Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Prank on Mikey’s Door!

    Ultimate Minecraft Prank on Mikey's Door!Video Information This video, titled ‘How JJ Pranked Mikey’s Big Door in Minecraft ? – ( Maizen )’, was uploaded by Maizem on 2024-01-18 18:00:24. It has garnered 586 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 00:15:13 or 913 seconds. How JJ Pranked Mikey’s Big Door in Minecraft ? – ( Maizen ) This video is an unofficial work and is neither created or approved by Maizen Sisters. Maizen – https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCJHBJ7F-nAIlMGolm0Hu4vg Read More

  • Kicked the Akvych in PvP Funtime Madness!

    Kicked the Akvych in PvP Funtime Madness!Video Information This video, titled ‘чутка попинали аквыча | PvP Funtime’, was uploaded by cCMEX_ on 2024-05-25 15:28:59. It has garnered 110 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 00:02:28 or 148 seconds. ds-sssfuccckk https://discord.gg/erariseempire – clan tags: prostocraft, prostocraft, anarchy, minecraft, minecraft, minecraft anarchy, anarchy, pvp anarchy, pvp on anarchy, anarchy prostocraft, pvp, danqo16, pvp, anarchy pvp, prostocraft anarchy, anarchy from scratch, byttcehb, anarchy minecraft, a lot of pvp on anarchy, prostik, a lot of pvp, mrirbbi, jetmine, anarchy without donation, jetmine, dape, vupsen anarchy, vupsen pvp, wellmore, vupsen, uhk, prostocraft pvp, 1.14.4, development from scratch,… Read More

  • “SHOCKING transformation in Minecraft with MqryoPacks!” #texturepack

    "SHOCKING transformation in Minecraft with MqryoPacks!" #texturepackVideo Information This video, titled ‘making SHINY mobs in minecraft #texturepack #minecraft’, was uploaded by MqryoPacks on 2024-03-02 19:09:47. It has garnered 283 views and 18 likes. The duration of the video is 02:23:59 or 8639 seconds. – Donation Page: https://streamlabs.com/mqryo/tip – Discord Server: https://discord.gg/UzCHHWPMQv – My Site: https://www.mqryopacks.com Read More

  • Unforgettable Humiliation in Minecraft Bedwars! #toxicteam #minecraft

    Unforgettable Humiliation in Minecraft Bedwars! #toxicteam #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Humillando a TEAMs TOXICOS #minecraft #bedwars #humillación’, was uploaded by Dar 090 on 2024-04-30 02:59:32. It has garnered 682 views and 27 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:56 or 56 seconds. #illustrationartists #ilusión #tellybridge #tecnoblade #mrbeast #tecnoblade #soycubo #minecraft #nopremiun #bedwars #universocraft #bedwards #skywars #primerpvp #badlion #hypixel #badlionclient #dragclick #minecraft #nopremiun #bedwars #universocraft #bedwards #skywars #primerpvp #badlion #hypixel #badlionclient #puentes #tellybridge #tellybridging #dragclick #dragclicking #chifruit #dracula #haker #pokemon #haks #rompeladompe #relax #relajante #relaxing #spreen #shorts #haker #freefire #darkhcf #minecraftguide #hcf #minecrafthowto #pvp #holyhcf #minecrafttutorial #primerpvp #hypixelbedwars #hypixelskyblock #hypixelduels #gratis #combos #combotage #combopodcast #asmr… Read More

  • Insane! GrafBonze splurges €20m on Hacker Sword

    Insane! GrafBonze splurges €20m on Hacker SwordVideo Information This video, titled ‘GrafBonze kauft HACKER-SCHWERT für stolze 20.000.000 €’, was uploaded by Abge on 2024-04-15 11:00:18. It has garnered 1065 views and 34 likes. The duration of the video is 00:13:13 or 793 seconds. Citybuild Server » GrieferGames.net Do you like the episode? Play now on the GrieferGames.net Minecraft server! #minecraft #griefergames Simply click on multiplayer, enter the address GrieferGames.net and connect. Choose your city build & make sure you get a plot of land to start with /plot auto. You can get to the farm world with /warp farm world to farm for building and trading… Read More

  • Insane Mad Hatter Gene Survives IMPOSSIBLE Map! 🤯 – Minecraft Jumbled Chunks – EP. 1

    Insane Mad Hatter Gene Survives IMPOSSIBLE Map! 🤯 - Minecraft Jumbled Chunks - EP. 1Video Information This video, titled ‘The IMPOSSBLE Survival Map (1) – Minecraft Jumbled Chunks – New Stream Series’, was uploaded by Mad Hatter Gene on 2024-02-18 06:14:38. It has garnered 65 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 02:56:13 or 10573 seconds. Trash Panda has set up a brand new Minecraft series for us and we WILL DIE – a lot!!! Can this group of friends beat the impossible challenge??? This is the start of a brand new exciting Minecraft stream series: MINECRAFT JUMBLED CHUNKS 2 is an IMPOSSIBLE SURVIVAL map that is designed to kill you… Read More

  • ULTIMATE GAMING SHOWDOWN – Friday Frenzy including L4D2, Fortnite, Minecraft, and Clash Royale 🔥

    ULTIMATE GAMING SHOWDOWN - Friday Frenzy including L4D2, Fortnite, Minecraft, and Clash Royale 🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘VIERNES HOT DE L4D2 FORTNITE MINECRAFT CLASH ROYALE con SUSCRIPTORES 🥵’, was uploaded by CesarHDv on 2024-04-06 04:35:16. It has garnered 331 views and 8 likes. The duration of the video is 05:39:00 or 20340 seconds. Playing GTA 5 STORY MODE, FORTNITE LEFT 4 DEAD 2 ROBLOX 🤑 YAPEENME XD playing Fortnite and Minecraft RooooAHHHHH :v My friend code on Steam: 993910620 My Discord server: https://discord.gg/Nkbmh74 FOLLOW ME ON MY SOCIAL NETWORKS SO YOU ARE UP TO DATE WITH THE CHANNEL NEWS: Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/CesarHDvOFICIAL Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/cesaraycaya/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/CesarHD_v Tik Tok: https://www.tiktok.com/@cesarhdv #gaming #minecraft #fortnite TAGS… Read More

  • 🔥 Yaezer’s Insane Late Night Livestream!

    🔥 Yaezer's Insane Late Night Livestream!Video Information This video, titled ‘🔴 LATE NIGHT Minecraft, Roblox & More! Join Yaezer’s Epic Livestream Adventure!’, was uploaded by Yaezer on 2024-04-16 15:45:03. It has garnered 5364 views and 165 likes. The duration of the video is 05:48:07 or 20887 seconds. Welcome to Yaezer’s livestream extravaganza! Dive into the enchanting worlds of Minecraft, embark on thrilling adventures in Roblox, and explore a plethora of other exciting activities with us! Join the fun as Yaezer navigates through a mix of gaming delights, showcasing skill, creativity, and endless entertainment. Interact with us in the chat as we celebrate crossing the 1000… Read More

  • The Analog Network

    The Analog Network| Discover The Analog Network 1.20.1 | Freshly Wiped Server with Player Shops, Warps, and Dynmap! Vienminer & Timber for Effortless Mining! Custom Generation Awaits! Join the Ultimate Minecraft Adventure Today! play.TheAnalogNetwork.com Read More

  • Off The Block – Semi-vanilla SMP with Jobs & Skyblock 1.20.4+

    Welcome to Off The Block! Welcome to your next Minecraft server! Off The Block is a small but growing community of mature players. We have custom enchantments and custom-made plugins. We focus primarily on economy survival but also have skyblock and creative. Besides the game modes, we offer a balanced economy/shop, vote crates, and awesome time-based ranks. Ranking up unlocks awesome perks like /treefeller, /god, /glow, and /skull. What are you waiting for? Join today! IP: play.offtheblock.lol WEBSITE: www.offtheblock.lol Read More


    Hello PlanetMinecraft,My name is VkzoI am founder and lead developer of Dream World RPG! I want to personally welcome all of you into our new project.The server will be Vanilla for the time being as we work on building the server. Be sure to hop in for early access gameplay, and to stay up to date with our latest server updates! I am proud to be apart of something new and I hope to see some of the talented players of PlanetMinecraft around the world!If you are interested in helping out be sure to apply for staff through our Discord!… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “Blocky Bants: Minecraft Edition”

    Minecraft Memes - "Blocky Bants: Minecraft Edition"Looks like this meme needs some mining for more laughs! Read More

  • Crafty Clues: Minecraft Mystery

    Crafty Clues: Minecraft Mystery In the town of Minecraft, a man did see, An odd creature walking, what could it be? He reported to the police, they thought it was a joke, But footage on a camera made them choke. A special group of cops went to investigate, And what they found was truly great. The town was infested with strange beings, The SWAT team was in for some serious cleanings. As one creature got too close, they couldn’t wait, They opened fire, sealing their fate. None survived, it was a tragic sight, Reported on the news, causing a fright. What will happen… Read More

  • Tiny Tower, Big Mood: Minecraft Edition

    Tiny Tower, Big Mood: Minecraft Edition “Me playing the world’s smallest violin for all the times I’ve died in Minecraft because I couldn’t find my way out of a tower. #struggleisreal” Read More

  • Redstone Farm Mastery with EpicAlyssa1250

    Redstone Farm Mastery with EpicAlyssa1250 Mastering the Redstone Farm in Minecraft! Join EpicAlyssa1250 and Andrew in their exciting Boyfriend & Girlfriend Minecraft Survival Series as they delve into the world of redstone farming. In this episode, they tackle the challenges of creating an efficient redstone farm to enhance their gameplay experience. Exploring Redstone Farming Redstone is a valuable resource in Minecraft known for its ability to power various mechanisms and devices. By mastering redstone farming, players can automate processes, create intricate contraptions, and improve their overall gameplay. Key Elements of Redstone Farming: Redstone Dust: The foundation of redstone farming, used to transmit power. Redstone… Read More

  • Unbelievable Adventure with Lux And Tux: Join Us Now!

    Unbelievable Adventure with Lux And Tux: Join Us Now!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Realms: Join Me On My Quest! [EP. 1]’, was uploaded by Lux And Tux Live on 2024-05-26 03:12:04. It has garnered 317 views and 14 likes. The duration of the video is 01:33:22 or 5602 seconds. Support the channel: https://ko-fi.com/luxandtuxlive Discord: https://discord.gg/eMNVXfAa 🏮 Catch Me Live!!! 🏮 Mon – Wed – Fri 5:30pm EST Livestream Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLgbo80SKvq4GF__yUGVCF6b9vVL31joYA Equipment: [Affiliate Links – TY if you use the links] GPU: https://amzn.to/3OUGMf5 CPU+MOBO Combo: https://amzn.to/3DTPRy9 RAM: https://amzn.to/3OTTtqi Watercooler: https://amzn.to/3QwbqfS Case: https://amzn.to/3DUkung Keyboard: https://amzn.to/3QDF3Ms Mouse: https://amzn.to/3qxDgh2 Monitor: https://amzn.to/3QBJeYV PS5: https://amzn.to/444mynq TOTK Switch: https://amzn.to/4546hQI Gaming Chair: https://amzn.to/456VCVa Contact for… Read More

Hermitcraft 9: Episode 42 – MY MINECRAFT BROKE